HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-246 - Original - Department of Justice - MOU FY 2021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - 05/27/2022ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: Director or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingComments: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Optional) * Memo to Mayor must be attached ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s OfficeAgreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: OK to sign, 4/1/2022, TW. Memorandum of Understanding -ContractEdward Byrne Memorialfustice Assistance Grant (IAG) ProgramFY 2OZl Local SolicitationExecuted byCity of SeattleDepartment Authorized Representative: Kathryn Finau6L0 sth AvenuePO Box 34986Seattle, WA 98124-4986andCity of Kent, DUNS 0202536L3, hereinafter referred to as "subrecipient"|AG Grant Manager: Sara Wood220 4thAve SKent, WA 98032-583822-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract Page I of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by having theirrepresentatives affix their signatures belowCity of KentCity of SeattleDana Ralph, MBrian Maxey, Chief Operating OfficerSeattle Police DepartmentDate: O4l\5ft022Date:Authorized by: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) ProgramWHEREAS, the Justice Assistance Grant (fAG) Program is the primary provider of federalcriminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions; andWHEREAS, the fAG Program supports all components of the criminal justice system, frommulti-jurisdictional drug and gang task forces to crime prevention and domesticviolence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, and justice information sharinginitiatives; andWHEREAS, the United States Congress authorized $771,127 in the Justice Assistance GrantflAG) Program for jurisdictions in King County; andWHEREAS, lL jurisdictions in King County were required to apply for a fAG Program awardwith a single, joint application; andWHEREAS, the City of Seattle ["City"), as the identified Fiscal Agent, had DOJ submit thejoint application to the Bureau of fustice Assistance on Aug 24,202L to request fAGProgram funds; andWHEREAS, based on the City's successful application, the Bureau of fustice Assistance hasawarded $77\,1.27 to the City from these JAG Program funds; andWHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the grant whereby the City, as the identified FiscalAgent for this award, is to distribute grant funds to co-applicants, the City intends totransfer some of the JAG funds it receives to those co-applicants; andWHEREAS, the City is not obligated to continue or maintain grant funding levels for the JAGProgram once grant funds have lapsed; andWHEREAS, Subrecipients of fAG funds from the City should not anticipate the City willassume responsibility for any program costs funded by fAG once JAG funds arespent;NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:Shqlawa--T-*--t-22-00551 KentFY21 JAG MOU Confact Page2 of 7 This Interagency Agreement contains seven Articles:ARTICLE I: TERM OFAGREEMENTThe term of this Interagency Agreement shall be in effect from the date it is executed, untilSeptember 30,2024, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions hereof.ARTICLE II: DESCRIPTION OF SERVICESThe services to be performed under this Agreement shall be conducted for the statedpurposes of the Byrne Memorial fustice Assistance Grant [fAG) Program(42 U.S.C. 3751(a.)The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (fAG) Program is the primaryprovider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The fAGProgram provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary tosupport a range of program areas including law enforcement; prosecution and courtprograms; prevention and education programs; corrections and community corrections;drug treatment and enforcement; crime victim and witness initiatives; and planning,evaluation, and technology improvement programs.ARTICLE III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS1. Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of fustice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureauof Justice Assistance solely for the purpose of furthering the stated objectives of theEdward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant flAG) Program. The Subrecipient shalluse the funds to perform tasks as described in the Scope of Work portion of thisAgreement.2. The Subrecipient acknowledges that because this Agreement involves federal funding,the period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the City's receiptof appropriated federal funds. The Subrecipient agrees that it will not hold the City orthe Department of Justice liable for any damages, claim for reimbursement, or any typeof payment whatsoever for services performed under this Agreement prior to the City'sreceipt and distribution of federal funds.3. This contract is funded with federal grant funds under CFDA 16.738. The grant is FY2021 fustice Assistance Grant Program Award #15PBIA-21-GG-01967-IAGX. All federalfinancial and grant management rules and regulations must be adhered to in theexecution of this contract. Exhibit Attachment A is a copy of the federal awarddocuments. All special conditions stated in the award documents apply to the executionof this contract. All Subrecipients are assumed to have read, understood, and acceptedthe Award as binding.4. The Subrecipient acknowledges that all allocations and use of funds under thisagreement will be in accordance with the Edward Byrne Memorial f ustice AssistanceGrant [fAG) Program: FY 202\Local Solicitation. Allocation and use of grant fundingmust be coordinated with the goals and objectives included in the Local Solicitation. AllSubrecipients are assumed to have read, understood, and accepted the LocalSolicitation as binding.22-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract Page 3 of 7 5. Subrecipient agrees to obtain a valid DUNS profile and create an active registration withthe Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database no later than the due date oftheSubrecipient's first quarterly report after a subaward is made.6. The Subrecipient shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and programguidance. The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and AuditRequirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by the Department ofJustice (DOD in 2 C.F.R Part 2800 ftogether, the "Part 200 Uniform Requirements")apply to this 2O2O award from the Office of Justice Programs [OIP).7 . The Subrecipient must comply with the most recent version of the AdministrativeRequirements, Cost Principals, and Audit Requirements.a. Non-Federal entities that expend $750,000 or more in one fiscal year in Federalawards shall have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year inaccordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-1.33-Audits of States, Local Governments, and non-Profit Organizations. Non-federalentities that spend less than $750,000 a year in federal awards are exempt fromfederal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133, butrecords must be available for review or audit by appropriate officials of theFederal agency, pass-through entity, and General Accounting Office [GAO).b. Subrecipients required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed inaccordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards IGAAS), as found in theGovernment Auditing Standards [the Revised Yellow Book) developed by theComptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The Subrecipient hasthe responsibility of noti$ring the Washington State Auditor's Office andrequesting an audit.c. The Subrecipient shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitatethe audit requirement and shall ensure that any sub-recipients also maintainauditable records.d. The Subrecipient is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its ownorganization or that ofits subcontractors. Responses to any unresolvedmanagement findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included withthe audit report submitted to the Seattle Police Department. The Subrecipientmust respond to requests for information or corrective action concerning auditissues or findings within 30 days of the date of request. The City reserves the rightto recover from the Subrecipient all disallowed costs resulting from the audit.e. If applicable, once any single audit has been completed, the Subrecipient mustsend a full copy of the audit to the City and a letter stating there were no findings,or if there were findings, the letter should provide a list of the findings. TheSubrecipient must send the audit and the letter no later than nine months after theend of the Subrecipient's fiscal year(s) to:Kathryn Finau, JAG Program ManagerSeattle Police Department22-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract Page 4 of 7 61,0 sth AvenuePO Box 34986Seattle, WA98124-4986206-233-3722Kathryn.finau3 @ seattle. govf. In addition to sending a copy of the audit, the Subrecipient must include acorrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy of the management letter ifone was received. The Subrecipient shall include the above audit requirements inany subcontracts.g. The Subrecipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluationefforts, or information or data collection requirements, including, but not limitedto, the provision of any information required for assessment or evaluation ofactivities within this agreement, and for compliance BfA reporting requirements.h. Suspension and Debarment: The Subrecipient certifies that neither it nor itsprincipals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declaredineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in transactions by anyFederal department or agency. By signing and submitting this Agreement, theSubrecipient is providing the signed certification set out below. The certificationthis clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placedwhen this transaction was entered into.If it is later determined that the Subrecipient rendered an erroneous certification,the Federal Government and City may pursue available remedies, includingtermination and/or debarment. The Subrecipient shall provide immediate writtennotice to the City if at any time the Subrecipient learns that its certification waserroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changedcircumstances.The Subrecipient agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall not enter into anycovered transaction with a person or subcontractor who is debarred, suspended,proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded fromparticipation in this covered transaction, unless authorized in writing by the City.The Subrecipient shall include the requirement in this section in any subcontracts.ARTICLE IV: SCOPE OF WORKThe Scope of Work of this Agreement and the time schedule for completion of such work isas described in Attachment B: fAG Budget Worksheet, as approved by BJA. Attachment B isattached to and made part of this agreement.The work shall, at all times, be subject to the City's general review and approval. TheSubrecipient shall confer with the City periodically during the progress of the Work, andshall prepare and present such information and materials (e.g.a detailed outline ofcompleted work) as may be pertinent, necessary, or requested by the City or BfA todetermine the adequacy of the Work or Subrecipient's progress.22-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract Page 5 of 7 ARTICLE V: PAYMENT1. CompensationThe Subrecipient shall be reimbursed on an actual cost basis. Compensation under thisAgreement cannot exceed $42,210.The Subrecipient shall incur authorized allowable expenses in accordance with theProject Budge! as detailed in Attachment B.The Subrecipient may request additional reimbursement up to the amount of interestaccrued on their portion of the grant award. The City will provide quarterly statementsto the Subrecipient, once the interest balance accrued equals at least $1,000.Reimbursements will not be made for interest accrued that is less than $1,000.Reimbursements can be requested, up to the total amount of interest accrued, after theinitial quarterly statement has been sent, to perform tasks in accordance with theProject Budget, as detailed in Attachment B.No travel or subsistence costs, including lodging and meals, reimbursed with federalfunds may exceed federal maximum rates, which can be found at: http://www.gsa.gov.2. Manner of PavmentThe Subrecipient shall submit reimbursement requests not more than monthly, and atleast quarterly. After the first quarter, monthly submission is preferred.Requests are due no later than 30 days after the end of the period in which the workwas performed. Reimbursement request forms are provided. Substitute forms areacceptable.With each reimbursement request, the Subrecipient shall submit:' Detailed spreadsheet of expenditures by task and related financial documentsftimesheets, invoices)' These documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Subrecipient and be madeavailable upon request by the City or to state or federal auditors, for at least sixyears after the closure ofthe grant.Reimbursement will not be processed without accompanying documentation for thecorresponding costs. Once the above conditions are met, payment shall be made by theCity to the Subrecipient.Submit Documentation toKathryn Finau, JAG Program ManagerSeattle Police Department610 sth AvenuePO Box 34986Seattle, WA98124-4986206-233-3722Kathryn.finau 3 @ seattle. govSubmit invoicing toFiscal Accounts PayableSeattle Police Department610 sth AvenuePO Box 34986Seattle, WA 98724-4986SPDAP@seattle.gov22-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract Page 6 of 7 ARTICLE VI. COOPERATION IN MONITORING AND EVALUATION1. SPD Responsibilities:SPD shall monitor, evaluate and provide guidance and direction to Subrecipient in theconduct of Approved Services performed under this Agreement. SPD has theresponsibility to determine whether Subrecipient has spent funds in accordance withapplicable laws, regulations, including the federal audit requirements and agreementsand shall monitor the activities of Subrecipient to ensure that Subrecipient has metsuch requirements. SPD may require Subrecipient to take corrective action ifdeficiencies are found. SPD will not monitor Subrecipient's adherence to SpecialConditions 31,-47 and 70 in the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents.2. Subrecipient Responsibilities.a. Subrecipient shall permit SPD to carry out monitoring and evaluation activities,including any performance measurement system required by applicable law,regulation, funding sources guidelines or by the terms and conditions of theapplicable Notice of Prime Award, and Subrecipient agrees to ensure, to the greatestextent possible, the cooperation of its agents, employees and board members insuch monitoring and evaluation efforts. This provision shall survive the expirationor termination of this Agreement.b. Subrecipient shall cooperate fully with any reviews or audits of the activities underthis Agreement by authorized representatives of SPD, DOJ, the U.S. GovernmentAccountability Office or the Comptroller General of the United States andSubrecipient agrees to ensure to the extent possible the cooperation of its agents,employees and board members in any such reviews and audits. This provision shallsurvive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.ARTICLE VII: AMENDMENTSNo modification or amendment of the provisions hereof shall be effective unless in writingand signed by authorized representatives ofthe parties hereto. The parties heretoexpressly reserve the right to modi$r this Agreement, by mutual agreement.22-00551 KentFY2l JAG MOU Contract PageT of 7 Fz tU IU E 2122122,2:19 PMExtemal EntityAward LetterOctober 13,2021Dear Mark Baird,On behalf of Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, it is my pleasure to inform you the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) hasapproved the application submitted by SEATTLE. CITY OF for an award under the funding opportunity entitled 2021 BJAFY 21 Edward Byrne MemorialJustice Assistance Grant (jAG) Program - Local Solicitation. The approved award amount is$771 ,127.Review the Award lnstrument below carefully and familiarize yourself with all conditions and requirements beforeaccepting your award. The Award lnstrument includes the Award Offer (Award lnformation, Project lnformation, Financiallnformation, and Award Conditions) and Award Acceptance.Please note that award requirements include not onlythe conditions and limitations setforth in the Award Offer, but alsocompliance with assurances and certifications that relate to conduct during the period of performance for the award.These requirements encompass financial, administrative, and programmatic matters, as well as other important matters(e.g., specific restrictions on use of funds). Therefore, all key staffshould receive the award conditions, the assurances andcertifications, and the application as approved by OJP, so that they understand the award requirements. lnformation onall pertinent award requirements also must be provided to any subrecipient of the award.Should you accept the award and then fail to comply with an award requirement, DOJ will pursue appropriate remediesfor non-compliance, which may include termination of the award and/or a requirement to repay award funds.To accept the award, the Authorized Representative(s) must accept all parts of the Award Offer in the Justice GrantsSystem (Justcrants), including by executing the required declaration and certification, within 45 days from the award date.Congratulations, and we look forward to working with you.Maureen HennebergDeputy Assistant Attorney GeneralOffice for Civil Rights Notice for All RecipientsThe Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.5. Department ofjustice (DOJ) has been delegated theresponsibility for ensuring that recipients of federal financial assistance from the OJB the Office of Community OrientedPolicing Services (COPS), and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) are not engaged in discrimination prohibitedby law. Several federal civil rights laws, such as Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1 964 and Section 504 of the RehabilitationAct of 1 973, require recipients of federal financial assistance to give assurances that they will comply with those laws.Taken together, these civil rights laws prohibit recipients of federal financial assistance from DOJ from discriminating inservices and employment because of race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, and, for grants authorized undertheViolenceAgainstWomenAct,sexual orientationandgenderidentity. Recipientsarealsoprohibitedfromdiscriminatinginservicesbecauseofage. Foracompletereviewofthesecivil rightslawsandnondiscriminationrequirements, in connection with DOJ awards, seehttps://ojp.gov/fun di ng/Expl ore/LegalOverview/Civil RightsReq u i rements.htm.Under the delegation of authority, the OCR investigates allegations of discrimination against recipients from individuals,entities, or groups. ln addition, the OCR conducts limited compliance reviews and audits based on regulatory criteria.These reviews and audits permit the OCR to evaluate whether recipients of financial assistance from the Department areproviding services in a nondiscriminatory manner to their service population or have employment practices that meetequal-opportunity standards.lf you are a recipient of grant awards under the omnibus crime control and Safe streets Act or theJuvenileJustice andDelinquency Prevention Act and your agency is part of a criminaljustice system, there are two additional obligations thatmay apply in connection with the awards: (1) complying with the regulation relating to Equal Employment OpportunityPrograms (EEOPs); and (2) submitting findings of discrimination to OCR. For additional information regarding the EEOPrequirement, see 28 CFR Paft42, subpart E, and for additional information regarding requirements when there is an1t17 2122122,2:19 PMadverse tinding, see 28 C.F.R. 55 42.204(c), .205(cX5).Extemal EntityThe OCR is available to help you and your organization meet the civil righs requirements that are associated with DOJgrant funding. lf you would like the OCR to assist you in fulfilling your organization's civil rights or nondiscriminationresponsibilities as a recipient offederal financial assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the OCR ataskOCR@oj p.usd oj.gov.Memorandum Regarding NEPANEPA Letter TypeOJP - Ongoing NEPA Compliance lncorporated into Further Developmental StagesNEPA LefterThe Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program {JAG) allows states and localgovernments to suppon a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and to improve thecriminaljusticesystem,someofwhichcouldhaveenvironmental impacts. All recipientsofJAGfundingmust assist BJA in complying with NEPA and other related federal environmental impact analysesrequirements in the use of grant funds, whether the funds are used directly by the grantee or by asubgranteeorthirdparty. Accordingly,priortoobligatingfundsforanyofthespecifiedactivities,thetrantee must first determine if any of the specified activities will be funded by the grant.The specified activities requiring environmental analysis are:a. New construction;b. Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitivearea, including properties located within a 100-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for endangeredspecies, or a property listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places;c. Arenovation, lease,oranyproposeduseofabuildingorfacilitythatwill either(a) resultinachangein its basic prior use or (b) significantly change its size;d. lmplementation of a new program involvinB the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a)purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, inoffice, household, recreational, or education environments; ande. lmplementation of a program relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations,including the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories.Complying with NEPA may require the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or anEnvironmental lmpact Statement, as directed by BJA. Furtheq for programs relating tomethamphetamine laboratory operations, the preparation of a detailed Mititation Plan will berequired. For more information about MitiBation Plan requirements, pleasesee httpl:tt44aslbja. gov/Fundinglqgpg[!4q].Please be sure to carefully review the grant conditions on your award document, as it may containmore specifi c information about environmental compliance.NEPA CoordinatorFirst Name Middle Name Last NameOrbin TerryAward lnformationThis award is offered subject to the conditions or Iimitations set forth in the Award lnformation, Project lnformation,Financial Information, and Award Conditions.I Recipient lnformationRecipient NameSEATTLE, CIry OFDUNS Number130986214UEIRGJ5CPK2YHKlStreetl Street 251 O 5TH AVEhttps://justgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZ6BxxiJpDExTOT4XnAjzjMmVNevW/ISTANDARD2t17 2122122.2:19 PMCitySEATTLEziplPostal code981 04County/Parish$lnward DetailsFederal Award Date10/13t21Award Number1 5PBJA-21 -GG-01 967-JAGXFederal Award Amount$771,127.00Solicitation Title2021 BJA FY21 Edward Byrne MemorialJusticeAssistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local SolicitationApplication NumberGRANTl 3430393External EntityState/U.S. TerritoryWashingtonCountryUnited StatesProvinceAward TypelnitialSupplement Number00Funding lnstrument TypeGrantAwarding AgencyOJPProgram OfficeBJAAssistance Listing Number Assistance Listings Program Title16.738Statutory AuthorityTitle I of Pub. L. No. 90-351 (generally codified at 34 U.S.C. 10151-10726), including subpart 'l of part E (codified at 34 U.S.C.1 01 51 -1 01 58); see also 28 U.S.C. 530C(a).3 t hove reod ond understond the informotion presented in this sedion ofthe Federat Awsrd Instrument.Project lnformationThis award is offered subject to the conditions or limitations set forth in the Award lnformation, Project lnformation,Financial lnformation, and Award Conditions.Grant Manager Name Phone Number E-mail AddressJeffrey Felten-Green 202-514-8874 .leffrey.S.Felten-Green@ojp.usdoj.govProject TitleCity of Seattle J oi nt Applicatio n f or FY202'l JAG Fu ndshttps://justgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi_IpDExTOT4XnAjzjAXmVNev\^r/ISTANDARD3t17 2122122,2:19 PMPerformance Period Start Date10/01t2020Budget Period Start Date10/o1t2020External EntityPerformance Period End Date09/30t2024Budget Period End Date09/30/2024Project DescriptionThe Edward Byrne Memorialjustice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program allows states andunits of local government, including tribes, to support a broad range of activities toprevent and control crime based on their own state and local needs and conditions.Grant funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training,personnel, equipment, supplies,.contractual support, and information systems forcriminaljustice, including for any one or more of the following program areas: 1) lawenforcement programs;2) prosecution and court programs;3) prevention andeducation programs; 4) corrections and community corrections programs; 5) drugtreatment and enforcement programs; 6) planning, evaluation, and technologyimprovement programs; and 7) crime victim and witness programs (other thancompensation) and 8) mental health programs and related law enforcement andcorrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis interyention teams.This JAG award will be used to support criminal justice initiatives that fall under one ormore of the allowable program areas above. Funded programs or initiatives mayinclude multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces, crime prevention and domesticviolence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, justice information sharinginitiatives, or other programs aimed at reducing crime and/or enhancingpublic/officer safety.3 t hove resd and understqnd the information presented in this section of the Federat Aword lnstrument.Financial lnformationThis award is offered subject to the conditions or limitations set forth in the Award lnformation, Project lnformation,Financial lnformation, and Award Conditions.fr I have read and understond the information presented in this section of the Federol Awqrd Instrument.Award ConditionsThis award is offered subject to the conditions or limitations set forth in the Award lnformation, Project lnformation,Financial lnformation, and Award Conditions.ErApplicability of Part 200 Uniform RequirementsThe Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted andsupplemented by DOJ in 2 C.F.R. Part 2800 (together, the "Part 200 Uniform Requirements") apply to this FY 2021 awardfrom OJP.4t',t7 2122122,2:19 PMExtemal EntityThe Part 200 Uniform Requirements were first adopted by DOJ on December 26, 2014. lf this FY 2021 awardsupplements funds previously awarded by OJP under the same award number (e.g., funds awarded during or beforeDecember 2014), the Part 200 Uniform Requirements apply with respect to all funds under that award number(regardless of the award date, and regardless of whether derived from the initial award or a supplemental award) thatare obligated on or after the acceptance date of this FY 2021 award.For more information and resources on the Part 200 Uniform Requirements as they relate to OJP awards and subawards("subgrants"), see the OJP website at https://ojp.gov/funding/Part200UniformRequirements.htm.Record retention and access: Records pertinent to the award that the recipient (and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") atany tier) must retain - typically for a period of 3 years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report (SF425), unless a different retention period applies - and to which the recipient (and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at anytier) must provide access, include performance measurement information, in addition tothefinancial records,supporting documents, statistical records, and other pertinent records indicated at 2 C.F.R. 200.333.ln the event that an award-related question arises from documents or other materials prepared or distributed by OJPthat may appear to conflict with, or differ in some way from, the provisions of the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, therecipient is to contact OJP promptly for clarification.EzRequirement to report actual or imminent breach of personally identifiable information (Pll)The recipient (and any "subrecipient" at anytier) must have written procedures in place to respond in the event of anactual or imminent "breach" (OMB M-17-12) if it (or a subrecipient) - (1) creates, collects, uses, processes, stores,maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of "Personally ldentifiable lnformation (Pll)" (2 CFR 200.1) within thescope of an OJP grant-funded program or activity, or (2) uses or operates a "Federal information system" (OMB CircularA-130). The recipient's breach procedures must include a requirement to report actual or imminent breach of Pll to anOJP Program Manager no later than 24 hours after an occurrence of an actual breach, or the detection of an imminentbreach.E3Required training for Grant Award Administrator and Financial ManagerThe Grant Award Administrator and all Financial Managers for this award must have successfully completed an "OJPfinancial management and grant administration training" by 120 days afterthe date of the recipient's acceptance of theaward. Successful completion of such a training on or afterJanu ary 1,2019, will satisfiT this condition.ln the event that either the Grant Award Administrator or a Financial Manager for this award changes during the periodof performance, the new Grant Award Administrator or Financial Manager must have successfully completed an "OJPfinancial management and grant administration training" by 120 calendar days afterthe date the EntityAdministratorenters updated GrantAward Administrator or Financial Manager information inJustcrants. Successful completion ofsuch a training on or afterJanuary 1,2019, will satis! this condition.A list of OJP trainings that OJP will consider "OJP financial management and grant administration training" for purposesof this condition is available at https://www.ojp.gov/training/fmts.htm. All trainings that satisry this condition include asession on grant fraud prevention and detection.The recipient should anticipate that OJP will immediately withhold ("freeze") award funds if the recipient fails to complywith this condition. The recipient's failure to comply also may lead OJP to impose additional appropriate conditions onthis award.E4Safe policing and law enforcement.subrecipientslf this award is a discretionary award, the recipient agrees that it will not make any subawards to State, local, college. oruniversigr law enforcement agencies unless such agencies have been certified by an approved independentcredentialing body or have started the certification process. To become certified, law enforcement agencies must meettwo mandatory conditions: (1)the agency's use of force policies adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws;and (2) the agenry's use of force policies prohibit chokeholds except in situations where use of deadly force is allowed bylaw. For detailed information on this certification requirement, see https://cops.usdoj.gov/SafePolicingEO.EsEffect of failure to address audit issues5t17 2122122,2:19 PM External EntityThe recipient understands and agrees that the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) may withhold awardfunds, or may impose other related requirements, if (as determined by the DOJ awarding agency) the recipient does notsatisfactorily and promptly address outstanding issues from audits required by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements (orby the terms of this award), or other outstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews ofDOJ awards.EeRequirements of the award; remedies for non-compliance or for materially false statementsThe conditions of this award are material requirements of the award. Compliance with any assurances or certificationssubmitted by or on behalf of the recipient that relate to conduct during the period of performance also is a materialrequirement of this award.Limited Exceptions. ln certain special circumstances, the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") may determine that it will notenforce, or enforce only in part, one or more requirements otherwise applicable to the award. Any such exceptionsregarding enforcement, including any such exceptions made during the period of performance, are (or will be during theperiod of performance) set out through the Olfice ofJustice Programs ("OJP") webpage entitled "Legal Notices: Specialcircumstances as to particular award conditions" (ojp.gov/funding/Explore/LegalNotices-AwardReqts.htm), andincorporated by reference into the award.By signing and accepting this award on behalf of the recipient, the authorized recipient official accepts all materialrequirements of the award, and specifically adopts, as if personally executed bythe authorized recipient official, allassurances or certifications submitted by or on behalf ofthe recipient that relate to conduct during the period ofperformance.Failure to comply with one or more award requirements - whether a condition set out in full below, a conditionincorporated by reference below or an assurance or certification related to conduct during the award period - mayresult in OjP taking appropriate action with respect to the recipient and the award. Among other things. the OjP maywithhold award funds, disallow costs, or suspend or terminate the award. DOJ, including OJP, also may take other legalaction as appropriate.Any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement to the federal government related to this award (or concealmentor omission of a material fact) may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.s.C. 1001 and/ot 1621 ,and/or 34 U.S.C. 10271-1 0273), and also may lead to imposition of civil penalties and administrative remedies for falseclaims or otherwise (including under 31 U.5.C.3729-3730 and 3801-381 2).Should any provision of a requirement of this award be held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, that provisionshall first be applied with a limited construction so as to give it the maximum effect permitted by law Should it be held,instead. that the provision is utterly invalid or -unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from thisaward.E7Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 38The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R.Part 38 (as may be applicable from time to time), specifically including any applicable requirements regarding writtennotice to program beneficiaries and prospective program beneficiaries.Currently, among other things, 28 C.F.R. Part 38 includes rules that prohibit specific forms of discrimination on the basisof religion, a religious beliel a refusal to hold a religious belief, or refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice.Part 38, currently, also sets out rules and requirements that pertain to recipient and subrecipient ("subgrantee")organizations that engage in or conduct explicitly religious activities, as well as rules and requirements that pertain torecipients and subrecipients that are faith-based or religious organizations.The text of 28 C.F.R. Part 38 is available via the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (currently accessible athttps://www.ecfr.gov/cti-bin/ECFR?page=browse), by browsing to Title 28-Judicial Administration, Chapter 1, Part 38,under e-CFR "current" data.EaCompliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part 42The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R.Part42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpart E of 28 C.F.R. Part42 that relate to an equalemployment opportunity program.6t17 2122122,2:19 PM External EntityEeCompliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. part 54The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements of 2g C.F.R.Part 54, which relates to nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in certain "education programs."810Compliance with 41 U.S.