HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-029 - Change Order - #1 - Long Painting Company - 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating & Vent Replacement - 08/22/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvalr, Signatures and Records Management -Thls forri iombines & rep-laces the Request for MayorS Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on plnk or cherry colored papeflWa!Hlxorof, G ecc Orlginator: C. Frame Department: PVV Englneerlng Date Sent: 8t24t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee B MaYor Date of Council Approval: 'v2412022 Budget Account Number: w20091.64110.330 Budget? ElYes D No Grant? ElYes ENo rype N/A E -9iyo EeC ;Co EooLgl( Vendor Name: Long Painting, Co. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 1589103 Sub-Category: Change Order#1 Project Name: 6MGl Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement Projea oetails:Engineering analysis, girder flange tie plate repair Agreement Amount: $30,397.51 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid Termination Date: 185 Working Days Local Business? EYes tI No* *!f meets requirements per KCC 3.70.1M, please completeYendor Purchase-LocalExceptions'form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes El No Contract Number: cAG2022-O29 gl Ea-aI EEEEoEgl..th Date Recelved by CitY AttorneY:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor! Office: Date Routed to the City Clerkl Office: td(d,Vl2lil-l-20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WA'HINQ'oN CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 NAME OF CONTMCTOR:Long Painting Company ("Contractor") CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:6MG1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE:January24.2O22 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; al! other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Engineering analysis, girder flange tie plate repairs, and associated work activities as discribed in Long Painting Company's RFI 8. Add an additional five (5) working daysto the contract for the pedormance of this work due to unforeseen repairs. 2, The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $3,A22229.32 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $0.00 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $3,O22,229.32 Current Change Order $27,609.N ,/ Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $2,7Et sl Revised Contract Sum $3,052,626.&| CHANGE ORDER - I OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) ItO worklng days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) O worklng days Days Required (*) for this Change Order 5 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 185 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Ordei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agree-s to waive anf protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and alcepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecteld with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from sirict compliance witn the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and ihe terms df tne Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. EC L CITY OF KENT: 8fig,##*?af,m*,Uhacl tsteren mn$flP*""*Bv: tu2sre-ol.la1rrzsim4'rov (signature) Its Public Works Director (title) Print Name:Chad Bieren DATE p.E- /.e- CONTRACTOR: {l DATE Atu Print By: CHANGE ORDER - zOF 3 K? ATTEST: L,ftlL Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applEable lf Mayor's slgnaturc regutred) Kent Law Department CIfr $lr tlctd, you ntav atct th3 clcdroolc tLttih wida thc @tlttaat lE DGet $v!dl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 ./x\-/ KENT File No. 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 1 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works proiect: :tYt Reservorr Kecoaung ano venE Replacement Protect Engineerr Gray & Osborne Gapltal ProJectr lllnloer: ProJect No: 20-3006 Fed-Ald llo: Gontractor: Long Painting CompanyBrian Shields Date: 712212022 r.Gha pany's RFI 8. Add an addltional five (5) working days to the contract for the performance of this work. repa Erd as discribed in Long Paintingange tlelneering ana If. Reason and round for Gha IIf, Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS flNotapplicable 6MG1 Water Reservoir. Long Painting Company's subcontractor (Chicago Brldge & Iron) brought these to the of Kent's attention through RFI 8. The City consulted with Gray & Osborne (project engineering flrm) who that the girder flange tie plate repairs were necessary. G&O worked wlth CB&I structural engineerc to the appropriate mitigation of the damage and the work was performed accordingly. There were itional coating removals necessary as a result of the repair methods recommended by the engineers. The improvements were ng made to theto be necessaryUnforeseen repairs were took an additonal five (5) working days Sch. t{o lEm Dcrcriptlon Total Ect. Otu Unlt Unit Price Total EstlmatGd Coit of ltcm I Girder Repair 1 LS 27,609.00 $27,609.00 llew Pey ltcrna Total: f DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 [lNotappricabre 27r609.OO Sctr lIo.Bld ltcm No.Item Descrlptlon Atv Unit Unlt Prlcc Gost of Itcm $ $ Page 1 Delcte Exlstlng Pay ltems Total: S INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E Notappricabre Sch No.Bld ltcm Xo.Itsm Dercrlptlon QW unit Unit Pricc coft of ltsm I $ $ Increase / Decrease to Exlsting Pay ltems Total: 'ITOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CI{ANGE ORDER: rV. WORKING DAYS s * Total of the Cost of ltem Columns .oo Original Gontract:180 Duc This Ghangc Orden 5 Prcviouc Totel:180 Explanatlon llustlflcallon for Addltlonal Worklng Dayr: Five (5) working days used to repair girder flange tie plates. ,TTOTAL WORKING DAYS;185 Gapltal Profcctc l{anagcr: Conrtructlon