HomeMy WebLinkAboutL03-082 - Original - Aquatic Management Group, Inc. - Kent Pool Sub-Lease Agreement - 03/06/2003ecords M em KENT Documen CONTRACI COVER SHEFI Thtr ls lo be compleled by the Conhqct l\ionoger pdor lo submbslon lo Clty Clcrkl Offlce. All porltons ore lo be compleled, lf you hove querllonr, pleose conlocl Mory Slmmons, Clly Clerkr Ofrcc. Vendor Nome: Conlrocl thls ls ossigned by Mory Slmmonr Vendor Number: Projecl Contrqcl Effecllve Dole:M*tmb,hilont 295 Conlroct Termlnollon Dole: Conirqcl Renewql Nollce (Doys):lk0 Number ol doys requlred nolice lor Conlrocl or lenewol or smendment w Depodment: Abslrocl: 1 AOCL7832 0ltU2 KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT rs made by and between the CITY OF KENT, herotnafter refened to as "Crty,. and AQUATIC MANAGEMENT GROUP,INC.' herernafter refened to as "Lgsse€." SECTION + LEASE PREMISES. The Crty has recerved an assrgnment of the lease between Krrrg County and the Kent School Drsfnct, attached as Exhrbrt'A"n for the Kent Pool (the "Pool"), located at 25316 l0l't Avenue SE, Kent, Waslungton For and upon the condrhons and provrsrons hetetn, the Crty subleases to the Lessee the Pool The areas subleased are descnbed un the floor plan, whrch rs deprcted m Exhrbtt "8" attached hereto and mcorporated herem by thrs reference Sard leased areas are herem referred to as the '?rsmrses " In addrtron to the terms of thrs Agreement, Lessee agrees to abide by the terms of the Lease tn Exhrbrt "A" SECTTON 2- USE O['PREMISES. The Lessee shall occupy, manage and operate the Premses as a pubhc pool m accord wrth the condrtrons and restnctlons ln Krng County Resolutron No 34571 Thrs leasehold rnterest mcludes the nght to charge fees for the pubhc pool servtces rendered by Lessee on the Premrses The Crty frrther grants the Lessee the rrght to operate vendurg machmes and sell aquatlc related merchandre on the Premrses The Lessee shall not conduct any other busmess or socral achvrty at the Pool, or use the Poo[ for any other purpose wrthout first havrng obtarned the Ctty's wntten consent SECTION 3. TERM. The term of thrs Agleement shall be for five (5) years commenclng on March b .,ZOOZ At the end of that five (5) year period of trme, rf Lessee has made all payments due to the Crty rn full, and rs not rn breach of thrs lease, then the Lessee shall have the optron of extendrng the term of thts lease for an addrtronal five (5) year penod of ttme, sub;ect to the Crty's revrew of financial records rn order to confirm Lessee's abrlrty to meet obhgations under thrs Agfeement The Lessee shall grve the Crty at least one hundred and erghty (180) days pnor wntten notrce of rts intentron to exercrsg thrs optron At the end of the thrrd year of the first term of thrs Agreement erther party may terminate thx Agreement by grvrng wntten notrce to the other party wrthtn nrnety (90) days of the expratton of the thrrd year The effectrve date of termrnahon of the Agreement under ttus Sectton shall be sxty (60) days after the requrred notlce rc recerved by the party to whom rt rs drected. KENT POOL STIBLEASE AGREEMENT Page I of 12 2 (Aqua!rc Manegement Group Inc - ll{arch 5, 2003) SECTION 4. LESSEE CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT. The kssee shall provrde to the Ctty the followrng consrderatton A PUblrc Se,rwees Provrde pubhc pool sernces pursuant to the terms of tlus Agreernent These pubhc pool servtces had prevrously been provrded by Kmg County, but m Apnl2002 Krng County determrned that the Pool would have to be closed unless the Crty or another entrty took over operatron and management of the Pool The Pool was closed m December 2002 when no agrcement had been reached between Krng Couuty and the Crty regardrng the Pool In March 2003, the Crty recerved a deed for the Pool from Krng County and recerved an assrgnment of the lease between Krng County and the Kent School Drstnct. Thrs sublease Agreernent wrll assure that pubhc pool servrces are agatn provrded to the ctfizens of the Crtyof Kent B Awyal Rent" Payto the Crty One Dollars (S1 00) annuallyon the annlversaty date of thrs Agreement C. Legsehold Tw Pursuant to Chapter 8229LRCW, Lessee shall pay quarterly to the Crty, on the 15ft dayof the month followrng the end of each quarteq the amountof state leasehold tax owmg The state leasehold tax, cttrently 12 84 %, wrll be based on the far market value of the rent for the premres SECTION 5. CITY CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT. The Crty shall have the followrng obltgatrons under thrs Agreement A Inunl F$e Payment to Lessee of an rnrtral sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($70,00000) for start up funds to be pard wrthrn five (5) days of the execution of thrs