HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-055 - Supplement - The Huntington National Bank - Fully Executed Riverbend Golf Cart Use & Lease Agreement - 01/01/2022DocuSign Envelope ID: 7549F9EC-38FA-4848-92F8-F7A78588CF3E LEASE AGREEMENT fro Huntington (EQUIPMENT RENTAL) This "Lease": Lease Agreement Number 008-0742593-100 Dated June 9, 2021 .'Lessee" City of Kent, Washington, 220 Fourth Ave. S, Kent, \\'A 98032 Fax: E-mail: "Lessor" The Huntin ton National Bank, 1405 Xenium Lane North PCC180 , Plvmouth, MN 55441 Fax:319-833-4577 E-mail:cuslomerservicc a financediN.com Number of Rental Payments Rental Payments Advances During a 48 month term that shall be based on the 48 date Lessor pays the Equipment supplier, a monthly payment of S5,114.88 (the "Standard Payment") is due beginning March, 2022 and each March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October thereafter until a total of 32 Standard Payments have been made. A payment of SO.00 is due each November, December, January and First:SO.00 February for a total of 16 SO Payment Months, Last:SO.00 The Total Number of Rental Payments includes Total:SO.00 both the Standard Payment Months and the SO Payment Months. The first due date for a "Standard Payment" will be determined by Lessor once it pays the Equipment supplier and the Lessee has provided a written acknowledgement of its acceptance of the Equipment. Plus any applicable taxes EQUIPMENT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION: (MAXIMUM HOURS: 2019 W Meeker St, Kent, WA 98032: (36) 2022 E-Z-GO RXV Elite Lithium Golf Cars together with all attachments and N; A accessories thereto TERMS AND CONDITIONS --READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I. RENTAL: Lessor rents to Lessee and Lessee rents from Lessor the equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, inventory, goods and software, as such terms are defined under the Uniform Commercial Code ("UCC"), described above and in any schedule made a part hereof, together with all replacements, replacement parts, repairs, returns, substitutions, additions, accessories, and accessions incorporated therein or attached thereto (collectively, "Equipment"), upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. The parties intend this Lease to be governed by Article 2A of the UCC. Pursuant to Article 2A, Lessee is entitled to the promises and warranties, Including those of any third party, pro% ided to Lessor by the Equipment supplier. Lessee may contact the Equipment supplier and receive an accurate and complete statement of the promises and warranties, including any disclaimers and limitations of them or of remedies. 2. PAYMENTS: Other than as set forth in a rider hereto, rental payments are due monthly, beginning the date designated by Lessor and continuing on the same day of each month as provided for in the above Rental Payment schedule. Lessor may change the payment only with Lessee's written agreement through an amendment to this Lease. 3. EQUIPMENT ACCEPTANCE: Lessee shall have accepted the Equipment for purposes of this Lease upon Lessee's delivery of a signed delivery and acceptance certificate to Lessor signed by an authorized representative of Lessee. Lessee represents that any agent of Lessee w.ho verifies delivery and acceptance of the Equipment by signing a writing acknowledging delivery and acceptance has actual authority to do so. Upon the parties' mutual acceptance of this Lease, THIS LEASE SHALL BE NON -CANCELABLE, and Lessee's obligations hereunder shall not abate for any reason other than as provided for in this Lease. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: AS BETWEEN LESSOR AND LESSEE, THE EQUIPMhNT IS BEING RENTED IN "AS IS" CONDITION, PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT LESSEE'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LESSOR'S WAIVER OF WARRANTIES ENDER THIS LEASE. SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY IMPACT OR AFFECT ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BETWEEN LESSEE AND THE, EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER OR VENDOR, LESSEE AGREES THAT LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE. HAS SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT BASED UPON ITS OWN JUDGMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT LESSOR HAS NOT MADE AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SUITABILITY, DURABILITY, DESIGN, OPERATION OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT, 11-S MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR USE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE. No broker, equipment supplier, or other person (other than an employee of Lessor) is an agent of Lessor. Golf RemxlAgrnmenl MUM %er 113 22 21 444U" 12 20 21,21 6 41 ANS 1.igr 3 A' DocuSign Envelope ID- 7549F9EC 38FA-4848-92F8 F7A785BBCF3E 5. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE OF LITIGATION: THIS LEASE, AND ALL MATTERS ARISING FROINI THIS LEASE, INCLUDING ALL INTEREST AND FINANCE CHARGES HEREUNDER, SHALL IN ALL RESPECTS BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. TO THE EXTENT PERAHTTED BY LAW, THE PARTIES HEREBY NAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. THE PARTIES �-VIAV ENFORCE THIS LEASE IN ANY STATE OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED iN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON HAVING LAWFUL JURISDICTION THEREOF, 6. SECURITY AGREEMENT: In the event this Lease is determined to be governed by Article 9 of the UCC, Lessee hereby grants Lessor a security interest in all Equipment financed by or rented from Lessor, of any kind or nature whatsoever, wherever located, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, and all returns, repossessions, substitutions, replacement parts, accessories, and accessions thereto and thereof, and all proceeds thereof, to secure all present and future obligations of Lessee to Lessor, of every type and description and howsoever evidenced. This Lease shall be construed so that interest, the applicable interest rate and other charges shall not exceed that allowed by applicable law, and any payment that otherwise would be deemed unlawful will be applied first to prepay principal and then refunded to Lessee, 7. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY 1N FACT: Lessee authorizes Lessor, its successors and assigns to cause this Lease, or any other document(s) showing the interest of Lessor, including but not limited to UCC financing statements, to be authenticated and filed or recorded In addition, Lessee appoints Lessor, its successors and assigns, as Lessee's attorney-uh-fact (1) to arrange for property damage coverage under a policy of insurance and to transmit Lessee's premium payments to the insurer on behalf of Lessee in the event that Lessee fails to insure tine Equipment as required under Section 12, (2) to deal with and to direct said insurer as to any matter concerning the claim for, disposition of, and'or application of proceeds from any policy of insurance, and (3) to receive payments and execute and endorse all documents, checks, drafts, or other instruments necessary or advisable to secure payments duc tinder any policy of insurance. These appointments and authorizations shall be continuous. Nothing in this paragraph shall relieve Lessee of its duty to procure required insurance, to make timely insurance claims, and to otherwise cooperate with insurance carriers and Lessor in seeking insurance coverage and recoveries. 8. UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION: Except in the event of tennination under Section 19 for non -appropriation. Lessee agrees to be unconditionally obligated to pay all payments and other amounts due hereunder no matter what happens, even if the Equipment is damaged or destroyed, if it is defective, if Lessee no longer can use it, or if the manufacturer or supplier ceases doing business or cannot service andror support the Equipment, and irrespective of any set off, counterclaim, defense, or other right which Lessee may have against Lessor or any other person. 