HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-141 - Other - Kent Police Officers Association - MOU re: Implementation of Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program (CILEP) - 03/15/2022MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between The CITY OF KENT and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE SERGEANTS AND OFFICERS This Memorandum of Understanding (*MOU') is entered into by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Sergeants and Officers' bargaining unit ("KPOA") to memorialize an agreement reached between the City and KPOA regarding the implementation of a pilot Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program (CILEP) in the Kent Police Department. The City intends to implement CILEP for Kent Police Department recruits to help facilitate genuine relationships between City of Kent Police Officers in training and our diverie communities, The goal of the program is to provide officers firsthand training, experience and in-person engagement to help ingrain understanding, empathy, compassion and trust; develop community-centered law enforcement training partnerships with community stakeholders; forge lifelong personal relationships between officers and community members; and strengthen communication between the Kent Police Department and our community members. The following provisions shall apply to CILIP: 1. The Department retains sole discretion to determine which recruits will be required to go through CILEP. 2. Newly hired Entry-level Kent Police Officers (recruits) will be assigned to work 40 hours a week, for 8 weeks, embedded within a community stakeholder or non-profit human service provider. 3. Recruits will complete their two months (320 hours) of community service prior to attending the Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA). 4. Any allegations of misconduct will be handled in accordance with already established investigative and disciplinary processes, and in accordance with the current KPOA collective bargaining agreement. 5. The probationary period of recruits assigned to this program will remain consistent with current practice and in accordance with the current KPOA collective bargaining agreement. 6. The Chief can determine that staffing needs are such that the program needs to be paused until staffing levels are brought back to an acceptable level, or, on a case-by-case basis, that a particular officer's hours in the program will be reduced due to operational need. The parties agree that this MOU shall not be precedent setting. The CILEP pilot program shall end effective December 3L, 2022. At that time, both parties will meet to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and re-negotiate the potential unanticipated impacts. By signing below, the parties agree that the above represents the parties'full and entire agreement with regard to these matters. This MOU shall be deemed effective as of the last date of signature below FOR THE CITY:FOR KPOA Dana Ralph Mayor T mith Human Res rces Director Brent Ashb au9 h Labor Relations Manager APPROVED AS TO M ur "Pa Fitzpatrick City Attorney ATTEST Kim Komoto City Clerk a Date r3 M Date Date 2,LU Date te Wayne KPOA Pre ident t Clay KPOA Vice President 2 7 D 2