HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW17-369 - Change Order - #14 - SB Structures, LLC - LID 363: S 224th St Improvements - 02/16/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WaSHtNGToN t oLee Originator: Stephanie Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 3t112022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R90101 .64110.120 Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A co .J tg ELo* E +.co EooLttr Vendor Name: SB Structures, LLC Category: Contract Vendor Number: 1374695 Sub-Category: Change Order 14 projectName: LID 363: S 224th St. lmprovements - 84th Ave S to 88th Ave S Drniart narlitc. Compensation for work added by revision #10 including supplying, installing, and relocating streetI IvrLLL "''"' ' signs for permanent channelization. This work was tracked on force account sheet #59 through #63 Agreement Amount: $1 6, 1 59.97 starr Dare: 712312017 Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: 424 working days Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete 'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number PW17-369 C'tc I)\,olc .9 .lr- agE,i IEc .9IA Date neceivffiffiffi[ I'J|AR 2 zc/N CffY OF KENTnlw cl FRK Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: rd(W22l7l 1 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT Wa 5 H r N o r o N CHANGE ORDER NO. #L4 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: SB Structures, LLC. ("Contractor") LID;363 S. 224th St Improvements 84th to 88th June 23-20L7 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that ars not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: l. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to : Compensation for work added by revision #10 including supplying, installing, and relocating street signs for permanent channelization. This work was tracked on force account sheet #59 through #63' Z, The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of CompletiOn," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $ts,i30,729,25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $174,755.86 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $15,s08,271.76 Current Change Order $16,159.97 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 R€vised Contract Sum $1s,s24,431.73 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 400 working daYsOriginal Time for ComPletion (insert date) 24 working daYsRevised Time for ComPletion u prior Change Orders (insert date) nder 0 calendar daYserdr+I chs na e orfothguiredDa()Reqys 424 working daYsRevised Time for ComP (insert date) letion In accordance with sections !-04.4 and ta4.5 0f the Kent and wsDoT Standard specifications, and section VII of tnl ngieement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing below. AlsoJ pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may Gu! re-garding. this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final seltlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectJd with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits, This Chang; OtO"t, ,nies, otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance wiih the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, pafticularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date oitnis change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngr""r"nt, previous Change orde?s (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contraclinodification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2' above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below' r: ddi4ltdsndbchadBi6r'n . Chad Bieren $*!li"irt'f,,"ri,i"#5:tr"' Its Public Works Direcq DATE, Gt''") CITY OF KENT: By p^E-Bieren (signature) Print Name av:ffir*(a Print Nam e: ,nrAflf;U ,Vn[l6l{a Its P/t@ '4//' CONTRACTOR: (title) DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 KP (applicable if APPROVED AS TO FORM: required) lln this fietd, you may enter the eledonlc Eleptth where the 6nt@ct has bes savedl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT wa6Ht{oYoN CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO' T4 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: LID 363 224tn St Bridge Project No: 99-3003 Project Engineer: Carla Maloney Fed-Aid No: Capital Projects r:cnn Rrrranr Contractor: SB Structures ""r"""rt ltt"t BtY Date: I/7 /202I I Pro osed Chan e etstre si NSnIadnrecatiosUnstangg#n 01 ncl ud gedsopvplngRevinorforkWOdadngmConsatibype #h 36#ets I5 ht rouaccrceuotnhessWAracketodfo gnThsrWOkonnanteachnneltzarmforpe II. Reason and Backg round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS ! NotaPPlicable on Department as well as n #10. This work was requested bY our TransPotati es were addressed in Revisio During final walk relocation of som through additional signs were e exsisitng signs. These chang tracked on force account sheets #59 through #63 Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qtv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 5 Supply and install additonal signs 1 FA $16,159.97 $ $ L6,L59.97 $ New Pay ltems Total: $L6,L59.97 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9.5 il Notappricabre Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Page 1 $ $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ TNGREASE/DECREASE TO EXTSTTNG PAY ITEM(S)! Not applicable Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: IV. WORKING DAYS $ $1 L59.97 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns L75Previous Total:oDue This Change Order:130Original Contract: Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYSI 175 * This Change Order + Previous Total Date: 1l1Ot2O22Capital Projects Manager:Jwon 9rgant Jason Bryant Construction Engineering Supervisor:Paul Kuehne Paul Kuehne Date: 01111122 lr"bConstruction Manager: Eric Connor Page 2 Date: FA Sheet No.;59 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name LtD 363 224th $T lmprovements Proje ct No: 99-3003 Item No.: CO # 14 Date: 712012021 Description of Work:lnstall additional street Revision #10 Prime Contractor:SB Structures Work by Subcontractor?: YeS Sub-Contractor: Scarsella LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Vickie A Laborer o 61.07 83.76 $530,44 Shennell H Laborer 8 61.07 0.5 83.76 e 530,44 Jeff B Foreman 8 80.21 $641.68 Jerry M Laborer I 61.07 $488,56 $ SUBTOTAL. I-ABOR: $2 191.12 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29o/" S 635.42 LABOR TOTAL 2,826.54 IPMENT EOUIPTTENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Equipment Rate 2-223 F1 50 I 19.70 o 157.60 2-305 F1 50 8 19.77 158.1 6$ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT $315.76 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD &PROFIT @21o/o EQUIPMENT TOTAL 66.31 $382.07 Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT MATERIALS / SERVICES s 83.55 lnvoice# 10014633465 ea $83.55 White 154.12 $154.12 white lnvoice # 10014625088 ea $ ea 2 784.00 $3.784.00 Zumar lnvoice # 36757 $ $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL $4,021.67 844.55 $4,866.22 of Hours Worked Date Reflesenlslive Japn t Dare 1ti2t22 TOTAL: $4.83 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)968.98 SHEET TOTAL .81 Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: . .,..-. 4!r!B,n = FA Sheet No.60 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED {x\*,*'/KENT Project Name LrD 363 224th ST lmDrovements Project No: 99-3003 Item No.: CO # 14 Date: 712112021 Description of Work:nstall additional street si Revision #10 Work by Subcontractor?: YeS Prime Contractor: SB Structures Sub-Contractor: Scarsella I,.ABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Rate Hrs OT Rate Vickie A Laborer I 6'1"07 $488.56 Shennell H Laborer a 61 .07 $488.56 Richard D Laborer 79.64 $ Don V Foreman 79.64 $ $ SUBTOTAL - LABOR 977.12 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $283,36 LABOR TOTAL $1 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHM ENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Equipment DescriPtion Rate 2-223 Fl 50 I 19.70 s 1 57"60 1 6-1 00 Deere Loader 37.25 $ b $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $157.60 $33.10 t90.70 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL ovERHEAD&PROFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $ Verification of Hours Wo rked:TOTAL:$'1 ,451.18 l{2 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subconhact work)$174.14 SHEETTOTAL: $ I 5.32 Date Ja,ton Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: oad 1112122 FA Sheet No.61 