9. USE: Lessee agrees that the Equipment will be used for business purposes only and such use shall be in compliance with all applicable laws. Lessee shall maintain the Equipment in good repair and working order at Lessee's sole expense. 10. TAXES: Lessee agrees to pay all taxes, fees, and governmental charges related to this Lease, which during the term of this Lease oral anytime thereafter may be imposed. If Lessor pays any of the above for Lessee, Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor on demand, plus interest. Lessor shall not be obligated to contest any valuation of or tax imposed on the Equipment or this Lease. 11. INDEMNITY: To the extent permitted by law, Lessor is not responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the Equipment. Lessee agrees to indemnify Lessor with respect to all claims for losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against Lessor, including attorneys' fees and expenses plus interest, where such claims arise or are caused by Lessee's negligence, and Lessee agrees to obtain indemnification from the Equipment supplier to indemnify Lessor for claims related to the Equipment that are not attributable to the Lessee's negligence. Further, Lessee shall, if requested by Lessor, defend Lessor against any claims for losses or injuries caused by the Lessee's negligent performance of this Lease. This provision shall survive the cancellation, termination or expiration of this Lease 12. INSURANCE: Lessee shall keep the Equipment insured against loss for not less than its replacement cost or such greater amount as may be prescribed by any applicable state law specifying minimum insurance requirements, and shall carry public liability insurance, both personal injury and property damage. Lessee shall name Lessor as an additional insured and as loss payee. If Lessee fails to procure insurance, Lessor may obtain same and pay the amount due thereon as provided for under Section 7 of this Lease and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor upon demand and, if required by Lessor, shall pay interest on such sums due and owing at a rate of up to 18% per annum, but in no event more than the maximum rate permitted by law. With respect to any policy obtained by Lessor under Section 7, Lessor may charge a monthly administrative fee. Any insurance proceeds received with respect to the Equipment will be applied, at the option of Lessor, to repair, restore, or replace tine Equipment, or to pay Lessor the retraining balance and any other amounts payable hereunder. 13. LATE CHARGES: If Lessee is delinquent in paying any sum due, Lessee shall pay a charge to offset collection expenses on such delinquent payment of S25.00 or an amount of up to ten percent (10%) of the payment amount that is past due, whichever is greater, but in no event more than allowed by applicable law. in addition, Lessor will impose a surcharge of up to $30 or the maximurn allowed under applicable law for any dishonored payment. 14. DEFAULT: Any of the following constitute default: (1) Lessee fails to pay any sum due Lessor; (2) Lessee fails to observe or perform any other term of this Lease; (3) Lessee encumbers or disposes of the Equipment without Lessor's written consent; (4) The filing by or against Lessee or any guarantor of Lessee's obligations to Lessor ("Guarantor") of a petition under the Bankruptcy Code or any other insolvency law; (5) The voluntary or involuntary commencement of any formal or informal proceeding for dissolution, liquidation, settlement of claims against or winding up of Lessee's or a Guarantors affairs, or Lessee or a Guarantor, if applicable, ceases doing business of going concern; (6) Any representation or warranty made by Lessee or a Guarantor in connection herewith proves to have been materially misleading; (7) Lessee is in default under any other contract or agreement with Lessor; (8) any Guarantor repudiates or attempts to revoke any guaranty of Lessee's obligations to Lessor related to this Lease 15. REMEDIES: Upon in occurrence of default, Lessor may exercise one or more of the following remedies: (1) Declare due. sue for, and receive from Lessee the sure of all payments and other amounts then due and owing in the current fiscal year under this Lease or any schedule hereto, (2) Require Lessee to return the Equipment at its own expense to any reasonable location Lessor designates; (3) Cancel or terminate this Lease or any other agreement between Lessee and Lessor; (4) Charge Lessee interest on all monies due hereunder from and after tine date or default at the rate of I M° per annum, compounded monthly until paid in full, but in no event more than the maximum rate permitted by law, (5) Charge Lessee for any other amounts provided for in this Lease In addition, Lessor may use any other remedies a%ailablc to it tinder applicable law, These remedies will be applied, to the extent allowed by law, cumulatively. No delay in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver of any right or remedy or modify the terms of this Lease. A waiver of default shall not be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default. In addition to all of Lessor's other rights and remedies, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor all costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees. [loll' RemalAgreemeal Muni %er 113 22 21 444V4 12 20 2021 n.43 .VM P 4�.. i .d 5 DocuStgn Envelope ID: 7549F9EC-38FA-4B4B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E incurred by Lessor in exercising or attempting to exercise any of its rights or remedies. If appropriate in the circumstances, remedies will include those available under Article 9 of the UCC. W ASSIGNMENT: Lessee may not sublet, lend, assign, or pledge this Lease, the Equipment, or any interest in either, or permit any lien or security interest thereon. Upon notice and acceptance by Lessee, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, any and all of Lessor's interest and rights in the Equipment and under this Lease may be assigned. pledged, or otherwise disposed of. Each assignee shall be entitled to exercise all rights and remedies of Lessor with respect to any and all obligations assigned to such assignee, and all references herein to "Lessor" shall include Lessor's assignee, except that said assignee shall not be chargeable with any obligations or liabilities of Lessor hereunder. Lessee %%ill not assert against Lessor's assignee ,my defense, counterclaim or setoff on account of breach of warranty or otherwise in any action for payment or for possession brought by Lessor's assignee. Any assignment of this Lease by Lessee, whether or not permitted by Lessor, shall not release Lessee from its obligations hereunder. 17. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT: At the end of the original term of this Lease, or if this Lease as lenninated tinder Section 19. Lessee must return the Equipment at its own expense, to Lessor or to a third -party designated by Lessor, and as applicable, the following must be true: All safety equipment most be in place and meet applicable federal, state and other go%ernnnental standards: All covers and guards must be in place with no sheet metal, plastic or cowling damage; All parts, pieces, components and optional equipment must be present, installed and operational; All accessories shall be returned in proper order; All motors shall operate smoothly without overheating and shall have good bearings and bushings; All electronic controls shall operate per manufacturers' specifications; Controls which bypass normal operations shall be repaired at Lessee's expense; All electrical systems shall be able to provide electrical output as specified by the manufacturer; All batteries shall be in good, safe operating condition with no dead cells or cracked cases; Batteries shall hold a charge and provide adequate power to operate the Equipmcnt; All Equipment shall have serviceable tires, with 50% remaining tread, retaining proper air pressure, and without repair patches; All oil and grease seals must contain lubrication in