HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-363 - Original - San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. - Police Supplies: Ammunition - 08/31/2022ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s OfficeAgreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: Dana Ralph, Mayor Approved: Approved as to form: 08/30/2022 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 AMMUNITION For Use by Eligible Purchasers By and Between STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES and SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Dated January 1, 2017 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 AMMUNITION This Master Contract ("Master Contract") is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("Enterprise Services") and San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. a California Corporation ("Contractor") and is dated as of January 1, 2017, RECITALS A. Pursuant to Legislative direction codified in RCW chapter 39.26, Enterprise Services, on behalf of the State of Washington, is authorized to develop, solicit, and establish master contracts for goods and/or services for general use by Washington state agencies and certain other entities (eligible purchasers). B. On behalf of the State of Washington, Enterprise Services, as part of a competitive governmental procurement, issued Invitation For Bid No. 02616 dated September 14, 2016 regarding Ammunition. C. Enterprise Services evaluated all responses to the Invitation For Bid and identified Contractor as an apparent successful bidder. D. Enterprise Services has determined that entering into this Master Contract will meet the identified needs and be in the best interest of the State of Washington. E. The purpose of this Master Contract is to enable eligible purchasers to purchase the goods and/or services as set forth herein. AGREEMENT Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions set forth herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. TERM. The term of this Master Contract is fixed for seventy-two (72) months commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2023. 2. ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS. This Master Contract may be utilized by any of the following types of entities ("Purchaser"): 2.1. WASHINGTON STATE AGENCIES. This Master Contract may be utilized by: ■ Washington state agencies, departments, offices, divisions, boards, and commission; and ■ Any of the following institutions of higher education: state universities, regional universities, state college, community colleges, and technical colleges. 2.2. MCUA PARTIES. This Master Contract also may be utilized by any of the following types of entities that have executed a Master Contract Usage Agreement with Enterprise Services: ■ Political subdivisions (e.g., counties, cities, school districts, public utility districts); MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 2 ■ Federal governmental agencies or entities; ■ Public -benefit nonprofit corporations (i.e., § 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporations that receive federal, state, or local funding); and ■ Federally -recognized Indian Tribes located in the State of Washington. 3. SCOPE —INCLUDED GOODS, PRICE, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3.1.CONTRACT SCOPE. Pursuant to this Master Contract, Contractor is authorized to sell only those goods and/or services set forth in ExhibitA — Included Goods for the prices also set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor shall not represent to any Purchaser under this Master Contract that Contractor has contractual authority to sell any goods and/or services beyond those set forth in Exhibit A — Included Goods/Services. Goods must conform to the specifications set forth in Exhibit B —Ammunition Specifications. 3.2. STATERS ABILITY TO MODIFY SCOPE OF MASTER CONTRACT. Subject to mutual agreement between the parties, Enterprise Services reserves the right to modify the goods and/or services included in this Master Contract; Provided, however, that any such modification shall be effective only upon thirty (30) days advance written notice; and Provided further, that any such modification must be within the scope of this Master Contract. 3.3. ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT. Pricing will remain firm and fixed for the initial term of the contract. After twenty-four (24) months, the prices set forth in Exhibit B shall be adjusted, based upon the percent changes (whether up or down) in the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) indices described below, for the most recent year. Economic adjustment will lag one (1) calendar quarter past the Contract commencement date to allow for publication of BLS data. All calculations for the index shall be based upon the latest version of final data published as of November each year (preliminary data will not be used). Prices shall be adjusted on February 1, 2019 and annually on February 1 thereafter. If an index is recoded, and the replacement is a direct substitute according to the BLS, this Contract will instead use the recode. If an index becomes unavailable, Enterprise Services shall substitute a proxy index. If there is not a direct substitute, the next higher aggregate index available will be used. The economic adjustment shall be calculated as follows: New Price = Old Price x (Current Period Index/Base Period Index). The following final data from this US BLS index will be inserted in the formula above: Small arms ammunition mfg. PCU3329923329920 3.4. PRICE CEILING. Although Contractor may offer lower prices to Purchasers, during the term of this Master Contract, Contractor guarantees to provide the Goods/Services at no greater than the prices set forth in Exhibit B — Prices for Goods/Services (subject to economic adjustment as set forth herein). 3.5. MASTER CONTRACT INFORMATION. Enterprise Services shall maintain and provide information regarding this Master Contract, including scope and pricing, to eligible Purchasers. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 3 4. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Contractor makes each of the following representations and warranties as of the effective date of this Master Contract and at the time any order is placed pursuant to this Master Contract. If, at the time of any such order, Contractor cannot make such representations and warranties, Contractor shall not process any orders and shall, within three (3) business days notify Enterprise Services, in writing, of such breach. 4.1. QUALIFIED TO Do BUSINESS. Contractor represents and warrants that it is in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Washington, that it possesses and shall keep current all required licenses and/or approvals, and that it is current, in full compliance, and has paid all applicable taxes owed to the State of Washington. 4.2.SUSPENSION & DEBARMENT. Contractor represents and warrants that neither it nor its principals or affiliates presently are debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in any governmental contract by any governmental department or agency within the United States. 4.3.QUALITY OF GOODS OR SERVICES. Contractor represents and warrants that any goods and/or services sold pursuant to this Master Contract shall be merchantable, shall conform to this Master Contract and Purchaser's Purchase Order, shall be fit and safe for the intended purposes, shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and shall be produced and delivered in full compliance with applicable law. Contractor further represents and warrants it has clear title to the goods and that the same shall be delivered free of liens and encumbrances and that the same do not infringe any third party patent. Upon breach of warranty, Contractor will repair or replace (at no charge to Purchaser) any goods and/or services whose nonconformance is discovered and made known to the Contractor. If, in Purchaser's judgment, repair or replacement is inadequate, or fails of its essential purpose, Contractor will refund the full amount of any payments that have been made. The rights and remedies of the parties under this warranty are in addition to any other rights and remedies of the parties provided by law or equity, including, without limitation, actual damages, and, as applicable and awarded under the law, to a prevailing party, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. 4.4. PROCUREMENT ETHICS & PROHIBITION ON GIFTS. Contractor represents and warrants that it complies fully with all applicable procurement ethics restrictions including, but not limited to, restrictions against Contractor providing gifts or anything of economic value, directly or indirectly, to Purchasers' employees. 4.5. WASHINGTON'S ELECTRONIC BUSINESS SOLUTION (WEBS). Contractor represents and Warrants that it is registered in Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS), Washington's contract registration system and that, all of its information therein is current and accurate and that throughout the term of this Master Contract, Contractor shall maintain an accurate profile in WEBS. 4.6.STATEWIDE PAYEE DESK. Contractor represents and warrants that it is registered with the Statewide Payee Desk, which registration is a condition to payment. 4.7. MASTER CONTRACT PROMOTION; ADVERTISING AND ENDORSEMENT. Contractor represents and warrants that it shall use commercially reasonable efforts both to promote and market the use of this Master Contract with eligible Purchasers and to ensure that those entities that utilize this Master Contract are eligible Purchasers. Contractor understands and acknowledges that neither Enterprise Services nor Purchasers are endorsing Contractor's goods and/or services or suggesting that such goods and/or services are the best or only solution to their needs. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) q Accordingly, Contractor represents and warrants that it shall make no reference to Enterprise Services, any Purchaser, or the State of Washington in any promotional material without the prior written consent of Enterprise Services. 4.8. MASTER CONTRACT TRANSITION. Contractor represents and warrants that, in the event this Master Contract or a similar contract, is transitioned to another contractor (e.g., Master Contract expiration or termination), Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assist Enterprise Services for a period of sixty (60) days to effectuate a smooth transition to another contractor to minimize disruption of service and/or costs to the State of Washington. S. USING THE MASTER CONTRACT— PURCHASES. 5.1.ORDERING REQUIREMENTS. Eligible Purchasers shall order goods and/or services from this Master Contract, consistent with the terms hereof and by using any ordering mechanism agreeable both to Contractor and Purchaser but, at a minimum, including the use of a purchase order. When practicable, Contractor and Purchaser also shall use telephone orders, email orders, web -based orders, and similar procurement methods (collectively "Purchaser Order"). All order documents must reference the Master Contract number. 5.2. DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. Contractor must ensure that delivery of goods and/or services will be made as required by this Master Contract, the Purchase Order used by Purchasers, or as otherwise mutually agreed in writing between the Purchaser and Contractor. The following apply to all deliveries: (a) Contractor shall make all deliveries to the applicable delivery location specified in the Purchase Order. Such delivers shall occur during Purchaser's normal work hours and within the time period mutually agreed in writing between Purchaser and Contractor at the time of order placement. (b) Contractor shall ship all goods and/or services purchased pursuant to this Master Contract, freight charges prepaid by Contractor, FOB Purchaser's specified destination with all transportation and handling charges included. Contractor shall bear all risk of loss, damage, or destruction of the goods and/or services ordered hereunder that occurs prior to delivery, except loss or damage attributable to Purchaser's fault or negligence. (c) All packing lists, packages, instruction manuals, correspondence, shipping notices, shipping containers, and other written materials associated with this Master Contract shall be identified by the Master Contract number set forth on the cover of this Master Contract and the applicable Purchaser's Purchase Order number. Packing lists shall be enclosed with each shipment and clearly identify all contents and any backorders. 5.3. RECEIPT AND INSPECTION OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES. Goods and/or services purchased under this Master Contract are subject to Purchaser's reasonable inspection, testing, and approval at Purchaser's destination. Purchaser reserves the right to reject and refuse acceptance of goods and/or services that are not in accordance with this Master Contract and Purchaser's Purchase Order. Purchaser may charge Contractor for the cost of inspecting rejected goods. If there are any apparent defects in the goods and/or services at the time of delivery, Purchaser promptly will notify Contractor. At Purchaser's option, and without limiting any other rights, Purchaser may require Contractor to repair or replace, at Contractor's expense, MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 5 any or all of the damaged goods and/or services or, at Purchaser's option, Purchaser may note any damage to the goods and/or services on the receiving report, decline acceptance, and deduct the cost of rejected goods and/or services from final payment. Payment for any goods under such Purchase Order shall not be deemed acceptance of the goods. 5.4.ON SITE REQUIREMENTS. While on Purchaser's premises, Contractor, its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall comply, in all respects, with Purchaser's physical, fire, access, or other security requirements. 6. INVOICING & PAYMENT. 6.1. CONTRACTOR INVOICE. Contractor shall submit to Purchaser's designated invoicing contact properly itemized invoices. Such invoices shall itemize the following: (a) Master Contract No. 02616 (b) Contractor name, address, telephone number, and email address for billing issues (i.e., Contractor Customer Service Representative) (c) Contractor's Federal Tax Identification Number (d) Date(s) of delivery (e) Invoice amount; and (f) Payment terms, including any available prompt payment discounts. Contractor's invoices for payment shall reflect accurate Master Contract prices. Invoices will not be processed for payment until receipt of a complete invoice as specified herein. 6.2. PAYMENT. Payment is the sole responsibility of, and will be made by, the Purchaser. Payment is due within thirty (30) days of invoice. If Purchaser fails to make timely payment(s), Contractor may invoice Purchaser in the amount of one percent (1%) per month on the amount overdue or a minimum of $1. Payment will not be considered late if a check or warrant is mailed within the time specified. 6.3.OVERPAYMENTS. Contractor promptly shall refund to Purchaser the full amount of any erroneous payment or overpayment. Such refunds shall occur within thirty (30) days of written notice to Contractor; Provided, however, that Purchaser shall have the right to elect to have either direct payments or written credit memos issued. If Contractor fails to make timely payment(s) or issuance of such credit memos, Purchaser may impose a one percent (1%) per month on the amount overdue thirty (30) days after notice to the Contractor. 6.4. No ADVANCE PAYMENT. No advance payments shall be made for any products or services furnished by Contractor pursuant to this Master Contract. 6.5. No ADDITIONAL CHARGES. Unless otherwise specified herein, Contractor shall not include or impose any additional charges including, but not limited to, charges for shipping, handling, or payment processing. 6.6.TAxEs/FEES. Contractor promptly shall pay all applicable taxes on its operations and activities pertaining to this Master Contract. Failure to do so shall constitute breach of this Master Contract. Unless otherwise agreed, Purchaser shall pay applicable sales tax imposed by the State of Washington on purchased goods and/or services. Contractor, however, shall not make any charge for federal excise taxes and Purchaser agrees to furnish Contractor with an exemption certificate where appropriate. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 6 7. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT. 7.1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION & NOTICES. Except for legal notices, the parties hereby designate the following contract administrators as the respective single points of contact for purposes of this Master Contract. Enterprise Services' contract administrator shall provide Master Contract oversight. Contractor's contract administrator shall be Contractor's principal contact for business activities under this Master Contract. The parties may change contractor administrators by written notice as set forth below. Any notices required or desired shall be in writing and sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, or sent via email, and shall be sent to the respective addressee at the respective address or email address set forth below or to such other address or email address as the parties may specify in writing: Enterprise Services Attn: Melanie Williams Washington Dept. of Enterprise Services PO Box 41411 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 Tel: (360) 407-9399 Email: Melanie.Williams@des.wa.gov Contractor Attn: _Ryan King _San Diego Police Equipment Co. Inc._ _8205-A Ronson Road _San Diego, CA 92111 Tel: (858) 974-8500 Email: ryan@sandiegopoliceequipment.com Notices shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of receipt, if mailed, or, if emailed, upon transmission to the designated email address of said addressee. 