HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-133 - Change Order - #16 - Northwest Cascade, Inc. - 76th Ave S Improvements - 10/05/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form iombines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WASHINGTON IE oLcg Originator: S. Anderson Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 10t6t21 Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: R20082.641 10.120 Budget? EIYes E No Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A c .9+to ELorF Evco EooLtrl Vendor Name: Northwest Cascade, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 72783 Sub-Category: Change Order #16 project Name: 76th Ave. S. lmprovements - S. 220th St. to S. 214th St. .. Removed and/or replace railroad markings at James St. between znd Avenue N- and Central Avenue, East Valley Highway beiween S- -1 87th PfOjeCt Deta ilS: dtr""i "nO S. l gOtn'Sr""t, Smith Street 6stwean l st Avenue N. and Railroad Avenue N., Wllis Streel between 1st Avenue S. and znd Avenua S., West Vafiey Highway between S. 220th Street and S. 228th Street, and 64th Avenue S. belween S. 228th Street and S. 226th Slreet per Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission's Defective Notice Agreement Amount $34,737.88 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: Sid Termination Dare: 187 Working Days Local Business? EYes @ No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions' form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2020-133 C'tca-{. J\ro .a ,,sagEE IEc .9rn Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: l Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: adcW22l7l,i_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WaSHINGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #T6 Northwest Cascade, Inc' ("Contractor") NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : th May 5, 202O This change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the partiei, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall providJ all iabor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to : Removed and/or replace railroad markings at James. st' between 2nd AvenueN.andcentralAvenue,EastValleyHighwaybetweens'187th street and s. 1g0th street, Smith street between 1st Avenue N. and Railroad Avenue N., Willis street between 1st Avenue S' and 2nd Avenue s., west Valley Highway between s' 220th street and S' 228th street' and 64th Avenue s. oet*u"n s. 228th Street and s. 226th street per washington utilities and Transportation commission's Defective Notice' Z. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: $4,472,667.25Original Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable WSST) alternates and $179,632.57Net Change bY Previous (inct. applicable WSST) Change Orders $4,652,299.82Current Contract Amou cl. Previous Change Orders) nt (in $34,737.88Current Change Order $0.00Applicable WSST Tax on Order this Change $4,687,037.70Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 120 working daYsOriginal Time (inseft date) for ComPletion 53 working daYs prior Change Orders (insert date) letion underRevised Time for Comp 14 calendar daysDays()Chan rdo ere+r histredfo IRCuq 187 working daysRevised Time for ComP (insert date) letion InaccordancewithSectionsL-o4.4and1-04.5oftheKentandWSDoTStandard specifications, and section VII of tn. ngiu"ment, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing berow. l,rro, pursuant to tne above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any prote,sa.,, t*'-#v! regardil; il; CnulOg. order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order .onriitrt"s fi-nal r"itt.r"nt or alt claims of any kind or nature arising from or connectid with any work either.ou"r"a or affected by this change order, including' without limitation, claims related to contract time, contiact acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or rost profits. rhis chJng; oio"r, uni"ss otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compriance *ilrr the guarantee anc warranty provisions of the original contract, particulaity those pertaining to substantial completion date' A, acts consistent with the authority of the Agreem_ent, previous change orders (if any)' and this change order, prior to thl effective oate of tnis cnahge order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previour iiurg"brdirs (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied' The parties whose names appear -belo.w swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, wrriin is binding on the pafties of this contract' 3. The contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent *iift tn" revised contract sum shown in section 2' above' INWlTNEss,thepartiesbetowhaveexecutedthisAgreement'whichwill becomeeffectiveonthelastdatewrittenbelow. Print Name: Chad Bieren, P'E' CITY OF KENT: Publi cW r DATE: Its Di (tirte) (signature) CONTRACTOR: (titte) Its DATE: Print Name: CHANGE ORDER .2 OF 3 Kent Law DePartment RMFOTOASAPPROVED if required)Mayorb signature(appllcableATTEST: Kent City Clerk h lln thls fi€ld, yo! may enterthe electbnic fllePath where the contrad has been savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KENTW"5"'*6'O'CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. IX construction Engineering Division - Public works Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: File No. 2OO.2 rb 19-3006 N/A Northwest Cascade Project: 76th Av S ImProvements Project Engineer: Mark Madfai Capital Projects phil McConnellMat Date: Various I Pro sed Chan e and S 226th Ea Vst a etranAV YnacdeNVnn2AdSteseebetwaJmnisRRaMrkdnoraceovedmaIRerepbst eenetwNVWsRaroaAdVAaNdnt1nsttiSthetweebSmh0tastdn1S9Sen817thSt,etwb e 8th22SA4thSVbetween6nda2SBth2Sn22h0tStSt,betwe eWsteVan2AdSVeyVAaSdn,st II. Reason and Bac round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS f ruotaPPlicable Markings were removed and replaced several Railroadrtation Commision),hington Utilities and TransPoPer UTC's Defective Notice (Was Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Qtv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 1 move a roa a g per UTC's Defective Notice 1 LS $34,737.88 $34,737.88 $ $ New Pay Items Total: $34t737,88 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9'5 ptrtotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem $ Page 1 $ Delete Existing PaY ltems Total: $ TNCREASE/DECREASE TO EXTSTTNG PAY rTEM(S)[ ruot applicable Sch No.Bid ftem No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Tota l:$ *ToTAL ESTIMATED cosT oF CHANGE oRDER:737.A4 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS L7LPrevious Total:t4Due This Ghange Order:120Original Contract: kianWorforndAditio ng DaysstufiocatianatJon/Ex p *TOTAL WORKING DAYS:185 x This Change Order * Previous Total Date: q Date: Capital Projects Manager: Construction Engineering Supervisor: Construction Manager: itM n ul Kue ne ric Connor Date:,l Page 2 Per Apply A Line QuoteRR Markings Request IIPlastic RR Markings L2Removal of Existing Marking 1Plastlc:Stop Bars : 48Per Apply A Line QuoteRR Markings Request IIIRemobRemoval of Existing MarkingW Valley added removal o/o addecAdded RR Marking:Adj TotalsQtyUnitEALSLFUnit Price1350400812.5Total16200400802020895029750.37950297531015,9612olo mark uP 3721'915Grand total for Remaining RR Markings 34737.88215005490.96Was agifRd to PAY..Pg-bfd'i -rnpriding27090.964LSLS119502975 .APPLY.A-LINE, LLC 175 Roy Rd SW Bldg C Pacific WA 98047 ret: isl -zgg-t200 Fax: 253'299'1250 mail@applyalide-com LIC- # APPLYLL834OJ PROPOSAL ATTENTION: PROJEGT: BID DATE: CLINT- NWCASCADE 76TH AVE RXR CROSSING 6t1412021 1.00 48.00 BID 1350.00 4008.00 12.50 BID # OTY Itfi -lma fruao -46.,2ffifrr. l\83-tJ l aD1L\"f'r* e-a $ --2trS0€r.06 +483/.8 "22#ta0 PTASTIC RXR CROSSING SYMBOLS nllaovnl oF ExlsrlNe MARKINGS b'iqblic s- p r-truE-uocnrloNs wHERE No RXR ls NEEDED s $ EA LS LF WVallevremovaladjustment(adjustmentSpreadsheet) 4008+i+99.1 =5491.10 TOTAL STIPUI,.ATIONS: THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNIW TO AUOTE THIS PROJECT WITH YOUR COMPANY SINCERELY, .ot,,^.