HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW17-369 - Change Order - #15 - SB Structures, LLC - LID 363: S 224th St Improvements - 02/16/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHTNGToN E oLec Originator: Stephanie Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 3t1t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee [1 MaYor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R90101 .64110.120 Grant? EYes @ No Type: N/A g .9+,o ELroq- E thtco EooL tD Vendor Name: SB Structures, LLC Category: Contract Vendor Number 1374695 Sub-Category: Change Order 15 project Name: LID 363: S 2241h St. lmprovements - 84th Ave S to 88th Ave S orniart naiaitc. Compensation for work added to remove graffiti and repaint the affected areas on lhe 2241h Street bridge rruJeLL t'to"t Thi, work was tracked on force account sheets 65 and 66. Compensation for repairing the fence in WSDOT ROW. This work was tracked on force account sheet #64' Agreement Amount: $2,$A.92 srarr Date: 712312017 Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Terminarion Dare: 424 working days Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: PW17-369 ttlc IJ J\.otts .9 -a-o=Ei otr .9t/| Date *".",u.&,EGGLV&'D tt|AR 2 llj?f, CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22l7l_1_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WasslilGton CHANGE ORDER NO, #15 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SB Structures' LLC' ("Contractor") coNTRAcr NAME & pRoJEcr NUMBER: LID:363 s. 224rh st Improvements 84th to 88tl'l ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: JUNE 23,2QL7 This Change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual consent or tn" partieJ, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to: compensation for work added to remove graffiti and. repaint the affected ur"ui;;th" zz4th street bridge. This work was tracked on force account sheets 65 and 66. Compeniation for repairing the fence in WSDOT RoW'Thisworkwastrackedonforceaccountsheet#64. z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of completion," and section [II, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: $ts,3go,7z9.zsOriginal Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable WSST) alternates and #19t,702.48Net Change bY Previous Change Orders (inct. aPPlicable WSST) $1s,s24,431.73Current Contract Amou Previous Change Orders) nt (incl. $2,380.69Current Change Order $s0.23Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $15,526,862.65Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 400 working daYs Revised Time for ComPletion un der prior Change Orders (insert date) 24 working daYs Da v S Req U I red (+)fo r t h is ch a nge Ord e r 0 calendar daYs Revised Time for ComP letion (insert date) 424 working daYs In accordance with sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 0f the Kent and wsDoT standard specifications, and section VII of the ngreement, the contractor accepts atl requirements of this change order by signing below. nlso, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may #uL regarding. this change order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecte]d with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, Jaims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits, This chanle order, uni"ss otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict complianc" *''In the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders -(if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date of tnis change order, are hereby.ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the ngreement, previous Change orders (if any), and this Change order shall be deemed to have apPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contracl modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement' which will become effective on the last date written below' Its Public Works Director (title) CITY OF KENT: By Print Name:c DATE Chad Bieren PF.d Bieren (signature) fts FTZLIH rtAalMgr (title) DAT1: r,io/ct- CONTRACTOR: By Print Name:Stattf.ttt (signature) CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 Kent Larv D€DEfrm€nt %Q}vil- (applicable Mayorb APPROVED AS TO FO R.M: [In this feld. you tray enter the elest onie fl€path where ti€ @ntcct ha been eavedl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT*N""'*O"ONCHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 15 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: LID 363 224th St Bridge Project No: 99-3003 Project Engineer: Carla Maloney Fed-Aid No: Capital Projects Jason Bryant Contractor: SB Structures Manaq er: Date: L/7/2 021 I. Pro sed Chan e tn eh 22 t4 SthreaoasrentteheffectedeOVraaffitidnWedrkoretompansaentiorfodIadmCop fene cerforithmnsatienoCorepan956na6d6pcconustetsheonkedrcefoThWOskrsWAractebridgtnheS#et 64noaccfoceoutrawaskedciThsorkWROniSWDOT II. Reason and Ba round for Change IIL Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS E NotaPPlicable is work was tracked on force account sheets 65 and 66 mpensation for repairing the chain link fence in the wsDor Row per the punchlist. This work was tracked on foce account sheet # 64 on the 224th St bridged repaint the effected areasCompensation for added work to remove gra ffiti an Co Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est Qtv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 9 4A Remove Graffiti and RePaint RePair Fence 1 1 FA FA $1,883.34 $497.3s $ $ 1,883.34 497.35 $ New Pay Items Total: $2,38O.69 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9,5 E Notappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Page 1 $ $ $ Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) r Notappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ XTOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:$2,38O.69 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS L75oPrevious Total:Due This Change Order:130Original Contract: Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: XTOTAL WORKING DAYS:t75 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date: 1nOl2O22Capital Projects Manager:Jaon Krgant Jason Bryant Construction Engineering Supervisor: €"rt^"I Kuehne Date: Date: tt I t f n/zzConstruction Manager: c Connor Page 2 FA Sheet No.:AAGDAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED LID 363 224th sT Prime Contractor:SB Structures Project No: 99-3003 fence in WSDOT ROW Sub-Contractsl; $e*rl*bP Subcontractor?: no Project Name: Item No.: Description of Work: Date: 121112021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLI.AR AMOUNTHrsOT RateHouRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 299.43sOA3.5Foreman $83.7661 s80.21B 61.07Laborer $bt LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ 299.43 386,26 86.83 LABOR TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: S STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRate EOUIPMENT OR ATTAC Equipment DescriPtion HMENTS Equipmenl # $19.Fl 502-223 19.77F1 502-305 b33.1 3F3503-132 91.81$26.231AF350102-334 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL -EQUIPMENT EOUIPMENT TOTAL 91.81 1 11.09 19,28EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES $ $ $ c $ TOTAL $ oVERHEAD&PROFIT@21% SUBTOTAL $ of Hours Worked I Date Jwon 5rgant e61s 11712022 497.35 497.35SHEET TOTAL: $ TOTAL: $ subcontract work) I2% MARKUP (for prime when Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: FA Sheet No 65/A\./ r<ENT DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED OCCUPATIONNAME 5 CODE Project Name:LID 363 224th ST lmprovements Sub-C ontractor: €##a> Raie Hrs Project No: 99-3003 of int 148.65 eachDescription of Work:Remove raffitti Prime Contractor: SB Structures I-ABOR OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME OT RateHrs no tn mber 2020 walls wasbuckets of100 5 Work DOLLAR AMOUNT Item No.:Date: 811712021 335.60$83.7683.94ForemanDon V 259.64$83.76464.91LaborerJerrod W $80.21ForemanJeff B $61.07LaborerJerry M STANDBY Laborer OP Rate LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ LABOR TOTAL $ $61.07 595.24 767.85 172.62 EQU IPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment #Equipment DescriPtion DOLLAR AMOUNT SUBTOTAL. LABOR: $ $19.70F1 502-223 $19.77F1 502-345 $33.13F3503-132 $26.23F350fi2-334 1 03-31 4 DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit Price MATERIALS / SERVICES van UnitsQuantity b $ a 133.40 161.41 '133.40 28.01 33.354 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL SUBTOTAL - EQUIPMENT $ 148.65ee$ 148.651Rodda Paint 5 gals $ $ $ on of Hours Worked: Date ownefs 1 $ t o^r" 1t7r2o22 $ $ $ $ 1 109.14SHEETTOTAL: $ Jason 148.65 1 09.1 4 31.22 179.87 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROF1T@21% TOTAL TOTAL: $ FA Sheet No.bo{aFORCE ACCOUNT WORKED DAILY REPORT OF buckets of ASure Project Name:LID 363 224th ST lmProveme4!1 Prime Contractor:SB Structures Description of Work: Remove Project No: 99-3003 of int 148,65 each 2A2A Item No lnwas Work by Subcontractor?: nO Sub-Contractor: 100 5 Date: 121312021 OVERTIMESTRAIGHT TIME DOLLAR