7.2. CONTRACTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. Contractor shall designate a customer service representative (and inform Enterprise Services of the same) who shall be responsible for addressing Purchaser issues pertaining to this Master Contract. 7.3. LEGAL NOTICES. Any legal notices required or desired shall be in writing and delivered by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or sent via email, and shall be sent to the respective addressee at the respective address or email address set forth below or to such other address or email address as the parties may specify in writing: Enterprise Services Contractor Attn: Legal Services Manager Attn: _Tina Baker Washington Dept. of Enterprise Services _San Diego Police Equipment Co. Inc._ PO Box 41411 _8205-A Ronson Road Olympia, WA 98504-1411 _San Diego, CA 92111 Email: greg.tolbert@des.wa.gov Tel: (858) 974-8500 Email: tina@sandiegopoliceequipment.com Notices shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of receipt when delivered, or, if mailed, upon return receipt, or, if emailed, upon transmission to the designated email address of said addressee. 8. CONTRACTOR SALES REPORTING; VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE; & CONTRACTOR REPORTS. 8.1. MASTER CONTRACT SALES REPORTING. Contractor shall report total Master Contract sales quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below. (a) Master Contract Sales Reporting System. Contractor shall report quarterly Master Contract sales in Enterprise Services' Master Contract Sales Reporting MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 7 vendor number. The password and vendor number will be provided to the Sales Reporting Representative(s) listed on Contractor's Bidder Profile. (b) Data. Each sales report must identify every authorized Purchaser by name as it is known to Enterprise Services and its total combined sales amount invoiced during the reporting period (i.e., sales of an entire agency or political subdivision, not its individual subsections). The "Miscellaneous" option may be used only with prior approval by Enterprise Services. Upon request, Contractor shall provide contact information for all authorized purchasers specified herein during the term of the Master Contract. If there are no Master Contract sales during the reporting period, Contractor must report zero sales. (c) Due dates for Master Contract Sales Reporting. Quarterly Master Contract Sales Reports must be submitted electronically by the following deadlines for all sales invoiced during the applicable calendar quarter: FOR CALENDAR QUARTER ENDING MASTER CONTRACT SALES REPORT DUE March 31: April 30 June 30: July 31 September 30: October 31 December 31: January 31 8.2.VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE. Contractor shall pay to Enterprise Services a vendor management fee ("VMF") of 0.74 percent on the purchase price for all Master Contract sales (the purchase price is the total invoice price less applicable sales tax). (a) The sum owed by Contractor to Enterprise Services as a result of the VMF is calculated as follows: Amount owed to Enterprise Services = Total Master Contract sales invoiced (not including sales tax) x .0074. (b) The VMF must be rolled into Contractor's current pricing. The VMF must not be shown as a separate line item on any invoice unless specifically requested and approved by Enterprise Services. (c) Enterprise Services will invoice Contractor quarterly based on Master Contract sales reported by Contractor. Contractors are not to remit payment until they receive an invoice from Enterprise Services. Contractor's VMF payment to Enterprise Services must reference this Master Contract number, work request number (if applicable), the year and quarter for which the VMF is being remitted, and the Contractor's name as set forth in this Master Contract, if not already included on the face of the check. (d) Failure to accurately report total net sales, to submit a timely usage report, or remit timely payment of the VMF, may be cause for Master Contract termination or the exercise of other remedies provided by law. Without limiting any other available remedies, the Parties agree that Contractor's failure to remit to Enterprise Services timely payment of the VMF shall obligate Contractor to MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 8 pay to Enterprise Services, to offset the administrative and transaction costs incurred by the State to identify, process, and collect such sums the sum of $200.00 or twenty-five percent (25%) of the outstanding amount, whichever is greater, or the maximum allowed by law, if less. (e) Enterprise Services reserves the right, upon thirty (30) days advance written notice, to increase, reduce, or eliminate the VMF for subsequent purchases, and reserves the right to renegotiate Master Contract pricing with Contractor when any subsequent adjustment of the VMF might justify a change in pricing. 8.3.ANNUAL MASTER CONTRACT SALES REPORT. Contractor shall provide to Enterprise Services a detailed annual Master Contract sales report. Such report shall include, at a minimum: Product description, part number or other Product identifier, per unit quantities sold, and Master Contract price. This report must be provided in an electronic format that can be read by MS Excel. 8.4.SMALL BUSINESS INCLUSION. Upon Request by Enterprise Services, Contractor shall provide, within thirty (30) days, an Affidavit of Amounts Paid. Such Affidavit of Amounts Paid either shall state, if applicable, that Contractor still maintains its MWBE certification or state that its subcontractor(s) still maintain(s) its/their MWBE certification(s) and specify the amounts paid to each certified MWBE subcontractor under this Master Contract. Contractor shall maintain records supporting the Affidavit of Amounts Paid in accordance with this Master Contract's records retention requirements. 9. RECORDS RETENTION & AUDITS. 9.1. RECORDS RETENTION. Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence pertaining to this Master Contract and orders placed by Purchasers under it to the extent and in such detail as shall adequately reflect performance and administration of payments and fees. Contractor shall retain such records for a period of six (6) years following expiration or termination of this Master Contract or final payment for any order placed by a Purchaser against this Master Contract, whichever is later; Provided, however, that if any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced prior to the expiration of this period, such period shall extend until all such litigation, claims, or audits have been resolved. 9.2.AUDIT. Enterprise Services reserves the right to audit, or have a designated third party audit, applicable records to ensure that Contractor has properly invoiced Purchasers and that Contractor has paid all applicable contract management fees. Accordingly, Contractor shall permit Enterprise Services, any Purchaser, and any other duly authorized agent of a governmental agency, to audit, inspect, examine, copy and/or transcribe Contractor's books, documents, papers and records directly pertinent to this Master Contract or orders placed by a Purchaser under it for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. This right shall survive for a period of six (6) years following expiration or termination of this Master Contract or final payment for any order placed by a Purchaser against this Master Contract, whichever is later; Provided, however, that if any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced prior to the expiration of this period, such period shall extend until all such litigation, claims, or audits have been resolved. 9.3.OVERPAYMENT OF PURCHASES OR UNDERPAYMENT OF FEES. Without limiting any other remedy available to any Purchaser, Contractor shall (a) reimburse Purchasers for any overpayments inconsistent with the terms of this Master Contract or orders, at a rate of 125% of such MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 9 overpayments, found as a result of the examination of the Contractor's records; and (b) reimburse Enterprise Services for any underpayment of fees, at a rate of 125% of such fees found as a result of the examination of the Contractor's records (e.g., if Contractor underpays the Vendor Management Fee by $500, Contractor would be required to pay to Enterprise Services $500 x 1.25 = $625). 10. INSURANCE. 10.1. REQUIRED INSURANCE. During the Term of this Master Contract, Contractor, at its expense, shall maintain in full force and effect the insurance coverages set forth in Exhibit C — Insurance Requirements. 10.2. WORKERS COMPENSATION. Contractor shall comply with applicable workers compensation statutes and regulations (e.g., RCW Title 51, Industrial Insurance). If Contractor fails to provide industrial insurance coverage or fails to pay premiums or penalties on behalf of its employees as may be required by law, Enterprise Services may terminate this Master Contract. This provision does not waive any of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) rights to collect from Contractor. In addition, Contractor waives its immunity under RCW Title 51 to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of Washington and its agencies, officials, agents, or employees. 11. CLAIMS. 11.1. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS; CLAIMS BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Contractor assumes sole responsibility and all risks of personal injury or property damage to itself and its employees, agents, and Contractors in connection with Contractor's operations under this Master Contract. Enterprise Services has made no representations regarding any factor affecting Contractor's risks. Contractor shall pay for all damage to any Purchaser's property resulting directly or indirectly from its acts or omissions under this Master Contract, even if not attributable to negligence by Contractor or its agents. 11.2. THIRD -PARTY CLAIMS; INDEMNITY. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Enterprise Services and any Purchaser and their employees and agents from and against all claims, demands, judgments, assessments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, liabilities or losses including, without limitation, sums paid in settlement of claims, attorneys' fees, consultant fees, and expert fees (collectively "claims") arising from any act or omission of Contractor or its successors, agents, and subcontractors under this Master Contract, except claims caused solely by Enterprise Services or any Purchasers' negligence. Contractor shall take all steps needed to keep Purchaser's property free of liens arising from Contractor's activities, and promptly obtain or bond the release of any such liens that may be filed. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties shall cooperate to resolve any dispute pertaining to this Master Contract efficiently, as timely as practicable, and at the lowest possible level with authority to resolve such dispute. If, however, a dispute persists and cannot be resolved, it may be escalated within each organization. In such situation, upon notice by either party, each party, within five (5) business days shall reduce its description of the dispute to writing and deliver it to the other party. The receiving party then shall have three (3) business days to review and respond in writing. In the event that the parties cannot then agree on a resolution of the dispute, the parties shall schedule a conference between the respective senior managers of each organization to attempt to resolve the MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 10 dispute. In the event the parties cannot agree, either party may resort to court to resolve the dispute. 13. SUSPENSION & TERMINATION; REMEDIES. 13.1. SUSPENSION & TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. Enterprise Services may suspend Contractor's operations under this Master Contract immediately by written cure notice of any default. Suspension shall continue until the default is remedied to Enterprise Services' reasonable satisfaction; Provided, however, that, if after thirty (30) days from such a suspension notice, Contractor remains in default, Enterprise Services may terminate Contractor's rights under this Master Contract. All of Contractor's obligations to Enterprise Services and Purchasers survive termination of Contractor's rights under this Master Contract, until such obligations have been fulfilled. 13.2. DEFAULT. Each of the following events shall constitute default of this Master Contract by Contractor: (a) Contractor fails to perform or comply with any of the terms or conditions of this Master Contract including, but not limited to, Contractor's obligation to pay contract management fees when due; (b) Contractor breaches any representation or warranty provided herein; or (c) Contractor enters into proceedings relating to bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary. 13.3. REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT. (a) Enterprise Services' rights to suspend and terminate Contractor's rights under this Master Contract are in addition to all other available remedies. (b) In the event of termination for default, Enterprise Services may exercise any remedy provided by law including, without limitation, the right to procure for all Purchasers replacement goods and/or services. In such event, Contractor shall be liable to Enterprise Services for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any price difference between the Master Contract price and the replacement or cover price as well as any administrative and/or transaction costs directly related to such replacement procurement — e.g., the cost of the competitive procurement. 13.4. LIMITATION ON DAMAGES. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the parties agree that in no event shall any party or Purchaser be liable to the other for exemplary or punitive damages. 13.5. GOVERNMENTAL TERMINATION. (a) Termination for Withdrawal of Authority. Enterprise Services may suspend or terminate this Master Contract if, during the term hereof, Enterprise Services' procurement authority is withdrawn, reduced, or limited such that Enterprise Services, in its judgment, would lack authority to enter into this Master Contract; Provided, however, that such suspension or termination for withdrawal of authority shall only be effective upon twenty (20) days prior written notice; and Provided further, that such suspension or termination for withdrawal of authority shall not relieve any Purchaser from payment for goods and/or services already ordered as of the effective date of such notice. Except as stated in this provision, in the event MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 11 of such suspension or termination for withdrawal of authority, neither Enterprise Services nor any Purchaser shall have any obligation or liability to Contractor. (b) Termination for Convenience. Enterprise Services, for convenience, may terminate this Master Contract; Provided, however, that such termination for convenience must, in Enterprise Services' judgment, be in the best interest of the State of Washington; and Provided further, that such termination for convenience shall only be effective upon sixty (60) days prior written notice; and Provided further, that such termination for convenience shall not relieve any Purchaser from payment for goods and/or services already ordered as of the effective date of such notice. Except as stated in this provision, in the event of such termination for convenience, neither Enterprise Services nor any Purchaser shall have any obligation or liability to Contractor. 13.6. TERMINATION PROCEDURE. Regardless of basis, in the event of suspension or termination (in full or in part), the parties shall cooperate to ensure an orderly and efficient suspension or termination. Accordingly, Contractor shall deliver to Purchasers all goods and/or services that are complete (or with approval from Enterprise Services, substantially complete) and Purchasers shall inspect, accept, and pay for the same in accordance with this Master Contract and the applicable Purchase Order. Unless directed by Enterprise Services to the contrary, Contractor shall not process any orders after notice of suspension or termination inconsistent therewith. 14. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 14.1. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time Is of the essence for each and every provision of this Master Contract. 14.2. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Contractor shall comply with all applicable law. 14.3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT. This Master Contract constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and understandings between them. There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. 14.4. AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION. Except as set forth herein, this Master Contract may not be amended or modified except in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party hereto. 14.5. AUTHORITY. Each party to this Master Contract, and each individual signing on behalf of each party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Master Contract and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this Master Contract has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or consents are required to bind such party. 