HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2018-0997 - Original - Water Engineering Technologies, LLC - 3 Hot & Cold Purified Water Dispensers - 05/25/2018t¡l,AÎEFI Iñ¡OIN¡¡IIINO T¡C¡¡INOLOOIEE www.wetcoolers.com ÞISTRIBUTOR: Water Engineering Technologies, LLC P.O, Box 58218 seanle, wA 98138 253-893.7520 Company Full Legal Name:Company Name: City of Kent Police Department Contactl Phone #:Contact: Robert Scholl Phone #: 253-856-5800 Equipment Locatlon Address:Address: 220 Ath Ave S C¡ty, State, Zip:City, State, Zip Kent, WA 98032 Email:TIN#r Email: rscholl@kentwa.gov P.O.#: Org Type: I Corp n LLc f] Partnership flother State incorporated/o rganized : CUSTOMER INFORMATION BILLING INFORMATION f different) 60 *ot $ (plus taxes) 180 00 E}Quarterly ü Check E Monthly I ACH BITLING FRE SPECIAI- INSTRUCT]Of\SRENIAL TERI'l MONTHLY PAYIVIENT 3- Model 3i Hot & Cold Purified Water Dispensers ! See attached equlpment schedule (lf appllcable). Installation Fee $ Q /unit=å 4 * Other Fees*=:h UIPMENT SCHËDULE ACCOUNT SETUP FÊESE By prwldlng the bank acçount lnformation herein, I (we), as the account holder(s), authorize the D¡strlbutor or lts asslgnee and our or lts flnanclal lnstltutlon to debit our account for the amounts due or to become due under the teÌms of this Rental Agreement. Thls authorizatlon will remain in effect until written notificatlon of termlnation is recelved by the Distrlbutor or its assignee. Account Name: Authorized Slgnen Routing #l Account #: ACH INSTRUCI'IONS Agreed and Accepted by: Gustomer: ¿ Signature Nðme Tltle Date v Title Date Customer acknowledges havlng read and understood all of the terms of this Rental Agreement, including page 2 hereof, and agrees to be bound by all of the terms herein upon execution of this Rental Agreement, Reference Number (for lnternal use only)page I of 2 CAG2018-0997 IÀ,A'TE INOIñl¡¡FIIô¡O TIC:HNOLC'BIII¡ www.wetcoolers.com DISTRIBUTOR: Water Engineering Technologies, LLC P.0. Box 58218 Seattle, WA 98138 zs3-893-7520 Customer Name:City of Kent Police Department DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE Customer and Distributor certiff that all Equipment described in the RentalAgreement has been delivered and properly installed according to the RentalAgreement. Customer acknowledges that the Equipment is in good condition and is performing satisfactorily. Customer hereby accepts the equipment unconditionally and irrevocably in accordance with the RentalAgreement and understands that invoicing willcommence upon receipt of this Certificate showing execution by Customer. Distributor acknowledges its obligation to provide maintenance services in accordance with any maintenance agreement separately entered into between Distributor and Customer. Customer: Do natsign ffiis Certifícate until you have actually receîved, installed, inspected and accepted all of the Equípmenf described ín the Renfal Agreement. x /¿r*A,S-àf:/) Customl lRuthorized Signature¡Name (Print) Signature)Name (Print) DateTitle DateTitle €/"t-//r MODEL SERIAL # 5ee equ Støtement al Assuronce Distributor ls committed to provlding you wlth quality equipment, quallty servlce and quality drinking water. lf for any reason you are not satisfied with the performance of your equipment or the level of service provlded, please contact us directly for prompt assistance. u Reference Number (for internal use only)