AMOUNTOT RateHrsRateHrsOCCUPATIONCODENAME 335.60$834Foreman $83,7664.91 80.21 $61.07Laborer $61.07Laborerriah C SU BTOTAL - LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29% $ 335.60 432.92 97.32 LABOR TOTAL STANDBYOPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTRateEOUIPMENT OR ATT ACHMENTS Equipment DescriptionEquipment # $19.F1 502-223 $19.77F1 502-305 $13F3503-1 32 $ F3501 02-334 133.40$van1 03-31 4 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ 133,40 161.4{ 28.01 SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT $ DOLLAR AMOUNTUnit PriceUnitsQuantity MATERIALS / SERVICES 148.65$ea $ 148.651Rodda Paint 5 $ $ s $ SUBTOTAL OVERHEAD&PRoFlr@21% TOTAL $ $ $ 148.65 179.87 31"22 Verification of Hours Worked DateContracto/s Jwon firgant p21s 117 12022 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work) 774.20 774.20SHEET TOTAL: TOTAL: Pay Estimate Entered: Date B Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Bryant, Jason Friday, July 16, 2021 11:41 AM Bryant, Jason FW: FA Sheets for 99-3003 S 24th ST lmprovements 0692-001.pdf From: Brenda Ketcherside <brenda.k@SCARSELLABROS'com> Sent: Thursday, JulY 8,202111:03 AM To: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> Cc: Matthew Scarsella <matthew.s@SCARSELLABROS'com> Subject: RE: FA Sheets for 99-3003 S 24th 5T lmprovements Hello Jason, per our phone conversation, back in september 2020 we purchased 100 5 gallon buckets of paint at 5148'65 each so we can use the attached invoice for the force account sheets. Disregard the previous invoices I sent' Thank you &' Brenda Ketcherside Ad m inistrative Assistant Scarsella Bros, lnc, PO Box 68697 seattle, wA 98168-0697 Direct Line 253-234-0316 Fax Line 253-479-L356 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL SIANSTI LA clt.ls I STONE |NVOTCE t 1045 18(X)18788954 Clro?Olttln JO0rP.O' NUMBEF onDlnEo SHIPPED ,IIIED TENMS 73026 09f2s129 asn+no osn4n0 NET 30 DAYS REMITTO: PO Box 24425 . PASAOENA, CALIFoRNIA Si t 85-4425 503.521.4300' Fax 503.521'441 1 PLEASE DETACH ANO REiURN TH'S PORT'OII MTH YOI'R PAYTIENI REMITTOI PO Box 24425 ' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91 185-4425 503.52'l ,4300 ' Fsx 503.5?1 '441'l l\u tJJLl(-i PAGE 1 A Flnance Charge of 1 .5% per month (18% per annum) wlll be charged on all pasl due accounls' conxrnci^L . lt{oulrtrlAL r RltlDeNTtAL 5g Lr.qqs; ?q.t30 f ' . ' rtI lt "'tI r 0s t$11 14885.00 n U 231,4S li\t PO:73025 JOB: lock 263"261'1338 JOB: 19440 84lh avc s JOBI KENT WA OEO32 CON SEAL WASHINGTON STATE €RAY PRICE PER GALLON Barctr# P20H6009 RBGB\NPu 0t1 - t lunr SS $'$da)to9'tt0' gnaa{o"#- Fc".,^* -fo-><- J tttru'o 100?3!r286t 14805.00TOTAL .00rA)( 0.'100 1,188!t.00TOIAL ll{volcE III ddu PnINI ACCOUNT#660793 TA)(.00 14s66.00 ':t,.,',,'tr1ili{il6ll'i:. I .i.'\:l,l,r . !r: 'rorAt. lNVOlcF8BgfrtXfiHIt8tb"* 68i1$f$9{'*'* AMT ENCLO I Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Johnson, Richard <JohnsoR@wsdot.wa'gov> Wednesday, October 13,2021 1:46 PM Bryant, Jason Frantz, Randy; McColloch, Duffy; Golden, Micheal; Durst, Gary; Hall, Kevin; Munoz, Joseph; Maloney, Carla SR 167 - MP 21 .39-21.73 GCB2393 224thSt. Bridge PUNCH LIST Jason, Please see outstanding punch list items to be addressed I know Carla Maloney is working to address water in median issue NB and SB SR167 (at structure) WSDOT Maintenance has observed homeless activity in the project area, RoW fence has been cut on NW side of structure Has your contractor addressed any of the punch list items?, including, but not limited to: Contractor,s project staging area located at west side of 224th st Bridge, construction debris cleaned up and WSDOT ROW fence restored to preexisting condition. Damaged pavement marking replaced and track out removed, residual pavement marking completely removed from rechannelization. NB and SB, SR167. (Project limits) Rumble strips restored NB and SB, SRL67, under 224rh St Bridge' Remove grout/concrete from sB sR167 HOV Lane north of 224th St Bridge' Restore any roadside areas disturbed by project activities. (Project limits), there is a drop off on SB right shoulder (North of structure)that was not restored when widening was removed, there is a8"-!2" drop off in this area' Please forward a copy of AS Built Plans you have for the project to me, Thank you Jason Richard (Rick)Johnson Developer Services Local Construction ReP. 15700 Dayton Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133 206-44A-4717(A) 206-200-8350(C) JohnsoR@wsdot.wa.gov Mon.- Fri. 0600-1430 EXTERNAL EMAIL t