HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-026 - Original - ESA Adolfson, Inc. - National Flood Insurance Program Biological Opinion Compliance - 12/17/2010ecords M em KENT D ocumentWagHtNcroN CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: ESA Adolfson Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number:tl- oe6Fot This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name:National Flood Insurance Proqram Bio looical Ooinion Compliance Description: ! Interlocal Agreement ! Other: n Change Order I Amendment X Contract Contract Effective Date: ,lrt;l 7-/o thd Mavor's siqnatureTermination Date' 1 3 11 Contract Renewal Notice (DaYs); Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manag eri Beth Tan Depa rtment: Enq rneennq Detail: (i,e. address, location, parcel number, tax idr etc.): Assist in achievinq floodp lain hazard area compliance. c,n^, P l'u ls o S : Publlc\RecordsManagement\Forms\Contractcover\adcc7832 | 11/08 KENT WASHtNGToN CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT between the CitY of Kent and ESA Adolfdohr Inc. THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and ESA Adolfson organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 5309 Shilshole Ave. NW, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98L07, Phonel (206) 789-96587Fax: (206) 789-9684, Contact: Teresa Vanderburg (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Consultant shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications:' The Consultant shall assist the City in achieving floodplain hazard area compliance with the Biological Opinion. For a description, see the Consultant's Scope of Work which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. Consultant further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, Consultant shall complete the work described in Section I by December 31,20tL. III. COMPENSATION. A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, an amount not to exceed Forty Seven Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars ($47,600,00) for the services described in this Agreement, This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this agreement. The Consultant agrees that the hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of this Agreement, The Consultant's billing rates shall be as delineated in Exhibit A. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 (Over $10,000) B. The Consultant shall submit monthly payment tnvoices to the City for work performed, and a final bill upon completion of all services described in this Agreement. The City shall provide payment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an invoice. If the City objects to ail or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disPuted Portion. IV. TNDEpENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor-Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and ' in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: , A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Consultant's services under this Agreement will be performed' C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Consultant's services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Consultant's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington' F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of tnis Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City's use of Consultant's records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VL DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex/ age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment rElates. Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 (Over $10,000) Opportunity Policy Declaratiorr, Comply with City Administrative rolicy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VII. INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or'suits, inciuding all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of this Agreement, except for that poftion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agentd and volunteers, the Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence' IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER, In the event Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part, then Consultant shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant's part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, VIII. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit B attached and incorporated by this reference, IX, EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. x, owNERSHIp AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City, All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City's request. The City's use or reuse of any of the documents, data and files created by Consultant for this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. XI. CITY'S RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 (Over $10,000) authorized under this Agreerrent, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. xII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. CONSUITANT ShAII IAKC AII necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. Ali work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work, XITI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recyclable Malerials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its coniiactors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Wai.ver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenints and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect C. Resolution of Disputes angl Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties'performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, fin{ County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution proless. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parEies' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bi!nging such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award prou'iAu? by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VII of this Agreement' D, Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee ai tlre address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignm.ent, Any assignment of this Agreement by either pafty without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning pafty gives its consent to any assignment, the termJ of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no fufther assignment shall be made without additional written consent. F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement sfraff U" OinOing unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. G. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any exhiUiti attiched hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 (Over $10,000) other representative of the Crty, and such statements shall not oe effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall Prevail. H. Compliance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, ruter, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. CONSULTANT: By:V',.^/J*'L,- fr/4gt'F)Print N e:4n Its c5r I DATE:7 b'l::L,^b.- a-pta CITY OF KENTr By: (signature) Pri DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANT: Teresa Vanderburg ESA Adolfson, Inc. 5309 Shilshole Ave, NW, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 789-9658 (telephone) (206) 789-9684 (facsimile) NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY OF KENT: Timothy J. LaPorte, P,E. City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (253) 856-5500 (telePhone) (253) 856-6500 (facsimile) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Department ESA Adolfson - Biological Opinion/Tan CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 (Over $10,000) 1 2 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment oppoftunity policies, The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, Jubcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to, An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the direciives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, iace, color, national origin, age/ or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer, During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set fotth above, By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. Dated this 1 day of Dt 20 10. Vt"t*OJ . Ve-- J"',-, L r"-, 3 4 5 By: For:E Title:V,""-Prt s,'.[eJ Date 1 Dzer't--- DatZ EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 CITY OF KENT ADMTNISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: L.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to g10,000 or more within any given year, musttake the following affirmative steps: Provide a written statement to all new employees and commitment as an equal opportunity employer' subcontractors indicating 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. Z. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines' MINORITY AND WOMEN CONTRACTORS SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 APPROVED BY Jim White, MaYor 1 EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of - Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered intoonthe(date),betweenthefirmIrepresentandtheCityof Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy L.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. Dated this - day of 20 By For: Title: Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK National Flood Insurance Program Biological Opinion Compliance Cify of Kent, Washington The City of Kent (City) is reviewing current Best Available Science and existing environmental and land use regulations within riparian and floodplain areas in order to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Biological Opinion. ESA Adolfson (ESA) will assist the City in achieving floodplain hazard area compliance with the Biological Opinion. ESA will review Best Available Science (BAS) regarding protective buffers and streatn classification for rivers and streams; conduct a gap analysis of the current CAO, Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and Flood Hazard Regulations; and assist the City in completing the Biological Opinion Checklist in order to ensure that these regulations protect natural and beneficial floodplain functions and are consistent with the Biological Opinion. The work will be completed within three tasks, as follows: Task 1 - Review of Best Available Science for the Green River and Other Streams A team consisting of ESA scientists and planners will conduct a Iiterature review of current Best Available Science (BAS) as it applies to river and stream buffers and classification system, specifically with regard to the Green River and other