the manufacturer's designed reservoir, All Equipment must have a relatively clean appearance; All Equipment must be free from excessive wear necessitating major component repair or replacement caused by lack of recommended maintenance detailed in Equipment operation/maintenance manuals; All Equipment shall be free from structural damage or bent frames, Any usage or metering devices must not have been altered in any way; All Equipment attachments, if any, must be in good operating condition; All hydraulic cylinders must not be bent, nicked, gouged or leaking. If the Equipment is an electric golf car, then in addition to the above return provisions: (i) the golf car must be able to transport two (2) people and their golf clubs; (ii) all batteries and battery terminals must be clean, free of corrosion and have proper battery water levels; and (iii) each golf car must include operable battery chargers. Additionally, all Equipment must be able to complete the following tests: operate normally in forward and reverse directions through all its speed ranges or gears, steer normally right and left in both forward and reverse, have all functions and controls work in a normal manner, be able to stop with its service brakes in a safe distance in both forward and reverse, operate without leaking any fluids, perform its designed functions in a satisfactory manner, and all cutting units (if applicable) must be able to lower, turn on, run, raise and shut off as they are designed to do. If any Equipment is damaged or does not meet the standards set forth above for the return condition of such Equipment or if Lessee falls to discharge Lessee's obligations set forth under this Lease %vith regard to any Equipment, Lessee shall remit to Lessor, immediately upon demand, the Stipulated Loss Value of such Equipment. The "Stipulated Loss Value" for a particular piece of Equipment shall be an amount equal to: (i) the total of all monthly payments and other amounts, if any, due under the Lease with respect to such Equipment as of the date of payment of the Stipulated Loss Value, plus (ii) all rent not yet due for the Equipment for the remaining tern of this Lease, discounted from their respective due dates at the rate of 3% per amhum, plus (iii) the Equipment's "Anticipated Residual Value" as determined by Lessor's books as of the date of this Lease. Return Condition Standards applicable when the Equipment is Golf Cars. The Return Condition Standards for golf cars arc as follows: (a) Equipment must start, stop, and turn properly; (b) Mechanically, all Equipment must be in operable condition upon return and capable of being driven onto a transporter; (c) Cosmetically, all Equipment and component parts are to be returned operable and complete according to the original state, reasonable wear and tear expected, (d) All equipment shall have serviceable tires, with 50% remaining tread, retaining proper air pressure, and without repair patches, (e) All gauges will be operative and all fluid levels to manufacturer's specifications; and, (f) if the Equipment is an electric golf car, then in addition to the other Return Condition Standards: (i) the golf car must be able to transport two (2) people and their golf clubs; (ii) all batteries and battery terminals must be clean, free of corrosion and have proper battery water levels; and, (iii) each golf car must include operable battery chargers. Any missing Equipment and parts or damage to the Equipment will result in a separate billing at replacement cost or fair market value. Failure to do so, and at Lessor's sole discretion, is a default under this Lease, and in all cases will result in automatic conversion of this Lease to a month -to -month rental agreement on the same terms. Conversion to a month -to -month rental agreement shall not operate to waive any of Lessor's rights herein. 18. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor that as of the date hereof, and throughout the tern of the Lease; (a) Lessee is a political subdivision of the state or commonwealth in which it is located and is organized and existing under the constitution and laws of such state or commonwealth; (b) Lessee has complied, and will comply, fully with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations governing open meetings, public bidding and appropriations required in connection with the Lease, the performance of its obligations under the Lease and the acquisition and use of the Equipment; (c) the person(s) signing the Lease and any other documents required to be delivered in connection with the Lease (collectively, the "Documents") have the authority to do so, are acting with the full authorization of Lessee's governing body, and hold [lie offices indicated below their signatures, each of which are genuine, (d) the Documents are and will remain valid, legal and binding Leases, and are and will remain enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their terms; and (c) the Equipment is essential to the immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary function by Lessee within the scope of its authority and will be used during the tern of the Lease only by Lessee and only to perform such function. Lessee further represents and warrants to Lessor that, as of the date each item of Equipment becomes subject to the Lease and any applicable schedule, it has funds available to pay all Lease payments payable thereunder until the end of Lessee's then current fiscal year and will request future appropriations sufficient to fulfill Lessee's obligations under this Lease. 19. TERMINATION FOR GOVERNMENTAL NON -APPROPRIATIONS: To the extent permitted by applicable law, Lessee agrees to nuke all necessary and timely action during the Lease term to obtain and maintain funds appropriations sufficient to satisfy its payment obligations under the Lease (the "Obligations"), including, without limitation, providing for the Obligations in each budget submitted to obtain applicable appropriations, causing approval of such budget, and exhausting all available reviews and appeals if an appropriation sufficient to satisfy the Obligations is not made. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in the Lease, if Lessee does not appropriate funds sufficient to make all payments due during any fiscal year under the Lease and Lessee does not other% use have funds available to lawfully pay the Lease payments (a "Non -Appropriation Event"), and provided Lessee is not in default of any of Lessee's obligations under this Lease as of the effective date of o,,jr RcniAAl:ue i�a_Wmi — 03 22 21 444464 12 20 Mal 6_a3 AM Page 3 or 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7549F9EC-38FA-4B4B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E such termination, Lessee may terminate this Lease effective as of the end of Lessee's last funded fiscal year ("Termination Date") without liability for future payments or the early termination charge under this Lease, if any, by giving at least 60 days' prior written notice of termination ("Termination Notice") to Lessor. If Lessee terminates the Lease prior to the expiration of the end of the original term of this Lease as permitted under the terns of this Lease or as set forth herein or in any schedule, Lessee shall (i) on or before the Termination Date, return the Equipment subject to the terminated Lease in accordance with the return requirements set forth in this Lease, (ii) provide in the Termination Notice a certification of a responsible official that a Non. Appropriation Event has occurred, (iii) deliver to Lessor, upon request by Lessor, an opinion of Lessee's counsel (addressed to Lessor) verifying that the Non -Appropriation Event as set forth in the Termination Notice has occurred, and (iv) pay Lessor all surns payable to Lessor under this Lease up to and including the Termination Date. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that, in the event of the termination of this Lease and the return of the Equipment as provided for herein, Lessee shall have no interest whatsoever in the Equipment or proceeds thereof and Lessor shall be entitled to retain for its own account the proceeds resulting from any disposition or re -leasing of the Equipment along with any advance rentals, security deposits or other surns previously paid by Lessee pursuant to the terms of the Lease. 20. DELIVERY OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS: LeSSCe will execute or provide, as requested by Lessor, annual budget and financial information and such other documents and information, including an opinion of Lessee's counsel as to the validity and enforceability of this Lease, as arc reasonably necessary with respect to the transaction contemplated by this Lease. If Lessee is a "Registered Organization" (as such term is defined 1n the UCC), then Lessee will: (i) upon request of Lessor, provide copies of its applicable registered organization documents; and (ii) not change its legal name or its chief executive office or state of organization, without, in each case, giving Lessor at least 30 days' prior written notice of any such event. 21. EXCESS USAGE AND SUPPLEMENTAL RENTALS (APPLICABLE TO TURF CARE AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ONLY): At the end of the original term of the Lease, Lessee shall remit to Lessor S5.00 per hour on each piece of Equipment that has hourly use in excess of the maximum hours as indicated above. Lessee shall remit such amounts within ten (10) days of Lessor's written demand. The hours of use of a particular item of Equipment shall be determined by the hour meter attached to said Equipment, provided that such meter remains operable and accurate. If any such hour meter becomes inoperable or inaccurate, Lessee shall immediately repair or replace same, and shall immediately notify Lessor in writing of such event and of the correct hours of usage of such Equipment during the period of time the hour meter was inoperable or inaccurate. Lessee shall promptly furnish Lessor such information as Lessor may reasonably request from time to time in order to document the hours of usage of the Equipment. If this Lease terminates or is cancelled prior to the end of the original tern of the Lease, then the Maximum Hours specified above shall be reduced pro rata based on the number of months remaining in the current year or original term of the Lease, as applicable. 22. LESSEE WAIVERS: To the extent permitted by law, Lessee waives all rights and remedies against Lessor provided by Article 2A of the UCC. All other rights and remedies available at law are expressly reserved and shall remain available to Lessee. Lessor will not be liable for specific performance of this Lease or for any losses, damages, delay, or failure to deliver (he Equipment, 23. GENERAL: This Lease may, in Lessor's sole discretion, be delivered and/or reproduced by facsimile, optical scanning or other electronic means ("e-copy") and such a -copy or a printed version thereof shall be enforceable as an original and admissible as such in any court or other proceeding, provided that there shall be only one original of this Lease and it shall bear the original ink or electronic signature of Lessor and be marked "Original." Each party's electronic signature on this Lease shall be unconditionally valid and legally enforceable, and each party agrees not to contest the validity or enforceability of any electronic signature (or the authority of the electronic signer to sign). To the extent that this Lease constitutes chattel paper (as that term is defined by the Uniforn Commercial Code), a security or ownership interest intended to be created through the transfer and possession of this Lease can be done only by the transfer of the "Original" bearing the original ink or electronic signature of Lessor: provided that, if the "Paper Out" process shall have occurred, or if there shall simultaneously exist both the "Paper Out" printed version and an electronic version of this Lease, then the "Paper Out" printed version of such document bearing [line legend "Original" applied by Lessor shall constitute the sole chattel paper original and authoritative version. If Lessor permit Lessee to deliver this Lease or any related document to Lessor via facsimile or other electronic means, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor, promptly on request, such document bearing Lessee's electronic or "wet ink" signature; provided that neither delivery nor failure to deliver the document bearing Lessee's electronic or "wet ink" signature shall limit or modify the representations and agreements set forth above. This Lease shall inure to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties and their heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. This Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties, superseding all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, understandings, or agreements pertaining to the subject matter hereof. This Lease shall not be modified without both parties' written consent, If any provision of this Lease is deemed unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed deleted and all other provisions of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect Any written notice hereunder shall be deemed given when delivered personally, deposited with a nationally recogniLed overnight courier (with all fees pre -paid), delivered via facsimile or c-mail (with confirmation of transmission), or deposited in the United States mails, certified or registered mail, addressed to recipient at its address set forth above or such other address as may be substituted therefor by notice given pursuant to the terns hereof. Lessee hereby agrees that Lessor, including its vendors, service providers, partners, affiliates successors and assigns, may contact Lessee at any telephone number provided to Lessor, by placing voice telephone calls (including use of automatic telephone dialing systems or prerecorded voice messaging). Lessee authorizes, and represents that all Lessee's principals have authorized, Lessor to obtain such credit bureau reports and make such other credit inquiries with respect to Lessee and such principals as Lessor deems appropriate throughout the tern of this Lease. On written request, Lessor will identify any reporting agency used for such a report. Lessee agrees that Lessor may receive from and disclose to other persons, including credit reporting agencies and respective equipment vendors and suppliers, information about Lessee's accounts and credit experience. Lessee hereby authorizes any person to release to Lessor credit experience and account information relating to Lessee. Lessee Shall execute and deliver to Lessor such other documents and provide such information, including information identifying the owners of Lessee and its affiliates and their respective ownership interest,,, as Lessor may reasonably deem necessary to comply with laves or regulations applicable to Lessor or Lessee, including laws and regulations requiring Lessor to obtain Lessee's certification of its beneficial owner(s) prior to making payment(s) to Lessee during or after the term of this Lease Under federal law, Lessor must obtain, verify and record identifying information for each person opening an account. Lessor will ask for Lessee's name, address, date of birth and other identifying information. Lessor may also ask for Lessee's driver's license or other identifying documents. This Lease shall not be deerned terminated until Lessee has fulfilled all obligations herein. Time is of the essence for all purposes of this Lease. gotr Rcm:+Llg1eeme11t. Mu"i'C' W 22 21 4444(A 12 2112021 1, 43 A\t Npr 4 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7549F9EC-38FAA84B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lessee acknowledges having read the terms and conditions printed above, and unconditionally agrees to same. Lessee requcstS that Lessor counlcrsign this Lease and requests and hereby authorizes Lessor to pay Eqt ipment vend 'anufucturcr. Lessor: The Iluntington National Bank By;rT9�309067EO24442 os neaby: Title:YP �� ,5 Lessee: City of Kent, Washington By:� Dana Ralph, Mayor THIS LEASE IS NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY LESSOR Gnkf RemalAgieemcnt \lum %co 03 22.21 444444 12 202021 6:4} A\I 1'.E,4,oti DocuSign Envelope ID: 754gF9EC-38FA-4848-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E N i HuntingtonLEASE AGREEMENT 0(EQUIPMENT RENTAL) This "Lease": Lease Agreement Number 008-0742593-101 Dated Junc 9, 2021 "Lessee". Citv of Kent, Washington, 220 Fourth Ave. S, Kent, WA 98032 Fax: E-mail: "Lessor" The Huntington National Sank, 1405 Xenium Lane North PCC180 , Plymouth, SIN 55441 Fax:319-833-4577 E-itrtil:customerservice a;tinancediv.com Number of Rental Payments Rental Payments Advances During a 48 month term that shall be based on the 48 date Lessor pays the Equipment supplier, a monthly payment of S4,392,36 (the "Standard Payment") is due beginning March, 2022 and each March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October thereafter until a total of 32 Standard Payments have been made. A payment of SO.00 is due each November, December, January and FirsvSO-00 February for a total of 16 SO Payment Months. Last:SO.00 The Total Number of Rental Payments includes TotaI:SO 00 both the Standard Payment Months and the SO Payment Months. The first due date for a "Standard Payment" will be determined by Lessor once it pays the Equipment supplier and the Lessee has provided a written acknowledgement of its acceptance of the Equipment. Plus any applicable taxes EQUIPMENT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION: MAXIMUM HOURS: 2019 W Meeker St, Kent, WA 98032: (36) 2022 E-Z-GO RXV Gas Golf Cars together with all attachments and accessories N: A thereto TERMS AND CONDITIONS --READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING 1. RENTAL: Lessor rents to Lessee and Lessee rents from Lessor the equipment, furniture, fixtures, machinery, inventory, goods and software, as such tenns are defined under the Uniform Commercial Code (" UCC" ), described above and in any schedule made a part hereof, together with all replacements, replacement parts, repairs, returns, substitutions, additions, accessories, and accessions incorporated therein or attached thereto (collectively, "Equipment"), upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. The parties intend this Lease to be governed by Article 2A of ilic UCC. Pursuant to Article 2A, Lessee is entitled to the promises and warranties, including those of any third party, prop ided to Lessor by the Equipment supplier, lessee may contact the Equipment supplier and receive an accurate and complete statement of the promises and warranties, including any disclaimers and limitations of them or of remedies. 2. PAYMENTS: Other than as set forth in a rider hereto, rental payments are due monthly, beginning [lie date designated by Lessor and continuing on the same day of each month as provided for in the above Rental Payment schedule. Lessor may change the payment only with Lessee's written agreement through an amendment to this Lease. 3. EQUIPMENT ACCEPTANCE: Lessee shall have accepted the Equipment for purposes of this Lease upon Lessee's delivery of a signed delivery and acceptance certificate to Lessor signed by an authorized representative of Lessee. Lessee represents that any agent of Lessee who verifies delivery and acceptance of the Equipment by signing a writing acknowledging delivery and acceptance has actual authority to do so - Upon the parties' mutual acceptance of this Lease, THIS LEASE SHALL BE NON -CANCELABLE, and Lessee's obligations hereunder shall not abate for any reason other than as provided for in this Lease. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: AS BETWEEN LESSOR AND LESSEE, THE EQUIPMENT IS BEING RENTED W "AS IS" CONDITION, PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT LESSEE'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LESSOR'S WAIVER OF WARRANTIES UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY IMPACT OR AFFECT ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BETWEEN LESSEE. AND THE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER OR VENDOR. LESSEE AGREES THAT LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE HAS SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT BASED UPON ITS OWN JUDGMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT LESSOR HAS NOT MADE AND DOES NUT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SUITABILITY, DURABILITY, DESIGN, OPERATION OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT, ITS MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR USE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE. No broker, equipment supplier, or other person (other than an employee of Lessor) is an agent of Lessor. l",Ir kenuIAgreenunt Munr per W 22 21 444468 12 24) 21121 6 44 A%I 11,g, ' ' p DocuSign Envelope ID 7549F9EC-38FAAB4B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E 5. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE OF LITIGATION: THIS LEASE, AND ALL MATTERS ARISING FROM THiS LEASE, INCLUDING ALL INTEREST AND FINANCE CHARGES HEREUNDER, SHALL IN ALL RESPECTS BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE PARTIES HEREBY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. THE PARTIES MAY ENFORCE THIS LEASE IN ANY STATE OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON HAVING LAWFUL JURISDICTION THEREOF. G. SECURITY AGREEMENT: In the event this Lease is determined to be governed by Article 9 of the UCC, Lessee hereby grants Lessor a security interest in all Equipment financed by or rented from Lessor, of any kind or nature whatsoever, wherever located, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, and ail returns, repossessions, substitutions, replacement parts, accessories, and accessions thereto and thereof, and all proceeds thereof. to secure all present and future obligations of Lessee to Lessor, of every type and description and howsoever evidenced. This Lease shall be construed so that interest, the applicable interest rate and other charges shall not exceed that allowed by applicable law, and any payment that otherwise would be deemed unlawful will be applied first to prepay principal and then refunded to Lessee. 7. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY IN FACT: Lessee authorizes Lessor, its successors and assigns to cause this Lease, or any other document(s) showing the interest of Lessor, including but not limited to UCC financing statements, to be authenticated and filed or recorded. fit addition, Lessee appoints Lessor, its successors and assigns, as Lessee's attorney- in- fact (1) to arrange for property damage coverage under a policy of insurance and to transmit Lessee's premium payments to the insurer on behalf of Lessee in the event that Lessee fails to insure the Equipment as required under Section 12, (2) to deal with and to direct said insurer as to any matter concerning the claim for, disposition of, and/or application of proceeds from any policy of insurance, and (3) to receive payments and execute and endorse all documents, checks, drafts, or other instruments necessary or advisable to secure payments due under any policy of insurance. These appointments and authorizations shall be continuous. Nothing in this paragraph shall relieve Lessee of its duty to procure required insurance, to make timely insurance claims, and to otherwise cooperate with insurance carriers and Lessor in seeking insurance co\crage and recoveries. 8. UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION: Except in the event of termination under Section 19 for non -appropriation, Lessee agrees to be unconditionally obligated to pay all payments and other amounts due hereunder no matter what happens, even if the Equipment is damaged or destroyed, if it is defective, if Lessee no longer can use it, or if the manufacturer or supplier ceases doing business or cannot service and/or support the Equipment, and irrespective of any sel-off, counterclaim, defense, or other right which Lessee may have against Lessor or any other person. 9. USE: Lessee agrees that the Equipment will be used for business purposes only and such use shall be in compliance with all applicable laws. Lessee shall maintain the Equipment in good repair and working order at Lessee's sole expense. 10. TAXES: Lessee agrees to pay all taxes, fees, and governmental charges related to this Lease, which during the term of this Lease or at any time thereafter may be imposed. If Lessor pays any of the above for Lessee, Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor on demand, plus interest. Lessor shall not be obligated to contest any valuation of or tax imposed on the Equipment or this Lease. 11. INDEMNITY: To the extent permitted by law, Lessor is not responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the Equipment. Lessee agrees to indemnify Lessor with respect to all claims for losses imposed on, incurred by. or asserted against Lessor, including attorneys' fees and expenses plus interest, where such claims arise or are caused by Lessee's negligence, and Lessee agrees to obtain indemnification from the Equipment supplier to indemnify Lessor for claims related to the Equipment that are not attributable to the Lessee's negligence. Further, Lessee shall, if requested by Lessor, defend Lessor against any claims for losses or injuries caused by the Lessee's negligent performance of this Lease. This provision shall survive the cancellation, tennination or expiration of this Lease. 12. INSURANCE: Lessee shall keep the Equipment insured against loss for not less than its replacement cost or such greater amount as may be prescribed by any applicable state law specifying minimum insurance requirements, and shall carry public liability insurance, both personal injury and property damage. Lessee shall name Lessor as an additional insured and as loss payee. If Lessee fails to procure insurance, Lessor may obtain same and pay the amount due thereon as provided for under Section 7 of this Lease and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor upon demand and, if required by Lessor, shall pay interest on such surns due and owing at a rate of up to 18% per annum, but in no event more than the maximum rate permitted by law. With respect to any policy obtained by Lessor under Section 7, Lessor may charge a monthly administrative fee. Any insurance proceeds received with respect to the Equipment will be applied, at the option of Lessor, to repair, restore, or replace the Equipment, or to pay Lessor the remaining balance and any other amounts payable hereunder. 13, LATE CHARGES: If Lessee is delinquent in paying any sum due. Lessee shall pay a charge to offset collection expenses on such delinquent payment of S25.00 or an amount of up to ten percent (10%) of the payment amount that is past due, whichever is greater, but in no event more than allowed by applicable law. In addition, Lessor will impose a surcharge of up to S30 or [lie maximum allowed under applicable law for any dishonored payment. 14. DEFAULT: Any of the following constitute default; (1) Lessee fails to pay any sum due Lessor; (2) Lessee fails to observe or perform any other term of this Leasc; (3) Lessee encumbers or disposes of the Equipment without Lessor's written consent; (4) The filing by or against Lessee or any guarantor of Lessee's obligations to Lessor ("Guarantor") of a petition under the Bankruptcy Code or any other insolvency law; (5) The voluntary or involuntary commencement of any formal or informal proceeding for dissolution, liquidation, settlement of claims against or winding up of Lessee's or a Guarantors affairs, or Lessee or a Guarantor, if applicable, ceases doing business of going concern; (6) Any representation or warranty made by Lessee or a Guarantor in connection herewith proves to have been materially misleading; (7) Lessee is in default under any other contract or agreement with Lessor; (8) any Guarantor repudiates or attempts to revoke any guaranty of Lessee's obligations to Lessor related to this Lease. 15. REMEDIES: Upon an occurrence of default, Lessor may exercise one or more of the following remedies: (1) Declare due, site for, and receive from Lessee the sum of all payments and other amounts then due and owing in flu current fiscal year under this Lease or any schedule hereto, (2) Require Lessee to return the Equipment at its own expense to any reasonable location Lessor designates; (3) Cancel or terminate this Lease or any other agreement between Lessee and Lessor; (4) Charge Lessee interest on all nwnics due hereunder from and after the date of default at the rate of 18% per annum, compounded monthly until paid in full, but in no event more than the maximum rate permitted by law; (5) Charge Lessee for any other amounts provided for in this Lease. In addition, Lessor may use any other remedies mailable to it under applicable law. These remedies will be applied, to the extent allowed by law, cumulatively. No delay in exercising any right or remedy shall operate as a wai%cr of any right or remedy or modify the terms of this Lease. A waiver of default shall not be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default. In addition to all of Lessor's other rights and remedies, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor all costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, Golf flrne.gAgrrcmem \ium %cr I11_" 71 4444d4 1246:4171 6:44 A\r P-c 7 :.f , DocuSign Envelope ID 7540FgEC-38FA-4B48-92FB-F7A785BBCr3r- incurred by Lessor in exercising or attempting to exercise any of its rights or remedies. [f appropriate in the circumstances, remedies will include those available tinder Article 9 of the UCC. 16. ASSIGNMENT: Lessee may not sublet, lend, assign, or pledge this Lease, the Equipment, or any interest in either, or permit any lien or security interest thereon. Upon notice and acceptance by Lessee, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably witliheld, any and all of Lessor's interest and rights in the Equipment and under this Lease may be assigned. pledged, or otherwise disposed of. Each assignee shall be entitled to exercise all rights and remedies of Lessor with respect to any and all obligations assigned to such assignee, and all references herein to "Lessor" shall include Lessor's assignee, except that said assignee shall not be chargeable with any obligations or liabilities of Lessor hereunder. Lessee will not assert against Lessor's assignee any defense, counterclaim or setoff on account of breach of warranty or otltervise in any action for payment or for possession brought by Lessor's assignee Any assignment of this Lease by Lessee, whether or not permitted by Lessor, shall not release Lessee from its obligations hereunder. 17. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT: At the end of the original teen of this Lease, or if this Lease is terminated under Section 19, Lessee must retuni the Equipment at its own expense. to Lessor or to a third -party designated by Lessor, and as applicable. [lie following must be true: All safety equipment must be in place and meet applicable federal, state and other governmental standards; All covers and guards must be in place with no sheet metal, plastic or cowling damage; All parts, pieces, components and optional equipment must be present, installed and operational; All accessories shall be returned in proper order: All motors shall operate smoothly without overheating and shall have good bearings and bushings; All electronic controls shall operate per manufacturers' specifications: Controls which bypass normal operations shall be repaired at Lessee's expense; All electrical systems shall be able to provide electrical output as specified by the manufacturer; All batteries shall be in good, safe operating condition with no dead cells or cracked cases; Batteries shall hold a charge and provide adequate power to operate the Equipment; All Equipment shall have serviceable tires, with 50% remaining tread, retaining proper air pressure, and without repair patches; All oil and grease seals must contain lubrication in the manufacturer's designed reservoir; All Equipment must have a relatively clean appearance; All Equipment must be