HomeMy WebLinkAbout2047RESOLUTION NO. 2047 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing staff to prepare and file a Notice of Intention with the King County Boundary Review Board, and to take all action necessary for the Board to administratively review and approve of the possible de-annexation of the Bridges neighborhood from the City of Kent and annexation into the City of Auburn, while both cities continue to explore the possibility of such annexation under the process provided for in RCW 3s.ro.2L7(2). RECITALS A. Consistent with Resolution No. 2038, the cities of Auburn and Kent continue to explore community interest in the de-annexation of the neighborhood known as the "Bridges" (hereinafter "Property") from the City of Kent to the City of Auburn under the annexation process provided for in RCW 35.10.2t7(2). Annexation does not formally commence until either the City of Kent or the City of Auburn adopt a resolution under RCW 35.I0.277(2) formally declaring the city's intention to de-annex or annex the Property, as the case may be. Once such a resolution is adopted, the other city will finalize the annexation by adopting its own resolution concurring in the annexation. However, before any concurring resolution may be adopted, the cities must file a Notice of Intention with the King Authorize Actions Related to Continued Efforts to ExPlore Possihle De-Annexation to Auburn 1 County Boundary Review Board ("Board") and obtain the Board's administrative approval of both the de-annexation of the Property from Kent and its annexation to Auburn. B. The Board's administrative review may take anywhere between 45 and 120 days, though the Board and cities may agree to extend the Board's review period if such extension is needed. While the cities of Kent and Auburn continue to explore the possibility of annexation, the mayors from both cities are requesting that the respective legislative bodies, at meetings scheduled to occur in each city on June 21, 2022, authorize staff to prepare and file a joint Notice of Intention with the Board and take all actions necessary to complete the Board's administrative review process, Once the Board's administrative review is complete, the Property will only be de-annexed from the City of Kent and annexed to the City of Auburn if both legislative bodies adopt the resolutions required under RCW 35.LO.2t7(2). Obtaining the Board's administrative review now does not change that process. Instead, it will help inform the cities' decisions and allow consideration of any additional issues raised by the Board that may need to be addressed as part of the formal annexation process. C. The cities are jointly continuing outreach efforts to explore community interest in de-annexation of the Property from Kent and annexation to Auburn. Requesting the Board's administrative review does not commit either city to commencing or finalizing de-annexation and annexation efforts should either city determine there is not sufficient support for the same from their legislative bodies, the owners of the Property, the Kent and Auburn communities, or any other interested stakeholders. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Authorize Actions Related to Continued Efforts to ExPIore Possible De-Annexation to Auburn 2 RESOLUTION SECTION 7. - Recitals Incorporated. The above Recitals are incorporated into this Resolution and constitute findings of the Kent City Council. SECTION 2, - Filing of Notice of Intention. The Mayor is authorized to take all action required to prepare and file a Notice of Intention with the Board, including a joint Notice of Intention with the City of Auburn, to request the Board administratively approve the de-annexation of the Propefty from the City of Kent and the annexation of the Property to the City of Auburn' This authorization includes any other action that may become necessary during the administrative review process to obtain the Board's approval of the de-annexation and annexation. The de-annexation and annexation of the Property shall occur only upon each city adopting the resolution required by RCW 35.I0.4t7(2). The Board's approval of any filed Notice of Intention concerning the Property shall not commit either city to completing the annexation process should its legislative body ultimately decide otherwise. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4, - Corrections by City Clerk Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. Authorize Actions Related to Continued Efforts to ExPlore Possible De-Annexation to Auburn 3 SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. DANA MLPH, MA June 2L, 2022 Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A.MOTO, CITY CLERK June 2L. 2022 Date Adopted ED AS TO FORM: WHITE, ACTING CITY ATTORNEY Authorize Actions Related to Continued Efforts to ExPIore Possible De-Annexation to Auburn 4