HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-189 - Original - FileLocal - Service Level Agreement For Washington Multi-City Business License and Tax Portal Agency - 04/29/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - Thls form combines & rep-laces the Request for Mayor's Signature and contract cover sheet forms' (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)W^sHrNcToN ? oLcq Originator: Robert Goehring, CitY Auditor Department: Finance Date Sent: 0412912022 Date Required: 0511312022 Authorized to Sign: [f Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council APProval: 04l0612021 Budget Account Number: N/A Budget? EYes E No Grant? EYes ENo Type: Category: Contract Vendor Name: FileLocal Sub-Category: Original Vendor Number: N/A project *,*", M ; lill;ir9;Y"t"g5i ::ffii Agreement (Kent) - For The Washington nnd tax Portal Agency (dba Filelocal) ithWSILAannAthMtoctuthorizedaunayorgCo22026OnApriDetails:q1-Project \ALA 6l o2IS(c 2ofthofrvetheLAStnISUSclFiLocaeThISpurpose Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef - N/A Terminarion Dare: 1213112022 Agreement Amount: stat Date: 0311812021 Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace' Contract Number:Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes EI No E .9P IE ELorF E t.tro E atoLol gtc iH)\o .E o( o=E,it!c .9 UI Date Received by CitY AttorneY:Comments: Note from Finance: See attached e-mail whereby Mayor authorized the Finance Director to sign this Agreement on her behalf. Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:l0 ad(w22373-l-20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements CAG2022-189 FileLocol I Your ona rtop for local bullnors llconrlng and tax llllng rpuw.fllelocal.oro MEugen Glw $envlce Lrvel Aeneemeur (Kenrr) - FoR rne WesxlNGToN Mulfl-crw Busrxess Lrcense nno Trx poirnl Aceucv (oan FruLocnl) The objective of this document is to define the services provided by the Filelocal Agency each participating member city and the responsibilities each participating member city to the The service Level objectives outlined in this document support the Agency in meeting its overall strategic Objectives of providing a reliable, usable and secure website to apply for and receive local business licenses and file localgross receipt taxes' This service LevelAgreement (sLA) provides a framework to describe the services and the measures by which they are evaluated. The framework is outlined in the Service Level Standards section of this document, and includes a hierarchy of Gritical success Factors (csF), services, service Level objectives (SLO), and Msasures' 1. Period and Scooe of th9 Aoreement 2. Outllne of FileLocal Aoencv Relationshio with Partie$' 3. Deflnltlon of terms 4. Servlce Level Oblectives 5. Aoencv Resoonsibilities 6. Joint Resoonsibilitiss 7. Citv Resooltsib.ilitias 8. Chanoe Reouest Process for Svstem Uodates 9. Chanqe Order Process fof Servlco Levels 1 0. Suooorting Docqmentation 11. Aooroval and Acceotance ("Agency'') to Agency. Overview Contents Agreements 1. PrRtoo Rl'to Scope or rxe AcneEMENT This Agreement will become effective when signed by the participating City and the Agency' This Agreement shall have an initial term that will end on December 31,2022, (the "lnitial Term"), and thereafter shall be perpetual, subject to the withdrawal and termination provisions in sections 17 and 2. 19 respectively of the washington Multi-city Business License and Tax Portal Agency lnterlocal Agreement (lLA). Pursuant to the lLA, during the lnitial Term no city may withdraw from the ILA' provided that a city may convert or be converted to subscriber status as provided in sections 8'a' 13'd and 13.k, and may upon action of the Executive Board be terminated from participation in the ILA as provided in Section 13.k. OururuE oF FlLELocAu AcEncv Retlrtorusntps wlrH PARTIES The Agency serves as the Product Manager of the Filelocal system. The Agency's purpose is to manage the implementation and maintenance of the Filelocal tax portal which includes managing the use of the system for business and city customers as well as the connections between Filelocal and the systems of record for each participating city' The city of seattle contracted with Ramware (dba e-Gov Systems) to provide the FileLocal tax portal as software as a service (saas) solution. As part of contract 3122, Ramware has agreed to a service level agreement which ouflines the service provided to the agency and the cities' The agency manages that service on behalf of the cities. No participating ci$ shall manage the vendor service' The definition of service provided by Ramware (hereby referred to as PortalVendor) is found in the contracl3122 Service Level Agreement. The agency also contracted with KUBRA for the Fiblocal payment processing functionality. An sLA is provided for KUBRA through the city of seattle's KUBRA Contract (FAS2995 WO#l)' There is a direct line of communication between KUBRA's payment prooessor, Chase Paymentech' and the cities for any communication on specific payments made by tax payers' General c'ommunications about the payment process itself is managed by the Agenry. No participating ci$ shall manage the KUBM contract (hereby referred to as Payment Vendor)' currenfly there is a resolution (FL2014-06) in place allowing the city of seattle to maintain the Portal and Payment vendor contracts until implementation is complete' Upon completion of the base implementation, the contracts will be assigned from the city of seattle to the Agency' This sLA is designed to be implemented prior to the contracts moving from the City of Seattle to the Agency as the services described here, and the responsibility for those services, does not change during this time' 3. DertntnoN oF TERMS Availability shall be measured as follows: (Total minutes of the month - minutes of scheduled service - minutes of downtime) / (total minutes of the month - minutes of schedule service) Software as a Service (SaaS): a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the lnternet' critical success Factor (csF): the term for an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission and its Strategic Objectives' Defect: an issue discovered with functionality post-vendor quality assurance (QA)' Servlce Level obiective (SLO): the service levels that will be included in the SLAs with vendors and member cities. These represent the goals of the services' Page2 ol 10 Wde Area Network (WAN): is a network that covers a broad area (i'e', any telecommunications network that links across metropolitan, regional, national or international boundaries) using leased telecommunication lines' 4. SERVtcE LEvet Oa.lecrves . Agency Customer Service SuPPort r Agency Problem Management o AgencyManagement r Change Management The cities are responsible for providing personnel and infrastructure for city specific functions as they relate to the operation of FileLocal including: r City Help Desk Customer Service Support r Cit! Business Staff . City TechnologY Staff o Cit! Facility Provisioning and Maintenance r Network Services r City Systems of Record (SOR) r City Tax Documentation several of the services in the agreement require more than one of the parties of this agreement to share responsibility for providint the services. The City, the Agency, and the Portal and Payment Vendors share responsibilities for the following services: r lncident RePorting r Problem Analysis . User Provisioning o Network Services . RelationshipManagement:Staffing The slos are the levels at which services are expected to be performed. on a regular cadence the actual service levels will be compared to the objectives in order to determine if the parties are meeting the slos and ultimately the strategic objectives. The attached sLo matrlx (see suoportino documentation l) contains the sl-A framework or more specifically a hierarchy of csFs, services, slos' r".poniiUle parties, measurement methods, calculations, and reference documentiation' As stated in the ILA the Agency has the responsibility and authority for overseeing the Portal and payment vendor's contractual responsibilities to develop, own, operate, maintain and manage the Portal, and for managing the operations of the Portal Agency' The Agency is responsible for managing the implernentation, maintenance, and use of the Filelocal tax portalforthe participating cities, businesses, and city customers. The sLA contains services specific to the Agency'.s management of the use and maintenance of the portal including: 5. AcerucvResPoNslBlLlTlEs Pege 3 of 10 The Agency will function as a single point of contact to work with information technology vendors and service vendors on behalf of the cities. Specifically, the Agency is responsible for managing the implementation, maintenance, and use of the Filelocal tax portal forthe participating cities' businesses' and city customers. AgenGv Manarement The ILA ouilines that the Agency is responsible for managing portal releases, upgrades, rules for access, use and maintenance, and expansion of the scope of Portal services with the approval by the Executive Board. The Agency will work with the Portal and Payment vendors to monitor the services in the SLA and adiust the services when necessary. ArencY Customer Servlce SuPPort The Agency,s customer service support responsibilities are covered in the Help Desk support Plan (for more information see suooortino documentatlon D). This plan willcoverthe key elements necessary ior the function of a help desk and trace the support path through the system' participating city Administrator questions such as requests for data research and escalation to problem management are triaged through the Ramware help desk and routed to the Agency when appropriate Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m' to 5:00 p'm' (Pacific Time)' Sfencv Problem Manasemant The Agency will provide a single point of contact to respond to requests for research and will utilize the Problem management pr*""r. Problem Management is the process by which problems identified within the Filelocal system are governed and managed' The Problem Management responsibilities are covered in the Problem Management Procest Suttary (for more information see ggg4dllg documentarion E). The agency is responsible for developing and implementing the problem management process. The cities are responsible for accepting and following the Problem Management process. Chanre Uanarement As part of Problem Management, the Agency will manage a change Management process which shall controlallchanges in syJem functionality. A completed Change Request Form (for more information see suooortino docu;ontation B) must be submitted to the Agency lo request any system enhancements or updates. Any city specific changes in system functionali$ will be paid for by the City and agreed to as part of the Change Management process' For more detrails on the Change Management Process see the Filelocal cnange Management Process summary (suooortino doqlrmentation Q) 6. JotNrResPoNslBlLlrlEs several of the services described below require more than one of the parties of this agreement to share the responsibility for providing them. The services described below outline which parties will share the resPonsibilities. Page 4 of 10 The ci$ willwork cooperatively with the Agency to monitor system availability and report concerns as appropriate to the Agency, fne Agency will assist the City with problems regarding system availability and other problems however, the city is wholly responsible for the support, administration and maintenance, and monitoring of the city's Locai Area Network (LAN) and soR. The city is also responsible for providing and maintaining appropriate city end-users of the hosted application with all of the necessary facilities to adequately access and utilize the hosted application' Furthermore' the city is wholly responsible for providing up-to-date and accurate information to the Agency for tax related subject matter. The city must notify the Agency via the Portal Vendor Help Desk of any changes to "y"l"t interfaces and cooperate fully with the Agency to assist with the implementation' maintenance' and use of the Filelocal tax portal for the participating cities, businesses, and city customers' lncldent Reoortlnr The City will report incidents as appropriate to the Portal Vendor Help Desk as prescribed in the Help Desk support Plan (for more information see suopqltlng docgmentation D). lncident reporting will include a short description of the issue and the number of users impacted' Problem Analnsls The Agency is responsible for providing analysis of incident trends as needed to assess requests for change. city and business users should submit their issues through the PortalVendor Help Desk' who willthen compile the issues and escalate them to the Agency Problem Manager' The Agency will diagnosis and investigate problems, implement work-a-rounds, and submit Requests for change as needed to the change Management Process. This process is outlined in the Problem Management Proce$ Summary (for more information see suooorting documentation E)' User Provldonlm The city is responsible for requesting new city system administrato/s accounts' These accounts will be created by the portal Venior within 1ve (5) days of the City's request. Shorter provisioning times may be requested by the ci$ in emergency situations. The city and the PortalVendor will follow the process outlined in the Operations Support Plan document (for more information see suOoortinq documelrtation C). city Administrators are responsible for provisioning city users per the process outlined in the city Maintenance Master Document (for more information see suBportinq dpcq.mentation F)' The Agency is responsible for provisioning city users in the Payment Vendor i-doxs Payment Manager portal per the process outlined in the KUBM Account, Login, and User Provisioning Document (for more information see suoportlns documgntation J)' Network Services The portalVendor is responsible for providing adequate network infrastructure to meet the performance levels specified in the Ramware sLA (for more information see supportino documonts A). Each participating city is responsible for providing adequate internal network infrastructure so as not to affect Page 5 of 10 the Portal Vendo/s ability to meet those performance metrics. Each party is responsible for their own networks for the support, maint€nance, and monitoring of their dedicated LAN and or (WAN)' Neither the Portal or Payment Vendors nor the Agency bear any responsibility for performance and availability problems on networks within the City's control or outside the City's control (business user networks). It should be noted that neither the cities nor Portal and Payment Vendor can control any lnternet connectivity in between the networks, even if Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are used' Thus' perforrnance over any internet links cannot be guaranteed end to end. It is the direct responsibility of the city to notiff the Portal Vendor Help Desk of any outages as soon as they are known. Relationship Manaqgment; Stafflns Cities will provide a single point of contact to the Agency. The City contact person willtriage issues to city technical and business staff related to all aspects of the application for development and operational matters. The Agency wi1 maintain and share with the Portal Vendor a document identifying the City's points of contact and their contiact information. Page 6 of 10 7 Clw REsPoNslBltlrlEs The abllity of Filelocal to meet its strategic objectives depends on the cities being an integral part of the Filelocal operations and maintenance. As a party to this agreement the cities are responsible for providing staff, technology, and access to their system of records' Cltu Staff Help Derk Custpmer Servlce Supoort Participating cities will make customer support staff available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a'm' to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) to provide customer service support for all city processes related to taxes' licensing, and payments. lt strould be noted that the first tier of support is the Portal vendorfor Filelocal issues. The Portal vendor will transfer any city specific questions to the individual city for assistance to the customer. The cities, help desk responsibilities are covered in the Halp Desk support Plan (for more information see suooortino documentatlon D). This plan will cover the key elements necessary for the function of a help desk and trace tn" ruppott path through the system, such as ooverage and contact methods for incoming issues, issue management process overview, escalation protocols and contact information' and security protocols and procedures' The Help Desk support plan addresses the customer support of the Filelocal Tax Portal for business users and city administrators. For information about operations support of the system, please refer to the Operations Support Plan (for more information see suoportino documentation Q)' €ltv Euslness Staff City business staff supports Filelocal processes, documentation, and training of other city staff' The city shall provide one primary Filelocal resource who will be responsible for the implementation and management of FileLocalwithin the city's license and tax environment. The Cig and the Agency shail joinily determine the specific number of business staff who will interact with the Agency to ettectively rnanage the business processes which support Filelocal' Once identified' the City, via a Gusto*"i A.*rnt Registration Form (for more information see sg!pg4!!ll documentation H), shall provide all necessary business staff contiact information to the Agency' i'e'' name, phone number, mobile phone number, pager number, email address, mailing address' and all contact information for a secondary point of contact' CltvTechnolorr Staff Each participating city will monitor system availability and report concerns as appropriate through previously identified system Administrators who will be responsible to the single Filelocal representative. The ci$ and the Agency shall iointly determine the specific number of system Administrators who will interact with the portalVendor to effectively manage the Portal Vendor services' Once identified, the Gity, via a Customer Account Registration Form (for more information see sUooortlno docUmentation H), shall provide all necessary System Administrator contact information to the Agency, i.e., name,ffie number, mobile phone number, pager number, email address' mailing address, and all contact information for a secondary point of contact' Page 7 of '10 The Cig shall provide the necessary resources to assist with the effective deployment, maintenance, and administration of the application services (e.g. assistance with the scheduling of planned system maintenance activities)' Citv Facllltv Provlsloninr and Malnte[ancc Each participating city is responsible for provisioning and maintaining appropriate city end-users of the hosted application with all of the necessary facilities to adequately access and utilize the hosted application; including, but not limited to, a personal computer (PC) with sufficient processing' memory and networking capabilities. A recommended minimum configuration would contain at least a 2 GHz processor, 4 GB of Ram, 250 MB Hard Drive, 100/1000 Network card, and connection to the internet' cities will purchase, install, and maintain everything necessary to provide and maintain security for the web service transmissions' Network Sewices Each participating city is wholly responsible for the support, maintenance, security, and monitoring of the city,s LAN. The portalVendor, at its discretion, will isolate perceived performance problems (e'9" availaoitity; to the LAN and provide relevant data to the Gity; however, the Portal Vendor bears no responsibility to correct defects located within the Ci$'s LAN' Neither the cities nor the Agency can control any lnternet connectivity in between the networks, even if VPNs are used. Thus, performance over any internet links cannot be guaranteed end to end' Citv Svstems of RecofC (SORI Each city is wholly responsible for the support, maintenance, and monitoring of their SOR with which the FileLocal Portral interfaces' The city soR is expected to meet the following service level objectives: r Available, maintained, and monitored . stores and retrains city data as the authoritative source of city data . Data integrity is maintained . Software is kept current, includes proper security, and patching us up-to-date' r provide security processes for the application and associated data at or above the same tevel of security as the FileLocal Security Policies adopted by the Executive Board via Resolution FL2015-05 and the State of Waehinoton Securitv Policles' o Datra lnterchange usage and support meets standards r Business processes utilizing the Filelocal portal are functioning r lf applicable, is connected to the Filelocal portal' Any changes to system interfaces must be communicated and coordinated with the Agency who will communicate to the portal and payment vendors. Neither the Agency nor any Portal or Payment vendors bear any responsibility to correct interfaces for a city's system of record. The procedures for Filelocal participating cities to inform and obtain approval for interface changes will be defined in the Change Management Process Summary (for more details see suOnorting documentation G)' Pag€ I of 10 Clh,Tax Documsntatlon Each city is wholly responsible for providing up-to-date and accurate information to the Agency for communication to the portal vendor for trax related subject matter. The Agency and Portal vendor bear no responsibility for incorrect or out-of-date tax related subject matter' Any changes to tax related subject matter must be communicated through the Ghange Management process. The Agency will work with the participating cities to ensure information is updated in a timely manner if the work involves the Portal Vendor making the change. The procedures for participating cities to inform and obtain approval for updates to tax related information will be defined in the City Mainlenance Master Document (for more information see guoportino documentation F) and the FileLocal Change Management Process Summary' Outreach to Burlnesres Rerardlnr Fllelocal Each city is wholly responsible for adoption and acceptiance of FileLocal into their existing license and tax processes for businesses and the outreach and communication to the taxpayer community on the use of Filelocal for registering and filing via FileLocal. The Agency will provide assist'ance and communication materials to each city' 8. CHANGE ORoen PRocEss roR SenvlcE LEVELS The Agency will maintain the sLA with formal documentation denoting agreed upon changes. The city and thl Agency will mainiain copies of all change orders. Any alteration to the SLA that causes an increase or decrease in the time or cost required for the performance ol any part of this SLA shall not become binding until both the City and the Agency have agreed upon an equitable adjustment and the SLA has been modified in writing accordingly' The C1y and the Agency must sign any proposed change orders. When this is accomplished, the changeorderwillbeincorporatedasanofficialchangetotheservice' A change order process shall control changes in the scope of the SLA' The Change Request Form (see suooortinq documsntation B) must be used for all change order requests' 9. SupponlNc Docuruexrnroru i IT!r[ L A. Ramware StA.pdf B. Change Request Form.pdf r ? E. Problem Management Proce! E , F. City Maintenance Master Document.Pr C. Operations Support Plan.Pdf r[ J". G. Change Management Procer D, HelPDesk Support Plan.pdf H, Customer Accou nt Registratio' Lat l,t Page 9 of 10 ru ? l. City SLO Matrix.pdf @ J. KUBRAAccount Login User Provisior 1 0. AppRovnl AND AccEPTANcE we, the undersigned, have reviewed this document and are willing to accept this sLA' we recommend the approval of its contents 4-29-22.