HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-223 - Change Order - #5 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - S. 212th Street Preservation - 01/19/2022Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHtNoroN 3 ofioe Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 2t16t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval 4t20t2021 Budget Account Number R901 1 3.641 1 0.1 20 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A c .9*,o Ef.ortg IP Eo EooLgl Vendor Name: Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34030 Sub-Category: Change Order #5 Project Name: S 212th St. Preservation - 72nd Ave. S. to 84th Ave. S Project Details:Removal of project installed lines adjacent to bike lanes Agreement Amount: $1 0,950.00 Srart Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: flid Termination Date: 72 Wofking Days Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: oAG2A21-223 gl ca-J:t -O .a -<agE3 GE .9tn Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(cw22173_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements U\uv- KENTWagxrxotoi NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: 2. Completion, CHANGE ORDER NO. #5 Lakeside Industries. Inc. ("Contractor',) S. 212ft St. Preservation-72nd Ave. S. to g4h Ave. S. MaV 06.202L Thig Change Order amends the above-referenced contrac$ all other provisions of thecontract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: l. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to addadditional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, 'and equipment necessary to: Removal of project installed wide profiled plastic lines that are adjacentto bikes lanes and 150LF lengths from stop bars at intersections due to City determined these lines should not be profiled. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II ..Time of" and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $1,859,86E.10 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $11,919.31 Current Contract Amount (incl, Previous Change Orders) $1,871,787.41 Current Change Order $10,950.00 Applicabl e WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $t,B&z,T3t.tt CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 70 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 72 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (inseft date) 72 working days In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04,5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home offiCe overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this -hange Order shall be deemed to have applied. The pafties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS' the pafties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: By Print Name ecL DATE:/- r?'7 CITY OF KENT: Y, a.%tr>@2 ffi11#l{:**'"By (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren. P.E.Its Public Works Director (tttle) DATE CHANGE ORDER . 2 OF 3 KP ATTEST: (* Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORITI: (applicablc lf Mayor? signature requlred) Kent Law Depaftment gn $F nd4 lnu my ffbr $o d.ctnntc flcgrth uhan tiG contrlct hao tG,t sldt CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No, 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 5 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works S. 212th St. Preservataon /Znd Ave 84th Ave. S. (East Valley Highway) Cameron Bloomer (KBA, Inc.) toProject: Project Engineerl Drew Holcomb Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 19-3003 srPUL-12s0(00s) Lakeside Industries, Inc- Capital Projects Manaaer: Date: llLL/202L L Pro Chan is change order provides compensation for the removal of project installed where adjacent to bike lanes, and 150 LF lengths starting 100' from stop bars at intersections. This change also provides compensation for installing wide plastic line (not profiled) adjacent to bike lanes and plastic dotted wide lines at the locations near intersections. wide profiled plastic lines II. Reason and Ba round for Cha e III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS [J Notapplicable the installation of the project's permanent striping, the City determined wi e bike lanes should not be profiled. The City also determined wide dotted line should be