HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-418 - Change Order - #8 - T. Bailey, Inc. - West Hill Reservoir Construct New 5.0 Million Gallon - 08/12/2022Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor! Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHTNGToN E oLqc Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 8t16t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval 12108120 BudgeI Account Number: w20054.641 10.330 Budget? @Yes ENo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A tr .9tto ELo9. E jco EooL tr| Vendor Name: T. Bailey Construction Category: Contract Vendor Number: 294554 Sub-Category: Change Order #8 Project Name: West Hill Reservoir project Detaits:Work changes to the installation of the new 42nd Ave PRV and demolition of existing PRV. Agreement Amount: $31,246.12 Start Date: 1212312020 Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Dare: 395 Working Days Local Business? EYes E No* xlf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? trYes EINo Contract Number: cAG2020-418 gl c{,I\ro a$agEi IU C .9ln Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office; ad(W22l7l I 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements N/A 8/17/2022 Received by City Clerk 8/17/22 KENT WaSHtNGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #8 NAME OF CONTMCTOR:T. Bailey. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:West Hill Reservoir ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :December 23. 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect, For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Work changes to the installation of the new 42nd Avenue PRV and demolition of the exisitng PRV. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $9,49s,470.72 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applica ble WSST) $31s,581.37 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $8,809,052.09 Current Change Order $28,379.76 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $2,866.36 Revised Contract Sum $8,840,298.21 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 350 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 38 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order z calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 395 working days In accordance with Sections I-O4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. dgltrlvdgnd bY chd Eiecn C h ad B i e re n ffiftH:;{iq[ftf#$r""3;?''"' (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. CITY OF KENT: (title) By: Public WorksIts irector DATE: (signature) Print Name: Bonnie Wardlaw CONTRACTOR: (title) By . Fennt d-,etu, I f c l^an{raal DATE: 8t10t22 CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 EC ATTEST: Kent Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's slgnature required) Kent Law Department [In thls ffeld, you may enter the elec-trcnlc fllepath where the contract has been sryed] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 8 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: West Hill Reservoir Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: L9-3027.1 N/A T Bailey Project Engineer: Capital Projects Manaoer: RH2 - Drew Holcomb Phil McConnell Date: Various f.Pro osed Chan e Work changes to the installation of the new 42nd Av PRV and demolishion of the existing PRV IL Reason and Bac round for Chan e fII. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS fl ruotapplicable There was additional work assoiciated with the installtion and demolishion of the 42nd Av PRV as follows:1-side sewer conflict with the original PRV vault location, backfill then redig and set in new location. 2-added 2-6 inch gates perthe Water Departments request (not on the plans).3-build block wall to support slope where the vault was installed (not on the plans). 4-remove the existing vault (not on the plans) changing piping call out stated on the plans Sch. No Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of ItemItem Description 1 LS $28,379.L3 $28,379 1 I Changes to the plans to the installationa nd demolishion of the 42nd Av PRV $ $ New Pay Items Total: $28t379 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9.5 f rotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Page 1 $ $ Delete Existing Pay ltems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) [ Notappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: rV. WORKING DAYS $ x Total of the Cost of Item Columns Original Contract:350 Due This Change Order:7 Previous Total:388 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: C 395 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date:7-2$-L0T,Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Phil McConnel J n Barry 7rLDate: t /^rConstruction Manager: Eric Co Page 2 Date: Ll512022 Side sewer conflictNWC4292.55W/markup4807.66Kent4292.53W/markup4807.63217/2022 6 inch gate valves3318.80 3717.062lel2022 Blockwall2636.58 2952.972/22 and 23/2022 Existing vault removal and patchir 14461.03 16196.352/23/2022 Hauling of additional equipment629.2325338.19704.740.I2 LZo/o GC mark up3040.58Force Account Totals 28378.773318.78 3717.O32636.s7 2952.96L446L.97 t6t97.41629,2225339.O7704.733040.692a379.76 28379.76 FA Sheet No. DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED T<EN T Project Name: West Hill Reservoir Proje ct No: 19-3027.1 Item No Date: 11512022 Description of Work Desiqn location for 42nd PRV had side sewer conflict. Backfilled an d oick a new location for the