14.6. No AGENCY. The parties agree that no agency, partnership, or joint venture of any kind shall be or is intended to be created by or under this Master Contract. Neither party is an agent of the other party nor authorized to obligate it. 14.7. ASSIGNMENTS. Contractor may not assign its rights under this Master Contract without Enterprise Services' prior written consent and Enterprise Services may consider any attempted assignment without such consent to be void; Provided, however, that, if Contractor provides written notice to Enterprise Services within thirty (30) days, Contractor MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 12 may assign its rights under this Master Contract in full to any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of Contractor that controls or is controlled by or under common control with Contractor, is merged or consolidated with Contractor, or purchases a majority or controlling interest in the ownership or assets of Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed, Contractor guarantees prompt performance of all obligations under this Master Contract notwithstanding any prior assignment of its rights. 14.8. BINDING EFFECT; SUCCESSORS & ASSIGNS. This Master Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 14.9. PUBLIC INFORMATION, This Master Contract and all related documents are subject to public disclosure as required by Washington's Public Records Act, RCW chapter 42.56. 14.10. ASSIGNMENT OF ANTITRUST RIGHTS REGARDING PURCHASED GOODS/SERVICES. Contractor Irrevocably assigns to Enterprise Services, on behalf of the State of Washington, any claim for relief or cause of action which the Contractor now has or which may accrue to the Contractor in the future by reason of any violation of state or federal antitrust laws in connection with any goods and/or services provided in Washington for the purpose of carrying out the Contractor's obligations under this Master Contract, including, at Enterprise Services' option, the right to control any such litigation on such claim for relief or cause of action. 14.11. FEDERAL FUNDS. To the extent that any Purchaser uses federal funds to purchase goods and/or services pursuant to this Master Contract, such Purchaser shall specify, with its order, any applicable requirement or certification that must be satisfied by Contractor at the time the order is placed or upon delivery. 14.12. SEVERABIUTY. If any provision of this Master Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of this Master Contract, and to this end the provisions of this Master Contract are declared to be severable. If such invalidity becomes known or apparent to the parties, the parties agree to negotiate promptly in good faith in an attempt to amend such provision as nearly as possible to be consistent with the intent of this Master Contract. 14.13. WAIVER. Failure of either party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms and conditions hereof, or failure to exercise any rights or remedies provided herein or by law, or to notify the other party in the event of breach, shall not release the other party of any of its obligations under this Master Contract, nor shall any purported oral modification or rescission of this Master Contract by either party operate as a waiver of any of the terms hereof. No waiver by either party of any breach, default, or violation of any term, warranty, representation, contract, covenant, right, condition, or provision hereof shall constitute waiver of any subsequent breach, default, or violation of the same or other term, warranty, representation, contract, covenant, right, condition, or provision. 14.14. SURVIVAL. All representations, warranties, covenants, agreements, and indemnities set forth in or otherwise made pursuant to this Master Contract shall survive and remain in effect following the expiration or termination of this Master Contract, Provided, however, that nothing herein is intended to extend the survival beyond any applicable statute of limitations periods. 14.15. GOVERNING LAW. The validity, construction, performance, and enforcement of this Master Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to its choice of law rules. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 13 14.16. JURISDICTION & VENUE. In the event that any action is brought to enforce any provision of this Master Contract, the parties agree to submit to exclusive in personam jurisdiction in Thurston County Superior Court for the State of Washington and agree that in any such action venue shall lie exclusively at Olympia, Washington. 14.17. ATTORNEYS' FEES. Should any legal action or proceeding be commenced by either party in order to enforce this Master Contract or any provision hereof, or in connection with any alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any provision herein contained, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with such action or proceeding, including costs of pursuing or defending any legal action, including, without limitation, any appeal, discovery, or negotiation and preparation of settlement arrangements, in addition to such other relief as may be granted. 14.18. FAIR CONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATION. The provisions of this Master Contract shall be construed as a whole according to their common meaning and not strictly for or against any party and consistent with the provisions contained herein in order to achieve the objectives and purposes of this Master Contract. Each party hereto and its counsel has reviewed and revised this Master Contract and agrees that the normal rules of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be construed in the interpretation of this Master Contract. Each term and provision of this Master Contract to be performed by either party shall be construed to be both a covenant and a condition. 14.19. FURTHER ASSURANCES. In addition to the actions specifically mentioned in this Master Contract, the parties shall each do whatever may reasonably be necessary to accomplish the transactions contemplated in this Master Contract including, without limitation, executing any additional documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Master Contract. 14.20. EXHIBITS. All exhibits referred to herein are deemed to be incorporated in this Master Contract in their entirety. 14.21. CAPTIONS & HEADINGS. The captions and headings in this Master Contract are for convenience only and are not intended to, and shall not be construed to, limit, enlarge, or affect the scope or intent of this Master Contract nor the meaning of any provisions hereof. 14.22. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Master Contract or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Master Contract or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 14 Melanie Williams EXHIBIT A INCLUDED GOODS/PRICING CATEGORY A - Handgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal American Eagle AE9DP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $188.90 30-60 2 CCl/Speer Lawman 53650 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $182.80 30-60 3 Federal Classic 9BP Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 115 1000 $209.90 30-60 4 Federal American Eagle AE9AP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $188.90 30-60 5 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53618 Bonded Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $346.70 30-60 6 Federal HST P9HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $302.12 30-60 7 Federal HST P9HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $302.12 30-60 8 CCl/Speer Lawman 53651 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $182.80 30-60 9 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53617 Bonded Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $346.70 30-60 10 Federal HST P9HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 147 1000 $302.12 30-60 11 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54226 G2 9MM 147 1000 $381.90 30-60 12 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53720 Bonded Hollow Point 38 SPL 125 1000 $352.40 30-60 13 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53949 Bonded Hollow Point .40 165 1000 $381.92 30-60 14 Federal HST P40HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point .40 165 1000 $329.80 30-60 15 CCl/Speer Lawman 53981 Total Metal Jacket .40 165 1000 $237.40 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle AE40113 Full Metal Jacket .40 165 1000 $249.80 30-60 17 CCl/Speer Lawman 53652 Total Metal Jacket .40 180 1000 $237.40 30-60 18 Federal HST P40HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point .40 180 1000 $329.80 30-60 19 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53962 Bonded Hollow Point .40 180 1000 $381.92 30-60 20 CC[/Speer Gold Dot 53999 G2 .40 180 1000 $399.88 30-60 21 Federal Classic 45C Jacketed Hollow Point .45 185 1000 $363.80 30-60 22 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53969 Bonded Hollow Point +P .45 200 1000 $404.20 30-60 23 Federal American AE45A Full Metal Jacket .45 230 1000 $298.52 30-60 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 16 CATEGORY A - Handgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) Eagle 24 CCl/Speer Lawman 53653 Total Metal Jacket .45 230 1000 $275.10 30-60 25 Federal Classic 45D Jacketed Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $318.90 30-60 26 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53966 Bonded Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $404.20 30-60 27 Federal HST P45HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $367.10 30-60 28 Federal HST P45HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point +P .45 230 1000 $367.10 30-60 29 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54256 G2 -,,,- 45 230 1000 $434.20 30-60 30 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54234 Bonded Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $414.80 30-60 31 Federal HST P357SHST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $386.20 30-60 32 Federal Classic C357B Jacketed Hollow Point 357 M 125 500 $361.98 30-60 33 Federal HST P380HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point .380 99 1000 $399.10 30-60 34 CCl/Speer Lawman 53608 Total Metal Jacket .380 95 1000 $289.84 30-60 35 CO/Speer RHT 53365 Frangible Lead Free 91VIM 100 1000 $364.80 30-60 36 Federal IRT AE91\11 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 91VIM 124 1000 $207.10 30-60 37 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53824 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 91VIM 124 1000 $193.20 30-60 38 CO/Speer Cleanfire 53826 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 147 1000 $193.20 30-60 39 CC[/Speer Cleanfire 53833 Total Metal Jacket +P Lead Free Primer .38 158 1000 $227.92 30-60 40 CCl/Speer RHT 53375 Frangible Lead Free .40 125 1000 $405.08 30-60 41 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53982 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer .40 165 1000 $253.40 30-60 42 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53880 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer .40 180 1000 $253.40 30-60 43 Federal IRT AE40N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer .40 180 1000 $268.70 30-60 44 CCl/Speer RHT 53395 Frangible Lead Free .45 155 1000 $518.50 30-60 45 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53885 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer .45 230 1000 $312.60 30-60 46 Federal IRT AE45N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer .45 230 1000 $334.40 30-60 47 CC[/Speer RHT 53368 Frangible, Lead Free 357 SIG 100 1000 $449.80 30-60 48 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 54232 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 357 SIG 125 1000 $298.40 30-60 49 Federal Hydra-Shok P380HSlG Jacketed Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $422.97 30-60 50 Federal Ballisticlean BC9NT3 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $393.14 30-60 51 Federal Ballisticlean BC40CT1 Frangible Lead Free 40S&W 125 1000 $411.78 30-60 52 Federal Ballisticlean BC45CT1 Frangible Lead Free 145ACP 155 1000 $519.33 30-60 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 17 CATEGORY A — Handgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO 53 Federal American Eagle AE380AP Full Metal Jacket 380ACP 95 1000 $268.54 30-60 54 Federal American Eagle AE9FP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $204.52 30-60 55 Federal American Eagle AE38K Full Metal Jacket 38S 130 1000 $309.51 30-60 56 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53606 Bonded Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $448.90 30-60 57 CC[/Speer Gold Dot 53921 Bonded Hollow Point +P 38S 135 1000 $395.80 30-60 58 CCl/Speer Blazer 3460 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 124 1000 $215.10 30-60 59 CCl/Speer Blazer 3462 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 91VIM 147 1000 $215.10 30-60 60 CC]/Speer Blazer 3475 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 38S 158 100 $235.40 30-60 61 CCl/Speer Blazer 3477 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 40S&W 180 1000 $254.50 30-60 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3480 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 45ACP 230 1000 $325.90 30-60 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3509 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $181.90 30-60 63 CC[/Speer Blazer 3578 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $181.90 30-60 64 CC[/Speer Blazer 3591 Full Metal Jacket 40S&W 180 1000 $247.85 30-60 65 CCl/Speer Blazer 3570 Full Metal Jacket 45ACP 230 1000 $311.40 30-60 66 CCl/Speer Lawman 53620 Total Metal Jacket 91VIM 147 1000 $203.10 30-60 67 CCl/Speer Lawman 53919 Total Metal Jacket 357SIG 125 1000 $336.59 30-60 CATEGORY B — Rifle Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal TRU T223A Pointed Soft Point .223 55 500 $245.80 30-60 2 Federal American Eagle AE223J Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail •223 SS 500 $155.80 30-60 3 Federal TRU T223E Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 1 55 500 $268.20 30-60 4 Federal TRU T223T Ballistic Tip .223 55 500 $258.10 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE223T1 Bonded Soft Point .223 55 200 $219.82 45-60 6 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24446 Bonded Soft Point .223 55 500 $261.90 30-60 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 18 CATEGORY B — Rifle Ammunition Manufacturer Product Product Code Bullet Style Weight Rounds Price Per Delivery Caliber Name (Grain) per Case Case (ARO) 7 Federal American XM193AF90 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail Eagle 5.56 55 450 $145.70 30-60 8 Federal Tactical LE223T3 Bonded Soft Point .223 62 200 $219.82 45-60 9 CC[/Speer Gold Dot 24445SP Bonded Soft Point .223 62 500 $261.90 30-60 10 Federal TRU T223L Soft Point .223 64 500 $252.40 30-60 11 CC[/Speer Gold Dot 24475 Bonded Soft Point .223 75 500 $261.90 30-60 12 Federal Premium P308F Ballistic Tip .308 150 200 $211.48 30-60 13 Federal American AE308D Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail Eagle .308 150 500 $309.80 30-60 14 Federal Tactical LE308T1 Bonded Soft Point .308 165 200 $279.80 30-60 15 Federal Gold Medal GM308M-500 Boat Tail Hollow Point .308 168 500 $392.40 30-60 16 Federal American A76251M1A Open Tip Match Eagle .308 168 200 $211.94 30-60 17 Federal Tactical LE308TT2 Tactical Bonded Tip .308 168 200 $261.70 30-60 18 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24458 Bonded Soft Point .308 168 500 $376.85 30-60 19 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5 Frangible Lead Free .223 42 500 $296.60 60 20 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5A Frangible Lead Free .223 55 500 $296.60 60 21 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24457 Bonded Soft Point .308 150 500 $402.57 60-90 22 Federal American AE223BK Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail Eagle •223 55 1000 $311.60 30-60 23 Federal American AE223N Full Metal Jacket Eagle .223 62 500 $208.14 60-90 24 Federal American XM193 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail Eagle 5.56 55 500 $155.80 30-60 25 Federal American AE5022 Lead Solid Eagle 22LR 40 5000 $295.81 90-180 26 Federal Gold Medal GM223M3 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 77 200 $155.68 30-60 27 Federal Gold Medal GM223M-5 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 69 500 $389.20 30-60 CATEGORY C — Shotgun Ammunition MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 19 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Pellet Count Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal Tactical LE12700 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite C Control 12 Gauge, 4 2-3" / 9 250 $125.92 30-60 2 Federal Tactical F127RS Hollow Point Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $130.22 30-60 3 Federal Top Gun TGL12-7.5 #7.5 Bird Shot 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $63.90 30-60 4 Federal Tactical LE127RS Slug, Duty, Practice 12 Gauge, 1" - 250 $133.94 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE13300 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite Control 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" 8 250 $125.92 30-60 6 Federal Tactical LE13200 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $125.92 30-60 7 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127LRS Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $133.94 30-60 8 Federal Top Gun TGL12-8 #8 Shot 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $63.90 30-60 9 Federal Tactical LE132-1B Plated #1 Buck, Flite Control 12 Gauge 15 250 $125.92 30-60 10 Federal Classic F12700 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $129.87 30-60 11 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127DPRS 1oz Slug, Deep Penetrator 12 Gauge - 250 $188.92 60-90 12 Federal