HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-065 - Change Order - #4 - ICON Materials - Meet Me on Meeker Sidewalk and Riverbend Driving Range Improvements - 10/05/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WA3HtNcroN lE oLoc Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 10t19t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R20086.641 1 0.1 20 & G20031 .641 1 0.9476 Budget? @Yes E No Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A co flo ELor- €jy tro EooLgl Vendor Name: ICON Materials Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34467 Sub-Category: Change Order #4 Project Name: Meet Me On Meeker - SidewalURiverbend project Detaits:lnstall additional poles, additional wire and SEC kits requested by the City of Kent to complete the installation of the receptacles on the poles. Agreement Amount: $20,51 4.76 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes El No* xlf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, ptease complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace Notice required prior to disclosure? ElYes EI No Contract Number: cAG2020-065 E'l .gf- E$o=E,i Gtr .9(a Date Received by city Attorney:Comments Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad((W22l7l I 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements Ltil,nL KENTWAgHtio?or CHANGE ORDER NO. #4 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: ICON Materials ("Contractor") Meet Me On Meeker- Sidewalk/Riverbend Februarv 16.2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Install additional poles, additional wire and SEC kits requested by the City of Kent, to complete the installation of the recepticals on the poles. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completionr" and Section III, "Compensationr" are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $2,305,304.2E Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $75Ae6.63 Current Contract Amount (incl, Previous Change Orders) $2380,800.91 Current Change Order $20,514.76 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $2,4AtFfi.67 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (lnsert date) r00 Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 100 Days Required (+) forthis Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 100 In accordance with Sections L-A4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agree! to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and fhe terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the pafties of this contract, 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT: Tl.c (tittes TE lL B; orks Dirpcfor Print Name : Charl Bieren. P,E. Dr rlrlie (signature) ?- DATE: co ment By Pri CHANGE ORDER. 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable tf MaWfs signature reguired) Kent Law Department (tr thls i€ld, lou tf,ay ente. the ele$ronlc fll€path wheG tha ontract has been sav€dl CHANGE ORDER . 3 OF 3 KENT File No. 200.2 Project No: 19-3017,19-3O24,pKZO-l Fed-Aid No: Contractor: Icon Materials W^3ar{OrOf, CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 4 construction Engineering Division - public works Project: Meet Me On Meeker - Russel Rd Project Engineer: Capital Projects Mark Madfai Brian ShieldsM Dater 8/LO/202L f.Pro osed Cha e upply and install additional poles and SEC kits r recepticles per I con EWO #'s 807 and 808. ff, Reason and round for Chan e frl. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS D Notappticabte Keof nte itiadd onaCityrequested to lete the ectpolescomp The ofproj tKen u estedreq da d alton lreW dan kitsSEC be u ased nrcha d n sta eI tod comp rhlete e stan onati ofp the icl onESreceptthees.pol Sch. No ftem Description Total Est. Qty Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item VIA Wire and SEC kits 1 LS $6,350.40 $ VIA Poles and Luminaires 1 LS $L5,L72.17 $,L'r!le*+ $ t1?ttw.'; t: New Pay ltems Total: $ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per l-O9.5 E Notappricabre +tSUWt* 20,6N;lV tch No.Bid Item No.Xtem Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Page 1 $ Delete Existing Pay ftems Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE To EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E Notappricabre 5ch No Bid ftem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Co$ of ftem $ Increase / Decrease to Exicting pay ltems Total: *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE OR.DER: rV. WORKING DAYS $ x Total of the Cost of Item Columns Original Contract:100 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total 100 Explanation/Justiflcation for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:100 * This Change Order + previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervison I t)lL- Datel Datel {'r b- )7*"7 t Paul Kuehne a ,eL Construction Manager: Eric Connor Page 2 Date: rGoil ICON MATERIALS I5O8 VALENTINE AVE PAC|F!C, WA 98047 {206) 575-3200 Oflice r (2061 575-3207 Fox EXTRA WORK ORDER rOR INTENDED RECIPIENT ONLY DONO'T DISCI,OSE IGON Job # 0wner ProJect I'lame - l:,{r t!:: 1 jrlo:F{litii j.:l tl ffi Clty of Kenl : r,rilil"rJoriM#6i" tcoir Etrvo # Controctor Ref # Date | 81712021 Overtims Quantity Unlt Rate I I Toret HR $;l HR $ - tt HR $I lE HR $I l$ HR $ lt HR $I ls HR $ - tt HR $I l$ :l$ lCOl{ Foreman : Eill Johnson ]gffiffit Addltional Luminaires and poles provlded to the city from c&G Employee Name Classiffcatlon Hours Quantlty Unlt Rat6 HR s HR s HR s HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ Matedel D6scriplion Quenlily Unlt Cost Tax 016 Cosl Tolal $ E0# Hours Quantity unit Rale HR I ilR s HR s HR s HR s 0n Quantlly Unit Rate I I Torat HR $I HI s -l Hf,$I l$ HR s I ls HR $I ls $ Name Seruice G&G lnc Poles and Luminsires Quantlty Unit Cost 1 LS $ '13.546,58 'I- q) t1' LAAOR MATERIAL & RENTALS EQUIPME}TT SUBCONTRACTOR BONO MARKUP - Total:l $ 'r*i f - tE,tfr3"E Total $ *firs658 r *Fzu>- '1, l;-t-, $ 4+,{|'6-.5E parloilad dudng this pai& ancl lhEI prava'?rg wegos 'lovo t6€ n fdd to eI nachenbs on AB pnhc! ln dc$rdan@ wtth tha gtatenl€.nt ot lntent on frta with fie Asl'/r/'. Owner/Conlraclor wo&eft ol $00% (12,000/0 5,172.17 s $ $ $ ?1#7xt7 $ Name Address City Phone Gustomer ICON MATERIATS 1508 VALENT'NS AVE SE PACIFIC WA 98047 G&Glnc. 18044 gEZ24ttr St. Kent, Wa. 98O42 (425) 43% 1 s2s -fax, (4pS) as2-8 1 55 CHANGE ORDER 2JI7A Unit P. riceatyI i rescrip$on ipuRcHASE AND DE|-|VER2 POLES AND ILUM|NA|RES TO THE,C|TY OF KENT TOTAL 2 2 1 I I I l I ALUMINIM POLE AND SKIRT LUMINAIRES o & p oN MATERTAL ONLY 10340.90 @21yo SALES TAX ON rIIATERIAL ONLY. 'OI'?Ii.LFIO $3,645.45 $1,525.00 $2,121.F9 SubTotal TOTAL $7,290:g0 $3,050.00 $2,171.59 r/ 0+l rl 13t qL Date 5lh5t20liJob Meet Me On Meeker G &GJob# ZilTc.o.# 2 Once approved, pldase lsque us a change order, a,s.a.p. THVOICE Involtd QlroEltuno Ptot66 Coll 293-7 79-36A0F6mil lo: gqAy-BAA E,BirFtC COMFANY, 'NC.P.6. Box f707i Los ANGSTS uA 608?4.?Ut3 Silt.Tot fJ&o rNc t 004 4 sE ta,tTH EIKeNf WA 9:A042.7213, U8^ Ervol,ee Nol :9i1,664969? lnvoice 0sto fit0612020 Accorjilt Murilbor, Jwgagiz| Aocdunl llAmd: 6&g lilE I Jc'E ttJ.tt " MW 0hlB.fo'6&6 tNd t .tQA 2\t / . tt&f ME uN MFE!