HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-437 - Amendment - #1 - King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks - Kent Food Hub Financial Contribution Agreement - 06/02/2022"QQSPWBM0SJHJOBUPS %FQBSUNFOU %BUF4FOU %BUF3FRVJSFE .BZPSPS%FTJHOFF %BUFPG$PVODJM"QQSPWBM (SBOU :FT /P 5ZQF3FWJFX4JHOBUVSFT3PVUJOH%BUF3FDFJWFE$JUZ"UUPSOFZ $PNNFOUT %BUF3PVUFE.BZPST0GGJDF $JUZ$MFSLT0GGJDF"HSFFNFOU*OGPSNBUJPO7FOEPS/BNF $BUFHPSZ 7FOEPS/VNCFS4VC$BUFHPSZ 1SPKFDU/BNF 1SPKFDU%FUBJMT "HSFFNFOU"NPVOU 4UBSU%BUF -PDBM#VTJOFTT :FT/P  #VTJOFTT-JDFOTF7FSJGJDBUJPO *GNFFUTSFRVJSFNFOUTQFS,$$ QMFBTFDPNQMFUFi7FOEPS1VSDIBTF-PDBM&YDFQUJPOTwGPSNPO$JUZTQBDF :FT*O1SPDFTT&YFNQU ,$$ /PUJDFSFRVJSFEQSJPSUPEJTDMPTVSF  :FT/P $POUSBDU/VNCFS 5IJTGPSNDPNCJOFTSFQMBDFTUIF3FRVFTUGPS.BZPST4JHOBUVSFBOE$POUSBDU$PWFS 4IFFUGPSNT 1SJOUPOQJOLPSDIFSSZDPMPSFEQBQFS 7JTJU%PDVNFOUT,FOU8"HPWUPPCUBJODPQJFTPGBMMBHSFFNFOUTBEDD8@@ #VEHFU"DDPVOU/VNCFS #VEHFU  :FT /P %JS"TTU 4VQ.HS %JS%FQ SFW '03$*5:0',&/50''*$*"-64&0/-: "HSFFNFOU3PVUJOH'PSN 'PS"QQSPWBMT 4JHOBUVSFTBOE3FDPSET.BOBHFNFOU 0QUJPOBM #BTJTGPS4FMFDUJPOPG$POUSBDUPS .FNPUP.BZPSNVTUCFBUUBDIFE 5FSNJOBUJPO%BUF "VUIPSJ[FEUP4JHO Rhonda Bylin ECD 05/26/2022 5/31/2022 ✔n/a 10004115.64190.1221 ✔ ✔ N/A King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Contract 42679 Amendment Kent Food Hub Next phase of a joint Effort with King County to develop a facility design and operational model for a food hub in Kent. This agreement covers a financial contribution from each partner to cover the selected consultant's services for the new scope of work. KC is managing partner. 45,000 on execution Other 12-31-2022 ✔ ✔CAG2021-437 Okay to sign - A. Long 5/27/22 6/1/2022 6/1/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: 34E5EEEB-5FD7-4465-89EC-77A34BC165E1 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kurt Hanson Director 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6454 PHONE: 253-856-5454 City of Kent Economic & Community Development To:Christie True, Director, King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks From:Bill Ellis, City of Kent, Chief Economic Development Officer Date:May 26, 2022 Subject: Agreement for Kent Food Hub financial contribution Phase 2 In September 2021, the City of Kent and King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (KC DNRP) entered in an “Agreement for Kent Food Hub financial contribution” (Agreement) (attached). The Agreement documented the financial contribution of the City and KC DNRP for consultant support to assess the feasibility of a food hub facility in Kent Food Hub. The consultant’s work in the first phase of the project identified the constituent parts of a facility concept that meets the needs of local partners and evaluated its financial sustainability and funding options if capital were provided. The City of Kent and KC DNRP seek to advance the development of the food hub facility and have identified objectives for the next phase of the project. This second phase will focus less on the facility itself and more on the programmatic elements of a food business accelerator which would operate there. Main participants, including Kent based non- profits and regional technical assistance providers, will be partnered and a curriculum and recruitment strategy for cohorts developed into a BIPOC business accelerator for companies starting up in the food industry but looking to grow, fleshed out. The parties agree that the second phase of the project requires additional consultant support and have worked collaboratively to develop a scope of work. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION AND TERM:The Parties agree that the cost of the consultant work for Phase 2 shall not exceed $45,000.00 and shall be allocated amongst the Parties as follows: • City of Kent shall pay $45,000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 34E5EEEB-5FD7-4465-89EC-77A34BC165E1 Kent Valley Agreement Letter 2022 Page 2 City of Kent Economic & Community Development Upon execution of this Agreement, the County will invoice the City of Kent for its respective share. The City will have 30 days to pay the County addressed to: KING COUNTY – Attn: Accounts Receivable 201 South Jackson St. Suite 710 Seattle, WA 98101 DELIVERABLES: x Stakeholder engagement and survey analysis – accelerator program design x Partnership Planning and Resources – identify key participants,draft operating agreements x Governance, Funding and Finance – update operating model, building program and financial model x Final Report and Presentations Accepted and agreed to: ____________________________________________________ Dana Ralph, Mayor, City of Kent ____________________________________________________ Christie True, Director, King County Director of Natural Resources and Parks ____________________________________________________________________________ Dana Ralph Mayor Cittttttttttttttttttttttttttyyyyy of KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeeeneeeet DocuSign Envelope ID: 34E5EEEB-5FD7-4465-89EC-77A34BC165E1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 34E5EEEB-5FD7-4465-89EC-77A34BC165E1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 34E5EEEB-5FD7-4465-89EC-77A34BC165E1