HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-030 - Amendment - #1 - King County Solid Waste Division - King County, Waste Reduction and Recycling (WRR) Grant - 08/06/2021ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Mayor or Designee Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received: City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed: Mayor’s Office City Clerk’s OfficeAgreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Local Business? Yes No* Business License Verification: If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Yes In-Process Exempt (KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 20210513 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management (Optional) Basis for Selection of Contractor: * Memo to Mayor must be attached Termination Date: Authorized to Sign: CAG2021-415 $7bb0067e7e58$6C9EF19067244FE590BAC4B79A22C6B8.doc, Rev 08/17/05 CONTRACT AMENDMENT Project Name: Interagency Agreement for 2021 and 2022 Between King County and the City of Kent Contractor: City of Kent Contract No.: 6203483 Address: 220 4th Avenue, South Amendment Date : 8/6/2021 Kent, WA 98032 Amendment No.: 1 Amendment No. 1 is issued to Amend the Interagency Agreement for 2021 and 2022 Between King County and the City of Kent as follows: 1. The attached Exhibit A Scope of Work and Budget is incorporated into this Amendment by this reference. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. IN WITNESS HEREOF, THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE CAUSED THIS AMENDMENT TO BE EXECUTED AND INSTITUTED WHEN COUNTERSIGNED BY COUNTY. King County, Washington City of Kent By By Pat D. McLaughlin, Division Director Title Dana Ralph, Mayor Solid Waste Division For Dow Constantine, King County Executive Date Date DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 Sep 22, 2021Sep 27, 2021 1 Exhibit A King County Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program City of Kent - 2021-2022 Scope of Work A. Basic Information 1. City of Kent 2. Grant Project Manager: Tony Donati, Conservation Coordinator City of Kent 220 4th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032-5895 TEL – c: (206) 867-2739 o: (253) 856-5589 FAX - (253) 856-6500 Email – tdonati@kentwa.gov Grant Contract Signer: Dana Ralph, Mayor City of Kent 220 4th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032-5895 TEL: 253-856-5700 FAX: 253-856-6700 Email: dralph@kentwa.gov 3. 2021-2022 Budget: $179,449.00 B. Scope of Work Task One: Recycling Collection Events A) Schedule – Events will be held each March, June, and October, 2021-2022 B) Activities • Total Number of Recycling Collection Events – Six (6) • Materials to be collected: • Appliances • Batteries • Household • Lead Acid • Bulky Yard Debris* • Cardboard • CFC Appliances • Concrete, Asphalt, Rock, and Brick** • Electronics • Mattresses • Porcelain Toilets and Sinks • Propane Tanks • Reusable Household Goods • Textiles • Scrap Metal • Ferrous DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 2 • Non-ferrous • Scrap Wood* • Shredding • Styrofoam • Tires (March & October collection) * Collected in March ** Collected in June and October • The following educational materials will be distributed: • Information on City recycling programs • Educational materials produced by King County Solid Waste Division and Hazardous Waste Management Program • Other educational materials as appropriate • Event Promotion: • Recycle event flyer will be posted on City website: KentWA.gov/TalkingTrash, detailing what residents can bring and giving credit to granting agencies funding the events. • Notices included in: • Event flyer mailed to 63,000 homes • City & Reporter Newspaper calendars • Kent Social Media (Facebook/Twitter) • Event flyer sent to Coordinators for distribution to: o Neighborhood Councils o Various email lists • Event flyers in brochure racks at Senior Center, Kent Commons, City Hall, and Centennial Center (once re-opened) • Event posted on King County website • Event dates included on Republic Services’ annual calendar distributed to residents C) Performance Objectives: The City will promote the recycling events to Kent single-family and multi-family residents in a variety of ways to ensure a good turnout, and contract with knowledgeable, experienced contractors to assist residents attending the events. In return, the City anticipates collecting 275-300 tons material from the local waste stream each year. Benefits of diverting these recyclables from the waste stream include: ❑ Saving limited space in our area’s last remaining landfill for actual garbage ❑ Conserving natural resources as collected materials are made into new products ❑ Saving water and energy that would otherwise have been used in extraction of raw materials and in manufacturing In the case of moderate risk waste, collecting and recycling this material helps protect health, the environment and wildlife from potential damage. The King County’s Hazardous Waste Program and Washington State Department of Ecology help pay to collect these materials. D) Impact Objectives DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 3 