HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-198 - Original - Washington State Dept Of Transportation (WSDOT) - Green River Bridge Repainting 21-3024.1 - 06/01/2022CAG Stephen Lincoln Public Works 05/10/2022 05/17/22 08/17/2021 R20153 Federal WSDOT Highways and Local Programs Grant: Non-Real Property Original Green River Bridge Repainting The cleaning and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River 3,238,300 Other Per directions from Highways and Local Programs, the Local Agency Agreement and Prospectus are to be signed in blue ink. 5/11/22 CAG2022-198 5/13/22 Page 1 Revised /20 Local Agency Agreement Agency Address CFDA No. 20.205 (Catalog Federal Domestic Assistance) Project No. Agreement No. For WSDOT Use Only The Local Agency having complied, or hereby agreeing to comply, with the terms and conditions set forth in (1) Title 23, U.S. Code Highways, (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) 2 CFR Part 200, (4) 2 CFR Part 180 – certifying that the local agency is not excluded from receiving Federal funds by a Federal suspension or debarment, (5) the policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation, and (6) the federal aid project agreement entered into between the State and Federal Government, relative to the above project, the Washington State Department of Transportation will authorize the Local Agency to shown herein on line r, column 3, without written authority by the State, subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administration. All project costs not reimbursed by the Federal Government shall be the responsibility of the Local Agency. Project Description Name Length Termini Description of Work Project Agreement End Date Claiming Indirect Cost Rate Yes NoProposed Advertisement Date Type of Work Estimate of Funding (1) Estimated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds (3) Estimated Federal Funds PE %a. Agency b. OtherFederal Aid Participation Ratio for PE c. Other d. State e. Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c+d)Right of Way %f. Agency g. OtherFederal Aid Participation Ratio for RW h. Other i. State j. Total R/W Cost Estimate (f+g+h+i)Construction %k. Contract l. Other m. OtherFederal Aid Participation Ratio for CN n. Other o. Agency p. State q. Total CN Cost Estimate (k+l+m+n+o+p) r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e+j+q) DOT Form 140-039 Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5838 Green River Bridge Repainting 0.05 Miles State Route 516, Russell Road The project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River in Kent. 12/31/2025 359,300.00 359,300.00 100 Consultants 25,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Consultants Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus Route ( ) Federal Aid Project Number Local Agency Project Number WSDOT Use Only Date DUNS Number Federal Employer Agency CA Agency Yes No Federal Program Title 20.205 Other Project Title Start Latitude N End Latitude N Start Longitude W End Longitude W Project Termini From-To Nearest City Name Project Zip Code (+4) Begin Mile Post End Mile Post Length of Project Award Type Local Local Forces State Railroad Begin Mile Point End Mile Point City Number County Number County Name WSDOT Region Legislative District(s) Congressional District(s) Urban Area Number Phase Total Estimated Cost (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Local Agency Funding (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Federal Funds (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Phase Start Date Month Year P.E. R/W Const. Total Description of Existing Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width Number of Lanes Description of Proposed Work Description of Proposed Work (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Local Agency Contact Person Title Phone Mailing Address City State Zip Code Project Prospectus By Approving Authority Title Date DOT Form 140-101 Revised 0 /20 Previous Editions Obsolete ( ) Page 1 Agency Project Title Date Type of Proposed Work Project Type (Check all that Apply) New Construction Reconstruction Railroad Bridge Path / Trail Pedestrian / Facilities Parking 3-R 2-R Other Roadway Width Number of Lanes Geometric Design Data Description Federal Functional Terrain Posted Speed Design Speed Existing ADT Design Year ADT Design Year Design Hourly Volume (DHV) Through Route Urban Rural NHS Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Major Collector Minor Collector Local Access Flat Roll Mountain Crossroad Urban Rural NHS Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Major Collector Minor Collector Local Access Flat Roll Mountain Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Others % Agency % Construction Will Be Performed By Contract % Agency % Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreement Class III - Environmental