Agreement The Crty shall recerve from Lessee rent rehef for use of the Pool at mutually agreed upon terms equal to the rnrtral fee B Annual-F.ee Payment to Lessee once a year of an amount not to exceed Twenty Ttrousand Dollars and nol100 ($20,000 00) for mamtenance, operatron, and rmprovements to the Pool The Ctty acknowledges that operatrng the Pool rs not a profitable endeavor as seen by Krng County's expenence wrth the Pool, and by the responses recerved when offers to take over the pool were sohctted. Payment of the annual fee shall be made under the followrng terms: Lessee shall make a wntten request to the City for funds to be released and shall provrde documentatron demonstrahng the need for the amount requested. Wrthrn thrrty (30) days of the recetpt of the request, the Crty shall determrne, ln rts sole drscretron, the amount of funds to be drstnbuted and drsfibute the same By January 3l*t of the next fiscal year, Lessee shall submrt furanonl documentatron to the Crty showrng the profit or loss mcurred the prevrous year kssee shall rermbur$e the Crty for any profit rt made, up to the amount of annual fee pard by the Crty the prevrous year KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page2 of 12 3 (Aqudttc Monagemen! Gtoup, Inc - March 5, 2003) C Cctortal Fqe Payment to Lessee of a porfion of the caprtal tmprovement frrnds the Crty recerves from Krng County rn 2003 and 2004 undcr the terms of the Intergovemme'ntal Agreement conveylng the Pool from Krng County to the Crty The amounts wll be mutually agreed upon for caprtal lmprovements to the Pool The Crty may retarn some of the funds for unantrcrpated caprtal repalrs. D Comnuter Svstqm Provrde to Lessee the computers that wore transferred wrth the Pool by Krng County Lessee shall be responsible for the set up and mamtenance of the computer system SECTION 6. LESSEE'S OPERATIONAL OBLIGATIONS. Lessee shall perform the followrng tasks. A Publtc [Jse Promote and manage the use of the Pool for use as a pubhc pool Lessee shall estabhsh for City approval a quarterly schedule of aquatrc programs B. Jawtonal Serwce. Provrde lanrtonal servlce for the mtenot and extenor boundanes ofthe Pool grounds C PerSagmel Provrde competent personnel m numbers to adequately serve the Pool patrons. Train and supervrse personnel m ther work and provtde the Ctty wtth any farnrng manuals used All staffmust have the necessary aquatic tarnrng and certrficatlon as requrred by the State of Washrngton, and the Red Cross or Elhs & Asocrates All trarmng and cerhficaton records shall be easrly accessrble for revtew by goverrung agencles and the Crty D Uhhtrcs Pay for all utrhtres assocrated wrth the Premrses. E Mwntenance Marntam the Pool, counter/krosk area, pahos, rncludrng garbage contarners around burldrngs and entryways rn a clean, well kept, orderly manner to the satnfactron of the Crty Conduct marntenance and repalrs to mtenor facilrtres and fixfires, rncludrng all pool equrpment, hghts, plumbrng, furnture, locks assocrated wrth the Premrses, Lessee's tools and equrpment, and Lessee's leased equrpment F H,ortrs pf Sewrce Provtde hours of seruice that rneet the pubhc demand for use of the Pool. Lessee shall keep lhe Pool open Monday through Saturday, excopt ThatksgvrngDay and Decembor 25th of each year, except as provrded rn Sectton 7 bslow Sundaye wrll be reserved for qpecral events, The Crty's Drector of Patks, Recreafion, and Communrty Servrces (the "Drrector') must approv€ any other days that Lessee proposes to close the Pool pnor to any closure KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 3 of12 4 (Aqaatrc hlonogsr,ent Group, lnc - Morch l, 2003) G Adve.rt$rne Provrdenecessaryadvertsrngto pubhcrzethePool. L esseeshall estabhsh an adverhgng program and obtarn the approval of the Drrector for the program. Thc Dlrector shall not unreasonably wrthhold hrs approval. H Alarm $Ystem Install and marntarn a burglar alarm system tf tt rs mutually agreed that a system rs needed L Fee.Schedule Propose to the Crty a schedule of fees for use by the Pool These fees shall rnclude, but not be hmrted to, lessons and pubhc swrm ttmes The hst of fees must be approved by the Duector, but the Drrector may not unreasonablywrthholdhtsapprcval. Any subsequent changes to the schedule of fees must be agreed upon by Lessee and the Dtrector. J. Polrctes and Procedvlqs Abrde by the followrng operating pohcres and procedures Operate the Pool pusuant to the rules and regulattons estabhshed by the Crty and any aquatlc factlrty govemmg agency Expel from the Pool unruly persorxi or those under the mlluence of mtoxrcants lll Prohrbrt rllegal actrvlty on the Premtses Respond rn a hmely and reasonable manner to members of the pubftc wrth