used near intersections to atlow non-HOV vehicles to enter the HOV lane and make right turns. The solid wide line installed may make drivers feel they are not allowed to use the HOV lane for right turns. The City issued FWD 004 directing the work and requesting a cost proposal for this work. The pricing received e lane lines adjacent to as reviewed and deemed fair and reasonable. Sch. No Item Description Total Est. aw Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item V Removal of Existing Lines 1 LS $3,375.00 $3,375.OO V Plastic Wide Line 630 LF $6.00 $3,780.00 V Plastic Wide Dotted Line 690 LF $s.s0 $3,795.00 New Pay ltems Total: $ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 EI Notappricabre Page L 1O,95O.OO Sch No.Bid Item No,Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Delete Existing Pay ftems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E Notappricabre Sch No,Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ftems Totalr *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: rV. WORKING DAYS $ $lo,950.oo x Total of the Cost of ltem Columns Original Contract:70 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total:72 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: This work is being done after substantial completion has been granted, and therefore does not impact critical path. No days are being added or being charged associated with this work. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: Cameron Bloomer (KBA Inc.) 72 x This Change Order + Previous Total Date:LlLU202LCapital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor:-t -t- -i'{t. ,-'fuztta>" forPaul Kuehne Construction Manaqer: -..'t''';':''' /c Date:1t14t22 Eric Connor Page 2 Date:1t14t22 E TAKESIDE INDUSTRIES Lakeside lndustries, lnc. lakesideindustries.com P.O. Box 7016 / lssaquah, WA 98027 ph: a25"31 3 .2600 / fax 425.313,2622 Washington Contractor License No, LAKESI'274JD Oregon Conlractor License No. CCB 108542 Equal O$xrrlunity Employet FWD 4.01 FWD 4.02 FWlt.03 Removal Of Existing Lines Plastic Wide Line Plastic Wide Dotted Line PROPOSAL CONTRACT AGREEMENT 1.00 Ls 630.00 LF 690.00 LF $3,375.00 $6.00 $s.s0 $3,375.00 $3,780.00 $3,795.00 Total Bid Price:$1O,950.0O Notes:. Price Based on 1 Mobilization.. Scope Includes: See Attached FWD 004. Proposal assumesTraffic Control to be paid per contract units/prices,. Bid based on approved contract; This proposal & Lakeside Provisions to be a part of all conbact documents,. Lakeside Industries fnc. proposed prices herein assume that Lakeside Industries fnc.'s work hereunder will be substantially complete on or beforet 5lll2022.. Unless Contracting Party has signed and rehrrned this Agreement with in thifi (30) days of the date first stated above, LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES' proposal shall be null and void.. CONTMCTTNG PARTY'S SIGNATURE ON ONE COPY RETURNED TO LAKESIDE II{DUSTRIES INC. WILL RENDER THIS A LEGAL CONTMCT FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ABOVE WORK. CONTMCTING PARTY'S SIGNATURE ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC. NOTICE TO CUSTOMER' STATEMENTATTACHED HERETO.. Approximate Total (Plus sales tax where applicable)Total price to be based on actual quantity or measured unless otherwise specified, To:City of Kent 220 - 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Address: Contact: Phone: Fax; (2s3) Bs6-s6s4 Project Name: Project Locafion: City Of Kent 212th St FWD 004 Proposal 212th St, Kent, WA Bid ilumber: Bid Date:rl3l2022 Attachmenb: LakesideC.ontractProvisionsrevised O9.O2.2O20.pdf Unit Price Total Price ACCEPTED: The above prics, specifications and condiUons are saUsfactory and hereby accepted. Buyer: Signature: Date ofAcreptance: CONFIRI.IED: lakeside Industries Authorized Signature: Estimator: Eric Mock 425.313.2600 eric.mock@lakesideindustries.com t/312022 3:29:19 PM Page I of 1 KENT WASHTNGToN Field Work Directive FWD OO4 L9-3003 srPULl2sAp09) 11/19/2021 Project Name: Contractor: Subject: S. 272th St. Preservation 72nd Ave. S. to 84th Ave. S. (East Valley Highway) Lakeside lndustries Striping Modifications PW Project Number: FederalAid Number: Date: Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: o Remove wide profiled plastic line and replace with wide plastic line (not profiled) adjacent to bike lanes at the following locations: o EB bike lane line on south side at 76 Ave S next to green markings (STA 25+50 to 25+00 and STA 27+10 to 27+40], o WB bike lane line on north side at 77 Ave S next to green markings {STA 29+90 to 30+10, and STA 3L+1.0 to 31+50) o WB bike lane line on north side at 84 Ave S (STA 47+60 to 52+10) o EB bike lane line on south side at 84 Ave S next to green markings {5TA 52+10 to 52+50) o Remove segments of solid plastic HOV wide line and install a plastic dotted wide line (see Kent Standard Plan 6-74 in the contract) starting 100' from the stop bar and continue for 150' to a distance 250' from the stop bar. Exception WB at BNSF Tracks/77th where dotted wide line shall be east of tracks. See attached locations. Measurement and Payment: o Provide a LS price for removal of the existing lines r Provide a per LF price for plastic dotted wide line o Provide a per LF price for plastic wide line. Attachment(s): zLz.th - FWD 004 Striping Modifications Sheet Markupsa Contractor Acknowledgement: By Eric Mock, Project Manager Owner Approval: By: Cameron Bloomer, KBA lnc. ,-rt "--2,1. r,-- .-'''7<lzz tt *>/Date tt/2?/2t Date: Date 11t2212021 By: Eric Connor, City of Kent THts FTELD woRK DtREcflvE DoEs Nor pRovtDE FoR EITHER A TIME EXTENstoN oR A CHANGE tN THE coNTRAcl- PRlcE. LABoR, EQUIPMENT, AND/OR MATERTAL OUTLTNED tN TH|S FIELD WORK DtREgflVE SHALL BE PAID BY BID ITEM(S) OR A CHANGE ORDER SHALL BE DEVELOPED FOR TIME DCTENSION OR CONTRACT PRICE INCREASES. ANY PROTEST TO THE FIELD WORK DIRECTIVE SHALL FOLLOW 1-04,5 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 1222049030PUGET SOUND ENERGY,/ELECJ1222049062CASSAN JAMES + DORIS7408 S 212TH ST1222049120c/0 PRoLoGls * RE TAX7202 S 212TH ST---'J1222049431UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COG;ELfA-h- l*dc M4.oEttbzsLn hhc.ftwl-a_*______gsl3/!___#5F-r---IItoIolNdSPE|ffruffiilSTffi6ffiPffiEffics2lfr$NDTMAESEmryffiBsq{nssan$mmAESNMMBYffiEffi*SdznsMTnAES^Sd8Em8Yffiw #s a2ft slfi/ wcdm9nss212fls.tJ EAS' S ffiffisoEsafl9.S496ffiwssa2fi s.IJ HGTMrcffiNqsEM-ffiIAruXOPMNEWM- FffiPffiAY-RIrecwpvffiarucIGHquY-mruNdMwMcglCa?itf,{f184?'tf,n!'!alf3dUgnl'$?Affitr{@Fwm io-rSSlm#ffica5mP$PEFB FGT@mram[el@rrrarrr!NOIELAI WORK WTHIN 30 FEET OF ]HERAII.-ROAO IRACI( IS IDENNRED IVI'IH ANUMEERED ORCI..E AND S1IAIL BE PAIO FORIN IXE APPROPRIATE U'MP SUM RAI.ROADV{oRK gD IIEU AI{D I{ILL NOT BE PAO FORUNDER lHE CORRESFONDING BIO ITEII.1222049036UNION BAY REALTY21216 72ND AVE Sp+99EET i/UNOTE:CHANNEUZATION SHOU\] FOR REFERENCEONLY, REFER TO KENT S1D PLAN 6-74MFoR ALL LANE MARKINGS AND RPM's.ffi0cEwuil$ cqc 9GWAUs212TH bTITH,tI---,r-ffid___4t-6l@r-b----*sffiE/ff21 .lIrI-!frIUt EffiPwffiNmT9Mruwruml 9R&ru&ldsilssams.IilKffffi$ffss52fftt'WFffiMn9ESSmSaswtrffiNffiSSad$.ItwfffiNfffiF5rzfrsNrnaEssDre@6tffiEilffi6542ff$mrfrAE5Sq@€Y€wwwf s212ff$NMAESFffiilffiSIGN SCHEIffiffisY.#qMffipvffislmc@K{BSY-ilrffiwDVMTffitdioffidNusffiM- ffi^MusNu-6ffistAs-rll'mAt!l{2'ldnf1{ntt&rE't!'n2ail5lsilrr@nrsemtrrl@nracil5lre-rn6Rtssttf$ Plf:idRFsfr.-.td srSSeSffi 12220+9009MANHEIM REMARKETING INC7418 S 212TH SToff_-___-o@1222A49050CDTKENT LLC7450 S 212TH ST8E67000109KYOWASHIN LLC7600 s 212TH ST@@---9*eqro23+*o6t.|sffio@NOIE:CHANNELIZANON SHOWN FOR REFERENCEONLY. REFER TO KENT SID PLAN 6-7,tMFOR ALL LANE UARKINGS AND RPM's.'12220490A5WDB NV LLC21213 76TH AVE S>iEiIIIIIIIt:jI-F--_tl+rE@J*FP.eEel\i'\#a @ ,-eiaolE[-II@-PaIi,ffi--'1 iii--M-E8-_ -x- trilil--:-l---t-iltS 2I2TH SIaIo E6r6E SBuoffi iIII8867000'111;'ENIENI INVESTMENT TRUST: 7604 s 2121H sril$ft$dMffi Ry'r2EI!R2Wrp cffT88670001 23INVESTUENT TRUST2fliltm1W6Dffi88670001 24761 2OBRIEN INVESTMENTS 212TH ST8867000005OBRIEN INVESTMENT TRUST21120 77TH AVE SN@.26:ru,{e rfts:a--Cn/r-rri4e&84/tne,trz7+9IillllrIla{aZ-Jtt t_tIINOlE1AI.T V'ORK WIHIN JO fEET OF T?IERAT-ROAI} TRACK IS IOE}IIIFIED I$T}I ANTJMBERED gRCLE AND SHA! BE PAIO FORIN THE APPR@RIAIE LUMP s|JM RALROAOIERK AD IIEII AND IVILL NOT B€ PAID FORUNDER THE CORRESPONDING 8IO IIEU,STA 33+50 to 35+00rfi1l_{gr_!4___.._ *_E6*@xoIooWRy'fIIIIIJ\F-L---I1II1\9a-'l1222049005BLUE PROPERTIES LLC2.1218 76TH AVE SNOTE;CHANNEUZA'IIOi] SHOWN FOR REFERENCEONLY. REFER TO KENT STD PLAN 6-74MFOR ALL LANE MARKINGS AND RPM's'IEF_Hl(lt'(,<:-=.-.cztv f tl-l-TT=><)l rffil \f-droS 212TH ST\**\'PEffi FoG,E/E@ffiffi*f,iq+S 2I2TH STxf@.EIsL *-"^I woe ootted:l t1222049002PS BUSINESS PARKS LP7815 S 2081H ST-**---_-f-*ffioNOteCHANNEUZATION SHOUN FOR REFERENCEONLY. REFER TO KENT SlD PLAN 6-74I.IoT---3830000063VANDERBECK LEILA & HENRY7845 S 212TH STFOR ALL LANE MARKINGS ANo RPM'S.ffi 1222049080DRAINAGE DIST 1Fry'rlrJLJno/we/54/-ffiNtrffiY\@Ys/-4fa4t@dF--JY/ffiS 212TH ST_/@firs1222049075OLYMPIC STEAMSHIP CO INC8220 S 212TH ST1222049053UNIVAR USA8201 S 2r2fi STffiffii,/lfNOIE:CHANNzuZATION SHOIU{ FOR REFERENCEONLY. REFER TO KENT S1D PLAN 6-7,+MFOR ALL LAl.lE MARKINGS AND RPll's.ffi 1222049001CASAL ENTERPRISES8320 S 212TH STo=LUJJaUIF*6ff@*,{?,/7€*sttzg@ca<f@@NOTE:CflANNEUZANON SHOWN FOR REFERENCEONLY. REFER TO KENT SlD PLAN 6-74il()aafu a*/cex&agZ^- Iae.si{<-oQuy.1222049006PAK CHONG+SEUNGEUNE315 S 212TH STffiKu:'F. si'gl6!Z+\\..rPWRAFOR ALL LANE MARKINGS AND RPM,S. Cameron Bloomer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: Cameron Bloomer Thursday,January 6,2022 12:08 PM Eric Mock Shaun White FW: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Hello Eric, We are going to start processing the CO. See below points of clarification from the City, thanks again for being willing to work with us to make this changes so late in the game. Have a good rest ofyour week and thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE c 206.8L9.7L48 | cbloomer@kbacm.com KBA, lnc. I Construction Monagement Speciolists I www.kbacm.com From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent: Thursday, January 6,202211:53 AM To: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Cc: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Hello Cameron, I agree, let's move forward. Clarify with them that we are okay paying for TCS time, and we will compensate through the hourly rate for whatever hours that are due to the flaggers per their local union contracts. Thank you, Eric Eric Conn or, Construction Eng i neeri ng Ma nager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-A693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E.MAIL From: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Sent: Thursday, January 6,2022 11:L8 AM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@ kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: City of Kent-2L2th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL Hello Eric, See below. I support moving forward as noted below Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE C 206.819.7 148 I cbloomer@kbasm.eqm KBA, lnc. I Construction Manogement Specialists I www'kbagm.eam From: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@ lakesideindustries.com> Sent: Thursday, January 6,2022 L0:32 AM To: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.c > Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subiect: RE: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Cameron, This small quantity/scope work has increased costs due to rental minimums as well as labor minimums. For example, we will be compensated at an hourly rate for traffic control devices (Arrow Boards, PCMS, etc.) but will pay a daily rate for rental. Also, per our local union contracts, we pay a 4 hour minimum, and in some cases round to 6 or 8 hours depending on the craft and hours worked. I didn't think about TCS time when I put the proposal together for the additional work, I would ask/propose that the TCS be paid at the hourly rate of a flagger to help share some of the cost to complete this work safely. Let me know if you need anything further Thanks, Eric Eric Mock, Regional Manager (Aberdeen/Centraila & Lacey Division) Lakeside lndustries, lnc. lC 425-766-5788 | Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com Lacey Division I P.O. Box 3160 | Lacey, WA 98509 lO 360-491-5460 | Centralia Office I P.O. Box 636 | Centralia, WA 98531 lO 360-736-2847 | Aberdeen Office I P.O. Box 928 | Aberdeen, WA 98520 lO 360-533-0610 | www.lakesid ndrrsf ries.com IAKESIDE INDUSIRIES From: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Sent: Thursday, January 6,20227:25 AM To: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subject: RE: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Cautionl EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click links or open attachments unless you KNOW that the sender and content are safe. Sorry to keep bugging you on this, On the traffic control mins, can you explain a little more? ls this union number of hour minimums? Daily rentals instead of monthly? Also, does this include TCS time? Give me a call if you want to discuss. Thank you, ,E 2 . Cameqon Bloomer, PE c 206.819.7148 | cbloomer@kbacm.com KBA, lnc. I Construction Managementspeciolists I www.kbacm.com From: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com> Sent Tuesday, January 4,2022 L2:O7 PM To: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subject: RE: City of Kent-2l2th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Thanks! I was onto cost estimate.. Eric Mock, RegionalManager (Aberdeen/Centraila & Lacey Division) Lakeside lndustries, lnc.lC 425-766-5788 | Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com Lacey Division I P.O, Box 3160 | Lacey, WA98509 lO 360-491-5460 I Centralia Office I t.O. aox 636 | Centralia, WA 98531 lO 360-736-2847 | Aberdeen Office I P.O. Box 928 | Aberdeen, WA 98520 lO 360-533-0610 | www.lakesideind ustries.com LAKESIDE INDI.ISIRIES"#{ From: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 4,20221L:45 AM To: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subject: RE: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Cautionl EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click links or open attachments unless you KNOWthat the sender and content are safe. Hi Eric, Thanks for getting back to us so quickly. lll let you know if we have any more questions. ICE is lndependent Cost Estimate. Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE c 206.8!9.7148 | cbloomer@kbacm.com KBA, lnc. I Construction Management Speciolists I www.kbacm.com From: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesl > Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:32 AM To: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subject: RE: City of Kent-2l2th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Hey Cameron, Attached is Apply A Line's proposal, I have included additional costs to lakeside (show up minimums for TC labor and equipment rental minimus)as wellas OH and Markup. 3 trrE a Also, what is the ICE Acronym? Thanks, Eric Eric Mock, Regional Manager (Aberdeen/Centraila & Lacey Division) Lakeside Industries, lnc. lC 425-765-5788 lEric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com Lacey Division I P.O. Box 31-60 | Lacey, WA 98509 lO 360-491-5460 | Centralia Office I P.O. Box 636 | Centralia, WA 98531 lO 360-736-2847 | Aberdeen Office I P.O. Box 928 | Aberdeen, WA 98520 lO 360-533-0510 | www. la kesideindustries.com LAKESIDE INDI'SIRIES From: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 4,202211:05 AM To: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White kes Subject: RE: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Caution! EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click links or open aftachments unless you KNOW that the sender and content are safe. Hello Eric and Shaun, Would you mind sharing a little more information on the pricing, including the subs quote? There isn't a lot of push back on the pricing, but we need some help justifying it as the units are about double the bid amount and it's a bit over our rcE. Thank you, Cameron Bloomer, PE C 2A6.819.7 148 | cbloomer@kbacm.com KBA, lnc. I Construction MonagementSpeciolists I www.kbacm.com From: Eric Mock <Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com> Sent: Monday, January 3,2022 3:32 PM To: Cameron Bloomer <cbloomer@kbacm.com> Cc: Shaun White <Shaun.White@lakesideindustries.com> Subject: City of Kent-212th St Striping Changes- FWD 004 Cameron, Sorry for the delay in getting this to you. Happy New Year! See attached signed FWD 004, as well as our proposal. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Eric Eric Mock, Regional Manager (Aberdeen/Centraila & Lacey Division) Lakeside lndustries, lnc.lC 425-766-5788 | Eric.Mock@lakesideindustries.com Lacey Division I P.O. Box 31"60 | Lacey, WA 98509 lO 360-491-5460 I Centralia Office I P.O. Box 636 | Centralia, WA 98531 lO 360-736-2847 | 4