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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 12/01/2020 KENT CITY COUNCIL • COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE KENT SPECIAL MEETING WASH I NGTON Tuesday, December 1, 2020 4:00 PM THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING Due to COVID-19 and Health Safety Requirements, and by Order of the Governor THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING A live broadcast is available on Kent TV21,, and To listen to this meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 949 7046 2334 Mayor Dana Ralph Council President Toni Troutner Councilmember Bill Boyce Councilmember Marli Larimer Councilmember Brenda Fincher Councilmember Zandria Michaud Councilmember Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Les Thomas ************************************************************** Item Description Speaker 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Changes from Council, Administration, or Staff. 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Kent Correctional Facility Pharmacy Services Contract - Cmdr. Diane Authorize McCuistion B. Agreement with Summit Food Services for Inmate Food Cmdr. Diane Services at the City of Kent Corrections Facility - Authorize McCuistion C. West Hill Reservoir - Right-of-Way Dedication Correction Drew Holcomb Ordinance - Adopt D. INFO ONLY: Quiet Zone Update Rob Brown E. INFO ONLY: Transportation Master Plan Draft Policies and April Delchamps Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - December 1, 2020 Special Meeting Actions F. INFO ONLY: Transportation Master Plan Draft Project List April Delchamps G. Reappoint Jeff Piecewicz to the Public Facilities District Kurt Hanson Board - Authorize H. INFO ONLY: Meet Me on Meeker Update Hayley Bonsteel I. INFO ONLY: Third Quarter 2020 Investment Report Joe Bartlemay J. Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Michelle Ferguson Adjustments between October 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020 - Adopt K. Ordinance Authorizing the Transfer of Excess Local Paula Painter Improvement District Guaranty Funds to the General Fund - Adopt L. Payment of Bills - Authorize Paula Painter M. Amendments to Consultant Services Staffing Agreements - Brian Rambonga Authorize N. Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for Indigent Defense Lori Guilfoyle Services - Authorize O. Ordinance Amending KCC 13.01 and 14.01 - Building Steve Wilson Codes - Adopt Jon Napier P. INFO ONLY: Community Development Block Grant Dinah Wilson Coronavirus Funds (CDBG-CV) S. ADJOURNMENT NOTE:A copy of the full agenda is available in the City Clerk's Office and at Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at 253-856-5725. For TDD relay service, call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service 7-1-1. 4.A POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Police Chief 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-852-2121 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Kent Correctional Facility Pharmacy Services Contract - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents with Evergreen Pharmaceutical, LLC, doing business as Omnicare of Seattle, for pharmacy services, at the City of Kent Corrections Facility, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. SUMMARY: On January 1, 2021, the City of Kent Corrections Facility will be changing medical providers. As a result of this change, the City is in need of a supplier of pharmaceutical products prescribed to inmates. Omnicare has a previous working relationship with the City's new medical provider, Healthcare Delivery Systems, and was selected to facilitate a smooth transition of services. Under the contract, Omnicare will deliver over the counter and prescription medication to the Facility on a regularly scheduled basis and in emergencies. Drug prices under the contract are calculated using national price lists. For brand drugs the cost is Wholesale Acquisition Cost + 1%. For generic drugs the price is Average Wholesale Price -80%. The contract will be for a term of 1 year with the option to renew for a 3-year term. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pharmacy Products - Omnicare with Exhibits - DRAFT (PDF) Packet Pg. 3 4.A.a PHARMACY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT m N Parties: Community: City of Kent doing business as The City of Kent Corrections Facility `0 1230 Central Avenue South,Kent,WA 98032 s Q Pharmacy: Evergreen Pharmaceutical,LLC doing business as Omnicare of Seattle ' 12674 Gateway Drive South,Tukwila,WA 98168 0 L Commencement Date: December 1,2020 0 V Initial Term:December 15,2020 through December 14,2021 Subject to and in accordance with Applicable Law, during the term of this Agreement, commencing on the Commencement co Date and continuing through the Initial Term, as may be renewed hereunder, Community and Pharmacy hereby agree as follows: 0 E L 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PHARMACY t IL 1.1 Commencement Date and Delivery Date: From the Commencement Date through December 1, 2020 (the "Delivery Date"),Pharmacy may undertake preparatory servicing activities which may be necessary for Pharmacy to provide Pharmacy Products and Services as of the Delivery Date or as otherwise may be requested by Li Community prior to the Delivery Date. Such preparatory servicing activities may include, but are not limited to, 79 preparing cycle fill dispenses for delivery on or about the Delivery Date, profiling residents in Pharmacy's 0 dispensing system and providing fills and deliveries of medications requested by Community prior to the Delivery Date. L 0 1.2 General: Pharmacy shall provide Pharmacy Products and Services to Community and its residents and as are set forth on Exhibit A. m Y 1.3 Emergency Drug Services: Pharmacy shall provide any Pharmacy Product needed on an emergency basis as c promptly as is reasonably practicable,but at least within twelve(12)hours of notice.If permitted by applicable law N and requested by Community,Pharmacy shall provide,maintain and replenish, in a prompt and timely manner,but at least within twelve (12) hours of notice, an emergency drug supply ("E-Kit"). E-Kits shall be the property of LL Pharmacy. All withdrawals from E-Kits by Community personnel shall be pursuant to a valid physician order and shall be billed in accordance with Section 3. 1.4 Equipment: Pharmacy shall furnish, at its expense, equipment which Pharmacy determines is necessary and/or beneficial for its provision of Pharmacy Products and Services under this Agreement. Such equipment may include,but may not be limited to, a reasonable number of standard medication carts and facsimile machines. All w equipment so provided shall remain the property of Pharmacy. Community shall use any equipment furnished by Pharmacy only for Pharmacy-related business. Pharmacy will not provide any ancillary supplies relating to 3 equipment (e.g., paper, ink, toner cartridges, etc.) unless Community pays Pharmacy for the fair market value of L such supplies. .E 1.5 Dispensing: Medications will be provided in such fills as are determined by Pharmacy to be appropriate, unless OE Pharmacy and Community otherwise mutually agree. Any returns of medications and related credits, if any, shall be governed by Applicable Law and the Pharmacy's policies and procedures. 0 1.6 Consultant Services: When agreed to by Pharmacy and Community, Pharmacy shall provide the following o services ("Consultant Services"): (a) on-site or off-site review of resident's medication regimen by consultant a pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurses, or Pharmacy technician (b) consultation regarding the 0 disposal of medications, and/or(c) any other service to be performed on-site by consultant pharmacist, registered E nurse,licensed practical nurses,or Pharmacy technician at the request of Community. M z a 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMUNITY: Community shall: (a)implement Pharmacy's policies and procedures; (b)make available to Pharmacy adequate working and storage space to allow Pharmacy to perform its obligations under this Agreement; (c) give Pharmacy access to all reasonably required resident records; (d) promptly notify Pharmacy of any E changes in resident medication upon receipt of physicians' orders; (e)promptly notify Pharmacy of any room transfer or the Q Packet Pg. 4 4.A.a discharge of any resident; (f)provide Pharmacy with updated census information on a daily basis for each day during which there is a change in census information; and (g) provide such information and assistance to Pharmacy as Pharmacy may N reasonably request to aid Pharmacy in its efforts to obtain all resident acknowledgements,billing data and consents which are `o necessary for Pharmacy to timely and accurately perform billing services. Q 3. COMPENSATION,BILLING,COLLECTION AND PAYMENT TERMS ' 0 3.1 Compensation: 0 a Community-Pay Pa Products and Services and House Stock Fees. If applicable, Community shall V ( ) tY- Y pp tY y compensate Pharmacy for the Community-Pay Products and Services and House Stock at the rates specified in Schedule 3.1. In no event shall Pharmacy be obligated to provide Pharmacy Products and Services for which a payer has not been identified,or if Pharmacy reasonably believes that the identified payer would be i4) unable or unwilling to pay for such products and services. In the event the Pharmacy determines that the rates and pricing terms for Community-Pay Products and Services are less than Pharmacy's actual cost of M providing such products and services and/or the fair market value of such products and services, Pharmacy E may adjust the rates and pricing terms as specified in a written notice from Pharmacy to Community. t a Consultant Services Fees if requested by Community). If requested by Community, Community shall pay Pharmacy the Consultant Services Fees set forth on Schedule 3.1. All Consultant Services Fees shall U be subject to annual adjustment as specified in a written notice from Pharmacy to Community in the event U. that Pharmacy's actual cost of providing Consultant Services hereunder and/or the fair market value of any such Consultant Services exceeds such fee. o 3.2 Billing and Collection: Pharmacy shall bill and collect from private pay residents and third party payers, as appropriate, for Pharmacy Products and Services provided to private pay residents or to be reimbursed by third V party payers, respectively. As applicable, Pharmacy shall bill Community monthly for Community-Pay Products c and Services,Consultant Services, and House Stock,and other fees for which Community is responsible under this Y Agreement. 0 3.3 Payment Terms: Pharmacy shall submit a monthly invoice to Community by the tenth (loth) day of the month, N for, as applicable, Community-Pay Products and Services, Consultant Services, House Stock, and other fees for which Community is responsible under this Agreement,which were provided during, or relate to,the prior month. u_ Community shall remit payment in full within thirty (30) days of the date of such invoice. All payments by Community under this Agreement shall be made by check, wire transfer or electronic funds transfer. Payment by credit card will not be accepted. If any charges are not paid by Community when due, Pharmacy may assess interest on the unpaid amount at the rate of one and five-tenths percent(1.5%)per month or, if less,the maximum rate allowed by Applicable Law. w 3.4 Payment Disputes: Community shall notify Pharmacy of any amounts in dispute within thirty (30) days of the date of an invoice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Community shall pay all charges on the applicable invoice in 3 accordance with the payment terms specified in Section 3.3. 0 U 4. TERM AND TERMINATION E O 4.1 Duration: The term of this Agreement shall commence as of the Commencement Date,and shall continue through w the expiration of the Initial Term, unless sooner terminated as herein provided. Upon the expiration of the Initial Term(and each renewal term),the term of this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for an additional term of three (3) years unless either party shall have given written notice of non-renewal to the other party not less than 0- forty-five 45 days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or an renewal term then in effect as applicable. a ( ) Y p p� Y � PP M 4.2 Default and Termination: E L M (a) In the event that Community fails to pay any invoice as provided in Section 3, Pharmacy, at its option with a ten (10) days advance written notice to Community, shall have the right to require Community to pay on a cash in advance basis for all Pharmacy Products and Services provided to Community at its expense until all of Pharmacy's invoices to Community are current according to their respective terms. In the event that t 0 Q 2 Packet Pg. 5 4.A.a Community fails to pay any invoice within ten (10) days after the due date, Pharmacy, at its option with three(3)days advance written notice to Community,shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. N 'L O (b) If either party materially defaults in any of its obligations under this Agreement (other than a default to which Section 4.2(a) applies), and such default is not cured within sixty (60) days following delivery of Q written notice from the non-defaulting party to the defaulting party(i) specifying such breach in reasonable detail, and(ii) expressly stating that such notice is a notice of breach pursuant to this Section 4.2, the non- 0 defaulting party may terminate this Agreement with thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other paw. 0 (c) The provisions of this Agreement shall survive the expiration or termination hereof to the extent necessary to protect the rights and remedies of Pharmacy with respect to any unpaid charges or fees relating to the ;11 period prior to the effectiveness of such expiration or termination. Upon expiration or termination of this i4) Agreement, Community shall return to Pharmacy, in good working condition, all equipment and other Pharmacy property provided to Community under this Agreement. M E L 5. COMPLIANCE WITH HEALTHCARE LAWS: Pharmacy and Community hereby covenant that in performing z their respective obligations under this Agreement, they will comply in all material respects with all applicable statutes, regulations, rules, orders, ordinances and other laws of any governmental entity to which this Agreement and the parties' obligations hereunder are subject with respect to healthcare regulatory matters including, without limitation, the Health U Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its implementing regulations. Pharmacy and Community hereby certify that U. they will not violate the Anti-Kickback Statute (42 U.S.C. §1320a-7b(b)) with respect to their performance under this 79 Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each party to an arrangement or transaction relating to CVS Health's o business line of institutional pharmacy services operations that is between Omnicare and any actual source of health care business or referrals to Omnicare and involves, directly or indirectly,the offer,payment, solicitation,or receipt of anything of t value and who meets the definition of a Covered Person under Omnicare's Corporate Integrity Agreement shall complete at V least one(1)hour of training regarding the Anti-Kickback Statute and examples of arrangements that potentially implicate the c Anti-Kickback Statute. CVS Health's Code of Conduct and Anti-Kickback Statute Policies and Procedures are available to Y Community at and 0 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties N hereto, and each of their respective successors and permitted assigns. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6, this agreement shall not be assigned,in whole or in part by any party hereto,without the prior written consent of the other party. Q (a) Upon the sale or disposition of the assets or operations of Community (a"Community Disposition"), which shall be deemed to include,but not be limited to,the assignment or other disposition of any leasehold interest w or operating agreement with respect to Community),Community shall(i)provide Pharmacy and Omnicare at least thirty(30) days advance written notice of such transaction, and(ii) assign and cause the assumption of E this Agreement (or cause any Person that purchases or otherwise acquires Community to enter into an w agreement with Pharmacy in form and substance identical to this Agreement) for the period from the effective date of such Community Disposition to the date of expiration of the then-current term of this 3 Agreement.Any failure of Community to comply with this subsection(a)shall constitute a material breach of L this Agreement. .E (b) Upon the sale or disposition of the assets or operations of Pharmacy, Pharmacy shall (i)provide Community E O at least ten (10) business days advance written notice of such transaction, and (ii) assign this Agreement to the Person that purchases or otherwise acquires Pharmacy. (c) Pharmacy may assign its rights and delegate its duties and obligations under this Agreement to any other o licensed entity which is owned, directly or indirectly, by Omnicare, provided that Community is within the a geographic service area of such assignee. M E 7. GENERAL: This Agreement and any amendments or addenda hereto or thereto constitute the entire agreement M between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous discussions, a representations,correspondence and agreements,whether oral or written,pertaining thereto. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a writing duly executed by both parties. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original,but all of which,when taken together,shall constitute one and the same agreement. E t Q 3 Packet Pg. 6 4.A.a 8. GOVERNING LAW&VENUE: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Washington.In the event of any court action which may be allowed by this Agreement,the venue of such shall be in the N Superior Court of King County,Washington,unless the Parties shall otherwise agree. `o s 9. INDEMNIFICATION/DUTY TO COOPERATE: Q (a) Pharmacy shall defend,indemnify and hold Community,its directors,officers,agents,and employees 0 harmless from and against any and all claims,actions,suits,liabilities,losses,expenses,damages,and judgments of any nature whatsoever,including reasonable costs and attorneys'fees in defense thereof,for o injury,sickness,disability,or death to persons or damage to property or business,arising in connection with V the work performed under this Contract,or caused or occasioned in whole or in part by reason of the presence of Pharmacy or its subcontractors or their property upon or in the proximity of the property of the Community.Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,Pharmacy shall indemnify,defend and hold co harmless Community from allegations that Community is vicariously liable for negligent acts of Pharmacy. M (b) Community shall defend,indemnify,and hold Pharmacy,its directors,officers,agents,and employees E harmless from and against any and all claims,actions,suits,liabilities,losses,expenses,damages,and M t judgments of any nature whatsoever,including reasonable costs and attorneys'fees in defense thereof for a injury,sickness disability,or death to persons or damage to property or business, arising out of or related to any alleged act or omission by Community employees. M LL (c) Pharmacy specifically and expressly waives its immunity and limitation of liability under any industrial 79 insurance,RCW 51,or other employee benefit act of any jurisdiction that otherwise would be applicable in c the defense of such claim,and Pharmacy acknowledges that this waiver was mutually negotiated in W accordance with RCW 4.24.115.In the event of an incident involving the performance of Services that could 2 L lead to a potential liability,Pharmacy agrees to work cooperatively with Community in its investigation and V mitigation efforts and Pharmacy shall make its employees available to Community.Pharmacy shall not take W any action to obstruct Community's investigation efforts.A breach of this Section shall be a material breach Y of the Agreement giving Community the right,at its option,to terminate the Agreement. 10. INSURANCE: N Pharmacy shall at its sole expense,maintain in effect at all times during the performance of work,insurance coverage withLL limits not less than those set forth below and issued by an insurance company or companies permitted to do business in the state of Washington: p (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance.Including limited contractual liability,in adequate quantity to � protect against legal liability arising out of contract activity but no less than$3 million per occurrence/$5 z million general aggregate.This limit requirement may be fulfilled by a combination of the general liability and excess liability policies. .3 (b) Professional Liability Errors and Omissions.A policy with coverage of not less than$3 million per claim/$6 L million general aggregate.This limit requirement may be fulfilled by a combination of the professional M liability and excess liability policies. c E Pharmacy recognizes that Community is self-insured,but Community represents to Pharmacy that is has coverage comparable O to that set forth below: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance.Including limited contractual liability,in adequate quantity to p protect against legal liability arising out of contract activity but no less than$3 million per occurrence/$5 a million general aggregate.This limit requirement may be fulfilled by a combination of the general liability and excess liability policies. M E L M (Signature page to follow) a c m E Q 4 Packet Pg. 7 4.A.a m N The undersigned represent that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom they sign; `o and such party shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Q City of Kent doing business as The City of Kent Corrections Facility ' v 0 By: c 0 Name and Title: V m Date: m CO Evergreen Pharmaceutical,LLC doing business as Omnicare of Seattle 0 E L By: t a Name and Title: Date: Ui c 0 m L L 0 Y 0 u� N H LL a 0 x w z .3 m L M V E O �y+ V 0 L a 0 M E L M M IL c m E 0 Q 5 Packet Pg. 8 4.A.a EXHIBIT A m N Definitions Lo s Capitalized terms used in this Agreement and not otherwise defined shall have the following meanings: Q "Pharmacy Products": Prescription and nonprescription pharmaceutical products. 0 M L "Pharmacy Products and Services": (a) provision of Pharmacy Products and related services, (b) delivery of Pharmacy 0 Products to Community pursuant to the Delivery Schedule set forth on Schedule 3.1, or as otherwise mutually agreed by the N parties; (c) provision of House Stock to Community upon request; (d) labelling all Pharmacy Products; (e) maintaining a drug profile on each Community resident serviced by Pharmacy; (f) provision of computerized Physician Order Sheets, .2 Medication Administration Records and Treatment Records to Community upon request. i4) "House Stock": nonprescription and prescription medications not for any particular resident which are provided by 0 Community at its expense. E M t "Community-Pay Products and Services": Pharmacy Products and Services provided by Pharmacy at the expense of a Community. "Consultant Services Fees":the fees set forth on Schedule 3.1 for consultant services provided by Pharmacy personnel as set Li forth in Section 1.6 and Schedule 3.1. 79 c 0 "AWP" shall mean average wholesale price as reported by such third-party pricing service (e.g., First DataBank or Medi- Span)as Pharmacy may utilize from time-to-time;provided,that if AWP is no longer reported by a third-party pricing service L acceptable to Pharmacy, or is modified so as to no longer represent the same percentage of the WAC or equivalent prices 0 published by manufacturers that applied under the third-party pricing service used by Pharmacy prior to such modification or cessation of publication,Pharmacy may amend this Agreement with written notice to Community to substitute another pricing Y measure that is then in use generally in the pharmacy industry, and/or make any modifications to the pricing formulas hereunder which Pharmacy reasonably determines may be necessary to prevent such change from having an economic effect c on the pricing under this Agreement. N "WAC" shall mean wholesale acquisition cost as reported by such third-party pricing service (e.g., First DataBank or Medi- LL Span)as Pharmacy may utilize from time to time;provided that if WAC is no longer reported by a third-party pricing service acceptable to Pharmacy, or is modified so as to result in a change in the parties' relative economic positions under this Agreement, Pharmacy may amend this Agreement with written notice to Community to substitute another pricing measure rn that is then in use generally in the pharmacy industry,and/or make any modifications to the pricing formulas hereunder which Pharmacy reasonably determines may be necessary to prevent such change from having an economic effect on the pricing z under this Agreement. i j z .3 m L M V E O �y+ V 0 L IL M E L M IL c m E 0 Q 6 Packet Pg. 9 4.A.a Schedule 3.1(PSA): City of Kent doing business as The City of Kent Corrections Facility Proposal ID: 53728 PHARMACY PRODUCTS AND SERVICESN NON IV'S AND NON TPNS L. Community Pricing Contract Terms(Patient Specific)-Rx Brands(All Except IV&TPN): WAC+1%+$2.00 S Community Pricing Contract Terms(Patient Specific)-Rx Generics(All Except IV&TPN): AWP-80%+$2.00 M 7 Community Pricing Contract Terms(Patient Specific)-OTC Brands(All Except IV&TPN): WAC+10%+$1.99 Q Community Pricing Contract Terms(Patient Specific)-OTC Generics(All Except IV&TPN): AWP-50%+$1.99 House Stock: (B)WAC+12.5%(G)AWP-35% Minimums-Rx(Fee per Fill): None Minimums-OTC(Fee per Fill): None yLi Controlled Substance Fee(Schedules 2,3,4,5)(Fee per Fill(Additional to Dispensing Fee)): None Compound Fee Non-Infusion(Fee per Fill(Additional to Dispensing Fee)): None V Scheduled Deliveries Per Day: 1 fn Dispensing Fee Application: Fee for Every Fill d Dispensing Fee on E-Kit/ADU?: Yes(Fee Applies) V Restocking Fee(Rx Specific): None •� Drug Disposal Unit: No CO) NURSING EDUCATION/CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS Live Cl Fee Live Class Basis Live Class Attendance Requirement >% Medication Assistant Courses offered by Nurse-Full Course: $75.00 Fee Per Person Per Day Minimum 8,Maximum 12 0 Medication Assistant Courses offered by Nurse-Refresher Course: $55.00 Fee Per Person Per Day Minimum 8,Maximum 12 E Other Nurse Education Services: L. Per Hour(1 Hour M (Including,But Not Limited To:Community Requested Infusion Audit, $75.00 Minimum) Minimum 4,Maximum 12 Community Survey Preparation or Follow-Up,Other Community Requested On-Site Infusion Training) a Infusion Nurse Education/Certification-Third Party Company Utilized: All Charges 100%Pass Through of Invoiced Cost NURSING EDUCATION/CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS-ONLINE COURSES Fee Per Particpant IV Push Administration: $15.00 •(� Hypodermoclysis: $15.00 LL Role of the Licensed Nurse in Preventing Bloodstream Infections: $15.00 _ CVAD Removal: $15.00 M C Parenteral Nutrition: $25.00 0 Pain Management—Patient Controlled Analgesia(PCA): $25.00 a Management of Inotropics in the Heart Failure Resident: $25.00 0 Clearing Thrombotic Occlusions in Central Vascular Access Devices: $25.00 s_ Vascular Access Devices: $50.00 V Essentials of Infusion Therapy-2 Day Class: $75.00 All references to states Maximum Allowable Cost(MAC),Federal Upper Limit(FUL),Direct Cost(Direct),Wholesale Acquisition Cost(WAC)and Average Wholesale Price(AWP)referto values as reported by such third-party pricing service(e.g.,First DataBank or Medi-Span)as pharmacy may utilize from time to time. Y Flu Vaccine pricing is determined on an annual basis.Please contact your local pharmacy provider for the current pricing details. .. Unless a greater charge is otherwise specified herein,if Pharmacy agrees to repackage patient-owned medications dispensed by a non-Omnicare pharmacy,Pharmacy shall charge Community$5.00 per repackaging. O Field Nursing Services: � 1)Pharmacy may charge the contracted rate for the services if Community cancels the Field Nursing Services less than 7 days prior to schedule date of the class. N Infusion Nursing Services: 1)If IV Nursing or IV Educational Services are contracted by Omnicare to an outside IV Nursing Agency,the rates of the outside vendor will be used by Omnicare to charge the service provided to the Omnicare customer. LL Infusion Nursing Education: Q 1)Pharmacy may charge the contracted rate for the program if Community cancels Infusion Education less than 15 days prior to schedule date of the class. r Z k I.IJ Z r d L M V .E E Q �y+ V O L IL M E L M IL c Iv E M Q Packet Pg. 10 4.A.a Rates Through 12/31/2020 Schedule 3.1 (PCA-Non-SNF): City of Kent doing business as The City of Kent Corrections Facility Proposal ID: 53728 N L O Service Fee Service Basis 3 Consulting Pharmacist: $72.25 Per Hour Q Consulting Pharmacist(Optional Services): $72.25 Per Hour Consultant Services-Registered Nurse(RN): $55.00 Per Hour Consultant Services-Licensed Practical Nurse(LPN): $40.00 Per Hour O U Consultant Services-Pharmacy Technician: $35.00 Per Hour U Rates effective 01/01/2021 cn Schedule 3.1 (PCA-Non-SNF): City of Kent doing business as The City of Kent Corrections Facility Proposal ID: 53728Ilk E v ca Service Fee Service Basis t Consulting Pharmacist: $80.00 Per Hour 11 Consulting Pharmacist(Optional Services): $80.00 Per Hour r Consultant Services-Registered Nurse(RN): $55.00 Per HourLL v R Consultant Services-Licensed Practical Nurse(LPN): $45.00 Per Hour Consultant Services-Pharmacy Technician: $35.00 Per Hour O v d L L O V r Y 0 LO N H LL Q LY N t X LLI t 3 m L V C E 0 N V 0 L. a U M E L E V Q Packet Pg. 11 4.B POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Police Chief 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 W A S H i N G T O N 253-852-2121 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Agreement with Summit Food Services for Inmate Food Services at the City of Kent Corrections Facility - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Summit Food Services for inmate food service at the Kent Correctional Facility, in an amount not to exceed $472,430 annually, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Police Chief. SUMMARY: The City of Kent Corrections Facility is constitutionally responsible for the provision of adequate meal service to all inmates in its custody. All meal services at the Facility are currently provided under a contract with Consolidated Food Management, who merged with Summit Food Services LLC, doing business as Summit Food Services Management, LLC. The current contract will expire on December 31, 2020. The proposed amendment: extends the current contract for a duration of five years, ending on December 31, 2025; makes adjustments to price; and alters provisions relating to emergency planning and staff meals. Summit Food Services is an experienced correctional meal vendor that has partnered with the Kent Correctional Facility for more than 30 years as Consolidated Food Management. Although Summit Food Services provide meal services to other surrounding correctional facilities the City of Kent is their longest standing food services contract. The vendor will utilize industry best practices and shall be responsible for all food service needs for all inmates at the Facility. The term "food service" include; medical meals and religious meals. The vendor will provide no less than three meals per day, which will contain no less than a total of 2,600 calories per day. The vendor will be responsible for maintaining at the facility a minimum of seven days of non-perishable food stock to be used in the event of an emergency. BUDGET IMPACT: $472,430 annually SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Packet Pg. 12 4.B Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Jail Food Services - First Amendment 2021-2025- DRAFT (PDF) 2. Jail Food Services - Exhibit A - Master Corrections Menu (PDF) 3. Jail Food Services - Exhibit B-2 Special Diet Week 1(PDF) 4. Jail Food Services - Exhibit B-2 Special Diet Week 2(PDF) 5. Jail Food Services - Exhibit B-3 Special Diet Week 3(PDF) 6. Jail Food Services - Exhibit B-2 Special Diet Week 4(PDF) 7. Jail Food Services - Exhibit B-2 Special Diet Week 5(PDF) 8. Jail Food Services - Exhibit C - Price List (PDF) 9. Jail Food Services - Exhibit D Insurance (PDF) 10.Jail Food Services - Original Consolidated Food Management Inc - Contract Agreement (PDF) Packet Pg. 13 4.B.a N N V KENT FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U' wA5"I"GTo" GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT o FOR FOOD SERVICES AT THE KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY '0 m M THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT for food c services at the Kent Corrections Facility is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES LLC, .