HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-108 - Original - Holman Distribution Center of WA - Holman Redevelopment Permit RECC-2193650 - 03/22/20223/18/2022 CAG2022-108 3/22/2022 3/22/2022 3/22/2022 3/21/2022 Instrument Number: 2022032100t121 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-l of 7 Record Date:312112022 1:59 PM Electronically Recorrled King County, WA EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIR-ED BY HOLLY FERGUSON' DEPUTY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Attn: City Clerk Q6nts1; HolmEn Distribution Center of Washington, Inc., a Washington - cornoration:an Fliclrihrrtion Center f)rpnnn an Orponn c-orno thpir interesF mav r nf rprnrrl en Orenon limited liabilitv Grantee l-il-v nf llanf Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn. Lot 1, City of Kent SP No. SPC-78-30. Rec' No. 7812 R Additional Legal DescriPtion on r Fvhihil- \'A" Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No.: 775980-0130 STR: SE 1.2:22rL project Name: Mill Creek at 76th Ave Flood Protec-tion Improv.em.ents/20'3028 STREAM ACCESS EASEMENT EASEMENT granted thls 22nd daY of March 2022, by Holman Distribution Center of Washington, Inc., a Washington corporation; Holman Distribution Center of Oregon, an Oregon corporation; Hawthorne Investment Company, an Oregon corporation; and Clark Family, LLC, as their interest may appear of record, an Oregon llmited liability company (collectively "Grantor"), to C'fiV Of KENT, a Washington municlpal corporation ("Grantee" or "City"). Grantor, for and ln consideration of Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10.00) and/or other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to Grantee, its successors and/or asslgns, a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for Stream Access Easernent Page 1 Instrument Number: 20220324001121 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-2 oI7 Record Date:312112022 1:59 PM King Count]' WA ingress and egress for the purpose of transporting City personnel and thelr equipment Ltnder, over, through and across the property situated in King County, Wbshington, specifically described in Exhlbit "A- and graphically depicted in Exhibi{ "8", both of which are attached and incorporated hereln (the "Easement Area"). The Grantor agrees that this easement touches and concerns the land described in Exhibit A, and lhat this easement shall run with the land. City shall have the right at all times, without prior institution of suit or proceeding at law, to enter the Easement Area and access immediate adjacent areas to transport necessary equipment and personnel with at least 24 hours prior notice to Grantor, except in the event of an emergency. No permanent obstructions ol any kind whatsoever shall be allowed within above-described property that would impede the ingress and egress for the purposes herein defined. When exercising its rlghts under this easement, City will avoid damaging any private improvements existing wlthin or adjacent to the Easement Area and City will restore .private improvements damaged by Grantee's actions to as good condition as they were immediately before lhe Easement Area was entered upon by the City' This easement shall be a covenant running with the land forever and shall be binding on the Grantor's successors, heirc, and assigns' GRANTOR: HOLMAN DISTRIBUTiON CENTER oF WASHINGTON, INC. HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER oF oREGON/ INC. #.'&-:)*;d-"#-- Name Flrian Flnwnia Name Brien Down[e Title: President Title: President Date HAWTHORNE INVESTMENT COMPANY s*'efl)-; Name Rrion F)nwnie Title Drac irla n t Date:*Additianal signature on following page* Stream Access Easement Page 2 Instrument Number: 20220321001121 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-3 of 7 Record Date:312412022 1:59 PM King County, WA CI.ARK FAMILY LLC By: Title: Date *Natary Acknowledgments on Foltowing Two Pages* Stream Access Easement page 3 Instrument Number: 2O22O321OOll21 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-A of 7 Record Date:312112022 1:59 PM King County' WA STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. couNTY oF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisFactory evidence that Brien Downie is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the President of Holman Distrlbutlon Center of Washington, President of Holman Dlstrlbutlon Center of Oregonr Inc', and president of Hawthorne Investment Company. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated 2DLL Stream Access Easemenl Page 4 L)N ;. -Notary seal Must Appear Within Thls Box' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the TONI L BLUE Notary publlc State of Washlngton Cornmisslon t IZ9?66 Aly Comm. frpires Jut Z?, tlll,e+€4t My appointment expires 1 n z NOTARY PUBLIC, in and of Washington, residing day and year first above Signature) Instrument Number: 2O22O321OOll21 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-S of 7 Record Date:312412022 1:59 PM King County' WA STATE OF WASHINGTON couNTY oF-r<lfi€- ct"b d e- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Elizabeth Clark Agosti is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Managing Member of Clark Family' LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in lhe instrument, Dated: la*-k If . ?o+>- ACCEPTED: CITY OF KENT *DorrLf.Ru-\*^ By: Dana Ralph ss ) ) ) TiUe Date : Mayor . -: 03122122 Stream Access Easement page 5 e'€c{fr;rr-{a F;191i{": -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal the (r*of Washington, residing at My appointment exp day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the ignature) Instrument Numlrer: 2O22O321OOll21 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-6 of 7 Record Date:312412022 1:59 PM King County' WA EXHIBIT A STREAM ACCESS EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION A 2O,OO FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND OVER A PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SPC-7&30, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 7B1?2OO8/,8, LYING 1O.OO FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: COMIilENCING ATTHE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., MONUMENTED BYAN ENCASED 2 INCH BRASS DISK, 1.1 FEET BELOW GRADE IN 2012; THENCE NORTH OO'58'3S'EAST, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEASTQUARTER OF SAID SECT1ON 12, BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE CENTERLINE OF 76TH AVENUE SOUTH,433.36 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88'51'04' EAST, 4O.OO FEET TO THE EAST MARGIN OF SAID 76TH AVENUE AND THE FOINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88'51'04" EAST,84.16 FEET TOA CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 21O.OO FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTML ANGLE OF 21%5'36', FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 79.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 67"05'29 EAST,41,83 FEET TO A CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 21O.OO FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTML ANGLE OF 21"fi'52", FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 78.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88"36'20''EAST, tr7.S1 FEET TO A POINT THAT LIES 1O,OO FEET WESTERLY A$ MEASURED PERPENDICULARLYOF THE EASTERLY LIMITS OF SAiD LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 06"03'12, EAST, PAMLLEL WITH AND IO,OO FEET DISTANT OF THE EASTERLY LIMITS OF SAID LOTS 1 AND 2, FOR 452,26 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, AND THE TERMINUS OF THIS CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION, THE SIDELINES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED TO INTERSECT THE WESTERLY LIM]TS OF SAID LOT 1, THE SOUTHERLY LIMITS OF SAID LOT 2, AND AT ALL ANGLE POINTS AND LINES PERPENDICULAR TO ALL DESCRIBED TERMINI, CONTAINING 27,695 SOUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 18558 - HOLMAT{ DISTRIBUTION 18558L,001 - RDL February 16,2022 Instrument Number: 20220321001121 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-7 of 1 Record Date:312412022 1:59 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT B N Itr T scAtE tr.200' 1'04"E 84.16' L!5x =nN m (o ts? lq)tslrt lrl @le6r)ooz (,a z 6)lrl g 4Azao ui ILbF' da(,! =fiuFaJ =n I oIxb IFnr}E ts 41,83' *27,695 S.F.LOT 1 t"t m LOT 2 ooc{ P.O.B. A=21'5052" L=78.85' o.oo' A=21'45'J6' L=79,75' R=21 =-"gff'l}lHt*" P.O.C. s 1/4 CoR. SEC. t2, T.22N, R.4E FOUND ENCASED 2. BRASS DISI(, 1.1' BELo!'T GRADE (Vlslru 1ol5/12) LOT 3 TERMINUS ffiALE: HlRIZOMAI 1n=20c' vERl7oqr N/A JOg NUMBER 18558 For: HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION 1g&fiL.Mt.DOC sftfET I STREAM ACCES$ EASEMENT Eerghaurur Gonruldng Enghoorq,lm. EllS 72nd Alrnu. South K9nt'W gmn &s5,L6'zI brrtl[ul.naoil Instrument Number: 2022032100116.1 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-l of 7 Record Date:3/2112022 2:05 PM Electronically Recortled King County, WA EXCISE TAX NOT R-EQUIRED BY LISA OHLEN' DEPUTY AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Grantor(slr Holrridn Disfrihutlon Center of W innfon Inr e \Alechinnton corpordtion; Holman DistribLjtion Center of Oregon. Inc.. an Oregon corDgration: Hawthorne Investment Compqny: and Clark Familv. LLC. as