HomeMy WebLinkAboutLW10-273 - Original - Washington State Patrol (WSP) - SECTOR (Statewide, Electronic Collision and Ticket Online Records) Service Level Agreement C110447GSC - 11/17/2010ecords M em KENT Do cument CONTRACT COVER SHEET )ate -1 This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: Washinqton State Patrol Vendor Numberl JD Edwards Number Contract Numbert 0- a1h\ This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Namel SECTOR (Statewide Electronic Collision and Ti cket On line Records) Description: n Interlocal Agreement X Other: n Change Order n Amendment ! Contract Contract Effecti ve Dater LLlt7/L0 Termination Date: 6/30/L5 Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs)r90 Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager r Tami Perdue Depa rtmentr Law Contract Amount:s0 Approval Authority: (CIRCLE ONE) D rtment Directo Mayor City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.)l As ofi 08/27114 WSP No. C110,|47GSC SEGTOR Service Level Agreement Between Gity of Kent And Washington State Patrol 1. purpose. This Service LevelAgreement (Agreement) ls between the Washington Stafe Patrol (WSP) and the Law Department for the Gity of Kent (acting as prosecutor in the kent Municipal Court under Section 2.20 of the Kent Municipal bode), referred to hereafter as the Agency. This Agreement defines roles and expeitations ln regard to the Statewlde Electronic Collision and Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) processes lncludlng a method for resolving technical lssues. 2. Descrlptlon of SECTOR' SECTOR has three irrimary parts: o SECTOR Client is the application that operates on a vehicle computer or device, or a ootlislon reviewer's workstation. SECTOR Client software wlll be used to create and transmit electronlc colllsion reports, notice of infractions (NOl), and notice of crimlnal citations (NOCC)' r SECTOR Backffice ls the application and database atWSP that accepts collision reports, NOls and NOCGs. The SECTOR BackOffice application coordinates updates to the SECTOR Client software o The third part ls all appllcations that receive and process collision, NOI and NOCC da'ta as collected elther through SECTOR or on paper forms. These applications are under the control of a governing organizqtion with represontatlves from the Washington Traffic Safety Commisslo! (WTSC), WSP, the Admlnlstratlve Office of the Courts (AOC), the Washlngton State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and the Department of Llcensing (DOL). Thls group is known as the SECTOR Governance Committee. g. Agency Reoponslbllltloc. The Agency certifies th.at it gn^erates computers to create oireview vehlcle collision reports and/or NOls and/or NOCCs pursuant to federal, state, and local requlrements using SECTOR Cllent. Under thls Agreement the responsibilities of the Agency are: a. The Agency shall deslgnate a Local SECTOR Admlnlstrator as the prlmary contaCt tor -SECTOR and who wlll receive SECTOR Adminlstrator training. The Local SECTOR admlnlstrator shall: . Administer user accounts for Agency personnel; Accept modifications to the SECTOR Client; . Document and submit recommendations for modification of SECTOR vla the chango rcquest Process; . Manage the connection(s) needed to move data between SECTOR Client to SECTOR Backffi ce apPlications; . Provide support for Agency users and reMewers; . Update required Agency processes wlth the parameters of SEGTOR. SECTOR User Agreement' APrll 201 0 Page 1 . Contact WSP lnformation Technology DMsion Customer Services to initiate a work orderfor problem resolution and tracking. b. Agency support staff will install SECTOR Client software on Agency'owned equipment. The Agency will not share the SECToR Client with others. c.' The Agency acknowledges Appendlx A. Statement on Collision Reqordq P?ta. The Agency certifies that if lt operates electronlc equipment to create vehicle collision reports pursuant to federal, state and local requirements lt will not disclose collision data except in compliance with federal and state law. d. The Agency will adhere to the SECTOR application standards for the computing environment as published by WSP. The Agency will make lts blectronic collision, NOI and NOCC reporting equlpment and system secure and prevent unauthorlzed use. TheAgencywill ensure Agency SEGTOR eguipment matntains cunent virus checking sbftware. lf the Agency SECTOR equlpment becomes infected, the Agenoy wlll take all necessary stgps to remove the virus and assure the virus ls not transmitted to the SEGTOR server located at and malntained byWSP. e. Agency users and revlewers will transfer collisions, NOls, and NOGCs regularly anC promptly. All Agency users and reviewers will adhere to training Pfogram detailed ln Aopendix B. SECTOR Govemance Committee Tralnino,Policies. f. The Agencywill be responsible for all required hardware and software purchases for the Agency use of the SECTOR Client applicatlon and the transmittal of collision ieports, NOls, and.NOCCg to WSP, including Agency personnel, operatlng, maintenance, and data transmission costs. Any costs assoclated with lie Agency interfacing with SEGTOR BackOffice will be the responsibility of the Agency. g, lf the Agency is an Office of a Prosecutlng Attorney, Agency users will not utilize the SECTOR client to create colllslon reports. 