° doing business as SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT, LLC, organized under the state of New Mexico, and doing business at 500 East 52nd Street North, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104 hereinafter referred to as "Summit Food Services" or"Vendor". m RECITALS 0 0 U- A. On or about November 25, 2016, the City and Consolidated Food Management E ("CFM") entered into an Agreement for CFM to provide food and food preparation services at E the City of Kent Corrections Facility ("CKCF"). That Agreement is set to expire on December Cl) 31, 2020. •3 B. During the term of the Agreement, Summit Food Services merged with CFM and assumed responsibilities for CFM's performance of the Agreement. E m as L C. By this First Amendment, the parties agree to extend the term of the original a Agreement for an additional five years, through December 31, 2025, clarify certain obligations, and alter the scope of service as provided for in the Agreement. o LO N AMENDMENT U- NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual intent, desire and promises of the o parties and other good and valuable consideration, City and Vendor agree as follows: N 1. Amend Preamble: The first paragraph of the Agreement is amended as follows: N N CD THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a N Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and . Summit Food Service, LLC, doing E business as Summit Food Service Management, LLC, organized under the laws of the State of New Mexico men, located and doing E business at a 206 678 3429 500 East 52nd Street North, Sious Falls, SD 57104ai�fd i Ted by (hereinafter the "Vendor"). ii u) 2. Amend Section I. Description of Work: Section I, Description of Work, is 0 stricken and replaced as follows: it I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Vendor shall provide the following vn goods and materials and/or perform the following services for the City: 'D 0 0 U- Vendor shall provide food and food preparation services to the City of — Kent Corrections Facility ("CKCF") in order to feed inmates and corrections staff, each day of the week for the term of this Agreement. Inmates shall be served no less than three meals per day, which shall z U 0 r FIRST AMENDMENT TO GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT Q FOR FOOD SERVICES AT THE KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY - 1 Packet Pg. 14 4.B.a N N contain no less than a total of 2,600 calories per day. The following shall apply to Vendor's services: U) Locations and Hours: Vendor shall provide food service to inmates, c staff and others as designated by City on the premises, on such days '0 and such times as City shall prescribe. Vendor shall not use the CKCF for preparation of food that is to be served at any location other than c CKCF, unless CKCF gives written permission to do so. 0 Menu: The menu and menu cycle to be provided by Vendor is attached as Exhibit A, and is incorporated herein by this reference. The menu may be changed, but such changes must be approved by Vendor's in nutritionist and by agreement of all the parties. Vendor shall serve to inmates a cold breakfast. The cold breakfast shall be trayed the night °o before by Vendor staff and shall be served by City staff the following U- morning. E E Staff Meals: Vendor shall provide staff meals as requested at the same in rate as inmate meals. Staff meals will be prepared by Vendor employees, not inmate labor. A staff menu will be posted for each 3 meal daily. City will note staff meal requests on meal count sheets. Vendor will only charge City for staff meals if the staff member(s) E eating initial the meal count sheet for the day/meal they chose to eat. If no verification is present, City will not be charged for staff meals. a Vendor will provide snack foods and coffee supplies for staff. Vendor acknowledges that a failure to make meals available to staff as o LO requested is a breach of this Agreement, which the parties agree will result in the imposition of liquidated damages equal to a deduction by Vendor from each monthly invoice of $5 for each staff meal that was Q requested, but not provided. o Vendor Labor: Vendor shall have the exclusive right to hire employees o to provide the services called for in this Agreement, subject to the N terms of a background check performed by employees who must enter N CD the CKCF. Upon City's request, Vendor shall remove any work site N employee who has engaged in inappropriate conduct or has violated one of the rules and regulations established by City to maintain the E good order and operations of the CKCF. m E Inmate Labor: Vendor shall utilize inmate workers provided by City. Q City shall provide a minimum of two (2) inmates and a maximum of i six (6) inmates for labor each meal period. ii u) Bagged Meals: Vendor shall provide bagged meals as requested by the °; City. it aD Medical Meals and Religious Meals: Vendor shall provide meals to 'a 0 accommodate medical and religious needs as provided for by Exhibit �0 B and as requested by City. — Products: Vendor shall purchase food, products and supplies necessary to comply with Vendor's obligations as set forth in this E Agreement. Vendor shall purchase all food products from USDA 0 r Q FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 Packet Pg. 15 4.B.a N N inspected plants that are currently certified as strictly complying with all applicable food safety standards. U) Compliance with Food Safety Laws: Vendor shall comply with all federal, state and local regulations governing the preparation, 0 handling and serving of food, and Vendor shall post all permits or licenses as required by law. Vendor shall immediately notify City in the c event it determines that it is not in compliance with any state or federal law or regulation. If at any time Vendor is notified by an .° authorized government agency that CKCF premises or equipment are not in compliance with any law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, Vendor shall immediately inform City of such notification. City shall cooperate with Vendor to accomplish the foregoing. N 0 0 Cleaning: Vendor shall perform routine cleaning and housekeeping in U_ the food preparation and service areas to include: cleaning walls, E floors, freezer, fridge and fixtures. City shall perform major cleaning E including, without limitation, stripping and waxing floors, ceilings, cn electric light fixtures, grease traps, hoods and vents, duct work, plenum chambers and roof fans throughout the CKCF as deemed 3 necessary by the City. E Right to Review: It is understood that City reserves the right to review and inspect the food service program performed by Vendor with a respect to the quality and quantity of food served, and the sanitation of equipment and facilities, at any time. o LO N Emergency Plan and Supply: In the event of an emergency, City shall assist Vendor by permitting reasonable variations in Vendor's menu Q cycle and service methods. However, Vendor shall not be relieved of o its responsibility to provide meal service under the terms of this Agreement. The term "emergency," as used in this section, means o dire circumstances not within the control of the party whose N performance is interfered with, and which by reasonable diligence such N CD party is unable to prevent or mitigate, such as: pandemic, war, riot or N other disaster, strike or other work stoppage, act of terrorism, fire, flood or volcanic eruption. By March 1, 2021, Vendor shall submit a E contingency emergency plan to provide for meal service in the event of an emergency. Vendor shall be responsible for maintaining at the CKCF a minimum of seven (7) days non-perishable food stocks, to be Q used in case of an emergency. These stocks must meet the i requirements of food services and emergency menu substitutions. ii u� Additional Services: Food, beverage and other services required or desired by the CKCF outside the scope of this Agreement shall be it provided by Vendor upon written authorization by City administration (n' through a mutually agreed upon process for such services. 'D 0 0 U_ 3. Amend Section III. Effective Date and Time of Completion: Section III, Time for Completion, is amended as follows: c III. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME OF COMPLETION. This Agreement shall be effective January 1, 2016, and any work performed 0 r Q FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 Packet Pg. 16 4.B.a N N between January 1, 2016, and the date of final signature of this Agreement shall be deemed ratified by the parties' approval of this Agreement and subject to the terms of this Agreement. The initial Term U) of this Agreement will was for five years, commencing on January 1, c 2016 and s4a4+ was set to expire on December 31, 2020, subject to terms and conditions agreed-upon by both Parties. The Parties have agreed to extend the term of this Agreement for an additional five (5) c years, such that it shall now expire on December 31, 2025. Vendor may continue to provide the goods and services called for in this Agreement .° after the term of this Agreement, and if Vendor does, such goods and services shall be provided subject to the terms and conditions then properly in effect on the last day before the end of the term of this in Agreement. 0 0 4. Amend Section IV. Compensation: Section III, Compensation, of the U_ Agreement is amended as follows: E E IV. COMPENSATION. City shall pay Vendor at a per-meal in amount as set forth in Exhibit C which amount is inclusive of sales tax. The cost of each meal is dependent on the number of inmates served, 3 as reflected in Exhibit C. The annual compensation for 2016 is estimated to be $239,148.00. This is only an estimate, as the actual amount shall E be dependent on the number of meals served at the rates set forth in Exhibit A C. Vendor is responsible to bill the Kent Correctional Facility a for compensation that is retroactive from January 1st 2016 until this Agreement is signed. o LO N After 2016, compensation due to Vendor for the per-meal costs shall be increased effective January 1 of each year as follows: '_ a 2016 - 1.5% increase from 2015 term 2017 - 1.5% increase from 2016 term N 2018 - 1% increase from 2017 term N 2019 and 2020 - No increase N CD 2021 - 1.0% increase from 2020 term N 2022 - 1.0% increase from 2021 term 2023 - 1.5% increase from 2022 term E 2024 - no increase from 2023 term c 2025 - no increase from 2024 term (D E Q Vendor shall submit a weekly invoice to City for payment. City shall i provide payment within thirty days of receipt of an invoice. ii u) If City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify Vendor °; and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in it dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to in settle the disputed portion. 'D 0 0 U_ 5. Amend Exhibit C. Price List: Exhibit C to the Agreement is amended and — replaced with Exhibit C attached to this First Amendment. The prices provided for in this new Exhibit C shall be effective January 1, 2021. m E z U 0 r Q FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 Packet Pg. 17 4.B.a N N 6. Affirmation of Assumption by Summit Food Services: By signing this First Amendment, Summit Food Services reaffirms that it has assumed all obligations of, responsibilities for, and is bound by the terms of the original Goods and Services Agreement U) between the City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management, Inc. Any reference to CFM or o CFM's obligations in the original Agreement shall be read to refer and apply to Summit Food ° Services. Vendor accepts all requirements of this First Amendment by signing below, and by its signature, waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this First c Amendment. This First Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve Vendor from strict compliance with the indemnification and insurance provisions of the Agreement. .° N d 7. Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of this First Amendment and prior to its effective date are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of this First cn Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. 0 0 8. Remaining Provisions. Except as specifically amended by this First Amendment, U- all remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. In addition, E upon the effective date of this First Amendment, the written provisions and terms of this First E Amendment shall supersede any verbal statements of any officer or other representative of cn the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner the Agreement or this First Amendment. 3 c IN WITNESS, the parties have executed this First Amendment to the Corrections E Facility Medical Services Agreement. a� CITY OF KENT SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES, LLC, D/B/A Q SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT, LLC c N H By: By: Q Print Name: Dana Ralph Print Name: o Title: Mayor Title: Date: Date: N 0 N Approved as to Form: o N C N >_ Kent City Attorney m P:\Civil\Files\Open Files\Corrections Facility-]ail\Contracts\Inmate Food Services\FirstAm-dm—]ailF—dAgreem-t 2021th—gh2023.docx E Q r N L U- U) 0 V it N 0 0 U- E V r Y Q FIRST AMENDMENT TO CORRECTIONS FACILITY FOOD SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 Packet Pg. 18 EXHIBIT A Ltin MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday rn Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Swedish Meatballs w/sauce 1 ea.(4 oz.) v Corn flakes 1 cup Green Salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Dressing 1 Tbls. Mixed Vegetable 6 oz ladle m N Scone 1 each Vegetable Soup 1/2 cup veg 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 1/60 1 ea. Margarine 1 tsp 0 Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. '0 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E Monday S Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Meat Casserole 4 oz Meat Sauce 6 oz. G Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle `~ Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz. ladle Peas 6 oz ladle m coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each V Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp y 1%milk 8 oz Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. N Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 13 0 O Tuesday LL+, Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salad 4 oz ladle Chicken Stew 8 oz ladle E Corn flakes 1 cup Sandwich 1 each Pasta 3/4 cup E Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 3/4 cup Green Beans 3/4 cup 0 coffee cake 1 each Navy Bean Soup 1 cup Biscuit 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d E d Wednesday y Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chile/meat 6 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Q Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup/2 Tbs Carrots 6 oz ladle LO Bread 1 each Home Style Potato 6 oz ladle Cornbread 54/1 1 each CD Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. 0 Juice Packet 1 Pkt. c d Thursday to Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Diced Turkey in Gravy 6oz. Ladle Chicken Tetrazzini 6 oz ladle 0 O Corn flakes 1 cup Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Corn 6 oz ladle Peas 6 oz ladle i Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp U 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Pudding 3 oz ladle `m Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. N ca Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hot Dog 5/1 Meat(2 oz.) Balls with 4 oz. Q Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Tomato Sauce 3 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Potato salad c 6 oz ladle Sliced Carrots 6 oz ladle W Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Cornbread(1/54) 1 pc , 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 2 tsp Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday N Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Macaroni Meat Au Gratin 10 oz ladle Turkey Curry Stew 8 oz. ladle -0 Corn flakes 1 cup Carrots 6 oz ladle Rotini Noodles 6 oz. ladle 0 O Boiled Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Green Beans 6 oz.ladle u_ Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. a) E t NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C. 4/12/13 GENERAL MENU Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, 2600 WEEK#1 Q FAND 10/30/2015 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 19 EXHIBIT A 4.B.b 61',n MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU CFM Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday rn a� Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Bologna Sandwich 2 oz. Baked Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Corn flakes 1 cup w/Cheese 1 slice BBQ Sauce 2 oz. Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 3/4 cup Oven Brown Potatoes 3/4 cup N Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Corn 6 oz. ladle C Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each p Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp m 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E Monday c Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Meat(2 oz)Sauce 4 oz Home Baked Meat(2 oz)Loaf 4 oz. .O Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 4 oz ladle Steamed Rice 1 cup rn Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz.ladle Peas 6 oz.ladle coffee cake 1 each Garlic Bread 1 slice Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle •2 Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each d 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp co Cake 60/1 1 pc. O Juice Packet 1 Pkt. G u_ Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Sandwich 3 oz.Meat Chicken Ala King 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup Pasta 3/4 cup E Boiled Egg 1 each Vege Pasta Soup 1 cup Green beans 3/4 cup to coffee cake 1 each Cake 60/1 1 PC. Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d Wednesday 6 oz.ladle 1/2 cup Corn Dog-Stickless 5/1 Braised Chicken&Mushroom 8 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz. ladle W/Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Q Boiled Egg 1 each Coleslaw 6 oz. ladle Peas 6 oz. ladle LO 0 Bread 2 each Cookie 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each N Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. m Thursday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Comida Mexicana 8 oz.ladle Country Stew(2 oz.meat) 6 oz.ladle G Corn flakes 1 cup corn 3/4 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 PC. Garden Salad w/Dressing 8 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each G Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp Ci 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Pudding 3 oz ladle y Juice Packet 1 Pkt. co Friday Q Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Sloppy Joe(2 oz.Meat) 4 oz ladle Fried Rice/Meat 10 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Cabbage 6 oz ladle Z Boiled Egg 1 each Home Fries 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each K Coffeecake 1 each pasta salad 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp W Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 PC. N 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup T.Bologna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Beef&Bean Burrito 1 each p Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle �i Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Shredded Cheese 1 oz, — Coffeecake 1 each Cake 1/60 1 each Rice Pilaf 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Corn 6 oz ladle +� 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each d Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E s NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C. 4/12/13 Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, Q GENERAL MENU 2600 WEEK#2 FAND 10/28/15 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 20 EXHIBIT A Lim MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU 4.B.b Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 3 oz. Meat Home Baked Meatloaf 4 oz Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Beef Gravy 3 oz ladle a) to Scone 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each O O Jelly 1 pkt Margarine 2 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E Monday E Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Curry Stew 4 oz Chicken(2 oz)Patty 1 each G Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle '~ Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 pc. Chicken Gravy 3 oz ladle ayi coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp corn 6 oz ladle V Margarine 1 tsp Coleslaw 3/4 cup Dinner Roll 1 each d 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp CO Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. '0 Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O u_ Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chili Mac 6 oz ladle Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle E Corn flakes 1 cup Corn 3/4 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle E Boiled Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 6 oz ladle O coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each s Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d E Wednesday 4)d Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chili Con Came(1.5 oz meat) 8 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Q Boiled Egg 1 each Shred Lettuce/mayo 1 oz/1 tsp Carrots 8 oz ladle LO Bread 2 each Baked Beans 1/2 cup veg 6 oz ladle Cornbread 54/1 1 pc Q Margarine 2 tsp Home Fries 6 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. O Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. C d Thursday to Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup T.Bologna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Meatball 6 oz. O Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad W/Dressing 8 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Country Gravy 3 oz ladle L Coffeecake 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Peas 6 oz ladle o Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each 0 1%milk 8 oz Margarine 2 tsp y Cake 60/1 1 pc. y Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday , Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hot Dog 5/1 Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle Q Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Home Fries 8 oz ladle Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle t Coffeecake 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each W Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp , 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Saturday d V) Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hungarian Goulash(2 oz.meat) 6 oz ladle Spanish Rice with Meat(2 oz) 12 oz ladle �O Corn flakes 1 cup Steamed rice 6 oz ladle Carrots 8 oz ladle O Boiled Egg 1 each Peas 8 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each ti Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 2 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d E s NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C. 4/12/13 Q GENERAL MENU Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD,SNS, FCSI, 2600 WEEK#3 FAND 10/28/15 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 21 EXHIBIT A 4.B.b inn MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU ; Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sunda a Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salami Sandwich 2 oz. Chicken Veggie Casserole 4 oz Corn flakes 1 cup w/Cheese 1 oz. Pasta 6 oz.ladle Boiled Egg 2 each Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Green beans 6 oz.ladle N Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each C Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 0 Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. m 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E Monday c Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Stroganoff 4 oz Beef&Bean Burrito 5.25 oz. `0 Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 8 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle y Boiled Egg 2 each Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Shredded Cheese 1 oz. coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Rice Pilaf 8 oz ladle •22 Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Corn 8 oz ladle d 1%milk 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. co Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O 0 LL Tuesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chicken Ala King 8 oz ladle E Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 8 oz ladle 0 Boiled Egg 1 each Lettuce/1000 Dressing 3/4 cup/2tbs Peas 8 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Corn Chips 1 oz Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. m E d Wednesday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Salad Sandwich 3 oz. Oriental Fried Rice(2 oz.meat) 12 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Cabbage 8 oz ladle Q Boiled Egg 1 each Southwestern Cole Slaw 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each LO 0 Bread 2 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp N Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 0 c m N Thursday � Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Chicken/Mushroom 6 oz ladle Savory Meat Loaf 4 oz. 0 Corn flakes 1 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle 0 Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 8 oz ladle Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle 2 Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each peas 8 oz ladle 0 Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Ci 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp y Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60/1 1 pc. co Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Q Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Corn Dog-Stickless 5/1 Fish Patty 3 oz. + Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz.Ladle Tarter Sauce 2 oz. Z Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz.Ladle Home Fries 8 oz ladle K Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Corn 8 oz ladle W Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each N 1%milk 8 oz Margarine 1 tsp CD Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d Saturday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Teriyaki Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Turkey Rice/Broccoli 10 oz. O Corn flakes 1 cup Steamed Rice 6 oz.ladle Southern Coleslaw 6 oz ladle Li Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad w/Dressing 1 cup/1Tsp Biscuit 1 each — Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E s NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C. 4/12/13 Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD,SNS, FCSI, Q GENERAL MENU FAND 10/28/15 260o WEEK#4 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 22 EXHIBIT A 4.B.b LiLiLn MASTER CORRECTIONS MENU Breakfast Lunch Dinner a Sunday v Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Macaroni w/Cheese& 10 oz. ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Turkey Ham Casserole N Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Green Beans 6 oz. ladle Scone 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each G Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp Jelly 1 pkt Cake 60/1 1 PC. 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E c L Mondav O Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Meat Sauce 4 oz Turkey Chop Suey 8 oz. '~ Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Steamed Rice 4 oz.ladle m Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad w/Dressing 1 cup Peas 8 oz ladle V coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp CO 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 PC. C Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. p LL r Tuesdav Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hamburger Patty 1 each Chicken&Noodle Casserole 6 oz ladle E Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad 3/4 cup Corn 6 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each 1000 Island Dressing 1 Tbls. Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 ea. Pudding 3 oz ladle Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. m E d Wednesday 2 Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Hungarian Goulash 6 oz ladle Tamale Pie 6 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Pasta Noodle 8 oz ladle Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Q Boiled Egg 1 each Diced Carrots 6 oz.ladle Green Salad 1 cup LO 0 Bread 2 each Dinner Roll 1 each. Cake 60/1 1 PC. N Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each O Juice Packet 1 Pkt. a0i fn Thursday O Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Comida Mexicana 10 oz ladle BBQ Meatloaf 4 oz. O Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad w/Dressing 6 oz ladle Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 54/1 1 PC Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Mixed vegetables 6 oz. ladle O Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each V L 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp a� Cake 60/1 1 PC. LA Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Stew 8 oz. Turkey Rice Casserole 12 oz ladle Q Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Boiled Potato 8 oz. Peas 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Corn 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each t Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp K W Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 PC. 