their interest may agpear of recofd Grantee(s):Citv of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: .Ptn. Lot 1, Citv of Kent SP N9, SPC-78-30, Rec-. No. 7Rl ??noR4R Additional Legal Description on:Exhibit A Asgessor's Tax Parcel No.:775980-0130 STR:sE 12-22-4 Project Name./Number: Mill Cfeek at 76! Ave Flood Protection Implevements/20-3028 Temporary Construction Easoment EASEMENT granted this 22nd day ofllarqh,2o?2 , by Holman Distribution Center of Washington, Inc., a Washington corporation; Holman Distribution Center of Oregon, an Oregon corporation; Hawthorne Investment Company; and Clark Family, LLC, as their interest may appear of record (collectively "Grantor"), to CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipaI corporation ("Grantee" or "City"). Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10.00) and/or other valuable consideration, receipt of whlch is hereby acknowledged, grants to Grantee, its successors and/or assigns, in lieu of condemnation, a temporary construction easement and right of entry, including reasonable rights of ingress and egress, through and across a portion of tax parcel 775980-0130, also known as 22408 76h Ave. S., Kent WA situated in King County Washington, specifically described in Exhibit A and graphlcally depicted in Exhibit B, (the "Easement Area"), to be used only during construction of improvements in conjunction with the Mill Creek at 76s Ave. Flood Protection lmprovements Project ("Project'). Temporary Construction Easement - Holman Page 1 Instrument Number: 20220324001164 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-Z of 7 Record Datezil21l2022 2:05 PM King County, WA HOLMAN DISTRIBUT]ON CENTER OF WASHINGTON, INC, The temporary construction easement and right of entry shall remaln in force during construction of the Project from the date of first entry onto the Easement Area by Grantee, for a period of one (1) year. City shall have the right, without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary, with at least two (2) business days prior written notice to Grantor (except in the event of an emergency) to enter upon the Easement Area for the purpose of construction of improvements pursuant to the Project, provided that the construction of these improvements shall be accompllshed in such a manner that the existing lrnprovements and land contours existlng on the Property shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or if they arc disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were imrnediately before the Property was entered upon by the City. In addition, City shall use commercially reasonable efforts lo avoid interfering with Grantork normal course of business on its adjacent property as City exercises its rights hereunder, City shall at all times exercise its rights under this temporary construction easement and right of entry in accordance with the requirements of all appllcable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. Grantor agrees not to interfure with City's rights under this easement. Interference includes, but is not limitecl to Creating any obstructions that would lmpede the City's ingress and egress or access to the Easement Area The rights granted by Grantor to City under this agreement are for the limited purpose of allowing City temporary entry on to the Property for construction of the Project. Nothing herein shall be construed as a permanent conveyance ofa real property interest from Grantor to Clty. GMNTOR: Date:Date: HAWTHORNE INVESTM ENT COMPANY e"'€fl)# Name: Brien Downie Title : Freq.idcnt Date HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER oF oREGON, INC. e-<4T)-+ Narne: Brien Downie Title:President *Additional signature on following page* ?g*.€ffi# Name : Brien lfownie Title : Presidenh Temporary Construction Easement - Holman Page 2 Instrument Numberi 20220324001164 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-3 of 7 Record Date:312412022 2:05 PM King County, WA CLARK FAMILY LLC By TiIIE: Date *N ota ry Ackn owl edg m e nts on Follawing Two Pages* Managing Member /y' I t e/,,- I 7, z"s , ( Temporary Construction Easement - Holman Page 3 Instrument Number: 20220321001164 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-4 of 7 Record Datet3l24l2022 2:05 PM King County' WA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that t krrow or have satisfactory evldence that Brien Downie is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Presldent of Holman Distribution Center of Washington' President of Holman Distributlon Center of Oregon, Inc., and President of ]lawthorne fnvestment Company. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated .\n^ -^r- t'1 '1 rl LL ss, ) ) ) rtJI\ -Notary Seal Must Appear Wlthln Thls Bax- IN WITNESS'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the (Signature) NOTARY PUBLIC, in and of Washington, residing My appointment expires TOH' L BLUE Notary Publlc State of waslllngton'. Cornmlgslon # 1792t6 MyComm. Expire3 Jul Z?.2023 at uL5F"l Sr(}E day and year first above written. for the State Temporary Constructlon Easement - Holman Page 4 Instrument Number: 2O22O324OOlt64 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-S of 7 Record Date:312412022 2:05 PM King County' WA ACCEPTED: CITY OF KENT Title: Date Mavor o?122 l)) STATE OF WASHINGTON )6. ) ss. couNTY oH€StC- c[4'fLs- t I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Elizabeth Clark Agosti is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowtedged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and icknowledged it as the Managing Member of Clark Family, LLC' to be the free and voluntary i.t of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument' Dated fa,-J^-) J*t.)>* By -Notary Seal Must Appear Withln This Box' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the tvA, ignature) at ,1tlLlL, ir, ,il j]A& +r:,;l.iifig*no day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the of Washington/ residing My appointment expires Temporary Construction Easement - Holman Page 5 Instrument Number: 2022032400116,l Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-6 of 7 Record Date:312412022 2:05 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 1 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SPC-7&30, UNDER KING COUNW RECORDI NG N UMBER 7 81?200848, MORE PARTICUTARLY D E$CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT TI.IE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, MNGE 4 EAST, W.M., MONUMENTED BY AN ENCASED 2 INCH BRASS DISK, 1.1 FEET BELOW GRADE IN 2012; THENCE NORTH 00"58'38' EAST, ALONG ]HE 1AEST UNE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12, BEING COINCIDENTWTH THE CENTERLINE OF 76TH AVENUE SOUTH,485.82 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88"26'31' EAST, 4O.OO FEET TO THE EAST MARGIN OF SAID 76TH AVFNUE SOUTH, AND THE POINTOF EEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88"26'31" EAST, 2O.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO"5B'38'WE$T, 3O.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8S"01'22' EAST, 25,00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00"58'38" IAiEST, 45.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'01"2" WEST, 25,00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO'58'38" IIiEST, 132.00 FEET; THENGE NORTH 8S'01'22'WEST, 2O,OO FEET TO SAID EAST MARGIN i THENCE NORTH OOOSB'3BU EAST, ALONG SAID EAST MARGIN, 207.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 5,267 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 6t2s12021 18558 - HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION '185581.002 - RDL JUNE 14, 2021 Instrument Number: 20220321001164 Document:EAS Rec: $209.50 Page-1 of 7 Record Date:312112022 2:05 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT B N I tr T SCALE f.OO' 40' c 01 =o. lr)o d.t NoN + o g!p Fnz,o(} o- =UFI 6U INoIxU Jlr)sm ef-/con 'om ooom L P oE 2o.oo' J8T Jo.oo', '22\ 25.00' bnl Fros] lrJIqt ]",or.f)Aoz, 45.00' 5,267 S.F,LOT 1 F_ FE FHOFo 1'22eW 25.00' .N b d@t l,l€D nonboz a d rF(o l\ "-i$lh?k*"t- '22"1Y 20.00' LOT 2 40' P.O.C. s 1/4 COR, SEC, 12, T,22N, R,4E FOUND ENCASED 2, BRASS DISK, 1,'I BELOW ORI\DE (VlSllED 10/5/12) SC4Lfi H1RtzOtlTN lo=100' WffiAL N/A For: HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION JOg NUMBER 18558 Barghflisen Cmsuhing Engineers, Ina 18zS 72nd Avsnu€ South Kent, W gglfz 4F^25,1S?2. brghrueqrcom 185581.002.00C Tltle: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SHEFI | "rllDfi4ilrv t{JL t1+/2U2"1 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-l of 10 Excise Docs: 31797ll Selline Price: $0.00 Tax Amount: $10.00 RecorilDatez3/25/2022 Electronically Recorded lfrng County, WA 9:53 A WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Gran lJnlmrn FlicFrihrrFinn Canfar nf lll/ech innf'nn fna = lAlrchinafnn corooration: Holman Distribution Center of Oreoon. an Oreoon nnrnoration: Hawthorne Investment Comgany, an Oregon corooration; and Clark Family,-L!C, an Orennn limil'pd liahilitv..omnanv- as hhelr cf rnav annpar nf recnrrl Grantee : Citv of Kent Abbreviated Legal Description: ftn. Lot L, City of Kent SP No. SPC-78-30' Rec. No. 7812200848 Additional Legal Description on trvhihil- \rAt' AssessoCs Tax Parcel ID No,: 775980-0130 STR; SE 12-22-4 ProJect Name: Mill Creek at 76th