HomeMy WebLinkAbout2038RESOLUTION NO. 2038 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, expressing the intent to explore the de-annexation of certain property currently located within the City of Kent, known as the "Bridges," in order for the property to be annexed to the City of Auburn, pursuant to RCW 3s.LO.2L7(2). RECITALS A. RCW 35.1O.2t7(2) authorizes the legislative body of a city, on its own initiative by resolution, to indicate its desire to be annexed to a city in whole or in part, which annexation shall become effective upon the adoption of a resolution by the other city concurring in the annexation; B. The neighborhood known as the "Bridges," (hereinafter "subject Property") is a community located on Lea Hill that is within the municipal limits of the City of Kent but is entirely surrounded by the City of Auburn, The Subject Property is denoted in Exhibit A. C. Some community members have shown an interest in the de- annexation of the Subject Property from Kent and annexation of the Subject property to Auburn consistent with discussions that have occurred between the cities of Kent and Auburn from 2OL9 to present; Intent to Explore De'Annexation to Auburn Resolution 1 D. The cities of Auburn and Kent have been working together and will continue to work collaboratively to ensure that the Bridges infrastructure meets appropriate regulatory requirements and maintenance standards if the property is annexed to Auburn; E. Some portions of the Subject Property remain undeveloped, which is cause to consider transferring regulatory and infrastructure authority and responsibility to the City of Auburn given that the Subject Property is surrounded by Auburn residents; F. The City Council desires that representatives of the cities of Kent and Auburn formally explore community interest in de-annexation of the Subject Property from Kent and annexation to Auburn by asking the Living at Bridges Homeowners Association, along with other stakeholders, whether members support annexation of the Subject Property to Auburn, with the results to be reported to each respective City Council; G. In connection with such annexation/de-annexation, the cities of Auburn and Kent hereby commit to coordinate and cooperate with respect to any issues that affect the cities, along with collaborating on all information and communication shared with the public; H. Contemporaneous with the City Council's consideration of this Resolution, the City of Auburn is considering this same expression of intent to explore annexation/de-annexation because of the mutual benefits to both cities and their common infrastructure needs; I. In the event de-annexation and annexation move forward, the cities will follow the resolution process set forth in RCW 35.L0.217. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 2 Intent to Explore De-Annexation to Auhurn Resolution RESOLUTION SECTION 7. - Recitals Incorporated. The above Recitals are incorporated into this Resolution and constitute findings of the Kent City Council. SECTION 2. - Resolution of Intent The City Council of the City of Kent directs City staff to explore community interest in the de-annexation of the Subject Property from Kent and annexation to Auburn, with the results to be reported to the City Council. SECTION 3. - Mayor Authority. The Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this resolution, including directing appropriate staff to work with the City of Auburn and other stakeholders in the Subject Property. SECTION 4, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Corrections by City Clerk. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 6, - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, Intent to Explore De-Annexation to Auhurn Resolution 3 DANA RALPH,R ATTEST: KIMBERLEY A MOTO, CITY P AS TO FORM: HITE, ACTING CITY ATTORNEY April L9,2022 Date Approved April L9,2022 Date Adopted Intent to Explore De-Annexation to Auburn Resolution q ?.. , 4 TAM EXHIBIT A SE288thSts--r-r-! t\t --*t..I :I' Auburn M'ountEinviet Itgh School 5;3 t sbrsst, sr SF 295th'rYr sl 298rh Ft sE 2$gtn pt .?0$ th ,,tay sE 30 4,t sE 304rh f \t It I-l I I I I cd Sl I I I HI o-lpl Rl*t It ln Hffe I I I I I I I t I Ij , IH l** r lo^L li*€ r?Stq.; i nr *'.,$g.n I ,:t" ,f " - crr?I I ,rQ" -t 1r' t5 | "'5'f'l*l3t;r6 | .\-/, ,rrrrJ I \t | 56 21r6th Fl lr a,ht[, l€r3 I trq Aubrr#li 1t6 h?t .tr.. r!t!\c-l ot; .rJfr 'lljt d