HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2011-1001 - Original - Northwest Motor Escort - Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permit (AEVP) - 05/27/2011STATE CIF 14/A5hiINCTON GenenarAdmirrisrration Euirding " m::i#"*,:?,il,jffi5,Iiffi?,ir0) se6-4r)00 . www.wsp.wa.sov Mav 22,2011 %n{F'$ $s,8*p Jurl u .L ?#Tt Mr. Tim Chiswell Northwest Motor Escort 1915 Kibler Avenue Enumcalw WA 9g022-3311 lfrf,ll pOUcE AEpARTI/tE$tf Dear Mr. Chiswell: The renewalAuthorized Emergency Vehicle Permit (AEVP) for Northwest Motor Escortis enclosed. Please ensure a copy of the permit and the enclosed list of approved drivers arecarried in the vehiclb"at all times. '' rv vr rvrvos., rror' ul ffyroximately one month prior to the expiration date, a renewal form will be sent to lf you have any questions prease cail Ms. Merissa Van Gorkom at (360) 596-4017. CI{RISTINE CI. CRECCIIRE Cgvernor Sin c tn nG ,OHN R. EATISTF Chief nta edia Relations JGB:mvg Enclosures cc: Chief James Arsan_to, _Buckley police DepartmentChief Blackburn, Fife police Department Captain Steve Burns, District 2 _ BellevueCaptain Jeff DeVere, District 1 _ TacomaChief Bret Farrar, Lakewood police DepartmentChief John Galle, Sumner police DepartmentCaptain Ken Ginnard, District 7 _ MarysvilleChief Andy Hwang, FederalWay Folice DepartmentCaptain Bob Johnson, District g'_ BremertonSheriff John Lovick, Snohomish County Sheriffs OfficeChief Linda pillo, Bellevue policsDepartment Chief Ken Thomas, Kent police DepartmentMs. Melissa Van Gorkom, Equipment and StandardsChief Jim Zoll, Enumclaw poiici Department q6#-" €b AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,R.HMWtr WASHINGTON STATE PATROL EQUIPMENT & STANDARDS REVIEW UNIT GENERAL ADMI N ISTRATION BLDG PO BOX 42600 oLYMP|A WA 98504-2600 DATE APPROVED: May 27,2011 VALID UNTIL: CAPTAIN 11 2012 or Departm Use Only) This application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the firm or corporation making application Please type or print in ink. Person, Company, Department, orAgency (if a person, must list agency/department representing) Northwest Motor Escort Address 1915 KiblerAvenue City Enumclaw State WA Zip 98022-3311 Phone (253) 653-0380 E-mail northwestmotorescort@gmail.com Vehicle lnformation: List all vehicles being used as authorized emergency vehicles. For each vehicle, provide both the vehicle and emergency equipment information as outlined below. Any new vehicles-or vehicles with equipment installed other than what is authorized on the current permit for that vehicle-must receive prior approval before being utilized under this permit. VEHICLE INFORMATION 1 YEAR 2010 LICENSE NO E598781 MAKE Harley Davidson MODEL FLHTPI VIN 1HD1FMM149Y633921 REGISTERED OWNER Thomas Chiswell VEHICLE INFORMATION 2. YEAR 2011 LICENSE NO GA 8076 MAKE Harley Davidson MODEL FLHR-PI VIN 1HD1FHM12A8614315 REGISTERED OWNER Don Huiatt 1 FORMATIONEQINUIPMENT INST MODEL SIREN Whelen SD 210 R LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL TIR6&TIR3 Red Whelen OTHER EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INFO RMATION MODELMAKEINSTALLED SIREN Whelen sD 210R TIR6&TIR3 Red Whelen LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MA OTHER EQUIPMENT: 3000-323-006 (R 12109)Page 'l of 5 VEHICLE INFORMATION 3 YEAR 2011 LICENSE NO 284578 MAKE Harley Davidson MODEL FLHP VIN 1HD1FM1O886062 32 REGI STERED OWNER Don Huiatt AUTHORIZED EMERGENCYVEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL EEM_W VEHICLE INFORMA TION 6 YEAR 1 989 LICENSE NO. 831877 MAKE Kawasaki MODEL K21000 VIN 3JKAKZCP22KB506647 REGISTERED OWNER Kenneth Nish N.ote: T.his page may be copied if additional vehicles need to be added to the permit. Any additional sheetsattached must provide the vehicle and equipment information in the same format as above. ERGENCY EQUIPMENT INFORMATIONEM DINS MAKE MODEL SIREN Whelen SA 6&TtR3 Red nLAMP MA KE/MODEL LAMP COLOR(S) OTHER EQUIPMENT YEAR 1 999 LICENSE NO. 137255 MAKE BMW MODEL RTP w810418A1X2C651 49 VIN REGISTERED OWNER Thomas Chiswell MODELMAKE MERGENCY E QUIPMENT INF ORMATION INSTALLED SIREN Code 3 3672 LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL TIR 6 Red Whelen RedA/Vhite LED Liqht OTHER EQUIPMENT: ENCY EQUIPMENT INFORMATIONEMERG INSTALLED MODEL SIREN Whelen SD 2,10R TIR 6 LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP ODEL Red Whelen OTHER EQUIPMENT: YEAR 2011 LICENSE NO LEM 9696 MAKE Harley Davidson MODEL FLHTPI 1HD1FMM12B8615992 VIN STERED OWNER Thomas Chiswell REGI EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INFORMATION ALLED MAKE MODEL SIREN SA 450 TIR 6 LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAK DEL White/Red len OTHER EQUIPMENT: 3000-323-006 (R 12109) Page 2 of 6 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,RgMWtr 2. Purpose of Application: Describe the specific purpose for which the vehicle(s) shall be used as authorized emergency vehicle(s) and what necessitates the vehicles' registration as emergency vehicles. Explain the nature and scope of the duties, responsibility, and intended use of emergency equipment. Funeral Escorts Only 3. Authority: Explain authority outlined under statute (Revised Code of Washington) that allows the vehicles' operators to use emergency equipment for the purpose outlined under part 2 of this application. Chapter 204-36 WAC RCW 46.37.190 RCW 46.37.194 4. Geographic Area: Check which types of roads you will be operating on and state the specific geographic area(s) in which the vehicles shall be used as authorized emergency vehicles (city, county, etc.). (Certification from each primary jurisdiction is required under part 7 of this application.) X City Streets (list all cities) Kent and Sumner Bellevue, Buckley, Enumclaw,FederalWav, Lakewood, X County Roads (list all counties)Snohomish X State Routes/lnterstates l-5 (SeaTac area only) l-90 (Seattle-Bellevue area !n!y) l-405, SR 18 and 99 (King, Pierce, Thurston and Snohomish counties only) State Routes 164, 167 , 169, 509, 518,and 410 (Pierce and Kinq counties only) 5. Operators: Please list all drivers that you intend to have operating the vehicle(s) listed in this application and indicate whether or not the operator/driver is new since your last application. (Use additional sheet if necessary) OPERATOR/DRIVER NEW OPERATOR/DRIVER NEW OPERATORYDRIVER NEW Thomas Chiswell nr tr X X x tr Forrest Don Huiatt James McCall Kenneth Nish Robert Crane Earl Radford n tr tr tr tr n n 3000-323-006 (R 12109)Page 3 of 6 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL 6. Permit Validation: I certify that: a- All of the information given.in this app-lication js correct to the best of my knowledge and provided inits full format to the undersjOned chief law enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be usedfor firefighting purposes) 9! eagh primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles ire to be used asauthorized emergency vehicle(s). b' None of the drivers, to the best of my knowledge in the last year, have been convicted oi nor,servedany sentences or periods of probation fo.r any felonies, nor irresied and convicted of a diug or'alcoholviolation orillegal use or possession- of drugs, nor been required to register as a sex offendlr, norhave any of them been adjudicated incomp-etent or insane. c. Only the vehicle(s) and equipment listed. in this application will be used as ougined in this application,and that only the operators listed under this perniii witt drive tfre veniifllg, - As the Pflary holder or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, I understand that if the permit isissued, it is my responsibility to ensure: a- No driver listed in th.is permituses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergency equipmeht isremoved orcovered. --.-r -r-'r"--' b. No driver other than those listed u.nder this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless allemergency equipment is removed or covered. lf I wish to add a new driver or vehi6te to it'li pJrmit, I. must receive prior approval before they are authorized under this permit. c. The driver rnust exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. I understand that the inappropriate or misuse of authorized emergency vehicles may result in criminal or civilliability as well as cancelldtion of this permit as outlined unOer cnipteizoa-go WAC: ln.addition, I understand that it is.my.responsibility. to ensure that a copy of this permit and list of approveddrivers are present in each vehicle it alliimes ani must be presented tb law eniorcement, if requeiiieo. - - Signature t Title i \ (cHlEF EXECUTTVE OFFTCER) _*-Name t:ttt;U-:8 t-- ! \\a<'sx-r-,erS -{ crYPE OR PRTNT) 7. Certification: This.renevral ap-plication for Author,ized Emergency Ve..hicie permits will not be accepteciunless CERTIFIED Qv t1e chief law enforeefient officer or fir6 cni'er.6 tne venicie is to be used forfirefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehictis are to Oe uslJas-auJnorii"oemergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by tne cfriei oi J i"* - enforcement agency or.fir.e department, it must uei cenrtriED by tne neio ot ifle poriii"ai iuo-oiui"ion. Thecertification must contain the following language: "l hereby qq*jfy that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to