HomeMy WebLinkAbout4422ORDINANCE NO. 4422 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code entitled, "General Business Licenses" to improve the business license application process pursuant to the City's partnership with the business license and tax filing portal "FileLocal," to modify the appeal process for business license denials and revocations, and to add additional grounds for which a business license may be denied or revoked. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 35.90,020, effective July 1, 2027 all cities that issue a general business license must partner with either the Department of Revenue or the business licensing and tax filing portal "FileLocal." The City of Kent has elected to partner with FileLocal. B. Pursuant to Kent City Code 5.01. t4O, a licensee has the right to notice and an opportunity to be heard subsequent to the denial of a business license and prior to the revocation of an existing license. Historically, the burden has been on the City to schedule the hearing before the City's Hearing Examiner and include the hearing date on the notice of denial or revocation that is issued to the licensee' C. It is not uncommon for a licensee to abandon their application and fail to appear for the hearing without any notice to the City' The City Amend Ch. 5.O7 KCC - General Business Licenses 1 expends time and resources scheduling the hearing, preparing for the hearing, and paying for the Hearing Examiner's time. D. The amendments made to Section 5.01.150 put the burden of requesting a hearing on the licensee. The licensee will still receive notice of the City's intent to deny or revoke their business license and will have an opportunity to be heard before the City's Hearing Examiner, but that hearing will no longer be automatically scheduled without a request from the licensee, E. In August ZOLL, the Kent City Council adopted Ordinance 4001, which enumerated a list of reasons the City may deny or revoke a business license. Since that time, it has become evident that there are additional reasons a City business license cannot and should not be granted. For example, a business that is prohibited from operating in a particular zoning district. The amendments made to KCC 5.01.130 provide additional grounds for which a business license application may be denied or revoked, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE 9EOTION 7. - Amendment - KCC 5.01.090. Section 5.01.090 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "Application procedure, license fee," is amended as follows: Sec. 5.O1.O9O Application and review procedure, license fee. A. The city council shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and operate the regulations adopted in this chapter. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity regarding any fees established by council Amend Ch. 5,OI KCC - General Business Licenses 2 resolution, the director is authorized to interpret the fee schedule(s) to resolve the conflict or ambiguity. B. All businesses operated not for profit or a qualifying participant in the STAR program established in Chapter 5.14 KCC shall be required to be licensed but shall be exempt from paying a business license fee upon satisfactory proof to the director of their not-for-profit or STAR qualified status. C. Application. lieense required under this ehapter to the direetor on a form prepared bY the i€ense 2021. all cities that issue a general business license must partner with either "FileLocal". Busin srrbiect to the citv's oeneral business licensinq shall be required annually. If the application for a new license is made July l through November 30. the fee shall be one-half the annual fee. Approved applications received during the month of December will be processed for the subsequent calendar vear licensino oeriod. D, Complefeness. A business license application shall be reviewed for information needed to complete the application. Amend Ch, 5.Ol KCC - General Business Licenses 3 Code and other appropriate regulatory requirements. If a reviewing division raar raclaA in(nr alian miv Facrr {- in fha rnnlinrfin lrainn r=nralaA dalarminac f ha{- rrlrlifinnal nr rarr infnrmrfinn ic nanaccl l-n rnhiarra subsection (E) of this section shall be repeated. This process may continue (=llanial Tf a rarriarerinn r{irrtctnn rrrilhin {-ha nifrr r{atarmi ihrts {-lra writing as outlined in KCC 5.01.150. IJ A hr rci nacc liaanca r,rrill nnt hp i ccr rarl r rnfil fha rifrr hac nnantar{ l-ho unlawful to operate a business without having first obtained a valid business license. $ECTION 2, - Amendment - KCC 5.01.130. Section 5.01.130 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "Grounds for denial or revocation of license," is amended as follows: Sec. 5.O1.13O Grounds for denial or revocation of license. Amend Ch. 5.Ol KCC' General Business Licenses 4 A. In addition to other actions or penalties provided by law, the city may deny or revoke any license applied for or issued pursuant to this chapter for any of the following reasons: 1. The license application contains an omission or misrepresentation of material fact; 2. The license was procured by fraud; 3. The license is used, or is intended to be used, for a business materially different from that applied for; 4. The licensee or business fails to pay the licensing fee applicable to such license; 5, The licensee or business violates any of the requirements of this chapter; 6. The business engages in, or the licensee seeks to license to engage in, an unlawful business or activityi 7. The business operates in a manner that constitutes a nuisance pursuant to common law or the ordinances, codes, and statutes of the city of Kent or the state of Washington; B. The applicant is not eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time the license is apPlied for; g. The applicant or the business is delinquent in the payment of any fees, taxes, assessments, or fines owed to the city, including but not limited to permit fees, utility fees, gambling taxes, local improvement district assessments, and civil fines; or 10. The licensee or business has had a similar license denied or revoked and has not corrected the basis for the denial or revocation;' 11 Tho hr rcinacc ic nnf rllnrrl aA in f ha znninn Ai nl nf fha proposed business location pursuant to KCC Title 15; 1) Tha r rcinacc lnnatinn r{nac nl- aamnlrr rrril-h fha hlri lrlina n Firar codes adopted in Chs. 13.01 and 14.01 KCC; cirlanfirl ranfrl nrnn rfrr ic nnl- in nnrnnli:ln rrrifh tha1? Tha 5 Amend Ch. 5.O7 KCC - General Business Licenses r^nAt r.f l-h=f ^Ah.+i{.r r{-ac I \ri^l2l-in n r\-hv nr^\ricinn nf tha Va Cil.-rt CaAa B. The issuance of a license that could have been denied pursuant to subsection (A) of this section shall not prohibit the city from taking action to revoke the license at a later date, and it shall at all times remain the exclusive responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the business complies with the requirements of this chapte r;and that the brrsiness is o rated in 9E9TION 3. - Amendment - KCC 5.01.150. Section 5.01.150 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "Notice of license denial or revocation and scheduling of hearing," is amended as follows: Sec. 5.O1,15O Notice of license denial or revocation and scheduling of hearing. A. Denial of license. Any action to deny a license applied for or issued shall be commenced by notice of the denial, A notice issued under this subsection shall substantially comply with the following: 1. The notice shall be delivered, by first class mail. e-mail, or by personal service, to the licensee th#iftess+i€eftse as set forth in the most recent business license application. 2. The notice shall describe the basis for the denial' 3. The notice shall describe corrective action, if any, that may be taken to eliminate the basis for denial' 4. The notice shall specify that the licensee may adatef€.r whieh a hearing to eentest the denial has been seheduled before the hearing examiner in order for the lieensee to appeal the denial=-Suehdate Amend Ch. 5,Ol KCC - Genera I Busi ness Licenses 6 Mwithin fourteen (14) calendarffi (6efdays aft€Fgt the date of the denial notice-i#ekffi @. q An I harrinnc halrl nr r r rrnt fn cr rhcanfinn /A \/zl \ nf thic days after the date the appeal is received' 65. i-If the licensee fails to appear on the date , the hearing examiner chrll antar /nfar rl{- arAar nr ir rrlnm ^nl =ffirminn tha nil-rrtc ani=l nf l-ha licensee's application for a business license' waivd B, Revocation of license. Any action to revoke a license issued shall be commenced by a notice of the revocation. A notice issued under this subsection shall substantially comply with the following: 1, The notice shall be delivered, by first class mail, e-mail, orby personal service, to the licensee ffiieense-as set forth in the most recent business license application or business license issued. 2. The notice shall describe the basis for the revocation. 3, The notice shall describe corrective action, if any, that may be taken to eliminate the basis for revocation. 4. The notice shall include the date on which the revocation is to be effective. 54. The notice shall specify that the licensee may appeal adate the revocation by submitting an appeal of the date of the revocation notice. fourteen (14) but not more than sixty (60) days after the date the notiee Amend Ch. 5.Ol KCC - General Business Licenses 7 is delivered in aeeordanee with bhis subseetion (B)= The effective date of {-ha rarrnnrfinn c Lall ha a{-arral{ nanr{inn racnlrrfi nf fha rnnarl 6. Any hearing requested pursuant to subsection (B)(5X4) of this section shall follow the procedures outlined in KCC 5.01.160 and shall occur not less than fourteen (14) but not more than sixty (60) calendar days after the date the appeal is received. -5. The notice shall provide that if the licensee heldeFof+he business+ieense-fails to appear on the date hearing, the hearing examiner shall enter a default order or elefudt judgment affirming the city's revocation of the licensee's business license. shall be enteredr a appear; 96, The business may continue to operate until such time as the hearing examiner issues an order regarding the revocation unless the city obtains an order enjoining the operation of the business pending the hearing examiner's order. 9ECTION 4, - Amendment - KCC 5.01.160. Section 5.01.160 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "Hearing to deny or revoke business license," is amended as follows: Sec. 5.O1.160 Appeal Hearing irtelrs tieets'e. A, Parties to hearing. The parties to a hearing provided pursuant to this chapter shall be the city and the licensee. Either party may be represented by legal counsel properly licensed in the state of Washington. B. Da+e-fer Continuance of hearing. thedate+he notiee is delivered in aeeordanee wiEh K€€ tr ^' 'tr^; Amend Ch. 5.Ol KCC - General Business Licenses B provided, additional hearings may be held after sixty (6e) days as iftefr The hearing examiner shall have discretion to grant continuances and reschedule hearings in the interest of the parties and justice. C. Prehearing conferences. The hearing examiner may, at his or her discretion, or at the request of either of the parties, hold a prehearing conference to schedule additional hearings, order discovery, and to make other appropriate pretrial determinations. A prehearing conference may be held by telephone, D. Hearing process. The parties to the hearing, or legal counsel for the parties, may call witnesses and present evidence and rebuttal evidence subject to the following: 1. Where the city has commenced an action to revoke a business license, the city shall have the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that there are sufficient grounds for the deftiahr revocation of the license pursuant to KCC 5.01.130. In cases the licensee. 2. The parties shall be responsible for securing the appearance of any witnesses they may call. Neither the city nor the hearing examiner shall have the burden of securing any witnesses on behalf of the licensee. 