Assessment (EA) Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 Interagency Agreements Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) Projects Requiring Documentation (Documented CE) Environmental Considerations DOT Form 140-101 Revised 0 /20 Previous Editions Obsolete Page 2 Agency Project Title Date Right of Way No Right of Way Needed * All construction required by the contract can be accomplished within the exi ting right of way. Right of Way Needed No Relocation Relocation Required Utilities No utility work required All utility work will be completed prior to the start of the construction contract All utility work will be completed in coordination with the construction contract Railroad No railroad work required All railroad work will be completed prior to the start of the construction contract All the railroad work will be completed in coordination with the construction contract Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? Yes No Remarks This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it’s designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency’s comprehensive plan for community development. Agency ByDate Mayor/Chairperson DOT Form 140-101 Revised 0 /20 Previous Editions Obsolete Page 3 King Meeker Street Bridge Vicinity Map Date: 12/16/2021 Notes: The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County.± ear 33­(31 5 3a7352,1 ­­Ug 2 �— 2,-,-.. 112-21 $ as 5 3 m 5 2 2. $ Green Rive. Bddg, '; EE Local Programs Authorization Package Checklist Agency: city of Kent Project Title: Green River Bridge Repainting Fed Aid/State Project #: By Phase (check all that apply) Funding Request PL* PE** RW CN New Phase Authorization El `� Phase Modification I El El Non -Funding Request *PL - Planning. Used for stand-alone planning and study projects. **PE - Preliminary Engineering. This is the full design phase of a construction project. Once PE is authorized, Region HQ the construction phase must be completed, or all federal expenditures must be repaid. Agency Check Check cellaneous Ite III In addition to this checklist, all Region submittals must utilize the standard Region IDC, memo, or cover letter, The agency's DUNS # is active and agency has not been suspended/debarred at SAM.gov? If authorizing a subsequent phase on an existing project, has at least one bill for the prior phase been fully processed in SPORT (Posted date is present)? If not, supplement can't be processed. Has the scope changed (description of work, limits, staging, RW needs, etc.) since previous submittal? (Yes or No) IVO Project Prospectus (DOT Form 140-101) - LAG Chapter 21 _ Are all three pages of the current form included? ./ Does information (title, termini, description, RW needs, cost, etc.) agree with STIP/LAA/NEPA-CE? Is the project description written such that the project scope is clear to an average person? Are pages 1 and 3 signed? Is page 1 signed by a CA Agency? If not, indicate below which Agency will serve as CA. CA Agency: Backup documentation included? Are the Latitude and Longitudes (in decimal format) included and correct? Are Congressional and Legislative Districts included and correct? Project Zip Code includes the +4? Are estimated costs included for all phases of the project? Are the Functional Classification and Urban/Rural designation correct? Are the Right of Way, Utilities, and Railroad sections filled out? i Sections & Vicinity Map - LAG Chapter 21 When necessary, are the Vicinity Map(s) and Roadway Section(s) included? Can someone unfamiliar with the project's location easily tell where it's located using the vicinity map., Are the project limits clearly marked on the map? Does the section include all elements, with dimensions, of the roadway prism? Are section changes, if applicable, throughout the project limits noted/displayed? STIP/Funding Documentation - LAG Chapter 12 Is the currently approved STIP page included? V Does STIP information (termini, description, etc.) match the LAA and Prospectus? V Is the phase being authorized (or a later phase) programmed in the STIP? Is funding from all requested programs shown in the STIP? Are the requested funds supported by the STIP? T If funded through a HQ managed program (ex. Bridge, HSIP), is the award letter and project summary included when these funds are first obligated? If funded through a HQ managed program, does the submitted scope match the project summary scope? Local Agency Agreement (DOT Forms 140-039 & 140-041) - LAG Chapter 22 Is at least one LAA or LAA supplement, with an original signature, included? I/ Current form used? (check revision date at bottom left) V All pages of Agreement included? Are the Agency information, Project #, LAA #, Supplement #, and date of original agreement execution correct? Does project information (title, termini, length, description, etc.) agree with STIP/Prospectus/NEPA-CE? V Local Agency Agree nt (DOT Forms 140-039 & 140-041) - LAG Chapter 22 [CONTI Authorization Package Checklist (May 2019) WSDOT/Local Programs 1 of 2 Local Programs Authorization Package Checklist Is the reason for supplement accurate and up to date? Is the Project Agreement End Date (month, day, and year) included? Does it follow LAG guidance? When not authorizing a new phase, is the end date the same as shown on the previous agreement? If not, is adequate justification (see LAG 22.3) included to support changing the end date? Is the Advertisement Date (month, day, and year) included? Is it within 6 weeks of estimated CN authorization? If the ICR box is checked 'Yes', is the agency's current approved/self-certifed rate documentation provided? It must clearly shown the rate used, timeframe it covers, and the actual signature of approval/self-certification If corrections made, are they initialed? If made by WSDOT is permission from Agency provided? Are all federal aid participation ratios being used listed? Are amounts calculated correctly and shown in the correct columns? Documented Cost Estimate - LAG 22.4 and Appendix 22.56 Is a Documented Cost Estimate included for each phase requesting/changing funds? Are total dollars on the LAA supported by the phase estimates? Does the estimate sufficiently demonstrate how the costs were determined? If historical percentages are used for PE/CE estimates, are the percentages reasonable and supported? Right of Way - LAG Chapter 25 If authorizing RW, is a project funding estimate/true cost estimate summary sheet included? Does the PFE/TCE summary sheet support RW amounts shown on the LAA? If authorizing RW and Relocation is required, is the signature page of the approved Relocation Plan included? If authorizing CN, is the HQ approved RW Certification included? RW acquired under the Government Acquisitions Provisions? Documentation included or noted in SPORT? Environmental Documentation/Approval (NEPA) - LAG Chapter 24 Is an approved NEPA package (at least signature page) included? Does the description of work match the Prospectus/LAA/STIP? Is the footprint of the project within the limits of the NEPA approval? Do the NEPA-CE Part 3 RW responses agree with the STIP and Prospectus? Is the approval date within the last 3 years? If approval is older than 3 years, has the approval been re-evaluated by the Environmental group? Contracting - DBE Goals (LAG Chapter 26) - Tied Bid (LAG Chapter 44) - Local Forces (LAG Chapter 61) If authorizing construction, is the DBE goal letter/e-mail included, or are the goals in SPORT? If construction includes a tied bid project, is the approved PIF included or noted in SPORT? If construction by Local Forces, is the approved PIF included or noted in SPORT? PROJECT NOTES (Provide additional information or explanation as necessary) This check -list would be for the Preliminary Engineering phase of work, As no full -depth replacement or section changes are included in the scope of this project, typical section drawings are not applicable. This check -list is not for a supplement and there is no prior agreement. This project is not claiming the Indirect Cost Rate. This project proposes no right-of-way acquisition. A NEPA Package has not yet been prepared for this project and will be provided with future LAA agreement package for authorization of Construction Funds. DBE Documentation will be provided with future LAA agreement package for authorization of Construction Funds. Authorization Package Checklist (May 2019) WSDOT/Local Programs 2 of 2 July 15, 2021 Mr. Chad Bieren Public Works Director City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5838 Green River Bridge FFY 2021 Local Bridge Program Selections Federal Funding Dear Mr. Bieren: WSDOT is pleased to advise you that the above-mentioned bridge project was recently selected to receive funding through the Local Bridge Program. The federal funding is limited to the amount shown below: Green River Bridge $3,000,000 Scope: Paint NOTE: This project requires a 13.5% local match during the preliminary engineering/design and right of way phases. Projects that authorize construction by December 2024, are eligible for 100% federal funding for eligible costs. If construction is authorized after December 2024, 13.5% local match is required. Preventative maintenance projects are limited to a maximum $3 million. In order to meet state and federal requirements, the following are required: Project expenditures incurred before receiving notice from Local Programs of federal fund authorization are not eligible for reimbursement. Please refer to the Local Programs webpage for detailed information, including: (http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/localprograms/) Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual for the requirements regarding programming, authorization, reimbursement, etc.; Projects