By providing convenient and free collection at the March, June and October Recycling Events, not only does it provide equity for all, but Kent residents can help reduce the amount of environmentally damaging materials from finding their way to King County’s last remaining landfill, local storm drains and waterways, and vacant properties. With a population of approximately 135,000 residents, the City of Kent has experienced increased volumes in residents attending recent recycling events. The City anticipates this trend to continue with approximately 3,000 households participating each year, resulting in approximately 300 tons of materials diverted from the waste stream for recycling per event. In addition to diverting materials from the waste stream, attracting residents to these ever-popular events provides an opportunity to distribute educational material on City and King County recycling programs, enhancing their knowledge and improving behavior in purchasing, handling, and disposal of recyclable materials. E) Evaluation Event reports will include: • Number of vehicles attending • Volume of each material collected • Event costs • Event summary write up Task Two: Mini Neighborhood Recycling Collection Events A) Schedule: In compliance with county and environmental regulations conduct ten – sixteen mini collection recycling events between 2021-2022. B) Activities: • Materials to be collected: • Batteries • Household • Lead acid • Cardboard • Electronics • Mattresses • Propane tanks • Shredding • Event Promotion: • Mini recycle event flyer will be posted on City website: KentWA.gov/TalkingTrash, detailing what residents can bring and giving credit to granting agencies funding the events. • Notices included in: • City Community Calendar • Kent Social Media (Facebook/Twitter) • Advertised in the Mayor’s weekly newsletter • Event flyer sent to Coordinators for distribution to: o Neighborhood Councils o Various email lists C) Performance Objectives: DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 4 The City will promote these mini recycling events to Kent single-family and multi- family residents in a variety of ways to ensure a good turnout, and contract with knowledgeable, experienced contractors to assist residents attending the events. In return, the City anticipates collecting 50 tons material from the local waste stream each year. Benefits of diverting these recyclables from the waste stream include: ❑ Saving limited space in our area’s last remaining landfill for actual garbage ❑ Conserving natural resources as collected materials are made into new products ❑ Saving water and energy that would otherwise have been used in extraction of raw materials and in manufacturing In the case of moderate risk waste, collecting and recycling this material helps protect health, the environment and wildlife from potential damage. The King County’s Hazardous Waste Program and Washington State Department of Ecology help pay to collect these materials. D) Impact Objectives By providing convenient and free mini neighborhood collection events throughout the year, not only does it provide equity for all, but Kent residents can help reduce the amount of environmentally damaging materials from finding their way to King County’s last remaining landfill, local storm drains and waterways, and vacant properties. These events will also reach a different population due to their smaller nature, variety of locations and days on which they will be held. These events are also intended to reduce the amount of congestion we traditionally see at our regular larger events. With a population of approximately 135,000 residents, the City of Kent has experienced increased volumes in residents attending recent recycling events. The City anticipates approximately 1,000 - 1,500 households to participate each year, resulting in approximately 10-15 tons of materials diverted from the waste stream for recycling per event. In addition to diverting materials from the waste stream, attracting residents to these new events provides an opportunity to distribute educational material on City and King County recycling programs, enhancing their knowledge and improving behavior in purchasing, handling, and disposal of recyclable materials. E) Evaluation Event reports will include: • Number of vehicles attending • Volume of each material collected • Event costs • Event summary write up Task Three: Waste Reduction within Senior Living Facilities A) Schedule: 2021-2022 B) Activities: Tasks will include creating a relationship and educating senior living facility management and key staff, providing outreach, presentations, and technical assistance where needed. A consultant will coordinate with senior living facility management and hauler to assist interested companies promoting reducing waste DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 5 by increasing recycling and implementing food waste disposal to tenants and property owners/managers. The City will: • Distribute educational information for managers to assist them in setting up successful programs and tenant outreach. • Distribute kitchen counter top food waste