complamts regarfing the Pool Lessee shall supervtse a pubhc relatrons progr:rm for the Pool Lessee shall refrarn from derogatory comments regardrng the Crty's Pool poltcres or dectstons Lessee shall explamto Pool staffand Pool users the Crty's Pool pohcres or decrsrons. Prohrbrt use of the premrses for ancrllary, revenue-producrng achvrttes, unless expressly authonzed by the Crty pnor to any such achvrttes and sublect to any condrfions rmposed by the Crty Regulate the conduct of all persons at the Pool, rncludrng preventrng treqpassmg and other behavror that may cause harm or damage to ths Pool Perform a datly physrcal mspectron of the Pool on all days of operatron, and rmmedrately report any unusual or unsafe condrtrons to the Deparhnent of Parks, Recreabons, ild Commumty Servrces (the "Department') Such reports shall be followed by wntten conespondence to the Department Communrcate wrth the Drrector, or hls or her desrgnated stafl on a regular basrs regardrng the Pool's operatlons and condrtrons ll 1V v vl vll vul KENT POOL ST.IBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 4 of 12 5 (Aguauc Management Group, Inc - March 5,2003) IX Obtarn pnor wntten Crty approval for all adverhsement for commerctal vendors K Fnanaal Reparts Provtde monthly financral reports to the Departnent L Documenwwn e{ Solvenc! Submrt to the Crty by March 3l't of each year after 2003, erther a copy of the prevlous year's annual report or a Certrficate of Solvency by a certrfied pubhc accountant to demonstrate Lassee's financral solvency and abrlrty lo matntam operafions under thrs Agreement M NW! Aquattc Faahtv Assrst the Crty rn planmng, feasrbrlrty studres, and promotron of the construction of a new aquatrc facrlrty rn the Crty of Kent as duected by the Kent Crty Councrl N Audts All revenue and fees collected at the Pool are sublect to audrt by the State Audrtor, Crty Internal Audrtor, or Crty hrred Certrfied Pubhc Accountants The Lessee shall permrt the Crty, at any trme dunng busrness hours, through tts desrgnated representattves, to rnspect and venfy such accounts and all other busmess records concernrng operatrons at the Pool Detarl backrng up the subsrdrary records ts sub;ect to audrt and records are to be retuned per RCW 40 14 record retentron laws. The Confiactor shall take rmmedrate correctrve actlon on all pnor, current, or future rntemal contract weaknesses as drrected by the Crty SECNON 7, POOL CLOSURE. A. Closure due to Catgstrophe The Pool shall remarn open unless rt ts closed as a result of causes beyond the control, fault, or neghgence of the partres Such causes may rnclude, wrthout hmrtatron" act of God or pubLc on€my, acts of the federal, state, or local govemments, fites, floods, earthquakes, eprdemrcs, volcamc eruptrons, quaranttne restnctrons, stnkes; frerght embargoes, c ourt o rders, a nd u nusually s evere w eather o r o ther c ondrtron t hat c auses all or a portron of the Pool to be closed for extended penods oftrme. ShoulderthertheCtyorthe Lessee farl to perform because of a cause descnbed rn tlus subsectron, the Crty and the Lessee shall make a mutually acceptable revlslon to Secflons 4, 5 and 6 of thrs Agreoment Addttronally, thrs Agreement may be termrnated rf the Pool rs deemed unusable by the Crty as a result of maJor damage or destructron and the Crty elects not to reburld the unusable porhons Closure of the Pool under the above condrhons shall not be a breach of thrs Agreernent. B. Clssurefor Matnrgnqfes In the event that Lessee deterrnnes that rt rs necessary to close all or a porhon of the Pool due to regular mamtenance, repar, caprtal rmprovernents, mclement weather, or stmrlar condtilons that result m a srtuatron where the Pool's condrfion rs unsatrsfactory for uso, or rf damage to the Pool rs hkely rf rt remarned open, the Lessee shall coordmate such closure wrth the Crty pnor to the closure Closwe of the Pool under the above condltlons shall not be a brEach of the Agreemurt KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 5 of 12 6 (Aquonc Management Group, Inc - March 5, 2003) C Permanent Closure hv Ctbt Should the Crty determrne that the Pool must be permanently closed for any rea{ion, mcludrng but not hmrted to, structural damage, cost of repatr, or expense of operatron, tessee shall comply wrth the Crty's decrsron and close all or part of ttre Pool, dependrng on the City's decrsron, at no cost to the Crty Closure of the Pool under the condrhons shall not be a breach of the Agreement SECTION 8. SIGNAGE. All graphrcs placed upon or aflixed to any part of the Premrses shall be sub;cct to the pnor wntten approval of the Crty or rts representahve, whrch approval shall not be unreasonably wrthheld The Lessee wrll follow all Crty srgn codes The Lessee shall submtt detarled plans and secure any needed permrts/approvals for all extenor and mtenor stgns SE CTION 9. CAPTTAL IMPROVEMENTS/REMODELING. A Generallv 1 Lessee shall, pnor to commencrng any alteratron, rmprovement, or constructron, submrt to the Crfy rn wntmg, plans for altgrahons, rmprovements, and consbuctton along wrth a breakdown of the cost of such rmprovements. 