//z\- /r\\l ,kevin Fitzpatrick Prog ram Manager Agency lnterim 4-29-22tonWendy T Paula Pa I Agency Project Board Member Mana City Molly BartlemaYCity Treasurer wslz2Robert GoehringCity Operating Committee Member q / \c1l)^Alexander McDonald City FileLocal resentative Mike CarringtonCity TechnologY Officer or TechnologY Director Role Name Signature Date Page 10 of 10 MEMBER CITY SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (KENT - FOR THE WASHINGTON MULTI-gITY BUSINES5 gCENSE AND TAx pCinrnl AGENCY (DBA FILELOCAL) Section 9 - Supporting Documentation Contents A Ramware Seruice Level Agreement B Change Request Form C Operations SuPPort Plan D HelPDesk SuPPort Plan E Problem Management Process F City Maintenance Master Document G Change Management Process H Customer Account Registration I City Service Level Objective Matrix J KUBM Account Logln User Provisior Attachment B SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) Gity of Seattle CONTRACT FOR MULTI.CITY BuslNEssLlcENsEANDTA)(PoRTALSoLUTIoN CONTRAGT 3102 Contract #3'lO2 Attachment B - SLA Page I of{3 201t 1. Period and Scope of the Agreement The Vendor will provide to the Cig the application, infrastructure, and operational support for the software applicaiion and functionalities listed in the table below: Table t: Applicatlons/Functionality supported by the Vendor under this Agreement Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA I Number of Business license and tax portal Minimum functionality will include the following:r Allow taxPaYer to aPPIY for a business license in MCBLTP particiPating cities. o Allow taxPaYer to renew a business license.r Allow taxPaYer to comPlete and submit a tax form to MCBLTP particiPating cities. e Allow taxPaYer to PaY for taxes and fees associated with business license and B&O traxes (and additional taxes in the future). r Accept and Process PaYments via ACH debit (electronic check) and crediUdebit cards. (Note: ability to pay by Paper check will also be configurable.)o Allow taxPaYer to make a single payment for MCBLTP ParticiPating cities. Portalwillthen sPlit and process that PaYment into correct amounts for each individual CitY- . Communicate with CitY sYstems of record (SORs) to validate taxpayer information.o Provide data files for each CitY's SOR to deliver business license and tax information along with appropriate payment information- r Provide access to the MCBLTP system for both taxPaYers and citY users utilizing a commerciallY appropriate transmission encryption sYstem. o Maintain data securitY for taxpaYer-entered data, PaYments, and communication with CitY SORs through the use of database SSL One license issued to The license maY be assigned as addressed in Section X' Page 2 ol 13 2A13 a Provide multiple acoess levels for a taxpayer users. This includes Standard users with full access to all traxpayer information and "file- only", "pay-only'', and "file-and- pay" users with access to onlY file and/or payment forms. Provide multiple access levels for City Users. This includes standard users with fullaccess to the Ci$ ac@unt, "download{nlY" with access limited to receiving forms, "payment<nly" with accoss limited to payment related functions' A "research-only" user access level altows a City user to research taxpayers but not change anY CitY settings or retrieve data files- Allow taxpayers to uPdate or modify user or business level information related to their account. Provide contextual/guided help to a a the taxpayer Unless othenrise stated, this Agreement will become effective when the Contract is signed by th" citft the vendoi, ino wilcontinue untilthe termination date specified in this Agreement. AJplicition hosting ""ri""" are providad on a subscription basis, and e-Gov Systems will bill inTCiV tor the sefuices covered'under the scope of this.Agreement. Billing and payment schedule covered under Attachment C Payment schedule' Contract # YA2 Attachment B - SLA Service Definition lncluded Hosting Facility Services Facilities and equiPment to host the Portal Yes Staff to handle Development and Technical SuPPort for the Portal Yes EpeEtiongMonitoring Services Web site monitoring for system and aPPlication failure Yes 2. e-Gov System Services The Vendor will provide the services listed and described below to the City in support of this Agreement: Page 3 of 13 2013 Contract #3142 Attachment B - SLA lAp_ilAti-on Ad m i n istration Services Vendor services provided in support of the Portal Yes YesSoftwareand Upgrade Services The u ng of the Portalwith period code corrections and aPProved enhancements Application Recovery Services Backup and Restoration of web site or database due to a criticalfailure. Yes Oataltnformation SecuritY Services Automated SQL and Portal Site Server monitoring for securitY threats. Shared bata Storage and Retention The definition of the retention Shared Yes for the technical asPects of the portal for customers. Tax code and policY questions will be answered by the Citv. Problem ManagemenVCustomer Support Service Persons resPonsible for managing the resolution of any problems discovered in the Portal. Hosting Facility Services Vendor assumes all responsibility for the computing environment supporting the contracted afplications. fneVenOdr must piovide commercially appropriate technology and procedures in information secudty and enviionmental control. T-he'vendor hosting is provided 24x7x365 in a secured data center environment cunently hosted by Venyu, a -certified. TIER 4 data ""nt"i. V"nyu offers full-time onsite security monitoring, video surveillance, biometric and access card, bullet-resistant walls and glassl and man-trap access only to data center floor' Environmental proteition is provideO viittr non-water based FM-200 fire suppression, truly redundant power "nd air trandting systems, and fully redundant power with UPS circuits to each rack. connecilritv "nJ n"ttork infrastructure is multi-homed across geographically- diverse Tier-1 int;;i providers, fully-redundant enterprise-class firewall and network infrastructure, and full-time staffed network operations centers. This includes the underlying hardware and software infrastructure, datiabase and server licenses, maintenance, and database administration. Vendor may change hosts in the future but will continue to use a secured data environment equal to or greater than the above specifications' Staffing Services Vendor assumes all responsibility for fully staffing the system including providing adequate staffing levels for web support ani tecnniial development during the duration-oj th" contract' Vendor will maintain staff to answer support calls from 7:00a.m. to 5 p.m. PST to assist the C6y in reporting errofti and providing Rrsi-iine support in the,use and operation of the Software' VenOor will also provide staff to monitor an email address for support during the same hours' Page4ofl3 2013 Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA Vendor will provide reasonable advance notice to the MCBLTP Program Manager of any changes to staffing levels which will impact the support of the system. Operations / Monitorinq Services Applications provided by Vendor are supported by a 24x7x365 automated monitoring and alert w&"* that notifies sup'port teams in thi'event of an anything within the Vendor domain i.-lrriti"g in the applicalibn matfunctioning or being unav-a.ilabie.(software, hardware, network, environment incidents)r A notification plin showiig which parties are notified of specific functional failures wifl 6e developed as part of the 5upport irlan presented within 30 days before General Business License Go-Live. Application Adminishation Services Applications provided under this Agreement will be the responsibility of e-Gov Systems' firl CitV wiil have * o*n"rchip rig"ht, other than City ow19d data in the portal and the access to use tne afpiication wni6 the agreement is in effect. Vendor will own and rJn"g" the application, related database management systems'supporting computing hardware, and necessary operating systems. Support services are provided to maintain application av.ailability and respond to City inpui within the agreed-upon commitment levels. On-call personnel are provided by Vendor to achieve these service levels specified in this agreement' Softwarc Maintcnance and UpEFade Services software maintenance and upgrade services are included in the scope of services proviOeO by Vendor.-VenOorilill provide the City with all upgrades and associated documentation that are provided as supplemental and stiandard releases to the supported Software appiications as appiicable to the City' as part of the Hosted Services. The vendor'wanants that any changes (and any released code errors) will not conupt existing City data, nor impose new data defects. Updates include: r Supplemental Release - Minor release of the softu/are that contains primarily enor corrections to an existing Standard Release and may contain limited improvementrs that do not afdct the overall structure of the softtrare, selected by the Vendor. Depending on the City's specific configuration,.a S..upplemental Release may not b! applidabb. Supplemental Releases are identified by the third digit otine three-bigit release number, shown here as underlined: "2013.1.1 o Standard Release - Release of the soflrrvare that contains product enhancements and improvements, selected by the Vendor and released approximately every oihe, month. Standard Releases are identified by year and number 6t releise that year. The first Standard Release of year will be shown as "2013.1.0". Allservices will be performed in accordance with a mutuallY agreed upon schedule' Vendor warrants that each Supplemental and Standard Release will be tested and will p"tfo* according to Vendor specifications, will not corrupt existing city owned data nor introduce new dala defects or security vulnerabilities, and is agreed upon by the City' Page 5 of13 2013 Contract #3102 Aftachment B - SLA Enors will be corrected as necessary so that the system will continue to meet the ,"qrii"r"nts of this SLA and the functionat and technical requirements including the Vendor's responses to RFP #FAS-3102- d$plication Rscoverv and Disaster RecoYety Services Vendor provides the following standard Recovery services. r production databases are backed up daily on a weekly retention schedule r production web server is backed up twice per month with a monthly retention schedulee Backups and recovery are facilitated through ArneriVault / RestartlT. I Disaster Recovery is provided in conjunction with Venyu' our TIER 4 Data Center, which troits a Business Coniinuity Center in the event of damage to our offices. ln the event the hosted system experiences problems, Vendor shall use all commercially reasonablsefforts to meet or exceed the service leveltargets outlined in Table 4 below. Data Infomration Se$urity Services Vendor manages the Application and associated city data at or above the same level oisecurity asine C1y of'seattle data with the following the City's guidelines on: o Security Planning. o Application and database security o Security of data on the system and end-user authority o Automated securitY monitoring o Access Control Lists for all computing systems o Security problem determination and resolution o Security audits and review of audit logs o Evaluation and review of new security software These guidelines can be found at nttp ylirfrt*. seattle. gov/i nformationsecu rity/pdf/l SS P-Web. pdf as well as d i rect contact with the Cifu of Seattle's Office of lnformation Security. Problem Management/Customer Service Vendor provides a support center which is available Monday through Friday from Z:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (eacinc Standard Time). Vendor provides problem management supbort fir all application services covered by thls Agreement'. All proLf"-rr encouniered with services provided byVendor should be directed to the boint ot contact iOeniiReO as the primary contaci for all interaction with Vendor and id C1y system. problems will be assigned a case manager to ensure the problem Page 6 of 13 2013 Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA is actively managed through resolution and within this sLA. SLA performance levels are base-d on the severity of the problem and the following criteria: Table 3: Problem SeveritY Levels lf any problems are not being resolved within agreed upon time periodsthe city may contact the Vendor help desl and request that the logged case be escalated. Et""l"tion procedures at the help deik will be followed to ensure timely resolution' ff"p Ce"L standard pr".ti"" for severity level 1 and level 2 cases include notification of ruliipr" personnel uion i"r" open and continued escalation every one-half (112)hour' Up to 30 days before General Business License Go-Live, Vendor will present a Support Fbn to in" City that documents the help desk support process, contains site access information to iog cases with the Vendor Help Desk a1d_how to setup and us.e Vendor On-Lin" Supportl This document will be reviewed with the City prior to transition of support to tirb help desk. Prior to transition to the help desk, the City may contact the aiiigneO project manager at the agreed upon contact information with support questions. 3. Service Level Standards The service Level standards in Table 4 apply to the services provided by the -Vendor' The Vendor shall use afl commercially reasonaUle ettorts to meet or exceed the following Service System is not such as a Central an entire agencY is theoccuwhenrsFailuremTotalSyste rethe nois workaround;functio andning ofworkflowthewhendownlsorServer not function Severity Level I to intermittenta crucialawhenreoccurslucriticalFreailuCriticaprocess ts notaorservlce functioningntthenelemekeySystem and thereitsforintendedusablepurposenotmakingsystem benotthisthatNotendmaywork-arousuitabletsnousually Level 2 occurs when a system component is not functioning, but the system is still useable for its intended purpose, or there is a reasonable workaround. lureI part or comPonentNon-Critical Failure -Non-CriticaSeverity Level 3 does not workflow occurs wheninconvenienceceAnnconvenien buttasksafethetndmtnorperformedawaycausesisruption Severity Level 4 I'roblent Scverity l,evel Dt'scription Page 7 of 13 2013 Level standards and submit a monthly performance metrics issues report to the MCBLTP Program Manager: Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA Measure Metric Standard AvailabilitY System is available for use 99.9% Avai excluding scheduled maintenance lability is per calendar month Nine (9) hours of maintenance per calendar quarter are scheduled as follows: r First SundaY of each monthfrom3-6AM PST or as mutuallY Problem Management Severity Level 1 Problem Resolved As fast as Possible but no later than 100% resolved within 24 hours Severity Level2 Problem Resolved -Ai fast as Possible but no later than 1007o resolved within 36 hours Severity Level3 Problem Resolved resolved within 5 working daYs. 100% resolved within 10 working days. Severity Level4 Problem Resolved 807o resolved within 20 working daYs. 100% resolved within 45 workino daYs. Vendor HelP Desk Help Desk call waittime Rtleast 99% of HelP Desk calls are answered in 2 minutes from the wait time in the queue or less during normal business hours(a call pick-up system maY be used) Help Desk call busy signal Less that 1 of calls a VenOor must resPond back to CitY in 30 minutes or less from the time the CitY made the call Support calls for Severity Level 1 and Level 2 Support call Severity Level 1 and Level 2 callback time Data Retention Backup frequencY Production databases will be backed uP de!!Y-g!- Page 8 of {3 2013 Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA a weeruy retention schedule Emeroency Contact VJ'do'ffi;'""id-accesstoanemergencydesignatedsupportcontact(s)24hoursaday, Monday through SundaY. 4. Joint ResPonsibilities Problem Reporting Thi, ,City trl111ep6t concems as appropriate to Vendor specified support contacts' City and venooisr,jlljolnly determine the'number and type of city system administrators and/or end uiers that wifi navb access to the Vendor Help Desk for problem reporting' User Provlsionino New system administrator's accounts will be created by the Vendor within 5 days of the Gity's r"qr";t. City *ilt direct requests for new system administrators through Vendor designated contac'ts. Shorter pr*i.l"ii"g times may be requested by the C1y in emergency situations' Network.Services Th6 Vendorls responsible for providing adequate netwg(ilfrTtructure to meet the performance tevels specified in this agieement. Each MCBLTP participating city. is iesponsiOfe tor proviiing adequate intimal network infrastructure so as to not affect the Vendo/s ability to meet-those performance metrics. Each MCBLTP participating-gity is responsible toi tne support, maintenance, and monitoring of the city's dedicated LAN and or WAN. Vendor Uears-i6ieiponsibilityfor performance and availability problems on networks *llnin tne City's control or outside the City's control (business user networks)' Disaster Recovery Service - Disaster RecoveryService is a service provided i"itt" City Ouring t[e term of this agreement in orderto provide functionality *it-nin tne specided Service Level tiletrics for the applications covered by this ngr""t".t followinga Disaster Decla.ration by the Cityr A1 annual test will be cJnOucteO by the V6ndor and a report will be provided to the City and MCBLTP- Downtime shall mean that the Application Services and or the application data are unavailable to taxpayer or city internet users' Application Availabiiity shall be measured as follows: (Total Minutes of the rrrrbiitn - Minutes of Sch6ouled Service - Minutes of Downtime) / (Total Minutes of the Month - Minutes of Scheduled Service)' 6. City ResPonsibilities Serulce Admlnlstratlon ffiingcitywillmonitorsystemavailabilityandreportconcerns 5. Definitions a a a Page 9 of 13 2013 as appropriate through a previously identified and approv,ed System Administrators' in" UitV and the VeiOor inaltlointly determine the specific number of System Administrators who will interacl witd tne Vendor to effectively manage the Vendor services. once ioeniiireo, the Gity, via a Customer Registration Form (See Appendix lfi, rn"ff pr*ide all n".".t"ry Syitem Administrator contact information to the Vendor, i-e., name, phone number, mobile phone n.umber, pager nu.mber, email "JOt"ii, mailing address, and a secondary point of contact and their contact information. The city shall provide the necessary resources to assist with the effective Oepfoyti'tent, maintenance and administration of the application services (e'g' assistance with tne scheduling of planned system maintenance activities)' Ussr Adminletration ffipatingcityisresponsibleforprovisioningandmaintaining apptopti"te City end-users of the hosted application with.allof the necessary iddilitii" to adequateryLccess and utilize tni nosted application; including but not limited to, a personartomfrt"r (PC) with sufficient processing, memory "ttg . n"t*orfiig capaUtiiei. A'recommehdeO minimum configuration would contain at least a 2 GHzprocessor, 4 GB of Ram, 250 MB Hard Drive, 100/1000 Network card' and connection to the internet. Network Services ffiicipatingcityiswhollyrespon-sible.forthesupport,m.aintenance, "nJ ronitoring bttneLity'jlocalArea ltietworf (mN):. The Vendor, at its discretion' wil isotate perieiveO p"ftott"n.e problems (e.g., availability) to the LAIJ 3.ld JioulO" r"levant dataio the city; however, thd Vendor bears no responsibility to correct defects located within city's LAN' Gltv $wtemg of Record (99R1 r the support, maintenance and monitoring of the soR with which tneijx portal interfaces.' Any changes to system interfaces must be communicated to tftl MCBLTP Project Manager and to the Vendor. The Vendor b;; no responsiOitity to correct interfaces for a city's system of record' The pi*"Ori"rlbi rtfCeltF participating cities to inform and obtain approval for interface changes will be defined in the MCBLTP Operation Guide' Gltv Tax Documentatlon . . ,,-4^ ^-ffih-"1{ffi;lilEp*ribte for providing up-to-date and accurate information to the Vendor for tax rJaieO subject matter. Any changes to tax related subject matter must be communicateo to tne [,tcgLrP Project Manager and to the Vendor' The MCBLTP lT Project Manager and the Vendor will work with the MCBLTP pattfu-ipating cities to enstire information is updated in a timely manner if.the work involves the Vendoimaking the change. The Vendor bears no responsibilityfor incorrect or out-of-date tax-retated su6ject matter. The procedures for MCBLTP participating cities io lntott and obtain approval for updates to tax related Contract #3102 Aftachment B - SLA Page 10 of 13 2013 7. Ghange Order Process The Vendor will maintain the Service LevelAgreement with formal documentation denoting agreed ,pon "n"ng.t fn" City anJ'the Vendor will maintain copies of all Cn"ng"-Ot?"6. AnV "ito"fion to the Service Level Agreement that causes an increase or decrease in the tiire or cost required for the performance of any part of this.Service l"u"tngt"ement snatt not become binding..unt! both the City and the Ve.ndor have agreed upon an "quit"Ol" adjustment and the Service LevelAgreement has been modified in writing accordinglY- The city and the Vendor must sign any proposed.change orders. when this is accomplished, the.n"ng" order-will u6 incirporated aJan officialchange to the project' A change order pr*"titnallcontrol changeb 4-:Pq" of the Service LevelAgreement' The Change Order nequest form (Appen6ix I of this document) must be used for all change order requests. information will be defined in the MCBLTP Operation Guide. Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA Page 1l of 13 2013 Contract #3102 Attachment B - SLA Appendix I Change Arder Form CHANGE ORDER NO.- Customer: CitY of Seattle e-Gov Systems Contract No: Original Contract Date: Thjabove referenced contract is-imended by this Change Order. 1. Description of Change: 2. Equipment and Services Required: 3. The Contract Price will be adjusted as follows: Original Contract Price: Provious Change Order Amormts Nos' I through -:Amount of this Change 0rder: Adjusted Confi act Price: 4. Payment Schedule for this Change Order: S. Th; Contract Completion Date will be adjusted as follows: Effective Date: $ $ $ 6. Other Time Line Changes: lf there are any inconsistencies between the provisions of this Change Order and the provisions otifr" ngt""mLnt, tne proviiions ot this Change Ordel shall.prevail' Except as specifically stated in this change order, the Agreement a-nd previous change orders are in all other respects ratified, cinfirmed and wiii continue in fullforce and effect. Origindly Scheduled Complotion Date:00/00/00 Revised Date: Reviewed and APProved:Date:- e-Gov Systems Project Manager lN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this change order as of the above Effective Date. e-Gov Systems- CitY of Seaftle By: Name: Title: Date: By: Page {2 of 13 2013 Appendix II Authority User Account Registration Form Contract # 3102 Attachment B - SLA Tax Name Contact Phone 2Phone 1 Fax Address ziState Website inator lD Gontact lnformationUcer D Download Return Batches OnlY I Payment Only Downloads I Standard Administrator User il Research OnlYChoose Type ofAccount Last Name:First Name: Fax:Phone: Email: below for Standard in istrator UserAdmeth Mailing Address: c State Cou Page 13 of 13 2013 Section L - Summary ct "ruB tnitirtor complete section 1 and submit to change Manager for review Section 4 - Cost rilt"o out by the change Managers as part of costing and release planning uest FormControl -#:Cha delete other oPtions) I Change, Display Change, Technical Support, Maintenance, New City Other with nation Reason for New Featu Change: (Bold aPPlicable reason, re, Design Clarification, Functiona (name, citY) tu2l2o2r Requestor Name: Date: Change lmpact:based on eval in SectionPriority; Wendy Thomaston, Filelocal PMApproved for Analvsis: (date)Need by Date: {date}Costing Provided: {date}Requirements Finalized: RG.o ents,Paymsite,newalRe Print),LicenseNMaint,(Appotifications,CityChaAccounts.nge USite Tax,MSecurerernts,Accou Functional Area affected: Schedule lmpact: Total CostAA Total HourcBADevPMTitleCR 0 000000est FormChaRecR999 TotalTitleCR 5x.00uest FormcR999 and Release CostsTestiT&R $xx.00TOTAL Cost lmpact: Release Number: Data lnterchange Impact (ch eck all that FAQ Impact WSDL PCS Data Name Change PCS Schema Affects All Cities None SCS Data Name Change SCS Schema CSV Files Structure Ul Download XML FileLocal ent API KUBRA API SIP alternative - ensure web servlce eq uivalent for SIP check all that a None Edit Existins FAQ (AgencY Task)Create new FAa{AceryyE$)- Tool Tip Impact (check all that apply) 7r/2/2O2L Change Request Form1 None Edlt Existing tooltip (Final wordlng TBD in spec process.) Create new tool tiP (Final wording TBD in spec process) Action Log ImPact all that None Update existing action log event Create a new action los event Section 6 -Assumptions: To be confirmed/completed by vendor r Ul changes- r Batch changes - r Print changes- o Action Log changes - . Support - r Meetings -o Specifications - Section 7 - Requirements To be completed bY Agency 01 1 Size:8 Small J Med J Lorge A Must have ll Nice to hove n subiect to scoqe (description) r details .02level1 Size: 8 Smoll D Med lJ Lorge D Must hove J Nice to hove Z Subiect to scoqe deferrat (descriptionl o details 999.03level 1 Stze: X Smatl Cl Med D D Must have J Nice to have O Subiect to scoPe d"fgttg!- Description r detail 2LLl2l2g2t Change Request Form Wendv ThomastonAsency Change Manager ChristY CatoVendor Cha M Kevin FitzpatrickAgency Program Mana gcr,- Role Approved Name ture DateMaProcess Sectipn 3 - Assessment Completed by Change Manager The Change Manager will ensure that risk, security, and impact assessments, are completed by those stakeholders required to assess the Change. Risk Assessment fPrioritY) changes are prioritized to establish ilie order in which they should be put forward for consideration' The Priority of RFCs will be decided in collaboration with the Change lnitiator' Security Assessment (Risk and Mitigation) This document has been reviewed to assess security risks and provide mitigation, as follows Section-Z - Final Approval Completed by Change tvtanaier once the RFC is complete and accurate enough for assessment and evaluation' Review RFC ApProval: Impact Assessment (Categorization) All members of the CAB should evaluate the change based on impact, urgency, risk, benefits and costs' ln order to prepare for authorization decisions, change planning, scheduling, and remediation are also assessed' 3 ResponreCAB lnvolvementCrlterlalcvel NoCAB review is not required A, ls the change defined as a Standard Change? B. ls it on the Pre-aPProved list? NoCAB review is needed Level 1 Level 2 B. Change follows normal timelines and is not escalated A. Normal Change NoCAB approval is requiredLevel 3 A. Management CAB needed to approve a violation to the normal timelines Risk Assessment: Change Levels (choose one) Data Data Wendy Thomaston N/AN/A Performed by Date Datetr Risk Assessment LLl2l2O2L Change Request Form oA. High - sA. High - lmpacts multiple Cities, system owners B. Med-3B. Med - lmpacts at least one City; some disruption to services C. Low-0C. Low- No impacts to Cities technology or processes 1. lmpact to Cities 0A. High - 5A. High - Large proiect (> $foxl B^ Med-3B. Med - Estimate for costs is low (<S10K) C. Low-0C. Low - lncluded as part of base contracted servtces 2. Cost of implementation oA. High - 5A. High - Key functionality will be unavailable B. Med-3B. Med - Some functions may not be available C. Low-0C. Low-No or minor impacts to system 3. lmpact of not imPlementing the Change 0A. High - 5A. High -Addresses major compliance or concerns B. Med*3B. Med - Minor compliance or regulatory impacts C. Low-OC. Low - No comPliance impacts 4. Compliance / Regulatory considerations 0A. High - 5A. High - 3 or more teams will need to be involved B. Med*3B. Med - 2 teams will need to be involved C. Low-0C. Low - l team will need to be involved 5. Technology teams required to implement Change 0A. Hieh-4A. High - outside normal maintenance window B. Med-2B. Med - during normal maintenance window C. Low-OC. Low-no outage required 6. Scheduling requirements Totals A. lowr0-5 B. Medium:6- 10 C. High: >10 lmpact Assessment (choose one per category and total score at bottom)Score m L1.l2l2o2L Change Request Form4 Section 5 - CitYApprovals fh" Ch"ne. Advisory -A;ari reviewed the RFC and authorizes and prioritizes the change' Authorize RFC APProval: Change Advisory Board approval is requ ired after costing, and only applies to the payor(sl' Cost is for development ONLY. Additional costs for the Testing and Release will be included in o separote CR. That cost will be allocoted between the and Cities tn the same release. CAB City Acceptance of Contents to affected Cities.This roval is uired to and KevinAgencv Program Manager Troy LucasBellevue CAB Member Beth Anne WroeDes Moines CAB Member Everett CAB Member BaKent CAB Member Lindsey VaughnMemberCABParkkeLaForest Kari RollerRenton CAB Member Joseoh CunhaSeattle CAB Member KimRickShoreline Robert HamudSnoqualmie (subscriber) Danielle LarsonTacoma CAB Member roved by e-Signature (Via Date Cost Role oAgency 0Bellevue 0Des Moines 0Everett 0Kent 0Lake Forest Park 0Renton oSeattle 0Shoreline (s) 0Snoqualmie (s) 0Tacoma 09l2oL90.0Average Cities Who Ranked ltem Final Ranking Date Troy [ucasBellevue Beth Anne RoweDes Moines Anna PankevichEverett Molly BartlemaYKent Aurora BelliLake Forest Park Nate MaloneRenton Jackie MitchellSeattle N/AN/AAlly KimShoreline {subscrlber)N/AN/ARobert HamudSnoqualmie (subscriber) Jenni BarrettTacoma Role Accepted By e-Signature (Via)Da te trl2l2o2t Change Request Form5 Decisions otes 6 Decision/Notes Originated bY AgreedlApproved bYDate tLl2l2O2L Change Request Form FileLocol 0 Operatlons Support & Maintenance Plan Name of APPlication: Filelocal Date Modlfied:lune 2015 Document Vsrclon: 1.5.6 DOCUMENT CONTROL Document lnformation Document Owner Flle Name DocumentHistory Shawn Waliser Operatlons SuPPort flan First draft w/sl-A & sOW required com-ponents Added comments/requirements under Planned downtime Adding Filelocal details per discussion with Paul T. Added eGov suPPort information Added eGov details and marked key areas that need to be updated in the future Proof read I UpdatesTOC Review post-payments dev completion Revised support processes wlthln scope (page 5l Created Customer Registration Form from SLA as Appendix C Modified lntroductory Sections Eegan gcqeral edit re-write Integrated all changes lntegrated changes lntegrated AgencY Edits Fleshed out Go Live stePs Added Patch management Changed cover page and footer dataformat Minor editing to patch management section Added technologY roadmaP section Addgd patch process dlagram Updated patch managementto linkto change management plan 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1".2 1.2 1.3 L.