containers, recycling signs, educational flyers (in multiple languages as available) and convenient storage/tote bags to encourage proper recycling of materials, reducing contamination and promoting food waste. • Provide on-site waste consultations and follow-up assistance on request. • Distribute info on City Recycling Events for large bulky items. C) Performance Objectives: The population in senior living facilities (multifamily) is often overlooked. These facilities comprise a fair number of businesses in Kent. In the fairness of equity, it is critical to provide outreach and technical assistance to this population to guarantee success and build upon the improvements to their respective recycling programs. D) Impact Objectives: With program promotion and technical assistance, Kent multifamily residents will have better knowledge of recycling. By recycling more, City senior living facility properties can reduce the amount of material ending up in the local landfill. E) Evaluation: Reports will include: • Excel spreadsheet of outreach provided to senior living facilities to include contact information, summary of assistance provided and results. Information will include the estimated impacts to the waste stream resulting from assistance provided. • Summary calculation of changes and improvements made to each facility’s recycling volumes. Task Four: Increased Education Promoting Washington State’s Latex Paint EPR Program A) Schedule: 2021-2022 B) Activities: In order to support Washington State’s new extended producer responsibility (EPR) law for latex paint the City will work with residents and businesses assisting and promoting the new policy and ensuring latex paint is properly being disposed of and recycled. C) Performance and Impact Objectives: The goal of this program is to ensure residents are aware of the new Washington State EPR for latex paint and can successfully find local outlets to recycle their paint. By ensuring latex paint is being recycled it removes associated items such as paint cans, paint, and thickeners out of the County’s last remaining landfill. The City DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 6 will work with the people at PaintCare Washington and fill in any gaps to educate residents on how to safely and successfully recycle their paint within the new state law through social media, flyers, mailers, posters, website updates. D) Evaluation: Report any feedback/comments received from recipients. Task Five: Grant Administration The City will perform the following: • Track project expenses; • Provide ongoing grant administration through the completion of the tasks, as outlined in this Scope of Work; • Prepare reports for the grant program; and • Prepare final report. Task Six: Purchase and Distribute Reusable Water Bottles A) Schedule: 2021-2022 B) Activities: The city will purchase high quality, insulated, stainless steel water bottles and distribute them to residents C) Performance and Impact Objectives: The city of Kent has one of the highest quality drinking water in the area. Within this budget timeframe, Kent will begin a campaign promoting “Kent Water” and its quality to residents. Residents will understand that the water that comes from their tap is just as high in quality as water from bottles they purchase at the store. The city will purchase and distribute these high quality, insulated, stainless steel water bottles with the “Kent Water” brand/logo on them to residents with the goal to reduce the amount of water bottles being purchased from the store and thrown away into King County’s last remaining landfill. Each time one of the reusable water bottle is refilled it saves one to two plastic water bottles from being purchased and improperly disposed of. D) Evaluation: There are many facts about the benefits of reusing water bottles. They can save an individual money and help the environment. When only 1 in 4 plastic water bottles are recycled, reducing the amount of plastic is important. Knowing an individual should drink roughly 4 water bottles worth of water a day, for proper hydration, that person would be saving 1,460 plastic water bottles per year by using a reusable bottle. The city will report on the number of water bottles distributed and any feedback/comments received from recipients. DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 7 Task Seven: Solid Waste Professional Development and Education for Staff The city will utilize grant dollars to continually educate staff on current matters regarding solid waste and waste reduction. Professional development and staying updated on the latest trends in solid waste and waste reduction and recycling are of the upmost importance. The city will utilize grant dollars to continually educate staff on these matters by: • Becoming a WSRA member • Attending the WSRA annual conference • Registering for other appropriate educational trainings through the WSRA, SWANA, and other opportunities that may become available. Task Eight: Purchase Compostable Plates, Cups, and Utensils A) Schedule: 2021-2022 B) Activities: The city will purchase compostable plates, cups, and utensils for staff to utilize