utilizing federal funds must be included in your current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a complete programmed project. Once your TIP amendment is approved, WSDOT will amend the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP); Funding and billing forms; Quarterly Project Reporting is required to be completed by the end of March, June, September, and December each year. To access the database you will need an account name and password. Your account name is Kent and your password is Kent291. The password is case sensitive. If the project is not actively pursued, or becomes inactive (23 CFR 630), the project is at risk of being cancelled, funds repaid and reprogrammed. Chad Bieren Public Works Director City of Kent Green River Bridge – Paint July 15, 2021 FHWA requires that all projects are ADA compliant upon completion or the federal funds must be repaid. As a reminder, Local Programs requires all agencies to submit monthly progress billings to ensure timely reimbursement of eligible federal expenditures. Also, it is critical that your agency adhere to the project schedule previously provided, to ensure the delivery of the local federal program. For assistance please contact Mehrdad Moini, your Region Local Programs Engineer, at 206.440.4734. Sincerely, Stephanie Tax Interim Director Local Programs SJT:sas cc: Kelly McGourty, Transportation Director, PSRC Mehrdad Moini, Northwest Region Local Programs Engineer, MS NB82-121 1 of 3 Puget Sound Regional Council Transportation Improvement Program Application New Project Request Green River Bridge Repainting Submitted December 16th, 2021 3:13 PM Wsdot Pin N/A Sponsoring Agency Sponsoring Agency Kent Ca Sponsor N/A Project Contact Person Contact Name Stephen Lincoln Email Address SLincoln@kentwa.gov Phone Number 12538565552 Project Description Project Title Green River Bridge Repainting Project Description The project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River in Kent. Regional Transportation Plan Status Approved Regional Transportation Plan ID N/A Location Location Meeker Street County King City Kent Crossroad/landmark nearest to the beginning of the project State Route 516 Crossroad/landmark nearest to the end of the project Russell Road Map File Name Mee ker_Street Bridge_Map.pdf Improvement Type Primary Improvement Type Bridge Rehabilitation Secondary Improvement Types N/A Functional Classification Functional Class Name 16 Urban Minor Arterial Programming 2 of 3 Planning: None Preliminary Engineering Category Funding Source local Local federal NHPP Right of Way: None Construction Category Funding Source local Local federal NHPP Other: None Estimated Obligation Date Amount February 1st, 2022 $46,902.00 February 1st, 2022 $347,419.00 $394,321.00 Estimated Obligation Date Amount February 1st, 2024 $338,273.00 February 1st, 2024 $2,505,727.00 $2,844,000.00 Grand Total: $3,238,321.00 Secured Funding File Name Kent Green_River_Bridge_Paint_vlp.pdf Secured Funding Explanation N/A Programming Instructions WSDOT Award Letter for Federal IFFY 2021 Local Bridge Program Selections. Budget Planning: None Preliminary Engineering expected completion date: 2022 Funding Source Secured Status Amount Local Secured $46,902.00 NHPP Secured $347,419.00 $394,321.00 Right of Way: None Construction expected completion date. 2024 Funding Source Secured Status Amount Local Secured $338,273.00 NHPP Secured $2,505,727.00 $2,844,000.00 Other: None Total Project Cost: $3,238,321.00 Year of Expenditure 2024 Please confirm the date this project will be fully implemented October 1st, 2024 3 of 3 Project Details and Scope Environmental Documentation Type of documentation EA Actual or expected completion date June lst, 2023 Project Length Total project length (in miles): .05 Turn pocket lanes Number of new turn pocket lanes (right -turn, left -turn) to be added by the project: 0 Turn lane Does the project include a continuous two-way left turn lane? No Shared Use Does the project include bicycle and/or pedestrian features and/or paved shoulders? No Shared Use Explanation This is not a this is not a new construction or reconstruction project. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Information Does the project include Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which are defined as advanced information processing, communications, sensing, or control technologies? No Consistency with Local Plans Is the project specifically identified in a local comprehensive plan? Yes Local Plan Explanation City of Kent Transportation Master Plan, Page 95, Project ID P-29: Retrofit or replace the Green River Bridge on Meeker St. If "No", describe how the project is consistent with the applicable local comprehensive plan(s). N/A Compliance Certification Compliance Certification Yes Compliance Certification Date December 9th, 2020 Federal Compliance Yes