free from excessive wear necessitating major component repair or replacement caused by lack of recommended maintenance detailed in Equipment operation/maintenance manuals; All Equipment shall be free from structural damage or bent frames; Any usage or metering devices must not have been altered in any way: All Equipment attachments, if ally, must be in good operating condition; All hydraulic cylinders must not be bent, nicked, gouged or leaking. If the Equipment is an electric golf car, then in addition to the above return provisions: (i) the golf car must be able to transport two (2) people and their golf clubs; (ii) all batteries and battery terminals must be clean, free of corrosion and have proper battery water levels; and (iii) each golf car must include operable battery chargers. Additionally, all Equipment must be able to complete the following tests: operate nonnally in forward and reverse directions through all its speed ranges or gears, steer normally right and left in both forward and reverse, have all functions and controls work in a normal manner, be able to stop with its service brakes in a safe distance in both forward and reverse, operate without leaking any fluids, perform its designed functions in a satisfactory manner, and all cutting units (if applicable) must be able to lower, turn on, nun, raise and shut off as they are designed to do. If any Equipment is damaged or does not meet the standards set forth above for the return condition of such Equipment or if Lessee fails to discharge Lessee's obligations set forth under this Lease with regard to any Equipment, Lessee shall remit to Lessor, immediately upon demand, the Stipulated Loss Value of such Equipment. The "Stipulated Loss Value" for a particular piece of Equipment shall be an amount equal to: (i) the total of ail monthly payments and other amounts, if any, due under the Lease with respect to such Equipment as of the date of payment of the Stipulated Loss Value, plus (ii) all rent not yet due for the Equipment for the remaining tern of this Lease, discounted from their respective due dates at [lie rate of 3% per annum, plus (iii) the Equipment's "Anticipated Residual Value" as determined by Lessor's books as of the date of this Lease. Returni Condition Standards applicable when the Equipment is Golf Cars. The Return Condition Standards for golf cars are as follows: (a) Equipment must start, stop, and turn property, (b) Mechanically, all Equipment must be in operable condition upon return and capable of being driven onto a transporter; (c) Cosmetically, all Equipment and component parts are to be returned operable and complete according to the original state, reasonable wear and tear expected; (d) All equipment shall have serviceable tires, with 50% remaining tread, retaining proper air pressure, and without repair patches; (e) All gauges will be operative and all fluid levels to manufacturer's specifications; and, (f) if the Equipment is an electric golf car, then in addition to the other Return Condition Standards: (i) the golf car must be able to transport two (2) people and their golf clubs; (ii) all batteries and battery terminals must be clean, free of corrosion and have proper battery water levels; and, (iii) each golf car must include operable battery chargers. Any missing Equipment and parts or damage to the Equipment will result in a separate billing at replacement cost or fair market value. Failure to do so, and at Lessor's sole discretion, is a default under this Lease, and in all cases will result in automatic conversion of this Lease to a month -to -month rental agreement on the same terns. Conversion to a month -to -month rental agreement shall not operate to waive any of Lessor's rights herein. 18. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor that as of the date hereof, and throughout the tern of the Lease: (a) Lessee is a political subdivision of the state or commonwealth in which it is located and is organized and existing under the constitution and laws of such state or commonwealth; (b) Lessee has complied, and will comply, fully with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations governing open meetings, public bidding and appropriations required in connection with the Lease, the performance of its obligations under the Lease and the acquisition and use of the Equipment; (c) the person(s) signing the Lease and any other documents required to be delivered in connection with the Lease (collectively, the "Documents") have the authority to do so, are acting with the full authorization of Lessee's governing body, and hold the offices indicated below their signatures, each of which are genuine; (d) the Documents arc and will remain valid, legal and binding Leases, and are and will remain enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their terms; and (c) the Equipment is essential to the immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary function by Lessee within the scope of its authority and will be used during the terns of the Lease only by Lessee and only to perform such function. Lessee further represents and warrants to Lessor that, as of the date each item of Equipment becomes subject to the Lease and any applicable schedule, it has funds available to pay all Lease payments payable thereunder until the end of Lessee's then current fiscal year and will request future appropriations sufficient to fulfill Lessee's obligations under this Lease. 19. TER;<IINATION FOR GOVERNMENTAL NON -APPROPRIATIONS: To the extent permitted by applicable law, Lessee agrees to take all necessary and timely action during the Lease term to obtain and maintain funds appropriations sufficient to satisfy its payment obligations under the Lease (the "Obligations"). including, without limitation, providing for the Obligations in each budget submitted to obtain applicable appropriations, causing approval of such budget, and exhausting all available reviews and appeals if an appropriation sufficient to satisfy the Obligations is not made. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in the Lease, if Lessee does not appropriate finds sufficient to make all payments due during any fiscal year under the Lease and Lessee does not otherwise have funds available to lawfully pay the Lease payments (a "Non -Appropriation Event"). and provided Lessee is not in default of any of Lessee's obligations under this Lease as of the effective date of Oolr RemalAgreemem Mum rev nl 22.21 4440,9 12 '-IV2021 6 44 A\I Page 11- 5 DocuSign Envelope ID. 7549F9EC-38FA4B4B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E such termination. Lessee may tenninate this Lease effectiNe as of the end of Lessee's last funded fiscal year (" Termination Date") without liability for future payments or the early termination charge under this Lease, if any. by giving at least 60 days' prior written notice of tenmination ("Termination Notice") to Lessor. If Lessee tcnninatcs the Lease prior to the expiration of the end of the original term of this Lease as permitted under the terns of this Lease or as set forth herein or in any schedule, Lessee shall (i) on or before the Termination Date, return the Equipment subject to the tenninated Lease in accordance with the return requirements set forth in this Lease, (ii) provide in the Termination Notice a certification of it responsible official that a Non -Appropriation Event has occurred. (iii) deliver to Lessor, upon request by Lessor, an opinion of Lessee's counsel (addressed to Lessor) verifying that the Non -Appropriation Event as set forth in the Termination Notice has occurred, and (iv) pay Lessor all sums payable to Lessor under this Lease up to and including the Termination Date. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that, in the c,.cnt of tine ternunaton of tins Lease and the return of the Equipment as provided for herein, Lessee shall have no interest whatsoever in the Equipment or proceeds thereof and Lessor shall be entitled to retain for its own account the proceeds resulting from any disposition or re -leasing of the Equipment along with any advance rentals, security deposits or other sums previously paid by Lessee pursuant to the terms of the Lease. 