HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-372 - Supplement - JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. - Water Treatment Chemicals - 08/31/2021 October 25, 2021 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN BY 11/10/2021 TO AVOID POSSIBLE SHIPMENT DELAYS City of Kent Attn: Purchasing 220 4th Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 Dear Customer: Raw material cost increases were recently issued by the Producers of chlorine. It is necessary for us to pass those increases on to our customers. Effective November 15, 2021 your CHLORINE prices must increase as listed below: 2000 # Ton Containers - $1,125.00/ton container. 150 lb Cylinder - $430.00/Cylinder. All other charges, terms & conditions will remain the same. Please know that while we do everything in our power to keep increases to a minimum, we have no control over Producer operations or raw material cost increases. Please also note that supply remains tight- we will do our best to maintain service of your full requirements. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Sincerely, JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc 1919 Marine View Drive Tacoma, WA 98422 Please sign below and return via email to tacoma@jcichem.com or return via fax to (253) 274-0733. Accepted by: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________ 0 . 1in TM CHLOR ALKALI PRODUCTS AND VINYLS September 28, 2021 Dear Customer: 490 Stuart Road, NE, Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 Phone: 423/336-4850 • Fax: 423/336-4830 Internet Address: www.olinchloralkali.com Effective immediately, or as contract terms permit, Olin Corporation's Chlor Alkali Products and Vinyls Division (Olin) is increasing the on schedule and off schedule price of chlorine by $155.00 per short ton in the U.S. and by CAD $210 per metric ton in Canada. Olin will continue under its previously announced 70% order control program. Lead times for all railcar orders of twenty-one (21) days remain in effect and will be strictly adhered to. Your account manager will be in contact with you to answer any questions you may have regarding this price announcement. Thank you for your business. We appreciate the confidence you have placed in Olin as your supplier. Sincerely, a Pedro Dias Jorge Business Director — Chlorine & HCl Olin Chlor Alkali Products and Vinyls WWestlake Chemical August 31, 2021 Dear Customer: 2801 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 Houston, TX 77056 Tel 713.960.9111 Effective immediately, or as permissible by contract, Westlake is announcing a price increase for Chlorine (sold independently or as part of an ECU) by US$ 145 per short ton in the United States, and C$ 205 per metric ton in Canada. This increase is necessitated by a tightening supply/demand balance of chlorine and chlorine derivatives, this is in addition to previously announced price increases. Westlake's chlorine order management program (60%) remains in effect with the standard lead time for all chlorine rail shipments at 21 days. If you have any questions regarding this price change, please contact your sales professional. Westlake values the opportunity to supply your Chlorine requirements, and will strive to earn your business every day. Sincerely, David Kokowsky Director, Commercial Chlor-Alkali _. Westlake Chemical July 15, 2021 Dear Customer: 2801 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 600 Houston, TX 77056 Tel 713.960.9111 Effective immediately, or as permissible by contract, Westlake is announcing a price increase for Chlorine (sold independently or as part of an ECU) by US$ 85 per short ton in the United States, and C$ 120 per metric ton in Canada. This increase is necessitated by a tightening supply/demand balance of chlorine and chlorine derivatives, this is in addition to previously announced price increases. Westlake's chlorine order management program (60%) remains in effect with the standard lead time for all chlorine rail shipments at 21 days. If you have any questions regarding this price change, please contact your sales professional. Westlake values the opportunity to supply your Chlorine requirements, and will strive to earn your business every day. Sincerely, David Kokowsky Director, Commercial Chlor-Alkali October 28, 2021 Dear Valued Chlorine Customer or Distributor: The Chlorine Institute and its member companies supplying chlorine believe that there is no acceptable level of chlorine incidents. As a member of the Chlorine Institute, JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. (JCI) believes our customers and distributors of chlorine must continually strive to reduce chlorine incidents in their operations with the goal of eliminating all such incidents. Only through continuous improvement in chlorine safety performance and prudent attention to security can the industry and all participating in it hope to achieve long-term success. The Chlorine Institute has developed a “Packaged Chlorine Customer Safety and Security Checklist” to help its member companies evaluate the capability of their chlorine customers and distributors to safely unload and otherwise handle chlorine at the facility where the chlorine is used. As part of JCI’s member safety and security commitment to the Chlorine Institute and in accordance with JCI’s Responsible Care ® Management System program, JCI requires all its new customers and distributors to complete this checklist prior to JCI making the first delivery to them and all its existing customers and distributors to complete this checklist every three years. This checklist is intended only to provide limited information to assist both JCI and its customers and distributors and emphasizes key chlorine specific recommendations as developed by the Chlorine Institute and is intended to supplement Chlorine Institute publications, not replace them. It is not meant to incorporate regulatory or other requirements that may be applicable at the customer or distributor facility. The completed checklist will be kept confidential between JCI and each customer or distributor. The Chlorine Institute pamphlets referenced on the checklist may be downloaded at no cost from the Chlorine Institute’s website www.chlorineinstitute.org or by contacting the undersigned at JCI directly. JCI requests that you send the completed “Packaged Chlorine Customer Safety and Security Checklist” (copy attached) back to the undersigned within 30 days of the date of this letter. Please contact me at (253) 274-0104 x463 if you have any questions or would like assistance in filling out this checklist. If you are strictly a distributor of JCI, then we have also attached a copy of the Chlorine Institute’s “Packaged Chlorine Distributor Customer Safety and Security Checklist” for you to use in evaluating each of your chlorine customers. These checklists should be kept confidential between you and each of your customers; you do not need to send copies of them to JCI. Very truly yours, John Higgins Branch Manager PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST Edition 4 October 2017 i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 PURPOSE AND USE ....................................................................................... 1 1.2 CHLORINE INSTITUTE STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM ............................................. 2 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................. 2 1.4 APPROVAL ................................................................................................... 3 1.5 REVISIONS ................................................................................................... 3 1.6 SIGNIFICANT REVISIONS IN CURRENT EDITION ................................................ 3 2. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 3 2.1 CHLORINE INSTITUTE PAMPHLETS ................................................................. 3 2.2 OTHER CHLORINE INSTITUTE REFERENCES .................................................... 4 APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................... 5 3. GENERAL CUSTOMER INFORMATION ............................................................ 5 4. SECURITY ......................................................................................................... 5 5. PERSONNEL SAFETY & TRAINING .................................................................. 6 6. EMERGENCY RESPONSE ................................................................................ 6 7. PROCESS PIPING (LIQUID & GASEOUS SERVICE) ....................................... 7 8. VAPORIZING SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 7 9. SCRUBBING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................. 8 10. STORAGE AND USE AREAS .......................................................................... 8 11. SAFETY SHOWERS/EYEWASH STATIONS .................................................... 9 PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND USE The Chlorine Institute Member Safety and Security Commitment (MSSC) requires chlorine suppliers to assure that each chlorine customer has an effective risk management program in place for the proper handling of chlorine. This checklist (Appendix A) has been prepared to help chlorine suppliers evaluate the capability of North American customers of packaged chlorine (one ton container or smaller) to safely unload and handle chlorine at the facility where the chlorine is used. The checklist is intended only to provide limited information to assist both the supplier of chlorine and its customer. The checklist emphasizes key chlorine-specific recommendations as developed by the Chlorine Institute. The checklist is intended to supplement Institute publications, not replace them. It is not meant to incorporate regulatory or other requirements that may be applicable at the facility. In the United States, facilities using or otherwise handling chlorine may be affected by OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) Rule for Highly Hazardous Chemicals, 29 CFR 1910.119, and/or the EPA's Accidental Release Prevention Requirement: Risk Management Programs (RMP), 40 CFR Part 68. Canadian and Mexican facilities may have similar or other regulatory requirements. This checklist should be completed by either a representative(s) of the chlorine customer facility or by a representative(s) of the chlorine supplier. Both the customer and the supplier should agree in advance who will complete the checklist and how it will be used. The completed checklist should be kept confidential between the parties unless it is mutually agreed to release it to other parties. The chlorine supplier and customer should have a record retention policy for this checklist and should advise the other party what the policy is. The Institute recommends the checklist be completed and used as follows: (1) Complete General Customer Information as indicated in Section 3. (2) For Sections 3-11, answer each question with a “Yes,” “No,” or “Not applicable (N/A)” and/or provide a written comment. • An “N/A” response is indicated when the item is not applicable to the facility.  It is not intended that each item in the completed checklist will have a written comment. Typically, a “Yes” or “N/A” response will not require a comment. Comments should be included when necessary to clarify a response. Such clarification may be helpful to a subsequent reviewer if the response is negative. Some companies may prefer to provide a written comment as a response to a question rather than providing a “Yes” or “No” response. That is perfectly acceptable. Comments should be fact-based. (3) Each item includes a reference where the item is discussed in more detail in specific Chlorine Institute publications. Section 2 provides a complete listing of such references. It is recommended that the pamphlets referenced be consulted PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 2 when completing the checklist to ensure the item is fully understood. Pamphlets can be found on the Chlorine Institute website. To obtain a copy of the Site Security Guidance for Chlorine Facilities or a copy of the Security Management Plan for the Transportation and On-Site Storage and Use of Chlorine Cylinders, Ton Containers and Cargo Tanks as a CI member please contact CI directly. If you are a nonmember that has been requested to complete this checklist please request the site security guidance and security plan through your supplier. (4) Upon completion of the checklist, the chlorine supplier and customer should discuss it and agree to any needed actions that would enhance the capability of the chlorine customer to safely unload and handle chlorine at the involved facility. (5) The customer should have a process in place to ensure deficiencies are corrected in a timely manner. 1.2 CHLORINE INSTITUTE STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM The Chlorine Institute exists to support the chlor-alkali industry in advancing safe, secure, environmentally compatible, and sustainable production, distribution, and use of its mission chemicals 1. Chlorine Institute members are committed to adopting the CI’s safety and stewardship initiatives, including pamphlets, checklists, and incident sharing, that will assist members in achieving measurable improvement. For more information on the Institute’s stewardship program, visit the Chlorine Institute’s website at www.chlorineinstitute.org. 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS In this checklist, the following meanings apply unless otherwise noted: CFATS Chemical Facility Anti-terrorism Standard CFR Code of Federal Regulations chlorine dry chlorine, either gas or liquid CI The Chlorine Institute DOT U.S. Department of Transportation EPA Environmental Protection Agency LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PPE Personal Protective Equipment 1 CI’s mission chemicals: chlorine, sodium and potassium hydroxides, sodium hypochlorite, the distribution of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), and the distribution and use of hydrogen chloride. PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 3 PSM Process Safety Management RMP Risk Management Program Scrubbers Device for removal of chlorine from a stream via reaction, adsorption or absorption. SDS Safety Data Sheet 1.4 APPROVAL The Institute's Product Stewardship Issue Team approved Edition 4 of this checklist on October 31, 2017. 1.5 REVISIONS Suggestions for revisions should be directed to the Secretary of the Institute. 1.6 SIGNIFICANT REVISIONS IN CURRENT EDITION This edition includes numerous enhancements that were designed to simplify the checklist, improve consistency between the bulk, packaged, and distributor customer checklists, and provide for greater flexibility in use. This involved reformatting, eliminating, regrouping and restating a number of questions. The checklist is now in Appendix A. 2. REFERENCES 2.1 CHLORINE INSTITUTE PAMPHLETS These pamphlets refer to issues raised in this checklist. CI’s pamphlets are frequently updated. Please visit CI’s website to view the most up-to-date edition currently available for each pamphlet at www.chlorineinstitute.org. Pamphlet & DVD # Title 1 Chlorine Basics, Pamphlet 1, ed. 8; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA 22209, 2014. 6 Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine, Pamphlet 6, ed. 16; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2013. 9 Chlorine Vaporizing Systems, ed. 8; Pamphlet 9; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2017. 17 Packaging Plant Safety and Operational Guideline, ed. 5, Pamphlet 17; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2017. 49 Recommended Practices for Handling Chlorine Bulk Highway Transports, ed. 10, Pamphlet 49; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2016. PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 4 2.2 OTHER CHLORINE INSTITUTE REFERENCES Site Security Guidance for Chlorine Facilities; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2002. Security Management Plan for the Transportation and On-Site Storage and Use of Chlorine Cylinders, Ton Containers and Cargo Tanks; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2003. Pamphlet & DVD # Title 63 First Aid, Medical Management/Surveillance and Occupational Hygiene Monitoring Practices for Chlorine, ed. 9, Pamphlet 63; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2017. 64 Emergency Response Plans for Chlor-Alkali, Sodium Hypochlorite, and Hydrogen Chloride Facilities, ed. 7, Pamphlet 64; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2014. 65 Personal Protective Equipment for Chlor-Alkali Chemicals, ed. 6, Pamphlet 65; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2015. 66 Recommended Practices For Handling Chlorine Tank Cars, ed. 5, Pamphlet 66; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA 2015. 73 Atmospheric Monitoring Equipment for Chlorine, ed. 8, Pamphlet 73; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2016. 76 Guidelines for the Safe Motor Vehicular Transportation of Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers, ed. 5, Pamphlet 76; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2012. 89 Chlorine Scrubbing Systems, ed. 4, Pamphlet 89; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2016. 95 Gaskets for Chlorine Service, ed. 5-R2, Pamphlet 95; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2017. 152 Safe Handling of Chlorine Containing Nitrogen Trichloride, ed. 3, Pamphlet 152; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2011. 155 Water and Wastewater Operators Chlorine Handbook, ed. 3, Pamphlet 155; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2014. 165 Instrumentation for Chlorine Service, ed. 3, Pamphlet 165; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2017. IB/A Instruction Booklet: Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit “A” for 100-lb. and 150-lb. Chlorine Cylinders, ed. 12-R2, IB/A; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2014. IB/B Instruction Booklet: Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit “B” for Chlorine Ton Containers, ed. 11-R1, IB/B; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2014. IB/RV Instruction Booklet: Chlorine Institute Recovery Vessel for 100 lb. and 150 lb. Chlorine Cylinders, ed. 2, IB/RV; The Chlorine Institute; Arlington, VA, 2009. PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 5 APPENDIX A Packaged Chlorine Customer Safety and Security Checklist 3. GENERAL CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name: Facility Address: Contact Name: Email: Phone: Checklist completed by (name): Title: Date: Checklist Items Applicable CI Pamphlets & References Yes No N/A Comments 3.1 Is the company a member of the Chlorine Institute? CI Member Safety & Security Commitment 3.2 Is the facility subject to the requirements of the U.S. OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) rule, 29 CFR 1910.119 and/or of the U.S. EPA Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations, 40 CFR Part 68, and SARA Title III Section 313 release reporting? CI Pamphlet 155, Appendix C: Process Safety Management CI Pamphlet 155, Appendix D: Risk Management Program CI Pamphlet 64 3.3 What is the maximum number of chlorine cylinders or ton containers that are stored at this site? 3.4 Does the facility/company transport chlorine containers? If yes, there are additional DOT requirements for the company, truck drivers and transportation equipment. CI Pamphlet 76 49 CFR 172.800 (DOT Transportation Security) CI Security Management Plan for the Transportation and On- Site Storage and Use of Chlorine Cylinders, Ton Containers and Cargo Tanks 4. SECURITY 4.1 Is your plant covered by the Chemical Facility Anti-terrorism Standard (CFATS)? CI Site Security Guidance for Chlorine Facilities 4.2 Has the facility conducted a security vulnerability assessment? CI Site Security Guidance for Chlorine Facilities 4.3 Has the facility developed a security plan addressing issues such as access control, securing product storage areas, security monitoring, etc.? CI Security Management Plan for the Transportation and On- Site Storage and Use of Chlorine Cylinders, Ton Containers and Cargo Tanks PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 6 4.4 Have employees had security awareness training? 5. PERSONNEL SAFETY & TRAINING 5.1 Does the facility have a chlorine-specific training program on safe use and handling of chlorine and document training for employees, new hires and contractors? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety CI Pamphlet 65, Section 11: Training in the use of personal protective equipment CI Pamphlet 155, Section 9: Employee Training 5.2 Is a current SDS available for chlorine and are warning signs, wall charts and/or other safety information used and visible? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety 5.3 Does the facility policy on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) comply with CI recommendations for handling chemicals? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety CI Pamphlet 65 5.4 Does the facility policy for respiratory protection comply with CI recommendations for chlorine handling and emergency response? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety CI Pamphlet 63 CI Pamphlet 65 5.5 Are accidents and incidents investigated and reviewed with operating personnel? 6. EMERGENCY RESPONSE 6.1 Does the facility have a documented, up- to-date Emergency Response Plan that includes chlorine? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 5: Emergency Measures CI Pamphlet 64, Section 2: Organizational planning 6.2 Does the Response Plan appropriately address communication with outside agencies, the media, and the neighboring public? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 4: Planning for coordination with outside agencies 6.3 Has the facility discussed its emergency response plans with the local fire department and the local emergency planning committee (LEPC)? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 4: Planning for coordination with outside agencies 6.4 Would you require off-site assistance to respond to a release of chlorine? 6.5 If you require off-site assistance, have you verified that the off-site service have trained personnel to mitigate a chlorine release? 6.6 Do facility employees respond to and mitigate on-site or off-site chlorine leaks? 6.7 Have emergency responders received training in accordance with local, state or provincial, and national requirements? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 3: Planning for handling the emergency PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 7 6.8 Are periodic drills performed? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 3: Planning for handling the emergency 6.9 Does the facility have access to basic emergency response equipment, e.g. * A or B Kit * Recovery vessel * Self-contained breathing apparatus? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 5: Emergency Measures CI Pamphlet 155, Section 10: Handling Emergencies CI Pamphlet 49, Section 3: Emergency Response CI Pamphlet 66, Section 3: Emergency Response CI Instruction Booklets IB/A, IB/B & IB/RV 6.10 Is emergency response equipment inspected regularly and maintained in suitable condition? CI Pamphlet 65, Section 10: Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment CI Instruction Booklets IB/A, IB/B & IB/RV 6.11 Are wind socks or other means of determining wind direction appropriately located and easily visible from all areas of the facility? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 5: Emergency Measures CI Pamphlet 64, Section 3: Planning for handling the emergency 7. PROCESS PIPING (LIQUID & GASE OUS SERVICE) 7.1 Do piping, hoses and all components used for chlorine service comply with recommendations of CI, such as metallurgy, schedule (pipe thickness), welding requirements, etc? CI Pamphlet 6 CI Pamphlet 95 7.2 Are components routinely inspected and tested or replaced on a preventive maintenance basis? CI Pamphlet 6, Section 12: Routine and Periodic Inspection and Maintenance 7.3 Is the piping and component system well- marked, clearly visible and protected from damage? CI Pamphlet 6, Section 10: Piping Layout Design Considerations 8. VAPORIZING SYSTEM If a vaporizing system is in use, answer the questions in Section 8. Otherwise, skip to Section 9. 8.1 Is the vaporizer heating medium non- organic based, limited to less than 250oF (121oC) and at a lower pressure than the chlorine supply pressure? CI Pamphlet 9, Section 3: Design 8.2 Is the vaporizer designed with a low temperature alarm/shutdown at -40oF (-40oC)? CI Pamphlet 9, Section 3: Design 8.3 Is the vaporizer outlet equipped with a pressure relief valve? CI Pamphlet 9, Section 4: Controls and Indicators PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 8 8.4 Does the facility have a scheduled and routine inspection program for the vaporizer, including steps to monitor nitrogen trichloride levels in areas where it can accumulate? CI Pamphlet 9, Section 5: Safety & Section 8: Maintenance CI Pamphlet 152, Section 5: Control and monitoring of NCL3 and NCL3 sources; Section 7: Limiting Levels of NCL3 & Section 8: Design/Operating Concerns & Considerations 8.5 Is there adequate backflow protection for the vaporizer? CI Pamphlet 9, Section 5: Safety 9. SCRUBBING EQUIPMENT If the facility utilizes a scrubber, answer the questions in Section 9. Otherwise, skip to Section 10. A scrubber is defined as a device for removal of chlorine from a stream via reaction, adsorption or absorption. 9.1 Is the scrubber capacity designed to process the facility’s most probable release scenario? CI Pamphlet 89, Section 3: Process Considerations 9.2 Does the scrubber have passive capability or is it equipped with emergency stand-by power? CI Pamphlet 89, Section 4: System Design 10. STORAGE AND USE AREAS 10.1 Are cylinders and ton containers segregated and properly secured as defined by the applicable fire and building codes and stored away from any heat source? CI Pamphlet 155 CI Pamphlet 1, Section 3: Cylinders and Ton Containers 10.2 Are full ton containers stored so that each end is accessible in case a Kit B is needed? CI Pamphlet 155 10.3 Does the facility have chlorine monitoring and leak detection equipment in the cylinder and ton container storage and use areas? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 3: Planning for handling the emergency CI Pamphlet 73 CI Pamphlet 165 10.4 Is monitoring equipment interfaced into an alarm system with appropriate detection set points and routinely inspected and calibrated? CI Pamphlet 64, Section 3: Planning for handling the emergency CI Pamphlet 73 CI Pamphlet 165 10.5 Is the storage area free from debris and flammable materials? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 3: Cylinders and Ton Containers CI Pamphlet 155 10.6 Are appropriate lifting devices being utilized to move ton containers? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 3: Cylinders and Ton Containers CI Pamphlet 76, Section 3.2: Ton Container Loading and Unloading CI Pamphlet 155 PACKAGED CHLORINE CUSTOMER SAFETY AND SECURITY CHECKLIST 9 10.7 Are written operating procedures available and being utilized by employees that address the appropriate steps for hooking up and disconnecting cylinder and ton containers? CI Pamphlet 155 10.8 Does the facility have an inventory management accountability system for tracking chlorine containers? CI Pamphlet 17, Appendix C 10.9 Does the chlorine room have adequate ventilation and has the discharge location been evaluated and identified as a potential hazard? CI Pamphlet 155, Section 7: Ventilation and Air Openings 11. SAFETY SHOWERS/EYEWASH STATIONS 11.1 Are safety showers and eyewash stations adequately located and easily accessible from all areas? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety 11.2 Are the safety showers and eyewash stations periodically inspected for proper operation? CI Pamphlet 1, Section 6: Employee Training & Safety 11.3 Is there a system for a person to summon help if using a safety shower or eyewash station? CI Pamphlet 63 11.4 Are employees aware of how long it is needed to stay under the safety shower and eye wash station after exposure to chemicals? CI Pamphlet 63, Section 3.3: Contact with Eyes