HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-520 - Original - Curtis Blue Line - Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement - 12/14/2021ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s OfficeAgreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: League of Oregon Cities IGA V1.0 Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement This Intergovernmental Agreement (Agreement) is by and between the “Lead Contracting Agency” and participating government entities (“Participating Agencies”), that are members of National Purchasing Partners (“NPPGov”), including members of Public Safety GPO, First Responder GPO, Law Enforcement GPO, Education GPO and EMS GPO that agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Lead Contracting Agency and all Participating Agencies shall be considered as “parties” to this agreement. WHEREAS, upon completion of a formal competitive solicitation and selection process, the Lead Contracting Agency has entered into Master Price Agreements with one or more Vendors to provide goods and services, often based on national sales volume projections; WHEREAS, NPPGov provides group purchasing, marketing and administrative support for governmental entities. NPPGov’s marketing and administrative services are free to its membership, which includes participating public entities and nonprofit institutions throughout North America. WHEREAS, NPPGov has instituted a cooperative purchasing program under which member Participating Agencies may reciprocally utilize competitively solicited Master Price Agreements awarded by the Lead Contracting Agency; WHEREAS, the Master Price Agreements provide that all qualified government members of NPPGov may purchase goods and services on the same terms, conditions and pricing as the Lead Contracting Agency, subject to applicable local and state laws of the Participating Agencies; WHEREAS, the parties agree to comply with the requirements of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act as may be applicable to the local and state laws of the Participating Agencies; WHEREAS, the parties desire to conserve and leverage resources, and to improve the efficiency and economy of the procurement process while reducing solicitation and procurement costs; WHEREAS, the parties are authorized and eligible to contract with governmental bodies and Vendors to perform governmental functions and services, including the purchase of goods and services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to contract with Vendors under the terms of the Master Price Agreements;        League of Oregon Cities IGA V1.0 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE 1: LEGAL AUTHORITY Each party represents and warrants that it is eligible to participate in this Agreement because it is a local government created and operated to provide one or more governmental functions and possesses adequate legal authority to enter into this Agreement. ARTICLE 2: APPLICABLE LAWS The procurement of goods and services subject to this Agreement shall be conducted in accordance with and subject to the relevant statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations that govern each party’s procurement policies. Competitive Solicitations are intended to meet the public contracting requirements of the Lead Contracting Agency and may not be appropriate under, or satisfy Participating Agencies’ procurement laws. It is the responsibility of each party to ensure it has met all applicable solicitation and procurement requirements. Participating Agencies are urged to seek independent review by their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all local and state solicitation requirements. ARTICLE 3: USE OF BID, PROPOSAL OR PRICE AGREEMENT a.A “procuring party” is defined as the Lead Contracting Agency or any Participating Agency that desires to purchase from the Master Price Agreements awarded by the Lead Contracting Agency. b.Each procuring party shall be solely responsible for their own purchase of goods and services under this Agreement. A non-procuring party shall not be liable in any fashion for any violation of law or contract by a procuring party, and the procuring party shall hold non-procuring parties and all unrelated procuring parties harmless from any liability that may arise from action or inaction of the procuring party. c.The procuring party shall not use this agreement as a method for obtaining additional concessions or reduced prices for similar goods and services outside the scope of the Master Price Agreement. d.The exercise of any rights or remedies by the procuring party shall be the exclusive obligation of such procuring party. e.The cooperative use of bids, proposals or price agreements obtained by a party to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid, proposal or price agreement, except as modified where otherwise allowed or required by applicable law, and does not relieve the party of its other solicitation requirements under state law or local policies.        League of Oregon Cities IGA V1.0 ARTICLE 4: PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS The procuring party will make timely payments to Vendors for goods and services received in accordance with the terms and conditions of the procurement. Payment for goods and services, inspections and acceptance of goods and services ordered by the procuring party shall be the exclusive obligation of such procuring party. Disputes between procuring party and Vendor shall be resolved in accordance with the law and venue rules of the state of the procuring party. ARTICLE 5: COMMENCEMENT DATE This Agreement shall take effect after execution of the “Lead Contracting Agency Endorsement and Authorization” or “Participating Agency Endorsement and Authorization,” as applicable. ARTICLE 6: TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by a party giving 30 days written notice to “Lead Contracting Agency” ARTICLE 7: ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and any attachments, as provided herein, constitute the complete Agreement between the parties hereto, and supersede any and all oral and written agreements between the parties relating to matters herein. ARTICLE 8: CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended only by a written amendment executed by all parties, except that any alterations, additions, or deletions of this Agreement which are required by changes in Federal and State law or regulations are automatically incorporated into this Agreement without written amendment hereto and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or regulation. ARTICLE 9: SEVERABILITY All parties agree that should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect any other term of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED IN TWO OR MORE ORIGINALS BY EXECUTION AND ATTACHMENT OF “THE LEAD CONTRACTING AGENCY ENDORSEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION” OR “PARTICIPATING AGENCY ENDORSEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION,” AS APPLICABLE. ONCE EXECUTED, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH PARTY TO FILE THIS AGREEMENT WITH THE PROPER AGENCY IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL OR STATE LAW.        League of Oregon Cities IGA V1.0 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES ENDORSEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION The undersigned acknowledges, on behalf of the League of Oregon Cities (“Lead Contracting Agency”) that he/she has read and agrees to the general terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement regulating use of the Master Price Agreements and purchase of goods and services that from time to time are made available by the League of Oregon Cities to Participating Agencies locally, regionally, and nationally through NPPGov. Copies of Master Price Agreements and any amendments thereto made available by the League of Oregon Cities will be provided to Participating Agencies and NPPGov to facilitate use by Participating Agencies. The undersigned understands that the purchase of goods and services under the provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is at the absolute discretion of the Participating Agencies. The undersigned affirms that he/she is an agent of the League of Oregon Cities and is duly authorized to sign this League of Oregon Cities Endorsement and Authorization. ________________________________________ Date:______________ BY: ITS: League of Oregon Cities Contact Information: Contact Person: Mike Culley Address: 1201 Court St NE #200, Salem, OR 97301 Telephone No.: 503-588-6550 Email: mculley@orcities.org         League of Oregon Cities IGA V1.0 PARTICIPATING AGENCY ENDORSEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION The undersigned acknowledges, on behalf of ______________ (“Participating Agency”) that he/she has read and agrees to the general terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement regulating use of the Master Price Agreements and purchase of goods and services that from time to time are made available by the Lead Contracting Agency to Participating Agencies locally, regionally, and nationally through NPPGov. The undersigned further acknowledges that the purchase of goods and services under the provisions of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is at the absolute discretion of the Participating Agency and that neither the Lead Contracting Agency nor NPPGov shall be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by or as a result of the actions of the Vendor or any other Participating Agency. Upon award of contract, the Vendor shall deal directly with the Participating Agency concerning the placement of orders, disputes, invoicing and payment. The undersigned affirms that he/she is an agent of __________________ and is duly authorized to sign this Participating Agency Endorsement and Authorization. _ ____________________ Date:______________ _________BY: ___ ITS: _________________________ Participating Agency Contact Information: Contact Person: ________________________ Address: ______________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Telephone No.:__________________________ Email:_________________________________        City of Kent the City of Kent Dana Ralph Mayor Derek Kammerzell, Asst Chief City of Kent Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5800 dkammerzell@kentwa.gov City of Kent 12/14/2021 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES MASTER PRICE AGREEMENT This Master Price Agreement is effective as of the date of the last signature below (the “Effective Date”) by and between the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, an Oregon public corporation under ORS Chapter 190 (“LOC” or “Purchaser”) and CURTIS BLUE LINE (“Vendor”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Vendor is in the business of selling certain LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT, as further described herein; and WHEREAS, the Vendor desires to sell and the Purchaser desires to purchase certain products and related services all upon and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, through a solicitation for LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT the Vendor was awarded the opportunity to complete a Master Price Agreement with the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES as a result of its response to Request for Proposal No. 2010 for LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT; and WHEREAS, the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES asserts that the solicitation and Request for Proposal meet Oregon public contracting requirements (ORS 279, 279A, 279B and 279C et. seq.); and WHEREAS, Purchaser and Vendor desire to extend the terms of this Master Price Agreement to benefit other qualified government members of National Purchasing Partners, LLC dba Public Safety GPO, dba First Responder GPO, dba Law Enforcement GPO and dba NPPGov; NOW, THEREFORE, Vendor and Purchaser, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 – CERTAIN DEFINITIONS 1.1 “Agreement” shall mean this Master Price Agreement, including the main body of this Agreement and Attachments A-F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, including Purchaser’s Request for Proposal No. 2010 (herein “RFP”) and Vendor’s Proposal submitted in response to the RFP (herein “Vendor’s Proposal”) as referenced and incorporated herein as though fully set forth (sometimes referred to collectively as the “Contract Documents”). 1.2 “Applicable Law(s)” shall mean all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, standards, orders and other governmental requirements of any kind. 1.3 “Employee Taxes” shall mean all taxes, assessments, charges and other amounts whatsoever payable in respect of, and measured by the wages of, the Vendor’s employees (or subcontractors), as required by the Federal Social Security Act and all amendments thereto and/or any other applicable federal, state or local law. 1.4 “Purchaser’s Destination” shall mean such delivery location(s) or destination(s) as Purchaser may prescribe from time to time.          2 1.5 “Products and Services” shall mean the products and/or services to be sold by Vendor hereunder as identified and described on Attachment A hereto and incorporated herein, as may be updated from time to time by Vendor to reflect products and/or services offered by Vendor generally to its customers. 1.6 “Purchase Order” shall mean any authorized written order for Products and Services sent by Purchaser to Vendor via mail, courier, overnight delivery service, email, fax and/or other mode of transmission as Purchaser and Vendor may from time to time agree. 1.7 “Unemployment Insurance” shall mean the contribution required of Vendor, as an employer, in respect of, and measured by, the wages of its employees (or subcontractors) as required by any applicable federal, state or local unemployment insurance law or regulation. 1.8 “National Purchasing Partners” or “(NPP)” is a subsidiary of two nonprofit health care systems. The Government Division of NPP, hereinafter referred to as “NPPGov”, provides group purchasing marketing and administrative support for governmental entities within the membership. NPPGov’s membership includes participating public entities across North America. 1.9 “Lead Contracting Agency” shall mean the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, which is the governmental entity that issued the Request for Proposal and awarded this resulting Master Price Agreement. 1.10 “Participating Agencies” shall mean members of National Purchasing Partners for which Vendor has agreed to extend the terms of this Master Price Agreement pursuant to Article 2.6 and Attachment C herein. For purposes of cooperative procurement, “Participating Agency” shall be considered “Purchaser” under the terms of this Agreement. 1.11 “Party” and “Parties” shall mean the Purchaser and Vendor individually and collectively as applicable. ARTICLE 2 – AGREEMENT TO SELL 2.1 Vendor hereby agrees to sell to Purchaser such Products and Services as Purchaser may order from time to time by Purchase Order, all in accordance with and subject to the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. Purchaser agrees to purchase those Products and Services ordered by Purchaser by Purchase Order in accordance with and subject to the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. 2.2 Vendor may add additional products and services to the contract provided that any additions reasonably fall within the intent of the original RFP specifications. Pricing on additions shall be equivalent to the percentage discount for other similar products. Vendor may provide a web-link with current product listings, which may be updated periodically, as allowed by the terms of the resulting Master Price Agreement. Vendor may replace or add product lines to an existing contract if the line is replacing or supplementing products on contract, is equal or superior to the original products offered, is discounted in a similar or to a greater degree, and if the products meet the requirements of the solicitation. No products may be added to avoid competitive procurement requirements. LOC may reject any additions without cause. 2.3 All Purchase Orders issued by Purchaser to Vendor for Products during the term (as hereinafter defined) of this Agreement are subject to the provisions of this Agreement as though fully set forth in such Purchase Order. The Vendor retains authority to negotiate above and beyond the terms of this Agreement to meet the Purchaser or Vendor contract requirements. In the event that the provisions of this Agreement conflict with any Purchase Order issued by Purchaser to Vendor, the provisions of this Agreement shall          3 govern. No other terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, those contained in Vendor’s standard printed terms and conditions, on Vendor’s order acknowledgment, invoices or otherwise, shall have any application to or effect upon or be deemed to constitute an amendment to or to be incorporated into this Agreement, any Purchase Order, or any transactions occurring pursuant hereto or thereto, unless this Agreement shall be specifically amended to adopt such other terms and conditions in writing by the Parties. 2.4 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the Lead Contracting Agency shall have no obligation to order or purchase any Products and Services hereunder and the placement of any Purchase Order shall be in the sole discretion of the Participating Agencies. This Agreement is not exclusive. Vendor expressly acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser may purchase at its sole discretion, Products and Services that are identical or similar to the Products and Services described in this Agreement from any third party. 2.5 In case of any conflict or inconsistency between any of the Contract Documents, the documents shall prevail and apply in the following order of priority: (i) This Agreement; (ii) The RFP; (iii) Vendor’s Proposal; 2.6 Extension of contract terms to Participating Agencies: 2.6.1 Vendor agrees to extend the same terms, covenants and conditions available to Purchaser under this Agreement to Participating Agencies, that have executed an Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (“IGA”) as may be required by each Participating Agency’s local laws and regulations, in accordance with Attachment C. Each Participating Agency will be exclusively responsible for and deal directly with Vendor on matters relating to ordering, delivery, inspection, acceptance, invoicing, and payment for Products and Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement as if it were “Purchaser” hereunder. Any disputes between a Participating Agency and Vendor will be resolved directly between them under and in accordance with the laws of the State in which the Participating Agency exists. Pursuant to the IGA, the Lead Contracting Agency shall not incur any liability as a result of the access and utilization of this Agreement by other Participating Agencies. 2.6.2 This Solicitation meets the public contracting requirements of the Lead Contracting Agency and may not be appropriate under or meet Participating Agencies’ procurement laws. Participating Agencies are urged to seek independent review by their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all local and state solicitation requirements. 2.6.3 Vendor acknowledges execution of a Vendor Administration Fee Agreement with NPPGov, pursuant to the terms of the RFP. 2.7 Oregon Public Agencies are prohibited from use of Products and Services offered under this Agreement that are already provided by qualified nonprofit agencies for disabled individuals as listed on the Department of Administrative Service’s Procurement List (“Procurement List”) pursuant to ORS 279.835-.855. See www.OregonRehabilitation.org/qrf for more information. Vendor shall not sell products and services identified on the Procurement List (e.g., reconditioned toner cartridges) to Purchaser or Participating Agencies within the state of Oregon.          4 ARTICLE 3 – TERM AND TERMINATION 3.1 The initial contract term shall be for three (3) calendar years from the Effective Date of this Agreement (“Initial Term”). Upon termination of the original three (3) year term, this Agreement shall automatically extend for up to three (3) successive one (1) year periods; (each a “Renewal Term”); provided, however, that the Lead Contracting Agency and/or the Vendor may opt to decline extension of the MPA by providing notification in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the annual automatic extension anniversary of the Initial Term. 3.2 Either Vendor or the Lead Contracting Agency may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party if the other Party breaches any of its obligations hereunder and fails to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice of such breach from the non-breaching party. ARTICLE 4 – PRICING, INVOICES, PAYMENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 Purchaser shall pay Vendor for all Products and Services ordered and delivered in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement at the pricing specified for each such Product and Service on Attachment A, including shipping. Unless Attachment A expressly provides otherwise, the pricing schedule set forth on Attachment A hereto shall remain fixed for the Initial Term of this Agreement; provided that manufacturer pricing is not guaranteed and may be adjusted based on the next manufacturer price increase. Pricing contained in Attachment A shall be extended to all NPPGov, Public Safety GPO, First Responder GPO and Law Enforcement GPO members upon execution of the IGA. 4.2 Vendor shall submit original invoices to Purchaser in form and substance and format reasonably acceptable to Purchaser. All invoices must reference the Purchaser’s Purchase Order number, contain an itemization of amounts for Products and Services purchased during the applicable invoice period and any other information reasonably requested by Purchaser, and must otherwise comply with the provisions of this Agreement. Invoices shall be addressed as directed by Purchaser. 4.3 Unless otherwise specified, Purchaser is responsible for any and all applicable sales taxes. Attachment A or Vendor’s Proposal (Attachment D) shall specify any and all other taxes and duties of any kind which Purchaser is required to pay with respect to the sale of Products and Services covered by this Agreement and all charges for packing, packaging and loading. 4.4 Except as specifically set forth on Attachments A and F, Purchaser shall not be responsible for any additional costs or expenses of any nature incurred by Vendor in connection with the Products and Services, including without limitation travel expenses, clerical or administrative personnel, long distance telephone charges, etc. (“Incidental Expenses”). 4.5 Price reductions or discount increases may be offered at any time during the contract term and shall become effective upon notice of acceptance from Purchaser. 4.6 Notwithstanding any other agreement of the Parties as to the payment of shipping/delivery costs, and subject to Attachments A, D, and F herein, Vendor shall offer delivery and/or shipping costs prepaid FOB Destination. If there are handling fees, these also shall be included in the pricing. 4.7 Unless otherwise directed by Purchaser for expedited orders, Vendor shall utilize such common carrier for the delivery of Products and Services as Vendor may select; provided, however, that for expedited orders Vendor shall obtain delivery services hereunder at rates and terms not less favorable than those paid by Vendor for its own account or for the account of any other similarly situated customer of Vendor.          5 4.8 Vendor shall have the risk of loss of or damage to any Products until delivery to Purchaser. Purchaser shall have the risk of loss of or damage to the Products after delivery to Purchaser. Title to Products shall not transfer until the Products have been delivered to and accepted by Purchaser at Purchaser’s Destination. ARTICLE 5 – INSURANCE 5.1 During the term of this Agreement, Vendor shall maintain at its own cost and expense (and shall cause any subcontractor to maintain) insurance policies providing insurance of the kind and in the amounts generally carried by reasonably prudent manufacturers in the industry, with one or more reputable insurance companies licensed to do business in Oregon and any other state or jurisdiction where Products and Services are sold hereunder. Such certificates of insurance shall be made available to the Lead Contracting Agency upon 48 hours’ notice. BY SIGNING THE AGREEMENT PAGE THE VENDOR AGREES TO THIS REQUIREMENT AND FAILURE TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT WILL RESULT IN CANCELLATION OF THIS MASTER PRICE AGREEMENT. 5.2 All insurance required herein shall be maintained in full force and effect until all work or service required to be performed under the terms of this Agreement is satisfactorily completed and formally accepted. Any failure to comply with the claim reporting provisions of the insurance policies or any breach of an insurance policy warranty shall not affect coverage afforded under the insurance policies to protect the Lead Contracting Agency. The insurance policies may provide coverage that contains deductibles or self-insured retentions. Such deductible and/or self-insured retentions shall not be applicable with respect to the coverage provided to the Lead Contracting Agency under such policies. Vendor shall be solely responsible for the deductible and/or self-insured retention and the Lead Contracting Agency, at its option, may require Vendor to secure payment of such deductibles or self-insured retentions by a surety bond or an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit. 5.3 Vendor shall carry Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Vendor’s employees engaged in the performance of the work or services, as well as Employer’s Liability insurance. Vendor waives all rights against the Lead Contracting Agency and its agents, officers, directors and employees for recovery of damages to the extent these damages are covered by the Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance obtained by Vendor pursuant to this Agreement. 