HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT17-544 - Amendment - #1 - Carahsoft Technology Corporation - iVanti Technical Relationship Manager #GS-35F-0119Y - 12/29/2021TD MC Lynnette Smith Mayor's Office 12/20/2021 12/30/2021 12/12/2017 T20222.64260.1800 N/A Carahsoft Technology Corporation Contract 1669791 Amendment iVanti Technical Relationship Manager Annual Subscription utilizing the First Amendment to Participating Addendum to Federal Supply Service Information Technology Schedule 70 Contract (GSA Schedule Contract #GS-35F-0119Y term expires 12/19/2026). 38,049.66 Cooperative Purchase 12/21/21 OK to sign, 12/28/2021, TW. _________________IT 12/29/21 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM - 1 OF 3 (City of Kent and Carahsoft Technology Corporation - December 2021) FIRST AMENDMENT TO PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM TO FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE 70 CONTRACT This FIRST AMENDMENT (“Amendment”) amends the Participating Addendum entered into between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation, (“City”), and Carahsoft Technology Corporation, a Maryland corporation, (“Contractor”), dated December 15, 2017 (“Participating Addendum”). I. RECITALS 1.1 The Contractor, through its participating dealers, sells and markets hardware, software, and support solutions to federal, state, and local government agencies. 1.2 The United States General Services Administration (“GSA”), pursuant to the law governing federal acquisitions, entered into a Federal Supply Contract with the Contractor, pursuant to which the Contractor provides Information Technology Professional Products and Services as described in that Federal Supply Contract to federal agencies and to state and local governments. These GSA contracts were formerly referred to as Schedule 70 Contracts; they are currently known as Multiple Award Schedule Contracts. The term “Federal Supply Contract” as used in this First Amendment shall refer to Contractor’s current GSA Schedule Contract #GS-35F-0119Y. 1.3 For state and local governments, the terms and conditions of GSA’s Schedule Contracts provide model terms that are incorporated by reference into cooperative purchasing orders issued by a state and local government to any GSA Schedule Contract vendor, including the Contractor. Through the Participating Addendum, the parties provided that the terms and conditions of Contractor’s Federal Supply Contract #GS-35F- 0119Y, were to apply to any purchases made by the City through a purchase order that referenced that contract number, subject to the additional provisions provided for in the parties’ Participating Addendum. 1.4 In December of 2019, GSA issued a new solicitation that combined and consolidated a number of separate solicitations, including Contractor’s prior solicitation (Solicitation #FCIS-JB-980001-B) into a single new solicitation (MAS Solicitation #47QSMD20R0001). The Federal Supply Contract was updated to replace references to the old solicitation with references to the new solicitation, and SINs (i.e. Special Item Numbers) were revised and moved to NAICS numbering (i.e. North American Industry Classification System). Finally, at the time the new solicitation was issued, GSA and the Contractor exercised an option to extend Contractor’s Federal Supply Contract for an additional 5 years. The Federal Supply Contract is now current through December 19, 2026. FIRST AMENDMENT TO PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM - 2 OF 3 (City of Kent and Carahsoft Technology Corporation - December 2021) II. AMENDMENT In consideration of the mutual intent, desire, and promises of the parties and other good and valuable consideration, the City and the Contractor agree as follows: 2.1 Updated Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions of Contractor’s Federal Supply Contract, Contract #GS-35F-0119Y, as amended by Solicitation #47QSMD20R0001 or any subsequent refresh solicitation that may be issued by GSA hereafter, shall apply to all purchases made by the City from Contractor, either directly or in care of and through one of its authorized dealers, subject to the provisions of the parties’ Participating Addendum, as further amended by this First Amendment 2.2 Term Extended. The term of Contractor’s Federal Supply Contract #GS-35F- 0119Y is currently effective through December 19, 2026. Accordingly, the term of the parties’ Participating Addendum is similarly extended through December 19, 2026 or such later date as GSA and the Contractor may agree. 2.3 Remaining Provisions. Except as specifically amended by this First Amendment, all remaining provisions of the Participating Addendum shall remain in full force and effect throughout its term. 2.4 Contractor Acceptance of First Amendment. The Contractor accepts all requirements of this First Amendment by signing below. All acts consistent with the authority of this First Amendment and prior to its effective date are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of this First Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. 2.5 Authority to Bind. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this First Amendment, which is binding on the parties. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Addendum, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CARAHSOFT TECNOLOGY CORPORATION By: (signature) Print Name: Evan Slack Its Director, Sales (title) DATE: 12/9/2021 CITY: CITY OF KENT By: (signature) Print Name: Dana Ralph Its Mayor (title) DATE: FIRST AMENDMENT TO PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM - 3 OF 3 (City of Kent and Carahsoft Technology Corporation - December 2021) ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent City Attorney Cooperative Agreement GSA Schedule No: GS-35F-0119Y Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 1 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com General Services Administration Federal Supply Service Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List Contractor: Carahsoft Technology Corp. 11493 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 Phone: (703) 871-8500 Fax: (703) 871-8505 www.carahsoft.com Contract Number: GS-35F-0119Y Modification Number: A832 Period Covered by Contract: December 20, 2011 through December 19, 2026 Authorized Special Item Numbers (SINs): Special Item No. 33411: Purchasing of new electronic equipment Special Item No. 511210: Software Publishers Special Item No. 518210C: Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services Special Item No. 532420L: Leasing of new electronic equipment Special Item No. 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions Special Item No. 54151: Software Maintenance Services Special Item No. 541519CDM: Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Tools Special Item No. 54151ECOM: Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services Special Item No. 54151S: Information Technology Professional Services Special Item No. 561422: Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS) Special Item No. 611420: Information Technology Training Special Item No. 811212: Maintenance of Equipment, Repair Services &/or Repair/Spare Parts Special Item No. ANCILLARY: Ancillary Supplies and Services Special Item No. OLM: Order-Level Materials (OLM) Online access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system. The Internet address for GSA Advantage! Is https://gsaadvantage.gov Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 2 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Table of Contents Contractor Data and Points of Contact ______________________________________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________________ 4 Business Size: _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 DUNs Number: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Ordering Instructions / Terms and Conditions ________________________________________________________________ 4 1a. Authorized Special Item Numbers (SINs)________________________________________________________________ 4 1b. Lowest Priced Model Number and Price for Each SIN: _____________________________________________________ 4 1c. Hourly Rates _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 2. Maximum Order ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 3. Minimum Order ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 4. Geographic Coverage _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 5. Point(s) of Production _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 6. Discount from Internal Rate __________________________________________________________________________ 5 7. Quantity Discount __________________________________________________________________________________ 5 8. Prompt Payment Terms ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 9. Government Purchase Card ___________________________________________________________________________ 6 10. Foreign Items ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6 11a. Time of Delivery _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 11b. Expedited Delivery _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 11c. Overnight and 2-Day Delivery _______________________________________________________________________ 6 11d. Urgent Requirements ______________________________________________________________________________ 7 12. FOB Point _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 13a. Ordering Address _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 13b. Ordering Procedures ______________________________________________________________________________ 7 14. Payment Address __________________________________________________________________________________ 7 15. Warranty Provision ________________________________________________________________________________ 7 16. Export Packing Charges _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 17. Terms and Conditions of Government Purchase Card Acceptance _____________________________________________ 7 18. Terms and Conditions of Rental, Maintenance, and Repair (if applicable) ________________________________________ 8 19. Terms and Conditions of Installation ___________________________________________________________________ 8 20a. Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts Indicating Date of Parts Price Lists and Any Discounts from List Prices (if available) 8 20b. Terms and Conditions for Any Other Services___________________________________________________________ 8 21. List of Service and Distribution Points __________________________________________________________________ 8 Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 3 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 22. List of Participating Dealers __________________________________________________________________________ 8 23. List of Approved Manufacturer CSAs __________________________________________________________________ 8 24a. Preventative Maintenance ___________________________________________________________________________ 8 24b. Special Attributes such as Environmental Attributes (e.g. recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants)___ 8 24c. Section 508 Compliance for Electronic and Information Technology __________________________________________ 8 25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number _________________________________________________________ 8 26. Notification Regarding Registration in System for Award Management (SAM) Database ____________________________ 9 27. Labor Category Descriptions and Pricing ________________________________________________________________ 9 28. Non-Defective Product Returns_______________________________________________________________________ 9 Table of Awarded Special Item Numbers (SINs) ______________________________________________________________ 10 Special Item Number Information _______________________________________________________________________ 10 Special Item No. 33411: Purchasing of New Electronic Equipment ______________________________________________ 10 Special Item No. 511210: Software Publishers ______________________________________________________________ 12 Special Item No. 518210C: Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services _____________________________________ 12 Special Item No. 532420L: Leasing of new electronic equipment ________________________________________________ 23 SIN 532420L Option 1 Lease Terms and Conditions _______________________________________________________ 23 SIN 532420L Option 2 Lease Terms and Conditions _______________________________________________________ 27 Special Item No. 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions ___________________________________________________ 32 Special Item No. 54151: Software Maintenance Services ______________________________________________________ 32 Special Item No. 541519CDM: Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Tools ________________________________ 33 Special Item No. 54151ECOM: Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services ___________________________________ 33 Special Item No. 54151S: Information Technology Professional Services __________________________________________ 33 Special Item No. 561422: Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS) __________________________________________ 36 Special Item No. 611420: Information Technology Training ___________________________________________________ 36 Special Item No. 811212: Maintenance of Equipment, Repair Services and/or Repair/Spare Parts_______________________ 36 SIN 811212 Hardware Maintenance Order Terms ___________________________________________________________ 37 SIN 811212 Hardware Repair Service Order Terms __________________________________________________________ 39 ATTACHMENT I - AUTHORIZED PARTICIPATING DEALERS ___________________________________________ 42 ATTACHMENT II Contractor Team Arrangements _______________________________________________________ 43 ATTACHMENT III Commercial Supplier Agreements _____________________________________________________ 44 ATTACHMENT IV A U.S. Government Adobe FITARA Addendum _________________________________________ 45 ATTACHMENT IV B U.S. Government Nutanix FITARA Addendum ________________________________________ 48 ATTACHMENT IV C - U.S. Government VERITAS FITARA Addendum _______________________________________ 52 ATTACHMENT V Approved IT Manufacturers __________________________________________________________ 55 Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 4 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Contractor Data and Points of Contact Brianna Guest Contract Manager Carahsoft Technology Corp. 11493 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 (703) 871-8500 (Main) | (703) 871-8505 (fax) contracts@carahsoft.com Business Size: Other than Small DUNs Number: 088365767 Ordering Instructions / Terms and Conditions 1a. Authorized Special Item Numbers (SINs) Special Item No. 33411: Purchasing of new electronic equipment Special Item No. 511210: Software Publishers Special Item No. 518210C: Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services Special Item No. 532420L: Leasing of new electronic equipment Special Item No. 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions Special Item No. 54151: Software Maintenance Services Special Item No. 541519CDM: Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Tools Special Item No. 54151ECOM: Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services Special Item No. 54151S: Information Technology Professional Services Special Item No. 561422: Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS) Special Item No. 611420: Information Technology Training Special Item No. 811212: Maintenance of Equipment, Repair Services &/or Repair/Spare Parts Special Item No. ANCILLARY: Ancillary Supplies and Services Special Item No. OLM: Order-Level Materials (OLM) 1b. Lowest Priced Model Number and Price for Each SIN: Not applicable. 1c. Hourly Rates See the Terms and Conditions for SIN 54151S on pg. 33, below. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 5 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 2. Maximum Order SIN 33411 $500,000 SIN 511210 $500,000 SIN 518210C $500,000 SIN 532420L $500,000 SIN 541370GEO $1,000,000 SIN 54151 $500,000 SIN 541519CDM $500,000 SIN 54151ECOM $500,000 SIN 54151S $500,000 SIN 564122 $500,000 SIN 611420 $250,000 SIN 811212 $500,000 SIN ANCILLARY $250,000 SIN OLM $250,000 3. Minimum Order $100 4. Geographic Coverage Domestic and Overseas 5. Point(s) of Production Varies by Manufacturer 6. Discount from Internal Rate The GSA Net Price published on GSA Advantage! Reflects the fully burdened price. The negotiated discount has been applied and the Industrial Funding Fee has been added. 7. Quantity Discount Varies by Manufacturer, as reflected on GSA Advantage! 