4. WSP Responslbllltlos. WSP provldes support for SECTOR Client and SECTOR Backffice computing'environment. Underthis Agreement the responsibilities of WSP are: a. WSP will provide SECTOR Client software to the Agency at no charge. Maintenance of the SECTOR Client application is provided by WSP, including malntainlng compliance with the business rules, data formats, and slandardized collislon reportforms. WSP will provide the Web unlform resourc€ locator (URL) address foi connection to the SECTOR BackOffice application and security lnformation to the Local SECTOR Administrator to assure client connectivity. WSP will provide a secure environmentfor collision, NOl, and NOCC data; and retain this data according to federal and state laws and regulations. WSP will also provide to the Agency any evasive action required to protect the SECTOR computing environment from significant risk. b. WSP willcreate LocaISECTOR AdmlnistratorAccount; traln the Local SECTOR Admlnistrator; and asslst the Local SECTOR Administrator In adminlstration of agoncy accountg. SECTOR User Agreement- APdl 2010 Page2 c. WSP will provide a change requesVcontrol process; coordinate change requests describing lssues or enhancements through the SECTOR Govemance Commiftee; provide notification of application modifications; transmit NOls and NOCCs to AOC; and transmit collision reports to DOT and DOL. d. WSP reserves the right to review and approve Agency equipment security measures;and to suspend orwlthhold service untilsuch matters are conected to the reasonable satisfaction bf WSP. This lncludes validation of current vlrus checklng software packages. e. WSP willsupport SECTOR Govemance Committee sanctioned training. f . WSP Information Technology Divislon Gustomer Services wlll proMde first level telephone support twenty-four (24) hours-a-day, seven (7) days-a-week to assist the Agency ln rosolving problems wlth the SECTOR applicatlon. This support is limited to resolutions for routine questions on the SECTOR Glient application and processss, including troubleshooting and password resets, and using pre-defined policies and procedures. ltems not lmmediately resolved by WSP will be moved to a higher levet of support within WSP; thls higher level of support is provided during regular business hour$, Monday through Frlday. 5. Profec,t Gontacts. WSP and Agency points of contact for this Agreement are ldentified ln Aooendix C. ProiecJ ContacJs. 6. Ghangoo and Modlflcatlons. Except for changes to the points of contact inforrnation contalned in Appendix C, changes ln this Agreement are not in effect untess agreed upon by both WSP and the Agency. However, the Agency agrees to comply wlth changes in data formats, report forms and other business rules as requlred by WSP. The Agency wlll be notifled when any changes or updates to these requirements occur. The revising party shall notify the'other party of a_ny changes to Appendix C within five (5) business days of the change taking affeot. T. Compliance with Civll Righto Laws. During the period of performance for this Agreement, both parties shall comply wlth all federal and state noridlscrimlnation laws. L WSP Stafflng. WSP stafi provlding seMces under the terms of this Agreement shall be under the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee and shall perform the dutles requlred by this Agreement ln a manner consistentwilh WSP policy and regulations, applicable state and locallaws, and the Constitutions of the State of Washlrgton and the United States. The assignment of personnelto'accomplish the purpose of thls Agreement shall be at the discretion of the Ghief of WSP or deslgnee. g. Hold Harmtess. Each party shalldefend, protect and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims suits andlor actions arislng from any negligent or intentional act or omission of that partt's employees, agents, and/or authorized subcontractor(s) whlle performing under thls Agreement' 10. perlod of Performance. This Agreement becomes effective on the date of the last slgnature and continues until June 30, 2015, or untllterminatlon as provided hereln. SECTOR User Agreement- APril 2010 Page 3 11. Termlnation, Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement by giving ninety (90) calendar days written notification of termination to the other party. lf this Agreement is so terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for performance prior to the effective date of termination. '12. Disputos. ln the event that a dispute arises under this agreement, it shall be determined in the followlng manner. The Chief of the WSP shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The Agency shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of the WSP and the Agency shalljointly appolnt an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dspute Board shall be final and binding on the partigs hereto. 