5.4 Insurance required herein shall not be permitted to expire, be canceled, or materially changed without thirty days (30 days) prior written notice to the Lead Contracting Agency. ARTICLE 6 – INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 6.1 Vendor agrees that it shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lead Contracting Agency, its respective officials, directors, employees, members and agents (collectively, the “Indemnitees”), from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, expenses, costs, obligations and liabilities (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees), suffered directly or indirectly by any of the Indemnitees to the extent of, or arising out of, (i) any breach of any covenant, representation or warranty made by Vendor in this Agreement, (ii) any failure by Vendor to perform or fulfill any of its obligations, covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement, (iii) the negligence or intentional misconduct of Vendor, any subcontractor of Vendor, or any of their respective employees or agents, (iv) any failure of Vendor, its subcontractors, or their respective employees to comply with any Applicable Law, (v) any litigation, proceeding or claim by any third party relating in any way to the obligations of Vendor under this Agreement or Vendor’s performance under this Agreement, (vi) any Employee Taxes or Unemployment Insurance, or (vii) any claim alleging that the          6 Products and Services or any part thereof infringe any third party’s U.S. patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property interest. Such obligation to indemnify shall not apply where the damage, claim, loss, expense, cost, obligation or liability is due to the breach of this Agreement by, or negligence or willful misconduct of, Lead Contracting Agency or its officials, directors, employees, agents or contractors. The amount and type of insurance coverage requirements set forth herein will in no way be construed as limiting the scope of the indemnity in this paragraph. The indemnity obligations of Vendor under this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for two years. 6.2 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR INJURIES TO PERSONS OR TO PROPERTY OR LOSS OF PROFITS OR LOSS OF FUTURE BUSINESS OR REPUTATION, WHETHER BASED ON TORT OR BREACH OF CONTRACT OR OTHER BASIS, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 6.3 The same terms, conditions and pricing of this Agreement may be extended to government members of National Purchasing Partners, LLC. In the event the terms of this Agreement are extended to other government members, each government member (procuring party) shall be solely responsible for the ordering of Products and Services under this Agreement. A non-procuring party shall not be liable in any fashion for any violation by a procuring party, and the procuring party shall hold non- procuring parties or unrelated purchasing parties harmless from any liability that may arise from action or inaction of the procuring party. ARTICLE 7 – WARRANTIES Purchaser shall refer to Vendor’s Proposal for all Vendor and manufacturer express warranties, as well as those warranties provided under Attachment B herein. ARTICLE 8 - INSPECTION AND REJECTION 8.1 Purchaser shall have the right to inspect and test Products at any time prior to shipment, and within a reasonable time after delivery to the Purchaser’s Destination. Products not inspected within a reasonable time after delivery shall be deemed accepted by Purchaser. The payment for Products shall in no way impair the right of Purchaser to reject nonconforming Products, or to avail itself of any other remedies to which it may be entitled. 8.2 If any of the Products are found at any time to be defective in material or workmanship, damaged, or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of this Agreement or any applicable Purchase Order, as its exclusive remedy, Purchaser may at its option and at Vendor’s sole cost and expense, elect either to (i) return any damaged, non-conforming or defective Products to Vendor for correction or replacement, or (ii) require Vendor to inspect the Products and remove or replace damaged, non-conforming or defective Products with conforming Products. If Purchaser elects option (ii) in the preceding sentence and Vendor fails promptly to make the necessary inspection, removal and replacement, Purchaser, at its option, may inspect the Products and Vendor shall bear the cost thereof. Payment by Purchaser of any invoice shall not constitute acceptance of the Products covered by such invoice, and acceptance by Purchaser shall not relieve Vendor of its warranties or other obligations under this Agreement. 8.3 The provisions of this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.          7 ARTICLE 9 – SUBSTITUTIONS Except as otherwise permitted hereunder, Vendor may not make any substitutions of Products, or any portion thereof, of any kind without the prior written consent of Purchaser. ARTICLE 10 - COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 10.1 Vendor agrees to comply with all Applicable Laws and at Vendor’s expense, secure and maintain in full force during the term of this Agreement, all licenses, permits, approvals, authorizations, registrations and certificates, if any, required by Applicable Laws in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder. At Purchaser’s request, Vendor shall provide to Purchaser copies of any or all such licenses, permits, approvals, authorizations, registrations and certificates. 10.2 Purchaser has taken all required governmental action to authorize its execution of this Agreement and there is no governmental or legal impediment against Purchaser’s execution of this Agreement or performance of its obligations hereunder. ARTICLE 11 – PUBLICITY / CONFIDENTIALITY 11.1 No news releases, public announcements, advertising materials, or confirmation of same, concerning any part of this Agreement or any Purchase Order issued hereunder shall be issued or made without the prior written approval of the Parties. Neither Party shall in any advertising, sales materials or in any other way use any of the names or logos of the other Party without the prior written approval of the other Party. 11.2 Any knowledge or information which Vendor or any of its affiliates shall have disclosed or may hereafter disclose to Purchaser, and which in any way relates to the Products and Services covered by this Agreement shall not, unless otherwise designated by Vendor, be deemed to be confidential or proprietary information, and shall be acquired by Purchaser, free from any restrictions, as part of the consideration for this Agreement. ARTICLE 12 - RIGHT TO AUDIT Subject to Vendor’s reasonable security and confidentiality procedures, Purchaser, or any third party retained by Purchaser, may at any time upon prior reasonable notice to Vendor, during normal business hours, audit the books, records and accounts of Vendor to the extent that such books, records and accounts pertain to sale of any Products and Services hereunder or otherwise relate to the performance of this Agreement by Vendor. Vendor shall maintain all such books, records and accounts for a period of at least three (3) years after the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement. The Purchaser’s right to audit under this Article 12 and Purchaser’s rights hereunder shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for a period of three (3) years after the date of such expiration or termination. ARTICLE 13 - REMEDIES Except as otherwise provided herein, any right or remedy of Vendor or Purchaser set forth in this Agreement shall not be exclusive, and, in addition thereto, Vendor and Purchaser shall have all rights and remedies under Applicable Law, including without limitation, equitable relief. The provisions of this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.          8 ARTICLE 14 - RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES Vendor is an independent contractor and is not an agent, servant, employee, legal representative, partner or joint venture of Purchaser. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed as creating a joint venture or partnership between Vendor and Purchaser. Neither Party has the power or authority to bind or commit the other. ARTICLE 15 - NOTICES All notices required or permitted to be given or made in this Agreement shall be in writing. Such notice(s) shall be deemed to be duly given or made if delivered by hand, by certified or registered mail or by nationally recognized overnight courier to the address specified below: If to Lead Contracting Agency: LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem OR 97301 ATTN: Jamie Johnson-Davis Email: rfp@ORCities.org If to Vendor: CURTIS BLUE LINE 185 Lennon Lane Suite 110 Walnut Creek CA 94598 ATTN: Nick Lawrence Email: NLawrence@LNCurtis.com Either Party may change its notice address by giving the other Party written notice of such change in the manner specified above. ARTICLE 16 - FORCE MAJEURE Except for Purchaser’s obligation to pay for Products and Services delivered, delay in performance or non-performance of any obligation contained herein shall be excused to the extent such failure or non- performance is caused by force majeure. For purposes of this Agreement, “force majeure” shall mean any cause or agency preventing performance of an obligation which is beyond the reasonable control of either Party hereto, including without limitation, fire, flood, sabotage, shipwreck, embargo, strike, explosion, labor trouble, accident, riot, acts of governmental authority (including, without limitation, acts based on laws or regulations now in existence as well as those enacted in the future), acts of nature, and delays or failure in obtaining raw materials, supplies or transportation. A Party affected by force majeure shall promptly provide notice to the other, explaining the nature and expected duration thereof, and shall act diligently to remedy the interruption or delay if it is reasonably capable of being remedied. In the event of a force majeure situation, deliveries or acceptance of deliveries that have been suspended shall not be required to be made upon the resumption of performance.          9 ARTICLE 17 - WAIVER No delay or failure by either Party to exercise any right, remedy or power herein shall impair such Party’s right to exercise such right, remedy or power or be construed to be a waiver of any default or an acquiescence therein; and any single or partial exercise of any such right, remedy or power shall not preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy or power. No waiver hereunder shall be valid unless set forth in writing executed by the waiving Party and then only to the extent expressly set forth in such writing. ARTICLE 18 - PARTIES BOUND; ASSIGNMENT This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, but it may not be assigned in whole or in part by Vendor without prior written notice to Purchaser which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. ARTICLE 19 - SEVERABILITY To the extent possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under Applicable Law. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, by judicial determination or otherwise, such provision shall not invalidate or render unenforceable the entire Agreement, but rather the entire Agreement shall be construed as if not containing the particular invalid or unenforceable provision or provisions and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly. ARTICLE 20 - INCORPORATION; ENTIRE AGREEMENT 20.1 All the provisions of the Attachments hereto are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. In the event of any apparent conflict between any provision set forth in the main body of this Agreement and any provision set forth in the Attachments, including the RFP and/or Vendor’s Proposal, the provisions shall be interpreted, to the extent possible, as if they do not conflict. If such an interpretation is not possible, the provisions set forth in the main body of this Agreement shall control. 20.2 This Agreement (including Attachments and Contract Documents hereto) constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior written and oral agreements or understandings relating to such subject matter. ARTICLE 21 - HEADINGS Headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall in no way be used to construe or limit the provisions set forth in this Agreement. ARTICLE 22 - MODIFICATIONS This Agreement may be modified or amended only in writing executed by Vendor and the Lead Contracting Agency. The Lead Contracting Agency and each Participating Agency contracting hereunder acknowledge and agree that any agreement entered into in connection with any Purchase Order hereunder shall constitute a modification of this Agreement as between the Vendor and the Participating Agency. Any modification of this Agreement as between Vendor and any Participating Agency shall not be deemed a modification of this Agreement for the benefit of the Lead Contracting Agency or any other Participating Agency.          10 ARTICLE 23 - GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon or in the case of a Participating Agency’s use of this Agreement, the laws of the State in which the Participating Agency exists, without regard to its choice of law provisions. ARTICLE 24 - COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year last written below. PURCHASER: Signature: ____________________________________ Printed Name: Title: ____________________________________________ LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES Dated: ____________________________ VENDOR: Signature: ______________________________ Printed Name: Title: _____________________________ CURTIS BLUE LINE Dated: ____________________________               " !   11 ATTACHMENT A to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. PRODUCTS, SERVICES, SPECIFICATIONS AND PRICES CBL’s price schedule includes two separate pricing approaches: 1. Pricing for customers located in the forty-eight contiguous states and Alaska (FOB: Origin) 2. Pricing for the State of Hawaii (FOB: Destination that will be calculated using the following formula: list price less the brand discount plus an estimated freight charge)) Generally, CBL is offering prices that are equal to our Most Favored Customer prices for items that are included in our GSA contract to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of our contractual agreement with the General Services Adminstration. For those products not included in our GSA contract, CBL’s proposed prices are generally better than the prices CBL typically offers to our most favored customer. CBL’s Pricing Schedule is based upon a fixed percentage (%) off marked prices defined within each of the individual suppliers’ catalog included in the “Current Catalog” section of Vendor’s proposal: Cur+B1:G60tis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Discount (%) Category Number Galvion Body Armor 20 1A ProTech / Safariland Body Armor 20 1A Safariland Body Armor Body Armor 30 1A ESS Protective Gear 25 1B Hatch / Safariland Protective Gear 20 1B Invisio Protective Gear Net 1B Monadnock / Safariland Protective Headgear 15 1B TCI / Safariland Protective Gear 5 1B ASP Handcuffs and Restraints 20 1C Safariland Handcuffs and Restraints 20 1C ASP Less Lethal Equipment 20 1D DefenseTech Less Lethal Equipment Net 1D Hogue Less Lethal Equipment 5 1D Monadnock / Safariland Less Lethal Equipment Net 1D Leupold Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Night Vision Devices Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Steiner Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Zistos Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Forensics Source Investigations & Evidence Equipment Net 1G Broco Tactical Equipment 8 1H CMC Tactical Equipment 10 1H Paratech Tactical Equipment 2 1H Safariland Tactical Equipment 20 1H Streamlight Tactical Equipment 40 1H Invisio Communications, Radios, and GPS Net 1I          12 TCI / Safariland Communications, Radios, and GPS 5 1I Blauer Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 30 1J Dicke Safety Products Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 5 1J Streamlight Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 40 1J ASP Training and Safety Equipment 20 1K Federal Signal Vehicle Equipment 20 1L Bates Duty Gear 5 2A Blackhawk Duty Gear 30 2A Danner Duty Gear 20 2A Edward Garments Duty Gear 5 2A First Tactical Duty Gear 20 2A Midway Caps Duty Gear 5 2A Safariland Duty Gear 30 2A Samuel Broome Duty Gear 5 2A Under Armor Duty Gear 25 2A Vertx Duty Gear 30 2A 5.11 Uniforms 20 2B Blauer Uniforms 30 2B Fechheimer Uniforms 30 2B Propper Uniforms 30 2B Spiewak Uniforms 30 2B Blackinton Badges and ID Cards 10 2C Hero's Pride Badges and ID Cards 10 2C 5.11 Concealment and plainclothes 20 2D Propper Concealment and plainclothes 30 2D Under Armor Concealment and plainclothes 25 2D Vertx Concealment and plainclothes 30 2D 5.11 Eyewear 20 2E ESS Eyewear 25 2E Revision Eyewear 20 2E Under Armor Eyewear 25 2E 5.11 Bags 20 2F Vertx Bags 30 2F SOG Firearms 25 3A EOTech Firearms Accessories 10 3B ESS Firearms Accessories 25 3B Sig Sauer Ammunition & Training ammunition Net 3C Surefire Shooting Range Gear 25 3D Benchmade Knives 25 3E Gerber Knives 30 3E TCI / Safariland Tools for Weapons and Ammunition 5 3F Paratech Specialty Tools 2 4A Pricing contained in this Attachment A shall be extended to all NPPGov members upon execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement. Participating Agencies may purchase from Vendor’s authorized dealers and distributors, as applicable, provided the pricing and terms of this Agreement are extended to Participating Agencies by such dealers and distributors. Vendor’s authorized dealers and distributors, as applicable, are identified in a [list, link found at http:], as may be updated from time to time. [ A current list may be obtained from Vendor.]          13 ATTACHMENT B to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. ADDITIONAL SELLER WARRANTIES To the extent possible, Vendor will make available all warranties from third party manufacturers of Products not manufactured by Vendor, as well as any warranties identified in this Agreement and Vendor’s Proposal.          14 ATTACHMENT C to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES The Lead Contracting Agency in cooperation with National Purchasing Partners (NPPGov) entered into this Agreement on behalf of other government agencies that desire to access this Agreement to purchase Products and Services. Vendor must work directly with any Participating Agency concerning the placement of orders, issuance of the purchase orders, contractual disputes, invoicing, and payment. The Lead Contracting Agency shall not be held liable for any costs, damages, etc., incurred by any Participating Agency. Any subsequent contract entered into between Vendor and any Participating Agency shall be construed to be in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State in which the Participating Agency exists. Each Participating Agency is directed to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (“IGA”), as set forth on the NPPGov web site, www.nppgov.com. The IGA allows the Participating Agency to purchase Products and Services from the Vendor in accordance with each Participating Agency’s legal requirements as if it were the “Purchaser” hereunder.          15 ATTACHMENT D to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. Vendor’s Proposal (The Vendor’s Proposal is not attached hereto.) (The Vendor’s Proposal is incorporated by reference herein.)          (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com March 1, 2020 LOC Public “Law Enforcement Equipment” #2010 League of Oregon Cities c/o Procurement Coordinator 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Reference: League of Oregon Cities RFP No. 2010 for “Law Enforcement Equipment” Subject: Curtis Blue Line’s Proposal Submission Dear Colleagues, Curtis Blue Line (CBL) is a company whose principal purpose is to be a distinguished leader in the field of supplying products and services to America’s Law Enforcement Agencies. We are pleased to submit this proposal to the League of Oregon Cities in response to the referenced solicitation. We would like to re-introduce CBL and state that should our Company be awarded a contract; it is our commitment that CBL’s performance will meet or exceed all requirements and expectations for Law Enforcement Equipment. CBL provides our customers with exceptional products, customer service, and product support covering an extremely broad-based product catalog. CBL has Customer Service Operations and Retail Stores located in Boise, ID, Kent, WA, Phoenix, AZ, Tigard, OR, Salt Lake City, UT, and West Sacramento, CA. Working with our manufacturing partners, CBL’s proposal to the LOC/NPPGov has been thoughtfully prepared to ensure full compliance to solicitation requirements while offering the lowest possible prices, consistent with the terms and conditions of our legacy contracts. CBL agrees to comply with all applicable terms, conditions, and provisions contained within the solicitation and understands that all terms and conditions contained within the solicitation will be part of any subsequent contract that may be executed between the LOC/NPPGov and CBL. CBL’s offer is valid for a period of 90 days after the referenced solicitation’s closing date of March 9, 2020. A brand new consolidated state-of-the-art warehousing facility, providing CBL customers with a complete suite of Integrated Logistics Services, is located in Salt Lake City, UT. Should CBL be awarded a contract, customer service and product support will be provided by personnel in CBL’s Salt Lake City Customer Service Operations Center: L.N. Curtis & sons Curtis Blue Line 1635 Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Telephone: (801) 349-1150 A great source of corporate pride and import, CBL held the previous contract with the NPPGov Public Safety- GPO (Contract VH11589 for Law Enforcement Equipment). Since the launch of this contract, the Company has experienced significant increase in customer acceptance of this “piggy-back” contract mechanism. Tools for Heroes since 1929 CBL’s Corporate Mission (why we do what we do): “CBL and the Company’s parent, L.N. Curtis & sons, provide critical products and services that enable our nation’s first responders to safely accomplish their missions and return home to family and friends” CBL’s proposal to the LOC/NPPGov has been prepared to ensure full compliance to solicitation requirements. We have assembled a team from our stable of manufacturers to form a robust compilation of product catalogs to support law enforcement-related operations. The purpose of our proposal is to provide an array of the most common products used by members of America’s various Law Enforcement Agencies. The following table summarizes the number of brands, by product category, that are included in CBL’s proposal: Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Product Description Category Number # Brands Body Armor 1A 3 Protective Gear 1B 5 Handcuffs and Restraints 1C 2 Less Lethal Equipment 1D 4 Surveillance Equipment 1E 4 Investigations & Evidence Equipment 1G 1 Tactical Equipment 1H 5 Communications, Radios, and GPS 1I 2 Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 1J 3 Training and Safety Equipment 1K 1 Vehicle Equipment 1L 1 Duty Gear 2A 10 Uniforms 2B 5 Badges and ID Cards 2C 2 Concealment and plainclothes 2D 4 Eyewear 2E 4 Bags 2F 2 Firearms 3A 1 Firearms Accessories 3B 2 Ammunition & Training Ammunition 3C 1 Shooting Range Gear 3D 1 Knives 3E 2 Tools for Weapons and Ammunition 3F 1 Specialty Tools 4A 1 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Kevin Krause, CBL’s Director of Law Enforcement Sales, will manage all LOC/NPPGov-related sales and sales support activities. Mr. Krause will have the full support of our manufacturers during the contract’s period of performance. Mr. Krause can be reached at (209) 879-3110, or via email, KKrause@CurtisBlueLine.com. Aaron Clough, Manager of CBL’s Law Enforcement Section located at CBL’s Salt Lake City Customer Service Operations Center, will provide all LOC/NPPGov-related quotes, order entry and post-sales customer support to ensure effective, efficient and rapid response to customer inquiries, on-time delivery, and timely post-sales customer support. Mr. Clough can be reached at (800) 426-0509 (toll free), or via email, AClough@ CurtisBlueLine.com. The undersigned will be the point-of-contact for all issues related to this offer or for any contract related issues or discussions. Finally, L.N. Curtis & sons and CBL appreciate the opportunity to submit the attached proposal to the League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov and their membership. Sincerely, Nick Lawrence Director, Special Programs Curtis National Account Manager L.N. Curtis & sons (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com T ABLE OF C ONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION & EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................1 PROPOSED PRODUCTS & SERVICES .............................................................................3 QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................5 EXCEPTIONS TO THE SOLICITATION, RFP #1920 ...........................................................6 PRICING SCHEDULE (ATTACHMENT “D”) .....................................................................7 PROPOSER PROFILE WORKBOOK (ATTACHMENT “B”) .................................................9 CURRENT CATALOGS ................................................................................................. 