Engincerlng Supervleor: Gonstruction ilanager: L b-_, * Thls Change Order + Prevlous Total Date: O 7 -78 -26 zL Date:L LL Datc:2 Brlan Shieldc tdlon Earry Erlc Connor Y Jt'-' Page2 7t28t2022 6MGI rcseruoirRecoating and vent Raplacement City of Kent PnjectNumber:2G3@6 trI.o[rIGlnnilEmtrrl LPC Jobf D.te: coP* Lzzmcd 6t6t2022 LPC-06 Change order propcal to pe#orm the following acdvtl6: Perform engrneerlry enalysis of the glrder ffange tle plates as explained ln LPP-RF|-m4-08 and perform repairs as noted. COP indudEs Ume for paint removal not covered by seal weldedln& merlt aSre€d ln BFI rerponse. Palnt removal includes three palnters workingth.ee dav, acceJs lndudes use of one boom llft COP does not lnc{ude costs or time for future palnthtwo.k, COP lncludes reguestfor dme extension of ooa rrrGk. LPC resewes the tlght to clalm for additional impacts offutwe acdvlties on proJect caused by one week schedule impact, Sl.eightlimc - Ovcrllmc - OvorTirn 24.O 0.0 0,0 w2.67 t73.50 t87.67 t1.504.08 $0.00 t0.00 De&riolion unlt unlt Prio6 Totrl JLG XTOO Ln E30mdng Op.rdtng cort l6 HOUG , 24.U6 t3!4.tF $0.00 $0.00 Cort. ,ttcno$on unn R.tG Tdrl trArilcualirE Lin z Dry3 1124,t9 io.o0 so 00 !249 41 10.00 t0 00 9gtmon Utll Rrte ToLl cBdt - coR 3 1 LS 415,420.t7 to 00 $0,00 $0 00 10.00 t0.00 !15,42O.37 10.00 t0.00 $o.oo t0.00 E0.00 7tftvLuzt LPC e,oP E - ordr Blruclqr Rrp* RCVI No.:GDAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACGOUNT WORKED Item No.: Date: and provide matarial an{labor per dravulng. wod( by Subcontlacbni ygs Prlme Contractor: Lonq Palnflns Go. Sub'Corrtractor: CB&l Descrlpton of Work:Perform enolngorlno Prdect Name:6MGl Profec't No: 20-3000 612512022 2 ln CBI-RFI-006analvsls of the oldor ltanoe tle olatss OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHoudv Rate Hrs OT Rato '/, OgCUPATION Hr3NAMSCODE 3 81,82 2,781.88$Bdlcrmakor - Joumay Lovol 34Janed E. Tlm J. Robln T 896,76$I $ 86.97John E Bolhrmaker - Forernan Levd s $ $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT €I 3I% SUBTOTAL'IIBOR: OPERATED STANDSY Slandby Rat€ DOLTAR AMOUNTH13Hourly Rate Hla EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equlpment# Egulprnont Dosorlpthn 3 5.t1 $'10.91$ 13.11 IPbkuo2016 Ford Fgg) $ 3.00 I $ 1.46 144.19suWsldcrWeldcr Elec D08fil 126.73$u $ 3.44 I $ 1.22Llrcoln Wle Feoder LN25Welder s 654,6834$ 16.69 I s 15.6S JLc LJR Eoom 60'44' Arficuh{ng - Dally Fatel124,7 I8=$16.69Aalal Woft FlaUorm s 818.0434s 24.06AorhlWotk Platfom JLG Ufl Boom 60164'Arfculatho - Eslfinat€d Op Cost i g,2u.o23tl$ s6.s3 $ 16.88l80l(W DSL oT r'/t 400A Pqor Panel@n0ralot $ SUBTOTAL-EOUIPMENT I 1,08r!.98 EOUIPIf,ENTTOTAI I U!q!q 6.088.67 EOUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% 8 itrlTAlSS,i DOLLARAMOUNTQuantllyUnlbUnlt PrlceMATERIAUI / SERVICES 3 866.001EA$ 855,00Plalo Matedal (620 lbs Cus d€llv€ry) $a,2l,6,84t2HR0 194.87Ensineerlns EA $ 83.00 $tf98.0069uboletsnce (Per Dbm) 3 546,0042EA$ 13.00comumables s 8.134.84 1,706,92 9,0t3.16 OVERHEAD & PROFIT@I 21To $ TOTAL EUBTOTAL $ Verlflcation of Hours Wod<ed: Conkac.to/c Rrprorot*a[vo Dab Owno/s Rg,pr€ronLltve Oale Comments TOTALi SHEETTOTAL: ffi EquipmentWatch- rr*riv,oqulFrmntwd$oom Al ptlc€s dlourn h Us ddlaB (O Rental Rate Blue BookD July 16,20212 Jl.G X'00AJ (dlsc,201G) l.C. Soll-Ptopell*l Artlculallm goom Afllat Llltg Slzo chss! 01. ?0 fl \ivel0ln: N'A Horlropo$rcr Marlmm Phtfrrm Hshfit Blue Book Ratar* FHt rA Rab ls equal to th. monthly offro]3hlp co$ dlvldcd ry 178 plus the horrdy 63dmatgd oporallng cost. oroorrfrlp Cortr 15O hp OOd ln Monlhb usD$tl,280,00 Woekly u8D itt,160,oo Drlly u9Dtt90.00 llnily usD o12000 Mo(lnrum Plathrn capaclty Powortrlode '!lo.0lbroatoHnt Erll0ubdo9infig Coatt )loudy usDgt{,$ t gDliliL!0 FHU,Anrl!$ Houdy usD E87.9t t 8D!07.0t Puffiho{l Rales Adlu.hrnt! Rodon ( 1(X)96) Ir4odsl Yoar (2016: 100'6) A*rcd HourlyOrno(8lrlp cost (1009t) Fbudy oporadng cost (tIX196) Tobt:t 80 lt {260.00 usD 13,180.00 u8Dt 9o!0 ugDa1ll0.00 gtrn{,by Rate ldkgR.lo Horily u8D tit?,00 u8D106.08 Rab Elemcnt Allocatlon Elaront Dopredailon (o$nsr$h) O6rhru1(owlorshtp) CFC (orrn€Jsnlp) hdrod (orwprrfilp) Fuel (op€railno) e USD 4,88 Rovlseal Date: gt d guarct ?f,z:l t orccnLlo vduc usD tr,050,00/mo Ugo f8,612.E0/mo USD l4t0.00rmo usDl1,2a?.F0/rE USD t2.7rlhr 3606 4ffi lgn ItUo tltt Tll€so .rs fts most erffi ralor tu 0l€ 6d€@d Rwbbn Oafr{s), Hoirrevsr, du6 b mor€ fraqu€nt odlne updalsg, drgs€ rates may rbt match R€ntal Rah Blrc Book Pfit Vblt fi6 Cost R66tisry Prodlrt Girdde on or HoF page fot more lntorndlon, The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for TSZ CHAU (TChau@kentwa.gov) All maiedal hereln @ 2oOs-2A22 RandalFReilly All rlghts reserved.Page t ot l, {}' EquipmentWatch- rurw,esrFrnoilwatchoom All pilces Btlofln ln US dofiars ($) Rentel Rate Blue BookO JtJft t5,n22 Averags AVERAGE tol - 200 KW Latog CtgrEralot SeB slze Clqss: 101. 200 Kw Wol$l itA Contlgurfilon ior AVEMGE 101-200 KW Enclosurb EnclordPoflerirod€ Dlreel Frlbll$od R6to3 AdPllmcnt! Re@r(rfiD6, ModolYoat (zour 1I}096) Adjorhd l{ourly o^metshF cost (rqD6) HdJrly o9grdh g cost (100t6, To0d! Monrhry usD f,105 00 t sG10t.0o usDl8t0J0 WerklY u8()$690.00 Ddly ugo t160.00 Horirly uso t23.00 2810hp Btlmalad OpcrallrCgoltr Hdtdy uso 184.6? u8D l8f,r7 FIWARdF HoUily usD t96,6i USDleOJI Horsopo /€r Blue Eook Ratea n FffwA Rala b equal b ths monthly oumeBhlp cost dlvHsd by 176 Cus tho hourly osdmaFd op€r*lng cot. Ownslrhlp@sts uaotD0.00 wDutoo NorFAodve Ugo Retog Sladby Rals l(frruReb Hourly usD s8,49 usDi$,7e Rde Elemont Allocaton Elafirant Dsprcc$Jon (owrsrshF) o/srlrad (orYoorshlp) CFC (ounsrd{p) Irdrott (o,vflordlp) Fud (opoia&U) @ USD 6.70 Rnbsd Dal€: 3rd q)tlf't 2{.22 t,3remlrgo Value lJlP ll,q!l,{5/mo ugD S8tO.