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 s126lL4 616lt4 Shawn W:liser Shawn Waliser Jamie Carnell Ezra Hodge Ezra Hodge Masters/thomason Paul Thomason Paul Thomason Tim Manley Tim Manley Tim Manley Tim Manley Tim Manley Tim Manley Tim ManleY Tim ManleY Tim Manley Tim Manley 7lzsl?oL0 thel2oL4 slLilzot4 eltel20t4 tolt7l2o74 rol27l2oL4 212l2o+5 3lLuzols 4l26l2oL5 sltolzoLs sl24lzqts sl28l207s sl28l20ts 6ltlzots 612l2OL5 6173l2o7s ! I ! l Version lssue Date Ch Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page2 APPROVALS & ACCEPTANCE we, the underslgned program Adminlstrator, Project Manager have revlewed and accept this this document' we recommend the approval of its contents. Managsr eGov CEO e6-ov Systems VP over H€lP Desk Shawn Waliser ezra HodgC Troy Bourgeois DaltApprovodNamoRolo Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 3 Table of Contents Coordination with City System Administrators"""""""""" """"""""' 8 Transfer From Development to Operations & Production Support""""" """""""""""' 8 lntegrated lncident Management- Unplanned Downtime """"""""' """"""""""""""' 15 Scope ofThe Security lncident Response Plan""""-"""' Security lncident Response Service Level Agreement "" Leadership Commitment to Security and lncident Response """"""""' Securitylncident Response Resources & Responsibilities""""""""' """"'22 72 L2 72 t2 15 15 L6 77 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 21" 22 23 27 Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 4 Appendix B - Work Stream Requirements"""""""""" Appendix C- lncidence ResponseTeam Contact lnformation """"""'32 Appendix D - lncident Review Report Template """""""""" '"""-"""'32 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 5 INTRODUCTION PuRPosE oF THls Docunneur The purpose of this document is to define the operations support and Maintenance for the eGov supported Filelocal system in production. This document is intended to satisfy tire "support Plan" required by the StA and describe how eGov will meet or exceed the Servlce Level Objectivesl. This document must be presented to the FileLocal Program Administrator within 30 days before Go-Live'2 suppoRr PRocEssEs wtrntru scops The scope of the effort captured in this document includes planning and establishing the ongoing operations support, system monitoring protocols, and maintenance of all ecov supported lT components of the eGov managed Filetocal infrastructure. This includes keyfunctions related to: t. Processes for regular support, monitoring and managing planned outages 2,lncidentmanagementofunplannedbutnon.securityrelatedoutages 3. Security-relatedincidentmanagement OpERATIoNs Supponr OReln lznttot'ts This section addresses requirement(s): 10, 14 (su 5lpg, gspro)3The following are providingoperationssupportandMaintenanceforthevariouscomponentsof the organizations responsible for the FileLocal system. I slA 53p7-8. ops Support and Maint Req 8' 2 SLA 52p5. Ops Support and Maint Req 2' 3 See Appendix B Entlty Production Component Opentions SuPPort Organization eGov File[ocal APPlication Production Administration eGov FileLocal database, hardware, network eGov lT Management City of Seattle FileLocal Application and KUBRA Payment Processing lmplementation Project Management, administration and governance Washington Multi-City Business license and Tax Portal Agency (dba FileLocal) Filelocal APPlication and KUBRA Payment Processing Product Management AgencY Administration and Governance Seattle City of Seattle Statement of Record data interchanges, hardware, network lT development and maintenance, Network Administration and SecuritY Bellevue City of Bellevue SOR data interchanges, hardware, network lT development and malntenance, Network Administration and SecuritY Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 6 Tacoma City of Tacoma SOR data interchanges, hardware, network lT development and maintenance, Network Administration and SecuritY Everett City of Everett SOR data interchanges, hardware, network lT development and maintenance, Network Administration and SecuritY Kubra Payment Process APPlication Production Administration Kubra Payment gatewaY and network Network Administration Cowt vt u rulcerlNG CHANGEs AFTER LRut'tcH This section addresses requirement(s): 17 (sLa seprola Notifications of system changes will be initiated between the Filelocal agencY and individual cities via the operating committee through FileLocal's Product Management process and the defined.slo' This will be defined in the Filelocal change Management process as guided by the document: "Filelocal change Management Process summa4y''. This process will also apply for change notifications between eGov Systems and KUBRA' However' eGov and KUBRA will communicate withihe FileLocal Agency as a governance entity, rather than with individual cities' Changes to system interfaces may be needed periodically and must be communicated between the supporting entities via the Filelocal Change Management process. Tie fol6wing procedure will be followed to ensure timely and accurate communication, apiloval, t"iting implementation, and acceptance of the change occurs' eGov lT operations change Request Process: system changes will be handled through a formal change management process as referenced wit'h the document above, with the ability to take one of four prioritization tracks: CRITICAL: A CRITICAL change is one that, if not made, (1) Resuhs in an unPlanned outage (2)affects the integrity of taxpayer and/or city data (2) poses significant and immediate legal liability to a stakeholder' or (3) is deemed a hlrh'rlsk and exploltable securttv issua cRlTlcAL changes will be reviewed and approved by the Agency through the Change Management process in consultation with eGov and any other appropriate technology vendors' once this occurs' the change process for a cRlTlcAL CHANGE requires prompt and immediate attention, with the tarSet of an impact analysis and proposed remediation within 24-hours or less with completion of the change to occur within 4 business days per sLO. Any proposed remediation should be reviewed and signed-off on by Fiblocal within one (2) business day after delivery of the issue assessment for work to commence according to the remediation plan. critical itranges ttrat can be resolved in a timelier manner should be done so with the agreement of the stakeholders. lf there is not enough time to assess financial implications of a CRITICAL change, the work should commence as soon as pottibl" and the change order should be completed in prrrli"ior, if done after the fact, must fol6w the existing conventions and agreements' HIGH PRIORITY: A HIGH PRIORITY change is one that, if not made' a See Appendix B Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan PageT (1) will eventually affect the integrity of taxpayer and/or city data, (2) potentially poses significant legal liability to a stakeholder, or (3) is deemed a potential security risk' An impact analysis should be completed for a HIGH PRIORITY change within five (5) business days' A formal change order should be submittei and approved before issue resolution commences according to plan' Plan will comply with the SLO and FileLocal Change Managed Process' sTANDARD: A STANDARD PRIORITY change is any change to the system, interface' or connection to the iil"r a"rir"d by any stakeholder not deemed critical or high priority. An impact analysis must be completed by appropriate stakeholders, and a change request needs approval by all parties before work can commence.PlanwillcomplywiththesloandFilelocalChangeManagedProcess. ROUTINE: A ROUTINE change is one that is commonly or cyclically made-for example, a rate change/update, not deemed critical or high priority' ROUTINE changes should be aSreed to on an individual or group/type basis as per what is reasonable for each change. The default is that, unless othenarise agreed to by the parties, eGov requires 30 days to make ROUTINE system updates once details and a change request is approved. An item normally falling into a ROUTINE update can be escalated to a HIGH PRIORITY or CRITICAL change status. CoonolrunrloN wlrH Ctrv Svsre u AotvttlttsrnRtoRs This section addresses requirement(slt ll, !2,13 {sLA 56p9, SLA 56p10)s Each FileLocal participating city will monitor system availability and an approved System Administrator will report concerns through the Agency Project Manager' Fileloml Admlnlstntor Notificatlon of Chongesto o System Admlnlstrqtor The Agency will manage the System Administrator list. ln order to change a system Administrator the Agency Project Manager will contact the eGov helpdesk with their request' Process for Communimtlng lssues Between City System Admtnistrotors & eGov Opera'ions SuPport City administrators should contact the Agency. The Agency will then contact eGov helpdesk' TnITSTEN FNOU DEVEIOPMENT TO OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION SUPPORT Responsibility for Operations Support and Maintenance begins when hand'over of a new component is acknowledged by eGov to be in a live operations status. ln this context, a component may be software, hardware, configuration data, tax-related data, user detail - or anything system-related that is necessary to the proper s See Appendix B EmallCitySystem Mministrator Name and Tltle Phone (Ml and (Dl FileLocal Greg Kauper, Project Mana8er 206-51s-0493 206-396-53L2 G reg. Kauper-FLO@seattle.gov Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page I functioning of the FileLocal product. This section addresses the process for initiating live production support for the FileLocal system, Svstem Go lfue 3'Stane ProcSSs Stage 1: Final Remediation and testing resolved and accepted and City readiness checklist complete Approvers for final remediation resolved and accepted include all of the followinS: . City Filelocal Program Manager o FileLocal Project Manager(s) and City Project Managers o Filelocal OPerating Committee r eGov Filelocal Program Manager o eGovCEO o eGov Vice President of Services o eGov Project Managers o eGov lT Manager stage 2; Night of deployment Readiness: Final client Approval of System Prior to Go live NOTE: A backup representative must be identified and authorized by the city or Filelocal prior to thenightofdeploymenttoinvokeapro,ryapprovalinlieuoftheprimaryapproverbeing unavailable. Approvers for Go-Live include all of the following: r City Filelocal Program Manager o Filelocal Project Manager(s) o Filelocal Executive Board r eGov Filelocal Program Manager o eGovCEO o eGov Vice President of Services o eGov Project Mana8ers o eGov lT Manager Stage 3: Execution ofGo-Live eGov lT operations will work in accordance with the Release Management Plan and the NoD SIS to ensure operational readiness for go-live. All steps outlined in both documents will be followed for go-live execution. PRoDUCTION DETN CEruTCR ENVIRONMENT The eGov Systems, hosting is provided 24x7x365 in a secured data center environment by Venyu, a certified TIER 4 data center. Venyu offers fulFtime, onsite: r security monitoring, r video surveillance, r biometric and access card, r bullet-resistant walls and glass, and . man-trap access only to data center floor' r Environmental protection is provided with non-water based FM-200 fire suppression, . truly redundant power and air handling systems, and e fully redundant power with UPS circuits to each rack' r Connectivlty and network infrastructure is multFhomed across geographically-diverse Tier-l internet providers, Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 9 a a fully-redundant enterprise-class firewall and network infrastructure, and full-time staffed network operations centers, This includes the underlying hardware and software infrastructure, database and server licenses, maintenance, and database administration' Svsteu Mot'tttoRtHc & ALERTS This section addresses requirement(s): 1, 3, 15, 16 (SLA 52p5, SIA 56p10)5 24x7x365automated monitoring and alerts will be maintained and managed by Venyu hostinS services' These include application and database servers, network routers and the data center itself as outlined in the attached document. eGov Operatlo$TeamThe network and egress to the liltemet. The tool that load balances trafflc between the web servers. The clustered web servers that serve ssthe'ftont'end ofthe Fllelrcgl serulce' The back-end clustered SQL servers that are connected to the web seryers and support the Filelocal service. ServlGe Eown Seruice Degraded Bandwidth avallEble to meet capaeltY Device Down SQrver Down Olsk.spaee low Certlflcate explred Slte dou/n, Server UP : Eackupfallure Server ctpacltY : Stomgecapaclty Eata €enter Power Servet Down Disk spaee low Backupfallure Server caPacltY Stprage capacity Data Cdnter Power eGor Operations Team c6ov Operatlons Team : cGovOperationgTeEm 6 See Appendix B Load Balancer Network Service Support TeamMonitored EventsMonitored Object Description SQL Server 1 SQL Server 2 Web Server 1 Web Server 2 Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 10 PCS Web Service Payment uveb service Smartystreets web service Kubra web sentice Bellevue SCS web service Everett SCS web service Seattle SCS web service Tacoma SCS web seruice The servlae endpolrit for the ckles to call to Pull data from the FlleLocal system. The servlce that submits cardholder paYment information to Kubra The service that Performs and returns a GlS look'uP on the b$lness address. The servlce that Kubra utllizes to return Payment information to FileLocal The cW servlc€ that csnnects urlth Fllelocal The city service that connects with FileLocal The dry servlce that connec$ wlth Fllelocal The city service that connects with FlleLocal Servlce do$ln Certlflcgte explred Service down Certificate exPlred $ervlce down Gertlflcate explred Service down Certiflcate exPired Sewlcedown Service down Servlce down Service down e6ov Op6ratlsnsTeam eGov OperationsTeam ecov Operatlons Team eGov Operatlons Team Kubra SupportTeam Fllelscal Proleet Manager The ClVs lT SuPPortTeam FileLocal ProJect Manager The civs lTSupportTeam Fllelocal Profect Manager The CiVs lTSqPPortTeam FileLocal Project Manager The City's lT SuPPort Team eGov recognizes that all lT organizations require a roadmap that matches the project's short-term and long-term goals with specific technologjsolutions. creation of such a roadmap is out of scope for this document' However' the technology roadmap may hlve direct impact on the operational support of the Filelocal service when such plans for n"* or.h.ng"d technology materialize and become operational' upon approval of a Technology Roadmap, and subsequent updates to it, this.operations support Plan will also be updated as appropriate to "tiin with the roadmap plan and will be submitted for review in a timely manner' An unplanned outage detected and alerted becomes the starting point for an outage lncident to be managed according the lntegrated lncident Management Process, below' TTcHI,IOIOEY ROADMAP 0perations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 11 SUPPoRT AND MAINTENANCE - PIANNED DOWruIUE rGov Svstenns & Veruvu The following sections describe the processes for daily operational support and maintenance' Production support includes planned downtime. I lrurnlsrnucruRE oN Call CovrnRcr This section addresses requirement{s): 4 {sLl Ezps}7 operations support for the eGov supported FileLocal infrastructure will be via the Help Desk during standard coverage hours. standard coverage hours are from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time (gam to 7pm central Time)' Monday through Frlday during non-holid"y times. The Help Desk is closed during the below holidays' New Year's DaY Mardi Gras DaY Good Frlday Memorial Day lndependence DaY labor Day Thanksgiving DaY Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Yea/s Eve when the Help Desk is closed there will be on-call coverage through alternative contact methods' This method will route communications from the monitoring system to an-on-call support engineer. All city lT issues are to be routed through the Agency Proiect Manager. RELEASE MNruICEUEruT This section addresses requirement(sl: 5 (su Ezps)B eGov will provide FileLocal with all upgrades and associated documentation that are provided as supplemental and standard releases to the supported iolt*rt" applications as applicable to FileLocal and the cities as part of the Hosted Services. As negotiated with the Filelocal AgencY, the Portal will be taken down to release new features' enhancementt updates, bug fixes, etc. Scheduled downtime will: . Ne8otiated ahead of tlme with the FileLocal Agency' .Takeplaceonlybetweenthehoursof5PMand6AMPacificTime' rBepreceded24hoursinadvancebysitewarningtextontheloginpage: o Example: Unscheduled downtime due to a natural disaster will be addressed in the Disaster Recovery Plan' I RNnunl TEsr - DtsRsrrR REcove nY This section addresses requirement(s); 6 (sr.e ezpe)e The scope ofthis procedure is to test annual disaster recovery 7 See Appendix B I See Appendix B e See Appendix B Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page12 The production Administration team will perform all testing, collect the results, and present to the Agency in a disaster recovery test report. This test plan document for Filelocal supports the following objectives: L. Outlines the testing approach that will be used' 2. ldentifies the items that should be targeted by the tests' 3. ldentifies the required resources by role and responsibility' 4. Lists the deliverable elements of the tests' Test Plan APProoch The purpose of this test plan is to test load balancing, backup, fail-over, and recovery contingencies on the production instance of Filelocal. These testing procedures are intended to emulate typical points of failure in the production infrastructure. The goal of these tests is to measure and evaluate the automatic response of systems to those failures and subsequent recovery of those systems' Test [oad Balancinn Test Steps: l.Confirmnormaloperationofinfrastructurebysimulatingtraffic: a. lnitiate multiple sessions to web facing interface use totaling 20% of expected user base b. Monitor asp'net sessions on each server c. confirm equal distribution of web sessions between all web facing servers 2. Simulate a webserver fail-over/recovery: a. Disable network interface of one web facing server b.Confirmdetectionofofflineserverinloadbalancinginterface c. Monitor arp.net sessions on all remaining load balanced servers to confirm equal distribution of web sessions across remaining web servers' d. confirm equal distribution on asp.net sessions between all remaining web facing servers 3. "Recove/'failed web facing server; a. Re-enable the network interface of the failed" webserver b. Confirm detection of availability by load balancer c. confirm equal distribution of new asp.net sessions between all web servers. Tes! SQL Fallover and Recoyerv Test Steps: 1. Confirm normal oPeration: a. Check to ensure all web front-end servers are connecting to primary SQL server b. Confirm synchronous database mirrors are up to date c. Simulate traffic of 500+ concurrent connections 2, "Fail" primary SQL server by disabling network interface of primary SQL server' 3. Confirm witness server detects server "failure" by ensuring all web servers are notified to use failover sQL server, 1. confirm normal functionality of site in ,,fail-over state" by processing several transitions requiring database queries, such as rate lookuPs. 2. ,,Recove/' primary sQL system by re-enabling network interface on primary sQL server' 3. Conflrm primary 5QL server receives updated transactions logged by failover svstem' 4, Confirm witness server detects availability of primary sQL system' Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 13 5. Confirm web front ends are notified by witness server to resume normal operation with primary sqL server' 6.ConfirmPrimaryserverisacceptinsconnectionsfromwebservers. 7. Repeat process for each SQL server in the system' Test: DR Recoverv From Backup 1. Create new virtual recovery environment for restore: a. Deploy new infrastructure from virtual template b. Assign server names and lPs 2, Configure virtualized load balancer to point at new web servers' 3. Restore web files and database backups from offsite retention location' 4. Configure synchronous mirrorint between all SQL servers' 5. Update web server configurations to point to new SQL servers' 5. Confirm connectivity between systems (asp session and SQL sessionsl' 7. lnitiate small load testing using new public lP' 8. ln the event of an actual disaster scenario: a. update public DNS to point "test'' URLs to public lP of new recovery environment Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page14 lmrenarso I HctoEtlt Mnruleenatrur - U nplqrun so Dowrunur Scope or THts SrcttoH This section addresses requirementlsf : 4 lsn Szpsllo This section documents the plan for responding to unplanned outages/downtlme to minimize the impact to the Filelocal, cities and the business community. This section includes response by anylall entities who may be involved in identifoing the ouuge, determining the root cause, resolving the issug documenting the outa8e' andlor .o]nrunL"ting details of the outageinternally or to the public. The entities involved in the incident management may include eGov Systems, Venyu, COS/F|leLocal, and/or participating cities' EMERGENCY COruTRCT This section addresses requirement(s): 9 (sn ospglu e6ov Operations Support operates with a daytime support staff and an off-hours support engineer' The off-hour engineer has a dedicated cellular device that is synched with the monitorinS system so that monitoring alerts are notifl"o on the phone as well as being able to have the support phone receive phone calls' During business hours {as indicated above) any operations lncident is routed through the eGov Help Desk (contact information is below). During off-hours any operations lncidents are routed to the off-hours support phone carried by a dedicated support engineer (contact information below). eMail 10 See Appendix B 11 See Appendix B 225-2Ls-A052f ilelocal @e-govsvstems.comBusiness Hours OPs SuPPort Off-Hours Ops SuPPort Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 15 Elcdrds fiqn Hol0 Dolk Cd |r0ll| cllyll$mhg EvitlMiltodnC l! imldroa @rtl!tudng olt-lEuc? Conad ot liffi slrpgorl iluftar, Ef,rl ll bM rtatonds bLrddmt Olt Hfl's S{tmod Brghs upondt lolddail lnG{g&t lnod.lll SlpgodltmiElht &orirrnaldo0 D.0tn Rasltp lllddcl{ tNctDENT Mlnne EueHr Pnocess Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 15 REcoVERY SENVICCS This section addresses requirement(sl: 5 (sn szpe) 12 ecov System, in conjunction with venyu, our TIER 4 Data center, provide comprehensive recovery services' These processes are described in this section. Eackups production administration team handles backup configuration on the following schedule: r SQL backups o 4 differential backups daily to local storage o l full backup daily to local storage r Web file backuPs o l full backuP dailY r Daily all local backups are copied to "cloud" storage at end of day using Venyu's Restart-lT cloud backup solution Failover Failover happens whenever any of the servers in the deployment become unavailable . This can be caused by update releases, system errors, or data corruption. o Though not due to hardware failure as this is a fault tolerant virtual environment lf any server does not respond to the monitoring systems (the load balancer or the sQL witness server) all services are distributed amongst all remaining servers. Dimster Recovery Production Administration team will invoke the DR plan r Backups of all web files and databases copied to Venyu cloud backup r ln a DR recovery situation new servers are deployed in v-cloud virtual environment r Web files and databases are restored from cloud backups r Public DNS are updated to point to new public lPs r continue operations 12 See Appendix B Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan PageLT SEcu Rtry I ttclorrur ResPot'tsE lrutnoouctlott This section addresses requirement(s): 7, 19 (SlA $2p5, SOW 4'2'11)13 The Filelocal system is complex which increases the need for not only robust monitoring but also a comprehensive' integrated response plan that ensure effective communication and triage. This security lncident Response Plan (SIRP) pr*ia", an integrated plan for response to security-related incidents at any part of the Filelocal svstem' A security incident is one that threatens confidentiatity, integrity or availability of corPorate, client and/or employee information assets that reside within the care, custody, or control of eGov Systems, Venyu, the Filelocal Agency, Filelocal participatlng cities andlor Kubra Systems {payment provider)' A system security threat is a malicious event or action targeted at interrupting the integrity of corporate or personal computer systems' The motivation is to compromise data for the purposes of exploitation. Data can be of the sensitive type; things like credit card information, pasrwords or contact lists. And another type is information that miSht interest advertisert like your lnternet browsing habits. The SlRp defines the roles and responsibilities for incident response team members, defines incident severity levels, outlines a process flow for incident management, and includes the processes for response activities' ScopE oF THE SecuRtrv l}lctosrur Respottsg Pmru ENTtnEs Wtrntru ScoPe The SlRp covers security incidents that impact the Filelocal service. The Filelocal service communicates with numerous entities. L, eGov SYstems 2. The Filelocal Service or infrastructure 3, 4. Any city connecting to eGov Systems through the SCS or PCS connections established for Filelocal, or Kubra systems as the Payment Provider connecting to eGov Systems returninS payment confirmation' Cotvtponenrs WlrHl N ScoPe This plan covers security incidents at anv component of the FileLocal system including but not limited to networking' databases, servers, or user access. REsPoNsE Acttvtttes WlrHlN ScoPE The Plan includes the lncident response procedures to: a Open a Case for the incident and initiate communlcation to the response team according to the initial estlmate of thd severlty level; r Assess the severity ofthe security incident, and upgrade or downgrade the response ifappropriate; r Assess the extent ofdamage; r Develop and implement a response plan; r ldentify the vulnerability created; I Estimate what additional resources are required to mltlSate the incidenti . Manage communications across the team, to FileLocal and cities per the s[A; and, 13 See Appendix B Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 18 . Provide for post incident review and revision to policy/procedure as indicated sEcuRrry lructoe rur Resporuse SEnvtcr Level Ae Ree nitgrut The following Data lnformation Security services are required by the service Level Agreement: Vendor manages the Application and associated city data at or above the same level of security as the City of Seattle data with the following the Filelocal's guidelines and the State of Washington Security Policies 1.. Security Planning' 2. Application and database security 3. Security of data on the system and end-user authority 4. Automated security monitoring 5. Access Control Lists for all computing systems 5. Security problem determination and resolution 7. Security audits and review of audit logs 8. Evaluation and review of new security software These guidelines reference the wA state, Seattle and FileLocal security policies. This lncident Response Plan defines how the service level will be met for items 6 and 7' LEADERSHIP COTVITUITUEUT TO SECURITY AND JruCIOEUT RESPONSE A security breach of Customer proprietary lnformation (CPl) can have devastating impacts to public perception of the Filelocal system and the resuhing impacts tothe Net Promoter Score, adoption rates, and revenue' Therefore' significant resource has been expended to proactively mitigate vulnerabilities to the extent commercially practicable prior to launch. To the extent that vulnerabilities exist, and criminals continually discover and create new methods, any and all reactive security incidents will require immediate response and full participation of personnel detailed in this plan' By signing off on this plan, the Leadeiship of the participating entities commit their resources to respond according to this Plan. Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 19 Secuntw lructoerut SrveRtw Lrveu The incident management resource commitments and communication/escalation processes are based on severity levels. The following severity levels will be used to manage security incidents. These severity level definitions are different than used for unplanned outage incidents' oefinitionSeverity Normal system operations coupled with periodic and real time monitoring of the Filelocal systemNormal Uncertainty a security incident has occurred - Early indications of a possible attack or intrusion have been detected by the monitoring processes. Or The severity is low - Small numbers of system probes detected on internal systems or an isolated vlrus that can be handled by anti-virus software. or, Small numbers of system probes detected on an external system or new information on potential vulnerabilities to systems' Low A security incident has manifested itself And The severity is medium - Significant numbers of system probes detected, penetration or denial of service attacks attempts with no impact on operations, or larger lnstances of known computer viruses that can be handled by anti-virus software. This severity may also include isolated instances of a new computer virus not handled by anti-virus software' Medium A security incident has manifested itself. And The severity is high - Penetration or denial of service attacks attempted with limited impact on operations or larger widespread instances of a new computer virus not handled by anti-virus software. This severity should be used if some risk of negative financial or public relations impact may result. High Critical A security incident has manifested itself. And The severity is critical - Successful penetration or denial of service attacks detected with significant impact on operations. This severity should be used if significant risk of negative financial or public relations impact maY result. Operations Support & Maintenance Plan PaEe20 SEcuRtw lructorrur Rrsporusr PRocrss The following process flow diagrams display the response for each of the security incident severity levels and the post-incident processes. rtre rotes and responsibilities of each of the teams involved in an incident response vary with the particular escalation level active at any particular point in time. The roles and responsibilities are defined in the next section. Low Medium Highr Critical Irdrt[til.|ftt3t|!ilYVtttfffih.nlrfirff !dn*rtiil16rrol.ffiraldilna ; ',,1'.1 ;,r,1: Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page2t SecuRlw ltrtctornr RrspoNsE REsounces & REsPoNslBltmEs SEcuRrrY lt'tctoeNr Resporusr RACI R:C j I RCI R;C;. t rlRll R R R R c c c ,l c C: c c c c c R R I I I f: I I AI AI R lil Rll Rll Rll R', l I Rlt R l:l Rll RlI Rll c:c I I I c c I c c c Rrl RI RI R R B c c c t R tR R R R R R R R,l cl sG vps slRT PS Agenry Open Ostetmlne lnltlal defenslve actlon vPs ll lmmedlate corredlve actlon ldentlfied r{qulred lor usert communlcate doroll3 to Help Desk necelv€ and track lnild.nt dsta Analyre lncldent data €nd escElale to level 2 lt.pproprlste ilorlfy PS ot ihe threat lf ePproPrlate lnclude ln the normal ?eportr of PS approptlate. Nottfv SIRT to resPond to the manlfestallon olthe Recelve lnformatlon from Admlns Forward lncldlnt detallt supportlng system audlt records, etc. to slRT Start events tor Po3slble dlsclPllnary legal proceedlngs employees are atfected,communlcate mesrage vla HelP Derk lncldent ln normal perlod rePort to PS. ld€ntlfy countermeasutes lor conlalnment otthe lncldent Provlde feedback to VPS Supporl SlRT Convene Support Team A$ume respontlblllty for dlrecting lnrldent handllng ectlvltles Determlne aPptoPdate fu rther escrlatlon to the next level Determlne It countetmeasurcs have reduced to an acceptable level Take actloru ldrntltled bY Admln countermealures lnform VPS, ofthe ofthe astlon taken Contlnue monltorlng the Incldent end communlcate wlth the CEO set up command center vendols serylce ptovlda's at approptlale Determlne ll the counterneasures haYe reduced the rlsks to an acceplable level Contlnue monltorlng the lncldent R€port contlnuouslY to exerutlvo management Communlcate wlth CEO lf approprlate lncludE lncldent ln lhe normal perlod reporG to PS Continue countermeasure actlons Conllnue reportlng ttatus to VPS Continue to monltol event soulce!tor alerB/notltlcatlon of threats Monltor ol countetmeasure ln reduclng Prepare lncldent report the threats Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page22 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES BY ROLE Presldent of Seruices (PSl The ps will either involve or inform as the needs of the incident dictate. communication of information during an incident will follow this flow to eliminate confusion and misinformation between groups' The PS is responsible for executing or delegating the following: r Defining the SlRT Core Team (Appendix-Bl' r Managing and setting priorities with respect to the company's response to a computer security incident rNotlfiingtheCEoofacomputersecurityincidentCriticalDeclaration . Participating with VPS in forensic investiSation decisions r Designating the Deputy or an alternate to cover the responsibilities of the PS role r Owning of the vPys incident work plan(s) r Notifying BA, as appropriate, for internal and external communications as well as employee issues' o Chairing the post incident review Vlce President of Sewices IVPSI This position will update the pS on a regular basis during a critical incident. The VPS will obtain technical expertise based on the incident declared. The VPS is responsible for the following: . Determining the incident Level . Recommending to the Ps, if warranted, that the critical lncident be upgraded to a critical r coordinating and managing; in conjunction with the PS and BA, the company's response to the computer security incident in collaboration with the FileLocal Agency' r Activating the SIRT and notifying the team of meeting locations and calFin telephone numbers r ldentlfiing external personne/resources as needed o coordinating internal communications regarding the incident in coniunction with BA o coordinating any required notices of security breach to employees to clients with BA o Maintaining communlcations between SIRT and the PS r Reminding staff that communication is on a need to know basis or if the P5 has defined a'gzgorde( informing team members of the nature of the ?a8' r communicating to the Technology services Leadership Team that a critical incident has been declared and a SIRT has been formed r Beginning a case file for the incident. use to ensure information is properly collected and documented r Developingcontainmentprocedures rWorkingcloselywlththePsandCTduringforensicinvestigations r Managing the incident work plan(s) and task assignments o Raising dependency issues asthey arise rDesignatingadeputvVPStocovertheresponsibilitiesthatspanmorethan12hours r coordinating hand-off meetings between shifts, and developing work plans that address task completed and outstanding r Certifiing th.t ,il ,yrt"ts are returned to operational quality with the cause rectified r The secure destructlon/retention of all materials at the end of an incident o Coordinating a post incident review to determine the root cause and effect of the incident and to make recommendations for the development of new or revisions to existing policies/procedures as indicated' Securiry lncident Response Team (SIRT| The p5 will asemble a team to assist ln the investigation and development of the company's response to the computer security incident. Members will vary depending on the skill sets required to assist during an incident' Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page23 Teams will vary in size depending on the need. This team will remain active untilthe incident is resolved' This team will be responsible for both response and recovery. Resoonse phase. The response duties of the team are to conduct triage of the inciden! assist in containment of the incident, collect evidence for the post mortem report and if requerted, conduct or assist in a forensic investigation' . Assisting in the collection of evidence during an incident investigation r Making recommendations to the P5 on remedial action on affected systems r The SIRT may be called up 24 hours a day,7 days a week, 355 days a year during a critical incident Recoverv phase. The recovery aspects ofthe team are centered on damage assessmen! return to normal operations' rebuilding servers and systems, etc. . Determining whether affected systems can be restored from backup tapes, or must be reinstalled r Scrubbing all data before making it ready for reinstall r Determining what data is lost and cannot be recovered or restored r Reloading data on affected systems . Restoring normal oPerations Follow-uo phase. The final phase for the team concerns gathering all materials and documents for final reporting and to r"" *n"t needs to be done to prevent such occurrences in the future' r Sending final incident reports to parties with a need-to-know r Discussing procedural changes and updates r Discussing configuration issues r Deciding whether to conduct an investigation to determine what the root cause and root effects of the incident r Discussing any tasks that were not completed Dlrector of Business Affairs (BAl This position will be responsible for coordination and communications with all outside entities, including law enforcemenL clients, and press as well as internal matters as they relate to Human Resource issues' r Assist in interviews when requested r Coordinate with external law enforcement and other agencies as requested by the CI r Providesexternalcommunications r Responds to all external media inquiries e Liaison to external public relation firms r Ensure internal communications are consistent with external communications o Advises PS on Personnel matters o lnitiate employee related investigations along with CT o participates in investigation interviews and furnishes legally permissible personal information as necessary r Alerts the SIRT of any unusual employee behavior patterns during an investigation . Manages internal rumors and fields internal guestions from the employee base that are not associated with an incident Controller (Cfl This position acts as the legal and regulatory compliance liaison to the SIRT to look out for the company's legal responsibilities and ramifications. o provides guidance to the pS regarding legal and regulatory arpects of the incident and its public disclosure r Advises BA regarding investigations involving employees' r Advises the pS and/or VpS regarding decision to simply protect its operations or to pursue civil or crlminal actions . consults with the PS and/or VPS regarding involvement with law enforcement r Advises the P5 and/or VPS regarding involvement with regulatory agencies Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page24 . Reviews communications drafted by BA as required r Liaison to external counsel r Notify insurer of security breach Roles and bilities lncident Level RerponslHlltleeTo!mlnddcnt lcvd Real time and periodic monitoring of all information assets for al€rG and notification of threats'ISystem/ Network Admin (sG! Normal . Determine initial defensive actaon . Notify vPs r lf immediate corrective action identified and required for users, communi€at€ details to Help Desk System/ Network Admin (SG) Low Receive ?nd ttack incident data Analyze incident data and escalate to Level z lf appropriate Notifv Ps ofthe threat if appropriate lnclude incident in the normal p€riod reports of PS ifapproPriate' Notify SIRT to respond to the manifestation ofthe threat Receive technical information from System/Network Admins Forward incident details and supporting system logs, audit recotds, etc' to slRT Start logging events for possible disciplinary / legal proceedings lf employees are affected, communicate message via Help Desk lnclude incldent in the nomal period report to Ps. Low vPs r ldentifvcountermeasuresforconteinmentoftheincident r ProvidefeedbacktoVPS . SuPPortslRT Low Syst€m/ Network Admin (sGl o Convene lncident SupportTeam . Assume responslbility for directing incident handling activities . Determine appropriate further escalation to the next level r Determine if count€rmeasures have reduced risk to an acceptable level SIRTLow Take actions identified by SYs/Network Admin countermeasures lnform vPS, ofthe details ofthe action taken SIRTMedium continue monitoring the incident and communicate with the CEoPSHigh / Critical r Set up command center r Notify vendors / external service providers as appropriate I Detetmlne ifthe countermeasures have redueed the risk to an acceptable level SIRTHish / Critical Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page25 . Continue monitorin8the incident . Report continuouslyto executive management . communicate with CEo if approprlate o lnclude incldent in the normal period teports to PS vPsHi8h / Critlcal Support SIRT Continue countermeasure actions Continue teporting status to VPs continue to monitor €vent sources for alerts/notification of threats Monitor effectlveness ofcountermeasure in reducing the threats Hish / Critlcal Svstem/ Network Admin lscl For category 2 and 3 incidents, prepare lncident report for reviewed by PS and CEO' The report should lnclude: o lncident log lncl. findings of technical work that can be used as evidence' O Estimate of damage / imPact o Detalls ofactlon taken during the incldent o Follow on efforts to ellminate/ mitlgate the vulnerdbilitv O Ust of policies or procedures that require updating o Detrils ofeffotts takento minimize liabilities or negative exposure o Recommendations for legafdisclplinaryactlon against lntruders' Document lessons leamed and take co?rective ection to prevent recurfence' t a Post lncldent SIRT Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page26 PATCH MANAGEMENT It is the goal of this policy to outline how eGov lT/Operations will provide a secure network environment for the Filelocal product. This policy will ensure all servers deployed to the Filelocal environment have proper virus protection software, current virus definition libraries, and the most recent patches (operating system and securiul installed. EGov ITIOPERATIoNS Respotttst stLtrv The eGov lT/Operations (ITOPS) team is responsible forthe overall patch management implementation' operationt and procedures. lTops is the team that ensures all known and reasonable defenses are in place to reduce network vulnerabilities while keeping the netrivork operating. This responsibility includes the tasks detailed below' Morutrontxc ITOpS will monitor security mailing lists, review vendor notifications and Web sites, and research specific public Web sites for the release of new patches. Monitoring may include, but not be limited to, the followinS: o Scanning the Filelocal network to identify known vulnerabilities' r ldentiffing and communicating identified vulnerabilities and/or security breaches to eGoy's Vice President of Services (VPS) and CEO. r Monitorins CERf, notifications, and Web sites of all vendors that have hardware or software operating within the FileLocal environment. REvrEw Ano EvnluRrloH Once alerted to a new patch, ITOPS will download and review the new patch by within two business days of its release. lToPS will categorize the criticality of the patch according to the following: r Emergency: an imminent threat to the Filelocal network r Critical: targets a security vulnerability r Not Critical: a standard patch release update r Not applicable to the Filelocal environment Regardless of platform or criticality, all patch releases will follow a defined process for patch deployment that includes assessing the risk, testing, scheduling, installinE, and verifying' Rrsx AssessMENT AND TEsttttc ITOpS will assess the effect of a patch to the Filelocal infrastructure prior to its deployment' lf IToPS categorizes a patch as an Emergency, the department considers it an imminent threat to the Filelocal network. As such the patch will be fast tracied and not undergo a testing phase prior to implementation. Patches deemed critical or Not critical will undergo testing for each affected platform before release for implementation. lTopS will expedite testing for critical paiches. the team must complete validation against all images prior to lmPlementation. NottncnrtoN AND ScHeouttrue lTopS, management and the Agency must approve the schedule prior to implementation. Re8ardless of criticality, each patch release requires the creation and approval of a request for technical change {RTC} prior to releasing the patch. This RTC goes to first to ecov management and then to the Agency for review and approval' Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page27 IMPLEMENTATION lTopS wlll deploy Emergency patches within 1 business day post approval (total is 4 business days post patch release)' As Emergency patches pose an imminent threat to the network, the release may proceed testing' Patchlng Timellne T+Zd T+2d T+3d T+8d + d stands for buslness daYs lTops will obtain authorization for implementing critical patches via an emergency RTC getting both eGov and the Agenq/s approval. The department will implement Not Critical patches during regularly scheduled preventive maintenance following Filelocal's standard Change Management Policy' Each patch will have an approved RTC' Auotnrue, Assessue H,r, Aruo VeRlrlcATloN Following the release of all patches, lTops staff will verify the successful installation of the patch and that there have been no adverse effects' Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 28 Plrcl PRocEss DtRe RRut A A €v.rt lo!8ed rdon ulatr wldrb a prtch rppllc.bh? FOPS dMlord. pekh f8t Prtchnotlis rGry old t!$ ps?llo9s notllh9.Gd ot .rltltsl p&h set prch b be dlphylnSdurlnt $hcdulcd Malntqane csM notl06Alcn Y PFFtt M.nt3s t rcov csM notlfili At ncyrcdlAlscy Redd P.Lh ecd& A€8ncl Rcvte P.tch Appd!d rOPS lmpl.Mts P.t.i Plie p.tdt on rdrduleFollboct lleed!d? Roil arck Prkh, Lo8 F.llurg, ltaE b5e pudlilhr lmltlS.ilon P.tch sll.€ftI? lof All Wort ln CMol Ch6t llsue Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page29 APperuorces System Component Disaster Recovery Seruice Web Service SIRT lncident Dourntime Term Definition System SecuritY Threat Application Avallability APPENDIX A - DEFINITIONS APPENDIX B - WORK STREAM RTqUINEUCNTS This table presents the minimum requirements to be addressed by this work stream' A collectlon of code or functlonallty that wlll be separately tracked as being ready for production, prior to as part of a checkllst for the entire system being readY for production dePloYment. Disaster Recovery Service is a service provided to the City during the term of this agreement in order to provide functionality within the specified service Level Metrics for tf,e applications covered by this Agreement following a Disaster Declaration by the City' An annual test wlll be conducted by the Vendor and a report will be provided to the City and MCBLTP. Downtime shall mean that the Application Services and or the applicatlon data are unavailable to taxpayer or city internet users. Application Availability shall be measured as follows: (Total Minutes of the Month - Minrt", of scheduled Service - Minutes of Downtime) I {Total Minutes of the Month - Minutes of Scheduled Service). Any event whlch ls not part of the standard operatlon of a servlce and which causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service' All web services need to be defined. Security lncldent ResPonse Team Supporting GrouPs Technology Services (those involved in lT support for the company) A system security threat is a malicious event or action targeted at interrupting the integrity of corporate or personal computer systems. The motivation is to compromise data for the purposes of exPloitation. Customer Proprietary lnformation RcspondblcRcqulrumantRrq' s sovsl.A Soctlon e-Gov lertnd5524x7x3monato.ingautomatedaree-Gov bVsupportedApplications tndomainthewithinresultinge-Govevetheofntmsteatnanythingnotifithatessupportsystem mentenvtronardware,network,hor(software,unavailabIebeingmalfunctioningtheppl icatio sLA S2ps1 e-Govwithin 30 days before General Business LicenseThe IOperations] SuPPort Plan will be Go-Live.sLA 92p5 Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 30 e-Gov arewhichparties5howingwillnotificatlonPlanTheSupport andDeskissuefortrackln&communicatlon,the HelpfalluresofIincludingfunctionalspecific7SLA 92ps e€ovtoCitylnputavailabilitYrespondtomaintainareSeiliCeSapplicationprovldedSupportachievetoe-GovbyareOn+alllevels.providedpersonnelcommltmentthewithinagreed-upon thisthese servlce levels sLA 52p54 e€ovthatareprovidedallassociatedthewithwille-Gov City upgradesprovlde theastoapplicabletheSoftwareapplicationstoreleasessupportedstandardandsupplementalthetodescribeprocesswillPlanSupporttheofServices,Hosted Operations[e-GovaspartCitV,stAexceeddoesnotstandardandreleaseloftoduesupplementaldowntimeapplicationen9ure 5 stA 92p5 e-Gov sta 1. 2. 3. 4. the means whichl e'Gov Provides the Center, Services.Recoveryndard scheduleretentiononaredatabasesupbackedweeklydailyProduction scheduler€tentionawithmonthmonthlyisbackedpertwicewebProductlonsen e up AmeriVault RestartlTIandfacilitatedarethroughrecoveryBackups whichDataTIERourwithVenyu,inprovided conjunctionDisasterRecovery to ourofeventCenter [fhe Ope.ations SuPPort Plan 5 sLA Szps e€ov the City of Seattle data wlth the following the city's guldelines on: 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 5. 7. 8. Security Planning. Appllcation and database security Security of data on th€ system and end-uset authority Automated securitY monitoring Access Control Lists for all computing systems Security problem determlnation and resolution same level of se€urity as and review assoclated city at or abovemanaSes Securlty audits and revlew of audlt logs srA g2p57 eGov 5l.A 93p7{ to meet or exceed the Sewice Levele-Gov use all Standards [n SIATable 4] ' e-Govhours24aantodesignatedsupportacceSsemergencywille-Gov tn the Planl.hewill Operatlons SupportdocumentedinfocontactSunday,throuSh lTheMondayIStA 03p9 Cities the cit!/s dedicated LAN and or the Operations SuPPort Planl. monltotingtheformaintenanc€,support,lsTPcityMCSL lnbetodocumentedandcontactskey[TheseWAN.ploc$ses10stA 54p9, 96p10 CitiesconcernsandreportmonitorsystemcityMCBLTPEach Admlnistlator3'lTheidentifiedandSystemaapprovedpreviouslyapproprlatethrouththeinbewilldocum€nted Operationscontactofcommunicationandmethodspointsmonitoring 11 SIA 96p9 cos & e-Gov whoAdmlnistratorsofSystemnumberthedet€rminee-Govand shall jointlyAtency 3erutces,e-Gove-Govwith managetointeracteffectivelywillSLA 06p10t2 co5provide all necessarY system Customer Reglstration Form (See SLA Appendix lll Agency via acontact information toThe City 13 SLA $6p10 cos of effectivetheasslsttoresourcesnecessaryshallCity with theassistance schedulingle'e.servicestheapplicationofadministrationandmaintenancet4SlJq 06p10 e-Gov stA 56p10 LAN.wlthin how€ver, to I.ANproblemsperformanceisolateperceivedwillitsate-Gov,defectscorrecttobea15noe-Gov responsibilitydatathetor€levant city;and provlde15 Cities which the Tax Portal interfaces. support,and monitoring of th€ soR withEach city is responsible for SLA 55p1015 CitiesManaBer approval for MCBLTP MCBTTP thetomustinterfacestosystemlsoRlAny obtaininformtoandcitiesMCBLTPfore-Gov.to participatangTheandprocedures Guide.thebewill Operationtndefinedinterfacechanges oflorcorrecttorsbeano t7 stA 96p10 Cities & e-Gov procedures for MCBLTP participating cities to inform related information will be defined communicatinSanychangestotaxrelatedsUbjectmattertotheMCBLTPProjectManager and to e-Gor, Ho$, the McBLTP lT Project Manager and e.Gov will work with the McBLTP panicipating citles to ensure information is updated in a tim€ly manner if the work involves e-Gov making the change. ilt will note thatl e.Gov bears no responsibllity for incorrect or out-of- [At a date tax ... in the MCBLTP OperationItemsbe and obtain approval for updates to tax 1. 2. 3. stA 55p1018 Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 31 ls wholly resPonslble for accurateup-to-date4,note thatl e-Gov for eGov sow4.2.11 [The Operations SuPport breach event, covering a securitymanaSementinclude 19 eGovthee-Gov,cities,criterlaandthewillPlanSupportoperatlons theofforto systemdaydayoperatlonsaSsumeFileLocalandresponsibilitytolsow 4.2.1120 RAC|Role Entitv Name Title eMail Addresses cEo eGov Ezra Hodge Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ezra@ e-G ovsystems.com P5 eGov Rick Mekdessie President of Products (PP) rick@ e-Govsystems'com PS eGov Ralph Melian President of Services (PS) rmelia n @e-govsystems.com BA eGov Wendy Ogden Bremer Director of Business Affairs & HR (BA) wogden @e-Govsystems.co m VPS eGov Troy Bourgeois Vice President of Services {VPS} tbourgeois@e- Gov$/stems.com SIRT eGov Laura Thomas Vice President of Sales (VPS) Ithomas@e-Govsystems.co m Agency File[ocal Jamie Carnell FileLocal Administrator Jamle,Carnell@seattle.sov Appenorx c - lr,rctpe ncE REsPoNsE TEAM COrurnCr lnronrulrtoru Appsr,totx D - luctosHT REVIEw Repont TrnnpmtE Were controls applicable to the specific incident working properly? What conditions allowed the incident to occur? could more education of users or administrators have prevented the incident? Were all of the people necessary to respond to the incident familiar with the incident response plan? were any actions that required management approval clear to participants throughout the incident? Preparation 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. ldentlff cation/Detection l.Howsoonaftertheincidentstarteddidtheorganizationdetectit? Z, Could different or better logging have enabled the organization to detect the incident sooner? 