HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-325 - Original - Arete Law Group, PLLC - Employment Advice & Negotiations RE: Employment Matter - 01/20/2022ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: Director or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingComments: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Optional) * Memo to Mayor must be attached /\ ARETE LAW GROUP Denise L. Ashbaugh dashba ugh@aretelaw.com Direct: (206) 428-3252 1218 ThirdAvenue Suite 2100 Seattle, WA 98101 Office: (206) 428-3250 January 19,2022 VIA EMAIL ONLY Mr. Arthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick City of Kent Office of the City Attomey 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 pfitzpaffick@kentwa.gov Re: Employment Advice andNegotiations regarding the Employment of Derek Kammerzell Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick: Thank you for retaining Arete Law Group PLLC to represent the City of Kent ("the Client") in the above-listed matter. We look forward to working with you. This letter establishes the terms of our engagement as legal counsel. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please contact me to discuss them. Our firm will use its best efforts in representing the Client in this matter. In exchange for our services, the Client agrees to pay us for time expended on the case and for any costs we advance on its behalf. Please be advised that the attorney-client relationship is between Arete Law Group and the Client, and Arete Law Group does not represent the Client's employees in their individual capacity. The Scone of the Representation As we have discussed, the scope of our Client representation will include employnent advice and representation in negotiations of the employment of Derek Kammerzell. Should the Client or Arete Law Group desire to modifu the scope of work to be performed, each will execute an amendment to this engagement letter. Conflicts of Interest The Washington State Bar Association and the Rules of Professional Conduct require that we check for conflicts of interest based upon information you provide. At this time Arete Law Group has identified no present conflicts of interest. Because circumstances change, we all must be continually alert to any developing conflicts. Please call us immediately once you recognize a conflict or potential conflict. ARETELAW,COM City of Kent t/1912022 Page2 Work Assienments Although you will be our initial Client contact, we may also work with other Client members or representatives, if appropriate. If you prefer that we only communicate or report to particular people, please advise in writing. Absent that, we will assume that you are authorized to direct us and that you will disseminate our advice to all appropriate Client levels. Fees We determine our fees by multiplying the number of hours worked on your behalf by the hourly rates of the attorneys, paralegals and/or legal assistants who provide services to you. I will be the attorney in our office primarily responsible for your case. My rate for this matter is $375 per hour. Whenever reasonable economies can be achieved, and consistent with effective representation, we will use clerks and paralegals, whose hourly rates are lower than attorneys, to reduce your costs and expenses. As with other such expenses, our fees may increase during the course of this engagement. Our clients sometimes request estimates of anticipated fees for a particular matter. The estimates we render are not a guarantee of the maximum fee, and events often occur which substantially alter our predictions. Actual fees may exceed any estimates given. Costs Costs advanced consist of all out-of-pocket expenditures we will make on your behalf, such as payment of filing fees, deposition costs, messenger seryices, travel expenses, and the like. By engaging Arete Law Group you agree that, except to the extent otherwise agreed to in writing, we will function as your agent and will have authority to incur such costs as deemed by us to be necessary in rendering services to you. These costs are incurred on your behalf and you are responsible for their payment. We do not charge for incidental copying (such as file copies and copies for office use). When it is necessary to do larger copying projects (normally more than fifty or so copies) we will either send the project to an outside copying company (and charge you the actual invoice cost) or do the copying in our office at our actual cost. All costs will be itemized by category in each invoice. We do not assess any handling charges or mark-ups on costs advanced. Deposits At this time, we will not require an advance fee/cost deposit from the Clinet. If we anticipate that significant costs likely will be incurred at some stage of the proceedings, we may ask you eitherto advance the costs to us (for direct payment made by us to third parties) or to pay the costs directly (upon prior approval made by us of third-party invoices). In addition, should this matter proceed to trial, we reserve the right to require an additional advance fee deposit ("Trial Retainer") as a condition of representation. We will discuss these situations with you if they arise. As a general practice, and consistent with our ethical and fiscal responsibilities, we will deposit any retainers, advance fees, and other client funds of the modest amounts or that we hold only for short periods of time, in a pooled interest-bearing trust account called an IOLTA account, a statewide procedure approved by the Supreme Court of Washington. The interest accruing in it, net of transaction costs, is paid to the Legal Foundation of Washington as established by the Supreme Court. The interest is not taxable to clients; rather the Legal Foundation uses it to assist in providing lawyers to persons who cannot afford them. Unless you request otherwise, we will deposit any such deposits into the IOLTA account. However, if you request ARETELAW.COM City of Kent l/19/2022 Page 3 so in writing, we will establish a separate trust account for your funds. If we do, the interest earned, net of the financial institution's charges, will be deposited in the account and taxable to you. Invoices We will invoice you monthly for services rendered and costs advanced on your behalf. If you have questions or concerns about an invoice, please bring them to my attention within 30 days of the date of the invoice. If you have not raised a question within that time period, we will assume that you have no questions regarding our statement and that you acknowledge the amount to be correct and owing. Monies are due and payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice. We may withdraw from the representation, after reasonable notice, if invoices are not paid when due. Arete Law Group accepts check and ACH payments. To set up an ACH payment, please contact Arete Law Group directly. Payment will be for professional services provided by Arete Law Group and related expenses as detailed on said invoice. Arete Law Group offers electronic invoicing. If you prefer to receive invoices via email, please initial the box below and provide the email address where invoices will be sent. You may change this election at any time if you later prefer to receive invoices by traditional U.S. mail, by notiffing Arete Law Group at aharris@aretelaw.com. R I prefer to receive invoices via email. Please deliver invoices to the following email address: I prefer to receive invoices via standard U.S. mail. Please send to the following address: Name: Address l: Address 2: City, State, Zip Code: No Guarantee of Outcome We do not and cannot guarantee the outcome of any matter. We may express our opinions and views concerning claims, defenses and strategy, and potential anticipated results we may expect. Any such statement is intended solely to be an expression of opinions, views and beliefs, based on information available at the time, and is not and should not be construed as a guarantee of any kind. Arbitration As a material part of our agreement the Client and Arete Law Group agree that in the event any dispute arise between us as to unpaid billings for fees and costs or any other matter relating to our representation ofyou, such dispute shall be resolved by arbitration. Arbitration shall be by one arbitrator if agreement as to that arbitrator is reached within twenty days of the date of service of a notice of intent to arbitrate. In the absence of an agreement as to one arbitrator, you shall select an arbitrator, and we shall select an arbitrator within forty days from the date of service of any notice of intent to arbitrate, and the two arbitrators shall select a third arbitrator within twenty days from the date the last arbitrator is selected. The decision of any two of the three arbiffators shall be binding upon all parties. The arbitration shall be subject ARETELAW.COM City of Kent U1912022 Page 4 to the rules of arbitration set forth in Chapter 7.04A of the Revised Code of Washington. The arbitrators' fees and other adminisfiation fees, is any, shall be bome equally by the parties. Naturally, we do not expect that any of the provisions of this paragraph will have to be applied to you and look forward to a whblly amicable relationship. Information You understand that the accuracy and completeness of any document or presentation prepared by us is dependent upon.the accuracy of information submitted by you to us. To that end, you agree to review all such information for its accuracy and completeness prior to supplying it to us. You fi,rther represent that any material, information, reports, and financial statements, whether rendered orally or in writing, furnished to us by you will be accurate, and that we may rely upon the truth and accuracy of such information. Insurance Coverage With respect to any legal dispute, there may be insurance coverage available to cover all or a portion of your legal expenses and/or any judgment against you. Our scope of representation does not include determining whether insurance coverage applies in any way to the matters in which we are providing you representation. Nor does our scope of representation include advising you about your rights under any insurance policy. We encourage you to investigate potential insurance coverage and to contact your insurance company or insurance broker to determine if there may be coverage available. Should you determine that such insurance coverage is available to you, please inform us at your earliest convenience. Please be aware that obtaining coverage may depend on prompt notification to the insurance company, so it is important that you not delay your investigafion of any potential insurance coverage. Document Retention Policy At the conclusion of our services on the matter to which this Engagement Agreement is applicable, we will return your file. Prior to returning your file to you, we will review your file and identif the key documents that we believe shouldbe retainedby us as duplicate copies. We will store these duplicate copies for a period of three years after we return the file to you and will then destroy these duplicate copies. All documents that we elect not to keep duplicate copies of will be returned to you. You are responsible for maintaining the file that we return to you if you elect to not have us destroy the file. You may request in writing that we destroy the file rather than return it to you. Termination of the Attorney-Client Relationshin Both you and Arete Law Group have the right at any time to terminate the attorney-client relationship. If you decided to terminate the relationship you must notifr us immediately of yow decision in writing. If we determine that we are no longer able to represent you, we must abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct, which apply to all attorneys in Washington. Circumstances covered by the Rules of Professional Conduct regarding withdrawal from representation include but are not limited to misrepresentation or failure by the client to fully inform the attorney regarding material facts, conduct by the client that is inconsistent with the attorney's advice, failure by the client to pay fees and/or costs, and a conflict of interest. If we believe a situation is developing that might require us to withdraw as your attorneys, we will make every effort to identi$ the situation and discuss it with you before making any ARETELAW.COM City of Kent llt912022 Page 5 decision. If we decide to withdraw, we will immediately give you written notice to that effect. In the event of a termination you remain responsible for payment of any legal services or costs incurred to the date of the termination. If you decided to terminate our attorney-client relationship, you will also be responsible for service and costs necessary in concluding or transferring the matter on which we have been working for you. If you have any questions, please let me know. If the foregoing terms and conditions are satisfactory, please indicate your agreement by signing and returning a copy of this letter to me. Again, we appreciate your having retained our firm in this matter. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, /s/ Denise L. Ashbaugh Denise L. Ashbaugh ft#ztnert urBy: Its: PosrrroN wrrH coMpAN4 Dated:eo ARETELAW.COM