2. All plans submrtted are subyect to the approval of the Drrector or hs representatrve pnor to commencement of any alteratron, rmprovement or construclon The Ctty agrees to promptly revtew srud plans, and rf the alteration, lmprovement, and constructrotl ts acceptable, to promptly approve the same The plans as approved shall be attached to an executed copy of thrs Agreement and be rncorporated herein Thrs approval by the Drector rs rn addrtron to any plan revrew or lssuance of pemuts by the Crty rn lts capaclty as a governing body rather than a landlord 3. All work performed shall be done to the salrsfactron of the Department and shall be carned out m a manner that mmrmizes rmpact upon the uss of the Pool by the public Lessoe shall be responsrble for obtaururg all governmental permrts, for meetrng all code requrranents, and shall submrt copres of the same to the Deparbnent or rts represontatrve pnor to commencrng any constnrctron on the Premrses 4 The Department may conduct mspectlons of any caprtal mprovement work at any tlme to assure rtself that such work rs m accordance wrth the plans approved by the Deparknent. In the event any such work ts not perfonned accordrng to plans as then approved by theDrrector,theDrectororhrcrepresentatrveshallsenda Notlce of Non-Comphance to the Lessee. In the event the Lessee farls to make correctlons wrthrn twenty (20) days after the kssee's receipt of such Notrce of Non-Comphance, the Department may make whatever correcttons are nec€ssaryto bnng such work mto comphance wrth the plans as approved and shall charge the Lessee for all costs of such correchve work KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 6 of 12 7 (Aquatv Management Group, Inc - March 5,200i) 5 The Crty may requre Lessee, pnor to conmencsment of any construchon work, to provrde payment and performance bond(s) rn a form(s) approved by the Crty Attomey, payable to tho Crty rn the full and lust value of such caprtal rmprovements, condrtroned that all prouslons of thrs Agtreement relatrng to caprtal rmprovements shall be farthfully perfonned by the Lrssee, or the surety, tf requred 6 Lessee shall furmsh the Crty wrth a complete set of reproducrble "24x36" mylar drawrngs reflectmg the final "as-bullt" condrtron of all caprtal rmprovements wrthm thrty (30) days after completron of the constmchon Lessee shallfurnrshtotheCrtycopresofall operatrng manuals, equrpment brochures, parnt schedules and matenal brochures for such lmprovements 7 Lessee wrll use recycled products whenever possrble. 8 All alteratrons, capttal rmprovements, and constructron shall be constructed and rnstalled solely at the Lessee's expense, unless the Crty expressly agr€es rn wntmg to contrrbute toward the costs thereof. All alteratrons and caprtal lmprovements by Lessee shall become and remarn the propedy of the Crty All equrpment, fixtwes, and furmslungs rnstalled by Lessee wrll be mantained and reparred by Lessee. B hilnl Canttql hnprovemerls Lessee shall pay for and construct, sub.Ject to thrs Sechon 9, the caprtal tmprovements to the Pool as mutually agreed to by the parhes. EECTION 1 0. TAXES/FEES. The Lessee shall promptly pay all taxes and fees for rts operatrons to the appropriate collectrng agencles SECTION 1 T, NON.DISCRIMINATION. Lessee shall conduot tts busmess rn a manner whlch assures farr, equal and non-dncnmtnatory treatment at all trmes rn all respects to all persons wrthout regard to rase, color, reltgron, sex, age or nattonal ongln No person shall be refused servlce, be glen dtscnmtnatory treatment or be denred any pnvrlege, lxie of facrhhes, or parficrpatron ln achvrtres on the Premrses on account of raco, color, rehgrorr' sex, age or natronal ongm. Farlure to comply wrth any of the terms of thrs provlslon shall be a matenal breach of thls Agreement Lessee shall comply wrth all apphcable Federal, State, County, and Crty laws, ordmances, rules and regulattons regardurg non-drscnmmafion rn omplolmrent, the provrslon of servrces to the publtc rn a non-drscnmrnatory manner The Lessee shall be responsrble for complyrng wrth the ADA wrth respect to any tmprovements rnstalled by the Lessee, the placement of furnrture and furnrshngs, and the Lessee's operatrons. KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 7 of 12 I (Aquonc Manogement Group, Inc - March 5, 