13. Order of Precedence. ln the event of any inconsistency ln the terms of thls Agreernent, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: applicable federaland state statutes and regulations;the terms and conditions contained ln this Agreement; any other provisions of the Agreement, whether incorporated by reference or othenuise. 14. Gomplete Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind any of the Farties hereto. The parties signing below warrant that they have read and understand this Agreement; and have the authority to enter into this Agreement. STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF KENT NGTON PATROL 7 Pri Printed Name and Title APPROVED BY THE OFFICE OF THE AfiORNEY GENERAL 4I27I2UA Appendices: Appendix A - Statement on Collision Records Data Appendix B - SECTOR Governance Committee Training Policies Appendix B - Projeot Contacts SECTOR User Agreement- April 2010 'Page4 APPENDIX A Statement on Collislon Records Data ln 1938 Washlngton State law (currently RCW 46.52.060) authorized the Washington State Patrol (WSP) to file, tabulate and analpe collision reports; and to produce certain statistical lnformation about collisions. For the next thirty years WSP maintained a largely manual system for filing collision reports generated over approximately five-year periods. WSP also produced some limited statistical collision data, primarlly fatality and accident rate summaries, using paper punch card technology. Analysis of collision data for highway safety purposes was not possible because Washlngton State did not have a unifoim collislon report; data on collision reports was primitive and lnconslstent; collision reports were not coded by precise roadway location; and no computerized database system existed. ln 1966 hnd 1973 the federal govemment enacted laws requiring states to create computerized collision databases in order to analyze the need for highway safety lmprovements; and to particlpate ln federal programs to fund those lmprovements. I These federal laws and thelr assoclated funding provided for states to adopt uniform collision reports containing detailed highway saiety coding; and provlded that informatidn from these reports would be maintained in a computerized collislon database with precise location coding of all collisions. These laws were lmplemented jointly by WSP and the Washlngton State Dopartment of Transportation (WSDOT). Beginning in approximately 1970 WSP collected colllsion reports and entered the raw data lnto a computer. The data was then transferred to WSDOT for the creation of the collision database required under federal law. WSP maintained copies of individual collision records as well as its database, while WSDOT maintained their own collislon database. The WSP and WSDOT systems forfiling lndividual collision reports, the entry of raw data lnto a computer, and the creation of the collision database remained unchanged until 1996. By this tlme the original WSP computer system used for data entry and storage and retrievalof collision records had become obsolete. An attempt to convert to an optical character recognition system was not successful, After an extensive discusslon between WSP, WSDOT and the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the agencies concluded that functions related to the maintenance of coples of collision reports and computer lnput of raw collision report date ggutd be most efficlently performed by WSDOT ln conjunction with its already existing collislon database function. Beglnning ln 2002, WSDOT not only created the collision database required by federal law but also, pursuant to an interagency agreement with WSP, began entering all raw collision data into WSDOT's computer. Pursuant to thls interagency agreement, WSDOT also began work to develop an electronic imaging system to store and retrieve copies of lndividual collision reports. Thls lmaging system was lmplemented ln May 2003. The cunent system for flling paper collision reports and creating the collision database wlll remain ln offect until WSP, WSDOT and separate law enforcement agencles enter