streams located in the City of Kent. ESA will use existing GIS inventory inforrnation to assess existing conditions within the Kent floodplain areas in the context of BAS, Deliverables: . BAS Technical Memorandum detailing current scientific findings regarding protective buffers and classification systern for rivers and streams. . Existing Conditions Memorandum detailing existing salmon habitat and floodplain functions within flood hazard areas in Kent. This memo will combine existing conditions with BAS findings to either supporl existing regulations or recommended code changes. Assumptions: ESA anticipates providing a total of two (2) review drafts of the BAS Memoranduln and Existing Conditions Memorandurn to the City for cornments and questions Schedule: This task will commence irnmediately upon receiving Notice to Proceed (NTP), and the first draft of the BAS Technical Memorandum and Existing Conditions Memorandum will be provided within six (6) weeks of the NTP. Cornpletion of Drafts are anticipated by February 20ll and Final by March 201 l. Task 2 - Gap Analysis of City's Current CAO and SMP Related to Rivers and Streams ESA staff will conduct a "gap analysis" of the current CAO and Shoreline Master Program (SMP) to identify specific code sections that rnay no longer satisfy current Best Available Science with regard to stream protection. ESA will assess implications of CAO and SMP land use, setback, buffer and stream classification standards along the Green River and other streams using GIS analyses provided by City staff. Deliverables: r Highlighted version of the current CAO and SMP identifuing those code sections that may no longer satisfy Best Available Science. . Technical Memorandum describing specific details of how current CAO does not meet best available science criteria and recomrnendations for revising the code to satisfy BAS requirements. Assumptions: ESA anticipates two (2) meetings with City staff to discuss possible strategies for addressing gaps in the CAO. New or revised code language to meet Best Available Science requirements will not be provided under this scope of work. We will provide up to two (2) drafts of the Technical Memorandum for City comrnents and questions. Schedule: This task will commence irnmediately upon NTP, and the first draft of the CAO and SMP Technical Memorandurn will be provided within six (6) weeks of the NTP. Cornpletion of Draft is anticipated by February 201 I and Final by March 201 l. Task 3 - FEMA Coordination and Floodplain Protection Biological Opinion Checklist A team consisting of an ESA scientist and a planner will systematically compare the City of Kent's current CAO, SMP and Flood Hazard Regulations with the BiologicalOpinion Checklist in order to deterrnine where the these regulations do, do not, or only partially satisfy the Endangered Species Act criteria. ESA staff will coordinate with the City project team and FEMA Region X to identifo successful approaches for meeting Biological Opinion requirements tailored to existing conditions and anticipated future development. ESA's coordination will include investigation of programmatic approaches for specific types of development. ESA staff will prepare a technical memorandum that describes where the CAO, SMP and Flood Hazard Regulations fail to satisfo the Biological Opinion criteria and what changes would be required in order to satisfy the criteria. If programmatic approaches to ensure Biological Opinion criteria are identified as an area warranting further analysis, the technical memorandum will outline next steps for the programmatic approach. Under Task 3, ESA engineering staff will also review the city's updated stormwater design rnanual and provide general recommendations for how to include appropriate stortnwater management measures, such as low impact development strategies, in order to comply with the Biological Opinion. Deliverables: o Biological Opinion Checklist prepared in collaboration with the City project tearn. . Technical Memorandum describing potential deficiencies in the City of Kent CAO, SMP and Flood Hazard Regulations with regard to ESA floodplain protection criteria. This memorandum will include recommendations for stormwater management measures. Assumptions: ESA staff will complete the Biological Opinion checklist with City review and assistance. For example, City staff will review the checklist and the specific CAO and/or SMP code sections. ESA anticipates two (2) meetings with City staff and/or FEMA Region X to discuss strategies for completing the Biological Opinion Checklist and coordinating possible programmatic options. Programmatic assessment for specific types of developrnent activities will not be provided under this scope of work. ESA anticipates providing up to two (2) drafts of the Checklist and Technical Memorandum to the City for comments and questions. Cost Estimate The cost of these services is estirnated to be $47,600 for Tasks I - 3. Work is invoiced on a time and materials basis. ESA Adolfson EXHIBIT BBudget ProposalVersion: 2Project No.:Project Title: Biolooical Opinion ComplianceClient: Citv of KentBudget Total:Project Manager:Contract No.:Location:Teresa VanderburqKent. WashinqtonRate:Project TotalsTotalsHoursCost$47152.00 $15,070164.00 $15,980$o162.00 $16,420478.00 $47,470$0$65$40$25$1 