HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-081 - Original - Bowen Scarff Ford Sales - 2021 Ford Explorer - 04/20/2021T41424SSOI-SP41{438824 . THIS I3 A CU5TOI'ER COMPLETED CNFY OF TH€ 5I6i{ED ELECTROHIC FORIil HELO BY ROUTEOI.IE LLC. MOTCR VEHICLE LEASE AGREEMENT @ | r*nncnront www,fard.comllinancc 1-900-727-7000 {n il za>I 7 -lm {'tgt m{fitlftot 5fJ2 2tc{I aftJ m oE Lo TJs*{Ft*k 4zo? 3 L {^) uFaJ z.o F $ o(J <{ clz{!l:3 F DATE O4t2U821 LESSEE {and Co-Lessee} Name and Address {lncluding Coung and Zip Code} CITY OF KENTWA 2?O4THAVE S Kent, WA 98032-5938 KING hUA LESSOR {Name and Address} BGWEN SCARFF FORD SALES 1157 NORTH CENTRAL KEN', WAS8031 "Finance Company" is Ford Motor Credit Csnpany The..Holder* ;r CAB West LLC and its assigns. By signirg "You" {Lessee and Cs-Le$ee} agree to kcse trris Vehicle according lo lhe terms in this lease ard lhe tenns of the WeqrCare Addendum, if any, atiached to this lease. lf Your payment sclsdule is shov*n in ltem 2{a}, You entered iilto a "l|!enh&.f€rynqenllea5g," lf Your paymer* scbedule is stroryn in ltem 2{b}, You entered into an 'tdyasce_Ea:&Eenll€a3e." Ne#lJsed Mileage et Gelivery Yearl*lakeJMndel Vehicle ldenlifi cetion Nurnber Vehide Use New 8S 2021 Ford Expbrer 1FM5KBGC7MGA32O32 Busiress 3$S4&-F-* 1$046-AFF-e iJUl{ 3S}P€ge'l of B T4l4?49902-DP41.143882t -lHlSCUSTOITERCOMPI-FIEACOPY1'{ASCREATES€NSilt?$g)?1 o?:iE:20PltGMI T't142d9902-SP4ll438B24 - Tllls lS A eUSIgttER COFTPLETES COPY OF lHE slGt'lED ELECTBOFII' F8&ir llELD BY RoUTEONE tlc, Lo{J ur F4FE YFf 1. oz L}0:] Lo TJtlulFa tr-Eo EFs {Jo4 € {t dF Hlonthly Payments total of Your payment is $N/A Payment H/A 1 753"08 frst t5 0n followedoI by lolbwedof ondueofpayments 2oth eachaI Thenpnth.oftoial 32,878.08montily payments is Advance Payrnent 1. Amount Due *t Lease Signing or Delivery {ltemized Belcw) . of $ NtA is due on 3. Other Charges {noi part af Your monthly paym€nt] 3S5.00 lgA N/A 3S5.il0 $ :+.tog,arTotal $ 4. Tolal ol P*yments {The amaunt You wll have paid by fie end of the leaseiDisposiiion fee {if Ycu do no1 purrfiase lhe Vehicle) $ J.750.00 1,750.m NIA lllA NIA NIA N/A NIA HiA t{lA FIiA NIA N/A i,l/A NJA NIA N'A 1 750.Oii L Upfront Taxes c. d. ,funount ta be paid in cash tvA k.N'A It/A N/A l.t/A j r{tA NIA t{tA m. n. g. p. q. Tohal $ 5. Amounts Due At Lease $igning or Delivery: 1s.00 7232 6- How lh€ Amount Due At Lease Signing or Delivery will be paid: $c 695.40 s13,2$ a. Capiialized msi reduction b. First rtonthly payment c. Advance paymBnt d. Retundable security deposit e. Tille fees f, Registration fees g. Acquisition fee h. Docum€ntary Service Fee** 50.00 NIA a. Nei trade-in allo,Yance b. Rebates and noncash crdits a- Gross capitalized cosi. The agreed upon value of the Vehicle t$__55-gz0,0g_) and any it€ms Yar pay over lie lease term {such as service confacls, insuronce, and any outshnding prior credit or l€as€ balance} {See liern ?0f' b. Capitalized cost reductian. The smount d ary nel bade-ir €llowsnce, rebate. noncash credit, or casl thal You pay ihat reduces the gross capitalized cost-,, $ 55,721,00 695.40 c. Adjusted capitalized csst. The anffinl used in calculating Your base payment,-. d_ Residual valua- The velue af lhe Vehicle gt the erd of lhe lease used in calculating Yorr base payment e. Sepreciation and any amortized amounts- The armrnts charged for ihe Vehide's decline in value through rprxal use and for other items paid over lhe lease lerm,,- L Rent charge. lhe amounl charged in addition to frle deprecistion and any amoriized amounk. g. Total of base payments, The deprecialion and any amoriized amounts plus lie rent c$arge,-- 55,025.60 2S,?65.68 25.780.S8 + + 4.020 s4 29"780.64 38 827.24 B$.04 i. Base payment,-- j. Sales / 9se tax-,,. *. N/A NIA I. NIA NIA s13,28 n. Lease term in monthe.-38 L Exce$ lllear and Use, Yau may be charged fs excessive wear based sr our standards for normcl use, Ai the scheduled end of ihis base, unless You purdtase the Vehicle, You must pay to Lessor $8.?i_ per mile for eacfi mile in €xcess ot 45,08S miles shown on the odometer. See ltems 24 ard 3S and lhe WearCare Addendum, if any. a{ached io this leas€ for addi3onal excess wear and use terms- 9. Extra Mileage Option Credii. At the schedukd end of lhis lease, You will receive a credit of $O,NIA per unused mile fsr the nut:tber of unused miles belweefl I'llA €nd lgA miles" less 6ny ar$ourts You owe under this lease- YBU will rmt rec€ive any credit if ihe Vehicle is desfoyed. if You lerminate Your lease esrly, exercise any purchas€ optio{I, ar€ :n deiaull or the credit is less than $1.0S. '10. Purchase Option at End ol Lease Term, $2S 265 SO plus official fecs and taxes, and r reasonable dacilmentary fee if allowed by law, is Your lerse end purchase option price, Ycxr have the cption la purchase lhe Vehicle ai the end sf th€ leas€ lern froffi a porty designated by the Holder lor the purchase cplion price if You are nd in default.'ll. Other Important Terms. See Your lease documenls fcr additianal infsmalion sn early lermination, purcftase op$an and rnainlensnce late and default and if {ug z <)OCx>{m fJ -Ia tJ E e zo *€I a:tizfr a 4 tS84ii-F,*'l $&4E,S,PF-* {Jllf"i ?