l=1,"-u-"lj9l9i|l."no'tmergency.equipment listed as specifically described in part z dttnis apptication; thata lgqd continues to exist.in my.jurisdiction for the listed vehicles io be used as iithorizeo emeiOency ' vehicles and that the applicanf has the.approlriate authority as describeO in p"rt g of tnis appfiC;t6;'t"operate such equipment; and I knov'r of rio reison why this'application shoutO Ue OenieOj'-""--'-" '- Please type or print Date Signature Date Jurisdiction' E-Mail Name ' (Please Print) Phone 'Restrictions 3000-323-006 (R 12:/09) Title Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMTT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,R,qMWtr 7 certification: This renewal ap_plication for Authorized Emergency Vehicle permits will not be acceptedunless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fir6 chi'ef (if the vehicle is to be used for ' firefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehiclis are to be used as authprized: :, ,.. ; ;emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcement agency 9r,fir9 deparlment, it must Oe Cf nftfiED by the, head of the political: iub-division. Thecertificationmustcontainthefbllowinglanguage: : '' '. . . . , "l hereby ",94ity that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to use the vehicle(s) and emergency equipment listed as specifically described in part Z df tnis application; thata need continues to exist.in my jurisdiction for the listed vehicles io be used as iuthorized embigencyvehicles and thatthe applicani has the appropriate authority as described in part 3 of this appticitioniooperate such equipment; and I know of no reason why this application shoulil be denied." ' ' Signature Name (Please Print) Phone 61 Restrictions NdNF Date 3 3i *ti Title fk,oof Jurisdiction E-Mail Jq -ft.r f-f 6F ..5.C{J tfi Signature Name (Please Print) Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Phone ( Restrictions Signature Name (Please Print)., , " Jtjiisdiction, ,: .,-, ,r ..j ::, , I Phone ,, (, ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Pleass Print) Phone Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-tvtait Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name (Please Prinl) Date Jurisdiction E.Maii Title Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name . Date Title i.,.- (Please Print)JurisdictionPhone (E-Mail Restrictions lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet.) 3000-323-006 (R 12109)Page 5 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RE NEWAL Date Title (2 Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Tifle Jurisdiction E-Mail Date ;ElMail Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Jurisdiction E-Mail EE L_W 7 ' Gertification: This.renewal application for Authorized Emergency vehicle permits will not be acceotedligffi,fiE}I',Ffto ot tne cnitiiriw ;;r".;d;;i;rri;;i"iii; cni6riir ine ueil;[], to be used emersency u"nirtrlttlroJu";:lT'#?floiurisdiction in ;hij'tiie ,vehicris ;i" i; ;;;ed as guthorized :, ::F,1,::nr#J*'J"t#f 3;s,ffi i|ffi :;y.[$':FPJiX'i#igx'&?iliF"',ffi i3iillitl;,.rs'vuqY9. Sign Nam (Please Print) Phone R-estrict z/. The that L/ C ,€*_ VO Signature Name (Please print) Phone Restricti !ons ons S!gnatureName' : Restri ctions Signature Phone (Please print) Name (Please print) Phone Phone Restricti Restrictio Signature Name (Please print) ns ons Signature Name (Please print) Phone Restricti ons Date Title Jurisdiction E:Mail Date ,.-- JurisdiCtion E-Mail additional certifications are needed, add an additionar sheet.) Signature Name (Please print) Title Phone ( Rest rictions 3000-323-006 (R 12109) ) tf Page 5 of5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL mmEt-EisIiidifiTiliEFliFdlWtr 6. Permit Validation: l certify that: a. All of the information:given in this application is correct to the best.of my knorMedge and provided in its full format to if.re uidersigned cfridt taw enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting purposes) of -each primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized emergency vehicle(s)' b. None of the drivers, to the best of my knowledge in the last year, have been convicted of, nor served any senteni.r oipbiiooJof probation for any ielonies, nor drrested and convicted of a_drug or alcohol vio-lation or illegal use or. possession of drugi, nor been required to register as a sex offender, nor have any of th6m been abjudicated incompetent or insane' c. Only the vehicle(s) and equipment listed in this application will be used as outlined in this application, and that only the dperatorb listed under tfris permit will drive the vehicle(s)' As the primary holder or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, I understand that if the permit is issued,'it is my responsibility to ensure: a. No driver listed in this permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergency equipment is removed or covered. b. No driver other than those listed under this approved permit operates the vehicle(s).listed.unless all emergency equipment is removed or covereil.' lf I wish to add'a new driver or vehicle to this permit, I mustieceive iribr approval before they are authorized under this permit' c. The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws' I understand that the inappropriate or misuse of authorized emergency^Y"h1"1"9 may result in criminal or civil ii"nlf ity is weff as cancelidtion of this permit as outlined under chapter 204-36 WAC. ln addition, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that a co.p.y of this permit and list of approved oriveit are present in'eicn vehicle it all'times an'd must be presented to law enforcement, if requested. Signature \l' Q v'*--"=-*-u (:Title L{:\..(} (CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) Name I;l 6,-kr\ s--\ <' t- Utg,t"*{ r" L Date '**\..q"-T:rl 7 (TYPE OR PRINT) certification: Th6 renewal application for Authorized EmergenQy Vehicle Permits will not be accepted unless cERTtFtED uV tiJ lni.it tu* enforcement officer or fire chief.(if the vehicle is to be used for tii"nghti"g puipoJesl'oi eacn primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized "m"ig"niy'vehictes i.ee F"rt t of thls applicatlgn).^tl!!p.a,pj{cation is made_by the chief of 3 llvt1 enfor[emdnt agency'oitirb oepart.ent, jtmust nei crnrtriED by the head of the political sub-division. The certification must contain the following language: ,,1 hereby certifv that I have reviewed this entire application;.that I am aware that the ap-plicant intends to.. use thJ'veflffisl ano emergency equipment tist# as specifically described in qa$ 2-of this application; that ; *u;"""tinudito &irt in hy;Jrisciiciion for the tisted vehicles to be used as authorized emergency uenict"" and that the applicanf has the.appropriate authority as described in part 3. of .this application to "p"i"t" *"f.t Jquipmefii; anO t t<now of rid reison why this-application should be denied." Please type or print: Signature hlamat lacu I trt (Please Print) Phone Restrictions Date Jurisdiction d I ritra 3000-323-006 (R 12lO9) E-Mai I 0 ultt{ OF Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT lll tlj lrrrrE\ wlsr{Nclolt stATE PATRoTW'.APPLICATION RENEWAL4 6.PermitValidation: :: .. .r- . ... . . .: : l ,. , .,'. n ,'l ' .., lceftifytha[;1i. , '.,t:...]..:jj r';'. '..'.;.. .:;1.',' :':'-, ...r ' ....;.. 1,'r'.t.t. .,..''': a. All of the informatjbnjgiven in thi6 appiication is coiiect to the best of its f_ull lgrrqt to the uidersign-d chi€;r raw enforcer"nt omcEr-JrJi[ ror.trrefrghting purposes)of each primary jurisdiction in which the v_ehauthorized emergency vehicle(s). b. None of the driveqs; to the best of my knowledge in the last year, have been convicted of, nor servedany sentenc_gs ol periods of probation for any feJonies, nor irresied and convicteo of I oiuo oi.inonotviolation orillegal use or possession of drugd, nbr beeh requiieo to r-gist"r;.-; {ei "ffE;;!;';thave any of them been adjudicated incomp-etent or insane"' c. Only the vehicle(s) andcquipment lisled..in this application will be used as ouflined in this application,and that only the operators listed under this perniitwill dr,ive the vehicle(s).. #f ,fi.{ : +.j,, As the primary holder or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, i understand that if the permit is.issued, it is my responsibility to ens;ure: my knowledge and' chief (if the vehicle icles are to be used as a' No driver listed in this permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergency equipment isremoved or covered. b' No driver other than those listed under this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless allemergency equipment is remove-d or covered.' lf I wish to add a new driver or vehiile to inli permii Imust receive prior approval before they are authorized under this permit. c. The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. I understand that the inapqlopriate oi misuse of authorized emergency,vehicles may resultliability as well as cancetidtion of this p"rmii ;; "guilqdffiei inapter 204-36 wAc. in criminal oi civil . ... ...r.,,--.-.- ",'', rl Signature Name -[-" 0 r\' \ VLi.