20. DELIVERY OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS: Lessee will execute or provide, as requested by Lessor, annual budget and financial rnfornatton and such other documents and infornation, including an opinion of Lessee's counsel as to the validity and enforceability of this Lease, as are reasonably necessary v ith respect to the transaction contemplated by this Lease. If Lessee is a "Registered Organization" (as such tern is defined in the UCC), then Lessee will: (i) upon request of Lessor, provide copies of its applicable registered organization documents, and (tit) not change its legal name or its chief executive office or state of organization, without, in each case, giving Lessor at least 30 days' prior vv ritten notice of any such event. 21. EXCESS USAGE AND SUPPLEMENTAL RENTALS (APPLICABLE TO TURF CARE AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT ONLY): At the end of the original term of the Lease, Lessee shall remit to Lessor S5.00 per hour on each piece of Equipment that has hourly use in excess of the maximum hours as indicated above. Lessee shall remit such amounts within ten (10) days of Lessor's written demand. The hours of use of a particular item of Equipment shall be determined by the hour meter attached to said Equipment, provided that such meter remains operable and accurate. If any such hour meter becomes inoperable or inaccurate. Lessee shall immediately repair or replace same, and shall immediately notify Lessor in writing of such event and of the correct hours of usage of such Equipment during the period of time the hour meter was inoperable or inaccurate. Lessee shall promptly furnish Lessor such information as Lessor may reasonably request from time to time in order to document the hours of usage of the Equipment. If this Lease tcnninatcs or is cancelled prior to the end of the original term of the Lease, then the Maximum Hours specified above shall be reduced pro rasa based on the number of months remaining in the current year or original teen of the Lease, as applicable. 22. LESSEE WAIVERS: To the extent permitted by law, Lessee waives all rights and remedies against Lessor provided by Article 2A of the UCC. All other rights and remedies available at law are expressly reserved and shall remain available to Lessee. Lessor will not be liable for specific performance of this Lease or for any losses, damages, delay, or failure to deliver the Equipment. 23. GENERAL: This Lease may, in Lessor's sole discretion, be delivered and;or reproduced by facsimile, optical scanning or other electronic means ("e-copy") and such a -copy or a printed version thereof shall be enforceable as an original and admissible as such in any court or other proceeding, provided that there shall be only one original of this Lease and it shall bear the original ink or electronic signature of Lessor and be marked "Original." )each party's electronic signature on this Lease shall be unconditionally valid and legally enforceable, and each party agrees not to contest the validity or enforceability of any electronic signature (or the authority of the electronic signer to sign). To the extent that this Lease constitutes chattel paper (as that tern is defined by the Uniform Commercial Code), a security or ownership interest intended to be created through the transfer and possession of this Lease can be done only by the transfer of the "Original" bearing the original ink or electronic signature of Lcssor; provided that, if the "Paper Out" process shall have occurred, or if there shall simultaneously exist both the "Paper Out" printed version and an electronic version of this Lease, then the "Paper Out" printed version of such document bearing the legend "Original" applied by Lessor shall constitute the sole chattel paper original and authoritative version. If Lessor permit Lessee to deliver this Lease or any related document to Lessor via facsimile or other electronic means, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor, promptly on request, such document bearing Lessee's electronic or "wet ink" signature; provided that neither dcli%cry nor failure to deliver the document bearing Lessee's electronic or "wet ink" signature shall limit or modify the representations and agreements set forth above. This Lease shall inure to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties and their heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. This Lease represents the entire agreement between [lie parties, superseding all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, understandings, or agreements pertaining to the subject matter hereof. This Lease shall not be modified without both parties' written consent. If any provision of this Lease is deemed unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed deleted and all other provisions of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Any written notice hereunder shall be deemed given when delivered personally, deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier (with all fees pre -paid), delivered via facsimile or c-mail (with confirmation of transmission), or deposited in the United States mails, certified or registered mail, addressed to recipient at its address set forth above or such other address as may be substituted therefor by notice given pursuant to the terms hereof. Lessee hereby agrees that Lessor, including its vendors, service providers, partners, affiliates successors and assigns, may contact Lessee at any telephone number provided to Lcssor, by placing voice telephone calls (including use of automatic telephone dialing systems or prerecorded voice messaging) Lessee authorizes, and represents that all Lessee's principals have authorized, Lessor to obtain such credit bureau reports and make such other credit inquiries with respect to Lessee and Such principals as Lessor deems appropriate throughout the tern of this Lease. On written request, Lessor will identify any reporting agency used for such a report Lessee agrees that Lessor may receive from and disclose to other persons, including credit reporting agencies and respective equipment vendors and suppliers, information about Lessee's accounts and credit experience. Lessee hereby authorizes any person to release to Lessor credit experience and account information relating to Lessee. Lessee shall execute and deliver to Lessor such other documents and provide such infomnation, including information identifying [lie owners of Lessee and its affiliates and their respective ownership interests, as Lessor may reasonably deem necessary to comply with laws or regulations applicable to Lessor or Lessee, including laws and regulations requiring Lessor to obtain Lessee's certification of its beneficial owner(s) prior to making payment(s) to Lessee during or after the terns of this Lease. Under federal law, Lessor must obtain, verify and record identifying inforrnatlon for each person opening an account. Lessor will ask for Lessee's name, address, date of birth and other identifying information. Lessor may also ask for Lessee's driver's license or other identifying documents. This Lease shall not be deemed terminated until Lessee has fulfilled ail obligations herein. Time is of the essence for all purposes of this Lease. Gulf Re nu I A greentent \1unt per W 22,21 44444,K 12 2n 2W 1 6.44 A\I I'Ke 4 of S DocuSign Envelope ID: 7549F9EC-38FA-484B-92F8-F7A785BBCF3E ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Lessee acknowledges having read the terms and conditions printe�-above. and unconditionally agrees to same. Lessee requests that Lessor countersign this Lease and requests and hereby authorizes Lessor to pay quipment %ccido manufacturer. Lessor: The 1luntington National Bank �} r: Title: 2c Lessee: City of Kent, Washington By: AUA Dana Ralph, Mayor 93E99D67ED24442 THIS LEASE IS NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY LESSOR i;atf Remal,\grmwm Muni rcr 113 22 2t 44446N r2 2412021 6 44 AM r4ys 5'.91