8. Prompt Payment Terms Net 30 Days Information for Ordering Offices: Prompt Payment terms cannot be negotiated out of the contractual agreement in exchange for other concessions. Percentage-Based Purchasing: The published $0.01 price is not the customers final price. The Purchase price of the product is based on a commercial list price that is Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 6 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com determined for the price you paid for the product. Please contact Carahsoft Technology Corp. at (703) 871-8500 or contracts@carahsoft.com for assistance with calculating the purchase price of the software maintenance and additional product information. 9. Government Purchase Card Accepted for sales at or below the micro-purchase threshold. Acceptance for purchases above the micro-purchase threshold will be determined on a procurement-by-procurement basis. 10. Foreign Items None 11a. Time of Delivery SIN 33411: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 511210: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 518210C: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 532420L: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 541370GEO: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 54151: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN: 541519CDM: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 54151ECOM: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 54151S: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 561422: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 611420: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN 811212: 30 Days after Receipt of Order SIN ANCILLARY: 30 Days after Receipt of Order 11b. Expedited Delivery Please contact the Contractor for availability and rates. 11c. Overnight and 2 -Day Delivery Please contact the Contractor for availability and rates. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 7 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 11d. Urgent Requirements Agencies can contact the Contractor s representative to affect a faster delivery. Customers are encouraged to contact the contractor for the purpose of requesting accelerated delivery. 12. FOB Point Destination 13a. Ordering Address Karina Woods Operations Manager Carahsoft Technology Corp. 11493 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 (703) 871-8519 (telephone) (703) 871-8505 (fax) gsaorders@carahsoft.com 13b. Ordering Procedures For supplies and services, the ordering procedures and information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) are found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3. 14. Payment Address Jillian Szczepanek Accounts Receivable Carahsoft Technology Corp. 11493 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 (703) 871-8614 (telephone) (703) 871-8505 (fax) gsapayments@carahsoft.com 15. Warranty Provision Varies by Manufacturer and Product/Service 16. Export Packing Charges Not applicable 17. Terms and Conditions of Government Purchase Card Acceptance Please contact the Contractor for terms and conditions of acceptance. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 8 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 18. Terms and Conditions of Rental, Maintenance, and Repair (if applicable) Not applicable 19. Terms and Conditions of Installation Not applicable 20a. Terms and Conditions of Repair Parts Indicating Date of Parts Price Lists and Any Discounts from List Prices (if available) Not applicable 20b. Terms and Conditions for Any Other Services Not applicable 21. List of Service and Distribution Points Not applicable 22. List of Participating Dealers The full list of Participating Dealers can be found on the Carahsoft website, https://www.carahsoft.com/buy/gsa-schedule-contracts/gsa-schedule- 70/authorized-dealers 23. List of Approved Manufacturer CSAs https://www.carahsoft.com/buy/gsa-schedule-contracts/gsa-schedule-70/eula2 Additional terms may apply. 24a. Preventative Maintenance None 24b. Special Attributes such as Environmental Attributes (e.g. recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants) None 24c. Section 508 Compliance for Electronic and Information Technology Varies by Manufacturer 25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number 088365767 Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 9 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 26. Notification Regarding Registration in System for Award Management (SAM) Database Contractor has an Active Registration in the SAM database 27. Labor Category Descriptions and Pricing See the Terms and Conditions for SIN 54151S beginning on page 33 below. 28. Non-Defective Product Returns Products are eligible for return or replacement within 30 days of invoice. New and unopened product return requests received more than 30 days after invoice are considered to be out-of-policy return requests. These types of requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any applicable shipping costs are to be paid by the customer. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 10 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Table of Awarded Special Item Numbers (SINs) Authorized Special Item Numbers (SINs) Title/ Description 33411 Purchasing of new electronic equipment 511210 Software Publishers 518210C Cloud and Cloud-Related IT Professional Services 532420L Leasing of new electronic equipment 541370GEO Earth Observation Solutions 54151 Software Maintenance Services 541519CDM Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Tools 54151ECOM Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services 54151S Information Technology Professional Services 561422 Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS) 611420 Information Technology Training 811212 Maintenance of Equipment, Repair Services and/or Repair/Spare Parts ANCILLARY Ancillary Supplies and Services OLM Order-Level Materials (OLM) Special Item Number Information Special Item No. 33411: Purchasing of New Electronic E quipment Includes desktop, laptop, tablet computers (including rugged), servers, storage equipment, hyperconverged integrated systems, supercomputers, routers, switches and other communications equipment, IT security equipment (hardware based firewalls), audio and video (AV) equipment, public address systems, monitors/displays, sensors and other Internet of Things (IOT) devices, printers and Multi-Function Device (MFD) equipment, broadcast band radio, two-way radio (LMR), microwave radio equipment, satellite communications equipment, radio transmitters/receivers (airborne), radio navigation equipment/antennas, optical/imaging systems, and associated peripherals required for operations (such as controllers, connectors, cables, drivers, adapters, etc., ancillary installation of any equipment purchased. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC CLASS 7010 - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION End User Computers/Desktop Computers Professional Workstations Servers Laptop/Portable/Notebook Computers Large Scale Computers Optical and Imaging Systems Other Systems Configuration Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified FSC CLASS 7025 - INPUT/OUTPUT AND STORAGE DEVICES Printers Display Graphics, including Video Graphics, Light Pens, Digitizers, Scanners, and Touch Screens Network Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 11 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Equipment Other Communications Equipment Optical Recognition Input/Output Devices Storage Devices including Magnetic Storage, Magnetic Tape Storage and Optical Disk Storage Other Input/Output and Storage Devices, Not Elsewhere Classified FSC CLASS 7035 - ADP SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ADP Support Equipment FSC Class 7042 - MINI AND MICRO COMPUTER CONTROL DEVICES Microcomputer Control Devices Telephone Answering and Voice Messaging Systems FSC CLASS 7050 - ADP COMPONENTS ADP Boards FSC CLASS 5995 - CABLE, CORD, AND WIRE ASSEMBLIES: COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Communications Equipment Cables FSC CLASS 6015 - FIBER OPTIC CABLES Fiber Optic Cables FSC CLASS 6020 - FIBER OPTIC CABLE ASSEMBLES AND HARNESSES Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies and Harnesses FSC CLASS 6145 - WIRE AND CABLE, ELECTRICAL Coaxial Cables FSC Class 5805 - TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT Telephone Equipment Audio and Video Teleconferencing Equipment FSC CLASS 5810 - COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS Communications Security Equipment FSC CLASS 5815 - TELETYPE AND FACSIMILE EQUIPMENT Facsimile Equipment (FAX) FSC CLASS 5820 - RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT AIRBORNE Two-Way Radio Transmitters/Receivers/Antennas Broadcast Band Radio Transmitters/Receivers/Antennas Microwave Radio Equipment/Antennas and Waveguides Satellite Communications Equipment FSC CLASS 5821 - RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT, AIRBORNE Airborne Radio Transmitters/Receivers FSC CLASS 5825 - RADIO NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT AIRBORNE Radio Navigation Equipment/Antennas FSC CLASS 5826 - RADIO NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT, AIRBORNE Airborne Radio Navigation Equipment Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 12 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com FSC CLASS 5830 - INTERCOMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS, EXCEPT AIRBORNE Pagers and Public Address Systems (wired and wireless transmissions, including background music systems) FSC CLASS 5841 - RADAR EQUIPMENT, AIRBORNE Airborne Radar Equipment FSC CLASS 5895 - MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Communications Equipment Installation (FPDS Code N070) for Equipment Offered Deinstallation (FPDS N070) Reinstallation (FPDS N070) Special Item No. 511210: Software Publishers Includes both term and perpetual software licenses and maintenance. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC CLASS 7030 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE Large Scale Computers - Operating System Software - Application Software - Electronic Commerce (EC) Software - Utility Software - Communications Software - Core Financial Management Software - Ancillary Financial Systems Software - Special Physical, Visual, Speech, and Hearing Aid Software Microcomputers - Software Microcomputers - Operating System Software - Application Software - Electronic Commerce (EC) Software - Utility Software - Communications Software - Core Financial Management Software - Ancillary Financial Systems Software - Special Physical, Visual, Speech, and Hearing Aid Software Special Item No. 518210C: Cloud and Cloud -Related IT Professional Services Includes commercially available cloud computing services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) and emerging cloud services. IT professional services that are focused on providing the types of services that support the Government s adoption of, migration to or governance/management of Cloud computing. Specific labor categories Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 13 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com and/or fixed price solutions (e.g. migration services, etc.) that support activities associated with assessing Cloud solutions, refactoring workloads for Cloud solutions, migrating legacy or other systems to Cloud solutions, providing management/governance of Cloud solutions, DevOps, developing cloud native applications or other Cloud oriented activities. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class D305 IT AND TELECOM- TELEPROCESSING, TIMESHARE, AND CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud Computing Services Table 1: Cloud Computing Services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) SIN Description Sub-Categories services Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) definition of Cloud Computing essential characteristics public, community or hybrid), vendors specify deployment models 1. Software as a Service (SaaS): Consumer uses manage/control platform or infrastructure. Limited application level configuration may be available. 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): Consumer deploys applications onto cloud platform service using provider- supplied tools. Has control over deployed applications and some limited platform configuration but does not manage the platform or infrastructure. 3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Consumer provisions computing resources. Has control over OS, storage, platform, deployed applications and some limited infrastructure configuration, but does not manage the infrastructure. NOTE: Offerors may optionally select the single sub-category that best fits each cloud service offering, per Service Model Guidance, or select no sub-category if the offering does not fit an existing NIST service model. DESCRIPTION OF CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES (i.e. IaaS, etc.) AND PRICING a) The information provided below is designed to assist Offerors in qualifying cloud computing services and provide complete descriptions. b) In addition to standard pricing requirements, all pricing models must have the core capability to meet the NIST Essential Cloud Characteristics, particularly with respect to on-demand self-service, while allowing alternate variations at the task order level at agency discretion, pursuant to the guidance on NIST Essential Characteristics. Table 2 summarizes the additional Offeror provided description requirements for services proposed under the Cloud Computing Services (i.e IaaS, etc.). All mandatory description requirements must be complete, and adequate according to evaluation criteria. ent service selection by relevant criteria. Where provided, optional description requirements must be complete and adequate according to evaluation criteria: Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 14 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 1) The NIST Service Model provides sub-categories for the Cloud SIN and is strongly encouraged, but not required. The Service Model based sub-categories provide this SIN with a structure to assist ordering activities in locating and comparing services of interest. Contractors may optionally select the single service model most closely corresponding to the specific service offering. 2) If a sub-category is selected it will be evaluated with respect to the NIST Service Model definitions and guidelines Table 2: Cloud Service Description Requirements # Description Requirement Reporting Type Instructions 1 Provide a brief written description of how the proposed cloud computing services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) satisfies each individual essential NIST Characteristic Mandatory The cloud service must be capable of satisfying each of the five NIST essential Characteristics as outlined in NIST Special Publication 800- detailed overall direction, as well as guidance on inheriting essential chara measurement appropriate for the service. In the case of SaaS, the appropriate maximum measured increment of service shall be no more than 30 days per user, or some other equivalent discrete measurement that provides the government with the advantage of cycles. SaaS products, where consumption is only measured on an annual basis, may better fit un SIN 132-32. Likewise, offers of any combinations of IaaS, PaaS or any other cloud product services in a bundle or other fashion that do not meet the frequency requirements of approximately 30- day measurement and billing cycles, will not be accepted as complying with the NIST Measured Service characteristic. 2 Select NIST deployment models for the cloud computing service proposed. Mandatory Contractors must select at least one NIST deployment model as outlined in NIST Special Publication 800- 145 describing how the proposed cloud computing service is deployed. Select multiple deployment models if the service is offered in more than one deployment model. below in this document for detailed direction on how to best categorize a service for the NIST deployment models. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 15 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 3 Optionally select the most appropriate NIST service model that will be the designated sub- category, or may select no sub-category. Optional Contractor may select a single NIST Service model to sub-categorize the service as outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-145. Sub- document for detailed direction on how to best categorize a service for the NIST IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS service models. 2) GUIDANCE FOR OFFERORS This section offers guidance for interpreting the Contractor Description Requirements in Table 2 (above) including the NIST essential cloud characteristics, service models and deployment models. This section is not a list of requirements. Offeror specific definitions of cloud computing characteristics and models or significant variances from the NIST essential characteristics or models are discouraged and will not be considered in the scope of this SIN or accepted in response to evaluation factors. The only applicable cloud characteristics, service model/subcategories and deployment models for this SIN will be drawn from the NIST 800-145 special publication. Services qualifying for listing as cloud computing services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) under this SIN must substantially satisfy the essential characteristics of cloud computing as documented in the NIST Definition of Cloud Computing SP 800-1451 Offerors must select deployment models corresponding to each way the service can be deployed. Multiple deployment model designations for a single cloud service are permitted but at least one deployment model must be selected. Both Cloud service model (i.e. IaaS, etc.) and deployment model (i.e. public, etc.) designations must accord with NIST definitions. Guidance is offered in this document on making the most appropriate selection a) NIST Essential Characteristics General Guidance for inclusion in this SIN. It is understood that due to legislative, funding and other constraints that government entities cannot always leverage a cloud service to the extent that all NIST essential characteristics are commercially available. For the purposes of the Cloud SIN, meeting the NIST essential characteristics is determined by whether each essential capability of the commercial service is available for the service, whether or not the Ordering Activity actually requests or implements the capability. The guidance in Table 3 offers examples of how services might or might not be included based on the essential characteristics, and how the Contractor should interpret the characteristics in light of current government contracting processes. Table 3: Guidance on Meeting NIST Essential Characteristics 1 7 http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-145/SP800-145.pdf Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 16 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Characteristic Capability Guidance On-demand self-service directly provision services without requiring Contractor intervention. typically implemented via a service console or programming interface for provisioning Government procurement guidance varies on how to implement on-demand provisioning at this time. Ordering activities may approach on--to- limits, or imposing monthly or other appropriate payment cycles on what are essentially on demand services. Services under this SIN must be capable of true on- demand self-service, and ordering activities and Contractors must negotiate how they implement on demand capabilities in practice at the task order level: - demand service how they intend to meet the approach -demand self-service is technically available for their service should procurement guidance become available. Broad Network Access Ordering activities are able to access services over standard agency networks Service can be accessed and provisioned using standard devices such as browsers, tablets and mobile phones deployment model and security domain of the service services or integrate cloud with other cloud or non- cloud networks and services. For example, a private cloud might require an Ordering Activity to purchase or provide a dedicated router, etc. which is acceptable but should be indicated by the Contractor. Resource Pooling Pooling distinguishes cloud services from simple offsite hosting. Ordering activities draw resources from a common pool maintained by the Contractor Resources may have general characteristics such as regional location Ordering Activity to dynamically allocate them. configure servers in response to Ordering Activity requests, does not meet this requirement and platform models; automated provisioning from a pool is required access a private cloud deployment service. However the provisioned cloud resources must be drawn from a common pool and automatically allocated on request. Rapid Elasticity Rapid provisioning and de- provisioning commensurate with demand -driven case of self-service understood as measured in minutes and hours, not days or weeks. are required. optional. Contractors must specify whether automated demand-driven elasticity is available and the general mechanisms that drive the capability. Measured Service Measured service should be understood as a reporting requirement that enables an Ordering Activity to control their use in cooperation with self service -demand self-service applies to measured service as well, i.e. rapid elasticity must be technically available but ordering activities and Contractors may mutually designate other contractual arrangements. continuously available to the Ordering Activity, and provide meaningful metrics appropriate to the service measured mechanisms available nsumption models. Consumption measurements that are not discrete enough or frequent enough (greater than 30 days), will not fulfill this NIST essential characteristic and will not be eligible for inclusion in this SIN. Inheriting Essential Characteristics Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 17 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Cloud Services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) may depend on other cloud services, and cloud service models such as PaaS and SaaS are able to inherit essential characteristics from other cloud services that support them. For example a PaaS platform service can inherit the broad network access made available by the IaaS service it runs on, and in such a situation would be fully compliant with the broad network access essential characteristic. Cloud Services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) inheriting essential characteristics must make the inherited characteristic fully available at their level of delivery to claim the relevant characteristic by inheritance. Inheriting characteristics does not require the inheriting provider to directly bundle or integrate the inherited service, but it does require a inherited service as an acceptable IaaS provider. Assessing Broad Network Access Typically broad network access for public deployment models implies high bandwidth access from the public internet for authorized users. In a private cloud deployment internet access might be considered broad access, as might be access through a dedicated shared high bandwidth network connection from the Ordering Activity, in accord with the private nature of the deployment model. Resource Pooling and Private Cloud All cloud resource pools are finite, and only give the appearance of infinite resources when sufficiently large, as is sometimes the case with a public cloud. The resource pool supporting a private cloud is typically smaller with more visible limits. A finite pool of resources purchased as a private cloud service qualifies as resource pooling so long as the resources within the pool can be dynamically allocated to the ultimate users of the resource, even though the pool itself appears finite to the Ordering Activity that procures access to the pool as a source of dynamic service allocation. 1) NIST Service Model The Contractor may optionally document the service model of cloud computing (e.g. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, or a combination thereof, that most closely describes their offering, using the definitions in The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing SP 800-145. The following guidance is offered for the proper selection of service models. vide this SIN with a set of consistent sub-categories to assist ordering activities in locating and comparing Cloud services (i.e. IaaS, etc.) of interest. Service model is primarily concerned with the nature of the service offered and the staff and activities most likely to interact with the service. Contractors should select a single service model most closely corresponding to their proposed service based on the guidance below. It is understood that cloud services can technically incorporate multiple service models and the intent is to provide the single best categorization of the service. Contractors should take care to select the NIST service model most closely corresponding to each service offered. Contractors should not invent, proliferate or select multiple cloud service model sub-categories to distinguish their offerings, because ad-hoc categorization prevents consumers from comparing similar offerings. Instead vendors should make full use of the existing NIST categories to the fullest extent possible. characterized as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), storage being a subset of infrastructure. Services commercially marketed as as s a However, Contractors can and should include appropriate descriptions (including commercial marketing terms) of the service in the full descriptions of the Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 18 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com When choosing between equally plausible service model sub-categories, Contractors should consider several factors: a) Visibility to the Ordering Activity. Service model sub-categories in this SIN exist to help Ordering Activities match their requirements with service characteristics. Contractors should select the most intuitive and appropriate service model from the point of view of an Ordering Activity. b) Primary Focus of the Cloud Service (i.e. IaaS, etc.). Services may offer a mix of capabilities that span service models in the strict technical sense. For example, a service may offer both IaaS capabilities for processing and storage, along with some PaaS capabilities for application deployment, or SaaS capabilities for specific applications. In a service mix situation the Contractor should select the service model that is their primary focus. Alternatively contractors may choose to submit multiple service offerings for the SIN, each optionally and separately subcategorized. c) Order consumer or operator of the service. For example services most often consumed by system managers are likely to fit best as IaaS; services most often consumed by application deployers or developers as PaaS, and services most often consumed by business users as SaaS. d) Lowest Level of Configurability. Contractors can consider IaaS, PaaS and SaaS as an ascending hierarchy of complexity, and select the model with the lowest level of available Ordering Activity interaction. As an example, virtual machines are an IaaS service often bundled with a range of operating systems, which are PaaS services. The Ordering Activity usually has access to configure the lower level IaaS service, and the overall service should be considered IaaS. In cases where the Ordering Activity cannot configure the speed, memory, network configuration, or any other aspect of the IaaS component, consider categorizing as a PaaS service. Cloud management and cloud broker services should be categorized based on their own characteristics and not those of the other cloud services that are their targets. Management and broker services typically fit the SaaS service model, regardless of whether the services they manage are SaaS, PaaS or IaaS. Use Table 3 to determine which service model is appropriate for the cloud management or cloud broker services, or, alternately choose not to select a service model for the service. The guidance in Table 4 offers examples of how services might be properly mapped to NIST service models and how a Contractor should interpret the service model sub-categories. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 19 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Table 4: Guidance on Mapping to NIST Service Models Service Model Guidance Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Select an IaaS model for service based equivalents of hardware appliances such as virtual machines, storage devices, routers and other physical devices. nagers who would configure physical hardware in a non-cloud setting equivalent to procuring and then configuring a physical device. Examples of IaaS services include virtual machines, object storage, disk block storage, network routers and firewalls, software defined networks. Gray areas include services that emulate or act as dedicated appliances and are directly used by applications, such as search appliances, security appliances, etc. To the extent that these services or their emulated devices provide direct capability to an application they might be better classified as Platform services (PaaS). To the extent that they resemble raw hardware and are consumed by other platform services they are better classified as IaaS. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 20 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Platform as a Service (PaaS) Select a PaaS model for service based equivalents of complete or partial software platforms. For the purposes of this classification, consider a platform as a set of software services capable of deploying all or part of an application. or open source of an application which combined with other components make up the entire deployment to take a completed agency application and cause it to run on the designated complete or partial platform service deploying an application or portion of an application on a software platform service. configuration options for the platform service may be available. Examples of complete PaaS services include: application, et application, proprietary language range of underlying software services. custom application directly on the platform. PaaS includes partial services as well as complete platform services. Illustrative examples of individual platform enablers or components include: continuous monitoring structures and/or data onto the component for a partial platform function. Note that both the partial and complete PaaS examples all have two things in common: s to deliver results As noted in IaaS, operating systems represent a gray area in that OS is definitely a platform service, but is typically bundled with IaaS infrastructure. If your service provides an OS but allows for interaction with infrastructure, please sub- Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 21 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Software as a Service (SaaS) Select a SaaS model for service based equivalents of software applications. consumed by business or subject-matter staff who would interact directly with the application in a non-cloud setting application services the SaaS service provides. Some minor configuration may be available, but the scope of the configuration is limited to the scope and then the permissions of the configuring user. For example an agency manager might be able to configure some aspects of the application for their agency but not all agencies. An agency user might be able to configure some aspects for themselves but not everyone in their agency. Typically only the Contractor would be permitted to configure aspects of the software for all users. Examples of SaaS services include email systems, business systems of all sorts such as travel systems, inventory manage other cloud or non-cloud services, and in general any system where customers interact directly for a business purpose. Gray areas include services that customers use to configure other cloud services, such as cloud management software, cloud brokers, etc. In general these sorts of systems should be considered SaaS, per guidance in this document. 2) Deployment Model Deployment models (e.g. private, public, community, or hybrid) are not restricted at the SIN level and any specifications for a deployment model are the responsibility of the Ordering Activity. Multiple deployment model selection is permitted, but at least one model must be selected. The guidance in Table 4 offers examples of how services might be properly mapped to NIST deployment models and how the Contractor should interpret the deployment model characteristics. Contractors should take care to select the range of NIST deployment models most closely corresponding to each service offered. Note that the scope of this SIN does not include hardware or software components used to construct a cloud, only cloud capabilities delivered as a service, as noted in the Scope section. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 22 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Table 5: Guidance for Selecting a Deployment Model Deployment Model Guidance Private Cloud The service is provided exclusively for the benefit of a definable organization and its components; access from outside the organization is prohibited. The actual services may be provided by third parties, and may be physically located as required, but access is strictly defined by membership in the owning organization. Public Cloud The service is provided for general public use and can be accessed by any entity or organization willing to contract for it. Community Cloud The service is provided for the exclusive use of a community with a definable shared boundary such as a mission or interest. As with private cloud, the service may be in any suitable location and administered by a community member or a third party. Hybrid Cloud The service is composed of one or more of the other models. Typically hybrid models include some aspect of transition between the models that make them up, for example a private and public cloud might be designed as a hybrid cloud where events like increased load permit certain specified services in the private cloud to run in a public cloud for extra capacity, e.g. bursting. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 23 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Special Item No. 532420L: Leasing of new electronic equipment Leasing of new electronic equipment. Includes the following lease types: Lease to Ownership, and Lease with Option to Own NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class W070 LEASE OR RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT- ADP EQUIPMENT/SOFTWARE/SUPPLIERS/SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Lease of Products INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CATEGORY HARDWARE SUBCATEGORY SIN 532420L Option 1 Lease Terms and Conditions Option 1 Lease Terms and Conditions does not contain a cancellation clause and all leases automatically expire on September 30th or sooner. 52.207-5 Option to Purchase Equipment Feb 1995 52.227-14 Rights in Data-General May 2014 1. STATEMENT a. It is understood by all parties to this contract that orders issued under this SIN shall constitute a lease arrangement. Unless the ordering activity intends to obligate other than annual appropriations to fund the lease, the base period of the lease is from the date of the product acceptance through September 30 of the fiscal year in which the order is placed. b. Agencies are advised to follow the guidance provided in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 7.4 Product Lease or Purchase and OMB Circular A-11. Agencies are responsible for the obligation of funding consistent with all applicable legal principles when entering into any lease arrangement. 2. FUNDING AND PERIODS OF LEASING ARRANGEMENTS a. Annual Funding. When annually appropriated funds are cited on an order for leasing, the following applies: i. The base period of an order for any lease executed by the ordering activity shall be for the duration of the fiscal year. All ordering activity renewal options under the lease shall be specified in the delivery order. All orders for leasing shall remain in effect through September 30 of the fiscal year or the planned expiration date of the lease, whichever is earlier, unless the ordering activity exercises its rights hereunder to acquire title to the product prior to the planned expiration date or unless the ordering activity exercises its right to terminate under GSAR 552.212-4. Orders under the lease shall not be deemed to obligate ii. All orders for leasing shall automatically terminate on September 30, unless the ordering activity notifies the Contractor in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior notice to renew shall not bind the ordering activity. The ordering activity has the option to renew each year at the original rate in effect at the time the order is placed. This rate applies for the duration of the order. If the ordering activity exercises its option to renew, the renewal order shall be issued within 15 days after funds become available for obligation by the Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 24 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com ordering activity, or as specified in the initial order. No termination fees shall apply if the ordering activity does not exercise an option. b. Crossing Fiscal Years Within Contract Period. Where an ordering activity has specific authority to cross fiscal years with annual appropriations, the ordering activity may place an order under this option to lease product for a period up to the expiration of its period of appropriation availability, or twelve months, whichever occurs later, notwithstanding the intervening fiscal years. 3. DISCONTINUANCE AND TERMINATION Notwithstanding any other provision relating to this SIN, the ordering activity may terminate products leased under this agreement, at any time during a fiscal year in accordance with the termination provisions contained in GSAR 552.212-4(l) Termination for the d for non-renewal of an option. 4. The following terms and conditions may be included. a. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS GSAR 552.232-23, Assignment of Claims, is incorporated herein by reference as part of these lease provisions. The The extent of the as FAR 32.803. b. PEACEFUL POSSESSION AND UNRESTRICTED USE In recognition of the types of products available for lease and the potential adverse impact to the the event the product is sold by the Contractor, or in the event of bankruptcy of the Contractor, corporate dissolution of the Contractor, or other event. The product shall remain in the possession of the ordering activity until the expiration of the lease. Any assignment, sale, bankruptcy, or other transfer of the leased product by the Contractor will not relieve the burdens or risks imposed on the ordering activity. c. COMMENCEMENT OF LEASE The date on which the ordering activity accepts the products is the Commencement Date of the lease. Acceptance is as defined elsewhere in the contract, or as further specified in the order. d. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE i. Installation and Maintenance, when applicable, normally are not included in the charge for leasing. The Contractor may require the ordering activity to obtain installation and maintenance services from a qualified source. The ordering activity or from other sources. The ordering activity may also perform installation and/or maintenance in house, if qualified resources exist. In any event, it is the responsibility of the ordering activity to ensure that maintenance is in effect for the Lease term for all products leased. ii. When installation and/or maintenance are ordered under this schedule to be performed by the Contractor, the payments, terms and conditions as stated in this contract apply. The rates and terms and conditions in effect at the time the order is issued shall apply during any subsequent renewal period of the lease. The maintenance rates and terms and conditions may be added to the lease payments with mutual agreement of the parties. e. MONTHLY PAYMENTS: i. Prior to the placement of an order under this Special Item Number, the ordering activity and the Contractor must agree on a Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 25 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com purchase price (less any discounts). For Lease with Option to Own (Operating Lease), the base value will be the contract purchase price (less any discounts), less a mutually agreed upon residual value (pre-stated purchase option price at the conclusion of the lease) for the products. The residual value will be used in the calculation of the original lease payment, lease extension payments, and the purchase option price. ii. To determine the initial lease term payment, the Contractor agrees to apply the negotiated lease factor to the agreed upon base value: For Example: Lease factor one (1) percent over the rate for the three year (or other term) Treasury Bill (T-bill) at the most current U. S. Treasury auction. commercial computer spreadsheets. iii. For any lease extension, the extension lease payment will be based on the original residual value, in lieu of the purchase price. The ordering activity and the Contractor shall agree on a new residual value based on the estimated fair market price at the end of the extension. The formula to determine the lease payment will be that in 5.b. Above. iv. The purchase option price will be the fair market value of the product or payment will be based upon the unamortized principle, as shown on the payment schedule as of the last payment prior to the date of transfer of ownership, whichever is less. v. The point in time when monthly rates are established is subject to negotiation and evaluation at the order level. vi. In the event the ordering activity desires, at any time, to acquire title to product leased hereunder, the ordering activity may make a one-time lump sum payment. f. LEASE END/DISCONTINUANCE OPTIONS i. Upon the expiration of the Lease Term, Termination for Convenience, or Termination for Non- Appropriation, the ordering activity will return the Product to the Contractor unless the ordering activity by 30 days written notice elects either: 1. to purchase the product for the residual value of the product, or 2. to extend the term of the Lease, as mutually agreed. To compute the lease payment, the residual value from the preceding lease shall be the initial value of the leased product. A new residual value shall be negotiated for the extended lease and new lease payments shall be computed. ii. Relocation - The ordering activity may relocate products to another location within the ordering activity with prior written notice. No other transfer, including sublease, is permitted. ordering activity shall not assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any products, or any interest therein, or crate or suffer any levy, lien or encumbrance then except those created for the benefit of Contractor or its assigns. iii. Returns 1. Within fourteen (14) days after the date of expiration, non-renewal or termination of a lease, the ordering activity shall, at its own risk and expense, have the products packed for shipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and return the products to Contractor at the location specified by Contractor in the continental US, in the same condition as when delivered, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Any expenses necessary to return the products to good working order shall be at ordering activity's expense. 2. The Contractor shall conduct a timely inspection of the returned products and within 45 days of the return, assert a claim if the condition of the product exceeds normal wear and tear. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 26 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 3. Product will be returned in accordance with the terms of the contract and in accordance with Contractor instruction. 4. With respect to software, the ordering activity shall state in writing to the Contractor that it has: i. deleted or disabled all files and copies of the software from the equipment on which it was installed; ii. returned all software documentation, training manuals, and physical media on which the software was delivered; and iii. has no ability to use the returned software. g. UPGRADES AND ADDITIONS i. The ordering activity may affix or install any accessory, addition, upgrade, product or device on the product ("additions") provided that such additions: 1. can be removed without causing material damage to the product; 2. do not reduce the value of the product; and 3. are obtained from or approved by the Contractor, and are not subject to the interest of any third party other than the Contractor. ii. Any other additions may not be installed without the Contractor's prior written consent. At the end of the lease term, the ordering activity shall remove any additions which: 1. were not leased from the Contractor, and 2. are readily removable without causing material damage or impairment of the intended function, use, or value of the product, and restore the product to its original configuration. iii. Any additions that are not so removable will become the Contractor's property (lien free). iv. Leases of additions and upgrades must be co-terminus with that of the product. h. RISK OF LOSS OR DAMAGE The ordering activity is relieved from all risk of loss or damage to the product during periods of transportation, installation, and during the entire time the product is in possession of the ordering activity, except when loss or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the ordering activity. The ordering activity shall assume risk of loss or damage to the product during relocation, (i.e., moving the product from one ordering activity location to another ordering activity location), unless the Contractor shall undertake such relocation. i. TITLE During the lease term, product shall always remain the property of the Contractor. The ordering activity shall have no property right or interest in the product except as provided in this leasing agreement and shall hold the product subject and subordinate to the rights of the Contractor. Software and software licenses shall be deemed personal property. The ordering activity shall have no right or interest in the software and related documentation except as provided in the license and the lease. Upon the Commencement Date of the Lease Term, the ordering activity shall have an encumbered license to use the software for the Lease Term purchaser of a license under the terms of this contract except that the ordering activity will not have an unencumbered, paid-up license until it has made all lease payments for the full Lease Term in the case of a Lease To Ownership or has otherwise paid the applicable purchase option price. j. TAXES The lease payments, purchase option prices, and interest rates identified herein exclude all state and local taxes levied on or measured by the contract or sales price of the product furnished hereunder. The ordering activity will be invoiced for any such taxes as Contractor receives such tax notices or assessments from the applicable local taxing authority. Pursuant to the provisions of Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 27 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com FAR 52.229-1 State and Local Taxes, the ordering activity agrees to pay tax or provide evidence necessary to support an exemption from the tax. k. ADDITIONAL LEASE TERMS Offeror may propose additional lease terms and conditions for billings, payments, and/or invoices, as long as they are consistent with the terms and conditions specified elsewhere. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CATEGORY HARDWARE SUBCATEGORY SIN 532420L Option 2 Lease Terms and Conditions Option 2 Lease Terms and Conditions contains a cancellation clause, in which the fee must be in accordance with applicable legal principles. To the extent an Offeror wishes to propose alternative lease terms and conditions that provide for lower discounts/prices based on the luding separate charges for early end of the lease, the following terms apply. These terms address th obligation including any potential charges for early end of the lease. 52.207-5 Option to Purchase Equipment Feb 1995 52.227-14 Rights in Data-General May 2014 1. LEASING PRICE LIST NOTICE a. Contractors must include the following notice in their contract price list for SIN 532420L: review the lease terms and conditions con 2. STATEMENT OF ORDERING ACTIVITY INTENT a. The ordering activity and the Contractor understand that a delivery order issued pursuant to this SIN is a lease arrangement and contemp that regard, the ordering Activity, as lessee, understands that the lease provisions contained herein and the rate established for the delivery order are premised on the ordering Activity's intent to fulfill that agreement, including acquiring products for the period of time specified in the order. Each lease hereunder shall be initiated by a delivery order which shall, either through a statement of work or other attachment, specify the product being leased, and the required terms of the transaction. b. Each ordering activity placing a delivery order under the terms of this option intends to exercise each renewal option and to extend the lease until completion of the Lease Term so long as the need of the ordering activity for the product or functionally similar product continues to exist and funds are appropriated. Contractor may request information from the ordering activity concerning the essential use of the products. 3. LEASE TERM a. The date on which the ordering activity accepts the products is the Commencement Date of the lease. For acceptance to nt of work. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 28 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Acceptance shall be in accordance with the terms of the contract or as otherwise negotiated by the ordering activity and the Contractor. b. Any lease is executed by the ordering activity on the basis that the known requirement for such product exceeds the initial base period of the delivery order, which is typically 12 months, or for the remainder of the fiscal year. Pursuant to FAR and/or DFAR 232.703-3(b), delivery orders with options to renew that are funded by annual (fiscal year) appropriations may provide for initial base periods and option periods that cross fiscal years as long as the initial base period or each option period does not exceed a 12 month period.. This cross fiscal year authority does not apply to multi-year leases. c. The total Lease Term will be specified in each delivery order, including any relevant renewal options of the ordering activity. All delivery orders, whether for the initial base period or renewal period, shall remain in effect through September 30 of the fiscal year (unless extended by statute), through any earlier expiration date specified in the delivery order, or until the ordering activity exercises its rights hereunder to acquire title to the product prior to such expiration date. The ordering activity, at its discretion, may exercise each option to extend the term of the lease through the lease term. Renewal delivery orders shall not be issued for less than all of the product and/or software set forth in the original delivery order. Delivery orders under this SIN shall not be deemed to obligate succeeding fiscal year funds. The ordering activity shall provide the Contractor with written notice of exercise of each renewal option as soon as practicable. Notice requirements may be negotiated on an order-by-order basis. d. year period, the ordering activity may place a delivery order for a period up to the expiration of the Lease Term, or to the expiration of the period of availability of the multi-year appropriation, or whatever is appropriate under the applicable circumstances. 