-, (cHrEF oFFrcER) Title Date\*'6-rv\q\![,i (t.ii.t(, 7 Please type or print: Sighatufd l'Jame (Plea.s€ Print) Phbne s ei€- - t;5 ,{tu"s (rv.!Ji oR PRtNr) Certification: This renewal ap-plication for Authorized Emergency'Vehicie permits will not be acceptedunless cERTlF|ED Qv ihe chidf law enforcement officer oi iir"e "nii,r tir ih; ;hi;i;'is to be used forfirefighting pirrposesl oieach primary juriscictio; i; irfiiet;tne vehictj*re to ne usLJJr *.'i[Jriiioernei'genci/ 've!'licles (see part 4 of thiS app.licatiln). lf the application is made by the chief of a taw :llo,I99tr"IFg",1tv.or.fir.g departmenl i-t'lrlust uej cEnrtriro o/ tt''e neil or tfiu p"riti""i iun-iivision. rnecenrtlcatton must contain the following language: "l hereby c,e,4ify that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends touse the vehicle(s) and gT.ergency.equipment listed as specifically described in part z <if tnig,appriiition; tnata need continues to exist in my jdrisciiction for: the listed vehicles io be used as iuthorized emlioen;; ' vehicles and that the applicanf 6as the.appropriate authority as describeO in plrt S'Oi ihid "i;i'td;tior tooperate such equipment;and l know of rid rebson why this'application should be denied.T Date lil ilylAilriuB: Jurisdiction '{' :. ':.'1;: j;,.r,..;,;....! li: :i.', l.;'t ' ; 11 z09) &* i;'7|)\E-Mail ii:r o'f .....--'-. -.,a1-..,"- t ., Fl /4J+.t Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,F-HMWT 7 Signature Name (Please Print) Phone Certification: This renewal ap-plication for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be hcceptedunless CERTIFIED by the chiet law enforcement officer or fire chiAf (if the vehicle is to be used for ' firefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehiclds are to be used as authorized, , , .: ;emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a lawenforcement agency orrfire deparlment, it must be CERTIFIED by the. head of the political sub-division. Thecertification must contain the fbllowing language: 2- ?h"l rr Title Fcx-.rc-6; C--$.-f L1TS applica of this that the nt intends to in part 2 application; that as authorized emergency part 3 of this application to d be denied." e-\ Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name' ' '' (Please Print) Date ,E-MailPhone ,.(, ) Restrictions , Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print)Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Title_'-_Narne {Piease Pr!nt} Phone Juriseliction E-Mail Restrictions Signature Name (Please Print) Date Jurisdiction ErMail Title Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name Date E-Mail Title (Please Print) Phone Jurisdiction Restrictions lf additional cerlifications are needed, add an additionalsheet.) 3000-323-006 (R 12l0e)Page 5 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLIcAloN RENEWALJi H,RHMWtr 6. Peimit Validation: I certiff'that'-'.."' ' ',,,'.1,.:. ii: : : ... : i ' : l1r:: nowledge and prwiOed in (if the vehicle isto be used are to be used as a c-opy.of this.permit and list 6t appr.wed '' ' nted to law enforcement, if requested;. , . , b. None of the drive[S; to the best of my knowledge in the laSt year, have been cbnvicted of, nor served any sentences or periods of probation for any feJonies, nor arrested and conviited of a_drug or.alcohol violation or illegal use or possession of drugs, n6r b'een.required to register as a Sei off6nd-er, nor havg:any of them been adjudicated incompetent or insane. c. 04ly the vehicle(s) and equipment listed in this application will be used as outlined in this application, and that only the operators listed under this permit will drive the vehicle(s). . r''€* :JilI i.ri.r it tttg piintary holcjer or executive officer iri charge of overseeing this pernnit, I understand that if the permit is lssuecl, it is my responsibility to ensure::: ' a. No driver listed in th.is permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emerge.pcy equip;nent is removed or covered. b. No driver other than those listed under this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless all emergency equipment is removed or covered. lf I wish to add a new driver or vel.r[cle, to this permit, I : must receive prior approval before they are authorized under this permit. c. The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. All of the informatibn given:in thiS appiiCatiori is correct to ftre best of my k its full formqt to the undersigned chief law enforcement officer or fire chlef for firefightiiig pur:poses) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vphicles authorized ernergency vehicle(s); ln.addition, I u_nder.stqnd that it is my responsibitity to elniuie,fnat drivers ale present in each vehicle at all times and must b9 prese I understand that the"inappropriate or misuse of-authorized emergency-vehicles may result in criminal or civil liability as well as cancelidtion of this permit as outlined.under chipter'204-36 WAC: ,, ' .t .-............ Signature Name TLr'* (cHrEF EXECUTTVE OFFTCER)n \tf .t )1-\dl, <) S-.i.i.l*:\ C*(-L Title Date q=\ _L-\ -?o\ \. (TYPF OR PR|NT) 7 Certification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be accepted ttnless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fire chi-ef (if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting pi.rrposes)'of each primary jurisdiition in wnipn the venictesare to be useci as-auihorizerJ emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this applioation). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcpment agency or fire department, il]must be CERTIF[fO Uy the head of the political sub-division. The certification must contain the following language: u hereby certifv se the vehicle(s applicant intends to of this application; rized'emergency this ajiplication to that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the ) and emergency equipment listed as specifically described in part 2 tq exist the app in my jurisdiction for: the listed vehicles to be used as autho that a need cohtin ues vehicles and that has the appropriate authority as deScribed in operate such equ d l-know of no reason why this application shou Pledse type or pbrt 3 of ld be den ied.'r , \.'. SigndtuFe Name (PleaF€ Print) Pht6ne Restrictions "Date Jurisdictio Titlp 3000-323-006 (R 12/09) E-Mail Page 4 of 5 :jr AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHIG LE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,F-HffiWtr 7 Gertification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be accepted unless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized, ,' .. : : emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcement agency or fire deparlment, it must be CERTIFIED by the. head of the political sub.division. The certification must contain the following language: l "l hereby certifv that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to use the vehicle(s)and emergency equipment listed as specifically described in part 2 of this application; that a need continues to exist in my jurisdiction for the listed vehicles to be used as authorized emergency licant has the appropriate authority as described in part 3 of this application to and I know of no reason why this application should be denied." vehicles and that the a operate such Signature Narne (Please Print) Phone Restrictions oarc /fty'r riue Jurisdiction Orr/ O t,; /-€ 2,,, d oF ,f., E-Mail er,cJa .u Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name' r" (Please Print) Phone ,,(, ). Restrictions A ' j ''l;" ' Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Prinl) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E.Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name (Please Print) Date i.. E-Mail Title Jurisdiction Phone ( ,) Restrictions lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet.) 3000-323-006 (R 12109)Page 5 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICTE PERMIT APPLICATION REN I understand that the inappropr,iate or misuse of.authorizedliability as well as cancellation of this permit as ouflin & PefmitValidatiOn:.': ;:r':.1.;''' :, *-: . . . :.!.... . :., .....,..... :. . .,. ,,:.'i,'i: . . . t.. . : ..'t ..... ...;1.:.:lcertifythat: '..' i.':.r:,;i. '..-. .:' ,.i ,,: t,:.;.,$ ,, i: .,...: .. i ; ., .,..i; . . ...:,:. . ,. : .'..., .;:.: . ,:...r, :a' All of thd infoimatibn.glven in this app-iication js iorrect to the bebt of my t<nowteoge and provided in if-lYllgrut to the undersisned .hiut ii* "nr-."r!-ri "nicer or fire chief (if th;v;;t':,!'ia"'iJil:oror rlretlghtlfig pu.rposes) 9{ qagn primary jurisdiction in which Jhe yBhicles ire to be used asauthorized ernergency veh icle(s). b' None of the driver;s; to the best of my knowledge in the last year, have been convicted of. nor served'any sentenees or periods of probation for any flJonies, nor drresied and #ui;i;;i]Jiuq or.ar"onorviolation orillegal use or pos'sessio.n of drugi, ndr uJbi."req;iia;'t" ;g[t"r ;;9"#"fi[;;H'r;,have any of them been adjudicated incomp-etent or insane.' c' only the ":Jtj:j:_ftl_119.:q"ipT".nt lis.ted..in this application will be used as ouuined in this apptication,and that only the operatbrs listed under tnis perniiiwitl aEive the ";i;1"("). S: thq Pllnary holder or executive officer in charge or oriis..inn'"[,'n oii;1, I unoerstand that if the permit isissued, it is my i-esponsiliility to ensure: a' No driver I:P-d il ih,it permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergqncy equipment isremoved or covered. b' No driver other than those listed u.nder this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless allemergency equipment is removed or coveredl. tf I wjs'h to add a new driver or vehii,le-io inls peimit, Imust receive prior approval before they are authorized undei 1-ris permii. , c' The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic taws. '| ,t - ln addition, I u_ndersta drivers are present in: tr',- nd that it is.my. re.sponsibility to ensuretihat a copy of this permit andeach vehicle at all times and must be presentea tli law enrorcem.ni,; " ' ' -' --- ::- ^- T Q\.*.-.u*e-Q-. (Title ?..o,--Ao- -t Iistii-f apprwed :1r :, if_rggyested; . , '::' Signature Name (cHrEF I Date \-q - 1;: i I .f. crYPF oR PRTNT) 7 Gertification: This,renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle permits will not be acceptedunless'CERTIFIED by t-he chi6f law enforcement otriceftinr-e cni6rlit:tne veni"ie is to be used for' lirefiOhting p'urpcses) cf dach primary jurisdidtio;i in *nien'tiiu vehicles&re ts be useci as aurhorized " . ' :ll9!99ncv vehicles (see part 4 of thisapplication). tf the apptiCation iJmlo" bylh;;h[i;iiii;-enTorcement agency 9r.fire department, Lt*must be CERTIFiED by the head of the potitiiiltun-oiJision. rnecertification must cdntain the fbllowing t'affiuage: - - '- --- -t -;'. "--- -' "'Y ' "l hereby c$4ifY that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends touse the vehicle(s) and emergency.equipment list# Ji speJinCairv aes6;il ffii;t 2 of this apptication; thata need continues to exist in my jdrisdiciion for the tisteoiieniites to be used as iutno-rii;;r5[;;"'vehicles and that the applicanf has the.appropriate iJtnoritvii o"=sciioeJiiE,r 3;'ih;";1,p#ti";i"operate such equipment;"and l"knowof rio rehson why'tniJ'appticatipn snouto ne denied,'f -. - Please type or SignatUie - l'Jame (Plea;;-g Print) Pht6'ne Restii ctions :"': t' 1 ,' i,- " . .' t,, . ,; ,; .," j. . :., -... .:,..',-;"4.\' ,-. : . ':-'' Date Jurisdiction E-Mail 3000-323-006 (R 12lO9) I *q Tiile iil nn r ln trTY Page 4 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHIC LE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,F"HMWtr Gertification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be accepted unless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized . emeigendy'veiricles jsee part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcement agency or fire department, it must be CERTIFIED by the head of the political sub-division. The certification must contain the following language "l hereby certifv that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to use the venicteG) and emergency equipment listed as specifically described in part 2 of this application; that a need continues to exist in my jurisdiction for the listed vehicles to be used as authorized emergency vehicles and that the applicant has the appropriate authority as described in part 3 of this application to operate such equipment; and I know of no reason why this application should be denied." Signature Date H-V*tt Tire C6prF,1*1 7 Name (Please Print) Phone Jurisdiction L. E-Mail S?e.ve. tRtt,?^,t/ s 4z)\"\/s'F" i"tA" Cud Restrictions i?E*-nt r-T&D .f(?tfJTEN*g rET-eS /rJ ,r D SnqfE t?utlTFS l*, Kt rJu CcruiliY, ft,l€ B-)S r*TE feszrev. *:4 Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name , (Please Print) Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name (Please Print) Date lr rrior{intinngst tgvlvltvt I E-Mail Title Phone ( ) Restrictions lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet.) 3000-323-006 (R 12i09)Page 5 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICL-E PERMIT APPLICATION REN :ns* o 6. Peimit Validation:'. I:... ": : {...'It, : ... ,.. :, .: , .1..,..:.,' . ,.. ,,-, . ." a. ' All of the informatibnjgiven.in thiS'?ppiiCatiori is correct to the best ot my knowtedse.and' piovidbd inits full forrnqt to the undersigned chidt taw enforcement officer or fire cfrlet (if 'tn! rianicf" i! to Uu-ri"Ofor.firefightiiig purposes) of bach primary jurisdiction in which lhe yehiclei ire to be used asauthorized ernergency veh icle(s). b. None of the driveqs, to the best of my knowledge in the ladt year, have been convicted of, nor servedany sentences or periods of probation for any felonies, nor drrested and conVicted of a diuq or.alcoholviolation orillegal use or possession of drugd, ndr been required tci register as a $ef ofrEnoLr, norhave any of lhem been adjudicated incomp-etent or insane.' c- Only the vehicle(s) and.equipment lisled in this application will be used as outlined in this application,and that only the operators listed under this perniitwill dJive the vehicle(s).! ' 4t r.{l tti'r ff.ft q|f ?y !911", or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, i understand that if the permit isrssued, it is nry. responsibility io ensuril: ' ". No driver listed in th.is permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergency equip;nent isremoved or covered b. No driver other than those listed u.nder this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless allemergency equipment is removed or coveredJ.' lf lwis'h to add a new driver or veniite to this permit, Imust receive prior approval befoie they are authorizbd under this permit. c- The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. I understand that the inappropr,iate o liability as well as cancelidtion of this r misuse of authorized emergency vehicles may result in criminalor permit as outlinefl und-er chipteizOq-ZA WAC: civil ,. j : .: r, 't.1 :l.. .: ln.addilion, I undqrstand that it is my.re_sp.o.1rs[[ilitir to ensuie,tnat a capy of this.per:m.it and list bf appr.oved ',': .; drivers are present in each vehicle it atliimes anii must be presenteoto law Jniorcemeni,liiulfiji.i, t.. ., r,r. ,. ..._.--., 1..'._ -f :_. ---.'' Signature T,Title (cHtEF EXECUTTVE OFFICER) +fi" r\vut.cs}"r1$.g t t\i.{J>-r.tL\.Date t-l-' . tt - ?= t t crY:jE. oR PRtNr) Name 7 Gertification: This.renewal ap_plication for Authorized Emergency Vehicle permits will not be acceptedunless CERTIFIED fV tne chiellaw enforcement officer or fir:e chi'ef (if the vehicle is to be used for ' 'firefighting purposes)-of each prirnaqy juriscliGJion in which the vehicles€re to be used as authorizedemergency vehicles (see part 4 of thisapp.lication). lf the application is made by the chief ot a lavrenfolcement agency glfil? departmenl ij-must uei cfnrtriED by the head of ilie potitiCat suu-division. tnecertification must contain the fbllowing lai$uage: "l hereby c,e=4ify that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends touse the vehicle(s) and emergency equipment liste'd'as ipeiificatly desiribed in part z <it tnis appficition; tnata need continues to exist in my jurisdiction for,the listed Vehicles io be used as iuthorized emiiqencv ' vehicles and that the applicanf has tne.appropii"ie -l1n"ritv "" als"iiueo ii;;rt 3';l fiir #ilidtri'tooperate sulch equipment; and I know of rid rebson why this'applicati.on should be denied.r i i , ,1.,, ,,,, . Pleasei type or Signatufe Name (Plears..e Print) Phbne Restiictions 'Date i i,r,Jurisdiction ?tA ksY-rta8 E-Mail o OL)T4e6,a-5 a|--e hS?.na tJ br 4 300G323{06 (R 12/09) ftr,.r-tzs,or; oia@'cF.oe a.NQ /6*e8- rqao Page 4 of 5 f hlvl* AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H,F"HMWT 7 Signature ave reviewed this enti m ergency equipment n my jurisdiction for licant has the app and I know of no J*l -fi {t- Gertification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be accepted unless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized : .. ; emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcement agency or fire deparlment, it muqt be CERTIFIEQ by the head of the political subdivision. The certification mqst contain the following language: : "l hereby certifv that I h use the vehicle(s)and e a need continues to vehicles and operate Signature Name (Please Priot) Phone ?, Restrictions re application; that I listed as specifically the listed vehicles to be used ). Jurisdiction E-Mail am aware that the applicant intends to described in part 2 of this application; that as authorized emergency part 3 of this application to ld be denied." l-\ L 4-AM Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Name Phone ,,, (. ) Dat9, -'---- Tjtfe .''' ;."..., : JUiiSdiCtioii,.,.., '; .. :,'.. i Mail t Li !,(Please Prht) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Lt-- -tYdllic (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E.Mail Title Name (Please Prinl) Phone Restrictions Signature Date Title,-.- l .;ii: . JurisdictionName (Please Print) Phone ( , )' E-Mail Restrictions lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet,) 3000-323-006 (R 1Z0e)Page 5 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT ORIGINAL APPLICATION mnEr--..Fis-mci6TtiifiEiffiWtr 7 Certification: This renewal application forAuthorized EmergencyVefricle Permits will not be accepted untesi SERTIFIED nv tnJ inier ra", enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for tir"nghting puipoiesl'oi eaCn primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized iljddi vehictes i"p" p"rta oitnis. gpptlcation).^tJ the. apj-lication is madety the chief of a law . . enforcement agency*'JinrE crp.nme-r,t, li ru"t uei cgnrLriED by. the,hpbdiofthe poJitioal s,-t;bdivisioh.. The certification must coritain.,the following languaoe: ---T:"-i:""',']-;;-". .i. "--"*:i'",,-.jt.i... oi .'i ..: "l hereby certifv that t have reviewed this entire aBilicqti.efr;.!ha! I qm aY,are. ll"tlql"pflicant intends to . use thJ ven-iretsl ano emergency equiprhent iiste'd es bpecificailf described i1 na(_!_or this application; that i ne"o exists in' #ry jurisdicti-on for *rb tisted vehiclps to betsedis duthorizgd e{nergelclYei'tcJesand that tnu "ppri"int has th6 appropriatd authority as described ln piirt 3 of this"application to opetate such equipriient; and I know'df nb reason wny inis aBplication should be denied.' Please type or print: Signature Date fi17'zqiTitte OF;mt- 'Asr{-tf Ct'rv@- +'durisdictiqn. il ?fr) l.Title 'f 4 i\, Jurisd E-Mail Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Title .,4j uJurisdibtion E-Mail Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail '*.Fr "4 ...: " - iSartre- (Pleass Print) Ph"bne ; Rettrict! , -r-.{ +.. I i; l-'nl. i ti"r,i,f , y c t!..,.a {.'i..,,t,r.'j, ;.rr lii;r-*|j J\ sigq?[H Name re. f+l -C,-J.y-&atL"e-L J;J.-- . r i rl-. ibtion ' .J Phone ( ) Signature (Please Print) Name (Pleaso Print) Phone Name (Please Prht) Name (Plsas€ Print) Phone Name (Ploas€ Print) Phone (Ploas€ Print) Restrictions () Restrictions - , Signature Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Restrictions , , :: :. Sigfiature () Restrictions : - Signature Name .i , ,.,-at; / Phone ( ) 3000€23{06 (R 1Zo9)Page 4 of 4 Restrictions '' (!f additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet') r, F''ife Police Department James M. Paulson Criminal Justice Center 3737 Paciftc Highway E. Fife, Washington 98424-1135 Phone: {2531922-6633 I Fa-x (253) 922-t22O May 10, 20L1 Mr. Tim Chiswell Northwest Motor Escort 1915 Kibler Avenue Enumclaw, WA 98002-331'1" Mr. Chiswell, This letter is to advise you that Northwest Motor Escorts does not have authorization to conduct any business within the city limits of the City of Fife. This includes Pacific Highway East (Old 99) within the city boundaries starting at the west city limits of the Puyallup River and the east city limits in the 6300 block. Any violation of this will result in immediate enforcement action Please contact this office if you should have any questions' Sincerely, B.ackbu rn Chief of Police cc: Chief James Arsanto, Buckley Police Dept. Chief iames Collyer, Puyallup Police Dept. Chief Bret Farrar, Lakewood Police Dept' Chief John Galle, Sumner Police Deaprtment Chief Don Ramsdell, Tacoma Police Dept. Chief Brian Wilson, FederalWay Police Dept. Chief Robert Lee, Auburn Police Dept. Chief Linda Pillo, Bellevue Police Dept' Chief Ken Thomas, Kent Police DePt' Chief Jim Zoll, Enumclaw Police Dept' Chief John Diaz, Seattle Police Dept. Chief John Batiste, Washington State Patrol Ms. Melissa Van Gorkom, Equipment & Standards Sheriff Paul Pastor, Pierce Co. Sheriff's Office Sheriff Steve Boyer, Kitsap Co' Sheriff's Office Sheriff Will Reichardt, Skagit Co. Sheriffs 0ffice Sheriff John Lovick, Snohomish Co' Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sue Rahr, l(ing Co. Sheriff's Office Captain Steve Burns, WSP District 2 Captain Jeff DeVere, WSP District 1 Captain Karen DeWitt, WSP District 6 Captain Ken Ginnard, WSP District 7 Captain Jeff Otis, WSP District 4 Captain Ronald Rupke, WSP District 5 Captain Steve Sutton, WSP District 8 "The frept.seryes the people of Fife by praviding law enforcement services in a prafessional and caurteous manner, 'and it is fo ihese peaple that the Dept. is ultimately respansible." Ch!RI5T!NE CI. GREGOIRE Governor loHN R. SATISTE Chief STATE CIF WAShI!NCTON WAS r-{ [ NCTC i"i STATE P/\TR{} L Cenera! Aclministration Euilding ' PO Box 426sg ' Olyrrpia' wA 9s504-269$ " {360) 596-4080 6 www'w$p'wa'Bov May 5,2011 R"E,9r€ LY'EP MAY i.',,r ?'f'W,4 Mr. Tim Chiswell Northwest Motor Escort 1915 KiblerAvenue Enumclaw WA 98002-3311 Dear Mr. Chiswell: The renewal application for the Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permit (AEVP) for the vehicles used by Northwest Motor Escort has been received' However' this renewal application cannot O" ptot"tted until.it is complete andall necessary paperwork has O;"n prouided to the Washington State Patrol's (WSP) Equipment and Standards Section. Please make the amendments necessary to your renewal application and/or provide the additional paperuvork as outlined in this letter'so that the \A/sP can process this renewal application 1. Vehicle Information - your current AEVP only authorizes the following vehicles for funeral escort services:o Licen." Esgaza 1 Qo10 Harley DavidsonfLHTPl), owned by Tim Chiswell o Licenr" cAabz-o t)oro Harley Davidson FLH), owned ,o,v D:n Huiatt . t-icense iAiSlA 12Olt Harley Davidson FLHP), owned by Don Huiatt we received copies of the certification of Emergency Equipment for the following vehicles:o License 87255 (1999 BMW R1 1oORT), owned by Tim ch'swell e Licen"" [enf gO'gO (ZOt 1 Hartey FLH1PI), owned by Tim Chiswell r Licer;; StiBtt iie'Be fawasat<i KZ100d), owned by Kenneth Nishiyori However in orOJitJ-proi"tb- tf'" nVfF jpplication f6r these vdhicles, you need to llifjtiiin" oiiginat inspection paperwork. 'Once we receive this paperuvork we can process your app-iicjtibn to ad'd ifrese vehicles to the permit. ln addition, this office has not approved the following vehicles listed on your renewal lpptiCiiion for operation under your current AEVP: . LicenJ" fE1ngi6S (Hlrfe' Davidson FLH), owned by Pete-Noetezl o Licen"" FFgsr05 (irartey Davidson FLH), owned by_Jim McCall o Licent" SnZOg3 (Harleybavidson FLH), owned bV p9l.Cra19 ,. Liceni" +AgASZ iHartey Davidson FLH), owned bY Mellissa lrish , Enclosed is a certificate of approval gra!!{19 a thirty-d.av period for these vehicles to receive an equip"mii'rTi'r]rp'""fi5n-nvifiJWsF, atong witti i certiticate of Equipment. please take this form to the nearest Wasfrinqion p-tite. Patrol office with the vehicle for ;ff;l"t,d. Atteiir," io rm is go_mpieieo] qqTt p.: was h i n_sto n s]ate?atrol, Eqri-p-"nt anJ'SianOiias, pO liox 42600, Olympia WA 98504-2600' ffiNT POLICE DEPARTfuIENT &qp Page2 Mr. Chiswell May 5, 2011 All vehicle and equipment information needs to be outlined on the application. Pleaseadd the vehicles that were listed in your attachment to page two of fciur permit if you intend to have them included on thd permit and include alivehicle inforniation necessary Please re-submit the application with all information filled out in the application andprovide !ft" "pP!"qpriate.papenruork (originalCertificates of Emergency'Equipment), orremove the vehicles not authorized from your application as outli-ined'aOove so th6t wecan process it. 2. Purpose of Application & Authority - Your renewal application indicates that onepurpose of your application is that the company will assisi pilot vehicles transporting oversize boats and houses and provide security and escort function for the Sbattle- Seahawks team bus and equipment vehicle as-required. Chapt.er 204-36 WAC outlines the rules regarding authorized emergency vehiclepermitting. Under WAC 204-36-040 (1Xe), a veh-icle ". . . being usd'd toi escort services, may be used only for funeral escorts." Pilot vehicles are not authorized under the process outlined in Chapter 204-36 WAC, and are only allowed to use amber lighting'as outlined in WAC 204:-21-130. Further, on one version of the documentation you provided it was indicated that "we are.not pilot vehicles,.we only clear the intersection for the licensed pilot vehicles working the oversized load." Please note, thatrothing in your permit allows your company to "clear an intersection" for any purpose. The only authority under statuie for this'funltion is outlined under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 46.61.035, which states "The,driver of an authorized emerge,ncy vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in ,pursuit of an actual suspected violator of the law... may exeriise lrivileges set forth in this section..." Escorts are not considered an emergency, therefore authorization is not provided foryour company to operate under RCW 46.61.035 to provide any type esc6rt services, including funeral escorts. Please amend your permit application to rernove the additional piloting services and/or provide the appropriate statutory authority that allows you to piovide these servrces_ 3. Geographic areas not authorized - Please note that you do not have authorization from the chief law enforcement office from each primary jurisdiction that you have listed on your permit application. You will need to receive authorization from the following entities in order for your renewal application to be processed: For city streets -gain authorizatiop cities that you had originally listed: Seattle and Tacoma. from the Chief of police for the following Auburn,,Federal W?y, Fife, Puyallup, : ; ;i. :, ." ,:. .:,.'t ..r, For c.ounty roads ;ga.in authorization from the sheiiff tor:ihe following counties that you had originally listed: Pierce, King, Kitsap and Sfafi'it. a b c For State Routes and lnterstates - to gain authorization from the Washingtonstate Patrol District commander in ch-rge of each area. since you havj , Page 3 Mr. Chiswell May 5,2011 listed all State Routes and lnterstate 5 and 90 in your_a.pplication, this would require'tne JJoiiioniisignatule of the following WSp oistrict Commanders: . OistiiCt 1 (pierciand Thurston Counties) - Captain Jeff DeVere (253) 536-6210 , ,- , s. oistrici + (Spofane, Lincoln, and Adams Counties) Captain Jeff Otis (509) 227-6566 . Oistrici S lClart<, Lewis, and Cowlitz Counties) Captain Ronald Rupke (360) 260-6333 h_r^,:14 'r. Oistiict O (fittitas, and Grant Counties) Captain Karen DeWitt (509) 663-9721 Please amend your permit applicatio. n to remove the geographic areas,not authorized' or return your" ren"*'li jppt''iaiion with the additional authorizations so that we can process your request. 