HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-189 - Amendment - FileLocal - Service Level Agreement For Washington Multi-City Business License and Tax Portal Agency - 07/21/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Slgnatures and Records Management This form tombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Pfint on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHr{oto{ IE obe,q Originator: Robert Goehring, City Auditor Department: Finance Date Sent: 07t2412022 Date Required: 0712512022 Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval Budget Account Number: N/A Budget? EYes E No Grant? D Yes EI No Type: tro *at! ELor- E +tco EooLgl Vendor Name: FileLocal Category: Contract Vendor Number: 2447832 Sub-Category: Amendment proiecr Name: CR331 Kent City Specific Questions Update for 2023 Business Licensing' Period . ^ ,, Provide Filelocal system updates, testing and release costs ProJect uetails' business license questions'effective with-the 2023 licensing associated with changes to 11 period. Agreement Amountl Start Dare: 0711312022 Easis for Selection of Contractor: Othef ' N/A Termination Date: 1213112022 Local Business? EYes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3,70.1.00, please complete yendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: c hca 2oz2 _ t oltr +a) -Olc .E .l- agEi IE E .9 UI Date Received by City Attorney: 7 lL3l22 L Comments: On April 6, 2021 , Council authorized the Mayor to sign an : ILA with FileLocal. On April 19,2022 the City executed the Member City Service Agieement (CAG2O22-189) which established requirements for service changes. This Change Order was executed pursuant to the terms and conditions of the LSA and only requires director-level approval. Date Routed to the Mayorb Of1lce: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: $qWDl73-l-I Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements Section l- - Summary Change lnitiator complete section 1 and submit to Change Manager for review Section 4 - Cost Filled out by the Change Managers as part of costing and release planning Data lnterchange Impact (check all that a WSDL Filelocal PCS City PCS x CSV Files FAQ lmpact x Ul Download XML FileLocal Payment API KUBRA API SIP alternative - ensure web service equivalent for SIP Change Control - Project Change Request #: CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates Requestor Name: Kevin Fitzpatrick, FileLocal Agency Request Date 4l2sl2O22 Reason for Change: (Bold applicable reason, delete other options) Functional Change Priority Hieh (16)Change lmpact Need by Date:s/30/2022 Approved for Analvsis: Kevin Fitzpatrick, FileLocal Agency 4/2s/2022 Requirements Finalized: 7l13l2O22 Costing Provided: 7/8/2022 Functional Area affected: Kent City specific questions Schedule lmpact: Approximately 4-5 weeks, not including UAT testing Cost lmpact: CR Title PM BA Dev AA Total Hours Total Cost cR331 CR331 Kent City Specific 5 29 39 29 702 S14,u8.oo Question U - Structural CR Title Total cR331 CR331 Kent City Specific s14,178.00Question U - Structural T&R Testing and Release Costs - Structural 57,514.34 StructuralTOTAL $21,692.34 Costs are estimated for Development ond T&R Costs based on informotion provided in Section 7 of this document Release Number Target 2022.3 None FileLocal SCS City SCS x Schema Chanse (check all that Edit Existins FAQ (Aeencv Task)X Create new FAQ (Agency Task)x None 7/L312O22 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates1 Tool Tip Impact (check all that a x None Edit Existing tooltip (Final wording TBD in spec process.) Create new tool tip (Final wording TBD in spec process) Action Log Impact allthat Section 6 -Assumptions: To be confirmed/completed by vendor o Ul changes - Application changes r Batch changes -xml changes o Print changes - printed application o Action Log changes - N/A . Support - N/A o Meetings - N/A o Specifications - N/A Section 7 - Reouirements The City of Kent would like to update a number of their city-specific questions in Filelocal applicable to the GBL applications and the renewals. 331.01 City Specific Question - Structural Updates L. Remove the following question on the Kent City Specific page: tn an effort to both validate and improve information in its business licensing system, the City of Kent is asking all businesses re-licensing for 2022 to provide responses to the full set of licensing questions in FileLocal' Businesses can anticipate fewer questions when they re-license for 2023 and beyond' tf you are re-licensing your existing City of Kent business license, please enter the seven-digit numeric portion of your City business license number only. Do not include the letters thot appear before the seven-digit number. Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml 2. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Will your business engoge in selling, giving away, distributing, dispensing, exchanging for onything of volue, planting, growing, processing, packaging, storing, or any other act reloting to moriiuana as that term is defined in RCW 69.50.707?'r o Yes oNo 2 Create a new action log eventUpdate existing action log eventxNone 7/t3/2O22 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates questions apply regardless of whether Yes or No are selected. Affected: GBL only 3. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Are you a Hotel/Motel/Lodge o Yes oNo City Cha Affected: GBL only Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml Affected: GBL Only Avenu Note: Question needs to be flagged by Filelocal as mandatory o o Yes No 71L312022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates3 Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml 5. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Willyou operate outside the hours of 7am - 7pm? * o Yes oNo City requested changes: Will you operote outside the hours of 7am - 7pm? * o Yes oNo Affected: GBL Only Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml 6. Current text on Kent City Specific page: ls your Business subject to the State of Washington B&O Tax (Chapter 82.04 Revised Code of Washington)? * o Yes oNo City Requested Changes: This question is oNLY E asked if the organization responds "YES" to (ls your business Home based?) This question tr be asked immediately AFTER (Marijuana question) because it applies to ALL applications. "(Chapter 3.28 Kent City Code) should be added after "Tax" a a a b yourlusiness subiect to B&O Tax (Chapter 82.04 Revised Code of Washington)? * o Yes Noo Affected: GBL 7. Current text on Kent City Specific page: ts your Business subject to City of Kent B&O Tox? * o Yes oNo City Requested Changes: o This question is oNLY E asked if the organization responds "YES" to (ls your business Home based?) r This question tr U" asked immediately AFTER (ls your Business subjectto the State of Washington B&O Tax?l because it applies to ALL applications. r "(Chapter 3.28 Kent City Code) should be added after "Tax" r "Business" should be lowercase. 7/7312022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates4 Is yourlusiness subject to City of Kent B&O Tax (Chapter 3.28 Kent City Code)? * o Yes No Affected: GBL Only 8. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Do you have 700 or more Full-Time employees? * o 0-99 o 700+ If YES, then (ETC contact information) question applies tf NO, then (# of full-time employees 32+ AND # of part-time employees <32) questions opply City Requested Changes: o Should be a Yes/No question o Need space before "Total # of Full-Time employees" Do you have 100 or more Full-Time employees? * o Yes oNo Affected: GBL only Avenu Note: This requlres a change to the xml 9. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Pleose provide the ossigned Employer Transportotion Coordinator's (ETC) contact information Name * Phone * Email oddress * round City Requested Changes: Please provide contact information for your "Employer Transportati on Coordinato/' or similar overseeing the organization's commute trip reduction program Name * Phone * 7/t312O22 Emailaddress * CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates5 Affected: GBL Only Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml 10. Current text on Kent City Specific page: Please Provide 2 Emergency Contacts: Name * Phone * EmoilAddress * Owners Driver's License Number City Requested Changes: r Remove the Driver's License Number due to Pll for both emergency contacts o Add Position field for both emergency contacts Name * Phone * EmailAddress * Nome * Phone * EmailAddress * Affected: GBL and Renewal types 1, 2,3, and 4 Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml for both Position fields 11. Current text on Regulatory Questions: Please select all business activities that will be conducted in this location. Check all that apply. Will your business be operating any of the following o Food Service o Short Term Rental o CommercialResidence o Mobile Business o Day Care o Group Home 717312022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates5 o Solicitor o Amusement Device o Arcade License o Cabaret o Carnivals o Circus & Sideshows o Taxicab or Vehicle for Hire Driver o Massage Therapy o Hookah Lounge o None of these apply o Does your Business Generate, collect, Transport and Dispose of Wastewater o Does your Business Manufacture, Process or Package Food or Drink o Does your Business Prepare, Serve or Make Available Food or Drink for Consumption by the Public City Requested Changes: Will I be operating any of the following (check all that apply): Food Service Short Term Rental Commercial Residence Mobile Business Day Care Group Home Solicitor Amusement Device Arcade License Cabaret Carnivals Circus & Sideshows Taxicab or Vehicle for Hire Driver Massage Therapy Hookah Loun o None of these apply Affected: GBL only Avenu Note: This requires a change to the xml for new fields o o o o o o o o o o o o o 7lL3/2022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates7 Michael ErvickAgency Change Manager Christv CatoVendor Change Manager Michael ErvickAgency Program Manager SignatureApproved DateNameRole Section 2 - FinalApproval Completed by Change Manager once the RFC is complete and accurate enough for assessment and evaluation Review RFC Approval: Cha Man r, Process Own Section 3 - Assessment Completed by Change Manager The Change Manager will ensure that risk, security, and impact assessments, are completed by those stakeholders required to assess the Change. Risk Assessment (Priority) Changes are prioritized to establish the order