HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-332 - Change Order - #2 - Scarsella Bros., Inc. - Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement - 07/12/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & repiaces the Request for Mayor! Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHrNcrox E oLcq Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 7t1312022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: \M0005.64110.330 Budget? EYes ElNo Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A c .9+,o ELotFg ]Yco EooLgl Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #2 project Name: Summit Landsburg Rd and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement project Detaits: Embed inserts into precast concrete grinder bay to allow for future utilities Agreement Amount: $1,936.00 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 94 Working Days Local Business? E Yes E No* xlf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2021-332 E'ltr.Tfl5 E$o=c,i lEt E'la-UI Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:1 7z ad(W22371_l_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obiain copies of all agreements KENT Wasilr!!tor NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 Scarsella Bros. Inc. ("Contractor") Summit Landsburg RD and Rock Creek Culvert Replc. Julv 20,2O2L This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to: pSE was unable to bore under Rock Creek as originally planned. This now requires them to hang the gas main off the new bridge, using the last of the planned spare utility bay's. This change order adds embed insefts into the last precast concrete girder bay to allow for future utilities that may need to cross the creek' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $2,288,875.34 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. appl icable WSST) $147,377.70 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $2,436,253.04 Current Change Order $1,936.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $2,438,189.04 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 150 working days Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 94 working days Days Required (+) for this Change O rder 0 calendar days Revised Time for ComPletion (insert date) 94 working days In accordance with Sections t-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agreel to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from sirict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, pafticularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any)' and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below. ^'Ec CONTRACTOR: By , /H', /11 e'r, Sno'* o. 11. i (signature) Print Name:Matthew Scarsella Tts Proiect Manaser (title) DATE:6128/2022 CITY OF KENT: By i Diglt€lly signed bY Chad Bieren C h a d B i e ren H:&,:'"*"'"T3il$'@'HlY"1f":.I AdEa2O22.O7 12 17.44:A-O7OO (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren. P,E. Its Public Works Director DATE, (''t'") CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 K? ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayar's signature required) Kent Law Department [n thls ffeld, you may enter the electronlc Rlepath wh€re the @ntract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 02 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project:Summrt LanosDu Culvert Replacement Project Engineer: Stephen Lincoln, PE Capital Projects Jason Barry r9 ROao ano RocK Lre el(Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 13-3007.5 N/A Scarsella Bros., Inc. M Date:6/24/2022 I Pro Cha added work: Create new pay item to compensate Contractor for addition of embedded inserts in the center bay of bridge for potential future utilities. ts and provides comPensation foris Change makes the following revisions to the Contract Documen IL Reason and Bac round for Chan e Iff. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS I Notapplicable pSE was unable to bore under Rock Creek as originally planned. This now requires them to hang the gas main off the new bridge, using the last of the planned spare utility bay's. This change order adds embed inserts into the last piecast concrete girder bay to allow for future utilities that may need to cross the creek. Sch. No Item Description Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item IV Added girder embeds for future utilities 1 LS $1,935,00 $1,936.00 $ $ $ $ Page L New Pay Items Total: $1,936.O0 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 pNotappricabre Sch No-Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Delete Existing PaY ltems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) p Notappricabre Sch Nrr Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ fncrease / Decrease to Existing Pay ftems Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:I 936.00 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:150 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total:94 XTOTAL WORKING DAYS: 94 lllf * This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Capital Projects Supervisor Barry n Barry Date: Date: 4,1^ 4"b Construction Manager: Eric Connor Page2 Date:a/r/rr- From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachm€nts: Peterson. Kelly Connor. Eric Eafg-laSqo; Llncoln- Stephen RE: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Thursday, March 24,2022 4:08:35 PM lmaoeol3.Pno lmaoeo15.ono lmaoeo17.ong lmageo22.png lmageo23.png Eric- please proceed with the inserts for the utility hangars. I have copied in Stephen . to work on the payment from PSE for the hangars and any re-design work needed as a results of the change from the directional bore. Thank you, Kelly Kelly Petersonr AICP, Deputy Director-Engineering Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-ss47 - Cell 253'740-8066 Koeterson (oKentwA. oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON fi3trffiAgru Facebook ! "viit.:t YouTuba PIEISC CONSTOTR THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E'MAIL From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, March 24,2022 11":21 AM To: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Cc: Barry, .Jason <J Barry@ kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Hello Kelly, Are you okay with an extra $1,935 to add inserts for utility hangers into the girders for the new bridge at Rock Creek? Thanks! Eric Eric Connor I Constructian Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON pLEAsE coNsrDEn ?xe rnvrnowENt BEFoRE pRTNTTNG THrs E-MArL From: Ba rry, Jaso n <l8a[ry@ke$sta.gQy> Sent: Thursday, March 24,2022 11:08 AM To: Li ncoln, Ste phen <SLiotgln@,kenlt4la.gqv> Cc: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Hi Stephen, Below is the cost to Scarsella to add hanger inserts into the center brid we want to go that route? We'd need to make that decision soon thoug before you go on vacation. ge h, bay if probably Thanks, Jason Tot Jason Barry, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5545 | Cell 253-797-8462 ibarry(OKentWA.gov www.KqntWA.gov PLEASE COilSIOER, THE EI{VIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- MAIL From : Matthew Scarsella <rnatthew.s@SCARSF Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 10:42 AM To: Ba rry, Jason <lBafryl@.kenlw.a€oy> Cc:AaronWeidman<@> Subject: RE: AFC Drawing Rocl< Creek HiJason, It is 51,936 to add 1" inserts into the center girder bay. This is inserts only, not hangers or spreaders, Knifer River already changed the other inserts to 1" during submittal review to make fabrication more consistent. Let me know if you want to add the inserts. Thanks, Matt Matthew Scarsella, P.E. I Project Manager From: Ba rry, J ason <lBafiy@.kei*lua.giey> Sent: Wednesday, March 23,202210:40 AM To: Matthew Scarsella <malthew.s@SCARSELLABROS.com> Cc: Aaron Weidman <aaron.w@sbstructures.com> Subject: RE: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Hi Matt, Could you ask what kind of dollar amount we're looking at to add 3/+" diameter embeds for the middle bay like the two future use ones? Thankfully this is contract EXTERNAL EMAIL is not federal so US sourcing should not limit us here. The deal breaker would be if it pushes the delivery schedule, would have to figure something else out' Let me know. Thanks, lason KE T Tto Jason Barry, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 | Ceil 253'797 -a462tu www.KentwA.gov- PLEASE CONSIDEN. THE EI{VIRONTIENT AEFORE PRINTIT{G THTS E' MAIL From: Barry, Jason Sent: Wednesday, March 23,2027 9:30 AM To: Matthew Scarsella <matthew.s@SCARSEL Cc:AaronWeidman<@> Subject: RE:AFC Drawing Rock Creek Thank you Matt. Will let you know by end of day Thanks, Jason Jason Barry, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenuesouth, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 | Cell 253'797 -4462tu www.KentWA-ooV PLEASE CONSIDER fHE E'IVTRONMENT AEFORE PRINTING THIS E' MAIL From : M atth ew Sca rse I I a <rnatthew. s@SCAR$EILA9BoS,com> Sent: Wednesday, March 23,2022 9:21 AM To: Ba rry, Jason <l8affy@.kenl$la8$lc> Cc: Aaron Weidman <aaron.w@sbstructures.com> Subject: FW: AFC Drawing Rock Creek See email below from Knife River Thanks, Matt EXTERNAL EMAIL Matthew Scarsella, P.E. I Project Manager From : Fischer, Ti na <Ti na.Fischer@ kn iferiver.