vault. Prime Contractor: T Bailev Work by Subcontractor?: YeS Sub-Contractor: Northwest Cascade LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Flaqoers - Apprentice o 54.41 o 326.46 TCS 4.5 61.64 $277.38 Laborer - Apprentice o 64.1 I $385.1 4 Foreman b 90.01 $s40.06 Ooerator Heavv Heavv b 83 77 $502.62 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $2 031.66 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% $629.81 LABOR TOTAL $2,661.47 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Descriplion OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AIVOUNTHrsHourlv Rate Hrs Standby Rate Foreman truck 3500 6 48.73 $292.38 JD 31OSG Backhoe 1 37.56 5 8.96 $82.36 CJD 245G LC 4 117 .37 2 32.78 $535.04 JD 644 Loader 1 83.98 5 22.25 $195.23 o SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL 1 105.01 $232.O5 1 37.06 MATERIALS/S SUBCONTMCTOR SERVICES Quantity units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Newell Truckinq #29878 0.5 hrs $ 175.00 $87.50 Newell Truckinq #28873 1 hrs $ 175.00 $17s.00 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL sUBcONTRACTOR MARKUP @ '12% TOTAL $262.50 s 31 50 $294.00 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL: (for $ 4,292.53 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work)$51 5.1 0 SHEET TOrAL: $ 4,807.63Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments DAILY REPORT OF FORGE ACCOUNT WORKED G Project Name: West Hill Reservoir Project No: 19-3027.1 Item No Date: Description of Work: Buld block wall around 42 vault from u sl Prime Contractor: T Bail Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate John Hanson laborer - Aoorentice 2 64.1 9 $128.38 Josh Corkrev foreman z 90.01 $180.02 NWC showed 5 hrs here operator liqht $ Joe Roeschlein ooerator heaw n 81.85 $163.70 Justin Mccorkle Operator Liqht teamster 1.5 81.67 $122.51 Christooher Swanson Ooerator Lioht teamster 2 81.67 $245.01 Will Wortman operator heavv heavy 2 83.77 s 167.54 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $1 16 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31%312.22 LABORTOTAL $1 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Description rs Rate rS Standby Rate foreman trk F350 2 34.34 $68.68 JD 640K Loader 2 83.98 $167.96 CAT 308 E2 excavator 2 61.89 $123.78 c707 10 vd Dtrucck 1.5 64.05 $96.08 c552 Lowboy tractor 3 64.68 $194.O4 'r292 Fix Gooseneck 3 20.24 $60.72 SUBTOTAL. EQUIPMENT EQUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $711.26 149.36 860.62 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Home Deoot lnv#1 1 47 09 -221 1 86 1 LS $ 369.60 $369.60 credit 1 LS $ (33.60)$(33.60) 7/8 washed rock 2.85 TN $ 14.50 $41.33 $ $ SUBTOTAL $377.33 oVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% $79.24 TOTAL $456.57 Verification of Hours Worked Contractor's ReDresentative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) FA Sheet No DOLLAR AMOUNT TOTAL:2 57 316.39 (for SHEET TOTAL:2 96 FA Sh/>\-/ KENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED n of Work: Removal existinq vault and additional piping not shown on the plans Prime Contractor: T Bailev Descriptio Project Name: Wesl Hill Reservoir Item No- Work by Subcontractor?: YES Sub-Contractor: Northwest Cascade ProjectNo:fu Dale: 212212Q22 LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTII\1E Hrs OT Rate DOLLAR AfulOUNTNAI!]E CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate $720.08Josn Corkrev Foreman €90.01 $720.08Rrck Parker Foreman €90.01 f 670.1 6$(en Graeber Ooerator Hvv Hvv 83 77 a)oeralor Hvv Hvv €83.77 670. I 6$Will Wonman $lohn Hanson Laborer €64.19 4 64.1 I 256.76$Ethan Parker Laborer 493.12s.lessiee Demanico I 61.64 436.08$Joel Demello Flaoaer 8 54.51 4 81 67 326.6B$Justrn Mccorkle Coerator Liqht 3oe.ator Lioht 10.5 81 67 857.54$Steve lMeyer 5,664.'18 't,755.90 74.5 LABOR TOTAL $7,420.08 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $ EOUIPMENT OPERATED STANDBY Hrs Hourlv Rate HTS Standby Rate DOLLAR AIVIOUNT EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description Foreman truck 48.73 389.84$c1 165 I 8 48.73 $389.84cgB5Foreman truck $300.48D180JD 310 Bhoe wi haeoack B 37.56 671.84$D219 JD 644 Loader B 83.98 4 117.37 $46S.48D22-a JD 245 Excavator 474.16$D239 CAT 30B Excavator 59.27 3 5.41 $T903 Dump trailer 17 .41 4 64.05 256.20$c7Q6 1ovd Dtruck 1ovd Dtruck 10.€7 4.43 781 52$c924 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPIVlENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ 791.07 $ 4,558.07 3,767.00$ Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AIVIOUNTM]ATERIALS / SERVICES 19 LF $ 24.05 456.9s$B" CL 52 Dl 1 EA $ 69.14 69.1 4$S" field Lok Gasket $330.428" Dl LP Sleeve EA $ 165.21 s 76.16 152.32$8" Meoaluo EA EA $ {77.27\(1 54.54)$B" Caos called out oer olan 7.12 ton $$Dump fee - Clean asphalt 7.22 ton $ 6.00 $43.32Dump fees - feinforced Conctete $799.6284.17 ton $ 9.504" Gravel Borrow - lcon s 14.00 $42.00tonCSTC - lcon ton $ 10.00 $72.24Miles Concrete Disoosal lnv 330604 7 .22 ton $ 74.25 241.31$Miles HMA CL 112' PG52-28lrrv 330587 SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 2,052.74 431.08 $ $ $2,483.82 Verification of Hours Worked Sontractor's Representative Date Jwner's Reoresentalive Oaie Comments 12% IVIARKUP prime when subcontract work)735.44 $ 14,461 .97 $1 16,197.41 TOTAL: (for SHEET TOTAL: $ DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED a Project Name: West Hill Reservoir Project No: l9-3027.1 Item No Date: Description of Work Add 6 inch valves-to 4 Av PRV Prime Contractor: T Work by Subcontractor?: Sub-Contractor: STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTNAMECODEOCCUPATIONHrsRateHrsOT Rate Joel Demello Flaqqer-Apprentice 1 54.41 $54,41 Jodv Lewis TCS 1 61.64 $61.64 Mike Bond Laborer 1 64.19 $64.19 Joe Roeschlein Operator HvV 1 81.85 $81.85 John Hanson Laborer-Aporentice I 64.19 $64.19 Josh Corkerv Foreman 1 90.01 $90.01 Will Wortman Operator Heavv Heavy 1 81.85 $81.85 Sean Haldane Ooerator Heavv 1 83.77 $83.77 SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $581.91 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31%180.39 LABORTOTAL $762.30 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTEquipment #Equipment Hrs Hou Rate F 350 Foreman Truck 1 34.34 $34.34 cAT 308 E2 1 6'1.89 $61.89 JD 35 Mini 1 19.66 $19.66 '1Oyd Dtruck 1 64.05 $64.05 JD 644 Loader 1 83.98 $83.98 SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% 263.92 55.42 TOTAL 319.34 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT 6 inch FLxMJ GV 2 EA $ 712.57 $1,425.14 6 inch full face oasket z EA $ 3.80 $7.60 6 inch plated bolt kit 2 EA $ 10.40 $20.80 Valve box bottom 2 EA $ 93.05 $186.10 Valve box top 2 EA $ 84.37 $168.74 Valve Box Lid 2 EA $ 20.25 $40.50 SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $1,848.88 $388.26 $2,237.14 Verification of Hours Worked: Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representative Date Comments 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) FA Sheet No TOTAL (for $318.78 398.25 SHEETTOTAL: $717.03 FA Sheet No DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./x\-./ t<ENT Project Name; West Hill Reservoir Project No: 19-3027.1 Item No Date: 2122 and 2312022 Descript ion of Work: Mob and demob of excavator to remove vault Prime Contractor: T Bailey Work by Subcontractor?: YeS Sub-Contractor: Northwest Cascade LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Chris Swanson Operator liqht 81 .67 3 s 245.01 u b $ b SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $245.01 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% $75.95 LABORTOTAL $320.96 EQUIPMENT EQUIPIVENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate HTS Standby Rate Lowboy Tractor a 64 68 $194.04 Lowboy Trailer J 20.24 $60.72 $ s b SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EQUTPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $254.76 $53.50 $308.26 MATERIALSISERVICESIRENTALS MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL b b $ Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL: $629.22 12% MARKUP prime when subcontract work) (for $75.51 SHEET TOTAL: $704.73Contractor's Representative Date Owner's Representativg Date Comments T BAILEY, ING. Gity of Kent West Hill Reservoir Change Order Proposal ADDITIONAL WORK TO THE CONTRACT: Force account work performed by Northwest cascade per attached backup reports and as discussed on site. MAT / INV DESCRIPTION UNITS I NWC F.A. #6 Sanitary Sewer Conflicl at 42nd PRV Site 2 NWC F.A. #7 Block Wall lnstallation @ 42nd PRV Site 3 NWC F .A. #8 42nd PRV Vault Removal and Piping 4 NWC F.A. #9 42nd PVC Vault - Added 6" Gate Valves 2 Each 5 NWC F.A. #10 Mobe ln & Out JD 245 Excavatot Date: COP #: sr512022 664.07 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 LS LS LS LS LS TOTAL 4,292.55 2,636,58 14.461.03 3,318.80 629.23 Mark-UD Rates {WSDOT 1-09,61 Labor 29oh Material ?'lV. Equipment z'loh Subcontractor 12% 1st$25,000 Subcontractor 10% next$75,000 Subcontractor 7% next $75,000 Mark.up Total 250OO'12o/o 338.19.100,6 3,033.82 28.372.01 3,000.00 33.82 3,033.82 mark uo summarv $ $ $ CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION: 7 WD COMMEN'please note clst under item 3 NWC F.A. ll8 line item increased $1,385 due to labor hours not totaled under Group 1 Operators- Exclude: WSST 4,292.55 2,636.58 14,461.03 3,318.80 629.23 I@ i::hili"'-\,1i..:"\/.' t'..;r*.i i '' NORIHWEST C ASCADE INC. POSt OFFTCE SOX 73399. PUVALLUp. WASHTNeTON 98373 / IOLL FREC 8@a562-4442 DAILY FORCE ACCOUNT SHEET PAGE:_oF t fovuvEn, {fraile-t lvtelrlaea, Ual't fLtw EW#: {)&*lf tu DATE: l'f-zzTIME:3:30 LOCATION: t u.4,) I a tr IIBOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION RFG TIMF TIMF rAHAItr N.)I IFII F TIMF l4x.ur-*{, \.^/;ll aW*f l'*,"/t ft 6-ftJ4r ilgUt Vl6*.q la "{*h- l'lttal"atl AEa L"rlur.-r f la 'fos /rU*r'd-4"{ P*-i 'Yt^r{ltrt-t r!.to Flo....,J-(, 5 :AUIPMENT EOUIPIT|FNT NIIMBtrR EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS STANDBY C1L7 CL<- '49"h crvt l. Dtffi 3la 5D bq(rt-pt r{a<rtao<l 5 f> aS 2L3 ZJf .rn 6x q L*e6 z-tq $-qq S* *aJ*-t 5 ,ATERIALS OR SERMCES VENDOR & INV|.}I(:F {MATERIAUVENDOR DESCRIPTION A.te-*,r,g/11 7-qg1Y fr*.4,r.-,'"e"r*{-rr7 3 IREPRESEHTAIVE OWNER REPRESENTATIVE:TITLE: INorthwest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: Weet Hill Reservoir - City of KentJob Code4299Daily ReportTotals for LaborHours: 38.5 Worked:SE.5 Broken Out (38.S/0/O)Gode569474390103145926123812NameCORKREY, JOSHUAWORTMAN,WILLIAMHANSON, JOHNLEWIS,JODIJACKSON, PAUL JBegin EndStart07:3007:3007:3007:3007:S)Break (1) Lunch Break (2! Meat (2)Diem Subsistence NoteeEnd15:3015:3015:3014:ff)15:30101.1104.99't64Qlnspector Note1Qlnspector Note2Qlnspector Note6Qlnspector Notex,c:indicates a completed item.'