lnto a SECTOR SeMce LevelAgreement to allow Agencies to file collision reports and transmit collision report data electronicalty to WSDOT. The Statewide Electronic Collision and Ticket Online Records (SECTOR) application was developed through a collaborative partnership that includes WSP, WSDOT, the Admlnistrative Office of the Courts, the Department of Licensing, and local law enforcement agencies. SECTOR enables law enforcemont officere to create electronic collision reports and other forms in SECTOR User Agreement- APril 2010 Page 5 the field, pursuant to federal, state and local requirements. This data ls then transferred to a central database where it ls available for review, analysis and reporting by law enforcement agencies. The Department of Llcensing ls an agency of the State of Washington authorized by law (RCW 46.52.030) to receive full access to collision reports for purposes of malntalning case records under RCW 46.52 .120:for supplying abstracts of drivlng records under RCW 46.52.130; and to administerfinancial responsibility requirements when drivers are lnvolved in traffic collisions under chapter 46.29 RCW. To perform these functions, they must review collision reports that are filed by law enforcement agencies and citizens. Federal law prohlblts data oomplled or collected for purposes of complying with federal hlghway safety laws from being used ln any action for damages arislng from any occunencg at a focation mentloned In the data (Pierce Countv v, Guillen, 537 U.S. 129 (2003). Accordingly, collision data may not be disclosed unless a requestor acknowledges that the data will not be used ln any actlon for damages arlslng from any occurrence at a location mentioned ln the report SECTOR User Agreemcnt- APril 201 0 Page 6 APPENDIX B S EGTOR Governance Commlttee Trai nl ng Pol icles Tralning Requirements 1. eveil Agency that elects to use SECTOR must designate one person (up to three) to attenO aGovemance Team sponsored SECTOR Training Course. This ensures that each Agency uslng SECTOR will have at least one lndivldualwho has received tralnlng throlgh the Governance Team sponsored SEGTOR Trainlng Course. An Agency may iend more than three officers/deputies to Governance Team sponsored SECfOn Trainlng Gourse when additional seats are available' Z. lndivlduals who have attended the Govemance Team sponsored SECTOR Training Course should assume responslbility for tralnlng other users withln thelr Agency. 3. Trainlng courses conducted wlthln an Agency must be coordinated wlth the SECTOR Training Coordinator. Tralnlng Recommendatlons i 1. lndivlduals conducting trainlng withln thelr Agency should be proficient with the SECTOR application prior to tralning additional users by uslng SECTOR for at least g0 days priqr to conducting tralnlng. Agencies can request assistance from WSP or other agencles for training. Z. Agencles must designate a SECTOR point-of-contactthrough whom all SEGTOR support questions will come to the WSP help desk. Thls polnt-of-contact will most often be the Agency's designated Local SECTOR Admlnistrator. For urgent SECTOR lssues or questions during non-standard work hours SECTOR users may contact the WSP lnformation Technology Division Customer Services. 3. Each Agency SECTOR User should recelve tralnlng with the cunent version of the @urse materlals snd according to established course standards. These include: a, Course manuals & exercises b. Tralning materlalE c. Suggested courEe duration (2 days) d. SECTORTralning evaluation form (optional) 4. lndividuals who have attended a Govemance Team sponsored SECTORTralning Course and are experlenced in the use of SECTOR are encouraged to serve as trainers in future Governance Team sponsored SECTOR Trainlng Courses or wlth other agencles. S. Recommendations for lmprovemehts to SECTOR should be directed to the Agency's Local SECTOR Administrator. The Local SECTOR Administrator sends recomine ndations/ feedback to WSP. SECTOR User Agreemcnt- APril 201 0 Page 7 :l t' APeENDIX C Projec't Contacts 1. For WSP: Technlcal lssues and change,requests: Information Technology Division Customer Services Group Telephone: (3S0) 70$5999 E-mall: lfD0ustgmerSeMcesGroup@wsp.wa.qov or lTDHelo@w-qp.wa'oov Service Level Agreement lssues: Ms. Pat Ramsdell Informatlon Technology Divlslon Washington State PaFol StreetAddress: 403 Cleveland Avenue, Suite C, TumwaterWA 98501 Malllng Address: PO Box 42622, Olympla WA 98504-2622 Telephone: (360) 70$51 70 E-ma il : pat.ramsdel l@wsp.wa,sov 2. FortheAgency: Technical issues and change requests: Kim Clements, Senlor System Analyst (253) 856-'m23 kclements@d. kent.wa.us SeMce Level Agreement lssues: Taml Pqrdue, Chlcf Prosecuting Attorney (253) 856-5776 tperd ue@ci.kent.wa. us SECTOR U*er Agreement- Aprll 2010 Page I