20A3) sIcTroN 12. INSURANCE. Dunng the term of thrs Agreement and any extensron thereo{, the Crty shall marntaur an msurance pohcy on the Premrses rn the amount of the replacement cost for damage from fire; earthquake, and other penls Sard msurance pohcy shall also msure the replacernent value of the equrpment provrded by the Crty pursuant to thrs Agreement The Lessee shall be responsrble for marntarnmg lts own fire and hazard insurance on Lessee owned personal property and leasehold rmprovements placed wtthln the Premrses by the Lessee. The Lessee shall procure and marntam for the duratron of the Agreement, rnsurance agamst clarms for urlunes to persons or damage to property whrch may anse from or tn connectron wrth the performance of the work hereunder by the Lessee, its agents, representattves, employees or subcontracto$ The Lessee shall provrde a Certficate of Insurance evrdenctng I Automobile Lwbrft4r rnsurance wlth lrmtts no less than $1,000,000 combrned smgle hmrt per accrdent for bodrly mJury and property damage, and 2 Commeraal General Lnbtltty msufitnce wntten on an occurrence bass wrth hmrts no tess than $1,000,000 combrned stngle hmrt per occturenco and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal ugury, bodrly ugury and property damage Coverage shall rnclude but not be hmrted to blanket contractual, products/completed operatrons; broad form property damage, premrse operatrons, employer's ltabiltty; and personal rngury. Any payment of deduchble or self-rnsured retenlron shall be the sole responstblltty of the Lrssee The Crty shall be named as an addrtronal nsured on the msurance polrcy, wrth respect to work performed by, or on behalf ot, the Lessee, and a copy of the endorsement namrng the Clty as addrtronal rnswed shall be attached tothe Certtficate of Insurance The Lessee's lnsurance shall contarn a clause stahng that coverage shall apply separately to each msured agarnst whom clarm rs made or surt brought, except wrth respects to the hmrts of the lnsurer's habilrty The Lessee's insurance shall be the pnmary rnsurance wrth respect to the Crty, and the Crty shall be gven thfiy (30) dap pnor wntten nohce of any cancellatron, suspensron or matenal change ln coverage KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 8 of 12 I (Aquauc Management Group, Inc - March 5, 200i) 8F CflON I L TNDEMNTFICATTON/HOLD HARMLESS. The Lessee shall defend, rndemruf, and hold the Crty, rts officers, officrals, employees, andvolunteersharmlessfromanyandallclarms, mJunes, damages, losses or surts, urcluding attorney fees, anung out of or rn connectron wrth the performance of tlus Agreement, except for m1unes and damages caused by the sole neghgence of the Crty Should a court of competent 3unsdrctron determrne that thrs Agreement rs subject to RCW 4.24 115, then, rn the event of habrlrty for damages arisrng out of bodrly mjury to persons or damages to property caused by or resultrng from the concurrent neghgence of the Lessee and the Crty, rts officers, officrals, employees, and volunteers, the kssee's habrlrty hereundor shall be only to the extent of the Lessee's neghgence It rs further specrfically and expressly understood that the indemnrlicatron provrded herern constrtutos the Lessee's walver of tmmunrty under Industnal Insuranee, Tttle 5I RCW, solely for the purposes of thrs mdernnlficahon Thrs warver has been mutually negotrated by the partres The provrsrons of thrs sectron shall survrve the exprahon or termrnatron of thts Agreement SECTION 14. MUTUAL RELEASE A]YD WAIVER. The I"essee and Crty shall not rusrgn to any lnsurance company any nght or cause of actron for damages wluch the partres now have or may subsequently acqurre against the other party dunng the term of thrs Agreement and shall walve all nghts or subrogafion for such damage SECTION IS. STANDARDS. Lcssee recognrzes that although lt rs operatrng rts facrlrtres as an rndependent operator for profit, the Crty rs organrzed and exrsts for the purpose of marntamrng park and recreahon facrlrtres for the use and en;oyment of tho general pubhc, The L,essee, rts agents and employees, will devote ther efforts toward rendenng courteous servrce to the pubhc wrth a vrew of addrng to the enyoyment of the patrons of thrs recreatronal facrhty $ECTION 16, COMPLIAT\ICE WITrr LAWS. L,essee shall comply wrth all apphcable Federal or State laws and Crty ordrnances and wrth apphcable Federal, State, Crty and local drectrons, rules and regulahons SECTION 17. SURRENDER OF PREMISES AND REMOVAL OF LESSEEIS PROPERTY. A Suwender Upon termrnatron or expratlon of thrs Agreement, the Lessee shall surrender the Pool to the Crty and promptly surrendsr and dehver to the Crty all keys that lt may have to any and all parts of the Pool KENT POOL SI]BLEASE AGREEMENT Prye 9 of 12 10 (Aquotrc Mrnogement Group Inc - March 5,200J) B Condfircn The Pool shall be surrendered to the Crty rn as good a condrtron as at the date of executton of thrs Agrcement, except for the effects of reasonable wear and tear, alterahons, and repars made wrth concurrence of the Crty C Removal bv Lessee Pnor to the expratron of the term of tlus Agreement, Lessee shall remove from the Pool, at rts sole exp6nse, all equryment, fumrshngs, and other personal property owned and placed m or on the Pool by the Lessee. D. CrN Propert! All Crtypurchased and owned equlpment and furmshrngs, and any such equrpment and fumrslungs srtuated wrthrn the Premrses subsequently purchased and owned by the Crty shall remarn City property and be left on the Premrses SECT{ON 18. LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES. Lessee shall keep the Premrses free and clear of any hens and encumbrances arisrng or growmg out of tts use and occupancy of the Premrses At tho Crty's request, kssee shall frrrush the Crty wntten proof of payment of any rtem whrch would or mrght constrtute the basrs for such a hen on the Pool rfnot pard SECTION 19. ENTRY. The Crty's representatrve may enter the Pool dunng normal operatmg hours for the putpose of rnspecfing the Pool, except m the case of emergency when the Crty may enter at any ttme, but ths nght shall rmpose no obhgatron upon the Crty to make rnspectlons to ascertarn the condrtron of the Pool. SECTrON Zg: BREACH A. Notrce of Breaeh In the event that erther party clarms that the other rs rn a breach of any of the provrsrons of thrs Agreement, notrce of the breach shall be submrtted to the party alleged to be m breach and the party rn breach shall have thrty (30) days from recerpt of the nohce wrthin whrch to conest any acttvrty or conduct clrumed by the other to have constituted a breach of thrs Agreement B. Reme&es kr the event that the party rn breach shall farl to correct the activrty clarmed to constrtute a breach of thrs Agreement withrn thuty (30) days ofrecerpt of the notrce of breach, the party clammg breach may: 1 Issue a noflce of termmatlon ln wntmg by certrfied marl (return recerpt requested), or bypersonal dehvery settrng the reason for termrnatron, and/or 2, Seekyudrcral remedy rncludrng specrfic performance; and/or 3 Pursue any other remedy avarlable at law or equrty KENT POOL SUBLEASE ACREEMENT Page l0 of 12 11 (Aquatlc Managemenl Group, Inc - ilIarch 5,2003) c' Pool clo-sure In the Event that the crty determmes rn rts sole drscretro4 to closethe Pool for reasons m accord wrth sectrol fA; A;'"may.termrnate thrs Agrecrneot uponrssuance of a Nofice of rcrmtnatlon $vug the Lessee-s;av tool days from reoeipt ro yacate thePool per sectlon 17 ' Anottce orureairr rs not requ'ed under these crrcumstances D' Nonce o{ Tenm4atrctL under crrcumstances oflrer than secnon 20,c above,upon recelpt of wntten nottce of termrnatrgn by the crty,-ressee wr[ have twenry {20} days to,"#::,:frt":r"j;-Hff,rl"f"Thas abandon;e;;"tft,-;" whrch .ur. *,r'i,ry may rake SECffON 21" ASSTGNMENT. Lessee sharl not vor'ntanly, by operatron of raw, or by p:ocels or proceed'rg m anycourt" asslgn' trausfer' moltgage, pl.jgt, [rpothecatf or Lg**ger thrs Agreement, or anyrnterest therern, and shafl not iurcontract gre oorrgai.n, *d* thrs Agresmsnt, or any partthereo{' wrthout the pnor wntten consenr :f.g" c;6- & luh a.ognmrnt, subconrrachng oruse wthout compltance wrth the tsrms or trrirp-igr.oi"*"t be vord and srrat consfitutc adefault under the terms of thrs agreement If Les;es rs a corporatron, any bansfer of thrsAgreemenr from r,essee oy *"tg%lonrohdatron, ;;i,qil;;,.or gycharrge m the ownersrupor power to vote In a maJonty of the outstanding u"t,ng rld, of Lessee shall constrtute anasstgnment for purposes of tlus paragraph eny rin*untTo;;" assrgnnrent, subcontractmg oruse by any other persCIn shall not aI &"mea ir u- " i"*J, ,: any subsequent assrg*e,,t,subconrractrus, or use by anothor p.;;- c;;;1, ;-;r;.j'assignm*rq subcontracrrng or u,seshell rn no way rerreve Lr*r." or*ny rr*rrrty ,"Irrlril'egru*enf. Assrgnment by Lesseo to afinancral instituhon holdrng " r.r*rvl"r1*st m th, A?;ent shall nor be ionsrdered avlolahon of the cons€'nt requlrsnents oithrs Agruernent cfiseflt fo1gv subsequent ass€ruBentby sard financrar inshtutron to another Lessee w, not be unrersonabry wrthherd; however, anyassrgnee must have expenence and be tnowrecge;b l,l; ;ffi ;oor managernent Thepartres h:It'o reserve the right t" yyq fhrs Agreement frorn time to tme as rnaybeilH:i*.1ff:.';*il,"""ffiTffi"* r'i"to shatl be .rt ilt*" unress ..,tt* and srgned oy SECNON 23, PAYMENTS TO VENDORS. The Lessee sha' pay trmery at supprrers and conrractors provrdr,,g s'rvrces! materiars orequpmart for carryrng out tls obliatrons *uo tt ,, egr";;;;;. The rrssse shalr not take or farrto take any actlon m a Elanner thaicauses ure crty o.L/r"lt"rrur, that the Lessee hereunder tobe sublect to any crarm or rren "dip*;;" wrr&out the crry,s pnor wntten consent SECrroN p. MoDrFrcATrON. KENT IIOOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page ll of 12 12 (Aquanc Maragement Group, Inc ^trtlarch !, 200j) SECTION 24. CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS. The Crtywrll, to the extent allowed by law, keep all of Lessee's financral cost tnformation confidentral, unless requred to drsclose the rnformatlon as a resultoftheWashrngtonPubhc Records Drsclosure law, Ch 42.17 RCW or byoourt order SECTION 2 5. SEVERABILITY. In the event any one or more of these sectrons are held rnvahd by a court of competent lunsdrctron, they shall be severed and thrs Agreernent shall not be vorded rn rts entrrety. Thts Agreement shall then be rnterpreted as rf such mvaltd agreements and covenants were not contarned herem SECTION 26. WASHINGTON LAWS. A Thrs Agreement shall be construed accordrng to the laws of the state of Washrngton. B. Any lrtrgatron ansmg underthrsAgreementshalloccur,rflnstatecourttnthe Krng County court havmg yunsdrctron thereoS and rf in federal courts, tn the Uruted States Drctnct Court forthe Westem Dtstnct of Washrngton SECTTON 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Thrs Agreement constrtutes the entlre Agteement between partl€s IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thq Crty\q4aused this Agreement to be executed by rts properofftcersdulyauthorved,thls/,*dayofM2003,andtheLesseehas hereunto set tts hand LESSEE: AQUATIC MANAGEMENT, INC. e(M Name Seo" c dneillto^, Trtle C6o Date E t KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page 12 of 12 Ju L-.*rls CITY: CITY OF KENT Date 3 (-') 13 (Aqualrc Managenent Grosp Inc - March 5 2003) ,f -l APPROVED AS TO tr'ORMr ,,? By P \Clvrl\Fll"E$0p:rf rlcs\0?0N\SublxcAgrcdEil-AS{lFMdrgoninrtl doc KENT POOL SUBLEASE AGREEMENT Page l3 of12 ADAMS PRATT ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 14 (Aquuc Monagement Group, Inc - March 6 20Ai) t t B- 1 I -20Ui lut, uJ: uu Pll l"flx NU,P, UI t, u t i \1 LE^SE AGREEI.IENT ttlls 'E^SE nade ln quadrupllcste thls 26 day of ltQy , 1971, by anal betwoen KING cottNTY, l{AslrINcToNp a lega), eubdivtston oE lhe SEarc of lfaehlngton, LosseE, anil t(ENf scnool DIsTnlcT NO. ,115, KIng County, Hashlngton, a munlcJ,pal corporatton of Ehe gtot6 of l{aohlngtonr Lelror: IIIfNE.SSLT}I: t,\-. ') . tn conulderatlon of the covehantg and agreenents of tho Lefsee herelnafter set forth, the School Dlgtrlct does by these prceents leaso snd dcnrlss unto Xlng County thet certsln' rr'ul cstate duocrfbed ao follovt: Ibnt porblon of ll. l/2 ot S.!f. l/4 of s.ll. ll4of Sectlon 20 1 l, 22 N,,4.5 E', lI.M. dlorcrlbed as followsr Ecalnnlng at e bronze mohurncnt mark{ng che tnterf€ezlon of the cent€r llne of oecondary stnts Hlghway No. 5-A $tth bhe ceneerllne of sccondasy Stste tllgiqray No. 5'C and betng the S.4. eotner of the S.91. 1,/4 of S.w. l/4 of satd Sect(on 20; thencer N. (ltl0'31"W. along tho c€nter. rtne oi said aecondaiy stite tllghway tr5. s-c 828.r1'; thencc tl. 89'43r19" w. 623.51' to the E. llne oE thevt. l/2 of s.w, I/4 of s.ttr, L/4 of sald sectlon 20 ond thc true polnt of boglnnlng; Ebence contlnuo N. 0t.{trt9', tt, l1l.33r; thenco S, 0r23r03,,W. I33.33'; thencc 5. 89'55t38tr E. ?9.10; thonco s. 0'0'l'22' w- 4L.a0'r- lhence s. 89'55'38" E. 2t6,80r to the E. llncof tha w, L./? of S.t{. Ul at s'w. l/,1 of sald Sestlon20; thonee N. 0'22'296 rI. along salil llne l?3.21' to the trua polnt or beglnnlngl subJect to nn ea.temenE over lhe E. i5' thcreof' tn addltlon to the ProParty leoted, the School DlsErlct wlll grovloo l1l convenlcnt and ncocssqry earcFeneg for utllttleS, lnlress ond egrooo, Thq t6rn of such lease shall be for a petlod of, forLy l,lo) ycsrl frorn tho drts rbovc r.rrllton. Upon explratron of 0C0002 Corr,rcted !uge I EXHIBIT 'AN /'t 15 FtB-rr-2003 TUE 03j00 Pfl FA)( NO, I,EASE AGRf,E}IE}.IT Tlus LEisE n'rdc ln quailrupllsrta thls -26-d:y of --hy--, 1971, by and bet'*een (Il{6 Coullty, HASllIltGTON, 0 legal subdlvleton of tho Statc, o,t t{ashlngtonr lesseor ancl XEN! SCHOOL DTSTRIC! No. 415, Xlng councy, l{ashlngtonl a rnunlclpal corporation of the SEato of tilashlnEtonr Lessorr WITNESSETH ! Irr conclderatlon of tlrc covcna,ntr and agrcernonts of tlrs Lossoo horclnalter set forth, the school Dt8trlct does by theao proaenBs toase and denrte unto Xing County thaE corteh real eotate doecrlbed as folloqrst P, 04 5-25-?l {I fhot porLlon of !1. I/? of S.hl. I/4 of S.n. 1,/l of Sectton 20, T.22 N. r ll.S.E,, l'r'!1. deocrlbeil ad follow6; Fegrnnlng at a bronzc monunent nrarklng lho lntersect,ion of, thc ccntor llns of soccndary scatc lllglrway No. 5-lr wlth tho contar llno of secondary State lllghwly No. 5-C arrd bolng tJre S.E. corner of t.he 9.t{. l,/{ of s,ll , L,/4 -of e atd Secblon 20t ttlcnec, N. ool0'33" w. along Lho qcnter 1i.ne of, sald gccondary State ttrghnay No. 5-c 828,11r1 thencc N. 8t'{3!19n l1l. 62i,5l'. to the D. Irne of tlre vt. l/2 of s.Ir. I/{ of s,t{. I/^ of Ealal ssctlon 20 anq the tlue Polntof begtnnlngJ tlrenco conElnue N. 89 r43 | 19" ItI. 313.83'; thcnco S. 0'23'03" lil, 133.31 '1 thenco S. tlg'55r38n l:, s. H. 20 L9 €d 79.l0ti Urence S.0'0a'22il I,{. {I,00rt t}tonce 09r55t38" E. ZlC,B0r to rbe 8 llno of rhe 7/2 ot 9,w. l/4 of S.tf. U4 af sald Sectlon , tlrcnsc N. On22r28* W, along sald Ilne l?3.211 tho true Polnt of begrnnlngl tubrect to au sement gver fjie E. t5 I thcroof. In [ddlelon to the PEoPQrt'Y leased, t]re School Dlstric! vlll provrdo all convenlent ,lnd necessaEy easements over rEs adJoinlng land for uttlttlesr rflgress and egresc. Thc Eerm of such lcase shall be for n pef,lod of fcrly l{0) ycarg fronr tJrc date oboyc wrrbben. Upon explratton of 16 \)C0a0L I FtB-l1-2003 TUE 03r00 Pll }.A}{ N(J. rqld Ioase tenn, Lcsses shall hovo an optton !o renett Euch leaeo uporl Lorns to bo negotlatod betwqon lhe partles, lt bolng tlrc lntent at tlrls dato th,rt the lergo conb{nue f6r at leagt t\o usoful llfe oI tho burldLng lnd structurcs to bo locatod on the prorolsoa. XIng County acceptr the prernlees Ln the precent condltlon and for tJre purposc of, lmmsdlltely consttuetlng tloteon a lnJor Indoor swlrunJ,ng pool. Xlng County shall bo responslbls for compllanco vlth cll lars affecclng ugo of tJre ptoperty f0r oll charEes for utllltlog or gouernnontal chargos or taxes that should bs leviqd agolnst t}re proparty or thlg lease, for all malntenance, repalrs and lnsurance thorson and shall koop the property ln gooil rcpartr and rnsured agllnoE a1I dlmage and Itabrllty reeultlng frorn ttre use thorcof. Such J.nsurance ghsll n.rmo lesgot aE an add{tlonal lnsured. Klng County ehall at tlmla when facllLtLes on the loagad pronlsee ilro not, to bo used by X{ng County p8rmlE th6 school Dlltrtct to u.lo such f.rctlltlee sub3ect co a Uso lgreenrent betwoon the two .rgoncles, Xlng County agloeg to hold tha School Dlstricl harnleslt and to lndennlfy and defenil the School Dlstrlct agalnst nny elalrn or llabllJty for danraga to any per5on or properry and eostu lncldent thereto arrslng $Lth respect bo tha leased premlc€s, cxcept whon such dahags ls a rosult of School Otstrtqt cponnorcd or controllcd actlvrtlce on ths lesecd prenrlses or rhere euclr danago 1s attrJb,utablg Co gotfie act or omlgslon of tlra School Dlstrlct. lJ. Ub ( -2- 17 FEB'II-2003 TUE 03:OI Pfl iR)( NU, the School Dlstrict aEract to holil Ktng county harrnleas andl to lnitomnlly ond ilofcnd Xlng County agal,nat rny claimc or llablllty for damlge to ony person or proporty on thc lsrsed pranl.ros lnd coscs lncldent theroto causqd by Ute hegllgencc o.f Ure schoal Dlstrlct or as a result o[ School DIs[rtct sponsorrd or controlled actlvlllee on tlte leasedl pronlooer ard rvbero rueh danage Js nob lttrlbutablc t,o sotne aot or ornlrclon of l(lng county. IN WItNE5S WtlEREOf, the Pattler hereto have hereunto sct thclr hondg ancl scus tha dlto flrsb abovo wrtcten. 6-2-zt r, ub \ {f) XENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, {r5lhffi.,0;&L ApP as to form ancl l,egallty GNRT E.Doputy P J nq trltorney 5 -.7 4 -3- 18 l.LH-II-/UUJ lUt UJ:Ul rn FAX NU,P. 08 )I srArE oF t'rAsfir$GroN qouurr oF r fx c pcrtonally appearod to bo tlro (prolldcnt. on thls AhdaaV of Vz-, ,, I9?1, beforc rue tl3. . vJ,ce p ontr tlry, pthor authorlzed offlcor 6r age^l,r ae the ca6€ nay bel of tho nunlc{pal corporatlon that executed tlre wlth{n and foregoing lrrgtrqfloncr and acknowlcdged grld lnstcunent to be ths froo .and voluntary oct and clsed of ca{d corporattonr for tlro uscs and purpoaos theEoln ncnt{oned, ancl on oattl stqted t}rat he was auLhorlqed to exccqte salcl lnstruno[t tnal that tbe seal aftlxaj 1g tho corpotlta soal o( sald corporltton. In lilttnccg Mrereof I havq herernto set nty hand and afflxed rny offlcltl seol thc clay ancl year flrst above rdrrtLcn. to ne known trcdgurer, or n9it'?',*,..^'\^71"i'"Iesrdr ) -4- 19 0? , PFA}( NO.tL,g-l l-20U3 IUt 03r01 Ptl ) frp ar.{E}l l'}g!v*r\nlJ6n, o I tf )I I E I f -\ z d ozdduooz 3 fil 3l' 5h €) u,lol tlll{t {l fl HI ol $l frf J $ --J J $ d IIi I I I I II I t I I I I t I II I III I I J $ $ h $ il h ltc ! ta t a I .l. ir II iI "R rll It 5 w $1 fi fl r tL--lc EXHIBIT "BII !n itlt ldl-- -'