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. N Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 2 Saturday d to Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Bologna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Lasagna with Meat Sauce 12 oz. �O Corn flakes 1 cup Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Carrots 1 cup G Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Garlic Bread 1 slice ii Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Cake 60/1 1 pc. - Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 1%milk 8 oz 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup d E NOTE: Beverage/punch contains Vitamin C. 4/12/13 v cv GENERAL MENU Reviewed and revised by Barbara J. Pyper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, 2600 WEEK#5 Q FAND 10/28/15 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage. Packet Pg. 23 EXHIBIT A An Apple a Day, LLC Cycle No. 1 thru Cycle No. 35 Base Menu Spreadsheet CFM - 2600 w cold breakfa: Weighted Values - Summary E E Page 1 Generated on: 10/30/2015 9:46:56 Pi fn s Cals Cholst Sodm Fiber Iron Calcm Vit-A Vit-C Protn Carb T-Fat T. Fat S-Fat S. Fal 3 kcal m m m m IU m %Cals %Cal Week 1 -Sunday 2735 482 5468 23.191 26.98 1649.3 17372 191.691 106.65 347.66 102.42 33.71% 26.07 8.5( _ Week 1 -Monday 2574 369 4383 26.47 27.80 1303.2 18550 150.10 102.75 373.99 74.39 26.01% 20.01 1 7.0( E Week 1 -Tuesday 2630 412 3794 25.36 25.25 688.6 12192 94.69 94.18 363.20 91.25 31.23% 22.35 7.6'. 0 Week 1 -Wednesday 2445 366 3430 24.74 22.63 795.5 21117 131.22 70.57 322.85 99.01 36.44% 21.62 7.9( d Week 1 -Thursday 2267 171 3326 20.05 22.09 1117.2 4989 109.13 95.84 327.43 65.48 26.00% 17.30 6.81 Q Week 1 -Friday 2620 215 4816 37.53 24.35 796.4 16929 105.30 85.86 381.09 87.03 29.89% 26.31 9.0d .. Week 1 -Saturday 2709 626 3667 24.63 28.19 939.7 20176 79.77 111.46 367.05 87.34 29.02% 23.88 7.9; Ln Week 2-Sunday 2793 434 5338 26.90 26.21 991.9 14596 105.79 94.37 375.64 104.12 33.55% 28.29 9.1, � Week 2-Monday 2331 356 3802 23.59 24.56 892.6 22361 83.82 90.06 330.04 71.14 27.47% 18.98 7.3< Week 2-Tuesday 2702 450 4959 23.16 25.50 976.4 14926 87.01 99.93 327.47 108.49 36.13% 25.03 8.31 Week 2-Wednesday 2549 503 4261 35.48 24.38 840.1 6105 174.37 106.12 340.43 88.32 31.18% 19.51 6.8� C Week 2-Thursday 2580 382 3719 21.40 23.96 1105.6 9721 99.41 83.80 343.72 98.31 34.29% 25.84 9.0' Week 2-Friday 2525 360 4118 21.82 24.90 823.6 10919 134.12 82.87 374.18 77.98 27.80% 18.15 6.4, y Week 2-Saturday 2518 450 5278 29.04 24.72 1204.3 12155 84.59 89.60 346.46 87.93 31.42% 27.98 10.0( c Week 3-Sunday 2615 467 4881 27.56 25.91 888.9 14234 78.57 104.99 350.04 88.19 30.35% 22.24 7.6( C Week 3-Monday 2740 388 3795 26.83 24.20 1 954.9 6723 166.52 94.3E 1 370.95 101.45 33.33% 23.69 1 7.7( v Week 3-Tuesday 2723 409 2814 21.03 25.50 806.8 7054 90.71 90.27 371.38 98.61 32.59% 23.961 7.9, L Week 3-Wednesday 2590 321 4024 40.20 26.79 886.4 22603 121.94 83.34 386.00 83.10 28.88% 17.66 6.1, O Week 3-Thursday 2888 469 6317 31.04 28.41 982.9 14647 106.78 105.15 347.51 119.53 37.25% 28.98 9.01 V Week 3-Friday 2542 340 3370 25.58 23.45 886.6 11551 135.79 75.26 371.35 85.18 30.16% 26.17 9.2" d Week 3-Saturday 2549 325 4059 29.06 30.79 894.5 39197 115.24 75.26 387.36 79.95 28.23% 19.89 7.0: a Week 4-Sunday 2630 501 5127 23.92 25.47 1102.1 9842 84.98 104.69 354.79 85.51 29.26% 26.13 8.91 Week 4-Monday 2436 351 3364 20.44 24.30 1057.6 12122 66.56 85.46 348.37 79.39 29.34% 23.33 8.6, , Week 4-Tuesday 2570 339 3515 22.38 23.52 912.3 4348 68.12 93.05 327.58 99.14 34.72% 21.21 7.4< Q Week 4-Wednesday 2588 440 4910 25.19 24.81 913.2 6727 155.63 90.18 354.75 90.81 31.59% 20.71 7.2( +r Week 4-Thursday 2571 386 3688 28.52 26.94 832.7 21743 80.95 99.12 349.97 86.32 30.22% 22.08 7.7; Week 4-Friday 2737 330 4482 25.85 22.49 879.6 7354 102.45 100.03 401.92 83.69 27.52% 17.78 5.81. K Week 4-Saturday 2805 393 4490 20.61 26.12 774.9 11438 194.93 90.01 325.69 129.08 41.42% 30.36 9.71 W Week 5-Sunday 2657 477 4439 24.89 26.36 836.8 9738 87.16 102.42 366.55 84.52 28.63% 21.42 7.2( ' Week 5-Monday 2814 393 4812 29.33 28.42 881.3 13084 133.26 102.14 374.73 101.01 32.31% 22.86 7.3' d Week 5-TuesdaV 2485 353 3061 26.02 22.81 988.0 9320 77.40 92.61 327.94 93.87 34.00% 23.79 8.6: 2 Week 5-Wednesday 2505 448 3080 24.01 25.62 760.7 22038 113.66 84.51 341.73 88.28 31.72% 21.98 7.9( ?- Week 5-Thursday 2890 449 5051 20.11 26.11 1083.8 11282 97.15 94.27 351.64 123.95 38.60% 33.80 10.5; � Week 5-Friday 2521 1 330 35121 30.071 26.11 1 810.91 65651 113.81 1 85.631 407.57 62.93 22.4761. 16.74 5.9( .0 Week 5-Saturday 26771 413 61141 34.531 28.581 1494.61 356431 118.351 113.331 358.73 88.22 29.66% 28.38 9.5' O Weighted Average 2615 397 4265 26.30 25.55 964.4 14267 112.60 93.72 357.08 91.31 31.43% 23.27 8.0' 0 c a� LL t *N/A*-denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient R *-denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data Q '- Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only,not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS®Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for as Packet Pg. 24 for or treating medical conditions. EXHIBIT A An Apple a Day, LLC Cycle No. 1 thru Cycle No. 35 Base Menu Spreadsheet CFM - 2600 w cold breakfa, Weighted Values - Summary E Page 2 Generated on: 10/30/2015 9:46:57 P t Cals Cholst Sodm Fiber Iron Calcm Vit-A Vit-C Protn Carb T-Fat T. Fat S-Fat S. Fa' 3 kcal m m m m IU m %Cals %Cal Nutrient Menu AVG %of Cals Weekly Target %of Target Miss Data Shortfall Overage Error Messages if an Calories 2615 2600 101% Cholesterol(mg) 397 m Sodium(mg) 4265 6000 d rn Fiber(g) 26.30 Q Iron(mg) 25.55 Calcium(mg) 964.4 Ln Vitamin A(IU) 14267 Ln Vitamin C(mg) 112.60 Protein(g) 93.72 14.34% 3 Carbohydrate(g) 357.08 54.63% c Total Fat(g) 91.31 31.43% —35.00% Saturated Fat 23.27 8.01% <10.00% N c O v d L L O U L d C� C Q k Ill N d V d O O U- a+ C d E s *N/A*-denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient *-denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data Q '-Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only,not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTR/KIDSO Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu tannin for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for as packet pg. 25 for or treating medical conditions. 4.B.c Cup Week: 1 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday o Breakfast Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft H. Protein E 1 Applesauce or N Apple Fresh 160 ct each Banana Fruit Cocktail r 3 Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup c a� Peanut butter-1 1 oz non- Chicken tight 3.2 1 Oz 112 cup beans G) Bologna Slice oz sandwich processed meat oz m 2 2 Slices Wheat Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake Q no mayo 2 mustard 1 tsp mayo 1 tsp CD Mayonnaise 1 pkt. pkt mustard N 0 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea 1 Milk Milk c /o a� a� a� 0 U a� a Breakfast N im x w u� as U a� 0 0 U- c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 26 4.B.c Cup Week: 1 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Thursday o Breakfast Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft H. Protein E 1 Applesauce or N Orange fresh 113 Ct each Banana Fruit Cocktail r 3 Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 Cup a� E Peanut Butter 2°Z L Jelly 1 pkt Q 2 2 Slices Wheat O 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Rice Cake In Bread slices Bread N ° 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea 1 Milk Milk c /° a� a� a� 0 a� a Breakfast Friday N la e Ic Cardiac Diet or asi rc ac o- vo Pregnancy Gluten m Portion Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental9nnn Soft 1 Applesauce or K Banana, pettie each Banana Fruit Cocktail W Peanut butter-1 1 oz non- Chicken tight 3.2 to 1 oz 112 cup beans d T. Ham Slice oz sandwich processed meat oz v 2 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Corn tortilla 3 slices y Bread slices Bread U) 1tsp mayo 1 tsp 'a 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 0 Mayonnaise mustard `O 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup fruit Spice Muffin applesauce applesauce ° 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea /°1 Milk Milk U Q Packet Pg. 27 4.B.c Can Week: 1 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday o Breakfast Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten E Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft H. Protein E 1 Banana Applesauce or t Banana, pettie each Fruit Cocktail r 3 Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup a� Peanut butter-1 1 oz non- Chicken tight 3.2 E 1 oz 1/2 cup beans d Bologna Slice oz sandwich processed meat oz ;v 2 2 Slices Wheat Bread SIICes 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Q 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp LG Mayonnaise mustard cy 0 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea r /o 1 Milk Milk a� a� 0 U W a Cn Breakfast Day: WEDNESDAY C� Portion la e Ic Cardiac Diet or Gastric ac o- vo regnancy u en Im Menu Item Renal Dental Soft Size9nnn Low Fat/Salt 1 Applesauce or Banana K Apple Fresh 160 ct each Fruit Cocktail W 112 cup 1/2 cup to Banana Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit applesauce applesauce 1/2 cup fruit v Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz c0 2 2 Slices Wheat 'a 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices O Bread slices Bread O U- Jel I 1 pkt 0 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea /o 1 Milk Milk U Q Packet Pg. 28 4.B.c Cup Week: 1 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday o Breakfast Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft H. Protein I RestrictedE 1 Applesauce or N Apple Fresh 160 ct each Banana Fruit Cocktail r 3 Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 cup c a� 2 E Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter 3 oz (1) L 2 2 Slices Wheat Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 slices Q Jelly 1 pkt. Jelly 1 pkt N 0 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea 1 Milk Milk c /o a� a� 2 0 U W a Breakfast MONDAY N la e Ic Cardiac Diet or asi rc ac o- vo regnancy Gluten m Portion Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental9nnn Soft 1 Applesauce or K Orange fresh 113 Ct each Banana Fruit Cocktail W Peanut butter-1 1 oz non- Chicken tight 3.2 to 1 oz 112 cup beans d T. Ham Slice oz sandwich processed meat oz v 2 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Corn tortilla 3 slices y Bread slices Bread U) 1tsp mayo 1 tsp 'a 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 0 Mayonnaise mustard `O 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup fruit Spice Muffin applesauce applesauce 0 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Extra Milk Tea /o 1 Milk Milk E U Q Packet Pg. 29 4.B.c Clan Modified Meal S ecification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Sunday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft H. Protein E 1 ea 4 Peanut butter-3 2 oz non- 2 Slices Wheat 1 cup seasoned Chicken tight 3.2 N Turkey Sandwich oz Wheat bread No mayo Whit bread oz sandwich processed meat Breaad beans oz r 2 oz no mayo 2 mustard 1 tsp mayo 1 tsp 3 Mayonnaise ladle pkt mustard a� 3/4 Garden salad/LF Garden salad/LF Garden salad/LF 2 Cups Green 112 well cooked 1 cu 1 cup Garden E Pasta Salad cup dressing 3/4 cup dressing 3/4 cup dressing 3/4 cup Salad carots p salad/vinegar L 2 tsp dressing Q Low Fat/Low Chicken rice soup, no potatoes or No pasta,breaded CD1 cup No meat 2 tsp dressing LO Soup Du Jour Salt no pepper bean in soup meat&cold cut N 1 pc. 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple r Cake sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce sauce -c a� 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk r aD 0 a� a Dinner N 1/2 No onion& 1.5 cup ranch 1.5 cup ranch 1.5 cup ranch to Swedish Meatballs 4 oz No gravy Turkey cup green pepper beans beans beans Z t Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W 3/4 112 cup green to Mixed Vegetables cup 3/4 cup Low salt Carrots no beans 2 CUPS beans 3/4 cup v Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat White bread 2 slices of No No bread Wheat Bread 1/2 cup Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup banana 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit a lesauce 1/2 cup fruit G pp LL 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 30 4.B.c Clan Modified Meal S ecification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Monday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted u. Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft 2000 FIBER H. Protein Restricted 1/2 Low Fat/Low No onion& 2 oz non- N Turkey Meat Casserole cup 1/2 cup Salt green pepper 1 cup chili beans processed meat 1 cup chili beans r Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup a� Peas cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup d L 2 slices of 0 Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup riceIn Q 112 1/2 cup 112 cup 1/2 cup 112 cup 112 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup o Pudding cup applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk �c a� a� r a� a� a Cn Dinner N 3/4 No onion& 1 .5 cup beans 6 oz ladle meat m Meat Sauce 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 12 oz ladle cup green pepper w/tomato sauce sauce Z t Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W Carrots cup 3/4 cup 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice LOW White bread only 2 slices of No 3/4 cup rice W salt/margarine Wheat Bread Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit a p1/p lesaupce a 1pp lesaupce 1/2 cup fruit G LL 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 31 4.B.c Clan Modified Meal Specification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Tuesday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted u_ Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Renal FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein E 1 ea 4 Turkey sandwich no 1 cup seasoned 2 slices of 1 cup seasoned N Turkey Salad Sandwich oz Wheat bread mayo Wheat bread beans Wheat Bread beans 3.2 oz chix thigh r 3/4 No sugar, 1 cup Low Fat/Low 1/2 cup carrot 2 Cups 1/2 cup well 3/4 cup Mexican Cole Slaw cup Salt cooked carrots y Low Fat/Low 1 cup Tomato soup No meat&base No dairy No pasta d Soup du jour Salt ;v 1 c 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Q Cake p applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce Tea,Water or CD1 pkt No Sugar Extra milk Tea LO Nutri-Cal Juice Milk N r Y a+ IC Q Cn Dinner N 3/4 3.2 oz chix thigh 1.5 cup Ranch 1.5 cup Ranch m Chicken Stew 8 oz ladle Low fat/salt w/rice beans beans No gravy cup Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W Green Beans cup 3/4 cup 2 Cups 3/4 cup Biscuit each Wheat 1 slice 2 Biscuits 3/4 cup rice 3/4 cup rice 1/2 cup '0 Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit applesauce 1/2 cup fruit G u_ 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 32 4.B.c Clan Modified Meal Specification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Wednesday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted u. Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy Gluten Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt RENAL Dental Soft / H. Protein trocted 1 Low Fat/Low 1 cup seasoned 2 oz non- 1 cup seasoned N Chicken Patty each Salt beans processed meat beans 3.2 oz chix thigh r 1 2 slices of 3 Hamburger Buns each 1 slice wheat Whit bread Wheat Bread 1/2 cup Potatoes as Catsup ladle2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt L 1000 isl dressing 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette 2TBS Dressing No Q Shredded 1/2 cup well o 1cup 2 CUP SALAD 1 cup Vinaigrette L0 lettuce cooked carrots N Corn 1 oz No Chips 1 cup M. r p potatoes -c a� 1 1/2 cup 112 cup 1/2 cup 112 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Cookie each applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce Or Oatmeal Cookie iC Tea,Water or 1 pkt No Sugar Extra milk Tea y kutri-Cal Juice Milk Q Cn Dinner N 3/4 1.5 cup chili 1.5 cup chili m Chili Con Carne Low fat/low salt 3.2 oz chix thigh cup beams beams Steamed Rice pup No 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup W Carrots pup 3/4 cup 2 CUPS Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v Cornbread 1 pc 1 slice wheat 2 slices of No No W bread Wheat Bread fn 1/2 cup 'a Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit a lesauce 1/2 cup fruit G pp ILL 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 33 4.B.c CIL-in Modified Meal Specification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Thursday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted u_ Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-OVo Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Soft Renal High Fiber Dental Soft H. Protein E 3/4 Chili beans 1 2 oz non- Chili beans 1 Chili beans 1 N Diced Turkey in Gravy cup 4oz ladle 3.2 oz chix thigh cup processed meat cup cup r 2 oz Low Fat/Low 2 oz ladle No No 3 Turkey Gravy ladle salt 3/4 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low No skin 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup m Mashed Potatoes cup Salt L a� Mixed 3/4 3/4 cup Carrots 2 cup Vegetable Carrots 3/4 cup Q Ve etables cup 1 slice wheat 2 slices of o Dinner Roll 1 ea bread White Breads Wheat Bread No LO N Cake 1 pc 1/2 Applesauce 1/2 Applesauce 1/2 Applesauce Y a� 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk r a� 0 a� a Cn Dinner N 3/4 No onion&green 1.5 cup Lima beans 1.5 cup Lima beans m Turkey Tetazzini 8 oz ladle Low fat/low salt cup pepper w/seasoning w/seasoning Z :EPasta �Up 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W 3/4 1/2 cup green to Corn cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 cup Vegetable beans 3/4 cup 1 cup v 1 slice wheat 2 slices of Dinner Roll 1 ea bread White breads Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 Pudding cup 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit G u_ 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea tv Nutri-Cal Juice Milk c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 34 4.B.c Clan Modified Meal S ecification Sheet Week: 1 p Day: Friday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto-Ovo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Soft Ve Vegetarian Renal FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein Restricted Hot Dog 5/1 each No 2 each No processed meat No 2 each No r 1 1 slices wheat 2 slices wheat 2 Slices of 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Hot Dog Bun each bread breads Wheat Bread y 2 oz 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt d Mustard ladle I I I I m 3/4 8 oz ladle Low 1 cup, no meat& Baked Beans cup 4 oz ladle Fat/Low Salt No base 2 cups beans 1 cup chili beans 1 cup, no gravy Q 3/4 Carrots 1/2 cup well LO Creamy Coleslaw cup cooked carrots N 1 pc 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup r Cake applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce -c a� 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk r a� 0 a� a Cn Dinner N 112 No onion&green 1 .5 cup beans 1 .5 cup beans m MeatBalls 8 oz ladle Low fat/low salt cup pepper w/tomato sauce w/tomato sauce Z t Tomato Sauce 3 oz x w Pasta cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Sliced Carrots pup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 2 Cups Carrots Well cooked 3/4 cup W 2 Slices of 'a Cornbread 1/54 1 pc Wheat 1 slice No margarine Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice ILL Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup fruit .F applesauce applesauce 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice Milk t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 35 4.B.c 10"n Week: 1 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday o Lunch Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted U- Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Gastric Lacto- vo HIGH Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Renal Dental Soft 2000 FIBER H. Protein Mac& Meat Au 10 oz No onion& 1 cup range 2 oz non- 1 cup range N ladle 8 oz ladle Low Fat/Low Salt green pepper beans processed meat beans r Gratin 9 p pP 3/4 3/4 cup 2 cups carrots Well done 3/4 cup 3/4 cup Sliced Carrots cup 1 1 slice wheat 2 Slices of 1/2 cup boiled 1/2 cup boiled E Whit bread d Dinner Roll each bread Wheat Bread potatoes potatoes m 1 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Q Cookie each applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauce In 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea LO Nutri-Cal Juice N r Y a+ R Q Cn Dinner N Turkey Curry No bean,onion 1.5 cup seasoned Steal &green pepper beans m 1 cup 8 oz ladle Low Fat/Low salt 1.5 cup 1.5 cup � t Rotini 1/2 x Noodles cup 112 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W Green Beans pup 3/4 cup 2 cups carrots 3/4 cup v Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat white bread 2 Slices of No No W bread Wheat Bread fn 112 cup '0 Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup banana 1/2 cup fruit a lesauce 112 cup fruit G Pp LL 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Nutri-Cal Juice c m E t U r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 36 4.B.c HIGH FIBER 0 0 0 U_ E E Meat& Meat Cooked dried beans or dried peas, nuts, soybeans,and other legumes r Subtitues 3 c Fruits Fruits, especially raw: apples, apricots,bananas, berries, melons, cherries, E figs, grapefruit, oranges,peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, prunes, or rhubarb. Skins should be eaten whenever possible. Q Vegetables c (including potatoes) Vegetables, especially raw: aspargus,broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots, c"'.� cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, green beans, greens, lima beans, r okra, onions, parsnips, peas, pepper, potatoes (white or sweet ,including CD skin), radishes, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spinach, squash, tomatoes, yams CD r Breads, Cereal, Bran muffii 100 percent whole grain- breads and crackers listing whole 0 and Grains grain flour as the frist ingredient; bran type and whole grain cereals; unprocessed bran; use whole- grain flours in cooking whenever U possible; brown rice, whole-grain noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, and a Cn other pasta N m x w u) W a� 0 0 U_ c m E t U r r Q Packet Pg. 37 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: SATURDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted BREAKFAST Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `0 size Fat/Salt H. Protein L., Apple Fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit E each 160 ct Banana Cocktail E N Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 t r Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed Chicken tight: 3 Bologna Slice 1 oz sandwich meat 112 cup beans oz a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake d L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. no mayo 2 mustard 1tsp mayo 1 tsp Q pkt mustard LO 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No sugar.Tea, Tea LO water or milk N Y d a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Day: a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten con'Menu Item Size 2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Ve etarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte m x w u� as U a� 0 0 U_ c m E t U r r Q Packet Pg. 38 4.B.d Cm Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: THURSDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted BREAKFAST Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt H. Protein L., Orange fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit E each 113 ct Banana Cocktail E N Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 ( t r 3 Peanut Butter 2 oz +' c a� E Jelly 1pkt m L Bread 2 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Rice Cake Q slices Bread LO 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N N Y d a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Day: FRIDAY a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten con' Menu Item Size 2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Ve etarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte . anana, pettie 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit Z t Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed K T. Ham Slice 1 oz 1/2 cup beans w sandwich meat Chicken tight 3.1 1 2 2 Slices Wheat a) Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl 2 Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m musstata rd 1 tsp to 112 cup 112 cup p Spice Muffin 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit applesauce applesauce 112 cup fruit ILL 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea C d E t v R r r Q Packet Pg. 39 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: TUESDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted BREAKFAST Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `0 size Fat/Salt H. Protein L., Banana, 1 Applesauce or Fruit E pettie each Banana Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 t r Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed Chicken tight: 3 Bologna Slice 1 oz sandwich meat 112 cup beans oz a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl d L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m 1 tsp Q musstata rd LO 11.0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N N Y d a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Day: WEDNESDAY a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten con'Menu Item Size 2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Ve etarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte m le Fresh 160 ct 1 each Banana Applesauce or Fruit t Banana 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce W Muffin 1/2 cup fruit Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter: v 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl cA 0 Jelly 1pkt Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea C d E t v R —ri r r Q Packet Pg. 40 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted BREAKFAST Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt H. Protein L., Apple Fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit E each 160 ct Banana Cocktail E N Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 t r Boiled Egg 2 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter: each 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl d L .telly 1 pkt. Jelly 1 pkt Q LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N N Y a) a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Day: MONDAY a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten to Menu Item Size 2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Ve etarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte m nge fresh 113 ct Banana Applesauce 1 each or Fruit Z t Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed K T. Ham Slice 1 oz 1/2 cup beans w sandwich meat Chicken tight 3.1 1 2 2 Slices Wheat a) Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m musstata rd 1 tsp to 112 cup 112 cup p Spice Muffin 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit applesauce applesauce 112 cup fruit ILL 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea C d E t v R r r Q Packet Pg. 41 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten siLL ze Fat/Salt I I Vecietarman H. Protein �-, Sliced Turkey 1 ea 3 Wheat Bread Turkey Sandwich White Bread peanut butter 3 oz 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- 3 oz baked chic E Sandwich oz no mayo sandwich Bread Processed Meat w 1/2 cup ric E Ma OnnalSe 2 oz no mayo 2 mustard t y ladle pkt +_ 3/4 Any vegetable 2 Cups of Green 3/4 cup well 3 Cole cup except corn Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup Salad cooked carrots E 2 tsp Dressing d L Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesaLO Q or Cake or Cake Tomato Soup,no � Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt onion No meat&base no beans or celery Tomato Soul cV Nutri-Cal N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea 19 Juice a� r a� Dinner Day: Saturday a Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy Gluten cn Size Fat/Salt Ve etarian H. Protein Restricte� cm Beef& Bean 1 ea 1 2 ea or 2 Cups Burrito cup t Salsa pup w Shredded 1 oz a) Cheese Rice Pilaf cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt white rice 1 cup t% Corn cup 3/4 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Corn 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Li Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesa c Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E Juice t U r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 42 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt H. Protein L,L Deli Meat 1 No Mayo sub with Peanut butter-3 oz 2 SLICES OF 2 oz non- E Sandwich each Wheat bread mustard White bread sandwich WHEAT BREAD processed meat 3.2 oz chicke E N Cheese 1 slice 1 slice no cheese t r 3/4 3/4 cup carrot 2 Cup Garden 1/2 cup well 3 Pasta Salad No sugar 3/4 cup sticks Salad cooked carrots cup a� E 2TBS Dressing d L Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1c garden salad w/vinaigrette No meat&base frozen green beans no onions 1 cup riceLO Q 0 Cake each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup sauce oapake ple 1/2 cup applesa N Or Oatmeal Cookie -c d Nutri-Cal 3: 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice a� Dinner Day: Sunday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten cn Menu Item Size 2000 FaUiet Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein N m Baked Chicken lea/ 1 cup seasoned Patty 3.2 oz Low Fat/Low Salt beans 3. 2 Thigh t BBQ Sauce ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No pepper No No W Oven Brown 3/4 fresh,soaked& aNi 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No skin v Potatoes cup boiled are OK 2-1 3/4 112 cup green Corn cup 314 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Peas beans 314 cup 1 cup cA Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread No margarine White breads 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No ILL Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit c m Or Rice Cake E t v Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea ,� M Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 43 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Monday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt H. Protein L-, Meat Sauce 2 oz 1/2 No onion&green 3 oz non-processed 1 cup chili beat E meat p Low Fat/Low Salt pepper 1 cup chili beans gravy cup a er protein w/ 1c noodles no rav 7 N Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 112 cup r 3/4 2 Cups Mixed no tomato sauce Well cooked 3 Peas Low Fat/Low Salt 1/2 cup carrot 3/4 cup Vegetables carrots cup a� 2 Slices of Wheat y Garlic Bread 2 sl 1 slice wheat bread No margarine Bread 1/2 cup rice d L Pudding 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesa Q LO o Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice N Y d No meat&base ..................................................................................._................. Dinner Day: Monday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ lut—en cn Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft N H. Protein m Meat Loaf 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion 12 oz bean ala king, 1 1/2 cup of Beans 3 oz baked chic no meat&base t Steamed Rice pup 1/2 cup 3/4 cup Pasta 10 Oz Brown Rice white rice only 1-1/2 cup W to Carrots 1/2 Garden salad Low Fat/Low Salt Garden salad 2 Cups Corn Green beans 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v cup w/vinaigrette w/vinaigrette •2 2 oz Brown Gravy ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No No c% Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat Bread No �G Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 banana 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit c Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E Juice t U r r Q PM snack FNo Beef Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 44 4.B.d Cm Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p Size 9000K Fat/Salt I iVeaetarma I H. Protein I RestroctE Deli Meat 1 ea 8 oz seasoned 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- E Wheat bread No mayo White bread 3 oz baked chi. Sandwich 3oz beans Bread processed meat E Garden Salad 3/4 2 Cups Garden 1/2 cup well cooked cup LF dressing LF dressing 1 cup Salad carrots 1 cup 1 cup rice r w/Dressing p 3 2 TBS Dressing N Soup Du Jour 1 cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt Chicken broth No meat or base no potatoes or no celery or other Chicken bro d beans in soup type veggies ;v a� Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apples+ Q LO Or 1/2 Cup Fresh LO Fruit N Nutri-Cal N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice d r a� Dinner Day: Tuesday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-ovo Pregnancy/ luten to Menu Item Size 9000KFat/Salt Gastric SoftVeaetar HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein I RestroctE N Im Chicken Ala King 6 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion,corn& 1 1/2 cup seasoned 1 1/2 cup seas( green pepper beans beans t X Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W U) Cabbage 3/4 2 Cups Green v cup Beans Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat No cn Bread O 1/2 Cup 0 Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit Applesauce 1/2 cup frui U- Or 112 Cup Fresh Fruit C Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E Juice U No meat base r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 45 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Wednesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt Ve etarian H. Protein �, Corn Dog - 1 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- E Sticklers 5/1 each No No meat&base Bread processed meat 2 oz deli meat 3 oz baked chic E 3/4 1 Cup Of Baked Frozen Green N Baked Beans cup 1 cup No 1 cup Beans Beans 3/4 cup r mustard pkt no 3 Catsup & Mustard 1 pkt No Catsup no O a� Coleslaw 3/4 Any vegetable Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups of Corn 3/4 cup well y cup except corn cooked carrots1 1/2 cup ;v Cookie each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce sauce oracpake 1/2 cup applesa Q LO Or 1/2 Cup Fresh LO Fruit Nutri-Cal N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice a� r a� Dinner Day: Wednesday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ lut—en to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Veoet HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein N Braised Chicken & 3/4 1.5 cup ranch bean no m Mushroom cup Low Fat/Low Salt No onion meat&base 1.5 cup ranch be -2 Steamed Rice pup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 10 Oz Brown Rice white rice 1 cup W U) 3/4 2 Cup Of Beans or a) Peas cup Low Fat/Low Salt Peas Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread White bread 2 Slices Wheat No t% Bread O Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit 1 orange 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit iy c d Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E t v cv r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 46 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Thursday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 size Fat/Salt H. Protein L,L No bean,onion& 1 cup seasoned 2 oz non- 1 1/2 cup seasoned E Comida Mexicana 10 oz Low Fat/Low Salt green pepper beans processed meat beans 10 oz ladle E 3/4 2 Cups Mixed 3/4 cup well N Cabbage cup Low Fat/Low Salt No meat&base Vegetables cooked carrots 3/4 cup 3/4 cup r 1 slice wheat 2 slices white 3 Cornbread 1 pc. bread. breads 2 Pc Cornbread No a� E Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesa d L Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Q Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Y d a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Thursday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten to Menu Item Size FaUiet Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft N 2000 H. Protein m Country Stew 6 oz country stew 8oz Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken 1.5 cup bean stew 2 s non-sed meat proces no celery 1 cup rice t 3/4 increase to 1 1/2 K Rotini Noodles cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No meat&base 10 Oz Brown Rice cups 1 cup rice W Garden Salad 3/4 2 Cups of Garden 1/2 cup green aNi w/Dressing cup LF dressing LF dressing Salad increase to 1 cup beans 1 cup v 2-1 2 Slices of Wheat aD Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice wheat bread No margarine White breads Bread No to 0 Pudding cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup pudding 1/2 cup applesa ,L Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea C d E t v R r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 47 4.B.d (in Week: 2 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Friday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten `p size Fat/Salt H. Protein L., Sloppy Joe (2 1/2 12 oz ladle No onion&green 1 .5 cup beans 6 oz ladle me E oz Meat cup 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt pepper w/tomato sauce sauce E Hamburger 1 2 Slices of Wheat N each 1 slice wheat bread Whit bread Bread no r Buns 3 3/4 soaked potato& +, Home Fries cup boiled boiled potatoes boiled potatoe a� Carrots 1/2 no salt,oils or No meat&base 2 Cups Carrots frozen corn,peas Well cooked 3/4 cup 1 cup cup margarine or gr.beans ;v a� Cookie 1 1/2 cu applesauce 1/2 cupapplesauce 1/2 cupapplesauce 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cupless Q each p sauce or cake sauce or cake a pp LO Nutri-Cal 111.0 o Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Y d a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Friday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ luten to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Veoet HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein N Im Fried Rice 12 oz 1 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No onion celery 1.5 cup seasoned 10 Oz Brown Rice no egg&increase No onion,celery, 1 1/2 cup cabbage g.pepper bean protein 1/2oz green pepper t Cabbage 3/4 Any vegetable Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups Green 3/4 cup well W cup except corn Beans cooked carrots , to Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat bread 1 2 slice bread 2 Slices of Wheat No v slice Bread •2 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apple Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit sauce or cake sauce or cake 1/2 cup fruit to Nutri-Cal O 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea iy Juice 3/4 cup rice C d E t v R r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 48 Ln Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: SATURDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Portion DiabeticTC777diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 0 Menu Itemsi Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft 2000 Protein Restricte, Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 c r Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed Chicken tight: 3 Bologna Slice 1 oz sandwich meat 1/2 cup beans oz a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. no mayo 2 mustard 1tsp mayo 1 tsp Q pkt mustard LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N M Y a+ ixn Breakfast Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Veaetarman Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte m x w u� as U a� 0 0 U_ c m E t U r —ri r Q Packet Pg. 49 4.B.e Cim Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: THURSDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Portion DiabeticTC777diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Itemsi Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft 2000 Protein Restricte, Orange fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 113 ct each Cocktail E 3 N Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 C r 3 Peanut Butter 2 oz +' c a� E Jelly 1 pkt L Bread 2 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Rice Cake Q slices Bread LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N M Y a+ ixn Breakfast FRIDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVeaetar Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft an H. Protein Restricte "' m Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit pettie each Cocktail t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: lL sandwich meat oz rn 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard .a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v tv r r Q Packet Pg. 50 4.B.e (fin Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: TUESDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Portion DiabeticTC777diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 0 Menu Itemsi Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft 2000 Protein Restricte, Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit F pettie each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 c r Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed Chicken tight: 3 Bologna Slice 1 oz sandwich meat 1/2 cup beans oz a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m 1 tsp Q musstata rd LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N M Y a+ ixn Breakfast WEDNESDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVeaetar Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft an H. Protein Restricte "' Apple Fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit m 160 ct each Banana Cocktail t Banana x 1 pc 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit LV Muffin to Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter f v 2 2 Slices Wheat Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U) 0 Jelly 1 pkt iy 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v M r r Q Packet Pg. 51 Ln Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast DiabeticTC777diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Item Ps.onLow Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,0 Veciet Protein L, Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 c r Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter f a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl L Jelly 1 pkt. Jelly 1 pkt Q LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N M Y a+ ixn _ Breakfast MONDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte "' Orange fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit m 113 ct each Banana Cocktail t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight, lL sandwich meat oz rn 2 2 Slices Wheat a) Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp to mustard -a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v ns r r Q PM snack Packet Pg. 52 Ln Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch DiabeticTC777diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Item Psi l Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� 2000 Veaet Protein u- Sliced Turkey 1 ea 3 Wheat Bread Turkey Sandwich White Bread peanut butter 3 oz 2 Slices Wheat 2 oz non- 3 oz baked chick( E Sandwich oz no mayo sandwich Bread Processed Meat 1/2 cup rice E Mayonnaise 2 oz no mayo 2 mustard 1 tsp mayo 1 tsp t ladle pkt mustard r 3/4 Any vegetable Low Fat/Low 1 2 Cup Salad 2tbp 3/4 cup well 3 COI( cup except corn Salt cup carrots 1 cup dressing cooked carrots Tomato Soup,no d Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt onion No meat&base no beans or celery Tomato Soul L 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce Q Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or Cake or Cake 1/2 cup applese LO Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice M Y PM snack PM snack PM snack Dinner Day: Sunday a Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo Pregancy/ H. Gluten to Menu Item Size Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft VeCietaria HIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft I Proti Restrocte "? m Meatloaf 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No Onions 1 1/2 cup seasoned 2 oz non- 1 1/2 cup seasoned 1 1/2 cup seasc beans Processed Meat beans beans Z t 3/4 soaked &boiled K Pasta cup 112 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No Skin Potatoes only 1 1/2 cup potat W rn Gravy 2 oz ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No No Gravy v 2-1 3/4 3/4 cup garden salad 112 cup Green Mixed Vegetables cup Low Fat/Low Salt w/Vinaigrette 2 Cup Vegetables Beans 3/4 cup U) 0 Dinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread white bread 2 SliBread heat NO LL O Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 fruit or 1/2 fruit or 1/2 fruit or � applesauce applesauce applesauce , C d utri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E t U M r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 53 Ln Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Monday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch DiabeticTC7.ra7diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Item Psi l 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Protein Restricte, ,� �, Turkey Curry 1/2 4 oz ladle Low Fat/Low salt 1 No bean,onion& 1.5 cup seasoned E Stew cup green pepper beans .5 cup 1.5 cup 1.5 cup E 3/4 soaked &boiled N Pasta cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No Skin Potatoes only 1 1/2 cup potat r 2 Slices Corn 3 Cornbread 1 pc. 1 slice wheat bread White Bread Bread Rice Cake O a� Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 fruit or d or cake applesauce i Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Q Juice LO LO N- ........................................................................................... �..�..�.. Dinner Day: Monday a Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo Pregancy/ H. Gluten to Menu Item Size 20( Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft Proti Restrocte "? m Chicken Patty 1 Low Fat/Low Peanut Butter 2 oz non- 1 1/2 cup beans w/ 1 1/2 cup bean! each Salt sandwich Processed Meat tomato sauce tomato sauc, ._ t 3/4 Low Fat/Low soaked&boiled X Mashed Potatoes cup Salt No skin 3/4 Brown Rice potatoes only increase to 3/4 W 2 oz Low Fat/Low Chicken Gravy ladle Salt No meat&base No gravy .V 3/4 Low Fat/Low 314 cup welll O Mixed Vegetable 3/4 cup Carrots 2 Cup Carrots u� cup Salt cooked Carrots .a O Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White 2 Slices Wheat Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup ric ii 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applese CAKE 1 PC or fruit 1/2 cup fruit or fruit or fruit c m Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea I_ L v R r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 54 4.B.e (in Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Gluten o Size Low Fat/Salt Protein RestroctE u- r 10 Oz 3 oz Baked 10 Oz Chili,No 2 oz non- E Chill Mac ladle Low Fat/Low Salt Chicken Meat&Base Processed Meat 1-1/2 cup no c E 3/4 Low Fat 3/4 cup 3/4 cup well cn Corn p 2 Cups 3/4 cup 3/4 cup �u Low Salt salad cooked 1 slice Wheat 2 Slices Wheat 3 Dinner Roll 1 ea Bread White Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup ri( c a� E Cake 1 pc. 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce m L Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Q u7 0 L0 N M Y a+ Dinner Day: Tuesday a CL Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo Pregancy/ H. Gluten cn Menu Item size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Protein RestroctE Chicken Casserole 314 8 oz Low Fat/Low 3 oz Baked Seasoned 2 oz non- 3 oz Bake m cup Salt Chicken Processed Meat Chicken t Pasta 3/4 No Marg.Or Oils 3/4 Cup W cup Garden Salad 314 Vinaigrette 1/2 cup Green Diet ow) w/Dressing cup LF Dressing LF Dressing LF Dressing 2 Cup DressingBeans 1 cup Dressing 'U 1 slice Wheat 2 Slices Wheat Dinner Roll 1 ea Bread White Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup ri( (n Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Frui ooapplesauce Applesau( Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea C No Meat& Base t U r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 55 (fin Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Wednesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Gastric Soft Lacto- Ovo HIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Gluten size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Protein °o 1 Low Fat/Low 100 io beef or 2 oz LL Chicken Patty each Salt Turkey Sandwich 1 cup Chili Beans Non Processed Meat 1 cup Chili BeE E Hamburger Bun each 2 slices breadheat No to Macaroni Salad 3/4 No sugar 3/4 cup carrot sticks 2 Cup Salad 112 cup well 3/4 cup r cup cooked carrots2 oz 3 C Catsup ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt m 3/4 Low Fat/Low soaked&Boiled 1 cup boiled ;v Home Fries cup Salt No Skin Potatoes Only Potatoes Extra Milk 1 cup Q Cookie 1 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup 1/2 cupLn each applesauce applesauce applesauce applesauc, c) Nutri-Cal N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice M Y No Meat or Base a� r Dinner Day: Wednesday @ Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Gluten a Menu Item size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Protein Restrocte cn 3/4 Low Fat/Low 2 oz non- CO) Chili Con Carne cup Salt 3 oz Baked Chicken Processed Meat No Flour Thick m 3/4 Low Fat/Low Steamed Rice 112 cup Salt 3/4 cup brown rice 1-1/2 cup cup x w Sliced Carrots 3/4 3/4 cup Low Fat/Low 2 cups Fzn Corn,Peas,or Well Cooked 3/4 cup rn cup Salt Green Beans a) v Cornbread 1 pc. 1 slice Wheat 2 slices whear rice cake 2! Bread bread (D U) Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup Fruit 112 cup fruit 112 Cup Frui �O 0 Nutri-Cal ILL 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice No Meat or Base C d E L v M r r PM snack PM snack PM snack Q Packet Pg. 56 Ln Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Thursday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch ortionDiabeticTC7.radiac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Item PSiz Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft 2000 Protein Restricte, Deli Meat 1 ea 2 Wheat Bread No Mayo White Bread Peanut Butter 3 oz 2 Slices Wheat 2 oz non- 3 oz Baked E Sandwich oz Sandwich bread Processed Meat Chicken E 2 oz rn Mustard ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt r Garden Salad 3/4 Vinaigrette 1/2 well cooked 3 Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 cups salad 1 cup Diet Dressin( w/Dressing cup Dressing Carrots Low Fat/Low Tomato Soup No No Beans Or E Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta d Salt Onions Celery i Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup 1/2 cup Q applesauce applesauce sauce applesauce applesauc, Ln Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice M No Meat&Base �C O O r O ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Thursday a Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo Pregancy/ H. Gluten cn Menu Item Size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Protein RestroUg m Meatball 3/4 Low Fat/Low No Onions 1 1/2 cup 2 oz non- 1 1/2 Cup 1 1/2 Cup cup Salt Seasoned Beans Processed Meat Seasoned Beans Seasoned Bee t 3/4 Low Fat/Low No Potato Skin& Soaked&Boiled x Whipped Potatoes cup Salt On ions Potatoes only 1-1/2 cup W 3/4 Low Fat/Low Carrots cup Salt 2 Cups Well Cooked 3/4 cup Brown Gravy 2 oz Low Fat/Low No No Gravy cn ladle Salt -a O 1 slice Wheat 2 slices wheat O Dinner Roll 1 ea Bread White bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rlc U_ cupcup Cake 1 pc 1/ 1/2 cup fruit a 1/lesauce 1/2 cup Frui a pplesauce pp Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea L v M No Meat&Base r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 57 4.B.e (fin Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Friday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch DiabeticTC7.ra7diac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten o0 Menu Item Pszien 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Protein Restricte Hot Dog 5/1 1 Low Fat/Low 2 oz non- 1 cup baked be E each Salt Processed Meat E 3 1 2 Slices Wheat N Hot Dog Bun rice cake each Bread r 3 Mustard 2 oz ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt a� 3/4 Low Fat/Low soaked&boiled 1/2 cup boiled d Home Fries cup Salt No skin 2 CUPS potatoes potatoes 1 cup Iv 3/4 Any vegetable Low Fat/Low Any vegetable 3/4 cup well Q Coleslaw cup except corn Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup except corn cooked carrots LO Pudding 1/2 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup apple 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applese N cuo applesauce applesauce sauce or cake or fruit �, Nutri-Cal "' 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea �C Juice No Meat&Base Dinner Day: Friday a Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Pregancy/ H. Gluten cn Menu Item size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Protein RestricLe "? m Chicken Casserole 3/4 Low Fat/Low 1 1/2 cup seasoned Entree ok w/non- cup 8 oz Salt 3 oz baked chicken beans processed meat 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 Rice pup No Brown Rice 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup W 3/4 Low Fat/Low Cabbage cup 3/4 cup Salt 2 CUPS 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 2 2-1 1 slice Wheat 2 Slices Wheat Dinner Roll 1 ea Bread White Bread 112 cup rice 1/2 cup ric U) 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applese O Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit ILL or fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea c d No Meat&Base I_ t v cv r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 58 4.B.e (fin Week: 3 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- vo Pregancy/ H. Gluten 00 Menu Item PsZien Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft 2000 Protein Hungarian 3/4 1 cup Ranch Beans No Onion&Green 2 oz non- E Goulash cup $oz Low Fat/Low Salt pepper Processed Meat E N Steamed Rice pup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1 1/2 cup r Peas 3/4 3/4 cup p Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups Frozen corn,pea,or well cooked 3/4 cup 3 cup Green Beans Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat White 2 Slices Wheat 112 cup rice 112 cup rice Bread Bread i 1 1/2 Cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applese Q Cookie each applesauce applesauce 1/2 cup fruit or cake or fruit LO Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice M Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Saturday (1 Portion Diabetic Caradiac Diet or Lacto- Ovo Pregancy/ H. Gluten cn Menu Item size 2000 Low Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Protein M m Spanish Rice w/ 10 oz 1 cup Ranch Beans No Onion&Green 2 oz non- +r Meat 2 oz ladle $oz Low Fat/Low Salt Pepper Processed Meat Z t 3/4 Frozen corn,pea,or K Sliced Carrots cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups Green Beans well cooked 3/4 cup W U) Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice Wheat White 2 Slices Wheat 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice v Bread Bread •2 Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup 1/2 cup applese to applesauce or fruit Nutrl-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea U- Juice c m E t U r r Q PM snack PM Snack PM snack Packet Pg. 59 4.B.f qCnin Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: SATURDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 Menu Item Portion Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Size Fat/Salt H. Protein U_ r Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: 3 sandwich meat oz � 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. no mayo 2 mustard 1tsp mayo 1 tsp Q pkt mustard LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N Y a+ ixn Breakfast Day: Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft RVecietadao— enal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein N m x w u� as U a� 0 0 U_ c m E t U r r Q Packet Pg. 60 4.B.f qCnin Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: THURSDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Size Fat/Salt H. Protein U_ r Orange fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 113 ct each Cocktail E 3 N Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 r 3 Peanut Butter 2 oz +' c a� E Jelly 1 pkt L 2 2 Slices Wheat Q Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N Y a+ ixn Breakfast Day: FRIDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft RVecietadao— enal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein Restrocte N m Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit .• pettie each Cocktail t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: lL sandwich meat oz rn 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard .a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v tv r r Q Packet Pg. 61 4.B.f on Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: TUESDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 Menu Item Portion Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Size Fat/Salt H. Protein 0 r Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit F pettie each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: 3 sandwich meat oz � 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m 1 tsp Q musstata rd LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N Y a+ ixn Breakfast Day: WEDNESDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Veciet Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft H. ProteinRestrictN Apple Fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit m 160 ct each Banana Cocktail Z t Banana x 1 pc 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit LV Muffin to Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter f v 2 2 Slices Wheat Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U) 0 Jelly 1 pkt iy 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v M r —Fi r Q Packet Pg. 62 4.B.f on Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft Size Fat/Salt H. Protein U_ r Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit F 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl d slices Bread L a� Jelly 1 pkt. Jelly 1 pkt Q LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N Y a+ Yln-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—--—-- - Breakfast Day: MONDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Renal HIGH FIBER Dental Soft H. Protein Restrocte N m Orange fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit .• � 113 ct each Cocktail t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: lL sandwich meat oz U) 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl v Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp to mustard -a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit ILL 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t U cv F_ r r Q Packet Pg. 63 4.B.f qCnin Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 Menu Item Psi Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� Veciet H. Protein u- Turkey salami 1 Wheat breads No mayo 3 oz baked chic[White bread,no 3 oz Peanut butter 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- 1 1/2 cup seasoned E sandwich w each onion sandwich Bread proccessed meat beans E N Cheese 1 oz t r 2 oz Mustard ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt a� 3/4 Garden salad/LF Garden salad/LF Garden salad/LF d Potato Salad cup dressing 3/4 cup dressing 3/4 cup dressing 3/4 cup Garden Salad 2 Cups 1 cup lettuce salad 3/4 cup 1 cup rice ;v No onion,celery& Q Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/Low Salt green pepper No meat&base no tomatoes No gravy LO 0 Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applese N Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea -C Juice 0 r a� Dinner Day: Sunday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVecietar an HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein N m Chicken Veggie 3/4 3 oz baked chicken 11/2 cup seasoned Entree Ok W/O cup Low Fat/Low Salt w/1 cup rice beans 12 oz ladle 3 oz baked chic Casserole P p procssed meat Pasta pup 112 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W rn Cabbage 3/4 Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups Green 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v cup Beans •2 2 Slices of Wheat Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice white bread White bread Bread No 1 cup rice U) 0 Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 Cup Freh Fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li or Rice Cake C d 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea E Nutri-Cal Juice t v r F- r Q PM snack No meat&base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 64 4.B.f (fin Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Monday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Chicken Stroganoff 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion&celery 8 oz seasoned Entree Ok W/O 3 oz baked Chid E ladle beans procssed meat E 3 N Pasta pup Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup rice r Mixed Vegetables 1/2 Low Fat/Low Salt No corn&onion 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup c cup carrots W 1 2 Slices of Wheat d Dinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread White breads Bread No No d L 0 Pudding cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applese Q LO 0 Or Rice Cake N Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea �C Juice r a� Dinner Day: Monday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restrocte `� Beef& Bean 1 ea 1 2 Slices of Wheat m Burrito cup Bread t Salsa 1/4 w cup Shredded W Cheese 1 oz a� Rice Pilaf pup 112 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1 Cup Brown Rice white rice 1 cup U) 0 Corn cup 3/4 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups 1/2 cup green beans 3/4 cup 1 cup Li Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applese c Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Q PM snack No meat&base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 65 4.B.f (in Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten °o Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVecletar HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein '` 2000K1 1 cup seasoned 1 cup seasoned E Chicken Patty each Low Fat/Low Salt beans beans 3.2 oz chix th E Hamburger 1 2 Slices of Wheat N Buns each 1 slice wheat Whit bread Bread 1/2 cup Potab r Catsup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 1000 isl E 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette No d dressing Shredded 1 cup 2 Cups of Lettuce 112 cup well cooked 1 cup Vinaigrette Q lettuce carrots LO 0 Corn Chips 1 oz No 1 cup m.potatoes N 1 � Cake each 112 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup apples. a� Nutri-('al 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice a� Dinner Day: Tuesday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten cn Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft VecletarmaHIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft H. Protein RestroCtE `4 m 6 oz 11/2 cup ranch Chicken Ala King ladle Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken beans No Celery 1 cup 3 oz baked chi t x Pasta pup 112 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 3/4 Brown Rice 1 cup 1 cup rice W Peas cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v 2-1 1 2 Slices of Wheat 4) Dinner Roll cn each 1 slice wheat bread White breads Bread No No 0 Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup frui iy Or 1/2 Cup Fresh Fruit C Nutri-Cal m Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea L v M No meat&base r Q PM snack PM Snack PM snack Packet Pg. 66 4.B.f On Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Wednesday o Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted O Lunch LL Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricted E Turkey Salad 1 EA Turkey Sandwich Turkey Sandwich White breads,no Peanut butter 3 oz 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- 1 cup seasoned 3 oz baked chicken N Sandwich 3 OZ w/mustard w/mustard onion&cerely sandwich Bread proccessed meat beans r 1/2 3/4 cup garden salad 3/4 cup garden salad 3/4 cup garden salad 2 Cup Garden Salad w soaked&boiled 3 Potato Salad cup w/D dressing w/D dressing w/D dressing lowfat Dressing potatoes 3/4 cup 1 cup c Cole Slaw 3/4 Any vegetable Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 3/4 cup well O cup except corn cooked carrots d L Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce � Q Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice o LO N Y a+ ......................................................................................._.._....._.._.. Dinner Day: Wednesday U Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Psz'e° Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricted N 10 oz No onion,corn& 1 1/2 cup seasoned 1 1/2 cup seasoned 1 1/2 cup seasoned m Rice 2 OZ laddle Low Fat/Low Salt green pepper beans beans beans -- Cabbage cup 2 Cups x LU Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat bread White bread 2 Slices of Wheat No to Bread V Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit a� Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea O O LL C d E L v PM snack No meat&base PM snack PM snack r Q Packet Pg. 67 Ln Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Thursday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten p Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Chicken with 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion&green 8 oz beans Entree Ok W/O 6 oz ladle 8 oz beans E Mushroom ladle pepper w/tomato sauce procssed meat w/tomato sau, E 3/4 3/4 Cup Brown N Rotini Noodles cup Low Fat/Low Salt Rice 3/4 cup 1 cup rice r 3/4 3/4 cup garden salad 3/4 cup garden salad 3/4 cup garden salad frozen corn, 1/2 cup well cooked 3 Green Beans 2 Cup Green Beans 3/4 cup cup w/D dressing w/D dressing w/D dressing peas,or gr.Beans carrots � Dinner Roll 1 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat No No d each Bread i Cookie each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applese Q LO Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice No meat&base r Dinner Day: Thursday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft VeaetarmanHIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restrocte, `,' m Savory Meat Loaf 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion 11/2 cup seasoned 2 oz non- 11/2 cup seasoned 11/2 cup seaso beans proccessed meat beans beans t 3/4 soaked&boiled K Whipped Potatoes cup 112 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No onion only 1 cup 1 cup W to Brown Gravy ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No onion No No v 2-1 3/4 frozen corn, Carrots cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cup of Carrots peas,or gr.Beans well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup U) 1 ofDinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 SlicBread heat No No u_L Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup fruit Cake or 1/2 Cup 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Fresh Fruit C Nutri-Cal m Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea L v M r r Q PM snack No meat&base PM Snack PM snack Packet Pg. 68 4.B.f (fin Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Friday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� 2000KH. Protein Corn Dog - 1 No No meat&base 2 oz non- 2 oz deli meat 3 oz baked chic E Stickless 5/1 each processed meat E 3/4 1 Cup Baked Frozen Green N Baked Beans 1 cup No 1 cup Beans Beans 3/4 cup cup r Catsup & 1 pkt No mustard pkt no no 3 Mustard Catsup = a� 3/4 Any vegetable 314 cup well d Coleslaw cup except corn Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup 2 Cups cooked carrots d L Pudding 1/2 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup apple 1/2 cup apples- Q cup sauce or cake LO Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice Y 0 No meat&base O a Dinner Day: Friday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft VeaetarmanHIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft H. Protein Restrocte N m Fish Portion 1 ea 3 2 oz non- oz proccessed meat t Tartar Sauce 2 oz no mayo 2 pkt no mayo 2 pkt W catsup catsup rn 3/4 3/4 Cup Brown soaked potato& a) Home Fries cup Rice boiled boiled potatoes boiled potato( V 3/4 2 Cup Mixed 1/2 cup green O Corn cup 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots Vegetables beans 3/4 cup 1 cup U) 0 1 Or Dinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 slicBreadwheat No No LL 0 Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit c Or 1/2 Cup Fresh d Fruit Nutri-Cal M 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea r Juice Q PM snack No meat&base PM Snack PM snack Packet Pg. 69 Ln Week: 4 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten p Menu Item Psi Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� 2000KH. Protein Teriyaki Chicken 1 2 oz non- E Low fat/low salt 1 cup chili beans 1 cup chili beans Patty each proccessed meat E Garden Salad 3/4 1/2 cup well N w/dressin cup Diet dressing Diet dressing 2 Cups of Salad 9 cooked carrots r Steamed Rice cup Low fat/low salt white rice 1 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup a� Dinner Roll 1 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 Slices of Wheat No No each Bread i Cookie each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesa Q LO 0 Or Rice Cake rO N Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea -C Juice No meat or base Dinner Day: Saturday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft Veaet H. Protein Restricte, `� Turkey 10 oz 1 1/2 cup ranch 2 oz non- m $oz ladle Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken beans roccessed meat 12 oz ladle No gravy ladle Rice/Broccoli p 3/4 Any vegetable 3/4 cup well K Cole Slaw cup except corn Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup cooked carrots LLJ rn Biscuit 1 pc 1 slice wheat bread White breads,2 2 Slices Wheat No 1 cup rice v slices Bread •2 Cake or 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit Fresh Fruit applesauce 112 cup fruit to Nutrl-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea LL Juice PM snack No meat&base PM Snack PM snack C d E L v R r r Q PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 70 4.B.g qCnin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: SATURDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit F 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: 3 sandwich meat oz O 2 2 Slices Wheat d Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Rice Cake d L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. no mayo 2 mustard 1tsp mayo 1 tsp Q pkt mustard LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N LO Y O O a+ ..................................................................................................... U Q Cn N m t X W rn d v O O O LL M C d E L v R r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 71 Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: THURSDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Orange fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 113 ct each Cocktail E 3 N Cold Cereal 1 cup Cold cereal 1 Cup Cold cereal 1 Cup 1 Cup Corn flakes 1 r 3 Peanut Butter 2 oz +' c a� E Jelly 1 pkt L Bread 2 1 Slice Wheat White Bread 2 Slices Wheat Rice Cake Q slices Bread LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N LO Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Friday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVeaetar HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restrocte N m Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit .• pettie each Cocktail t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: lL sandwich meat oz rn 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp mustard .a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v cv F_ r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 72 4.B.g qCnin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: TUESDAY Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 0 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Banana, 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit F pettie each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Bologna Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight: 3 sandwich meat oz � 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl L Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp m 1 tsp Q musstata rd LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast Day: WEDNESDAY Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size 2000 Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVeaetar HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restricte N Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit m � 160 ct each Cocktail t Banana x 1 pc 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit LV Muffin rn Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter f v 2 2 Slices Wheat CD Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U) 0 Jelly 1 pkt iy 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea 3 c d E t v M r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 73 4.B.g qCnin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Breakfast Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Apple Fresh 1 Banana Applesauce or Fruit E 160 ct each Cocktail E Cold Cereal 1 Cup No Sugar 1 Cup Rice Krispes 1 r Boiled Egg each 2 eggs add 1 extra egg Peanut Butter a� 2 2 Slices Wheat E Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl L Jelly 1 pkt. Jelly 1 pkt Q LO 0 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea N LO Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Breakfast MONDAY (1 Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft I Veaetarman HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricte N m Orange fresh 1 Applesauce or Fruit .• 113 Ct each Banana Cocktail Z t T. Ham Slice 1 oz Peanut butter-1 oz 1 oz non-processed 1/2 cup beans Chicken tight, lL sandwich meat oz rn 2 2 Slices Wheat W Bread slices 1 Slice Wheat White Bread Bread Corn tortilla 3 sl U Mayonnaise 1 pkt. 1 mustard pk 1tsp mayo 1 tsp to mustard .a O Spice Muffin 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li 1 %Milk 1 pkt. No Sugar Tea,Water,or Milk Extra Milk Tea c d E t v tv r r Q PM snack PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 74 4.B.g (in Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Menu Item Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Gastric Soft Lacto- vo HIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft Pregnancy/ Gluten °o Size 2000K Fat/Salt Vegetarian H. Protein Restricts r Potato & Meat 1 1/4 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 1 1/2 cup seasoned Entree ok w/non- E 8 oz Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken Augratin cup beans processed meat E Peas & 314 N Carrots p Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup r cu 1 2 Slices Wheat 3 Dinner Roll each 1 Slice Wheat Bread a� Cake 1 pc 1/2 CUP FRUIT OR FRESH FRUIT 1/2 Cup 1 Applesauce i a� Nui 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Q Juuicee u7 0 L0 N 1141) a+ Dinner Day: Tuesday a rL Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten cn Menu Item size 2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft Vegetarian HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein Restricts m Chicken 3/4 1 1/2 cup seasoned Entree ok w/non- cup 8 oz Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken beans rocessed meat 1 1/2 cup No gravy 1 1/2 Casserole P P Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup W Corn cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups Well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v 2-1 1 2 Slices Wheat (ID Dinner Roll each 1 Slice Wheat Bread U) 0 Pudding cup 1/2 CUP FRUIT OR FRESH FRUIT 1/2 CUP FRUIT ILL Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea c d E t v M r r Q PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 75 4.B.g qCnin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Sunday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft u H. Protein �, Turkey Sandwich Wheat breads No mayo 1 White bread,no 3 oz Peanut butter 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- 1 1/2 cup seasoned 3 oz baked chic[ E each onion sandwich Bread proccessed meat beans E 2 oz 3 N Mayonnaise ladle 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt 2 Mustard pkt r 3/4 Any vegetable except 3/4 cup well cooked 3 Cole cup corn Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup carrots No onion,celery& d Soup Du Jour 1 cup Low Fat/Low Salt green pepper No meat&base 2 Cups Garden Salad no tomatoes No gravy d L Cake 1 pc. 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applese Q LO Nutri-Cal LO o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice LO Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Sunday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft I VeaetarmanHIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft H. Protein Restrictp, N m Macaroni w/ 1 1/4 3 oz baked chicken 11/2 cup seasoned Entree Ok W/O cup Low Fat/Low Salt w/1 cup rice beans 12 oz ladle 3 oz baked chic Cheese Ham P p procssed meat Green Beans 3/4 3/4 cup 2 Cup Green 3/4 cup W cup Beans to Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 slice white bread White bread 2 Slices Of Wheat No 1 cup rice v Bread O Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup fruit fn O or 1/2 Cup of Fresh O Fruit LL Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea c d E t v cv r r Q PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 76 4.B.g (fin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Monday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein L, Meat Sauce 6 oz 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt No onion&green 1 .5 cup beans 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat& E pepper w/tomato sauce E 3 N Pasta pup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup Garden Salad 3/4 Vinaigrette 1/2 well cooked 3 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 CUPS Dressing Carrots 1 cup Diet Dressin, w/Dressing p g y 2 slices Wheat d Dinner Roll 1 ea 1 Slice Wheat Low salt/margarine White bread only Bread No 3/4 cup rice L Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Q LO Nutri-Cal o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice LO Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Monday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restrocte `� m Turkey Chop 1 cup 34 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No onion&green 1 cup chili beans 1 cup chili bea Suey pepper t Steamed Rice pup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1 Cup Brown Rice 1 1/2 cup W to Cabbage cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 Cups 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v 2-1 2 Slices Of Wheat Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White Bread 1/2 cup rice 112 cup rice U) 0 Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit Li or 1/2 Cup of Fresh Fruit C Nutri-Cal m Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea L v M r r Q PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 77 4.B.g (in Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Tuesday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Milk- Pregnancy/ Gluten o Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric SoftVecletar Renal Dental Soft H. Protein RestrictE '` �_ 1 1 cup seasoned 1 cup seasoned E Chicken Patty each Low Fat/Low Salt beans beans 3.2 oz chix th E Hamburger 1 N Buns each 1 slice wheat Whit bread 1/2 cup Potab r Catsup 2 oz ladle 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 2 catsup pkt 1000 isl E 1 Tbs Vinaigrette Vinaigrette Vinaigrette No dressing ;v Shredded 112 cup well cooked Q lettuce 1cup carrots 1 cup Vinaigrette LO 0 Corn Chips 1 oz No 1 cup m.potatoes N 1 LO Cookie each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup apples. Nutri-Cal 1 pkt. No sugar.Tea, Extra milk Juice water or milk y .._.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..�..�........_................. Dinner Day: Tuesday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Milk- Pregnancy/ Gluten cn Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft VecletarmanRenal Dental Soft H. Protein Restrict N m 6 oz 11/2 cup ranch Chicken Ala King ladle Low Fat/Low Salt 3 oz baked chicken beans No dairy No Celery 1 cup 3 oz baked chi t x Pasta pup 112 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup 1 cup rice W Peas cup Low Fat/Low Salt 3/4 cup 3/4 cup v Dinner Roll cn each 1 slice wheat bread White breads No No 0 Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup frui iy Nutri-Cal 1 pkt. No sugar.Tea, Extra milk Juice water or milk C d No meat&base E L v R r r Q PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 78 4.B.g On Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Wednesday o Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted O Lunch u. Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-OVo Pregnancy/ Gluten Menu Item Size2000K Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restr4c E Hungarian 1/2 No Onion&Green 2 oz non- Goulash cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt Pepper 1 cup Ranch Beans Processed Meat N t r Pasta ��P 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 3 c 3/4 Frozen corn,pea,or O Carrots cup 3/4 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 cup of veg Green Beans well cooked 3/4 cup d 2 Slices of Wheat >v Dinner Roll 1 ea Wheat 1 slice White Bread 1/2 cup rice 1/2 cup rice Q Cookie 1 each 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce or cake or cake or fruit p Nutri-Cal N 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Juice LO CD a+ ......................................................................................._.._........... Dinner Day: Wednesday U Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten t Menu Item Psz'e° Fat/Sal o t Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft H. Protein C� 3/4 3 oz Baked 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- m Tamale Pie 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No Flour Thickner Chicken Bread Processed Meat cup y-, Steamed Rice 3/4 Sup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt 1-1/2 cup K W ' Green Salad 1 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 Cups Salad w/ Vinaigrette 1/2 well cooked 1 cup Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Dressing Carrots v Cake 1 pc 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit a� or 1/2 Cup of Fresh U) Fruit 0 O Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea u- Juice c m E t v PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack r Q Packet Pg. 79 4.B.g (fin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Thursday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Portion Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten p Menu Itemsi Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� H. Protein u, Comida 1 1/4 No onion&green 1 .5 cup beans E 3/4 cup Low fat/low salt 12 oz ladle 6 oz ladle meat&Mexicana cup pepper w/tomato sauce E Garden Salad 3/4 Vinaigrette 1/2 well cooked N Diet Dressing Diet Dressing Diet Dressing 2 Cups Garden salad 1 cup Diet Dressint w/Dressing cup Dressing Carrots r Cornbread 1 pc. 1 slice Wheat 3 Bread 2 Pc Cornbread rice cake +' E Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup fruit L Nutri-Cal 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea Q Juice LO No meat&base LO N Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Thursday FP rtion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Itemize Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein RestriCte `� m BBQ Meatloaf 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt No onion 11/2 cup seasoned 2 oz non- 11/2 cup seasoned 11/2 cup seaso beans proccessed meat beans beans t 3/4 soaked&boiled K Whipped Potatoes cup 1/2 cup Low Fat/Low Salt No onion only 1 cup 1 cup uJ to Brown Gravy ladle Low Fat/Low Salt No onion No No v 2-1 3/4 frozen corn, Mixed Vegetables cup Low Fat/Low Salt 2 cups Veg peas,or gr.Beans well cooked 3/4 cup 3/4 cup U) 1 ofDinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread White breads 2 SlicBread heat No No LL Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup fruit c or 1/2 Cup of Fresh d Fruit Nutri-Cal M 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea r Juice Q 7 PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 80 4.B.g (fin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Friday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Psi Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� 2000KH. Protein Hot Dog 5/1 each Low Fat/Low Salt Processed Meat 1 cup baked be E 1 2 Slices Of Wheat N Hot Dog Bun each 1 Slice Wheat Bread rice cake r Catsup & 1 pkt 2 Mustard pkt 1 each 2 Mustard pkt 3 Mustard O a� 3/4 Frozen Green E Baked Beans cup 1 cup No 1 cup 2 Cups Beans 3/4 cup L 3/4 Any vegetable 3/4 cup well Q Coleslaw cup except corn Low Fat/Low Salt 1 cup carrots 1 cup cooked carrots Ln Cookie 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesa N or cake or fruit �, Nutri-Cal 'n 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea �C Juice r a� Dinner Day: Friday Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft an H. Protein Restr `� m Turkey Rice 11/4 Low Fat/Low Salt No onion,corn& 1 1/2 cup seasoned 1 1/2 cup seasc Casserole cup green pepper beans beans Peas 3/4 3/4 cup Carrots Low fat/low salt Carrots 2 Cups Mixed 1/2 cup green 3/4 cup 1 cup UJ cup Vegetables beans U) 1 2 Slices Of Wheat a) Dinner Roll each 1 slice wheat bread White breads Bread No No V a� Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup fruit fn O or 1/2 Cup of Fresh O Fruit ILL Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea c d E t v cv No meat&base r Q PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 81 4.B.g (fin Week: 5 Modified Meal Specification Sheet Day: Saturday Meal are modified from general menu unless otherwise noted Lunch Diabetic TCardiac Diet or Low Lacto- vo Pregnancy/ Gluten 00 Menu Item Portion Fat/Salt Gastric Soft HIGH FIBER Renal Dental Soft ,� 2000KH. Protein Bologna 1 ea 2 Wheat Bread White Bread Turkey Sandwich peanut butter 3 oz 2 Slices of Wheat 2 oz non- 3 oz baked chic E Sandwich oz no mayo sandwich Bread Processed Meat w 1/2 cup ric E Ma onnaise 2 oz no mayo 2 mustard t Y ladle pkt r Pasta cup 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup a� Tomato Soup,no d Soup Du Jour 1 cup No Pasta Low Fat/Low Salt onion No meat&base no beans or celery Tomato Soul d L Pudding 1 pc 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesauce 1/2 cup applesa Q or Cake or Cake LO Nutri-Cal LO o 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea N Juice LO Y a+ ..................................................................................................... Dinner Day: Saturday a Portion Diabetic Cardiac Diet or Low Lacto-Ovo Pregnancy/ Gluten to Menu Item Size Fat/Salt Gastric Soft I VeaetarmanHIGH FIBER Renal I Dental Soft H. Protein RestriQLe N m Lasagna 1/2cu Low Fat/Low Salt No onion&green 1 cup chili beans protein w/ 1c 1 cup chili bea pepper no gravy t 2 Cups Mixed Well cooked K Carrots 4 oz Low Fat/Low Salt 1/2 cup carrot no tomato sauce 3/4 cup LV Vegetables carrots U) Garlic Bread 2 sl 1 slice No margarine a) Bread 2 Slices of Wheat 1/2 cup rice V a� Cake 1 pc 112 cup fruit 112 cup fruit 112 cup applesauce 112 cup applesauce 112 cup fruit fn O or 1/2 Cup of Fresh O Fruit LL Nutri-Cal Juice 1 pkt No Sugar Tea,Water or Milk Extra milk Tea c d E t v cv r r Q PM snack No Meat or Base PM snack PM snack Packet Pg. 82 4.B.h w Exhibit C 0, U Kent Corrections r M Inmates Daily Meals Cost/Meal Cost/Meal Cost/Meal 2012 2016 2021 •2 70 210-234 $2.204 $2.24 $2.32 75 225-239 $2.109 $2.14 $2.22 0 80 240-254 $2.025 $2.06 $2.13 85 255-269 $1.951 $1.98 $2.05 E 90 270-284 $1.885 $1.91 $1.98 L 95 285-299 $1.827 $1.85 $1.92 0 100 300-314 $1.774 $1.80 $1.86 105 315-329 $1.726 $1.75 $1.81 110 330-344 $1.683 $1.71 $1.77 U) 115 345-359 $1.643 $1.67 $1.73 0 LL 120 360-374 $1.607 $1.63 $1.69 r 125 375-389 $1.573 $1.60 $1.66 E E 130 390-404 $1.542 $1.57 $1.63 in 135 405-419 $1.514 $1.54 $1.59 140 420-434 $1.487 $1.51 $1.56 3 c 145 435-449 $1.462 $1.48 $1.53 E 150 450-464 $1.439 $1.46 $1.51 i 155 465-479 $1.418 $1.44 $1.49 Q 160 480-494 $1.397 $1.42 $1.47 c In N N J d V L a U t x w N N V d Cn O O LL r C N E t v O Q Packet Pg. 83 4.B.i c a� EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS Insurance as The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which N may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or o subcontractors. '� a� A. Minimum Scope of Insurance c L q Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: N a� 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services (n Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent c liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide �° contractual liability coverage. E 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO E occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from U) premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability 3 assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project E Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as ;v an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability Q insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute o endorsement providing equivalent coverage. a� 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. ; B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance o Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: x w 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. a� Cn 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with c limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 �i general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed — operations aggregate limit. c a� E a Packet Pg. 84 4.B.i c a� EXHIBIT D (Continued ) O U C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: a� 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect o the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage Jq maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. E c L 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies o (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf U_ of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The E City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance U) policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each 3 insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. a� a� D. Acceptability of Insurers a Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not o less than ANII. N E. Verification of Coverage �a L Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the N amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. x F. Subcontractors w N Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance Cn requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. o U_ c a� E a Packet Pg. 85 r ge m en,V K'-' CO rd s M,,q.-I O I KENT ° Document WASH INGTON �` l,.; E E V! s CONTRACT COVER SHEET 3 c This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. 5D If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. a o Ln Vendor Name: Consolidated Food Management, Inc. El W c O Vendor Number: 33488 CD CD ]D Edwards Number a Contract Number: This is assigned by City Clerk's Office O c Project Name: Food Services to City of Kent Corrections Facility c CD E Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 1/1/2016 Termination Date: 12/31/2020 �° Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment y c O U Contract Manager: Diane McCuistion Department; CKCF •L Contract Amount: $239,148.00 estimated a� Approval Authority: ❑ Department Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): Food and food preparation services to feed inmates and corrections staff each day of the �° week. Inmates shall be served no less than three meals per day which shall contain no — less than a total of 2,600 calories per day. c � as E I f As of: 08/27/14 Packet Pg. 86 4.B.j T U- E GODS & SERVICES AGREEMENT between the City of Kent and w CONSOLIDATED FOOD MANAGEMENT, INC. E THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation Q (hereinafter the "City"), and Consolidated Food Management, Inc organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 7429 SE 27th Street, Mercer Island, Washington 98040, 206- c 678-3429 and Ted Hanby (hereinafter the "Vendor"), r AGREEMENT E I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Vendor shall provide the following goods and materials and/or L perform the following services for City: Q w Vendor shall provide food and food preparation services to City's Kent Corrections Facility in order to feed L inmates and corrections staff, each day of the week for the term of this Agreement. Inmates shall be c served no less than three meals per day which shall contain no less than a total of 2,600 calories per day. �j The following shall apply to Vendor's services: c Locations and Hours; Vendor shall provide necessary food and food preparation services at the Kent Corrections Facility at such hours as City and Vendor mutually agree. Menu: The menu and menu cycle to be provided by Vendor is attached as Exhibit A, and is incorporated herein by this reference. The menu may be changed but must be approved by CU c vendors' nutritionist and by agreement of all the parties. Vendor shall serve to inmates. a cold M, breakfast. The cold breakfast shall be trayed the night before by Vendor staff and shall be served by City staff the following morning. Staff Meals: Vendor shall provide staff meals as requested at the same rate as inmate meals. Staff meals will be prepared by vendor employees, not inmate labor. Vendor Labor: Vendor shall have the exclusive right to hire employees to provide the servicesCU called for in this Agreement, subject to the terms of a background check performed by employees who must enter the !Cent Corrections Facility, y Inmate Labor: Vendor shall utilize inmate workers provided by City. City shall provide a minimum o of two (2) inmates and a maximum of six (6) inmates for labor each meal period. v Bagged Meals: Vendor shall provide bagged meals as requested by Client. Medical Meals and Religious Meals: Vendor shall provide meals to accommodate medical and 0 religious needs different those meals specified in Exhibit B as requested by City. p Produets: Vendor shall purchase food, products and supplies necessary to comply with Vendor's N obligations as set forth in this Agreement. Compliance with Food Safety Laws: Vendor shall comply with all federal, state and localit regulations governing the preparation, handling and serving of food and Vendor shall post all N permits or licenses as required by law. Vendor shall immediately notify City in the event of noncompliance with any state or federal law or regulation. City shall cooperate with Vendor to 0 accomplish the foregoing. U_` Cleaning: Vendor shall perform routine cleaning and housekeeping in the food preparation and CU service areas. City shall perform major cleaning including, without limitation, stripping and waxing r floors, cleaning walls, windows, fixtures, ceilings, electric light fixtures, grease traps, hoods and = 0 vents, duct work, plenum chambers and roof fans throughout the Kent Corrections Facility as E deemed necessary by the City. U CU ++ i ++ i Q City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management, Inc GOODS & SERVICES AGREEMENT- I j (Over$20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 87 4.B.j Vendor acknowledges and understands that it is not the exclusive provider of these goods, materials, or services to City and that City maintains its unqualified right to obtain these goods, materials, and services o 0 from other sources. U, r E E II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY. 0 A. Facilities and Equipment. At no cost to Vendor, City shall provide Vendor with the reasonably necessary facilities, equipment and smallwares for the safe and efficient provision of the 3 services called for in this Agreement. At its own expense, City shall maintain, repair or replace, } and keep in safe operating condition the facilities and equipment, such that no Vendor (D employee is exposed to or subjected to a condition that constitutes a violation of the E Occupational Safety and Health Act ("OSHA") or any other similar federal, state or local law or L a� regulation. Q B. City Permits and Licenses: City represents and warrants that it has and will maintain all O required permits and licenses necessary to provide a facility that offers food to inmates of a city corrections facility. City will notify Vendor upon receiving notice of loss of any such permit or license. C. Background Check of Vendor Employees: City may perform a background check of Vendor employees who will enter the Kent Corrections Facility. City may prohibit the entry of any E a) Vendor employee based on the results of the background check or otherwise as necessary to L protect the health, safety or welfare of inmates or staff of the Kent Corrections Facility or the Q Kent Corrections Facility itself. The decision to prohibit entry of a Vendor employee shall be at the sole discretion of the Kent Corrections Facility. City shall comply with all state and federal laws in conducting any background check, and shall not prohibit entry for a reason that c constitutes a violation of state or federal law. v c III. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TIME OF COMPLETION. This Agreement shall be effective January 1, 2016, and any work performed between January 1, 2016, and the date of final signature of this E Agreement shall be deemed ratified by the parties` approval of this Agreement and subject to the terms of a� this Agreement. The Term of this Agreement will be for five years, commencing on January 1, 2016 and R shall expire on December 31, 2020, subject to terms and conditions agreed-upon by both Parties. Vendor .may continue to provide the goods and services called for in this Agreement after the term of this Agreement, and if Vendor does, such goods and services shall be provided subject to the terms and °o conditions then properly in effect on the last day before the end of the term of this Agreement. L a� R IV. COMPENSATION. City shall pay Vendor at a per-meal amount as set forth in Exhibit C o which amount is inclusive of sales tax. The cost of each meal is dependent on the number of inmates W served, as reflected in Exhibit C. Any applicable taxes, including sales tax, shall be the responsibility of v City. The annual compensation for 2016 is estimated to be $239,148.00. This is only an estimate, as the � actual amount shall be dependent on the number of meals served at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. c Vendor is responsible .to bill the Kent Correctional Facility for compensation that is retroactive from a' January 15t 2016 until this Agreement is signed. O N After 2016, compensation due to Vendor for the per-meal costs shall be increased effective January 1 of each year as follows: it N i 2016 -- 1.5% increase from 2015 term o 2017 - 1.5% increase from 2016 term 0 L 2018 - 111/b increase from 2017 term — 2019 and 2020 No increase r Vendor shall submit a weekly invoice to City for payment. City shall provl"de payment within thirty days of receipt of an invoice. CU Q City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management Services, Inc - Inmate Food Services Agreement GOODS &SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 (Over$20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 88 4.B.j If City objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify Vendor and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the Invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to 0 settle the disputed portion. U- V. PAYMENT AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS. VENDOR'S ACCEPTANCE OF FULL PAYMENT OF AN E INVOICE SHALL. CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION DUE TO VENDOR FOR THE PERIOD COVERING THE INVOICE, PAYMENT BY CITY TO VENDOR SHALL NOT RELIEVE VENDOR FROM REIMBURSING CITY IN THE EVENT IT IS DETERMINED THAT CITY WAS OVERBILLED FOR THE INVOICE 3 PERIOD OR OTHERWISE PAID AN AMOUNT NOT DUE TO VENDOR. c a� VI. DEFECTIVE OR UNAUTHORIZED WORK. City reserves its right to withhold payment E from Vendor for any defective or unauthorized goods, materials or services, or for goods or services not L provided or performed. If Vendor is unable or unwilling, for any reason, to complete any part of this a Agreement, such inability shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement, City may obtain the •• goods, materials or services from other sources, and Vendor shall pay to the City any additional costs �o incurred by City. "additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs; including but not limited to the costs for the goods or services, as well as all costs to City In procuring replacement goods and services, and any legal costs and attorney fees incurred by City, and it is understood that these additional costs will likely exceed the compensation set forth In this Agreement. To recover the additional costs, City may, in E a� addition to any other collection method, deduct the additional costs from any and all amounts due or to ;v a� become due Vendor. Q .r VII. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that Vendor shall be an independent contractor. To this end, Vendor makes the following representations or agrees to the following; 0 U A. Vendor controls and directs the performance and details of its work, City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. C, Vendor has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction E for federal income tax purposes that existed before City retained Vendor's services, or the (D Vendor is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or c business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. Vendor is responsible for filing, as they become due, all necessary tax documents with 00 appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the Washington and other required state departments of revenue, R E. Vendor has registered its business and established an account with the Washington o Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Vendor's business, Ch and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. 0 F. Vendor maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. c •L G. Vendor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations O pertaining to the wages and hours of employment for Vendor's employees. Vendor shall be N responsible for all withholding and payroll taxes relative to Vendor's employees. Vendor shall comply with Ch. 51.08 RCW in regards to its workers. it a� In the event it is determined that Vendor or any of its employees, workers or agents Is not an independent o contractor, Vendor shall fully indemnify and reimburse City for any costs, fees, wages, benefits, legal fees or other fees or costs attributable to the determination that Vendor or its employee or agent is not an _ independent contractor. For the purposes of this section, the employees and agents of Vendor include all individuals retained, hired, or selected by Vendor to perform any of the services called for in this r c Agreement. E t VIII. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, uponCU providing the other party thirty (90) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of Q City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management Services, Inc - Inmate Food Services Agreement GOODS &SERVICES AGREEMENT- 3 (Over.$20,000, Including WSST) Packet Pg. 89 4.B.j i this Agreement. City may terminate this Agreement Immediately upon the breach of this Agreement by Vendor. The failure to perform any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a material breach. 0 0 0 LL IX. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. VENDOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT, FILE ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN 120 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE THE E CONTRACT WORK IS COMPLETE OR VENDOR'S ABILITY TO FILE THAT SUIT SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED. � THIS SECTION FURTHER LIMITS ANY APPLICABLE STATUTORY LIMITATIONS PERIOD. w X. WARRANTY. Vendor warrants that it will faithfully and satisfactorily perform all work 3 provided under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. In addition to any (D other warranty provided for at law or herein, this Agreement is additionally subject to all warranty E provisions established under the Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A, Revised Code of Washington. L Vendor warrants goods are merchantable, are fit for the particular purpose for which they were obtained, a and will perform in accordance with their specifications and Vendor's representations to City. Vendor shall promptly correct all defects in workmanship and materials; (1) when Vendor knows or should have known o of the defect, or (2) upon Vendor's receipt of notification from City of the existence or discovery of the defect. When defects are corrected, the warranty for that portion of the work shall extend for an additional year beyond the original warranty period applicable to the overall work. Vendor shall begin to correct any defects within seven (7) calendar days of its receipt of notice from City of the defect. If aEi Vendor does not accomplish the corrections within a reasonable time as determined by City, City may ;v complete the corrections and Vendor shall pay all costs incurred by City in order to accomplish the Q w correction. � I L � XI. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any sub-contract, Vendor, its sub-contractors, or any person acting on behalf of Vendor or U sub-contractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is S qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. E Vendor shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, aD a� Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached c Compliance Statement. XII. INDEMNIFICATION. Vendor shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officers, officials, o employees agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, U E including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Vendor's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by City`s negligence. R 0 City's inspection or acceptance of any of Vendor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. v IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION c PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES VENDOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, °1 TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE, PARTIES FURTHER O ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. v, m The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. it a� XIII. INSURANCE. Vendor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, o Insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit D attached and incorporated by this �o reference. XIV. WORK PERFORMED AT VENDOR'S RISK. Vendor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of a, the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at E Vendor's own risk, and Vendor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or otherCU CU articles used or held for use in connection with the work. Q City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management Services, Inc - Inmate Food Services Agreement GOODS & SERVICES AGREEMENT - d (Over$20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 90 4.B.j i I XV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. � 0 A. Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, City requires its �0 contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price E preference may be available for any designated recycled product. E B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained In this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this 3 Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. E C. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any Q dispute, difference or claim arising frem the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means •• of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules o and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the r parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or a) award provided by law; provided, however, nothing In this paragraph shall be construed to limit City's 0 I right to indemnification under Section KI of this Agreement. Q w D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written c notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or U certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. c a� E. Asi nmment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent E of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, (D a) the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be c made without additional written consent. F. Amendments. No amendment, waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of 0 0 this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of City U_ and Vendor. R G. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any o Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or 0 altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this F Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any S language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. °1 1 O H. Compliance with laws. Vendor agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, N rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Vendor's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the it a� performance of those operations. N I. Public Records Act. Vendor acknowledges that City is a public agency subject to the Public L°o0 Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, notes, emails, _ and other records prepared or gathered by Vendor in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by City. As such, t Vendor agrees to cooperate fully with City in satisfying City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. ++ i Q � City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management Services, Inc - Inmate Food Services Agreement GOODS &SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 (aver$20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 91 4.B.j i ]. City Business License Required. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of o the Kent City Code. L° r K. Counterparts and Signatures by Fax or Email. This Agreement may be executed in any E number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as If the Agreement w bearing the original signature was received in person. 3 c aD IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on E the last date entered below. L -- a VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: LO X' o LO (signature) ,f`f a b (signature) Print Narne: Prir(t Nanlle: ' dpuzette Cooke E Its I s, •'' Mayor (title) _.. DATE: DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: c U VENDOR. CITY OF KENT: c � Ted Hanby Corrections Commander Consolidated Food Management, Inc Diane McCuistion E 7429 SE 27t" St City of Kent aD Mercer Island, WA 98040 220 Fourth Avenue South c 206-678-3429 (telephone) Kent, WA 98032 thanby@cfm-inc,com (email) (253) 856-5964 (telephone) o 253 856-6960 (facsimile)___ LL APPROICE�AS CU ! f N t L epartment v F . c L P:1CivillT ilesl0pcn Filesl0446-Kent Corrections Facility GenerillT ucd Scrviccs12016 CFM.docx 0 to V d O - O U- '� I r C O E t v R Q City of Kent and Consolidated Food Management Services, Inc - Inmate Food Services Agreement GOODS &SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 (Over$.20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 92 4.B.j i l 1 � O O LL 7, City Business License Raqulred. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5,0� of i E E the Kent City code, K, Counrparts and Sl n tunes h Fay. x or En-La te 11• This Agreement may be executed in any I number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement,- Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement E m bearing the original signature was received in person, IM L IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on Q the last date entered below, 0 VE460R: CITY OF KEIdT: l E I 4 �� ..y, By' (signature) 0 ((gnat r Print Name: A° = `+ Print Name, Suzette Cooke _ — co Its (title) L - DATE: DATE; — O iUDTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: U VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: +, c d Ted Hanby Corrections Commander E d Diane Mccuistion Consolidated Food Management, Inc 0) 7429 SE 27"' St City of Kent c Mercer Island, WA 98040 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 206••678-3429 (telephone) thanby@cfm-Inc,com (email) O (253) BS6-5964 (telephone) LL 253 856-6960 facsimile APPROVED AS TO DORM: 0 N C Kent Law Department i U L P:1CIvillEileslOpcn i:iles10446-Ken1 Corrections Facility oencraArood Serviees12016 CFM.dom 0 N I d C1 1 .N co O O LL II C N E s City of Kent and consolidated Food Management Services, Inc -Inmate Food Services Agreement Q l GOODS &SERVICES AGREEMENT_ 6 I I (over$20,000, including WSST) Packet Pg. 93 4.B.j 1 0 0 U- r E DECLARATION 'E E I � CXTY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLXCY E w Th•e City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity, E As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment Opportunity 0, a policies. LO The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any N contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this"Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supp with regard to the lier willfully misrepresents themselves E directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the Cit 's sole determination regarding sr.ispension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; Q w The questions are as follows; I � 0 1, Shave read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. v 2. During the time of this Agreement S will not discriminate in employment on the basis of I r sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical a disability. i (D 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written staternent to C itment as an equal opportunity all new employees and subcontractors indicating comm employer, i o 4. During the time of the Agreement S, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and U- promotion of women and minorities. R 5• Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement: will be signed by me, the prime Contractor, that the prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth o above. U By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above, L 0 BY: U For; y Title: _ . . _ Date; - r c a� E CU Q I EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - I of 3 Packet Pg. 94 4.B.j CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY o 0 U- r E E !NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 � w 3 c a� E SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 L CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor Q POLICY: N Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee E equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: Q w 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 0 U 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. r Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract E and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. c Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. o U- 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these a regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity C policy. 0 2: Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. c • L O V N 0 0 LL a ! E 0 CU j Q i EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 of 3 Packet Pg. 95 4.B.j CITY OF ENT o C EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT U° r T E This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the w Agreement. 3 c aD E I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of ;v Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime Q contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on N the (date), between the firm I represent and the City of a� Kent. E a� a� L Q I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City L of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity c U Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. c r c E a� a� By: _ c For: _ c LL f Title: a� R Date: _ 2 0 N C O U c L O V N O O U_ •(Q I f E V Q EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 of 3 Packet Pg. 96 4.B.j EXHIBIT A . .F� ET��.�M �U elm Breakfast Lunch ®inner � O Sunday LL O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Swedish Meatballs w/sauce 1 ea.(4 oz.) Corn flakes 1 cup Green Salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Dressing 1 Tbis. Mixed Vegetable 6 oz ladle E Scone 1 each Vegetable Soup 1/2 cup veg 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 1160 1 ea. Margarine 1 tsp s I Jelly 1 pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. — 1%milk 8 az Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 3 C d Monday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Meat Casserole 4 oz Meat Sauce 6 oz. m Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle IM Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz,ladle Peas 6oz ladle Q coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp c 1%milk 8 oz Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 5011 1 pa, N Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. C Tuesday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Salad 4 oz ladle Chicken Stew 8 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Sandwich 1 each Pasta 314 cup i Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 314 cup Green Beans 314 cup Q coffee cake 1 each Navy Bean Soup 1 cup Biscuit 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp I%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O U Wednesday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chile 1 meat 6oz ladle j Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad wlDressing S cup/2 Tbs Carrots 6 oz ladle 4) i Bread 1 each Home Style Potato 6 oz ladle Cornbread 5411 1 each E Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp 0 1 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pki. Cake 6011 1 Pc. cv Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Thursday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Diced Turkey in Gravy 6oz.Ladle Chicken Tetrazzini 6 oz ladle O Corn flakes 1 cup Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle LL Boiled Egg 1 each Corn 6 oz ladle Peas 6 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll i each Dinner Roll 1 each O Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp a 1%milk 8 oz Cake 6011 1 Pc. Pudding 3 oz ladle N Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Juice Packet 1 Pkt. C U Frida Fresh Fruit 112 cup Hot Dag 511 Meat(2 oz.) Balls with 4 oz. to C Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Tomato Sauce 3 oz ladle M Boiled Egg 1 each Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Pasta 6 oz ladle r Coffeecake 1 each Potato salad c 6 oz ladle Sliced Carrots 6 oz ladle , Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Cornbread(1154) 1 pc 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 2 tsp v_ Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. a) Saturda Fresh Fruit 112 cup Macaroni Meat Au Gratin 10 oz ladle Turkey Curry Stew 8 oz.ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Carrots 6 az ladle Rotini Noodles 6oz, ladle LL 0 Boiled Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Green Beans 6 oz,ladle — Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsP 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. CID E h t NOTE:Bevera et unch contains Vitamin C. 41 M Reviewed and ievised by,:Barbara J Pypor' MS RID�:SNS;FCSI Q GENERAL MENU F4l�tD:1b13012415; 2600° WEEK#1 Menu are subject to change duo to supply shortago or cost factor Packet Pg. 97 EXHIBIT A 11A� `f EC), `Tl, il [IU cFnrt Breakfast Lunch Dinner 0 0 Sunday li Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Bologna Sandwich 2 oz. Baked Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Corn flakes 1 cup wlCheese 1 slice BBQ Sauce 2 oz, E Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta Salad 314 cup Oven Brown Potatoes 314 cup 7 Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Corn 6 oz.ladle Margarine 1 tsp Cake 60/1 1 PC, Dinner Roll 1 each s Jelly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Margarine 1 tsp 3 1%milk 8 oz Cake 50/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. m Monday m Fresh Fruit 112 cup Meat(2 oz)Sauce 4 oz Home Baked Meat(2 oz)Loaf 4 oz, Crispy Rice coral 1 cup Pasta 4 oz ladle Steamed Rice 1 cup Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 6 oz.ladle Peas 6 oz. ladle Q coffee cake 1 each Garlic Bread 1 slice Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Ln Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each o 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp v Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. c O i Tuesday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Sandwich 3 oz.Meat Chicken Ala King 6 oz ladle C Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad wlDressing 1 cup Pasta 314 Cup L Boiled Egg 1 each Vege Pasta Soup 1 cup Green beans 314 CLIP Q coffee cake 1 each Cake 6011 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each v Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp L 1%milk 8 oz Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. V Wednesday v 6 oz. ladle 112 cup Corn Dog-Stickless 511 Braised Chicken&Mushroom 8 oz ladle � Crispy rice Cerea[ 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz.ladle VV1Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Coleslaw 6 oz.ladle Peas 6 oz.ladle d Bread 2 each Cookie 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each y Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday O Fresh Fruit I t2 cup Comida Mexicana 8 oz.ladle Country Stew(2 oz.meat) 6 ILLoz,ladle LL Corn flakes 1 cup corn 314 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 5411 1 pc. Garden Salad wl Dressing a oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp p 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Pudding 3 oz ladle in C Juice Packet 1 Pkt. U Fridgy Fresh Fruit 112 cup Sloppy Joe(2 oz.Meat) 4 oz ladle Fried Rice I Meat 10 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Cabbage 6 oz ladle L Boiled Egg 'I each Home Fries 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each Coffeecake 1 each pasta salad 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp rn Margarine 1 tsp Cookie 1 each Cake 6011 1 PC, 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Juice Packet 1 Pkt. V s' a� N Saturday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup T,Bologna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Beef&Bean Burrito 1 each Li Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle _ Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Shredded Cheese 1 oz, M Coffeecake 1 each Cake 4160 1 each Rice Pilaf 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Corn 6 oz ladle 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. t 0 O NOTE. Beveraptaipunch contains Vitamin C. 4112/13 Q RevieWeCi and rsjiised by Barbara J Pyper MS,Rbx,SNS FCSj GENERAL MEN�J FAND 1O28116 2600. WEK #2 Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 98 i i f EXHIBIT A r Yi ,CO�� ��TIOi � Cull.' Breakfast Lunch Dinner � O Sunda L 0L Fresh Fruit 112 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 3 oz.Meat Home Baked Meailoaf 4 oz Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Pasta 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Beef Gravy 3 oz ladle E Scone 1 each Cake 6011 1 pc. Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each s Jelly 1 pkt Margarine 2 tsp = 1%milk 8 oz Cake 6011 1 pc. 3 Juice Packet 1 Pkt. d Monday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Curry Stew 4 oz Chicken(2 oz)Patty 1 each m Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle iv Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 5411 1 PC. Chicken Gravy 3 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp - corn 6 oz ladle Q Margarine 1 tsp Coleslaw 314 cup Dinner Roll 1 each LO 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp N Juice Packet 1 Pki. Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Tuesday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chili Mac 6 oz ladle Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle Corn flakes 1 cup Corn 314 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle i Bailed Egg 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Garden Salad w0ressing 6 oz ladle Q coffee cake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each j Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O C) Wednesday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chili Con Came(1.5 oz meal) 8 oz ladle C Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle +, Boiled Egg 1 each Shred Lettucel mayo 1 azl 1 tsp Carrots 8 oz ladle ! Bread 2 each Baked Beans W cup veg 6 oz ladle Cornbread 5411 1 pc Margarine 2 tsp Home Fries 6 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 6011 1 pc, Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. to Thursday p Fresh Fruit 112 cup T.Bok)gna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Meatball 6 oz. O Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad WI Dressing 8 oz ladle Mashed Potatoes 6 oz ladle LL Boiled Egg 1 each Scup Du Jour 1 cup Country Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Cake 6011 1 pc. Peas B oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each a 1%milk 8 oz Margarine 2 tsp y Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 0 Friday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Hot Dag 511 Chicken Casserole 6 oz ladle to C Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Hot Dog Bun 1 each Rice 6 oz ladle :M Boiled Egg 1 each Horne Fries 8 oz ladle Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle r Coffeecake 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each , Margarine 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. v Juice Packet 1 Pkt. a� to Saturday Fresh Fruit. 112 cup riungarian Goulash(2 o7. meat) 6 oz ladle Spanish Ricewlth Meal(2 oz) 12 oz ladle G Corn flakes 1 Cup Steamed rice 6 oz ladle Carrots 8 oz ladle LL Boiled Egg 1 each Peas 8 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each — Coffee.cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 2 tsp M Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 2 isp Cake 6011 1 PC. ; I%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. N Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E t c� O r NOTE: Bevera o! unch contains Vitamin C. 4112113 Q Revrewed and revised by,Barbara J Pyper,'MS RD ShfS FCSI ���� VEEKo GENERA M.�NU FAND 1(}7201.�.._.: Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 99 FXHIBIT A 7.1L - j, CFM Breakfast Lunch ®inner o O Sunday li Fresh Fruit 112 cup Turkey Salami Sandwich 2 oz. Chicken Veggie Casserole 4 oz = Corn flakes 1 cup wlCheese 1 oz. Pasta 6 oz. ladle E Boiled Egg 2 each Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Green beans 6 oz.ladle E Scone 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each 3 Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp s Jolly 1 pkt Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 6011 1 pc. 3 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. m Monday E Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chicken Stroganoff 4 oz Beef&Bean Burrito 5.25 oz. m Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 8 oz ladle Salsa 2 oz ladle IM Boiled Egg 2 each Mixed vegetables 8 oz ladle Shredded Cheese 1 oz. Q coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Rice Pilaf 8 oz ladle Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Corn 8 oz ladle 0 1%milk 1 tsp Pudding 3 oz ladle Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. c O Tuesday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chicken Patty 1 each Chicken Ala King 8 oz ladle d Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Lettuce/1000 Dressing 314 cup/2tbs Peas 8 oz ladle coffee cake 1 each Corn Chips 1 oz Dinner Roll 1 each v Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp L 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 0 Wednesday Fresh Fruit V2 cup Turkey Salad Sandwich 3 oz. Oriental Fried Rice(2 oz.meal) 12 oz ladle Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Potato Salad 6 oz ladle Cabbage 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Southwestern Cole Slaw 6 oz ladle Dinner Roll 1 each IV Bread 2 each Cake 6011 1 pc. Margarine 1 tsp 4) N Margarine 2 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Cake 60/l 1 pc. 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. i{ I O Thursday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Chicken/Mushroom 6 oz ladle Savory Meat Loaf 4 oz, u_ Corn flakes 1 cup Rotini Noodles 6 oz ladle Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Steamed Carrots 8 oz IadIe Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each peas 8 oz ladle -a Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Dinner Roll 1 each O 1%milk 8 bz Cookie 1 each Margarine 1 tsp rn C Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Cake 60M 1 pc. O Juice Packet 1 Pkt. U Frida � Fresh Fruit 112 cup Corn Dog-Stickless 511 Fish Patty 3 oz. Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Baked Beans 6 oz.Ladle Tarter Sauce 2 oz. O Boiled Egg 1 each Pasta salad 6 oz.Ladle Home Fries 8 oz ladle Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Corn 8 oz ladle rn Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Dinner Roll 1 each v 1%milk 8 oz Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. a) Juice Packet 1 Pkt, N Saturday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Teriyaki Chicken Patty 3.2 oz Turkey Rice/Broccoli 10 oz. `O Corn flakes 1 cup Steamed Rice 6 oz,IadIe Southern Coleslaw 6 oz ladle _ Boiled Egg 1 each Garden Salad wlDressing 1 cupllTsp Biscuit 1 each Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc• 1%milk 807 Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Juice Packet 1 Pkt. � I r NOTE: Bevera e! unch contains Vitamin C. 4112113 Q GENERAL1ENU Revlewe and revised by Barbara J Pyper,MS RD SNS FCSI60 ' SEEK#4 FJ1ND 9QJ2811B Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage or cost factor Packet Pg. 100 i E EXHIBIT A [MTER 0K' 'R 0.10 Breakfast Lunch Dinner �° Sundax Fresh Fruit 112 cup Slice Turkey Sandwich 1 each Macaroni wlCheese& 10 oz,ladle E Corn flakes 1 cup Potato salad 6 oz ladle Turkey Ham Casserole 7 Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Green Beans 6 oz. ladle Scone 1 each Cake 6011 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each s Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tsp 3 Jelly 1 pkt Cake 6011 1 pc. 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. E Monday m Fresh Fruit 112 cup Meat Sauce 4 oz Turkey Chop Suey B oz. 5D Crispy Rice ceral 1 cup Pasta 6 oz ladle Steamed Rice 4 oz.ladle IM Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad wlDressing 1 cup Peas 8 oz ladle Q coffee cake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each c Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp N 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Cake 60/1 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O Tuesday Fresh Fruit 112 cup Hamburger Patty 1 each Chicken&Noodle Casserole 6 oz ladle d Corn flakes 1 cup Hamburger Bun 1 each Pasta 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Green Salad 314 cup Corn 6 oz ladle Q coffee cake 1 each 1000 Island Dressing 1 Tbls. Dinner Roll 1 each v Margarine 1 tsp Baked Beans 6 oz ladle Margarine 1 tsp L 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 ea. Pudding 3 oz ladle Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O U Wednesday v Fresh Fruit 1l2 cup Hungarian Goulash 6 oz ladle Tamale Pie 6 oz ladle C Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Pasta Noodle 8 oz ladle Steamed Rice 6 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Diced Carrots 6 oz.ladle Green Salad 1 cup (D Bread 2 each Dinner Roll 1 each. Cake 6011 1 pc. y Margarine 2 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Thursday O Fresh Fruit 112 cup Comida Mexicana 10 oz ladle BBQ Meatloaf 4 oz. LL Corn flakes 1 cup Garden Salad wlDressing 6 oz lade Whipped Potatoes 6 oz ladle -a Boiled Egg 1 each Cornbread 5411 1 pc Brown Gravy 3 oz ladle a) Coffeecake 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Mixed vegetables 6 oz.ladle Margarine -1 tsp Cake 6011 1 pc. Dinner Roll 1 each 1%milk 8 oz Juice Packet 1 Pkt. Margarine 1 tap y Cake 6011 1 pc. Juice Packet 1 Pkt. O U Friday Fresh Fruit 1/2 cup Turkey Stew 807. Turkey Rice Casserole 12 oz ladle C Crispy rice cereal 1 cup Boiled Potato 8 oz. Peas 8 oz ladle Boiled Egg 1 each Carr 1 cup Dinner Roll 1 each Coffeecake 1 each Dinner Roll 1 each Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 tsp Margarine 1 isp Cake 6011 1 pc. vJ 1%milk 8 oz Cookie 1 each Juice Packet 1 Pki. v Juice Packet 1 Pkt. N i Saturda Fresh Fruit 112 cup Bologna(2 oz)Sandwich 1 each Lasagna with Meat Sauce 12 oz. O Corn flakes 1 cup Pasta salad 6 oz ladle Carrots 1 cup ti Boiled Egg 1 each Soup Du Jour 1 cup Garlic Bread 1 slice — ? Coffeecake 1 each Pudding 4 oz ladle Cake 6011 1 pc, Margarine 1 tsp Juice Packet 1 Pkt, Juice Packet 1 Pkt. 1%milk 8 oz N 1/2 cup 112 cup 112 cup E NOTE: Bevera e! 4112/1 unch contains Vitamin C. ... _3._ , r GENERAL IVI�N�! Reviewed and revised by Barbera J Pyper MS F2D SNS, SCSI 26Q� WEEK#5 Q FAND,.1t] W15- ... Menu are subject to change due to supply shortage. L Packet Pg. 101 k° 4.B.j �'�000a000."(Doo P P P G P P P P O (n N00 O CD(Dh It CO O] t-InO:to c0'N dM nN d�N M 0 Co Cn t Co NO MCt7dr � � d N07OM(I]M OOrCC� W O d;O(Dh 03 r'O N O Cn;(fld N h Cc r-7 NM(D Dl 4'S 1r X Uaattil� r--0MI~Cnh00(O �'t4o r-� (Doiait� ao'car�tit-tsirnl-i- oot�o(no) ao fi C) m (o a a °o LOn n r 0)N Oi r Oo 0)Co:Co r d 07 00 t M M(D cc h M M M r r.i M aO M N{D Cr)Co O V.M h Cy N LL �-- O O Co(D Cl)-M 0O N O O(L'Y 00 r m N(q CA(q(SS r Co r M N M1�,O n M d cc r.M 00 N,Co N O 0.�toONr h�(.D CC)'Cti700(Cl(5>0)OD r-CV Cl) rn r`00{O 0)(D Cl)r CD N 1- pr NC7rMMrA C�] � (} Q N LL ON NNNr-..N NNr Nr N r N N N Nr N N rNNNNINr M N N NN Mr N N + C [} O d"1 o 'W 7 > - Q p a o o'a o a o o io o a o o �'o o io 0 0 0 0 o a o o'er�c o a o 0 0 I'I N r r M V O t�N LO:n M CO O 7 d'N (n M M.Co W)to M to V N J l N N N CO r d N O h{f 3 CO p iA�f�O N 4 cc O CO-t r N CO:V M M LL7'00 N r N N C`'1 h u�N�C1'd;M M'.(Dh CD V M. N .�+ U M(D r(.D CD 47 C'D M1 (D r i'n r Cj C7 N OC)ti CJ[O.67(J)d r O n r M CV r i0�J �.. o M,N M Co N 1.1, COIN M C M N M M M Co N M M N N N M M M N V N M M M M N N'Co C LL- N'.4'1 tf]r W N V Cm"Ni r cO M(n ((1 r 0 M M Lmo r O7 d r NI.6)M N r n'CO t(7:M N r E �") V M N O -t, r r V M;M a?O r d M r Lq r .(!'.m r-Co m(D O «]O OD N M!(T N M' C"O d N Nt rD)6 nf� dr CO W Cn h l�cO rQO MT Ina) (n Cri CY)O (D:Mm tl'r M00 MN 00 r: C L.L O h CP M Co OD:c0 O n O 00 h 00 00 O 0) 00 r 00 h Co r` M 0) CoP PO N Co Q m 00 IN(D 00 Cr) Q L a° � Q (D Mi CD LO'CO M In d d n M N oa(fl',q u)I co cy --- u mm i-- co to r- �'CO d M; n Co Co LO (D(S)!N C>D''V O CD(D O 'd; r-r V:'.O T.M C.m M M h:(7 0)h m 01(D Cf)n D)F�' to h O p I�CyiMNh rh li?O n O Cot M CD' 0'. M,I-- ri- dt CO h'd m r LO d'rl- r-!COn Q (p LO r-(D NN OO(D Ih Ch Nt do d;tn hlh 00 nCO t!}!tNtf') CaNd U M'.M COYM MM MM MM MM miMM MM MMC MM MMd Cl)MM CoMM tMM Ds yr r+ I U7 Cn OO n d CO(D h to Cl)N O.n O CS](D h 07(D(D m CD tC7 m N M r N (DhrtS7 CA CY] d Cq q0¢ roo 00(q C3 (qN rN NM It ID (nN [DMh C (D (V V O CCy r d O c)(O M N D)d Nr O M UO U)t()d ((�M (�-6l O O N N N d'V tS'1(�7 M O m oornho(nrmMm<D 0Com0m0wCm ntl-C) Mrn(nowoo03Co0) fi m N r Qi O 631 N M C]nl 67 N 6) h'N r'd Co aJ It:cc M_N M to to M'� tit CD Mr(DN Co. r-COO cl)r',tC]tn 10 n G7 n n r!0)07 r(D O V C7fr N '�Y CDr 00 M(D p U N O d 01 u>6)CD M n d O d 'd'CO M O r M Cn 0)i d (D M 0)O N d n C7 r-M h Cl) CO N d G L �(�tfl�M OO h OI Co Co D]MCo hEDMN (�M CA CD C9 tCl anOO)(A M3-r O'yr r r 71 ° O r r � � V NO Nh(JYO)(D(Dr ( MLO d Md Mn rn N N 0O r-Md M 03d O on N 0)Mn' ,C�1 M1 to MrO Nh 0)M N O;N rO]M CfJOV C()f dNd'N d UC Mc7 M(,i M 00Wd (D 0 - M�to r r D) (T to M Oi n CJl N Cl-'Ca (D CD Ln r 00 M,n h M"d' h O M O N ti!C9 N 0 Q� h'00 NNt ON d N d[D I'-a Dn Nd�PO'77N d.,(DNhr [51T ON c-(D CO - MN(D (f!!Cli nrnco 'Tr �'C'omM0),CsItImMIn (DMNr-lpMM loM1(o(ndM C'j m Insr- C6 6--N(0'CD' d:Co M M.N (D It N h N Co N M Kt CD r M O n CD It V 1. _ dM Cc M:r MMMMnd ON OicO 10 co M Co 0)O U)rrM n3-M CO 0c(D 00 r 4)(0 'w O W �(DM(D r-- r-6t m Cc CAS 0c rcc N cp Qt OC 03 Cr M Cc r O M 6)0000 M1Co CO CIl n0 cO rS'O7 uj a & C U w N ? fi l0 E. (u Q Q m O Cn CO 0)tf7 6)r (D�i(D 00(D CD N.- O p CA r U)M r- O N r't M N(o N,r N.- r- m to b Cr) Co N M O M r N CC)'-()!M O?�n CD N tC-)i�d "r'h� [•�.to M 63 t r Co 'd.i Cl r r CC}Iq a a. �O O j C (D n CC)CV hl V Ca(D 4 in;t M d V tf).t (n M OD'.m CD 07 dl m V CO N (D.M 00 N LO((?(.D CD to �i�+ ,C y:, O N N N N N N N;N N N N N(4 N N'N N�N N N MI N N,N N N N N',N N,N N N N N N C a C LL j fi fn h Cfl�I' U-)M M O.M (D w O Ni�r M M M O d M I N cc 61 NI'C()t--67 M N r�h M O' j O ptC)MM!tf) rt 70p.Ca Lo Co O N O to C.)c) Mr (n-M(D Co EDO r O tC7 C) (•')M 10 t Ca{1 V(0,Cr' M(Ii!,r r C37 h CD r O r to[Ti M O N to CO.'o O V Cn M.d Ca C) v� M (CJ .O 4 N NN'NNMNNN NM,N N N N N Nq'Co N N N N N:N N N N N N N CV N MMN O N 00':Md O(D Mh 0 N 0rI 0 w WrC.C)dt.nO',6Jn t 0)'Ca 00 N O MNe--O'<-' NId CCJ 4- ID (D.M M M N r 0 M O W M r r M1{f3(n.r N.r h if) N�(D r'r M 00 M M r CD Mtn y'r(.0 (0 d'M n t M 00,(D M 00 Ql N h r N CO n'Cc p M M�O r'M(n O CD d V' 'q�"�Co O O O O }'� £ O -d 0)d Mcl)Co V�Co CS]Co td M'd' LO t to CA d w Co Cry M VMdd�1'dMMto M(.Dd a0 01 y Z t � U O (a •- fi _ ...._ .... '0 0 NON (OIr CnM cnOOM NC-3Ohw Mr mOCnr r C37 OMO Mn M,M 0O 67O (•�1- 'O ' G N Co(Dr CD h rN i1'�tn C; M.(D to CD M(7NM NC7 CnM<I'c(aM (n�n 6)til d 'dM rD) d to M:M d d M V M d(•')M(n M�M d M M M�t M.M d d M 'd M 61 W N - t. s; D Cl n a � U w m Cu t(! dOtf7 M1 OmMrN6)O tn'M Ci]'O MIO W'N m OCD Oc0 r-II-CC71-tF O6)N CD h MhM -Y (D.NO.mM Od ou N.rr d• N M 10 d '4 M M r�OO M1.M O for W m(D'd' N'C.Qrtir-Mn(n to tn'CC] COh htf}Co N CC)LO(D d'to'.0 U) -M CD CO d to CO to to M vfii� C C � O rci N N N N N•,N N N N N N N N.N N N N N N N N N N N N N.N N N N N N N NI N N (q Ux hw2-R LL Q a� � - � •w� fi o � � I r R fit O a o d a Cu a -o -o _0 a � •� w O � t N N 0 m (4. U) m (p O, (d m Cp N C6 tp N U UY 7� m Cu CU N.'a (6, 0?'C7 V {!} mmoaaTammoa� a a (a (n-o �� 'Cl � m aG (L. Vic` f6 c N (o c u w a "o a N (CI' "o N 0 -6 N a 70 'a CU- w� -p D c -o O ] (U to r CL ) O a t fU pl .Ci. s=. CU f O L m 7 O L �i O, a ppqq �t� rn � '.Hu`.cncn�-t-- ,( (ncn � H-(i(n(n �-- i-ri(I�(nl- }-,� Nd. c +nay F-W' Q bmiA C 'W i i I I 1 i l 1 1 i i 1 i flS dl N N V d 07 YiYY 1 Y.X X:LYY N a) CD N 0r U N (U N N N Cll CU C#S N:N fU:(ry N cl fU (j) CU N 0 N w N w N N t N w (ll O � r d] N N Cll (U Ci) CU: U O] (U cl N Cil N'(1} c? (I} N (U N N [U (lY [0 05� (U Q1 d 01 N (U N N_ (ll 41 b;ti ,�„ Packet Pg. 102 4 B] ^ 2 � \ CL }� . \) 0 \ § 6\ `/ e § ) o 2 /\ LL \\ 2Ei ) _ \ LL 0 � § ma} E / k/ § @ R /p U . . .. \ E 2 } , LO / . ]\ G R [ £ Ie m m E j/2 \ ) 6. .} of k / ' E- - k5 0> ! j\ 0 � @ § \g� & . � # § . \ 0 \ L j � E� $ � \ � c ■ ° EL \0 '3 . ) , R f/ 0 /E /\ 2 §/ LL Ls m j4 � 2 - $ § o § e E \ 5 ƒ\ % { 40 \y o y/ D Q) m E -S \ \\ 0LO { > v \7/ p \ / \ . � ) � \ :\ \` - , § o \Gky / tk [� /\E® o C)z\/mCoCo 7/G\& \ {\ ) \ % LL E >(DV?N(6 K w � o - - \ E &a »Nmm7/2\&y )\/ \ \ § ' coy � \ \ / \ \\\ § $ .. . . z\ \� ( § � .® ^ 40 \ k � 3 ƒ /jy� 2 CL � « )�{ m e/ 2a jk\ §//\\\//LL -\ « ¥ 0 6aset02mL- 0M m \ //G7<=\§ /P . Packet Pg. 103 4 B] ^ E ^ 0 2 w } • U- u / 7 d [ & 6 � m Cz 2 § \ \ ) % 2 kCL j ) D s 2 \ ® C14 o ® : CL k � ) (D m E \ J- 422 � \ ` mk £ \ 0o m $ ° U ® \CL\ ° u .� } � / m � § 77 § 2 Cu ° f \ E LU C � I e j 0 � 2 LL L \ _ ._ _ Cu e 0 U g 7 ) . 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LL o m g Co _Ile � d Q ct1 N CL () O V Cu =r�i awl CL z � z i Packet Pg. 109 4 B] ^ c 2 , � > ° ) Co ƒ 2 V e § \ \ CL m _ CL @ $ / 8 . q \ J ) % Co \ Co I : I 2 \ ƒ ƒ \ \ q / 0- � j Al 3 t ~ � 2 7 / ¥ § k j $ » 2 e \ \ 2 y 2 \ / \ LL 2 7 - LL / / \ � k - \ b 4-4 U ± § m 0- \ m = % 3 CD _ § a m � \ 2 ~ CL CLa 2 R � � ¥ 2 � « � \ � ° / \ \ § cc \ j R . U Co7 - \ U 2 - R U \ \ . ` } r ® \ ; w e 6 e w y2 » Cu q ( § ° § Q / \m D \ g # \ 0 I f � } d ® ° . E M f / \ \ � k / e / Cu k o Ch ® \ k ® mg t Q [ o \ \ \ E LLU) \ \ \ \ ; / ® 0 ® \ « O a S § _ � / k S 71 \ \ \ 2 0 Co~ . k/ a) ` ± » \ / \ , Cu ° ° m m 2 0 2 gIm 2 . w ƒ ® c x 5 c U 2 7 Packet Pg. 110 1' 4.B.j - O w m n � u N Q n m O x o 2' @ @ @ e LL Q _ CL N C CL E N N @ r E M d N O Q E U U G d r n Cl) fn L ® C/) w w @ ED CL D O a@ .. (� a10i N CL'D Q l6 N N U U N O Lf7 Q r' a y r CL LC� U 6 C p U Cu �_ o 2 N Q a 4@i a � N Q1 ro ^' [C1 a U 73 N 0 Y ay d W _ s O Li. N D o C] N o r L va+ in U] V7 7 Q. U N Q (u N C� m a N 0. 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L .0 N O- V Q U Y O 0 Q1 Vi O M U U Q r r U r r LL R .W t+ v M o E (a �- n] Cu (D 4- o o S= U J f� ❑ U z Packet Pg. 114 I i O O LL r E E � I t w '3 a I o o f o Q U) C7] V7 C _ C a1 p L `C] Q} O 7 s.. w Q) U Q) a} - al Q W O C N U1 O N O a7 7 L) 9 p i C Q CO a' 'U O ttf [ I ro to O Vl � 0pal O aU l) O U) U -0 6 w -0 w (Ln tt2 O C N [" a Q n +OVR+ w D CD CD C D V c Q o n L �o � a� as a} a� 6 Ui tm p D C a a � a� Co 0 E o �zs U U 0 ID o U) Q.4- 4 s co A is y +n 0 vi o o Q i (Colo ar �. o u' � � � � y O 73 o aUi N f0 o E c� n p Uj 'p tm.Q c RS .ro D- (7 Cu O L tm a) C4 ..x i- i C O U LL 4 > U o (n [O m Z) Q o O N c I O U [� L a N a� C) c o t, w~— fl zi R. ED V c_ � � I ; O O LL R r C a) E t V Cu Q Packet Pg. 115 4 B] ^ \ / E CL ° E § 7 | cl // | � a) m o . 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Pg ��G F 4.B.j N N Q I O v � N U m n U @ L r � I 1 1 � � a I d � •� � cn LL LL t )( C 1-la T4 ui Z c I O (13 O ❑ ) © U} LO CD I N T cp U y LD I (D m ' N m d u E ^ Q i ru na)n, N I N Q VJ Fyr/ . n` �••1 e" 2 1 (f} 4J I W U N 'a LL chi I LL U) n a) V O c E r = (D U Q N �(j = ) U 7 f4 O m m d a s R �V J � cu a I (13 > I O Q) � O a 0 LL 2 w V) @ a — o c .� m U N ro +�+ R nyti— U 1 a U 0 ro is m n Q1 0 � l � E L b ,� ' r O (o f @ F 1 c� rn m _ v it CL CD m � N vj z . ❑ CV U1 � z O Y I LOL 1 L ❑. to N N O N U N U U 'cu cx �' Q (D ' E fn N .r N m O v +� m I iv Se Fn V LLI co r I Q- G 4 m O U Packet Pg. 117 4.B.j I h? U I ❑ U = N ■ Y lri Q o . m O C7 Y x Cl a °U I U C E LL U U45 O ■ N ❑ � vJ � (a O LO LU »� z mCL 3 W W F d m s a a 75 C U I G 73 ❑ T ' cv � U r w La N 1 ,-a) ED W IL N N ■ U �N I N CV a I..L.!L'uI' LL N MM m ❑ O w - 0 N OL � n U n M I � LL V ❑ c E 1 = {� � (� m o ' (D R, o u o I Q = _ = ' Q �+ O �+—, o I O k-I V c > i > 2 (D 1O I Q cu 0LU CD 0 (U I o U- 93 ■ O m 0 U)o C c U (a to u ai co a� O - U Q I ❑ +, o (c I ❑ � U rn m ❑ � � •� � LL. a au 0 U ~ U ~ 'N d _ . v ' @ rn rn e }' w rn d N W m cn n IU in fA E (13 CD r z 0 ❑ `p mi °- N ft7 Y ' 4 m L U v N Y X (u if (DU ❑ 'xCL O_ I a r j m �' N N .N aa O r ❑ T � r I U E �- Etm LL v m U a�i c (Dtm uj ui c a I m a� m Packet Pg. 118 4.B.j n N N 1 p y U ❑ U l N v M 1 N n 1 � N ro C7 Q y 'E F 1 U F O O LL 0. p 1 U U U I E E vi tti m 2 I a C s 0 (- O ro L Z C a LU o ?� a m 1 Q I ! M "ri V) Q� 4 c d Q � © Q a 7 � n p a G C O ti 4 or Ln I N ! ❑_ �+ -0 4 a d °. ro � m E j a) Lo N .0 m ! W '� m E ro Q1 1_S ! 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U � a L � N 7 cmi a a as I ro ° a o o n r — m r Y N z z U F O p (� p ` �+ O r U N LL N ■ M E ~ E LL E M # ° �_ W C 3 o I m o (D (U N U r Co A C WClit) C7 O N � 'O N u ?' +..1 U a w � (R ■ m 0 E EL � C C O ■ L C G ID U r f1 O W a N I w v l N Xa ma 2 v Om Q r Cl LL Nro 1 U CL N 0m ■ N m aU } N v V 1V = O N N N = N f y �— N tl1 m O c m �° o N U ■ N ' aroi p ■ O tan Co CL � Cu 0 - U w o z XC/} a o o _ -j r � Z T o (D 1 0 G � o ° Q ra^ LL Cd 74 V Q r .LU 0 N .m }bl Cu 0 u C7 } N O N � � ■ U' C c E 5 x_ O 5 � () o w 3 0 I " o o p N � � J o1 ly q� ■ �_ [7 rC ¢ 1 o Co [l LL LL ALLL. LL L 'D }i S Z 3 S6 7r 3 r (55 0 U J J }-- 1 U N ro V a-- 0. N to ■ a--� a 40 al CD Cq ro u N 3 U I w r b .� 3 Sy O a ' > chi r z n O r U U r © Ur 3 _ N N I NLL 1 l p e 4? E N ■ E 4- = i a) O i V +Cu yCDC V ■ .t-. N sue. C d () N N N f6 U to �4 Packet Pg. 122 4.B.j ■ a ❑ U I � � 7 � t O CL fu d la N C U ❑ IZ It 11 m r a ■ (,r r O U N ' N ■ t+ LL m ■ ` E � U•� sc ■ � U'� Y x 7 O G d r N C B m � w = w I LLB a. 3 O U .0 I S2 d {) L v e o � r U a © ❑ c ❑ ❑ CD N v ++ N OCL O N ❑ ' /y NIn a) M t1 0 W Q ❑ O e Q O I Q r r.+ 0 ■ ❑ @ V G N I 1 L 1 V a) C US W tll N � (� 61 W m T6 L .L c LL 7aN � Cl)C L a UoN ..L O V _ in n u1 a N M —an. �v a U �r o (D L7 (D U ry Q r N N N N Q = N O � a C ■ E � 0 N N kid� E Q N c ❑ ] I a � � n a1 ^ X CL N c6 ■ 0 a P N R 81,n y ] N d] 1 V U 9 T E b4 w N (a aD N O aai O -o 4 E v a LL LL U U C r U C d 'L, N U -se _ C U r R IVIJI SO U) I O N r L :2i U cn IT6 fNl] O f3. ; Uj J N C o a E a m m a1 N O a @ I U LL L L j � � U J T F I o J V c ti ■ +� ❑ u - CV � � m Q a i Ja c i En fA r m a ❑ a i ❑ J U z ' ❑ U r O N f9 U Y (Q 41 .� O , Se O .v Rf f0 C77 N fC c m L Y 0 _ s~ ts1 fn u � U m Q d 1 Pac�PgM 4.B.j v w r C uCL a O ❑. @ I y-+ C 7 0. 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Q7 0L �^� N Up U U � aJ W a I n c G Q (D 1 �+ ) o W a m �i v [p 0) m LL ; m Ca . I 3 � oLL m LL oa m am V Q n rj U tL , = m N rn on 1 L = 71 U U a N 1 N Q. U o (} U 7 a 0cq r � O U Vi C N _ N N I = CV N U tu EU 7 � P �CL ■ m m R xm U L11� m J U o ; N z 0 I _ v O +" c O OLL LL I to a iJ E •� C C N N 1 � � N (6 R co _0I V r C O J va : � m U o22_ m ro � a `m m cn ° J a� n a m C m ro N LL IL LL LL U_ lL LL E P- - 'L 1 } z o m O � o m it LL U N I (13 �' b 3 ❑ N Q U "0 j1 C LL Z (L 0 ❑ ■ ❑ 0 J _ N I OU N N U- N U Y ■ O N •IC L N p v a Q n n N o m 45 a in o 0 ao rn ° m 0 m ❑ r U r r6 I O � E3 N aJ >C rf7 1° I tq a t6 _ N (n m 1 0 L Z51 r6 ++ r W L c 5 u Q ni p C '� ■ W 01 Gj c -c� Packet FPg. 125 4.B.j ID j N 7 O U) " C Q- 7 (D E as Q a m Ul U @ C n r m (D " � U F O a I r ° N C O U LL " `�+ U a) a Y " �' U O x U � �.. 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E CL GS co e 0 CL y Yn 0 n 01 N o a C y 2E Q E ON n 1 U O � N N 0.. 1 ° ( ° c�i co CD f3 C MLU g I 9 U N Q((jl n' r1�1 V = U S] Q a 1 L=` Q N U A = 1 \L U- CAN I N 71 O m 1 � m E E m o I U `o a1 R I c U a 1 o N C 1 _ O LL ¢ U ro r j E L co o , R j LD u z I : M ' _ O m J o J Q V I m m J J J o N � N Q- m ' m -� O O O m O U [ U J J f y � d 1 V N U (D 2 Y tU— ca n LL 3 m i a1 CD a a c ° tL rn b it OL m n 1 O c7 c'i a N. N N _ n Y Q O N r coN 00 r z a 0 ❑ N I U o s _c a ni _� n 2i a v a v ti �c fC w m m U U m a. 1 in m () Ju L) ' C t El C �[ 7 iC O U I C (� Y7 U c? A o U O U '� 1 N m O 7 O 7 v z U in z 1 Packet Pg. 134 4.B.j i � I Q CL0 Q L m U ❑ N d7 F ■ N N U mU z r Q V r r LL I E I 6](D •� a E U E L a m f� m ■ ` m U d ❑ O o y Q 3 I ❑ {jy Q m Y u, � i � m _ M o f U N ' ++ N c U a N m Q U N Q I T o Q1 N Q a � U o d � O Q1 IV w N 0 N v d N U O U I a y 0 L d N ❑ z N ILo IL Q co d) I @ _ L L"I N cl -O Y m m m a ( O y y [l _ I ^�+ c a W U N U .O Q Cam] 03 „},• N 9 N r n 4 .y O lJ U) N I v N C `U y N ■ O U 7mocUa "lJ io� aa z Um NN p❑rn zN¢a UC13 rN v X_ ro "I■III� m o 0a om�a Q �m mz dVO+E a aa) O u ° tcfOo OQi3m z `°O6 U)`� nrn J O LL T OU) a) U U m v A z= J o -A @ U LL m LL LL LL � gQ J 'O O aU J 1 U J J ..1 J � ■ I N ■ d Y rn r U U 0. .N Q ` =%� O a a ai tUa N m m 7 td rn (U O co Uit 7 d C# O N aj to m CDm °' CV N N (� c6 fl o I c., m — z I L s m ¢ z ■ ❑ CL a O L° ■ _ o v m N o ?� a s 9' n n I N m 75 a V n o -a m tz u fC QD o 6 m o N m M U � r 0. 4) Q' ' ++ o o E E E a s � s a) uL (D cu v UJ A c`u Q U I N R V oCL c .may Ci I Packet Pg. 135 4.B.j i w u m I a Co p co 7 U I Q r ULL U N ■ 4 N Z ti C Y All 3 IE E Co t!) .p � O � ■ � C Q q � `� N t U- a w I LL a> ro a 3 a_ ■ 0 C @ © O O N N _N N I ❑ Ck U Q C L a) o. 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NO ' N U_ CJ "' N m ra 1 (DT M C N m m c4 N - N m a m W H E N � U r c�i F p 1 U C LL d C) i " co) A U•c m .� . � U.� Y 7 ca c (D Q c KM cn _ d 1 (D 0 o N ■ a Q a� LO LO ❑ ❑ c� o I U I N � y 04 y r m .� v o b Q LL 00'i y v ' LL N 2 ro— d Nc0i rnCL a) N I N N Q r� N L- I m S6 0 ' ■ [d 'm o O ID cl (D 0O �I f6 U Q y U ■ LL ID U C f� 'E� o C /t� y 1 a o c �V a r y Q 0 E O ■ FBI C > " � r L •7 w 1 > 3 d cu a1 O � ■ a O v o 0 LL p c U m m � y cu 4— co O I � " � O 1 zi Q. U � � a ■ m � m ,a`� O E to ' d c� u ! �° E L U ~ 1 N - � d ■ V aV3i •� •� I. d o a o a N co O LL o v 7 U tll Y X ' n m U Q Y •(Q .i a Lo r r N V a r Q p, U7 dl y r r ■ 0. N r � 1 � � CC ■ C � 1 a)LU w c u m o U i7 m o p�■ N r� d 0 Qj a C O m r N� yZi w r Y lq Q r Packet Pg. 141 i 4.B.j law) ° Q I " Q • O Co F : Y N 'd' U U F- 0 COD I o LL N ■ I E■ A raj ' 7+ 13'd} ¢ Y uLL 7 O ? a m ' M 3 Cl� w 1 w a• a = . d C o m ' C d p O u m c Q CS ? o CL �1 ¢ ¢ ¢ v cis CLC N 'r a Q N N ■ u Ln ❑ N ■ N C LAI E SL N a)N a} N E o ■ [4 �c E d a w E ! a m a p aa) O C V L U C 1 lU CL Q �(� � 1.1.. Q U ■ L4 � . V v I C W r U I W W -C LL 7 N ! � L @ U ry� LL ,o � LLCLm N d) LL N v to CL U CL R J O V (n U I V N (n N M ll ! y 7 a)HU ° > . o d+31L Cu d N E . V V n C LF C (D (Lfc3 O m � Y I O O v � 0 al Q V N E U a7 O N U Q ! U ¢ J, L P C C_ p C ■ Y Cu U) n 3 L L7�` rn ' f6 0 0 Z (D m o Q M O m _ � U m 4s Co N Cu m ,� a ! U1 ¢ N C rn ■ ca yr ¢ _ @ o N C m m OU [rs N c] Q1 w Z a � LL ILL. L (!S v O N aY U ■ 4 d m LL CL © N v U ■ ❑ 0 I r `O N N n Co 0 d 61 N ■ [%10 .. A 3 y ro 0 0 � � O N ro A Cr ` r- N Ch 0 Nu CL 0 U %3 J a W Packet Pg. 142 i` 4.B.j N I U N 7 3 y @ ■ RS U N A7 N ■ C d a N C U c I Q) o. m C7rur 7 I U iy o N c Li E I C ,� n E ccn ra O O vy� M w w a 3 I Qy I � ❑ Uj x � m I p f!) rn n al i Q a o � o Q ■ � a � � U � Z @ •i-- U A .. U Q N ■ a a) U O 0 ff1 a W I W � �J a) m Q m �j E m 0 3 Q Q a. co O /� LL. o a@i U I N m m C7 m L j LL N U L W pNj CO ■ = p) [D N Q N ' fa it XC d y y C E!J U m Go r o E 8 a o 0 o U d5 cd 1 V a LC o I + p U U ' LJ (� @ { z° z I U x o O U `n 3 3 3 m `a I `o tl O ca CL LL LL (z LL LL LL U- l� 7 _ •L 'a }i U N 'O $i O U N O J N a) m U ■ N 7 (� @ I U N Y S3 L a CL ' N ol U Q N i. I 0 _ � � o CL z ■ O r = a z a O ' m N O I L ■ 1 N O Q d s-U Q Q .2 N a 70, o. •LC 2�11 "6 cy U m @ U r I o'rn N U r U r cl� U M U Y ■ r C m , m .a — c � t ai 3 N N 41 '�O U) G�1 Cl. Y Ci a _ A a a m ID U ci z Packet Pg. 143 4.B.j 4 ql I (ll x o o n ro I r v ti a n ro tLi z •b ■ x a N c [ r co O N V ICE M N ■ O LL • E C ■ �+ C E _y_ ■ Cb U 'N a Y v 7 a I O U d d ■ p = � ro r 0 I N M r- a � �" ci � •3 I cu o o cn 8 o iG C — 6 Q fl. ■ 3 3 O Q @ tail 6) {6 ro ■ (0 T r Z ro- Q [] U u ❑ N O N U N ■ r I N r a I y <n M ■ C; v0 'D U LY u ■ p (D N I Q Nw 0 LU U U jp m } N ■ m Qf. Nvu LL LL U L �.�... O (a 6] O I O U U N UT U U LL co C9 7 N I UL co r r U N = N N 7 � 3 a O aU a � C aD m E Q) N � I p //•� : co LO ■ (0 R N � " - � _ In tn E " Q) I ° C m O 'n ■ d LL G a m u {J? c m v I E U a ■ L} a 9 d p LT ❑. � +� 14 ) c� ' cu (7 '' ° o ro w m m j N m to U °7 a 3 3 `o o .75 5 3 CL m C o , m 0 ° ° C J O. 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E Cu . 42 \ - \ / % 2 U- J Packet Pg. 149 | @ e = _ 67 co / \ � co \ / 2 3 LL w E a /k * / ( � E P / 0 7 7 LL7/ w e CL E / | E f \ \ § � A # { 0 a \ _ • } = Q E CL )_ � / ' E \ § CL m ° ° j ƒ / / / tu � EJ } 3 R E ) /® i 3 m ; L j > u / • d \ » e 0 — { \ ® 2 cu cu Q § 0 m ° 0 \ 0 LL ca | 0 2 0 { g 2 _ . a S ( \ / ) ig 2 \ ( � \ 0 ! ^ k ® 0 CL _ / 73 ) 0 IL . m LL E O S q \ \ \ \ 0 m m a)o | @ » 0 . . o )) _ f . g _ _ we 0 a) ) K f /_ \ \\ f k CL � } � / Pack 4.B.j N Ncu r t M ■ C `m ay N N m m I Q- m ami m c o ■ :3 v m F 0 Y $ C'J r 0 0 c I ro c LL cX t3 U m o ■ ILU E CIS C w I to (6 O m 2 c LLI ? LL1J 0)a ■ Z w a 3 4) u3 I-- p•, _ � 4 m c m � o 0 I o (0 v L N ■ � chi Ll �+ LO I W L Q� N N 0 � m � `m ■ � a. � � m N i1 ca N Q} N U7 W p_ U7 N ■ [�i N DY (((D�� N N N Q rW N ■ ♦+ LU (y/'� 0? 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L4 LL LL } ■ (tl li P 3 O U -A O F I U - O h N ■ m F ■ W V U I L) > l c L a LL CD [aa� Q N ■ a) Q N C LO s2 0 � LL (n I i� CD ° N 0 N N Ca O co 7) p La O `'� = p N u) z , O N to z Q O r T LO cu ■ Q U U Y o N Q. Q fl. U N a -L r to con coc�i cocUi Gf a n c� M c� (D b N LUC CD G _ C y s U " N O to U7 N L'- C .i ■ of U N m � av o � � v a Packet Pg. 153 4.B.j pCj 7 Y � � 5' n� ■ � U � � I n m m O CL y � rR ``nn V m N Z I V aN r LL N ■ ❑ � i � ■ M ?+ U I U Q U cn -tea m a E w o CL Cl) L N y cry L T "' a- ca c 0 of O 0) O Q y v(D lu m v Q a f6 N z CL <13Q t a m 3 m + o ¢ C LO q� ° U ■ N 40 m ■ Ea m N o a C w 9 E ■ O a d N N 1 7 4 L tl5 _ W t m v to U ' LL - to E a I LL U a 7 m O 0 a m LL Vl V 0 a, = v 7 m a) ro a c� c I N coo L lu �4— c 0 7 N � L a� Q} '° a I a c `o a1 'Am IC �Q u 0 w • O a� m Cl) Z r D C N m ■ O U LL p U N D V N U CD ++ IC v (a N p Tra Cl N � N '6 J � Q- L � � in m LL z LL � I LL LL �l En P. U ■ a � i v ° V U a Y x U 9 x it(D CDm m rn Ln -0W `p Off. o -0U L A- w N N ❑ N v p a) N Z CL c N I ❑ I 4 ■ ■ c ' n r Q m a a 0.o UJ T � sy ca � ❑ r ,-- r i a N r U m c� '- � r �+ � t CC N 0 ■ �, +� U x y, U n U :a r CO Packet Pg. 154 4.B.j N G (D Q ass v aNi a. a 7 a CL '.. U) L N a m _ O cj U I..- " U r Q (7 r m ■ CDa r r L� o m r ■ co ■ I i " U dl cL to cts Q rE @ j C (a 0 U m ■ CU O U w w Q �a r x �a M w a 3 � w Q . d O U v cri d © U) '6 U N of U O O Q Q o � o o a a I N n T r U r U C C] N Q I 75 l � I E, N a� ' m L N s ' � a (D I D w L W � f ) 4 ca I d' LL. aC v m to v LD " m_ n _ a� o OLL o a@i Q I LL. o y D (G m LL vi C� ° = m w m n ■ _ cy m °. U NU N I T N r a = r ■ _ 04 O °' C 4} p °' @ - 9 N U. 1 O O E aJ cu Lo O N I of JLL 3 > + O p o o E O m v ■ V ccu a L m w Q ■ Q a m 0 y m I Y m O o n m U ro a s ■ co o .io 3 o 6 ■ m N M cca l0 Q1 U li co � N LL LL LL N 'L @ 3 N N r O (z O m 1 @ J J ~ ' U � ~ 1 U N � d U c' v m it U 01 U. 3 U U U r C1 UC tl' N N U I-a V N d' (6 U Cn N U _ coa � O " ca LL d) O_ p, ` Y N Lam} '� 0. 3 N f]. q •� U U - r r I a N r U M U r r r I � ■ CD _ I o c — cu iu .c C m x w N U v L N 'a ca tL' U v Q .G a) ( C d w P 'C '2 . G1 O A m A Qs c4 'j Packet Pg. 155 � I f 4.B.j t m l y_ O m {p r , ' Ll ❑ o. .W m i '� Z U. O m C Q r m N 0 ❑ 9 O N N U I N r LL rn r m r N V Y ■ m U Q x 7 a a E I V N t n F d v m w d r LU [ (1) c I Ad d _ C a N a) � O Q a ■ (6 U U Q N 0 U U Q 7 ■ � U a LO N ■ ❑ �y O LO _ Y I a Q Q ■ E C � � a� I c, O L y Q n SC U. m V D_ N N U1 ■ y C ram(} � ' � m O U ' c N 9 N U oZf aJ c` d N N ■ co cu CZ U N r_ ra I co Q _ U U _j E 6 - ❑ _ ■ N L) N LL LD O N� ■ o .0 U) m m cu 'L r '@ m r •L- y d1 4— @ (z N ■ � U (/� Ll O m 0 w � cq rn cn V ❑ .- a m I ❑ .- 3 3 R O a a m o 0 0 . CL m D- LL LL U C j I m V- is- LL LL •L N U a }r O m J N I J J J N [L] m (� V m Y v m tU � I V R Q1 Y X E •� r m Q ■ a 2 t- L(j 73 co m rn Q to o t�` " y N a .N N C_ 0. 0 >i ■ r N N A 0 -J ■ ❑ U O r N 3 I N Z LL ■ Ur' CL Q 'P. n Uamm0 m m � CD 0. N N m CP C. — r❑Q Q .� N I c E E E Y — t I a� o c 07 CL +n C m M ■ Q 0 N O U N Q t 1 X m m O 6f L O 41 , L? ❑ `? z '� U � Packet Pg. 156 i' 4.B.j O O LL r E E L� ■ `m 7 U Q. Q. p 16 ■ . 3 N V w F ' N A U E.. •� V N Q p U r N N ' Z ad d u Y () L 00 a�i w a m LO Q ' N KD U �i UJ � Y 'C N N '■ � � oOo 41 N p 3 ❑ r r N ❑ L C c 0CD O U QC1 - ■ O N C O 4- SV u i tV � a �� o ■ i LL ■ V C ° L1J m LlJ " m m m n LL u C m a Y a w n o_,. m � � � o o ■�i a� � LLo v co ru o_ 0-2 C h-1 0 0inn Q R U rL N ■ N N N p R m � LU C N U o O yC m ay E R , O D c �i . O m Tu O f/Q l m (4 n. . LU _ m J Z occu O a N m o m O co . �f•— m U Z I C O , J Cl) rn m _... g •a1 � I O � 7i � � p •L u LL n N LL LL y � o n ■ m o o N V ■ ■ v u m U fn '-F-- a a av, n . N a. a a`n`s Q �� u a u O (} -0l m o � Q1 a O 11 [ Q U N N (� 0.Vj •- U ch (_] M e} .- N . �h l'I U 1'1 U .- � ■ (� .,_, CL tLo ro *� o x t81i L W CD a bj V cPj Q CD cu .,. Z Packet Pg. 157 4.B.j I a C ^ ■ m 41 m Co o. I ++ Ena o o ° CL U U N U Z Z w ❑ m U F a s c1 H 0 Co N ❑ LL O � E a u to rIL w n 3 E 71 �, o p ■ t °C d O (/� U N N I ❑ S6 y a Y 0 _ N d ! 0 C DO p Q. N C ■ Q U _O Z N + O y 0 � 9 — N U N U O ❑ N ■ © N LO I ! N ■ {9 'O C �+ 4] E °N d ❑ to N _ I N N a o v- � m N f� C ❑ ■ N U .� O uS L /11 ■ O O "- Ca Q }�� U ry ty N ■ � � V � � I Co a m ■ >LLa o y fn Co O N q E Q LL 0 O qNj O_ Q 2 N U CL LL o o L! N �n 7 c V/� f co VCu �y\ ? A O @ N 71 °' qY^'I�L.E rC O N o23 I i N c ° O a1 11J m `6 J ° Q? I 0 � O Oa`a E a LL U) ,6 CL C [[ = C C N .L C a. G � •� O O O � Cu .� O_ Z z a (� 4— o [a ■ Nc D Z I O o ° m m m 0 U J rn ■ vi u� 0 _ o . w f I o 3 3 3 3 `° R N CO 03 p ■ N _.F J J J R 47 �_ U LL •� I lia Co lL LL D--. IL L a o q ■ v 3 3 3 3 cd 0 <@ J F I 0 J J _..1 J ■ _ � V U ai _ L CJ _ x M Co 3 N a. 7 } D g f15 N LO U V1 -0 C Co C Q U m U p m r 3 U O ch a N Z ! ❑ U Z d O ❑ r . _ I I1 0. V fl. C1 U .Sc `o, v N a N •� 0. U y Cu O O d Q Cu 41 I a�i w O {lf c CR Cu ■ C 0 Ci so crs cn :_' CD U �_ I d 3 c x U Q O >{ W s0. C .� 0 . � SZ�. Packet Pg. 158 4.B.j C C C m a ❑ a—Ns ■ 2 n w N fl Q 7 f6 N C -j O d 41 m di 0 'D F ' a s " Z u F O ti C n O " Ur N O a U N LL U N � C CLC -�-� CL m (� O 0 ■ a O c�a a r LL d M w L4 0[L co LU a ?� L T L = ++ 1 , (D 0 O a, 2 U1 3 N ❑ m a a m � � a � Q Q C � x fl. o C o � - Q ❑ c] � N � ❑ N � Lfl v R a) d 0 -0 C ca e1 Q) O m ❑ N m . L -G�-J` N U � O a Q1 a) d N I Q VJ ■ ��,// �' a " N ■ Eb x m � � u C N m L a CL ■ n m n o .` O LL tG a LL. N v CL N W �n m 4 \J ill Y) N =U N ■ = N O t+c 3 O O C N cu N H a a ca O cu Z Q. O u u ■ p d v � r p ( O LL n N ra V � Z 0. a O C to N fC co 0 L7 z c Q 3 v y 3 _ O ❑ o — U (I1 N N J i -j a N ! fIJ .0.1 O CL Gi N 7 U 't�3 O 1p 0 c� Cl a] ■ a y V Ca 0 Dal, it (a U LO -0o. Q- UJ ' .1 (n N N M c °i T a ° m c ❑ ' z ❑ ❑ z a O C a U ■ p Q ry N LL " — f Q a Q v U a R ti? a u m m � r � r a� ■ ■ t G y...� R o o ,S° Y V ca ] �, ,N f6 G7 5 G (� p '7 i cd G '"7 _lie X co ❑ ~ Packet Pg. 159 4.B.j C I N y ds a U Q E3 N d. I c7`6 Q Q N ID45 NCL 0 ■ .L U U h O CO E13 E o N O r o a LL O ~ N ■ U cm " E ■ E tom+ r- r.+ CLN 7 C n ! 7 C O a W Q m { d •� 75 E CoQ m N i CL Q � 1.4 o a CL o I 7 U n C Q� r v ■ � U ❑ N ■ ❑ Ln I ■ ■ �+ N I O m _ = d C U ■ N E 0 c d CC 0 m -F-+ N U ar o (D ° ■ o Q to c Ll! N m LL -le c Cfl a ■ s 2 a cd O LL o mU u" n� �°� m � � m U a 4l m !2 CL r0 V N I N U1 N Y C `v rn = [V = N O t+ v r U ° E N r ■ Q o (CD) E Q ,3 a I $Q m O � � " m • � cLi � Cu WQ3 N � rn J_j a�i z ■ J Z E a ■ T O i. N 1 O " O m a O o 1 m TF (n rn � �� a N c E to m U) ,o L c c Cu 6 } O I O N ice_ E r m (� F Q Z C O o m r 3 sc O -1 ,t1 w co w ■ J fn c V o � am J °U `o fG C [l Co E o Q m m m ' m m Co Q1 v LL > o >, U- LL I L LL �L E 'L c 0 Z E o 0 ■ a o o z r m U m U `m u i .s-. p, 1 U p1 Stl /L. m d U3 ' N Co n 7 U) Iq v! @ O c6 O I tri .