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on reprisal; notice to employees)Therecipient(andanysubrecipientatanytier)mustcomplywith,andissubjectto,all applicableprovisionsof4l U.S.C.4712,including all applicable provisions that prohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination against anemployee as reprisal for the employee's disclosure of information related to gross mismanagement of a federal grant, agross waste offederal funds, an abuse ofauthority relating to a federal grant, a substantial and specific danger to publichealth or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a federal grant.The recipient also must inform its employees, in writing (and in the predominant native language of the workforce), ofemployee rights and remedies under 41 U.S.C.4712.Should a question arise as to the applicability of the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712to this award, the recipient is to contactthe DOJ awarding agenry (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) for guidance.Et1Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting of conferences, meetings, trainings, andother eventsThe recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies,and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where applicable)governing the use offederal funds for expenses related to conferences (as that term is defined by DOJ), including theprovision offood and/or beverages at such conferences, and costs of attendance at such conferences.lnformation on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rules applicable to this award appears in the DOJGrants Financial Guide (currently, as section 3.10 of "Postaward Requirements" in the "DOJ Grants Financial Guide").E12Requirement for data on performance and effectiveness under the awardThe recipient must collect and maintain data that measure the performance and effectiveness of work underthis award.The data must be provided to OJP in the manner (including within the timeframes) specified by OJP in the programsolicitation or other applicable written guidance. Data collection supports compliance with the GovernmentPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) and the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, and other applicable laws.813Requirements related to "de minimis" indirect cost rateA recipient that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements and other applicable law to use the "de minimis"indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414{n, and that elects to use the "de minimis" indirect cost rate, must adviseOJP in writing of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200Uniform Requirements. The "de minimis" rate may be applied only to modifled total direct costs (MTDC) as defined bythe Part 200 Uniform Requirements.Ei4Determination of suitability to interact with participating minorsSCOPE. This condition applies to this award if it is indicated - in the application for the award (as approved by DOJ)(or inthe application for any subaward, at any tier), the DOJ funding announcement (solicitation), or an associated federalstatute - that a purpose of some or all of the activities to be carried out under the award (whether by the recipient, or asubrecipient at any tier) is to benefit a set of individuals under 1 8 years of age.The recipient, and any subrecipient at any tier, must make determinations of suitability before certain individuals mayinteract with participating minors. This requirement applies regardless of an individual's employment status.The details of this requirement are posted on the OJP web site at https://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/lnteract-Minors.htm(Award condition: Determination of suitability required, in advance, for certain individuals who may interact withparticipating minors), and are incorporated by reference here.https:/4ustgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuthiapp/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi lpDExTOT4XnAjzjMmVNevW/ISTANDARD7t17 2122122.2:19 PMExtemal EntityElsRequirement to disclose whether recipient is designated "high risk" by a federal grant-making agency outside of DOJlf the recipient is designated "high risk" by a federal grant-making agency outside of DoJ, currently or at any time duringthe course ofthe period of performance under this award, the recipient must disclose that fact and certain relatedinformation to OJP by email at OJP.ComplianceReporting@ojp.usdoj.gov. For purposes of this disclosure, high riskincludes any status under which a federal awarding agenry provides additional oversight due to the recipient's pastperformance, or other programmatic or financial concerns with the recipient. The recipient's disclosure must include thefollowing: 1. The federal awarding agency that current! designates the recipient high risk, 2. The date the recipient wasdesignated high risk, 3. The high-risk point of contact at that federal awarding agency (name, phone number, and emailaddress), and 4. The reasons for the high-risk status, as set out by the federal awarding agenry.EiGCompliance with DOJ Grants Financial GuideReferences to the DOJ Grants Financial Guide are to the DOJ Grants Financial Guide as posted on the OJP website(currently, the "DOJ Grants Financial Guide" available at https://ojp.gov/financialguide/DOJ/index.htm), including anyupdated version that may be posted during the period of performance. The recipient agrees to comply with the DOJGrants Financial Guide.El7Encouragement of policies to ban text messaging while drivingPursuant to Executive Order 1 3513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving," 74 Fed. Reg. 51 225(October 1, 2009), DOJ encourages recipients and subrecipients ("subgrantees") to adopt and enforce policies banningemployees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this award,and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, awareness, and other outreach to decrease crashescaused by distracted drivers.ElsCompliance with general appropriations-law restrictions on the use of federal funds (FY 2021)The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable restrictions on the use offederal funds set out in federal appropriations statutes. Pertinent restrictions, including from various "generalprovisions" in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, are set out athttps://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/FY2lAppropriationsRestrictions.htm, and are incorporated by reference here.Should a question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a recipient (or a subrecipient) would or mightfall within the scope of an appropriations-law restriction, the recipient is to contact OJP for guidance, and may notproceed without the express prior written approval of OJP.ElePotential imposition of additional requirementsThe recipient agrees to comply with any additional requirements that may be imposed by the DOJ awarding agenry (OJPor OVW, as appropriate) during the period of performance for this award, if the recipient is designated as "high-risk" forpurposes ofthe DOJ high-risk grantee list.E20Employment eligibility verification for hiring under the award1. The recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must-A. Ensure that, as part of the hiring process for any position within the United States that is or will be funded (in wholeor in part) with award funds, the recipient (or any subrecipient) properly verifies the employment eligibility of theindividual who is being hired, consistent with the provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1324a(a)(1).B. Notitr/ all persons associated with the recipient (or any subrecipient) who are or will be involved in activities under thisaward of both-(1) this award requirement for verification of employment eligibility, and(2) the associated provisions in 8 U.S.C. 1324a(ax1)that, generally speaking, make it unlawful, in the United States, tohttps:/ijustgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZGBxxi_lpDEXTOT4XnAjzjMmVNewlf/!STANDARD8t17 2122122,2:19 PMhire (or recruit for employment) certain aliens.External EntityC. Provide training (to the extent necessary) to those persons required by this condition to be notified ofthe awardrequirement for employment eligibility verification and of the associated provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1324a(a)(1).D. As part of the recordkeeping for the award (including pursuant to the Part 200 Uniform Requirements), maintainrecords of all employment eligibility verifications pertinent to compliance with this award condition in accordance withForm l-9 record retention requirements, aswell as records of all pertinent notifications and trainings.2. MonitoringThe recipient's monitoring responsibilities include monitoring of subrecipient compliance with this condition.3. Allowable costsTo the extent that such costs are not reimbursed under any other federal program, award funds may be obligated forthe reasonable, necessary and allocable costs (if any) of actions designed to ensure compliance with this condition.4. Rules of constructionA. Staff involved in the hiring processFor purposes of this condition, persons "who are or will be involved in activities under this award" specifically includes(without limitation) any and all recipient (or any subrecipient) officials or other staff who are or will be involved in thehiring process with respect to a position that is or will be funded (in whole or in part) with award funds.B. Employment eligibility confirmation with E-VerifyFor purposes of satisfl/ing the requirement of this condition regardinB verification of employment eligibility, the recipient(or any subrecipient) may choose to participate in, and use, E-Veri! (r,vww.e-verifli.gov), provided an appropriate personauthorized to act on behalf ofthe recipient (or subrecipient) uses E-Veri! (and follows the proper E-Verifu procedures,including in the event of a "Tentative Nonconfirmation" or a "Final Nonconfirmation") to confirm