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED "/A'\./ I('E,NT Project Name LID 363 224th $T Project No: 99-3003 Item No.: CO # 14 Date: 712212021 Description of Work: lnstall additional street Revision #10 Prime Contractor:SB Structures Work by Subcontractor?: YeS Sub-Contractor: Scarsella STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT CODE OCCUPATION Hrs H Rate Hrs OT Rate NAME Vickie A Laborer 6 61.07 83.76 366.42$ b 366.42 Shennell H Laborer o 61.07 83.76 Jeff B Foreman 80.21 $ Jerry M Laborer 6 61.07 61.07 $ 366.42$ U SUBTOTAL - LABOR: $1 I-ABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29Yo $3 18.79 LABORTOTAL $1 8.05 EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPEMTED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equlpment #Equipment DescriPtion Rate 2-223 Fl 50 6 19.70 b 118.20 2-305 F l50 19.77 $ $ c $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT 118.20 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 2'1% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $24.82 143.02 Quantity Units Unit Prlce DOLLAR AMOUNT MATERIALS / SERVICES SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD & PROFIT@ 21% TOTAL Verification of Hours Worked:TOTAL:1,561.07 II '12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontracl work)$187.33 Date SHEET TOTAL: $1 748.40 Ja^ton Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: Dar- 1112122 FA Sheet No.:62 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED {^>\dr' KENT Project Name:LtD 363 224th ST lmprovements Proj ect No: 99-3003 Item No.: CO # 14 Date: 81512021 Description of Work:lnstall additional street Revision #10 Work by Su bconlractor?: YeS P rime Contractor: SB Structures Sub-Contractor:Scarsella LABOR STRAIGHTTIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNT NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Aaron B Operalor 4 80.68 83.76 $322.72 Fred P Laborer 4 61.07 83.76 244.28$ Jeff B Foreman 80.21 $ Jerrv M Laborer 61.O7 u U 61.07 $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: $567.00 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29o/o $164,43 LABOR TOTAL $731.43 EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNT Equipment #Equipment Description H Rate 2-223 F1 50 19.70 $ 2-305 Fl 50 19.77 $ 3-1 32 F350 4 33.13 $132.52 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT $132.52 EOUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $lt.oJ $160.35 Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT MATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL s $ $ n of Hours Worked TOTAL:$891.78 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$107.01 Date SHEETTOTAL: $998.79 Represenlatlve Representative Jaon Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: Dar- 1112122 FA Sheet No 63 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED ./>\-./ KENT Project Name LtD 353 224th ST lmprovements Project No: 99-3003 Item No.: CA # 14 Date: 81612421 Description of Work: lnstall additional street Revision #1 0 Prime Contractor: SB Structures Work by Subcontractor?: Yes Sub-Contractor: Scarsella I.ABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Aaron B Operator 8 80,68 83.76 $645.44 Fred P Laborer I 6'1 ,07 83.76 $488.56 Jeff B Foreman 80.21 $ erry M Laborer 61.07 $ Uriah C Laborer 61.07 $ SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $1 134.00 LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $328.86 LABOR TOTAL $1 .86 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTRate 2-223 F1 50 19.70 $ 2-305 F1 50 15.77 $ 3-132 F350 I 33.13 $265.04 $ $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT $265.O4 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL s 320.70 MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLI-AR AMOUNT NW Barricae lnvolce #21-1 9596 1 ea $ 538.39 a 538.39 McLendon's Hardware lnvoice -H61 365 1 ea s 12.13 $12.13 D $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% TOTAL 550.52 1 15.61 666.1 3 of Hours Worked:TOTAL:2 .69 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)293.96 Date SHEET TOTAL:743.65 owne/s Representative JAIOn Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: DaE1l12122 February 25,2020 To: Jason BrYant Paul Kuehne Eric Connor From: Ken Langholz Craig Morris Carla MaloneY Re: S.224th St. Phase 1 Punch List As requested, we walked the project and found the following items that need attention, Stationing is approximate: Intersection of 84th Ave. to West ,r4tn183,d Ave. west of B4th - Asphalt is breaking up in many areas and should be replaced. This was not part of the project but should be repaired due to pavement failure. 