30$o$6s$40$25$0.00$0.500$20.00$25.00130.002.001.00u"it"in"t"lco"tExpensesS. Bjork90.o0Hours2. Pierce75.00HoursA. Booye0.00Hours84.00100.0090.00274.O030.0016.0016.0062.00S. Krueger125.00Hours30.00M. Wolff140.00Hours4.0010.0016.0056.00A. Root130.00Hours12.0020.0024.00T.Vanderburg$175.00Hours8.006.006.0020.00Best Available Science ReviewTask IGap Analysis of Existing StandardsTask 2Task 3Checklist and SubmitalReimbursable Expensesconiuitinii '-Subtotal HoursIask99999MileageCameraGPSSubtotal Reimbursables EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement' insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to pro.perty which may ariie f6m or in connectioh with the performance of the work hereunder by ihe Consultant, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum ScoPe of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-o_wned, h'trea and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If nece.ssary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liabiliti insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form cc 00 01, The city shall be named as an Additional Insured under the Consuitant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the wo(n-e{9ry-e.d for the City using ISO addition6l insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers'Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington' B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1, Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single lirnit for bodiiy iniu'ry and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits @o eaitr occurrence, 92,000,000 general aggregate, ' C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: EXHIBIT B (Continued) 1. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City, Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance.pool. coverage mainiained'by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Consultant's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either PartY, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CitY. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies' (except Professional Liability) as respects work.performed by or on'behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement nlming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a ffiliequiredinsurancepolicies.TheConsultant,s Commercia'l General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom-claim is mad-e or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liabilitY. D, Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insur:ers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, inciuding but not necessarily limited to the additional ihsured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. F, Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant' AAOBD- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (ilUIDD/YYYYI 1210812010 PRODUCER WoodruFSawyer & Co. 220 Bush St,, ?th Floor SanFranciscoCA 94104 (4t5) 391-2141 -THIS;CERTIFICATE Ig ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Ol,tlV AnO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOI AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE P9TICIEJ,EEIE'V'- INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED Environmental Science Associates ESA Adolfson, Inc. 225 Bush Street, Suit€ 1700 SanFrancisco,CA 94104 I rNsuRER A: Greenwich Insurance company 22322 rNsuRERs: XL Specialw ktsurance Company 37EE5 INSUREB C: INSURER D: INSURER E: THE POLICTES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW l-liAvE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED MMED ABOVE FOR TH E POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OE AI.IY CONTMCT QR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH MAY PERTAIN, THE INSUMNCE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT poilclEs. AGCNEGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. .i.' RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MA BE ISSUED OR TO ALL THE TERM$,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH INSBtTc WDF AF IN$IPANNE POUCY''IUMSER LnilTS A x GENERAL LIAEILITY CLAIMS MADE OCCUR X ContracM Liability Stoo Gan Emrlovers GEN'L LIMIT PER x G8C001336707 01./01t2010 0u0U20ll EACH OCCIJRRENCE s 1,000,000 DAMAGts IOfItsNItsU PPFMISFS tF ffirrmml s 1.000"000 MED E(P {Anv one Dorun)s 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 PROOUCTS - COMP/OPAGG s 2.000,000 B LIABILITV X ANYAUTO ell owrueoeuros $CHEDULED AUTOS HIREDAUTOS NON-OWNEP AUTOSX Deductible: $5,000 4nc001336507 0t/0!20t0 0u01l20tt COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accidBnt)$ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Psr psson)$ BODILY INJURY (Per accldenl)$ PROPERWDAMAGE (P€r aacldant)I OARAGELIABILITY ANYAUTO AUTO ONLY. EAACCIDENT s OTHERTHAN AUTO ONLY: enncc AGG s a A OCCUR CLAIMS i'ADE DEDUCTIBLE 1 uEc001336607 0l/01/2010 0t/01/2011 Ei,CH OCCIJRRENCE E 1,000,000 AGGREGATE s 1.000.000 s $ s B Vt/ORXERS COII'FENSATION AI{D EMPLOYERg'LIABILIW ANY PROPRIETORiPARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICEFYMEMBER EXCLUDEO? lf yes, descrlbo undel SPECIAL FROVISIONS bdow wEc001337407 0l/01/2010 0L/01/201t -.IWCETATU-I IOTH.X lT^DwrrrrYal l Fp E.L. EACH ACCIDENT s 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE s 1-000.000 E.L. DISEAS€. POLICY LIMIT 3 1,000,000 A orHER Professional Liability Coverage