*} T4l42,tgS{}2tF41il,43BS?4 - TIJ:S CUSTOilEE COnTPLETEE CGPY WA,s CREATEA ON t1{79t2821 gp:49:20 PM GMT ot} rl, tr t-I{} F:tI:?o tlg l'6uFUJo-*t) l!F* o{dz.{ !l:3EF T4142499O?€P4I{4iISB24 _ THIS IS A CUSTOMER COiiPLETED COPY gF THE SIGiIED ELECTBONIC FOfiU HELO AY ROU'EONE TLC, Page 3 ofB Iacm z >oc) 7Im6oi rflr{fiO {}o'o fif' z,o2tg I 6a4 j il {}E,4 19&4{i-F+ 'l$S4S-AtrF-* {,JUhl 2S} 1?. WARRA]'ITY The Vefiicle is mver€d by sny fiatrgtly irdicated belo*: m St€ndard new vefiicle wanan$ provided by tbe manufacfurer or dbtributor of the Vehide- NIA t6. VEHICLE INSURAI.ICE ltltllltull$ Yan must insure lhe Vehicle dnring lhis lease. This insurance must be acceptable to Finance ComFny and protec{ You and Hdder $th {a} comprehensive fre snd theft insurance wilh a maximum d€ductible €mount ol $1,000; aM {bf ccllision and upset insuance with a mtximum deductible of $1,0lXl; and {c} aufomsbile liabilr! insurance with minimum limits for bodily injury or dealh of $---39,!g!-ffi- for any one person and $_50.000"09__ for any one aecident, and $--3,S!!-m- for property damage, Yorr wdl list th+ llolder as Sditional inswed and loss payee under lhe ins{rrance pdicy unless Lessor or Finance Company specife: olhenrise- You must give Finance Company evidence of lhis ingurance, {See ltem 25} LESSOR IS HOT PROVIDIN€ V=HICLE OR LIABILITY II'ISRUANCE MA 13, TFABE-II{ Vehide: ltlA YesrJMakelillodel Vehide ldentifimtion Ndmber Value:t*N'A SalesTax Exefiplisn $liYA lf ihe Value deignated abwe exceeds lhe nel fade-in albwance {abcve}" You mry be exemptlrarn the payrent olpartorall of lie use or lease taxes due under this lease, €nd Your paynent scfeduk under this lease msy vary- The crnffnt of lhal sal€s lax exemptbn is disclosed cbove- See Total PayrEnt & Paymert Srhedok bslevfsadditianal informalion regarding use s lease taxes due snd Your paymentschedule,t?. OPTaOI{AL IHSURAIICE These coverages are not reguired to enter irdo lhis lease and will not be provided unless You sign below. lf insurance is to be obtained by Lessor, lhe mve*ages are shown in a notice given io You lirs date snd are {ot iie term of llis letre- NiA $l.l/Aa. Credit Life lilsurgncc t {lnitial Coverwe}{Premium} {lnsued{sJ} N'A {lnsunance Campany} r-ess*.xA NIA b. Credii O:sability lnsurance $ r^ I **-IA NIA N/A $ __________ {Premium} {lnsured{s}i t{tA {lnsurance Company} r-esr*.xB N/A NIA {Monlhly Coverage} N/A 14. TOTAL PAYltEtlT & PAYitEilT SCHEDULE lf You had a sal€s iax exemplion, liat amour* is refiected in ihe use ar lease tax liabili$ porlion c{ Your payment. belwv, resulting in a reduclion of Ysrr total payment. {a} Ease Paymenl N/A $827,24 $NlA B6_04 $s13.28 $N'A $__________ NrA s____________-?2$$.0q {b} Use or L€ass Taxpayn*nt 1 frroush____ g- payment ttlA {hrough l.l/A Itt payrnerd MA thrsush_____hfA N'A {d} TSTAL PAYMENTS p€yment I ttroqgh_____jq_ paym€nt lfA throush__-___N4__ psyment ttlA SnouSh-----!4_- TOTALOFPAYMEilTS PAYMENTSCHEDULE You ryree to pay:36 paymentsof hllA paymenb ofMA paymenis of N'A $-____93!q" $_______l!4. $________u/A. folowed by fdlored by 15. oFFlclAL FEES Al{D TAXES E 3.33e,7fi The estimated tstal amount You will pay for ofitial and license feee, rqislratbn, title and lsxes over th€ term d Ysw tsase, whetfter induded with Yorr nnrthty payments gr assess€d olherwise- Tte acfual tolal of feps arid taxes may be higter or bwer deperding on {he tax rstes in effect s lhe value of the lcssed floperty at the tine a fee nr tax is ass€ssed. 18. LATE PAYIIENT$ You will pay a late dlarge on each payment thal is nol received wi$un lll days after it is &re. The ttlsrge is 7.$o/o of the full anpunl of the stfreduled payment or $50-{10, wttichever is bss. 19. LESSOi SERVICES r#A {see ltem 23} NtA r4i,r3!t9s02{Prtt4438*24 - TH|S CUCTOMER COiTPLETEF COPY WAB cREATEA OH {ilnffSzt 0r:4S:?0 PM GMT *20. l&rtrtsatlon dGros: Capitalizcd Coet Agreed Upon Value af the Vehide $ 55,076_00 Ssbslljse Tsx and OtlerApplicaHe Taxes +g |'liA Titg Fe€s +NiA License and Registration Fees +$ N/A Extended Warran$ and Service Cmtract +NIA Acquisition Fee + * 645,S0 Documenbry Service Fee'** +NIA N'A +$ NIA N/A +$ NtA N'A +N/A hffA +$ ttlA MA +tvA t'l/A +g NIA HIA +9 NtA NIA +rt ittA f'il4 +!t N'A NIA +l{/A NJA +litlA N/A +t N/A l.iiA +NIA it/A +$ ll/A NIA +tltA ilff4 +!t ltlA N'A +g NIA NlA +t-llA l.fA +C N'A N'A +$ NIA Total Gross Capitalized Cost = g 55,721.00 lrEHtcLE ilAFfTEn*XCq $8{rRAl{CE AXD U8E 31. ll€tllCl€ {.15€ AltF SUBLEASI$IG Ynu will n$t usp, er permit ntlr*rs tn use tfre V€hade {8} in vlrlali*n sf s$y tsw. {b} c*ntrsy i* tihe pnrvisiwrs of nny inssr*nf€ p*li*ies caverits 19rc Vehi*le. irl sui&id* fte siate wher* frsl lillsd $r rssislsr€d for nsrs {heil 3S d*ys without Finfin*€ Cnnrpxnyk wri$en c$nss*l {$} **{sld* tr* f.i*ited States. excspt lsr iless tirsn 36 d*ys in Canade sr Mexiril 6r {*i fiE s Brivaie or pubtric cnnier, Yuu w$l keep lhis less* and V*hie1e fre* of all liens and sncumbr*nses. Y*,rJ will h6t a$*i€:r or *ubleaer a*y intereet in the V*3ri*ic sr leps* wittls$t Firsnc.€ *owpany's writl€$ roRB€nt, g?. lldPLlES }fitAXfrA$Y,EC ll the Vehicle ia ct a fupe rxoffiially used lar prrxcnal use alrd the [-esspr. ar the V*hic{e"s manufacturer. svte$ds. a lvri$*n v*xrranty ar seryic€ contract enveriing the Vel,:irle cirithin 9& days fronil ti!€ d€i€ of this lesse, You g*t inrplied s,{fficnlies af mercihentebilfu and fitne*s for x pa*icular pdrpss€ cav€ring lhe Vehicle" Stl'rerwir*, Ysu und*rsland and cgrte thst thpre sre np suef: imp{ieS w€rr{riti€8, exeept *s otlirrryi3€ requi#d by [mw. ?3. VEHICL: nt$9STgN&f*fi8 ANS OPFR&TI{I|€ ($Sf$ Fr*per Ve"hirle rflsin{*nsfir€ is Y*ur re*pnnsiblli}9. Y*u r:x]sl rnsinlsifi find eervir* the Vehi*le st Yilur t:lefi expense, ill5ing ftist€rial5 tl,lal nieet {|'l* msrrufsct$r*e"5 sp**incfiiions. This includes {*rllowing tl'r* *w:er's manusl *nd rsxintenfrnf€ schedul*, *oeuxr**li*g il'tsifiten&res Fsdsfi$sd, and m*king a{l needed re3:xirs, Y*u *r8 alss rssppnsib{s {nr ell *gerntirrg *ncts sueh ds $as s*d ril. l-es*sr will pr*vide tt* settice{5}, lf any, ideniified in $ls Les*or $*rvic*s s6c!i6n under ths tems pf a sepnr*{e *gr**m*fii, {See Less*r 5er}ir€s. lt*m 1S} 3t. fr &LLilSlOlt R*PAIR Y$u ar* r*sp*rrsible {nf repsir$ sf ,All Damagx lftn{ is not e {esuli $f $*ffirsl 1{*s{ sfid use. Tlws* r6p6,r5 i$rl*d*. iwt er* *st lirxit*d 1A tlffise {lsc*l$sry to r€fum th* V*hirle i* {is pre- eEeident **v:diti$n, including rcp*ir5 t6 Extsrisr S*set ffietal and Flssti* €*mpnnenls. ond i* lCshicle Sa{efg Syst*ms" i&eludlr}g {ir b*9, *r*l *'pll and hump*r ryslem essrp$tlerts, Replss*m*llt 6f She*i $,{etal find sll sther tsprlim ffiust be *wde with i3iiginal Equiprv*nt Mxnui*chirer ps*e. S:isrL{iF this requirsm*:nt witlt Yotlr in*uranre co*rp.xny Brier lo authgririw enY csllisiot! r*pciir wcrk. C5. VEl.ilC[-E IHSURA$reg You $rusl insur* the Vehicl* stid lhe l-l*ldar *s set {orih i* ihis lease under ll**r '16, "Vehir{e lnsuranc* lr,{i*inrums." {f St* steie u$rere Y*u titleir*gistei tll* Vehirb sstsbl{shes higher Vehicle l*s*ranes Mirimums ihn* fitss tisl*d in &is !e*s*, Ysu rnust lnsure l3're Vehicle snd Hslde.r ai the a:rmun{s rsq$i.*d *y Ynur *tsts, lf Yn* mcve t{} s s;s:e wher* Fina*c* Crir:pssry hss established high*v Vehic$e :lnsurane* I{initll$lvts ttiefi th*s* listed in Sris leas*, Ysu $r$s{ insur* llre ly'*hicl* and lltifden {*r lhme *igh*r aws*,lts, Yh€ie am$unte ars rninimum rt{ilirem€nt$ and ltl{y nst be suSicient to Broiect Yrsur a*gpt€. You *h*uld consuli Your insursn*e advissr t* dsteffiline if xdditiona{ i*sursnce F€versge i* right f*,r Yuu. Y*u agr** lfts* Frns$lce f*mpany ean file x clairn under ihs in$ur€nce p$i*v, Yu"r auftryizs th* inslrsnre r*tr$ony t* g:rovide Finsnr* Cm:p*ny any in{nrnrali*n Finfinee f,*rnpany b*iieves $efiessflry tn *:ske * elaim" Y*u 6gr*s tlt*l Financs Co*lpany *icy rereis* x*d sign Yrur n&m* {}n a*y ch*ck* *r dre$s r*ceiv*d by fin€ru* **mp'any frsirsr Y*ur ins*rsnce provid*r. l* additinn, Yeu sulh*ries $]nence *ornp6ny l* s*llie es r*l€'as* **y eJ*irr'l u*der lhe ingursnce related to i-{6ldevk *wn*rshiXl 6f tt}e Vsh:{ge. Y*u also sssign {# l{sld*r €ny c&r*r in**:r*ncs pr*ceedx rsla{sd t$ tl^tis l*ns'e *r l-l*ldacs interesl irr ?Yre Vehiei*. {acs > t' l}ocg{di{]g t tft rdg oT F 2o2tr{ 6 A4 j .n o b- {"J d trdFfiI ts 4ao {)g Lo{)6ulFI3-*o TJItF* t-l()€ ctz{!l:3 naF T4,I!I249S?-SP4!44:'8924 . T'IIS IS A CUSTOMER COHPT€TED COPY OF THE SIGI.iED ELECIROHIC FORU fiELD SY ROUTEONE trc- Page 4 ofB1$S4$-P-e 19&48-AtrF-* iltiN ?B; i{t4?49€t}2{P41i1438824 - THIS CUSTOT €R €Ot PLgiED COPY WAS CIIEATED ON O4rl0t202t 03:49:t0 PM GMT 38. RETIJ*BED ${SirnAsCF FnEr*tU&{S A}tD SEWtt:t*E Ce$dTHACy C*.{AXS€S This l*xs* m*y ca:riai* chnrg*s irr insurance, seryice fisyrfrscis, {}r other e*nlr*cts. Ynu xgree that Finanee Cerlipsny {:Bn *lsirr bene$is ur:d*r :l",es* *snirxcts. Llnless pr*h:ihited iry lew, Fi*anee Cumpeny filay up&n defau$ *r tennir:*tict: i:e!'r*el ftese {nntracis i* *t*nin r'*{unds cf un*am*d trharges- You aatll*rizs Finarr{€ *mpuny lri sull:{ect xny refu*d fr*m the am:uni Ysa *we und*r lhis lcxss- ll You r*r*ive a refund" Y*u $iu${ pey S}e €tiiirs amcunt *f Sr* reftrvrd tr Finance C*nFsl:v. !7. WET{.|R|{F* il{ECK C$AR€E Ycu aEr*e to pey s rstumed check charge cl $?0 lcr ecch Sr*ck, drcfi, or slh*r i*** of pxyx**t that i$ r*fumed ufisstsn*d becaug* *{ insuffici*nt credi! *r funds :in th* sfrsanl- EI{DINGYOUR LEASE gg, TERSItrATIS${ This l*ase will tsr*nix*ic tend} *Sqs'l {xi tt':* end nl ihe term *l thlis {*sss, {b} the r€him tlf lhs V*hrc:l* io L*ssst, cr *ns$ler pls*e dcsig*el*d b? Fin€rrr* C*mp*ny, and {e} the;myn*nt *'y Y*u ol *tl xmcunis cw*d u*d*r lhis {**ss, Fin*F{e C*n"lpeny m*y *xsrc*l llris Jeess it Y*u defsult, ?C. RgTuRil SF tiglllCl€ lf 1's{; ds **t buy fr* Vehirle st lsase *sd" Y*u m*si r€tilrm ii ts Lsssar ilfit€ss Finafic* C*mFxny sB*cifre* *ns{:her Fld{*. Priar t* the scJisdil:led r*turn *f th* V*hicl*, Y*u mxy be r*qu*sied tn pres*nt ihe Veh;irle for inspectiun st s r*st*nsble {irn* snd lnratir:n, iJpan return *f lhe Vshicle, You nr*st pey ihe disp$sitirn fe*, il sny is $hslvri in this lease under ltem 3 "Sth*r *h€rg€$." lf Y*u fa'il tc rel*nr the Vehir{e within 1fi days e*er Ytrur s{tr!*Sul€d t*rfiindlion dnfe, Y#|r w1l b,e c}:argeS an* {H*nlhty Psyr$ent snd Your term wil{ be es?en$ed sn* &sil:lh- lf Ycu cnniinu* lo faii trr return the Vehi*le ?*u must pey dernagea t* F,*ff:r* Cc*mpany, i*r{uding nna:unts gleyable under de{suJ!. PxytNeri *f lhese empunt* wil{ no{ xll*w You i6 k€sF ttr}e Vshide" 3{. SlAl'tSA*SS F*R €X*€SS WiAX ANS U$€ Y*u ure respnnsible lor *ll r*peirs t* th* 1le]:irte tl"rel er* xot llie resull sin*rnrallrlsar atrd ilse- These repxirs inc{*d*, bul are *ot :lin:ited {n lhose nee*ssary ic r*p*lr *r r*p:l*{s: {x} Yiree thst hcve sidewsll damngeJpl*gs, *xp*s*d eordsilp*lts. cr ;rr* untx*lrl'rsd icr Veh,iele rr unsafe, {bi Electriicail sr ffi*chsnicel dsfec'ls *r m*lfunrlinns; {c} €:lao.x, Feixt, S*dy Fsn*!*, Yri* *nd Grill Wcrk thsl are hrcken" ffiiswralchsi" *iripp*d, s*rsklr*d, pittcd, *r*cked. ar dent*d. {d} Interirr ripr, siains, trurfis *r dn*r::ged €r€*s; ie": Raplaeernent *f any missi*g *quiBr,'ie*t *r pxrts {ineluding rn3ssilrg k*ys er rermte *n:hy devices}; and {i} AIi Samage which w*uld be rovered by ccllisi*: *r c*l*pr*hensirte iftsurafiee wh*thp-r er nol sueh insuranc* ii .sct{i€lly in forc*- R*pkceneni *{ S}^le*t Metal sffii slll oft*n r*pairs musl ** mads wilh $riginxl Equiff$eilt Msnufeclur*r parts. YeJr u*e nr *peir nf the Vehicl* must fi${ inve{idat* *ny wananfy. lf Ytru hsve n*l *sd the reprir* msde befnre tl^:e Vehicle i* returned, Y*u wi:ll psy s,te esiimat*d c*sis $f such r*p*irs, *yen if the r*pairs xre m*l mads Bri,;r 1s I-lddefs sel* rl thc ?ehicle. Yru it*ill $rainldin {he Sdorn*ter of tt'l* Vehi*le s* ih*l it alweys r*fieels the ?shicle's *ctuxl nrilenge. lf $rs *clonreter is at sny time in*p*reliv*, Y** will pr*vide us wilh r*eso$abl* errideilce *f the V*hir{e's schJsl mi?**ge el vehi*ls relsrn, lf Ytru ar* **nble to ds ss, Y*u will pay xJs $ur €siimst* st sfiy r*ducti** *S th* Veh9c.le's wfrslessle ysls* r€ljs*d by {h* :inabi:lity tn de{*ffirine th6 Vshirjes scfu*i mileage, 31" VSLUruT&RY €ARLY TSRMIHAT'*S AI{* A:YU*ru TF{E VgHlei-€ Ynu may l*sni*xt* {his l**s* *arly, i{ Ysr *r* n6t i& def;:uit, by r*tuming tl're V*hicle ts:l-€s*sr unless Finr:*c* Cwnpany d**ign*t*s sffit*rsr plece. Yc*.r mud pay ih* fr{lswin$. {x} ilrc *m*unt by whicil the linpaid Adjiusted **pilaliz*d Cnsl *xc**ds ti:* Vehields F*ir &*sr**t Wh*lesnie Velu*, plr"rs {h} xll oih*r er$**nls l*en rl*e und*r tlie leas* {excepi f*{ *xcsss rryesr snd us* and r*i:leag*!. lf Y*u entered srr ,4drrer:*e Felni:erif l*xse snd th* ?*hiela'n Fsir iltx**{ !4th*lss,el* V*lu* exrs+ds th* tJnpaitl Adlust*d C*pit*liz*d Cw1, Y*: iuill reeeive a rsedit fi:r th* diffw**cs. Al{*ttvrfrv*iy, Yo* may *hsn*e in salisfu Y*ur fir:avrciel *biigat*lr **d*r llris secti*r up*r Vefiicle re{x!fi if Y*u pay tlr* toll*xlng: {e} fhe unpaid r*nwininq M*xiil'rly P*yvnenls, plus {fu} wny charges fcr exrees waar snd us* *nd mile*ge, pl$s {c} sll ,}ther arnounts th*n due under fire i*ase. 3E" VSIU'IITARY €*RLY ?€RT TNE$*N A}IS PI.'FSI{ASE THE V€HI*LE Y*u nray pur*h*ss th* \r*hirie fnrry* fis Lesswr *r a pariy de*ignxt*d by Finnnc* *snrpany sl sny tim* if Y*u sre **l in def*ult. :lf Yau !:nve e &4*n{i:iv Favt$sllf i-ease, y*u m$st pny t3:* follrwivtg. {*} ti':e Unpxid A*justed Cepl},*liz*d Ccst, p?irs {t}} the srfinuni {ry v*hieh lhe less* erd purrJv:se rpti*n pric* {tt*m lffJ *xceeds the i{esid*el Vslue {lter:l 7dJ, pl*s {ti *ffi*irt{ f*es anrl {*x*s, plus {d} al! *ther xmtunls ih*n du* ufids{ this l*ns* {exe*pt charg** ffir exf&fs rv*ar xmd use x*d ni:il*eg*}- You nwy *ls* lre thsr6*d n reessnabi* $ncumantory fee if *il*w*d by ilaw, ll You ir*ve *r: ,*dvx*c* F*y*:*ni le*s*, ltott l&us? psy l*€ fsli*lving. {n} lhe lleas* **d prur*hxse *piion prire {ltem 1*} less {bi Eny une€nred Rw:l Chr*rge*, ptus {c} sfficiei f**s and ioxes, plus {d} all *tilrer affifiin.ls th** du* under this l*ase {ext*pi chnrges f,:r extes* w*nr xnd us* er:d *rii*age)- Yr:u nrny alss be charged x rea*$nsbl* d*rument*ry f** if alloir*d by {etw. 3$, TEFIHM*W GF T€PS* {"iirpard Sr$risfed f*pifafiz*cf {*xl lf You hxve * fi'fs$f*ly trayi}rer}f lease, the lJ*p*id Artjusted {l*pitn,liz*d C*si is an stioll*t th&i sisri$ wilh llre 9djusl*d *apitaiized Cr:st nnd iis reduesd eacli mmlh *n 1l't* du* dete *y li"r* ditr*r**c* ttehqrse* tl':e Sxse Fd*nf:lv psy{x*n: a*d the pnri *f the Rent *hxrge e'arned in lhat w*nih tn nn aciuxrisl basis. llf Yri: hav* an 4dv*vrs* Faytxs*f le*se, the Llnpaid Adiusted *ap:italir*d **st lis *n *m*unt thst siarts ryltl': the Ad.iusie* Caprtaliz*d Cl:si lesr lh* *ese Falymwt This en'*]rint is incre*se{i eerlr r**r:':t* ** lhe due d*te by {$r* p*rt $l the Rsllt Cfinrge e*n:*d in lfinl rvl*t'ttl"l *n *n actuariat ba*i*. :l:r **th cases. rent cli*rges are exmed when dus" Lesssr ff Fin*nce *onrpany will provid* Y*u witl't *n expletrntion of t:lre acl**i;:l rneihsd up*n r*que:{. Fsri i'fe**f l,Vft*lesslp yaius will L:e. {si an xmsunt asreed l*, by You srd l-*ssor cr Finffnc€ CsffipsnY, ur {b} the vslue whieh co**J {:e re*dized nt t*e wh*lesal* sale of ti"re Vsiii*l*. 65 det*:fiin*d t}y i} pr*{*ssi*n*l xppr*ionl nbta,in*d tiy Yru al Yrur expen*e wi*hin 'l& dxys fr*r* tenninatisx ffi]ffi 8n i::d*p*ndeni third pxtty xgr*e*bl* io Fina**e Cu*:lpeny, cr {c} il nct estahli*hed *y xEr*eni*nt nr xpprxisail. the *ei x*:aunt r*ceived by Fi**nf,e **v*patry, Hslder or its d€signated in{*:rmedi*vy ttppn th* sxle *lthe Vehiele *lwh*lss*le sr *lh*r con:nreniel$ r*awnnble msi:ner, *,f**t&ly Payrrle*f lf Ysu :hnue * i..tsufl:t$ F*y,]]erll lssse, Msnthly Fsyn:enl is lftp Total Faynent iit*m 7m)" lf Yru h*ve sn *dv*i'?** F$.v$?ei?i li"-*ss, M*x$r:ly Fffytt":€fii:i* th* T<*nl Paynent {ltem 7nr} divid*d hy {he L**s* T*r*l in *i*nt}rs {lt*v$ ?ti}. Sils* &,y$riiJrfy p#yy*€$l lf Y*u have a 8d*tr$il.v Fagnenif lre{sc, Sas* Mrin$rly paytrlsnl is th* SaEe Fayrnel-rl {lt*i* 7l} lf Yau have an Ar:'vel*** F*yi*s$l lease, Ba*e Mon{hly Payn'l*nt ;5 trt* Sss* Fayment {llem 7i} divrided by t$l* L*xse Tervn in }I*lths {11*nl 7*}. 34" C*STAfT ${Ul!dB€n fSR Fl}i&}lCE *&F'IPASIY Flease rontart F*l*irt€ Cowpany at tlse teleplhwne r:*n"tber or w*b:ile :list*d in this 3*ese i{ Yru have *ny qu*stiorrs regarding iennin*tivlg Yr:ur le*s* *r prrehaning tlie Vehicle. 35. YOUR SpOtl{gTER G6lj€AT$f,lS F*derq{ lew r*quir*s Ylltt t* c*mp:!€te a *txtelnerrt s{ ttw V*hiele's mil*eg* ai lfi* end sf ihis l*x:*, Y*u rnay be Slred sndJsr impr,ir*ned ,f ysu de Eot c*ftpl*le ilie discl*sure *r if g*u ffnke e lalse sintement, n-o tu tr F Tdo H{a ett 3 n-ot;ast-Uj il :Eot) lr, F (J(J.{ 6 {t ul:' F T'l't424ss2sP414438s24 - THIS ls A CUSTObIER COMPLEIED COPY 6F THE STGNED ELECTRoI'llc FOfiM HEL0 SY ROtItEoNE tlC" Psge 5 of8 incfi zct>()r)c 4{trl t4 m tto{ Fr'*o2t{Io*{ j m t 1S&4u-P-* 1*S46-AtrF,e {JtiN 3S} r414t49e02-ap{trt438824 - TH|S CUSTOi ER COiTFLE ED itOPY WAS CREATED Ot{ ${r:$A}?1 0-2:itg:z0 Pu Gti{T DEFAULT AI'D LOSS OF VEHNCLE *S. $SFAULT Y*u will bs in d*faun if. {s} Y*il f*il tr m*k* *ny pryn:ent wh*n due, nr {b} s bankruptcy peiilion i* *led b'y *r ag*ir*sl Y*u, *r {c} *nV gav€mfiiefitel aulh*rity seizes lhe \tei:icle nnd d*es ti*t Br*mptly snd uncnnditisnslly reNense the Vehide to Yru. $r {d} Yffil t}ai,e provided {slse or misleadirE n:xterial in{nnnati*n xb{-refi spplying lsr iliis lsass, w {e} Y*u iail tn keep *ny *tt**r agre*m*nt an tt.iis