HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-0996 - Original - WASPC - Law Enforcement Accreditation - 06/24/2019lih¡hlndon luool¡llon of $IIERIFFS & PÍILICE CH¡EFS 3060 Willamette Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 360.186-2380 (Phone) 360-486-2381 (Fax) www.waSpo.org P¡c¡ld¡nl ShedñJohn Sn¡¡¡ Thurcton County Pre¡idcnt€lcd Chi€l Cra¡g M€ldl Clty ot Spokile vlcs PrBeldtnt Sheritf Rdt Scott Gflyr HeÉor County På3t PfIIHGNI chbf Klo Thomsr Clty ol Dss Molnog ToasuËr Chltl Bßtt V¡ncô Cíly ôf Montat8no Erecu$vo Bo¡rd Chtef John Bâtbte Wrrhlngton Slale Patol Shcrilf Blll B6Édid Clallam CountY Dlrector Malk Cot¡cY OIC-C¡lmlnEl lnwslbstbn¡ Unll ChlclRod CotoY Þoil ofSe¡üþ Chlcf Stevc Ctown Clty ollÂbnatchôe Reymond P. Dud¡.64C FBHaaüþ Chlef Grry Jcnklnr Clly olPullman Shcril ME¡ Johanknacht Klng Counly Shodff Jamc¡ RaYmond Franldn CountY Stswn o. Slnchrn Ex¡culive Di¡eclor F/¿é&*06 -Ðt- l? Accreditation Contract The TVashington Assoclation of Shoriffs and Police Chiefs (\{ASPC) and tfte Kent Pofce Department agrec to entef into this contract for the purpose of the Kent Police Deþartment achieving law enforcement accreditation through the WASPC Law Enforcement Ascreditation Program. The Kent Police Deparbnent agrees to pay WASPC an application fee of $100.00 and fi¡rther agrees to complete the agcncy self-assessment process and schedule an on-site within one year of this application. The Kent Police Depart¡nent agrees to reimburse IüASPC for staff time ($7Slhour) and expenses relating to the on-site assessment. AGREED: ChiefRafael Padilla Kent Police Depar[nent Steven D. Strachan, Executive Director WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Date bl'',1t1 Date servtng the Law Enfotccment commUnlty and the citlzens oÍ waehínglon CAG2019-0996