24 SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................................................... 26 SIGNED ADDENDA .................................................................................................... 30 CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 31 Page 1 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com I NTRODUCTION & E XECUTIVE S UMMARY Curtis Blue Line (CBL) is a company whose principal purpose is to be a distinguished leader in the field of supplying products and services to America’s Law Enforcement Agencies. CBL provides the Company’s customers with product support, customer service, and products covering an extremely broad-based product catalog. CBL’s Customer Service Operations Centers are located in Boise, ID, Kent, WA, Phoenix, AZ, Tigard, OR, Salt Lake City, UT, and West Sacramento, CA. CBL is fully qualified to provide consistently superior service to the League of Oregon Cities and to the participating members of the National Purchasing Partners (NPP). A great source of corporate pride and import, CBL holds the previous contract with the NPPGov Public Safety-GPO (Contract VH11589 for Law Enforcement Equipment). Since the launch of this contract, the Company has experienced significant increase in customer acceptance and utilitization of this “piggy-back” contract mechanism. Should CBL be awarded a contract, customer service and product support will be provided by personnel in CBL’s Salt Lake City’s Customer Service Operations Center. This facility consists of a retail store, product support and customer service personnel, and a brand new consolidated state-of-the-art warehousing facility, providing CBL customers with a complete suite of Integrated Logistics Services: Curtis Blue Line 1635 Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Telephone: (801) 349-1150 Curtis Blue Line’s Corporate Mission (why we do what we do): “Curtis Blue Line provides critical products and services that enable our nation’s Law Enforcement Officers to safely accomplish their mission and return home to family and friends” Page 2 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 CBL’s offer includes the following brands: Brands included in Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" 5.11 ASP Bates Benchmade Blackhawk Blackinton Blauer Broco CMC Danner DefenseTech Dicke Safety Products Edward Garments EOTech ESS Fechheimer Federal Signal First Tactical Forensics Source Galvion Gerber Hatch / Safariland Hero's Pride Hogue Invisio Leupold Midway Caps Monadnock / Safariland Night Vision Devices Paratech Propper ProTech / Safariland Revision Safariland Safariland Body Armor Samuel Broome Sig Sauer SOG Spiewak Steiner Streamlight Surefire TCI / Safariland Under Armor Vertx Zistos All products included in CBL’s proposal are available to the League of Oregon Cities membership located in the thirteen Western States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, Hawaii, and to all other states as may be acceptable to our manufacturing partners, without limitations. Page 3 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com P ROPOSED P RODUCTS & S ERVICES CBL’s business is characterized by the diverse structure of the Company’s customer base. CBL’s ability to compete, thrive, and grow in such a diverse and demanding marketplace is a result of a corporate commitment to always do the right thing, right…an approach to life that is shared by each member of the CBL Team. Providing equipment and services for our nation’s law enforcement officers is CBL’s business…the company’s only business! To serve the League of Oregon Cities’ region-wide customer base, CBL has a comprehensive product line representing the very best that the law enforcement industry sector has to offer. Although our “line card,” as evidenced in the following listing is robust, if a police department or other related agency/member customer identifies a need requiring a product that CBL does not currently carry, using our industry-wide contacts, we will find it and provide it quickly! Contracts and agreements are in-place with many of the nation’s premier manufacturers of emergency response equipment, including the suppliers listed in the following table. Our arrangements with supplier-partners have been augmented with long-standing, strong, and mutually beneficial business relationships. Our relationships enable CBL to martial manufacturing resources in quick response to product demand spikes resulting from unforeseen disasters or to support contingency operations. Of course, CBL will provide only new and unused products representing the most current version of the manufacturer’s product lines. The following table introduces CBL’s team and their respective products that are included in CBL’s proposed program is organized by the solicitation’s four product categories: Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Category Number Product Category Galvion Body Armor 1A Equipment ProTech / Safariland Body Armor 1A Equipment Safariland Body Armor Body Armor 1A Equipment ESS Protective Gear 1B Equipment Hatch / Safariland Protective Gear 1B Equipment Invisio Protective Gear 1B Equipment Monadnock / Safariland Protective Headgear 1B Equipment TCI / Safariland Protective Gear 1B Equipment ASP Handcuffs and Restraints 1C Equipment Safariland Handcuffs and Restraints 1C Equipment ASP Less Lethal Equipment 1D Equipment DefenseTech Less Lethal Equipment 1D Equipment Hogue Less Lethal Equipment 1D Equipment Monadnock / Safariland Less Lethal Equipment 1D Equipment Leupold Surveillance Equipment 1E Equipment Night Vision Devices Surveillance Equipment 1E Equipment Steiner Surveillance Equipment 1E Equipment Zistos Surveillance Equipment 1E Equipment Forensics Source Investigations & Evidence Equipment 1G Equipment Broco Tactical Equipment 1H Equipment CMC Tactical Equipment 1H Equipment Paratech Tactical Equipment 1H Equipment Safariland Tactical Equipment 1H Equipment Streamlight Tactical Equipment 1H Equipment Page 4 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Category Number Product Category Invisio Communications, Radios, and GPS 1I Equipment TCI / Safariland Communications, Radios, and GPS 1I Equipment Blauer Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 1J Equipment Dicke Safety Products Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 1J Equipment Streamlight Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 1J Equipment ASP Training and Safety Equipment 1K Equipment Federal Signal Vehicle Equipment 1L Equipment Bates Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Blackhawk Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Danner Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Edward Garments Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories First Tactical Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Midway Caps Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Safariland Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Samuel Broome Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Under Armor Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories Vertx Duty Gear 2A Uniforms and Accessories 5.11 Uniforms 2B Uniforms and Accessories Blauer Uniforms 2B Uniforms and Accessories Fechheimer Uniforms 2B Uniforms and Accessories Propper Uniforms 2B Uniforms and Accessories Spiewak Uniforms 2B Uniforms and Accessories Blackinton Badges and ID Cards 2C Uniforms and Accessories Hero's Pride Badges and ID Cards 2C Uniforms and Accessories 5.11 Concealment and plainclothes 2D Uniforms and Accessories Propper Concealment and plainclothes 2D Uniforms and Accessories Under Armor Concealment and plainclothes 2D Uniforms and Accessories Vertx Concealment and plainclothes 2D Uniforms and Accessories 5.11 Eyewear 2E Uniforms and Accessories ESS Eyewear 2E Uniforms and Accessories Revision Eyewear 2E Uniforms and Accessories Under Armor Eyewear 2E Uniforms and Accessories 5.11 Bags 2F Uniforms and Accessories Vertx Bags 2F Uniforms and Accessories SOG Firearms 3A Weapons and Ammunition EOTech Firearms Accessories 3B Weapons and Ammunition ESS Firearms Accessories 3B Weapons and Ammunition Sig Sauer Ammunition & Training ammunition 3C Weapons and Ammunition Surefire Shooting Range Gear 3D Weapons and Ammunition Benchmade Knives 3E Weapons and Ammunition Gerber Knives 3E Weapons and Ammunition TCI / Safariland Tools for Weapons and Ammunition 3F Weapons and Ammunition Paratech Specialty Tools 4A Other Page 5 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com Q UALIFICATIONS CBL is fully qualified to provide consistently superior service to the League of Oregon Cities and to the participating members of the National Purchasing Partners (NPP). In addition to our many large contracts with city and state agencies, CBL continues to perform on the previous contract with the NPPGov Public Safety-GPO (contract for law enforcement equipment). The Company has experienced significant increase in customer acceptance and utilization of this “piggy-back” contract mechanism. With an average of over twenty-five years of experience, the individuals who are supporting and participating in this program are each an expert in their respective fields. The following table summarizes the qualifications of CBL’s Team on the proposed program: Curtis Blue Line - Key Personnel Key Person Responsibilities Paul Curtis Curtis CEO; Support & Strategic Direction Kevin Krause CBL General Manager; Sales Manager Aaron Clough Customer Service & Retail Sales Nick Lawrence Director Special Programs (National Account Manager) Lane Crister Tactical Product Specialist Doug Hussey Technical Support CBL’s Management Team is supported by several dozen Salespeople, Customer Service Representatives, and Product Support Specialists and Technicians. CBL’s Sales and Customer Support Teams consist of highly trained and motivated men and women who are completely dedicated to provide superior support to our nation’s law enforcement officers. Page 6 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com EXCEPTIONS TO THE SOLICITATION, RFP #20 10 CBL takes no exceptions to the requirements contained within League of Oregon Cities RFP Number 2010, other than the possibility of desiring to negotiate, on a case-by-case basis, a reduced Contract Administration Fee. Page 7 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com PRICING SCHEDULE (ATTACHMENT “D ”) NOTE: “ATTACHMENT D: PRICING SCHEDULE” contains competition sensitive data. This data is not to be released to parties not associated with the LOC, the NPPGov, or other entities involved in proposal evaluation activities. CBL’s price schedule includes two separate pricing approaches: 1. Pricing for customers located in the forty-eight contiguous states and Alaska (FOB: Origin) 2. Pricing for the State of Hawaii (FOB: Destination) Generally, CBL is offering prices that are equal to our Most Favored Customer prices for items that are included in our GSA contract to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions of our contractual agreement with the General Services Adminstration. For those products not included in our GSA contract, CBL’s proposed prices are generally better than the prices CBL typically offers to our most favored customer. CBL’s Pricing Schedule is based upon a fixed percentage (%) off marked prices defined within each of the individual suppliers’ catalog included in the “Current Catalog” section, starting on page 24 of this proposal): Cur+B1:G60tis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Discount (%) Category Number Galvion Body Armor 20 1A ProTech / Safariland Body Armor 20 1A Safariland Body Armor Body Armor 30 1A ESS Protective Gear 25 1B Hatch / Safariland Protective Gear 20 1B Invisio Protective Gear Net 1B Monadnock / Safariland Protective Headgear 15 1B TCI / Safariland Protective Gear 5 1B ASP Handcuffs and Restraints 20 1C Safariland Handcuffs and Restraints 20 1C ASP Less Lethal Equipment 20 1D DefenseTech Less Lethal Equipment Net 1D Hogue Less Lethal Equipment 5 1D Monadnock / Safariland Less Lethal Equipment Net 1D Leupold Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Night Vision Devices Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Steiner Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Zistos Surveillance Equipment Net 1E Forensics Source Investigations & Evidence Equipment Net 1G Broco Tactical Equipment 8 1H CMC Tactical Equipment 10 1H Paratech Tactical Equipment 2 1H Safariland Tactical Equipment 20 1H Streamlight Tactical Equipment 40 1H Invisio Communications, Radios, and GPS Net 1I Page 8 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Cur+B1:G60tis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Discount (%) Category Number TCI / Safariland Communications, Radios, and GPS 5 1I Blauer Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 30 1J Dicke Safety Products Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 5 1J Streamlight Traffic Safety and Control Equipment 40 1J ASP Training and Safety Equipment 20 1K Federal Signal Vehicle Equipment 20 1L Bates Duty Gear 5 2A Blackhawk Duty Gear 30 2A Danner Duty Gear 20 2A Edward Garments Duty Gear 5 2A First Tactical Duty Gear 20 2A Midway Caps Duty Gear 5 2A Safariland Duty Gear 30 2A Samuel Broome Duty Gear 5 2A Under Armor Duty Gear 25 2A Vertx Duty Gear 30 2A 5.11 Uniforms 20 2B Blauer Uniforms 30 2B Fechheimer Uniforms 30 2B Propper Uniforms 30 2B Spiewak Uniforms 30 2B Blackinton Badges and ID Cards 10 2C Hero's Pride Badges and ID Cards 10 2C 5.11 Concealment and plainclothes 20 2D Propper Concealment and plainclothes 30 2D Under Armor Concealment and plainclothes 25 2D Vertx Concealment and plainclothes 30 2D 5.11 Eyewear 20 2E ESS Eyewear 25 2E Revision Eyewear 20 2E Under Armor Eyewear 25 2E 5.11 Bags 20 2F Vertx Bags 30 2F SOG Firearms 25 3A EOTech Firearms Accessories 10 3B ESS Firearms Accessories 25 3B Sig Sauer Ammunition & Training ammunition Net 3C Surefire Shooting Range Gear 25 3D Benchmade Knives 25 3E Gerber Knives 30 3E TCI / Safariland Tools for Weapons and Ammunition 5 3F Paratech Specialty Tools 2 4A Page 9 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com PROPOSER PROFILE WORKBOOK (ATTACHMENT “B”) 1.0 GENERAL QUESTIONS: Section 1.1 only to be completed by vendors with a national presence; i.e. vendors with a sales territory in 25 states or more. 1.1 The “Yes” or “No” questions below are to help evaluators familiarize themselves with national vendors. Indicate “Yes” or “No” as it applies to your company.  Do you have a national sales force adequate in size to meet the demands of multiple agencies and their unique needs for the products and services listed herein? Yes No  Do you have a national distribution network that will support sales resulting from this RFP? Yes No  Can you provide product availability to meet the requirements for materials and services listed herein for government and nonprofit agencies nationwide in a timely manner? Yes No  Does your company have the ability to provide toll-free telephone/fax access, and an online presence? Yes No  Can you provide a single point of contact (National Account Manager) to interact with the lead agency and NPPGov staff? Yes No  Are you a strong competitor in the industry with a minimum of three consecutive years of demonstrated success in all business practices and pursuits? Yes No 1.2 Provide at least three references of government agencies within the United States that have purchased products/services from Proposer similar to those specified in this solicitation within the last year. If proposed products/services are new to market, please use most similar business references available. Include: Agency name and address Contact name, phone and email Description of products/services sold and date. Agency name and address Defense Logistics Agency (DLA Troop Support) General Services Admin (GSA) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA Troop Support) Contact name, phone and email Carolyn Zdunkiewicz P: (215) 737-8329 carolyn.zdunkiewicz@dla.mil Ralph Hunter P: 817-850-8149 ralph.hunter@gsa.gov Ashley T. Nixon P: 215-737-4848 Ashley.Nixon@dla.mil Description of products/services sold Products include a wide array of firefighting equipment, tools, and PPE, aircraft/crash rescue, hazardous material response, emergency medical services, homeland security, and domestic preparedness. Re: SPM8EH-14-D-0006; Oct 2013-Sep 2018 Products include firefighting and rescue equipment, PPE, law enforcement and security equipment, special purpose clothing, and related equipment and services. Re: GS-07-F-0043L Oct 2020-present (2nd, 20- year contract) Products include a wide array of firefighting equipment, tools, and PPE used before, during, and after WILDLAND Fire fighting operations by the United States Fire Service. Re: SPE8EH-14-D-0006; May 2014-Sep 2018 Page 10 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 LOC may use other information, however learned, in evaluation of the response. 1.3 OPTIONAL: If a Dun and Bradstreet Comprehensive Report (or similar) for your company is available, please submit it with your response. No response offered 1.4 OPTIONAL: Attach any case studies, white papers and/or testimonials supporting your company and products/services. No response offered 2.0 ABOUT PROPOSER: 2.1 State of incorporation: California 2.2 Federal Tax Identification Number: 94-1214350 2.3 If applicable to the product(s) and/or service(s), describe the Proposer’s ability to conduct E-commerce or online ordering. [Insert response in box below] During Curtis’ and CBL’s operating experience, the company has improved its distribution processes through continuous technological change and adaptation. Technical adaptations have focused primarily on information systems and processing—the introduction and implementation of innovative electronic order entry processing and management control techniques and technologies. CBL’s eCommerce Storefront and eCommerce Catalog allows customers to connect to CBL’s system in real time using the Internet to search CBL’s product catalog, place orders, check the status of orders, check product pricing and availability, and review account information. CBL’s electronic order entry system provides customers with 24-hour service, support, and sales. The company’s eCommerce storefront is a fully integrated, multi-channel sales and customer self-service portal solution that offers CBL’s trading partners and customers the ability to place orders. Some of the features of CBL’s eCommerce Storefront include: • Quick and secure customer access • Real-time order entry system • Email order confirmation CBL’s commercial catalog is included in our eCommerce Storefront, in a searchable online format with links to images, documents, and products. CBL’s eCommerce Catalog provides customers with the latest product information, pricing, and availability on a World Wide Web storefront. Additional features of CBL’s eCommerce Catalog include: • An attribute-based system, used to search for products • Additional fields of information for searching • Unlimited links from the catalog records to images, specification documents, and page references As the state of the art of the ITS for this contract evolves, CBL stands ready to adapt to any IT-related updates as may be required to accommodate the needs of the Loc/NPPGov membership. CBL’s electronic ordering system enables customers to efficiently conduct all procurement procedures online. The online platform provides customers, who prefer to conduct their buying process online, with the convenience (24/7/365 ordering); control (personalized search); and choice (selection and presentation of information) offered by the state-of-the-art ecommerce solutions platform. CBL’s internet commerce platform (www.CurtisBlueLine.com) is online and live and provides our customers with online access to our product and services catalogue. Customers are able to gather product information, submit product inquiries, and place orders. Page 11 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 2.4 Describe Proposer’s system for processing orders from point of customer contact through delivery and billing. [Insert response in box below] CBL Procedures for Processing Orders (other than “walk-in” business conducted at any of CBL’s retail stores) CBL has developed straight forward procedures for order processing. Our order handling procedures are consistently applied to process routine, urgent, and emergency orders, product returns, and discrepant orders. Order processing is fully integrated into our automated distribution software platform. This electronic system provides our sales, marketing, purchasing, accounting, and management with real time order status, while tracking inventory and shipping status. ORDERS Delivery order is considered issued upon receipt of order by mail, telephone, or facsimile, or email. ORDER PROCESSING The following flow charts illustrate how CBL’s processes orders from entry through fulfillment, invoicing and post- sales support After an order is received, CBL uses a simple and consistent series of procedures for processing customer orders. The sourcing determination, made by the Customer Service Manager during the customer purchase order review process, is the primary factor made to determine the specific path to be taken by our staff while processing each individual order: Order Scheduling & Delivery Order scheduling at CBL is based upon one of two customer requirements. CBL’s typical commercial customer requests product delivery per product availability as specified by the supplier. CBL accommodates both scheduling requirements efficiently and effectively using our distribution software and consistent status reviews of all active orders. Order Confirmation Customer orders are confirmed by CBL after the Customer Service Manager has reviewed the customer purchase order (customer information, product and quantity requirements, pricing and availability, and the existence of any special requirements from the customer) and entered the order into our distribution software tracking system. Not-In-Stock Conditions It is expected that not-in-stock conditions for core items will be extremely rare; however, it is prudent that CBL have procedures to handle these occurrences. CBL will handle not-in-stock product orders by determining lead times necessary to complete the order, contacting the ordering activity, and advising current lead time of product. Concurrently, CBL will offer alternative in-stock substitute products of equal or higher quality and at equal value for customer consideration. Partial Delivery / Back Order Procedures CBL will always strive to ship the entire order complete and on time. However, if CBL is in a low stock position on a particular product and the customer will accept a substitute item and accept a partial delivery, the order will be processed during CBL’s pre-order set-up to ensure that all items possible will be shipped either direct from our supplier or from one of the CBL warehouses in order to provide the level of service our customer requests. Back-orders are tracked via the Company’s ERP system and reports generated showing “non-fills” until the order is shipped complete. Partial deliveries and back orders status are provided to the customer on a regular basis until the order is filled. Order Review Order Entry & confirm flow down to supplier(s) Sourcing? Multi-Source Shipment Factory ships order CBL ships order Customer Service Rep (CSR) receives PO Page 12 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Order Billing CBL will submit invoices only after receiving assurances that our customer’s requirements have been met. Once the order has been shipped complete and all required activities specified within the order have been accomplished, CBL will submit invoices as required by the order. Payment for Goods Received CBL extends payment terms of net thirty (30) days from date of invoice. 2.5 Describe Proposer’s ability to provide detailed electronic reporting of quarterly sales correlated with NPPGov Member ID numbers of Participating Agency purchases as set forth in Addendum A to Vendor Administration Agreement (VAA), a copy of which is available upon request from the LOC. [Insert response in box below] CBL will employ the same control processes that have been successfully employed by CBL to monitor and control every sale made on all of our previous and current COOP contracts. For example, GSA is very serious about GSA contractors selling products that are not on the contract to GSA’s customers under the GSA "banner"; selling to a customer not authorized to buy from the GSA contracts; and, selling GSA-authorized products to GSA customers at prices higher than authorized. Our control processes, in-place and thoroughly tested, have passed numerous performance audits performed by the GSA to ensure our performance is in full compliance to very stringent GSA contract requirements. These same processes, controls, and operational procedures have been and will continue to be implemented immediately upon contract award to ensure full compliance to sales tracking, reporting, and pricing requirements. Additionally, with our Enterprise Resource Planning System (Oracle-NetSuite), our ability to submit accurate and timely reports is exceptional. CBL will ALWAYS welcome a review or audit by NPPGov staff of sales orders to ensure trust is developed between the organizations and that the NPPGov maintains confidence in CBL’s Management Control Processes. 2.6 Describe the capacity of Proposer to meet Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) preferences, which may vary among Participating Agencies. [Insert response in box below] As a very competitive small business that successfully competes against larger companies, CBL is intimately aware that small businesses can often provide faster, more efficient and satisfactory customer-focused support than what is typical of large organizations. Therefore, it is CBL policy to develop and utilize to the greatest extent possible, suppliers of quality product and services provided by historically underutilized businesses. Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Women-Owned Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, Veteran-Owned Small Business, Minority-Owned Small Business, and HUBZone Businesses account for an increasing segment of CBL suppliers. CBL’s goal is to develop and more fully utilize these businesses as suppliers and business partners. CBL views the LOC/NPPGov contracts as a platform with which to provide new opportunities to underutilized businesses. However, given the critical life-support functions performed by a majority of CBL’s proposed product catalog, the ability to source THE BEST and MOST RELIABLE products must necessarily take precedence over any concerns about business entity-type. 2.7 Proposer acknowledges compliance with Davis Bacon wage requirements where labor is concerned by indicating “yes” or “no” below. Yes 2.8 By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, Proposer agrees, if applicable, to comply with all applicable provisions of Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, PART 200—UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS contained in Title 2 C.F.R. § 200 et seq. Indicate “yes” or “no” below. Yes 2.9 Complete Exhibit 1, located at the end of this workbook. Completed (refer to page 23 of this proposal) Page 13 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 3.0 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 3.1 Describe distribution of products and/or services available in Proposer’s response through Proposer’s distribution system (including Alaska and Hawaii), including any limitations. [Insert response in box below] All products included in this CBL proposal are available to the LOC/NPPGov membership located in the thirteen Western States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, Hawaii, and other states as may be acceptable to our manufacturing partners, without limitations. CBL may provide products outside the 13 states listed based on manufacturer approval. 3.1.A Is it your intent to offer the proposed products and/or services through a designated distribution/dealer network, indicate “yes” or “no” below? YES X NO 3.2 Provide Proposer’s shipping and delivery policy, including standard delivery time and any options and costs for expedited delivery and return policies. [Insert response in box below] SHIPPING POLICY: CBL’s transportation strategy is to streamline the global supply chain by out-sourcing all transportation activities to providers whose sole business is to provide logistics and shipping services. CBL outsources all transportation logistics to established logistics providers who employ state-of-the-art technologies focused on zero defect shipping performance. In addition to local regional carriers, CBL utilizes Federal Express, UPS, DHL, YRC, USPS, Roadway Express, USF Corporation, and other well-known, global carriers. This combination of well-established internal processes, highly trained technicians, and efficient carriers combine to establish CBL as a highly reliable distributor. Over 99% of CBL’s deliveries are made error free. CBL charges no handling fees and never adds profit onto shipping and transportation costs. DELIVERY TIME: Delivery times will vary, by manufacturer and brand from in-stock and shipment within 24 hours for certain pieces of equipment to 90 days for customized equipment. For URGENT or EMERGENCY requirements, CBL will work with our manufacturer(s) to expedite deliveries. Normally, our supplier partners do not charge for expedited shipments; however, CBL will advise the customer of all expedite fees whenever a manufacturer requires such fees be paid. RETURN POLICY: CBL strives to maintain the highest level of customer service. CBL will refund or exchange your purchase within the following guidelines: • Items must be returned in new, unused condition • Items that have been used, damaged, or not purchased through www.CurtisBlueLine.com or at a CBL Operation Center / retail outlet will not be refunded • All items must be returned within 30 days of receipt • Any item desired to be returned after that date is subject to review by CBL, and may be non-returnable Custom Order Items and Clearance Items are non-returnable. A 20% re-stocking fee may be charged for any non- stock or special-order items. Subject to acceptance by CBL and the manufacturer. Items purchased on www.CurtisBlueLine.com can be returned by bringing it into one of our locations, or can be returned by mail, by following these steps: • Contact our customer service department at 877-488-0469 or customerservice@CurtisBlueLine.com to request a return or exchange. • A Return Goods Authorization (RGA) will be given and is required for the return of all goods. • Return the merchandise by Prepaid Mail to the address specified on the RGA. Make sure you include a copy of the RGA with the merchandise being returned, along with the original packing slip (we also recommend that you keep a copy of the RGA for your records). CBL reserves the right to reject any and all returns. All returns are subject to review upon receipt of the merchandise and an inspection. Items received in condition other than originally shipped may be rejected. All refunds are issued via original payment. Page 14 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 3.3 Third party and/or subcontracting may be allowed. If applicable, detail the sub-contracting process (ordering, shipment, invoicing, billing) for those products not carried in Proposer’s distribution center. Alternatively, if proposer utilizes a third-party ordering, shipment, invoicing or billing partner, please describe in detail. [Insert response in box below] CBL will not enter into any subcontracting agreements in performance of the required statement of work. 3.4 What is Proposer’s backorder policy? Is your policy to classify as “immediate or cancel” (requiring the Participating Agency to reorder if item is backordered) or “good until cancelled”? [Insert response in box below] It is expected that not-in-stock conditions for the most popular items used by law enforcement will be extremely rare; however, it is prudent that CBL has procedures to handle these occurrences, should they occur. CBL will handle not-in-stock product orders by determining lead times necessary to complete the order, contacting the ordering activity, and advising current lead time of product. Concurrently, CBL will offer alternative in-stock substitute products of equal or higher quality that are included in the CBL proposed product catalog and at equal value for customer consideration. CBL’s customers are not required to reorder if an item is backordered. 3.5 Indicate whether the Proposer has any dealer or distributors that are authorized to fulfil purchases? Yes No 3.6 If answered yes to 3.5, include a copy of or link to authorized dealers or distributors. Not Applicable 4.0 MARKETING: 4.1 Outline Proposer’s plan for marketing the Products and Services to the Participating Agencies on a local and national basis. Include any marketing incentives such as committed dollars for advertising, conferences/travel and custom marketing materials. [May attach marketing plan or insert response in box below] As with our current PublicSafety and FireRescue-GPO-related contracts, CBL’s sales teams will continue to target the areas with greatest population densities because population densities typically correlate directly with the number of serving police officers. However, our outside sales and inside sales (customer service representatives) teams will also target potential agency participants in less congested areas as the agency’s near-term procurement plans are identified. Specifically, immediately after contract award, our marketing department will announce the award on our web- site and other on-line public forums in which we participate with our customers. Additionally, CBL’s marketing department will prepare NEW marketing collateral for distribution by our sales teams and through eblast notifications to targeted customers (customers with near-term, open requirements). This collateral will explain the cooperative purchasing opportunity that is available to our customers through the new contract, and how, using this new contract the public agency may purchase a wide variety of products and services while saving time, man-power, and money. We also renew a dedicated commitment to support the NPPGov in marketing campaigns and industry conferences to advertise the cooperative purchasing opportunities made available to the LoC/NPPGov membership and to potential new members via the new contract. Page 15 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 4.2 Explain how Proposer will educate its local and national sales force about the use of the Master Price Agreement. [Insert response in box below] As previously discussed in section 4.1, CBL' marketing department will prepare NEW marketing collateral for distribution by our sales teams and through eblast notifications to targeted customers. This collateral will explain the cooperative purchasing opportunity that is available to our customers through the new contract, and how, using this new contract the public agency may purchase a wide variety of products and services while saving time, man-power, and money. Marketing collateral will be provided to the CBL Sales Teams during a contract kick-off (K/O) meeting (kick-off meetings [virtual or physical presence] are standard operating procedures when CBL is awarded a major new contract). LOC and NPPGov Personnel are encouraged to attend these K/O meetings whenever possible to establish relationships with CBL personnel and to make sure all necessary information is exchanged. Subjects covered during CBL’s K/O meetings include program / contract introduction and overview; brands, prices and discounts offered; rules of engagement (contract terms and conditions); procedures for quotes, order entry and post-sales support; and, any other program-specific information that will help the sales force gain understanding of and motivation to exploit the opportunities afforded by the new contract. 4.3 Indicate the Proposer’s willingness to allow training to its local and national sales force about the use of the Master Price Agreement. [Insert response in box below] CBL welcomes the training and partnership to ensure successful contract execution. Should CBL be honored by receiving a contract in response to this proposal, CBL requests that a Kick-Off meeting be held with NPPGov personnel at the appropriate NPPGov facility for the purposes of discussing lessons learned on the current contract between the FR-GPO and CBL and to review CBL’s marketing plan. Members of CBL’s senior management, sales and operations staff would attend the proposed NPPGov-CBL Kick-Off Meeting. Further, CBL will schedule training to allow our sales force the use of the Master Price Agreement. 5.0 POINT OF CONTACT: Proposer POC who will administer, coordinate, and manage this program with NPPGov and the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES: Contact Person: Nick Lawrence Title: Director, Special Programs Mailing Address: 185 Lennon Lane, Suite 110 City: Walnut Creek State & Zip: CA 94598 Email Address: NLawrence@LNCurtis.com Phone #: (510) 499-4112 Fax #: (510) 839-0219 Attach current resume of National Account Manager that will be the POC managing this contract. Page 16 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 H.R. NICK LAWRENCE, MBA, MS Professional Experience L.N. CURTIS & SONS Director, Special Programs • Responsible to identify, target, plan, and pursue strategic new business opportunities • Responsible for the implementation of new programs/strategic contracts SPECTRASWITCH, INC. Founder, President/CEO • Started, built, and ran the high-technology start-up company; secured new government SBIR contracts and more than $30 million in venture funding to establish the business • Recruited, motivated, and trained more than 150 employees in the areas of finance, accounting, engineering, product development, sales, marketing, operations, and human resources • Developed complex business organizations with multiple departments and several product lines • Managed technology development and product commercialization of the first solid-state optical switch for telecom sector • Created and implemented marketing and sales programs, technology research, strategic planning, finance management, new business development, and business direction • Cultivated and established strategic relationships with key suppliers and offshore manufacturing facilities • Worked with Venture partners to establish offering that led to successful purchase of technology by a larger corporation DISPLAYS & TECHNOLOGIES, INC. General Manager • Turned around high-technology start-up company that was losing more than 20% on sales • Returned company to profitability within 12 months; reduced debt and brought accounts receivables current; repaid penalties that accounted for 10% of sales • Delivered results by reorganizing management team, implementing new training programs, establishing new company- wide operating program management procedures, and streamlining manufacturing and operations • Prepared and presented offering that led to successful purchase of company by a large corporation FMC Corporation – Program Management • Managed corporations advanced Research & Development United States Army– Unit Commander • Managed top-rated organizations with over $50 million of complex equipment and more than 100 soldiers during critical, high-pressure situations for the U.S. Army EDUCATION MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, Arlington, Virginia Master of Business Administration VIRGINIA TECH, Blacksburg, Virginia Master of Science in Engineering UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, West Point, New York Bachelor of Science in Engineering Page 17 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 6.0 CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES: Explain Proposer’s policy regarding each of the following if applicable to product(s) and/or service(s): 6.1 Auditing for order completeness. [Insert response in box below] CBL takes great pride ensuring the highest quality standards are met in all facets of the business and that the right product will arrive, in the correct quantities, when needed. Senior management is tasked to ensure that all procedures are followed. CBL only promotes the highest quality products from its world class suppliers. Other assurances include: • Always double-checking orders prior to processing to ensure that products delivered comply with ALL order requirements • Ensuring that all products will meet applicable industry standards • Double-checking goods prior to being packed for shipment • Reviewing invoices before submitting • Maintaining an active job, product, and safety training program for all employees • Assisting customer inspectors during source inspections, as deemed necessary by the buyer 6.2 Replacement policy (i.e., damaged or defective goods). [Insert response in box below] If CBL or one of our manufacturing partners made a shipping or processing error, or the customer received damaged goods; our staff will ship replacement product immediately, if the item is in CBL stock, or we will work with the manufacturer to ensure the item is replaced expeditiously. (see section 6.14 for additional related information) 6.3 Minimum order requirement (e.g., Individual item vs. case lot). [Insert response in box below] CBL’s proposed product catalog includes manufacturers who do not require a minimum order (other than purchasing 1 unit of measure [e.g., each, pair, kit). 6.4 Customer service hours/days of operation [Insert response in boxes below] Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 7am- 4:30pm 7am- 4:30pm 7am- 4:30pm 7am- 4:30pm 7am- 4:30pm Call “Hot Line” Call “Hot Line” *CBL receives emergency orders 24/7/365 via fax, email, electronic ordering, or, if preferred, customers can use our “after hours HOT LINE” (888.950.6677) to make contact with a senior CBL manager or contact their local salesperson for emergency response and assistance. 6.5 Special Orders. [Insert response in box below] CBL coordinates special orders with the customer (to ensure CBL develops a full and accurate understanding of customer requirements), and the manufacturer (to ensure the manufacturer develops a full and accurate understanding of customer requirements and is able to translate those requirements into a cost-effective product, as quickly as possible). Once a special order is received, CBL uses the same consistent series of procedures for processing “normal” orders. 6.6 Post sale services issues. [Insert response in box below] CBL Customer Service will support the LoC/NPPGov Program in several critical areas of post-sales activity, including: • Outside Sales—provides face-to-face, in person customer contact for sales and marketing activities; product (technical and sales) information; on-site service activities; and monitoring of customer satisfaction • Warehousing & Inventory—logistics management and inventory control specialists who ensure the right parts go to the right customer • Marketing Specialists—provides educational information and training on a wide array of Law Enforcement Page 18 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 industry topics; conducts training classes on products and product maintenance and repair procedures; and, offers seminars on specific products and product families and industry-specific standards, specifications and requirements. • Factory-certified Product Technicians—provides in-house and mobile repair and maintenance services; warranty repairs, and annual, or as requested preventative maintenance • Personal Protective Equipment and Ensemble Care & Maintenance—Another of Curtis’ wholly-owned subsidiaries, ECMS, Inc. a five-facility operation, provides inspection, cleaning, and repair services of personal protective equipment to all National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards • Manufacturer Field and Product Technician Teams-CBL has access to supplier specialists and technical teams for customer support and education • CurtisCare—CBL provides our customers with training and on-boarding support, inspection, repair and maintenance services. 6.7 Repair services, including repair warranty programs, if any. Proposer shall identify, where applicable, authorized factory repair facilities that will honor the warranty of items on contract. [Insert response in box below] CBL’s factory-certified Product Technicians provide in-house and mobile repair and maintenance services; warranty repairs, and annual, or as requested preventative maintenance on many of the brands the Company represents. For all other brands, CBL always provides the manufacturer’s warranty of supplies and extended warranties, for new product. 6.8 Technical support services Proposer provides. [Insert response in box below] Should CBL receive a contract in response to this offer, the participating members of the LOC/NPPGov will realize significant benefits in addition to aggressive pricing. Every CBL Customer Service & Operation Center house the company’s customer and product service organizations, which consist of the following teams: • Customer Service (Inside Sales)—responds to all customer inquiries; provides immediate quotations; enters orders; tracks order status; expedites orders as needed with internal and supplier organizations; proactively identifies and solves potential problems; manages all corrective action and status tracking for returns and discrepant orders • Outside Sales—provides “face-to-face” customer contact for sales and marketing activities; product (technical and sales) information; on-site service activities; and monitoring of customer satisfaction. CBL’s experienced sales team is available to all LOC/NPPGov members (within our thirteen-state western region of responsibility) for visits on a regular schedule for technical advice, product presentations, and marketing. We will arrange for support by the manufacturer or the local distributor when on-site support for customers outside of our thirteen states geographical region is required. • Warehousing & Inventory Staff—On-site inventory to enable rapid inventory replenishment for our customers. Plus, logistics management and inventory control specialists who ensure the right parts go to the right customer, as ordered • Product Specialists—provides educational information and training on a wide array of industry topics; conducts training classes on products and product maintenance and repair procedures; and, offers seminars on specific products and product families and industry-specific standards, specifications and requirements. • Factory-certified Product Technicians—provides in-house and mobile repair and maintenance services; warranty repairs, and annual, or as requested preventative maintenance • Personal Protective Equipment and Ensemble Care & Maintenance—CBL’s wholly-owned subsidiary, ECMS, Inc. provides inspection, cleaning, and repair services of personal protective equipment to National Fire Protection Association 1851 standards • Manufacturer Field and Product Technician Teams—CBL has access to over 100 supplier specialists and Technical teams for customer support and education Page 19 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 • CBL’s Customer Service Team—provides a fully integrated process as the company markets, sells, distributes, and supports the thousands of emergency equipment items that it represents. A significant way that CBL manages its business is the close and cooperative nature of the relationship CBL has with all suppliers. This mutual commitment helps to ensure full responsiveness to CBL customers, whether their needs are for product, training, or service. CBL’s approach to customer service, “CurtisCare,” includes customer service activity that precedes the order and extends well beyond order delivery to ensure complete customer satisfaction. 6.9 Product substitution policy. [Insert response in box below] Should CBL experience a significant lead time/delay in fulfilling an order, the customer will be presented with alternative product solutions, if available. The customer will be informed of the situation, the lead time expected to fulfill the order, alternative product availability including cost, delivery schedule and whether or not the alternate is included in the LoC/NPPGov contract. CBL will immediately honor the customer’s decision to accept the delay, replace the delayed item with an alternate solution, or cancel the order 6.10 Identify trade-in program criteria (if applicable). [Insert response in box below] CBL’s proposed program does not include any trade-in program elements. 6.11. After hours service (including weekends and holidays) [Insert response in boxes below] Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: As required Although customer and technical support is available between the hours of 7:00am and 4:00pm, local time, Monday through Friday at each of our Customer Service Operation Centers, CBL understands that “normal office hours” has lost all real meaning in the global marketplace. Serving a world-wide customer community spanning all time zones, CBL’s customers are able to contact a company representative in any of several ways, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and three-hundred, sixty-five days a year (24/7/365) to discuss order placement, order tracking, problem resolution, and the myriad of other topics that will arise throughout the term of a business relationship. CBL’s customers contact company customer sales, service, and technical representatives via telephone, cell phone, email, or facsimile using the contact information listed on our web-site and also included in this section. It is a standard operating procedure that all outside sales representatives and management provide office, cell phone numbers, and email addresses to the company’s customers. This enables CBL’s customers to contact the company’s sales force directly for sales and service requests 24/7/365. Additionally, using toll-free numbers during “outside-of-normal” business hours or on national holidays, CBL representatives are contacted directly or via message service 24/7/365 in order to immediately respond to emergency or non-emergency situations. CBL’s representatives will respond to all customer inquiries within 4 hours between the hours of 7am-4pm (local) Monday through Friday or within 24 hours during non-duty hours or national holidays. Customers can use CBL’s “after hours HOT LINE” (888.950.6677). 6.12 Shipment tracking. [Insert response in box below] CBL expedites with our manufacturing suppliers and tracks shipments using each carrier’s online tracking and status reporting systems to ensure that timely deliveries are made. Tracking information and Proof-of-Delivery is required from all suppliers. 6.13 Back order tracking process. [Insert response in box below] Partial Delivery / Back Order Procedures Page 20 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 CBL will always strive to ship the entire order complete and on time. However, if the order requires drop shipment from multiple suppliers or if CBL is in a low stock position on a particular product and the customer will accept a partial delivery, the order will be processed during CBL’s pre-order set-up to ensure that all items possible will be shipped either direct from our supplier or from one of CBL’s warehouses. Back-orders are tracked via the Company’s ERP system and reports generated showing “non-fills” until the order is shipped complete. Partial deliveries and back orders status are provided to the customer on a regular basis until the order is filled. 