A Claims-Made Form PEC001336807 0t/0u20t0 0U01l20ll Limit Eaoh Claim $ Aggregate Limit $Retention $ 1,000,000 2,000,000 100,000 DESCRTPnON OF OPESATIONE / LOCATlotlS' VEHICLES I EXGLUSIONS AODEO D210628.00; Kent Biological Option Compliance. City of Kent 07 04 attashed. BY ENDORSEII|ENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS is named additional insured on GL coverage per endorsements CG 2010 07 04 and C62037 ofPrernium SHOULD ANY OFTHEAEOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCEttEO SEFORETflE EXPIRANON DATE THEREoF, THE IssurNo rNguREB rvtll ENDEAvoR To net &- DAYs wRlrrEN NOTICE TO lHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMEO TO THE LEFI. 8UT FAIURE TO DO S{' SHALL IMPO9E NO OBLICANON OR LIABILIW QF ANY ruND UPON THE IN$URER' ITS AGETITS OR REPRESENTATNE& AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE . ftv\rd bin*t4)-@wr;yce) City of Kent 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 LOAN #: ACORD 25 (2001108) ro *: Affir: Nancy yoshitake 10 Notice for @AcoRo 1988 IMPORTANT tf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed, A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certilicate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s), tf SUBROGATTON 19 WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does' not confer rights to the certlficate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of lnsurance on the reverue side of this form does not constifute a contract between the lssuing insure(s), authorlzed representative or producel, and the oertificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001/00) THI$ ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LE$SEES OR CONTRACTORS. SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENEML LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE NAMED INSURED: Environmenlal Science Associates POLICY NUMBER: CECOOI336707 A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damago" or "personal and advertising injury'' caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. The acts or ornissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) desig- nated above, ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Kent B. With respecl to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclu- sions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injurt'' or "property damage" occuning aftor: 1, All work, including materials, parts or equip- ment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other ihan seryice, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its in- tended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor en- gaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same Project. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 10 07 04 Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s):Location(s)Of Govered Operations City of Kent 400 WestGowe Kent, WA 98032 D210628.00; Kent Biological Option Compliance. City of Kent is named additional insured on GL coverage per endorsements CG 2010 0? 04 and CG 2037 07 04 attached. cG 20 10 07 04 @ ISO Properties, \nc'2004 Page 1 ofi tr THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES qR CONTRAGTORS - COMPLETED OPERATION$ This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE NAMED INSURED: Environmental Science Associates POLICY NUMBER: GECOOI3367O? Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to in- clude as an additional insured the perqon(s) or or- ganization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage" cau$ed, in whole or in part, by'!our work" ADDITIONAL INSLJRED; CitY ofKont at the location . deslgnated and described in the schedule of this endorsement performed for that ad- ditional insured and included in the "products-com- pleted operations hazard'. COMMERCIAL GENERI\L LIABILITY cG 20 37 07 04 Page I of I UNIFORM Locatlo n An d Descri ptlon Of GomplqleC-OPgl3$ons. Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Orsanizatlon(s): D210628.00; Kent Biological Option Complianco. City of Kent is namsd additional insured on GL coverage per endorsernonts CG 2010 07 04 and CG 2037 W 04 attached. City of Kent 400 West Gowo Kent, WA 98032 ation this the cG 20 37 07 04 Copyright, ISO Properties, lnc., 2004 REQUEST rOR MAYOR',S STGNATURE Please Fill in All Applicable Boxes KF-tqT lfiis form ff{rsf be prinfed on cf}e ffy paper Routing Information (ALL REQUESTS MIJST FTRST BE ROUTED THROTJGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Brief Explanation of Document: The attached agreement is for ESA Adolfson to assist the city in achieving floodplain hazard area compliance with the Biological opinion. For further explanation, see the attached from Mike Mactutis. AII, i'' ri Routed Through the Law DePartment NECEIVHD Shaded Areas to Ee Completed by Administra Origirrator: Beth Tan Phone (Originator): 5552 Date Sent: 12115110 Date Requi red: 12122110 Return Signed Document to: Nancy Yoshitake CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE: 12t31 t1 1 VENDOR NAME: ESAAdolfson, lnc'DATE OF COUNCIL APPROYALz 12t1411o .,flut. i"x.La L"^-*- (This Area to be Completed By the Law Department) iiIi. 1 S i]0iil Received npp,ouii:fifi* u$ii :j i: i-'l Law Dept. Comments eitir of Kent ce Llf ihe fitlayor Date Forwarded to MaYor R.eco,rn mendations & Com me nts: :.': . lage5B70-temPlatebase' 2/02