HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-501 - Other - American Wholesale Florists - Settlement Agreement with Statutory Warranty Deed Acknowledgment - 11/24/2021Agreement Routing Form F.F.IIT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management ThiJ folm comblnes & reptaces the Requ.st for t[ayo/s Slgn.ture tnd Conttrct Cover Shcct formt. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) t oLcc Originator:Cheryl Rolcik-Wilcox Department:Public Works Date Sent:LL/22/27 Date Required:LL/24/2L Authorized to Sign: Director or Designee Mayor Date of Council Approval: 2/7/L7 Budget Account Number: Grant? Type: Yes No N/A category:Selk\e,TY\€rnlVendor Name: American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac Sub-Category OY\qirr'a-\Vendor Number: Project Name: S 228th Street UP Grade SeParation Project Details: Settlement Agreement with Statutory Warranty Deed acknowledgment Basisfor Selection of Contractor: $852,956.50 totalAgreement Amount: Termination Date:Start Date: CABr2r2-l-50\Contract Number: t .9IP|! ELortssago EooLol Notice required prior to disclosure? r'NoYes glc fl5oE l,loL Ja GE EI UI =o oc Date Received by City Attorney: ru22l2r Cfttkvl- Comments: $349,600 was previously pd by City-$503,356.50 will be due 14 days after agreement signed. Need the agreement signed and the Deed acknowledged by Mayor Date Routed to the Mayor"s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: Date Sent to Origi nator:*bqlzsu ?,&'rv'nL +D cv Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements adccw22373-6-19 SETTLEMENT AGRtrEMI,NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KDNT AND AMDIITCAN WTTOLESALtr FLORISTS OF SEATAC,INC. REGARDING THE CITY'S T]PRR GRADN SNPARATION PROJECT The City of l(ent, a Washington municipai colporation ("City"), and American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac, Inc,, a Washington corpomtion ("American Wholesale"), collectively "the Parties," hereby enter into this Settlernent Agteement Between The City of Kent and American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac, Inc. Regarding The City's UPRR Grade Separation Project (the "Agleement). RECITALS A. American Wholesale owns fee title to the realpropeffy conrlnonly known as7327 South 228(h Strcet, Kent, Washington, also known as King County Tax Parcel No. 132204-9339 (the "Plopeffy"). B. On March 8,2018, the Parties entercd into a Possession and Use Agteement ("p&U Agreement") r'egarding the Properfy and the public use of the Propet'ty required by the dity'r for its 228th UPRR Grade Separation Ploject (the "Project"). Putsuant to the P&U Agieement, the City paid American Wholesale Three.Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Oillars ($349,600.b0) for ilnmediate possession and use of the interest in the Properfi needed for the Cify's Project. Payment undel the P&U Agreement did not constitute final Just Cotnpensation. C. The Parties have now reac.hed agreement on final Just Compensation under the terms set fbrth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, fol and in consideration of obligations and exchange of promises set forth herein, the Pafties agree as follows: L Citv PayJnent. The City shall pay American Wholesale Eigltt Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Filty-Six Dollars and Fifty/100 ($852,956.50) as total Jrtst Compensation. Payment of $349,600.00 has previously been paid by the City. As such, the remaining payment due to American Wholesate is $503,356,50, which will be paid within foutteen (la) dayi of mutual acceptance of this Agreement by wire transfer purstlant to instt'uctiotts provided by Arrrerican Wholesale. 2. Cqnveyanges. Undel the terrns of the P&U Agreement, the following conveyances were to take place between the Parties: a. The City was to convey to Arnerican Wholesale fee sirnple interest in 4,469 square feet of real property abufting the southern boundary of the Property. This conveyance was executed on dctober' 25,2019 and recorded under King County recording number 20191029000746. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI.[E CITY OF KENT AND AMERICAN WHOLESALE FI,ORISTS OF SEATAC, INC. - 1 b. American Wholesale was to convoy to the City 3,073 square feet of the Plopelty as legally described and depicted in Exhibits A and B of the P&U Agreement as right-of- way. This portion of tlre Ploperty is currently encumbered by a Deed of Trust, King Counry Recording No. 20090527000203 and an Assignment of Rents, I(ing County Recording No. 2009052 7 000204 (together "Enculn brances"). Simultaneous with the execution of this Agreement American Wholesale shall (i) execute the deed for this conveyance to the City for recotding, the form of which is in Attachment 1, incorporated herein; and (ii) obtain executed partial r;eleases ofthe Encurnbrances fot the poltion of the Properfy being conveYed in (i). 3. &qjqase. Except for the right to enflrrce the tenns of this Agteement, the City and the American Wholesale hereby release and forever discharge each other (including such party's past and present officers, officials, directors, shareholdels, agonts, consultants, employees, and iu.c"rrori in interest) from all claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action of any nature relatecl in any way to the Cify's acquisition of properly interest and use of the Property for its Prnject, whether the bases of such olairns, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action ale currently known or unknown and whether such claims, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action have accrued in the past or will first accrue in the future' 4, No Adrnissions. This Agleement does not constitute an adlnission of liability by any of the Parties and may not be rcpresented or consfi'ued as such. S. Authority, Each individual executing this Agleement on behalf of one of the Parties warranfs that he or she is authorized to bind such Party to this Agreement and its terms. 6. Counteryarts. This Agreement may be executed in duplicate counterpalts, in which case each executed counterpatt shall be deemed to be an original and all cotlntetpatts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Signed versions of this Agreetnent transmitted by ot' electronic mail shall be the equivalent'of original signatures on original vet'sions. 7. Er:-tjtg" Agresment, This Agreement contains all of the agl'eenents of the Parties with respect to any matt"r coverecl ot mentioned in this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement may be amended or rnodified except by written agreement signed by the Parties. 8. Effective Datq. The effective date of this Agleement is the last date signed below' // // SETTLEMENT ACREI]MENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND AMERICAN WHOLI]SALE FLORISTS OF SEAI'AC, INC. - 2 AGREED TO BY: City of Kent a Washington municipal corporation By: Natne: Title: Date: Mavor 11 l)4 ntl Approved as fo form uJt- Christina M. Schuck Assistant City Attorney American Wholesale of Sea-Tacr Inc., By: Name: Title: Date: t-fr) tz/nlz*t SB'T'TLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE C]TY OF KENT AND AMERICAN WFIOLESALE FLORISTS OF'SEATAC,INC. - 3 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT srATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. cor.rNTY OF KING ) I certiff that I know or have satisfactory evidence that hno, authorized representative of the City of Kent, signed this instrument @t''.was aufhorized to execute the instrutnent and acknowledged it to be the flee and voluntarY act ofsuoh party for the uses and put'poses mentioned in the instrument, Dated this 19\ov "r .2021, Printed N Notary Public in and for My commission expiles Washington SEN'LEMENT AGREEMENT BDTWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND AMERICAN WF{OLESALE FLORIS'LS OF SEA'TAC, INC. - 4 all on oath, stated that NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ,1 :!i f)il'rliii"lr) couNTY Or''i.ie,,:r.ij ii ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that an authorized representative of American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac, Inc. signed this instrument and, on oath, stated that she/he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the fi'ee and voltlntary act ofsuch party for the uses and purposes tnentioned in the instrument, t .r\. '! l^ Dated this lj '"day of ) )SS \i .zozl (sEAL) Printed Name Notary Public ln and for tho State of My commission expires NOTARV PUBLIC STATE CtF CQLC']IAPC, NOTARY ID.2O2 3t;vcit SETTLEMENT AGI{EEMENT B ETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND AMERICAN WHOLESALE FLORISTS OF SEATAC,INC. - 5 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Grantor \A/hnlecele FlnriqFs Qpatfle Inc a hinnfnn co nAmerican Abbreviated.Legal Descriptlon: -. Ptn. Lot B'--Kqnt SP SPC-89-4-, Betawest SP, Ren- #891 '1)71777 Additional Legal DescriPtion on . trwhihif Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No.: L3Z2O! 9339 STR: 13-22-4*. . Project Nam e: S. 228th Street UP Grade Senaration l07-3 /pw2015-012 WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR, American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac, Inc" which acquired title as American Wholesale Florists of Seattle, Inc., a Washington corporation, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10'00) and/or other valuabie consideration in hand paid, under threat of condemnation, conveys and warrants to the city of Kent, a washington municipal corporation ("Grantee"), for right-of-way purposes, all its interest, including any after acquired iitle, in the real pioperty described and depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibits A and d, siiuated in King County, Washington, and subject to the conditions listed on Rainier Title LLC, Titie Report File #7B906BRT; Schedule B Part II' Paragraphs 12-22, as set forth in Exhibit C, attached and incorporated. (Signatures on following Page) WARRANTY DEED - Page 1 of 2 GRANTOR: Name Title: Date L -i\:F 's I f l\ /?t NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF .ft I '.i;Itr{t1 --.tli r ) ) ss. COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that i-.i;i i.'r (.,',r .-Pf-) ......--.r an authorized reP resentative of American Wholesale Florists of Sea- Tac,Inc. signed this instrument and,on oath, stated that she/he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowled ged it as the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument, Dated this lt day of 2021 \i (sEAL) ACCEPTED: CIW OF KENT Printed Name Notary Public in and for My commission exPires -'t ;) e State of By Dana Ralnh Title:Mavor Date 1D4l)O).1I CHRIgTOPXER SIC\'ED NOTARV PUBTIC STATE OF COL('RADO NOTARY ID WARRANTY DEED - Page2of 2 EXHIBIT A TAX LOT 132204933s THE NORTH 8.OO FEET OF LOT B, CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SPC'89'4' eeinwesr sHoRT PLAT, As REcoRDED UNDER REcoRDtNG NUMBER 89f 1271377, lN THE NORTHWEST QUARTEN OT SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST' W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. CONTAINING 3.,073 SOUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. rJ!19 e/2 2/-zot EXHIBIT B l- s 228TH ST NORTHWE$T GORNER LOT B t- I 3,073 SQ. FT I t PARCEL # 1322049339 "'s{ ."$:::1:{ NPARCEL # 1322049229 (LOr A)ffiIMPORTANT; THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, IT IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER LAND.Projsct # A7-3o22 NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 13, TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 4 E, W.M. -a CITY OF KENT LAND SURVEY SECTION SOUTH 2aBTHSTREET EASEMENT DRAWNBY: GM EXHIBIT BSGALE| 1"=75' DATE: 10l1Sl202'l 12. Reservalion of all coal and ntinerals: EXHIBIT C Gotnpany distdbution line(s) Recordecl: Recording No.: December 20, l9go 612oAgg ond 6 120391 13- 14. 15. 16- 17 The company mokes no fepfesentation as lo the present ownetship of any such intere3ts. There may be leasei, grants, exciptions or reservations of interests that are not listed. Easement and the lefms and condilions lhereof; Granlee: Municipality of Metrop('litan Seattle' its successors and assigns Purpose: Sewer inlercePtor Area affected: North 10 feet of soid premises Recorded: February 10, 1975 Recording No.: 7502100398 All cov€nants, conditions, restrictions, reservntions, ensemcnts or other serviludes, if any, but omitting restriltions, if any, based upon mce, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the short plat reicrded under Recording No. 8312280552- Agreement to ioin and panicipate ln the formation of an improvernent district tor lhe conslruction of-permanenl |tOrnt drainage services, and not lO oppose or protest assessments therefore Recorded: December29,1983 Recording No.: 8312290168 Agreement to joln and participate in lhe forrnalion of an intPaovernent district for lhe construction of'permanent drainage chonnel imptovements, and nol to opFose or pfotest assessmenls therefore:Recorded: Decernber2g, l€183 Recording No.: 831229015 Agreament to join anrl participate in the formalion ol an improver$ent disttict or rood improvenrdnt pioject, and n;t to oppos€ or proleBt aEses$ments thereford. Recordecl: December29, lg83 Recordlng No.: 8312290160 18. 22. Easement and lhe term$ Grantee: Putpose: Area aftected: Recorded: Recording No.: Easement and the terms and condilions thereof: Grantee: PugetSound Po$ier& Lighl Purpose: Eleclric tmnsmission andlor Ar€a affected: a portion of said premises Recorded: December 14,1984 Recording No.: 841214Q0.23 't9_ 20. Easernent and lhe terfi$ and condilions thereof: Grantee: city of Kenl, a municipalcorporation Purpose: Watedine rvilh nece$sory tppurlenances Area affected: a portlon ot said prenllses Recorded: MaY 23,2000 Recording No-: 200005210q14?E 21. Environmenlal Miligalion Agreement and lhe telm$ and conditions theteof; RecordetJ: June 7,2000 Recor<ling No.: 20000007001278 and 200000q7q01278 All covenanis, conditions, restriCliOns, reservalions, easements ot olher servitudes, if any, but' omitiing restrlitions, if any, based up6n race, color, cteed or nalional origin, disclosed by the short plat recirded under Recording No. 89 l 127-l 977. ond conditionB thereof: Cily of Kent, a municipal corporation Utilities North 60 feel of said Ptemises May 27,2011 20.1 1 0s27000344 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Granto Amariaa ^ rAll.nl^arla Elnriclc nf ar I na rrrlrirh rrnt , i rarl *i$la e c American Wholesale Florists f Seattle- Inc,. a W ashinoton corDo f ifrr 11anl.Grantee Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn. Lot B. KCnt $P SPQ-89-4, Betalvegt 5P" Rec. #1 1771477 Additional Legal DescriPtion on t "At: EXh Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No.:13 04-9339 STR: 13-2-4 Project Name: S. 228th Street UP Gra.de S.eparation/07-3022/Pw2015.-012 WARRANTY DEED THE GRANTOR, American Wholesale Florists of Sea-Tac' Inc', which acquired title as American Wholesale Florists of Seattle, Inc,, a Washington corporation, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and No/100 ($10'00) and/or oth6r valuable consideration in hand paid, under threat of condemnation, conveys and warrants to the clty of Kent, a washington municipal corporation (-'Grantee"), for right-of-wiy purposes, all its interest, including any after acquired iige, in the real pioperty described and depicted in the attached and incorporated fxnibits A and d, siiuated in King County, Washington, and subject to the conditions tisted on Rainier Title LLC, Title Report File #7B906BRT; Schedule B Part II. Paragraphs t2-22, as set forth in Exhibit C, attached and incorporated' (Signatures on following Page) WARRANTY DEED - Page 1 of 2 GRANTOR: Na me Title rfit Date:i r /r{i NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that l-t-:-i\,1.> , ('.r-l'#i) _'an authorized representative of American Wholesale Florists of Sea- ilac, lnc. signed this instrument and, on oath, stated_that she/he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ' .-'- L' Dated this . lL{ .' ''day of 202I. (sEAL) Printed Name: ) )SS -' (-/.i 1s-- Notary Public in and for My commission exPires the State of ACCEPTED: CIW OF KENT Title:.. Maypr .. .... . . --. , ... Date: 11 7.1 By ilorAnv fulrrc STA"E OF COT(,NADO ITCV;ll NOTARY ID WARRANTY DEED - Page2 of 2 EXHIBlT A TAX LOT 132204s339 THE NORTH 8.OO FEET OF LOT B, CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NUMBER SPC'89'4' eEinwesr sHoRT pLAT, AS REooRDED UNDER REcoRDlNc NUMBER 8911271377, lN THE NoRTHWEsT ounnien oF sEcTloN 13, ToWNSHIP 22 NoRTH, RANGE 4 EAST' W,M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CONTAINING'3,073 SOUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 2/tt futr EXHIBIT B $ 228TH ST CORNER LOT B r-- .00' 3,073 SQ. FT PARCEL # 1322049339 "s .{:}:1':{ \tPARCEL # 1322049229 (LOr A)ffiIMPORTANT: THISIsNoTASURVEY.ITISFURNISHEDASACoNVENIENCEToLocATETHE LAND INDICATED HEREON WTH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER LAND. t Prolect # 07-3022 NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 13, TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 4 E, W.M, G wlrslrctol CITY OF KENT LAND SURVEY SECTION SOUTH 228TH STREET EASEMENT DRAWNBY: GM EXHIBIT B SCALE:1"=75' DATE: 1011912021 EXHIBIT C 12. Reser..ration o{ all coirl arrd nrinerals: Recorded: December20. l$06 Recording No.: 9120390 and 6120-39J, The Cotrlpany makes no represetrtaiion atg to the present ownelghip of any tuch interesls- There may be leas?3, grail$, exceFtions or re$eNations of il\terPsts thflt 8re rrot listed' 13. Easemenl and lhe ternls and colrditions thereof: Grantee: Municipality of lvlelropolitan Sealtle, ils st,ccesgors and aSsigns Purpose: Selver illlerceptor Area affectecl: Nonh 10 feet of said prelnige3 Recorclecl: Febrtrary 10, 19f5 R€cordil1g No.: 750e100398 14. All covetlanls, condilions, reslrictions, reservdlions, ensenrent6 orolherservitudes, ifany, but omitting reslrislions, ilany, haged upoll race, colot, creed or national origin,disclosed by the short plat reCorded under Recording No. 8312280552. 15. AgreerTlent to join atrd parlicipate in tfid forn]atiorl of atr itttprovetnent digtrict for the. corlslrtlctiDlr of-pennanent itonn clroinage service$, and ndt to oppose or protest asseeslnentll thereforB. Rscorded: Fece[]ber2g,1983 Recorclitlg No.:. 8312290158 lO. Agreement t(| j('an an(, porticiFate in ths fornlalior'l ot ar1 inFrovenrenl clislrict for the coltSlnlttioll oipermanent dr;1infige chan,.'el improvsmenls, and n(rl to crppose ol pt$test a$ses$n]ent5 there{ore.Recorded: DggBrn$g1l$, 1983 Recording No.: 931229P1q9 17 . Agreement to join alrcl participale in the forBlalioll ol an improvenrent district or road inlprovenlent proiect, and not lo oppgsE or pfoles! asseEsments therefore. Rec(rtdEd: Oecenrbet 2ft, 1€183 Recorditrg No.: 93 12290100 18. Easement and the ternrs ilnd colldilions thereilf: Grantee: Pttget Sotrnd Power & Light Company Purpose: Eleclric tralrsrrlission and/or distribuliol') line(s) Area atfecled: a portion of said prernises Rec{'rded: ltecernber 14, 1It84 Rectrnling No.: 8412140623 19. All Covetrants, conditiong, rest.ictions, reservatiorls, eaiement$ or olher servitudes, it 8ny, but omltfing reskictions, il any, based upon ru_ce, color, creed or national origin, disclosed by the short plat redcrrdecl urlder Recording No. 891 127137/. 2D. EaspmeRt and lhe terms and condilions th*re('f: Ornntee: City of Kent, a munlcipal corpolalion Purpoge: Waterliflewith necessary appurtenances Area affected: a porlion of $aid prenises Recorded: MaY 23, 2000 Recording No-: 20000523001425 21. Environmental Miligation Agreetrenl and lhe te.il$ and condilions ihereof: Recrrr<lerJ: Jtrne 7, 2000 RecordingNo.: 200006p.20012704Rr120000607001279 22. Easement and the lerms and conditiolls thereof: Grarrtee: City of Kent, a nrttnicipal corporatiotr Ptrrpose: Utilities Area afferled: Noflh 60 feet ot said Fremises Recorded: lulaY 27,2411 Recortlitts No.: 201105J2q0qE14. Un o f f i c i a l C o p y Un o f f i c i a l C o p y Un o f f i c i a l C o p y Un o f f i c i a l C o p y Un o f f i c i a l C o p y