HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-0994 - Original - Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission - Eligible Expenses of Vessel Registration Fees & Federal Financial Assistance Grants - 03/01/2020Don Hoch Director STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTTN STATE PARKS AND RFCREAT|ON COIV1MISS¡CIN 1111 israel Rsad s.w. ¡ F.o. Box 4?650 c otympia, wA 9e504-26s0 e (360) 902-8s00 TDÐ Teleeomrnunicatians Ðevice far the Ðeaf: 800-833-6iBg WWW.wa.aov FEDERAL FINANCIA L ASSISTANCE GRANT ln exchange for grant dollars in the amount of S10,941.96, Kent Police Department agrees to the following terms: o To expend local funds in the amount of $6,334.12 during Federal Fiscal Year 2020 that will satisfy the match requirement of this grant. o To use funds solely for expenditures limited to the areas outlined in the document "Eligible Expenses of Vessel Registration Fees and Federal Financial Assistance Grants" that can be found at htto://mle.o arks.wa.sov/ ¡ To use Federal grant funds consistent with the requirements of 2 CFR 200, o To make at least one instructor available upon request as outlined in the A-300 application. . To meet all requirements outlined in the annualVessel Registration Fee Agreement (A- 299)with Washington State Parks. ¡ To follow these procedures to request reimbursement: o Use the Marine Law Enforcement Grant lnvoice Voucher (form A-19)to invoice State Parks for reimbursement. o submit invoices no more than monthly and no less than quarterly. o Submit invoices with the following documents: . Officer List Worksheet. ' Detailed explanations for equipment purchases and maintenance expenditures that occurred during the period in which reimbursement is requested. ' Maintain records for all allowable expenditures for which grant dollars were spent for a period of six years following the completion of the grant, and provide them to State Parks upon request. This includes vessel log sheets. o Submit A-19 lnvoice Vouchers by the following dates: ¡ For the period March-April-May-June (2nd quarter): by July 15th. ' For the period July-August-September (3rd quarter): by October 15th. a a o o lf, during any quarter, Kent Police Department is unable to meet the requirements of the grant it will submit a letter, signed by the police chief or sheriff, along with the reimbursement request explaining the reasons and mitigating circumstances. lf requested, Kent Police Department will submit a plan within 30 days of the end of the quarter that describes steps Kent Police Department will take to meet minimum requirements. ln these cases, reimbursement requests may be deferred untilthe plan is received and approved by State Parks. Consider a "zero tolerance" enforcement policy for violations of: o Life jacket requirements, including lifejackets not worn, insufficient lifejackets, and lifejackets found unserviceable or the incorrect size o Completion and possession of the mandatory boater education card when operating, for operators required to carry it o Boat operation under the influence of alcohol (BUl) rules o "Rules of the road" and other operating regulations Participate with Washington State Parks in the following campaigns: o Operation Dry Water o National Safe Boating Week o Spring Aboard o Paddle Safety Week My agency will accomplish the goals stated in the A-300 online application and summarized after the signature in this agreement. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE I certify that I am authorized to obligate the Kent Police Department listed below, I am authorized to accept such funds, and to guarantee that all grant requirements outlined in this agreement will be met. &M //- Ð6-/7 Signing Officer Signature Date 7?*Æ-.,1 M¿,W^-nl , / Ufrî,t o{ Signing Officer Name (Please Print)Title PREVENTION GOALS SUMMARY Total Patrol Hour Goal 1_33.00 Total lnspections Goal 92.00 Count of State Approved Boater Education Classes Planned 1.00 Sum of Hours for State Approved Boater Education Classes 8.00 Sum of State Attendance Approved Boater Education Classes Planned 15.00 Count of Community Events 4.00 Sum of Community Events Hours 40.00 Count of Presentations to Schools 2.00 Sum of Presentation to Schools Hours 10.00 Count of Presentations to Groups 2.OO Sum of Presentations to Groups Hours 10.00 Count of Dealer Visits Planned 1.00 Sum of Dealer Visits Hours 8.00 Count of Rental Sites Planned 1.00 Sum of Rental Site Visits Hours 0.00 Owned Media Posts 16.00 Earned Media Posts 16.00 Count of Partnering Organizations 3.00 Sum of Partnering Organization Hours 14.00