(R)'- indicates a rcwoft quantity.Date:Printedon: 03/04/2022 12:23:33Page 2 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: West Hill Reservoir - City of KentJob Code4299Daily ReportTime card: Date -o1rcil2022c927PICK UPD180Foreman -Totals for Eguipment Hours: 24 Worked:Z4 Broken Out (1?1AO)6Revlsion-l Shifi-l1t54n1t51E4n1rc6D223D219c927Dl80DZ23D219TMCTOR LOADER BACRAWLER MOUNTEDARTICULATED WHEELtii,PICK UPTRACTOR LOADER BACRAWLER MOUNTEDARTICUI.ATED WHEEL1t54n1t56Ya completed item.'(R)'- indicates a rewoftguantity.Date:Pfinted on: 03/O4nO22 12:23:33Page 4 T - rr=, .dg 12603 34th Avenue Essi Tocoms, Woshington 9}116 Qsst 214-7737 r Emoil:Irish@newellbr.com @.EuYTriY/ftfNAcE Tlct(Et Ns ess78 DrivorNcme: Truck #: Erd: J Driver Tolol Hourr: trrvtl tttt Bcgin: Tolol Trovcl; Lunch/Down: Fuel: Pre-Trip I Posr-Trip f,t Mileooe: Bcgin Milcoge: _ _ Tolol Mileg: DVR #: Out.of-Stqte Mileogc: In:Out: % Totql Milgr:# Trios: Slota of ?rqvel: /z UlL/J' {rdPD-vDr Conlruclor Ncmc: ftyson for D9[oy (Srondbr) f.rr Vt ]',1's E67-u? Slop Tirne:..- Tolol l'lours: Lunch l?mc; Down Time: Ycrd O tob #:sillBp t"?.f; Slortlimc: Y. PO/Job: Job Sitc: dhrb' 7T 7ti 55I Nlr'c 3{titN w8L* -Y,i\ ft:l t,^4I .'20 t.'50 /{ct;t 7.'g)OK.r! tt f-arttL*\ ) ?'tL.€/l ilt ,ll tEgLV- v.els Frt-€at (.o,.rf '4dfii.a Af-' Drhrcr'e Slgnoturcr rpl'crii JU\" Any on the iob iniury? Yes fl r.f"d NORTHWEST CASCADE, INC NWC PROJECT # 4299 DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: Bill to: T. Bailey EW#7 Block Wall Installation @ 42nd PRV Site 42nd l.ve PRV Site WORK DATE(S): 2.8.2022 LABOR HOURS RATE AMOI.INT REG 2 2 $64. I 9 $128.38 Laborer Group 3 - General Laborer $88.06 $0.00o.T REG 2 2 $90.01 sl80.0l Foreman O,T 0 912296 $0.00 REG 4.5 4.5 s81.67 $367.53OperatorGroup3-Light $1 10.87 $0.00o.T 0 REG 2 2 $81.85 S163.70 Operator Group 2 -Heavy o.T 0 $llt.87 $0.00 REG o.T. 2 2 0 $83.77 sl13.01 $ 167.55 s0.00Operator Group I - Heavy/Heary LABOR 29o/o MARKUP: 2o/o Sick Leave: 0o/o Small Tools: I,ABOR TOTAL: $ r 007.1 7 s292.08 $20. r4 s0.00 $1319.39 C885 2OI9 CIIEVROLET F-350 FOREMANTRU'* ARTICULATED WHEELLOADER REG 2 s83.98 9t67.96D2t9 2013 JOHNDEERE 644K STNBY 0 $22.25 $0.00 CRAWLER MOUNTED REG 2 s61.89 $r23.78D224 2014 CATERPILIAR 308 E 2 STNBY 0 s18.15 $0.00 REG 1.5 1.5 s64.05 596.08c707 2001 KENWORTH TSOOB IOCYDUMPTRK STNBY 0 s9.89 $0.00 LOWBOY TRACTOR REG 3 3 $64.68 $194.04C552 2OO8 KENWORTH TSOOB STNBY 0 s I 1.22 $0.00 ',0, ,oo' *'*o '*'0"'l#flliiilil^ f#", ' i 'f,lj, 'rXlJi EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAI: $711.26 2lo/o MARKUP: S149.36 EQTIIPMENT TOTAT:$860.62 MA'TERIALS HRSruNITS TE AMOUNT MATERIAL SUBTOTAL: 2lo/o MARKUP: MATERIALTOTAL: 9377.33 s79.24 $456.56 SUBCONTRACTORS I{RSIUNITS RATE AMOUNT SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL: l2o/o MARKUP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SERVICES HRS/LINTTS RATE AMOUNT LATEST REVISION I I/ 18i2O2O SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL : 2lo/o MARKUP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAI $2636.58 N o rthwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: West Hill Reservoir - City of Kentoffiffirffiie"iffieruanDaily ReportJob Gode4299Pour pads around gooseneck discharge pipes, cB, and valve cans-out of pavement at ps3 and 42nd. Build block wall at 42nd,_guilt wrong didnl know phil wanted godeg corner wePartly Sunny / Cloudy;Normal GroundCarpinito 141937 Syrds topsoilMiles 201640 1.5 yard concretelcon 365600 2.85 lon 7/8 washed for wall backfiillcon 36551 9 14"07 ton CSTC for wall, around vaults at 42nd & pS3Home Depotwall blocksChris Swanson got blocks 3hrs F/A C552 and T29ZJustin Mccorkle 1.5 F/A haulwashed rock C7075694010827010314152465907439/coRrRey, JosHUA oPEFoRMR 611MCCORKLE, JUSTINOPERATLRr,'HANSON, JOHNAPPRLABR, CHRISTOPOPERATLRLEIN, JOE OPERATHRWORTMAN, WILLIAMOPERAHHR112221.5238t11.583222IIxT' -i;Ai c ate s a ; o m p t ete ri-t t e m.*TR)'- indicates a rcwoft quantity"11Date:Pinted on: 02/10/2A22 08:57:15Page 1 Northwest Cascade GonstructionJob Nams West Hill Reservoir - City of KentJob Code4299Daily Report118.8115.41EW-003EW-0073Qlnspector Note4Qlnspector Note6Qlnspector Note5 Block walllnspector Notex'lIw-*lR)'-indicates a rcwoft quantity.Date:Printed on: 0?/10f2A22 a8:57:ISPage 3 DITIVERT\IAMESTANTMILESWERE YOU SAFE TODAY?START STOPTIME TII,TECUSTOMERSTTRTTIME UwSTOPTIMEED"o*r"*,ffiro*DAILY DRTVERS REPORTt*oo d-16-7ENDMrurs SlZqqtTOTALMILESq.3IOCATIONTOTALDRIVETIME1ZONE PAY HOURSq*DATE/)q./-.t*ncYESId NOI ] VEREYOUTNJUREDToDAY.?YEst lNO Qf,INPUTodhcJItnv)a**&&TorALHouRswrrHLUNcH &LTJNCHA.PAYROLT A lC0l'l IGON Materials 01500 - Agburn 5&G 4040 Kersey Way 5E Auburn, WA 98092 Customer: 30350 Cust. Namci Northwest Cascade lnc. Address & lnstrusdons: 42NO AVE S, KENT Product 2220 7 I E" WAS HE D AGGREGATE CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: Date: Timei Vehicle: 3656(n 2/8/2022 10;00:334M NWCAS707 Oider: oisp n; Job: P.O.: F Pounds Grors 32,420 Tare 26,720 Net 5,700 Weighmaster: Deborah Kaser Tons r?4?t6.2t 13.36 2.85 Lgads Total Qty Tlcket Qty UOM1 2.85 2.85 Ton wARN,NeHorMrxAsp*A'(HMAIrEMpE*rurirn**rro.roo.n*,r' ,*"rrI.1l3XLX3:'l-t:y**.lY:i#til"""*.ldo for w.moty lnd shlpmat dollwry @ndldff r. #33=-7'6 t N"Customer lnvoice 2lg8/n22,7:31 AM PST Customer lnformation {2s3) 405-6891 PADDYNHEIDI@GMAILCOM Eerm oescription 01 02 Unbrandsd 17-1t4 in, x l l in. Diamond Straight Gray Concrete Wall Blockl olscor,inr so.sc oFF EAclt PATLET FEE Sales Person CXSoKRQ Store phone # (259) 770-3600 Store # 4709 t-ocation 3OS 35TH AVE SE, pUyALLUp, WA 98974 strfi,E ValEatbn Arcs joribEHtT$[ff{Hilflt9tr[Efr: - RECALL AIIIIU}IT I I i' o fifi l,l$'?ho f eff'8'd$$8$$& $ALES TAX TAX EXEfIFT TOTAL XXXXXXXXXXXX36S9 HDTIE DEFOT AUTH CCIDE tlrls4{iJ/801il16s THO 33.6'1 t3d9. d[ SKU f Unft Prlce Ssliotal $306.00857606$+.+Sl€e€h $0.,10/€acfi 999ffi5 $'s.o0/saofi 2 $30:oo FflfiE*?- 3i'd.lJ{ '$$.;H$s U50S 369.dtl IA '"#ffiff Ffliffi$f;F 11!-er*o l"'" u*n --f[}I.ITI!IUED Oil NEXT DOCUNEHT -- Ir carryout ' ffi'tt"'" lilodol#ov 90 90 DAY RETURN POLIGY. Th€ Home Depot reserves the right to limit / deny rcturns, ptease s# the return policy sign in the stores for details. illlilililllilt ilt tlilt | ilt til 98010100740542 Page 'l of 1 | we reserue th€ dght to limit the quanlities of merchandise sold to customers. subtotal Diseounts SalesTa( $370.20 -$34.20 $33.60 lnvoicc l* only valid for today: Tuesday, February 8 lnvolce Total $369.60 NORTHWEST CASCADE, INC. NWC PROJECT # 4299 DESCRIPTION: 42nd PRV Vault Rsmoval and Piping LOCATION: 42nd Ave PRV Site Bill to: T. Bailey EW# WORK DA 2/22/2022 2t2312022 HOIJRS RA 4 Laborer Group 2,A' - Flaggers 0 $73,49 $0.00o_T. REG 4 4 s61.6{ $493,15 Laborer Group 28 - TCS 0 $83.63 $0.00OT REG 4 t2 $64.19 5770.27 Laborer Group 3 - General Laborer 0 $88.06 $0.00o.T 8 l6 $90.01 s1440.10 Foreman o.T 0 st2296 $0.00 REG 6.5 14.5 s81,67 $l 184.26 Operator Group .3 - Light 0 I 10.87 $0_00u-t REG 8 t6 $83.77 $1340.40 Operator Group I - Heary/Healy 0 $l 13.01 $0.00o.T LABOR 29o/" N{ARKUP: $1642.41 2o/" Sick Leare: $l 13.27 0o/o Smll Tools: $0.00 LABOR TOTAL: Al: $5663.47 s?419.15 8 $48. C93O 2O2O CHE\ROLET 35OO FOREMANTRUCK STNBY l;13.99 50.00 REG 4 4 8 s48.73 $389_84C929 2020 CHEVROLET 3500 FOREIVIANTRUCK STNBY 0 s13.99 $0.00 TRACTOR LOADER REG 4 4 $37,56 $300.48DI8O 2006 JOHNDEERE 3IOSG STNBY s8.96 S0.000 ARTICULATED Iil/HEEL LOADER REG 4 4 8 $83.98 $671.84D2t9 Z0t3 JOHNDEERE 644K STNBY 0 s22.25 $0.00 ,45cl(;rffi*l REG 4 4 $l 17.37 $469.48D223 20t4 JOHN DEERE s32,78 50.00STNBY0 CRAWLER MOIINTED RTG 4 8 s59.27 $474.16D239 2OI9 CATERPILIAR 308 JINlJ I 0 bl 7.lt s0.00 REGT90-3 2018 MA)O(D D8I4 DUMP TRAILER STNBY 3 $17.41 $17.41 $5.41 516.23 REG 4 4 s64.05 5256.20 C7O7 2OO7 KENWORTH TSOOB IOCYDUMPTRK STNBY 0 $9.89 $0.00 1O CY DUIVIP IRUCK REG 6.5r1 10.5 s74.43 $781.i2C924 2OI7 FRIEGHTLINER t22SD STNBY 0 $13.60 $0.00 EQUIPMEN I'AL: 53767.00 2lo/o MARKUP: $791.07 EQUIPMENT TOTAL:s4558.06 RATE E" CL )Z Duchle lron l9 t9 s24.0s $456_9s 8" Field Lok Gasket $69.t4 $69. 14 S" Ductile Iron Sleeve 8" 8'MJ Fees - Clqn Fees - $76_16 Concrete 1.22 84. l7 1.22 84.174Bororv - ICON 2 $165.21 $330.42 CSTC - ICON Inv # 3366264 Concrete 722 3 3 s14.00 $42.00 3.253.25 .31HMA MATERIAL 2lo/o MARKUP: MATERIAL TOTAI-: s205?."14 s4-t l_07 s248J.8r SUBCONTRACTORS HRSruNITS AMOUNT SIIBCONTRACTOR IzOh MARKUP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 SERVICBS HRS/UNIfS AMOUNT SUBCONTRACIOR SU 2lo/o MARKIIP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LATEST REVISION I III8/2020 TOTAI $1446r.03 /-//z @-NORI WEST CAS CADE INC. POSI OFFTCE BOX 79399. pUvALtUp, WASXtNeTON 9d373 / IOU FREE 60G562.4442 DAILY FORCE EOUIPMENT EOUIPMENT NUMBFR EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS STANDBY MATERIALS OR SERVICFS VENDOR & IM/OICF # - IVIAT.ERIAWENDOR DESCRIPTION PAGE:OWNER:'{*. ?Atr.,€r{ $,sc-lvraaruen,L/^EW#: \J olrL- Rs$ ?x*:'tE;?-END TIME: DATE: L-2-Z'wL- o?.;ue?-S LABOR WORKFR'S NAMF . WORKER'S OCCUPATION RFG TIMF TIMFAAHAItr nol lnt tr TrMtr ffi6L t*rsl'( --qe+xre'ive L "i *T$VO ,tlatq-o?<F.t*tlL- t-rAtr- <F:';L,U,-e,fifi t-+ lo*** REPRESENTATIVE:REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: Northwest Cascade ConetructionJob Name: West Hill Reservoir - City of KentJob Code4299Daily ReportCode569462614890743901031401084801 051210534Start07:0007:0007:(}307:0007:0007:0007:0007:00NameCORKREY, JOSHUAPARKER, RICHARDGRAEBER,JR, KENWORTMAN,WLLIAMHANSON, JOHNPARKER, ETHANDEMANKO, JESSICADEMELLO, JOELBegin EndBreak (l) Lunch Break {2) Meat (Z)Diem Subsistence NotesEnd15:0015:0015:0015:0015:0015:0015:0015:00101.1104.99EW-008'c'- indicates a completed item.1Qlnspector Note4Qlnspector Note2 Completed modified PRVVault demo. See speedy memo for recap and materials.lnspector Note'(R) - indicates a rcwark guantity.Date:Printed on: 03/08n022 12:32:12Page 2 w : *il,t; lo Box 84368, seailte, wn eqlpfi 2l Z0lltnvotce r{umber 15747496 pAWH # 14ils40 Corporate Office H. D. FoHJ#s Nw cAs'^ #iiiffjfH#, ff f:"#ri{i -'- Paclllc Erencfi 1417 Themlgn Aw SW Padfc. WA 98047 {253) 863.8600 Fax (253} 863€6sl HD Fowler Company . Paclfic Pacific WA 4la 98047 r;rl,ll1l,,g1 rr lpllllllllfu ll.,l't,ulllllg'lll'll,l'tll'l'lll,. NOBTHWEST CASCADE PO Box 73399 Puyallup WA 98373-0399 T-2 Order* o6993389 I -.'brder Wrltrr: Ben Pimentel lnv Dele a$n4121 rcrmsr NET 1OTH PROX FoBr H. D. FOWLER Due; OS|1AI21 ShipMa: WILL CALL ERVOIR,WE HILL Unlt Prica Pert *atv atv Ertended Line BOU UoM 1 CHR l l I tsl 73 O FT PSaSGTJtrcLSzDIPIPETJ LENGTH 24.050 ASPHALTIC COATED cl51/A21,51AND CEMENTLhIED GASKET cl$4/Ax.4 wTH s8B PLEASE APPROVE MAI r 7 2s2t By '" Remlttance Address " EFT Routing: 121000248 PO Box 84308, Seattle, WA 9812+5668 EFT Bank No; 418 545 3362 Serving thc Peclfic Northwert since lgl l Sub total Freight Tax Grand Totai 1,755.65 0.00 0.00 1,755-65 1755,65 @ H.D. FOWLER COMPANY Corporate Office NW CAscf.:: --^^P8clfiegrench llEC 2 2 ftflHtffi rhomron Ave sw Paclllc, WA 98047 PAWH (253) 863-8600 Fax (253) 8638681 Page I ofi Credit Memo c543260 NORTHWEST CASCADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98379.0399 to: Rctum t 1?j1 1 Credit Date:Crpdlt t{lrlter: Brittani McGinnis HILL