{ErrTp usD t1{r5.25r,no usDt367.8flfii0 USD 171,70/ht 49olt 2W, 6% LWI 0596 Th€ss ats the mo* accutale tat€s lor the ssl8cbd Revlslon Dale(s), Ho,vever, due to more freguent onlln€ updates, ttrsse ratss may nol match Rental Rato Bluo sooft Prht V{dt tho eet Rooorr6ry Prodrrct Gdda on our Hdp page for moro hformatlon' The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared forTSZ CHAU (TChau@kentwagov) All materialhereln @ 20F,g-2022 Randall-Rellly Alldghts reserued.Page 1 0f 1 ffi^ SqHTffiE BRANCH LOCATON gEA 253-993-5091 AFTER HR#!(200rtr04ei7 PLEASE REMITTO: P.O. BOX 208439 Dallas, TX 75320-8439 CONTRACTWPE: 4WEEKFILL tNVotcE# 10640253.004 PO# 2W3/7 JOB# JOBNAMB CffYOFKENTTANK ORDERED BY: 8HAUNIIS/KM/I(EVINM/1 DATE/TIMEOUT: UNNZ aiWPTA INVOICE DATE: il05n2 PAGE: 1 I.ONC PAINEINC COMPA}IY 2IAI.4 68EH AVENUE SOUNH KENr, WA 9A032 PHONE# 2 53-2 34 -8050GUSTOMER# zazz CONTACT: 5HAUN 206-450-143e TERRITORY:609 DRIVER LICENSE: IICENSE PLATE: JOBADDRESS:23825 gBTH AVE g KEN? 9{A 98031 DEL, INSTRUCTIONS: SEND 6LAGK TIRED UI'IITS AND DIESEL IF ATALL PO$SIBLE PROCESSED BY CYCLE BITI, RETURN LOC: RENTAL RATES ARE FOR EACH ITEM AND DO NOT INCLUDE FUEL OR DELIVERY ITEM # SALSS 1 4WEEK PRICE BOOM LIFT-6OIL32587 z********* ARTTCULA?rNG 4WD ENGrN {00.00 1075.00 2225,00 2225,00 6O/34/DE/NMPTP HR OUT: 1655.10 HR IN: **i**************************************************** tt***** * I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED AND UNDERSTAND THE PROPER USE/OPERATION OT * * THlg MOBILE ELEVATING WORK PLATTORM, ITS SAFETY FEATUBES AND MODEL * * SPECTFIC CONTROI,S AND WILL FAMILIARIZB AND TRAIN ANYONE WHO MAY * * OPERATE TIIIS UNIT WHILE IN OUR CARE. INIT I * * t * * * {. * * * * tt * r, * * * * * * tt ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * *TfFFfi;+-F* * * I IIAVE RECEIVED THE OPERATORS MANUAI, AND HAVE BEEN T{ADE AWARE OF * * rHg STORAGE LOCATION ON THIS MOBIITE EIEVATING I{ORK PLATFORM. * * INIT * ****************r.**r*rr**L*r,,rt**tr**t*****i***********************:F:FTF*-*** I AI,SO ONDERSTAND TITAT OCCUPANTS OF T}I1S MOBIIE ELEVATING WORK 't* PLATFORM MUST WEAR A BOOY HARNESS AND 1ANYARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH * * OSHA REGOIJATIONS AND ANSI STANDARDS' INIT * *************************+*****************************t*****!I-F-FrF{f** --WARNING--** DISCONNECII,NG OR TAMPERTNG WITH ANY SAFETY DEVICE * ** ON THIS MACHINE COULD RESU1I IN POSSIBI,E INJURY OR * ** DEATH. INI! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rFl;FTiFTTa * otv 1 ITEMS 3 Item nusiber ENV ENVIRONMENTAI CHARGE WAPPT IIA SB 5628 IIEAVY EQUIFMENT RENTATJ TAX EA 27 ,ALA SUB TOTAL: CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN: TAX CONTINUED. . . TOTALAMOUNTDUE: UrItt EA Prlcd 15.000 T 15 .00 2't.BL ffiffiffiffifivffiffi MAY 0 5 202?' [-oNG pATt\.t"t"lAtft {*f\ 263i993-5091'lir lrrr'rr: | ()tlll'l,il ill I rr.l'1,,, ('i' CUSTOMEITSFUI,L IE PENilTTED BY LAW olr PASTDIIE JIIEED E'(cEs8tVE cLgAr{lllo.A 3ERI/ICEETEAM}'G CHAROE XAY RESI'LT DUI lo EOUIPIUIEIIT COI.LECTEO EEIJIS RETURIIED DA'f,AOEDOR lil OF lltE EIIVIR(}lxEilTAL FEE t8 ilor RESULATED t{of,EY OR FOR ANY COi/ERNMGI{TAL AGET.IOY, U'{I.AWFUL FAIU'iE rcRETlrill REilTED ?ROFIRTY T,AYBE A FELOilv. nX!8, CitiltNAL PROSECUY'ON, OF 'HI8 OOIITRAOT. I ALSO AOKNoII'IEOOE AiIO'OR NIPRISOIil/IEIIT CO.'LD REsULT, RECENNIO IIgTFUGTIO}I8 A8 10 THE 8AFE At{oEYErsililoAEOVEAOREEtoTERHsollFROIITs{D EACK PNOPER I'8E OF THE EqUIP}IEIIT.IIIADOMOilI c tL8, EilAlL8 Al{D TEI(T ME88AOgs. TO READ bui,w.8uN8TA!€EOUIP'COlllff EntSoFlJsE AONEE TO NECEIVE EIECTRS,|lC cofifiulficAflofl8 FROiI SUN$TATE EQIJFHSIT NCLUDINC coittiutltcATrortt, ptBASE u8 f rilonEAsoutTl€TERIiS of usg REAARDI}IO THEsE PHONE A^ sql|f;.ffie BRANCH LOCANON SEA 253-993-509L AFTER HR#3(200) 370-1 81 7 PLEASE REMITTO: P.O. BOX 208439 TX 75320{439 CONTRACT ryPE: 4 WEEK BILL tNVotcE# {0640253.004 PO# 208A47 JOB # JOB NAME; CITY OF KENTTANK ORDERED BY; SHAUN/IS/KM/KEVINM/1 DATE/TIMEOUT: INITZT 2:OOPM INVOICE DATE: 6t0d22 PAGE: 2 z632 PHONE#253-234-8050 LONG EAINIXNG COI'{PAIIY 2I.AT4 66rll AVENUE sOUfH RENir, rra 98032 CUSTOMER CONTACT stlAuN 206-450-1439 TERRITORY:609 DRIVER LICENSE: LICENSE PLATE: JOBADDRESSi 23825 98TTI AVE S KENT WA 98031 DEt. INSTRUCTIONS: oEflD BLACK T|RED uNtrs At{D D|ESEL IF ATATL POSSIBLE PROCESSED BY: CYCI,E BILI RETURN LOC: RENTAL RATES ARE FOR EACH ITEM AND DO NOT INGLUDE FUEL OR DEUVERY WEEK 4WEEK PRICEEOUIP. # SUts TOTAL; ThlE contrnct has GuBtom rates apptlod. CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN: TAX: BILLEDFORFOURWEEKS 414N2THRU 5NA22 O2:OOPM TOTALAMOUNTDUE: Unit Price DEI,TVERY BY: CAM Price reference: 8 2,494.00 / 20 working days = $ 124.70 daily rate 226"t ,8L** N/A ** 226,25 2r9r,06 SALES ITEMS! Qty Ilen number lii l.li lla)i\ilrllii;ai lJ\lili '/irLl (,i I I 253.:993-S091 i'i-) I r,., I I i-j! l);.l il1 ;'liliil , lJtj CUSTOMSR SIGNATURE PRINT CUSTOM ETIS FULL NAME DBLMEREDBY DATE :-tEmFtEt t0 uPoN l86ua{cE oF ltitvolcE 0t{votcE oATE), aERvtcE c-flARsEg ATTHE Le9rER RAIE oF t.!r PER sqilTrl en rilE $Anillluilr R rrE , PERMITTED BY I.AS' O,TI PAST DUE ACO(I'I{T8. .AIENUCE/CLEA'INO CIIAROE trAY NESUITDI'E TO EQUIPIIEITBEII'IO RETURilED D|0IACED OR IIII NEED OF EXCESsIVE CI.EAIIIiIO. . I}IE EiIVIROIISENTAL FEE 18 iIOT REoUIATED 'IOR COLLECIED BY OR FOR AI{Y GO/ENilI'ENIAL AOEIIOY. . Ul|L n FUL tAtLUnE m RETURil REI{]€D PROPEnTY tAY EE A FELOT{Y. FlllESr CRlillNAt PROgEctmO}l, ANDTOR lMPRlSOill,Et'lT COULD RBSULT. . 8V tlotlfl0 AEO\rE I AOREE li0 TEnil8 ol{ FROf{fAlD E cK oF THIB COllTF cT. I ALSO AORilOIVLEDG REaEMtld lt'FTnUcTlONt Ag TO THE SAFE AilD pnopEn u8E oF tltE EqulPilEt{1 lll ADDmoil, r AGREE TO ReCEUE ELEG!RO]{iC Oolfi[UMcArloilS FnOM SUNSTAIE tOUlPmEflT l]lCLUOl]lO PHO]IE CALL8, E$AIL8 AitD TEXT tf,EsSAOEE TO nEAD HORE ABOUT tHE rERlrs oF U8E RECARDTN€ IHESE CoitiluillCATlo|l& PtEAse uSlT ffvr r.8ufl3rArEo0lP,so{rftERHoFusg IHIIONG PillvTINOCOMPAIW CONTRACTOR TRANSMITTAL Date: 