in which they should be put forward for consideration. The Priority of RFCs will be decided in collaboration with the Change lnitiator. Security Assessment (Risk and Mitigation) This document has been reviewed to assess security risks and provide mitigation, as follows: Impact Assessment (Categorization) All members of the CAB should evaluate the change based on impact, urgency, risk, benefits and costs. ln order to prepare for authorization decisions, change planning, scheduling, and remediation are also assessed' 8 ResponseCAB lnvolvementCriteriaLevel CAB review is not required YesLevel 1 A. ls the change defined as a Standard Change? B. ls it on the pre-approved list? CAB review is needed No A. Normal Change B. Change follows normal timelines and is not escalatedLevel 2 CAB approval is required NoA. Management CAB needed to approve a violation to the normal timelinesLevel 3 Risk Assessment: Change Levels (choose one) - noneData i Data security - none MitigationRisk 717312022Karin Deering N/AN/A Date DateX Risk Assessment Performed by by 717312022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates A. High - 5 3A. High - lmpacts multiple cities, system owners B. Med - lmpacts at least one City; some disruption to services B. Med-3 C. Low - No impacts to Cities technology or processes C. Low-0 1. lmpact to Cities 5A. High - Large project (> S10K)A. High - 5 B. Med - Estimate for costs is low (<s10K)B. Med-3 C. Low-0 2. Cost of implementation C. Low - lncluded as part of base contracted services (S0) 0A. High - Key functionality will be unavailable A. High - 5 B. Med-3B. Med - Some functions may not be available C. Low - No or minor impacts to system functionality C. Low-0 3. lmpact of not implementing the Change A. Hich - 5 3A. High - Addresses major compliance or regulatory concerns B. Med - Minor compliance or regulatory impacts B. Med-3 C. Low-0C. Low - No compliance impacts 4. Compliance / Regulatory considerations A. High - 5 3A. High - 3 or more teams will need to be involved B. Med-3B. Med - 2 teams will need to be involved C. Low-0 5. Technology teams required to implement Change C. Low - l team will need to be involved 2 5. Scheduling requirements A. [ow:0 - 5 A. High - 4 C. Low - no outage required B. Med - during normal maintenance window B. Med-2 C. Low-0 A. High - outside normal maintenance window B. Medium:6 - 10 C. High: >10 lmpact Assessment {choose one per category and total score at bottom)Score 7/L3/2022 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates9 Section 5 - CitvAnnrovals The Change Advisory Board reviewed the RFC and authorizes and prioritizes the change Authorize RFC Approval: Change Advisory Board approval is required after costing, and only applies to the payor(s). Michael Ervick e-Signature DateRoleApproved by Cost Agency I Average I Cities Who Ranked ltem Final Ranking Date CAB Ranki City Acceptance of Contents This a ts uired rior to Decisions otes and on es to affected Cities. .]+'r^fiM -------l lo**tta*tra)Kent Paula Painter Accepted By e-Signature (Via)Role Date Date Decision/Notes Originated by Agreed/Approved by 7lL3l2O22 10 CR331 Kent City Specific Question Updates Section 5 - CitvAonrovals The Change Advisory Board reviewed the RFC and authorizes and prioritizes the change. Authorize RFC Approval: Change Advisory Board approval is required after costing, and only applies to the payor(s), atu re DateRoleApproved by Cost Agency t Averag€1 Cities Who Ranked ltem Final Ranking Date CAB City Acceptance of Contents This ts uired to otes ies to affected Cities,and Kent Paula Painter Accepted By e-Signature (Via)DateRole Originated by Agreed/Approved byDateD ecis i o n/N otes 7h"ltn))1n |. Ft?1 Kent iitrr (noeifie nr racii^tl I lndatc< U*rq'l l*a.w Goehrinq, Robert From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Long, Adam Wednesday, July 13,2022 3:31 PM Goehring, Robert Black, Courtney; Reyes-Selden, Tania RE: Filelocal Change Request Contract PLEASE DISREGARD Looks fine to me, Robert. No real legal implication to assess with this -Adam From : Goe h ring, Ro be rt < RGoeh ri ng@ ke ntwa.gov> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 20223:24PM To: Long, Adam <ALong@kentwa.gov> Cc: Black, Courtney <CBlack@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: FileLocal Change Request Contract PLEASE DISREGARD Adam - Please disregard Robert A. Goehring, CFE, CPA, citv Auditor Internal Audit and Taxl Finance 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5262 | Fax 253-856-5255 rooehrinq@KentWA.Gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.qov Facebook .{ r,Lri-t-tPt YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Goehring, Robert Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 3:I8 PM To: Black, Courtney <CBlack@kentwa.gov> Cc: Long, Adam <Along@kentwa.gov> Subject: FileLocal Change Request Contract please see attached. It looks like Adam Long is available this afternoon. Going into a meeting with Somen shortly Robert A. Goehring, CFE, CPA, citv Auditor Internal Audit and Taxl Finance 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5262 | Fax 253-856-6255 rooehrino@KentWA.Gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.oov Facebook -l-:ltrltteq YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E'MAIL 1