224t^/g3rd Ave. west of g4th - Seal pavement joints along several trench patches and joints between new and old asphalt where the roadway was widened' ,r4rn183,d Ave. - Asphalt across Modern Machinery driveway is breaking up and should be rePaired. B4th Ave. at224th - NW island - Detectable warning surface is in travel lane and needs to be moved to be within island area' g4th Ave. at224th - NW island - Curb around island is painted yellow and should be white. g4thAve. at224th - SW island - Curb around island is painted yellow and should be white. fire hydrant, Asphalt appears lew in this area' Intersection of 84th Ave, to East B4th Ave. at2}4th - NE island - Need to add Detectable Warning Surface in all 3 directions. Plans did not include warning strips' g4th Ave. at224tn - NE corner - FOot prints in sidewalk' Need to replace sidewalk' 84th Ave, at224th - NE corner - Add pedestrian curb at back of ramp' g4th Ave at ZZ4th - SE corner - Junction box is sticking up in sidewalk. Add yellow paint along edge of box. S. 224th St. East of 84th Ave. dFivewa$r ffi Sta. 13+00 RT - Hole in middle of sidewalk. Sta.13+50 LT - Guardrail face is offset from face of curb. Check guardrail submittal. sta. 14+75 RTto t7+70 RT- Regrade Dayslnn gravel parking area in workzone and place 2" of crushed sufacing top course over area' Sta. 17+80 RT and 22+30 RT - Gap in sidewalk at seals doesn't meet ADA standards. Need to fill gaps' Consult David Shearer Sta. 18+10 RT - Remove blackberries under west end of bridge and southerly along SR 167 to end of Planting area' Sta. 23+40 RT to 25+50 RT - Hydroseed slopes along lower sidewalk' sta. 25+25 LT - Curb face should line up with barrier face. First post (closest to concrete barrier) soil eroded around barrier end/around post Same segment of barrier - add flexible guideposts with reflective tape facing southbound traffic. Same segment of barrier as it wraps around the corner - curb face should line up with barrier face. Sta. 25+83 RT - Surface treatment for area where lower and roadway sidewalk match. eatetrbasin' Sta. 30+00 to 30+75 - Asphalt is too high to match Phase 2' Asphalt is crowned, and instead should have been sloped zoh down to west per plan' Remove high area and replace per plan so that Phases 1 and 2 match each other. 88th Ave. west and south of 88th Wav du€ti+e-irere+Per Sta. 2+00 RT - Add no Parking sign sta. 2+00 LT - Double check guard rail design. Grade falls away from road and the guardrail height does not seem correct for condition, Sta.2+42 RT - Remove crushed rock, or alternatively add an asphalt apron to keep crushed rock from falling into the catch basin. Sta. 2+50 RT to 4+60 RT - Add split rail fence along wetland and add wetland signs. This was not included in the plans. Sta. 2+50 LT - Ditch directs vehicles toward end of guardrail. Is the end condition appropriate for this condition, is a flare needed? Sta. 2+50 LT to -5+00 LT - consider placing guardrail on this segment for ditch (design). Sta,4+86 LT - Chevrons are mounted incorrectly. Need to be mounted to face traffic in both directions. Sta. 4+92 RT curbing and guardrail - consider extending curbing further south. Review guardrail end treatment (design). Sta. 5+50 LT - Install SBth Ave. S/8Bth Way S'/5.224th street signs' Detention Ponds Sta. 16+25 LT to t6+45 LT - Stripe area in front of gate and delineate "NO PARKING'. Sta. 16+45 LT - Gate is open. Needs a lock' Sta. 18+20 LT - SE corner of pond area, fence is pried open and needs to be secu red. sta. 16+45 LT to 1B+20 LT - Weeds, trees and blackberries around ponds need to be removed. Ponds need general maintenance' General For drainage structures (with grates) in shoulder, consider placing an asphalt apron around thJ structure to prevent rock from getting into the structure' Armor ditches that lead to pipes that currently have gravel falling them with quarry spalls or similar material to serve as an