HomeMy WebLinkAboutLW09-263 - Amendment - LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. - Online Law Library Subscription Plan - 07/01/2009ecords M em KENT DocumenWA9HINGTON CONTRACT COVER SHEEI This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Numben /it)o?- 26 3 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name:N-t order I Amend ^.t(fuontractDescription: E Interlocal Agreement n Ch ! Other: ange Contract Effective Date:Termination Datel Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amen dment Contract Manager:partment: Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id' etc.): S: Public\RecordsManagement\Forms\ContractCover\adcc7832 | IU08 'Jun. 19. 2009 l1;3,BAM No,1064 P, 2/4 Elsla SUBSCRIFTION PI-AN AMENDMENT FOR STATE/LEOAL GAVERN MEHT "$ubscnhef : Sliy or rrnt Lar onpnilmant "LN": LnxisNexis, a dlvlglon of Raed Eleevier lnc. l' LexisN'eltls' ln thh Ammdrrranl (the ?mendmerrf) Subrcdber end !.N rgrce tp arnend the Subrorlptlon Aqrcenent (Srg'Agrucnant) prwigrnly or simufiaheously exeorited batrrnrn LN rnd $ubsiriber by addlng io thg Af,tusment the ierms and cond]tlonr aet tuftbelow. f, TERllll The trrm of thir Amendrnent (the *Amondm6nt') Wll brgin (r) on the date $ubscrlbar'r bllllng nocolrnt (a'Blllgreup') h acrhlttid ("Adflntion') iF $ubscriber is a nchn LN curtdtnlr, or (b) cubjecl to !{qn !, oh thr firtt dny gf tlp. galendar month lmmruruity futlcrwinsihe emsut'nn of thla Amendm;nt Fnd doilwry of it to LN lf $ubsglher lr rn rxirting LN customer' and wtll conttnui urdu ths-lagt dry of the final.Commitment Pedorl rafirunnsd h Sffitlon 5,1 (the 'Term'). E. AUTHORIZEDUSEi6 3. CERNFICAflON $ubscriber certifles that on th6 deu thie Aggpndment is signed hy Subscrlberihsre "," 4 ,irdges and altohl6l/t, ena 4 Egvemment profussionah fof a totFl g fl urene (the "Referdnca Numba/) in Eubrctibe/r organizatkrn. Throughottt thl Tcrm, $ub#riber will immediEiely notfiy-LN in wriilflg qf eny change in the Referencs Numbtr if fre tcrt*l nurnher of iudger end attomeyn felle belorv 1 1 . Upoil the ruq uest of LN, $ubeartbsr will recartlfy to flre Refcrenca NumbEr. 4 MOHTI{LY IUBSEHPTION $HARCE During the Term, the Monthty $ubscrlptlon Chame in Seotjon 3 of the than-cuffEnt appllcabla prlru rchedule (thr "Price Schodulr") will hA wnived, f. FREIERREO FR]CIHG MATERIAIS ANP CFIARCE8 8.1 ln conaldaretlon of $ubrcriha/s payment to LN of the monthly oommilmant amounte speclfled bclant (thr "Monthly Gornmiirnenf'), tho Perficlprting Billgroups will be proddad soorBt to end uee sf cprhin Mat#ak, Fruduetr, trrutclt nnd featurer, ldentned holor 6rr eourcnfrenu number (lhe *Frefarrud Prioing Materiab"), nvrilable in the /exF.cwn'" rcMci 0r tha LN tlnnne Scrulcar rcisrerd via prppn'ehry sofhi,arc (lhe "Chsrle onlinq SgMceC). lf Subscriber ls an mtletlng. LN customer end thls Is a ranldon to SuUririb'n/r Prefened Pricing Materlala thd Mdnthly commltment, fnss will be prorated for thr month ln whlch the change bEcdmcr atrotive if lhe chanqe oocur$ olher tnan 0il tha firit day qf the m_onth. _4t no addlthnal charge, ffrE Pnrtlclp-Etlng Elllgroupr may do offline printing, onlins printing and mvlrtg to dlEk of Frafarad nricl.ng Mateilalu, lf yo-uruubruripttoh tnctudedRrreercifAdvantEge, then your eouett to and use sf Rsseerch Advantage,shall ba rubject to and govemed hy the addltiortEl lorrnE snd cqndlfionE Eet foilh ln lha eoftware msdit tt ths timE of itn inslallation, will Kcn[ WAI s o m ([ {m) (c) I Jun. 19. 2(l(J9 ll),JUAM 5.? Eluring rhe Term, thr Monttrly commitmcnt.wlll h€ bitled ln [ru 9l lhs lnfsrm#ion F1T".-ecl&tuie toieiiricii[ id ini ijsJ or tne PIElbnEd Prioins Matcrif,ls, ExPEpt dr Charooa emsif,rcd in $ectlon I sf thi otlranitee drpvldru in sectlon 5'3 nnd Emtion E (lf ele+{ed) bdau. $,8 Thp followlng Mstffinle f,cc66BlblB lrom, qur rrot lncludad ^rB pErt ol the Pr€fBrFd pnlo[lE Malerfals, will bt rublcc{ to il.."j;1'1;31t1f#iggjfi#ffitr#:ll;:rfrg"fr.t*-imru:xil"T",.!'ffi-Tl'#.il1"; (e) rureoted rrnasen 6. ADDITIONALCHARGEE Tha pnrqctFrtlng Billgroupr mry have accn*n.to and uss oIth6 LN eErvilca end features npt acccarad through the FFfand Eilt[xlHHjilJi#-ffi'fi',5finn$ffiil'"-,,lfffllffilgf#i#.;lHltn,,'f,'#',ffi'Ji#l'"hT'?'';Jffli-flffi Fiice SitreOuls in addltlon ts the I'Ionthty Commihnent 'l Lh SuHcrlh|f rlrrir acrrc io llro Albndr Pdclng MEtedab -flffillt-7. GLOSEDOFFER The stfor of LN contaiilFd hf,rstn rr vaild untlllrffi-[L4q9, ll-Tdgt to impllment thls Amendment bv tha llltl day of a i"iE,!ril'ro*rt, rH *uiiio*l,i'nie itgnedAnt€"frFdtrt byTha20th davsltmprccgdlng month' g. gQHFIEEHTIALINF9FIiiIATIoH rL:_ r_-EJs*rl *r+rira ..-fi.|.nlrot nrir. subjc*t b any sht6 gpm recordr. or.fiesdom dt lfifoffiEthn atetutes, thiE Arncndnent mntains csnfidantlal pilcing tnfonfldbn of LN. Subriribu underatancs trrmriila-nq,ii" #ti,* pl nq tntr'rrn+ton mntelned hiltln could cauar competltlve hanrr tq LN, dhd *nr t"ii'lfflnli rir'rtrrn-*ti; ffi;'nd*ilrtH iilEt ant serfidonce and. taker.esonnbla pracauflone egrlnal nush rtigctorure to arry ttti-drtin:'ThE'ircst'ro'r'6 wnl su-rvtvC tiri t"rminruon or expirstiqn of this Amendnent' T. MTSSELI-ANEOUT 9.1 trurrng tha T6rm, uffi by a$ clgrger to thr pnttclpatlng Billsroups wlll not he elisibl€ frof othar dlEcounts or rggrcgttlon with thp usla of or chrrgffi lbr other billgroupr' H.l During the Term, Subroribor ryay pt teffiinstE-the Agreem8nt. Jhic Amendment may bc termlnat'ad by Eubaodbet after the fourth commitnant parlod en ttrE.le* ii!'+ ;i"t Eil{n',i'nr monitr upon it Ien* ao. ilaye urlor wtitton notlce to LN' Thia Amendment mry itlo be terminated by But-scrtbEr'on 10 drys prioi'w-frtt*n nottcl to LN ln thc .vtnt of any lncrenna in the Monthty commitilInt, i*ihiiiiig-"rv.irgrliier sted r,1 srfidr 5.i, ro ur rmctruE, notico sf trmlnatlon pumuril iliil iid;inf iintince rnurr be givbn*ittrin H0 days of ihe insr8dre. Bcglnnlng -?nEgg!- b 680/r010 {00.00 Besinnins zl4lg- to *-!fi!491,L BiHihnlns -?@gll- to *-wg!!- 4d*.00 4r6.00 Eaginninr Beglnnlnd iltnlu, t0 ti BESinfiinf Eryinnlng td J.u4. 19. 2009 i 1;iFAM l{AlllEr No, 1 064 P, 4/4 g,g All accets to and use of lhB Onlln6 Srrulcr vh mechanhEl, programmatlc, robollc, Eorlpbd or any gther automaled means ls rlilctly prohlblhd. Ula ol ihr online geNiEBq is FermitEd only vla mf,nually eonduotsd, diroreE, indivlrdusl Eearch and retrieval actlvltlea 9.4 UPON TERMIr{ATION OR E(PIRATION OF THIS AMENDMENTI CONTINUED USE OF THE ONLINE SER/ICE$ HY SUESCFIIBER 1S GOVERNED BY THE AGREEMENT AND WILL BE BILLED IN ACCORDAI{CE WTH THE FRIQF SOHEDULE. g,E Al sgpitslizgd tErrnE not dallned heroln wlll heve lha mrqningr nroribed to them in the Agrcement, lncludlng tht Pti,ce $chedule. g.F Exc6trt as epressly modllled by lhlr Amendmpnt, dll oher tefint end condiliont of tht ,Agrutmrnt will rrmain in full furue End eiled and urirlfictin ny Uir Amendment, In the werrt oI a conlllct or lnconrichnqirr brfireen the Agreement.end lhie Am*ndmart, ihir Amtndmint witt sonlrol. Fxcept ar sEt lorth hemln, thir Arnondment mEy not be modifled or otherwlee chrngrd untttr tnuturlfi rgtncd to by bolh parlier in wrltlng. ABREED Ttr AHPAcCEFTFD EY: CITY OFITEI{TI,AW kxhNrxisr r division ol Road Elravlar lnc. EY:FY: Smith ! HAME; TITl.E: DAIE! Pricing Anatyst TITLE; f / al/nflDAtHI THIE AIASTOUCNT DOEB NOT BIHD EITHER F^TTY IJI'JTIL II HA6 IEE'II ^CqEFTTO IY B{TTH FARTIES, $UESCREER iiJ{Y AOCIII 'HE trIMTHOMEUT EV EIGNINd AEOVE, LN MAYAECIFT ?HI! AMEITIDMENT hY PERFORMINC AESPHtrII{S TO NIIS AiNCiIOMEHT OH EY sIGIiIIItId ^EdVI. 0 TNTFI P.N4 i Jun. lg. luuy il:JUtitvr KENTwAlHrilgroll Fax crtYoF lfft{t LTW DEFIHT]IET{T CIVIT DIYI5IOH 220 4s Avenue South Kenl, WA 98031 Faxr ?Fl'd86"€770 FllOl{El tEt.tlt+3770 Tsi HegtherEornaby From; Tem Lalgon.whlte laxr Pegell + Fhoner Dater 6lLEl?.0O9 Rn:Amendrnent to Extgnd Suhscription Agreement E Urgdtt I for nnliw E plrrrr fiomment H pleare Renly El pleesa Fnrytle Ecl I EomlrltntE! Heather, Attsched le the Subscription Flan Amendmsnt for State/Local Govemment eiEntd ni-ouiCf* nttornei.',fhiih exterrdr out subscription through June 20, l'013 and il:ust= th6 pricing ind database content. pleare note that our City Attorney did lnltlal section 6 plovlding that hc dldr'want us to be able to access any databgse outside of our subscription, tubJect to an additlonal fiee sn an aecess basis' Once the agreemerrt ir signed by an authorlzFd Lexir_reprcsentatlve, can you mnkE sure t-hat I receive a fully €xecuted copy for our file? Thanksl Tammy. 'I . ;.1r i . :- :' " rd fur the'use of theThie frcalmiie'may contaln privileged and confidenthl lnfrormation lntende addreagcrkl names ahove. ' If yo[, are not the Intended recipient, any disseminatlon or copylng ii inrili*I'irnild -'.1g rt.irtly p-hinteo. If you have rcGeived thls facslmtle ln error,. please lmrniOrately notlrY us by telephotl€' thank yqu.