HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-327 - Other - Addendum #1 - Susan Ruth, Personal Rep of the Estate of William E. Ruth - Ruth Property Acquisition - 09/01/2022rlrrt Ll I r \rr nEN I LtrrtLl,tl Lt)E VIILI Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Sup/Mgr: Br$- DirAsst: ^A DirlDep: KENT (Opfional) WAsHrxG?oH G oLo. CL Originator: Lynn Osborn Department: P a rks I Re cre at o n &Com m u n ity Servi ces Date Sent: ,09/oL/2022 Date Required: : Earliest opportunity Please Authorized to Sign: lZm.yot or Designee Date of Council Approval: 0B/02/2022 Budqet Account Number: P2r0t2 Budset? ffives fruo Grant? vesf] ruoE Type: l\/[ tro Po ELor- E +,tro E atoL C'l Vendor Name: Susan Ruth, Personal Rep. of the Estate of William E' Ruth Category: Purchase/Sale Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Other ProjectName: Addendum One to Ruth Property Purchase and Sale Aqreement E ProjectDetails: Addendum one extends the time allowed forthe City (Buyer) to conduct a feasibility study and notify the Seller. Agreement Amount: $0. 00 start Date: 09/0112022 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef* Memo to Mayor must be attoched Termination Date: 0912212022 Local Businessz[fYes lf meets requirements pet KCC 3.70.10A pbase complete'Uendor Purchase-Locol Exceptions" form on Cityspace' vesfl tn-ero."sl7lE*"*pt (Kcc s.01.04s)Business License Verification: Notice required prior to disclosure? E*oYes Contract Number: cAG2022-327 s[P 0 1 2022 DEPTKENTLAW Comments: u4kz/--=- Date Received: City AttorneY: d? l,iL.DateRouted: Mayor's Office fl1 Ut/ CityClerKs affice4(1I noL JflGC'ltrtro|F rAJ =Eo o CE adccW22373-l-20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev. 2021051 3 ADD€NDUM TO REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AilD SALE AGNEE}IEIIT WITH EARNEST T{OIIIEY PROVISION This Addendum to Real Estate Purchase and sale Agreement ("Addendum") between the CITY OF KENT, a Washlngton munlcipal corporation ("Buyer"), whose mailing address ls 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 9q03.2-l-B-9l, and $gSaO Ruth-l;-Pg$oglBsQresenta-tive oJ.the EstatLgf Wllllami"Buth ("Seller")' whose malling address is r2*t0 Sf Z4$h-5ireet. l/\enl,Wasbln amendlng that Real dstate purchase an--d-Ete Rgieement wlth Earnest Money Provlsions dat€d August B,2A22. NOI/V THEREFORE, Euyer and Seller agre€ as follows: l. Buyer shall have until September 2, 2A22, to determlne lf the property ls feaslble for the purposes and uses intended and to notlfy the Seller ln writlng of its approval of the property. 2. E"cept as amended by thls Addendum, all provislons of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOT, the partles hereto have executed thls Agreement on the date set forth below. BUYER: CITY OF KENT Dana RalphName: Title; Dated i SELLER Susan Ruth, as Personal Representative of the Estate of william E. Ruth Mavorql ,[r, Sspf it+ )'>:'>- L/*'By: /. Dated Addendum to Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 13 of 25