Ave Flood Protection Improvementsl20-3028 WARRANTY DEED Holman Distribution Center of Washington. Inc., a Washington corporation; Holman Distribution Center of Oregon, an Oregon corporatloni Hawthorne Investment Company, an Oregon corporation; and Clark Famlly, LLC, an oregon limited liability company, as their interest may appear of record, (collectively, "Grantor"), for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10,00) and/or other valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the Gity of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("Grantee"), for right-of- way purposes, all its interest, including any after acquired title, in the real property described and depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibits A and B, situated in King County, Washington. and subject to the conditions listed on Rainier Title Order Number 798348RT; Schedule B, Paragraphs 9 through 22, as set forth in Exhibit C, attached and incorporated. (Signatures on following page) WARRANTY DEED - Page 1 of 5 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-2 of l0 Record Datez3l25l2022 9:53 AM King Countyo WA GRANTOR: HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER oF wASHINGTON, INC. /g-^&)* Name:Brien Downie ntle : President Date HAWTHORNE INVESTMENT COMPANY ?E&@d Name : Brien Downie Title . Preq,idenf Date HOLMAN DISTRIBUTTON CENTER oF oREGON, [NC. #*@-; Name: Brien Downie Title: President Date *Additional signature on followlng page* WARRANTY DEED - Page 2 of5 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-3 of 10 Record Dile:312512022 9:53 AM King Countyo WA CLARK FAMILY LLC By Title Manaoino Member Date *Notary Acknawledgments en Fallowing Two Pages* WARMNTY DEED - Page 3 of 5 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-4 of 10 Record Date:312512022 9:53 AM King County' WA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Brien Downie is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed thls instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Presldent of Holman Distribution Center of Washlngton, President of Holman Dlstrlbutlon Center of Oregon, Inc., and Presldent of Hawthorne fnvestment Company. to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:)fzta-r'o,1" 11 ,LDLZ ) ) ) ss. qlA 8Lz IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the TONI L IJLUE Not+ry Pr,rblic Stafe of Washlngtorr . Cgrnmission il l79lb6 l'ly C0-mril. ExFrires Jul 22, ZOTJ b!c* e.NOTARY PUBLIC,in and for the State -? -Notary Seal Must Appear Within Thls Box- day and year firct above My appointment expires LDLA (Signature) of Washington, residing at WARRANTY DEED - Page 4 of 5 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-S of 10 Record Date:312512022 9:53 AM King Countyn WA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNW OF KING I ceftify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Elizabeth Clark Agosti is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Managing Member of Clark Family, LLC, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated ACCEPTED: CIW OF KENT By Title Date ss. ) ) ) o?l).). .F ArJs.'..,u:'iiil.-r*e F;;i,;1.i{i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal the My appointment exp ires -T. {- IJ JDJL\ t -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- day and year first above written. of Washington, residing at NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State (Signature) WARRANTY DEED - Page 5 of 5 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-6 of 10 Record Date:3/25/2022 9:53 AM King County, WA EXHIBITA RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 1 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SPCNE-3o, UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 7812200848, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOIAIST COI,IIMENCING AT TI.IE SOUTH OUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 12, TOIT/NSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., MONUMENTED BYAN ENCASED 2 INCH BRASS DISK, 1,1 FEET BELOWGRADE IN 2012; THENCE NORTH 00"58'38, EASI ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12, BEING COINCIDENTWTH THE CENTERLINE OF 76TH AVENUE SOUTH, 485,82 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88"26'31" EAST, 4O,OO FEET TO THE EAST MARGIN OF SAID 76TH AVENUE SOUTH, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNIT.IG; THENCE NORTH 00"58'38" EASI ALONG SAID EAST MARGIN,42,00 FEET; THENCE $OUTH 88'26'31" EAST,2O.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO'58'3€T WEST, 42.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88'26'31'WEST, 2O,OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BECINNING. CONTAINING 840 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 6t23t2021 18558 - HOLMAN DISTRIBUTION 185581,003 - RDL JUNE 14,2021 4001 ST Instrument Numberz 20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-7 of 10 Record Dnte:3252022 9:53 AM King Countyn WA EXHIBIT B N I tr ft t 20.00'SCAIE f.10d 40' U5E I @r')si c.l{JN 6 o!Et(fE I o 15 nA InoIxU I6r)rlm Uzt 6nr,tp ooom 1o- N00'58'38"E 42.00'42.00' 26'31"t| 20.00' P:O.8. -t.t LOT 1 'N os lf)s Ld ((t 1.}snact2. o ui :trF(oF -"sTff!F:'Xs;1?- LOT 2 40' P.O.C. s 1/+ coR. sEc. 12, T.22N, R,4E FOUND ENCASED 2, BRASS DISK, 1.1, BELow GRADE (vrsrTED 1ols/12) soqrE' HoRtzOMAL l"=100' lERIlCqt N/A For: HOLMAN DISTHIBUTION JOB NUMBFP. 18558 Baryhawen Consulting Englneerq lnc. 18315 72nd Av€nue South Kent,W 98062 A5,?5.na barghruroncom 1855€]L.N3.MC Tltle: RIGHT OF WAY DEDIGATION SHEET 1"1 IDMIW RUL ,-I 14t 7U21 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-8 of 10 Record Date:3/25DA22 9:53 AM King Countyo WA F,XI'IIRIT C s.Easement and the terms and conditions thereof:Grantee. Puget Sound Power & Light Company Purpose: : f lectric transmission and/or distribution line(s) Area affected; a portion of said premises Recorded: October 31, 1968 Recordino No.: 6428330 Fartial Release of said easement recorded under Recording No, 81 10-q10651' 10. Covenants, conditions and restrictions but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, creed or national origin, imposed by instrument recorded on August 29, 1969, under Recording No. €558491-. 1'l . Easement and the terms and conditions thereof; Grantee: CitY of Kent Purpose: Sanitary sewer with necessary appurtenances Area affected: a portion of said premises Recorded: February 7,1974 Recording No.: ruru2!039 12. All covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easement$ or other servitudes, if any, but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the short plat recorded under Recording No" 2812200848. Instrument Number:20220325000326 l)ocument:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-9 of 10 Record Date:3/25 /2022 9:53 AM King County, WA 13. Reservation of all coal and minerals:Recorded: December 30, 1982 Recording No.: 8.?12301328 The Company makes no representation as to th€' present ownership of any such interests. There rnay be leases, grants, exceptions or reservations of interests that are not listed. 14. City of Kent Signal Participation Covenant and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: October2.1986 Recording No.: 861002004q 15. City of Kent L.l.D. Covenant and the terms and conditions thereof: Recorded: October2,1986 Recording No.: gglQ0?q949 16. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantee: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Purpos6: Electric transmission and/or distribution line(s) Area affected: a portion of said premises Recorded: Juty 20, 1987 Recordino No,: 8707200624 17. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof:Grantee: Puget Sound Energy, lnc.Purpose: One or more utility systems Area atfected: a portion of said premises Recorded; July 21, 1998 Recording No.: 98072.10745 18. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof;Grantee: Puget Sound EnergY, lnc. Purpose: One or more utility systems Area atfected: a portion of said premises Recorded: July 21, 1998 Recording No.: 980721474E 19. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantee: Puget Sound EnergY, lttc, Purpose: One or more utility system$ Area affected', a portion of said premises Recorded: July 21, 1998 Recordino Ns.: 9807210747 20. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof:Grantee: Puget Sound Energy, lnc. Purpose: One or more utility systems Area affected: a portion of said premises Recorded: July 21, 1998 Recordino No: 9807?10748 Instrument Number:20220325000326 Document:WD Rec: $212.50 Page-l0 of 10 Record Date:312512022 9:53 AM King County, WA 21 Easement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Grantee: Puget Sound Energy, lnc. Purpose: Electrical distribution lines and wooden poles Area affected: a portion of said premises Recorded: September20,1999 Recording No.: 1999092q00$84 22. Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Established in United States District Court for the Southern District of lndiana lndianapolis Division, Cause No. ; 1 :99-cv-931 3-DFH-TAB MDL Docket No. 1313Purpose: AT&T Fiber Optic Cable lnstallation Affects: a portion of said premises and other properties Said instrument is also recorded in the otfice of the King County Auditor under Recording No. 2008051 9!00521, END OF SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS