HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-142 - Original - Lake Meridian Water District - Restrictive Covenant Public Water Supply (Well 6A & 6B) - 04/26/2022FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL UsE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayo/s signature and contract cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Sup/Mgr: Dir Asst: Dir/Dep: g ,eL & KENT (Optional) WaSHTNGToN o oLq o. Originaton Lynn Osborn Department: 'Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: 0313112022 Date Required: Earliest opportunity please Authorized to Sign: lVutuyoror Designee Date of Council Approval: ltt/{ 41271202t Budqet Account Number: P21063 Budset? flves!ruo Grant? vesf, ruofl| Type: N/A tro 'iht IE ELorF5 +ttr(, E(,oLtrl Vendor Name: Lake Meridian Water District Category: Other Vendor Number: Customer 58877 Sub-Category: Original project 11u*". Restrictive Covenant Public Water Supply (Well) project Details: Covenant preventing specific practices which might contaminate well at Sun Meadows Park used for public water supply Agreement Amount: [l/ff Start Date: Upon recording Basis for selection of contractor: other* Memo to Mayor must be attached erminationDate: PerPetual LocalBusinessf ffies lfmeets rcquirements per KCC 3.70.100, pleasecomplete 4/endor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Aryspoce. Business License Verifi cation:vesl-l (KCC s.01.04s) Notice required prior to disclosure? [v"'[ruo Contract Number: cfr66lo;a- {+& UIoL JviE orccUt{=ae =c,o oE Comments: OK to sign, 41 1212022, TW DateRecelved:CityAttorney: 416122 Date Routed: Mayo r'soffice 4{rc.{ZZ cityclerk's office Qrtg, adccw22373-1-20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev. 202 1 05 1 3 Instrument Number: 20220426000814 Document:COV Rec: $206.50 Page-1 of 4 Record Date:4/26/2022 2:36 PM Electronically Recorded King County, WA Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: Lake Meridian Water District 27224 — 144th Avenue SE Kent, WA 98042 Document Title: Restrictive Covenant Public Water Supply (Well) Grantor: City of Kent Grantee: Lake Meridian Water District Legal Description (abbreviated): Sun Meadows Div. No. 02 Open Area FULL LEGAL, DESCRIPTIONS PAGES 1 AND 2, BELOW Assessor's Tax Parcel ID# 809141-1150 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: NIA Name of Well System: Wells 6A and 6B STRICTIVE COVENANT PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (WELT..) The CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("Grantor"), is the owner of the following described real property situated in King County, State of Washington, to wit: Tract C, Sun Meadows Division No. 2, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 61- 62, records of King County, Washington (Reference Deed AFN 19990930002393, Records of King County, Washington) ("Grantor's Land") on which LAKE MERIDIAN WATER DISTRICT, a Washington special purpose municipal corporation ("Grantee") owns and operates two wells and waterworks supplying water for public use located on said real estate, to wit: 1562354.2 - 049361 -0134 Instrument Number: 20220426000814 Document:COV Rec: S206.50 Page-2 of 4 Record Datc:4/26/2022 2:36 PM King County, WA Well 6A: A 100 foot radius Well Site, as shown on said plat of Sun Meadows Division No. 2, the center of which being 100.00 feet Westerly of the Easterly line of said Tract'C' and 100.00 feet Northerly of the Northerly line of Lot I of said Plat, both of which are measured perpendicular to the respective line. Said 100 foot radius shall be trimmed along the Westerly Line of said Tract 'C." Well 613: A 100 foot radius, the center line of which lies as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Tract 'C", THENCE South 0 1'05'5 8 " West along the Westerly line of said Tract 'C' a distance of 123.25 feet; THENCE North 88'54'02" West a distance of 100.00 feet to the center of the herein described radius. Said 100 foot radius shall be trimmed along the Westerly line of said Tract 'C.' Wells 6A and 6B (the "Wells") are depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Wells and waterworks are located on Grantor's Land, and Grantee is required to keep the water supplied from said Wells free from impurities which might be injurious to the public health. It is the purpose of these grants and covenants to prevent certain practices hereinafter enumerated in the use of Grantor's Land which might contaminate said water supply. NOW THEREFORE, the Grantor agrees and covenants that said Grantor, its heirs, successors, and assigns, will maintain the above -described radii around the respective Wells free from the encroachment of animals by a physical barrier and will not construct, maintain, or suffer to be constructed or maintained upon Grantor's Land and within the above -described radii of the Wells, so long as the same are operated to furnish potable water for public consumption, any of the following: cesspools; sewers; pressure effluent pipes; building sewers; privies; septic tanks; drainfields; and any other receptacle for the storage, conveyance, treatment, or disposal of sewage; manure piles; manure, sewage, and other lagoons; building foundations; garbage of any kind or description; loafing shed; animal feeding stations; bams; chicken houses; rabbit hutches; dog kennels; pigpens; or other enclosures or structures for the keeping or maintenance of fowl, animals; underground storage tanks; hazardous waste sites; storage of liquid or dry chemicals; herbicides, or insecticides; public roads; surface water; railroad tracks; power utility or gas lines; or known or suspected sources of contamination such as use or application of liquid or dry chemicals; herbicides or insecticides, on or around household foundations or any other structural foundations; and fuel storage tanks. No well shall be drilled within 1000 feet of known sanitary and abandoned landfills. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the land described herein or any part thereof, as long as said Wells or waterworks are used for the purpose of furnishing potable water for public consumption. -2- 1562354.2 - 049361 -0134 Instrument Number: 20220426000814 Document:COV Rec: S206.50 Page-3 of 4 Record Datc:4/26/2022 2:36 PM King County, WA L d- WITNESS the signature of Grantor thiA5 day of April 2022, GRANTOR: CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation By,. Id ph T Print Name: Dana Its: STATE OF WASHINGTON ss, COUNTY OF KING On this 0 - +tA day of Amil 2022, before me personally appeared Dana Ralph -1 to me known to be the Mayor of the CITY OF KENT, the Washington municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she was authorized to execute said instrument. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. V, I I ' :111!: 1 (Print Name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at CWA Nlyappointment "expire s- -3- 1562354.2 - 049361 -0134 Instrument Number: 20220426000814 Document:COV Rec: $206.50 Page-4 of 4 Record Date:4/26/2022 2:36 PM King County, WA k w P, sEc. No. e50110071+ ?E m +� t SITE ri e 4'y P y � F +tAINVS WELL iRE I y f`P 4i�A I f fA k I S 1 °, 1I Ur CF KEN'T 1 1 j T.4Y F'N+CEL Nu Fs0a147 W11 � I f _ ... E.E. 282ND WAY NOTE' SEE PAGE 2. OF 2 FOR LINE AND CURVE TABLE 150 —F1;ijNDMONUMENT INi,4SE n20, PALE 1 OF 2 -4- 1562354.2 - 049361 -0134 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: Lake Meridian Water District 27224 - l44th Avenue SE Kent, WA 98042 Document Title: Grantor: Grantee: Legal Description (abbreviated): Restrictive Covenant Public Water Supply (Well) City of Kent Lake Meridian Water District Sun Meadows Div. No. 02 OPen Area FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PAGES I AND 2, BELOW Assessor's Tax Parcel ID# 809141-l150 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: N/A Name of Well System Wells 6,4. and 6B RESTRICTIVE COVENANT PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY (WELL) The CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("Grantor"), is the owner of the following described real property situated in King County, State of Washington, to wit: Tract C, Sun Meadows Division No. 2, as recorded in Volume 130 of Plats, Pages 6l- 62, records of King County, Washington (Reference Deed AFN 19990930002393, Records of King County, Washington) ("Grantor's Land") on which LAKE MERIDIAN WATER DISTRICT, a Washington special purpose municipal corporation ("Grantee") owns and operates two wells and waterworks supplying water for public use located on said real estate, to wit: 7s62354.2 - 049361 -0134 Well6A: A 100 foot radius Well Site, as shown on said plat of Sun Meadows Division No. 2, the center of which being 100.00 feet Westerly of the Easterly line of said Tract'C' and 100.00 feet Northerly of the Northerly line of Lot I of said Plat, both of which are measured perpendicular to the respective line. Said 100 foot radius shall be trimmed along the Westerly Line of said Tract'C." Well68: A 100 foot radius, the center line of which lies as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Tract'C", THENCE South 01o05'58" West along the Westerly line of said Tract'C' a distance of 123.25 feet; THENCE North 88o54'02" West a distance of 100.00 feet to the center of the herein described radius. Said 100 foot radius shall be trimmed along the Westerly line of said Tract 'C.' Wells 64 and 68 (the "Wells") are depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Wells and waterworks are located on Grantor's Land, and Grantee is required to keep the water supplied from said Wells free from impurities which might be injurious to the public health. It is the purpose ofthese grants and covenants to prevent certain practices hereinafter enumerated in the use of Grantor's Land which might contaminate said water supply. NOW THEREFOfuE, the Grantor agrees and covenants that said