HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-522 - Insurance Certificate - Institute for Community Leadership - Non Profit Insurance Program Certificate of Coverage - 06/01/2022Non. Frofit lnsurance Frogram Gertificate of Goverage THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AiID CONVERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS GERTIFICATE DOES THIS CERTIFICATE OF CO'\€RAGE DOES NOT CONE]ITUE A CONTRACT NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE BETII'JEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S)' COVERAGEAFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES BELOW. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAT]VE OR PRODUCER'AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. is an musl l€rms the policy, certain coveftUe may requke an endorsemenl. A statemenl on lhis doss nol conler rights to th6 certilicate holder in lieu of such endorEement(s). THIS lS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE COVERAGE PERIOD TERM OR CONDffION OF CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTTH RESPECT TO WHICH THISINDICATED, NOT WITHSTANDING CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR ANY MAY REOUIREMENT, PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDFIONS OF SUCH POL'CIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED EY PAID CLAIMS. CAI{CELLATIOI{ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXFIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELMERED IN ACCORDANCE FRObUCER CONPAilIES AFFORDD{G COVERASE Clear Risk Sdutions 451 Dhmond Ddve Ephrata, wA98823 OEIIERAL LIABf,ITY Ameriean Alternellvt lnsurance Gorporetion' ci al. AUTOHOBILE LIABILITY American Allernatlv. lnsuranca CorForadoB, ot al. PROPERTY American Alternalivc lnsurancc Corporation, of al. IIISCELLAT{EOUS PROFESSIOT{AL LIABIUTY Prlnccton Exces$ and Sutplue Llnes lnsurance Gompany lnstitute fd Cqnmunlty Leader€hip 24833 18oth Avenue SE tGnt, WA 98{X2 POLICY,EG OA'IE rflrr€DESCFpllollpoucv.Nurlsh PER MEMBERAGGREGATE PRODUCT.COMP/OP PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY ANNUAL POOL AGGREGATE 12023 ts suBJEcT To A $250,000 SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) $,l,o0o,ooo 92i000,000 $2,000,000 OCCURRENCE FORM INCLUDES STOP GAP Atf,.roflbg'LELIAEL,fiY ANNUAL POOL AGGREGATE Ecl& NONE 6t112022 3 (PRoPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A $25O,OOO SIR FAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) {LIABILITY IS SUBJECT TO A $25O.OOO SIR PAYABLE FROM PROGRAM FUNDS) EARTHOUME PER OCE FLOOD PER OCC ANNUAL POOL AGGREGATE Excluded Excluded NONE SUBJECT TO CLAIM PROGRAM I 2021-2OZZCDBG-CV Grant. The City ot Kert is named as Additionsl lnsured regarding this grant only and is subjectto po$cy terms, conditions, and exclusions. lnsured €ndorsement is anached, Resarding Additional # CERNHC.ATTHOLOGR AT'I}IOMED REPNE8EI*TA?ilE Attn: Din€h Wlson City of K€nt 220 4th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032 ./") /' -'/'r y.,J o,_,/-VI- ,,' l)^-<L-.'' C-"-'- AMERICAN ALTERNATIVE INSURANCE COMFANY ADDITIONAL INSURED- DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION (GENERAL LlABlLlrYl TI{IS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY Thls endorsement modilies insurance provided under the following: GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART This endorsement changes the policy efieclive on the inceplion date ofthe policy unless another dale is lndlcated above. Schedule Person or Organization {Additional lnsured): As Per Schedule on file with Clear Risk Solutions, Underurlting Administrator Attni Dinah Wilson City of Kent 2204fr1 Ave. Soulh Kent, WA 98032 Regarding 2021-2022 CDBGCV Grant. The City of Kent is named as Additional lnsured regarding this grant only and is subiect to policy t€rmE, conditions, and exc,lusions. Additional lnsured endorsement is attached, A. \4lrth respects lo lhe Geneml Llability Coverage Parl only, the dellnltion of lnsured ln the Uabillty Conditions, Definitions and Exdusioris section of lhls policy is amended to indude as an lnsurcd the Person or Organization shown in the above Schedule. Sucft Person or OrganlzaffonisanlhsuredonlywithrespecttoliabilltyforBodllylnlury,PropertyDarnage,or ParaonalandAdvertlsinglntury caused in wtlde or in part by your acts or omlssions or th6 acts or omissions of those acling on your behalf 1. ln performance of your ongoing operations; or 2. ln connectlon with your premlses owned or r€nt6d to you. B. The Limits df lnsurance applicable to the additional lnsured are thee specilied in either the: 1. Wdtten conlracl or written agreement; or 2. Dedarations forthis policy, whicfiever is less. These Limlts of lnsuranse arc inclusive and not in addition to the Llmlts Of lnsurance shown in the D6dara{ons. All orlhertenns and conditione remain undtanged, Named lnsured Non Profit lnsurance Program (NPIP) Pollcy Number N'-A2-RL-0000013-13 Endorsement Effeclive 6t1t2022 lncludes copyrighted material of lhe lnsurance Services Office, lnc., with ite permission