FESERVOIR Part # UoH DescrlptlonLlneaty T x Credlt Price Unlt Prlce 1 2 COMMENTS: RETURNED MATERIA! NO TONGER 73 FT NEEDED Reslock Charg€ %15 IP525GTJ 12" CL52 DI PIPE TJ 18.25'LENGTH ,/ qo.ae COATED ANSI/AWWA C151/AE1.51 AND LINED ANSI/AWWA Cl0.VA21.4 WITH SBB 36.5 FT Sales lnvoice <15801770> IP523GTJ 8'CL 5A DI PIPE TJ I8,:5'LENGTH coATED AHSIIAWWA C1 51/A21,51 /ro.to CEMENT LINEO ANSI/AWWA C 1 0il/A21.4 Salits hvoice d5801 77S' SBR GASKET PLEASE APPROVE JAN 17 2022 By Sub total Charges Freight Tax Serving the pa(itic Norlhrrrrest linre 1 911 www,hdfowler.com Grand Tolal -2,994.24 -3,889.i14 s83.42 -3,306.02 -905.20 ffi H.D. FOWLER COMPANY REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seatfle, WA 98124 Corporate Otlice 3633 136th Pl SE, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98006 PO Box 160, Bellevue, WA 98009-0160 Phone 425-654-8800' Fax 425-641 -8885 Pacillc Branch 14'17 Thornton Ave SW Pacific, WA 98047 {253) 863-8600 Fax {253) 863-8681 Page 1 of 1 lnvoice Number 15983376 PAWH # 143940 HD Fowler Company - Pacific 1417 Thornton Ave SW Pacific WA 98047 Ship lo:ro: NoRTHWEST CASoADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Order# C^7269541 lnv Date: 12/15t21 Order Writer: Ben Pimentel Terms: NET 1OTH PROX FoB: H. D. FOWLER Due: 01/1A122 Ship Via: Will-Call Here (Order & POIJOB: #4299 WEST HILL RESERVOIR Oty Aty Parr #Line Ship'd BO'd UoM Description Extended T Prlce X Unil Price 1 I EA IFZWARGSK 8" WEDGE ACTION MJ KIT FOR DI PIPE WiBOLTS, WEDGE ACTTON GLAND & GASKET (BOXED WITH BLACK LETTERING) 76.16 Sub total Freight Tax Grand Total Serving the Pacilic Northwest since 191 1 www. hdfowler.com JOSH 609.28 609.28 609.28 1508 Valenline Ave SE Pacific, WA 9804t trwcAss4 FEB 2S 2022 Gustomer No: lnvoice No: Inv Date: Page: BEu.,or". 30350 3365600 02t22t22 Page 1 ofl 4299 fiS"'.+'${ e'@ ^4qtiifr H Retum Service Requested ?eo{00001,3 PBESOFT PBFSOO.| <>,l,ltllltllltll,llrlllllllhllll;,1;,1,t,,;l;t,,r1.[,,tlllh E# Hs?&ryEsrecAScADE rNc PUYALLUF WA 98373-0399 ICON Materials 1508 ValentineAve SE Pacitic, l^A 98047 20*575-32s0 De|Ivered To: 42NDAVE s, KENT Date C0ode - Material DescriF qTY Ull Unil Price ilailTot l Trx Tdal Pleni:01500 Auburn S&G Qmu22 &$A-+GRAVELBORROW 50.60 TON e.00 454.50 0.00$UWn $7l0J-Environrnertatsurfrrarge i0.S0 EA 0.50 ZS,2S 0.00Tffillnyolce! 10ttr0 ,f?9.1i 0.00 Tic[et number(s) ;hipped ftom phnt 01500 - Aubum $&G*368173 to8qp7 a3o82.tl We Apprcciato yoa and your Ausiness! ftlew Poftal Website as of Sepl. 2021 ^ hftps:/lmy@ntralprcmix.myamatportal.com/ ewstions? Accounts Raeeivabt€ DepadmentC.onlact 509-536iA42. 45d.50 25,25 179,f5 PLEASE APPROVE t.lAR 01 By Finance charggg will be applisd lo any late invoi€s at a rate of 1.solo per month p€r credit agaeement or the state,s Larrftl Amount Customer Nam€: Customer No: lnvoice #: Date: Customer Job: Northwest cascad€ lnc. 30350 3965600 o2t2u4 42SS lnvolceAmount:475,7t Amounl Pald; lf you have any questions about your invoice pleaee call 206-573_3200 Remit Payment To; lCOl{ tateriah fr8ox742121 Los Angetet, CA 90014Due Date:03t19t22 plas prcvlde your rmfi..1dff. b.row |tyou wuld ilke b .lln ccctvlng yourlnvot$ vll amll ,/ '\qii.rr EW Customer No: lnvolc€ No: lnv Date: 30350 3365602 0a2?/22 H 1508 Vehntin€ Ave SE Pacfr, WA 98M7 Page: Custorner ICON Materiats J508 \rblentine Av€ SE Pacitic, \ 498047 206-575-3200 Page 1 of '1;-. ,toa'r/+zA )l*/RetumserviceRequested NW CASCADE FEB 2 8 2022 ae0q00B01q PHESORT pBFSool <> ilil,ltllt,,tt,htttflt,ll,ill,,ilil1il1'111ilil111't'lrlrilthrl tsr..$ NORTHWEST CASCADE tNC.ffi POBOX73399 PUYALLUP WA 9&373-0399 DCIIVETEd TO: 42NDAVE E, KENT Date C0ode - lvhterialDescrip QTY UM UnitPrice tatlTotal Trx lotal Phnt:016& Auburn$&G wnr22 ffi?-4'GRAVELBORRoW 3337 TON 9.00 303.03 0.00 WAilZ 6?W-Environmenfetsurchaqe $.0i Fj 0.50 10.g1 0.00 totrltWotro: 6lJ4 lHSfi 0.00 Ticket number(s) shlppod from ptant OlS00 - Auburn $&Gt368189 .#8?22 We Appreciate You and Your Busrhessi New Porlal Website as of Sept. 2021 - https://mycentralprenix.myamatportal.com/ euestions? Accounts Receivable DepadmentContact W-536-3042. 3S.03 18.U 3t9.t7 PLEASE APPROVE MAR O1 By Finsnc€ charges will be applied to any late invoicss at a rate of 1 .5o/o p$ month per credit agre€ment or ihe stale,s LawfirlAmount lnvolceAmount:31S.87 Amount Pald: Curtomer I'lame: Customer No: lnvoice #: Dato! C[stomerJob: Remit Payment To: ICON llrtsrials PO Bor t424t1 lot Angels, GA 90074 Plsrs pnvlde yurshtlltddmt ielow Ityouwld ttte to.t|rt cstvtng ,!ur hvotqnr yh ffiil t/ Nofthwest Casc€d6 lnc. 30350 3365602 oz22l22 4299 It you have any gueslions aboul your invoiep pleese call 206-57g-g200 Dqc Date:03t10t22 NORTHWEST CASCADE INC. POSI OFFTCE gOX 7E399, pUyAr[Up. WASHINeTON 98373 / TOLL FREE A@-562-4442 DAILY ACCOUNT SHEET lorrvrven,-tf ts4l.u€;t F,.t t-.lrys,sgEp'ftp1ur; S.r *r*4 EW*: A WO'K Hirz-&*ldgturbtL- *4Lq lsrnnrnue: C*t<rS TIME:2.8-n DATE: & LOCATION: "16P o ttl6gvz+pa, /€PLoY- ?-5' *\o' * ?,q f{ lt'r.?o9<A' LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKFR'S r)li(]IIPATION FTFG TIMF TIMF*AI{AIF NrrIIF|I F TIMF f;e€-.^frP 1 ?*cl<- gpatd 6a**t*r->4 [eP G'n]&*rt-*L4xoe- !(\^/ ++Ld + f,.*rl V\Prtr9o')La*.Qea ,+ fet>ic* D€r\eJK.>Ft-cahtr,€,-- - a-4 + 3{6.b fie,,4a's-fl$Eg.*r*- trrz,t<{-?2 J*,-wa)P Fu.ar6oU*4 EOUIPMENT FOIIIPMFNT NIIMRFR EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS STANDBY Lg6 fueZnnp .f"_dtJt_-4 f -q,PJ1 6og&,ft\aF ne4*-+ DND lfo 3to ?*r E**" ,^-l k(o€a Qx}z-r+ v7)q,Jp f^,1${ L<o.X^eL-+ v?-A &{ %* 6x + LI67A 5&*- ScLo {t*e- (k"}l F'* t'a<}-E C,S VENDOR & IT.IVOICE*MATERIALIVENDOR DFS(IRIPTIC)N flv* 8.9\ <to aQ (-K/- (tirb ?a*,ezs FJ/\P 13-7- rlr oe Fawfre:-a caPuoa& fi eSlZz- \F a'\Plw- At4h *Zo34zl' t(DJn{f u*AA Pffil}N{ *1t"5-7la NWC REPRESENTATIVE: Jco"t {e*tq lREPREsElrrA OWT{ER REPRESEHTATIVE:TIVE TITLE Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: West Hill Reservoir - City of KentJob Code4299Daily Report010314010512HANSON, JOHN APPRI-ABRDEMANKO, JESSICA FI3GTCSRDEMELLO, JOEL4Break (1) Lunch Break (2) Meat (2)810534Gode569462614890010314010512105344APPRFLGR4Totals for LaborHours: 51.5 Worked:51.5 Broken Out (S1.S/0lO)77NameCORKREY, JOSHUAPARKER, RICHARDGRAEBER,JR, KENHANSON, JOHNDEMANKO, JESSICADEMELLO, JOELBegin EndStart07:0007:@07:0007:fi)07:0007:fi)End Diem Subsistence Notes15:0015:0014:0014:0014:0014:00101.1101.91@.611Qlnspector Note3Qlnspector Note5 42nd crossing and prv removallnspector Noter'c'- indicates a completed item.'(R)'- indicates a rework quantity.Date:Printed on: 03/08/2022 15:14:24Page 2 Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: West Hill Reseryoir . City of KentDaily ReportJob Code4299Time Card: Date -oa23t2a22c924c885c9E5Dl78D219D239c1029DUMP TRUCKONETON FOREMANONETON FOREMANTRACTOR LOADER BAARTICULATED WHEELEXCAVATOR12 CY DUMP TRUCK41Foreman - 56942222JOSHUARevislon-5 Shift-i6.5106A2I715c924c885cs85D178D219D239c1029DUMP TRUCKONE TON FOREMANONE TON FOREMANTMCTOR LOADER BAARTICULATED WHEELEXCAVATOR12 CY DUMP TRUCK4444144Totals for Equipment Hours: 48^5 worked:48.5 Broken out (4g.s/o/o)106E5s7xbL,'nffitesaitem.(R)'- indicates a rcwotu quantity,Dale:Printedon: Wn8nO22 15:14:24Page 4 Customer No: lnvoice No: lnv Da!e: Page: 30350 ffi02n3l/22 easeffifi 0f 2022 0.m 0.00 r,|8.94 1435 0.00 12335 1 500 Valentiro Ave SE Padfic, WA 98042 Retum Service Requested Delivered To: 42NDAVE. KENT Date C6ode - Material Descrip Plentu 01300 AuburnS&G 0u29ta 8& - c8' - 0'CRUSHEO ROCK W2U22 487tu.li* - Envinnmental Surdrarge Tobf !n!otc': ^ , Ttcltet numb€(s) shippedfrom ptant0iS00,Auburn S&G*368304 Gustomer ICON Malerials 1508 \Alentine Ave SE Pacific, \iA 98047 20s.575-3200 8W Uil Uoit Price tle0 Tofil Tar lohl 13.50 118.94 Involca Amount:123.35 Amount Pa;d: lf you have any guestions about your invoioe please cail ?06-575-A200 Remit Payment Tor |GQN Uateriab POEox 742421 Lot Angeh6, CA g$74 qqLLOOB}bA PRESORT PBFSOOI <> thtll'1ll!lltltll,g,,rllf lhghfl1Jl1.gsflltrr11lt.lt,tlh.l1 ffi |3?&gESJ"AscAoE rNC PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 {.414.410.50 TON EA 6,81 0,81 17.fi. We Appreciate you and your gusiness! New Portal website as of Sepf. 2021 - hltps://nycentratprgmtx.myamatpottal.con/euesfibns?Acco unts RecBivable DepartmentContac't 509-5363042. PTEASFAPPROVE t'lAR 0? IuZi, By Finance charges will be applied to any late invoicas et a rate of 1 .5olo per monlh psr $€dit agrgement or the state,s LawRIl Amount qustorner l{am€; CuatotrEr No: lnvoice #: Date: Customer Job: Northv\Est Cascade lnc. 30350 3366264 oazu22 42Sg 4299 Duo Drte:o3t10t22 I IVu Ns'i Gp":{ " " tiAR Sh 2o?2 INVOICE iilLES lnvoice #: Datg: Customer l{o: Job #: PO #: NESOURCES From:Miles Resources, LLC 400 ValleyAvenue NE Puyallup WA 98372 Sold To: NORTHWEST CASCADE, tNC PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Delivered To: $ale Datr: illJZglA Location: 2{Xl. Lakeview. procossing MATERIAL: WASTE CTEAN BROKEN ASPHALT a2123t22 78577A 7.120 TON Tota|: wAsIEctEAN BRoKEIIASPHAT _Jii rox 0.0000 E 0.00 Tax 0.80 wAsRb 0.00 0.00 ,"/ Iotal lnvohe: 0.00 72.20 0.00 0.00 72.m PLEASE APPROVE l'lAR 0? eon av *4, _ Payment Type; OnAccount Miles Resou LLC PayTerms NET30DAYS Llrl |W.MILESRESOURCEE,BoM Total:72.20 D V FIWJ EA$CADL MAR 0 4 2027M MILES I INVOICE lnvoice --- - --stGtl; Date: OZtZBtzzi Customer No: ooffiol rEsouRcES From: Sold To: NORTHWEST CASCADE, tNC. PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP, WA 98373 Job #: PO #: Miles Resources, LLC 400 ValleyAvenue NE Puyallup WA 98372 Delivered To: TaxSaleTickatllnitsU|il Prico Total Tolal Cods Tax Total $als Dale: 0AZU22 Localion: 300 - Sumner processing MATERI,AL: HMACLIlZ' pG gZ-28 TECYRO C16igg RAS a2u3l22 2A3425 11.180 TON Torat : HuA cL tr2" pc 52-zB rs cyRo r -'iifi ron Tolal: 0ZhUZ0rz.- Tobl lnyoke: 74.2500E 830.80 8S0.S 0.00 wAwHt 0.00 830.86 0.(xt 0.00 830J8 0.00 8S.88 0.00 83t1.86 830tr 830.88 0.0t1 0.00 @ g.25 r.'.35 frn- LS' * Lo' *?-" ?xrr.a PLEASE APPROVE hllAR 07 By Payment Type: OnAccsunt Miles R LLC PayTerms NET30DAYS www. Iil LES RESO URCEE.COM 830.86Total: Chris Quesen burv From: Sent: To: €c: Subject: LaTona Watson-Paseka Wednesday, May 4,202217:24 ?M Chris Quesenbury Charlotte Baskett RE: Job #4299 Cert Payroll Adjustments have been processed and amendment posted to L&l Wr*t Hill *esrrwrir Gonirrct !lo" l9-*O?f .ll Ccrtificd prpoH ttptrt crbmitl(dl you hnn rfflrmcd r {cnlficd pryroll rcpon fot lrycr( }lttl Re*rwlr (19-3Of t.l } fo'r thc wtak .nd*ng Oa-?3-2Of2 vten lrdt! POF E { PrqFd illlrc West llill Reservair forn ld il17880 Corflr! KF{h Skr$t coFrct Lo. t9-3027.t ^ilcrdngrymcf DJac XEHT. CIWOF lsn*rSr0crcy plpac a$r-856*StO8 ,lmrftt r|mryddrtrs 2a0 * {Itr AvE 5 reiaT, sA - Iro3?"t895 frllrofitrxtc T SAillY $r€ trhoae t6s-293-O681 Addrcsr 36J6 S iiARCfi POlllT f,O AnAeo*TE$, WA 98231 lob tlE t48tl SESr AYe 5rKtnLtf 9803t Thank you, LaTona LaTona Watson-Paseka lPayroll Administratorl Northwest Cascade lnc. home of Honey Bucket Direct: 253-904-1328 Cell: 253-820-9162 | Email: LaTonaWatson@NWCascade.com {t!tilal'r,#llortF*rrl Gmclde From: Chris Quesenbury <Ch risQuesen bury@ nwcascade.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2O221L:54 AM To: LaTona Watson-Paseka <LaTonaWatson-Paseka @nwcascade.com> Cc: Charlotte Baskett <CharlotteBaskett@ nwcascade.com> Subject: RE: Job #4299 Cert Payroll I }lerwB|d*t NORTHWEST CASCADE INC. posl oFFrcE Eox t3s9e, PUv,ALLUP, wAsHtNeloN 96373 t tOLt FR€E 6m-562-{442 ACCOUNTSHEET ATERIAI S OR SFRVICFS VENDOR & INVOICE#MATFRIAT ruFNDOR DFSCRIPTION (n,r {anrt, tJ*.tt*- ,al A*rBf o rz+87 Ze.*hq y'*,-ve C*e t O-'l Le* ( :-' ." ., /fi'*v. PAGE:f-*: We.*r dtur*-x4znn L R.oxJ llr€z-1-L2- f lrLla Sf-t F) e r€' LABOR WC)FIKER'S NAMF WORKFFT'S .]IiCI IPATIr)N FIFG TIMF TIMFNAHAI F NOIIBI F TIMF :fr>s* (aeI-I"*)J Gzx-.r,xJ tC- k R-z;*IaLUJ f,tw &Q sV oPt el\d6e-t/- Vrur,- W'ocrnarJ +U-r'tl"Y 0u2o\e o@461,p--tL {[nvt +{W t%loif o&e-Frvt-t{ (\r9O ?*,se Lago(3L tzl St{t} t{*-rso})l'r,%?fu<-td- :fi:n r" !-€r^.r5 <os t{ Xia- \hrt<?tt-a Q-* A,icl;qt-tL- :OUIPMENT EOUIPMENT NUMBER EOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS STANDBYoffi€ogfun*i <F.o<-t/-t{ C--1oz Lo +l VtfrP-rpve,t2 t* v7-44 (*{ 3sb (s<r-.t7- D2AZ-Jp 25 /l.yi 6X t{ Dz-tq Ut+.+ f,r7 boFrreg/th- I{WC REPRESENTATIVE: ifos\t U$zfitl OWNER REPRESENTATIVE:tR'e { q+sg ?A+th- REPRESENTATIVE TITLE: d,4 iJob Code4299Northwest Cascade ConstructionJob Name: West Flill Reservoir - City of KentDaily Report5694635965907439ooT749123732010314592610534CORKREY,JOSHUA OPEFORMROBER,STEVEN OPEFORMRROESCHLEIN, JOEOPERATHR 1WORTMAN,WLLIAM OPERAHHR 1HALDANE, SEAN OPERATHR 1BOND, MICHAEL LABORERR 1HANSON,JOHN APPRLABR 1LEWIS,JODlFLAGTCSRDEMELLO, JOEL APPRFLGR84I888I8ITotals for LaborHours: 68 Worked:68 Broken OuB (6,3/0/0)Begin EndBreak (l) Lunch Break (2) Med (2),-*,,";:itiijii'*+si,u$iiiiffiffi,.'H-.*:"is,'.sffiffi ,, ti#;i.t,1il#rittliGode5694635S65S07439007749123732010314592610534Start07:3007:3007:3t)07:3007:3t)07:3007:3007:3007:30NameCORKREY, JOSHUAOBER, STEVENROESCHLEIN, JOEWORTMAN,WILLIAMHALDANE, SEANBOND, MICHAELHANSON, JOHNLEWIS,JODIDEMELLO, JOELEnd15:3015:3015:3015;3015:3015:3015:3015:3015:30Diem Subsistence Notes'c'- indicatesa rcmpleted item.(R)' - indicates a rcwo* guantity.Date:Pintedon: 03/04/2022 16:30:45PagCI 2 Northwest Cascade GonstructionJob Name: West Hitl Reservoir - City of KentDaily ReportJob Code4299Gard: Date -OZIOTI2O22c707c706D224D242D219c885c886c707c706D224D24?D219ONE TON FOREMANONE TON FOREMAN10 CY DUMP TRK10 CY DUMPTRKCRAWLER MOUNTEDMINIEXCAVATORARTICULATED WHEELONE TON FOREMANONE TON FOREMAN10 CY DUMP TRK10 CY DUMP TRKCRAWLER MOUNTEDMINI EXCAVATORARTICULATED WHEELForcman - 56944444t1l1t1t1Totals for Equipment Hours: 42Worked:42 Broken Out (3ZllOlOlt1t1t1Revlsion-2 Shift-l4n4n4n246n6n4n246n6n2t1a: liilii{tei i-comiteiea item'(R)'- indtcates a rewoft quantity.Date:Printed on: 03/04/2A22 16:30:45Page 4 w H.D. FOWLER COMPAITIY Corporate Oflice 3633 136th Pl SE, Ste 100, Bellevue, WA 98006 PO Box 160, Bellevue, WA 98009-0160 Phone 425€54-8800 * Fax 425-641-8885 Pacific Branch 1417 Thomton Ave SW Pacific, WA 98047 (253) 863-8€00 Fax (253) 863{681 Page 1 of 1 REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seatile, WA 98124 iilffiffi t6010002 PAWH # 143940 HD Fowler Company - Pacific 1417 Thomton Ave SW Pacific WA 98047 Ship to:ro: NoRTHWEST cAscADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373.0399 Order# 07302919 lnv Date: 02144122 Order Writer: Ben Pimentel Terms: NET 10TH PROX FoB: H. D. FOWLER Due: 03110122 Ship Via: WILL CALL PO/JOB: #4299 WEST HILL RESERVOIR Qty Qty Ship'd BO'd Part # UoM Description Unit Price Extended T Price XLine 2 2 EA FGNEFFz 6'1/8" FULL FACE GASKET, NEOPRENE, 150# EA BNGKIT2 6" PLATED BOLT & NUT KtT, A307 GRADE A, (8EA 3t4" X3-114" BOLT WITH NUT) TMPORT EA FGNEFF3 8" 1/8" FULL FACE GASKET, NEOPRENE, 150# 3.80 10.40 2 5.05 Sub total Freight Tax Grand Total Serving the Pacific Norlhwest since 1911 www.hdfowler.com PADDY 7.60 20.80 10.10 38.50 38.50 1 2 3 NORTIIWEST CASCADE, INC. NWC PROJECT # 4299 DESCRIPTION: Mobe In & Out JD 245 Excavator LOCATION: 42nd PRV Vault Site EW# Bill to: T. Bailey Inc t0 WORKDA 2i22/2022 2/23/2022 HOURS REG 1.5 1.5 .67 $245.02 OperatorGroup3-Light 0 $l10.87 30.00o.T LABOR SUBTOTAL: 29o/o MARKUP: 2o/o Sick Leave: 0o/o Small Tools: LABOR TOTAL: .02 $71 .06 s4.90 s0.00 $J20.97 HOTJRS AMOLINT LOWBOY TRACTOR REG 1.5 $64.68c552 2008 KENWORTH T8OOB STNBY 0 $tt.22 $0.00 Gooseneck REG 1.5 t.5 s20.24 s60.72T292 2OO8 TRAILKING Trailers STNBY $5.63 s0.00 76EQUIPMENT 2lo/o MARKUP: $53.50 EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 $308.26 MATERIALS HRSruNITS RATE AMOUNT MATERTAL SUBTOTAI: 2lo/o MARKUP: MATERIAL TOTAL: 00 90.00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTORS HRSruNI-TS AMO{INT SUBCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL:$0.00 s0.00l2o/o MARKLJP: SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL:$0.00 SERVICES HRS/L'NITS AMOUNT LATEST REVISION I I I 18i 2O2O ST'BCONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL: 2lo/o MARKIIP: SI'BCONTRACTOR TOTAL: $0.00 s0.00 $0.00 TOTAI-$629.23 DRIYERNAMEflf s,,^*,e?y,ns?CONSTRUCTION DAILY DRNTERS REPORTTRUCKDArE C'23'AASTART MILESEND MILESTOTALMILES PC--.-*WERE YOU SAFE TODAY?vnsft NO t I \pERE yOU TNJURED TODAY? yES [ ]START STOPTIME TIMECUSTOMERLOCATIONNOF3'STARTTIMESTOPTIMEfrmTOTALDRTYETIMEZONE PAY HOURSINPUTF \IpttFF\f/Ioi+Y -F3"5h{il*dsxq'il.s tn -1o /?otrrfTrnS tt*eow"(nqt/H730TOTAL HOURS WTUIIULICIIryLUNCH5PAYROLL