Gold Medal T115-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 2 3/ DE 12 Gauge - 250 $72.59 30-60 13 Federal Gold Medal T116-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 3DE 12 Gauge - 250 $72.59 30-60 CATEGORY D — Marking Cartridges Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Force on Force FOF FF9R2 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 2 Force on Force FOF FF9B2 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 3 Force on Force FOF FF9Y2 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 4 Force on Force FOF FF9W2 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 5 Force on Force FOF FF9G2 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 6 Force on Force FOF FF556R1 Red Marking Cartridges .223 500 $286.80 30 7 Force on Force FOF FF556B1 Blue Marking Cartridges .223 500 $286.80 30 8 Force on Force FOF FF556Y1 Yellow Marking Cartridges .223 500 $286.80 30 9 Force on Force FOF FF556W1 White Marking Cartridges .223 500 $286.80 30 10 Force on Force FOF FF556G1 Green Marking Cartridges .223 500 $286.80 30 11 Force on Force FOF FF556BCG Conversion Bolt .223 1 $229.80 5-7 12 Force on Force FOF FF9NM2 Non -Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $233.80 30 MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 20 CATEGORY D — Marking Cartridges Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 13 Force on Force FOF FF9BLK2 Blank Round 9MM 500 $225.80 30 14 Force on Force FOF FF556NM2 Non -Marking Round 5.56 500 $286.80 30 15 Simunition FX 5320761 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 16 Simunition FX 5320762 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 17 Simunition FX 5320764 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 18 Simunition FX 5320766 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 19 Simunition FX 5320763 Orange Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 20 Simunition FX 5320765 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $239.97 30 21 Simunition FX 5501001 Red Marking Cartridges .38 500 $297.97 30 22 Simunition FX 5501002 Blue Marking Cartridges .38 500 $297.97 30 23 Simunition FX 5359101 Red Marking Cartridges .223 500 $336.97 30 24 Simunition FX 5359102 Blue Marking Cartridges .223 500 $336.97 30 25 Simunition FX 5359104 Yellow Marking Cartridges .223 500 $336.97 30 26 Simunition FX 5359106 White Marking Cartridges .223 500 $336.97 30 27 Simunition FX 5308990 Bolt .223 1 $284.97 30 28 Simunition FX 5320779 Non -Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $243.97 30 29 Simunition Securiblank 5306001 Securiblanks, Loud 9MM 500 $185.97 30 30 Simunition FX 5359109 Non -Marking Cartridges 5.56 500 $323.97 30-45 31 Simunition Securiblank 5359108 Securiblanks, Loud 5.56 500 $336.97 30-45 32 Simunition Secruiblank 5306005 Securiblanks, Quiet 9MM 500 $185.97 30-45 Lift Gate Fee - $75.00 MASTER CONTRACT NO. 0261E - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 21 EXHIBIT B SPECIFICATIONS Specification 1. All products bid will include descriptive fliers or catalogs describing how the product is equal in quality, function and performance to specifications. 2. All products bid will include descriptive literature for practical use applications. 3. All bids will include documentation that products meet the Sporting Arms and Manufacturer's Institute (SAAMI) or NATO specifications. 4. All ammunition must be guaranteed free from defects in workmanship and materials without limitation. 5. Ammunition that does not perform to specifications and standards will be refunded or replaced in full. 6. Bidder shall provide a current, dated, signed authorization from the manufacturer that the bidder is an authorized distributor. 7. All ammunition shall be factory new, no reloaded or remanufactured ammunition shall be allowed. 8. After receipt of order (ARO) delivery is to be a maximum of 90 days on all orders. 9. Delivery will be Free on Board (FOB) Destination, prepaid and included for orders of 5 cases or more. 10. Freight charges may be added as a separate line item for orders less than 5 cases. 11. Contractor will provide as much notice as possible to the Contract Administrator when issues occur, which are out of their control, but that will impact supply and demand and delivery. 12. If Contractor is unable to fulfill an order due to issues identified above, a replacement product equal in price and performance may be substituted. Replacement products must be approved in advance by the Contract Administrator. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev.8-15-2016) 22 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. INSURANCE OBLIGATION. During the Term of this Master Contract, Contractor obtain and maintain in full force and effect, at Contractor's sole expense, the following insurance coverages: a. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. Commercial General Liability Insurance (and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance) covering Bodily Injury and Property Damage on an 'occurrence form' in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. This coverage shall include Contractual Liability insurance for the indemnity provided under this Master Contract. The limits of all insurance required to be provided by Contractor shall be no less than the minimum amounts specified. Coverage in the amounts of these minimum limits, however, shall not be construed to relieve Contractor from liability in excess of such limits. A cross -liability clause or separation of insured condition shall be included in all general liability, professional liability, pollution, and errors and omissions policies required by this Master Contract. 2. INSURANCE CARRIER RATING. Coverages provided by the Contractor must be underwritten by an insurance company deemed acceptable to the State of Washington's Office of Risk Management. Insurance coverage shall be provided by companies authorized to do business within the State of Washington and rated A- Class VII or better in the most recently published edition of Best's Insurance Rating. Enterprise Services reserves the right to reject all or any insurance carrier(s) with an unacceptable financial rating. 3. ADDITIONAL INSURED. Except for Works' Compensation, Professional Liability, Personal Automobile Liability, and Pollution Liability Insurance, all required insurance shall include the State of Washington and all authorized Purchasers (and their agents, officers, and employees) as an Additional Insureds evidenced by copy of the Additional Insured Endorsement attached to the Certificate of Insurance on such insurance policies. 4. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. Upon request by Enterprise Services, Contractor shall furnish to Enterprise Services, as evidence of the insurance coverage required by this Master Contract, a certificate of insurance satisfactory to Enterprise Services that insurance, in the above -stated kinds and minimum amounts, has been secured. A renewal certificate shall be delivered to Enterprise Services no less than ten (10) days prior to coverage expiration. Failure to provide proof of insurance, as required, will result in contract cancellation. All policies and certificates of insurance shall include the Master Contract number stated on the cover of this Master Contract. 5. PRIMARY COVERAGE. Contractor's insurance shall apply as primary and shall not seek contribution from any insurance or self-insurance maintained by, or provided to, the additional insureds listed above including, at a minimum, the State of Washington and/or any Purchaser. All insurance or self-insurance of the State of Washington and/or Purchasers shall be excess of any insurance provided by Contractor or subcontractors. 6. SUBCONTRACTORS. Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under all required insurance policies, or shall furnish separate Certificates of Insurance and endorsements for each MASTER CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMMUNITION (Rev. 8-15-2016) 23 subcontractor. Each subcontractor must comply fully with all insurance requirements stated herein. Failure of any subcontractor to comply with insurance requirements does not limit Contractor's liability or responsibility. 7. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. Contractor waives all rights of subrogation against the State of Washington and any Purchaser for the recovery of damages to the extent such damages are or would be covered by the insurance specified herein. 8. NOTICE OF CHANGE OR CANCELLATION. There shall be no cancellation, material change, exhaustion of aggregate limits, or intent not to renew insurance coverage, either in whole or in part, without at least sixty (60) days prior written Legal Notice by Contractor to Enterprise Services. Failure to provide such notice, as required, shall constitute default by Contractor. Any such written notice shall include the Master Contract number stated on the cover of this Master Contract. MASTER CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMMUNITION ( Rev. 8-15-2016) 24 State of Washington CONTRACT AMENDMENT Contracts, Procurement, & Risk Management Division _ Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 41411 Contract No.: 02616 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. A California Corporation 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego CA. 92111-2014 (858)974-8500 FIRST AMENDMENT Amendment No.: I 1 TO CONTRACT No. 02616 AMMUNITION Effective Date: I July 1, 2017 This First Amendment ("Amendment") to Contract No. 02616 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("State") and San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. A California Corporation ("Contractor") and is effective as of July 1, 2017. RECITALS A. State and Contractor (collectively the "Parties") entered into that certain Contract No. 02616 dated effective as of July 1, 2017 ("Contract"). B. The Parties intend to amend the Contract to adjust the applicable Vendor Management Fee (VMF) for Contract purchases made on or after July 1, 2017. Contract purchases made prior to July 1, 2017 will be subject to the existing VMF and Contract purchases occurring on or after July 1, 2017 will be subject to the VMF set forth in this amendment. C. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. AGREEMENT Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE. Section 8.2 of the Contract is hereby amended by deleting the existing Section in its entirety and inserting the following in lieu thereof: Section 8.2 - VENDOR MANAGEMENT FEE. Contractor shall pay to Enterprise Services a vendor management fee ("VMF") of 1.50 percent on the purchase price for all Contract sales (the purchase price is the total invoice price less applicable sales tax). CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 1 Page 1 (2017) (a) The sum owed by Contractor to Enterprise Services as a result of the VMF is calculated as follows: Amount owed to Enterprise Services = Total Contract sales invoiced (not including sales tax) x .0150. (b) The VMF must be rolled into Contractor's current pricing. The VMF must not be shown as a separate line item on any invoice unless specifically requested and approved by Enterprise Services. (c) Enterprise Services will invoice Contractor quarterly based on Contract sales reported by Contractor. Contractor shall not remit payment until it receives an invoice from Enterprise Services. Contractor's VMF payment to Enterprise Services must reference this Contract number, work request number (if applicable), the year and quarter for which the VMF is being remitted, and the Contractor's name as set forth in this Contract, if not already included on the face of the check. (d) Failure to accurately report total net sales, to submit a timely usage report, or remit timely payment of the VMF, may be cause for Master Contract termination or the exercise of other remedies provided by law. (e) Enterprise Services reserves the right, upon thirty (30) days advance written notice, to increase, reduce, or eliminate the VMF for subsequent purchases, and reserves the right to renegotiate Contract pricing with Contractor when any subsequent adjustment of the VMF might justify a change in pricing. 2. PRICING. The Parties agree that, effective the same date as the VMF rate change, all Contract pricing shall be increased by .76% to cover the increased VMF rate. Such increase shall apply to all contract purchases pursuant to this Contract (purchase price less applicable sales tax). 3. No CHANGE OTHER THAN AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 4. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. In the event of any conflict between this Amendment and the Contract or any earlier amendment, this Amendment shall control and govern. This Amendment may not be modified except in writing signed by the Parties. 5. AUTHORITY. Each party to this Amendment, and each individual signing on behalf of each party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Amendment and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this Amendment has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or consents are required to bind such party. 6. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Amendment or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 1 Page 2 (2017) shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Amendment or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. 7. COUNTERPARTS. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which counterparts together shall constitute the same instrument which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart. Execution of this Amendment at different times and places by the parties shall not affect the validity thereof so long as all the parties hereto execute a counterpart of this Amendment. EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE as of the day and date first above written. SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Name: t "tA-' Title: Date: '`S f 2,--.-) 1`7 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 1 (2017) STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT ENT R IS SERVICES By: Name: Brent Duncan Title: Vendor Management Fee Coordinator Date: May 2, 2017 Page 3 State of Washington Contracts, Procurement, & Risk Management Division CONTRACT AMENDMENT Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 41411 Contract No.: 02616 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. Amendment No.: 2 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111-2014 Effective Date: July 1, 2017 SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NO. 02616 AMMUNITION This second Amendment ("Amendment") to Contract No. 02616 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("State") and San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc., a California Corporation ("Contractor") and is effective as of January 1, 2017. RECITALS A. State and Contractor (collectively the "Parties") entered into that certain Contract No. 02616 dated effective as of July 1, 2017 ("Contract"). B. The Parties previously amended the Contract: Amendment 1 effective July 1, 2017 increasing Vendor Management Fee. C. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. AGREEMENT Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. PRICING. The Parties agree that, effective the same date as the VMF rate change, all Contract pricing shall be increased by .76% to cover the increased VMF rate. Such increase shall apply to all contract purchases pursuant to this Contract (purchase price less applicable sales tax) per Attachment A Price Sheet. 2. NO CHANGE OTHER THAN AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract Is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. In the event of any conflict between this CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 2 Page 1 Melanie Williams 7/5/17 ATTACHMENT A CATEGORY A - Handgun Ammunition Manu. Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal American Eagle AE9DP j Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $190.34 30 60 2 CCl/Speer Lawman j 53650 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $184.19 30-60 3 Federal Classic 9BP Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 115 1000 $211.50 30-60 4 Federal American Eagle AE9AP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 i $190.34 30-60 5 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53618 Bonded Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $349.33 30-60 6 Federal HST P9HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point+P 9MM 124 1000 $304.42 30-60 7 Federal HST P9HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $304.42 30-60 8 CCl/Speer Lawman 53651 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $184.19 30-60 9 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53617 Bonded Hollow Point+P 9MM 124 1000 $349.33 30-60 10 Federal HST P9HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 147 1000 $304.42 30-60 11 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54226 G2 9MM 147 1000 $384.80 30-60 12 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53720 Bonded Hollow Point 38 SPL 125 1000 $355.08 30-60 13 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53949 Bonded Hollow Point .40 165 1000 $384.82 30-60 14 Federal HST P40HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point .40 165 1000 $332.31 30-60 15 CCl/Speer Lawman 53981 j Total Metal Jacket .40 165 1000 $239.20 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle AE40R3 Full Metal Jacket 40 165 1000 $251.70 30 60 17 CCl/Speer Lawman 53652 Total Metal Jacket .40 180 1000 $239.20 30-60 18 Federal HST P40HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point .40 180 1000 $332.31 30-60 19 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53962 Bonded Hollow Point .40 180 1000 $384.82 30-60 20 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53999 G2 .40 180 1000 $402.92 30-60 21 Federal Classic 45C Jacketed Hollow Point ( .45 185 1000 $366.56 30-60 22 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53969 Bonded Hollow Point +P .45 200 1000 $407.27 30-60 23 Federal American Eagle AE45A Full Metal Jacket 45 230 1000 $300.79 30 60 24 CCl/Speer Lawman 53653 Total Metal Jacket .45 230 1000 $277.19 30-60 CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 2 Page 3 CATEGORY A - Handgun Ammunition Manu. Product Name I Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per ( Case Delivery (ARO) 25 Federal Classic 45D Jacketed Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $321.32 30-60 26 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53966 Bonded Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $407.27 30-60 27 Federal HST P45HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point .45 230 1000 $369.89 30-60 28 Federal HST P45HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point+P ( .45 230 1000 $369.89 30-60 29 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54256 j G2 .45 230 1000 $437.50 30-60 30 CCl/Speer Gold Dot j 54234 Bonded Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $417.95 30-60 31 Federal HST P357SHST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $389.13 30-60 32 Federal Classic C357B Jacketed Hollow Point 357 M 125 500 $364.73 30-60 33 Federal HST P380HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point .380 99 1000 ( $402.13 30-60 34 CC[/Speer Lawman 53608 Total Metal Jacket .380 95 1000 $292.04 30-60 35 CC[/Speer RHT 53365 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $367.57 30-60 36 Federal IRT AE91\11 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $208.67 30-60 37 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53824 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $194.67 30-60 38 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53826 ( Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer ( 9MM 147 1000 $194.67 30-60 39 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53833 Total Metal Jacket +P Lead Free Primer 38 158 1000 $229.65 30-60 40 CCl/Speer RHT 53375 Frangible Lead Free .40 125 1000 $408.16 30-60 41 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53982 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer .40 165 1000 $255.33 30-60 42 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53880 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer '40 180 1000 $255.33 30-60 43 Federal IRT AE40N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 40 180 1000 $270.74 30-60 44 CCl/Speer RHT 53395 Frangible Lead Free .45 155 1000 $522.44 30-60 45 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53885 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 45 ' 230 1000 $314.98 30-60 �6 Federal IRT AE45N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 45 � ' 230 1000 5 6 30 60 -- --------- CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 2 Page 4 Comment [WM(S]: Original price $334.40-1.0076 = $336.94 Deleted: 336.94 CATEGORY A — Handgun Ammunition Manu. Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO 47 CCl/Speer RHT ( 53368 Frangible, Lead Free 357 SIG 100 1000 $453.22 30-60 48 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 54232 j Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 3S7 SIG 125 1000 ' $300.67 30-60 49 Federal Hydra-Shok I P380HSlG Jacketed Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $426.18 30-60 50 Federal Ballisticlean BC9NT3 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $396.13 30-60 51 Federal Ballisticlean BC40CT1 Frangible Lead Free 40S&W 125 1000 $414.91 30-60 52 Federal Ballisticlean BC45CT1 Frangible Lead Free 45ACP 155 1000 $523.28 30-60 53 Federal American Eagle AE380AP j Full Metal Jacket 380ACP 95 1000 $270.58 30-60 54 Federal American Eagle AE9FP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $206.07 30 60 55 Federal American Eagle AE38K Full Metal Jacket 38S 130 1000 $311.86 30-60 56 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53606 Bonded Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $452.31 30-60 57 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53921 Bonded Hollow Point +P 38S 135 1000 $398.81 30-60 58 CC[/Speer Blazer 3460 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 124 1000 $216.73 30-60 59 CCl/Speer Blazer 3462 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 147 1000 $216.73 30-60 60 CCl/Speer Blazer 3475 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 38S 158 100 $237.19 30-60 61 CCl/Speer Blazer 3477 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 40S&W 180 1000 $256.43 30-60 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3480 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 45ACP 230 1000 $328.37 30-60 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3509 1 Full Metal Jacket ( 9MM 115 1000 $183.28 30-60 63 CCl/Speer Blazer 3578 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $183.28 30-60 64 CCl/Speer Blazer j 3591 Full Metal Jacket 40S&W 180 1000 $249.73 30-60 65 CCl/Speer Blazer 3570 Full Metal Jacket 45ACP 230 1000 $313.77 30-60 66 CCl/Speer Lawman 53620 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $204.64 30-60 67 CCl/Speer Lawman 53919 Total Metal Jacket 3S7SIG 125 1000 $339.15 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 2 Page 5 CATEGORY B — Rifle Ammunition j Manu. Product Name Product ! Code Bullet Style I Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal TRU ( T223A Pointed Soft Point .223 55 500 $247.67 30-60 2 Federal American Eagle AE223J Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 223 55 500 $156.98 30-60 3 Federal TRU ( T223E Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 55 500 $270.23 30-60 4 Federal TRU T223T Ballistic Tip j .223 55 500 $260.06 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE223T1 Bonded Soft Point .223 55 200 $221.49 45-60 6 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24446 Bonded Soft Point 223 55 500 $263.89 30 60 7 Federal American Eagle XM193AF90 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 5.56 55 450 $146.81 30-60 8 Federal Tactical LE223T3 Bonded Soft Point .223 62 200 $ZZI 49 45-60 9 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24445SP Bonded Soft Point j .223 62 500 63.8 - 30-60 10 Federal TRU T223L Soft Point .223 64 500 $254.31 30-60 Ti —Q CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24475 Bonded Soft Point 223 75 500 �C 63.ff y,�- 0-60 12 Federal Premium P308F Ballistic Tip .308 150 200 $213.09 30-60 13 Federal American Eagle AE308D Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail .308 150 500 $312.15 30-60 14 Federal Tactical LE308T1 Bonded Soft Point 1 .308 165 200 $281.93 30-60 15 Federal Gold Medal GM308M- 500 Boat Tail Hollow Point 308 168 500 $395.38 30 60 16 Federal American Eagle A76251M1A Open Tip Match 308 168 200 $213.55 30 60 17 Federal Tactical LE308TT2 j Tactical Bonded Tip ( .308 168 200 $263.69 30-60 18 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24458 Bonded Soft Point .308 168 500 $379.71 30-60 19 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5 Frangible Lead Free .223 42 500 $298.85 60 20 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5A Frangible Lead Free .223 55 500 $298.85 60 21 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24457 Bonded Soft Point .308 150 500 $405.63 60-90 22 Federal American Eagle AE223BK Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 223 55 1000 $313.97 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 2 Page 6 Comment [W (2]: Original price' $291.9 `-1.007 = $294,12 \ Deleted: 94.12 Deleted- $294.12 CATEGORY B — Rifle Ammunition Manu. Product Product Bullet Style Weight Rounds Price Per Delivery Name Code Caliber (Grain) per Case Case (ARO 23 Federal American AE223N Full Metal Jacket Eagle 223 62 500 $209.72 60 90 24 Federal ( American XM193 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail Eagle ( 5.56 55 500 $156.98 30-60 25 Federal American AE5022 Lead Solid ( Eagle 22LR 40 5000 $298.06 90-180 26 Federal Gold Medal GM223M3 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 77 200 $156.86 30-60 j 27 Federal Gold Medal I GM223M-5 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point .223 69 500 $392.16 30-60 CATEGORY C — Shotgun Ammunition Manu. Product Product Code Bullet Style Pellet Rounds Price Per Delivery Caliber Name Count per Case Case (ARO) 1 Federal Tactical LE12700 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite 12 Gauge, 2- Control 3/4" 9 250 $126.88 30 60 2 Federal Tactical F127RS Hollow Point Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2 3/4" 250 $131.21 30 60 3 Federal Top Gun TGL12-7.5 #7.5 Bird Shot 12 Gauge, 2 3/4" 250 $64.39 30 60 4 Federal Tactical LE127RS Slug, Duty, Practice 12 Gauge, 1„ - 250 $134.96 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE13300 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite 12 Gauge, 2 Control 3/4" 8 250 $126.88 30 60 6 Federal Tactical LE13200 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $126.88 30-60 7 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127LRS Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2 250 $134.96 30 60 3/4" 8 Federal Top Gun TGL12-8 #8 Shot 12 Gauge, 2 3/4" 250 $64.39 30 60 9 Federal Tactical LE132-1B Plated #1 Buck, Flite Control 12 Gauge 15 250 $126.88 30-60 10 Federal Classic F12700 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $130.86 30-60 11 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127DPRS loz Slug, Deep Penetrator 12 Gauge 250 $190.36 60-90 12 Federal Gold Medal T115-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 2 % DE 12 Gauge 250 $73.14 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 2 Page 7 CATEGORY C — Shotgun Ammunition Manu. j Product Product Code Bullet Style Pellet Rounds Price Per Delivery Caliber Name j Count per Case Case (ARO) 13 Federal Gold Medal T116-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 3DE 12 Gauge 2S0 $73.14 30-60 CATEGORY D — Marking Cartridges Manu. Product Product Code Bullet Style Price Per Delivery Name Caliber Rounds per Case Case (ARO) 1 Force on FOF FF9R2 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM S00 $235.S8 30 Force 2 Force on FOF FF9B2 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $235.58 30 Force 3 Force on FOF FF9Y2 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $235.58 30 Force 4 Force on FOF FF9W2 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 1 500 $23S.S8 30 Force 5 Force on FOF FF9G2 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $235.58 30 Force 6 Force on FOF FF556R1 Red Marking Cartridges 223 500 $288.98 30 Force 7 Force on FOF FF556B1 Blue Marking Cartridges 223 500 $288.98 30 Force 8 Force on FOF FF556Y1 Yellow Marking Cartridges 223 500 $288.98 30 Force 9 Force on FOF FF556W1 White Marking Cartridges 223 500 $288.98 30 Force 10 Force on FOF I FF556G1 Green Marking Cartridges 223 500 $288.98 30 Force 11 Force on FOF FF556BCG Conversion Bolt 223 1 $231.55 5-7 Force ( 12 Force on FOF FF9NM2 Non -Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $235.S8 30 Force ( CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 2 Page 8 CATEGORY D — Marking Cartridges Manu. Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 13 Force on Force FOF FF9BLK2 Blank Round 9MM 500 $227.51 30 14 Force on Force FOF FF556NM2 Non -Marking Round 5.56 500 $288.98 30 15 Simunition FX 5320761 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM ! 500 $241.79 30 16 Simunition FX 5320762 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM j 500 $241.79 30 17 Simunition FX 5320764 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM S00 $241.79 30 18 Simunition FX 5320766 White Marking Cartridges 9MM ( 500 $241.79 30 19 Simunition FX 5320763 Orange Marking Cartridges 9MM 1500 $241.79 30 j 20 Simunition FX 5320765 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $241.79 30 21 Simunition FX 5501001 Red Marking Cartridges .38 500 $300.23 30 22 Simunition FX 5501002 Blue Marking Cartridges .38 (500 $300.23 30 23 Simunition FX 5359101 Red Marking Cartridges .223 500 $339.53 30 24 Simunition FX 5359102 Blue Marking Cartridges .223 500 $339.53 30 25 Simunition FX 5359104 Yellow Marking Cartridges .223 500 $339.53 30 26 Simunition FX 5359106 White Marking Cartridges .223 500 $339.53 30 27 Simunition FX 5308990 Bolt .223 1 $287.14 30 28 Simunition FX 5320779 Non -Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $245.82 30 29 Simunition Securiblank 5306001 Securiblanks, Loud 9MM 500 1 $187.38 30 30 Simunition FX 5359109 Non -Marking Cartridges 5.56 500 326.43 30-45 31 Simunition Securiblank 5359108 Securiblanks, Loud 5.56 500 $339.53 30-45 32 Simunition Secruiblank 5306005 Securiblanks, Quiet 9MM 500 $187.38 30-45 CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 2 Page 9 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 1 (4-24-2017) State of Washington Contracts & Procurement Division Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 41411 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 CONTRACT AMENDMENT Contract No.: 02616 San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 Amendment No.: 3 Effective Date: February 1, 2019 THIRD AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NO. 02616 AMMUNITION This Third Amendment (“Amendment”) to Contract No. 02616 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency (“State”) and San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. a California Company (“Contractor”) and is dated as of February 1, 2019. R E C I T A L S A. State and Contractor (collectively the “Parties”) entered into that certain Contract No. 02616 for ammunition dated effective as of January 1, 2017 (“Contract”). B. The Parties previously amended the Contract twice: a. Amendment 1, effective July 1, 2017 (adjusting vendor management fee) b. Amendment 2, Effective July 1, 2017 (adjusting pricing for VMF) C. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. A G R E E M E N T NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT. The contract ceiling prices are amended, not to exceed the prices set forth in Exhibit A. 2. NO CHANGE OTHER THAN AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. In the event of any conflict between this Amendment and the CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 2 (4-24-2017) Contract or any earlier amendment, this Amendment shall control and govern. This Amendment may not be modified except in writing signed by the Parties. 4. AUTHORITY. Each party to this Amendment, and each individual signing on behalf of each party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Amendment and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this Amendment has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or consents are required to bind such party. 5. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Amendment or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Amendment or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. 6. COUNTERPARTS. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which counterparts together shall constitute the same instrument which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart. Execution of this Amendment at different times and places by the parties shall not affect the validity thereof so long as all the parties hereto execute a counterpart of this Amendment. EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE as of the day and date first above written. SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC., A CALIFORNIA COMPANY By: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES By: _____________________________ Name: Melanie Williams Title: Contracts Specialist Date: _____________________________ CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 3 (4-24-2017) EXHIBIT A PRICING CATEGORY A – Handgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal American Eagle AE9DP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $197.57 30-60 2 CCI/Speer Lawman 53650 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $191.19 30-60 3 Federal Classic 9BP Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 115 1000 $219.54 30-60 4 Federal American Eagle AE9AP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $197.57 30-60 5 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53618 Bonded Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $362.60 30-60 6 Federal HST P9HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $315.99 30-60 7 Federal HST P9HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $315.99 30-60 8 CCI/Speer Lawman 53651 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $191.19 30-60 9 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53617 Bonded Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $362.60 30-60 10 Federal HST P9HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 147 1000 $315.99 30-60 11 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54226 G2 9MM 147 1000 $399.42 30-60 12 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53720 Bonded Hollow Point 38 SPL 125 1000 $368.57 30-60 13 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53949 Bonded Hollow Point 0.4 165 1000 $399.44 30-60 14 Federal HST P40HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.4 165 1000 $344.94 30-60 15 CCI/Speer Lawman 53981 Total Metal Jacket 0.4 165 1000 $248.29 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle AE40R3 Full Metal Jacket 0.4 165 1000 $261.26 30-60 17 CCI/Speer Lawman 53652 Total Metal Jacket 0.4 180 1000 $248.29 30-60 18 Federal HST P40HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.4 180 1000 $344.83 30-60 19 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53962 Bonded Hollow Point 0.4 180 1000 $399.44 30-60 20 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53999 G2 0.4 180 1000 $418.23 30-60 21 Federal Classic 45C Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 185 1000 $380.49 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 4 (4-24-2017) 22 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53969 Bonded Hollow Point +P 0.45 200 1000 $422.75 30-60 23 Federal American Eagle AE45A Full Metal Jacket 0.45 230 1000 $312.22 30-60 24 CCI/Speer Lawman 53653 Total Metal Jacket 0.45 230 1000 $287.72 30-60 25 Federal Classic 45D Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $333.53 30-60 26 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53966 Bonded Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $422.75 30-60 27 Federal HST P45HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $383.95 30-60 28 Federal HST P45HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point +P 0.45 230 1000 $383.95 30-60 29 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54256 G2 0.45 230 1000 $454.13 30-60 30 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54234 Bonded Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $433.83 30-60 31 Federal HST P357SHST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 357 SIG 125 1000 $403.92 30-60 32 Federal Classic C357B Jacketed Hollow Point 357 M 125 500 $378.62 30-60 33 Federal HST P380HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.38 99 1000 $417.41 30-60 34 CCI/Speer Lawman 53608 Total Metal Jacket 0.38 95 1000 $303.14 30-60 35 CCI/Speer RHT 53365 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $381.54 30-60 36 Federal IRT AE9N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $216.60 30-60 37 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53824 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $202.07 30-60 38 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53826 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 147 1000 $202.07 30-60 39 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53833 Total Metal Jacket +P Lead Free Primer 0.38 158 1000 $238.38 30-60 40 CCI/Speer RHT 53375 Frangible Lead Free 0.4 125 1000 $423.67 30-60 41 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53982 Total Metal Jacket, 0.4 165 1000 $265.03 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 5 (4-24-2017) Lead Free Primer 42 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53880 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 0.4 180 1000 $265.03 30-60 43 Federal IRT AE40N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.4 180 1000 $281.03 30-60 44 CCI/Speer RHT 53395 Frangible Lead Free 0.45 155 1000 $542.29 30-60 45 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53885 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.45 230 1000 $326.95 30-60 46 Federal IRT AE45N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.45 230 1000 $349.74 30-60 47 CCI/Speer RHT 53368 Frangible, Lead Free 357 SIG 100 1000 $470.44 30-60 48 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 54232 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 357 SIG 125 1000 $312.10 30-60 49 Federal Hydra-Shok P380HS1G Jacketed Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $442.37 30-60 50 Federal Ballisticlean BC9NT3 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $411.18 30-60 51 Federal Ballisticlean BC40CT1 Frangible Lead Free 40S&W 125 1000 $430.68 30-60 52 Federal Ballisticlean BC45CT1 Frangible Lead Free 45ACP 155 1000 $543.16 30-60 53 Federal American Eagle AE380AP Full Metal Jacket 380ACP 95 1000 $280.86 30-60 54 Federal American Eagle AE9FP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $213.90 30-60 55 Federal American Eagle AE38K Full Metal Jacket 38S 130 1000 $323.71 30-60 56 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53606 Bonded Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $469.50 30-60 57 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53921 Bonded Hollow Point +P 38S 135 1000 $413.96 30-60 58 CCI/Speer Blazer 3460 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 124 1000 $224.97 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 6 (4-24-2017) 59 CCI/Speer Blazer 3462 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 147 1000 $224.97 30-60 60 CCI/Speer Blazer 3475 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 38S 158 100 $246.20 30-60 61 CCI/Speer Blazer 3477 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 40S&W 180 1000 $266.17 30-60 62 CCI/Speer Blazer 3480 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 45ACP 230 1000 $340.85 30-60 62 CCI/Speer Blazer 3509 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $190.24 30-60 63 CCI/Speer Blazer 3578 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $190.24 30-60 64 CCI/Speer Blazer 3591 Full Metal Jacket 40S&W 180 1000 $259.22 30-60 65 CCI/Speer Blazer 3570 Full Metal Jacket 45ACP 230 1000 $325.69 30-60 66 CCI/Speer Lawman 53620 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $212.42 30-60 67 CCI/Speer Lawman 53919 Total Metal Jacket 357SIG 125 1000 $352.04 30-60 CATEGORY B – Rifle Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal TRU T223A Pointed Soft Point 0.223 55 500 $255.14 30-60 2 Federal American Eagle AE223J Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 0.223 55 500 $162.95 30-60 3 Federal TRU T223E Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 55 500 $280.50 30-60 4 Federal TRU T223T Ballistic Tip 0.223 55 500 $269.94 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE223T1 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 55 200 $229.91 45-60 6 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24446 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 55 500 $273.92 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 7 (4-24-2017) 7 Federal American Eagle XM193AF90 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 5.56 55 450 $152.39 30-60 8 Federal Tactical LE223T3 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 62 200 $229.91 45-60 9 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24445SP Bonded Soft Point 0.223 62 500 $305.30 30-60 10 Federal TRU T223L Soft Point 0.223 64 500 $263.97 30-60 11 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24475 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 75 500 $305.30 30-60 12 Federal Premium P308F Ballistic Tip 0.308 150 200 $221.19 30-60 13 Federal American Eagle AE308D Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 0.308 150 500 $324.01 30-60 14 Federal Tactical LE308T1 Bonded Soft Point 0.308 165 200 $292.64 30-60 15 Federal Gold Medal GM308M- 500 Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.308 168 500 $410.40 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle A76251M1A Open Tip Match 0.308 168 200 $221.66 30-60 17 Federal Tactical LE308TT2 Tactical Bonded Tip 0.308 168 200 $273.71 30-60 18 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24458 Bonded Soft Point 0.308 168 500 $394.14 30-60 19 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5 Frangible Lead Free 0.223 42 500 $310.21 60 20 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5A Frangible Lead Free 0.223 55 500 $310.21 60 21 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24457 Bonded Soft Point 0.308 150 500 $421.04 60-90 22 Federal American Eagle AE223BK Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 0.223 55 1000 $325.90 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 8 (4-24-2017) 23 Federal American Eagle AE223N Full Metal Jacket 0.223 62 500 $217.69 60-90 24 Federal American Eagle XM193 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 5.56 55 500 $162.95 30-60 25 Federal American Eagle AE5022 Lead Solid 22LR 40 5000 $309.39 90-180 26 Federal Gold Medal GM223M3 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 77 200 $162.82 30-60 27 Federal Gold Medal GM223M-5 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 69 500 $407.06 30-60 CATEGORY C – Shotgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Pellet Count Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal Tactical LE12700 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite Control 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" 9 250 $131.70 30-60 2 Federal Tactical F127RS Hollow Point Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $136.20 30-60 3 Federal Top Gun TGL12-7.5 #7.5 Bird Shot 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $66.84 30-60 4 Federal Tactical LE127RS Slug, Duty, Practice 12 Gauge, 1” - 250 $140.09 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE13300 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite Control 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" 8 250 $131.70 30-60 6 Federal Tactical LE13200 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $131.70 30-60 7 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127LRS Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $140.09 30-60 8 Federal Top Gun TGL12-8 #8 Shot 12 Gauge, 2-3/4" - 250 $66.84 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 9 (4-24-2017) 9 Federal Tactical LE132-1B Plated #1 Buck, Flite Control 12 Gauge 15 250 $131.70 30-60 10 Federal Classic F12700 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge 9 250 $135.83 30-60 11 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127DPRS 1oz Slug, Deep Penetrator 12 Gauge - 250 $197.59 60-90 12 Federal Gold Medal T115-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 2 ¾ DE 12 Gauge - 250 $75.92 30-60 13 Federal Gold Medal T116-8 #8 Birdshot, 1 1/8oz, 3DE 12 Gauge - 250 $75.92 30-60 CATEGORY D – Marking Cartridges Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Force on Force FOF FF9R2 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $244.53 30 2 Force on Force FOF FF9B2 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $244.53 30 3 Force on Force FOF FF9Y2 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $244.53 30 4 Force on Force FOF FF9W2 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $244.53 30 5 Force on Force FOF FF9G2 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $244.53 30 6 Force on Force FOF FF556R1 Red Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $299.96 30 7 Force on Force FOF FF556B1 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $299.96 30 8 Force on Force FOF FF556Y1 Yellow Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $299.96 30 9 Force on Force FOF FF556W1 White Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $299.96 30 10 Force on Force FOF FF556G1 Green Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $299.96 30 11 Force on Force FOF FF556BCG Conversion Bolt 0.223 1 $240.35 7-May 12 Force on FOF FF9NM2 Non-Marking 9MM 500 $244.53 30 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT NO. 3 Page 10 (4-24-2017) Force Cartridges 13 Force on Force FOF FF9BLK2 Blank Round 9MM 500 $236.16 30 14 Force on Force FOF FF556NM2 Non-Marking Round 5.56 500 $299.96 30 15 Simunition FX 5320761 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 16 Simunition FX 5320762 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 17 Simunition FX 5320764 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 18 Simunition FX 5320766 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 19 Simunition FX 5320763 Orange Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 20 Simunition FX 5320765 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $250.98 30 21 Simunition FX 5501001 Red Marking Cartridges 0.38 500 $311.64 30 22 Simunition FX 5501002 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.38 500 $311.64 30 23 Simunition FX 5359101 Red Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $352.43 30 24 Simunition FX 5359102 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $352.43 30 25 Simunition FX 5359104 Yellow Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $352.43 30 26 Simunition FX 5359106 White Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $352.43 30 27 Simunition FX 5308990 Bolt 0.223 1 $298.05 30 28 Simunition FX 5320779 Non-Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $255.16 30 29 Simunition Securiblank 5306001 Securiblanks, Loud 9MM 500 $194.50 30 30 Simunition FX 5359109 Non-Marking Cartridges 5.56 500 $338.83 30-45 31 Simunition Securiblank 5359108 Securiblanks, Loud 5.56 500 $352.43 30-45 32 Simunition Secruiblank 5306005 Securiblanks, Quiet 9MM 500 $194.50 30-45 State of Washington Contracts & Procurement Division Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 41411 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NO. 02616 AMMUNITION 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 This Fourth Amendment ("Amendment") to Contract No. 02616 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("State") and San Diego Police Equipment: Company, Inc. a California Company ("Contractor") and is dated as of February 1, 2021. RECITALS A. State and Contractor (collectively the "Parties") entered into that certain Contract No. 02616 for Ammunition dated effective as of January 1, 2017 ("Contract"). B. The Parties previously amended the Contract three times. a. Amendment 1 effective July 1, 2017 (Vendor Management Fee) b. Amendment 2 effective January 1, 2018 (Economic adjustment) c. Amendment 3 effective February 1, 2019 (Economic adjustment) C. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT. The contract ceiling prices are amended, not to exceed the prices set forth in Exhibit A. 2. NO CHANGE OTHER THAN AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. In the event of any conflict between this Amendment and the Contract or any earlier amendment, this Amendment shall control and govern. This Amendment may not be modified except in writing signed by the Parties. CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 1 (4-24-2017) 4. AUTHORITY. Each party to this Amendment, and each individual signing on behalf of each party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Amendment and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this Amendment has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or consents are required to bind such party. S. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Amendment or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Amendment or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. 6. COUNTERPARTS. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which counterparts together shall constitute the same instrument which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart. Execution of this Amendment at different times and places by the parties shall not affect the validity thereof so long as all the parties hereto execute a counterpart of this Amendment. EXECUTED AND EFFECTIVE as of the day and date first above written. SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC., A CALIFORNIA COMPANY By: !L Name: K, cl Title:v=' Date: STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES MI - Name: Breann Aggers Title: Contracts Specialist Date: CONTRACT N0. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 (4-24-2017) Page 2 EXHIBIT A PRICING CATEGORY A — Handqun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Product Weight Rounds PriceDeliver Bullet Style Caliber per Per Name Code (Grain) y (ARO) Case Case American Full Metal 1 Federal AE9DP 9MM 115 1000 $199.50 30-60 Eagle Jacket 2 CCl/S eer p Lawman 53650 Total Metal 9MM 115 1000 $193.05 30-60 Jacket 3 Federal Classic 9BP Jacketed 9MM 115 1000 $221.67 30-60 Hollow Point 4 Federal American AE9AP Full Metal 91VIM 124 1000 $199.50 30-60 Eagle Jacket 5 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53618 Bonded 9MM 124 1000 $366.13 30-60 Hollow Point Jacketed 6 Federal HST P9HST3 Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $319.05 30-60 +P 7 Federal HST P9HST1 Jacketed 9MM 124 1000 $319.05 30-60 Hollow Point 8 CCl/Speer Lawman 53651 Total Metal 9MM 124 1000 $193.05 30-60 Jacket Bonded 9 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53617 Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $366.13 30-60 +P 10 Federal HST P9HST2 Jacketed 9MM 147 1000 $319.05 30-60 Hollow Point 11 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54226 G2 9MM 147 1000 $403.30 30-60 12 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53720 Bonded 38 SPL 125 1000 $372.15 30-60 Hollow Point 13 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53949 Bonded 0.4 165 1000 $403.32 30-60 Hollow Point 14 Federal HST P40HST Jacketed 0.4 165 1000 $348.28 30-60 3 Hollow Point 15 CCl/Speer Lawman 53981 Total Metal 0.4 165 1000 $250.70 30-60 Jacket American Full Metal 16 Federal Eagle AE40R3 Jacket 0.4 165 1000 $263.80 30-60 17 CCl/Speer Lawman 53652 Total Metal 0.4 180 1000 $250.70 30-60 Jacket 18 Federal HST P40HST Jacketed 0.4 180 1000 $348.18 30-60 1 Hollow Point 19 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53962 Bonded 0.4 180 1000 $403.32 30-60 Hollow Point 20 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 1 53999 G2 0.4 180 1000 $422.29 30-60 CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 3 (4-24-2017) CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 4 (4-24-2017) 21 Federal Classic 45C Jacketed 0.45 185 1000 $384.18 30-60 Hollow Point Bonded 22 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53969 Hollow Point 0.45 200 1000 $426.85 30-60 +P 23 Federal American AE45A Full Metal 0.45 230 1000 $315.25 30-60 Eagle Jacket 24 CCl/Speer Lawman 53653 Total Metal 0.45 230 1000 $290.52 30-60 Jacket 25 Federal Classic 45D Jacketed 0.45 230 1000 $336.76 30-60 Hollow Point 26 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53966 Bonded 0.45 230 1000 $426.85 30-60 Hollow Point 27 Federal HST P45HST Jacketed 0.45 230 1000 $387.68 30-60 2 Hollow Point P45HST Jacketed 28 Federal HST Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $387.68 30-60 1 +P 29 CCl/S eer Gold Dot 54256 G2 0.45 230 1000 $458.53 30-60 30 