apron. Lower Sidewalk - Add bollard(s) at ends of sidewalk to prevent vehicle traffic (designltransPortation). Lower Sidewalk - junction boxes next to ped lighting - consider concrete apron around j-boxes to inhibit theft. caa. c27IU0UF@ffiwUz=r(-)FOO+OFaFUUIaUt!6oS. 224TH S-TREET IMPROVEMENTS84TH AVE S TO 6ETH AVE 5CHANNEUZATION, SIGNING AND LIGHTING5TA 5+41 TO STA 10+00flofK@tWori6Ergineeriug4r-moTtffiAI$'NG LUMINME2'X r MflA WLUMIAARE2" X 2" MSAL PGT2'X A MF{ rcS2.tzMf,[sT2'X:'MruWl'x r MF&61LX2'Mfr{ST4wLUMIN!2'T I Mfil WTXTMruUTrtrilfiew2'X I MflA ffi2'XIME-,{rcSTTtruEr&st2. r1Md&6TXZ MFAIrcSfax2'M-*LWI X Z Mt?.AI6'2"XZMTdLEST2. Xr MSI W2'Xt' MSIW3C€rc'24'Xtr,4't $"gxgfi" x*9"924XS"wloryrcs'xryL"xs'gxsvxs8XAyxg*'ts24.Xtrlfxs24'l S&'r g24Xr2flr14"x9aGtRilbR!-5rR3-&R1-1'REi SIGNS?RF S1GNsnEttstGip-1p-!w19f{5}w1{R*lqs{ffimvANG,N-:ESEA$ Sfl E €mOLIIGFTTXdLYsE@ uNrf; p4VAN6'MEN6iCN UNE €NROLSTOPs 24TH gffiAVESwouMF4Mwst&UMF6RIffruRNsffiuw9t0ST@ AHADdtvtd6MffCHWRqdEVRSCHMW@evR6qmmmBRO AWS {HOR*8OUND}silfrss24A Ss 24ft SigH avE s as 24TH S {S@UNDIgH WAY 'sH wAYSFH AVE S INORTHrcUNDJ8ssr{w@xolErsqstl4No)Fr^ws(NmruNolMAWS(Nfil|ru{OlgN ES(ffiWffg)mHlws(ffiruilo'&av€slMfr@no)frASS(ffircUtrOl& aw5 {NoRiHBOUND)gHAWS(NqIH@nO)gH AVE S (NOR:H rcUNO)SHAWS {$UNEOUNDJFH AE S (NORiHBOUNDIsffawslsTHaouNo)uH AS S liqltsrunt,fatIalsM*79.*,442 R6!,35.0RD+24.a7, lO&R'g,O,6.Fnb79.8,37SsL&s5s, ssRta35@, s.Fn&$.@, t5.6'r&ss,26.s Rs*g,sql*16..trn/., s.wRms,b8LH50, U.oRh5ro, s.FtI5L6, 1&Alvufg,t9.9'LF 7S, D,@to57S, D.Al6fi,!.0rw0.a-81hBs. D-Otras, a@th$s, p-@'tffi,x.atSIGN SCHEDULE1'-&'\ffi'"/ E;*_ar w l'^8,, 7" 7, "4.00'Rs04^ i(t'T'si4*Gffi@\mi3tn1SEE SHE$ C24 Fffi SURVEY CO'ITROL NO RIGHTS OF WAYS€E $EET S FOR ROADWAY IMPROWM€NISSEE SHEET C5 FOR SIIE PRPARAION SO DEMilNONSEE *EETS TSO1_EO4 FM NAFFC Sd{AUZANN IMPROVEMENTS c226221TH64TH AVE S TO 88TI{ AVE SS. 22l+TH STREETNFaUz=-oFnNoFUUIU)UUlnSEE SR 1 67 PLANSSHEETS FOR WORKwtTHtN wsDor R/wOsTA t0+o0 To sTA 21+50CHANNEUZATION, SIGNING12+90_doEngilqitrgWorksS 224TH ST.12+84idr7.@e6rl'-d6r, !l^-DAYS INNoooUanUrF€onot7.dDAYS INNFIo&UoouUao6+(,RAMADAIoFg SE E5 FM gRWF WAYs $EETS Cro-dl FmU $EET CJ FM SEs SHEEE 601-EO4RAMADANoFU-UISVGPML_-I-__.1F(n-oF Aoooo24l8sm*oe9oOFRIGHTSoEMdtotNANDANDIMPROWMENEcoHftrFOR%6 c27S 2241H STREET IMPROVEMENTSA4TH AVE S TO EETH AVE STION, SIGNING AND UGHTINGsTA 2r+50 TO STA 55+00LEtrgiDsing,,*i *ol=r=a---a...-.=.-.:sffiogS]i|md':NFM@TASJffiSENffi$-@iSEE SIiEETSSE SHEEBSE SHEEEs45r'-dsr, !4_6.@R AIs\-\@4+6.12(r, Y{ t66Ir)@pKENTgID tEMINSTAUSI RAJ96v-1'/-1J-/l-1J-/J-'--EP EPsR- 1 67lr+4.198\o/J-/PER7ffRE@,5I8EEI-IUMNAIELNqIESLBro rrEMS@l@INSTM NEW {OW EruIVAENT LUMINARE AT 4'Wff A 12' {AST ARM Pffi WOTJ-2A.1O_01 STNDARD PWS. PO-EBqT PAffiN SE MOOT POE Wilttt\.'b\(,Yx d6 c27$EET3rUot!IF.+ooS. 224TH STREET IMPROVEMENTSE.+TH AVE S TO EETH AVE SCHANNELIZATION, SIGNING AND UGHTINGSTA 3+/tt TO STA 10+00Engineriag DivisionK@tWorkCitymumrcAISNG LUMINtr2" r ?" Mral uTLUMINSE2" X 2" Mf,Al rcf2" X 2" MSALrc$?" 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Design Engineering Manager 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500WAsHrNoroN cc Date To: From: Through: Regarding: March 2,202I Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Paul Kuehne, Construction Supervisor Eric Knowles, CitY SurveYor Jason Bryant, Capital Project Manager Craig Morris, Engineering Designer II Carla Maloney, P.E', Design Engineering Manager Mark Howlett, P.E,, Deputy Public Works Director S.224th Street Improvements - B4th Ave S' to BBth Ave S' Project No, 99-3003C Revision No. 10 REVISE ShCCt C21 update sign schedule. changes highlighted in yellow' Add sign REVISE Sheet C22 Revise location of Advanced Intersection Lane control sign' Revise SPeed Limit sign size' Revise Sheet C23 Add new sign on BBth Ave S for Right Turn' Revise location of Street Signs froir stop sign at SW corner to NE corne r of S 224rh ST/BBth Ave S/BBth WaY S intersection' Add new street sign to NE corner of S 224th ST/BBth Ave S/BBth Way S intersection' Revise Chevron sign size. Revise SPeed Limit sign size. Delete Road Narrows and Reverse Curve Arrow signs' Attachments: Plan Sheet C21 Plan Sheet C22 Plan Sheet C23 City of Kent Public Works Depaftment Chad Bieren, i.E., Interim Public Works Director