HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-223 - Change Order - #1 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - S. 212th Street Preservation - 09/24/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayorl Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHrNoroN ? oLoe Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 9t29t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: 412012021 Budget Account Number: R90t13.64110.120 Budget? EYes EINo Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A tro flo ELoFs +atro EooLgl Vendor Name: Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34030 Sub-Category: Change Order #1 Project Name: S 212th St. Preservation - 72nd Ave. S. to 84th Ave. S Project Details:Time and materials associated with extra work from FA 001-003. Repairing damage from the sidewalk removal, cutting back tree roots and additional work. Agreement Amount: $3,842.06 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: gi6l Termination Date: 71 Working DayS Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2021-223 Date Received by City Attorney l,Pi Comments: q Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: U'ca-flt\o .a -gagc,e Gg .9UI Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(cw22l7l I 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements a Clwv- KENT Wa3HtN6ToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #L NAME OF CONTMCTOR: Lakeside Industries. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S. 212th St. Preservation-72nd Ave. S. to 84th Ave. S. ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: May 06, 2021 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Time and material associated with extra work from FA 001- FA 003 which includes repairing damage from sidewalk removal, cutting back tree roots, additional curb and sidewalk removal that required hand saw cutting that was out of the sequence of work and removal of a section of curb to install the fufthest east loop stub up, along with replacing an existing concrete pad that had existing damage. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensationr" are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $1,859,868.10 Net Change by Previous Change Orders ( incl. applicable WSST) $o.oo Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $1,959,868.10 Current Change Order $3,842.06 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $1,863,710.16 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 70 Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 70 Days Required (*) for this Change Order 1 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 7t In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and L-O4.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the pafties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTORT zoll 6ffiBy cttb i/ *trftA€k I ?DATE Its 07sl*n Print Name: (signature)EAL HA'og (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. Its Public Works Direcffi CITY OF KENT: (ZI B,L DATE:9/a,l/zt (titte) CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 4 ATTEST: r Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayorb signature requlred) Kent Law Department [In this fleld. you mdy enter the electrcnlc fll€path whe€ the contract has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. OO1 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works S. 21zth St. Preservation 72ncl Ave. S. toProJect: 84th Ave. s. (East valley Highway) Project Engineer: Drew Holcomb Gapital ProjectsManader: Cameron Bloomer (KBA, Inc.) Project No: Fed-Aid Nor Contractor: 19-3003 STPUL-12s0(009) Lakeside Industries, Tnc Date: 9/8/2O2t I.P Cha e II. Reason and Bac round