6.14 Return Item process, including any/all associated fees (e.g., restocking, shipping, turnaround time on returns). [Insert response in box below] When an end user alerts CBL of a product return, CBL will coordinate all discrepant resolutions with the customer’s buyer. CBL will provide disposition instructions to the customer no later than 7 days after receiving notification of that the end user has received discrepant goods. CBL product return and discrepant shipment procedures are designed to negate any additional effort on the part of the customer other than communicating and assisting in the return of the item while ensuring accurate invoicing. CBL immediately processes the corrected order upon customer notification of a problem, so that the replacement items are received as quickly as possible without unnecessary delays due to paperwork or other procedural issues. CBL will accept returns and, if the authorized customer still requires the product(s), replace the product(s) under the following conditions: a) Incorrect products were shipped b) Products were damaged in shipment c) Products arrived with concealed shipping damages d) Products which are recalled, regardless of level of recall, except when the manufacturer’s policy states otherwise, in which case the manufacturer’s disposition instructions will be followed e) Other returns consistent with the Contractor’s normal return policy to include return of excess material ordered by the customer based on a project estimate. If an end user returns products that have no discrepancies, CBL will not charge a re-stocking fee for items shipped from CBL’s stock inventory. If a product must be returned to one of CBL’s vendors, CBL will, on behalf of the customer, work closely with the supplier to waive or minimize restocking fees. CBL does not charge a re-stocking fee for delinquent orders that are returned or if the customer chooses to cancel the order prior to delivery unless the order was for a custom product and our supplier charges a cancellation or re- stocking fee. If the ordering activity/customer does not need replacement of the returned products CBL will notify the buyer. The customer then will process a reimbursement action against the CBL for the prompt return of any expended dollars back to the customer. 6.15 Electronic billing. [Insert response in box below] CBL will submit invoices once the order has been shipped complete and all required activities specified within the order have been accomplished. After fulfillment, CBL will submit invoices in accordance to customer requirements. CBL extends payment terms of net thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Typically, invoices are transmitted via email or, in the case of our federal government customers, electronically via iRAPT (federal government’s Wide Area Work Flow, WAWF, invoicing system) Page 21 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 6.16 Explain how Proposer will resolve complaints, issues, or challenges. [Insert response in box below] CBL has developed a strong history of customer satisfaction because the company has developed a reputation for taking immediate action to resolve problems as they arise. CBL addresses problems using a standard but effective problem-solving technique: • Discuss the problem with customer to determine problem’s root cause • Develop a plan of action to resolve problem (if shipping or processing error, or receipt of damaged good; our staff will ship replacement product immediately) • Coordinate resolution with customer • Take action to resolve problem • Communicate with customer until a satisfactory outcome is achieved • Review internal procedures/policies/training to ensure problem does not recur • During the problem-solving process, CBL encourages customers to participate in the decision-making processes and action plan development The CBL Sales Team evaluates customer satisfaction with regular personal visits to each ordering activity and potential ordering activity. The primary responsibilities of CBL’s Sales include end-user activity visits, product training, product research, promotion, and training to ensure total customer satisfaction. Customer service is one of CBL’s core strengths. This strength is enabled because CBL maintains a high ratio of customer service representatives to outside sales representatives. Paired with one or more customer service representatives, each member of CBL’s Outside Sales Team is assured to be able to respond to customer requirements in a rapid and accurate manner. 6.17 Other services not already covered. [Insert response in box below] Stores/Warehousing…CBL & Curtis remain one of America’s largest stocking distributors of emergency response equipment. CBL & Curtis warehouse facilities total over 60,000 square feet of inventory space with firefighting, search & rescue, safety, HAZMAT, law enforcement, and emergency equipment on hand. 7.0 DELIVERY AND FREIGHT CHARGES: 7.1 Identify delivery and/or shipping costs or provide a shipping rate schedule based on weight, item, and/or destination for all items ordered within the continental U.S. (and Hawaii/Alaska). The Proposer shall identify all exceptions to this shipping rate schedule. [Insert response in box below] CBL price quotes for Hawaiian inquiries will be FOB: Destination that will be calculated using the following formula: list price less the brand discount plus an estimated freight charge. CBL will estimate freight by using the UPS freight calculator listed at UPS Freight Calculator (https://wwwapps.ups.com/fctc/timeandcost?loc=en_US&ActionOriginPair=SeamlessExperience_StartSession&F REIGHT_TYPE=LTL) or other calculators made publicly available by other shipping companies. CBL will always seek best value for our customers. CBL will provide a quote to all other states in the contiguous 48 plus Alaska requesting to “piggy-back” on any resulting contract between CBL and the member. CBL quoted prices for shipments to the continental USA plus Alaska will be FOB: Origin and will be calculated using the following formula: list price less the brand discount plus an estimated freight charge. The customer invoice will include actual freight charges as a separate line item. 7.2 Identify policy for transfer of product ownership (delivery) and damage/issue resolution. [Insert response in box below] Page 22 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Transfer of ownership from CBL to customer occurs at time of delivery. CBL and/or our carriers will be responsible for damage from pick-up at CBL warehouse or manufacturer’s dock (if drop-shipped) though drop-off at customer’s warehouse/point of delivery. Customer acceptance is expected to be at time of delivery. Customers shall inspect product at time of delivery and notify CBL as soon as possible upon a determination that the product arrived damaged. 8.0 VENDOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 8.1 Does Proposer require that customers/Participating Agencies agree to standard terms and conditions related to their purchase? Yes No [Circle one] 8.2 If answered yes to 8.1, include a copy of or link to terms and conditions. Please refer to the attached link which includes standard sales and online purchasing. https://www.curtisblueline.com/help-terms-conditions 9.0 WARRANTY INFORMATION: 9.1 Identify warranty options, if applicable. [Insert response in box below] CBL provides manufacturer warranty of supplies and will offer any extended warranties if available at additional costs. The warranties provided under CBL’s proposed program will be the same as offered to the public (standard commercial practice). Page 23 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Exhibit 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT COVERAGE RETAIL, DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE/SUPPORT LOCATIONS Number of retail stores in each state? Number of distribution centers in each state? Number of support locations in each state? ARIZONA 1 1 2 CALIFORNIA 2 2 4 UTAH 2 2 4 WASHINGTON 1 1 2 NOTE: This data does not include other Curtis facilities which are focused in markets not related to the markets served by this program (e.g., fire, force protection, industrial, medical, and education). Page 24 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com C URRENT C ATALOGS The following table identifies the catalogs forming the pricing basis of this proposal, at the time of submission. Manufacturers typically publish an updated version on a yearly basis. Pricing offered to membership will be based upon any changes in the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), as shown in their most current product catalog(s). Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Discount (%) Catalog 5.11 Uniforms 20 511 Tac Spring 1/1/2020 5.11 Concealment and plainclothes 20 511 Tac Spring 1/1/2020 5.11 Eyewear 20 511 Tac Spring 1/1/2020 5.11 Bags 20 511 Tac Spring 1/1/2020 ASP Restraints 20 ASP 7/10/2019 ASP Less Lethal Equipment 20 ASP 7/10/2019 ASP Training and Safety Equipment 20 ASP 7/10/2019 Bates Duty Gear 5 Bates Master UPC 1 Feb 2020 Benchmade Knives 25 Benchmade 1/1/2020 Blackhawk Duty Gear 30 Vista Outdoor Blackhawk 1 Jan 2020 Blackinton Badges and ID Cards 10 Blackinton 1/1/2020 Blauer Traffic Safety & Control Equipment 30 Blauer 1/1/2020 Blauer Uniforms 30 Blauer 1/1/2020 Broco Tactical Equipment 8 Broco Forced Entry 1/1/2020 CMC Tactical Equipment 10 CMC 1/1/2020 Danner Duty Gear 20 Danner 1/1/2020 DefenseTech Less Lethal Equipment Net Defense Tech 3 Dec 2018 Dicke Safety Products Traffic Safety & Control Equipment 5 Dicke 2020 Edward Garments Duty Gear 5 Edward Garments 9/1/2019 EOTech Firearms Accessories 10 L3 Comm 1/1/2020 ESS Protective Gear 25 Eye Safety Sys 4/1/2019 ESS Eyewear 25 Eye Safety Sys 4/1/2019 ESS Firearms Accessories 25 Eye Safety Sys 4/1/2019 Fechheimer Uniforms 30 Fech Flying Cross 1/6/2020 Federal Signal Vehicle Equipment 20 Federal Amber Units 4/1/2018 First Tactical Duty Gear 20 not yet available Forensics Source Investigations & Evidence Equipment Net not yet available Galvion Body Armor 20 not yet available Gerber Knives 30 Gerber 7/1/2019 Hatch / Safariland Protective Gear 20 Safariland/Hatch 5/15/2019 Hero's Pride Badges and ID Cards 10 Hero's Pride Reg 5/1/2019 Hogue Less Lethal Equipment 5 Hogue 1/1/2020 Invisio Protective Gear Net Invisio Product Brosure 6/26/2018 Invisio Communications Equipment Net Invisio Product Brosure 6/26/2018 Leupold Surveillance Equipment Net Leupold & Stevens 1/1/2020 Midway Caps Duty Gear 5 Midway Cap 1/1/2020 Page 25 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 Curtis Blue Line Product Catalog League of Oregon Cities/NPPGov RFQ 2010 "Law Enforcement Equipment" Brand Product Description Discount (%) Catalog Monadnock / Safariland Protective Headgear 15 Safariland/Monadnock 5/15/2019 Monadnock / Safariland Less Lethal Equipment Net Safariland/Monadnock 5/15/2019 Night Vision Devices Surveillance Equipment Net not yet available Paratech Tactical Equipment 2 Paratech Units Parts 1/1/2020 Paratech Specialty Tools 2 Paratech Units Parts 1/1/2020 Propper Uniforms 30 Propper Clothing 10/1/2019 Propper Concealment and plainclothes 30 Propper Clothing 10/1/2019 ProTech / Safariland Body Armor 20 Safariland/ProtechTactArmor 5/15/2019 Revision Eyewear 20 Revision Tac Eyewear 7/1/2018 Safariland Restraints 20 Safariland NASPO 4/25/2019 Safariland Tactical Equipment 20 Safariland NASPO 4/25/2019 Safariland Duty Gear 30 Safariland NASPO 4/25/2019 Safariland Body Armor Body Armor 30 Safariland Hard/Soft Armor 4/25/2019 Samuel Broome Duty Gear 5 Samuel Broome Co 1/1/2019 Sig Sauer Ammunition & Training ammunition Net Sig Sauer LE-MIL 22Jan2020 SOG Firearms 25 Spring Sog 1/17/2020 Spiewak Uniforms 30 Spiewak 2/1/2019 Steiner Surveillance Equipment Net Steiner Optics 1/1/2020 Streamlight Tactical Equipment 40 Streamlight 3/1/2019 Streamlight Traffic Safety & Control Equipment 40 Streamlight 3/1/2019 Surefire Shooting Range Gear 25 Surefire 1/1/2020 TCI / Safariland Protective Gear 5 Safariland/TCI 5/15/2019 TCI / Safariland Communications Equipment 5 Safariland/TCI 5/15/2019 TCI / Safariland Tools for Weapons and Ammunition 5 Safariland/TCI 5/15/2019 Under Armor Duty Gear 25 Under Armor 1/1/2019 Under Armor Concealment and plainclothes 25 Under Armor 1/1/2019 Under Armor Eyewear 25 Under Armor 1/1/2019 Vertx Duty Gear 30 Fech Vertx 1/6/2020 Vertx Concealment and plainclothes 30 Fech Vertx 1/6/2020 Vertx Bags 30 Fech Vertx 1/6/2020 Zistos Surveillance Equipment Net Zistos 9/12/2019 Page 26 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 REQUIREMENTS OF PROPOSERS SUBMITTING A RESPONSE: Proposers must present clear and concise evidence indicating Proposer’s ability to comply with the requirements stated herein and to provide and deliver the specified products and services to Participating Agencies. RESPONSE: CBL’s response centered around providing two general areas of evidence to show the Company is properly qualified and prepared to deliver the specified products and services to the League of Oregon Cities members, successful history performing on closely related programs and the construct of a robust product catalog meeting the needs of today’s law enforcement and containing multiple brands and products for the product categories: * The “Qualifications” section provides a record of CBL’s historical and on-going success managing similarly large and complex programs requring the support to a geographically dispersed and numerically large number of customers requiring a wide array of diverse products. Additionally, the proposed program will be managed by CBL’s most experienced leaders representing general management, program management, sales and marketing, customer service and product support. * The “Executive Summary” and the “Proposed Products and Services” section describe the products and service offerings. All catalogs included in this CBL proposal are available to the League of Oregon Cities membership located in the thirteen Western States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, Hawaii, and other states as may be acceptable to our manufacturing partners, without limitations. Many of the catalogs may be available outside the states listed as approved by the manufacturer. 2.1.1 PROPOSER COMMITMENTS Each Proposer is required to commit to low pricing, and accurate and timely reporting to NPPGov pursuant to the reporting requirements identified in the NPPGov Vendor Administration Agreement (available upon request). In addition, successful Proposer(s) with a national presence must commit to marketing of the Master Price Agreement nationwide and that the sales force will be trained, engaged and committed to offering NPPGov pricing to member government agencies nationwide, including the opportunity for NPPGov to train the Vendor sales staff. RESPONSE: CBL’s lead-in paragraph to the “Attachment D: Pricing Schedule” (page 7 in this proposal) describes that our proposed prices are generally better than the prices offered to our most favored customer. The exceptions are for those products contained within our proposal that are also included in our GSA contract. GSA contracts require the contract holder to offer products included on GSA contracts but not sold to GSA customers at prices no lower that the price received by the most favored customer. Exceptions may be made based on dissimilar scope of work. As described in paragraph 2.5 of “Attachment B: Proposer Profile Workbook” (page 12), CBL will employ the same control processes that have been successfully employed by CBL’s corporate parent for over twenty-years to monitor and control every sale made on our GSA contract and all other contracts with similar operational controls, and sales tracking and reporting requirements. Page 27 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 1.1.2 PROPOSERS MUST COMPLETE “ATTACHMENT B” – PROPOSER PROFILE WORKBOOK”. RESPONSE: CBL’s completed “Attachment B: Proposer Profile Workbook” beginning on page 9 of this proposal. 2.2 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: 2.2.1 Provide a description of the LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT offered as set forth in ATTACHMENT C. The primary objective is for the Proposer(s) to provide the Proposer(s)’s entire catalog of products and services (“catalog discount”) that are responsive to this RFP so that Participating Agencies may order a broad range of products and services as appropriate for their needs. Anticipated future models and related products/services that may be offered during the term of the resulting Master Price Agreement should also be in included in Vendor’s Proposal. RESPONSE: CBL’s Transmittal Letter and the “Proposed Products and Services” section (refer to page 3 of this proposal) describes the breadth of CBL’s proposed program by defining the number of brands, including their complete catalogs, being offered for each of the six product categories: CBL’s offer includes one or more brands for each product category and sub-category: • Category 1: Equipment o 1A: Body Armor o 1B: Protective Gear o 1C: Restraints o 1D: Less Lethal Equipment o 1E: Surveillance Equipment o 1G: Investigations & Evidence Equipment o 1H: Tactical Equipment o 1I: Communications Equipment o 1J: Traffic Safety & Control Equipment o 1L: Vehicle Equipment • Category 2: Uniforms & Accessories o 2A: Duty Gear o 2B: Uniforms o 2C: Badges and ID Cards o 2D: Concealment and plainclothes o 2E: Eyewear o 2F: Bags • Category 3: Weapons & Ammunition o 3A: Firearms o 3B: Firearms Accessories o 3C: Ammunition & Training ammunition o 3D: Shooting Range Gear o 3E: Knives o 3F: Tools for Weapons and Ammunition • Category 4: Other o 4A: Related Law Enforcement Equipment CBL anticipates requesting that additional products be added to any resulting contract reflecting future product enhancements made by industry. Page 28 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 2.2.2 All products offered must be new, unused and most current product lines, unless otherwise clearly identified as remanufactured goods. RESPONSE: All products offered and delivered will be new, unused and represent the most current models unless otherwise clearly identified or as may be required by the membership (e.g., inventory replenishment). 2.2.3 Describe any special programs that Proposer offers that shall improve the ability of the Participating Agencies to access the products, such as retail store availability, expedited delivery intervals, item sourcing, or other unique plans and services. RESPONSE: CBL’s Operation Centers located in Boise, ID., Kent, WA., Phoenix, AZ., Tigard, OR., Salt Lake City, and West Sacramento, CA include retail outlets, service centers, and product support spoecialists to assist membership. Additionally, Curtis’ centralized warehouse, located in Salt Lake City, provides a full suite of Integrated Logistics Support and Services to the Compay’s customers. CurtisCare is a program that offers the Company’s customers with robust training programs on all aspects of deployment; use; care and maintenance; and, repair procedures and support services for all products available from CBL. 2.2.4 Additional Benefits: Proposer shall identify any other added value it offers to the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES (“LOC”) and Participating Agencies (e.g. convenience cards, individual/member discounts, additional admin fee, etc.) RESPONSE: In addition to products being offered at best pricing, CBL offers the membership a supplier-partner offering a full suite of Integrated Logistics Support and Services; product specialists who are trained and certified by manufactrurers to provide deployment support in addition to product training in use; care, maintenance and repair; and safety. 2.3 PRICING: 2.3.1 Pricing for the products and services may be based on “ATTACHMENT D” – PRICING SCHEDULE as follows: A A fixed percentage (%) off marked price based on the Proposer’s catalog or retail store price for each CATEGORY specified in ATTACHMENT D – PRICING SCHEDULE. Proposer shall identify the catalog used. Option (A) is preferred. If option (A) is not feasible proposer may use option (B) provided Proposer includes a justification. B Alternatively, contract pricing may be based upon fixed prices (contingencies for economic price adjustments must be identified in the proposal), or a combination fixed percentage off and firm fixed prices. Proposer may offer additional discounts to the League of Oregon Cities and Participating Agencies based on volume. If proposers are responding with option “B”, proposers may request price increases based on manufacturer costs, cost of labor and/or materials that must be supported by appropriate documentation. If the League of Oregon Cities agrees to the price modification, the League of Oregon Cities may approve in writing, including electronic mail, without the need for a written amendment to the Master Price Agreement. RESPONSE: CBL’s proposed program is based upon offering, by brand, a fixed percentage (%) discount off marked price (Option A). The marked prices are defined within the current Price List/Product Catalog of each of the Company’s Manufacturer (Brand)-Partners identified within the “in Attachment D, Catalog Pricing” section (page 7). Page 29 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 All catalogs, representing the current version of new and unused products, are identified in the “Current Catalogs” section (refer to page 24 of this proposal). 2.3.2 Proposers may also add additional products and services provided that any additions reasonably fall within the intent of the original RFP specifications. Pricing on additions shall be equivalent to the percentage discount for other similar products. Proposer may provide a web-link with current product listings, which may be updated periodically, as allowed by the terms of the resulting Master Price Agreement. Proposer may replace or add product lines to an existing contract if the line is replacing or supplementing products on contract, is equal or superior to the original products offered, is discounted in a similar or to a greater degree, and if the products meet the requirements of the solicitation. No products may be added to avoid competitive procurement requirements. The League of Oregon Cities may reject any additions without cause. RESPONSE: CBL anticipates that future requests will be submitted to the LOC/NPPGov to add products reflecting future product enhancements made by industry or requests for products made by members. 2.3.3 Explain any additional pricing incentives that may be available such as large volume purchases, cash terms, or rebates to Participating Agencies. However, steeper discounts are preferred to rebates. RESPONSE: CBL’s proposed program includes prices to be considered ceiling prices. To be clear, ceiling prices are the highest prices that will be offered. CBL anticipates that the membership will be offered products contained in this offer at prices reflecting deeper discounts (lower prices) than those proposed within the pricing schedule (beginning on page 7 of this proposal). It is anticipated that market forces such as competition and the nature of specific sales actions (e.g., volume purchases, repeat customers) will lead to additional discounts being offered by CBL to the membership. 2.3.4 All pricing proposals shall clearly explain how freight and/or delivery costs are determined as described in ATTACHMENT D PRICING SCHEDULE herein. RESPONSE: CBL uses Federal Express Freight and UPS for most shipments. Our freight charges are based upon the pricing agreements the Company has with these and other less utilized shipping companies. CBL refers to the published rates or receives freight quotes from our transportation service providers for each order that CBL will collect freight costs. 2.4 TAX: Proposers shall strictly adhere to all federal, state and local tax requirements applicable to their operation, and to any contract or activity resulting from this Solicitation. RESPONSE: CBL strictly adheres to all regulations related to federal, state and local tax requirements. Page 30 of 34 (800) 443-3556 (toll free) ♦ (510) 839-5111 (direct) ♦ (510) 839-0219 (facsimile) L.N. Curtis & sons (“Curtis”)…a family of companies serving America’s First Responders LNCurtis.com ♦ CurtisBlueLine.com ♦ CurtisForceProtection.com ♦ ECMSinc.biz ♦ FireBooks.com SIGNED ADDENDA none Page 31 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 CERTIFICATIONS Page 32 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 EXHIBIT 2—DECLARATION OF NON-COLLUSION The undersigned does hereby declare that there has been no collusion between the undersigned, the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, and National Purchasing Partners, and in further support of said Declaration, states as follows: The person, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation herein named has not, either directly or indirectly, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding or solicitation in the preparation and submission of a proposal to the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES for consideration in the award of a contract or Master Price Agreement negotiated as a result of this Request for Proposal. DATED this 1st day of March, 2020. L.N. Curtis & sons (owner of Curtis Blue Line) By: Title: Director, Special Programs Page 33 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 WIPHE RESPONSE FORM (ATTACHMENT “G”) Vendor servicing Washington State AGREES to sell items included in this solicitation to WIPHE institutions at prices offered, unless otherwise noted below: _ DOES NOT agree to sell to WIPHE Institutions. X AGREES to sell to WIPHE Institutions at same prices and discounts, with the following exceptions: (attach additional pages as necessary) No exceptions taken Vendor must state geographic areas or specific institution(s) listed below within the State of Washington that are EXCLUDED from the contract(s) resulting from this solicitation: No geographical areas are excluded Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education (WIPHE). See list on following page. If Vendor agrees to sell to the WIPHE Institutions, a WIPHE Contract number will be assigned and the information will be reported to the Council of Presidents. The Council of Presidents notifies all the other schools when a WIPHE contract has been awarded and a master list will be maintained and the WIPHE website updated. WIPHE shall determine, at its absolute discretion, whether it shall accept and/or utilize the contract resulting from the Request for Proposal Page 34 of 34 Tools for Heroes since 1929 PROPOSAL FINAL CERTIFICATION a) I hereby certify that the Proposal contained herein fully and exactly complies with the instruction for proposers and specifications as they appear in this Notice of Solicitation. b) I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Board of Directors or Corporate Officers of the Corporation to sign the Requests for Proposals and proposals in the name of the corporation listed below: Proposer Name: L.N. Curtis & sons on behalf of Curtis Blue Line Signature: _________________________________________________ Name Typed: Nick Lawrence Title: Director, Special Programs Proposer is a resident bidder of the state of California Date: March 01, 2020 16 ATTACHMENT E to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. Purchaser’s Request for Proposal (The Purchaser’s Request for Proposal is not attached hereto.) (The Purchaser’s Request for Proposal is incorporated by reference herein.)          NOTICE OF SOLICITATION LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES RFP NUMBER 2010 SOLICITATION FOR: LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT Notice is hereby given that the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES will accept sealed proposals for LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT at the address listed below, until 5:00 PM PST on March 9th, 2020. Those proposals will be for the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES and members of National Purchasing Partners Government Division (“NPPGov”) across the nation, including but not limited to governmental units incorporated by “ATTACHMENT H” of the Request for Proposal (RFP), WIPHE members identified in “ATTACHMENT G” of the RFP, as well as government units in all other states (collectively, “Participating Agencies”). Significant sales potential exists because the resulting Master Price Agreement for national proposers will include piggy backing language that permits use of the Master Price Agreement nationwide which may allow Participating Agencies to forego duplicating the formal solicitation process and expend staff resources and funds. All Proposals must be signed, sealed and addressed to: Mailing Address: LOC PUBLIC “LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT RFP” #2010 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES c/o Procurement Specialist 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 All Proposals must clearly state RFP #2010 and Proposing company’s full name on the OUTERMOST packaging. NOTE: THE LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES WILL NOT ACCEPT PROPOSAL ENVELOPES WITH INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE. INQUIRIES: LOC “LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT RFP” #2010 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES c/o Procurement Specialist 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 rfp@orcities.org The solicitation documents may be reviewed at the office address listed above. NOTE: NOTICES OF SOLICITATION WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, USA TODAY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL SOLICITATIONS FOR: LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT 1.0 INTENT: 1.1 GENERAL INTENT The LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES (“LOC”) serves as the “Lead Contracting Agency” for this solicitation on behalf of its members, and as authorized by the LOC Intergovernmental Agreement, which is an agreement for intergovernmental cooperation among select local Oregon governments and recognized under ORS Chapter 190. LOC, in association with the members of National Purchasing Partners, LLC dba NPPGov (hereinafter referred to as “NPPGov”), comprises a cooperative procurement group. NPPGov membership includes government entities, non-profit organizations across the nation, members of Public Safety GPO, First Responders GPO, and Law Enforcement GPO, Hawaii, and Oregon local government units (ATTACHMENT H), and WIPHE members (ATTACHMENT G), as well as all other government units in all other states, as authorized under the terms of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement executed by all Lead Contracting and Participating Agencies (the foregoing list of entities hereinafter referred to as “Participating Agencies”). This procurement group is soliciting proposals from qualified companies (hereinafter referred to as “Proposer”) to enter into a Master Price Agreement for LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT. The intent of this Interstate Cooperative Procurement Solicitation (hereinafter referred to as “Solicitation” or “RFP”) is to invite Proposers to submit a competitive pricing proposal offering LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT to LOC, which will then be made available to NPPGov members locally and nationwide; to reduce expenses by eliminating multiple requests for proposals and multiple responses by Vendors; and to obtain discounted pricing through volume purchasing. Significant sales potential exists because the Master Price Agreement will be used nationwide which may allow Participating Agencies to forego duplicating the formal solicitation process and expend staff resources. Preferably, the successful Proposer will provide its entire catalog of products and/or services in order that Participating Agencies who wish to access the Master Price Agreement may order a broad range of goods and services as needed. With the exception of successful local Proposer(s) capable of servicing LOC and Participating Agencies within the state of Oregon, successful Proposer(s) should have a strong national presence for LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT for use by government agencies nationwide. This Solicitation meets Oregon public contracting requirements (ORS 279A et. seq.) and may not be appropriate under or meet Participating Agencies’ procurement laws. Participating Agencies are urged to seek independent review by their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all local and state solicitation requirements. 1.2 POTENTIAL MARKET The LOC is publishing this RFP to create publicly awarded contracts for use by its members, which may also benefit the thousands of fellow members of NPPGov, Public Safety GPO, First Responders GPO, and Law Enforcement GPO. These are nationwide programs representing member government agencies in all 50 states. We encourage each Proposer’s response to be a collaborative effort including manufacturer and distributor (when they are not the same company) to ensure nationwide contract utilization. Proposer’s response should also take into consideration the considerable market potential for this Solicitation. Because the successful proposal will be incorporated into a nationwide cooperative procurement program including tens of thousands of state, local government and non-profit participants from all 50 states, the LOC believes that contracts created from this Solicitation will provide vendors with a significant market advantage. Members of NPPGov, Public Safety GPO, First Responders GPO, and Law Enforcement GPO and current vendors who participate in the program indicate the ability to shorten the sale cycle by eliminating the need to complete individual RFP processes is a significant advantage to participation. The LOC believes that participation in the NPPGov purchasing program benefits both its Participating Agencies and successful Proposers. NPPGov engages with successful proposers who complete the Vendor Administration Agreement through a marketing and sales partnership. This partnership includes (but is not limited to) contract promotion to members, contract administration support to potential customers and live customer phone support. 1.3 REQUIREMENTS 1.3.1 The RFP and resulting Master Price Agreement are anticipated for use by the LOC’s government members, as well as other Participating Agencies across the nation. The LOC has entered into an Intergovernmental (interlocal) Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with other Participating Agencies for the purpose of obtaining Master Price Agreements with various vendors. Interlocal cooperative purchasing agreements allow Participating Agencies to make purchases at the LOC’s accepted proposal price, terms and conditions, provided that the Participating Agency has satisfied all of its local and state cooperative procurement requirements. By submitting a proposal, the Proposer(s) agrees to make the same proposal terms and price, exclusive of any possible rebates, incentives, freight and transportation fees, available to other Participating Agencies. The LOC and NPPGov will not incur any direct liability with respect to specifications, delivery, payment, or any other aspect of purchases by such Participating Agencies or nonprofit institutions. The Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is incorporated by reference herein and is available upon request — See Attachment A. The successful Proposer must work directly with the Participating Agencies concerning the placement of orders, disputes, invoicing and payment. The LOC and NPPGov shall not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by or as a result of the actions of the Vendor or any Participating Agency. Successful Proposers must comply with the state and local laws, rules and regulations in each state and locality where the product or service is provided. 1.3.2 Each Participating Agency shall execute a Participating Agency Endorsement and Authorization included in the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. While the terms of the Master Price Agreement shall govern the general pricing terms, each Participating Agency may request modification of the Master Price Agreement in accordance with each Participating Agency’s state and/or local purchasing laws, rules, regulations and procedures, provided said modifications are not material changes. Each Participating Agency may, at its discretion, and upon written agreement by the Participating Agency and Successful Proposer, request additional legal and procedural provisions not included herein that the successful Proposer must adhere to if it wishes to conduct business with said Participating Agency using the Master Price Agreement. 1.3.3 NPPGov, Public Safety GPO, First Responders GPO, and Law Enforcement GPO provide vendor exposure/marketing and contract utilization support for the successful Proposer’s products and services. Successful Proposers servicing the awarded contract to Participating Agencies shall pay a Contract Administration Fee representing 2% percent of actual net sales under the Master Price Agreement as established in the NPPGov Vendor Administration Agreement (available upon request). Administration fee may not be listed or charged as a separate line item to users of the contract. The value of trade-ins or rebates shall not affect the amount of the administration fee paid to NPPGov. 1.4 MULTIPLE AWARDS Multiple awards may be granted to meet the requirements of this Solicitation provided that such awards are differentiated by product make and model, service, and/or distribution regions and capabilities of the successful Proposers. Specifically, the LOC may award separate contracts to Proposers in order to cover all local and national geographical markets, electronic purchasing capabilities, and products and services identified in this Request for Proposal, as well as the diverse and large number of Participating Agencies. The award of multiple contracts is to be determined upon receipt and review of all proposals, and based upon the general criteria provided herein. The LOC may solicit proposals from local qualified companies with or without a national presence provided that the successful Proposer is able to provide the LOC with the products and services requested. Multiple awards will ensure fulfillment of current and future requirements of the diverse and large number of Participating Agencies. In the event a local Proposer with no national distribution capabilities best meets the proposal selection criteria, multiple local and nationwide responsive proposals may be awarded simultaneously in the best interests of local commerce, compliance with local laws, and the Participating Agencies nationwide. Proposers should be able to serve the needs of Participating Agencies on a national basis. However, this requirement shall not exclude local Proposers without a national presence that are capable of meeting the requirements of the LOC within the state of Oregon. 1.5 CONTRACT USAGE The actual utilization of any Master Price Agreement will be at the sole discretion of LOC and the other Participating Agencies. It is the intent of this Request for Proposal and resulting Master Price Agreement that Participating Agencies may buy directly from Successful Proposers without the need for further solicitation. However, Participating Agencies are urged to seek independent review by their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all local and state solicitation requirements as well as the need of further notice prior to utilizing the Master Price Agreement 1.6 BACKGROUND OF NPPGov NPPGov, owned by two non-profit healthcare organizations, provides group purchasing opportunities and purchasing administrative support for governmental entities and nonprofit institutions within its membership. NPPGov’s membership includes participating public and nonprofit entities across North America. 1.7 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The LOC encourages Minority and Women-owned Small Business Proposers to submit proposals. 1.8 QUALIFIED REHABILITATION FACILITIES Oregon Public Agencies are prohibited from use of products and services offered under this contract that are already provided by qualified nonprofit agencies for disabled individuals as listed on the Department of Administrative Service’s Procurement List pursuant to ORS 279.835 ORS 279.855. Please see www.OregonRehabilitation.org/qrf for more information. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK: 2.1 REQUIREMENTS OF PROPOSERS SUBMITTING A RESPONSE: Proposers must present clear and concise evidence indicating Proposer’s ability to comply with the requirements stated herein and to provide and deliver the specified products and services to Participating Agencies. 2.1.1 PROPOSER COMMITMENTS Each Proposer is required to commit to low pricing, and accurate and timely reporting to NPPGov pursuant to the reporting requirements identified in the NPPGov Vendor Administration Agreement (available upon request). In addition, successful Proposer(s) with a national presence must commit to marketing of the Master Price Agreement nationwide and that the sales force will be trained, engaged and committed to offering NPPGov pricing to member government agencies nationwide, including the opportunity for NPPGov to train the Vendor sales staff. 2.1.2 PROPOSERS MUST COMPLETE “ATTACHMENT B” – PROPOSER PROFILE WORKBOOK”. 2.2 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: 2.2.1 Provide a description of the LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT offered as set forth in ATTACHMENT C. The primary objective is for the Proposer(s) to provide the Proposer(s)’s entire catalog of products and services (“catalog discount”) that are responsive to this RFP so that Participating Agencies may order a broad range of products and services as appropriate for their needs. Anticipated future models and related products/services that may be offered during the term of the resulting Master Price Agreement should also be in included in Vendor’s Proposal. 2.2.2 All products offered must be new, unused and the most current product lines, unless otherwise clearly identified as remanufactured goods. 2.2.3 Describe any special programs that Proposer offers that shall improve the ability of the Participating Agencies to access the products, such as retail store availability, expedited delivery intervals, item sourcing, or other unique plans and services. 2.2.4 Additional Benefits: Proposer shall identify any other added value it offers to the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES (“LOC”) and Participating Agencies (e.g. convenience cards, individual/member discounts, additional admin fee, etc.) 2.3 PRICING: 2.3.1 Pricing for the products and services may be based on “ATTACHMENT D” - PRICING SCHEDULE as follows: A A fixed percentage (%) off marked price based on the Proposer’s catalog or retail store price for each CATEGORY specified in ATTACHMENT D – PRICING SCHEDULE. Proposer shall identify the catalog used. Option (A) is preferred. If option (A) is not feasible proposer may use option (B) provided Proposer includes a justification. B Alternatively, contract pricing may be based upon fixed prices (contingencies for economic price adjustments must be identified in the proposal), or a combination fixed percentage off and firm fixed prices. Proposer may offer additional discounts to LOC and Participating Agencies based on volume. If proposers are responding with option “B”, proposers may request price increases based on manufacturer costs, cost of labor and/or materials that must be supported by appropriate documentation. If LOC agrees to the price modification, LOC may approve in writing, including electronic mail, without the need for a written amendment to the Master Price Agreement. 2.3.2 Proposers may also add additional products and services provided that any additions reasonably fall within the intent of the original RFP specifications. Pricing on additions shall be equivalent to the percentage discount for other similar products. Proposer may provide a web-link with current product listings, which may be updated periodically, as allowed by the terms of the resulting Master Price Agreement. Proposer may replace or add product lines to an existing contract if the line is replacing or supplementing products on contract, is equal or superior to the original products offered, is discounted in a similar or to a greater degree, and if the products meet the requirements of the solicitation. No products may be added to avoid competitive procurement requirements. LOC may reject any additions without cause. 2.3.3 Explain any additional pricing incentives that may be available such as large volume purchases, cash terms, or rebates to Participating Agencies. However, steeper discounts are preferred to rebates. 2.3.4 All pricing proposals shall clearly explain how freight and/or delivery costs are determined as described in ATTACHMENT D PRICING SCHEDULE herein. 2.4 TAX: Proposers shall strictly adhere to all federal, state and local tax requirements applicable to their operation, and to any contract or activity resulting from this Solicitation. 3.0 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 3.1 MASTER PRICE AGREEMENT TERM: As a result of this Solicitation the successful Proposer(s) shall be awarded a Master Price Agreement for a three (3) year period. The Master Price Agreement may be extended up to a maximum of three (3) additional one (1) year periods. 3.2 MASTER PRICE AGREEMENT ACCESS PROVISIONS Utilization of the Master Price Agreement will be at the discretion of the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES (“LOC”) and Participating Agencies. The LOC shall be under no obligation to purchase off of the Master Price Agreement. Assuming all local competitive solicitation requirements have been met, Participating Agencies may purchase directly from the successful Proposer(s) without the need for further solicitation. 3.3 INDEMNIFICATIONS AND INSURANCE: Indemnification and insurance requirements will vary based on the nature of the RFP. Proposer is responsible for submitting appropriate indemnification and insurance coverage as applicable. 3.3.1 Indemnification The successful Proposer shall indemnify the LOC and NPPGov as specified in the Master Price Agreement. 3.3.2 Insurance Requirements. Proposer(s), at Proposer(s)’s own expense, shall purchase and maintain the herein stipulated minimum insurance from a reputable company or companies duly licensed by the State of Oregon. In lieu of State of Oregon licensing, the stipulated insurance may be purchased from a company or companies that are authorized to do business in the State of Oregon, provided that said insurance companies meet the approval of the LOC. Proposer(s)’s insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to the LOC, and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the LOC shall not contribute to it. Award of this Solicitation is contingent upon the required insurance policies and/or endorsements identified herein. The LOC shall not be obligated to review such policies and/or endorsements or to advise Proposer(s) of any deficiencies in such policies and endorsements, and such receipt shall not relieve Proposer(s) from, or be deemed a waiver of the LOC’s right to insist on strict fulfillment of Proposer(s)’s obligations under this RFP. The insurance policies required by this RFP, except Workers’ Compensation, shall name the LOC, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees as an Additional Insured. The policies required hereunder, except Workers’ Compensation, shall contain a waiver of transfer of rights of recovery (subrogation) against the LOC, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees for any claims arising out of Proposer(s)’s work or service. 3.3.3 Commercial, automobile and workers’ compensation insurance. Commercial General Liability. Proposer(s) shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL) and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella Insurance. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, personal injury, products and completed operations and blanket contractual coverage including, but not limited to, the liability assumed under the indemnification provisions of the Master Price Agreement. Automobile Liability. Proposer(s) shall maintain Automobile Liability Insurance and, if necessary, Commercial Umbrella Insurance. If hazardous substances, materials, or wastes are to be transported, MCS 90 endorsement shall be included. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability. Proposer(s) shall carry Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by federal and state statutes having jurisdiction over Proposer(s)’s employees engaged in the performance of the work or services, as well as Employer’s Liability insurance. In case any work is subcontracted, Proposer(s) will require the SubProposer(s) to provide Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance to at least the same extent as required of Proposer(s). 4.0 SCHEDULE, RESPONSE PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION 4.1 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 4.1.1 Publication of Request for Proposal Publication of this Solicitation conforms with ORS 279B, to include Public Notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES (“LOC”) is located no less than 30 days prior to the proposal due date, as well as posting of the Public Notice on the web site that typically posts Public Notices concerning the LOC. Solicitation Notice Publication : January 6th, 2020 4.1.2 Question and Answer period The LOC will post questions and answers concerning this Solicitation no later than 10 days prior to the proposal due date. All questions shall be submitted in writing via email to 2010, Contract Manager, at rfp@orcities.org. The LOC reserves the right to accept and answer questions after the question and answer period has expired. All questions and answers will be posted on the LOC website at www.orcities.org. 4.1.3 Submission of Proposals There will be no mandatory pre-proposal meeting. All questions must be submitted via email as directed above. If necessary, questions can be submitted in writing to LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, c/o Mike Cully, 1201 Court St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301 or rfp@orcities.org. Close date: Deadline for submission of proposals is 5:00 PM PST, on March 9th, 2020. The LOC must receive all proposals before 5:00 PM PST on the above closing date in the office of the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, c/o Mike Cully, Executive Director, 1201 Court St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301. Approximate opening date: 9:00 AM PST on March 10th, 2020 at the office of the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, c/o Mike Cully, 1201 Court St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301. Proposal selection: March 10th, 2020 to March 31st, 2020. Approximate award date: April 14th, 2020. All responses to this Solicitation become the property of the LOC. Proposers should mark those aspects of the proposal that they consider trade secrets and exempt from public disclosure. The LOC will not be held accountable if parties other than the LOC obtain material from proposal responses without the written consent of the Proposer(s). 4.1.4 Withdrawal of Proposal The Proposer(s) may withdraw its proposal at any time prior to the hour and date set for the receipt of proposals. Withdrawal will not preclude the submission of another proposal prior to the deadline. 4.2 REVIEW, INQUIRIES AND NOTICES: 4.2.1 The solicitation documents may be reviewed in person at the following address: LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 All inquiries concerning information herein shall be addressed to: LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES c/o Procurement Specialist 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Administrative telephone inquiries shall be addressed to: Procurement Specialist Email inquiries shall be addressed to: rfp@orcities.org Inquiries are required to be submitted by email to the Administrative Contact listed above. No oral communication is binding on the LOC. 4.2.2 Proposal Interpretation of the RFP Documents and Issuance of Addenda If any Proposer(s) finds discrepancy in, or omissions from, or is in doubt to the true meaning of any part of the RFP document, he/she shall submit a written request for a clarification or interpretation thereof to: LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES c/o Procurement Specialist 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 Any request for clarification or interpretation must be received at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the RFP closing date. The LOC is not responsible for any explanation, clarification, interpretation, or approval made or given in any manner, except by addenda. Addenda, if necessary, will be issued not later than five (5) days prior to the RFP closing date by publication on the LOC’s web site and NPPGov website. Oral interpretations or statements cannot modify the provisions of this Request for Proposal. If inquiries or comments by Proposers raise issues that require clarification by the LOC, or the LOC decides to revise any part of this Request for Proposal, addenda will be published and provided to all persons who receive the Request for Proposal. Receipt of an addendum must be acknowledged by signing and returning it with the proposal. 4.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING AND SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: Proposers are to provide two (2) hard copies and two (2) electronic copies of the complete proposal. Each electronic copy is to be submitted on a USB flash drive with the core response in a file less than 10 MB, when possible. Electronic files may be used by the Evaluation Committee so they should be organized and named in an easy to understand manner. Proposers are to address proposals identified with return address, RFP number and title in the following manner:   LOC “LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT RFP” #2010 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES c/o Procurement Specialist, Contract Manager 1201 Court St. NE Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301 All prices shall be held firm for a period of sixty (60) days after the Solicitation closing date. Any Proposer may withdraw its proposal if a Master Price Agreement has not been executed within sixty (60) days from the RFP closing date. 4.4 EXCEPTIONS AND DEVIATIONS TO THE RFP The Proposer shall identify and list all exceptions taken to all sections of this RFP and list these exceptions, referencing the section (paragraph) where the exception exists and stating the proposed revision. The Proposer shall list these exceptions under the heading, “Exception to the Solicitation, RFP Number 2010.” Exceptions not listed under the heading “Exception to the Solicitation, RFP Number 2010.” shall be considered invalid. The LOC reserves the right to reject exceptions, render the proposal non-responsive, enter into negotiation on any of the Proposer exceptions, or accept any or all exceptions. The Proposer shall detail any and all deviations from specifications, if any, contained in this Solicitation and Attachments, as requested. The LOC may accept or reject deviations, and all LOC decisions shall be final. 4.5 RESPONSE FORMAT AND CONTENT: To aid in the evaluation, it is desired that all proposals follow the same general format. The proposals are to be submitted in binders and have sections tabbed as follows: 4.5.1 Letter of Transmittal 4.5.2 Table of Contents 4.5.3 Short introduction and executive summary. This section shall contain an outline of the general approach utilized in the proposal. 4.5.4 The proposal should contain a statement of all of the programs and services proposed, including conclusions and generalized recommendations. Proposals should be all-inclusive, detailing the Proposer’s best offer. Additional related services should be incorporated into the proposal, if applicable. 4.5.5 Qualifications – This section shall describe the Proposer’s ability and experience related to the programs and services proposed. 4.5.6 Exceptions to the Solicitation, RFP Number 2010. 4.5.7 PRICING SCHEDULE (“ATTACHMENT D”). 4.5.8 PROPOSER PROFILE WORKBOOK (“ATTACHMENT B”). 4.5.9 Complete, Current Catalog Pricing shall be submitted on a USB flash drive. 4.5.10 Format Proposal to specifically address each individual sub-section and sub-set of the SCOPE OF WORK (Section 2.0). 4.5.11 Signed Addenda, if any. 4.5.12 Proposal Final Certification. 5.0 EVALUATION AND POST SUBMISSION 5.1 EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL – SELECTION FACTORS: LOC will evaluate each Proposal and prepare a scoring of each Proposal. Each Proposal received and reviewed shall be awarded points under each criterion solely on the judgment and determination of the Evaluation Committee and the LOC. There is a maximum score of 500 points and Proposer’s average total score must be at least 200 points for consideration of an award. Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria and further defined in the Proposal Evaluation Form (ATTACHMENT E) utilizing the point system indicated on the form: 1) Pricing 2) Product Line (within each category) 3) Marketing 4) Customer Service 5) Proven Experience & References 6) Coverage 7) Conformance At the LOC’s discretion, Proposers may be invited to make presentations to the Evaluation Committee. LOC reserves the right to make multiple awards to meet the national membership needs of this Solicitation. 5.1.1 Additional criteria/preferences that are not necessarily awarded points. Pursuant to ORS 279A.128, Lead Contracting Agency shall give preference to goods fabricated or processed within state or services performed within state. Pursuant to ORS 279A.125, Lead Contracting Agency shall give preference to the procurement of goods manufactured from recycled materials. Pursuant to ORS 279A.120, Lead Contracting Agency shall give preference to goods and services that have been manufactured or produced within the State of Oregon if price, fitness, availability and quality are otherwise equal; and the Lead Contracting Agency shall add a percent increase to the proposal of a nonresident Proposer equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to the Proposer in the state in which the Proposer resides. All Proposers shall identify the state to which it is a resident bidder. Lead Contracting Agency shall consider proposals for printing, binding and stationary work in accordance with ORS 282.210, incorporated herein by this reference. Proposer shall comply with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the work under the Master Price Agreement awarded as a result of this Solicitation, including, without limitation, the provisions of ORS 279A and ORS 279B, including those provisions set forth on “ATTACHMENT F”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Pursuant to Section 1.7, the Lead Contracting Agency encourages Minority and Women-owned Small Business Proposers to submit proposals. 5.2 RIGHT OF LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES TO AWARD OR REJECT PROPOSALS 5.2.1 The Request for Proposal does not commit the LOC to award a Master Price Agreement for the products or services specified within the Request for Proposal document. The LOC may cancel the procurement or reject any or all proposals in accordance with ORS 279B.100. Under no circumstance will the LOC pay the costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request. 5.2.2 The LOC reserves the right to: Accept or reject any or all proposals and proposal terms and conditions received as a result of the Request for Proposals; Accept a proposal and subsequent offers for a Master Price Agreement from proposer(s) other than the lowest cost proposer; Waive or modify any irregularities in proposals received after prior notification to the Proposer(s). 5.2.3 The award, if there is one, will be made to that Proposer(s) who is determined to be the most qualified, responsible and responsive within a competitive price range based upon the evaluation of the information furnished under this RFP. 5.3 PROTEST PROCESS A prospective Proposer may protest the procurement process of the Solicitation for an Agreement solicited under ORS 279B. Before seeking judicial review, a prospective Proposer must file a written protest with the LOC and exhaust all administrative remedies. Written protests must be delivered to the LOC at 1201 Court St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301 not less than ten (10) days prior to the date upon which all proposals are due. The written protest shall contain a statement of the desired changes to the procurement process or Solicitation document that the protester believes will remedy the conditions upon which the protest is based. The LOC shall consider the protest if it is timely filed and meets the conditions set forth in ORS 279B.405. The LOC shall respond pursuant to ORS 279B.405. If the LOC upholds the protest, in whole or in part, the LOC may in its sole discretion either issue an Addendum reflecting its disposition or cancel the procurement or solicitation. The LOC may extend the due date of proposals if it determines an extension is necessary to consider and respond to the protest. A Proposer may protest the Award of the Contract, or the intent to Award the Contract, if the conditions set forth in ORS 279B.410 are satisfied. Judicial review of the protest and the LOC’s decision shall be governed by ORS 279B.415. 5.4 NON-ASSIGNMENT If a Master Price Agreement is awarded, Proposer shall not assign the Agreement in part or in total. 5.5 POST AWARD MEETING: The successful Proposer(s) may be required to attend a post-award meeting with the LOC to discuss the terms and conditions of the Master Price Agreement. 5.6 PROPOSAL FINAL CERTIFICATION The Proposer must certify the following: a) I hereby certify that the Proposal contained herein fully and exactly complies with the instruction for proposers and specifications as they appear in this Notice of Solicitation. b) I hereby further certify that I am authorized by the Board of Directors or Corporate Officers of the Corporation to sign the Requests for Proposals and proposals in the name of the corporation listed below: Proposer Name: ____________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________ Name Typed: ______________________ Title: ___________________ Proposer is a resident bidder of the state of _______________________ Date: _____________________ ATTACHMENT A INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT (The Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is not attached hereto, but the current version is available upon request from the Lead Public Agency) (The Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is incorporated by reference herein) ATTACHMENT B Proposer Profile Workbook to be completed by all responders as directed herein (fillable form available upon request) 1.0 GENERAL QUESTIONS: Section 1.1 only to be completed by vendors with a national presence; i.e. vendors with a sales territory in 25 states or more. 1.1 The “Yes” or “No” questions below are to help evaluators familiarize themselves with national vendors. Indicate “Yes” or “No” as it applies to your company.  Do you have a national sales force adequate in size to meet the demands of multiple agencies and their unique needs for the products and services listed herein? Yes No  Do you have a national distribution network that will support sales resulting from this RFP? Yes No  Can you provide product availability to meet the requirements for materials and services listed herein for government and nonprofit agencies nationwide in a timely manner? Yes No  Does your company have the ability to provide toll-free telephone/fax access, and an online presence? Yes No  Can you provide a single point of contact (National Account Manager) to interact with the lead agency and NPPGov staff? Yes No  Are you a strong competitor in the industry with a minimum of three consecutive years of demonstrated success in all business practices and pursuits? Yes No 1.2 Provide at least three references of government agencies within the United States that have purchased products/services from Proposer similar to those specified in this solicitation within the last year. If proposed products/services are new to market, please use most similar business references available. Include: Agency name and address Contact name, phone and email Description of products/services sold and date. LOC may use other information, however learned, in evaluation of the response. 1.3 OPTIONAL: If a Dun and Bradstreet Comprehensive Report (or similar) for your company is available, please submit it with your response. 1.4 OPTIONAL: Attach any case studies, white papers and/or testimonials supporting your company and products/services. 2.0 ABOUT PROPOSER: 2.1 State of incorporation: 2.2 Federal Tax Identification Number: 2.3 If applicable to the product(s) and/or service(s), describe the Proposer’s ability to conduct E- commerce or online ordering. [Insert response in box below] 2.4 Describe Proposer’s system for processing orders from point of customer contact through delivery and billing. [Insert response in box below] 2.5 Describe Proposer’s ability to provide detailed electronic reporting of quarterly sales correlated with NPPGov Member ID numbers of Participating Agency purchases as set forth in Addendum A to Vendor Administration Agreement (VAA), a copy of which is available upon request from the LOC. [Insert response in box below] 2.6 Describe the capacity of Proposer to meet Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBE) preferences, which may vary among Participating Agencies. [Insert response in box below] 2.7 Proposer acknowledges compliance with Davis Bacon wage requirements where labor is concerned by indicating “yes” or “no” below. 2.8 By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, Proposer agrees, if applicable, to comply with all applicable provisions of Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II, PART 200—UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS contained in Title 2 C.F.R. § 200 et seq. Indicate “yes” or “no” below. 2.9 Complete Exhibit 1, located at the end of this workbook. 3.0 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: 3.1 Describe distribution of products and/or services available in Proposer’s response through Proposer’s distribution system (including Alaska and Hawaii), including any limitations. [Insert response in box below] 3.1.A Is it your intent to offer the proposed products and/or services through a designated distribution/dealer network, indicate “yes” or “no” below? YES NO 3.2 Provide Proposer’s shipping and delivery policy, including standard delivery time and any options and costs for expedited delivery and return policies. [Insert response in box below] 3.3 Third party and/or subcontracting may be allowed. If applicable, detail the sub-contracting process (ordering, shipment, invoicing, billing) for those products not carried in Proposer’s distribution center. Alternatively, if proposer utilizes a third-party ordering, shipment, invoicing or billing partner, please describe in detail. [Insert response in box below] 3.4 What is Proposer’s backorder policy? Is your policy to classify as “immediate or cancel” (requiring the Participating Agency to reorder if item is backordered) or “good until cancelled”? [Insert response in box below] 3.5 Indicate whether the Proposer has any dealer or distributors that are authorized to fulfil purchases? Yes No [Circle one] 3.6 If answered yes to 3.5, include a copy of or link to authorized dealers or distributors. 4.0 MARKETING: 4.1 Outline Proposer’s plan for marketing the Products and Services to the Participating Agencies on a local and national basis. Include any marketing incentives such as committed dollars for advertising, conferences/travel and custom marketing materials. [May attach marketing plan or insert response in box below] 4.2 Explain how Proposer will educate its local and national sales force about the use of the Master Price Agreement. [Insert response in box below] 4.3 Indicate the Proposer’s willingness to allow training to its local and national sales force about the use of the Master Price Agreement. [Insert response in box below] 5.0 POINT OF CONTACT: Proposer POC who will administer, coordinate, and manage this program with NPPGov and the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES: Contact Person: Title: Mailing Address: City: State & Zip: Email Address: Phone #: Fax #: Attach current resume of National Account Manager that will be the POC managing this contract. 6.0 CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES: Explain Proposer’s policy regarding each of the following if applicable to product(s) and/or service(s): 6.1 Auditing for order completeness. [Insert response in box below] 6.2 Replacement policy (i.e., damaged or defective goods). [Insert response in box below] 6.3 Minimum order requirement (e.g., Individual item vs. case lot). [Insert response in box below] 6.4 Customer service hours/days of operation [Insert response in boxes below] Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 6.5 Special Orders. [Insert response in box below] 6.6 Post sale services issues. [Insert response in box below] 6.7 Repair services, including repair warranty programs, if any. Proposer shall identify, where applicable, authorized factory repair facilities that will honor the warranty of items on contract. [Insert response in box below] 6.8 Technical support services Proposer provides. [Insert response in box below] 6.9 Product substitution policy. [Insert response in box below] 6.10 Identify trade-in program criteria (if applicable). [Insert response in box below] 6.11. After hours service (including weekends and holidays) [Insert response in boxes below] Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 6.12 Shipment tracking. [Insert response in box below] 6.13 Back order tracking process. [Insert response in box below] 6.14 Return Item process, including any/all associated fees (e.g., restocking, shipping, turnaround time on returns). [Insert response in box below] 6.15 Electronic billing. [Insert response in box below] 6.16 Explain how Proposer will resolve complaints, issues, or challenges. [Insert response in box below] 6.17 Other services not already covered. [Insert response in box below] 7.0 DELIVERY AND FREIGHT CHARGES: 7.1 Identify delivery and/or shipping costs or provide a shipping rate schedule based on weight, item, and/or destination for all items ordered within the continental U.S. (and Hawaii/Alaska). The Proposer shall identify all exceptions to this shipping rate schedule. [Insert response in box below] 7.2 Identify policy for transfer of product ownership (delivery) and damage/issue resolution. [Insert response in box below] 8.0 VENDOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 8.1 Does Proposer require that customers/Participating Agencies agree to standard terms and conditions related to their purchase? Yes No [Circle one] 8.2 If answered yes to 8.1, include a copy of or link to terms and conditions. 9.0 WARRANTY INFOMATION: 9.1 Identify warranty options, if applicable. [Insert response in box below] Exhibit 1 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT Coverage RETAIL, DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE/SUPPORT LOCATIONS Number of retail stores in each state? (leave blank for none) Number of distribution centers in each state? (leave blank for none) Number of support locations in each state? (leave blank for none) ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING THE FORM LISTED BELOW MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED WITH SOLICITATION RESPONSE Exhibit 2 Declaration of Non-Collusion The undersigned does hereby declare that there has been no collusion between the undersigned, the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES, and National Purchasing Partners, and in further support of said Declaration, states as follows: The person, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation herein named has not, either directly or indirectly, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding or solicitation in the preparation and submission of a proposal to the LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES for consideration in the award of a contract or Master Price Agreement negotiated as a result of this Request for Proposal. DATED this ______ day of _____________, _______. (Name of Firm) By: (Authorized Signature) Title: ATTACHMENT C SPECIFICATIONS LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT These specifications are intended to cover the complete range of LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT. Several categories are included below but are in no means intended to limit the Proposer to responding to just these categories if there are other related products and services that Proposer would like to be considered for the award. Proposers should respond with pricing for all products and services they wish to be considered in the evaluation for a possible award and master price agreement. The following categories are provided to indicate the intended extent of the RFP but do not necessarily represent the format of the Proposer’s response. Proposers may combine any and all categories and elements in a format that is most appropriate to represent their business in their response. NOTE: Proposers are not required to respond to all categories. Proposals will only be evaluated based on the categories to which they respond. Law Enforcement Equipment including but not limited to: 1) Equipment a) Body Armor i) Wearable body armor and body armor systems (including ballistic helmets) designed to meet U.S. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor standard 0101.06 Types IIA, II, IIIA, III and IV. b) Protective Gear i) Gloves, eye protection, hearing protection, riot gear, shields, body pads, related accessories, etc. c) Restraints i) Straps, handcuffs, leg irons, related accessories, etc. d) Less Lethal Equipment i) Defense sprays, munitions, batons, stun guns, tasers, related accessories, etc. e) Surveillance Equipment i) Surveillance cameras, binoculars, night vision, thermal imagers, tactical (pole, under the door, through the wall), scopes, tripods, mounts, related accessories, etc. f) Bike Patrol Equipment i) Patrol bikes, bags, parts, covers, headwear, saddles, cases, racks, mounts, helmets, lights, related accessories, etc. g) Investigations and Evidence Equipment i) Drug and alcohol tests, forensic equipment, evidence collection and storage, police tape, scene lighting, breathalyzers, related accessories, etc. h) Tactical Equipment i) Entry tools, ballistic shields/ballistic blankets, flashlights, rope, rigging, rappelling/ climbing gear, related accessories, etc. i) Communications Equipment i) Radios, GPS devices, megaphones, earpieces, headphones, microphones, headsets, related accessories, etc. j) Traffic Safety and Control i) Cones, hi-viz equipment, flares, barrier tape, traffic vests, gloves, traffic flashlights, measuring wheels, beacons, spike strips, wheel immobilizers, related accessories, etc. k) Training and Safety Equipment i) Weapon replicas, training weapons, training handcuffs, training bags, field guides, related accessories, etc. l) Vehicle Equipment i) Speakers, sirens, flashers, mounts, lights, bumpers, handheld radar, locks, gun racks, partitions, trays, video systems, related accessories, etc. 2) Uniforms and Accessories a) Duty gear i) Duty belts, pouches, holsters, boots, shoes, related accessories, etc. b) Uniforms c) Badges and Identification i) Emblems, insignias, name strips, badge holders, nametags, wallets, buttons, pins, ID holders, related accessories, etc. d) Concealment and plainclothes gear e) Eyewear f) Bags 3) Weapons and Ammunition a) Firearms b) Firearm accessories i) Racks, safes, related accessories, etc. c) Ammunition and Training Ammunition d) Shooting Range Gear i) Hearing protectors, shooting glasses, targets, earplugs, magazine loaders, related accessories, etc. e) Knives f) Tools i) Wedges, entry tools, saws, bolt cutters, related accessories, etc. 4) Other a) Other law enforcement equipment, related equipment and accessories not included in other categories. ATTACHMENT D PRICING SCHEDULE The intent is for each Proposer to submit their complete product line so that Participating Agencies may order a wide array of products and services as appropriate for their needs. Proposer is encouraged but is not required to respond to all categories. Proposer may suggest additional categories and sub-categories as applicable. Proposer may subcontract items Proposer does not supply. The Proposer should not necessarily limit the proposal to the performance of the services in accordance with this document but should outline any additional services and their costs if the Proposer deems them necessary to accomplish the program. Pricing and resulting relative discount to LOC and NPPGov membership shall be clearly delineated on each proposal. Contract admin fee (established in the “Requirements” Section of the RFP) may not be listed or charged as a separate line item to users of the contract. Contract pricing shall be based upon: 1) Fixed discount(s) off published price list(s) or catalog(s) 2) Firm fixed price with economic adjustment (contingencies for economic price adjustments must be identified in the proposal) 3) A combination of the above. EXAMPLE LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT Product Category Percentage (%) off List Price* (OR fixed price if % off pricing is not available) 1) Equipment a) Body Armor b) Protective Gear c) Restraints d) Less Lethal Equipment e) Surveillance Equipment f) Bike Patrol Equipment g) Investigations and Evidence Equipment h) Tactical Equipment i) Communications Equipment j) Traffic Safety and Control k) Training and Safety Equipment l) Vehicle Equipment 2) Uniforms and Accessories a) Duty gear b) Uniforms c) Badges and Identification d) Concealment and plainclothes gear e) Eyewear f) Bags 3) Weapons and Ammunition a) Firearms b) Firearm accessories c) Ammunition and Training Ammunition d) Shooting Range Gear e) Knives f) Tools 4) Other Options Proposers shall provide pricing on all options, modifications, and accessories in a format that best represents their product line and pricing structure. This may include specific pricing for some options and may also include general pricing/discounts for categories of options. Proposer may also indicate availability and pricing of all other non-specified options. The intent is to provide Proposers the opportunity to present as much product as possible in the format that fits within their individual formatting needs so that the resulting award allows LOC and NPPGov members the greatest number of procurement options. Miscellaneous Proposers should include any applicable pricing information related to Section 2.3 of the RFP including but not limited to: large volume purchases, cash terms, rebates, freight/delivery costs and individual discounts. ATTACHMENT E PROPOSAL EVALUATION FORM Proposals will be evaluated using a two-step process. The first step evaluates the responsiveness of the proposer and determines 1) if the proposer is deemed fully responsive enabling the proposal to move to the second step and 2) if the proposal will be evaluated as a local response (within the State of Oregon), regional response (covering multiple States, but not the entire US) or a national response (covering the entire US, or at least the continental US). The second step of the evaluation process will only occur with proposals deemed fully responsive from the first step. The second step fully evaluates the proposer’s response based on the criteria found in the proposal evaluation form. STEP 1 Proposal Responsiveness Component YES NO Submitted on time Company name and RFP number on outermost packaging Completed Proposer Profile Workbook (PPW) Included pricing structure Included references Proposal signed Deemed Fully Responsive YES NO Categorized as Local, Regional or National Local Regional National Proposal Evaluation Form STEP 2 Full Evaluation of Proposal Point Value Definitions (5) Exceeded Requirements - Compelling Detail, Showed Ability to Complete (4) Met Requirements - Thorough, Provided Supportive Material/Examples (3) Satisfied Requirements - Sufficient (2) Unclear if Requirements Met - Poor or Confusing (1) Did Not Comply with Requirements - Substandard or Blank Component Evaluated Weight Possible Points (1-5) Total Points (Weight x PP) Evaluator’s Comments Pricing: Product price and discounts proposed included favorable pricing for cooperative purchasing. Shipping conditions. PPW Section 7.0 and Pricing structure. 