Grantor, its heirs, successors, and assigns, will maintain the above-described radii around the respective Wells free from the encroachment of animals by a physical barrier and will not construct, maintain, or suffer to be constructed or maintained upon Grantor's Land and within the above-described radii of the Wells, so long as the same are operated to fumish potable water for public consumption, any of the following: cesspools; sewers; pressure effluent pipes; building sewers; privies; septic tanks; drainfields; and any other receptacle for the storage, conveyance, treatment, or disposal of sewage; manure piles; manure, sewage, and other lagoons; building foundations; garbage of any kind or description; loafing shed; animal feeding stations; barns; chicken houses; rabbit hutches; dog kennels; pigpens; or other enclosures or structures for the keeping or maintenance of fowl, animals; underground storage tanks; hazardous waste sites; storage of liquid or dry chemicals; herbicides, or insecticides;public roads; surface water; railroad tracks; power utility or gas lines; or known or suspected sources of contamination such as use or application of liquid or dry chemicals; herbicides or insecticides, on or around household foundations or any other structural foundations; and fuel storage tanks. No well shall be drilled within 1000 feet of known sanitary and abandoned landfills. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the land described herein or any part thereof, as long as said Wells or waterworks are used for the purpose of furnishing potable water for public consumption. 2 Ls62354.2 - 049361 -0134 WITNESS the signature of Grantor this GRANTOR: CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation Print Name srATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss coLrNTY OF KING ) fouy or April 2022 On this A 2022, before me personally appeared Dana Ralph to me known to be the the CITY OF KENT, the Washington municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she was authorizedto execute said instrument. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. D flOer a D. l'\Ac0oc rn tc.E- (PrintName) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment Op ltll l5"th day (r). z?',/0m,'! 7s62354.2 - 049361 -0134 3- I-AKE MEHDIAN WA]EH HSTRlcT \lEtL 6 ftEHA€lLlTATl{,1'l TAK rlAftCEL N{). fi0!1141- I 150 :;ANITANY CONTROL AEEA1 EXHIFIT'A' , EXHIBIT.A. ,::l-l:-.:-.-i:liso'I I I I i=-= F* I l--Jr::ltt J ,,|i=. -----10-.TATOI ESHT REf . Hfl. 8901 I '3071 I i-ilT 1 t,:{1.ft}' I -- --hffBr4'82'\il '\r r.ral)ll.t5'iELL .':iIIE ;t..i'i: i.{lin *ii'*';!iliriiSir'ili 2B' GftEllSELT -rE$r,r'T ir-:l-. 1:iii i-'i;'li i;."-ir:r't* i I I I I i / I i, lll:d 'lf;Hi;-g<*l;g l$l!E I I I I I i I I I I 9tTE Tii'nr: t 'fe I \ \ l) F i I I l I\l t' rl I \ rB 'riq Ei"oda6-r lr lfl t l-, i I IITY fiF I(EIIT IA{ FATCEL Hs. 80914i-1r5g l. I \ 1 I rj.l ilt: @l: le j i l tp' _*,1.u * 8E ESSHD IVAY + l'r0'tE: SEE PA6E ? OF ? F$R LIIIE AflD CI"IRVE T4BLE s-rcuruu *,loilu,JEllT li{ [45E 0 .in. V) 1lr:'t,t=r-J---------] I =6tl PAOE 1 dF I Ls62354.2 - 049361 -0134 -4- Signature:ZFFq,Tuaaan terry.tuli(man (MarYl, 2022 l1:53 PDT) Emaik tjungman@kentwa.gov Sisnature: tL>?-c Brian Levenhagen (Apr4,2072 09:53 PDT) Emaik bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov Signature:'?"22/ /a19 ? Email: rlashley@kentwa.gov INITIALS REQ'D: Sun Meadows Well Restrictive Covenant FinalAudit Report 2022'04-04 "lNlTlALS REQ'D: Sun Meadows Well Restrictive Covenant" Hi story fi Document created by Lynn Osborn (losborn@kentwa.gov) 2022-03-31 - 6:47:43 PM GMT- lP address: GTr Document emailed to Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov) for signature 2022-03-31 - 6:48:55 PM GMT fi Email viewed by Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov) 2022-03-31 - 6:52:05 PM GMT- lP address: ds Document e-signed by Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov) Signature Oatei2022-03-31 - 6:53:10 PM GMT - Time Source: server- lP address: Elt Document emailed to Ronald Lashley (rlashley@kentwa.gov) for signature 2022-03-31 -6;53:12 PM GMT fr Emaitviewed by Ronald Lashley (rlashley@kentwa.gov) 2022-03-31 - 10:40:15 PM GMT- lP address: de Document e-signed by Ronald Lashley (rlashley@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2022-03-31 - 10:42:24 PM GMT - Time Source: server- lP address: Elt Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) for signature 2022-03-31 -10:42:26 PM GMT fr Emait viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2022-04-04 - 4:52:07 PM GMT- lP address: 146.129'252.126 ds Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Datel 2022-04-04 - 4:53:09 PM GMT - Time Source: server- lP address: 146.'129.252.126 @ naoue sign Greated: By: Stratus: Transaction lD: 2022-03-31 Lynn Osborn (losborn@kentwa.gov) Signed CBJCHBCAABAAIBIAL8aRGzJYJwS4xfMTwmFQwZNjLiST O Agreement completed. 2022-04-04 -4:53:09 PM GMT @ naoue sisn