HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-248 - Amendment - #A - Wa State Military Department - Emergency Management Performance Grant #E20-221 Covid-19 - 03/10/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor\ Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHt{GToN t oL CLo. Originator: Jennifer Keizer Department: Emergency Management Date Sent: 2t9t21 Date Required: 2t23t21 Authorized to Sign: D Director or Designee EI Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget Account Number: 101 525 60 31 000&101 525 60 41 000 Budget? EYes E No Grant? trYes ENo Type: Federal tro Jo ELortsg Pco EooL C'l Vendor Name: Washington State Military Department Category: Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Number: Emergency Management Performance Grant Amendment (EMPG-A) - E2O-221A, rrorect'rame: fuffi Ur,c s5.Kt l0 Mbwu @ r 6q,rtd Funds awarded to assist local governments with public health and emergency managementactivitiesProjectDetails:"rooorting the prevention of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from the ongoing coronavirus Disease 201 9 (Covid-1 9). Agreement Amount; $3 for Selection of Contractor: Othef srarr Dare: 0610112020 Termination Date:08/31 t2020 Local Business? EYes E No* lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exception{'form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: E20-221A o! c P J\ ro E.9; o=Ei Gc 9th Date Received by City Attorney 02t09t2021 Comments: Amendment needs to be physically signed, but can then be scanned and emailed back to Jenny Keizer in Emergency Management. JDKeizer@pugetsoundfire.org J- [.t-J11, UIU i"hflhil Date Ro ured ro the Mayor's office: ?t$tA[00 \t\ Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22371_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements CAG2020-248 rcvd fully executed 12/7/21 - M.M. 3/10/2021 Washington State Military Department Amendments to Agreement E20-221 1. The Grant Agreement End Date of December 31,2021 remains unchanged. a. Agreement Face Sheet, Box 6. 2. Ghange the Grant Agreement Amount from $24,385 to $30,236, an increase of $5,851. a. Agreement Face Sheet, Box 2-$24€€6 $30,326. b. Original Budget, Attachment E; with Revised Budget, Attachment E. 3. Ghange the Total Match Amount from $24,385 to $30,236, an increase of $5,851. a. Original Budget, Attachment E, with attached Revised Budget, Attachment E. $24385 30,326, 4. Replace the Original Budget, Attachment E. a. Replace the Original Budget, Attachment E; with the attached Revised Budget, Attachment E. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-S-FY2O Page 2 of 3 City of Kent, E20-221 Amendment A Aftachment E REVISED BUDGET FY 2020 Emergency Manaqement Performance Grant GOVID-19 Su pplemental 2OEMPG-S AWARD $ Modification S s Subtotal s 24,385.00 5,851.00 EMPG-S AMOUNT AMENDED MODIFICATION EMPG.SAMOUNT sotuiloN AREA BUDGETCATEGORY Salaries & Benefits Overtime/Backfill Consultants/Contractors Goods & Services Diem Salaries & Benefits Overtim e/Backfill Consulta Goods & Services 3dt! a z0EMPG-S Amended Award S 30,236.00 MATCH AMOUNT s(, z zz o. zo tr Nz 9to 9zz t o- 85s 5,851 5 30,2:o s s s s s 30,236s s 2 s s Per Diem Subtotal $24,385 s 1s 236 30,236 Salaries & Benefits Overtim Backfill Consu ntractors Goods & Services Diem Subtotal Equipment subtotal S Salaries & Benefits Overtime/Backfill d Consulta Goods & Services Travel/Per Diem Subtotal lndirect lndirect Cost Rote on 0.0% TOTAI Grant nt AMOUNT: $24,385 s The Subrecipient will provide a match of at least $24#85 $30,326, 50% of the total project cost (local budget plus EMPG-S award), of non-federal origin. Cumulative transfers between budget categories in excess of 10% of the grant agreement amount will not be reimbursed without prior written authorization from the Department. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Pl# 703PS - EMPG-S s s s s s 5 s s s s s ors ss a DHS.FEMA-EMPG-S-FY2O Page 3 of 3 City of Kent, E20-221 Amendment A