HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-114 - Original - King County - Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Mendel Property - 03/28/2022Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and contract cover Sheet Jorms, (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Dir Asst: Dir/Dep:#*KENT tOptional) WA9HI{GTON E oLg o. Originator: Lynn Osborn Department: Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: ', 03/22/2022 Date Required: Earliest opportunitY Please Authorized to Sign: Muuyotot Designee Date of Council Approval: ,03/L5/2022 Budqet Account Number: PZIOT2 Budget? flves[tto Grant? vesfl uozl Type; 19661 =o( |E ELora- E +,Eo EooLul Vendor Name: King County Category: Other Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Original Project Name:Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Mendel Property E ProjectDetails: Reserves Mendel property at Upper Mill Creek as open space for public use, due to use of King County Conservation Futures Tax levy funds to acquire' Agreement Amount: 0.00 Start Date:Upon final signature Basis for Selection of Contractor: Othef* Memoto Mayot mustbeattoched Termination Date: None Local Businesszllves nto* Business License Verificatio"i f] lf meets requirements pet KCC3.70.100, pleasecompletenendor Purchase'Local Exceptions" form on Cityspoce. Yesnln-Proc"ttflftetot (KCC 5.01.04s) Notice prior to disclosure? No Contract Number: Ch -ll ,WlvlA? 2 2 Z0Zz LAW w(n Comments; OfficecerKsDate Received: CitY AttorneY:Date laoL JviE cDccslE =E(l, oct adccw22373-1*2o Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obta i n cop ies of all agreements rev.20210513 Instrument Numb er:20220330000666 Document:COV Rec: $205.50 Page-l of 3 Record Date:3/30 12022 1 :33 PM Electronically Recorded King County, WA Upon recording retum to: Ingrid Lundin Conservation Futures Program King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks 20t S. Jackson Street, Suite 5600 Seattle, WA 98104 Grantor: Grantee: Abbreviated Legal DescriPtion: City of Kent, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington King County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Washington W 3 ACRES OF POLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: N THREE-QUARTERS OF NW QTR SW QTR STR 29-22-0s EXC N SdS PT EXC S 30 FT CONVEYED TO KING CO FOR ROAD BY DEED UNDER RECORDING NO 5323915; & EXCEPTING FROM SAID W 3 ACRES THE W 90 FT THEREOF Assessor's Parcel No: 2922O59210 Declaration of Restrictive Covenants city of Kent, a Municipal corporation of the state of washington, is the'owni'r.of a real estate located in King Co..nty, State oiWashington more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made part hereof (the "Property'')' The purpose of this instrument is to place of record those certain Restrictive covenants' which pursuant to certain grant funding sources made available to city of Kent to acquire said p;.p;y require that the pToperty be relstricted to uses in accordance with the funds used to purchase said ProPertY' Therefore the Property is hereby subject to the following Restrictive covenants: The property horein conveyed was purchased with King county conservation Futures Tax revy runas ana is subject to open space use restrictions and restrictions on alienation as specified in RCW $S4.r+.zoo, et seq., and King county code $26.12.003, et seq. Instrument Number:20220330000666 Document:COV Rec: $205.50 Page-2 of 3 Record Date:3/30120221:33 PM King County, WA *.4Fe#In witness whereof City of Kent has set its hand and seal this day of March,2022 City of Kent a Municipal Corporation of of Washington By: Title: Mcyar STATE OF WASHINCTON ) corrNrY oF KrNG ltt I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dana Ra.\eh __ is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that ghe signed th'is instrumcnt, on oath stated that Lhe is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the _--*..__I'\n4514Ac*_ of City of Kent to be the free and voluntary act of such party ftr the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: --@ 0 f{leti*."ffi Printed name 06 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Re siding at -$ffi SI*Af#*n My appointment expires :ftlrufaOaE h 21000t.t Instrument Number;20220330000666 Document:COV Rec: $205.50 Page-3 of 3 Record Date:3/30 /20221:33 PM King Countyo WA Exhibit A Legal DescriPtion The West 3 acres of the following described property: The North three-quarters of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 2Z North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the North 595 feet; AND EXCEPT the South 30 feet conveyed to King county for road by deed recorded under Recording No. 5323915; AND EXCEPTING from said west 3 acres, the west 90 feet thereof; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington.