HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #18 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 10/05/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WasHtNoToN f oLgg Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1ot6t21 Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: EI Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: R20082.641 10.120 Budget? EYes EINo Grant? E Yes El No Type: N/A Eoa-flo ELob E tPg o EooLgl Vendor Name: Northwest Cascade, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 72783 Sub-Category: Change Order #18 project t,tame: 76th Ave. S. lmprovements - S. 220th St. to S. 214th St prolect Detaits:Restocking fee for unused materials that were ordered per the quantities of the contract and were not used or deleted through the progression of the project Agreement Amount: $1,172.01 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $igl Termination Date: 188 Working DaYs Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.10.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2020-133 Comments:Date Received by city Attorney Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: g|g.-tht)\rois o=E,i Ge .9ta Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22373,1,20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WasHrN6ToN NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CHANGE ORDER NO. #18 Nofthwest Cascade. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:76th Ave. S.orovements - S. 220th St,to s. 214th St ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE:Mav 5 . 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the pr{ect contract is modified as follows: t. section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Restocking fee for unused materials that were ordered per the quantities of the contract and were not used or deleted through the progression of the project. 2, The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section [II, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $4,472,667.25 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $217,987.51 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $4,690,654,76 Current Change Order $1,064.50 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $107.s1 Revised Contract Sum $4,691,826.77 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 120 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 68 working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order o calendar days Revised Time for Completion (inseft date) 188 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. Print Name: Chad Bieren CITY OF KENT: /h E),,^ DArE: u/s/ar (titte) Director P.E Its Public W (signature) CONTRACTOR: Its By: DATE: Print Name: CHANGE ORDER. 2 OF 3 at ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable lf Mayorb signature required) Kent Law Depaftment [In thls ff€ld, you may €nter the electrcoic ffleDath wheE th€ ontnct has bs s.v€d] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO'2 KENT CHANGEoRDERWoRKSHEETNo.IS construction Engineering Division - Public works Project: 76th Av S Project No: 19-3006 Project Engineer: Mark Madfai Fed-Aid No: N/A Capital Projects phil McConnell Contractor: Northwest Cascade Date:Various I. Pro d Chan e Restocking fee for un used materials I. Reason and Bac round for Cha e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS B ruotaPPlicable I and descriPtions that wereauresntitncortctareeqthlsaerordrfoaterimnpaWSecessakiRestocrYngcteofnethoroJresslthhephtrogrouroetedpdelreotnsedIuithe Sch. No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qtv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 2 Restocking of fees for unused materials 1 LS $1,064.50 $1,064.50 $ $ New PaY Items Total: $1,O64.5O DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9'5 E ruot applicable Sch No.Bid ltem No'Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Page 1 $ Delete Existing PaY ltems Total: $ TNCREASE/DECREASE TO EXTSTTNG PAY rTEM(S)E ruot applicable Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Increase f Decrease to Existing Pay Items Tota l:$ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDERT@ x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS L79Previous Total:oDue This Change Order:L20Original Contract: Days:wonalitionrfo orkingAddnJustcatfianatio/Exp *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: * This nell L79 Change Order + Previous Total Date: Date Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: '4t Construction Manager: Phil ul Kuehne Date ,/q/q c Connor Page 2 Part Description12x6 FL tee12x4 MMF13MF4 MJ 90 bendthread2x48nt8M190Qty Price Total Price allowed part usage description4 546.47 2185.88 0.r 267.34 267BI 2135 2-4"connections 21 384.09384.09 I believe one of the 10 inch co0.00 No 3" shown onlans2 44.86 89.72 49.72 Possirhrts were order. 12x6could have been used onshown andI was 12 to 12werein full2reducernuts- import2 45.3t6 33.26o71 189.70 108.40 could of38.56 23t.36 0.00 All1 136.31 136.31been custom lenonB" was in 52the o.55 hard todon't knowtotalmhave been orderednt at 6x6=36 or 4al49 27.06 243.54 0.00deletionBI 2215 for 1-7)0.00 Br 22_15a)89.94 29.98 Airvacetion 2t 7.79 7.79 7.79 Airvac deletion multiple 90snds to Rev 1 and theon ofordered. And Pozzi eover BIntitiesid at or over BIuantities41.19 4t.L9 hard to'tworkM]t2solid wire12" black1bolt74.2 IP comFL2 qalv 90feet126L.a7 309.352 3.O7 6.L41 61.13T12deleted2 airvac2 AVK1 631.82 631.82 631.82 Airvact 267.75 267267.75GV deleted2x6 galv nipple8 4.95 39.60 29.70 Airvac deletion 6 bends wou2 18.69 37.38 0.00 I don't see a reason these qot ordered6 17.66 105.96o.0O I don't see a reason these oot ordered2 67.a9 135.78 67.89 Airvac deletion 1 beehive deleted43.5 87.00 87.00 Possible orderld have been removed2 CI meter flanqe7 112 Cl meter flanoe4 long patteE Qllleeye2 beehive4Mlcaface6 CL52 DI10 CL52 DI DiDe TR Flex4.2O Possible order61.08 0.00 This5 16.41 1796.90 299.44ard toknblehard to sav, don't know the total ordered. 81 paid to maxs to Rev 1 and2"GVto1id at 19d118.25 40.t3 732.3710 cL52 DITR FIex18.25 40.13don't know the total ordered. BIto max6 CL52 DITRex8489.10 489.10 hard to sadon't knowL46 37.31 5447.26 680.91 hard todon't knoweordeTh8 was in S212th and then theadditiostick possiblevalve6 34.09 204.54Mnothirelated to bid items3 detectable3 36.95 110.85 0.00 I don'tordered3 FL tee2 76.58 153.16 0.00 I doordered3 qalv 90 bend1 31.46 3r.46 31.46rantsOVCT BIhit4x2 tapped blind FL 1 60.81 60.81 0.00 Maybe ordered for blow offs, nothing directly related to bid items.4x3 MJ reducer 2 35.34 70.68 I don't see a reason these got ordered2x1l8 qasket 2 O.9l 1.82 0.91 Airvac deletion 1 gasket deleted as part of the breakaway flange9 l67a.A7 15109.83 0.00 REV 1 chanB 7.79 62.32 0.00 I don't see a reason these got orderedthe 12" GV3 L759.5 5278.50 0.00 REV l change the 12" GV reduced to 18; BI pqid to 19363393662.40112AVK MJ qate valverestock fee 15o/orestock fee 15olo0.150.1529242.94Ct\5Orl\Q<- t, Corporate Office d Page 6 of 6 Credit Memo I{.D. FOWLER COMPANY c509917 IN.HOUSE COPYPAWH # 143940 ro: NORTHWEST CASCADE PO BOX73399 . PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Return # RA407307 Credit Date a9to1t20 Credit Writer: Kellen Camus PO/JOB: #l'255 76TH AVE SOUTH Line atv Part # UoM Description Unit Price Credit T Price X 37 38 39 40 41 1 EA IFF1STFS 4" X2" IP TAPT BLIND FLANGE DI, AWAIA C110 NORMALLY BARE FINISH (14 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15506944> EA IFRlSgMMSEBL 4" X 3'' MJ SEB REDUCER DI, A\A^/VA C153, C/L LESS ACCESSORIES (17 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15496910> EA FGRRST 2" 118" RING GASKET RED RUBBER, 150# Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA NS€5252-660 12'' AVK GATE VALVE, MJ X FLG, RESILIENT SEATED, A\AAA/A C5O9 FULL BODY DI, LESS MJ ACC. Sales lnvoice <15507353> EA NS-65252-661 60.81 2 s5.34 2 0.91 I 1678.87 lrltv 3 1759.50 12" AVK GATE VALVE, MJ X MJ, RESILIENT r lt[^ SEATED, A\MA'A C5O9 FULL BODY DI, LESS MJ bI '" ACC. Sales lnvoice <15507353> Sub total Charges Freight Tax Grand Total Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 wwwhdfowler.com -60.81 -70.68 -1.82 -15,109.83 -5,278.50 -36,339.64 5,450.95 -30,888.69 Corporate Officed Page 5 of 6 Credit Memo H.D. FOWTER COMPANY c509917 IN-HOUSE COPYPAWH # 143940 ro: NoRTHWEST CASCADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Return # RA407307 Credit Date: 09t01t20 Kellen Camus #/.255 76TH AVE SOUTH T x Part # UoM Descriptlon Unit Price Credit Line atv Price 32 33 34 35 36 31 146 Sales lnvoice <1551 1654> FT IP523GTR 8- CL 52 DI PIPE TR FLEX 18.25' LENGTH ASPHALTIC COATED ANSI/A\AM/A C1 5'I I A21 .51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSYA\AA/fA C1041A21.4 WTH SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFTAND RIGHT SEGMENTAND 1 RUBBER RETAINER Sales lnvoice <15515406> EA BVGTNL 2'' BRASS GATE VALVE THREADED NRS 2OO WOG NO-LEAD Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA \MA/TAPEDET3B 3" DETECTABLE TAPE WATER BLUE IOOO'ROLL Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA IFTS9F 3" FL TEE Dt, AW^/A C110, CIL (40 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15496898> EA GFL77 2" SCH 40 GALVANIZED 90 ELBOW IMPORT Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA IFZ2 6" COMPACT BODY MJ ACCESSORIES KIT coMpLETE W|TH GI-AND, GASKETAND (6) 314" X 3-1/2" T-BOLTS Sales lnvoice <15269652> Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www. hdfowler.com 1 /z 37.31 34.09 36.95 76.58 7.79 31.46 b 3 2 I 1 6[r> -5,447.26 -244.54 -1 10.85 -153.16 -62.32 -31.46 t't, Corporate Officed Page 4 of 6 Credit Memo H.D. FOWLER COMPANY c509917 IN.HOUSE COPYPAWH #M3944 ro: NoRTHWEST cAScADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373.0399 Return # RA407307 Credit Date: agtulza Credit Writer: Kellen Camus PO/JOB: #/'255 76TH AVE SOUTH Line otv Parl# UoM Descriptlon Unlt Price Credit T Price X 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 Sales lnvoice <15536400> EA IFDIML 4" MJ CAP DI, SSB, A\AAA'A C153, LESS ACCESSORIES (10 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15536400> EA FGNEFFS 12" 118" FULL FACE GASKET, NEOPRENE, 150# Sales lnvoice <15505398> FT IP522GTJ 6'' CL 52 DI PIPE TJ 18.25'LENGTH ASPHALTIC COATED ANSI/AIAMA C1 51 I A21,51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSI/A\AAA/A AA4IA21.4 WITH SBR GASKET Sales lnvoice <1551 5318> FT IP524GTR 1O'CL 52 DI PIPE TR FLEX 18.25'LENGTH ASPHALTIC COATED ANSIIA\A/WA Cl 51 I A21 .51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSIIA\AM/A C1041A21.4 WITH SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFT AND RIGHT SEGMENTAND 1 RUBBER RETAINER Sales lnvoice <15515318> FT IP524GTR 1O'' CL 52 DI PIPE TR FLEX 18.25'LENGTH ASPHALTIC COATED ANSI/AIAMIA C1 51 I A21 .51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSYA\AM/A C1O4IA21.4]vli/Tl{. SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFTAND RIGHT SEGMENTAND 1 RUBBER RETAINER Sales lnvoice <1551 531 8> FT IP522GTR 6" CL 52 DI PIPE TR FLEX 18.25'LENGTH ASPHALTI C COATED ANSIIA\AAruA C1 51 I A2'',51 AND CEMENT LINED ANSIIAWA/A C1O4IM1.4W'TH SBR GASKET INCLUDES 1 LEFTAND RIGHT SEGMENTAND 1 RUBBER RETAINER servins \ffii:i$lhw€st since 1e11 18.30 6 10.18 109.5 16.41 6 [t>- 18.25 40.13 6l', 18.25 40.13 6{,^ 18.25 Al^26.80 -73,24 -61.08 -1,796.90 -732.37 -732.37 -489.10 Corporate Officed Page 3 of 6 Gredit Memo H.D. FOWLER COMPANY c509917 IN-HOUSE COPYPAWH # 143940 ro: NoRTHWEST cAscADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373.0399 Return # RA407307 Credit Date: 09t01t20 Credit Writer: Kellen Camus PO/JOB: #4.255 76TH AVE SOUTH Part # UoM Description Unit Price Gred it T xLineatvPrice 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o EA IFFSTSTFS 2'IP COMPANION FI.ANGE, DI/CI NORMALLY BARE FrNtsH (6 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA GFL77 2- SCH 40 GALVANIZED 90 ELBOW IMPORT Sales lnvoice <155247 16> EA AV202C 2" 202C,2 COMBINATION AIR RELEASE & VACUUM VALVE CI BODY SS TRIM 5/64'' ORIFICE 3OOPSI VALMATIC Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA AAVK03063TTN t 1., 2'AVK GATE VALVE, NPT X NPT, RESILIENT bI\V SEATED, A\AM/A C5O9 DI BODY, O31TTN Sales lnvoice <15507353> EA GFN7X6 2" X 6" SCH 40 GALVANIZED NIPPLE A53 ERW Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA ROFT 2" Ct METER FLANGE 2-BOLT rypE (BODY ONLY) Sales lnvoice <15515318> EA ROF6 1-1t2',Cl METER FLANGE 2-BOLTTYPE (BODY oNLY) Sales lnvoice <1551 531 8> EA TAM/BEEHIVE 2'' BMSS BLOWOFF STRAINER Sales lnvoice <1551 53iB> EA rFcllMML , l,^ 4'' MJ SLEEVE LONG PATTERN DI, AIMA/A C153 b I I A LESS ACCESSORTES (24 LBS) servins \t#.i:l:"#hwest since 1 e 1 1 1 7.79 1 631.82 1 267.75 I 4.95 2 18,69 6 17.66 2 67.89 2 43.50 -89.94 -7.79 -631.82 -267.75 -39.60 -37.38 -105.96 -135.78 -87.00 Corporate Office d Page 2 of 6 Credit H.D. FOWLER COMPANY c509917 IN-HOUSE COPYMemoPAWH # 143940 ro: NoRTHWEST cAscADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Return # RA407307 Credit Date: a9t01t20 Credit Writer: Kellen Camus PO/JOB: #/'255 76TH AVE SOUTH Line otv Part # UoM Description Unlt Price Credit T Price X o 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 Sales lnvoice <15514703> EA IFZWARGlK 4'WEDGE ACTION MJ KIT FOR DI PIPE WBOLTS, WEDGE ACTION GLAND & GASKET (BOXED WITH BLACK LETTERING) Sales lnvoice <15536400> EA IFZWARG2K 6" WEDGE ACTION MJ KIT FOR DI PIPE WBOLTS' WEDGE ACTION GLAND & GASKET (BOXED WITH BI.ACK LETTERING) Sales lnvoice <15514703> RL W12BLUsOO 12 GA BLUE WIRE 5OO'ROLL Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA BNBKITs 12'' BLACK BOLT & NUT KIT 12 PER 718" X3.314", A 3O7,GRADE A,IMPORT Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA BNGKITSo 1-112" PLATED BOLT & NUT KIT, A3O7 GRADE A, (4EA 5/S" X 2" BOLT WlrH NUT) IMPORT Sales lnvoice <1551 531 8> EA RO281438X7 14.38X2" lP 202 SADDLE BODY ONLY 13.20 - 14.38 ROMAC Sales lnvoice <15505398> EA ROUBS1438 14.38 S S STMP WITH NUTS FOR SADDLE RANGE 13.20 - 14.38 ROMAC Sales lnvoice <15533342> 33.26 1 41.19 5 61.87 I 27.06 2 3.07 1 61.13 2 Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www.hdfowler.com 42.22 -199.56 -41.19 -309.35 -243.54 -6.14 -61.13 -84.44 Corporate Officed Page 1 of 6 Credit Memo H.D. FOWLER COMPANY c509917 rN-ErousE HffirECOPY ffiffiPAWH # M394A ro: NoRTHWEST cAscADE PO BOX 73399 PUYALLUP WA 98373-0399 Relurn # R4407307 Credit Date: 09t01t20 Kellen Camus 76TH AVE SOUTH Unit Price Credit T Price X Part # UoM DescriptionLineotv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 4 1 2 70 COMMENTS: RETURNING CHANGE OF PARTS FROM JOB #4255 Restock Charge %15 EA IFTss2FFF 12" X6" FL TEE Dt, A\M /A C110, CiL (295 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15496898> EA IFT55lMMFL Sales lnvoice <15537010> EA IFLI1MML 4'' MJ 90 ELBOWDI, AWA/A C153, C/L LESS ACCESSORTES (26 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15496898> FT BNROD3G blt>546.47 267.34 384.09 45.31 44.86 2.71 38.56 136.31 1 2 12 X 4" MJ X FL TEE Dt, Al /WA C153, CtL reSS f /r ). ACCESSORTES (117 LBS) Sales lnvoice <15496887> EA IFRs4FF 12" X 1O'' FL CONCENTRIC REDUCER DI, A\AM/A / I ,-, c110, c/L (170 LB) to I '^ Sales lnvoice <15554457> EA IFLS9S9MFL 3' MJ X FL 90 ELBOW DI, AIAAA'A C153, C/L LESS Ir ,, -AccEssoRrES (22 LBS) b lt> 61,^ o 3/4'' PI-ATED ALL THREAD A36 ROD 1O FT LENGTH IMPORT Sales lnvoice <lS50S3gB> EA GFN7X48 2" X 48" SCH 40 GALVANIZED NIPPLE A53 ERW Sales I nvoice <15505398> EA IFL33MML 8" MJ 90 ELBOW DI, AWA/A C153, C/L LESS A h>ACCESSORIES (68 LBS) servins \f;]l.rf#hwesr since rel1 1 -2,'lg5.gg -267.34 -384.09 -90.62 -89.72 -189.70 -231.36 -136.31