employment eligibilityfor each hiring for a position in the United States that is or will be funded (in whole or in part) with award funds.C. "United States" specifically includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin lslands of the UnitedStates, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana lslands.D. Nothing in this condition shall be understood to authorize or require any recipient, any subrecipient at any tier, or anyperson or other entity, to violate any federal law, including any applicable civil rights or nondiscrimination law.E. Nothing in this condition, including in paragraph 4.8., shall be understood to relieve any recipient, any subrecipient atany tier, or any person or other entity, of any obligation otherwise imposed by laW including 8 U.S.C. 1324a(aX1).Questions about E-Verifo should be directed to DHS. For more information about E-Verifu visit the E-Verifo website(https://www.e-verify.gov/) or email E-Verif,y at E-Verifu@dhs.gov. E-Verifu employer agents can email E-Verifi7 at E-Ve rifi7E m p I oye rAge nt@d h s. gov.Questions aboutthe meaning or scope ofthis condition should be directed to OJP, before award acceptanceE2rRestrictions and certifications regarding non-disclosure agreements and related mattersNo recipient or subrecipient ("subgrantee") under this award, or entity that receives a procurement contract orsubcontract with any funds under this award, may require any employee or contractor to sign an internal confidentialityagreement or statement that prohibits or otherwise restricts, or purports to prohibit or restrict, the reporting (inaccordance with law) of waste, fraud, or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement representative of a federaldepartment or agency authorized to receive such information.The foregoing is not intended, and shall not be understood by the agency making this award, to contravenerequirements applicable to Standard Form 31 2 (which relates to classified information), Form 21414 (which relates tosensitive compartmented information), or any other form issued by a federal department or agency governing thenondisclosure of classifi ed information.1. ln accepting this award, the recipient-a. represents that it neither requires nor has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements fromhttps://justgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuthiapp/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi_lpDExTOT4XnAjzjAXmVNev\Afl!STANDARD9117 2122122,2:19 PM External Entityemployees or contractors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict)employees or contractors from reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; andb. certifies that, if it learns or is notified that it is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to executeagreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting of waste,fraud, or abuse as described above, it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds, will provide promptwritten notification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption of) such obligationsonly if expressly authorized to do so by that agenry.2. lf the recipient does or is authorized under this award to make subawards ("subgrants"), procurement contracts, orboth-a. it represents that-(1) it has determined that no other entity that the recipient's application proposes may or will receive award funds(whether through a subaward ("subgrant"), procurement contract, or subcontract under a procurement contract) eitherrequires or has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements from employees or contractors that currentlyprohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from reportingwaste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and(2) it has made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an adequate factual basis, to support this representation; andb. it certifies that, if it learns or is notifled that any subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor entity that receives fundsunder this award is or has been requiring its employees or contractors to execute agreements or statements thatprohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict), reporting ofwaste, fraud, or abuse as described above,it will immediately stop any further obligations of award funds to or by that entity, will provide prompt writtennotification to the federal agency making this award, and will resume (or permit resumption o0 such obligations only ifexpressly authorized to do so by that agency.E/22Reclassification of various statutory provisions to a new Title 34 of the United States CodeOn September 1,2017, various statutory provisions previously codified elsewhere in the U.5. Code were editoriallyreclassified (that is, moved and renumbered) to a new Title 34, entitled "Crime Control and Law Enforcement." Thereclassification encompassed a number of statutory provisions pertinent to OJP awards (that is, OJP grants andcooperative agreements), including many provisions previously codified in Title 42 of the U.S. Code.Effective as of September 1 ,2017 , any reference in this award document to a statutory provision that has beenreclassified to the new Title 34 of the U.5. Code is to be read as a reference to that statutory provision as reclassified toTitle 34. This rule of construction specifically includes references set out in award conditions, references set out inmaterial incorporated by reference through award conditions, and references set out in other award requirements.E2sOJP Training Guiding PrinciplesAny training or training materials that the recipient - or any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier * develops ordelivers with OJP award funds must adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees,available at hftps://ojp.gov/funding/lmplement/TrainingPrinciplesForGrantees-Subgrantees.htm.Ef24All subawards ("subgrants") must have specific federal authorizationThe recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements forauthorization of any subaward. This condition applies to agreements that - for purposes of federal grantsadministrative requirements - OJP considers a "subaward" (and therefore does not consider a procurement "contract").The details ofthe requirement for authorization of any subaward are posted on the OJP web site athttps://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/SubawardAuthorization.htm (Award condition: All subawards ("subgrants") must havespecific federal authorization), and are incorporated by reference here.E2sRequirements related to System for Award Management and Universal ldentifier RequirementsThe recipient must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAM), currentlyaccessible at https://www.sam.gov/. This includes applicable requirements regarding registration with SAM, as well ashttps://justgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi_lpDExTOT4XnAjzjMmVNevw/!STANDARD10t't7 2122122,2:19 PMExternal Entitymaintaining the currenry of information in SAM.The recipient also must comply with applicable restrictions on subawards ("subgrants") to first-tier subrecipients (first-tier "subgrantees"), including restrictions on subawards to entities that do not acquire and provide (to the recipient) theunique entity identifier required for SAM registration.The details of the recipient's obligations related to SAM and to unique entity identifiers are posted on the OJP web site athttps://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/SAM.htm (Award condition: System for Award Management (SAM) and Universalldentifier Requirements), and are incorporated by reference here.This condition does not applyto an award to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., unrelated toany business or non-profit organization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name).EzoRestrictions on "lobbying"ln general, as a matter of federal law, federal funds awarded by OJP may not be used bythe recipient, or anysubrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, either directly or indirectly, to support or oppose the enactment, repeal,modification, or adoption of any law, regulation, or policy, at any level of government. See 1 8 U.S.C. 1 91 3. (There may beexceptions if an applicable federal statute specifically authorizes certain activities that otherwise would be barred bylaw.)Another federal law generally prohibits federal funds awarded by OJP from being used by the recipient, or anysubrecipient at anytier, to pay any person to influence (or attemptto influence) a federal agency, a Member ofcongress, or Congress (or an official or employee of any of them) with respect to the awarding of a federal grant orcooperative agreement, subgrant, contract, subcontract, or loan, or with respect to actions such as renewing, extending,or modifiTing any such award. See 31 U.S.C. 1352. Certain exceptions to this law apply, including an exception thatapplies to lndian tribes and tribal organizations.Should any question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a recipient (or subrecipient) would or mightfall within the scope of these prohibitions, the recipient is to contact OJP for guidance, and may not proceed without theexpress prior written approval of OJ P.E/27Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that wouldexceed $250,000The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements to obtainspecific advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed theSimplified Acquisition Threshold (currently, $250,000). This condition applies to agreements that - for purposes offederal grants administrative requirements - OJP considers a procurement "contract" (and therefore does not consider asubaward).The details ofthe requirement for advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract underan OJP award are posted on the OJP web site at https://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/NoncompetitiveProcurement.htm(Award condition: Specific post-award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract (ifcontract would exceed $250,000)), and are incorporated by reference here.E2ERequirements pertaining to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements andOJP authority to terminate award)The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements (includingrequirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of persons, whether onthe part ofrecipients, subrecipients ("subgrantees"), or individuals defined (for purposes ofthis condition) as"employees" of the recipient or of any subrecipient.The details ofthe recipient's obligations related to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons are posted on theOJP web site at hftps://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/ProhibitedConduct-Trafficking.htm (Award condition: Prohibited conductby recipients and subrecipients related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and OJP authority toterminate award)), and are incorporated by reference here.E2eRequirement to report potentially duplicative funding11t17 2122122,2:'19 PM Externat Entitylfthe recipient currently has other active awards offederal funds, or ifthe recipient receives any other award offederalfunds during the period of performance for this award, the recipient promptly must determine whether funds from anyofthose other federal awards have been, are being, or are to be used (in whole or in part) for one or more oftheidentical cost items for which funds are provided under this award. lf so, the recipient must promptly notify the DOJawarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) in writing of the potential duplication, and, if so requested bythe DOJawarding agency, must seek a budget-modification or change-of-project-scope Grant Award Modification (GAM) toeliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding.E3oReporting potential fraud, waste, and abuse, and similar misconductThe recipient, and any subrecipients ("subgrantees") at any tier, must promptly refer to the DoJ Office of the lnspectorGeneral (OlG) any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, subrecipient, contractor, subcontractor, or otherperson has, in connection with funds under this award- (1) submitted a claim that violates the False Claims Act; or (2)committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery gratuiry or similarmisconduct.Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct involving or relating to funds under this award should be reported to theOIG by--(1) online submission accessible via the OIG webpage at https://oig.justice.gov/hotline/contact-grants.htm(select "Submit Report Online"); (2) mail directed to: U.S. Department ofjustice, Office of the lnspector General,lnvestiSations Division, ATTN: Grantee Reporting, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20530; and/or (3) byfacsimile directed to the DOJ OIG lnvestigations Division (Attn: Grantee Reporting) at (202) 61 6-9881 (fax).Additional information is available from the DOJ OIG website at https://oig.justice.gov/hotline.ErrFFATA reporting: Subawards and executive compensationThe recipient must comply with applicable requirements to report first-tier subawards ("subgrants") of $30,000 or moreand, in certain circumstances, to report the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensatedexecutives of the recipient and first-tier subrecipients (first-tier "subgrantees") of award funds. The details of recipientobligations, which derive from the Federal Funding Accountabiliry and Transparenry Act of 2006iffnfnl, are posted onthe OiP web site at https://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/FFATA.htm (Award condition: Reporting Subawards and ExecutiveCompensation), and are incorporated by reference here.This condition, including its reporting requirement, does not apply to- (1) an award of less than $30,000, or (2) an awardmade to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profitorganization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name).EszCooperating with OJP MonitoringThe recipient agrees to cooperate with OJP monitoring of this award pursuantto OJP's guidelines, protocols, andprocedures, and to cooperate with OJP (including the grant manager for this award and the Office of Chief FinancialOfficer (OCFO)) requests related to such monitoring, including requests related to desk reviews and/or site visits. Therecipient agrees to provide to OJP all documentation necessary for OJP to complete its monitoring tasks, includingdocumentation related to any subawards made under this award. Further, the recipient agrees to abide by reasonabledeadlines set by OJP for providing the requested documents. Failure to cooperate with OJP's monitoring activities mayresult in actions that affectthe recipient's DOJ awards, including, but not limited to: withholdings and/or otherrestrictions on the recipient's access to award funds; referral to the DOJ OIG for audit review; designation of therecipient as a DOJ High Risk grantee; or termination of an award(s).833Required monitoring of subawardsThe recipient must monitor subawards under this award in accordance with all applicable statutes, regulations, awardconditions, and the DOJ Grants Financial Guide, and must include the applicable conditions of this award in anysubaward. Among other things, the recipient is responsible for oversight of subrecipient spending and monitoring ofspecific outcomes and benefits attributable to use of award funds by subrecipients. The recipient agrees to submit,upon request, documentation of its policies and procedures for monitoring of subawards under this award.834Use of program income12t17 2122122,2:19 PM Extemal EntityProgram income (as defined in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements) must be used in accordance with the provisions ofthe Part 200 Uniform Requirements. Program income earnings and expenditures both must be reported on thequarterly Federal Financial Report, SF 425.E3sJustice lnformation Sharinglnformation sharing projects funded under this award must comply with DOJ's GlobalJustice lnformation Sharinglnitiative (Global) guidelines. The recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must conform to the Global StandardsPackage (GSP) and all constituent elements, where applicable, as described at: https:/ / it.ojp.gov/ gspgrantcondition.The recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must document planned approaches to information sharing anddescribe compliance with the GSP and appropriate privacy policy that protects shared information, or provide detailedjustification for why an alternative approach is recommended.E36Avoidance of duplication of networksTo avoid duplicating existing networks or lT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement informationsharing systems which involve interstate connectivitlr between jurisdictions, such systems shall employ, to the extentpossible, existing networks as the communication backbone to achieve interstate connectivity, unless the recipient candemonstrate to the satisfaction of BJA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impair thefunctionality of an existing or proposed lT system.E37Compliance with 28 C.F.R. Part 23With respect to any information technology system funded or supported by funds under this award, the recipient (andany subrecipient at any tier) must comply with 28 C.F.R. Part 23, Criminal lntelligence Systems Operating Policies, if OJPdetermines this regulation to be applicable. Should OJP determine 28 C.F.R. Part 23 to be applicable, OJP may, at itsdiscretion, perform audits of the system, as per the regulation. Should any violation of 28 C.F.R. Part 23 occur, therecipient may be fined as per 34 U.S.C. 10231(c)-(d). The recipient may not satisfy such a fine with federal funds.E3EProtection of human research subjectsThe recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must comply with the requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 45 and all OJPpolicies and procedures regarding the protection of human research subjects, including obtainment of lnstitutionalReview Board approval, if appropriate, and subject informed consent.E3eConfidentiality of dataThe recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must comply with all confidentiality requirements of 34 U.S.C. 10231 and28 C.F.R. Part 22 that are applicable to collection, use, and revelation of data or information. The recipient furtheragrees, as a condition of award approval, to submit a Privacy Certificate that is in accord with requirements of 28 C.F.R.Part22 and, in particular, 28 C.F.R-22.23"E+oLaw enforcement task forces - required trainingWithin 120 days of award acceptance, each current member of a law enforcement task force funded with award fundswho is a task force commander, agency executive, task force officer, or other task force member of equivalent rank,must complete required online (internet-based) task force training. Additionally, all future task force members mustcomplete this training once during the period of performance for this award, or once every four years if multiple OJPawards include this requirement.The required training is available free of charge online through the BJA-funded Center for Task Force lntegrity andLeadership (www.ctfli.org). The training addresses task force effectiveness, as well as other key issues including privacyand civil liberties/rights, task force performance measurement, personnel selection, and task force oversight andaccountability. lf award funds are used to support a task force, the recipient must compile and maintain a task forcepersonnel roster, along with course completion certificates.Additional information regarding the training is available through BJAs web site and the Center for Task Force lntegrityand Leadershin (www.rtfli.ore).https://justgrants.usdoj.gov/pruveb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi_lpDExTOT4XnAjzjAXmVNev!\f/!STANDARD13t17 2122122,2:19 PMExternal EntityE4ilustification of consultant rateApproval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of $650 per day. A detailedjustification must be submitted to and approved by the OJP program office prior to obligation or expenditure of suchfunds.E+z"Methods of Administration" - monitoring compliance with civil rights laws and nondiscrimination provisionsThe recipient's monitoring responsibilities include monitoring of subrecipient compliance with applicable federal civilrights laws and nondiscrimination provisions. Within 90 days of the date of award acceptance, the recipient must submitto OJP's office for Civil Rights (at CivilRightsMoA@usdoj.gov) written Methods of Administration ("MoA') for subrecipientmonitoring with respect to civil rights requirements. ln addition, upon request by OJP (or by another authorized federalagenry), the recipient must make associated documentation available for reviewThe details of the recipient's obligations related to Methods of Administration are posted on the OJP web site athttps://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/StateMethodsAdmin-FY201 Tupdate.htm (Award condition: "Methods of Administration''- Requirements applicable to States (FY 2017 Update)), and are incorporated by reference here.ElsThe recipient understands that, in accepting this award, the Authorized Representative declares and certifies, amongother things, that he or she possesses the requisite legal authority to accept the award on behalf of the recipient entityand, in so doing, accepts (or adopts) all material requirements that relate to conduct throughout the period ofperformance under this award. The recipient further understands, and agrees, that it will not assign anyone to the roleof Authorized Representative during the period of performance under the award without first ensuring that theindividual has the requisite legal authority.EMCompliance with National Environmental PolicyAct and related statutesUpon request, the recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must assist BJA in complying with the NationalEnvironmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and other related federal environmental impactanalyses requirements in the use of these award funds, either directly by the recipient or by a subrecipient. Accordingly,the recipient agrees to first determine if any of the following activities will be funded by the grant, prior to obligatingfundsforanyof thesepurposes. lf itisdeterminedthatanyof thefollowingactivitieswill befunded bytheaward,therecipient agrees to contact BJA.The recipient understands that this condition applies to new activities as set out below, whether or not they are beingspecificallyfunded with these award funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted bythe recipient, asubrecipient, or any third party, and the activity needs to be undertaken in order to use these award funds, thiscondition must first be met. The activities covered by this condition are:a. New construction;b. Minor renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, includingproperties located within a 100-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for endangered species, or a property listed on oreligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places;c. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prioruse or (b) significantly change its size;d. lmplementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as anincidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, oreducation environments; ande. lmplementation of a program relating to clandestine methamphetamine laboratory operations, including theidentification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories.The recipient understands and agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation of an EnvironmentalAssessment and/or an Environmental lmpact Statement, as directed by BJA. The recipient further understands andagrees to the requirements for implementation of a Mitigation Plan, as detailed at https://bja.gov/Funding/nepa.html,for programs relating to methamphetamine laboratory operations.14t17 2122122,2:19 PMExtemal EntityApplication of This Condition to Recipient's Existing Programs orActivities: For any of the recipient's or its subrecipients'existing programs or activities that will be funded by these award funds, the recipient, upon specific request from BJA,agrees to cooperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA of a national or program environmental assessment of thatfunded program or activity.ElsEstablishment of trust fundlf award funds are being drawn down in advance, the recipient (or a subrecipient, with respect to a subaward) isrequired to establish a trustfund account. Recipients (and subrecipients) must maintain advance payments of federalawards in interest-bearing accounts, unless regulatory exclusions apply (2 C.F.R. 200.305(b)(8)). The trust fund, includingany interest, may not be used to pay debts or expenses incurred by other activities beyond the scope ofthe EdwardByrne MemorialJustice Assistance Grant Program (JAG). The recipient also agrees to obligate the award funds in thetrust fund (including any interest earned) during the period of performance for the award and expend within 90 daysthereafter. Any unobligated or unexpended funds, including interest earned, must be returned to OJP at the time ofcloseout.-:-76All State and Local JAG recipients must submit quarterly Federal Financial Reports (SF-425). Additionally, State JAG andLocal JAG Category Two ($25K or more) must submit semi-annual performance reports through Justcrants and LocalJAGCategory One (Less than $25K) must submit annual performance reports through lustcrants. Consistent with theDepartment's responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the GPM ModernizationAct of 201 0, the recipient must provide data that measure the results of its work. The recipient must submit quarterlyperformance metrics reports through BJAs Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) website(wvvw.bjaperformancetools.org). For more detailed information on reporting and otherJAG requirements, refer to theJAG reporting requirements webpage. Failure to submit required JAG reports by established deadlines may result in thefreezing ofgrant funds and future High Risk designation.847Required data on law enforcement agency trainingAny law enforcement agency receiving direct or sub-awarded funding from thisJAG award must submit quarterlyaccountability metrics data related to training that officers have received on the use offorce, racial and ethnic bias, de-escalation of conflict, and constructive engagement with the public.EleExpenditures prohibited without waiverNo funds under this award may be expended on the purchase of items prohibited by the JAG program statute, unless, asset forth at 34 U.S.C. 10152, the BJA Director certifies that extraordinary and exigent circumstances exist, making suchexpenditures essential to the maintenance of public safety and good order.ElgAuthorization to obligate (federal) award funds to reimburse certain project costs incurred on or after October 1,2020The recipient may obligate (federal) award funds only afterthe recipient makes a valid acceptance of the award. As ofthe first day of the period of performance for the award (October 1 ,2020), however, the recipient may choose to incurproject costs using non-federal funds, but any such project costs are incurred atthe recipient's risk until, at a minimum-(1 ) the recipient makes a valid acceptance of the award, and (2) all applicable withholding conditions are removed by OJP(via an Award Condition Modification (ACM)). (A withholding condition is a condition in the award document thatprecludes the recipient from obligating, expending, or drawing down all or a portion of the award funds until thecondition is removed.)Except to the extent (if any) that an award condition expressly precludes reimbursement of project costs incurred "at-risk," if and when the recipient makes a valid acceptance of this award and OJP removes each applicable withholdingcondition through an Award Condition Modification (ACM), the recipient is authorized to obligate (federal) award fundsto reimburse itself for project costs incurred "at-risk" earlier during the period of performance (such as project costsincurred prior to award acceptance or prior to removal of an applicable withholding condition), provided that thoseproject costs otherwise are allowable costs under the award.Es0lf award funds are used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible DNA profiles must be uploaded tothe. Combined ?fl 19* System ("COD|S," the DNA database operated by the FBI) by a government DNA laboratoryhttps://justgrants.usdoj.gov/prweb/PRAuth/app/JGITS_/3yZ6Bxxi_lpDExTOT4XnAjzjAXmVNevw/!STANDARD15t17 2122122,2:19 PM Extemal Entitywith access to CODIS. No protiles generated under this award may be entered or uploaded into any non-governmentalDNA database without prior express written approval from BJA. Award funds may not be used for the purchase of DNAequipment and supplies unless the resulting DNA profiles may be accepted for entry into COD|S. Booking agenciesshould work with their state CODIS agenry to ensure all requirements are met for participation in Rapid DNA (seeNational Rapid DNA Booking Operational Procedures Manual).Load More8 I hove reod and understand the informotion presented in this section of the Federat Award lnstrument.Award AcceptanceDeclaration and Certification to the U.S. Department ofjustice as to AcceptanceBy checking the declaration and certification box below l:A. Declare to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOj), under penalty of perjury, that I have authority to make thisdeclaration and certiflcation on behalfofthe applicant.B. Certify to DOJ, under penalty of perjury on behalf of myself and the applicant, to the best of myknowledge and beliel thatthe following aretrue as ofthe date ofthis award acceptance: (1) I have conductedor there was conducted (including by applicant's legal counsel as appropriate and made available to me) adiligent review of all terms and conditions of, and all supporting materials submitted in connection with, thisaward, including any assurances and certiflcations (including anything submitted in connection therewith by aperson on behalf of the applicant before, after, or at the time of the application submission and any materialsthat accompany this acceptance and certification); and (2) I have the legal authority to accept this award onbehalf of the applicant.C. Accept this award on behalf of the applicant.D. Declare the following to DOJ, under penalty of perjury, on behalf of myself and the applicant: (1) Iunderstand that, in taking (or not taking) any action pursuant to this declaration and certification, DOJ will relyupon this declaration and certification as a material representation; and (2) I understand that any materiallyfalse, fictitious, or fraudulent information or statement in this declaration and certification (or concealment oromission of a material fact as to either) may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C.55 1001 and/or1621 ,andlor34U.S.C.55 10271-10273),andalsomaysubjectmeandtheapplicanttocivilpenalties and administrative remedies under the federal False Claims Act (including under 31 U.S.C. 55 3729-3730 and/or 55 3801 -381 2) or otherwise.AgencyApprovalTitle of Approving OfficialDeputy Assistant Attorney GeneralName of Approving OfficialMaureen HennebergSigned Date And Time9/'16/21 3:31 PMAuthorized Representative! Declaration and CertificationEntity AcceptanceTitle of Authorized Entity OfficialGrants & Contracts Unit ManagerName oiAuthorized Entity OfficialMelissa CordeiroSigned Date And Time2115/20222:47 PM16t17 422n2,2:19 PMExternal EntityFunding FederalBalance FinancialAward Performance and ReportAttachment! Managemen Availability (FFR)AwardConditionsAwardDetailsGrantAwardModification(GAM) Closeoutcase detailsLast updated byKathryn Finau 6d agoCreated byAgent(System-Queue-ServiceLevel. ProcessEvent)4mo agoDOJ Grant Managerjeffrey Felten-GreenPhone202-514-8874EmailJeffrey.S. Felten-Green @ojp.usdoj.govParticipants (7)@@@@@Kathryn FinauGrant Award Ad min istratorMelissa CordeiroEntity AdministratorJeffrey Felten-GreenGrantManagerEsmat BahandoriFinancial ManagerMelissa CordeiroAuthorized Representative 1View ApplicationView all17t17 m Fz l.U -(J E Agency: Kent Police DepartmentContactPhone: 253-85G5856Contact Name: Sara WoodFY2OZI Special Conditions - see solicitation pages t2 -#L2 required questions to answer at end of this formFY 2O2O JAG Purpose AreasPermissible uses of JAG Funds - ln generalln general, JAG funds awarded to a unit of localgovernment under this FY 202l solicitation maybe used to provide additional personnel, equipment, supplies, contractualsupport, training,technical assistance, and information systems for criminaljustice, including for any one or moreof the following:. Law enforcement programs. Prosecution and court programs. Prevention and education programs. Corrections and community corrections programs. Drug treatment and enforcement programs. Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, includingbehavioral programs and crisis intervention teamsUndertheJAG Program, units of localgovernment may use award funds for broadbanddeployment and adoption activities as they relate to criminal justice activities.BJA areas of emphasis (Please see full descriptions in 2O2O Local Solicitation)BJA recognizes that there are significant pressures on local criminaljustice systems. ln thesechallengingtimes, shared priorities and leveraged resources can make a significant impact. As acomponent of OJP, BJA intends to focus much of its work on the areas of emphasis describedbelow, and encourages each unit of local government recipient of an FY 2020 JAG award to joinus in addressing these challenges:. Reducing Gun Violence. Notionol lncident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). officer Sofety and Wellness.Border Security. Co I lo bo rotive P rosecutio nEvidence-Based Programs or PracticesOJP strongly emphasizes the use of data and evidence in policy making, program development,and program implementation in criminaljustice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. OJP iscommitted to:1 . lmproving the quantity and quality of evidence OJP generates. lntegrating evidence into program, practice, and policy decisions within OJP and the field.lmthe translation of evidence intoacticeProject CostS+5,52tProject Description:The Kent Police Department will utilize 2O2t JAG funds to enhance less than lethalweapons aswell as improve storage and maintenance of our marine patrol boat and enhance patrol vehicleequipment by purchasing eight ballistic shields for our eight patrol sergeants' cars.Goals, Objectivet and Deliverables - ln general, the FY 2021, JAG Program is designed to provideadditional personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, training, technical