3.Doestheorganizationevenknowexactlywhentheincidentstarted? 4'Howsmoothwastheprocessofinvokingtheincidentresponseplan? 5'Wereappropriateindividualsoutsideoftheincidentresponseteamnotified? 6, How well did the organization follow the plan? Operations Support & Maintenance Plan Page32 T.Weretheappropriatepeopleavailablewhentheresponseteamwascalled? 8. Should there have been communication to inside and outside parties at this time; and if so, was it done? 9. Did all communication flow from the appropriate source? Contalnment 1. 2. 3. How well was the incident contained? Did the available staff have sufficient skills to do an effective job of containment? lf there were decisions on whether to disrupt service to internal or external customers, were they made by the appropriate PeoPle? Are there changes that could be made to the environment that would have made containment easier or faster? Did technical staff document all of their activities? 4. 5. Removal and RecoverY 1, Was the recovery complete - was any data permanently lost? 2. lf the recovery involved multiple seryers, users, network, etc., how were decisions made on the relative priorities, and did the decision process follow the incident response plan? 3. Were the technical processes used during these phases smooth? 4,Wasstaffavailablewiththenecessarybackgroundandskills? Operations SuPPort & Maintenance Plan Page 33 APPENDIX E - CUSTOMER REGISTRATION FORM Customer Registration Form Tax Authorlty Contac{ lnfiormttlon Authority Name Agency Key Contact Phone 2Phone 1 Fax Address zipStateCity Authority Email Website Originator lD Uscr Contrctlnhrmdon fl Standard Administrator User il Download Return Batches OnlY I Research OnlY fl Payment OnlY Downloads Choose Type of Account Last Name:First Name: Fax:Phone: Email: Agency: Complete the below for Standard Administrator User only Mailing Address: City: State 0perations Support & Maintenance Plan Page 34 zip Country Operations SuPPort & Maint€nance Plan Page 35 FileLocol I Help Desk & Gustomer support lmplementation Plan Name of Application: FileLocal Date ilodifled: June 20{5 Ilocument Venrlon: 1.5.7 DOCUMENT CONTROL DOCUMENT INFORMATION Document lD Document Owner File Name DOCUMENT HISTORY Shawn Waliser HelpDeCk Support Plan V.1.5.6'docx 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5.1 1.5.2 5119114 5n1n4 5n6,114 6F,t14 ffit2015 1t14t2015 Addlffonal contsnt inc. documont apprwera Mditionsl contont hcotporatlng Jamie's commenF fton 4H14 Added requlremente Added kubra suppon hfo frcm 5/28 KO mtg dinput B & George Generd Edits Re-wote:r Purpoge of This DocutrPnt r eGw Syotems'helpdesk PIan r Tidcet Generatlon Romoved:r Seruices Provid€d by 6cov S!,stsms' helpdesk r Escalation Wlhin eGov SYateme . Escalation to Fllelocal and/orClties r Secudty- Gustomer Pdvate lnfometion (CPl) r Security-City/FlleLocalStafiAccess Addsd:r lssus Management Pmcess r The Trouble Shoo0ng Gulde (TSG) r Process Dlagram r Prucess Dlsgrem Codo KsY r Escaladon Ptotocols r Secr.rrity Policiss and Proc€dul€o . Updated:r Pmcesges Diagram r Escalation Prctocols r Contac't lnbrmationr Seo.rrity Pollcles and Prccedurcs Ct€ated:r TSG Pmce88 Dlagram Removed:. Eecalatlon to Fllelocal and/or Cities r Staftng Levels Changed: cPl Changed rcmoving Shawn Waliser Strawn wittser Shawn Waliser ShawnWalisor Tim Manley Tlm Manley Tlm Manley Tim ManleY 2lP age 5g2a11t1 a to Pll ilsrarctrlcal strucfurc, narmwed focus of doctmont by seclion on what the Client CiUes do Document lnformation 1t15t20',15 Rsmoved: @8,:,c"gY I CoordinaUon Betr*een eGw Systems, Filelocal And Parlidpating Cltles (enff m section) 1.5.3 1nspo1s ail2015 2n2015 1.5.4 uxt2al6 r..FQpo!{ng Re.Woblr Holldaye &pr{tls -Rslnetrnddocurpnt Added:. ,Esralatlqn froP qJFn! qiJY Genor{l Edlts nemdwd:r lntroducton Re-Wlote:r Purpose of this Documsnt . Teehnology Stendards r Prccess Dlagnm Code KaY r The Trcuble Shooting Gulde (TSG) . Ticket Mansgemsntr Escalation Potoools r The Protocols. Covelager Holidayt R€-wrob:. Purposeofthisdocwnentr Termindogystandardg. Houc dopenalbnr tlolldayso The trouH€shociling gulde . Escalstion Pftfocolc. Ttlg ptotocols r Escalating to clientolV o Escalatbnfiom a clbntcl$ r Secr.rdty Policies atd Pllcedulss. Prccqs for hondling' stodng, and shadng pii r Roporting Added:r lncomlng lssueo r lsar managementr The lssu€tr Roles and rssponsiblli$as r Sevedty leveb r Sla atandads Psr bsue r Sla tnad< - response limo . Addnsclrgqualltyconc€mse Appendlxone Removed:r OveMeur 1.5.5 1.5.6 3/ll0/2015 5n812015 dtir26ti 1.6.7 6t1312015 Tim ManleY Tlm Manley Tlm ManleY Tim Manley Tlm Manl€y Tlm Manley nm Miritei Tlm Manley 3lPage e.Gov Systems@ APPROVALS & ACCEPTANCE we, the undersigned process owners, have reviewed and acceptthis document. we recommend the approval of its contents- Project Shawn Wallser Manag€r esov'CfO iGov Sptems VP ovir- helpdesk Pld member Seattle Ptc;rember eeiietue Fic memtei-Tacoma Frc membei Everett Hodge Troy Bourgeols I i I NanroRola Approvod Dala 4lPage @g,:P"gY Contents Purpose of this Document... ---.."' Defi nition of Terms..... Helpdesk Contact lnformation..... Filelocal Helpdesk Contact lnformation """""8 City Support Desk Contact lnformation'......-..-""" """"""""8 lncoming Helpdesk Cases .--.. Coverage Houts of OPeration 10 6 6 I Holidays Helpdesk Case Management'.. Helpdesk Case Categories'.. Plr 10 10 12 13 13 14 16 16 16 18 19 24 25 Severity Levels SLA Standards per helpdesk case '.........- SLA Track - Response Time ....--..'. Roles and Responsibilities "--....' The Troubleshooting Guide... Escalation Protocols.... The Protocols........................ 1 I Escalation from a Client City.......21 ..22Security Policies and Procedures ........... 23Reporting Addressing Quality Concems .. Support Process Diagram """"""25 Support Process Diagram Code Key """"'26 5lPage @ft,n"sx Punposr oF THls Docuruerur The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the customer service support processes for the FileLocal system. To this end it will describe the function of the eGov helpdesk' This document will also cover the responsibility of the city support desks and how they interface with the eGov helpdesk in their support of the Filelocal system. This plan will cover the key elements necessary for the function of a helpdesk and trace the support path through the sYstem: 1. lncoming Helpdesk Cases a. Coverage b. Contact Methods 2. Helpdesk Case Management 3. Ticket Management 4. Troubleshooting Guide 5. Escalation Protocols 6. Security Policies and Procedures 7. Reporting This document addresses the customer support of the Filelocat system for business users and city administrators. For information about support operations of the system, please refer to the Operations SuPPort Plan. DeTIHITION OF TERMS This document will use different terms in reference to the municipalities that are the taxing authorities and the individuals that are attempting to use the system to register their businesses and/or paytaxes. Helpdesk is in reference to the eGov helpdesk. lt is the body that business users and city administrators can call for support of the Filelocal system' Business User refers to the business owner ortheir agent that is utilizing the FileLocal system to file/pay taxes or register a business' Glient Gity refers to the cities participating in the FileLocalservice' Helpdesk Gase refers to requests for help sent to the helpdesk by Business Users, Client Cities, or the FileLocal AgencY' Filelocal Agency is the program managsment team that's supports the FileLocal servers from the city side. Helpdeek staff are the people that operate the helpdesk. They respond to incoming helpdesk cases. 6lPage @ilP"*Y subiect Matter Expert (sME) is a senior helpdesk staff and is refened to as a sME. call center Manager (ccM) is the supervisor that manages the helpdesk and the helpdesk staff' cllent Relations Manager (cRM) is the person who is responsible for engaging and reporting to eGov clients and customers. They will be responsible for submitting the MBRs. Monthly Business Report (MBR) is the report that is generated monthly to report on the state of FileLocal support through the use of metrics and statistics' Escatatlon is transferring the helpdesk case to the correct team/agenry in order to resolve the helpdesk case. TlPage @s,"P"*l H elporsr GoNTAcr lrroRumolt The Cities and business users may contact the eGov helpdesk by phone' e-mail' or via web forms to report concerns and/or to request help. The helpdesk is staffed by a team experienced in supporting all eGov products. They will respond courteously and professionally and will work with each caller to determine the product and taxing authority the caller needs help with' FneLocnl HrlpoEsr Corurncr IruroRrtlertoN o Direct Line: 225-215-0052 . Toll Free Number: 1-877-693'4435 o Email: filelocal(@e-oovsvstems.cof! ' Department of Finance and Administrative Services Ctrv SuppoRT DESK CorurRcr lNronuRrlor't City of Seattle P.O. Box342l4 691600275 t206) 584-8484 tax@seattle.gov http ://www.seattle'Sovfas/ Seattle wA 98124 Tax & license Dlvision 733 Market St Room 21 Tacoma WA 98402 For dlrect debit lts 1916001283 253-s9t-5252 2s3-591-s512 For license questions, licenseinfo@cityoftacoma'org www.cityoft a coma.org/bus in essl icense Tax Divislon City of Bellevue Lockbox, P.O' Box !4372, Seattle, WA 98124-1372 425-452-683L 425-452-6t98 SlPage @s,,P-gY Z980-Wetmore, Ssltc 1:A, EvctcttrWA 98901 busl nesstax@evcrettwt{oy 9lPage @9,:?,gY lNcoMtNG HrtPoesx Cases The most common incoming helPdesk cases will be the business usertrying to contact eitherthe client city's support desk or the helpdesk for assistance. These can involve questions regarding the use and operations of the FileLocal site to filing, licensing, or tax questions. This document highlights incoming helpdesk case to the system via the initial contact methods that will be displayed on the Filelocal site. lt will cover coverage times and an overviewof the process. CoveRneE @, lncoming Helpdesk Case Helpdesk case €scalated if needed Houns oF OPERATIoN The helpdesk is staffed at a level expected to support pojected call loads. support hours are from 7:00 AM to 5:00 pM pacific Time (g:00 AM to 7:00 PM Central Time), Monday through Friday. lf a support calt comes into the helpdesk outside of these support hours, they will have the option to leave a voicemail' Email and web form communication are only responded to within support hours' Normal support processes dictate that all incoming helpdesk cases are handled in the order in which they are received. During normal business hours voicemail is regularly checked to ensure that all messages are responded to' Hor-roRvs The eGov office and the helpdesk will be closed for the below list of holidays: NewYea/sDayMemorialDayThanksgivingDayChristmasDay Mardi Gr,s Day lndependence Day Day After Thanksgiving New Yea/s Eve Good Friday Labor Day Christmas Eve lf a support request call comes into the helpdesk on a holiday, they will have the option to leave a voicemail. once the staff is on site, voicemails are handled in the order in which they were received, per normal support process€s. Email and web form communication sent on holidays will be responded to once regulaiworking hourc are resumed. Once the staff is on site, email and l0lPage @g;?.RY web form @mmunication, are handled in the order in which they were received, per normal support processes. The two holidays, Mardis Gras day and Good Friday, are Ramware company holidays' However' those two days are not Washington State holidays. ln order to support FileLocal the helpdesk will be staffed on those two daYs. 11 lPage @9,:?"*Y Helpoesx Case MaTaGEMENT Every helpdesk case that is presented to the helpdesk willfollow a managed process for support' This is outlined in the diagram below. All helpdesk cases, regardless of origin point and cause' fit within this process. These helpdesk cases are broadly categorized into the following groups' Request for Change (RFC) Functional helPdesk case (Fl) Management Support helpdesk case (MSl) Request for lnformation (RFl) The action and management of each of these helpdesk cases are guided by the below support Process Diagram- Systems helPdesk case (Sl) Tax/License/Filing helpdesk case (Tl) User helpdesk case (Ul) 12lP age -*;r-F'Frr dlw e.,,P,RY Helpogsr GnsE CnreeontEs The helpdesk cases are broken into broad categories to help with directing support and selecting the appropriate suPPort Process. oruseraebstumgthatc,aso8n tax form.a newforalnaludecanThlerequostfuncuon9.algotothehowchangecity FileLocalthetowithRelationengagethetoCllentManag6rCas6sescalatedar€HelpdeskSuch lnto Request for ChangeRFC Request for helP regarding how the sits operat€s (not performance based)' FI The incoming holpdesk case comes from a clisnt help in rcgards to a func{lon FileLocal service as cltv or the Filslocal agency and is a request for utilized by the cllent city or Fil€Loc8l agency'Support HelpdeskMSt Requestthatrequiroseducation/informationonhowthetool/sitefunctions.RFI Regarding the performance of the site'SI Tax, licsnse, flling, or Filelocal paym€nt question'Tax Helpdesk CaseTI siteFileLocal seillc€-orthewithCasssoperatingbuginq*s u89r HelpdeskhavingRegadlngulUser Helpdesk Case Trcrer Mnruleruerur Each eGov helpdesk team member will record every incoming.helpdesk case.into.the ticketing system. The following il;il"l;n1s required when Lntering a nelpOesk case into the ticketing system: . Date call received - will be auto-populated with system date. .Timecallreceived_willbeauto.populatedwithsystemtime. . The Product. Helpdesk Case Category . The user account information Caller name and caller contract information, including e-mail address and phone number if available' . ProducUtool/system/componentname' UseraccounUname . Detailed description of problem or helpdesk case, including actions being attempted, enor mossages, etc.. All detail that can be gathered from the user to fully describe what the helpdesk case is' . lf a Trouble shootingbuide (TSG) exists for this helpdesk case that TSG is copied and pasted into the diary of the ticket. lf one does not exist then that is indicated in the ticket diary.. Allwork items performed to resolve the ticket' . Any emaits or phone conversation summaries as part of the helpdesk case are copied into the ticket diary. 13lPage @9,,8*r Pil customer information, known as personally ldentifiable lnformation (Pll), is critical data that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity. Pll includes their Social security Number, Date and place of Birth, Mothe/s Maiden Name and/or Biometric Records. lt is also any other infonnation that is linked or linkable to an individual such as their Medical lnformation, Education lnformation and Financial lnformation. only authorized users and administrators of the FileLocalsystem willhave access to Pll data' Due to the nature of their work, the Help Desk Staff, the Subject Matter Expert, Operations Support Engineer, Operations Support Manager, and the Call Center Manager are authorized users and administrators of the FileLocalsystem' All authorized users of the system that have access to Pll must first undergo training that teaches them the best practices for handling, storing, and sharing Pll. They will learn the different types of Pll; guidelines for identiffing, collecting, and using Pll; and the fundamental actions to trake in the event of a Pll breach. when someone calls the helpdesk to enquire about an account there are a series of questions that they must answer before any detail is given out to the caller. This is the process the helpdesk staff follows to ensure that the caller either is the business owner or is authorized to work the account on behalf of the business owner' SeventrY LEvels severity levels are indicators of the impact of a support helpdesk case. These levels apply to both operational support issues that end up escalated to the operations support Team as well as business user issues managed by the helpdesk' The helpdesk team member, including the sME or the call center Manager, will be expected to respond to helpdesk cases according to the order in which they are received, status' and the assigned severity level. Team members may change the severity level as needed while adhering to the below guidelines. critical requests will be given top severity level 1 &2tor immediate support. Other requests will be addressed according to the assigned priority and the age of the helpdesk case. System-related incidents may cause business users to call for assistance. Additionally, any City may report an unplanned ouiage to the eGov Systems Helpdesk- The following system-related severity levels were pre-defined in the sLA. When reporting a system-related incident, the "incidenf' classification should be used. 14 lPage @gr',P"?.'Y Total system Fallure - occur$ when the system ie not functloning and there ls no workaround; such ae a Genhal server is down or when the workflow of an entire agency is notfunctionlng. critical Failure - critical process failure occurs when a crucial element in the Systemorakeyservjceisnotfunctioningcorrectlymakingthesystemnot uiaute for its intended purpose and there is usually no suitable work-around. Note that this may not be applicable to intermiftent problems' Non-Cdtical Failure - Non-Critical part or component failurc oocurs when a system oomponent ie not funcdioning, but the system is still useable for lts intended purpose, orthare ig a reasoneble workaround' lnconvenience - An inconvenience occurs when System causes a minor disruption in the way tasks are performed but does not stop workflow. while the business users, the city or Filelocal may contact the helpdesk for a number of reasons all helpdesk cases will fall into the broad categories indicated above and repeated below' Not all severiiy levels apply to every category. For example, a business user that is having a connection problem that is not related to site functionality is not a Sev-1 helpdesk case' The below chart illustrates helpdesk case categories and the severity levels that a helpdesk case within that category is able to reach. This is a guideline for incoming helpdesk cases' There may be specific circumstances that would support a helpdesk case having a severity level outside of the below scope. However, assessing a severity level outside of the below scope requires the Call Center Manager's aPProval. Sev-4 Sev-4 Sev-3, Sev-4 Sev-1, Sev-2, Sev-3, Sev-4 Sev4 Sev-3, Sev-4 15 | P a g e e.Gov Syslems Severity Level4 Severity Level3 Severity Level2 Severity Level I Descriptlon Helpdesk Case Severity Level Helpdesk Gase Category Request for lnformatlon Systems Helpdesk Case User Helpdesk Case Tax Helpdesk Case Management SuPPort Case Severity Levels Request for Change e SLA STNNDARDS PER HELPDESK CASE The below resolution requirements are from the sLA in regards to incidents and problems regarding operations support. These are being used as a guideline for helpdesk case management and resolution time. This table has been edited accordingly and is not an exact copy from the SLA. S6vqrlw:l6vel I helpdesk cese Resolved Severlty Level 2 helpdesk case Resolved Sevqrlty tsvsl 3 helpderl erse Rerolved ScvFrlty L€vel 4 helpdeshcale Resolved tlelpdesk 98ll w.it tlme Helpdesk call busY signal Snppottcall sev€rltl L€v€l t and t3vdl 2 callback ttme As lait,ts potslble but no l6tor recolved wlthln.24 hours As fast as possible but no |tte. than 1fl)% resolved wlthln 35 hou6 8096 rosolvdd wlthln 5 workln8 dsfs, 100% resolved wlthin 10 working days. 8096 rsEplwd $tlthln 20 worklng days, 100% resolved wlthln 45 working days. ' At le8$t 9996 of Helpdssk calls are answered in 2 ' rnlnot€s trom the wsll tlmo ln the qucue or lo33 ' dutlng normal burlnex hours lr'crll plck'up syst*m may.be employed lo mest thlt rqqulrem€nt durin8 hlgh cell,volumes) Less thsn 196 of calls get a busy slgnal ' Vendor musl rupgnd bach td Glty ln 30 mlnutdt ol less from the tlme the'GltY made'ths ull Servlce Helpdesk standardMelrlcMeasure Support calls for Severlty Level I and Level 2 Call Center Staft Response Tlme TRncr - ResPoNsE TIME Per the sLA, all calls to the eGov helpdesk are to be answered within a two minute wait time by either helpdesk staff or a call pickup system for 99o/o of calls during normal business hours' The eGov helpdesk will track call statistics monitoring sLA compliance and will report on same during the monthly report cycle. Roles AND REsPoNslBlLlrlEs The business users may contact either the eGov helpdesk or one of the city support desks' Each party of the support process has a role to play in regards to support of FileLocal' The below RACI matrix highlights these areas and what responsibility each party holds. The RACI model is a skaightforward tool used for identifying roles and responsibilities and av;iding confusion over th-ose roles and responsibilities. The acronym 511qCI stands for: 16 lPage @il,n-RY a a a Responsible: The position that does the work to achieve the task' They have ;;6;ribility for geiting the work done or decision made. More than one team or person can be responsible. Accountable: The position that is accountable for the conect and thorough completion of the task. More than one person or position can be accountable. Con"utt"O= fne posiiion if[i pt*iO"s information for the task and with whom there is two-way communicatiln. fnid can take the form of email or a telephone call if the need warrants. . ,. --- i ini"iln"Ot The positions that are kept informed about progress and with whom there is one-way communication. RR AI ffiffie. R AI ffiffiffi$ffi; R c ffiufi,ffiftt{h.€ffii R AI 1. Noteveryfilingholpdeskcase will need this cooPeration-it does the cas€wlll be escalated to the CRM and then 2. the Filelocal Agency will be engaged. The Filelocal Program Manager is informed via ths monthly reports' lTlPage Escalate business users to appropriate support team Respond to incoming issues from business users e: Request for Change (RFC) Support lssue: Systems HelPdesk Case (Sl) Support lssue: Business User Helpdelk_Case {UI {RFr} irppott (r!_Support lssue: Functional HelPdesk Case (Fl) Helpdesk Case {MSl) lssue: Tax/License/Filing Helpdesk Case Support lssue: Management SuPPort Support lssu Support lssue: Request for lnforrnation d o, bo(! trllt Er! ooo 4 t!tog t! tv.v=c.qns EE EE &A-Ltg*fl I Ef>? € s,?Lr-gE iI @8.P.?'Y Txe TnouaLEsHoorlNG GutoE One TSG per helPdesk case will is researched in the TSG library copied into the ticket diary. The lf a TSG does not exist the helpdesk staff involves the SME (or CCM if necessary) in resolving the helPdesk case. Notes on helpdesk case resolution are taken and a new TSG is wriften forthat helPdesk case. The TSG process is a suF segment of the Process Diagram. lt has been called out independentlY. The ,,Troubleshooting Guide", or TSG, is a support document intemal to eGov support prooesses These guides are used by the eGov helpdesk to support all eGov customers. Filelocal support helpdesk cases will each have their own TSGs' The TSG is critical to helpdesk case management. lt is the cook-bookdefining the step by step methods to resolve each helpdesk case. TSG's are dynamic documents updated as new information is discovered, or as methodologies are improved' be created. when a helpdesk case is opened the reported issue andwhentheappropriateTSGisfoundthetextofthatTSGis steps in the T$G are followed to resolve the helpdesk case' There are two steps for approval and submittal. The first is the sME. This step is the only appruval step required to make edits. The second approval step is for the CCM' This step is when a brand new TSG is being created. lSlPage @il?'l.Y Escalertoru Pnotocot-s There are numerous reasons and a number of avenues for escalation of individual helpdesk , cases. Each escalation iategory will have its own guiding protocol or process.to follow based on the type and metnod oi eicaflation. The need tiescaladion will be dictated by process and TSG. There are only five categories of escalation' The escalation categories are: r Escalate to the eGov HelPdesk . Escalate to the CitY SuPPort Desk e Escalate to the FileLocalAgencY o Escalate to Subiect Matter Expert r Escalate to the Call Genter Manager r Escalate to the Customer Relations Manager r Escalate to OPerations SuPPort Each escalation avenue (as indicated above) willfollow an Escalation Protocol. When a [apo"ri ""i" reacnes a point where_an.escalation is necessary (per TSG 9l taite! pe process), tne appropiiate'Escalation Protocol is referenced and cdpied into the ticket diary, and then executed Per instructions- 19lPage TnE Fnorocols All escalations beyond the subject Mafter Expert and call. cerrter Manager are reviewed' This review could result lnine upoaiing of an *ir'frng TSG orthe Escalation Protocol, the creation of r n"* TSG, or tt're moOinca:tion oian existing piocgss. Any modification to existing prooesses "no pto""oli"" or ttre Escalation Protocol w]li ue done with the involvement of the Customer Relations Manager, tne VG F "sident of Services, and any other internal eGov stakeholder deemed necessary bY either PartY. For escalations to the sME or the Gall center Manager, ticket_ownership is transferred to them from the Call Center !t*f. Wn." escalating to the Customer Relations Manager the ticket is assigned and held by the Call Genter Manager' For escalations to the Client City, the SME holds onto the ticket, closing it as escalation per protocot once the Escalation Protocol is followed successfully. Method of Escalation fscalate to the City Support Deili- Protocol @ilP"RY wlll,bo doseg ss lEscalabd speclfic clhnt,clv' to <authodtfr' wher€ <auhoity'' ls tho When a business user calls one of th€ pa.ticipatlng client cites wlth a question that is about Filelocal lh€ h€lpd€8k casg must be oscalated to the eGov helpdesk. The citY support desk will lnform lhs buslness ussr that they are going to fonrvard ttpm to the helpdesk. The city informetlon wlth thesupport desk will business user in sher€ th€ appmpriate contacrt case th€y b@ms dlsconnsct€d.Then theY wlll th6n fonflErd ths call to the apptopdate number hclpdesk.SubJoot dudng be:oBpqlaFd. oa8e ls or trainlng ofcall o€nter it sffi. When a helpdesk case has to be escalated to the Call Center M"nag"t iltb il"ket is r€assigned to the CCM- The SME and CCM are verbally notlffed of thc escalallon. When,an hslpdelk.aosc hel,tt bo oacrlqted to the CRM th€'{c'(€l il.loasiffi;db th; CcM: the ccin and cRM are veloallv nollfied of ri"-a-caiiuon. The OOM lracks thc hel$csk Gaso qnd hotds onto tre incfiet oloeing it wtpn tho helpdeak cere ls resolved' vVhen a helpdeek case has b be escalsted to Operatlons Support an Ops Sudport tick6t l$ cteatod in the Ops SgPpottsystem ana il; sbpoii ncket ls closed as 'escalated to opsrattons Supporf EscRurtruc ro CLIENT ClrY When a business user calls with a question about their taxes, licensing, or payments the helpdesk case must be escalated to the appropriate municipality per the Escalation Protocol' The eGov helpdesk will explain to the caller that their helpdesk mse must be handled by the client city and that they will be fonryarded to the appropriate service desk. The helpdesk will share the client city's service desk contact information in case they become disconnected during the forwarding process. The helpdesk then forwards the callto the appropriate number. This willbe recorded in the ticket and the ticket will be closed as "Escalated to <authority>" where <authority> is the specific client citY. 20 lPage E.GOV System$ Escalate to the Call Center Escalale to the Gustomer Escalata to OPerations Relations Manager Matter Expertto Desk toEscalatethe Gity eGov Helpdesk. tss ii a*alaled Pet EPowr4na16 eslati$ lnd €tutG lo ccs ro lhe SME Tu. LceM. Paymil? @ EscRt-RttoN FRoM n CltErur Clrv When a business user calls one of the participating cities with a question that is about FileLocal the helpdesk case must be escalated to the eGov helpdesk. The ci$ support desk will inform the business user that they are going to forward them to the helpdesk. The city support desk will share the appropriate contact information and then forward the call. The city support desk is to instruct the customers to contact the eGov helpdesk via one of the fol6wing methods: Dlrect Llne; 225-215-0052, Toll Free Number: 1'877'693'4435, Email: fi lelopal@e-govsystems.com' 21lP age @ilP.gY Secunnv Poltctes nxo PnoceDuRES All appropdate security protocols outlined in the below documents will be followed' From the Offices of the Washington State CIO: htbs://ocio.wa.oorr/ptticiesi|141-securino.information-technoloov.assets From the City of Seattle: The PDF: City of Seattle Security Requircments 'tSSP-Web Also see the docume nt: opentions support PIan vI-\.Ofor specifics in managing security issues and data breaches. 