HomeMy WebLinkAboutLW10-273 - Amendment - #1 - Washington State Patrol (WSP) - SECTOR (Statewide, Electronic Collision and Ticket Online Records) Service Level Agreement C110447GSC - 07/22/2015econds A/t elm KENT DocumenWAs+il{atol SCAi{NED CONTRACT COVER SHEET l}a+.e 1 This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office' All portions are to be completed, If you have questions, please contact Gity clerk's office. Vendor Name: Washingto n State Patrol Vendor Number; JD Edwards Number Contract Number:t0 - zl a - OOL This is assigned by City Clerk's Office SECTOR Service Level As ment WSP As ment C1 70447G9CProject Namel Description: E Interlocal Agreement il Other: fl Change Order E Amendment fl Contract Contract Effective Dater 7122/ts Termination Date: Notice Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs): Number of days required notice for terminatlon or renewal or amendment Contract Manag er: Tami Perdue Depa rtment: Law Contract Amount: N/ Approval Authority: K pepartment Director I rqayor fJ City Council Detail: (i.e, address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc')l As ofi ogl27lL4 WSP Conhact No. C110447GSC Amendment 1 WASHINGTON STATE PATROL CONTRACT AMENDMENT The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol and the City of Kent is hereby amended as follows: a. ln accordance with Section 11, the period of performance of this Gontract is extended untilterminated sooner as provided in the Agreernent' All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in fullforce and effect. THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who.warrant that they have the authority to execute this Amendment' STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE PATROL CITY OF KENT ,kQua til- R. Batiste, Ghief Signature 1 '18, AD|S Date Date )) ,AY INSLEI: Covo'rror IOHN R. BATISTE Chief STATE OF WASHINCTON WASI-{ INCTON SIATE PATROI- Ccneral Adnrirristratiorr tluilcling o Po llox 42602 " Olynrpia, WA 98504'2692 ' (360) 596'4043o rvrvw'lvsP'1va'8ov July 21,2015 Ms. Tami Perdue City of Kent 220 4lh Avenue S Kent WA 98032-5838 Subject: SECTOR Service LevelAgreement, WSP Agreement C110447GSC Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed amendment of the referenced agreement between the Washington State Patrol and your agency. Please keep this original for your records, The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. lf you heed further assistance, please contact Ms. Karen Cline at Budget and Fiscal $ervices, (360) 596-4073. Sincerely, .h*, Mr, Robert L, Maki, CFE, CGFM' Budget and Fiscal Services RLM:klc Enclosure &Elqxp6qd;tpro