HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW16-292 - Insurance Certificate - WaveDivision Holdings, LLC - Liability Coverage - 02/01/2022WLLIS TOWERS WATSON 26 CENTURY BLVD. 6TH FL, SUITE 101 NASHVILLE, TN 37214 144231A8 0.458 ltrrtrltrlr,,ll,lrrrll,illllrlrllililtl,ltl,ll,rtlllltll1tlt,,ill CITY OF KENT 22O 4TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032-5838 14423 1 ol 4 14423 PW16-292 Fage 1 of, 2o.fu CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMiDDTVYYY) oL/28/2022 THIS CERTIFlCATE ts ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMANON ONLY AND CONFEBS NO BIGHTS U PON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS DOESCERTIFICATE NOT AFFIRMATIVEL Y OR NEGA TIVEL Y AM END,EXTEND OR ALTER TH E COVE RAGE AFFORD ED SY THE POLTCTES B ELOW THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT co NSTITUTE A CONTRACT ETWEEN THE ISSUING rNsuRER(S),AUTHO RIZED R EPRESENT ATIVE OR PRODUC ER,A ND THE CEHTIFICA TE HOLDER" lf tho certificate an ADDITIONAL tNs u RED,the policy(ies)musl NSURED provlsions or It SUBROGATlON ts W AIVED,subiect to the torms and condltlons ot the po cerlaln pol lcles may req ulre an €ndorsemenl,A slatement onlhisdoesnotconlerhtstotheholderlnlieusuch PBOOUCER WlJ.Lis Tor€rs lfatson Nolthsastr Ine c./o 26 Century FIvd P.O. Box 305191 Nashvl.Ile. TN 3?2305191 USA l{illis llowcre t{atson C6!tifl-cat6 Ccnler 1-87?-9{5-7378 1-89 8-46?-2378 colh National girc Inguranca Conu)any of,2047e INSUREO lfaveDLvj"sion Holdings, fI€ 3?00 Mont€ Vil-!,a Parkvay Botholl. WA 98021 INSUREFB; Contin€ntal Casualty Company 20443 M!rk61 Anrerioan Insurance Cotq)any 28932 Va1l6y Forg€ Insurance Comltany 20508 E, ZurLch Anorl€an In€urance Conpany 16535 F cov TE NUMBER: r{238{5304 NUMBER rNSntTp tNcnTYPE OF INSURATICE LltdTs DICATED. ISTHIS CEHTIFYTO THETHAT OFPOLICIES BANCEINSU LISTED BELOW BEENHAVE THETO NSU NAMRED DE FOBABOVE POLICYTHE PERIOD ANDINGNOTWITHST RANYIN IREMENTEOU RMTE CONDITIONOR ANYOF CONTRACT ROTHE WITHDOCUMENT RESOR PECT WHTO THIStcHEHTIFICAMAYTEISSUEBEDOBMATHINSURANCEAFFORDEDETHEBYPERTAIN,ESPOLtCt HERDESCRIBED INE SUBJECTIS ALLTO TERMS,THE EXCL OF SUCHUSIONSCONDITIONSAND POLtCtES.SHOWNLIMITS HAVEMAY EENB BYREDUCED PAID CLAIMS. EACH OCCUBBENCE 1.000,000 u P 1r 000, 000$ MED EXP (Anv one per6on)x5,000$ PERSONAL A ADV INJURY t, oo0, 000$ GENEBAL AGGFEGATE 2,000, o00$ PRODUCTS. COMP/OP AGG 2, OO0, 000$ A COMMEBCIAL GENEBAL LIABILITY x AGGBEGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: xl.-'-i pno- i ] JECT X CLAIMS.MADE occt.tR LOCPOLICY Y 605'.r236936 02/oL/2022 02/or/2023 $ corItra s,000, 000$ BOOILY INJURY (Per person)$ BODILY INJURY (P6r accident)$ B ANY AUTO OWNEO AUIOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON.OWNED AUTOS ONLY x AUTOMOBILE UABILITY Y 6072883128 02/oL/2022 02/ot/2023 PHOI.'EH I Y DAMAGE -e-eJ-.assFei-U.- .. $ x x EACH OCCURRENCE 10,000, 0o0UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE AGGFEGATE c X DED p6195111pry g 10, 000 uKr,M6MM7000044 5 a2/0r/2022 02/oL/2023 10,000, 000 $ tsts tt STATI ITF UI H.Ftr E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE. EA EMPLOYEE $ \ivoFKERS COt PEilSATtOt'l AI{D EMPTOYEFSI LIABILITY ANYPROPRI ETOHi PARTNEB/EXECUIIVE OFFICEFiMEMEEREXCLUOEO? (Mandetory ln NH) under OF OPERATIONS b6low Y/Nn ll yes, de$cribe DESCBIPTION N A E.L. DISEASE. POLICY LIMIT $ D gtoF Gap Lialril-l'ty 605?375 660 02/0t/2022 02/aL/2A23 BI by Discase Agg Each Person Each Ocourrence $1.000,0o0 $1,000,000 $1,000.0o0 OFOPEFATIONSi LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORDl0l,AddltlonalRffiarkssoheduls,maybeattacheditmorespacsisrequirsd) SNE AITACIIED DESCRIPTION TE @ 1988.2016 ACORD CORPORATION. Atl rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are reglstered marks of ACORD sR rD: 221{392.1 BArcH: 239262A 2ot4 14423 SHOULD ANY OFTHE ABOVE DESCBIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFOFE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. CLty of R6nt 220 4eh Av.nue South K€nt, wA 98032 //4 AUTHORIZED FEPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) AGENCY GUSTOMER ID: LOC #: AGENCY witLis Towera watson North€astr Inc. POLICY NUMBER See Page 1 NAMED INSUFEOwaveDLvial,on Holdinga, I"tc 37OO Monte Villa Darkway Bothell, HA 99021 NAIC CODE See Page L EFFECTIVEOATE: See Page 1 CARRIER gee Pag€ 1 OR ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE zolz @ 2008 ACOHD CORPOHATION, All rights reserved. The ACOFD name and logo are registered marks ol ACORD sR ID: 22L43924 EATCH: 239262a CERT: w23846304 Page THIS ADDITIONAL HEMARKS FORM NUMBER: 2s FORM TITLE:InsulanceCertificate of FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FOBM, Tlre General tlabiLity and Automobite tiability policies inc.lude an autc'matLc Addj.tional fnsured endotsement that provided Additionat Insured statuc ta The City Of Kent, Its Elected and/or ApPointed Officials, its Of,f,icers' Employees, Agenta, Volunteerd, And Repregentatives, only when thefe is a written contract that requirea 6uch statua' and only sith regard to srork performed, on behalf, of the nmed insured. The Gcnefa]. Liability poliey containa a epecial endorsement with Primary and Noncontrlbutory wording, rthen required by t{ritt€n contract. INSURER AI'FORDING coVEF,trGE: Zurich Artrerican Insurance CornPany PoLICY NITMBER: AEc 9546362-02 EE.F DATE: A2/OL/2O22 ExP DATE: O2/OL/2O23 NAIC*:16535 TYPE OF INSURANCE: 1st Excess Liability LIMIT DESCRTPIIONI $15,000.000 xs LIIIIT AI{OT'NT $10, 000, 0oo ACORD 101 (2008101) CT(A CNA PARAMOUNT Amendmentto Policy Declarations - Named lnsured Endorsement It is understood and agreed as follows: The PolScy Declarations is amended as follows: A. Addition of Named lnsureds: The following are added as Named lnsureds I - Name and Address of Named lnsured i1::t iliEiril,rit y Tel+,,:,.rli Se-L'vlce:.)/ Irr,:. li,5r I i :r_t 1 r, I LiI r_:;,ril},r;rtt,.-.], l,L(_' t.lg,l;:i L il,-;lutLr-tt ri,;:.ii. i,-,t,s, 11rJ Elrl-Tr:rr.ti.:1r A-LrlnL ll\iit etfr;r 1 I1r,: Et'r-Ti,t.t,:i'r ti:r,,:- t e1tL;:r, 1t'r,: ETI:j,'al,r1er,-ii:.:ir-:rr, Irii,: EIl,l ETS Tele6rLr, l r+ t.-', 111rf,,F-rl1j.:, f n,;. i-if :rt r,-le ( ',-rllilir itli i-tal t r,-,t u.i lriirl r.r,,l!+tn+r tt (l!-41{,.rt rf; (-lrrrrr,:1e r.',;.11'lt1p.11iii;,:t i,:,rr;i f l.jl :-.ri-' gl.:rr, LL.-: {jI,11.-1e Ifiv,::: i_tLLr:til, LP ( lL;ilr'-le l'1eit;L.r+t- LLr'' (i rar.iLie F',i r ,;1 L t r L,l,{ ' r.,H r'l,lfjH FI,::l'-lit':'r LLi,: R;-,,,1ieLl+ Fill .etr')-or 1tr,: Rai,-li;-'it,* fl, rf ,;lr-:L', LL,..' Iia',,l-i,r1:+ H, l, Jilt,,J::i/ LF' Rar,Ji;rt+ T,:p,i ',r, LL(-' Fli,.'lJ ftrl:,le T",; ,:,f .-l'ti,-1.'r,:{,:, , Itri:. Ri,].J ( "-x[, i t ;11 i '.