HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-477 - Change Order - #8 - Tapani, Inc. - GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station - 11/10/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form Lombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)W^SHINGTON T oLcc Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 11t16121 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee [1 MaYor Date of Council APProval: N/A Budget Account Number: D20047.641 1 0.330 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Eo tyG ELorhg p tro Eoolrl'| Vendor Name: Tapani, lnc Category: Contract Vendor Number: 35124 Sub-Category: Change Order #8 ProjectName: GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station project Details:FA #26-Added a washer and dryer hookup in the Maintenance Garage' lncludes plumbing, electrical, naturalgas piping, ventilation, and drywall repair Agreement Amount: $7,298.56 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Terminarion Date: 240 Working DaYs Local Business? ElYes @ No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete'vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on cityspace' Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes ENo Contract Number: cAG2019-477 Date Received by clty Attorney: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: gtca-lPa E$o=EEocgl.-UI Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: adcw22l7l 1 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT wAsHr{GioN CHANGE ORDER NO. #8 NAME OF CONTMCTOR:Tapani, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:GRNRA South Stofmwater Pump Statio-tt ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :November 22. 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : FA #26 - Added a washer and dryer hookup in the Maintenance Garage. Includes plumbing, electrical, natural gas piping, ventilation, and drywall repair. FA #27 - Irrigation system and RPBA system backflow testing, 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $4,836,590.00 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $115,8s1.01 Current Contract Amount (incl, Previous Change Orders) $41952,441.01 Current Change Order $6,629.03 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order fi669.s4 Revised Contract Sum $4,959,739.58 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 240 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with Sections I-04.4 and 1-04,5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. Its Public Works Direc CITY OF KENT: Print Name : Chad Bieren- P-F. DA : tt/to/u tu (signature) (title) CONTRACTOR: Name: DATE: Prin By CHANGE ORDER .2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's slgnature requlred) Kent Law Department [In thls tleld, you may enterthe electMlc filepath whsr€ thB contract has bee savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENTW^SirrotdB CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 8 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: GRNRA S PumP Station Project Engineer: Stephen Lincoln Capital ProjectsManaoe* Jason Bryant Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 17-30t2 Tapani Inc Date: LO/28/2021 I. Pro osed Chan e FA #26 - Added a washer and dryer hook up in the Maintenance Garage. Includes p natural gas piping, ventalation, and drywall repair. FA #27 - Irrigation system and RPBA system backflow testing. lumbing, electrical, II. Reason and Ba round for Cha e III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS E Notapplicable and fleet crews. When these uniforms become contaminated the City is required to provide laundry service. The addition of the washer and dryer hookups in the Maintenance Garage are for future installation of a washer and dryer that will meet the Union agreement requiremens for our Sewer staff - The City of Kent required premise isolation on all irrigation systems and testing on all RPBA devices. is requirement was not included in contract documents is obligated to provide uniforms for sewer- Through the Teamsters Union agreement, the City Kent Sch. No Item Description Total Est. Qty Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item IV FA #26 - Maintenance Garage Washer and Dryer Hookup 1 LS $6,489.03 $6,489.03 VIII FA #27 - Backflow Testing 1 LS $140.00 $140.00 $ New Pay ltems Total: $6,629.03 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9.5 E Notappricabre Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Page 1 $ $ Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) I ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:$6,629.03 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:240 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total 240 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Daysl XTOTAL WORKING DAYS: Z+O "ffrirCffi DateCapital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: Jaso 0"e Date: Date: )l r,1 rr/t/zt Paul Kuehne Eric Connor Page 2 FA Sheet No zo DAILY REPORT OF FORGE ACCOUNT WORKED Project Name: GRNRA PumP Station Project No: 17-3012 Item No.:1At2812021 Description of Work: lnstall washer and drye r hook up,lnstall Gas supplv line and vent Patch walls Prime Contractor: Work bY Subcontractor?: no i Underqround lnc Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Kenneth Operator 74.74 107.75 s Brad Foreman 77.54 '100.55 $ TonV Welder 43.05 100.55 $ Jarrod Welder 43.05 79.35 $ cliff Welder 43.05 59.96 $ Neal Welder 43.05 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL. LABOR: LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 29% $ LABORTOTAL $ EOUIPMENT EOUIPIVENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourlv Rate Hrs standby Rate 1 1 05078 Deere Excavator 52.94 $ 5220049 Crew Truck 25.59 $ 12031 19 Deere 50 Excavator 26.59 $ 1530047 Komatsu Loader 54.14 $ 1 2Guage stock 850.00 $ 5040076 Crew Truck 25,46 $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ MA MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Columbia Allied Services 1 ea $ 1,728.93 $1,728.93 Bob Oates Plumbing 1 ea $ 3.129.00 $3,129.00 DNC Drywall I ea $ 935.85 $935.85 $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $5,793.78 $ 695.25 $ 6,489.03 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL: $6.489.03 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)s sHEETToTAL: $ 6,489.03Date Date: By: Pay Date Force Account/ Change Order Worksheet Date:Tapani lnc. PO Box 1900 r 1904 SE 6th Place Battle Ground, WA 98604 360.687.1 148 Project Name:GRNRA South Water Pump Station Contract #17-3012 Job #204002 c.o. # Description: Washer & Dryer HookuP llme . - Class Houra Total Labor Sub Labor Overhead & Profit Labor Rale Unlts $ t Tolal ub Total Equipment Overhead & Protit 21% Total Rate s s $ $ $ $ $ Sub Material Overhead & Profit 21% Material Total Unlt Rato o $ Columbia Allied Services $ 1,728.93 1 LSU $1.728.93 Bob Oates Plumbinq $ 3,129.00 1 LSU $3,129.00 $ 93s.85 1 LSU s 935.85 $ Sub Subcontractor Overhead & Profit Subcontractor Unlt Rale $5,793.78 $ s $ Other sub Total Other Overhead & Profit 21% Other TotalStipulations e $ $ lmarkupsanddoesnotincludeallcostsforadditionaIchanges in the sequence of work, delays, disruptions, rescheduling, extended overhead, overtime (unless specified), acceleration, and/or impact costs; and the right is expressly reserved to make claim for any and all (if any) of these related items prior to final completion of this contract. Please consider this language official "notice" as defined in subcontract and/or main contract. Accepted by: Sub Total General Liabilitylnsurance 0.0000% Bond 0.0% Total AmountDate: -rhis change increases the time to complete the project by: $ $ $6,489.03 Day(s) cEs c0L[MBtt ItuEnsrB$cts COLUMBIA ALLIED SERVICES 1315 SE Grace Avenue, Ste. 130'Battle Ground, WA 98604 Ph: (360) 256-1024. E-Mail: office@columbiaallied.com Change Order Request Proj ect: GRNRA REQUEST DATE: August 1 6,2021 lNlTlAT0R: Citv of kent co# From: Columbia Allied Services, lnc. Contractor: Tapani lnc ATTN: Derek Kempainen 2 Description Gas line to dryer from existing line. Core 4" hole thru exterior wall for dryer vent, lnstall 4" dryer vent duct and hood. This change order will require a time extension of 1 days to complete. This modification constitutes compensation in full for direct costs only which are attributable to the changes ordered herein' We reserve our rights to time extensions, time-related costs and any indirect costs that result or flow from the changes ordered herein' We will proceed on the above uPon receipt of written authorization to do so' Pricing void if not accepted in 30 days Authorization to proceed We are quoting you an extra to contract in the amount of material on the above referenced project, as outlined below $ t ,728.93 for additionallaborand/or LABOR HVAC Technician lnstaller CLEAN-UP STOCKING/HOISTING DELIVERY DOCUMENT PREPARATION Em ployees 1 2 1 I 1 I Hours @ 8.00 @ 0.16 @ 0.24 @ @ 0.50 @ $ $ $ $ $ $ 125.00 /hr 70.00 /hr 65.00 /hr 60.00 /hr 65.00 /hr 60.00 /hr $1 ,120.00 $10.40 $14.40 LABOR SUBTOTAL $30.00 _41,1?4.99__ MATERIALS 1l2" black iron pipe, 4" duct I @ $ 11e.oo $11e.00 MATERIAL SUBTOTAL OF MATERIALS OF LABOR OF LABOR $11e.00 MATERIAL WARMNTY CONSUMABLES SAFETY CONCRETE CUTTING PERMIT FEES BACKFLOW TEST TRUCK TRIPS 2.00% 5.00% 2.00o/o $2.38 $58.74 $23.50 I @ $ 41,60 /fixture @ $ 50.00 /device @ $ 125.00 /TRIP MISC. SUBTOTAL TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIALS $125.00 $328.62 $t 503.42 OVERHEAD & PROFIT 15%$225.51 TOTAL ADD $1,728,93 eeX74P8]RM/riR Bill to Tapani lnc. 1904 SE 6th Pl Battle Ground WA 98604 Quote Q9391 Item C-BO-904 General Plumbing Bob Oates Sewer Rooter, LLC 1817 Queen Anne Ave N Suite 312 Seattle, WA 98109 Phone: (206)789-4944 Fax: (206) 789-1794 lnfo@boboates.com wvwv.boboates.com Prlce $3,129.00 Ship to Gity of Kent 6315 S 240th St Kent WA 98032 Phone Number: (253) 261-5663 DescrlPtlon Estimate to add a washer machine box in utility room. QuantitY 1 Sales Rep: Corey M Whitmire Transaction Date: 7 I 28 12021 Amount $3,1 29.00 Subtotal:$3,129.00 $316.03 $3,445.03 Tax; We will remove sheet rock from the main stack to the desired location of the new washing machine box. We will open the sheetrock approximately'12 , inches up and up to 8 feet long. , Connect 2in drain line into the existing stack. Tee off ll2inhoI and cold supply water from tankless water heater, run them : into new washer machine box up to 6 feet. Run 3/4 black iron gas line over up to 4 feet, Tee off existing 3/4 gas from the tankless water heater. : Add a 3/4 gas l 14lurn shut off valve. We are not responsible for sheet rock repairs. : Warranty will be one year parts and labor. A 50% deposit will be required to schedule work Terms: CODPending Page 1 of4 Total DNCDrpudlllO 3'1811 Pacific HWY South Ste B #216 FederalWay, WA 98003 (206)856-e735 dncdrywall@yahoo.com dncdrywall.com $NV#$trF BILLTO Mr Nick Moreno TEPANI INC 1904 SE 6th PL Battle Ground wA 98604 DIUG i:: ',:,':,::1 r;iiJl{1:n'1 :i'rlak A \r.irll Al /: l:rr. INVOTOE # 2445 DATE 1012212021 DUEDATE 1111012021 IERMS Due on receipt JOBLOCATTON GRNRA DATE 1012212021 ACTIVII'Y €ervices THERE WILL BE A $1 5 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS. 1.5 % INTEREST WILL BE ASSESSED ON ALL UNPAID BALANCES AFTER 15 DAYS FOR EVERY WEEK AFTER. DESCRIPTION - DRYWALL PATCH, MUDDING AND TEXTURE FINISH, OUT SIDE OF CONTRACT WORK . REQUESTED BY CHRIS BECKER SUBTOTAL TAX (10.1%) TOTAL BALANCE DUE RATE 850.00 AMOTJNT 850.007 850.00 85.85 935.85 $935-85 Thank you for your business Bryant, Jason Eric From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: I talked this over with Chad. Please proceed. Thank you, Kelly Get Outlook foLIOS Peterson, Kelly Tuesday, September 7, 2021 6:14 PM Connor, Eric Bryant, Jason; Bieren, Chad Re: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September7,2021' 2:36:01 PM To: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa.gov> Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBryant@kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer Good Afternoon KellY, operations staff has requested that our contractor set up the building at the GRNRA S Pump Station for a washer and dryer. This will require HVAC work, electrical work, gas work, and waterwork. Total cost, less wall restoration, will be $5,794.84. Attached are 2 separate quotes that have been provided to complete the work. Also attached is an email from Dave Brock describing the reason this addition is desired. Are you okay with proceeding with a change order and the work? Please let us know if you need any additional information or have any questions' Thank you, Eric Eric Connor I Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Pt-#A$ig c{)t$stxpti$& Y$e ENvxtS$NMSSIY tsEp$Re pRIS{T{NG THr$ [-MAIL From: Bryant, Jason <J Bryant@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 7,202L 9:32 AM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Subject: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer 1 Eric, Attached are the quotes for the washer and dryer hook up at the GRNRA pump station' The total is g5, L73.96. This does not include the L2o/o mdfk up. we may need some drywall work as well but I can't get a quote until the other work is done. Please let me know if we want to proceed? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Proiects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov Facebook r :r'ir'..i::i' YouTube Pt.f;ASr COll$IllH*. Tl'{n fr fdvl}l$l{lsfr f'*T Efi FSRf r'R.B-t"lTISI{i ?i"llS fi-MAIL 2 Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Bryant, Jason Wednesday, September B,2021 B:53 AM Derek Kemppainen FW: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer co 2 Gas d ryer. pdf; Ta pa n i I nc_wo29464_Qu oteQ939 1 _20 21 07 281 607052 1 .pdf Derek, Attached are the two quotes for the washer and dryer hook up. We would like to proceed with the installation. I think it would be wise to have the plumbing done first then the HVAC' Let me know when the plumber can be on site and I'll have someone there. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 lBryant@KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook :, .'::' YouTube Ft-drl$E {:$}*$:f$rft Yx.t$ ff{lJ}lt$$lMtiN"r B*p$*.fr $}RlllYItas Ttlx$ f;^}4ari" From: Bryant, Jason Sent: Tuesday, September 7,202! 9:32 AM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Subject: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer Eric, Attached are the quotes for the washer and dryer hook up at the GRNRA pump station. The total is $5,L73.96. This does not include the L2o/o ffi"rk up,We may need some drywall work as well but I can't get a quote until the other work is done. Please let me know if we want to proceed? Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 | Cell 253-261-5663 JBryant@KentWA,qov crrY oF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.gov Facebook i',:i'i r i,,' YouTube PLfiA$S €$N${UHR THE 8I.*VIR$NM*:ruT BCFOR* PRIIiII'T8EG Ti{T$ fi"M'tTl- 1 Bryant, Jason From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Brock, David Thursday, August 5,2021 6:52 AM Connor, Eric Peterson, Kelly RE: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer hook up Good morning Ericf My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. A bit of background......The City is obligated via our contract with the Teamsters union to provide uniforms to our staff. The City meets this obligation in two ways: either providing an annual uniform allowance, or for specific work crews (sewer and fleet) uniforms are provided and laundered with a contracted vendor. Regardless which method an employee receives uniforms from the City, the City is obligated to launder employee garments that get contaminated' With sanitary sewer, this does happen from time to time. A laundry service does not want to launder garments soaked in sewage (can't blame them). We do have a washer and dryer currently at the 5perations building. There is a yuck factor to non-sewer staff if they need to launder one of their contaminated garments, and they are using the same washer/dryer as someone who laundered something coated in sewage (this is also understandable). With the construction of the new garage, staff brought up the idea of adding a washer and dryer for garments contaminated in sewage - this was not brought up until after the project had been advertised and construction was well underway. It makes a lot of sense, and I support the idea. With that, even though it seems like a lot of money, we need to proceed and have the contractor perform the work. In reviewing the proposed work, I did not see any core drilling to vent the dryer, That will need to be added to the scope' Thanks to you and your staff for moving this forward' Dave From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 3,2021- 9:37 AM To: Brock, David <DBrock@kentwa.gov> Cc: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@ kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: GRNRA Pump Station- Washer and Dryer hook up Good Morning Dave, Jason was requested to have our contractor provide a washer and dryer hook-up in the new pump station. Is this something you would like to see us proceed with and are you okay with the added cost to the project. In addition to the $3,445.03 included in the attached quote/ there will be general contractoimarkup and misc. general contractor labor charges. The final cost will likely be in the neighborhood of $5,000. Please let me know if you need any additional information or have any questions. 1 FA Sheet No 27 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACGOUNT WORKED .->\-/ KENT Prolect Name: GRNRA Pump Station Proj ect No: 17-3012 Item No.10t28t2421 Description of Work: Backflow testing Prime Contractor: Tapani Underg Work by Subcontractor?: no roundlnc Sub-Contractor: LABOR NAME CODE OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR AMOUNTHrsHourly Rate Hrs OT Rate Kenneth Operator 74.74 107.75 $ Brad Foreman 77.54 100.5s $ TonV Welder 43.05 100.55 $ Jarrod Welder 43.05 79.35 $ cliff Welder 43.05 59.96 $ Neal Welder 43.05 100.55 $ SUBTOTAL- LABOR: $ LABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @29% $ LABOR TOTAL ENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Equipment # Equipment Description OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR AIVIOUNTRate 1 1 05078 Deere Excavator 52.94 $ 5220049 Crew Truck 25.59 $ 12031 19 Deere 50 Excavator 26.59 $ 1 530047 Komatsu Loader 54.14 $ 1 2Guaqe stock 850.00 $ 5040076 Crew Truck 25.46 $ SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ $ MATERIALS / SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Backflow Systems ea $ 50.00 $50.00 Backflow Systems 1 ea $ 75.00 $75.00 $ $ $ SUBTOTAL oVERHEAD&PROFIT@12% TOTAL $125.00 $15.00 $140.00 Verification of Hours Worked:rorAl: $ 140.00 12% MARKUP (for Prime when subcontract work)$ SHEETToTAL: $ 140.00Contractor's Representative po.znl Ko*rt prparu* oate 1 0 128 | 21 Owner's Representative Date: By: Pay E Date Zl Backflow Systems LLC. 22620 SE 184TH ST MAPLE VALLEY, WA 98038 US (42s) s69-92s2 Manny @B ackfl owsys tems. net backflowsystems.net BILL TO City of Kent - New Pump Station 64thAveS&WJamesSt Kent, WA 98032 SHIP TO City of Kent - New PumP Station 64thAveS&WJamesSt Kent, WA 98A32 3tg2 DATB 04i2ePA21 TERMS Nct 30 DTIEDATT O5:2W2A21 X}ATS DESCRPTIOI\I QTY RATE AMOTATT 04121 1202t Irrisation System Backflow Test I s0.00 s0.00 Hi Jason, Here is the invoice for the Irrigation backflow test for the new pump station. I have attached both reports for your recor:ds, and will send it off to Debbie @the city of kent since she handles these reports. Thank you! ! 'lto'l'At D,tJt:$50.00 Thank you for your Business! "l Backflow Systems LLC. 22620 SE I84TH ST MAPLE VALLEY, WA 98038 US (42s) s69-92s2 Manny@Backfl owsystems. net backflowsystems.net BILL TO Tapani Inc 64thAveS&WJamesSt PO#204002 Kent, WA 98032 SHIP TO Tapani Inc 64thAveS&WJamesSt PO# 204002 Kent, WA 98032 Ih[voIcD 3101 DATB 0479/2A:21 T,ERIW$ Nct 3't) IXIE DAIts 05t29t2:021 DATE DESCRPfiON QTY RAm AII(Xf'IIT 04 l2ll202l Premise Isolation Backflow Svstem Test I 75.00 75.00 Helio there Gentlemen, Your backflow test passed! I have attached a copy to this email, and will send that off to the city of kent' Thank youl l'O'l AL D,Ul-.$75.00 Thank you for your Business!