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 54234 Bonded 357 SIG 125 1000 $438.04 30-60 Hollow Point P357SH Jacketed 31 Federal HST 357 SIG 125 1000 $407.84 30-60 ST1 Hollow Point 32 Federal Classic C357B Jacketed 357 M 125 500 $382.29 30-60 Hollow Point P380HS Jacketed 33 Federal HST 0.38 99 1000 $421.46 30-60 T1 Hollow Point 34 CCl/Speer Lawman 53608 Total Metal 0.38 95 1000 $306.09 30-60 Jacket 35 CCl/Speer RHT 53365 Frangible 9MM 100 1000 $385.25 30-60 Lead Free Total Metal 36 Federal IRT AE9N1 Jacket, Lead 9MM 124 1000 $218.70 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 37 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53824 Jacket Lead 9MM 124 1000 $204.03 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 38 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53826 Jacket, Lead 9MM 147 1000 $204.03 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 39 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53833 Jacket +P 0.38 158 1000 $240.69 30-60 Lead Free Primer 40 CCl/Speer RHT 53375 Frangible 0.4 125 1000 $427.78 30-60 Lead Free Total Metal 41 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53982 Jacket, Lead 0.4 165 1000 $267.61 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 42 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53880 Jacket Lead 0.4 180 1000 $267.61 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 43 Federal IRT AE40N1 Jacket, Lead 0.4 180 1000 $283.76 30-60 Free Primer CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 5 (4-24-2017) 44 CCl/Speer RHT 53395 Frangible 0.45 155 1000 $547.56 30-60 Lead Free Total Metal 45 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 53885 Jacket, Lead 0.45 230 1000 $330.12 30-60 Free Primer Total Metal 46 Federal IRT AE451\11 Jacket, Lead 0.45 230 1000 $353.14 30-60 Free Primer 47 CCl/Speer RHT 53368 Frangible, 357 SIG 100 1000 $475.01 30-60 Lead Free Total Metal 48 CCl/Speer Cleanfire 54232 Jacket, Lead 357 SIG 125 1000 $315.13 30-60 Free Primer 49 Federal Hydra-Shok P380HS Jacketed 380ACP 90 1000 $446.67 30-60 1 G Hollow Point 50 Federal Ballisticlean BC9NT3 Frangible 9MM 100 1000 $415.18 30-60 Lead Free BC40CT Frangible 51 Federal Ballisticlean 40S&W 125 1000 $434.86 30-60 1 Lead Free BC45CT Frangible 52 Federal Ballisticlean 45ACP 155 1000 $548.44 30-60 1 Lead Free American AE380A Full Metal 53 Federal 380ACP 95 1000 $283.59 30-60 Eagle P Jacket American Full Metal 54 Federal Eagle AE9FP Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $215.98 30-60 American Full Metal 55 Federal AE38K 38S 130 1000 $326.85 30-60 Eagle Jacket 56 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53606 Bonded 380ACP 90 1000 $474.05 30-60 Hollow Point Bonded 57 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 53921 Hollow Point 38S 135 1000 $417.98 30-60 +P Total Metal 58 CCl/Speer Blazer 3460 Jacket, 9MM 124 1000 $227.15 30-60 Cleanfire Total Metal 59 CCl/Speer Blazer 3462 Jacket, 9MM 147 1000 $227.15 30-60 Cleanfire Total Metal 60 CCl/Speer Blazer 3475 Jacket, 38S 158 100 $248.59 30-60 Cleanfire Total Metal 61 CCl/Speer Blazer 3477 Jacket, 40S&W 180 1000 $268.76 30-60 Cleanfire Total Metal 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3480 Jacket, 45ACP 230 1000 $344.15 30-60 Cleanfire CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 6 (4-24-2017) 62 CCl/Speer Blazer 3509 Full Metal gMM 115 1000 $192.10 30-60 Jacket 63 CCl/Speer Blazer 3578 Full Metal gMM 124 1000 $192.10 30-60 Jacket 64 CCl/Speer Blazer 3591 Full Metal 40S&W 180 1000 $261.73 30-60 Jacket 65 CCl/Speer Blazer 3570 Full Metal 45ACP 230 1000 $328.85 30-60 Jacket 66 CCl/Speer Lawman 53620 Total Metal gMM 147 1000 $214.48 30-60 Jacket 67 CCl/Speer Lawman 53919 Total Metal 357SIG 125 1000 $355.46 30-60 Jacket CATEGORY B — Rifle Ammunition Manufacturer Product Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight Rounds per Price Per Deliver Name (Grain) y (ARO) Case Case 1 Federal TRU T223A Pointed Soft 0.223 55 500 $257.61 30-60 Point American Full Metal 2 Federal AE223J Jacket, Boat 0.223 55 500 $164.52 30-60 Eagle Tail 3 Federal TRU T223E Boat Tail 0.223 55 500 $283.22 30-60 Hollow Point 4 Federal TRU T223T Ballistic Tip 0.223 55 500 $272.57 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE223T1 Bonded Soft 0.223 55 200 $232.14 45-60 Point 6 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24446 Bonded Soft 0.223 55 500 $276.58 30-60 Point Full Metal 7 Federal American XM193AF90 Jacket, Boat 5.56 55 450 $153.87 30-60 Eagle Tail 8 Federal Tactical LE223T3 Bonded Soft 0.223 62 200 $232.14 45-60 Point 9 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24445SP Bonded Soft 0.223 62 500 $276.58 30-60 Point 101 Federal TRU T223L Soft Point 0.223 64 1 500 $266.54 30-60 11 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24475 Bonded Soft 0.223 75 500 $276.58 30-60 Point 12 Federal Premium P308F Ballistic Tip 0.308 150 200 $223.34 30-60 Full Metal 13 Federal American AE308D Jacket, Boat 0.308 150 500 $327.16 30-60 Eagle Tail 14 Federal Tactical LE308T 1 Bonded Soft 0.308 165 200 $295.49 30-60 Point Gold Boat Tail 15 Federal GM308M-500 0.308 168 500 $414.39 30-60 Medal Hollow Point American Open Tip 16 Federal A76251M1A 0.308 168 200 $223.82 30-60 Eagle Match CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 7 (4-24-2017) 17 Federal Tactical LE308TT2 Tactical 0.308 168 200 $276.37 30-60 Bonded Ti 18 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24458 Bonded Soft 0.308 168 500 $397.97 30-60 Point 19 Federal Ballisticlea BC223NT5 Frangible 0.223 42 500 $313.22 60 n Lead Free Ballisticlea Frangible 20 Federal BC223NT5A 0.223 55 500 $313.22 60 n Lead Free 21 CCl/Speer Gold Dot 24457 Bonded Soft 0.308 150 500 $425.13 60-90 Point American Full Metal 22 Federal AE223BK Jacket, Boat 0.223 55 1000 $329.07 30-60 Eagle Tail 23 Federal American AE223N Full Metal 0.223 62 500 $219.80 60-90 Eagle Jacket Full Metal 24 Federal American XM193 Jacket, Boat 5.56 55 500 $164.52 30-60 Eagle Tail American 25 Federal Eagle AE5022 Lead Solid 22LR 40 5000 $312.39 90-180 Match Boat 26 Federal Gold GM223M3 Tail Hollow 0.223 77 200 $164.40 30-60 Medal Point Gold Match Boat 27 Federal GM223M-5 Tail Hollow 0.223 69 500 $411.01 30-60 Medal Point CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 8 (4-24-2017) CATEGORY C — Shotgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Product Bullet Style Caliber Pellet Rounds per Price Per Deliver Name Code Count y (ARO) Case Case Plated 00 12 1 Federal Tactical LE12700 Buck Shot, Gauge, 9 250 $132.98 30-60 Flite Control 2-3/4" 12 2 Federal Tactical F127RS Hollow Point Gauge, - 250 $137.51 30-60 Rifled Slug 2-3/4" 12 3 Federal Top Gun TGL12-7.5 #7.5 Bird Gauge, - 250 $67.49 30-60 Shot 2-3/4" 12 4 Federal Tactical LE127RS Slug, Duty, Gauge, - 250 $141.45 30-60 Practice 1„ Plated 00 12 5 Federal Tactical LE13300 Buck Shot, Gauge, 8 250 $132.98 30-60 Flite Control 2-3/4" 6 Federal Tactical LE13200 00 Buck 12 9 250 $132.98 30-60 Shot e 12 7 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127LRS Rifled Slug Gauge, - 250 $141.45 30-60 2-3/4" 12 8 Federal Top Gun TGL12-8 #8 Shot Gauge, - 250 $67.49 30-60 2-3/4" Plated #1 9 Federal Tactical LE132-1 B Buck, Flite 12 15 250 $132.98 30-60 Control Gauge 10 Federal Classic F12700 00 12 9 250 $137.16 30-60 Shot Gauge Gauge 1 oz Slug, 11 Federal Tru-Ball LE6127DPR Deep 12 - 250 $199.52 60-90 S Penetrator Gauge #8 Birdshot, 12 Federal Gold Medal T115-8 1 1/8oz, 2 % 12 - 250 $76.66 30-60 DE Gauge 13 Federal Gold Medal T116-8 #8 Birdshot, 12 _ 250 $76.66 30-60 1 1/8oz, 3DE Gauge CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 9 (4-24-2017) CATEGORY D — Marking Cartridges Manufacturer Product Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per New Deliver Name Product Code Case Price y (ARO) 1 Force on Force FOF FF9R2 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $246.90 30 2 Force on Blue Marking Force FOF FF9B2 Cartridges 9MM 500 $246.90 30 3 Force on Yellow Force FOF Marking 9MM 500 $246.90 30 FF9Y2 Cartridges 4 Force on White Force FOF Marking 9MM 500 $246.90 30 FF9W2 Cartridges 5 Force on Green Force FOF Marking 9MM 500 $246.90 30 FF9G2 Cartridges 6 Force on Force FOF FF556R1 Red Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $302.88 30 7 Force on Force FOF FF556B1 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $302.88 30 8 Force on Yellow Force FOF Marking 0.223 500 $302.88 30 FF556Y1 Cartridges 9 Force on White Force FOF Marking 0.223 500 $302.88 30 FF556W1 Cartridges 10 Force on Green Force FOF Marking 0.223 500 $302.88 30 FF556G1 Cartridges 11 Force on Force FOF FF556BCG Conversion Bolt 0.223 1 $242.68 5-7 12 Force on Non -Marking Force FOF FF9NM2 Cartridges 9MM 500 $246.90 30 Force on 13 Force FOF FF9BLK2 Blank Round 9MM 500 $238.45 30 14 Force on Non -Marking Force FOF FF556NM2 Round 5.56 500 $302.88 30 15 Simunition FX 5320761 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $253.41 30 16 Simunition FX 5320762 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $253.41 30 Yellow 17 Simunition FX Marking 9MM 500 $253.41 30 5320764 Cartridges White 18 Simunition FX Marking 9MM 500 $253.41 30 5320766 Cartridges CONTRACT NO. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 10 (4-24-2017) Orange 19 Simunition FX Marking 9MM 500 $253.41 30 5320763 Cartridges Green 20 Simunition FX Marking 9MM 500 $253.41 30 5320765 Cartridges 21 Simunition FX 5501001 Red Marking 0.38 500 $314.66 30 Cartridges 22 Simunition FX 5501002 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.38 500 $314.66 30 23 Simunition FX 5359101 Red Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $355.85 30 24 Simunition FX 5359102 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $355.85 30 Yellow 25 Simunition FX Marking 0.223 500 $355.85 30 5359104 Cartridges White 26 Simunition FX Marking 0.223 500 $355.85 30 5359106 Cartridges 271 Simunition FX 5308990 Bolt 0.223 1 $300.94 30 28 Simunition FX 5320779 Non -Marking 9MM 500 $257.63 30 Cartrid es 29 Simunition Securiblank 5306001 Securiblanks, 9MM 500 $196.39 30 Loud 30 Simunition FX 5359109 Non -Marking Cartridges 5.56 500 $342.12 30-45 31 Simunition Securiblank 5359108 Securiblanks, Loud 5.56 500 $355.85 30-45 32 Simunition Secruiblank 5306005 Securiblanks, Quiet 9MM 500 $196.39 30-45 CONTRACT No. 02616 - AMENDMENT No. 4 Page 11 (4-24-2017) State of Washington Contracts & Procurement Division Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 41411 Olympia, WA 98504-1411 San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc. 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 FIFTH AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT No. 02616 AMMUNITION This Fifth Amendment ("Amendment") to Contract No. 02616 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("State") and San Diego Police Equipment Company, Inc., a California Company ("Contractor") and is dated as of May 31, 2021. RECITALS A. State and Contractor (collectively the "Parties") entered into that certain Contract No. 02616 for Ammunition dated effective as of January 1, 2017 ("Contract"). B. The Parties previously amended the Contract four times. a. Amendment 1 effective July 1, 2017 (Vendor Management Fee) b. Amendment 2 effective January 7, 2018 (Economic Adjustment) c. Amendment 3 effective February 1, 2019 (Economic Adjustment) d. Amendment 4 effective February 1, 2021 (Economic Adjustment) C. The amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. FTMITUITIRNI Now THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. REMOVAL PRODUCTS. Category D- Marketing Cartridges of the Contract is hereby amended by deleting the Force to Force products in its entirety. 2. No CHANGE OTHER THAN AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 3. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. In the event of any conflict between this Amendment and the CONTRACT No. 02616- AMENDMENT No. 5 Page 1 (4-24-2017) 5/25/21 State of Washington Contracts & Procurement Division Department of Enterprise Services P.O. Box 4L4tL Olympia, WA 98504-1411 San Diego Police Equipment Company, lnc 8205-A Ronson Road San Diego, CA9Z1IL Srxrx ATUeTDMENT TO Corurnncr No. 02515 Aruruurvtnoru This Sixth Amendment ("Amendment") to Contract No. 02515 is made and entered into by and between the State of Washington acting by and through the Department of Enterprise Services, a Washington State governmental agency ("State") and San Diego Police Equipment Company, lnc., a California Company ("Contractor") and is dated as of March L,2022. RECITALS A. State and Contractor (collectively the "Parties") entered into that certain Contract No. 02615 for Ammunition dated effective as of January t,2OL7 ("Contract"). B. The Parties previously amended the Contract five times. a. Amendment 1 effective July 1, 2017 (Vendor Management Fee Language Change) b. Amendment 2 effective January 7,2018 (Vendor Management Fee Pricing Adjustment) c. Amendment 3 effective February 'J.,2019 (Economic Price Adjustment) d. Amendment 4 effective February'J,,2O2L (Economic Price Adjustment) e. Amendment 5 effective May 31, 2021 (Product Removal) C. The Amendment set forth herein is within the scope of the Contract. D. The Parties now desire to amend the Contract as set forth herein. AGREEMENT Now THrnrronr, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Contract, as previously amended, as follows: 1. PRICE ADJUSTMENT LANGUAGE. Section 3.3- EcoNoMrc PRtcE ADJUsrumr ("EPA") and Section 3.4- PRtcE CE|LING are hereby amended by deleting the sections in their entirety and replaced with the following: 1.1. SEcrtoN 3.3 Ecotuolvttc PRtcE ADJUSTMENT ('EPA"). Pricing will remain firm and fixed for the initial term of the Contract. The prices set forth in Exhibit A may be adjusted annually at Contractor request, based upon the percent changes (whether up or down) in the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor and Statistics ("BLS") Price Product lndices ("PPl") for the most recent year. See Section 3.3.2 EPA Calculation Process for lndices. ln the event of a pricing dispute, Contractor must continue to provide products at current prices until new pricing is agreed upon. ConrRncr No. 02616- AMeruovEnr No. 6 02-01"-2022 Page 1- lncidental charges (minimum order fee, shipping, express shipping, lift gate fee, etc.) are not eligible for an annual price adjustment based on PPl. 1.1.1.Section 3.3.1 CnrrntA FoR VALID EPA REeuEsr. The Contractor must meet the following criteria in order to submit a valid EPA request: a. REQUEST PERtoD. The EPA request must be sent by the Contractor within a two (2) month period between October 15 and December 15 to be eligible for an EPA on the following February 1. Requests made on or after December 1"6 are subject to State approval via DES and may be deemed an invalid request. b, WRtfiEN EMAL To ASSTGNED Srnre Eupt-oyrr. The EPA request must be a written email sent by the Contractor to the DES Primary Contact or their designee (listed on the DES website at the Ammunition Contract #02616 Contract Summary Page). Contractor may contact the State via The Contracts Resource Center (currently available at 360-407-2210) if Contractor is unable to determine the DES Primary Contact. c. Gooo SrnruorruG. Contractor must be in good standing by reasonably performing Contract obligations and being up to date on VMF payments. 1.1.2.SEcnoN 3.3.2 EPA Cnlcuunoru PRocEss. All calculations for the index shall be based upon the latest version of final data published as of November each year (preliminary data will not be used). Prices shall be adjusted annually on February 1 provided the Contractor successfully submits an EPA request. lf an index is recoded, and the replacement is a direct substitute according to the BLS, this Contract will instead use the recode. lf an index becomes unavailable, Enterprise Services shallsubstitute a proxy index. lf there is not a direct substitute, the next higher aggregate index available will be used. The economic adjustment shall be calculated as follows New Price = Old Price x Current Period lndex/Base Period lnd A Period lndex is defined as the annual average. 1.2. Secnoru 3.4 PRtcE Cetune . Although Contractor may offer lower prices to Purchasers, during the term of this Master Contract, Contractor guarantees to provide the Goods/Services at no greater than the prices set forth in Exhibit A - Prices for Goods/Services subject to Economic Price Adjustment as set forth herein. 1.2.1.SEcrtoN 3.4.1TEMpoRARy PRrcE ADJUSTMENT. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, upon written request by Contractor, Enterprise Services will review, evaluate, and, as appropriate in its sole determination, approve temporary price adjustments pertaining to Master Contract goods/services impacted by unexpected costs that are beyond the Master Contract's applicable price adjustment procedures, if any; Provided, however, that: (a) Contractor must request such temporary price adjustment in writing and set forth the unexpected costs that are adversely impacting Contractor's specific Master Contract goods/services; (b) The unexpected costs must be unanticipated, beyond the reasonable control of Contractor, and impacting Contractor's industry/market segment (if the unexpected costs only are impacting Contractor and not its competitors, there will be no temporary price adjustment); Corurnncr No. 02616- AwrrnovEnr No. 6 The following final data from this US BLS index will be inserted in the formula above Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing PCU332992332992 02-01-2027 Page 2 (c) The unexpected costs must not be part of any other price adjustment (e.g., a PPI inflation adjustment) allowed or provided by the Master Contract and, if granted by Enterprise Services, the impact of any temporary price adjustment will be considered by Enterprise Services and factored into any other price adjustments as allowed or provided by the Master ContracU (d) Contractor must propose to Enterprise Services a reasonable, temporary price adjustment that, based on a material input percentage basis (or similar appropriate metric) for the goods/services equitably aligns Master Contract prices for impacted goods/services with the Master Contract's allocation of risk/return (e.9., Contractor's margin); (e) Contractor must document to Enterprise Services that Contractor already has implemented equivalent or greater price adjustments for Contractor's goods/services to other non-affiliated customers outside of the Master Contract based on the unexpected costs identified to Enterprise Services; (f) Contractor, acting in good faith, also must evaluate and, as appropriate, propose temporary price adjustments if costs for Contractor's Master Contract goods/services have u nexpected ly decreased; (g) Enterprise Services, acting in good faith, will have sole discretion to approve the scope, amount, and duration of any temporary price adjustment; (h) Any such temporary price adjustment will be temporary and will include a stated period that will not exceed 180 days (Contractor, if circumstances warrant, may seek a subsequent temporary price adjustment); (i) Temporary Price Adjustments shall operate outside the amendment process. The power to approve, rescind, reapprove, and adjust prices shall be done in writing via email between the State's approved DES designee and Contractor; and (j) Unless and until a temporary price adjustment is approved in writing by Enterprise Services, Contractor will not adjust Master Contract prices. 2. PRtcE ADJusrurrur. Prices are hereby amended to reflect a +6.4% EPA in line with PPl. The previous Exhibit A - Prices for Goods/Services is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit A: Revised 3/1122. The items listed in Exhibit A are amended to reflect updated pricing. 3. PRoDUc'r REMovAL. The following items have been discontinued by the manufacturer and will therefore be removed from Exhibit A: FederalTactical Plated #1 Buck, Flite Control (LE1-32-1B), FederalGold Medal#8 Birdshot, 1.1./8o2,2%DE (T115-8), and FederalGold Medal#8 Birdshot,l L/8 oz,3DE (T115-8). 4. No CHANGE OrHrn Txnru AMENDMENT. Except as amended herein, the Contract is unaffected and remains in full force and effect. 5. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT; MoDtFrcATroN. This Amendment constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and representations. ln the event of any conflict between this Amendment and the Contract or any earlier amendment, this Amendment shall control and govern. This Amendment may not be modified except in writing signed bythe Parties. 6. AurHoRtrY. Each party to this Amendment, and each individual signing on behalf of each party, hereby represents and warrants to the other that it has full power and authority to enter into this Conrnncr No. 02616- Awrruoverur No. 6 02-oL-7027 Page 3 Amendment and that its execution, delivery, and performance of this Amendment has been fully authorized and approved, and that no further approvals or consents are required to bind such party 7. EtEcrRoNlcSIGNATURES. A signed copy of this Amendment or any other ancillary agreement transmitted by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Amendment or such other ancillary agreement for all purposes. 8. CoururrRpnnrs. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which counterparts together shall constitute the same instrument which may be sufficiently evidenced by one counterpart. Execution of this Amendment at different times and places by the parties shall not affect the validity thereof so long as all the parties hereto execute a counterpart of this Amendment. ExEcurED AND EFFEclvr as of the day and date first above written SAN DrEGo PoLtcE EqutpMENT CoMpANy, lNc., Snre or WAsHtNGToN A CAUFoRNIA Corupnruv DEPARTMENT oF ENTERPRISE Senuces Paah,(ha Ritn Kins (Mar 1, Jd2 rl:33 psT)By: Name: Title: Date: laZ,!"* Ryan King Nick loanna 3.L.22 By: Name Title: Date:31r12022 Sales Manager Procurement rvtsor Conrnacr No. 02616- AwrruovErur No. 6 02-01"-2022 Page 4 Exnrsr A: Rrvrsro 3 | Ll22 PRoDUcTS CovERED CATEGORY A - Hnruoe uru AruruuNrnoN Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal American Eagle AEgDP Full MetalJacket 9MM 115 1000 $212.27 30-60 2 CCI/Speer Lawman 53650 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $205.41 30-60 3 Federal Classic 9BP Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 115 1000 $235.86 30-60 4 Federal American Eagle AEgAP Full MetalJacket 9MM 124 1000 $212.27 30-60 5 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53618 Bonded Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $389.56 30-60 6 Federal HST P9HST3 Jacketed Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $339.47 30-60 7 Federal HST P9HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 124 1000 $339.47 30-60 I CCI/Speer Lawman 53651 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $205.41 30-60 9 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53617 Bonded Hollow Point +P 9MM 124 1000 $389.56 30-60 10 Federal HST P9HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 9MM 147 1000 $339.47 30-60 1'l CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54226 G2 9MM 147 1000 $429.11 30-60 12 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53720 Bonded Hollow Point 38 SPL 125 1000 $395.97 30-60 13 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53949 Bonded Hollow Point 0.4 165 1000 $429.13 30-60 14 Federal HST P4OHST3 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.4 165 1000 $370.57 30-60 15 CCI/Speer Lawman 53981 Total Metal Jacket 0.4 165 1000 $266.74 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle AE4OR3 Full Metal Jacket 0.4 165 1000 $280.68 30-60 17 CCI/Speer Lawman 53652 Total Metal Jacket 0.4 180 1000 $266.74 30-60 18 Federal HST P4OHSTl Jacketed Hollow Point o.4 180 1000 $370.46 30-60 19 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53962 Bonded Hollow Point 0.4 180 1000 $429.1 3 30-60 20 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53999 G2 0.4 180 1000 $449.32 30-60 02-o'L-20)) Page 5CoNrRAcr No. 02616- AMrruoH/lrrur No. 6 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Gase Price Per Case Delivery (ARO) 21 Federal Classic 45C Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 185 1000 $408.77 30-60 22 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53969 Bonded Hollow Point +P 0.45 200 1000 $454.17 30-60 23 Federal American Eagle AE45A Full Metal Jacket 0.45 230 1000 $335.43 30-60 24 CCI/Speer Lawman 53653 Total Metal Jacket 0.45 230 1000 $309.11 30-60 25 Federal Classic 45D Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $358.31 30-60 26 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53966 Bonded Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $454.17 30-60 27 Federal HST P45HST2 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.45 230 1000 $412.49 30-60 28 Federal HST P45HST1 Jacketed Hollow Point +P 0.45 230 1000 $412.49 30-60 29 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54256 G2 0.45 230 1000 $487.88 30-60 30 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 54234 Bonded Hollow Point 357 StG 125 1000 $466.07 30-60 31 Federal HST P357SHST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 357 StG 125 1000 $433.94 30-60 32 Federal Classic C357B Jacketed Hollow Point 357 M 125 500 $406.76 30-60 33 Federal HST P38OHST1 Jacketed Hollow Point 0.38 99 1000 $448.43 30-60 34 CCI/Speer Lawman 53608 Total Metal Jacket 0.38 95 1000 $325.68 30-60 35 CCI/Speer RHT 53365 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 $409.91 30-60 36 Federal IRT AEgN1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $232.70 30-60 37 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53824 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 9MM 124 1000 $217.09 30-60 38 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53826 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 9MM 147 1000 $217.09 30-60 39 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53833 Total Metal Jacket +P Lead Free Primer 0.38 158 1000 $256.09 30-60 40 CCI/Speer RHT 53375 Frangible Lead Free 0.4 12s 1000 $455.16 s0-60 02-0L-2027 Page 6Conrnacr No. 02616- AwENDMENT No. 6 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARo) 41 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53982 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer o.4 165 1000 $284.74 30-60 42 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53880 Total Metal Jacket Lead Free Primer 0.4 180 1000 $284.74 30-60 43 Federal IRT AE4ON1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.4 180 1 000 $301.92 30-60 44 CCI/Speer RHT 53395 Frangible Lead Free 0.45 155 1000 $582.60 30-60 45 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 53885 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.45 230 1000 $351.25 30-60 46 Federal IRT AE45N1 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 0.45 230 1000 $375.74 30-60 47 CCI/Speer RHT 53368 Frangible, Lead Free 357 SrG 100 1000 $505.41 30-60 48 CCI/Speer Cleanfire 54232 Total Metal Jacket, Lead Free Primer 357 SrG 125 1000 $335.30 30-60 49 Federal Hydra-Shok P38OHS1G Jacketed Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $475.26 30-60 50 Federal Ballisticlean BC9NT3 Frangible Lead Free 9MM 100 1000 9441.75 30-60 51 Federal Ballisticlean BC40CT1 Frangible Lead Free 4OS&W 125 1000 $462.69 30-60 52 Federal Ballisticlean BC4sCT1 Frangible Lead Free 45ACP 155 1000 $583.54 30-60 53 Federal American Eagle AE3SOAP Full Metal Jacket 380ACP 95 1000 $301.74 30-60 54 Federal American Eagle AE9FP Full Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $229.80 30-60 55 Federal American Eagle AE38K Full Metal Jacket 38S 130 1000 $347.77 30-60 56 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53606 Bonded Hollow Point 380ACP 90 1000 $504.39 30-60 57 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 53921 Bonded Hollow Point +P 38S 135 1000 $444.73 30-60 58 CCI/Speer Blazer 3460 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 124 1000 $241.69 30-60 59 CCI/Speer Blazer 3462 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 9MM 147 1000 $241.69 30-60 Page 7CoNrRAcr No. 02616- AvTENDMENT No. 6 07-o'l--2022 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Galiber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARo) 60 CCI/Speer Blazer 3475 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 38S 158 100 $264.50 30-60 61 CCI/Speer Blazer 3477 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 4OS&W 180 1000 $28s.96 30-60 62 CCI/Speer Blazer 3480 Total Metal Jacket, Cleanfire 4sACP 230 1000 $366.18 30-60 62 CCI/Speer Blazer 3509 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 115 1000 $204.39 30-60 63 CCI/Speer Blazer 3578 Full Metal Jacket 9MM 124 1000 $204.39 30-60 64 CCI/Speer Blazer 3591 Full Metal Jacket 4OS&W 180 1000 $278.48 30-60 65 CCI/Speer Blazer 3570 Full Metal Jacket 45ACP 230 1000 $349.90 30-60 66 CCI/Speer Lawman 53620 Total Metal Jacket 9MM 147 1000 $228.21 30-60 67 CCI/Speer Lawman 53919 Total Metal Jacket 3575lG 125 1000 $378.21 30-60 CATEGORY B - Rifle Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Galiber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Case Price Per Gase Deliver y (ARo) 1 Federal TRU T2234 Pointed Soft Point 0.223 55 500 $274.10 30-60 2 Federal American Eagle AE223J Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 0.223 55 500 $175.05 30-60 3 Federal TRU T223E Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 55 500 $301.35 30-60 4 Federal TRU T2237 Ballistic Tip 0.223 55 500 $290.01 30-60 5 Federal Tactical LE223T1 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 55 200 $247.O0 45-60 6 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24446 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 55 500 $294.28 30-60 7 Federal American Eagle XM193AF9O Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 5.56 55 450 $163.72 30-60 8 Federal Tactical LE223T3 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 62 200 $247.00 45-60 I CCI/Speer Gold Dot 2444sSP Bonded Soft Point 0.223 62 500 $294.28 30-60 10 Federal TRU T223L Soft Point 0.223 64 500 $283.60 30-60 11 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24475 Bonded Soft Point 0.223 75 500 $294.28 30-60 o2-ot-2022 Page 8Corurnncr No. 02616- AMrnournr No. 6 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Weight (Grain) Rounds per Gase Price Per Case Deliver y (ARo) 12 Federal Premium P3O8F Ballistic Tip 0.308 150 200 $237.63 30-60 13 Federal American Eagle AE3O8D Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 0.308 150 500 $348.10 30-60 14 Federal Tactical LE3O8T1 Bonded Soft Point 0.308 165 200 $314.40 30-60 15 Federal Gold Medal GM3O8M- 500 Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.308 168 500 $440.91 30-60 16 Federal American Eagle 476251M1A Open Tip Match 0.308 168 200 $238.14 30-60 17 Federal Tactical LE3O8TT2 Tactical Bonded Tip 0.308 168 200 $294.06 30-60 '18 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24458 Bonded Soft Point 0 308 168 500 $423.44 30-60 19 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5 Frangible Lead Free 0.223 42 500 $333.27 60 20 Federal Ballisticlean BC223NT5A Frangible Lead Free 0.223 55 500 $333.27 60 21 CCI/Speer Gold Dot 24457 Bonded Soft Point 0.308 150 500 $452.34 60-90 22 Federal American Eagle AE223BK Full MetalJacket, Boat Tail o.223 55 1000 $350.1 3 30-60 23 Federal American Eagle AE223N Full MetalJacket 0.223 62 500 $233.87 60-90 24 Federal American Eagle XM193 Full Metal Jacket, Boat Tail 5.56 55 500 $175.05 30-60 25 Federal American Eagle 4E5022 Lead Solid 22LR 40 5000 $332.38 90-180 26 Federal Gold Medal GM223M3 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 77 200 $174.92 30-60 27 Federal Gold Medal GM223M-5 Match Boat Tail Hollow Point 0.223 69 500 $437.31 30-60 CoNrRAcr No. 02616- Avrnov$ir No. 6 02-oL-2022 Page 9 CATEGORY C - Shotgun Ammunition Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Pellet Count Rounds per Case Price Per Gase Delivery (ARO) 1 Federal Tactical LE12700 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite Control 12 Gauge, 2-314" I 250 $141.49 30-60 2 Federal Tactical F127RS Hollow Point Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3t4" 250 $146.31 30-60 3 Federal Top Gun TGL12-7.5 #7.5 Bird Shot 12 Gauge, 2-3t4" 250 $71.81 30-60 4 Federal Tactical LE127RS Slug, Duty, Practice 12 Gauge, 1', 250 $150.50 30-60 5 Federal Tactical 1E13300 Plated 00 Buck Shot, Flite Control 12 Gauge, 2-314" I 250 $141.49 30-60 6 Federal Tactical 1E13200 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge I 250 $141.49 30-60 7 Federal Tru-Ball LEB127LRS Rifled Slug 12 Gauge, 2-3t4" 250 $150.50 30-60 I Federal Top Gun TGL12-8 #8 Shot 12 Gauge, 2-314" 250 $71.81 30-60 I Federal Classic F12700 00 Buck Shot 12 Gauge I 250 $145.94 30-60 10 Federal Tru-Ball LEBl2TDPRS 1oz Slug, Deep Penetrator 12 Gauge 250 $212.29 60-90 CATEGORY D - Marking Cartridges Manufacturer Product Name Product Gode Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Case Delivery (ARo) 1 Simunition FX 5320761 Red Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $269.63 30 2 Simunition FX 5320762 Blue Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $269.63 30 02-0L-2022 Page 10Corurnncr No. 02616- AMENDMENT No. 6 Manufacturer Product Name Product Code Bullet Style Caliber Rounds per Case Price Per Gase Delivery (ARo) 3 Simunition FX 5320764 Yellow Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $269.63 30 4 Simunition FX 5320766 White Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $269.63 30 5 Simunition FX 5320763 Orange Marking Cartridqes 9MM 500 $269.63 30 6 Simunition FX 5320765 Green Marking Cartridges 9MM 500 $269.63 30 7 Simunition FX 5501001 Red Marking Cartridges 0.38 500 $334.80 30 8 Simunition FX 550'1002 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.38 500 $334.80 30 I Simunition FX 5359101 Red Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $378.62 30 10 Simunition FX 5359102 Blue Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $378.62 30 1'l Simunition FX 5359104 Yellow Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $378.62 30 12 Simunition FX 5359106 White Marking Cartridges 0.223 500 $378.62 30 13 Simunition FX 5308990 Bolt 0.223 1 $320.20 30 14 Simunition FX 5320779 Non-M arking Cartridges 9MM 500 $274.12 30 15 Simunition Securiblank 5306001 Securiblanks, Loud 9MM 500 $208.96 30 16 Simunition FX 5359109 Non-M arking Cartridges 5.56 500 $364.02 30-45 17 Simunition Securiblank 5359108 Securiblanks, Loud 5.56 500 $378.62 30-45 18 Simunition Secruiblank 5306005 Securiblanks, Quiet 9MM 500 $208.96 30-45 CoNTRACT No. 02616- AwErrrovrrur No. 6 02,0r,2072 Page 11 Created: By: Status: Transaction lD: 2022-03-0'l Brad Strinfellow (Brad.Stringfellow@des.wa.gov) Signed CBJCHBCAABMdWMqBeYHgl0NRdNSGNmFs0hScgPXaovs 02616 AMD6 SDPE FinalAudit Report 2022-03-01 "0261 6_AM D6_SDPE" H istory fl Document created by Brad Strinfellow (Brad.Stringfellow@des.wa.gov) 2022-03-01 - 6:15:06 PM GMT R Document emailed to Ryan King (ryan@sandiegopoliceequipment.com)for signature 2022-03-01 - 6:15:54 PM GMT fl Emait viewed by Ryan King (ryan@sandiegopoliceequipment.com) 2022-03-01 -7:15:10 PM GMT ds Document e-signed by Ryan King (ryan@sandiegopoliceequipment.com) Signature Date:2022-03-01 - 7:33:45 PM GMT - Time Source: server El Document emailed to Nicholas loanna (nicholas.ioanna@des.wa.gov) for signature 2022-03-01 -7:33:47 PM GMT fi Emait viewed by Nicholas loanna (nicholas.ioanna@des.wa.gov) 2022-03-01 - 1'1:48:53 PM GMT ds Document e-signed by Nicholas loanna (nicholas.ioanna@des.wa.gov) Signature Dale:2022-O3-01 - '1 1:50:55 PM GMT - Time Source: server O Agreement completed. 2022-03-01 - 11:50:55 PM GMT @ naoue s:sn