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 23,2A22 8:47 AM To: Matthew Sca rse lla <mqtthew'S(ASCARSEL Cc: Aaron Weidman <aaron.w@sbstructures.com> Subject: RE:AFC Drawing Rock Creek Matt, We have not cast these yet. My only concern is lead time for these inserts. We are seeing 8 weeks on someofthesedomesticinserts. RightnowwearescheduledtopourendofAprillbeginningofMay. lf they do wanl more inserts, is it possible to use non-domestic for these? Tina Tlna Fischer I sr Projecc Manager Knife River Prestress 922 N. Carnahan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99212 office 509-536-3303 mobile 509-590-7896 e m a I I lL0anE[bgr@l0ltgdll€Lf.80 a From: Matthew Scarsella <matthew.s@SCARSFLLABROS.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 23,2022 8:42 AM To: Fischer, Tina <Tina.Fischer@kniferiver.com> Cc: Aaron weidman <@> Subject: RE: AFC Drawing Rock Creek ** WARNING: EXTERNAL SENDER. NEVER click links or open attachments without positive sender verification of purpose. DO NOT provide your user lD or password on sites or forms linked from this email. ** Hi Tina, The gas company is having trouble boring under the creek and might end up hanging off the girders instead. Have these girders been cast yet? The City is wondering if they should add more utility inserts' The center bay is currently open and they might want to add some there. doaft r t 66ar e ( DFofn o qNOF E {. oiffi f I I co*otRt I ( I I Jar[q {.ir JOI{Tt I Jtxt{T JOI'I t-.?.l j: I'i '.--"I It''l I l ll r.i.) l'a rGair t'r adStrr l''. r{frlt l'l 0astFt uTrLrTY rry,s-glT-,LAY0uT &la4t/i'-. 1' Thanks, Matt Matthew Scarsella, P.E. I Project Manager From : Fisch e r, Ti na <Tina. Flsgher@ kn iferiver.com> Sent: Monday, January 3,2022 9:53 AM To: Matthew Scarsella <@> Subject: RE: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Good Morning Matt, We had one small change on the drawings. l've attached it here. We called out a recess which we don't have at tiedown holes. Tina fina Flscher I Sr Prolect Manager Knife River Prestress 922 N. Carnahan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99212 office 509-536-3303 mobile 509-590-7896 em a i I tlnaJlsgbGd&kolfsdlef"IQn From: Fischer, Tina Sent: Wednesday, December 22,20216:54 AM To: Matthew Scarsella < Subject: AFC Drawing Rock Creek Good Morning Matt, Attached are our final approved for construction drawings for your use Thanks Tina Tina Fischer I Sr Project Manager Knife Rrver Prestress 922 N. Carnahan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99212 oifice 509-536-3303 mobile 509-590-7896 emai I tloLlEchglclkdtstlYlt {9)aF9odZ):<*aa3,€Hl;26R3!QFIIunz t-jHa,U;Ya2<ilz-ryilz&-FPQETuts6o=6tv:F2A>9-uo=iaREVISEDKrnor ar coFr€ssmmmToHEutf,03t$204KNIFE RIVER PRESTRESS00 2fl9ABUT 1ABIJT 2=DCl55"-O'CL B:ARING TO CL BEABING CINAL57,.3 T/2, GIRDHR CAST NG tENGiH (57 .3. F NISii LENGTH)WiWSIP@,ArAri f@dCIVIL / ATRUCtURAL1',4d-ui.)oz5Eo'-4 l14'\OI ES,TH S BI]IDGE ISAI AO,5%, SIOPE. ALI IONG MEASUIlFMENISARE SHOWN ON \ORMAL TO TI-]E BRIDGE, UNOX. DENOTES UTILITY NSEBTS, SEF 54.01 FOF MORENFOBI'IATIONCONCRETE OVERLAY BY OTHEBS SEE DESIGN DFAW,NGS6nIFULIII.IFSGqaEgo6oF:ooFF)oiioFOFCI ULTII IEStsaaqLOCL ULT|L IESCL ULTILIES:sIF? * norrdEACTUAL DI[iS FROMEDGE CF GIFDERBARRiER0zcoBRIDGE PI-ANSCALE; 1,€'= 1 10'oz@Iotkt+(5) SPA@ T',-s = 7'-6'l5SPA@6'=7 5'41t4','G-01:WELD TiE. ryP*G-01 D.SLOPE-4.50kI:tlfiitfiiiltiinilll.L__1G-c11'l4)SPA@4 0"= 56'-A" TtAO FCRMINGSLEEVE(53) sPA @ 9 (E5BC02 BARR|Eq RErNF) = 39 -9'3t48ADJUST BABS iO AVOID HOLESYSEE SHEEis5.00 FoRSH]PPiI'.]GlNto-\coNcBARIIlER7/8'O FOBMII'lG SLEeVE?_4 1 3/4"112) SPA @ 4',6' = 54 .O' WELD T ESC L 8'W DE CIP DIAPIIRAGI\,I 28..1 3/4"{14) SPA @ a''0' = 56'-0B"CIP CENTER DIAPHRAGM6.@ POUR l.]OLF, ryP{BY OTHERS)56'€ IP FLAIGF CASTING LENGTH 66'€'FINISH LFNGII{)(9) SPA @ 5 -6" = a9'"6' UilL TY INSERTS (F52-1xa i/81'"4)3 -1 114tt71t434 11115SPA@6'=7"6rlrt3I7F:OrFOq,- 'l2-9!5:dltHGIrn03-29-2022rsEif7 =rrx,M EE!ffiFrr:)J2kl eErl1-3i.9ttEtr ti: i[2:c: