HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-220 - Change Order - #24 - Scarsella Bros, Inc - 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Bridge & Roadway - 01/11/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHINGTON t oLo.o. Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 3t1t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee EJ Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: R90067.641 10.120 Budget? EYes E No Grant? EYes ENo Type: Federal tro*,o ELoFC ;g o EooL fD Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order#24 project Name: S. 2281h St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Seperation Bridge and Roadway Phase 5 project Detaits:Provides reimbursement for professional engineering services associated with materialvoid that was discovered under the new bridge Agreement Amount: $5,804.07 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cMo19-220 g|ca-*,:\ro .gEo=0Ei tg C .9UI DateReceivfiEgp{effifi MAR 2 zON CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22l7l_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements t'\e(4. KENT WASHTNGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #24 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Scarsella Bros' Inc' ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PRoJECT NUMBER:S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade separation Bridge an ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: APT|I 19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1, Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to: Created new bid item to provide reimbursement costs for professional engineering services associated with a material void that was discovered in an area of gravel under the new bridge, where a 72" CMP storm pipe crosses the UPRR tracks. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (inctuding applicable alternates and wssr) $13,802,146.40 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applica ble WSST) $469,567.75 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $14,271,714.15 Current Change Order $5,804.07 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $14,277,518.22 240 working daysOriginal Time for ComPletion CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 (insert date) Revised Time for ComPletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order 69 calendar daYs Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 309 working days In accordance with Sections L-O4,4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this C'hange Ordei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agreel to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change order and acknowledges and alcepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or conneited with any work either covered or affected by this Change order, includTng, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance witlr the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: By "%ffiV fu"rft print Nam ". ,, jWt"l sarure{ fts ft4rft7 trArl46til (tide) DATE GITY OF KENT: By : D@Y#rytuBbon. Chad Bieren sfifi*ififrfiFffit* (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. Its Public Works Director (titte) DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 K? ATTEST: C L,W\) Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department , P.E.IIn this field, you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2 T<ENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. O24 Construction Manage ment Division - Public Works Project 5.228tn st union Pac ific Railroad Project No.:07-3022 : Grade Se Project Engineer: Owners ReP: paration Phase 5 Cameron Bloom er, PE Fed-Aid No.: HLP-FMSIB-t2L6 (005) KBA Inc Contractor:Scarsella Bros. Inc' Dater 9/07/2021 I PROPOSED CHANGE This Change makes the fo llowing revisions to the Contract Documents and Provides compensation for the added work: create a new bid item to provide reimbursement of costs, including professional engineering services, associated with a material void near where a 72" Storm pipe crosses the UPRR tracks' II.REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE I J of 2 0 2 1 a m a te na VO d W a S d iscove re d I n a n a rea o f I ra e u n de ?th e n e W bri d I e n a n u a rY d ectl b 7 2 c M P sto rmThevoldatev22WestoftheUPRRtracksandrYaOVeaWasapproXmtorfondtheendofan84concretecaSnIppeThecitvdrectedthecontractorpefmppeath,2 0 2 1 T h orati a sloratorydIglnIatrhesrtehlchWasdoneonJanuaryIseXponW CX p th tra ks d ln con c US ivestopedafewfeetdownsotheexcaatonWOudnotmpactecIanWaSp id h d CS ig n w h tc h wou d a OW fo r d e e p e rTheCityrhendrectedthecontractortoproveaSornI, d d b I z e d t o a o W s pa ce t o p e rfo r m w o rk if n e ce s SA ry Th I S d e s I n W a S s u b m tte d toIInIaneS d d tithRRforeviewTherevtewprocesstookseveramonrhSnWhtchtmenoa o n aer hettltWasobservedWorktonstathe5honngsystemWasnotperformedIandt esemen contractor raded the area III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY ITEM(S)Nat Appllcable oNtvFOROrder Unit PriceUnit 1 $ $5,804.07 $5,804.07 Total Estimated Cost of Item Total Est. Qtv Qty this PE CA O24 - Sinkhole Item Description PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE rrro upon to ma dePmentaytlaedchenndEstmatendepeetionWOrklatercQmpdatqREDUIREQNew ub Reqrd? E ONTYChan$e Order No. Not Appllcable T DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per l-09.5 REV. DATE: 3lt5/19 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT Sch. No.B.l. No.Item D Qty Unit I n d epende n t Esti m ate Attached REQUIRED USENo.ChanSe Sch. No.Unit PriceUnit Cost of ltemQtvItam DescriptionB.l, No ttaA edchEsnttimate REQUIREDIndepende tNCREASVD ECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S)NotAppllca0le TOTAL ESTIMATED CO ST OF CHANGE ORDER X THIS PAY ESTIMATE xTotal the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS 5 804.O7 o * Previous Total 240Original Contract 240 co Due This Change Order * DA TE tedn mfrowererantilubetopprovalsuwasnblecompletedrdeoworklsThhacngeordedes2LThShcnprovinMod'l 9ermedconfifor/26/sWA ayfinallyRailP rosuchednliof flaggerandRaSlPros.aUPRR s betoworknforzatioauthroadoriredfoRa77uratiodn/26 requitheetermndlnate4/1uacconforworkiaIUtouenongys9h xThis Change Order + P revious Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described' Prepared BY:Date:9lo7l202L tL n TOTAL WORKING DAYS* Date 309 1 L/ ', I i, Construction SuPervisor: 2 Construction Manager:Date: REV. DATE: 3115119 Cameron Bloomer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Madfai, Mark <MMadfai@kentwa.gov> Tuesday, MaY 4,2021 1:50 PM Terrel Anderson Connor, Eric; jbarry; Cameron Bloomer overheacl structure, z28th OH, Sinkhole shoring Plans, MP 168.01, seattle sub' s 228th St, Kent, WA, DOT 396576X, AWO 32410 Dear Terrel, I,m writing to update you on the sink hore that was discovered in January 202a . As you are aware the sink hole was tocated approximately 25 feet west of the mainline track under the south side of the bridge in a rocation that was previousry under the pavement of the roadway for the at-grade crossing. The sink hole was directly above the72 inch diameter storm drain pipe that runs under the tracks in a casing. It appears that the location was direcily above the end of the casing. when the sink hole was discovered the city directed the contractor to excavate the area to explore the extent and determine the root cause. The area was excavated to approximately 4 feet deep and no apparent cause was seen. The excavated area was then backfilled and compacted with the plan to return after a shoring plan was approved to continue excavating to thebottomoftheT2inchstormpipetoinvestigatefurther. since the rocation was backfiiled the city has been visuaily monitoring the sink hole location and has witnessed no changes or further settrement. subsequentry, the city and it's geotechnical engineer have further discussed the situation and berieve that the most likely cause of the sink hore is from materiar that settred in the annurar space between the pipe and the casing, this could have occurred long ago and became apparent when the pavement was removed' The existing pipe within the casing was TV inspected during design of the project and proved to be in good condition and no replacement or lining of the pipe was necessary' At this point the city feers that any further exproratory excavation of the area would provide limited value, the excavation would likely encounter ground water and may potentially result in a wider area of setuement. At this time the city wiil .ontinr" to visualry monitor the area monthly and document with photographs, if it appears that a sink hore is developing or that settlement is takingplacethentheCitywouldproposefurtherinvestigation, prease ret me know if you have any questions or if you wourd rike to discuss this further' Thanks, Mark Mark Madfai, P,E' City of Kent Design Engineering Su Pervisor mmadfai@kentwa'{qv -.,,,,,,,,ilo,ilililtffllfilllllll:E{:C 4?06 I l.)6n l\vorrare . S(nlo lloHr, C/\ 954O5 D,H. CFIARLES E'NGINEERING, INC, (7o7) 137-&242 ' (7{J7) 537-fl3f,8 (F{!x)r wwwishtrrlondris.lr{crlrs.coill BILL TO EF Scarsella Brothers, Inc, Accounts Payable PO Box 68697 Seattle, WA 98168-0697 iicAi-ts DESCRIPTION lnvoice DATE tNVOTCE #TERMS 2t26/2021 21-A215-1 Net 30 CONTACT RATE CHIVEM I 0l 2021 t".l-A BR0s. lNc. CLIENT JOB NO PROJECT P.O. NO, 228TH STREET GRADE SEPARATION KENT, WA AMOUNTOUANTIW Prepared PE stamped design plans and calculations lbr a 10'-wide x l6'-wide x l5'-deep slide rail shoring system to investigate and repair sinkhole. Force Account 1.73A25114029,Q01 tG M 8.S. 2,4A0,A0 2,400,00 27 Total $2,400,00 PaymentslCredits $0.00 Balance Due $2,400,00 +210/o Service MIU = $2,904.00 ,-- ..,iln,il,rililil1ilililil111111HC +7oar t-l(|eil A'votruc . sr{nl{ l(oi(, Cn 95405 D.I.T. CIIARLES ENCN$EERTNC, TNIC. (.1 BILL TO al7) ,5f "-B2ttz . (707) 517-d33t{ {11'rrx) r www.chtrrlenerrgirrt€tlrt!l-c(}rir lnvoice Scarsella Blothers, lnc, Accounts Payable PO Box 68697 Scattle, WA 98168-A697 CLIENT JOB NO ECHIVED t',lAR t 8 t0?l BROS.lblc' PROJECT 228TH S'I'REET GRADE SEPAITA ION I(EN'I', WN DATE 3l15lT02t INVOtCE #TERMS DESCRIPTION Revise P[ stampecl design plans and calculations for a lO'-wide x 16'-wide x 15'-deep slide rail shoring system to investigate and repair sinkhole . Shoring slrall bc instaltcd a rninimum distance of.2l'-6" flom centelline of nn existing UPRR lailroad track, The Consultant bears no rcsponsibility or liability fbr any settlcrnent, movoment" or damagc of any kincl tlrat rnay occur to sut'rounding soils, existing railroad lrack' or rutilities due to shoring installation, de[lcction, renroval, or other construction activitics. 730251 14(j29 011 t i) {A.3.5. CONTACT AMOUNT 1,100,00 l,l 00,00 $ I ,100,00 Payments/Credits $0,00 Balance Due $ t ,1 00.00 P.O. NO. QUANTITY RATE Total $1,3 2l-a2t5-2 Net 30 22 +21a/a TN WORKEDACCOUFoFORCEDAILREPORT 712612A21DAScarsella Bros. lnc. PAY SUSCONTRACTOR .3422Project N 1 355ITEM HLP.1216{006)Federal Aid 145 ng West side of RR Tracks PERFORMED: DESCRIPTION OF $1,569.07TOTAL COST AMOUNTOT RATEREG RATE OT HRSREG HRSWORKER'S OCCUPATIONWORKER'S NAME $ 99.28$ 74.584.00Operatcr Loader under 6 CYBarrett (1/2021 $ 99.28$ 74.584.00Loader under 6Hunkin (1/2021)$0.00$$ $0.00$$ $$ LABOR SUBTCT $1TANDNGINSURANCEBONDI0ANPROFITOVERHEAD AL LABOR PMENT AiVOUNTTDBY RASTDBY HRSREG RATEREG HRSSIZEEQUTPIVlENT TYPE $1 3s.48$$ 33.874 132 F-350 Tool Truck (7i2021)$0.00$ $0.000$ $$0.00$ $1 3s.48EOUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $28,45DANINSURANCEBONDINGPANDROFITOVERHEAD%2 $1 63.93TOTAL TERIALS sndlor SERVICES AIVIOUNTSUB TOTALMATERIALVENDOR & INVOICE #9525.1 8$48.1 I$477,00RentalUnited Renlals 1 90293637-00'l $0.00 $0.00 $525.1 STNGINCLUDISUBTOTALTERMAIALS $ 1 '1 0.2sANDTAXINSURANBOPROFITNDING,AND12OVERHEAD% $63s.47TOTAL MATERIALS WORKOR AMOUNT VEN]DOR & INVOICE # $0.00INV $0.00 $0.00IOTAL SUBCONTPSCTOR INV A[IOUNT $1Labor,WoMaterial&ol onl,SubtotalME Equ pmPRI Worhnvolcedc&bcontractoruMatorial.LaboolSubtotal Equlpment,ORSUBCONTRACT Ar/o Markups on work Performed 7Va00,0001Greateror/o $lhan000$25,000-$00,$25,000--2o/0,toupSubconlractcr: $0Subcontractor Mark-uP $1 s69.07 e tlme an needEd to are agreeing tois form,work is in disPute.signing the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Ir*sc)R -Classifisa'tlon, t#Urleil Hu idfrFerro**suBcoNTFSCTop".sBROS.,RL i:3113 E!'.irAT lV,r:l}"q! l-Y F S R.{J il,t{*r:'$ U l'r T I EXT F+3.''r1rii RF" K H rtJi{ iP.O a.x 6isg7S*:l:. ]"J; 93163-C69iCae: i253) 872-71?3=-.,. / r<_...ci-r')T,QCCI':TF"A.C-i l.lAir{S. ll C..CWI.iFR I CCSTR;CTCR:DIcTE:COST COOi:JL:-i\li i -i. L'i ' J'J:\.H{,Ul.lViJ cr :RE,'iTA!? IRSUn;Jr-i()uR.LYR{T=EJ{TENN[$A.rd',}tJi{TsEXTSNP*I}trhlOUl"lTSRtrG:)i$IOPERsTDS'i$CP;]P. ,'\l)'nD;a5it/o;OPERSTDSYOPERcintrvREG' O,TDtr/:SUBTOTAI SUBOOSUts iOTlr.L i-A3OR:SIJBTCTAT EQ.JiPfilf f,lT: . .ibiilATIF-ii.i-QrauNr'fa7,2'2'3LSUE--OTAL trA-ILRla.: 3 :SUBTOTAL SUFCONTRICTORS:, :i% I,IARKUP SUSCC**TRACICRS: $SU8'i"OTAL LqbCR:: $% flAR.KtJ-- TABOR.SUETCT.T ! ECUtPt"lEi'lT: i% hIARKUP HQ|JiPlfEill"f: $SUBTOTAL T.JATERL/\I-: ;% fuiARKUP IJF.TEF.IAI: $i/ _':(;&DFL',tff-tTl,ftIG{r;{lJIliHSUF:LY F3,TE, a,.1 5F I1El:rEr,iof;!:,_Atsar"tuTSfiuuni--iT-4REGR.EGDtr/:O,,Tt-, t3C/-iREcr iOiTa'9CAql r:iV$TDe'1Fonb F.3fu r{tuLlrr*f3-13OFEREOUlPHFNTEQUIFtto.$STDEY.1D C)cv,ft{ ER,r CCI.j-|RACTOR REPRSS ii\i-l. liVEDATETOTAL THIS REFORT:q '{(}{/mrted {tentals'fi It lil I il IllllllllIllll llllilIlllllllllilllll I ll lll ,R NCII doi;izloo wa::t vAL,),EY IItJHH.\Y RFNTAL RETURN INVOICH # 1s0leaill.-7:-t181rr.' . [.:1iV1'11..! _r t! 2)?.117i I ^'r sr r-u. rluos, ti{c, ol) . r'lu .qol-f f uR t{t.a,,142!;-251 HA 98T88 8j.50 228'fH sT '7327 S 228T!{ S',l KilN',r l4A e8032-191, :_'1 SCARSE]i,I,A BROTHERS,II\ICpo BOX {58697 .qtrATTLE I^lA 98768 A697 Crrs Eomer $Invoice Da!6 RenCaI Oub RenEal In ItR Job Loc uR ,lob li Crrs bolller Jobp.o. il Or:d€red By Reeerved BY S aI esperson 225LB9]i I 2.,3 l2 i. \)'l /2+,t2L 0?: l3 AM 11,;26/21, i0:45 Al'l'/327 S 728T1{ ST, KEN r 19 Of f icer 2j:3-872- 7i-'73 Ca11I lf'0-584-2i45 'r1n)q AA}1O}.] BAI{RETT JORi)AN RJ ZVI CCLBY NTCHOLSON lnvoice Amount: $525.1 8 Terins: nlt U?on RecslD! Prymonl oplrcns- Coiliacl otl. cl0{iil olfice 2 t2-333'660t) Exl 840Bi} REtullT 10: UrllTaO 'qFNlALS (NOR'|H AirtERlCA) lNC P.O. BOx 051 122 LO$ ANG|;LIs cA 90074-1 1 22 ,-'a.y :j,.ti; i:.t:llllr:i .i Al,ll) I ; / t'j J !l {,' tl.},1,/U'l Dr )r'ii: I'!'li:l'j:l I . !2'r Y l..rfll fr,:r.rcf i.l)l: I i)li _.-. - :tJ\i1(:i(riitr' i,al\irla ri i: i) tl irll i"ll)it) lt.l 1' !\' tt!'i:' t'li.rki-- iiF.:lil !'1.)(i1 i i !'ii:;;\ r;cl-i.rl l:iia") l li-) / t llrrl'-'r '-)r:l' i'i il; :i'utit ii,t-l.fjrr iliril.r'r 1r'1'.iti)',t) ; tllil,. t;tlr tlioor tn i: 4":l:r . Oi.l D3V 4 i4er:J( ).22': i)).,4:...|i] I lil i(;l'i! I 1 '11t'2 1 )i.).4 f1J\. i(IlrlI i]ll(.jK-[ l' 2 'i lLNl1 L l?(llli'i lilil /\!:, i UtV i (' I Ci l Jr]l'lii l)iESiri1, Fiii:ll, i6trvli'1ci l iDSLi i'1ci i 8 . 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DD-r{r,r riuw irroosa .t rrrrchai:gt cf l-.4i1 f,or 4r€d :i::;:'::":l;lill",,1i,'l3l"i'j:":"i;"":;Tlili'i'"loli";":"::::"lll'll;"'lil"?11""'l'-;;;;;;;";""'i lransactlo.a lrx itt aome JurlHd{cLr')r1s uofrcgr ,fhL6 invoice lrr flublceb co iha Lemd urd colrclglons of Ehc Rsn!{!l' srld servlc€ '\Erean!€li)' whlch nfe tlt!ns:,/./wrtr,u,'itna,utroi"lilli')itnti;t""t;t-;"t"1;t:;;;'u.'tti *ta *hl'ch ars iir:!1rpor{tred herolrr bv ref,oretroo' AIr) suRvrl-'u A,:tRlt$MDII'I'ttinii"eit'l ivlir'egr"r rir t'AlaR for{l{ it?dtl REQUSgr' Project: Owner: Prime Contractor: S. 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Ph' 5 CitY of Kent Scarsella Bros,, lnc. Date: Project No: Fed Aid No: Subcontractor: 1./27/2021 7 11"13022 wsDoT HLP-1216 (0061 1of1 INDEPENDENT COST ESTIMATE sinkhole near UPRR tracksand investlnstall Slide Rail Shori Description of Work: OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TtME DOLLAR AMOUNTWWRHOURSHOURSWWROCCUPATiONPRODUCTION RATE s $ $ 5 5 ) $ 5 $ 1,288.96 1,200,00 520.00 1,040.00 $ ) $ $ 80.56 75.00 65.00 65.00 tb 16 8 76 ster La borer Foreman Operator 142.18TOTAL: $L2TYoOHP s I96s4I-ABOR SUBTOTALS DOLLAR AMOUN'T STANDBY RATE ADJUSTED RATE HOURS STANDBY HOURS WORKINGEOUIPMENT DESCRIPTION xcavator Dump Truck ctor Truck Truck TOTAL:5,24L.64761.6017% OHP:4,480,00EQUIPMENTSUBTOTALS: D0Ll-AR Ar\40tJNTPRiCtrUNi iQUANTITY REFERTI]OE INVOICE #DESCRIPTION s00.005 $ s $ 500,00I TOTAL:5.0017a/o OHP.500,00MATERIAL SUBTOT ALS: oolr-Alt AMoul'lr ES iIiVAiED COlilUNiTOUANIITY EST, DATE OI: SERVICEDESCRIPTION > $ $ $ 5,000,00 7,000.00 5s,000.00 $7,000,00 LS LS 1 Toring Rental lncluding Mob ng TOTAL:170k aH?.5 L2,SUBTOTALS:SERVIC Residenl. Engineer (RE)Date 7B2 ADJUSTMENT (see comment): S S B ICE TOTAL: $ 25,008.78 omments / Notes: LABOR EQUIPMENT MATERIALS SERVICES P-60 (Rev.2019 Ma1