4. LEASE TERMINATION a. The ordering activity must elect the Lease Term of the relevant delivery order. The Contractor (and assignee, if any) will payments calculated herein. i. The ordering activity may terminate or not renew leases under this option at no cost, pursuant to a Termination for Non- contracting officer may either terminate the relevant delivery order for cause or Termination for Convenience in accordance with GSAR 552.212-4 paragraphs (l) and (m). ii. The Termination for Convenience at the end of a fiscal year allows for separate charges for the early end of the lease (see paragraph (d) below). In the event of termination for the convenience of the ordering activity, the charges calculated under the Termination for Convenience clause must be determined or identified in the delivery order or in the lease agreement. b. Termination for Convenience of the Ordering Activity: Leases entered into under this option may not be terminated except .212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items, paragraph (l) Termination for Convenience of the ordering activity. The costs charged to the ordering activity as the result of any Termination for Convenience of the ordering activity must be reason plus the Termination Ceiling. c. Termination for Non-Appropriation: The ordering activity reasonably believes that the bona fide need will exist for the entire Lease Term and corresponding funds in an amount sufficient to make all payments for the lease Term will be available to the ordering activity. Therefore, it is unlikely that leases entered into under this option will terminate prior to Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 29 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com th of any initial base period or option period under this paragraph if (a) it no longer has a bona fide need for the product or functionally similar product; or (b) there is a continuing need, but adequate funds have not been made available to the ordering activity in an amount sufficient to continue to make the lease payments. If this occurs, the ordering activity will promptly notify the Contractor, and the product lease will be terminated at the end of the last fiscal year for which funds were appropriated. Substantiation to support a termination for non- appropriation shall be provided to the Contractor upon request. d. Termination Charges: At the initiation of the lease, termination ceilings will be established for each year of the lease term. The termination ceiling is a limit on the amount that a Contractor may be paid by the ordering activity on the Termination for Convenience of a lease. No claim will be accepted for future costs: supplies, maintenance, usage charges or interest expense beyond the date of termination. In accordance with the bona fide needs rule, all termination charges must reasonably represent the value the ordering activity received for the work performed based upon the shorter lease term. No Termination for Convenience costs will be associated with the expiration of the lease term. e. At the order level, the ordering activity may, consistent with legal principles, negotiate lower monthly payments or rates based upon appropriate changes to the termination conditions in this section. 4. The following terms and conditions may be included. a. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS GSAR 552.232-23, Assignment of Claims, is incorporated herein by reference as part of these lease provisions. The FAR 32.804. Any setoff provision must be in accordance with FAR 32.803. b. PEACEFUL POSSESSION AND UNRESTRICTED USE mission, the ordering the event the product is sold by the Contractor, or in the event of bankruptcy of the Contractor, corporate dissolution of the Contractor, or other event. The product shall remain in the possession of the ordering activity until the expiration of the lease. Any assignment, sale, bankruptcy, or other transfer of the leased product by the Contractor will not relieve the Contractor of its obligations to the o burdens or risks imposed on the ordering activity. c. COMMENCEMENT OF LEASE The date on which the ordering activity accepts the products is the Commencement Date of the lease. Acceptance is as defined elsewhere in the contract, or as further specified in the order. d. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE i. Installation and Maintenance, when applicable, normally are not included in the charge for leasing. The Contractor may require the ordering activity to obtain installation and maintenance services from a qualified source. The ordering activity sources. The ordering activity may also perform installation and/or maintenance in house, if qualified resources exist. In any event, it is the responsibility of the ordering activity to ensure that maintenance is in effect for the Lease term for all products leased. ii. When installation and/or maintenance are ordered under this schedule to be performed by the Contractor, the payments, terms and conditions as stated in this contract apply. The rates and terms and conditions in effect at the time the order is Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 30 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com issued shall apply during any subsequent renewal period of the lease. The maintenance rates and terms and conditions may be added to the lease payments with mutual agreement of the parties. e. MONTHLY PAYMENTS: i. Prior to the placement of an order under this Special Item Number, the ordering activity and the Contractor must agree on a purchase price (less any discounts). For Lease with Option to Own (Operating Lease), the base value will be the contract purchase price (less any discounts), less a mutually agreed upon residual value (pre-stated purchase option price at the conclusion of the lease) for the products. The residual value will be used in the calculation of the original lease payment, lease extension payments, and the purchase option price. ii. To determine the initial lease term payment, the Contractor agrees to apply the negotiated lease factor to the agreed upon base value: For Example: Lease factor one (1) percent over the rate for the three year (or other term) Treasury Bill (T-bill) at the most current U. S. Treasury auction. commercial computer spreadsheets. iii. For any lease extension, the extension lease payment will be based on the original residual value, in lieu of the purchase price. The ordering activity and the Contractor shall agree on a new residual value based on the estimated fair market price at the end of the extension. The formula to determine the lease payment will be that in 5.b. Above. iv. The purchase option price will be the fair market value of the product or payment will be based upon the unamortized principle, as shown on the payment schedule as of the last payment prior to the date of transfer of ownership, whichever is less. v. The point in time when monthly rates are established is subject to negotiation and evaluation at the order level. vi. In the event the ordering activity desires, at any time, to acquire title to product leased hereunder, the ordering activity may make a one-time lump sum payment. f. LEASE END/DISCONTINUANCE OPTIONS i. Upon the expiration of the Lease Term, Termination for Convenience, or Termination for Non- Appropriation, the ordering activity will return the Product to the Contractor unless the ordering activity by 30 days written notice elects either: 1. to purchase the product for the residual value of the product, or 2. to extend the term of the Lease, as mutually agreed. To compute the lease payment, the residual value from the preceding lease shall be the initial value of the leased product. A new residual value shall be negotiated for the extended lease and new lease payments shall be computed. ii. Relocation - The ordering activity may relocate products to another location within the ordering activity with prior written notice. No other transfer, including sublease, is permitted. ordering activity shall not assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any products, or any interest therein, or crate or suffer any levy, lien or encumbrance then except those created for the benefit of Contractor or its assigns. iii. Returns 1. Within fourteen (14) days after the date of expiration, non-renewal or termination of a lease, the ordering activity shall, at its own risk and expense, have the products packed for shipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and return the products to Contractor at the location specified by Contractor in the continental US, Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 31 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com in the same condition as when delivered, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Any expenses necessary to return the products to good working order shall be at ordering activity's expense. 2. The Contractor shall conduct a timely inspection of the returned products and within 45 days of the return, assert a claim if the condition of the product exceeds normal wear and tear. 3. Product will be returned in accordance with the terms of the contract and in accordance with Contractor instruction. 4. With respect to software, the ordering activity shall state in writing to the Contractor that it has: i. deleted or disabled all files and copies of the software from the equipment on which it was installed; ii. returned all software documentation, training manuals, and physical media on which the software was delivered; and iii. has no ability to use the returned software. g. UPGRADES AND ADDITIONS i. The ordering activity may affix or install any accessory, addition, upgrade, product or device on the product ("additions") provided that such additions: 1. can be removed without causing material damage to the product; 2. do not reduce the value of the product; and 3. are obtained from or approved by the Contractor, and are not subject to the interest of any third party other than the Contractor. ii. Any other additions may not be installed without the Contractor's prior written consent. At the end of the lease term, the ordering activity shall remove any additions which: 1. were not leased from the Contractor, and 2. are readily removable without causing material damage or impairment of the intended function, use, or value of the product, and restore the product to its original configuration. iii. Any additions that are not so removable will become the Contractor's property (lien free). iv. Leases of additions and upgrades must be co-terminus with that of the product. h. RISK OF LOSS OR DAMAGE The ordering activity is relieved from all risk of loss or damage to the product during periods of transportation, installation, and during the entire time the product is in possession of the ordering activity, except when loss or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the ordering activity. The ordering activity shall assume risk of loss or damage to the product during relocation, (i.e., moving the product from one ordering activity location to another ordering activity location), unless the Contractor shall undertake such relocation. i. TITLE During the lease term, product shall always remain the property of the Contractor. The ordering activity shall have no property right or interest in the product except as provided in this leasing agreement and shall hold the product subject and subordinate to the rights of the Contractor. Software and software licenses shall be deemed personal property. The ordering activity shall have no right or interest in the software and related documentation except as provided in the license and the lease. Upon the Commencement Date of the Lease Term, the ordering activity shall have an encumbered license to use the software for the Lease purchaser of a license under the terms of this contract except that the ordering activity will not have an unencumbered, paid-up license until it has made all lease payments for the full Lease Term in the case of a Lease To Ownership or has otherwise paid the Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 32 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com applicable purchase option price. j. TAXES The lease payments, purchase option prices, and interest rates identified herein exclude all state and local taxes levied on or measured by the contract or sales price of the product furnished hereunder. The ordering activity will be invoiced for any such taxes as Contractor receives such tax notices or assessments from the applicable local taxing authority. Pursuant to the provisions of FAR 52.229-1 State and Local Taxes, the ordering activity agrees to pay tax or provide evidence necessary to support an exemption from the tax. k. ADDITIONAL LEASE TERMS Offeror may propose additional lease terms and conditions for billings, payments, and/or invoices, as long as they are consistent with the terms and conditions specified elsewhere. Special Item No. 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions Provides geospatial earth observation technologies, products, and services to include, but not limited to ground, satellite and aerial based sensor data and imagery; worldwide digital transmission, internet, data, and video services and products through various networks, platforms, and applications. Offerings include global coverage, imagery, archive storage and distribution, monitoring, basemaps (mosaics), and earth observation solutions for accurate, mission critical information for uses to include, but not limited to, environmental, agriculture, meteorology, forestry, fish & wildlife habitats, disaster response and recovery, defense, maritime, mapping, humanitarian support, transportation, and public safety. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class D304 IT AND TELECOM- TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSMISSION - IT AND TELECOM-TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSMISSION FSC/PSC Class D305 IT AND TELECOM- TELEPROCESSING, TIMESHARE, AND CLOUD COMPUTING - IT AND TELECOM- TELEPROCESSING, TIMESHARE, AND CLOUD COMPUTING FSC/PSC Class D317 IT AND TELECOM- WEB-BASED SUBSCRIPTION - Creation/Retrieval of IT Related Data Services - Creation/Retrieval of Other Information Services - Web-Based Subscription FSC/PSC Class D399 IT AND TELECOM- OTHER IT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Other IT and Telecommunications Services Special Item No. 54151: Software Maintenance Services Software maintenance services creates, designs, implements, and/or integrates customized changes to software that solve one or more problems and is not included with the price of the software. Software maintenance services includes person-to-person communications regardless of the medium used to communicate: telephone support, online technical support, customized support, and/or technical Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 33 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com expertise which are charged commercially. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing Special Item No. 541519CDM: Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Tools Includes Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approved hardware and software products. The full complement of CDM Tools SIN products and services includes tools, associated maintenance, and other related activities such as training. The CDM Program is organized by 5 CDM capabilities: 1. Asset Management, 2. Identity and Access Management, 3. Network Security Management, 4. Data Protection Management and, 5. Future Capabilities. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class 7030 ADP SOFTWARE - ADP SOFTWARE FSC/PSC Class 7035 ADP SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - ADP SUPPORT EQUIPMENT FSC/PSC Class D319 IT AND TELECOM- ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SERVICE PLANS - IT AND TELECOM- ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SERVICE PLANS FSC/PSC Class D399 IT AND TELECOM- OTHER IT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS - OTHER IT AND TELECOM- OTHER IT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Special Item No. 54151ECOM: Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services Includes value added network services, e-mail services, Internet access services, electronic subscription services, data transmission services, and emerging electronic commerce technologies. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing Special Item No. 54151S: Information Technology Professional Services IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing Commercial Job Title: Consulting Engineer Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 5 years of experience. Possesses understanding covering the planning, research, development, design, testing, evaluation, production, analysis, and implementation of information systems, programs and equipment. Provides technical assistance to others working on requirements, definition, system requirements analysis, system level design and integration, operations support planning and/or the coordination of the preparation of system development specifications and specialty engineering plans. May be skilled in systems engineering, electrical engineering or industrial engineering activities. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 34 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Functional Responsibility: Working under close supervision, person provides technical or scientific and project support for multiple large-scale projects that cross-cut multiple specialization and product development areas. Applies advanced business and/or technical expertise to assist others with defining, analyzing, validating and documenting complex customer operating environments, states of technology and current engineering processes. Provides advanced technical support to others involved in applying specialized knowledge to complex customer processes and requirements. Supports complex technical investigations through advanced research techniques, analysis or development phases of engineering projects. Works with other engineering disciplines in the development and application of processes to improve quality, reliability, cost customer appeal, and satisfaction. Minimum Education: B.A. or B.S. in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics or Business. Commercial Job Title: Information Architect Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 2 years of experience with skills covering the planning, research, development, design, testing, evaluation, production, analysis, and implementation of multi-tier network configurations for web enabled applications. Possesses a clear understanding of the interrelationships of firewalls, network devices, and servers and clear knowledge of a specific web enabling technology (i.e. Microsoft or Netscape servers). Possesses experience with database and/or email integration, Internet network design (DMZ, routers, switching) and system administration practices. Functional Responsibility: Designs Intranet/Internet/Extranet architectures and develops implementations plans; administration activity; i.e., hardware, security, firewalls. Implements security architecture using LDAP, SSL and firewalls. Installs, configures and maintains all Intranet/Internet/Extranet tools, databases and features; provides support to e-commerce and other systems. Implements server design, development, and operation as well as analyze and develop requirements for hardware sizing/capacity, data validation, security and integration points to other applications. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science. Commercial Job Title: Project Manager Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 2 years of experience within information system project oriented environments. Leads planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting activities for projects. Facilitates needs assessment and development of recommended project control solutions to be used for planning, scheduling and tracking of each project though integration of various project management tools. Develops project controls and reporting procedures. Assists in the training of the project team on application of the procedures. Analyzes project progress/costs and assists with development and evaluation of alternatives when the project falls behind schedule or exceeds budget. Develops and delivers presentations to customer management. Integrates specific industry methodologies to appropriate project management solutions. Functional Responsibility: Possesses a thorough understanding of the process requirements and provide b o t h technical and management oversight of the project. Responsible for customer satisfaction, serves as the single point of contact, compliance with the Statement of Work, project planning and management, resource allocation, and reporting. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science. Commercial Job Title: Senior Consulting Engineer Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 10 years of experience. Possesses understanding covering the planning, research, development, design, testing, evaluation, production, analysis, and implementation of information systems, programs and equipment. Provides technical assistance to others working on requirements, definition, system requirements analysis, system level design and integration, operations support planning and/or the coordination of the preparation of system development specifications and specialty engineering plans. May be skilled in systems engineering, electrical engineering or industrial engineering activities. Functional Responsibility: Provides supervision, person provides technical or scientific and project support for multiple large- scale projects that cross-cut multiple specialization and product development areas. Applies advanced business and/or technical expertise to assist others with defining, analyzing, validating and documenting complex customer operating environments, states of technology and current engineering processes. Provides advanced technical support to others involved in applying specialized knowledge to complex customer processes and requirements. Supports complex technical investigations through advanced research techniques, analysis or development phases of engineering projects. Works with other engineering disciplines in the development and application of processes to improve quality, reliability, cost Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 35 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com customer appeal, and satisfaction. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science. Commercial Job Title: Senior Consulting Engineer Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 10 years of experience. Possesses understanding covering the planning, research, development, design, testing, evaluation, production, analysis, and implementation of information systems, programs and equipment. Provides technical assistance to others working on requirements, definition, system requirements analysis, system level design and integration, operations support planning and/or the coordination of the preparation of system development specifications and specialty engineering plans. May be skilled in systems engineering, electrical engineering or industrial engineering activities. Functional Responsibility: Provides supervision, person provides technical or scientific and project support for multiple large- scale projects that cross-cut multiple specialization and product development areas. Applies advanced business and/or technical expertise to assist others with defining, analyzing, validating and documenting complex customer operating environments, states of technology and current engineering processes. Provides advanced technical support to others involved in applying specialized knowledge to complex customer processes and requirements. Supports complex technical investigations through advanced research techniques, analysis or development phases of engineering projects. Works with other engineering disciplines in the development and application of processes to improve quality, reliability, cost customer appeal, and satisfaction. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science. Commercial Job Title: Senior Information Architect Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 7 years of experience with skills covering the planning, research, development, design, testing, evaluation, production, analysis, and implementation of multi-tier network configurations for web enabled applications. Possesses a clear understanding of the interrelationships of firewalls, network devices, and servers and clear knowledge of a specific web enabling technology (i.e. Microsoft or Netscape servers). Possesses experience with database and/or email integration, Internet network design (DMZ, routers, switching) and system administration practices. Functional Responsibility: Provides supervision, person designs Intranet/Internet/Extranet architectures and develops implementations plans; administration activity; i.e., hardware, security, firewalls. Implements security architecture using LDAP, SSL and firewalls. Installs, configures and maintains all Intranet/Internet/Extranet tools, databases and features; provides support to e-commerce and other systems. Implements server design, development, and operation as well as analyze and develop requirements for hardware sizing/capacity, data validation, security and integration points to other applications. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science Commercial Job Title: Senior Project Manager Minimum/General Experience: Has approximately 7 years experience within information system project oriented environments. Leads planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting activities for projects. Facilitates needs assessment and development of recommended project control solutions to be used for planning, scheduling and tracking of each project though integration of various project management tools. Develops project controls and reporting procedures. Assists in the training of the project team on application of the procedures. Analyzes project progress/costs and assists with development and evaluation of alternatives when the project falls behind schedule or exceeds budget. Develops and delivers presentations to customer management. Integrates specific industry methodologies to appropriate project management solutions. Functional Responsibility: Provides supervision, person possesses a thorough understanding of the process requirements and provide both technical and management oversight of the project. Responsible for customer satisfaction, serves as the single point of contact, compliance with the Statement of Work, project planning and management, resource allocation, and reporting. Minimum Education: B.S. in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or applied science. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 36 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Labor Categories December 2021 December 2022 December 2022 December 2023 December 2023 December 2024 December 2024 December 2025 December 2025 December 2026 Consulting Engineer $217.67 $222.68 $227.80 $233.04 $238.40 Information Architect $212.74 $217.64 $222.64 $227.76 $233.00 Project Manager $212.74 $217.64 $222.64 $227.76 $233.00 Senior Consulting Engineer $249.99 $255.74 $261.62 $267.64 $273.80 Senior Information Architect $272.23 $278.49 $284.89 $291.45 $298.15 Senior Project Manager $266.63 $272.76 $279.04 $285.46 $292.02 Special Item No. 561422: Automated Contact Center Solutions (ACCS) ACCS is defined as any combination of products, equipment, software and/or services that are required to establish and maintain contact center capabilities managed by the contractor for an agency. These include a wide range of automated and attended managed solutions that allow agencies to respond to inquiries from the public. Permissible offerings under this SIN may include any technologies or services required to deliver and support ACCS to agencies, including but not limited to: Technology: Automated services to include but not limited to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Chat Bots, Robotic Process Automation, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Voice/Speech Recognition, Text-to-Speech, Voicemail, Callback, Web Callback, Email Delivery, Hosted Online Ordering, Hosted Email Web Form, Hosted FAQ Service, etc. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing Special Item No. 611420: Information Technology Training Includes training on hardware, software, cloud, and other applicable systems. NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class U012 EDUCATION/TRAINING- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAINING Training Courses for Information Technology Equipment and Software Special Item No. 811212: Maintenance of Equipment, Repair Services and/or Repair/Spare Parts Maintenance, Repair Service, and Repair Parts/Spare Parts for Government-Owned General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Radio/Telephone Equipment NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing FSC/PSC Class J070 - Maintenance and Repair Service)(Repair Parts/Spare Parts - See FSC Class for basic equipment) FSC/PSC Class J058 Maintenance and Repair of Communication Equipment Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 37 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CATEGORY HARDWARE SUBCATEGORY SIN 811212 Hardware Maintenance Order Terms 1) Service Areas a) The maintenance and/or repair service rates per the contract are applicable to any ordering activity locations within a ___(**insert miles) mile radius of the Contractor/Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) service points.. If any additional charge is to apply because of the greater distance from the Contractor/OEM service locations, the mileage rate or other distance factor shall be negotiated at the Task Order level. b) When maintenance and/or repair services cannot be performed at the ordering activity installation site, the repair services will be performed at the Contractor's plant(s) listed below: Address City State Zip Code 2) Loss or Damage When the Contractor moves equipment to its/OEM location for repairs, the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or loss, from the time the equipment is removed from the ordering activity installation, until the equipment is returned to such installation. 3) Scope a) The Contractor shall provide maintenance for all equipment listed herein, as requested by the ordering activity during the contract term. Repair service and repair parts/spare parts shall apply exclusively to the equipment types/models within the scope of the Information Technology Category. b) Equipment placed under maintenance service shall be in good operating condition. i) In order to determine that the equipment is in good operating condition, the equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Contractor, without charge to the ordering activity. ii) Costs of any repairs performed for the purpose of placing the equipment in good operating condition shall be borne by the Contractor, if the equipment was under the Contractor/OEM guarantee/warranty or maintenance responsibility prior to the effective date of the maintenance order. iii) If the equipment was not under the Contractor/OEM responsibility, the costs necessary to place the equipment in proper operating condition are to be borne by the ordering activity, in accordance with the provisions of the contract. 4) Responsibilities Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 38 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com a) For equipment not covered by a maintenance contract or warranty, repair service personnel shall complete repairs as soon as possible after notification by the ordering activity that service is required. Within the service areas, this repair service should normally be done within 4 hours after notification. b) If the Ordering Activity task or delivery order specifies a factory authorized/certified service personnel then the Contractor is obligated to provide such a factory authorized/certified service personnel for the equipment to be repaired or serviced, unless otherwise agreed to in advance between the Ordering Activity and the Contractor. 5) Maintenance Rate Provisions a) The Contractor shall bear all costs of maintenance, including labor, parts, and such other expenses as are necessary to keep the equipment in good operating condition, provided that the required repairs are not occasioned by fault or negligence of the ordering activity. ii) Regular Hours: The basic monthly rate for each make and model of equipment shall entitle the ordering activity to maintenance service during a mutually agreed upon nine (9) hour principal period of maintenance, Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays observed at the ordering activity location. iii) After Hours: Should the ordering activity require that maintenance be performed outside of regular hours, charges for such maintenance, if any, will be specified in the GSA Price List (I-FSS-600 CONTRACT PRICE LISTS (OCT 2016). Periods of less than one hour will be prorated to the nearest quarter hour. iv) Travel and Transportation: If any charge is to apply, over and above the regular maintenance rates, due to the negotiated at the Task Order level. Yes No Indicate if there will be an additional charge for travel and transportation. b) Quantity Discounts from listed maintenance service rates for multiple equipment owned and/or leased by an ordering activity shall be provided below. Quantity Range Discounts Units % Units % Units % Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 39 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CATEGORY HARDWARE SUBCATEGORY SIN 811212 Hardware Repair Service Order Terms 1) Service Areas a) The maintenance and/or repair service rates per the contract are applicable to any ordering activity locations within a ____(**insert miles) mile radius of the Contractor/Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) service points.. If any additional charge is to apply because of the greater distance from the Contractor/OEM service locations, the mileage rate or other distance factor shall be negotiated at the Task Order level. b) When maintenance and/or repair services cannot be performed at the ordering activity installation site, the repair services will be performed at the Contractor's plant(s) listed below: Address City State Zip Code 2) Loss or Damage When the Contractor moves equipment to its/OEM location for repairs, the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or loss, from the time the equipment is removed from the ordering activity installation, until the equipment is returned to such installation. 3) Scope a) The Contractor shall provide maintenance for all equipment listed herein, as requested by the ordering activity during the contract term. Repair service and repair parts/spare parts shall apply exclusively to the equipment types/models within the scope of the Information Technology Category. b) Equipment placed under maintenance and/or service shall be in good operating condition. i) In order to determine that the equipment is in good operating condition, the equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Contractor, without charge to the ordering activity. ii) Costs of any repairs performed for the purpose of placing the equipment in good operating condition shall be borne by the Contractor, if the equipment was under the Contractor/OEM guarantee/warranty or maintenance responsibility prior to the effective date of the maintenance order. iii) If the equipment was not under the Contractor/OEMresponsibility, the costs necessary to place the equipment in proper operating condition are to be borne by the ordering activity, in accordance with the provisions of the contract. 4) Responsibilities Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 40 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com a) For equipment not covered by a maintenance contract or warranty, repair service personnel shall complete repairs as soon as possible after notification by the ordering activity that service is required. Within the service areas, this repair service should normally be done within 4 hours after notification. b) If the Ordering Activity task or delivery order specifies a factory authorized/certified service personnel then the Contractor is obligated to provide such a factory authorized/certified service personnel for the equipment to be repaired or serviced, unless otherwise agreed to in advance between the Ordering Activity and the Contractor. 5) Repair Service Rate Provisions a) Charges for repair service will include the labor charge, computed at the rates set forth below, for the time during which repairmen are actually engaged in work, and, when applicable, the charge for travel or transportation. b) Multiple Machines: When repairs are ordered by the ordering activity on two or more machines located in one or more buildings within walking distance of each other, the charges will be computed from the time the repairman commences work on the first machine, until the work is completed on the last machine. The time required to go from one machine to another, or from one building to another, will be considered actual work performance, and chargeable to the ordering activity, provided the time consumed in going between machines (or buildings) is reasonable. c) i) When equipment is returned the guarantee/warranty provision, the cost of transportation, packing, etc.from the ordering activity location to the Contractor's plant, and return to the ordering activity location, shall be borne by the ordering activity. ii) The ordering activity should not return defective equipment to the Contractor/OEM for adjustments and repairs or replacement without prior consultation and instruction. d) At the Ordering Activity Location (Within Established Service Areas) i) When equipment is repaired at the ordering activity location, and repair service rates are established for service areas or zones, the listed rates are applicable to any ordering activity location within such service areas or zones. No extra charge, time, or expense will be allowed for travel or transportation of repairmen or machines to or from the ordering activity office; such overhead is included in the repair service rates. e) At the Ordering Activity Location (Outside Established Service Areas) i) If repairs are to be made at the ordering activity location, and the location is outside the service area terms defined in the GSA Price list. Rates negotiated at the task order will apply. ii) When the overall travel charge computed at the above mileage rate is unreasonable (considering the time required for travel, actual and necessary transportation costs, and the allowable ordering activity per diem rate for each night the repairman is required to remain overnight at the ordering activity location), the ordering activity shall have the option of reimbursing the Contractor for actual costs, provided that the actual costs are reasonable and allowable. The Contractor shall furnish the ordering activity with a report of travel performed and related expenses incurred. The report shall include departure and arrival dates, times, and the applicable mode of travel. f) Labor Rates i) Regular Hours: Contract rates shall entitle the ordering activity to repair service during the period 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays observed at the ordering activity location. There shall be no additional charge for repair service, which was requested during regular hours, but performed at the convenience of the Contractor outside the regular hours. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 41 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com ii) After Hours: Should the ordering activity require that service be performed outside of regular hours, charges for such service, if any, will be specified in the GSA Price List (I-FSS-600 CONTRACT PRICE LISTS (OCT 2016). Periods of less than one hour will be prorated to the nearest quarter hour. iii) Sundays and Holidays: When the ordering activity requires that repair service be performed on Sundays and Holidays observed at the ordering activity location, the Sundays and Holidays repair service rates shall apply, and will be specified in the GSA Price List (I-FSS-600 CONTRACT PRICE LISTS (OCT 2016). Periods of less than one hour will be prorated to the nearest quarter hour. Repair Service Rates Minimum Charge * - Regular Hours Hourly Rate - After Hours Hourly Rate - Sunday and Holidays Contractor/OEM Facility Ordering Activity Location (Within Established Service Areas) Ordering Activity Location (Outside Established Service Areas) *MINIMUM CHARGES INCLUDE FULL ___ HOURS ON THE JOB 4) Repair Parts/Spare Parts Rate Provision a) All parts, furnished as spares or as repair parts in connection with the repair of equipment, unless otherwise indicated in the GSA Price list shall be new, standard parts manufactured by the OEM. b) All parts shall be furnished at the prices indicated in the Contractor's commercial pricelist dated_____, at a discount of___% from such listed prices. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 42 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Carahsoft certifies that all dealers participating in the performance of this contract have agreed that their performance will be in accordance with all terms and conditions of this GSA Schedule. For the complete listing of authorized participating dealers please see: http://www.carahsoft.com/buy/gsa-schedule-contracts/gsa-schedule-70/authorized-dealers ATTACHMENT I - AUTHORIZED PARTICIPATING DEALERS Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 43 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Schedule Contractors participating in a Contractor Team Arrangement must abide by all terms and conditions of their respective contracts. This includes compliance with Clause 552.238-74, Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member) must report sales and remit the IFF for all products and services provided under its individual contract. For the complete listing of Contractor Team Arrangements, please contact Carahsoft for details. ATTACHMENT II Contractor Team Arrangements Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 44 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com For the complete list of Commercial Supplier Agreements vetted and approved by GSA for inclusion into the GSA Schedule Contract, please see: http://www.carahsoft.com/buy/gsa-schedule-contracts/gsa-schedule-70/eula2 ATTACHMENT III Commercial Supplier Agreements Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 45 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Introduction This Federal Supply Schedule Addendum supplements GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract Number GS-35F-0119Y between Carahsoft Technology Corporation and the General Services Administration. -16-04, M-16-12), Circular A-130, OFPP and, GSA Federal Cyber, electronic government and Category Management policy requirements. The Adobe Data Centric Security and Electronic Signature Solutions provide the best-in-class technology to the federal government. Providing a streamlined avenue for agencies to acquire Adobe technology through category management will improve the acquisition and management of the proposed solutions. The Adobe Enterprise Digital Rights Management Bundle provides a DRM solution to documents allowing only people with specific credentials the ability to apply persistent protection to sensitive documents and information. With this level of dynamic protection you can revoke and change permissions within a document regardless of document location and you can protect against potential fraudulent activity. In addition, you can perform certificate based digital signatures on PDF documents when used with Acrobat*. Adobe Consulting Services are required with the purchase of each bundle listed above. The recommended number of hours per bundle are listed below. 210T-1423-DRM1 Up to 165 Hours 210T-1423-DRM2 Up to 330 Hours 210T-1423-DRM3 Up to 330 Hours 210T-1423-DRM4 Up to 490 Hours 210T-1423-DRM5 Up to 670 Hours Please note: the hours listed above are estimates. Each agency may require more or less hours depending on project scope. All service items are available to the government at the GSA Schedule Price. *Discount Level Detail ATTACHMENT IV A U.S. Government Adobe FITARA Addendum Solution 1 Adobe enterprise digital rights Category management Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 46 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Aggregate discounts are calculated on a per agency basis. Agencies are eligible for additional discounts based on the following; Level 1 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $5,000,000.00 Level 2 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $15,000,000.00 Level 3 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $20,000,000.00 Annual spend is calculated based on the total aggregate purchases made by any combination of sub agencies that fall underneath a parent agency in a 12 month period. The 12 month Period, or annual spend, is calculated based on the Adobe Fiscal Year which begins on December 1st. A full listing of eligible parent and sub agencies can be found on OPM.gov located HERE. In addition to the bundle pricing and discounts offered in the chart above, Carahsoft would like to offer the government additional discounts for all Adobe Experience Manager and Analytics software available on the GSA Schedule. Upon the purchase of any bundle listed above the ordering agency will receive 7% off any additional** Adobe Term licenses. The initial period of performance for all eligible Adobe Term Licenses purchased will be 12 months. In the event an ordering organization should require a custom or pro-rated period of performance, we will work with the agency on a per opportunity basis. The additional 7% discount for add on licenses will be offered so long as ordering agency has an active DRM Bundle Term License. We are dedicated to providing the Enterprise Digital Rights Management solution to all federal agencies regardless of agency size. The Adobe team welcomes the opportunity to support any ordering organization that may require less than 1,000 users and custom configurations may be discussed on a per opportunity basis. may have in place with Carahsoft or an authorized Adobe/Carahsoft reseller. *Bundle requires supported version of Acrobat to be installed **Additional discounts limited to Adobe Experience Manager and Analytics Software only, excludes services and training. Adobe Digital Rights Management Bundle - Breakout Product Description 1,000 Users Qty 5,000 Users Qty 10,000 Users Qty 25,000 Users Qty 50,000 Users Qty Adobe Experience Manager Forms 6.2 On Premise Term -Per Core - 12 Months 2 2 4 8 16 Adobe Experience Manager Document Security 6.2 On Premise Term Minimum 1000 Recipients - Per Recipient - 12 Months 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 Adobe Insight Client License Per Named User (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Adobe Insight Reporting License - Per Server Add On (Min. Insight Purchase Required) (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Adobe Insight Data Transformation Functionality - License - Per Server (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Adobe Insight Sensor License - Per Web Server (Min. Insight Purchase Required) (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Adobe File Server Unit (FSU) License - Per Server (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Adobe Data Processing Unit (DPU) License - Per Server (Up To 500 Gb) (12 Month Term License) 1 1 2 4 8 Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 47 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Adobe Sign Adobe Sign is licensed in two ways: by signature transaction and by seat. The discounts below apply to either licensing model. Pricing for the following Adobe Sign products purchased shall be in accordance with the established GSA price list/rate less models for Sign eligible for discounts listed below are; Discounts are offered on a per total order basis as outlined in the table below: Tier Order Transaction Amount Discount from GSA Tier 1 $25,000.00 - $75,000.00 2% Tier 2 $75,000.01 - $125,000.00 4% Tier 3 $125,000.01 - $200,000.00 6% Tier 4 $200,000.01 - $500,000.00 8% Tier 5 $500,000.01 + 10% *Discounts are not cumulative. Carahsoft or an authorized Adobe/Carahsoft reseller. Solution 2 Adobe Electronic Signatures category management Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 48 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Introduction This Federal Supply Schedule Addendum supplements GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract Number GS-35F-0119Y between Carahsoft Technology Corporation and the General Services Administration. The Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Category Management Offering addresses requirements of the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) established in OMB Memorandum M-16-19, and fulfills the data center requirements of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform (FITARA). Federal customers to date have selected configurations of Nutanix software, hardware and maintenance across 42 different configurations and 1,000s of individual part numbers. Our goal here is to offer incentives in the form of solutions of the Nutanix software, hardware and maintenance bought 90% of the time with full capabilities to build a hybrid cloud infrastructure. We also considered which of these configurations purchased line up consistently with what type of deployment, labeling each solution as such. Incentives: To enable agencies to quickly stand up Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and incent them to leverage lessons learned from other agencies that have built Shared Services with Nutanix. Carahsoft and Nutanix are offering four types of Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure solutions and are described in detail with corresponding incentives offers for each: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Pilot/Micro Agency Solution (Solution 1) Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solutions (Solutions 2-4) Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solutions (Solutions 5-8) Hybrid Cloud Software Defined Datacenter Solutions (Solutions 9-10) Description: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Pilot/Micro Agency Solution Ideal agency investment to prove out Hybrid Cloud infrastructure, train administrators & have an entry point at minimum cost for pilots or micro agencies. Quantity one would be offered per agency/micro agency. Nutanix would also provide specific to workloads: test plans, summary of expected outcomes, federal customer references and a total cost of ownership economic study. 