4 Operators: Your application does not.include the list of op,erators you intend to have ;fih;i6d under VJ,.it p"itit. Please include under page 3, the list of operators you wish to have apprbved under your permit. currenily we have only approrlg.d yourself (Tim chiswell),,Forrest Don Huiatt, and J"niJJ rVr"c-ajr. rr there are additionat operbtors that should be added to your permit, pG;; naue lnem .Jrpr"t"l11g61n1i.16ards and send them along with a processing fee of $45,25 p"r p*dn to: W"ashington State Patrol, Equipmenf and Standards, PO Box 42600, OiYmPia WA 98504-2600. We have received the fingerprint cards for Mr. Kenneth Nishiyori and wjll send-them in ior-pioi"sing "nd *iff ieiyou know.once the results are received whether or not he is "pprou"o und'er vout p"iniit.-ni oi the date of this letter he is not authorized to obbrate a vehicle under your permit. SincereJy, y' ,q /,r',,ffi.A- ca{tain i"gdn c. 7€rrv government and,,ffiledia Relations please ensure alldocumentation and/or changes as outlined above are made and return your application to our office for processing' lf you have any questions please call Ms. Melissa Van Gorkom at (360) 596-4017 ' JGB:mvg Enclosure cc: Chief James Arsanto, Buckley Police Department Chief Blackburn, Fife Folice Department Sheriff Steve Boyer, Kitsap County Sheriffs Office Captain Steve Burns, District 2 - Bellevue Chief Jim Collyer, Puyallup Police Department Captain Jeff DeVere, District 1 - Tacoma Captain Kareri DeWitt, District 6 - Wenatchee Chief John Diaz, Seattle Police Department Chief Bret Farrar, Lakewood Police Department Chief John Galle, Sumner Police Department Page 4 Mr. Chiswell May 5, 2011 CaptainKenGinnard, DistrictT-Marysville' : ..,,'., 1.,.,. :,, Sheriff Rick Grimstead, skagit County Sheriffs.Office .' ":., :., : i-,,:.:i ,,.. ..,,, 9l',t"1 4ndy Hwang, Federal Way potice Department Chief Robeft !-ee,,Auburn Police Department, ; :' ' ' .,:,' ;. i' .ii .'- * Sheriff John Lovick, Snohomish County'sheriffs Officei 'i' ' : i .' :ii Captain Jeff Otis, District 4 - Spokane Sheriff Paul Pastor, Pierce County Sheriffs Office Chief Linda Pillo, Bellevue police Department Sheriff Sue Rahr, King County Sheriffs Office Chief Don Ramsdell, Tacoma police Department Captain Ronald Rupke, District 5 - Vancouver Captain Steve Sutton, District 8 - Bremerton Chief Ken Thomas, Kent police Department Ms. Melissa Van Gorkom, Equipment and Standards Chief Jim Zoll, Enumclaw police Department Northwest Moton Escont, LLC" 1915 KlbterAve. Enumclaw, WA 98022-331 1 253S53-0380 AFft [t ir ?$,{ March 30,20ll Chief Ken Thomas Kent PoliceDepartment 2zo 46 Ave. South Kent, WA 98063 XENT PCILIAE iIUEFARNMENT' Dear Chief Thomas, The current Authorized Emergency Vehicle Perrrit issued to Northwest Motor Escort is due for renewal. I am submitting the 2011 W.S.P. permit application to your office for review and consideration. If the Kent Poiice Department would please sign ofron the AEVP, it would be appreciated. We are a small company of off-duty public safety professionals, \pith a mission of positive change for the funeral escort industry. Thank you foryour cooperation in this matter' Respecffirlly*\;; LV.-- Tim Chiswell RECEIVED CHIEF'S OFFICE "','f*4 lr rl AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL WASHI NGTON STATE PATROL EQUIPMENT & STANDARDS REVIEW UNIT GEN ERAL ADMINISTRATION BLDG PO BOX 42600 oLYMPTA WA 98504-2600 DATE APPROVED VALID UNTIL: CAPTAIN (For Departmeht Use OnlY) This application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the firm or corporation making application. Please type or print in ink. Person, Company, Department, or Agency (if a person, must list agency/department representing)hl o * F\^' *^r AE $T'oR Eeooa-r Address \ q t€-\{. ria,i Ff{Aua City f\.1 \J LL state \n-l A zip 2",-j.3r.\ Phone Q:l3) 6Ej - o3g,>E-mail l*l.\ f.-\4 tg t\ r-t N oA. Tt{\J G6"( $4 o{::({6. SCc>R'.( e 3*o t\. c crr Vehicte lnformation: List all vehicles being used as authorized emergency vehicles. For each vehicle, provide both the vehicle and emergency equipment information as outlined below. Any new vehicles-or , vehicles with equipment installed other than what is authorized on the current permit for that vehicle-must receive prior approval before being utilized under this permit: LtrM LICENSE NO. b YEAR Q\\ \\- D FUHT? t MODELMAKE VIN \Rb { trt\,atlr\r?-\3"\3f-\f qq? _ Geq 'd\Sbr ERREGISTERED SIREN PN [f r-nrvre coloR(s) MAKE/MOD OTHER EQUIPMENT:n \t t+RiEXI VJueuer)*-4C= \S e NZ-\J b-) OTHER EQUIPMENT: LICENSE NO. Zott YEAR \{-D Fr-\{R.- P t MAKE MODEL VIN REGISTERED OWNER.Ttnr+€sr \\., rn-r -l- 3000-323406 (R 1209)Page 1 ofS AUTHOR IZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL SIREN VIN IVIAKE ,{ii, MODEL REGISTERED OWNER LAMP COLOR(S) OTHER EQUIPMENT LAMP ODEL SIREN LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL I r-nn,tn coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL YEAR LICENSE NO. MODELMAKE VIN TSTEBED OWNER ,REG MAKE MODEL -r'i .- -VIN SIREN fl r-nnrp coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL Note.: This page may be copied if additional vehicles need to be added to the permit. Any additional sheets attached must provide the vehicle and equipment information in the same format as above. 3000-323-006 (R 12/09)Page 2 of 5 AUTHORTZ.FD EMERG ENCY VEHICf E PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL H.HHffiWtr 2.Purpose of Application: Describe the specific purpose for which the vehicle(s) shall Qe qged,as . . authorized "m'uig.nry vehicle(s) and wh?t neces'sitates the vehic!eg.' reglstr-alr'o1;r as emergericy vql]lgleq' Ex;llain the naturi "nd rcope Of'the duties,'responsibility, and intended use of emergehcy equipment'i''r-'' ' Authority: Exptain authof'rty outtined rffide.r*statute (Revised Code of Wag!ington) that allows the vehicles' operatori to use emergency equipmbnt for'the purpoBe outlined under part 2 of this application. i i:il".,sk 3. 4. Geographic Ar-ea: Check which types of roads you will be operating on and state the specjfic geographic'' icles shall be used as authorized emergencY vehicles (city,,county, etc.).' jurisdiction.is required u nd9,[ poa rt7 of this application.) ' City Streets (list all citi CS \-(.,Bct\'.r rr k(s' r":r A\(tw s or:U e..t"FI tr County Roads (list all counties)tN r"4 Kr AP -1s F: tr-\*i tE 4 ) tr StateRoutes/lnterstates 5 .I:. 5. Operators: Please list all drivers tlrat you intend to have rT+ - not the operator/driver is'new since ,:l ' - rl{.'ti' '. € g the vehicle(s) listed in this application last application ,I -qo - qo \ and indicate whether :.- r{-::''. i. '"- 4L"30-t. tqbr}t-tu ieiv rR ER,V1Ct'S \,e.*t i.D {, e.3e 'o f '+u 3T.\qt 'i rlL\}JLZ Ab\+/s \rJ tr".t +. 3000-323-006 (R 1Zo9) (Use additional sheet if Page 3 of 5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT H,R"HMWtrAPPLIcATIoN RENEwRTE i . '*: i-'. . ::. ;,-, ::E :, ,' :_ r'J,:,.,j:.t.i t. -. (if the icle provided'in is to be used are to be used as I understand that'the inappropr,iate or misuse of authorized emergency"vehicles may result in criminal or civil liability 'as well as cancelidtion of this p"mit as outlined. under chipt ei zpq-ga WAC: r,, b. None of the driver;s; io the best of my knowledge in the ladt year, have been convicted of, nor served any sentences or periods of probation for any fe.l-onies, nor arrested and conVicted of a-drug or alcohol violation or illegal use or possession of drugd, n5r been required to register as a 6ef off6ndlr, nor havq,i.any of them been adjudicated incomp-etent or insane,. c. O4ly the vehicle(s) and equipment listed in this application vvill be used as outlined in this application, and that only the operatbrs listed under this permit wiil d,1iye the vehiclb(s). I l" tlq Pllnary holder or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, I understand that if the permit is- rssued, I ts my responsibility to ensure: a. No driver listed in this permit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergency equipment is removed or covered. No driver other than those listed under this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless all emergency equipment is removed or covered. lf I wish to add a new driver or vehidle to this permit, I must receive pridr approval befor'e they are authorized under this permit. The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. b ln.addition, I u_nderstand that it is my respons[bility drivers are present in each vehicle it ail times anb 'i' 'j sisnature { UW"-'-'cA0 (cHtEF EXECUTTVE OFFTCER) ATRor^rre > Q-Ar:;usLt L to eniurettnat a copy of this.permjt and list 'of approved must be presented to law enforcement, if requested; . Title !r*..a**$ Date *-L\-zct\ jl,.:ir i ' Date Jurisdiction' E-Mail Name 7 ,ri- crY-PjE OR PRINT) Certification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be accepted unless'CERTIFIED by t!'re chidf law enforcement officer or fir6 chi'ef (if the vehicle is to be used for ' fireflghtihg pi.rrposes)-of each primary jurisdjction in which the vehicldstare to be used as authorized emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this applioation). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforc-ement agency or fire department, il'frust Uej CfnftfiED by the head of the politicalsub-ciivision. The certification must contain the following lan$uage: "l hereby 9g4ifv that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to use the vehicle(s) and emergency equiprnent listed bs specifically desiribed in part Z tif tniq"application; that a lgqd continues to- exist in my jurisdiction for the listed vehicles to be used as authorized eryrergency vehicles and that the applicanf has the.appropriate authority as de'scribed in part 3 of this alipticltionio operate sug[4gttipment;and I know of no reason why this-application should bu 6"01"6.'t . . - Pfease type or priht: Signatuie ' -- :'-. " ':". ,i: l.l IJame (Ple1s!9 Print) PhUne Restiictions 3000-323{06 (R 12/09) ' "Lat " Page 4 of 5 '? AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL mmm,-EisilfrcEf3ie=f7iEoIWtr WASH INGTON STATE PATROL. EQUIPMENT & STANDARDS REVIEW UNIT GENERAL ADM IN ISTRATION BLDG PO BOX 42600 oLYMPIA WA 98504-2600 Person, Company, Department, or Agency (if a person, must list agency/department representing) DATEAPPROVED VALID UNTIL: CAPTAIN (For Department Use OnlY) This application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the firm or corporation making application. i Ptease type or print in ink. hl $ r Fh -*r E.ET h{,o= " ru f scc,taf Address \q\(. \4iG r trf{\J tr=l\ City E rq \J F'r g L AL,J Phone (!*rr5) fr6j-OSBa state \r--/ A Zip \"i Y-b rr'1l- t{-- <-<[ nr Ci4 t{l rt C€i-.}.'\E-mail 1 N oR tvlr.+E5.{ */t o{ ail*6. SC I 3r*o i\. c d' Vehicle lnformation: List all vehicles being used as authorized emergency vehicles. For each vehicle, provide both the vehicle and emergency equipment information as outlined below. Any new vehicles-or vehicles with equipment installed other than what is authorized on the current permit for that vehicle-must receive prior approval before being utilized under this permit. 2o\ \ \j,rv\ qe,Q e= LICENSE NO.YEAR \\. D FUHT? I MODELMAKE VIN L RS ! F[r,\Nzt \?-Btse-\f,qq? - REGISTERED OWNER-*. n\*crnrls t-rUSsleLL i:;i+::i:*l NST,AEE E Diil"i:i :-: ::': : :,:rl:;lVl fi l(E .i,r.'; SDZI(}RE stnrru \**eUel} -[f r-nrvre coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MoDEL .WH*-E \n l t+ EurN \Juale r.) u(aef] orngn EeUTPMENT: L]CENSE NO LYEAR ir \-\ -Ft-t+G.- T:\ MAKE MODEL o\ \a A3\\ VIN \S EI r-nr',rP coLoR(S) LAMP MAKE/MOD OTHER EQUIPMENT: VJt+€t-Et-J LtNz- 3000-323-006 (R 12lO9)Page 1 of5 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL mmm,-, F(sfiirciST-CiIiEEiE6iWT YEARl"ri,i.,,,'.: Ll IVIAKE 'ri', IVIODEL VIN REGISTERED OWNER ,EI Ll srnrru LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL [_] ornrn EeutPMENr: f stnEru fl r-nnrp coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL ti;;i-;ir;,=;.'-I.iii+:;i7f,Ii i:iwri:?ii.,r-ll,,ii_:+;ii:-.+.:.i;1,.-Y. ii iE#l N,STAlj,l;FPl'lri'.,,:.,'+',i#.fi #i'i tUt'AKF,t+ii,,, SIREN Lj r-nrvrp coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL LICENSE NOYEAR MODELMAKE MAKE MODEL MODELMAKE ISTERED OWNER .REG Note: This page may be copied if additional vehicles need to be added to the permit. Any additional sheets attached must provide the vehicle and equipment information in the same format as above. 3000-323-006 (R 12/0s)Page 2 of 5 mmm.- FisF-nc6ix'3iffiEiFot-Wtr purpose of Application: Describ.e the specific purpose for Which the vehicle(s) shall Qp u9eg,?s. : . autnoiizlO "rL'rg.ory u"ni"t"1r; anc wlGilG6siit"ies the vehicles' reglsllation as emergency Yen!gF9, r*pi"i;tin. natui" ini Scope orihe duties, responsibility,'ald intended use of emer:gehcy equipment.i; ', ' Authority: Explain "'rtnorTq, outlined u*deg,statute (Revised Code of Wagfington) that allows the vehicles' operators to use emergency equiprnQ.pt foratfre purpole outlined under part 2 of this application' AUTHOR LZSD EMERGENCY VEH ICLE PERMIT .APPIICRTION RENEWAL lrT Ln'<EwsDE" tr County Roads (list all counties)\LI r€A? i El State Routes/lnterstates 5 o 1 - LIO b t6\ 2 , PilA\ 3. 4 geographic ' f"4 \ application. ':;.-li, ' : ' q 4 5. Operators: Pl€ase list all drivers that you , ?1,-d indicate.,whpt[rer qr ngt the operator/d E's . intend to have river is-new since *_q the vehicle(s) listed in this application onal sheet if necesSarYJ SER.VIC€S \J 4L.3\ " rqc, f-: r {^/ WV cr-+ i P {" / +a,3Y. \qt \L\Z r Nl6 '*Jaft6,ti$& bS,!e$(O \ r'/ ,i,* r*''t VJe R,C tr ! u D D u [] u n D u tr ,il.!".:,,:|i:;tr tr tr tr:I u f1 u ;,. 30oG.323406 (R 1209) (Use ad - Page 3 ofS AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERUIIT .APPLICATION REN el+ii 6. Peimit Validation: .; ::: ; ".. ':'' ''" ': ''' t* I certifyi thatt'-;':."1 ". ' a' All of th6 i,nformationrgiven in this Fppliiation is correct to the best o-f my knowledge ahd drovided in its full forrirat to ttre uioersigned ch?eii"* ".r"t""rlri onrcei"r'il ;h1"i iif ilu''i"nm i!:t" o" ri"o for firefightifig pur:poses) 9l ga9l primary jurisdiction in which the vphicles ire to be used as authorized ernergency veh icle(s). b. None of.the driveqs; to the best of my knowledge in the ladt year, have been convicted of, nor served' any sentenees or periods of probation for any fe].onies, nor arrgsted and conVicted of a-drug or.alcohol violation or illegal use or possession of drugs, n5r been rdquiied tcj register as a 6ef offdnd-er, nor have any of them been adjudicated incompetent or insane. c. 04ly the vehicle(s) and equipment listed in this application Will be used as outlined in this application, and that only the operatbrs listed under this permit will drive the vehiclb(s).. ' .E{ ifill 1i$,, $.1!9 qlif?ty holder or executive officer in charge of overseeing this permit, I understand that if the permit is' tssuecl, it is my responsibility to ensure: a. No driver listed in this perryit uses the vehicle for private purposes unless all emergqncy equipment is removed or covered '' : b. No driver other than those listed under this approved permit operates the vehicle(s) listed unless all emergency equipment is removed or covered.' lf I wjp'h to add'a new driver or vehille to this permit, I must receive prior approval before they are authorized under this permit. c. The driver must exercise due care and caution and must obey all traffic laws. ! I understand that the inappropriate or m liability'as wellas'cancelidtion of this pe isuse of authorized emergency vehicles may result in criminal or civil rmit as qullilgfl:;gng-e,r chapteiz04-36 WAC: ,,,,'.,..,,t,,"., Signature Name (cHlEF EXECUTTVE OFFTCER) Title Date 7 $ (TYPF OR PRINT) ':* Gertification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency'Vehicie Permits will not be accepted unless"CERTIFIED by the chi6l law enforoement'officer or fir:e chibf (if the vehicle is to be used for ' .firefighting pirrposes) of each primary jurisdiE'tion in which the vehicl6s$are to be used as authorized : '' ' en'lergency vehicies (see part.4 of this application). lf the application is rnade by the chief of a larv enforpement agency or flre department,'['5ust be CERTIFieO Oy the head of the political sub-division. The certification must contain the following language: "l hereby cg4ifY that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am Aware that the applicant intends to use the vehicle(s) and emergency equiprnent listed bs specifically desdribed in part 2 o1'this application; that a need continues tq exist in my jurisdiction for the listed Vehicles 1o be used as authorized erneigency vehicles and that the applicani has the.appropriate authority as described in part 3 of tnis apptication-to operate such equipment;.and l"know of no reason why this-application should be denied.'f : ; , i..r;-.;;.,-_, Plea-Se type or priht: --, !r . ., ... I ;. {r:,.. ' ii.i SignaitUf€ Name "Date Jurisdiction E-Mail i:1;:'I j: (Plerc Ph'o Print) ne () Restii ctions 3000-323{06 (R 12/09)Page4of5 ': AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL EEM_wrsll!.GToN srAlE PTTRoL WEEtr 7 vehicles operate Signature Certification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency Vehicle Permits will not be lrccepted unless CERTIFIED by the chief law enforcement officer or fire chief (if the vehicle is to be used for fireflghting purposes) of each primary jurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authgrized, : . , . emergency vehicles (see part 4 of this application). lf the application is made by the chief of a law enforcement agency or fire department, it must be CERT.IFIED by the head of the political, subdivision. The certification must contain the following language: "l hereby certify use the vehicle(s that I have reviewed this entire application; that I am aware that the applicant intends to )and emergency equipment listed as specificall urisdiction for the listed vehicles yd to be used as authorized emergency escribed in part 2 of this application; that a need contin ues to exist in my j handtheicant as the appropriate authority as described in such ipm nd I know of no reason why this application shou Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Date Jurisdiction E-Mail part 3 of this application to ld be denied." C-\ ?ltl rr ritre@ Name (Please Print) Phone Narne (Please Print) Phone *Tbl 2- Restrictions Signature Title Restrictions Signature Date ,E-Mail Title.. r I ': ,'Name' (Please Print)r ' ; .., : JUriSdictioh,,; : ., , ,. ,,,.r i Phone ,. () Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title Name (Please Print) Phone Restrictions Signature Date Jurisdiction E-Mail' Title Name (Please Print) Phone ( ) Restrictions Signature ' Name Date E-Mail Title (Please Print)Jurisdiction Phone ( ) Restrictions lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional sheet.) 