4t128112o22 Job Name: 6MG1 Reservoh Recoating 1e. Brlan Shlelds - City of Kent Job #: 1220006 Address: Bshields@kentwa.gov Submittal#: 15 JBarry@kentwa.gov Spec Refercnce: Bld lbrn Reference: - Thefollowing ltems are attach€d wl0t this letterof transmittal: These are transmitted as checked below: tr For slgnature El Foryour use EI As requested tr For review or comment Remarks: Note: Save a copy in the job file locatsd in the (J:) ddve. X Zach Andruss Slgnature how See attached dravrrings and RFI reguarding addltlonal rtpairs requlred on centercolumn bullwheel. Croatod: 3/3/2009 Revlelon: U2112018 Form 506 Page 1 of 1 Profect Name: Kent, WA 6MG1 Res€rvoirRecoating Profect Locatlon: Kent, WA GB&l Contract Number: 402626n Parent Elocument CMS430-00-PR-0801 0 Form Number: CMS-830-00-FM-08010 Technical Query RFI-CBt.005 Orlslnator:Caeey Tatom Reouest Date:4n7/2022 Peltlon:Proiect Manaoer REvision;0 Sublect;Addltlonal Repairs Required Reouested Resnonse Date:5pn022 CB&l Storass Solulions Query: An lnspec-tlon wlth Gray & Oebome on21-Aprtl2022 confirmed corroeion on ths webe of the elght channele (vertlcal portion of the 'spokes) that make up the center column bull wheel. CB&lenglneering recommends welding flat bar to the web of the spokee wlth lhe flal bar thickneee equal to the thlcknees of lhe exiatlng web. Aleo, during thle inep€ction, G&O etated the glrder cantilever connections should have addltlonal top fange tle plates. CB&l hae reviewed the detall and have provided attached drawing for review. CB&l weld the girder pin or removs and replace wilh round bar etock to matsh. and bottom would then seal In order perform thls work, Addltlonal englneering wlll b€ roqulred to provlds the proper repair mateilal, welding slze and technique, Additional coallng wlll also need to be removed, and Additionalschedule to complete lheee repaire, Pleaae confirm if this is acceptable. Thank you. Ref€r6ne€ Documentg: 252677 4A0-SP-01 -01 I 203 Rev A.pdf Attachment(s): Slgnalure:GaseyTatom Basden Date:51312A22 Position: or The proposed approaclr ls acceptable provlded that the flange tle plates are lnstalled prlor to removal of exlstlng girder plns, Note that the RFI description states that addltlonal coatlng wlll need to be rernoved. Onlythe flange tie plates may have schedule lmpacts for blast or coating, as exlstlng coatlng should be removed prlor to lnstallation of seal welds. Seal welding of the 8irder connection ls already lncluded ln the contract. R6f6rence Documente: Attachment(s): Signdurc: lssued for Use: 28 Nov 2021 Page 1 of1 rttrl2Enl&nErmmlLStlF tS{CINE TIE N.ATEt46,-tr5 X 51r{t. AWA6 I.IG {1 RESEFVIIIR RECI]AT]N6CTTY OF KENTIHInIPTM{Et$frlG+rll t larl arlr l-lrFt&ctr tFcrt Ies -cb€zozzcas?2{1:(b{500'f-?r-tottrIn dDEfrflrPeBEEf\_.AR!* OYP)TYP TIP& glTtlltlP6IMER TTE PTATE INTATIATION:lLUNNtmr R TiRfm $rP)8fi_TI llttT cAN ttPrEcE@6Rn$ fiY,qu^4iltlfr)^)e( M*.rtsfnvnmoVmtA[o v/iT ME$IvAE*ilEilEs