22lP age @s,:9,?,'Y Reponrtne In support of SLA Section 3, Service Level Standards, and the requirement"The Vendor shall use all commerciatly reasonabte efforts to meet or exceed the foltowing seruice Level standads and submit a monthty performance metics helpdeskcases rcpoft to the MCBLTP Prognm Managef' the eGov helpdesk will generate monthly reports' The eGov helpdesk will generate a Monthly Business Report (MBR) to be prepared by eGov systems, helpdesk. This report will focus on the Filelocal specific help tickets created during the pievious month. The MBR will be sent to the Filelocal Agency, specifically the Filelocal Program Manager. The eGov helpdesk supports a large number of clients and municipalities. The Filelocal MBR will be focused speciflcally on FileLocal tickets and will not share general support data that would include support of other clients. The MBRwillrePorton: . The number of Filelocal helpdesk cases in the month' r Number of helpdesk cases per severity, category and input method' o Callresponse time r Resolution time Per helPdesk. o Average Time to Close (TT-C) per month' o Number of escalations to cities in the month' Any additional reports on data-points not in the above list are outrside of scope of this plan and the MBR and can be addressed with the CRM' 23 lPage @s,:,G,gY AooResslNe QualtrY CoruceRrus ln the spidt of providing excellent customer service and continuous improvement' eGov's helpdesk team willfoilJw a cyclic process for improving function and performance' The team will follow a regular oPerations review, lessonsleamed, retrospective review that will be performed once a quarter. This willbe Provided via an internal feedback looP that will take into account Performance measurements, SLA adherence reports (metrics), and CitY/user feedback. All escalations outside of the helPdesk will be reviewed and Problem helPdesk cases along with ,or" r."ndom helpdesk cases will be selected forticket review. The action items that come out of these reviews will be integrated into changes to improve helpdesk efficiencies- 24lP age \ t I @+- eP,:gl.Y Apperuorx Orue Supponr Pnocess DtRennu 25lPage @il9.RY SuppoRr PRocess DlnoRRtvt Cooe KEv Below is the description of the codes used in the process diagram above. Codc DorcrlPllon lloleg contlnuants.cc Cllent City asas collection and p€rson ccM Call Centor Manager Customsts.andUserandthoHelpdesksupportsstef that operatesHelpdeskccsCall Center Staff Th6 Customer has submitted a desire to change how the sits/bol functions. RFC Request for Change to the the MBR. anymanager CRM StatrthebetoHelpdeskfollowedbyescalationprocessesTheoutllningprotocolEscalation PlobcolEPO casewllh beon CustomerFIcase manage the 6nd prccssses hecaSea tool.MSI helpdesk case site functions. oncas6a RFt lnlormatlon An helpdesk case with ttre performance of the site has boen roported' q|sesr and support pRroess€8sfproduc'lsmostknowledgablYandstaffSeniorHelpdeskSubject Mattsr Exp€rtSME llcense or and will be esc€lated to the byBomethingquesfion,e Tax hslpdesk caseTI hsve its o$rn TSG oaSgca80.on ahThe GuideTSG The User ls having helpdesk cases using the system'User helpdesk caseUI 26 lPage @gr:rt"qY FileLocol I subject: F[eLocnl PnosLEi, MRrueoeuErur Pnocess suutunnv '1 . Scope 2. Ovsrvisw 3. Goals & ObJectivee 4. Benefits 5. Definitions 6. Koy Activities 7. Rolss & Rsspon8iblllties 8. Procese Flow 9. Proces3 Artlfacls 1. ScoPE ln Scope r Activlties required to dlagnose the root causs of lncidents . Dete,minalion of t€solutions to problem8 related to the FileLocal product . Escalatlon of proposed problEm rosolutions to change Managomont Out of Scope r Participating clty technology and equipment r Vendor technology 8nd €quipm€nt 2.OvERvtEw Probl.m t.nlgomort is lho procoss by which problems ldontifiod within to tho Filslocal syst€maregovernadandmanaged.Oncegecalated,problem3areanalyzodfolrool.cause' possible woik-a rounde and flxes are id€ntiflod and an impact analysls of ths proposed aolution i3 devslopod. The Operating Committee (OC) reviewe the propoead lixEs and approvad flxss are then submltfed through Ghange Managoment lor lmplsmontation' All problems related to the FileLocal product musl be governed by Problem Managoment' The Fllelocal Agoncy dirocts and manages the Problem Managomsnt process' working wlth atakeholdeis, participants and vendore to analyze, assess and resolvo identilied problems. Topics Summary of Processes 3. GOAIS & OBJECTIVES OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT . ldentlfy the root cause of one or more incldents that have been identlfled as a potentlal problem . lniti?te actlons to resolve problems . prevent future problems and resulting incldents from happening r €llminate recurrlng incidents . Mlnimize the imPact of incldents 4. BENEFITS Provldes informatlon regarding better first-time fixes to the Helpdesk Reduces the cost of workarounds or fixes that do not work Reduction ln the costs for contlnuing to troubleshoot repeat lncidents a a a 5. DEFINITIONS r Problem - the known cause ofone or more incldents r problem MinaSement - the process responslble for managlng the llfecycle of problems' 6. KEYAcrtvlrlEs 1.0 probl6m Detectlon - tdentlfy problems from the followinS activltles: (1) lncldent matchlng; (21 lrrenaanalvd*Fld!{94-c!!!i-c!:!qvl9gp19-pjem*a-1-e4s-11F-e-1 partlclpants. 2,0 problem Lolglng - record all relevant information related to the probhm in a centrallzed locatlon $racklng ipr€adshe€Uln9lgdg a un!,qge 19Je-r9lqe-!Lqqlgr-U!h the-{4e/t[}€ l!-w-ls recorded. Related lnclden15, user detalls, servlce details, a descriptlon of the incldent svmptoms and details of the diagnostic or attemPts at recovery actlon taken can be lncluded in the problem tracking log. 3.0 problcm categoilzrtlon - problems should be cateSorized to allow for management reportinS anddeclslonmaklng,Problemscanfollowasimllarcategorlzationmodelasincldents. 4.0 Prlorlthatlon - problems should be prior{tlzed using the same assessment criteria for Impact and urSency that are used for incidents. Prloritizlng problems provldes the order in whlch problems wlll be worked. 5,0 lnusrtlgatlon and DlaSnollr - properlv investlgate, dlagnose, test and verify the root cause of theproblem,therelevantsystemcomponentsandanyrelatedissues.ProblemanalYsls, diagnosis and r€solutlon technlques should be used to facllltate findln8 the most cost effectlve methods for resolvlng Problems. Ydrd. dcp lff lil.lb6lD$ lldndnt .d l.x tlllm bcllEftdldln nsrd loW€cdBnqtd IDllOrI:dlwtlanrlythfurlhcrquhrr0leobl€4iEe@vH€bd.s&,$oddrnrhdtolrh.ntdb fron dritnpotrhlln.ldrna ild lh€ btlhtlocolrtrurH ffiil.l*atdt Pagez ol 7 6.0 workaround Decltlon - problems are matched agalnst any known errors and if avallable deflned work-a rounds. lf no exlsting work-a round is identlfied in the known error database, if posslble, one should be deflned and relayed back to the users in any related incidents' lf no work-a round can be ldentlfled, the problem ls sent back to the Problem Manager for further lnvestlgation and diagnosis until a work-a round can be ldentified' 7.0 Crcat€ Known Eror Rccord - once the root cause of an existlng work-a round is ldentified, a Known Error record must be ralsed and recorded ln the Known Error Database (KEDBI' This is the equivalent to changlnS the status of a 'problem' record to a 'known error'. The K€DB stores exlstlngwork.aroundstoproblemsandissearchablebyHelpdeskandagencYstaff. g,O Chant Needed Declslon - submit a Request for Change (RFCI through the Change Management process to ensure that the requested change ls revlewed by all of the approprlate partles and is submltted for lmplementation if approved' 9.0 Rcsolutlon - as soon as a resolutlon is found, it should be applied to resolve the prohlem' The resolutlonmaylnvolveaRFcandapprovalmayberequlredbeforetheresolutloncanbe applied. ln some cases cost and/or lmpact of resolving the problem cannot be Justified. ln that case, a decislon must be made to leave the problem open and continue to resolve the subsequent lncldents through a valldated work-a round' 1O.O MaJor Problem Decltlon - determine if a probhm matches the deflnition of a ma.ior problem. 11.O Melor problOnn Revlcw - ldentify and review any lessons learned from the resolution of a major problem. Major problem reviews should be conducted wlth all of the approprlate parties, and soon after the maJor groblem is resolved' t2,O Closure 13.0 Trend AnalYsls 7- ROLES&RESPONSIBILITIES a tfb{rd. rtatbr lellturlm.. llen.lnt .id ld llllil I problem Manag€ment Procctr owner (Program Manager 'Jamle Garnell) - ls responslble for ensurinB that the problem management process i; belng performed accordinS to the documented and agreed to Process. ProblemM'nasementPloc€ssMan'8er(ProjectMana3er-GreSKauper)-isaccountableto the Problem Manatement Process Owner and performs the dry-today operational and managerlal tasks of the problem manaS€ment ptocess' chante Advlsory soard (clBl - Fllelocal's operatlng committee locl ls the functlonal cAB that meets re8ularly to advlse the Change Manager ln the assessmen! priorltlzation and schedullng of changes, a tflfLla.Lon Pagc 3 of7 a Help Desl- The customer servlce support call llne ls responslble for provldinS analysls of incident trends as needed to as$ss requests for change. city and business users should submit thelr issues through the Help Desk, who will then consolldates the lssues and escalates them to the Problem Manager. vendor I Proulder leGo% Kubrat - Saas model software vendor responslble for consulting on the assessment of changes and participatlng ld the lmplementatlon of approved changes' a \tirnrtgtlFlddbhh lh.ndl[ .rd rs ttl4 RACI'Ch.rl gutlntal lrr.n Chrnga A.tYltory Board (cA6l Halp Dork clty Admlna V.ndor t ?Jorlda. ll'L.Y.l tuDport Problan trnrganant Procara frnrgar Ptobl.n f,!nrgananl Proclal Owna: Proc.t.5l.P R IRRrc/t cR'CA0, Problrm Doloctlcn QltcflR'CA RtcA2_ ProDt.m Crlllon IcfitcflR/CA3. Ptlorluzllbn IcficllR'CII RrcilA and Dlrlnolll 4. lnwlllgrllon IcilcltRt(;/tRA5, Woltlrour! Dtclllotr till cnR'IR'CA6. Grurtr Knosn Ettol RacoTd GR'IR'IA7. Ch.ng. ilr.d.d Dacl.lon cflR/Cfi c/lRtcllI. R.rolutaon GoRAl. xalol Problam D.alalon GIIcllc,lR/CAlo. x{ot Probl!n RaYht IIR'IAtl. cloautr ccccARf2. Trand Anrlyala ffilldBaldI PaSe 4 of7 8. PRocEssFLow !Wc$r.lctlslt d!|dil$ lh.n litrdlqi[m lf firlll.lol].n P€lr 5 of7 9, PROCESSART{FACTs . Known Error Drtaba3e (KEDB) - Authorltatlve source of knowledSe regardln8 problem resolutions. Accessible to the Helpdesk for research, flrst-tlme fix information though stored in the KEDB, Fhould send updates to the Helpdesk when new lnformatlon ls avallabb,l-. r Problem Ercsletlon Request- lnclude a descrlption of the lncldent symptoms and detalls of the dlagnosticorattemptsatlecoveryactiontaken'Anyrelatedlncidents,userdetails,servlce detalls, can be lncluded in the problem lo8' . Problem catetorl$ - ldentify a cateSory for each problem based on the followlnS table: Problom crlol Crtogory Functionallty r Website ussr int€rfac€ r Tax filingg . License applicatlons r Payments Calculations a Tax a Tdx rulsS Tax ralosa Security r VulnerabilitY r Compliance problem prlorltv aiscrJm.nt form - assess the prlorlty of the problem based on its' lmpact, urgency, rlsk, beneflts and costs a Problom PllorltY L.vol. Leval Crltcrla Lsvel 1 ale no l8 Lsvel 2 tn TA'A-aga Problem ls lred a Malof Problem A$ejsment - assess lf a problem fits the definitlon of a malor problem based on the following crlteria blrm.tcrld lsib{.lD$ D!.rdnr.rdi.r ilhC us the KEOS ln lh€ H.lp D$k plan Oommantrd [DllO3] we n.cd to mtPoul htrtha Hsbdsk A. Hlgh - 5 B. Mod-3 C. Low-o T. ffilmpacts multiPle cities, sYatem ownera B. Msd - lmpacts at loast on€ cily; some disruption to servicoB C. Low - No impacts to clties technology or processas L lmpact to citiee wwiLlc.lorg Pate 5 of7 B, Med-9 C. Low-0B. Msd - Estimate for cosls is low C. Low- lncluded as Pari of base (<$1 0K) oontracted Servicec B. M€d-3 G. Low-0 unavailable B. Mod - Some functions maY not be available C. Low - No or minor impacte to system implementing th€ Change not B. Med-3 C. Low- 0 regulatory concetna B. M€d - Minor compliance or rogulatoty impacls C. Low - No comPliance or Regulatory considorations B. M€d-3 C. Low-o involved B. Med - 2 team8 will need to be involvod C. Low - 1 team will need to bs involved or mor6A. required lo lmploment Ch8ng6 4 B. Med-2 C. Low-0 wlndow B. M6d - during nolmal maintenancs wlndow C. Low - no outage requlrom€ntg c.>10 A. Low:0-5 B. tcdlum:6-10 hurdrlslfflm.lbs.lillr lh.r&s.id urlllry rnnblarto{ Paae7 oll *g McBLTP $oftware Functional $pecification: City Mainlenance City of Seattle F Verslon 1.0 Wendy Thomaston, e-Gov Systemg March,2014 McBLTP SofrrvaE Funcdonal Sp€cmcafun Mardt,2014 e'Gov Svrbmg cttv Melntenanco Maabr Documcnt Document Control Document lnforma(on Document History 8eo Appgnlh ll [locurrnt lesue/Chenge l-og Approvals & AccePtance wo, lhs und€€lgnsd Projsct A!|mlnl!!abr, PmJoG.t Manag6t, and mombrB, hsvo lwlguad and ars wllllng to acc6pt thls documant. We ruoommend ho appDval of ib conttnb' lamle camdl Prolect M.nt8ar : &rre Hatrey Documenl Owner lssuo Date Last Saved Oate File Nam€ MGBLTP Softtvers Funcfonal Spe<*ficstion March,2014 ctv Malnt€nanco Mast€r Oocumont 6-Gov Svstom3 Table of Contents Purpose of Functional Specificalions'....'."""" Porbl Overvlew Ci$ Functons Account Maintenancs .'.".......' Communication...........,.'..'.... Research City Settings.'. City Processing...............',..', Featlre GrouP: CitY Maintenance 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 35 35 35 35 36 38 Feahrre Group: AccountMaintenance """""""""""'7 Featurc Group: Overview........'..."""' """"""""""'7 OPtions """"""""7 Scenerios and Storyboards....,,........,"""' """""""' 8 o Process Steps-Ghange Password""':""""""""""' """""""';; Process Steis - Set Up New Clerical Users"':""""""""""" "' " ' ""' " ' ' ,i; Process Steis- Update City Contrac-tlnQ-"9n " ' ' "' ;: Process Sebs - Uioate User Contact lnformation ""' """' "" :i Process Steps - Manage Clerical Users-""""""' ".""""'r"r'r'! 34 ProcessSteps-Upoati-UserRccountPrcferences""""""""""' """""""""25t7 Queetions fiom Cities'..'..-......' 28 28 28 29 29 31 Feahrre: Annotation'.-.. Options Scenarios and Storyboards....'..'.'..""""' Process Steps - Annotate Record"""" Questions fiom Cities...'. Feahru: Rate Malntenan@.....',...'.....' Feature Overview..'.'.. Scenarios....... Procass Steps - Update Tax Rate .""""""" Queslions ftom Cit|es....."....... Feature: Reset Process Feature OveMew'...-... Scenarios...... Process StePs - Batch Reset ' Pro€ss StePs- Form Reset.. Questions from Citiee..'.. Delinition: Portal User Permissions....."' Questlone ftom Clties.-.'....".." 32 32 32 32u 39 40 I Match,2014 MCBLTP Sotu/ars Functonal Specificadon e-Gov Systems Cltv Maintonanco Mffit€r Document -fhe Functionat Specifrcationdocument will be used to document the functionality lhat is being delivered as part of the MCBLTP project' The document will be validated against the Tnceability Malni spreadsheet to ensure the requested fUnctionality is documented prior to development' lt will be utilized to identify process flow changes for the cities and tiaxpayers' ln addition, it will also be used to feed into a global functional specification that is being created to portray the entire business functionality versus the functionali$ that will be changing' The intended audience includes the Plc and appropriate staffwith the cities and the Porial ofiice' as well as the development team. sinco the client is the primary audience, this document is not intended to be technical in nature; nevertreless, the development team may benefit from the contents by becoming familiar with ihe business putpose and lhe intended user experience' lf there is any question about lhe terms used in this document, please refer to the project Glossary stored on box.com at this add ress: trttpslhcb[g' bpx' cor/s/kmsdzT@ The screen images contained in this document are derirred from screen caphrres from e-GoVs existing product, SalesTaxonline.com, The branding has not been updated to reflect the design pr"p",iO by Methodologie, lnc. Furthermore, lhe teld and menus in the images T3y "9i Sitect lhe actual text that wifi be used onscreen in the Porlal. Proposed text is provided in blue ilalids below each image so lhal lhe content can be more easily reviewed and approved' PuRposE oF Fuxcnox* SPEclFlcATloNs L There are three types of users wtro will have access to the City Maintenance area of fre Portal' 1. city u6srs - lhis includes ci$ personnel. city personnel are limited to accessing information for their pariicutai City, except for some cross-City reporting features lhat are oover€dbythedatrasharingagreement-Thefollowingmlesarehvallable} a. CityAdministrator-lull aooess to all Portal features' b. clty clerical User - acress to all Portal feafures except city preferences and user management' c. City Research Only- access to search and reporting features only' 2. porlal Users - this includei Portal ofiice pelsonnel wtro need acoess to cross4ity featuree. These roles are under derrelopment at this time' a. Po(al Adminietrator b. Portal Clerical User 3. support Users - this includes e-Gov personnel responsible for maintaining and supporling lhe system. MCBLTP Softwaro Functional Spscificatlon March,2014 Maslsr Document There are fle main areas of functionalfi for Ci$ userc: 1. Account Maintenance 2, Communication 3. Researdl 4. City Settings 5. City Processing Each area is outlined below. ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE Account Malntbnance includes creating and modifying Gi$ user accounts, asEigning appropriate user levels or rolee, updating passwords, and delining user PreErenoes. These features gre described in this document. Coirncr* ttbfFwhldr Clty dea wlll ba able to do tho Cies Chy RoPotutE? Just Clty Admlnlrbstor? OomnEt Al Cily mtor llllll havo accdt to cfo63 PoRrAr OveRvmw 2 March,2014 McBLTP SoftYvats Funclionsl Spocmcadon o-Gov Swbme Clty Malnhnancs Magtsr Document fCor',rnruuiCnir ON communicafloa includes features lhat allowthe cityto contact ta)payers and support personnel as well as the ability to add notices and FAQg to the Portal- Please refer to the documents FS iecure nfessaging and FS Help Master Documentfor additional information' l Resenncn Reseale,' allows ci$ users to search for taxpayer records, view ialgayer activi$' accese available rcpods, and view statislics. some tesearch infomation is provided in this document' Additional information will be provided in the upcoming document FS Repoiling Master Document. Crrv Serrtrucs Clly Setllngs allow Ci$ users to manage the holiday calendar, uPdate rates, add deduction options, mntrol who received automated notificatons'and limit lhe batclr size. Please rcfer to the Tax Supplement For,-addilional informatiory on the loliday-calendar.lnformalion 9n rates qn{coilnant and hotry 18 AN$/VER: they had a ttlol! What 13 th€ tsx supplomont itt"t Llated to fre ttoliday calondar? ln lhs tax supPlem€nt spsclfica{on rsdlon on lho hollday calonda..deduc,tion options are Rate4lahtonaago on aulomated notification page 32 in this document. were included in Featurc: lnfotmation on limiting batch sizes and Cfi Payment Proress- Account Prefercnces an page 134 in FS Payments MasterDocument' Crrv PRocesstrue clty prcessingincludes creating batches and downloading XML files that contain turm data for filings subm1ted to a particular Ci!. Rtease refer to he document FS Payments Master Document for more informaUon' Fonntttcd: Fonh IElk Formatbd: Fonh Italk 3 MoBLTP Softlr,are Func{onal Speclfication Malntenanco Mastor Documant Figure 1: City Functions Account Maintenance Communication Research Cross City RePorting March,2014 €-Gov Request SupportPost FAQS As Needed As Needed Comntsnt [ti4l: How aboljl managlng lock€d orforyofien passr,rodr? ConmGnt [lb6l! Does $i8 lnoluda dodimont uolmds/dolvnbtds for ths]ed informatlon birlwssn clty to Clty (portsl msmbot8) or Clty to fP? vlewTaxpayer Activlty VleVDownload Reports Vlew Statlstlcs As Needed CommGnt [68]! Addod Ctoss Clty R€potdng flow chsrt Fl€ldcodc Uew StatFtlcs As Needed As NeededOnceOnceAs NeededOnce As NeededAs NeededAs Needed Ou€stlon' ssctlon, Send Secure Messages Respond To Secure Messages Post Notices As Needed As Needed As Needed and can be ront CltY iolnclude fi16 TP.Cltyor As Needed As NeededAs NeededAs Needed As Needed 4 McBLTP Sofrrvarc Funclional Specillca[on Mastst March,2014 Cornmntl$gl: Doo8 EvsryTlmo msan annually? bo umlt Batch SlzeMange Notiflcatlons I Manege Holiday Calendar As NeededAs NeededAs NeededAs Needed City Settings b Need6d' Oonnrnt lh€ll City Processing Croate Eatches l4evPdnt Batch Forms Vtew/PrintBatch Summary Report Geate XMI Data Flles DownlosdXML Data Flles Dally Dally Daily Dally As Needed Dally As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed ardcs{rlbad hdr. i t MCBLTP Softlvarc Functional Spedfication M8rct,2014 Mastsr e-Gov The city Malnbnancefealure grcup focuses on the city use/s ability to view and manage informaiion stored in lhe Portal. The fol6wing features are addr€ssed in lhis document: o Account Maintenance o 6,01 Portal stores city information necessary for communication and processing forms o 6.02 Authorized City user can manage Ci$ demographic info o6.10AutrorizedCi$usercanassignrctumstotheclericaluser r Annotation o 6.1,1 portal allorrls City penonnel to add notes or documentalion to a business lecod, Rate Maintenance o 6.03 Authorized City user can maintain rates o6.(XPortalstorcsratesandhistoryofchangesmadebyCi$users. o6.0gCityuserscsnmaintainholidayscheduleinPo(alfordeterminingdue dates Reset Process o 5.22 Portal can allow reset forms (and GBLs?) rvhen iequested by City Portal User Permissions ara Records can bc modlfrod. a a Cofin nt ttbtil! WtEt ls moant bY rsquostod?-By EGov, City ot Portal group? AN'SVVER - tho cly wlll ]squ66t ocov to comploto I I ! FEATURE GRoUP: Ctw MruHteHltlce March,2014 MoBLTP Soft\ /ar€ Funotional Sp€cificatlon Master Documont Fastulas 6.6.10 This section describes the general process of maintaining aerount information and settings for the City anO for C1y users. Aciount Maintenance is part of the functionality included in lhe CW Maintenanceleature group. This section describes the City processes (as opposed to Taxpayer or support processes) for Ac count Malnbnance. The majority of the functionality of this feature is part of e-Gov',s existing system. Existing functionali$ as well as custom features is covered in this document. FqAr,riiFBi6t$itigqgFvIFfr{: ; i':j':" ' ' '''i', '' ':':' The primary purpose ol t're Account Malntenance process is to allow each city user to update his or her password and to allow city Administrators to create and manage city user accounts and to manage settings for the City entity through the Portal' There are a variety of options the Portal will allow as part of this pmcess. Account Malnbnance includes the following trasks: r Change Passwords.. Update the use/s contact information' . Tum off nightly email notifications for forms lo download and change notifications (describeJin -t)ser prcfercnces in the city Prccessing sec'tion of FS Payments Master Documentl. r Update contact information for the city. This information is displayed on the Taxpayer side of the Portral. r Set up new clerical users for the City' . Assign clerical users to particular types of forms (e'9'' B&O vs' Utility Tax)' NS r Some fields will be pre-populated based on information previously entered' r Required fields will be marked with an asterisk ("). Note: lf an astsrisk is deemed to be insuflicientfor accessibility needs, each rcqulred field wilt be ma*ed with "Reguired'" Scrcenmocleupsinthisdocumentincoryontetheasteriskindicatar' olfrequiredtieldsareincomplete,theuserwillnotbeallowedtosavethedataonthat screen or continue on to the next step in the prucess' FEATURE GNOUP: ACCOUNT IIAlilTEilAUCE 7 scenarios for using these ftatures ale outined in the followlng seclions. A storyboad and pmcess steps outline howto maintain various ac@unt settings, as reprcsented in he blue scenes in eactr storyboad. The scenes ln gnay arc descdbed seperately ln oher sections or documenb' MCBLTP Soflryaro Func[onal Speclllcaton March,20l4 CIV Mrlnbnanco MasbrOocument eGov sEbfii3 Figure 2: City Account ltlsintenance Feature Group Account Maintenance As NeededOnceOnce& lile.d€ilOnce As NeededAs NeededAr Needed I MGBLTP Sohrraru Funcdonal Sp€ci{lc8flon Manfi,2014 sCiov Slt3l3ms Clty Malnbnanc€Masbr PRocEss SrePs - Csnruee PAsswoRD Each user can update lheir password whenever needed' Flgure 3r Change Pas3word Storyboard Screen: Change Password Or User Name '1. Mouse ovet Acmunt Sefrings on lhe menu' 2. Clid( lclnnge Passrvordl. The Portal will navigato to the change Password screen' Screen: Portal HomePage Screen: CitY HomePage I @@ 3. Enter lhe cunent Password' 4. EnteranewPassword. 5. Re+nter the new password to confirm it was typed conectly. This passrnord must match the one entsred in lhe previous field' 6. lfneeded, uPdatethe username. 