3000-323-006 (R 12/09)Page 5 of 5 Chief, No Restrictions. As Des Moines PD Officer Bob Crane is part of this business and Crane is a Police Motorcycle Escort Instructor that we have also used for some of our in-house escort training, this company should be squared away. Robert Feb. 5,2010 To: Chief S. Strachan Kent Police Department 400 W. Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Dear Chief Strachan, please accept this application for a W.S.P. A.E.V. permit at the b€hest of Mr. Forrest Huiatt and Mr. Thomas Chiswell, D.B.A. Northwest Motor Escort. We would request that you consider granting certification by signing page 4 of the application. Our intent is to raise the bar of excellence and the standards of the men and women working in the motorcycle funeral escort industry. The employees, owners, and riders are comprised of Commissioned Law Enforcement, Firefighters,.and Washington State D.O.T. workers familiar with trafrc procedures and emergency safety protocols. We take pride in our positive attitude and appearance. We have no intention of being mistaken for W.S.P. Motor Officers. No one will be wearing a sidearm, or anything with the State Seal. We acknowledge the fact that we are a State Certified "Traffic Flagge/' on a motorrycle, and will behave accordingly. Thank you for authorizing our A.E.V.P. application on behalf of N.M.E. Please rest aszured that we will conduct ourselves to the highest professional standards. Ifthe City ofKent requires any additional information, we will gladly comply. Respecffiilly, fi;^.^'L\;*'"9-P Thomas Chiswell l9l5 Kibler Ave. Enumclaw, WA 98022-33 I I 253{534380 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT . ORIGINAL APPLICATION . WASH INGTON STATE PATROL PO BOX'42600 ;,",,. i OLYMPIA.WA 9p504:2600 Please type or print in ink. Person, Company, Department, or Agency (if b person, must list agencyldepartment representing) EQU]PMENT & STANDARDS REVIEW UNIT VALID UNTIL: GENERAL ADMI N ISTRATION B LDG CAPTAIN DATE APPROVED: .l '-,.i (FoI :"1: Department Use Only) This application must be submitted by the Chief Executive of the firm or corporation making'applicatibn. fa Address .: N.,rrhVest tt\crf.ta EE..df tr"," \Ja l,lCity 1. Vehicle lnformation: List allvehicles you intend to use as an authorized e For each velicle, provide both the vehicle and emergency equipment note that the emergency equipment may not be installed on these vehicles until th are obtained for this application and temporary vehicle permits have been issued. \K, w 3\i Phone ('rqe ) 463 -OaQ,e'E-mail TrStC*tfSWa Li(O-rtl*tc>o . Coq- -''l ': 't .t..i i vehicle outlined (if approved).. belotv. Please approqrFl: siqnqJl re,s ."i ,j '.. t ' ' ..,-'" YEAR 2org LICENSE NO. t\*e.t-Ev FurAT- ? t MODELMAKE REGISTERED OWNER .n C\{(gwtl-L SIREN uEd El r-nrvrp coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL D OTHER EQUIPMENT; YEAR 2oro 6AtoTe LICENSE NO MAKE ldrq.uev MODEL trL_t\ :. \{D 1 Fl{h^ \'l- A8 g [ \t 3L< VIN REGISTERED OWNERDo*, tA.rr AfT l-l orHe n EoUTPMENT: -, i' - ..' SIREN LAMP COLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL 3000.323-006 (R lZOs)Page 1 of4 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICL OruGINAL APPLICATION E PERMIT i H,H"H*mW VEHIC LE INFORMATION J LICENSE NO 6lYEAR oo MODEL VIN FttPr t MAKE OWNER A NDJ€R' REGTSTERED rA EMERGENCY EQUIPME INFORMATION MODELlrusrAllro SIREN I r-ert/lP coloR(s) LAMP MAKE/MODEL G. OTHER EQUIPMENT: RfrlnftOru i MODEI- EQU PME LED SIREN LAMP MAKUMODEL. LAMP COLOR(S) 'L\tDt Ft+t-rr r t\ Y Btstonq, REGISTERED OWNER J*rp> Mevtres YEAR MAKE FT DEL VIN MO ' 'I i' LICENSE NO YEAR LICENSE NO cicQ"''Rto MAKE ,M H r\' VIN a!\DLFL\t'\r zz\Y GI\ REGIST OWNER Note: you may add an additional sheet if more vehicles need to be added to the permit' Any additional sheets *uti-ptouiOe itie veniOe-and equipment information in the same format as above' Puroose of Application: Describe the specific purpose for w.h authorized drn'eigeniy vdhicle(s) and what necessitates the ven E-ii"i. tn" naturt and"seope of'the duties, responsibility, and in ich the vehicte(s) shall be used as icles' registration,,as emergency vehicles' tended use of emei'gency equipment. 2 \le G,sc,oa,{ FuilERAL gEe'vlcEs SIREN LAMRCOLOR(S) LAMP MAKE/MODEL \^/\r,e- OTHER EQUIPMENT: iL. ':J'a t 3000-323-006 (R 12y09) Page 2 ol 4 t H"R"qmWTAUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT OR IGINAL APPLICATION 3 Authority: Explain authority outlined u.nder statute (Revised code of washington) il;l;i;;J i";'":#;;d;nci "qriptent for the purpose outlined under part 2 of this Area:Checkwhichtypesofroadsy'ouintendtooperateonandstatethespecific ich the vehicles stratt # usea as auihorized emergency vehicles (city' county' etc')' from each primary irrlaiirn is required under part 7 of this applicatiqn.) 1 : ihat allows the vehicles' application. geographic4. GeograPhic area(s) in wh (Certification tr tr E Operators: Please note operation of City Qtreets (list all cities)E Er{ tVf,lse tquqbt Ko tl\tooD t{Prcor Roads (list all cou )Ktw Routes/lnterstates lqo I, rto6 se list all drivers that you intend to have operating the vehicle(s) listed I rfs&? I 5 Plea that these drivers willbe requ ired to undergo a backgrou $to in this aPPlication nd check an be approved Prior to thedj ny emerg ency vehicle listed i n this aPplication (Use additi I sheet if necessary ) 6. S N W.t\ l.C , 2o"r -36'O?of o GO ERUF{€q, 3tr1,g p\d. tJ-,u.tt-\t(UcEgte.AL\JvgOoRTwVE t C}q Lt BFl\e j r{q d 3000-323-006 (R 1Zo9) (TYPE OR PRINT)A.TT' Page 3 of4 AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE PERMIT I ORIGTNAL APPLICATION . H.E*"HimWT 7 Please type Signature 'ffi18b ritre, -l Ction .'.:,i 'r ' :,'ii1 ,* , certification: This renewal application for Authorized Emergency -V.e-hicle Permitq will not be accepted unless 6ERTIFIED bi ihe "ni"ir"* enforcement officer or fire chi-er 1if the vehicle is to be used for firefighting purposesl'oi ;";h';ri;;tiurisdiction in which the vehicles are to be used as authorized "r"ig;"EvGiii"i"r t#u-purt}' oi tnls -p-ppliJation) .t1-S.g.pp-lq"tion is made,bv the chief of a law enforcement agencyoJinrE o"p"rt*uhd, it mulil,jtcEnnrirD by the- headrof'the poJitioa"l sl/bdivisioh' The certiflcationmustcorttain.fhefoliowinglanguager. , ; j n : ..., ;"rI';.. '.', ,'-. * .,- t, I \ '' f ,,1 hereby certifv that I irave reviewed this entire apptication;.that,I qm aware that the applicant intends to use the vehicre(s) ."i ;;;;;;; Arifi;;liistti t" spieiifica.tty iiescribed in par'r2 of this application; that a need exists in my luriioiit'r"on tor tnb tisteo vJni"reg to 6e useo is authorized *.n"ig"::ljetricles'and that irre applicani 6as t'n6 appropriatei'authority as described in p5rt 3 of this'applicatiorito operate such ;qripfi;;t;' jnd I fnow'dl nb reason wny inls application should be denied'" : orp * lName' fPlease Print] . Phone.tt'Rebtricti Signature, Name' ons il1 Date t' ,: Jurisdi E-Mail Title I; (Pleass Print) Phone Restrictions Signature Name (Please Prinl) Phone Date Title Jurisdiction E-Mail Restrictions Signature Date Title i Name (Please Print) Phone Jurisdiction E-Mail Restrictions Date" Name (Plsase Print) Phone Jurisdiction E-Mail Restrictions Signature Title Name (Please Print) Date Jurisdiction E-MailPhone ( Restrictions Signature Name (Please Print) Date Jurisdiction E-Mail Title l Phone ( 300G323{06 (R 12109) :'.i Page 4 of 4 Restrictions , , (lf additional certifications are needed, add an additional s heet.) t Additional Page Pete Noetezl Jim McCalt Bob Crane Melissa Irish 2009 Harley-Davidson FLH VIN # lHDlFHMt78Y650363 WA#LEM9188 WhelenSiren- SD210R Whelen Strobes'Red 2009 Harley-Davidson FLH VIN # rI{DIFI /1129Y6277817 Wa#PF9510-5 Whelen Siren- SD2IOR WhelenLED-Red Kennetlr Nishiyori 1989 Kawasaki K21000 vIN 3JKAKZCP22I<85O6641 Wa #831877 SA450'Siren Whelen LED Red/White 2009 llarley-DaviGon FLH VIN # 1I{DIFHM109Y69286I WA #5A7093 Whelen Siren-SD2l0R WhelenLED-Red 2009 Harley-Davidson FLH VIN # tqD t trU f'^ \ G t Y t"3ge\ c' WA # 4A3S52 Whelen Siren-SD2lOR Whelen Strobes-Red