3, Formal rules of evidence shall not apply' The hearing examiner may allow hearsay evidence and may permit the admission of evidence without proof of the chain of custody of evidence. Notes, reports, summaries, notices, photographs, or other materials prepared by the parties may be admitted into evidence if requested without satisfaction of formal rules of evidence. Notwithstanding the admission of evidence, the hearing examiner shall determine the proper weight to be assigned to any evidence admitted. Amend Ch. 5.O7 KCC - General Business Licenses 9 E. Defautt order or iudgment; costs incurred by cW. If the licensee fails to appear on the hearing date speei#1fr+ffioti€e, or at any other hearing set by the hearing examiner, the hearing examiner shall issue a business license application, or the city's revocation of the licensee's previously issued business license. The costs incurred by the city for the by the city to be included within the default order and assessed against such costs in the default order. SECTION 5. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 9E9TION 6, - Corrections by city clerk or code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 7. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law' r t December 14, 2021 Date Approved Amend Ch. 5,O7 KCC - General Business Licenses DANA RALPH, MAYOR 10 ATTEST: 0. KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY ERK APP D December 14. 2021 Date Adopted December 17. 2021 Date Published !i It CIry ATTORNEY Amend Ch.5.O7 KCC - General Business Licenses cn' 11 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Repolter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENs44e28 was published on December 17,2021 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $ Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 17fr day of December, 202I . Tribbett,otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Washington $ ltlfs t':*'iA;7 f)',*i:i-:'.1 Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINAITICES PASSED BY THE CITYcouNctl The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on Decemb€r 14,2021. ORD]NANCE NO. 442I -AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of lhe City of Kent, Washington, ap- proving lhe consolidatinqbudget adjustments msde between October 1, 2021 and November 30, 2021, reflecting an overall budget increase of $31,099,990. This or- dinance shall take effecl and be in force five days after publication, as pro- vided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4422 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the Cityof Kent, \A/ashington, arnending Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code entitled, "General Busi- ness Licenses' t0 im- prove the business li-cense applicalion process pursuant to the City's partnership with the business license andtax liling portal "Filelocal," to modify the appeal process for busi- ness license denials and revocations, and to add additional grounds for which a business license may be denied or re- voked. This ordinance shall take effect and bein force 30 days from and after its passager as provkled by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4423 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of lhe Cityof Kent, Washington, amending chapters 3.18, 3.28 and 3.29 of the Kent City Code, to up- Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 1210912021 12:32:55 pm Page:2 a Classified Proof date definitions related to telephone businesses and gross income, clariry c,ode languags relating to business and occupe- tion tax, and codify cur- rent praolices relat€d to square footago tax. This ordinanc€ shall take et- f6cl and be in forco 30 days ftom and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the comphte text of any ordinanc€ will b€ maiH upon request of the Gity Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk KkonFto@KentWA.gov 253€s6-5725 #944928 1i,17121 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 12/09/2021 12:32:55 pm Page:3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington' The Kent- Covington Reporier has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in re$ular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENe4s222 was published on December L7r202L The iull amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of RudiAlcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 17ft day of December, 202L . Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Washington &ss' qAS"$.r+$l? F{J[ltle' ()p, lttl Classified Proof CITYOFKEN' NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Tho following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on December 14,2021. ORDI}'IANCE NO. ,1421 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ap- proving the consolidatingbudget adjustments made between October 1,2021 and November 30, 2021, rellecting an overall budget increase of $31,099,990. This or- dinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as pro- vided by law- ORDINANCE NO. 4422 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe Cig Council of the Cityof Kent, Washington, arnending Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code entitled, "General Busi- ness Licenses' to im- prove the business li-cense application process puGuant to the City's partnership with the business license andtax filing portal 'FileLocal," to modify the appeal process for busi- ness license denials and revocations, and to add additional grounds for which a business license may be denied or re- voked. This ordinance shall take effect and bein force 30 days from and atier its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4423 -AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the Cityof Kent, Washinglon, amending chapters 3.18, 3.28 and 3.29 of lh6 Kent Cily Code, to up- Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 12/1312021 l0:5 I :55 am Page:2 '-Classified Proof date definruons related to telephone businesses and gross income, olarify code languege relating to business and occupa- tion tax, and codifr cur- rent practices related to square footage tax. This ordinanee shall take ef- f€ot and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinenc€ will be mailed upon request of the City Cle*. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkornoto@KentWA.qov 253€56-5725 *945222 12t17t21 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 12/13/2021 10:51:55 am Page:3