1. Solution 1: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solution - Nutanix Initial Pilot/Micro Agency SKU DESCRIPTION LIST PRICE GSA PRICE Offer Price 422-HC-PLT- SLN Solution 1: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solution - Nutanix Initial Pilot/Micro Agency $164,960.62 $153,460.85 $81,242.66 Description: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solutions Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solutions with full Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure capabilities 75% configured with descriptions that align with initial deployment strategy. Nutanix will offer this cumulative per year volume incentive per agency, starting over annually. Carahsoft will track and report on agency by agency consumption. Nutanix would be ATTACHMENT IV B U.S. Government Nutanix FITARA Addendum SOLUTION 1 Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Pilot/Micro Agency Solution SOLUTIONS 2-4 Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Base Solutions Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 49 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com interested in advice to incent government Shared Service centers. 2. Solution 2: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure base Solution - Nutanix Enterprise Block 3. Solution 3: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure base Solution - Nutanix Branch Office Block 4. Solution 4: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure base Solution - Nutanix High Performance Flash Block Discount Level Detail Aggregate discounts are calculated on a per agency basis. Agencies are eligible for additional discounts based on the following; Level 1 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 1 solution each year Level 2 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 2-5 total solutions each year Level 3 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 6-10 total solutions each year Level 4 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 11-20 total solutions each year Level 5 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 21-40 total solutions each year Level 6 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 41-99 total solutions each year Level 7 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 100+ total solutions each year See Workload Sizing Guide matrix below for the Solution number applied to enterprise workloads that are linear scalable. Therefore, multiples of sizing metrics can be matched to agency requirements per workload type to calculate ROMs. All sizing must be validated by Nutanix SEs, so workload mix on a single Nutanix Hybrid cloud infrastructure is considered. Description: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solutions Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solutions with full Nutanix hybrid cloud infrastructure capabilities 100% configured with descriptions that align with scale out deployment strategy. Nutanix will offer this cumulative per year volume incentive per agency, starting over annually. Carahsoft will track and report on agency by agency consumption. Nutanix would be interested in advice to incent government Shared Service centers. SOLUTIONS 5-8 Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solutions Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 50 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com 5. Solution 5: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solution - Nutanix Cold Storage Block 6. Solution 6: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solution - Nutanix Enterprise Block 7. Solution 7: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solution - Nutanix Branch Office Block 8. Solution 8: Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Scale out Solution - Nutanix High Performance Flash Block Discount Level Detail Aggregate discounts are calculated on a per agency basis. Agencies are eligible for additional discounts based on the following; Level 1 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 1 solution each year Level 2 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 2-5 total solutions each year Level 3 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 6-10 total solutions each year Level 4 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 11-20 total solutions each year Level 5 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 21-40 total solutions each year Level 6 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 41-99 total solutions each year Level 7 Discount Level is reached when parent agency purchases 100+ total solutions each year Description: Hybrid Cloud Software defined datacenter Hybrid Cloud Software defined datacenter and Tactical platforms with Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure capabilities, applicable to a strategy where it is ideal to source validated and Nutanix supported hardware infrastructure separately from the Nutanix software. Nutanix would consider cumulative per year volume incentive, starting over annually. 9. Solution 9: Hybrid Cloud Software defined datacenter Solution 4 node software only enterprise 10. Solution 10: Hybrid Cloud Tactical infrastructure software Solution 8 node software only tactical SOLUTIONS 9-10 Hybrid Cloud Software Defined Datacenter Solutions Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 51 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Discount Level Detail Aggregate discounts are calculated on a per agency basis. Agencies are eligible for additional discounts based on the following; Level 1 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $500,000.00 Level 2 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $1,000,000.00 Level 3 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $2,000,000.00 Level 4 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $5,000,000.00 Sizing is specific to Nutanix partner hardware platforms and available upon request from Nutanix systems engineers. All Nutanix validated and supported partner hardware platforms build and deploy systems by node count. Eight and four node solutions were selected because that is the full scale out configuration of the individual partner hardware platforms for enterprise and tactical solutions. Nutanix Software capabilities that are included with each of the solutions to enable the Nutanix Hybrid Cloud infrastructure regardless of whether the hardware is procured from Nutanix or separately from a Nutanix certified and supported hardware vendor: Webscale hyper converged architecture, Nutanix Acropolis application mobility fabric, Acropolis distributed storage fabric, PRISM Enterprise management, Acropolis hypervisor, Acropolis file services, Acropolis block services, Acropolis Container services, Nutanix Cloud Connect, Shared Service self-service portal, data locality, data tiering, compression, de- duplication, security hardening, security control monitoring, security control breach automated remediation, NIST security control documentation for ATO, 1 year HW and SW maintenance including all software updates with 24x7x365 phone support - 4 hr response with non-returned disk service. Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 52 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Introduction Veritas Enterprise Data Management empowers government departments, on the federal and local level, to combine key capabilities from a family of solutions that reduces complexity, streamlines operations, and empowers agencies to recognize enormous business value. With Veritas Enterprise Data Management solutions, federal agencies can have the insight and availability they need to understand what information they have, know how to keep it protected, and realize what they should delete. This leads to the best possible return on information (ROI): the ability to gain better visibility and insight into unstructured data and to control, store, and protect citizen information. Carahsoft will provide the following Veritas Enterprise Data Management Solutions through the GSA Schedule at the following discount options. Product Family Description/Business Value 360 DATA MANAGEMENT Veritas 360 Data Management offerings provide data visibility, compliance readiness, business continuity, data protection and recoverability, while maintaining data/workload portability and storage optimization All product SW/HW components are included *See Bundle Information on page DATA INSIGHT Veritas Data Insight helps organizations improve unstructured data governance to reduce costs, reduce risk, and achieve compliance through actionable intelligence into data ownership, usage, and access controls All product SW components EDISCOVERY provides the ultimate analysis toolkit for isolating potentially relevant items, 8100/8200 APPLIANCES, Collector SW all included EV 247 EV 247 frees customers from the overheads of owning, running, or managing email and file archives by leveraging leading archiving technology. This is a cloud platform, software archiving solution, and managed service all in one All product SW components, cloud storage, and management fees are included INFOSCALE Veritas InfoScale minimizes downtime by providing high availability and disaster recovery over any distance for your critical business services, including individual databases, custom applications, and complex multitier applications across physical and virtual environments All product SW components included SOLUTIONS Enterprise Data Management Solutions ATTACHMENT IV C - U.S. Government VERITAS FITARA Addendum Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 53 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com Enterprise Data Management Platform Aggregate (Both Product & Services) Agency Spend with Initial Enterprise Support and Service Option from Below Discount Level 1 >$3M Annual Spend* Discount Level 2 >$8M Annual Spend* Discount Level 3 >$15M Annual Spend* 2% 5% 10% One of the following Veritas Consulting Services are strongly recommended with the purchase of each product family listed above. The Service Descriptions and recommended number of hours per family is listed below: Service Option Service Personnel Service Description 1 Business Critical Services Assist (BCS) Proactive Product Account Management Business Critical Services (BCS) Assist. Provides a designated, accountable Business Critical Coordinator (BCC) to oversee, support delivery, and assist with case management and escalations during local business hours for rapid response, priority queuing, helps ensure quarterly reporting), and that solutions and recommendations are documented for future reference. 2 Remote Product Specialist (RPS) - On- Call, Dedicated Specialist Remote Product Specialists (RPS). Get your mission critical application up and running as quickly as possible in the event of an issue or an unplanned outage. Includes an assigned, advanced level product expert to personalize your support experience and ensure priority call queuing. 3 On-Site Business Critical Engineer (BCE) - On-Site Resource A Business Critical Engineer (BCE). Optimizes the Veritas environment. The BCE can minimize downtime by identifying potential issues before they impact performance and help optimize solutions so that each product feature is used fully to maximize the value from your software investment Recommended Minimum by Discount Level Services Only Recommended Service Options Aggregate Revenue for Agency Services Discount Level BCS RPS BCE Consultant FTE = 2040 hrs $0 - $8M Discount Level 1 (2%) 1 / per product 1/ per product 500 Hours $8M - $15M Discount Level 2 (5%)1 / per product 1 / per product 1,020 Hours >$15M Discount Level 3 (10%) 2 / per product 2 / per product 2,040 Hours SUPPORT SKUs for NetBackup For any agency with NetBackup currently installed or with the initial purchase of NetBackup, premier services offerings are available through the following bundles on the Carahsoft GSA. Offered skus are inclusive of Netbackup licensing, estimated service hours below, and either a SW or HW based Netbackup appliance. As a rule of thumb, Veritas and Carahsoft recommend the following estimates of service hours in support of our software installations. These estimates are based on Front End TB count of the backup environment: Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 54 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com < 100TB 80 hours 101-250TB 120 hours 250-500TB 180 hours > 500TB 240 hours Please note: the hours listed above are estimates. Each agency may require more or less hours depending on project scope. All service items are available to the government at the full GSA Schedule price. Per Agency Aggregate Spend Detail Aggregate discounts are calculated on a per agency basis. Agencies are eligible for additional discounts based on the following: Level 1 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $3,000,000.00 Level 2 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $8,000,000.00 Level 3 Discount Level is reached when parent agency reaches annual spend of $15,000,000.00 Annual spend is calculated based on the total aggregate purchases made by any combination of sub agencies that fall underneath a parent agency in a 12 month period. The 12 month Period, or annual spend, is calculated based on the . A full listing of eligible parent and sub agencies can be found in the Appendix. The initial period of performance for all support/maintenance contracts that come with eligible Veritas Licenses purchased will be 12 months. In the event an ordering organization should require a custom or pro-rated period of performance, we will work with the agency on a per opportunity basis. We are dedicated to providing the Enterprise Data Management solutions to all federal agencies regardless of agency size. The Veritas team welcomes the opportunity to support any ordering organization that may require less than 1,000 users and custom configurations may be discussed on a per opportunity basis. Discounts cannot be combined with discounts offered on existing Blanket Purchase Agreements or contracts that an agency may have in place with Carahsoft or an authorized Veritas/Carahsoft reseller. For the full pricelist table please use the following link: https://www.carahsoft.com/application/files/4615/4418/8823/VERITAS_TC_TABLE.pdf Carahsoft Technology Corp. MAS Schedule Terms & Conditions Page 55 (703) 871-8500 GS-35F-0119Y contracts@carahsoft.com ATTACHMENT V Approved IT Manufacturers Approved IT Manufacturers: Please reference GSA eLibrary: https://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/contractorInfo.do?contractNumber=GS-35F- 0119Y&contractorName=CARAHSOFT+TECHNOLOGY+CORPORATION&executeQuery=YES TRM/Technical Relationship Manager Quote #31203934 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP carahsoft, 11493 SUNSET HILLS ROAD I SUITE 100 1 RESTON, VIRGINIA 20190 PHONE (703) 871-8500 1 FAX (703) 871-8505 1 TOLL FREE (888) 66CARAH WWW.CARAHSOFT.COM I SALES@CARAHSOFT.COM TO: Quenten Palmer Systems Operations Engineer City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave Kent, WA 98032 USA EMAIL: gpalmer@kentwa.gov PHONE: (253) 856-4626 TERMS: GSA Schedule No: GS-35F-0119Y Term: December 20, 2011 - December 19, 2026 FTIN: 52-2189693 Shipping Point: FOB Destination Credit Cards: VISA/MasterCard/AMEX Remit To: Same as Above Payment Terms: Net 30 (On Approved Credit) Cage Code: 1 P3C5 DUNS No: 088365767 Business Size: Other than Small Sales Tax May Apply LINE NO. PART NO. 1 SVCS-TRM-BAS FROM: Jordan E. Jones Carahsoft Technology Corp. 11493 Sunset Hills Road Suite 100 Reston, Virginia 20190 EMAIL: Jordan.Jones@carahsoft.com PHONE: (571) 662-4627 FAX: (703) 871-8505 QUOTE NO: 31203934 QUOTE DATE: 12/09/2021 QUOTE EXPIRES: 12/31/2021 RFQ NO: SHIPPING: ESD TOTAL PRICE: $34,559.19 TOTAL QUOTE: $34,559.19 DESCRIPTION - QUOTE PRICE QTY EXTENDED PRICE Technical Relationship Manager- Basic (Annual $34,559.19 GSA 1 $34,559.19 Subscription) Ivanti, Inc - SVCS-TRM-BAS SUBTOTAL: Carahsoft Technology Corporation Signature: Title: Director, Sales Name: Evan Slack Date: 12/10/2021 $34,559.19 TOTAL PRICE: $34,559.19 TOTAL QUOTE: $34,559.19