7. Click lSavel. S.Anonscreenmessagewillindicate"PasswordlJpdatesuccessful.', PREREQUISITES r The GitY user account must exist' r The Cily user must be logged into the Portal' MCBLTP Sofuva€ Functonal Spectllcadon March,2014 ctty Maint6nancs M8.9tor Documant e.Gov Swtems Flgure 4: Change Password screen lha1gg lasqyql{.oT User rygllte Ent.t Yosr Csdnt Pettxordl 'Thii li6ld required fdr ail chrng6s s.l.d vlhich fi.ld(5) to edlt from b.lov'! Choore r l{rr Pr*mrdr I Confirft YourN.rPttt-otd'' Entar i.t UtatNrmc(OPuonrt)r i lf fre user clicks lcancef!,the password will not be changed, and the Portal will navigate back to the homePage. lf he Cunent password is incorrect, an onscreon message will indicate "Cunent password entercd is invalid. Please enter cunant passwotd for securtty"' lf lhe New Password and confirm New Password fields do nOt match' an onscreen messsge will indicate "The passwords you entercd do not match'' lf [,re new password does not meet minimum criteria, an onscreen message will indicate "Password must have at least one number' Passward must have an upper case and a lower case chancter"' ;'OPTloNs a a a a 10 McgLTP Sofuirars Funcfl onal Sp€clficetion March,2014 Me8br Document e-Gov lf the new passwod is too short, an onscr€en messAge will indicate "Passltords should be between 6 and 20 chancterc ln lengthi lf a new user name is enteted and it is not unique, an onscreen message will indicate "user Name entered was invalid or has atrcady been used. Please try another"' LIMTTATIONS a a r All Ci$ users can update their own passvrord' . No city user csn update another u8e/s password. The e-Gov support desk can password for a user, if needed. a Attl{s tnlo ot{y o€ov dd Fortsl utall ae olenned to heva acc68s b pdsnild l€6d hrnamamv. erden*rg lt b Cly Adnlm l. poqslblc btit stutld f.qdl6 .ffilidld dodopm.nttmo. Pesswod rr!& uo.t odly s You dscdb!: Iha oaeo,rord b r.sot b I !fiidsd brpordl, peslsrord, and uthen tha lBarlogt ln 0l€'y tl€ esk dtoWdabi. Oofllriltltsfl: thrtn€wpatrsl& Thote bm trqultonEnt arc wilquafiom Pfur. noetr 7L MCBLTP Soirmtr Funcflonal Spoclfrcauon MarEt,2014 o-Gov SYBt€mgcivMesbrDocum6nt PRocESs SrePs - Ser UP New CIeRICAT USERS A Cl$ Admlnistnalor can set up additional clerical user accounls for clty acceas wlrenever Flgure 5: lrlew Glerical Uisr Storyboard Screen: CitY HomePage Screen: New CitY User Account Screen: Choose Forms For User Screen: Portal HomePage logln u2 MGBLTP Sofi^rat€ Func[onal Spaclfication MBfttr,2014 City Melnbnanca Masbr Dosjment scov Statoms 1. Mouse over Actounf Selfings on the menu' 2. Glick luew Glerlcal llse{. The Portal will navigate to the New Cly user Account scr.een' Figure 6: New CitY User screen New City User Account To create a new clerical user accounl for the Cily, complete ths hllowing informatlon and set uP a us6r name and Password r?p. of Adsrr! ! qbl'q1l -o-o.lvntgtd I !* FFtr.m.: iwondy j* b*ird.' icterical t ]* eh"'- 1t72.333-.1{.14 i* IF.tt i, - -- .r em.r.iyendy@egovsy9l"t",coqt l* j* (ral.d the @r.ct ktos.t TYPg.) (Ent.r ?oot fiEt n.6a.) (E^ter youf l.at namt.! (Ea' 123-4t6-78s0, (Exr r2!-4!6-7490) u-nrm: iy.Ua..:_ p-'..ar {..-...- k-st rP..ifrdr l* @@@ ACTUAL TEXT 3. select ffre lType of Accoun4, either clerical Download or cledcal Research' 4. Enter tre lFlrst Namel' This is a required lield' 5. Enter he [.ast ftlemel. This is a required field' 6. Enterthe lPhonel' This is a rcquircd lield. 7. Enterho [Flxl. 8. Enter he lEmatft. This is a required field' 9. Enter a [u!ememe]. This usemame must be unique. This is a required field. 1il McBLTP Softivars Functional Specificaton March,20'14 6-Gov Statgms City Malntenanc€ Mast€r 10. Enter a lPassworfl.The password must be six to twen$ chaftrcters and must contiain at least one numerical character, one Upper case alpha character, and one lower case alpha character. special charactelE are not allowed. This is a required field. 1 1 . Re-enter the [Passwordt to confirm it was typed correctly. This password must match the one entered in Sre previous field, This is a required field' 12. Click [Nerfl. The Portal will navigate to the Choose Forms screen' Figure 7: Choose Forms bcreert choose Forms For User Fotma Avail.tLr Utilily Tax GBt Oprrorus I Comlncnt [ts21l! Yes. Th€ lnllhl sot up by e-Gov wlll bo llnkod to all Cl9 Admln lom ior I wendy,cl !>>J i'j l:,j !."j Fotmg Fo. uF., ' 8to thst dty. OonmGntI'S2SI!Ths slway8frladmaru bsr doos not sPpoar tn tie but th6 moc*up, dssirBd sctson. lB also pr€sdnt not @r@ Changes have been savedl lf the user clicks lcneell,the clerical user accnunt will not be created, and the Porial will navigate back to the homePage. lf the user clicks [8aclr] the clerical user accrunt will not be created, and lhe Portal will navigate back to lhe Administntor Account Sel{rngs page' lf lhe username is not unique, an onscrcen message will indicate "lJser Name entercd was invalid or has already been used. Please try another"' @ 13.Under Available FOrms,select lhe forms the userwill need to access, and click the [>] bufton to assign the forms to the user. 14. Click [Sevel. An onscfeen message will indicate "Changes have beenpaved!' PREREQUtSITES r The City Administrator account must exist' r The City Administrator must be logged into the Portal' a lhe dty edmhlsbabrComm.nt [Tl20I: WIll bs sot up wlth all llctms? ilorfl do thay lhsn gotolJt otGommot[If2:ft: this $roen? M MGBLTP Softlvsr€ Funcdonal Specifi cation Man$,2014 Malntonancg Doorm6nt oGov lf the New Password and Gonfirm New Password lields do not match, an onscreen message will indicate "The passwords you entercd do not match'" lf the new password does not meet minimum criteria, an onscreen message will indicate "Password must have at least one number. Password must have an upper case and a bwer case chancter" lf the new password is too short or too long, an onscreen message will indicate "Passwords sfi ould be between 6 and 20 chancters in lenglh'" LIMITATIONS r Ody a City Adminisbator can add a new clerical user' r Additional Adminlstrator accounts must be set up by the e-Gov supportiles{' :-Additional City Gontact information must be set up by the e'Gov support Fes( . citv users et;nv lgvel a a a Wllom hluallYbe lotuP6nmntlfl.2flr for.adt dtythen? yes. Mul$Plo by s-clovff Conlrnsft tt!25ll What io the process lor dsacdvaling 8n accounn Oonmant IISZF sco/ stlppott would do lt 8pec. 15 MCBLTP SoftmrE Funcfronal Spocificaton March,2014 $GovSwbm3Mssbroocumont city contact infomation is set up by e€ov support dudng system setup' A City Adminlstrator can updare rhe Gl$s contact lnfomation wtrenever neoded. city contac't informaton is available to lhe taxpayer on he Portal on the lookup scrcen. Generally, contact informafon is associated wilh the form being filed. A Gity may have one or more contacts. For example, lhere may be one get of contac{ informalion for B&o flings and difierent contract information for GBL8. PRoCESS STEPS _ UPDATE CITY CONTACT INFoRMATION Figure 8: Update Gity Contact Storyboard Screen: Portal HomePage ff;.,,ti';;'.;tH::.''t togln Screen: CitY HomePage ooilmant l,\rlEt ls prcc€r! to sdd now gov. llt 6- tlrt{DconbdndofltL BMd Screen : ContacVUser lnformation ll,:ri-,.. .;,r, ii Colingtt dls6du|b Fi92l: whdt It Ptoce36 to Clty cdrlec-i lt& 8nd Hnovoltll atfill 16 Citv McBLTP Software Functional Specilication March,2014 Master Documdnt eGov Svstems 1. Mouse over Account Settrhgs on the menu' 2- Click lconhct tnfo|. rne portat will navigate lolhe contacwser lnfolmation screen, The city iontact lnfarmationwill be listed at the top of the screen. The User contact lnformation witl be displayed on the lower part of the screen, showing information for lhe administrator currently logged into ihe Portal' Figure 9: ContacUUser lnformation !craonl ComnEnt dsfsultB to tTt34l: NOTE FOR CITIES fi the name oflhe city adminlstator80 Conta€t/User lnfotnration fOr thev €n uDdate lha Clty contact lnfomslion ,ni th.lt o,vn us€, conlact lnfotmdtlon. So wh€n ths cltv admlnbtrstor solsc'i8 a difieront neme ln the - ContiEct /usor dropdom lhey can uodst€ lhe usor mr{ad lnfotmadon for lhg gimndhalf oltheectosn. Ss ptoc€ss iloggtdjr tJi€rl r 3. Under City Contact Information,update the fAlamel, !!negded This is a required tield' 4. Update tre $Agencll, if need,ed. 5. Update the [Address], if needed. This is a required field' 6. Update [Grfi, if needed. This is a required lield' 7. Update [Sfafe], if needed. This is a required field' B, Update [Zip], if needed. This is a required field' 9. Update lPhone fl, if needed. This is a required field' 10. Update [Phone Zl, if needed. 11 . Update Paxl, if needed' 12. UpdaleiCoia"q, if needed. This is a required iield, 13. Update lEmaill, if needed. This is a required field' 14. Update the [Webslfe], if needed. ComnGrt [n5tl! By egsncy do you msan cltyZ Or ie tf,te meint io b. lholr dopt. thoy work ln? conrn.lrt []SrOl: coroct *T l*"*'' l"*-1: -*l l'l - ;;FF * *lr-.r,*l tr*--*l E Et@ I i t i:nr.' ro!, rBr i.h. t ,.8{..ioL.r.!r.A6. j Droplisl allows You account to modifY idmlnlstrator currenUY logged in Droplist allow3 you to select lho Clty account to modlly, It You havB ditf6rent contact intomation for c6rlain tolm8 ot tar typea. lo solect the u5€r Detaults to the lB lhb mo8nt to be lhocomm.nt[ll3Sl! por8ons name 'nam€ ollhg city or a It's tho namo of lho CitY'CoilnGnt [rs36l! corod? Conmcnt ttul9ll I am assuming lhat tha name lleld ln numbgr 3 i8 actu8lly tho city nama and lhls iB tha contaot nemo for tho city - ls that L7 March,2014 MCBLTP Sofr$ram Funcuonal Sp€clllcatlon e-Gor Swtsms CIV Maintsnanco Ma3tar Dooufisnt 15. Click fSavel. 16. An onscr€en message will indicate "lnfomadon $'as suctessfu"yFat€d{ ;PREREQUISITES r The City Administrator account must exist' r The City Administrabr must be logged into the Portal' , OPloNs : LIMITATIONS a lf multiple contrclts are sot up for lhe city, tho city Administrator can choose the contact to modi$ using the dmplist at the top of the City &nlact lnfomation grid' f g1e Lser ciicre [Cance{, the changes will not be saved, and the Portal wi1 navigate back to the homePage. Comilnt [tH:tl: How do You cancel or archlt/€ s contecfl a Only a CIty Administrator can manage City Contact f nfurmathr{ FL|l{r Hosdo$oy ndvlgst€ otlt -arr tho dmp dqiln io|(bll up ot6ilmatt 8lmollthls rbwaonthl| lcltrn? ta MGBLTP Softratr Funotonal Spscillcatlon March,2014 e€ovsyrtsmE Cltv Mslntensnca Ma8brDoamont PRocESS STEPS _ UPDATE USER CoNTAcr ltqronmlrtoH A city Administrator can update usee' contract information whenever needed. Flgure l0: Update User Contact Storyboard Screen: Portal HomePage , .' l:: Logln Screen: CitY Homepage Screen : Contact/User lnformation Mouse overAcuounf Selfngs on the m€nu. to the Confecl llsr,r lnformatbn sc,Gen. The1. 2.Click [Gonlrcl lalbl. The Portralwill navlgate top portion of the screen contirins contact information br the City'and the lolersec'lion has contilct informaton brthe user cunently seleded at the top of the 19 McgLTP Softvvere Func$onal SpectficaUon Mardr,2014 Cltv Malntonance Masbr e-Gov Svatems Flgure 1'l : ContacUUser lnformation screen Contacl/User l[formation f o r -* *'' gol'ro'in Uxrl- I i 3. select the user fmm the droplist at the top of the scrcen to display hat us€/s contrect infomation on lhe lower part of the screen' Figure 12: Select User to modlfY Contact/ User Information for t 4. Under ltser contact lnformation,update [F[ct flamel, if needed. Thie is a required field 5. Updale [Last lVame], if needed. Thie is a required field' 6. Update lPhonel, if needed' This is a requhed field' 7. Update [Fex], if needed' 8. Update lEmalll, if needed. This is a required lield' L Click [Savel. 10. An onscreen message will indicate "tnfarmation was sucressftlly savedf i:-;\ l*lF .*;\:lmr'lh-;- ;*-* ,*. l"u.-.J \:\.l**a* .l;-;,* b r--t* -"1.-., l.*' * * t[-; har * r j.: to* t .llt*E.- a ETEr j* t* mtrrm' i!6r- _ -- l*itd.. yolr t6t n.d. ) (r6l.t ,ou. lr:t nrd..l Droplisl allows you to select lhc Clty ac.ount lo rlodifY ll You have {lrttersnt conlact inlornration k)r certain k)rnls o, tnx lYPes Oroplist allowE you to selecl the usel ,ccount to nlodifY ljelaults lo the admil)rslritor cLltrenlly logged ln Us6r)- m MCBLTP Sffiflar. Funcilonsl sprdfioa[on Mardr' 2014 Cltv Melnbnanc€ Masbr Document ecov Syrhms- '-'.: IPReneoustres r The Ci$ user account must exist. r The Ci$ user must be logged inb he Portal' ! ' __--__ _' i OProNs r lf 0re uaer clicks [Gracelt, ttc dranges will not be gavad, and lhe Portgl wlll navigate bad< to the homepags. ' LtMtrATloNs orrly ci$ Adminietrabrs can update contBct inbrnation for the Glty or lndMdual clva user8. 2t- March,2014 MGBLTP Sofitrara Funcilonel SpocJfi cauon Mrstor PRocEss STEPs - MlruneE ClentcAt UsERS A City Adminislnator can manage ci$ user accounta once the account has been set up' Flgure l3: Manage Clerlcal Usor Storyboard Screen: CitY HomePage Screen: Choose Forms '1. Mouse over Account Selfngs on the menu' 2. Cllck [it nrg/e cbdcal llsr,rcl. The Portal will navigate to the cfioose Forms screen' 3. The Portal will navigate to the Chase Forms screon' Screen: Portal HomePage [oEln 22 MCBLTP Sofuvere Functonal Specification Merch,2014 e-Gov Stsbms Citv Maintenancs Master Documont Figure 14: Chooss Forms screen Folmt Av!llibler Utility Tax GBL ;wsrrdv c t L:-i l l-: ii.j 1..- i Forma far u{.t 880 Choose Forms For User @rrg @ changes have been saved! 4. Select the Usemame for tre account to be updated. The Portal will display lhe forms acoess, and clickhesbnedto fre selec{ed user. tt neeOeO, iider nvaitaOte Forms, select lhe forms the user will need to Conlnr.nt [U{tl! C.n you erplaln lhis orocess, I dont unda]3lsnd wtryrpsclfc brms ivould bs aerlgmd to dlfftI€nt c[y usoB? Hou' wlll lltls bo dfi;rent tom torms boing s€nt vla lhs Inlettaco whers the cltles o]3 pulllng th€l 5 the [>l buttucn to assign the forms to the user' 6. lf needed, under Forms for user, select lhe forms the user will NoT need to access, and clicJ< the [<J button to remove lhe forms fom the user' 7. Click [save]. An onscreen message will indicate "changes have beentgaved{ lntonnstlon lnto tholr SOR. PREREQUISITES . The City Administrator account must exist' r The City Administrator must be logged into the Portal r The clerical user ac@unt must exist. OPTroNs a a a a lf the user clicks lGencet!,the changes wlll not be saved, and the Portal will navigate back lo lhe Administmtor Account Settings page. lf the user clicks [Back] tre changes will not be saved, and the Portal will navigate back to lhe Administntor Accpunt Sefflngs page' lf tre user clicks [<<1, all assigned forms will be removed from the use/s form list assignment. lf the user clicks [>>], all available forma will be added to the use/s form list' Oomtstt ltgel3 Fllolocal d.ppolts a clty sruo with conEatunondlzad deparlmsnts' wteiu one Oty'usorls nsponalblo for (br axample) B&O onty, so thtts rll thst usor eoos and h'sr Lcess O whon thsy log ln' and amlhor uaer ls nrponduo tor Rsgulrtory Uognsos, so lhafs dl lhat usor soos. A rotuP lfe ttrte certetnty tc not roqullEd, htt tft6t I wfiat thl! Fom Asslgnmontfunc{omllty ls supportttg, Thorc lr not sn analogous wgbs€Mcs proca88' lf the clu68 ara trt{lng the Infotmsdon vla welcowlce. tlo' wstaglvho molhod8 lnvolvsd wlll dmy8 reiJm 8ll a/ellsblo datr for all for VPea. Coililrt ITlloI: Horv do thoy nsvlgtls od lhls scroon - st€ tho dtop dorvn ha€dstB up ot 6borr6on thls!cl€m? Gornrnont$35t!: Yee. 23 MCBLTP Software Funclional Specifi ca0on Mastor Documont i L'u'rnt,onts r Only a Gity Administrator can manage clerical users' March,2014 €-Gov at MCBLTP Softvarc Functonal Sp€dfrcation Madr,20t4 +Gov S\abm3OtvMasbr PRocEss Sreps - UpoerE Usen AccouNT PREFERENcES Each city Admlnistrator can update lheir user account preGrences wirenever Flgure {5: Update User Account Preferences Storytoard Screen: CitY HomePage Screen: User Preferences .l:,t: -r,ii I i;' i1:l i il irr r i"r ,lt"i,i i',i,11,1i Flgure 16: User Account Preferences 9n1!19!c 19nq9t tIlF 19ttl1! 9!."'9 9.1rv. th: 9t9M"€l:ly 19?q-1{ 111 i. . fllchcck to olstolG Nighdy €mel Atetts for Foms Avalablc for Download u chock to olgABLS Nighdy Ema{ Alerts for ch:rg€ flotinceuont Avrilebte bt oownlord @E 1. Mouse ovst A&tlunt Settings on the menu' 2. Clki( lAccounlrl'aJfercng€sl.ThePoilal will naMgabtothaUserPrplbrencesscreen' Screen: Portal HomePage oomnq* Ill!4r 3o $oY ctn onry do hlr th6trffiiltt not llttlh. ohor dly lscl!? It ilteteomd? br corfiilt[ti8CI:Comd cnange tho lfso. hoil,6iltrfit do dedcal onilrt ttsltlI Clqlcd usal! crnnot rprhle Clty-pofclltl63, only t s€rFEftr€ncr!. 26 MCBLTP Soft,yal€ Funclional Spaclficaton March,2014 ecov Sr,gtomgCitvMester 3. check tre box to [DrSebre Ntghuy Email Alerls for Fotms Available for Downloadl,lf needed. 4. check the box to [Dr3a6le Nighty Emeil Aler6 for change Notf,cadons Avellable for Downloafl, if needed' 5. Click [Save]. 6. An onscreen message will indicate "Save WasBu@eslql," , :.PREREQUISITES o The City Admlnistrator account must exist' r The CityAdministrator must be logged into the Portal' OPTroNs lf the user clicks lcanctll,the changes will not be saved, and the Portal will navigate backa to the homePage. :: LnarrnloNs o Only City Mministrators can update account preferences' omilrt[ts$l!Yos' 23 McBLTP Sofiriuan Funclional Spodfl ca[on Maroh,2Ol4 FcorrSvsbm8Ma!br Documsnt Gities can ptovide any questlonc in Table 1. Table l: Ou€rtlons From Gitles ruun TTII -.r1! !,', j TT This section describes the prooess of annotaling a business rccord. Annortflon is part of the Researcrrfunctionality incllded in the clty Mainft,nance featurs group (Figure 17). This sec{ion describes the City prccasses (as opposed to Talgayer processes) ior annotiation' The maJority of the functionallty of lhis featue ls part of e-Got's exi sting system. Existing functionality as well as MCBLTP sofuvar€ Funcfl onal spgclficaton MaEfi,2014 crv Mastgr Documont e.Gov Svsbms Feafites custom fealures is covered in this poalmen$ - Figure 17: Ressarch Foature Group The primary purpoae of the A nnotallon process is to allow each city user to add a note to a business record through lhe Portal' loerrons Requiredfieldswill bemarkedwithanasterisk(*). Nofe; tf anasteriskisdeemedtobe insttfficient for acassibllity needs, each reguired field will be marked with "Required'" Sc€enmock.upsinthisdocumentincrrpontetheesteriskindicator. lf required fields are incompleto, lhe user will not be allowed to saw the datra on that screen orcontinue on to the next step in lhe pmoess' comnlntltt60l: lndlvldually to each updatos to multldo How do ]ou edd thess? rocord or can YorI do m63s rgcofd8? a FEATURE: ANNOTATION annds$on lct8an. hn|rrlrt lIFil: Recotds 3r€ up(bt8d InOvtCualtv. Ontv dty usar8 ot/€t soo ll{t tnlbnndoir and onty by rwlgatng to tho Research MewTaxpayer Activity VledDownload Reports View Statistlcs As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed 28 McBLTP Sofuvara Functonal Sp€df,cadon Malnbnance tlooilmont MrEh,2014 eGo!, scenarios for using lhis feature arc outlined in the following sections. A storyboad and prooe$s steps outine how to make an annotialion. The Portal allows a ci$ user to add a note to any form using tha Form lnfomatlon screen' This scrcen can be accsse a number of wa],s: e Vlewbatches: GlickVier,rr Babhee menu > select [Download Month] > click [88b" 'DI > dick [Fom lpl > Form lnforma(pnwreen r Mewfotms: Wew Formsmenu > fistFoms menu option > wled'ffillng Fedo{ > click Fonn tD> Form lnformatlonscren r search lorms: ww Fomtmenu > search Foms menu oplion > entsr seaidl cribrla > dlck[Serrch]>ctickl8atclrlDt>clld<|fu/,flE|>Fumlnfotmationscfeen . user search: click usersearctr menu > enter searcfi criteria > click [sarrchl > dick lsetsc4 for the user in lhe search results > click [Go To Formsl> dif/KfForm tt'l> Fom lntormationgcnen PRoCESS STEPS _ ANNOTATE RECORD AcityUsercanannotrateanyfotmwhenewrneeded'Eachoflhepathsoutlinedabove nav[ates to fire Form lnformalion screen. Figure l8: Annotation StorYboard Screen: Portal HomePage togln >> Screen: Form lnformation Screens: Multiple Paths 2E MCBLTP Soft/Yars Funcdonel Sp€c}frcaton Mardr,2014 Cltv Maint€nance Mast€r Documont e-Gov Svshm3 Navigate to he Form lnformation screen using one of ths palhs provided above. Figure 19: Form lnformation screen Form Information Taxpayer Infornlation Namer Firtt l-rtt Conrpary: location llanl€ Accounh 012345 Phone: 121-a56-7090 F.x! 123-{56-?6tO Email: tlailing Addressr Addrest Line I Addrers Linc 2 city, LA 12345 USA Businc* Add.ess: Add..rJ I addrcrs 2 city, LA 12345 USA ilnnouEaon. :lFnoEaElon, Annocacj.oa llnocacion Iano EaE ion AnnoEagaon. Annoeacion. ilnnocaEiot. AnroEaEaoD. Anncf,aEion AnnogacloD AsoEalion AtnoSaciLln :;nnoraeron. @@ 2. Enter desired information in [Commenlst. 3. Click [Save]. 4. An onscr€en message will indicate "Comment savedpuccessfu/fit' Return fnformatlon File Periodt D€cembcr 2013 Trr Due: $2O.OO conv. Feei fo.oo Iotrl Due: $2o'OO File Dote: 1211O/2O13 DownloEdedr No qqFn.n!ry .Aanoqab:on. Itnosacaon lPRrREeutslrrs The City user account must exist. The Gity user must be logged into the Portal. The form must be saved in the Portal. Paynrent Information lhere are no payments on aeco.d for this rei!rn' Arcount TYPe: CC Number: Exp. date: lronldc-tion lOi Addres: :! a a Conmdtt [t!66I! Wllllhgso commonts 6ms ln with ths XML fi13? Ooffitt Filt2F tlow do th6y nsylgslc out tlrlr scFcn l- ale 0re dop dolvn hoder3 uP d sbot a on fib lcteon? Oqlrrlnt [t3aol! Ytt. hor,irthls b.ttgod? Gormnt ttt6al: l! thls comment on tha fotm lhat tho dtos can download? Ca'l we dlsqJr8 No.comn.tlt 30 McBLTP Sollwam Functoflal spedncatlon Mstch' 2014 CltyMalnbnill i oplo*s r lf ure ueer clicke lBactfi,the annotaffon will not be saved, and the Portal will navigab back to the Prevlous scrcen- itrurrlrror.rs rAllCityandPortaluserswillbeaUebseeandmodifftheannobtion. r No taxpayer can see the annotatbn' Cities c6n pmvide anyquestons in Table 2' Tabh 2: Querllono From Cities nm -- I- 31 Faarune: RAIE llAlNTGNAl.lcE March,2014McBLTP Sofruaare Funcfl onal Specillcatlon *Gov Svst€ms CIW Malntonanc€Mastsr Documsnt Feature 6.03,6.09 This section describes the process of updating tiax rates, interest ral'es, thresholds' and other related tax data used for calculation on the Portal. Data updates are done by e-Gov staff at the request and approval of city or Portal staff. ln addition, a city-specific calendar will allow cities to r"int in their otvn holiday schedule as described in FS lax Masfe r Document' A Portal-wide version of the holiday calendar will be provided in a future release' The majority of the functionality of this feature is partof e-GoVs existing system. Existing functionality as well as custom fealures is covered in this document. sample scenario: Effective 1t1t2015, Bellevue's wholesaling tax rate is changing fom 0'001496 to 0.001497. 1. A city of Bellevue representative will email e-Gov requesling the rate change, including pertinent detrails such as the old rate, the new rate, the effective date for taxes incuned' if ihe change is a conection (old rate will not remain effective for old rate periods) or a new rate (old rale will remain available for previous filing periods)' 2. e-Gov will reply within a business dayacknowledging the request, and will get any needed clarification: This change is for Bellevue B&owholesaling trax; lhis change affects Quarterly, Monthly, and Annual B&o forms; the old rate of 0.001496 will erpire on pBlnou. When a Clty becomes aware of a pending change, the City will email e-Gov pltt{ q ruquqst {o1 !h-e, change, erglicity stating the affected dala and the Effective Date of the change. e-Gov will acknowledge and conlirm the request, and lhen make the needed changes in a testbnvirOnmen{' Once $re change has been made in tfte test environm€nt, the e-Gov Support Desk will notify lhe city. The city will then use the test environment to confirm that fre change is as requested' once the city approves the change, e€ov will make an idontical change in the production environment' notifying lhe Ci$ when finished. A sample update scenario is ouflined in lhe following sections' i enocess SrEPs - U PDATE TEX RNTE Commant ItbTOl: Should ftls bo ssnt as a secum masgag6? comm]lt Il!68I: ls th€r€ a cort ln emol aOCraec ttrey should u86? Ego/.tppst@€- No. Emoll pleass,Commant cit March,2014 MCBLTP Softlvarc Functonal Specifica[on e-Gov Statems Cltv Malntsnanco Maslsr Document 3. e-Gov will update the rate in the test environment and will then notify Bellewe that the update is ready for review. 4. Bellevue will log onto the test site as a business user and create a B&O form for a 2015 filing period luniife in production, future fling periods are available in the test environment), verifying thatthe wholesaling rate is both displaying and calculating correctly. Beilewe will then nofify e-Gov that the change is approved' 5. e-Gov will perform an identical rate update in the production enMronment, and lhen notify Bellevue when the update is complete- 6. Optionally, Bellevue can request a Notice be placed on the site advising tapayers of the r# change. To do lhis, the City user w1l email e-Gov with the following information: a. The notice text b. The start date for the notice (the first day the notice will appear on the site) c. The end date for lhe notice ($re last day lhe notice will appear on the site) Though update requests can be made piecemeal, it is recommended and prefened that update ,"quJrt" be submittsd togelher, whenever possible. This saves gme on boh the update and u"rifta"tion prDcesses. lt cities perform rat€ reviews and updatee at lhe same time on a yearly basis, scheduling a yearly Portal update period is helpful and recommended' .PREREQUISITES The relevant form or worksheet must alrcady exist on the Portal. This process is not intended for adding entire new form tlpes to the Portal, or for making larger structural or ppcess changes' ,Oprtorus The following data can be uPdated: r Tax Classifications r Tax Rates r Deduction Types o Annual, Quartedy, or Monthly Gross Revenue Thresholde or TaXable Revenue Thresholds r Yearly lnterest Rates - Note that an interest rate update request should come from Portal Stafi, and would be applicable to all forms across all Cities' r Tax Credit Rates, Percentages, orAmounts :t3 Maruh,2014 ITATIONS . Requests must be made a minlmum of 30 days before lhey are available b file on the porLl. I mucrr h6er lead lime is rccommsnded. For example, in fie above scenerio Bellevue's nte change is effective il1n}15. Bellevue has monthlyfilers, so a talpayar could file the January 2015 fillnS pedod stBrting on February 1d. The rate updab r€quest should come at least 30 days leiore trat February 1d liw dab so lhat proper testing and @necfione, if needed, can occur. rRequestsshouldcomeviaemailfiomsnestablishedCityorPortalcontac{. Cilies can provlde anyquestions in Table 3' Table 3: Questlont From Citioe M0BLTP Soflrrare Funcflonsl Sp€dfloefon Mest6r - nffi -II ''\1i \',":l 3tf March,2014 MCBLTP Softral€ Funclional Spocificsflon Malntonsncs Mast€r Feelule This section describes the process of reselling forms filed through the Portal' Resets are performedbythee-GovSupportDeskonlyattherequestoftheCity.Themajorityofthe iunctionality of this feature is part of e-Gov'e existing system. Existing functionality as well as custom features is covercd in this locument . when a form has been received by lhe city, the form is locked so that the tapayer can no longer modiffthatformandtheCitycannolongerdownloadlheform.Thispreventschangesbythe traleayer and duplicate downloads by the Ci$' The primary purpose of tre reset process is to change the status of a form or group of forms to allow further action by eilher the City or the Taxpayer' There are two tlrpes of resets: I Batch Reset - resets an entire batch to be downloaded again by the Gity' r Form Reset - removes a form from a batch and allorars the talpayer to modify the form or PaYment method. PRocEss SrEPs - BATcH Reser A batch reset can only occur when requested by the Gity' 1. An aulhorized City userwill contact the e-Gov Support Desk request a batch reset' The request should include lhe name the City, and the reason for the batch reset' via secure imessageh of he requestor, the batch lD, scenarios for using these featurcs arc outlined in the following sections. This section describes lhe process of requesting a reset via the e-Gov Support Desk' Resefs are part of the tunctionality included in support serviceslor clty Matntenance' This section describes lhe city and support processes (as opposed to Taxpayer processes) for Rese6. The majori$ of the functionality of this feature is part of e-Gov's existing system and pnooesses' Existing functionali$aswellascustomfeahrresiscoveredinlhisdocument. Comn€nt [tDt2l: What is tum8lound tlms in ;;i;;-';vilt "r;t-Gov aupport houre? Commnt tt!g:t3l. Res€t8 should bo oerformoo iufta qulddy. E-Gov wlll mnllortho iecuc monbox, iontad lho rrquaaior vla ohono. .nd B€Ilbm tho l€s€tf,'hllc on ha irrone, ne brrv odty would bo il tto '€q,!8torinr not auc fanswat lhs cdll atd noodad to call baclc Fn.Local support houts wlll bs 8€m-5Pm Pedfio Tlma. Colnmcnt d93cdplion agcur€ ltbt4l: Not omsll? lf tho includes trMlogsd lnfo it thould bo Fertune: Reser Pnocess hro rmsll rlt rlttray, lhotrhourtfurrnat tttilElt lhls ono c€n gP ce.bldy It pdwtgsd lnlb 18 h lhofs corna vlb egerro merssfo, bul It not ls ina. 35 MCBLTP Softwaro Functional Specifica8on Malntonance Ma8ter Documont March,20'14 $Gov 2. The e-Gov support Representative will verify the batch number is for the Gity indicated' 3. The e-Gov Support Representative will call lhe lequestor to conlirm the request and get any needed clarifications and will then initiate lhe reset process' 4. The batch will be rcset, including the following tasks: a, The Downloadad Ftagwitt ue ctrangeo from Yto Nfor every form in the batch' This allowshecitytodou,nloadthebatchagainwilhnochanges,whichmeansthe batch total and deposit totral will still match' b. The form status ol Rewivedwrll NOT be changed. This prevents the talpayers frommodiffingtheformsinthebatchandpreventslhepaymentsfrombeing resenttotheprocessor(forACHDebitandGreditCardtransactions). 