(EF 2617 . MWIT ME ON MFE($ wEsT M&En 8T e HUSliBt. qD KENT W^ O6012 usA dirr'lE rrdi ir li ardyti r.: r eoadi t i ',r' r,t f Ir t.r lEl a.if 0iltRplt , d tror( llly ;riv! ^ nhnt,ie rl rht Ld$qt? (,f I t,,.r dt {!.o htr}lrilri |.rri r..rnd [,y lar *ot ho dddtd ts dl I tfcotitt*e lloi |rt!.t I.'J ,ttt, tlub,t.rrn. nldr, ,'lDt!irF.tf,tr, A.lti(fin txf'atr. .ir\i l,rd'f'vH' r rdrlrl iit{di Brs [tj4t,t't.l r(. ltoLhl hl p\t. l,taa t'\ l. 't46ndlln$; ftrs€ I ol r Lb/ t ttd | 8,.1'JA 30 a f.rt. tot:il Du€r h#&^lt-z a 2-lu'nn:a'tttu A- lSAg.oO ta, = fufu,m -fX tD% 305,m DeL. Doc" f :pno I Eou?{nq bete shJ,rusd shlaiied vrorn F'd.8.Ktr.. so alt 200s3rt I [/0blp.ttr,td FnffdHY qselqra-d .4yr Hql.lNI.q. G4[HA]' 0uat€l,hy caualog,. l. .1, leeaglpt{a.n urlt FrJ,o€, / Untt Anount t I GLi8-l.i,,l80LS6490"f,ll,V.UNV,FFAg,Np gl6Nll,Y NUSTH AMHIQA coEFo*lAtroN t $,l t h.a6t,r?g.oo I I EttEtECE to Ur{E s.cn$nelp $En}{S Allb qofiDl IOll,S Iil$dED oll 9lW?l.GSAgtAR.Cotl rr{voIcE Fomlt lO: 8Htffru*ftorc ooMPANY, rNc. roti ANGe,EF QA goo?.4.?ots 'tnvoh! ouodfonr Fi6EEili.- 253-719-J60A gll'fo: G&O 'NCt9014 8E KF{T WA UFA a24fH gt 98042,t216 Lryqtgc, ltoI 93!93?2l3t {ry6'c0 pstet. lztegl\,Zi' Ac€ount NumbNfl ,)frgll4az Acc0unr Nano, 04G lilc I Jog 2St7 . Mfrt thln.To: ff.9'Iff#ofiftl-l;ffi uE o{ MEF{F yffI#ffisr & Fusod'r m PAgo t ot r BONIIIE ourntl I / 9$as DrJao Unlt 40, r 00.00 r rilyotct 'tNo0ooo7ars0 HAFCO DrVtgtON q,100.00 I '1 e B7gl t.006 gKtRT ? ffA30r9B{.01,o''RND TAFmE ALUMtfdtM FOLE , 8787t,00F EKtFr Conrlrrlng of: 9 HTA3OFO81,O1.D'NND TAFA@ ALUMIHM MLE pe.r l0 pryt t. .-eondlti,or O! iht tllrt ag?aflottr, t Bg,lilr.lyl.rvlgr ohrrga tf tlr. latrrr It l-l/rt or tb, rirtrs,l.assLtvrd !y llr firy bt .dlol tc .ll 0ocetn.rr na! pli{!t -nr9 {!o lac., Vitrr, ,.ttrrrcttdf Atrrrra} i*2t|ei,6od DJtCoyot rr.dlt Orsd, tt. ,tsa?tell rr poiti o!porchtt, rrlF. 4,010,00 a4,t t0.00 Hridting:0.00 Iat: Totd our! h4 g5tz,3 e [fDba Q- 3U,45,45 fa, ' zaso.1o 6 nz ?*?,q SUErEdt td E'/.e s!a}'D.*Bd rEr!'s trHD golDtrclolrB Lls!.Efl otr l{}rH.oRAggtR.eol{ ICON MATERIAIS I5O8 VALENIINE AVE PAC|FIC, WA 98047 (2061575-3200 Office r 1206) 575-3207 Fox EXTRA I,VORK ORDER FOII INTBNDEI, RECIFIINT' ONLY DONOT DI SCI,OSgI ICON Job # Own€r ProJect f{ame - Ir;iYS i tl,Blt&jj:, l,,ilffi City of Kent lCOl,l ForsmEn : Bill Johnson lCOl{ EWO # I Contractor Reff : Date : Overtime Hours WortreC Quanlity Unlt Rate HR $ HR $ HR s HR $ HR s HR $ HR $ HR s f.qF.,i$ffi-' 1 Meet Me 0n Meaker Purchase and lnstall wire and SEC kits for receptacles. Employee Name Ciasslflcatlon 6n/2021 Re Quantity Unit Rate HR $ HR $ HR $ HR s HR $ HR $ HR $ HR s Total I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Mal€rial D€scripllon Quantily Unit Cosl Tax o/o Cosl Toisl $ EQ# Regular Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR $ HR s HR 5 HR 5 HR 5 Hours on Standby ----'-. Quanuty Unit Ral€ HR ( HR $ HR s HR s HR s Tolal s 5 s s 5 $ Narng Servica c&c lnt Wre & S€c kitg LABOR MATERIAL & RENTALS EAUIPITIENT SUECONTR.ACTOR BOND fIiARKUP Quantity Unit Co$t 1 LS $ 5,670,00 3 T $ $ TqT6qT $ -l4sieso $ 0,350.40 29,Q}o/o 21.OO% 21,000/o 12.00o/o 0.00% $ $ $ 4;t .z,t.t $--+,95ffif s 'r Tolal $ -*,67r.ilr 4 Lo:" $ #?r.fl) parloned duttng this Nn& e\d that pravaiting wag€s haw bsen Nd to dlt tobore/!,, wotk'ts ot nl€c,hanks on lhb p@ject in aciardtnc€ wlh the Slatenant ot tnbn! on t t6 wfth lhe Dtstd. w 5004 I AS 0.428 t()l l4X t0214 07tg2782gt4 $2 pB0?9058 0001:0001 rlrrl,t1l1lrt1rl1tilhtllilt,ll,,,lltlllrI1t1llrrrtrtlltrf lil INVOICE lnvoice Noi 93i99426{l lnvoice Dato: 02n4n021 Account Number: Jp8893422 Account Name: G&c |NC/MEET ME ON MEEKER Ship to; ggg]rygluFEr ME 0N MEEKER MEET ME ON MEEKER y{,li-sf.l4FEIFE sr & RUSSELL RDKENT WA 98032 d txfo"f,f;rr,ir**,,, IrrIrIr ffi G&GINC 1 8044 SE 224TH ST KENT WA 98042-7215 SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS www,cR YBAR.CQII. 253-779-3600 or GRAYBAR NC. ros ANGELES CA POf: 2517 SO#: 374411267Del. Doc. #:PRO #Date From F.O,B.Rt, TO8035878902Will Call Onter 02t04t2021 NW SERVICE CENTER S/P. F/ATAMERI/BONNIE *t Price / Unit NDOR fr trruh 600v cu 791"SF SEC CONNECTOR COMPANY 2OA COM HG SELF TEST GFR IVORY I HUBBELL WIRING DEVICES SINGLE FUSED CONNECTOR KIT 1791-SP SEC CONNECTOR COMPANY SINGLE POLE CONN KIT / 1000 19.10/t 19.33 / t 26.07 n and llonoy by Paperleee 1000 40 20 15 764.00 391.05 465.46 386.60 As a condition of the sales agreement, a monthly service charge of the less€r of1'11290 or th.e maximum peniitted by hw may ui, "o,i"o to articcounrs noi paiJby ncl due date. Visa, Maslercard, American Express, and Discover credit cardsare acc€pted at point of purchase only. Terms of Payment Net 30 Days Freight & Handling Tax Tatal Due Sub ,047.11 0.00 202.72 2,209.83 0001:000 I AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON lofl (425) 432-t325 Fax 425) 432-S155 G &6 fnc. FEBRUARY zAND. EOEI ICON MATERIAIS 1508 VALENTINE AVE SE PACIFIC, WA 98047 RE: MEET ME ON MEEKER CHANGE ORDER REQUEST JOB 2517 Centlenren; As requested, our price to purchase and install the wire and SEC kits for the receptacles will be $ 5,670.00. Our breakdown is below *g*aoso-Z,7Aq fi3 $2,400.00 t s0.00 -s5t'fofe* L+,'151 s3 Sincerely Bonnie Graham Presldent Materials Labor Equipment TOTAL CHA},IGE Once approved please issue us a change order reflecting the above price. I did not include the breaker, since we are so olose to installing the new service on Russel Road and will hook up the wires in the new service. Frame,Corey Seilt: To: Cc: From:Shields, Brian Monday, October 4,2A21 7:21 AM Frame, Corey Fealy,,Angella RE:'tEXTl MMOM - lnvoicefiax for Change Order Corey, Icon is wanting to adjust the CO pricing to reflect the invoicing that was actually received from G&G. G&G hal not been able to provide the "missing" invoice. Do I need to resubmit the CO to reflect this, or is that a change you're able to make? Thanks! Brian Sh lelds, Senlor C.onstructlon Inspector Construction Management I Publlc Works Department 22A4lh Avenue South, Kent' WA 98032 tilaln/cell 253-293-4973 | Desk 2s3-856-6slo bshields@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA,sov Facebgok ^"! 91.i-i {.i;:r. YouTqb€ From: Frame, Corey <CFrame@kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, September 27,202111:24 AM To: Shields, Brian <BShields@kentwa.gov> Cc: Fealy, Angella <AFealy@kentwa.gov> Subiect: RE: [EXf] MMoM - lnvoice/Tax for Change Order Hi Brian, Have you recelved anything from the contractor? Corey Frame , Senlor Financlol Anolyst Engineering Administration I Publil Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent WA 98032 Phone 253-85&55U cframe@Kentw\.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.rov Facebook l rr.'i i iirr- YouTubQ lnstaafaB PTEASE CONSISER THE ENVIITONMENT BEFORI PRIN ING THIS E.MAIt From: Shields, Brian <@> Sent: Friday, September LO,2AZl8:01 AM To; Frame, Corey <CFra me@kentwa.gov> Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@kentwa,eov>; Fealy, Angella <AFealv@kentwa.soD; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.sov> Subject: RE: [EXTJ MMOM - lnvoicefiax for Change order SubJect: Corey, I'll tblk with the contractor and see if we can find the disconnect, here. Thank you ! Brlan Shields, Senior Canstructlon Inspector Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 l.laln/Cclf 253-293-4973 I Desk 253-856-6s1o bshields@l(entlUA,gay CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.oov Facebogk .l.rviti"t;:"r,: YouTube From: Frame, Corey <CEEEC.@Xgnlwagov> Sent: Friday, September LA,2OZt 7:21AM To: Shields, Brian <BShields@kentwa,Sov> Cc: Bryant, Jason <JBrvant@kentwa.gov>; Fealy, Angella <AFealy@kentwa.sov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> Subjes* RE: [EXT] MMOM - lnvoice/Tax for Change Order lmportance: High Good Morning, Thank you Brian. Thls backup only verifies a portion of what they are charging us. With this backup the wire, SEC kits, labor and equipment totals $5,331.01, not $6,350.40 $2,209.83 $2,400.00 $150,q0 $4,759,83 $571.18 12olo markuP $5,331,01 Do you want me to process CO#4 with this total? Corey Frame, Senior Flnonciol Analyst Engineering Admlnistration I Publis Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253.85&,5511 cframe@KentwA.sov CITY OF KCNT, WASHINGTON KentwA.gov FaCebook t iryit l*.:r YouTube lmtaf tan PIEAST CONSIDER THE ENVIRCINMENT BETORE PRINTING THIS E.MAIT From: Shields, Brian <BShiglds@kentwa.sov> Sent: Thursday, Septemb er 9, 202L 2:44 PM To: Frame, Corey <CFrame@kentwa.goy> Cc: Bryant, Jason <J Brvant@kentwa.gov> Subiect FW: [EXT] MMOM - lnvoice/Tax for Change Order 2 ,. 'Brhh Shlelds, Senior Construction Inspector Constructlon Management I Public Works Department 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Maln/Cell 253-293-4973 I Desk 253-8s6-6510 bshields@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA,oov Eacebook -r.v:l.i!,1-s.r- YouTube From: Eichelberger, Mark J (ICON Materials) <mark.eichelberser@iconmaterials'com> Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 2:15 PM To: Shields, Brian <BShields@kgntwa. > Subject: FW: [EXT] MMOM - lnvoice/Tax for Change Order Attached is the invoice for the SEC kits from G&G. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, AF0ilr^rrnrArs A CRH COMPANY Mark Eichelberger Construction Manager CelU253-551-14s1 Direct/206-574-3902 Faxl2O6-575-3207 From: Tamara Sleeman <tamarasleeman.gng@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September9, 2021 1:52 PM To: Eichelberger, Mark J (ICON Materials) <mark.eichelberser@iconmaterials.cg!'n> Subjectr IEXTI MMOM - lnvoice/Tax for Change Order Mark, Bonnie requested I send this to you. lnvoice on SEC kits from Graybar on Meet Me On Meeker. Our job number 251.7. Please let us know if you need something else from us. Regards, Tamara Sleeman G&G,lnc. t8044 SE 224th St, Kent, WA 98042 c.206.27t.78O3 o.425.432.t325 e. t-amarasleema n.gng@smeil.com CAUTION: This emailoriglnated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you are expecting this email and know the contents are safe. ATTENTION: Ce courriel vient de I'exterieur de I'entreprise. Ne 3 EXTERNAL EMAIL ".iiqu} pas sur les liens, et n'ouvrez pas les piAces jointes, i moins que vous ne connaissiez I'exp6diteur du courriel et savez que le contenu est s6curitaire. 4