lsa$*. l{ Y*u are in dsfsult, Finence Cff*pflny rnag *e**el tihls 3*a*e, i*k* bar& the V*hirle snd $*{l it ai x putrlic *r privat* s*te. Yru *ls* give Fi*xnc* *omp**y th* ngtrt tr g* rn Y*ur pr*p*rty l* pexcefully r*lsks the Vehii:la lf Finanre Compxny relekes lh* Vehicl*, You must Fay xt n*c*: {x} tlre differ*nc*" if any. l:etwee.n .1h* {Jnp*id Adjrsted flsprt€lizsd fssi snd the tlsl&e r$hirh eoukJ li* rex:lized nt ll€ wh*lessils ssle ef tit* Veflicle, plu* {h} any *ther am*url{s then du* und*-{ th* lenre {exreg:l chxrges frr ex**ss wear and uss *nd l1]ilenge], lf Ys$ entered {r]t* {n gdvsrirg P*ur}sigLgg&e" and t}t* v*]rc *&ieJr **uld be r*elie*d *l t** wlr*tesale *sl* *$ tl':e V€hiele sxceeds tle Unpaid Adja*ted Cupiialized C*si, Y*u w:93 r**eiv* s rr*dil for th* differsnce. Th* valus rqhieh cs:id be rsxlized *: lhe whol*ssle s*{* af t*e Vet**t* will be: {a} 8* *el ev*rount r*eeiiv*d Lr}t $:iinfi*c* C*mpnay, l-tnlder or its designni*d ini.em:edlary fiF6n !h€ sale *f ihe vehi*ie al whe{ssels 6r sther r*mnrer*ially r*asnn*tde mffnr{er, ar {h} as d*ten$ined by s prsfsssi6llrxil sg:prxis*il *blnined ily Yeu sl Y$$r *xp*tls* within 1& dflys irsril de{ault, fi-r*n xn independeni third psrty .agr€csble t* F:ilranee C*mpany. Ysu musl alsn peg xll *xpenses. including renssnaLrl* a{l*meys {e*s, paynbl* by Firssnce {l*mg:rny t* trblsin, htild ard Eell {he \j*hic{e, rdlert nmrunis due and *nfrr** fisl**fs riqhls *&der this le*se. 3?- THEFT fiR Sg$TR{JfTlSl'l SF VEHICL€ ii the Vehicle is ri*'l*n *r d*str*y*d, l*e en:ount Ynt *w* will d*p*nd *pcn wh*lher Ycn hxd tt:e i€quired insurance i$ eff*rt snd th* cinin'l f*r tfre V*hirie is fuily hc**r*d. lf Finsnce C*mpany d*es nni r*c*ive th* fiill insursnce prfire€ds, Ycru will pay to Fit:**ce * fi,tpeny t** fcllerwing: {a} the Unpa,id Ar3j*sl*d Cxpitaleed *wl p:lu: {b,} *,i9 *lher nms;nk lhen drte illrder lh* lessc {*xeep! ch*rges f6r sxc*ss we*r snd *se **d wil**gt*], less i*i *t1y i*surs*{e pr***ed* r*csivsd $:y fiv:ence Csmp€ny. G"4F l#ad,er l{ Y*u hsd in effr*ct t}re iffisnn:fice requir*d under this leese .flnd R&$:ce i*n:pnny rereiv*s fte {ull insursnce pr*ceed*, Ym: wi{N noi be r*quir*d t* pay tl'le diff*rsncs {GAtr} *etn**e& &e tr3ng:*id Adjus{ed Capitx{ized Cnsi **d t.h* insurance pn:ree.ds, Yru will *nly lr* r*q*ired t* pay, {n} €ny psgtr r}u* M*nth}y Faym**rtt, p:lu: {fu} lhe fifisunt *f E:e applirable insurance d*d**ti*i*, plus {c} sl3 otilrer amrunl* lllen du* undsr lili5 l*are {*xe*pl chnrges l*r ex{*55 s€fir *nd use s*d ffil€sg*}. Evsn ll th* V*Nricie i* ixs*r*$, i{ Yss t:*v* * S.'fo*fffy Fa}xr*ttf L*e**, until Fin€rics CcmBxny rec€iv€s peym*ni *f the inrurance pr*e*.*ds, Y*u frgi** tc crn$sue 16 ma9ce Your Mwtthly Fa}*r*nls. ll Y*B llsv€ *n $eiwa*cs F*y;t;*$l i-e*s*, nfier any insur*nce pr*e**ds 6rtl p*ad, Ysu wiil recei{e s rredii eq€*l lo ih* g*5* fl'{*nthly Pawfi*fit muliiplied by ilre numb*r *f remni*i*g msnths in the Less* Temr im Mrntl-rs, beginn:i*g with the nrmth immedici*ly fo?:bw,ing ft* dal* sf tfli*ft nr des*:uctisn- ADOfnOilAL titFORtrlATlOt{ 38" ASSlGililtEl'lT AllD AtrMlffi5TfiATmN When Ysu s!"rd Lessgr sign li'tis lsas€, l**sspr will xssign il ir l-laHer, Finafice {rnrp*ny *r a substitui* niil sdr!*nister lh:is l**s*. Ysu must tllgn pny, in tl.$- f*ftds. sll sm$urs:s d{:e l:trd€r tkjs l*ese {r: Finance Cnmpn*y. l{ Finsnee C*mpxny is n*i the flslder cl this lssss, Hrslder lt*s Epp&inisd Fi*€nrs Company 'as ik xgenl. ,4s ageni f*r {-l*lder, Fi*finf€ Cl:fiips,1y hes lh* S*wer h: scl ** l-{sld*r's be**lf ts dminister. *n{nr**" and dsle*d this lexse. i{ l-ssfor hfi5 sSr*ed to r*peir *r mainl.aln {he Vehicle, sbisin sfiy insursnce *r p*dmn any sther scrviee, Ysu will ho:k only ic ths L*ssnrfpr.fire-se s€wices, 3S" YAX€$ Y*u will pr*mp$y p€y all iess, clrarg*s, **d i*x*s r*!*tlng :te lhe :lsss€ {3r Vehi*ls {*xrepl fcr'L*s5$r's *r Xeld*fs iru:*m* :l*x*s). Y*u will pay l**ss *nr*ilrdr ev*n il *r*trr nrs s**essed *fl*r i€ss6 €nd, 40" Tt?l-{f{G The Vehici* will be titled in t}:* rame cd l-loldsr. T}'r*r* msy e a lienh*lder 3i*ted xs wsll- Yer* will r*gieter ihs Vshicl* *s direded by Finnn** **:rp*ny. Yeu witl pny all lir*nse, tit* **d r*gistr*iiol'l c*:;is. 41. lHfi€il$lYY Y*u rsill indemnify a*d lroid hsffirNeEs [-ess*r, Finane* C{r$rprny s:rd f-l*ilder nnd their assigr"ls lrav$a ary loss rr dam*ge ic {h* Vehicie and ik cnntenls xnrJ frrm *ll cieiws, loss*s, :i*!uries, exp*nses efid rosts rslated t* {*e us*. rrtnintena*f,e, *r c**d$ie* 6l t1':s Vshicl*, Yar are resp**sible $cr pn:mptly p*yi*g ati {i*es nnd lir&ets, in*ie;ding p*d<ing lickels, inrp*s*d ** lt'r* Vehicle *r iis drivsr. lf b*ih I L*sss* a*d Cci-LR$se* si$fisd &is lease" eedr pnrlry js j*ifttly **d s*v*rally liabls f*r the payrnent rt thes* fin*s ard ii*kets. l{ Y*r d* rl*t p*y, Ywr w$l reimburae Frrxm* **x:px*y and pxy a $i$ xdfirlnistr*tiur] f*e, unless pfi)hibia€d by il*w, f*r er*ry such Sr-re, lic3*t, or p*nalfy {:h*i must ** pqid an Y$ur behstf. 42. SECUX{TY SSPSSIT Y*ur secr-*ri$ dspr*it m*g be .tsed by Finance Conrpxny to pny c{tr anrsusts Ewt Yor-l foit t* pay under {his Less*- Yctr'*silN nsi receive fiin? iitl*rsst, $:r*fits or $til*r *xrnings *n ?o:r s**ung dep*xt{s}. €.S. COHSUMER R€PSRYS Yru as&*rize Finsnfl* C*npety *nd l-{nld*r tu 6b{ain t$nsdmer credii reporis lrofi} f{lnsuv*sr repsrtrins ageneies {cvwdil b*r**us} f*f, srly reascn and €l sny tinle i* c*nneciinn wi$: lhis lesse, 4{. SERVI€|F{* tl{tr CSLLEC$*il Y*u *gr** i*r:{ Less*r, Finsr,{:e *empa*y, l-lclder *nd th*ir a{&liatss. agenl* a*d s*rv,ice prnvi*ers may rn**iicr **d re*trrd tel*pltott* rxlls regerding y*ur ar*ounl i* xssure 1l'rs qilaliiy *l sur s*wice rr fwr *tl,i*t rea&sns. Y6u sl56 sxpr€ssly rcn*ent nnd agr*e {hxt L**sts" Fi*an*e *ctmp*ny, l-icld*r and their .affiliate*, nge*ts and sew,ic* providels m*y us* writi*n, *lectronic *r serbsi me6ns ts contect you. Tltis *l*sent in*ltdes, trut !s fi$l linr:ii*d te, rrst€ei by fiistrunl csllihg rne?*Dds, prw*cwd*d *r ffrtl'ficie:l voiee m*s*ug*s. t*si trle*s€S*s, emails *ndlerr *ul6$iaiic t*le.Birone dislinE $y$l$$s. You agre* thsl L*sss{, Finslice C*mpeny. ll*ld*r **d ih*ir nffiliste*, *Eent5 snd serv:i** pr*vid*t: ri1€g use nny email *ddress or *ny l*1eph*** nurnber ylal pr*lid*, r:s*,s *r in :lhe f$iLre, including * number f*r x cellular phnne tx r:i*i*r wir*l*ss dslice, r*gardNes* cf wh*t3w{ y&iu i*cur *h*rges *5 s f,*$ulX. 45" SEIIEXAL Except *s otheriryis* prcvided by {ti* law nf ihe stai* sh*rs Yftr resid*, t*e i*w {hnl wilt npp}y icr lhis le85e is th* lcw ,rf tke *tele urtwr* tli* Less*t's $ace cl b**in*ss is, ss set fo$h in llri* lean*. lf .ftr*t law d*ss *rl sll*w eny nf l*e agr**menis in lhis le*$s, the snes thst *r* n*t nll*wed wi:ll b* v*id. Ihe r*st sl t*:is lesse lvi{i sti{l tr* valid. 4S" ELTfrTX*S'C RECSW$ AN! SlSfilA?{JngS ANS f*ldVE€3l$td T& F&PER Y$Lt Fgr*e ie> us* el*etrcnjc rec*rds ey:d eleeh*nic signaiures to dn*um**t tlris lee:*. Ysur €lerltrrtli{: xig*atur*s will have tile $,a,ffie *t{*tl ss signatur*s sn fi Fsp*r ls*:* lfher* rvill h* one *rllrsrilativ* *rpy sf this l*see. l{ will be th* *:l*r*sr:i* *rgry in a dgfiJment t:rsna$*$lent syst*m tli* *r**d*r d*s:igra"tes f*r s{nring it, The Credii*r n3*y c€nveri thtri *uth*riistivs e*$V {* s }$per s*ginal- The *redit*r wil! d* ss &y pdnting rrn* pffper rspy warked 'fir$i&€t," This pxp*r ori6insl will h*ve yt:ur *{e$rcslir 5ignsfurs rn lt- li tsill ?rave t*e s*nrs effeci *s lf you bad signed a{ {r{iglnslly sn peper, ott L'*{ fi*h 4 = =ug Lo tJ 6Fg Ja :EoU lrlFs 8id a it ui ilF T41424ffi2SP4I'43AT24 - THIS IS A CU$TOI'ER COMPLS]ED COPY OF THE SIGiIED ELECTBONIC FOR}' HELO BY ROI''EONE LLE- P€ge f of8 nc6 !26> C}o 3{tnt}dtf0 m-imb a ! 6 rJzgt a o44 j s a { '19S4$-F,e 1SS4|-APF-* {,Jl""lN lS} T4l4?49S2-tP414d38824 - THIS CUST0M€R cOiTPLtIED COFY wAS CREATEA OH 84r20f$?1 03:rlSt0 PM €Mt READ THIS ARBITRATIOH PROVISIOH CAREFULLYAilD IN ITS EI'ITIRETY ARBITRATION fubibation is a melhod of resolving any daim, disprde, or conlrovercy {colleciively, a "Claim"} without fling a lawsuit in coutl, Either yoa or Lessorl Finmce Company/HoHer {"us" w '?e"} {eadr, a "Party"} may choose at arry time, induding after a lawsuit is fled, io have any Claim related to this contract deciled by arbitration- Neilier party waives lhe rigfrt to sbikate by first filing suit in a coun oI lsfl" Claims include but are not limited to the folbwirg: 1) Claims in contsac{ tort" regulatory or stherwise; 2} Claims regardirg lhe interpretation. ecope, or validfiy of this provision, or arbitrability of any issue erc€pi for dass erlification; 3) Claims beh{€en you and us, or empbyees, agents, successorc, assigns, subsidiaries, or affiliates; 4) Claims arising cut ol c-relaling to your applicetion fq cr€dil lhis ccnbact, or any resulting fansactbn or relationship, induding lhat with the d€aler, or any srch relalionship rrith ftird padies rrho do nat sign liis conhact. RI€HTS YOU AI{D WE AGBEE TO GIVE UP lf either yu.l or we choose to arbifaie o Claim, th€n you and we agnee to waive lhe following righls: RIGHT TO ATRIAL, WfIETHER AYAJUOGE OR JURY RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE A$ A CLASS REPRESEITTATIVE OR A CLASS T'EIIIBER IT-I AHY CLASS CLAIi' YOU I'AY HAVE AGAII.IST 1'S WHETHER IN COURT OE IN AHBITRATIOI.I BROAD RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AS AFE AVAILABLE III A IAI/YSUIT RIGHT TO APPEAL THE DECISIO}I OF AN ARSITRA]OR OTHER RIGHTS T}IAT ARE AVAII-ABLE IH A L*WSUIT RIGHTS YOU AND WE DO NOT GIVE UP: lf a Claim is arbitated, you and we uill sniinue to luve lle following dghts, without waiving {his arbitratbn provision as to any Claim, 1i Right to file bankruptcy in courL 2i R{lht lo enforce the ornerslrip interesl in lte vehicle, whethx by repossessiw o through a murt of law; 3) Righi to take legal ac{ion to enforce the arbitsator's &cision; 4i Right to requesl that a eourt of law review whether ihe afbitrator exceeded its auttnritg and 5i Right to seek remedies in small daims cu:rt for disputes ff dsims wiihin thai c&rfs iutisdif,tion. You or we may cfuose lhe Americqn fubitration Associatiwr. {www.*$r.*r{ri, or ary olher organizalion subject to osr spprov€|, to eonducl lie aftibation. The applicable rules {Sre "Rules"} may be abtained fom the selecled organizalion. ll ihere is a confli€t beireefi &e Rsl€s and lhis wntrad, lhis contact sirall govem. This conUact is subiect ta ltre Federal Arbikation Act {S U.S,C- $ 1 et seq-}. The arbifation decision shall be in writing with a supportirE opinicn- Judgment upon the $rard r€fflerd by the arbrhaior may be entered in any courl tuvirg jutisdictlxt. To the extent fral ttre total of yarr fling, adminiskaiion, semc€ or (as€ managenent fee and yorr aftitratc- or hearing fee exceeds $Z{XI, we will pay the arftoltilt in excess af $200, unless you choce lo pay one-tulf 6f the tot€l or unkss lie fees se reallocated in ihe award ander applicable law or lhe organizatbn's rules. Each party slrall be resgansible lor its swn allorrey, experi and dher fees, unkss $trarded ty the aftrihator under aplicable law" Any portlrn ol lhis arbitsation provision that is unenforceabl€ shqtl be severed, and the remaining provislons shall be enlorced. lf s waiver d dass ac{ion rights is deemed or fcund to be unenformbb lor any reason in a cce in wtrich dms ac{ion allegations hsve beeil rnade. lie rernainder of this arbihalion provisior shall be unenfsceable, The validity and scope ol the waiver of class mtiffi righte shall be decided by ihe court and rnt by fie a$ihator- {xcm (] I Eimog 'o-d nitJ a 4 cf)trzo?j"c{ A 4I t mf,ot4 EouU FdF !co:E b{zo {)o5 lot)du)FffJ t{}{J L'L Ir (-){){ da:tEF TI'14249S?SF4I443A8:4 _ THIS IS A CUSTOMER CDi'PTETED COPY OF THE SIGT{ED ELECTROHIC FORM HELD BY ROUTEONE LLC, P€ge 7 of8lSfi4S,P,e 1$*4.6-AFF-e {J1-.IFI ?8} T414249S)2tP41it43S824 - TutS CUSTOi€R COMPLEIED COPY tl/AS CREATED ON $ai:0t$?J 03:ilg:?0 Plrl GMT SIGilATURES AHO MPORTAilT NONCES ilodification: This lease sets tsth ail ol the agreemenb of Lessor and You lor tle lease sf the Vehacle. There is ro olher agreernenl Any cftange in lhis lease mrst be in wdting and signed by You and Finarce Comp€ny. Lesse€.ClTY OF KENTWA sy: XC }n*f*Tifle:fttAYOR DANARALPH Co-Lsssee.l.l/A sy: XC NIA Tide:N/A YOU ACKI{OWLEDGE TI{AT YOU ilAVE READ AI'ID AGREE TO B= BOUND BY TI{E ARBITRATIOH PROV|S|OI'| tH TH|S COHTRACT. NrlTr;.E. {1} Do rst sign tiis lease befse You read it or if it has sny blank space ts be fillsd in, {2J You have iite fuht to get a *lld-in poper copy of ths lease- You ad<nowledge frat Yui received a filledjn paper copry of Sris lease ai lhe titoe You electsnically s$ned il and nctie of an assignment of this lease by the Lessor to Holdcr- Less€€:ClTY0F KENTWA ey:)O I b,#U-A Trfle:1y14ygg DANAFALPH *o-Lesse€:NlA ev:XD N/A Irtle,NtA Lessor and Lessee are hereby notified that Hslder hss assbned {n Ol Exchange, in its capacity as Holdefs qualiRed intennediary, iis rigttts {but not its obligatiwsi rrift resecl io ttre grrdmse of this Vehicle and tle sale of this Vdride at lease ienninalbn. Lessor accepts this bas€ ard assigns it to Holder under ll€ terms of the lease plan qreement betrreeri Lessor snd H6Her. Leggo'-BOWEN SCARFF FORD SALES ayXfi gp Tit|e: FLFET {frCm zc'>()a 3-ttnogt m4lf, 13 o,r' Fr'zoz!c{-o4{ 3 mfi t Lo{) trjzFd a EFt42 zt)g A t) !rt-UJ!.IotjNF #3I{ 6z€ !.t5 DCP T414249s)?-DP4i44iEB24 -TlllS !S ACUSTOMER C&iiPLETED ccFY gF THE sl6tlED ELECTROI'I|C FOflM HELB EY ROUIEOfiE LLC, Pege B of8lS84S,P-e 1$S4€-AFF-* ilUru ?e] T4ld349$2€Prlr443ut24 - THls CUSTOITER COITPLEIEE COPY liVA* CREATEO Ot{ {!llt{$Srt 0?:ilg:?0 PM GMT