to reduce the amount of non-recyclable, single use plastics during staff lunches or celebrations. C) Performance and Impact Objectives: The city of Kent understands the importance of waste reduction and extending the life of King County’s last remaining landfill. The city has been composting food waste within city facilities for over a decade now. By continuing to purchase compostable plates, cups, and utensils for staff use it not only saves our landfill, but it also educates the user of the product. The city purchases clearly labeled compostable items (including brown paper plates and brown colored utensils.) This odd color signifies something is different to the user and they are more cautious to ensure it can go into the correct receptacle. DocuSign Envelope ID: C5F93B4C-335F-4DCD-9164-87531F23A524 Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: C5F93B4C335F4DCD916487531F23A524 Status: Completed Subject: WRR City of Kent Agreement; Amendment No.1; CPA 6203483 Source Envelope: Document Pages: 10 Signatures: 2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 6 Initials: 0 Maryela Medina AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 401 5TH AVE SEATTLE, WA 98104 mmedina@kingcounty.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 8/6/2021 2:28:29 PM Holder: Maryela Medina mmedina@kingcounty.gov Location: DocuSign Security Appliance Status: Connected Pool: FedRamp Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool: King County-Dept of Natural Resources-Solid Waste Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Lucy Auster lucy.auster@kingcounty.gov Project/Program Manager III KC_DNRP_SWD Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/6/2021 3:00:34 PM Viewed: 8/6/2021 3:12:43 PM Signed: 8/6/2021 3:12:52 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 3/30/2021 1:31:21 PM ID: 306650db-974e-4f79-ae65-b9089b50656d Josh Marx Josh.Marx@kingcounty.gov Environmental Prog. Mng Supv KC_DNRP_SWD Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/6/2021 3:12:53 PM Viewed: 8/9/2021 7:44:00 AM Signed: 8/9/2021 7:44:40 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jeff Gaisford Jeff.Gaisford@kingcounty.gov Recycling & Environ. Svcs Mgr KC_DNRP_SWD Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/9/2021 7:44:43 AM Viewed: 8/9/2021 11:39:48 AM Signed: 8/9/2021 11:41:08 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Jesse Gonzalez jesse.gonzalez@kingcounty.gov Finance Manager Carahsoft OBO King County ITD Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Completed Using IP Address: Sent: 8/9/2021 11:41:10 AM Viewed: 8/9/2021 12:21:46 PM Signed: 8/9/2021 12:21:53 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 5/4/2021 8:35:37 AM ID: 5502e29a-0ce6-466f-843c-912d18f30b5f Signer Events Signature Timestamp Dana Ralph dralph@kentwa.gov Mayor Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 8/9/2021 12:21:56 PM Viewed: 9/22/2021 10:45:02 AM Signed: 9/22/2021 10:45:08 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 9/22/2021 10:45:01 AM ID: 6a8efd0c-2de7-467f-b094-ffeeb1967970 Glynda Steiner gsteiner@kingcounty.gov Dep Div Dir-SWD KC_DNRP_SWD Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 9/22/2021 10:45:10 AM Viewed: 9/27/2021 3:11:43 PM Signed: 9/27/2021 3:21:04 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Tony Donati tdonati@kentwa.gov City of Kent Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 8/9/2021 12:21:55 PM Viewed: 8/9/2021 12:56:12 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Laila McClinton Laila.McClinton@kingcounty.gov King County Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None) Sent: 9/22/2021 10:45:10 AM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted: 4/2/2021 2:31:37 PM ID: 493e35d3-ecab-4d59-8cb1-b13235a4976d Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 8/6/2021 3:00:34 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 9/27/2021 3:11:43 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 9/27/2021 3:21:04 PM Completed Security Checked 9/27/2021 3:21:04 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, King County-ZZDepartmentTemplate 03 (we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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All notices and disclosures will be sent to you electronically Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 1/5/2021 8:49:30 AM Parties agreed to: Lucy Auster, Jesse Gonzalez, Dana Ralph, Laila McClinton Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide electronically to you through the DocuSign system all required notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you during the course of our relationship with you. To reduce the chance of you inadvertently not receiving any notice or disclosure, we prefer to provide all of the required notices and disclosures to you by the same method and to the same address that you have given us. Thus, you can receive all the disclosures and notices electronically or in paper format through the paper mail delivery system. If you do not agree with this process, please let us know as described below. 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