for chan e sidewalks and other hardscape improvements (FA 001, FA 002 & FA 003) work associated with the installationreate a bid item to provide compensation for misce aneous extra Because the individual extra work items were small, each FA sheet captures time and material efforts for multiple items. THey are described below. FA 001 - PVC scuppers were found poured into the concrete sidewalk, the tops of which were only 2" deep. They were damaged during sidewalk removal. The Contractor obtained new PVC piping and repaired the damage. Tree roots had raised existing sidewalk panels and were in conflict with new ADA compliant sidewalk grades. These roots were cut back with a chainsaw, FA 002 - Additional tree root removal to avoid conflicts with the new ADA sidewalk grades. On the N side of the 76th intersection, the plans did not call for sidewalk removal. Signal improvements including a PPB and junction box replacements required the panels be removed removal. This was done after the bulk of the demolition work was complete, and was out of sequence required hand sawing and small quantities. During sidewalk demolition, as much of the existing hardscape as possible was left in place. At 2locations on the south side of 2l2th, additional curb and sidewalk removal was required to install conduit stubs for loops into existing junction boxes. This was out of sequence work requiring hand saw cutting and removal of smaller quantities. FA 003 - Removal of another section of curb to install the furthest east loop stub up, also out of sequence and requiring hand saw cutting. The concrete pad around a luminaire base at the interurban trail had existing damage, and grade changes required the pad be replaced. Time and Material efforts associated with these extra work were tracked and agreed to in the field. Pricing was determined using standard markups from section 1-09.6 of the contract. See attached III. Method of Payment Page 1 NEW PAY ITEMS J Notapp'caore New Pay Items Total: $ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09,5 El Notappricabre Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E Notappricabre Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: 3,842.O6 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns 7L * This Change Order + Previous Total IV. WORKING DAYS *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: sch No Item Description Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Gost of Item I CO 001 - Misc Hardscape Extra Work 1 LS $3,842.06 $3,842.06 $ $ Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ $ $ 3 o6 Original Gontract:70 Due This Change Order:1 Previous Total:70 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: Each item slowed the crew while working on critical path activies. The total amout of crew time impact was just over 8 hours, and all parties agreed adding 1 day was fair and reasonable. Page 2 Gapital Projects Manager:Date:9/8/2O2L Date: /d/zr Date:z/ r'4'/L Gonstruction Engineeri ng Supervisor: /c*Kuehne Construction Manager: _ 4. ,._fi-r'- Eric Connor meron rnG. Page 3 b.DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED/l CONTRACTOf,Lakeside lndustries DAIE 6125t2021 SUBCON?RACTOR FAY EST# PrcJect No.i tg-3@3 ITEM* Foderal Ald No.sTPUL.t250{009} DESCRIPIION OF WORI PERFORMED] Romove addltlonrl C&G fo get loop slub lnlo existing J-gox tn Itlo stdewrlk on lh€ oest ond, 6oulh sido of the proi.ct Rcmow con6llt6 pld rreund illsflng rlgnll polo.t Ttttl. FA' Contdctor FA' 3 ueon -----------__l TOTAL COST $696.20 WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Jgn6s Kunb Labor. Group 5 2.00 $ 61.S $ 85.27 $123.32 Bralhovde lJnder 15 Tor 2.AO $ 81.04 s 109.42 $182.08 3616b WakEfidd Appr€ntic6 Labor, 800/0 2.00 $ s0.74 s 88.89 s101.48 $s $0.0( $$$0,0c LABOR SUBTOTAI $386.88 29% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING.INSURANCE AND TAX EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT 18036 - 2019 Ford F550 Ouf,p Trucl(2 I 32.87 $55.74 12443 -2017 Ford F45O Flslbed 1 t 24-43 $$24.43 31223 -2020 JO310SL Backime 0 1 $ 42.86 I $42.86 -2017 Sulllva 0 2 I 14.94 $29.88 8t62.91 2T% OVERHEADAND PROFIT, BONDING, INSURANCE AND TA,I $34rr narrruats enotor sffigt-----l VENOOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TOTAL AMOUNT t0.oc t0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING T$i $0.00 21% OVERHEADAND PROFIT, BONDING, INSUMNCE ANDTA}$0.00 TOTAL $o,oo \ENDOR & INVOICE #WORK AMOUNT $0.0( $0.0c SUBCONIRACTOR INV SUBTOTAI.s0.0c TA}$0,00 PRIME Sultotal ot Labor, Equipmnt, & Matsdrl Won $696-20 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal ot Labor, Equlpment, Mrtqitl, & Subcontncior hyohed Worl $0.00 itarkups on work perfomed by Submnfactoc up to 525,000-12/0, $25,000.$100,000 = 10% Grcat€r lhan 9100,000 = 7olo o9t Subcodrsctor Mrrk{p 00.m TOTAL COST o ll checkod, lhis wod( is tn dtspute. sy signing fiiil n€edad lo sccompllsh th! tesk. Enttlomont to bo de,tenninod ft e lal€l dato.W Fom Date 72020 t.l\ e,t f,r"t- Customer t'-rc-71 Date |771, rg ,a r\ # Project Name 5 L:l tt^ r,rr?.e. EWO# V4 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC:'Extra Work Verification* Ernployees on Projca Class Totd tlrs R*g OT a:AlJ lr- n,l.-q] r'r 2u ': 1 t,'\u b1-l< t, it +t.t 1,,z I l-o\rzr,.z 7. LSI Equipment L$I #Total Hrs | .'rn r'tq, lygl tr Lor l?t'tt 1lwT I7l??l .l Trucking LSI#Total Hrs * I\4[arkup per WSDOT spccification unless otherwise agreed upon in rvriting; Labor, [4aterials, and Equipment lv{arkup 29% / $ubcontractorlr4arhup-21% Owner's Representative Signature )" I \/,,r-"- i,./t, Datc (: (,1: t lz r Date P.O. Box 7016,Issaquah, WA 98027 .\425)313-2b00. (42S) 113-2bZZ/FlyX Ali EQUAL OPI'OltTUNl'n'EMPLOyDR , WA s.l' CONT RDG NQ ?zj.or LA.Kli.lit-.2:rJD . ()R. su c(!NT. RL;ci No. ccn t{s5{l Description of Work y14{J f Y Lr"'t r. (-uL ,:/t 6' l" "tL 'l\u tr a .'l t/(i.J( /tsC!. .t | ,l t\.a, ryvrJ I , lr{aterials Qtv UOM lbtal / Supplicrs / Rental Eguipment ;:t- ? I "a DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOF Lakeside lndustries DATE 6t10t2021 PAY ESTI Proioct r9-3003 ItEt{ iFodoral Ald sTPUL.t250l009l DESCRIPTION OF Clornsd 8nd repelr drrln plpe lh|{'s wls drmrged durlng sidqwslk removal, hund to be 2 in delp and powad F{lally lnto the erlsilng stdemlt(, Uso Chaheaw nr tsrove lree roots that hsd raissd the exi6ting sid€wstk FA' Contrsctgt FA' 001 TOTALCOST $1,375.24 WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT C€moron psrattr croup lll Plant Olor 1.75 s 81.04 $ 109.42 $141.82K!nl:Labor, Greup 5 4.75 $ 61.66 't.0 $ 85.27 i378.1€ Nahan Hill 60e/6 4.00 $ 41.86 s 55.27 $166.6{ $$$0.e $$s0.00 LABOR 29% OVERHEAD BONDING,INSURANCE $199.12 EOUIPMENT ryPE EOUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS RE€ RATE STDBY HRS STDEY RATE AMOUNT 12443 - 2017 Fotd F4S0 Ftatbod 't.i s 24.43 $036.65 18036 - 2019 Ford F550 Dump Truck 2 I 32.87 $W5.74 TENTAL - Volvo 145 Exc€vatot 1.5 s 't26.46 $$189.69 21% OVERHFAD AND BONDING, INSURANCEAND s61.34 VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TOTAL AMOUNT lldondon Hardwarg & 1.16187 k STIHL 6'PMM3 55 Mini Saw Chain MFc# OIPMMO Ss $39.98 u.M w.o2:€rgus$ & 9413175 BirEfi Couple 1 EA and 1O FT $62.1f 98.28 N68.44 SUBTOTAL INCLU $o.00 $112.46 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT INSURANCE AND TOTAL & tNVOtCE # $23.62 $136,08 AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 60-0c TA}$0.00 PRIME Srato{al of Labor, Equlpmont, E Matodsl Wort $1,375,21 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtottl of Lrbor, Equtpmsnt, t$atortrl, & SubcontEctor lnvolc6d Markups on mrk periotrned Subcontractor: up lo = 10% Gr€aler thtr $0.0( 0tt Subcod'actor iilr*{p $0.00 TOTAL COSTilthi$ nooded to lho tasft. Enllthment lo b0 ddomin€d et e leter dete. Form Date 7/2020 @LaxnsrDE lxuusrRrEs, INC.Extra Work Verification* Customer Project Name 5 zt? [,]-f al lr,nv Date $-rt -Zl Itt ? t l1 7r\tr).N1 Employees on Project Class Total Hrs R"g OT b ( lttl,tq.pt )ar|, t J L lll,r ltnn'r il.ti- ' ,'ttd r l J.:71 -< 1r {'7f l^t\-' ', I tt 7f I 4 LSI Equipment LSI#Total tLs Z I]t2t l.{ Trucking LSI #Total Hrs ttl f.,l(r ,l (r t C)11<( i ( ,+,, tlt /" a, t tt v,, lr tt/t,) , 1/ gt t'11 t tttt- .ra(/lPe ,tv lt * Markup per WSDOT spccification unlcss otherwise agrced upon in rvriting: Labor, Mater.ials, and Equipment N{arkup * 29% ,/ Subconkactor I,Iarkup - 21% Owner'.s ,tl t Representative Signature Date .11f, I r Foreman's4-SignatureV\*Datei!{ P.O, Box 70i6, Issaquah, \VA 98027 , (425) 313-2600 . (425) 313-2622/FAX AN IQLTAL Ot'l'oR"l'UNITY nilPLOyER . WA.liT CONT lrE(; NO 2?3-0r t.A.KliSI.r27.UD . OR 51 (:ONlt fiE(i NO. CCn 10854? Job # /Z?tr't/ EWO # Dcs*iption of Work 4, rta./, * /4. I / ( :o\ Matcrials Qtv UOM Total jl lu I lt*-(4ln t't.Vf {7 /crl-,/4"a? Subconlractors / Suppliars / Rental Equipment #FERGU$ON"rltJ d,lRt'.,, tdi iduuloro.* 11.' t Ji .rtuA€-&]ri-Eit;o.,= I j'.X r,L:t;$l,S:it I5iEI i) ri.) irOMLPO. llo_Atst€ Locuil!611510 .tER r'l0-sHtP qfiCIJSTOMCR A.PHACONTNACT NO.I, r tiU00;Lr.rl([5 inL ri{nUbl ti Ll:::iPt sC,{ /Ulril5rlrl$Ut-ri.i, , '){"){it? r'{ f ': ll tCt(. llFt]tldutltiBro No.ORDER DATEOROERED FT.11,1!rllil , : rmtl coDEuiln PAICE0E$cililrotlros8,tssSHIP WI80xlsU/MCNI:SS}IIP DATELEN6I}S!t .iTOTATDELIVERED AY8!HIIIS(r;ti' i./ltltu'rFr,lrpSH]P VIAlNstqucnolrsHoutt H0$rAmeP0. flo.sult rs.sHIPIoilo BEIURT,IS ARotvEt wtlfiourPROPTB AUIHRETUENED$U8IOIAIsuBJ[Cr ]0 HAIDT-$t6 CHARGfS."r0IAt ouE::q.ry]-El!! sloE roR l[lPo8IAt{I rEft}ls AttD cofillTt0}is 0r SArE Alt0 LilrilTAllor,ts0I llrAfiBlr.,il-€usrouER'sSIG}IAIURETENMS: CUSIilo! 116187 JOBNOT PUROI{A3EOnoEto soloTo; LAKESIDE INOUSTRIE$KENT DIV 18808 SE2SrTHST COVINGTON WA 98042 253-631-361 1 REFEiEIICE: CHECKED ID SxlP TO! 000 McLENDON HARDWARE . KENT 23662 1O4TH AVE SE KENT, WA 98031 PHONE: 12531 850-2722 Ask sbout our price Matching Guarantee PAGE NO 1 DATE'TllIE!6lnn1 9:0i TAXABLE I{ON.TMABLE SUSTOTAL 39.98 39.98 rru( AfytouNT 4.04 TOTAL 44.O2 lEili6r CLEAXT BTUETARPSTDTERi.S CM4254B DuzolJeTllml tERillIAtr 1714 IAXI 867 TAXABLE.KENT i14.02 INVOICE: Hl7532/7 " PAID IN FULL * lsHAuN wHtlE)0.00 illttr iltil TOTWT:0.00 MID:9107 LlNE UM SKU DESCRIPTION PRICE/ PEF E\TFNSION 1 2 4 2 1 61PMM3 55 MINI SAW CHAIN 61PMM3 55 $44,02 REF:717532 2 19.99 'EA 39.98 APP:646133 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT Lakeside lndustries 6116t2021 SUBCONIRACTON PAY EST' Protsct No,l ts3003 ITEM I Fed€El AId No-il?uL.l260(000) OESCRIPTFI{ OFWORJ( PERFORilED: Tolrl houE tor sxtE mrt porfomd 6/l I , 8171, and €'ia. 8/14 - Rernvr iddltionrl sldrmlk prml mtr ZGtt for DWS, out of typical rcrt rcquance 8/'!6 - Sawand dsm cu6 to tor loop stubs on the S, rld" of 228th. Z locrfiqN w'rerc CeO ms to frmaln peJ phn6. FAI Contraciq FN 2 TOTAL COST i1,77O,62 WORKER'S NAIVE WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RAIE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT lvsyne Camarcn )pe.atorGmup lll Plant Ofl6r '1.00 $ 81.04 $ 109.42 $81.0,4 Jemes KunE rbor, Grcup 5 7,50 s 61.66 0.5 $ 8s.27 t505.0! ;El€b Wekei€ld App.enti6 Labw,80%7.00 $ 50.74 $ 68.89 $355.18 !00.00 $6 $0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAI.$s4J.31 29Yo OVERHEAO AND PROFIT, BONDING,INSURANCE AND $272.98 LAEOR EOUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HFS STOBV RATE AMOUNT 12143 - 2017 Fad F450 Flatbsd $ 24-43 $$73.29 18036 - 2019 Ford F550 Dump Teck I 32.87 5 $164.35 52051 .2017 Sulivan AirCompresor $ 14.94 $$'t12.05 s349.69 2I% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDIN6, INSURANCE AND TNI $73.43 TOTAL VENDOR & INVOICE #MATERIAL SUB TOTAL IAX AMOUNT White Cap 42857691 Diamqnd Blade $99.99 $10.10 $1 10.09 $0,00 $0.00 s0.00 IUATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX s110.09 21% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT BONDING, INSUMNCE AND TAX $23.12 TOTAL tl3t.2t VENDOR & INVOCE #WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT s0-0{ $0.0! Suscor.nRAcroElNV suBTdiAi s0.00 TA.}s0.00 PRIME Subtottl ol L.rbor, Equipmnt A Mlt€rlNl Wort($1.7/0.6i SUBCONTRACTOR Subtottl ot Lrbor,Equlpmnl, Matrrl8l, & Subcontrctorlnvolcod Worl $0.0c Markups on work p€rform€d by Subcontractor up to $25,00(F12%, $25,000$100,000 = 10% cEaterth6n g1o0,O0O = 7%o% $0.00 TOTAL COST sl,770.62 o lf oheckctl, this work is in dlspulo, By signing thlr fomt partles are agreoing to lhe dlrlo 8nd efloft ns€dsd to accompllsh lie taslL Enlitl€mnt to bi ddsrmlnd ai a laGr dde, Fom Dat6 72020 @LnrnsrDE IxousrRIES, INC.Extra Work Verification* Customer (. 11 ,t LrnL Project Name 5 ;,?.,^ tr1 trrorv,l',n Employees on Project Class Total Hrs Rcg OT lrlt, t'n I | ,1,' rt 3 1f ( fr I I {,t 7 LSI Equipmcnt L$I#Total Hrs fcqrr I JI f( L,ftt4 tttil, 1t ^7,. Tlucking L$I #Total Hrs Subcontractors / Supplicrs / Rental Equiprnent '/ t-'t! l,'t^f:rJ rt lt * Markup per WSDOT spccification unlcss othenvisc agreed upon in rvriting: Labor, Materials, and Equipment Markup - 29% / Subcontractor ir{arkup Zl% Date /{'' l( 2 | Datc I'].O. Box 7016, Issaquah, WA 98027 . (,125) 313-2600 . (4:5) 313-2622/FAX AN EQIIAL Otl'Ol{TUNlTy li[tPl( ]]'Elt ' \VA- ST (10*-T: ttLc. NO. l! i-tl L,1. liE.Sl '27,lJD . ()lt. 5 t'. C( )NT t{Eti N(.t (-'(;lt lo!ii.t.,l fiignaturc ,d,* lo 6"*'Zt Date job # 17?l/)tf EWO# Description of Work '.rt 1 (!t -t4 -./l('Jt -lr | (ti!' t I' A{{ tr1,' t r a,, /,1 {r. r{r (rtJ (rr\f\,t { {\( rtl /. -;;;,;l' I.nnrl7- 5t,, rttb r ev L tut Materirls Qty UOM Total --:::l *hil,r'-\6 ru!,, 11 7yL,,, rt.rtllft (rc {t l{ .r'{ *iitiU#5lIltfiE0lt r'0 7810 s 1$Tl sl slE t01 $Nl'tlrl 9t0l2l10l o61l{nu loi{6:oi CREOII CIRD vlsh !:Ali cildf; iffiuMno$g$ilt'oo' vl$AcRrDIr ;t'"- Aoooooooo3:oll StQf; I Srtfrf: :5tt tl{v0lct {lBt]69l -lPPot f CoCu' 0l$lt) #tr*tno, orllleal h$(tr tlodc: !-,, SAL; Al,ilU!{T $l1tl,0) L_ t-tr ru$i't'dRoP{L*t-- CASH C.O.D RECEIPT I iltilt ]til iltilllilt Iilil ilil ilill ilu lilt ilil 42857 691 cAsfi SALE . KENr.300I,300I -s ?820 SOUTI{ 2t0TH STREST BUILDINTJ C SUITE IOI KENT, WA,9803? Job Sil. CoDtscl: Job Sltc Phonc: Mop t9: FAP I.COTJNTSR \\.ALI-VPN: SIGN DATE; l4-JUN-102t lll44rl0 PRINT : SIIAUN S}IIPPEDIVEIOII?6,00LBS PULLEDIJY: Ship To l Ordcrcd By: wAUf M0NT6oL,'ERY Contscl Phonc: DIAMOND SLADE IIUSQVARNA Shippcd amount Ordcr ohargcs Tax smount Ordsr total Deposit/fu nds tcndr:rcd Balance duc R€PORT PISCREPANCIES WITIIIN 24 IIR$. IF YOU DIDN'T RECEIVE THESERVICE YOU EXPECTED CALLSTEVE I{UFFMAN 9I6.8E9-5I56 NO REF'IJNDS OR EXCIIANCES ON NON $TOCK MERCIIANDISE SEE REVERSE SIDS FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS wlvlv_wHtrFcAp.c0M SIGN: s99,99 s0.00 s 10. r0 s r 10.09 s0.00 s r 10.09 '-".-......-"-._-- clJECKtiD BY:LOADED BY: Dorvnload any nccded Salcty Dxt Shcs$ tSDSt oolin(' loday ol httFl://$q,1v.1vhildc$n-eom/hcllFccfitet/osh.shtdnrds'JnfctY+rh-shc!'ls 6 LBS s99.C9 Pagc I of I