HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-0992 - Original - The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Auto Theft Prevention 2019 Mini Grant Program Award Sheet - 04/19/2019AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE WASHINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTTON AUTHORITY AUTO THEFT PREVENT'ION 2OI9 MINT GRANT PROGRAM AWARD SHEE,T l. Award Recipient Namc and Address: Kent Police Dcpartment 220 4th Avc S Kentn WA 98032 3. Project'l'itle Kent Police Auto Thcft Reduction 5. Grant No: KENT MINI GRANT 19 7. Amount Approved: $2,500.00 2. Contact: Rafhel Padilla Titlc: Chicf Telephone: (253) 856-5856 . 4. Award Period: 04/19 t20t9 - 06t30t20t9 6. Funding Authority: WASHINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY 8. Service Area: King County 9. Requests for reimburscmsnt under this agreemcnt are subject to the following Budget: Description Requested Firnding WATPA Approved r)Public Outreaclr 2,500.oo 2,soo.oo FINAL 2,5(l0.oo 2.5(¡(l.oo lN WI'|NIISS WI{EREOF, the TvVATPA and RECIPIENI'acknowlcdge and accept the terms of this AGREIIMEN'| and attachments hereto, and in witness whereof have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date and ycar last written below. The rights and obligations of both parties to this AGREEMËNT are govcrned by the information on this Award Sheet and other documents inoorporated herein by reference: Agreement Speoific Terms and Conditions, and Agrccment Gencral Terms and Conditions. wATP.{RECIPIENT fr-?J Namc/ Title Michael Painter WATPA, Executive Director Name/ Title Date: o,/ /A v /¿r: t q Date 0q- ò2s-17 CAG2019-0992