HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 03/03/2015 00 KN7- Kent City Council Workshop Minutes March 3, 2015 The workshop meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Council President Ralph. Councilmembers present: Ralph, Berrios, Fincher, and Higgins. Councilmembers Boyce, Ranniger, and Thomas were excused. Procurement. - City Attorney Tom Brubaker communicated that the contracting and procurement policy has remained the same for the past 20 years and it is more complicated than what it first appears. He noted that Tammy White, Assistant City Attorney has done an outstanding job on the ordinance and both the former policy and ordinance have been consolidated into this new document. He communicated that this process started about five years ago and a draft was distributed to the entire staff, department heads, and the Mayor's Leadership Team. He reviewed page 2, the summary of important changes in the document. Councilmember Berrios confirmed that if a bid is over $65,000 the new ordinance requires the item to go out to a competitive bid, which is based on state law. Councilmember Higgins asked if the threshold is going to be aligned with state law automatically if it changes in the future.White replied that it isn't written in the ordinance that way, but it aligns with what state law is currently. Brubaker communicated that if the state law does change the staff can bring this back to the Council. He further stated that there are different limits, authorization and contract limits. Councilmember Fincher verified with Brubaker that posting public notices, implementing a small works roster, or working with MRSC are ways that projects can be advertised. The City staff will work to determine what the best option is if the ordinance is adopted. Council President Ralph stated that she likes the current limits and policy because it is used as a communications tool, to which Brubaker added that a communications piece could be included. He also noted that everything is limited by the budget and authority is still needed to proceed with projects. Councilmember Berrios inquired if this has been compared with other cities and Brubaker communicated that it was and asked the Council to go to page 12 of the packet for reference. Brubaker highlighted the procurement policies of several local cities. Brubaker continued and reviewed the section on comparing existing code and policy revisions for procurement and contracting of goods and services. Councilmember Fincher noted that there is no term on the real property interest portion of the language and Brubaker agreed and stated that a term should be added. Kent City Council Workshop Minutes March 3, 2015 Councilmember Berrios also noted that currently only the Council has the authority to enter into real property interests. Council President Ralph stated that this seems to be a positive way to proceed, but she is concerned about maintaining the level of communication. Councilmember Berrios felt that since giving the Mayor the authority to enter into leases is new he would prefer leases be short term, possibly no longer than two years. He further explained that this is to increase the authorization levels and inquired if there are any concerns from his point of view. Brubaker communicated that as the City Attorney he is recommending these adjustments to shift the twenty year old values to today and clear up any ambiguities. Councilmember Berrios highlighted that the communication piece concerns him and added that there should be some document provided to the Council that highlights these expenditures. He noted that maybe there should be some reporting to the Operations Committee of what expenditures have taken place under this new ordinance, if adopted. Brubaker summarized that he needs to work on adding a two year real estate language to the Mayor limits, determine what the real estate limits are in other cities, and build in a communications piece. Councilmember Higgins noted that he likes the level of communication that Public Works Director Tim LaPorte displays. He stated that it is important for committee chairs to work with department heads on how much communication they would like to see. Council President Ralph noted that the budget is the Council's policy and the City staff stays within those limitations. Councilmember Berrios verified with Chief Administrative Officer Matheson that the City of Covington's limits were higher. He replied that the City Manager in Covington has a $30,000 limit and the Mayor here has a $25,000 limit. Brubaker continued discussing the specific ordinance language. Council President Ralph inquired about the specifics of the small works roster and Brubaker communicated that the roster can be joined at anytime and there are some statutory qualifications. He added that the City can also add its own qualifications. He discussed the lowest bidder requirement and stated that requirements are usually added in order to ensure respondents are qualified. Councilmember Fincher verified that there is a very low bar currently and it normally is whether the business has a license, is bonded, etc. Councilmember Higgins stated that he is comfortable with this and verified that the timeline is up to the Council. 2 Kent CityCouncil Workshop Minutes March 3 2015 p Councilmember Higgins and Councilmember Berrios noted that they would like to have this provided to him a week in advance. Consensus was to have this item brought to a Council workshop in the future. Councilmember Higgins recommended the Council draft a letter to the Hindu Temple showing the Council's support. He noted that it was vandalized last Thursday. Police Chief Thomas communicated that the police commanders and the Mayor have met with them several times. He noted that in reviewing the police reports there were other businesses that had their windows broken that evening and there are questions as to whether these were kids throwing rocks through windows, or if it was an offensive gesture against the temple. Councilmember Higgins read the proposed letter. Council President Ralph noted that she also contacted the group to determine where a letter would be mailed to. Councilmember Fincher stated that she felt the letter was appropriate. Councilmember Thomas communicated that Assistant Chief Kammerzell is the police department outreach person on this case. Councilmember Berrios stated that he appreciates Chief Thomas letting him know about this because the other businesses that were impacted by this should be sent a letter too. He expressed concerns with the term "hateful" being in the letter. Councilmember Higgins said he would change the term and send it to the rest of the Council. The meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m. Ronald oor MC 1 City Clerk 3