& /\ * MIKE ''SUS" SUSNER ESTIMATOR 1. GENEML CoNTMCTOR TO PROVIDE ll{flc GoNTROL 2. GENERAL COr\rrnqcrSii io biiovibi pne_urrulr"rnni MARKING FoR srRlPlNG LAYOUT 3. Tr.rs p RoposAL To eE'l'lr'cru oiD wlrH c€NTRAcr Docu M ENTS i. sinNeiifitte gtoo,oo PER HouR PER PERS9N 5. WHEN PROJECTS nne iri'diHnr'r s ro'oouoo -APPLY-A-LINE REOUESTS A PURGHASE oriogCir,r LIEU oFA FoRMAL suBcoNTRAcr' BOND NOT INCLUDED PRICES INCLUDE MATERIAL' INSTALIATION & INSURANCE. PRICES GOOD IF CONTRACT IS RECEIVED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF AWARD. AFTER 30 DAY8 PRICES ilIUST BE RENEGOTIATED. APPLY.A.LINE, LLC 1?5 Roy Rd SV/Bldg C Pacific WA 98047 rey isl-zgg-t200 Far 253'299-1250 mail@applyaline.com LIC- # APPLYLLS34OJ PROPOSAL ATTENTION: PROJEGT: BID DATE: ALL GENERAL CONTRACTORS 76TH AVE SO IMP' 7t2712021 TOTALPLAN QTY BID BID REMOB FOR STOP LINE REMOVAL'7119121 iiEiiii6iiior nxn a sroP LrNEs oN 64rH AvE s STIPULATION$; THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNIW TO QUOTE THIS PROJECT WITH YOUR COMPANY SINCERELY, 1. GENERAL CONTRAGTOR TO PROVIDE 1llrllc coNTRoL 2. GENEML CONTRACT6ii iO bTiOVIPC PNT_I'ITVTIUNNi MARKING FOR STRIPING LAYOUT 3. THIS PROPOSALTO AE'I'NbIUDiO WITH-COruTRACT DOCUMENTS +. iiir-uavirui Eroo-oo PER HouR PER PERsoil 5. WHEN PROJECTSAN- .,'IiiNTI S TO'OOOOO-APPLY.A-LINE REOUESTSA PURCHASE orioEC ir.r r-iiu or A FoRMAL suBcoNTmcr' BOND NOT INCLUDED ll # l--n*&- MIKE ''SUS" 1.00 1.00 PRICES INCLUDE MATERIAL' INSTALLATION & INSURANCE. PRICES GOOD IF CONTRACT IS RECEIVED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF AWARD. AFTER 80 DAY$ PRICES I',IUST BE RENEGOTIATED. LS LS 950.00 $ 2975.00 $ 950.00 2,575.00 $ 3,925,00TOTAL SUSNER ESTIMATOR McConnell, Phil From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Connor, Eric Friday, June 25, 2021 6:44 AM McConnell, Phil FW: Crossing Defect Notice crossing Defect Notice-06-2 4-2021.pdf;872094K (1).JPG; 872094K (2))PG; 872094K (:).lpc;-azzO94K (5).JPG; 872Os4K(6)'JPG; 872094K (7)'JPG our UTC inspector found something erse. west Vatey between 220th and zzBth' The crossing is out of service. The signs and pavement marrings need to 6" ."ro,r"a, nrrourdt wit take care of the signs but we have 12 (4set of 3) RXR pavement m-arkings that need io be removed' Can you help us out? Eric Connor I Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 I Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PLU;\$H COI'ISI$ER l'fi* [FtVI]lSNMf Ft'l- sEr:Ofdu FRTNT]SG 1t-l!S E-g'IACL From: Brown, Rob <RBrown@kentwa'gov> Sent: ThursdaY, June 24,202t 5:49 PM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> Cc: Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: Crossing Defect Notice EriC, From: McMahon, And rew (UTC) <andrew'mcmahqn @uLE'wa'gqv> Sent: ThursdaY, June 24,202t17:06 To: Bieren, Chad <eBieren@kentwa'gol> cc: B rown, non . Bs ril6l.nt*a;qu>; Howlett' M a rk <M Howf ett@kentwa'sov> Subject: Crossing Defect Notice Attachedisadefectnoticeforcrossing gTzog4K.preaserespondwithacorrectiondateandphotosofthedefect corrections. lf you have any questions' please let me know' Andy McMahon G rade Crossing SPecialist (360) s22-0694 And rew. McMahon@ utc'wa'gov Utilities and Transportation Commission Respect. Professionalism. lntegrity' Accountability www.utc.wa.gov 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL IIH & UTC {clehratre *ide 2 McConnell, Phil From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Phil and Jamie, -Rob Brown, Rob Monday, )une 21,2021 2:10 PM Monica Rose; McConnell, Phil Kuehne, Paul; Preston, Erik; Connor, Eric RE: Railroad Marking LaY Out June 202'l Crossing Defect Notice'pdf The attached pDF show the work and rocations for the rairroad crossing pavement marking changes me know if you have any questions. I can meet you at any of the locations to discuss' phil - chad wants the items in red text charged to the Quiet Zone project - 10-3028 Let Rob Brown, P.E., Transportation Engineering Manager Transportation Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 pnene-zs++ss'+s++ | Cell 2O6- 47 5-4945 RBrown@KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentwA.qov E?cebo-oK i'"'i'ii'i'i;:l" YouTube PLSI\SE C$I{STSSR T}{fl ENVII{ONMENT SSP$$A PRgP'dTlI'fG YHY$ €-MAIL Please note: I am working remotely for the time being Please call my cell phone if you need to speak to me From: Monica Rose <jecboffice@gmail'com> Sent: WednesdaY, June 16, 2021' 13:58 To: Preston, Erik <EPreston@kentwa'gov> Cc: Brown, Rob < RBrown @ ke ntwa'gov>; Kueh ne' Pa ul <PKuehne @ kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: Railroad Marking Lay Out Thanks, I was hoPing to get out there withyouguystogetclarificationiflhadanyquestions'lwillswingthruandlook *ffi;::[],. r,u, this on their schedure for Jury !,2, and6 so r assume phir wiil be back bv then and will answer anv of our questions OnWed,Jun16,2O2I,L:ASPMPreston'ErikcEPreston@kentwa'eov>wrote: Yes, we finished marking them this morning' I thou.ght you Were cc'd,on'the email where he said that, I aporogize if it missed you. Rou too* some pnoto, or ouiruir.i"gr and wit be sending them out soon if I understood him correctlY' EXTERNAL EMAIL Rob, please cc on Your summary From: Monica Rose <iecboffice@gmail'com> Sent: WednesdaY, June 16, 20219:18 AM To: Preston, Erik <EPreston @ kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: Railroad Marking Lay Out onMon,Jun14,2021",Io:SoAMPreston,Erik<EPreston@kentwa.gov>wrote Jamie, Right now I,m hoping to do this on Wednesday, late morning, when Rob istack in the office' It appears that the marking rocltions may need i" o" r"lr-standard arz'to the euiet zone or other requirements that I'm not aware "], si.v iuneo, this will depend on Rob's availability' Thanks, LTIK From: Monica Rose <iecboffice@gmail'com> Sent: MondaY, June t4,202t 10:L7 AM To: Preston, Erik <EPreston@kentwa'gov> Cc: Kueh ne, Pa ul <PKuehne@kentwa'gov>; Barry' Jason <J Barrv@ kentwa'gov> Subject: Railroad Marking LaY Out I crn you let me know what day you plan to do the Railroad marking layout? t r wourd rike to get up there when you mark them out so r can be crear of the locations since it sounds like they are ,differentfromtheStandardSpecslayoutlocations 2 EXTERNAL EMAIL EXTERNAL EMAIL Thanks Jamie Hicks 3 18800 Block of East Valley Highway DOT TOT32BJ 1, Remove existing RXR Pavement markings. 2. Install new RXR Pavement markings Per Kent Standard Plan 6-78. Locate center of "X" at location of crossing warning sign' S18 St 3. Install new RXR Pavement markings Per Kent Standard Plan 6-78. Locate center of "X" at location of crossing warning sign' 4. Remove existing RXR Pavement markings. GENERAL NOTES: Items in red text are to be charged to the Quiet Zone Project: 10-3028' ( I -g n";?r! .. Image Source: Kent GIS s 190 St a: EVH looking south a t crossing EVH looking north at cross James St 2nd Ave N to Central Ave DOT OB5629K CJ :N lames St () 'EL-pc UU U ]f {Dot- 'fi1 d. a) r{ Image Source: Kent GIS l-. Irrstail new RXR paveme llt rnar[<lng;3 per [{ent Stanclard Plan e "":g, Leieate eenten of "X" '*t location n"larlcerJ on Pavement' 2. ltcnrorre existing RXR parrern*rtt rnaricirtgs' 3, Refresh stop line in existing location' 4" Remove existing sleiP line" 5. Irrstall n€w 24'" stop llne as markeel c''n pavemertt 6, Renlcve existirrg lt")(R pavernent rnaricings' l. Insti:li new [tXR pavernenl marl<ing$ per Kent Stanelarel Ple n 6-18. L*cate center of "X" fiL !eication r:f crr:ssing warrring sigt"t " ''t''4t t l !.1 i .",:.J .!: I ,i ."-..:ii :'| 'e. -;" '1t -, I ,,,:] jam"s looking east at crossing I ffi# :;::,1'..;, .,, at crossingwesto t j I ) I eaJ 6 1 4 5 J 1 ) L James looking west at crossing oki ng Smith St znd Ave N to Central Ave DOT 085633A (u Nk o Image S ource: Kent GIS 1. Refresh existing RXR pavement markings' 2. Remove existing stoP line' 3. Install new 24" stop line as marked on pavement' 4, Refresh existing stoP line' 5. Remove existing RXR pavement markings' 5'InstallnewRXRpavementmarkingsperKent itandard Plan O-lg' Locate center of "X" at location marked on Pavement' Smith St 0, 6l- CoU32 cro Smith looking w est at crossing Willis St znd Ave N to Centra I Ave DOT OB564OK Willis St '.:' i, . ,ti'.'u. :^ :,! i ;,:i.:11r",;-*;V|!in' t-.k43q '(r-1:.. .,iif .: 7. r....a ';J -:-it.3:trlrt_.a fir,t :d a, AJ {o 1--+Jc 0) L.) ir : : i. I : I '!'; ':i CJ tfcN F+_ t lI': i.i:.'l ': ._4..,. '-{ Image Source: Kent GIS ].'InstallnewRXRpavementrrrarkingsperKent Standard Plan ft-lA' Locate center of "X" at location marked on Pavement" 2. Remove existirrg RXR pavement marl<lnqs' 3' Instail new 24'' stop line as marked on ;:avement 4, Rernove existing stoP line' 5, Install new 24" stop line as marked on pavement 6, Rernove existing stoP line' 7, Remove existing RXR pavenrent markings" S"InstallnewRXRpaveffientmarkingsperKent Standarcl plan 6-78' Loeate center of "X" at location marked on Pavement Willis looking west at crossing n sCTOSSwest 5 6 7 B 1 3 4 1 Willis look ng