25 Comments: Product Line (Score only categories proposed): Breadth, variety, quality of product line and innovation of products. Warranty availability. PPW Section 9.0. 15 Comments: Marketing: Marketing plan to promote the resulting contractual agreement and ability to incorporate use of agreement in their sales system throughout indicated coverage region. Willingness to allow training of salesforce. PPW Section 4.0. 15 Comments Customer Service: Support dedicated to Participating Agencies. Ability to meet promised delivery timelines. Additional services offered. Conduct e-commerce. PPW Sub-Sections 2.3 & 2.4 and Section 6.0. 15 Comments: Proven Experience: Success in providing products and services in a timely manner. Years in business, references and reputation. Experience with cooperative purchasing. PPW Sub-Section 1.2. 15 Comments: Coverage: Ability to provide products and services for indicated coverage region including distribution, retail & service facilities, coordination of manufacturer and distribution, and staff availability. Clearly states distribution model and provides dealer list if applicable. PPW Section 3.0 and Exhibit 1. 10 Comments: Conformance: Completeness of proposal and the degree to which the Proposer responded to the terms and all requirements and specifications of the RFP. Followed the response format and content, was clear and easily understood. Provided Term’s and Condition’s, if applicable. PPW Section 8.0 and 4.5 of RFP. 5 Comments: TOTAL 100 General Comments: Name of Evaluator _________________________ Signature _________________________________ Date _________________ ATTACHMENT F OREGON REVISED STATUTES (AS MAY BE AMENDED) REQUIREMENTS Successful Proposer (Contractor) shall comply with the requirements of this ATTACHMENT F to the extent required by any applicable federal or state law. (1) Contractor shall pay promptly, as due, all persons supplying labor or materials for the performance of the work provided for in the contract and shall be responsible for such payment of all persons supplying such labor or material to any Subcontractor. (2) Contractor shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from such Contractor or Subcontractor incurred in the performance of the contract. (3) Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the LOC or any Participating Agency on account of any labor or material furnished and agrees to assume responsibility for satisfaction of any such lien so filed or prosecuted. (4) Contractor and any Subcontractor shall pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees pursuant to ORS 316.167 (5) If Contractor fails, neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or materials furnished to the Contractor or a Subcontractor by any person in connection with the contract as such claim becomes due, the LOC or any Participating Agency may pay such claim to the persons furnishing the labor or material and charge the amount of payment against funds due or to become due Contractor by reason of the contract. The payment of a claim in the manner authorized hereby shall not relieve the Contractor or Contract surety from Contractor or its obligation with respect to any unpaid claim. If the LOC or any Participating Agency is unable to determine the validity of any claim for labor or material furnished, the District may withhold from any current payment due Contractor an amount equal to said claim until its validity is determined and the claim, if valid, is paid. (6) Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any person, co-partnership, association, or corporation, furnishing medical, surgical and hospital care services or other needed care and attention, incident to sickness or injury, to employees of such Contractor, of all sums which the Contractor agrees to pay for such services and all monies and sums which the Contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees pursuant to any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for such service. (7) In a contract for personal services, contractor shall pay employees at least time and half for all overtime worked in excess of 40 hours in any one week under the contract in accordance with ORS 653.010 to 653.261 and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 USC 201, et seq.). In contracts for services, contractors shall pay employees at least time and a half pay for work performed on the legal holidays specified in a collective bargaining agreement or in ORS 279B.020(1)(b)(A) to (G) and for all time worked in excess of 10 hours in any one day or in excess of 40 hours in any one week, whichever is greater. (8) The Contractor must give notice in writing to employees who work on this contract, either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract, or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees, of the number of hours per day and the days per week that the employees may be required to work. (9) All subject employers working under the contract are either employers that will comply with ORS 656.017, or employers that are exempt under ORS 656.126. (10) All sums due the State Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund from the Contractor or any Subcontractor in connection with the performance of the contract shall be promptly so paid. (11) The contract may be canceled at the election of LOC for any willful failure on the part of Contractor to faithfully perform the contract according to its terms. (12) Contractor certifies compliance with all applicable Oregon tax laws, in accordance with ORS 305.385. (13) Contractor certifies that it has not discriminated against minorities, women, emerging small business enterprises certified under ORS 200.055, or business enterprises owned or controlled by or that employ a disabled veteran in obtaining any required subcontractors. ATTACHMENT G WIPHE RESPONSE FORM THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED WITH SOLICITATION RESPONSE Vendor servicing Washington State AGREES to sell items included in this solicitation to WIPHE institutions at prices offered, unless otherwise noted below: ________ DOES NOT agree to sell to WIPHE Institutions. ________ AGREES to sell to WIPHE Institutions at same prices and discounts, with the following exceptions: (attach additional pages as necessary) Vendor must state geographic areas or specific institution(s) listed below within the State of Washington that are EXCLUDED from the contract(s) resulting from this solicitation: Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education (WIPHE). See list on following page. If Vendor agrees to sell to the WIPHE Institutions, a WIPHE Contract number will be assigned and the information will be reported to the Council of Presidents. The Council of Presidents notifies all the other schools when a WIPHE contract has been awarded and a master list will be maintained and the WIPHE website updated. WIPHE shall determine, at its absolute discretion, whether it shall accept and/or utilize the contract resulting from the Request for Proposal Washington Institutions of Public Higher Education (WIPHE) FOUR-YEAR UNIVERSITIES CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES: BATES TECHNICAL COLLEGE BELLEVUE COMMUNITY COLLEGE BELLINGHAM TECHNICAL COLLEGE BIG BEND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CASCADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CASCADIA COLLEGE CENTRALIA COLLEGE CLARK COLLEGE CLOVER PARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE COLUMBIA BASIN COLLEGE EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE EVERETT COMMUNITY COLLEGE GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAKE WASHINGTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE LOWER COLUMBIA COLLEGE OLYMPIC COLLEGE PENINSULA COLLEGE PIERCE COLLEGE RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE SEATTLE CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGES SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SKAGIT VALLEY COLLEGE SOUTH PUGET SOUND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SPOKANE COMMUNITY COLLEGES STATE BOARD FOR TECHNICAL & COMMUNITY COLLEGES WENATCHEE VALLEY COLLEGE YAKIMA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE WHATCOM COMMUNITY COLLEGE Miscellaneous local agencies within Washington State* ADAMS COUNTY PUYALLUP SCHOOL DIST 3 KITSAP COUNTY FIFE SCHOOL DIST 417 RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DIST 407 GONZAGA UNIVERSITY PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF WESTERN WASHINGTON SNOHOMISH COUNTY MASON COUNTY FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DIST SPOKANE COUNTY ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DIST 411 ADAMS COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT ADAMS COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT AFFILIATED HEALTH SERVICES ALDERWOOD WATER DISTRICT ANACORTES PORT OF ANACORTES SCHOOL DISTRICT 103 ANNAPOLIS WATER DISTRICT ASOTIN COUNTY AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT 408 BAINBRIDGE IS SCHOOL DISTRICT 303 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT BAINBRIDGE ISLAND PARKS BATTLE GROUND SCHOOL DISTRICT 119 BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT 405 BELLINGHAM PORT OF BELLINGHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT 501 BENTON COUNTY BENTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BENTON COUNTY PUD BENTON FRANKLIN COUNTY BENTON FRANKLIN PRIVTE INDUST CNCL BENTON PORT OF BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT 403 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF KING CO BIRCH BAY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT BLANCHET SCHOOL DISTRICT BREMERTON KITSAP CO HEALTH DISTRICT BREMERTON PORT OF BREMERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 100 BURLINGTON EDISON SCHOOL DIST 100 CANCER RESEARCH AND BOISTATISTICS CASCADE BLUE MT FD SHR CASCADE IRRIGATION DISTRICT CASHMERE SCHOOL DISTRICT 222 CATHOLIC COMM SVCS OF KING CO CENTRAL KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT 401 CENTRAL WAS COMP MENTAL HEALTH CENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT 40 CHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT 302 CHELAN COUNTY CHELAN COUNTY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CHELAN COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT CHELAN COUNTY PUD 1 CHELAN DOUGLAS COUNTY HEALTH DIST CHENEY CARE CENTER CHILD CARE RESOURCE & REFERRAL CHILDRENS THERAPY CENTER CHIMACUM SCHOOL DISTRICT 49 CLALLAM COUNTY CLALLAM COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT CLALLAM COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CLALLAM COUNTY PUD CLARK COUNTY CLARK COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT CLARK COUNTY PUD CLE ELUM-ROSLYN SCHOOL DISTRICT 404 CLOVER PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT 400 CNTRL WHIDBEY FIRE & RESCUE COAL CREEK UTILITY DISTRICT COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COLUMBIA COUNTY COLUMBIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT COLUMBIA MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC COMMUNITY TRANSIT CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF CHEHALIS CONSOLIDATED DIKING IMPROVEMENT DIST CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION COWLITZ COUNTY COWLITZ COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT COWLITZ COUNTY PUD CROSS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT DAYTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 DOUGLAS COUNTY DOUGLAS COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT DOUGLAS COUNTY PUD DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER E COLUMBIA BASIN IRRIGATION DIST EAST WENATCHEE WATER EATONVILLE SCHOOL DIST 404 EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DIST 114 EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT 113 ELLENSBURG SCHOOL DIST 401 ENUMCLAW SCHOOL DIST EVERETT PORT OF EVERETT PUBLICE FACILITIES DIST EVERGREEN MANOR INC EVERGREEN SCHOOL DIST 114 FEDERAL WAY FD FERRY COUNTY FERRY COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL FERRY OKAHOGAN FPD FOSS WATERWAY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FRANKLIN COUNTY FRANKLIN COUNTY PUD FRANKLIN PIERCE SCHOOL DIST 402 FRIDAY HARBOR PORT OF GARDENA FARMS IRRIGATION DIST 13 GARFIELD COUNTY GRAND COULEE PROJECT GRANDVIEW SCHOOL DIST 116/200 GRANITE FALLS SCHOOL DIST 332 GRANT COUNTY GRANT COUNTY HEALTH DIST GRANT COUNTY PUD GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY FIRE DIST GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY PUD # 1 GRAYS HARBOR PORT OF GRAYS HARBOR PUB DEV AUTH GRAYS HARBOR TRANSIT GRIFFIN SCHOOL DIST 324 HARBORVIEW MEDICAL CENTER HAZEL DELL SEWER DIST HEALTHY MOTHERS HEALTHY BABIES COAL HIGHLINE SCHOOL DIST 401 HIGHLINE WATER DIST HOMESIGHT HOPELINK HOQUIAM SCHOOL DIST 28 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND ILWACO PORT OF INCHELIUM SCHOOL DIST 70 ISLAND COUNTY ISLAND COUNTY FIRE DIST JEFFERSON COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY FIRE DIST JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY JEFFERSON COUNTY PUD JEFFERSON GENERAL HOSPITAL KARCHER CREEK SEWER DIST KELSO SCHOOL DIST 458 KENNEWICK GENERAL HOSPITAL KENNEWICK SCHOOL DISTRICT 17 KENT SCHOOL DIST 415 KETTLE FALLS SCHOOL DIST 212 KING COUNTY KING COUNTY FIRE DIST KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY KING COUNTY LIBRARY KING COUNTY WATER SEWER KINGSTON PORT OF KITSAP COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE KITSAP COUNTY LIBRARY KITSAP COUNTY PUD 1 KITTITAS COUNTY KITTITAS COUNTY PUD KITTITAS COUNTY RECLAMATION DIST KLICKITAT COUNTY KLICKITAT COUNTY PUD LAKE CHELAN RECLAMATION DIST LAKE STEVENS SCHOOL DIST 4 LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DIST 414 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DIST LAKEWOOD SCHOOL DIST 306 LEWIS CO PUD 1 LEWIS COUNTY LEWIS COUNTY FIRE DIST LEWIS PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION LIBERTY LAKE SEWER & WATER DIST LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY FIRE DIST LONGVIEW PORT OF LONGVIEW SCHOOL DIST 122 LOTT WASTEWATER ALLIANCE LUMMI INDIAN NATION MANCHESTER WATER DIST MARYSVILLE SCHOOL DIST 25 MASON COUNTY FIRE DIST MASON COUNTY PUD MEAD SCHOOL DIST 354 METRO PARK DISTRICT OF TACOMA MID COLUMBIA LIBRARY MIDWAY SEWER DISTRICT MONROE SCHOOL DIST 103 MORTON SCHOOL DIST 214 MOSES LAKE PORT OF MOUNT BAKER SCHOOL DIST MT VERNON SCHOOL DISTRICT 320 MUKILTEO SCHOOL DIST 6 MUKILTEO WATER DIST NAVAL STATION EVERETT NE TRI COUNTY HEALTH DIST NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL LIBRARY DIST NORTH KITSAP SCHOOL DIST 400 NORTH SHORE UTILITY DISTRICT NORTH THURSTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NORTHSHORE SCHOOL DIST 417 NORTHWEST KIDNEY CTR NORTHWEST WORK FORCE DEVELOPMENT CO NW REGIONAL COUNCIL OAK HARBOR SCHOOL DIST 201 OAKVILLE SCHOOL DIST 400 OCOSTA SCHOOL DIST 172 OKANOGAN COUNTY OKANOGAN COUNTY FIRE DIST OKANOGAN COUNTY PUD OKANOGAN SCHOOL DISTRICT OLYMPIA PORT OF OLYMPIA SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 OLYMPIA THURSTON CHAMBER FOUNDATION OLYMPIC AREA AGENCY ON AGING OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DIST OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY OLYMPIC VIEW WATER & SEWER DIST OLYMPUS TERRACE SEWER DIST PACIFIC COUNTY PACIFIC COUNTY FIRE PARATRANSIT SERVICES PASCO SCHOOL DIST PEND OREILLE COUNTY CONSERV DIST PEND OREILLE COUNTY PUB HOSP DIST PEND OREILLE COUNTY PUD PENINSULA SCHOOL DISTRICT 401 PERRY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE PIERCE COUNTY PIERCE COUNTY FIRE DIST PORT ANGELES PORT OF PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT 121 PRESCOTT SCHOOL DIST PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AGENCY PUGET SOUND SCHOOL DIST QUINCY COLUMBIA BASIN IRRIG DIST RICHLAND SCHOOL DIST 400 S KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT 402 S SNOHOMISH CO PUBLIC FAC DIST SAFEPLACE SAMISH WATER DIST SAMMAMISH WATER AND SEWER DIST SAN JUAN COUNTY SAN JUAN COUNTY FIRE DIST SEA MAR COMM HEALTH CTR SEATTLE JEWISH PRIMARY SCHOOL SEATTLE PORT OF SEATTLE SCHOOL DIST 1 SEATTLE UNIVERSITY SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION SECOND CHANCE INC SENIOR OPPORTUNITY SERVICES SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 309 SILVERDALE WATER SKAGIT COUNTY SKAGIT COUNTY CONSERVATION DIST SKAGIT COUNTY FIRE DIST SKAGIT COUNTY ISLAND HOSPITAL SKAGIT COUNTY PORT OF SKAGIT COUNTY PUD 1 SKAGIT TRANSIT SKAMANIA COUNTY SKOOKUM INC SNOHOMISH COUNTY LIBRARY SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT SNOHOMISH SCHOOL DISTRICT 201 SOAP LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 156 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DIST SOUND TRANSIT SOUTH COLUMBIA BASIN IRRIG DIST SOUTH EAST EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT SOUTH SOUND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES SOUTHWEST YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES SPECIAL MOBILITY SERVICES INC SPOKANE CO AIR POLLUTION CNTRL AUTHORITY SPOKANE COUNTY FIRE DIST SPOKANE COUNTY LIBRARY SPOKANE SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 ST JOSEPH/MARQUETTE SCHOOL STANWOOD SCHOOL DIST 410 STEVENS COUNTY STEVENS COUNTY PUD STILLAGUAMISH TRIBE OF INDIANS SUMNER SCHOOL DISTRICT 320 SUNNYSIDE PORT OF SUNNYSIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT 201 SUQUAMISH TRIBE SW CLEAN AIR AGENCY SWINOMISH TRIBE TACOMA DAY CHILD CARE AND PRESCHOOL TACOMA MUSICAL PLAYHOUSE TACOMA PORT OF TACOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT 10 TACOMA-PIERCE CO TAHOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT 409 TERRACE HEIGHTS SEWER DISTRICT THURSTON COMMUNITY TELEVISION THURSTON COUNTY THURSTON COUNTY CONSERVATION DIST THURSTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TOPPENISH SCHOOL DISTRICT 202 TOUCHET SD 300 TRIUMPH TREATMENT SERVICES TUKWILA SCHOOL DIST 406 TUMWATER SCHOOL DISTRICT 33 U S DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED WAY OF KING COUNTY UNIVERSITY PLACE SCHOOL DIST UPPER SKAGIT INDIAN TRIBE VAL VUE SEWER DISTRICT VALLEY TRANSIT VALLEY WATER DISTRICT VANCOUVER PORT OF VANCOUVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 37 VASHON ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT 402 VERA IRRIGATION VETERANS ADMINISTRATION VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WA ASSOC OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS WA ASSOC SHERIFFS & POLICE CHIEFS WA GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY POOL WA LABOR COUNCIL AFL-CIO WA PUBLIC PORTS ASSOCIATION WA RESEARCH COUNCIL WA ST ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES WA STATE PUBLIC STADIUM AUTHORITY WAHKIAKUM COUNTY WALLA WALLA COLLEGE WALLA WALLA COUNTY WALLA WALLA COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT WALLA WALLA PORT OF WALLA WALLA SD 140 WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON COUNTIES RISK POOL WASHINGTON FIRE COMMISSIONERS ASSOC WASHINGTON HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON PUBLIC AFFAIRS NETWORK WASHINGTON STATE MIGRANT COUNCIL WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 208 WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 363 WESTERN FOUNDATION THE WHATCOM CONSERVATION DIST WHATCOM COUNTY WHATCOM COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT WHATCOM COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DIST WHIDBEY GENERAL HOSPITAL WHITMAN COUNTY WHITWORTH WATER WILLAPA COUNSELING CENTER WILLAPA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 160 WILLAPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WINLOCK SCHOOL DISTRICT 232 WOODINVILLE FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIST WOODLAND PORT OF YAKIMA COUNTY YAKIMA COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT YAKIMA COUNTY REGIONAL LIBRARY YAKIMA SCHOOL DISTRICT 7 YAKIMA VALLEY FARMWORKERS CLINIC YAKIMA-TIETON IRRIGATION DISTRICT YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT YMCA - TACOMA PIERCE COUNTY YMCA OF GREATER SEATTLE *Washington State cities and other unnamed Washington State local and municipal agencies may also utilize the resulting Master Price Agreement; provided they enter into the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. ATTACHMENT H LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS BY STATE Oregon’s Incorporated Cities ADAIR VILLAGE ADAMS ADRIAN ALBANY AMITY ANTELOPE ARLINGTON ASHLAND ASTORIA ATHENA AUMSVILLE AURORA BAKER CITY BANDON BANKS BARLOW BAY CITY BEAVERTON BEND BOARDMAN BONANZA BROOKINGS BROWNSVILLE BURNS BUTTE FALLS CANBY CANNON BEACH CANYON CITY CANYONVILLE CARLTON CASCADE LOCKS CAVE JUNCTION CENTRAL POINT CHILOQUIN CLATSKANIE COBURG COLUMBIA CITY CONDON COOSBAY COQUILLE CORNELIUS CORVALLIS COTTAGE GROVE COVE CRESWELL CULVER DALLAS DAMASCAS DAYTON DAYVILLE DEPOE BAY DETROIT DONALD DRAIN DUFUR DUNDEE DUNES CITY DURHAM EAGLE POINT ECHO ELGIN ELKTON ENTERPRISE ESTACADA EUGENE FAIRVIEW FALLS CITY FLORENCE FOREST GROVE FOSSIL GARBALDI GASTON GATES GEARHART GERVAIS GLADSTONE GLENDALE GOLD BEACH GOLD HILL GRANITE GRANTS PASS GRASS VALLEY GREENHORN GRESHAM HAINES HALFWAY HALSEY HAPPY VALLEY HARRISBURG HELIX HEPPNER HERMISTON HILLSBORO HINES HOOD RIVER HUBBARD HUNTINGTON IDANHA IMBLER INDEPENDENCE IONE IRRIGON ISLAND CITY JACKSONVILLE JEFFERSON JOHN DAY JOHNSON CITY JORDAN VALLEY JOSEPH JUNCTION CITY KEIZER KING CITY KLAMATH FALLS LA GRANDE LAPINE LAFAYETTE LAKE OSWEGO LAKESIDE LAKEVIEW LEBANON LEXINGTON LINCOLN CITY LONEROCK LONG CREEK LOSTINE LOWELL LYONS MADRAS MALIN MANZANITA MAUPIN MAYWOOD PARK MCMINNVILLE MEDFORD MERRILL METOLIUS MILLCITY MILLERSBURG MILTON- FREEWATER MILWAUKIE MITCHELL MOLALLA MONMOUTH MONROE MONUMENT MORO MOSIER MT ANGEL MT VERNON MYRTLE CREEK MYRTLE POINT NEHALEM NEWBERG NEWPORT NORTH BEND NORTH PLAINS NORTH POWDER NYSSA OAKLAND OAKRIDGE ONTARIO OREGON CITY PAISLEY PENDLETON PHILOMATH PHOENIX PILOT ROCK PORT ORFORD PORTLAND POWERS PRAIRIE CITY PRESCOTT PRINEVILLE RAINIER REDMOND REEDSPORT RICHLAND RIDDLE RIVERGROVE ROCKAWAY BEACH ROGUE RIVER ROSEBURG RUFUS SALEM SANDY SCAPPOUSE SCIO SCOTT MILLS SEASIDE SENECA SHADY COVE SHANIKO SHERIDAN SHERWOOD SILETZ SILVERTON SISTERS SODAVILLE SPRAY SPRINGFIELD ST HELENS ST PAUL STANFIELD STAYTON SUBLIMITY SUMMERVILLE SUMPTER SUTHERLIN SWEET HOME TALENT TANGENT THE DALLES TIGARD TILLAMOOK TOLEDO TROUTDALE TUALATIN TURNER UKIAH UMATILLA UNION UNITY VALE VENETA VERNONIA WALDPORT WALLOWA WARRENTON WASCO WATERLOO WESTLINN WESTFIR WESTON WHEELER WILLAMINA WILSONVILLE WINSTON WOOD VILLAGE WOODBURN YACHATS YAMHILL YONCALLA This may not be a complete list of all Oregon cities, but all other Oregon cities shall be incorporated by this reference. Hawaii’s Counties Hawaii Honolulu Kalawao Kaua’i Maui 17 ATTACHMENT F to Master Price Agreement by and between VENDOR and PURCHASER. ADDITIONAL VENDOR TERMS OF PURCHASE, IF ANY.