assistance, andinformation systems for criminaljustice. The JAG Local Program is designed to assist units of localgovernment with respect to criminal justice:The Kent Police Department utilizes JAG funding to enhance our equipment and supplies for projects,programs, and utilization to offset our overly expended general fund dollars. The equipment and suppliesKent PD has purchased with JAG funds overthe years would not have been possible withoutthese funds.This year is no different.We will use 2021JAG funds to outfit our officers with additional less than lethal tools to include pepperball pistols, pepper ball rifles, and Bola wraps. We will also use these funds to enhance our storage areafor the department's marine patrol boat. Funds will be used to purchase a metal covered shed to storethe boat under and a concrete pad for a level and more stable surface for the boat to be stored on. This isextremely important as our marine patrol boat is deployed only about three months each year so itspends much of the year in storage.As soon as notification of the award is made, Kent PD willgetthe budget set up and established internallyfor spending of the funds. Once the equipment is purchased and delivered, the Patrol Asslstant Chief willmake sure the equipment is distributed to the appropriate individuals as allof this equipment to includethe metal cover for the boat fall under the Patrol Division.Project Name:Kent Police Department 2021JAG2 Statement of the Problem - ldentiflT the unit of local government's strategy/funding priorities forthe FY 2O2t JAG funds and a description of the programs to be funded over the grant period.Units of local government are strongly encouraged to prioritize the funding on evidence-basedprojects.The Kent Police Department continues to identify new ways of doing our work. With the climatethe way it is in our community and across the United States, we are working to identify andequip our officers with less than lethal equipment to use during patrol and day to dayoperations. We have done this with previous JAG funds and we continue to identify new toolsand utilize JAG funds to acquire them.Our marine enforcement boat is deployed on the one main lake in our city, Lake Meridian. Giventhe weather and activity on the lake, we deploy the boat about three months per year. Due tostorage constraints in our various storage facilities, we needed to identify another spot for theboat to be stored, yet at the same time ensure that it is in a more climate controlled andprotected area than just outside under a tarp. Funds from this JAG grant will enable us topurchase a metal carport for the boat to be stored under along with a concrete pad which willlift the boat and trailer off the ground a bit to keep it more insulated from water and weather.Project Design and lmplementation - Describe the unit of local government's strategic planning process,if any, that guides its priorities and funding strategy. This should include a description of how the localcommunity is engaged in the planning process and the data and analysis utilized to support the plan; itshould identifythe stakeholders currently participating in the strategic planning process, the gaps in theneeded resources for criminal justice purposes, and how JAG funds will be coordinated with State andrelated justice funds:The Kent Police Department engages with our community through various events to include acommunity based "use of force task force" where department leadership and communitymembers meetonce a quarterto discuss use of force issues, concerns, recent incidents, andupcoming events and information. One priority of this group is ongoing use of force training ofour officers as wellas transparency and open communication.Strategic planning also occurs within our police department. The Chief and three AssistantChiefs, solicit input and suggestions from their Command Staff that also solicits input from linestaff on supply and equipment needs for programs and projects. The Chief and Assistant Chiefsthen prioritize this list and identify what to focus on for the annual JAG funding allocation.3 Capabilities and Competencies - Describe any additional strategic pla n ning/coordi nation effortsin which the unit of local government participates with other criminal justice criminal/juvenilejustice agencies in the State:Kent Police Department works closely with many criminal justice and local government agenciesacross the region. Kent is often involved in regional task forces and meetings related to lawenforcement issues to include the King County Police Chiefs meetings, Washington Associationof Sheriffs and Police Chiefs meetings and conferences, Criminal Justice Training Centercurriculum and planning meetings, prosecutor meetings, probation and juvenile probationmeetings, and much more. We are also active partners in the Valley SWAT, Valley lnvestigativeUnit, and other investigative partnerships. Kent Police Department will continue to be player andcontributor to strategic planning and coordination efforts across the region.Plan for Collecting the Data Required for this Solicitation's Performance Measures -BJA does not require applicants to submit performance measures data with their application.Performance measures are included as an alert that BJA will require successful applicants tosubmit specific data as part of their reporting requirements. For the application, applicantsshould indicate an understanding of these requirements and provide the applicant's plan forcollection of performance measures that pertain to their proposed program: Record of overtimecosts and officer activity reports are maintained.The project contact for this grant will be responsible for submitting data and reporting for theperformance measure reporting.Applicants must identify between 1 and 5 Project ldentifiers that would be associated withproposed project activities.o policingr Community Policingo Less Than LethalBUDGET:Budget Worksheet: Please use Attached Budget Workheet TemplateBudget Narrative: The Budget Narrative should thoroughly and clearly describe every category ofexpense listed in the proposed Budget DetailWorksheet. OJP expects proposed budgets to becomplete, cost effective, and allowable (e.g., reasonable, allocable, and necessary for projectactivities). This narrative should include a full description of all costs, including administrativecosts (if applicable).4 An applicantshould demonstrate in its Budget Narrative how itwill maximize cost effectivenessof award expenditures. Budget narratives should generally describe cost effectiveness in relationto potentialalternatives and the goals of the project. For example, a budget narrative shoulddetailwhy planned in-person meetings are necessary, or how technology and collaboration withoutside organizations could be used to reduce costs, without compromising quality.Through the planning work mentioned above, the Kent Police Department identified using 2021JAG funds to purchase eight ballistic shields for each of our patrol sergeants' vehicles, fivepepper ball pistols and two pepper ball rifles, and five bola wrapsto be distributed to patrolofficers, and a metal carport and concrete pad for storing our marine patrol boat vessel.The Assistant Chief over the Patrol Division has identified costs associated with each of theseitems.Eight ballistic shields cost 52,500 each. Eight of these equal $20,000.A pepper ball pistol costs 5400 and a pepper ball rifle costs S1,200. We will purchase 5 pistols fora total cost of 52,000 and 2 rifles for a total cost of 52,400.A bola wrap costs St,00O and we will purchase 5 of these for a totalcost of S5,OOOThe metal carport forthe boat is estimated at S13,000 and the concrete pad is estimated atS3,tZt for a total cost of 5t6,t2t for boat storage.Please indicate the project's compliance with federal grant criteria and briefly explain anyaffi rmative responses.No JAG funds may be expended outside of the IAG purpose oreos. Even within these purposeoreos, however, JAG funds connot be used directly or indirectly for security enhoncements orequipment to nongovernmentol entities not engoged in criminal justice or public sofety. Nor moyJAG funds be used directly or indirectly to provide for any of the following motters unless BJAcertifies that extroordinory and exigent circumstonces exist, making them essentiol to themointenance of public safety ond good order:o Vehicles, vessels, or aircrofto Luxury itemso Reol estateo Construction projects, other than penal or correctional institutions. Any similar mottersls there anything in your project that could be interpreted as inconsistent with this requirement?No5 Federolfunds must be used to supplement existing funds for progrom activities ond connotreploce or supplont nonfederol funds that have been oppropriated for the some purposels there anything in your project that could be interpreted as inconsistent with this requirement?NoApplicant Disclosure of Pending ApplicationsApplicants are to disclose whether they have pending applications for federally funded grants orsubgrants (including cooperative agreements) that include requests for funding to support thesame project being proposed under this solicitation and will cover the identical cost itemsoutlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application underthis solicitation. Thedisclosure should include both direct applications for federalfunding (e.g., applications to federalagencies) and indirect applications for such funding (e.g., applications to state agencies that willsubawa rd federal funds).OJP seeks this information to help avoid any inappropriate duplication of funding. Leveragingmultiple funding sources in a complementary manner to implement comprehensive programs orprojects is encouraged and is not seen as inappropriate duplication.Applicants that have pending applications as described above are to provide the followinginformation about pending applications submitted within the last 12 months:-the federal or state funding agency-the solicitation name/project name-the point of contact information at the applicable funding agency.Please use table below for any pending applications:Federal or State FundingAgencyNoneSolicitation Name/ProjectNameName/Phone/E-mail forPoint of Contact atFundPlease answer these question and provide attachments as needed- frompage t2 of the solicitation:1. Does your jurisdiction have any laws, policies, or practices related to whether, when, orhow employees may communicate with DHS or ICE? Yes, policies are attached2. ls your jurisdiction subject to any laws from a superior political entity (e.9., a state lawthat binds a city) that meet the description in question 1?3. lf yes to either:r Please provide a copy of each law or policy. Please describe each practiceo Please explain how the law, policy, or practice complies with 8 U.S.C. 5 13736 King CountyCommunity Corections Population ChaRcteristiG Data PrcjectCost-Auto Compute$0s0$0s0HoursHrlv RatelComnutationA. PersonnelName/PositionCost-Auto ComDutes0$0(s0lComnutationl'ring€Name/PositionTOTAL:$0CostComputarion staffx ITEM $*ITEMLocationTravel/TrainingName of TrainiIOTAL:s45.521CostComputationE. SuppliesSupply Items Descriotion and USEI'TEM will be airfae, lodging, car Ental, parking, per diem (GSArates) r€gistration x number of partbipantsTOTAL:s5_000.0i13,000.00t21x5 oenper ball oistols x $4002005 BOLA wraps x $1.000000concretexComDutation2 oenner ball rifles x $l1 metal cover shed x $13Ballistic Shields for Parol Serseant VehiclesPepper Ball PistolsPeoper Ball Riflesfor marine boatConcrete oad for marine boatD. EouinmentItem,omputatlonG. Consultants/ContrrctsName or LonracvLonsulleml