5. The e-Gov Support Representalive will nolify the city that tre batch has been reset' 6. The city can lhen download lhe batch again via PCS or Ul as described in Payments & City Prccessing Master Document. A form reset can only occur when requested by lhe City' ,l . An authorized city user will contact the e-Gov Support Desk Ma secure message to request a form re8et. The request should include lhe name of the requestor, the form lD' the batch lD, the city, he amount due on the form, and the reason for the form reset' 2. The e-Gov Support iepresentrative will verify the batch lD and form lD are for the Gi$ indicated and that the form lD is included in the batch indicated' 3. The representiative will call the requestor to obtain any needed clarilication and confirm that the requestor understands the results of resetting an individuat form from a batch beforeinitiatingtheresetprooess.seeLimitationsbelowforrlsks. 4. The form will be reset, including the following trasks: PREREQUISITES r The requestor must have a City or Portal account' oThebatchnumbermustberralidandmustbeforlheCityindicated. :LrMrrATroNs . The entire batch will be reset. lf part of a batch needs to be reset, each form will have to be reset indlviduallY- s STEPS _ FORU RESET 38 MCBLTP Soft,vars Functional Spsclllmtlon March,20t4 Clty Maintonanc€ Mastsr Document e.GoY Swbms a. The Downloaded Flag in the database will be changed ftom Yto Nforlhe form being reset. This allows the city to download fre form again in a new batch affer the tatgaYer has resubmitted il' b. The form status ol Receivedwill be changed lo Filed. This allows the talgayer to unfile and modify the form and payment information. When lhe form is resubmifted, the paymentwill be resent to the processor (forACH Debit and credit card tnansactions). c. The batch number will be removed from the form. This allowE the brm to be included in a new batch' 5. The e€ov suppo( Representative will notlfy he city that ore form has been reset. 6. The City should notiff the taryayer of the furm reset so hat needed coneclions can be made and resubmitted. 7. The tiaxpayer can make any needed updates and resubmit the form and payrnent. lf lhe taxpayer makes no changes, the form will be submitted using the same data and payment information used in the initial filing. 8. The form will be included in a new batch, per normal. ;PnrnEQutsttes r Th€ requestor must have a City or Portal account' r The form lD and batch number must be valid and must be for the Gity indicated. r The rcquestor must acknowledge and agree to the ramifications of fom reset. i iLIMITATIONS r When an individual form is reset, the form cannot be included in ib original batch. r Resotffng a form allows the talpayer to modiff the form contents and payment. when lhe form is resubmitted to tre ci$, lhe amounts may be different. The city needs to undenstand lhis and take any needed precautions to prevent duplicate data' r Resetting the form does notvoid the original payment. While the City may void a paper check received, the pro66ssots for ACH Debit and Credit Card will not reverse the odginal payment. lf the original PaYment was declined, here is no possibility of duplicate paynent' However, if the original PaYment was processed successfully, a new payment will be processed when he form is rcsubmitted'The City will tren have to issue a refund or credit memoforthe original amount!ald. Coilrstt ttStz: The filst paymcnl F ltot€d ln our dlE&se h-lh€ paynant hat}lacilofl log. Golrmant waher/o to lftq! lf a patmont b njaded fin rDret uu fotfi eodl 0rno? orrrtlnt ltsttlr CortEat Thot! thc Fliltry ure caee forthlr funo{omlltY. O|nnfltt llJ8oll8o hoy mey paylwlcelust b fix thelr brm? l'm arcumltu hls 18 not an oDton wo would moourago u8o d' I would tlilnk lha usor would ns€d to Juli lllt 8n amerdod letum ralhot th€n Oonnrrrtl'sft$ Rlght. slmdc omtrdlng ls corl€ctfom dett tYeskr. 37 MGBLTP Softyats Funcuonal Spsclllcatibn Maftfi,2014 $Gov S!3bmsOtv MalntEnanco Mrst€r Doflmont Cites can proMde any quEstions ln Table 4. Table 4: Quettions From Citles nffi rI--IT 3a DEFrNtloH : PoRTAL Us:n Prnmtsslot'ts MoBLTP Softvvane Func0onal Speclfication March.2014 Clty Malntenanca MrsbrDo(rlment eGov S\rsbms A new user level is being created to accommodate the needs of Portral strafr. Thig will include a combination of pemissions allowed to city users and e-Gov Suppott Desk usee: r Usets menu o Search for usela - The Portal user can find userc based on usemame' last name' email addrcss, phone number, user lD number, company name, city account number, conlirmation number, FEIN, and UBl. Search results will include users from all Cilies. o View/modiry user info - The Portal user can select a user ftom the search results end viedmodis treir basic user-level demographics: user type, usemame, first and last name, phone, and email address. The Portal user can also update he passwod, but cannot view the existing password. specifc forms can also be deactivated ficr the selected user. o View Action log for selected user - The Portal user can view and filter lhe aclion log for lhe selected user. o View list of forms created by selected user - When lhe Portal user selecls a user and clicks the Foms lab, the Portal will display a list of forms created by the selected user, including form lD, filing period, form name, form status, amount due, file date, download stiatus' batch lD, and confirmation number' o TableViewermenu o View and query specific tables in the database - The Portal user will be able to select a trable to query and apply filters, a sort order, and the ma{mum number of records to display for the gearch results. The list of available trables is under develoPment. r Sys Managemenu o Build FAes - The Portal user can add or modiff FAQ articles. The article may be a PortraFwide or City-specific article' o View form statistics for all Cities - The Porlal user can view and filter stratistics for forms filed with all Cities and for each City. Statistics are displayed for lhe curent month by default and can be viewed for the previous monlh or a specilic date range. stiatistics include lhe number of forms filed with a payment, number of forms with zero amount due, totial number of forms filed, and totral dollar amount for all forms filed. o View all reports - The Portal user can view all newly developed reports for each Gi$ and can view reports across all Gilies, where appropriate' Full explanations and screen shob of each feature will be provided in the documentation to accompany the Guided Tour' 39 McgLTP Sofis,am Funcilonal Spedfl catlon Malnbnanc. Gites can prcvide anyquestons in Table 5. Table 5: Questionc From Cltles In- Manfi,2014 oGov rI ruffi'' t'i ' i; i'-ri "';i l"r I 40 FileLocol I Sus.tEct:FLeLocel cnnruce Mnrunceurrur Pnocess sunnuRnv Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Overview Goals & obiectives Benefits Definitions Kev Activities Roles & Resoonsibilities Process Artifacts Summary of Processes 1 OVERVIEW Ghange Management is the process by which changes to the Filelocal system are governed and managed. once requested, changes are assessed for impact and iequirements. Approved changes are submittgd for implementation' All changes to the FileLocal product must be governed by change Management' The Filelocal Agency directs and manages the change Management process, working with stakeholders and vendors to approve and implement changes' Enhancements are changes to the FileLocal system that should be submitted at the annual budget planning sessionlOnce approved, they will be added to the product roadmap' GoALS & OE.JCCTIVCS OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT A. Govern all changes to the Filelocal system B. Manage the activities required for successful delivery of changes to reduce incidents, disruptions' and rework C. Ensure that changes are implamented in a way that does not jeopardize agreed to service levels 3. BENEFITS A. changes are implemented to meet agreed to service level requirements while optimizing costs B. Gontributes to meet governance, legal, contractual and regulatory requirements C. Aligns services to customer needs and user requirements 2. D. Reduces the adverse impacts of changes on the services and service levels through improved impact and risk assessment E. Streamlines processes for initiating changes F. Contributes to better estimates of the quality, time and cost of changes G. Better use of resources, prioritization of effort, and planning of changes H. Better control over change related contractors, vsndors, and proiect activities 4. DeRTflOXS A. Ghange - The addition, modification or removal of anything that could have an effect on the Filelocal systom. The scope includes all operational services and processes' B. Change Advisory Board (cAB) - A group of stakeholders that advises the change Managerintheassessment,prioritizationandschedulingofchanges. c. Enhancement - A system change required to meet the changing technical and business environment for participating cities. Enhancements will be submitted and reviewed at an annual budget planning meeting and added to the product roadmap for Filelocal. Enhancements will stillfollow the change Management process including having an official RFC submitted to request the change' D. Request for Ghange (RFG) - A change request form must be completed and submitted to the Change Manager to request a change to the system E. Pre-Approved change - Tax rate or licensing fee changes are considered pre- approved and do not need cAB approvalfor implementation' Pre-approved changes will still follow the change Management process including having an RFC submitted by the participating city to request the change' 5. KEY ACTIVITIES A. Budget Planning / Product Roadmap Updates l. FileLocal agency and participating cities conduct an annual budget planning session to agree to the product enhancements list for the year' a.Enhancemgntsapprovedduringtheannualbudgetplanningmeetingcontinueto follow the remainder of the change managemsnt process, starting with the creation of an RFC for the enhancement' ll.TheFilelocalroadmapisupdatedtoreflecttheenhancementsapprovedduringthe budget Planning meeting' B. Create an RFC !. The Change lnitiator submits an RFC ll. Record basic details (name of request, affected user) - information from the RFC is used to create a change record and allocate a unique identifying number' Key information is recorded when the record is initiated and some may be added or updated through the change lifecycle' Your ona atop lot locdl bualnarr llcontlng rnd tox llllng wrvw.lllelocrl.olg Page 2 of 6 c. D Review RFC - The Change Manager will review and filter the RFCs according to the policies determined by the change Management Process owner' Acceptance or rejection is dependent on completeness and accuracy of the RFC' Assess and Evaluate change - The change Manager will ensure that both a technical impact assessment and risk assessment retitive to the change request are completod by those stakeholders required to assess the change. All members of the cAB should evaluate the change based on impact, urgency, risk, benefits and costs' ln order to prspare for authorization decisions, change planning, scheduling and remediation are also assessed. Changes are prioritized to establish the order in which they should be put forward for consiJeration. The Priority of RFCs will be decided in collaboration with the Change lnitiator. Authorize Ghange - Formal authorization is obtained for each RFC from the cAB' The levels of authorization required for a particular type of Change will be iudged by the type, size or risk of the change. Any authorization or rejection decisions will be communication to att stakeholders of the RFC. An off-cycle CAB meeting may need to be scheduled if the change Manager receives a Level 3 RFc. see change Levels below under Process Artifacts for more information' Plan Updates - updates to the change record are completed after authorization and communicated to all stakeholders, including those technical teams responsible to build the change. The change is scheduled with the vendor and participating cities; plans for outages are added to the Filelocal website to be communicated broadly to the Filelocal customsr base. specification updates and Process flow updates, included as part of the change request, should be made prior to implementation of the change' coordinate change lmptementation - Authorized RFCs are passed to the relevant technicalgroupstobuildorimplementtheChange'ChangeManagementhas responsibility for ensuring that Changes are implemented as scheduled' This is largely a coordination role, as the actual implementation will be the responsibility of the technical teams. The change implementer constructs the release implementation' back- out, and test plans. change Management has an oversight role to ensure that remediation procedures "i" pt"p"t"d and documented in advance, that all Changes are thoroughly tested (where possible), and that implementation is scheduled when the least impact on production services is likely' Review and Gloce change Record - on completion of the change implementation' the results will be reported for evaluation to the Change Manager and then presented as a completed change for stakeholder agreement. Review will also include any lncidents arising as a result of the change. A post-implementation change Review will be carried out to confirm that the Change has met its documented objectives; ths Change Manager (and relevant Change Authorities) will decide what follow-up action is requiied. lf the review is satisfactory, the RFC will be formally closed in the Change Management sYstem. E F G H 6. RoLEs & RgsPot{statllrtes A.change lnitiator - (city users, stakeholders, Agency PM) ldentifies the need for a system change and submits an RFC to have the change considered for implementation Vour ong ltop lot local bualns.s llcenrlne dnd tex llllng www.tlleloc.l.or! Page 3 of 6 B.GhangeManagementProcessowner(ProgramManager-JamieCarnell).The psrson fulfilling this role has the end-to-end responsibility for the way in which the change Management process functions and develops. The main role of the Process Owner is to ensure that the process is efficient, effective, and fit-for-purpose' G. Ghange Management Process llianager (Project Manager'Greg Kauper) - reports to ths Process ownsr and performs the day-to-day operational and managerial tasks demanded by the change Management process. coordinates and presents RFCs to the advisory board. works with 3rd party vendors to implement approved changes' D. Ghange Advisory Board (cAB) - Meets regularly to advise the change Manager in the asssssment, prioritization and scheduling of changes' E. CAB Member - individuals that aid change Management to assess, approve' and prioritize RFCs correctlY. F. Help Desk - Tier 2 customer service support call line is responsible for providing analysisofincidenttrendsasneededtoassessrequestsforchange. G. Vendor / Provider (eGov, Kubra) - sAs model software vendor responsible for consulting on the asssssment of changes and participating in the implementation of approved changes. You? ono atop tor loctl bullnstt llcen.lng end til ffllng www.tllalocil.org Page 4 of 6 Processe RACI* Chart Ghange Provider Help Desk CAB Member Change Mgmt Process Manager ge Mgmt Process Owner lnitiator gocos3 A e (RFC Create a for Chan ARF2 clt c/lR/C/lR/C/lA3. Assess and Evaluate Change ge4. Authorize cllcR/C/lApdates5. Plan Goordinate Change lmplementation R/C/rcllA7. Review and Close Change Record ; I = lnform= Consu*R=Res ible; A =nta e; 7. PROCESS ARTIFACTS A.Ghange Request Form - Capture, at a minimum, the date, originator, change 1"qu""t"d, requestsd completion date, hardware and software involved in the change' reason for the change, perceived impacts, and system owner(s) lmpact asseasment form - assess the impact, urgency, risk, benefits and costs of a change based on Levels 1,2,and3 B. Ghange GAB lnvolvementGriteriaLevelrsview is not required Standard Change? B. ls it on the P re-approved list? A. ls change asaLeve1 CAB review is n B. Change follows normal timelines and is not escalated Normal angsLevel 2 requiredCAB approvalA. Management CAB approve a violation to the normal timelines needed toLevel 3 Your one ttop lot locrl bualnacr llcenslng and tlx flllng www.tllaloc.l,ore Page 5 of 6 Assestment Med-3 Low-0 A. B. c. -5 B. Med - lmpacts at least one city; some disruPtion to servicss C. Low - No impacts to cities technology or mpacts mu cities, sYstem processes High - owners 1. lmpact to A. High - 5 B. Med-3 C. Low-O Med - Estimate for costs is low (<$10K) Low - lncluded as part of base contracted B c 0K)High - Large Project services ($0) of implementation2 A. B. c. High - Med-3 Low-0Med - Some functions may not be available Low - No or minor imPacts to sYstem A. B, c. ll be unavailableHigh - Key functionalitY wt functionalitY 3. lmpact of not implementing the Change A.igh-5 B. Med-3 G. Low-OregulatorY concerns Med - Minor compliance or regulatory impacts Low - No comPliance imPacts A B c - Addresses m ajor compliance or RegulatorY considerations Compl cel A. High - 5 B. Med-3 C. Low-0involved Med - 2 teams will need to be involved Low - 1 team will need to be involved A. B. c. teams will nesd to beH- 3 or more5. TechnologY teams required to imPlement Change A. High - 4 B. Med-2 C. Low-0B. Med - during normal maintenance window G. Low - no outage required normal maintenance windowHigh - requirements 6 uling A. Low:0-5 B. Medium:6-10 C. High: >10 otals Your one ilop lot local buth€aa llcantlng rnd rer f,llng - www.lllelooal.org Page 6 of 6 IFileLocol Svsrenn Access RrQuesr Fonrvl Fill out the below and submit to: wendv.thomaston-flo@seattle.gov 700 sth Avenue, Suite 4350 PO Box 94669 s€attle, wA 98124-4669 Retention Remove user I to enter a datehere to enter text'Date: Click or !n{q nChange, usgr ?999.1s n change userAdd user I Click or ta Nature of Request: Submitted by; Firs! ryame Last Name tmail address Phone number Address Click or taP hgre to enter text. 9t!qf or !ap frele to enter text. Click or taP here to enter !e.xi, Click or taP here to entertext- Last Name Click or tap here to enter text' e mail adJreis Click or tap here to enter text' Phone number Qlick 9r 1ap herq -1o gnter text' Click or here to enter text Enter info to be {1) added, (2}qemgved OR (3f changed FSOM Entgrlnfo to 9e First Name changed TO Click or taP here to enter text. iDoxs fl CltyAdmln il ClericalDownload il None []Admin fl ClericalResearch n to: Portal flRe.qqe+inC Access City: -ENTER CITY UAT Portal Production SharePoint ! Clerical Research I ClericalDownload il None n Secure (produgtion) account for theYes EiDoxs Yes n No il Users will access the No fl to enter a dateDuration: enter text Mai on;Agency Staff Yes fl To: Click or ta to enter a date. Staff Admin I PortaloPs il ndor Temporary or SPecial Need* Reason! Library/ApP: From: Cliek or No fl Nol Click or tap here to Permission level: Edit il Read I lelocalVisitor/Read Yes fl Yes fl NoE SharePoint PartialApproval E (see comments)Declined il Date: Click or tap to enter a date Manage rente text.ta tohereickCIropr2Program made Click or here to enter text, Date:Click or to enter a date Approved I trrePoint Contacts Date: Click or tap to enter a date' - Project Managel: Cl!9k o1 tap herg to enter text' ments: Click or tap here to enter text To gT cOMPLETED BY REqUESTOR USER INFORMATION: Please note be low what access should be {1) added, (2 removed, OR (3) changed TO ACCESS INFORMATION: Enter w hat access should be {1) added, (2) remove d, OR {3) changed TO To er coMPLETED BY AGENcY SrAFF * please use this field to identify limited or temporary access for external vendors and consultants; please note time period for temporary access and/or define the limited access needed, i.e. which library(ies), site(s), and/or application(s)' s Svsreru Accrss RrQuesr FonrvtFileLocol 700 5th Avenue, Suito 4350 PO Box 94669 seattls, wA98124-4669 Fill out the below and submit to: (l' , 'l{#ryoyri**,,1o1up - n O][$*1ncvaomi1lst111'""111-"o' li$sos.wa.gov r c li r3_ilEd ,J"' .-. .r:;;.rfl i /'' "-.: ' --l -ixl ,i.. r File Edit Go to Favorites HelP X Find:mcvay .i 1:',,..,.1,''q1. s,,.,t l["7]options ' I oo ).ri ;qoI Atq M/H€} ffis_ns Lotot Govenm.t , (l'lrwn Egcotdr nelettliol schedul< rcaRE] veElon 4.o (MoY 2otT wd@r, sbro knls SICURITY2.11 porkplsatt,Jrrurluretlrcludes pawe t(buildin95.tchools,r ot thrcot./otsoqoinsdo^geroJJetSlotol(ie ogenq s9OVe,nmentIheWoectingaciviryof syrledt .t,andtewerwoler.lightioq&oioqgrheltpsdt.bidses,sidewolks",uowoy9.tadntit illtosta6tute (twds,ae4le,t.erc l.to.ilii€5,(a(oe?idlt,.).ofrd ettffift.lrel. l,lilot.nnioft t sltmtuonStlvtuaht.cotds,tmotor poolaqvigf,ent ffiHDAa*lF{Cnto6Brcr$ lffi ailDnl.ltarloGaffiraelllr ilot{-ARcHtVAL t59ffIIrAl. OPR Retiin for 6 Yenfaafter temrDiofl tl' gse/J dc(sg ol 6 lear! dtter 5Y5tem or a5rel oo lnf,Per in {le, wti!'beve. i5 s@l<t theq Deqroy 6S20t0-001 R*- 1 Reco.dt d€umenting the lloiB4tlllllgt of emploYee (inclldes comGdors and voluoteer5) a((e$ ro age o{y fltKuaet, infaartlucture' eq{lpment, llpplie t eleclrenk sv'!ems' dvrorks. Jpplitations. eledronic.nd phtikal rtrords/dara lmludel, bn il nol lmire d io: . Reque5ts dnd approv.lE for (ce!5 and germiilion5; . Assignmentol ssuntY identifKalion badget building/tard keYs' '(c€!5 co€1e5. etc' - fmpbyee AGets r6lGCtlotoi5sedelt.jacker,(5e(driwdulhorizationl clippedrdg'daYExclude.only" tovereddre 655G068.20.whkh bYemplotees,tempoBfv P.6! 36 of l% * please use this field to identift limited or temporary access for external vendors and consultants; please note time period for temporary access andfor define the limited access needed, i.e. which library(ies), site(s), and/or application(s)' Filetocal Serv'rce l€vel Oblective Matrixlrnd.tdtcrtbrF 7t$rrshd.dor Td *h€duLd fd 4/17.lD libffiion Sanritf Pdq .dlro*h) vulnenbilitr.nd Pdtrn Tdh.-al) klp De.l @M info imludir8 ho!62l rtu h.b kt boil lFmllrblsllr,,*to..r*.*,12) hrlty hls .nd rslutis tirolll frHllo kt&Enu.v.d6.bldkLar6a'3uddllp.u..r,to*r*.u sl€ gty Hhin: J.dle Mltd*lt.1,"*-*-**,-,l !h Fld &mi^!Gd bbdrl b* dk&6i^! l:*b MktsllL,*.-IlilM-*$lbEdidr6Flrebr hd lri r-tp- m*t-Cdsdllhrcdl*b 8,.*,-.* L,tuPrdhm kaniEq Moniloriry pru ed FblemacFfrl{ ti€ to FihLdlturiil b?,eciEb a6ilXalD Detll.,*,.*"-tu$ll h ?sdeb.GwHds o.slh[lPFbhn Rcdlrlu*sBdll bEdiEb&Hdo Ek bliobtotailhIhlrreGdEffi bsdHd, E l9fdl.fi fE .diltusnhrmflbrcff"rr*lr htnPEbhn R!Fd[htuIlrl ru, mm-* se.";no*n&dr Fmtub*dHeb hl l3lHtnicaia1,,tu?Fbkm RcrytluU MoidiB 9|6 .nd prublmEgrlr tr@to FllelEl1,,**,".**fte. sI b dbf,lE 6 .fu Hel. HIINBT Il-* hr-r"t-rul.*,*r'otFddion.d I IhrulRnbilly{mm ftqu!ilt) 6 | hniBlEiw sf 6.td EPondtolmudur*ior h lnmmu*ml*"**l- l,-'-*r**hdEl durlu riEd b lmlfl:ilrr:orrn.uun,.nae,our"' tq3€q, Citv,!.nqr, Crt',L"-,k L*,,*...t*Fity enhisdq ir.dfid rd h- .bility | |lloFMhFil.Elcilyui.@unB I Irrw. gt lfikEl ldmin prdisioG ruh ib ciiY | |tuhh ls*tr*llte lil le€lslaofglrr#nq, ar!.lr***.**u*t--o lnrubE-lr*,-**t**r**,o I l=*-M.n tfrdildIeaee*e, h lrrllwt.nfuGtuttllPEbrln Fe FdE city sff isc i IlEpftddn[d@mlLulitr.orsusirii lsnullYwdYsH.doiplq.ndktg.ffiL* lN hdiu(tw.l**- o-**,*ro"*-.ttttI [S..m*rse*:H!lptut.ndlY hewcudoGrsetu l3*Tve:{tbdlL*r-*'**ro.*.I l***.s.Nks: Hetrkk.MIt le*c"*mrscftle.BuelYF:liboL_***_*frSklEI lo .*r s.di! Helr Ek .ndIt leo*cmrcrsldia. klTr:hHlOrsmr t€il-.: a.lp DskrndHEipo6kmdIs!6.ORand clE|ll.M. *rvkq HelF Desk rldS.dke: lElp Ekfidtnt!?OItt20tES20ilDlttr!tar!rlp1r1rttlP1Hl*l.r.la,*,*.*,.#t6kIir*mkcunn nldtt' to*oto* 1,"*,*."*.-b.wcNfdLfi5abbkb.'EfficilYEtdlrb pdc r6ldenB.idFl,_l*^*-*'dhtnhdorl-noo,rrlo.oi. uhbl. t ( Ghniallarlulrrrl.Sletfifl*"**r*t"-rr*** "l*lottF dd-l$uetor.{ftdhrlb&$nd{, miileme edLtrffia5. of .rdiah sdiaprqilds EFuE hgpFn**:*"1"-*lsnrr*rue mrmrmt mamdb€lt@t@&Crv d.a s dt.shl**"l**.*b bptcurcn! irduds protc.Jmimy-*'l*lm:m::m*trtttcdrrkal -nd buliB Pl@.re&bil@wih6lit€1.,^llsv srl:drc e@ *"t'in! Fll.hr.F&IIIII lryrlellMnfu*miLbL.ndlileM**ruis lErordhk". tudll|ffibddltdDD.CLro**,***ol|.lqgffisriE- rs.t?ct$dlhg.y***l*****crFasildl*"*"*"**frh!4taEcF.t.{.ttarldttI [OtSrorEmi4b.EGi hsom&auad&iclMb *t@MilftH lkidaiatlrhBidrrdhdFFaEaE Kubra information including URL and accounts: Kubra URL: https:l/secureT.Fdoxs.neVcsr/ Accounts: The full list of accounts you can use with corresponding usernames are: Comoanv UserlD Password Last Reset flbellevue bellevue Se@ttle100 7t17115 fleverett evereft Se@ttle100 nla flseattle seattle Se@Jtle100 nla fltiacoma tacoma Se@ttle'100 nla IruBf,IFtt idoxs" UserConsole ;,i. lLld rre,': i.,7i.ril1r T,,1 it iii'ti fi U*rConsolc fUBnA rnllt ill Mltllbo pollft lb ot.nbrydr. lnbrillllfi nran|grlnftt rd cualoltw €omnlnlcltlon ptldt clt r$ [rvhaa thll louch atry ap.El oloia documrnt aco{'y$am x {* [ 5ugg6tedsilr'- glW{bSliceGtliery - UFb 0 lrombcrnYuser rD fl ruuloryn IhB web{e bd rk.d h litsnet 5r,tder i 0 or hlghs' G?0t5 Fvb.! Drtd rir65Ja' ud. Af nql& rs€iled' cllL htr! lor Ts{EIrI Ulr' Gity User Provlsionlng: The Agency acts as the administrator of the Kubra i-doxs portal for member cities. The Agency is responsible for provisioning city users in the Kubra i-doxs Payment Manager portal. Filelocal Helpdesk Gontact lnformation: Direct Line: 206-684-4836 Email: greg.kauper@seattle-flo@seattle. gov