-r 1-1. , r:-lJAr::rto0;.;: r-i'_t_1, Page 1 of .l l..l.i:.TI,,,lJd, FIF:E Il:.ii:ll,lKAJlt-E r-)F HAF.TFi IRLT lnsUred Narne: I"].{I,IFJE lli-)Lfrll.,[i_;li, Lt. Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved, Policy No: ir, r,l 5 I i -r {j l) i t1 Endorsement No: Eftective Date: Lr:i rl 1 / 1iiJ2 3of 4 14423 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Amendmenlto Policy Declarations - Named lnsured Endorsement R,-1'l tji ir..il ',i=r''. i :,-.,r -Li.: r-(--P/ LL._' I.l ;r ti a'letrret-i 1-- r--' 1-' 1'p' r1, 3 ;i f- i r-, Lr I'TT LLC T Te1e,r-:,-'tn Servir:es ( Lelii h), LLL Te-Ie,..,:,trL Serrrir:es; r:,i Tf I it-roi:.;, LLt: Te l- e,:l'-,ur !l e rvi i:;e[,:rt ].1a,:s at:irlisret t :-;, LLaj Telec,rrn !lervi.r-:es r-'f l.lqr,; Y,::'rl, LF' i'hl Tele,-:i-'ln :lerviLl+:. r-rf F'lL1laile1 lriar, LLi-' Te1ec,-,,ttr Se rv i,;es LL(:. (:'r:)th Te.lht-r,:,1,:,,1i r:s LL{] at.t ler i; Be:lt lnt-r:lrir:t / LLrl I l.iet',,,r,:,i1:-s (lanadar I,lL(_ ['l t, ;r rt.,,.ri€ I. i',-rlTLllir L1r i c;t t i,-]l-Il:j / LLi-l alt +tr,J-.t:, LLi,l ve Bi-rsine:rr- Slr:'lt.rl-ii.rns, LLLI .;e Ltat,---i i','elit-er,.;, LLC: v': Hr,,l,lci' C,-r rat ir:rrr r-'lJl\,fj -r I {.ii)r:.,_ t.) .-.r-1 ; Page i of 4 l'l-e-TI, rili'J, FI hE Ill'-rl-tF rJ'li-'E L ,F lnsured Name; l1r.l, I.,:J E 1l'' L[' I I I' -]i,-1, PolicyNo: (jrr!l,i ji;! -1tr Endorsernent No: Etfective Date: () . / I tI I ii'i ::HAhTFI rl\lr LI' Copyright CNA All Righls Reserved. CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Amendmentto Policy Declarations - Named lnsured Endorsement {;i19 ll,'.},-lr;, ;, LI-i.' r'i:r';: H,-r.irre 1"I,, rri t,:.ritr.,:.t ',ii;ive llatrr,1etrLe]itr LLi, i'j:i';e I{,:'tiit,-,rirrrJr LLt-" .1j:;1',; r; / F,_,,,.,reri: Ac,1r-t j;1ri1j91i, LL,t_l ,'r]..l "r ef: i, r,; i ;.; i' ;rr H r' 1,,1 i 1 1,-1 ;r rl',-, y1,;r'-: r'Er1, i i-;rr ,'Javeftivi.:ri,,tr H,,,-1,:liIr,-ls;, LL[' 71;r:,,elij .,.i::i,,tr I, LLi-' 7.i;iv+liivisi'..r.r T I, T.L,--' ,'Jiiy+l,j vit;i,-,t.1 I II, Ll,i,l ,.i,a',ielli.i-i-si,..111 li,', LLr.- Ij;1:rgfrjrTi;1ri,,rli Vf Ir LL[' j.llrH Ef ar::1" F.r-ri-:1;, LLll i'Jl-iH ,.-ll,rliarl.a r LLll f ;,.trl:++ a.l;-rl:1e Ac,1r,iir'ri l-.ii''rr, LL,l- iatrl-ee r.';,rJ-rlrl F:;.rL'etri, / LLi,' !-:-ir"i Leq; i-l:rb1 + E',-.r:- t-rr+r,.;, l-LCl i'jTa",,fl Policy No: Endorsement No Effective Date: i-l 1 :':,i:,.i 1:' Page -i of 4 ft;.\.TIi t,t.Al_ FIhE It.l;]-rh3J.tCE r-,F lnsured Name: IGIDI.r,TE l-li )LI,Il'11-;S, HAKTFI }Rt: Tt Copyright CNA All Fight$ Reserved. 0!it-)1 / )i)J : 4 ot 4 14423 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Amendment to Policy Declarations - Named lnsured Endorsement 6l-:'0 {.llLLEtiE Rtr E tlTE -1100 FfiIt{cETr-)N, NLT 0854 0-662!) B.Deletion of Named lnsured: The following are deleted as Named lnsurcds: Allother terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged. endorsement which forms a part of and is issued by the designated lnsurers, takes effect on the effectiveattachmentto the with saidandunless another effective date is shownof said at the hour stated in said |NA62lr-rrJxt( o9-1: Page "1 of 4 lrlA"TIr-NAl- FII{E ll'l'jl-lRAf.lf-:E iiF tlAFTFi]RD lnsured Name: IL$IATE HCLDIIIGS, LP Copyright CNA All Bights Reserusd, PolicyNo: 60572369-16 Endorsement No: Effective Date: a2/ 0r / 2a22