- N O 0. Z a z a O N I LL C. N C1 O f2 7 L2 I '�d a N rt7 0 N m AT T r " a r N T r 7 I � ■ t (D y IC 6j m m a m z I z '. vy 0 t7 Packet Pg. 160 I EXHIBIT C j o ! O Kent Corrections r Inmates Daily Meals Cost/Meal Cost/Meal E 2012 2016 c/) 70 210 - 224 $ 2.204 $ 2.24 w 75 225 - 239 $ 2.109 $ 2.14 3 --------------- -=--------_------- ___ _ $ 80 240 254 2.025 2.06 85 255 - 269 $ 1.951 $ 1.98 E --- -------- ----------_------- ---- ----_____- °� 90 270 294 $1.885 1.91 L ------------- a� 95 285 - 299- ._ �$r 1,827W $ 1.85 Q -_-- 100 300 - 314_ ----$_ 1._774 $ 1.80 0 _--__-. ________________ _ __ `� 105 W 315 - 329 $ 1.726 $ 1.75 N 110 330 - 344 $ 1.683 $ 1.71 c 115 345 359 1.643 1.67 --------------- - _ - -.._ ._ _-$------- -- $ E 120 360 374 1.607 1.63 ---- 125-____ _ _375-_-389^ $ 1.573 $ 1.60 a► 130 ` 390 - 404 ^�$ 1.542- $ 1.57 Q 135 405_- 419- -_--$ 1. 140 514 $ 1,54 ----------- ----420 - 434 $ 1.487 $ 1.51 0 145 435 - 449 $ 1.462 $ 1.48 U 150 450 - 464 $ 1.439 $ 1.46 155 465 479 $ 1.418 $ 1.44 160 480 494 $ 1.397 $ 1.42 E aD 0 Cu c O O a_ a� Cu 0 N C O U c L 0 V � N O O U- r E V Q Packet Pg. 161 4.B.j � I 0 0 U_ EHIT ® E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS w 3 Insurance a� The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which ;v may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder Q by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. N A. Minimum Scope of Insurance a� Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: L 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired Q and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide c contractual liability coverage. v 2. Commercial General Liabilit insurance shall be written on ISO c occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed E operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability 0 assumed under an insured contract, The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability $ insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using 'l ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 8S or a substitute a endorsement providing equivalent coverage. CU 0 3. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. ° U R B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance = •L Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of it $1,000,000 per accident. N 0 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with 0 a_ limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 — general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. a� E Q Packet Pg. 162 I 4.B.j 0 0 a_ I (Continued E C. Other Insurance Provisions 3 The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following a provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability E insurance: L. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect Q the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage c maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. r c 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall E not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior L written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given Q to the City. L 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies c (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf v of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The c City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each aD insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with CU respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers o a_ Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. R E. Verification of Coverage c 0 Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the U amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the c additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of a, the Contractor before commencement of the work. o F. Subcontractors a Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or it shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance °o requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. `_` r c a� E Q Packet Pg. 163 4.B.j ACC)RBO CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE D 4/13M1D[71YYYY) � 9/1/201b /13/201b THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS 0 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES t0 BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. E IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to E the terms and conditions of the policy,certain pollcles may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the f3 certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). t PRODUCER Loakton Companies NAME CT - 3280 Peachtree Road NE,Suite#250 PHONE PAX 3 - C No Ext)- Atlanta GA 30305 E-MAIL s: N (404)4b0-3600 _ lNSURER(S).AFFORDING COVERAGE - NAIC# E INSURERA:Travelers Property Casualty Co ofAmerica 25674 L INSURE D _ INSURER B:Sentry Insurance a Mutual Compan 24988 1360370 Abiands,LLC/Summit Food Service,LLC Q Consolidated Food Management,Inc(CFM-WA) INSURER C:Sentry CaS.ualty�atly 28460 1751 West County Road 13 INSURER D:LandmarkAt icilcan Insurance Company 33138 LO Suite 300 INSURER E:COtltinCntal Casualty Company _ 20443 Roseville NW 55113 INSURER F: �+ COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 13999551 REVISION NUMBER: XXXXXxX O THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS N CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TI IF TERMS, (D EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADM SUER POLICY NUMBERNUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS V LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INso_ WVD PO MMIDDlYYYY MWDDIYYYY A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y N '6b0.2C796']54-TLL-15 9/V2015 91l/2016 EACH OCCURRENCE S 000000 i OA AGE TO RENTED �+ CLAIMS-MADE f �OCCUR PREMISES(Ea occurrenra) $ l 000,000 c MEP EXP(Anyone person) $ 5,000 O PERSONAL BADV INJURY $ 1,000 000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PFR: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000 000 C X POLICY J[a LOC PR01)UCTS-COMPlOPAGCG $ 2,D0O U00 $ N OTHER: 13 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY y N 90-I8840-04 AOS) 9/1/2015 9/1/20I6 (a acq ED S-SNGLE LIMIT S 0 4)EsacddEt 1,000,000 R 90-18840-05(MA) 9/1/2015 9/1/2016 BODILY IN-TiKY(Per person) $ XXXXy= lA X ANY At - .- -- M ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ xxxxxxx � I AUTOS _ NON-OWNED $ XXXXxxx AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE x HIREDAUrOS x AUTOS Per accident} __ $ xxXxxxx O p, x UMBRELLA LIAB N�I�LAIWS-IAIF UR N N 6012283531 9/l/2015 9/112016 EACHUCGURRENCE $ 000,000 L EXCESS LIAR AGGREGATE _ $ 2 000,000 DED RETENTION$ 10,000 $ xxxxxxxru WORKERS COMPENSATION N 90-188�I0-01 9/1/201 iJTE5 9/1/2016 x STAT ORER H _ .a B AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN 9A/2015 9W2016 NC - - ) E.L.EAGHAccIOCNT $ 1,000000 R OFFICFRIMFMBEIREXCLUDED7 NIA - I (Mandatory in NH} E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000 000 O If yea,describe under E.L DISEASE-POLICY UM IT $ 1,000,000 V DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS belovi A LiquorLiability N ' N 6602C786754T1L15 9/1/2015 9/l/2016 $1,000,0001$2,000,000 j D Profcssianal Liability LHM753126 9/1/2015 9/1/2016 $2,000,000/$2,000,000 C DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be sttachod If more space is required) O RE:iNlill Creels-City of Kent is included as additional insured with regards Cerieral Liability and Auto Liability as required by Written contract,provided the N Written Contract was executed prior to the date of loss,and is subject to policy tcrnis,conditions,and exclusions. v N O O LL CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 13999551 n C1 Of Kent SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE }; City THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN � 600 Vast Smith Street ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 4) Kent WA 98030 z AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE M I I ve4 ©19881 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD naine and logo are registered marks of ACORD Packet Pg. 164 �.. . .. 4.B.j COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 a_ r THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY E BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED w (CONTRACTORS) E This endorsement modifies insurance provided underthe following: � I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Q I 1. WHO IS AN INSURED— (Section II) is amended c) The insurance provided to the additional in- o LO to include any person or organization that you sured does not apply to "bodily injury" or agree in a "written contract requiring insurance" "property damage" caused by "your work" to include as an additional insured on this Cover- and included In the products-completed op- age Part, but: erations hazard" unless the "written contract E requiring insurance" specifically requires you a a) only with respect to liability for bodily injury", to provide such coverage for that additional Q "property damage" or"personal injury"; and insured, and then the insurance provided to w b) If, and only to the extent that, the injury or the additional insured applies only to such L damage is caused by acts or omissions of "bodily injury" or "property damage" that oc, j you or your subcontractor in the performance curs before the end of the period of time for ° of "your work" to which the "written contract which the "written contract requiring insur- v requiring insurance" applies. The person or ante" requires you to provide such coverage organization does not qualify as an additional or the end of the policy period, whichever is insured with respect to the independent acts earlier. or omissions of such person or organization. Ei 3. The insurance provided to the additional insured a 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured by this endorsement is excess over any valid and R by this endorsement is limited as follows: collectible "other insurance", whether primary, a) In the event that the Limits of Insurance of excess, contingent or on any other basis, that is additional insured for a loss we th available to e a j this Coverage Part shown in the Declarations c cover under this endorsement. However, if the 0 exceed the limits of liability required by the L "writton contract requiring insurance", the In- "written contract requiring insurance" specifically requires that this insurance apply on a primary surance provided to the additional insured q shall be limited to the limits of liability re- basis or a primary and non contributory basis, 2 this insurance is primary to "other insurance" o quired by that written contract requiring in- W i surance". This endorsement shal[ not in- available to the additional insured which covers that person or organization as a named Insured 0 crease the limits of insurance described in P L Section III-- Limits Of Insurance. for such loss, and we will not share with that "other insurance". But the insurance provided to = lb) The insurance provided to the additional in- the additional insured by this endorsement still is a' sured does not apply to "bodily injury" "prop- excess over any valid and collectible "other in- O j erty damage" or "personal injury" arising out surance", whether primary, excess, contingent or N of the rendering of, or failure to render, any on any other basis, that is available to the addi- pmfessional architectural, engineering or sur- tional insured when that person or organization is veying services, including: an additional insured under such "other insur- N i. The preparing, approving, or failing to ance". or approve, maps, she draw- g p 0 prepare P� � p 4. As a condition of coverage provided to the o ings, opinions, reports, surveys, field or- additional insured by this endorsement: ders or change orders, or the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or ap- a) The additional insured must give us written prove,drawings and specifications; and notice as soon as practicable of an "occur- rence" or an offense which may result in a ii. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or claim. To the extent possible, such notice engineering activities. should include: a Q >CG D2 46 08 05 0 2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc. Pa Packet Pg. 165 I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY o 0 a_ r i. How, when and where the "occurrence" any provider of"other insurance" which would E or offense took place; cover the additional insured for a loss we ii. The names and addresses of any injured cover under this endorsement. However, this vn persons and witnesses; and condition does not affect whether the incur- w ance provided to the additional insured by 3 iii, The nature and location of any injury or this endorsement is primary to "other insur- c damage arising out of the"occurrence" or ance" available to the additional insured E offense. which covers that person or organization as a b) If a claim is made or"suit" is brought against named insured as described in paragraph 3. Q the additional insured, the additional insured above. must, 5. The following definition is added to SECTION V.. c i. Immediately record the specifics of,the --DEFINITIONS: LO claim or"suit" and the date received; and Written contract requiring insurance" means ii. Notify us as soon as practicable. that part of any written contract or agreement The additional insured must see to it that we under which you are required to include a person or organization as an additional in- receive written notice of the claim or"suit as a� cured on this Coverage Part, provided that �► soon as practicable, the "bodily injury" and "property damage" oc- Q c) The additional insured must immediately curs and the "personal injury" is caused by an L send us copies of all legal papers received in offense committed: connection with the claim or"suit", cooperate a, After the signing and execution of the ci with us in the investigation or settlement of contract or agreement by you; ' the claim or defense against the "suit", and otherwise comply with all policy conditions. b. While that past of the contract or — agreement is in effect; and = d) The additional insured must tender the de- fense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to C. Before the end of the policy period. a� R c °o u_ a� R o� O N - C a� 0 n U R «� S a O y V N O O o LL W� r E V Q Page 2 of 2 D 2005 The St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc. CG D2 Packet Pg. 166 001179 4 B.j COMMERCIAL. GENERAL LIABILITY o 0 a_ r THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. E E XTEND ENDORSEMENT FOR SERVICEINDUSTRIES w • j 3 � This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: E COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART L a� GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE--This endorsement broadens coverage. However, coverage for any Q injury, damage or medical expenses described in any of the provisions of this endorsement may be excluded or LO j limited by another endorsement to,this Coverage Part, and these coverage broadening provisions do not apply to the extent that coverage is excluded or limited by such an endorsement. The following listing is a general cover- age description only. Limitations and exclusions may apply to these coverages. Read all the provisions of this en- dorsement and the rest of your policy carefully to deterthine rights, duties, and what is and is not covered. a� A. Broadened Named Insured 1. Amended Bodily Injury Definition B. Blanket Additional Insured-Broad Form Vendors J. Bodily Injury To Co-Employees And Co-Volunteer Q w Workers C. Damage To Premises Rented To You L • Perils of fire, explosion, lightning, smoke, Aircraft Chartered With Crew water L. Non-Owned Watercraft- Increased From 25 Feet ° U ' Limit increased to $300,000 To 50 Feet � M. Increased Supplementary Payments S D, Blanket Waiver Of Subrogation r E. Blanket Additional Insured - Owners, Managers Cost of bail bonds increased to $2,500 Or Lessors Of Premises a Loss of earnings increased to$500 per day aD F. Blanket Additional Insured - Lessors Of Leased N. Knowledge And Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense r_ Equipment O. Unintentional Omission • - G. Incidental Medical Malpractice H. Persona! Injury--Assumed By Contract P. Reasonable Force - Bodily Injury Or Property o Damage L° a� ®_ PROVISIONS S. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - BROAD CU A. BROADENED NAMED INSURED FORM VENDORS o Q The following is added to SECTION 11 --WHO IS c 1. The following is added to SECTION 11•-WHO AN INSURED: v I5 AN INSURED: Any person or organization that is a vendor and c Any organization, other than a partnership or that you have agreed in a written contract or - - joint venture, over which you maintain owner- agreement to include as an additional insured on •71 ship or majority interest on the effective date this Coverage Part is an insured, but only with re- 0 of the policy qualifies as a Named Insured. spect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property However, coverage for any such organization damage"that: r will cease as of the date during the policy pe- a. Is caused by an "occurrence"that takes place it riod that you no longer maintain ownership of, after you have signed and executed that cots- cn Q ar majority in in, such organization. tract or agreement; and o �. ., 2. The following replacos Paragraph 4.a. of b, Arises out of "your products" which are dis- L° SECTION Il-WHO IS AN INSURED: tributed or sold in the regular course of such — vendor's business. •� a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the 180th day after you acquire The insurance provided to such vendor is subject to the following provisions:or form the organization or the end of the E policy period, whichever is earlier, unless a. The limits of insurance provided to such ven- reported in writing to us within 180 days. dor will be the limits which you agreed to pro- . Q GG D4 G7 07 13 0 2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All right reserved. Page 1 of 7 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc,with its permission. Packet Pg. 167 ooiiao COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 U_ =1 vide In the written contract or agreement, or Exclusions c.through n. do not apply to dam- E the limits shown in the Declarations of this age to premises while rented to you, or tem- E Coverage Part, whichever are less. porarily occupied by you with permission of cq b. The insurance provided to such vendor does the owner, caused by: not apply to: a. Fire; (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for b. Explosion; (D which the vendor is obligated to pay E c. Lightning; damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement. This d. Smoke resulting from such fire, explosion, exclusion does not apply to liability for or lightning; or damages that the vendor would have in e. Water. LO the absence of the contract or agreement; A separate limit of insurance applies to such (2) Any express warranty unauthorized by damage to premises as described in Para- you; graph 6. of Section III—Limits Of Insurance. E (3) Any physical or chemical change in "your 0 products" made intentionally by such This insurance does not apply to damage to premises while rented to you, or temporarily vendor-, with permission of the < occupied by you (4) Repackaging, unless unpacked solely for owner, caused by: the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of pails under a. Rupture, bursting, or operation of pres- 0 instructions from the manufacturer, and sure relief devices, then repackaged in the original container: b. Rupture or bursting due to expansion or (5) Any failure to make such inspections, ad- swelling of the contents of any building or justments, tests or servicing as vendors structure, caused by or resulting from wa- agree to perform or normally undertake to ter; E perform in the regular course of business, c. Explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes, 0 ; CU in connection with the distribution or sale steam engines, or steam turbines. of"your produGis"; 2. The following replaces Paragraph 6. of(6) Demonstration, installation, servicing or SEC- TION III—LIMITS OF INSURANCE: 0 repair operations, except such operations 0 performed at such vendor's premises in Subject to 5. above, the Damage To Prom- U_ connection with the sale of "your prod- ises Rented To You Limit is the most we will ucts"; or pay under Coverage A for damages because CU of "property damage" to any one premises :2 (7) "Your products" which, after distribution0 or sale by you, have been labeled or re- while rented to you, or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner, caused 0 labeled or used as a container, part or in- by fire; explosion', lightning; smoke resulting L) gredient of any other thing or substance FU by or for such vendor, from such fire, explosion, or lightning; or wa- r— ter. The Damage To Premises Rented To .21 Coverage under this provision does not apply to: L_ You.Limit will apply to all damage proximately 0 a. Any person or organization from whom you caused by the same "occurrence", whether have acquired "your products", or any ingre- such damage results from fire; explosion; dierit, part or container entering into, accbm- lightning; smoke resulting from such fire, ex- it parrying or containing such products; or plosion, or lightning, water; or any combina- b. Any vendor for which coverage as an addi- tion of any of these. tional insured specifically is scheduled by on- The Damage To Premises Rented To You 0 0 U_ dorsernent. Limit will he the higher of: C. DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU a. $300,000; or 1. The following replaces the last paragraph of b. The amount shown on the Declarations of Paragraph 2., Exclusions, of SECTION I this Coverage Part for Damage To Prem- E COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY IN- ises Rented To You Limit. JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABIL- CU ITY: Page 2 of 7 @2013The Travelers Indemnity company.All right reserved. CG D4 67 07 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permls-sion. Packet Pg. 168 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY o 0 U_ r 3. The following replaces Paragraph a. of the a. Is"bodily injury" or"property damage"caused E definition of "insured contract" in the DEFINI- by an "occurrence" that takes place, or "per- TIONS Section: sonal injury" or"advertising injury" caused by rn a. A contract for a lease of premises. How- an offense that is committed, after you have w ever, that portion of the contract fora signed and executed that contract or agree- 3 lease of premises that indemnities any ment, and a person or organization for damage to b. Arises out of the ownership, maintenance or E premises while rented to you, or tempo- use of that park of any premises, leased to 0 l i rarily occupied by you with permission of you Q the owner, caused by: The insurance provided to such premises owner, (1) Fire; manager or lessor is subject to the following pro- o u7 visions: 04 (2) Explosion; a. The limits of insurance provided to such r (3) Lightning; premises owner, manager or lessor will he E (4) Smoke resulting from such fire, ex the limits which you agreed to provide in the plosion, or lightning; or written contract or agreement, or the limits ;v shown on the Declarations of this Coverage 01 � (5) Water. Part, whichever are less. Q is not an "insured contract"; b. The insurance provided to such promises 4. The following replaces Paragraph 4.b.(1)(b) owner, manager or lessor does not apply to: c of SECTION IV- COMMERCIAL GENERAL (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" v LIABILITY CONDITIONS: caused by an "occurrence" that takes c, (b) That is insurance for premises rented to place, or "personal injury" or "advertising S you, or temporarily occupied by you with injury" caused by an offense that is com- the permission of the owner; milted, after you cease to be a tenant in E D. BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION that premises; or 0 sD (2) Structural alterations, new construction or c The following is added to Paragraph 8,, Transfer demolition operations performed by or on. Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us, behalf at such premises owner, manager of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL. LI- or lessor. 0 _ ABIf ITY CONDITIONS: r° We waive any right of recovery we may have c. The insurance provided to such premises owner, manager or lessor is excess over any } against any person or organization because of valid and collectible other insurance availableCU �= payments we make for injury or damage arising to such promises owner, manager or lessor, o �= out of premises owned or occupied by or rented unless you have agreed in a written contract or loaned to you; ongoing operations performed for this insurance to apply on a primary or 0 by you or on your behalf, done under a contract contributory basis. with that person or organization; "your work"; or c „your products". We waive this right where you F: BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED --LESSORS OF LEASED EQUIPMENT 21 o have agreed to do so as part-of a written contract, O executed by you prior to loss. The following is added to SECTION II —WHO IS , AN INSURED: E. BLANKED' ADDITIONAL INSURED — OWNERS, c0i MANAGERS OR LESSORS OF PREMISES Any person or organization that is an equipment lessor and that you have agreed in a written con- The following is added to SECTION II —WHO IS tract or agreement to include as an additional in- N o-- AN INSURED: sured on this Coverage Part is an insured, but o Any person or organization that is a premises only with respect-to liability for "bodily injury" r° owner, manager or lessor and that you have "property damage" "personal injury" or "advertis- m agreed in a written contract or agreement to ing injury"that: .. name as an additional insured on this Coverage a• Is "bodily injury" or"property damage" caused = --— Part is an insured, but only with respect to liability by an "occurrence" that takes place, or "per for "bodily injury" "property damage" "personal sonal injury" or "advertising injury" caused by 0 injury"or"advertising injury"that: an offense that is committed, after you have Q CG D4 67 07 13 0 2013The Travelers{ndemnity Company.All right reserved_ Page 3 of 7 Includes copyrighted materlal of Insurance Services office,Inc.with its permisslan. 169 Packet Pg. 001181 4.B.j COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY � 0 0 U_ r signed and executed that contract or agree- "Goad Samaritan services" means any emer- E ment; and gency medical services for which no compen- E bw is caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or sation is demanded or received, cn omissions in the maintenance, operation or 3. The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(1) of use by you of equipment leased to you by SECTION It WHO IS AN INSURED: 3 -- such equipment lessor. Unless you are in the business or occupation E The insurance provided to such equipment lessor of providing professional health care services, is subject to the following provisions: Paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (c) and (d) above do a. The limits of insurance provided to such not apply to any "bodily injury arising out of Q equipment lessor will be the limits which you any providing or failing to provide "incidental LO agreed to provide in the written contract or medical services" by any of your "employ- e agreement, or the limits shown on the Decla- ees", other than an employed doctor. Any 514- such "employees" providing or failing to pro- rations of this Coverage Part, whichever are = less. vide "incidental medical services" during their E work hours for you will be deemed to be act- b, The insurance provided to such equipment ing within the scope of their employment by ;v lessor does not apply to any "bodily injury" or you or performing duties related to the con- "property °1 damage" caused b an "occur- Q y duct of your business, fenceFrtising that takes place, or personal injury" or "adve injury" caused by an offense that 4. The following exclusion is added to Para- is committed, after the equipment lease ex graph 2., Exclusions, of SECTION I —COV- 0 pires ERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY , AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY' � c. The insurance provided to such equipment — lessor is excess over any valid and collectible Sale Of Pharmaceuticals other insurance available to such equipment "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising E lessor, unless you have agreed in a written out of the willful violation of a penal statute or 0 ar contract for this insurance to apply on a pri- ordinance the sale of pharmaceuti- c mary or contributory basis. Gals committed by, or with the knowledge or G. INCIDENTAL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE consent of,the insured. 1. The following is added to the definition of"oc- 55. The following is added to Paragraph 5, of io currence" in the DEFINITIONS Section: SECTION Ili—LIMITS OF INSURANCE: For the purposes o determining f detining the applica- Unless you are in the business or occupation � of providing professional health care services, ble Each Occurrence Limit, all related acts or — omissions committed in the providing or fail- 0 occurrence also means an act or omission W committed in providing or failing to provide ing to provide "incidental medical services" to 0 "Incidental medical services"to a person. any one person will be considered one "oo- O currence". 2. The following is added to the [DEFINITIONS � Section: 6. The following is added to Paragraph 4.b., Ex- .E1 cess Insurance, of SECTION IV — COM- p "Incidental medical services" means: MERCIAL GENERAL, LIABILITY CONDI- ' a. Medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, x-ray TIONS: or nursing service or treatment, advice or This insurance is excess over any valid and it instruction, or the related furnishing of collectible other insurance, whether primary, cn food or beverages; excess, contingent or on any other basis, that o b. The furnishing or dispensing of drugs or is available to any of your "employees" for �o medical, dental, or surgical supplies or "bodily injury" that arises out of providing or — appliances; failing to provide "incidental medical services" c. First aid; or to any person to the extent not subject to Paragraph 2.a.(1) of SECTION II -- WHO IS E d. "Good Samaritan services". AN INSURED. t Q Page 4 of 7 @ 2013The Travelers Indemnity Company.All right reserved_ CG+ D4 67 07 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc_with its permission. Packet Pg. 170 .......... COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 U_ :t H. PERSONAL INJURY ASSUMED BY CON- 3. The following replaces Paragraph 2.d. of E E TRACT SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- (n 1. The following replaces Exclusion e., Contrac- AGES A AND B:tual Liability, In Paragraph 2. of SECTION I d. The allegations in the "suit" and the in- 3: — COVERAGES — COVERAGE B PER- formation we know about the "occur- r_ SONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY LI- rence"or offense are such that no conflict 4) ABILITY: appears to exist between the interests of E e. Contractual Liability the insured and the interests of the in- "Personal injury" or"advertising injury" far demnitee; which the insured is obligated to pay 4. The following replaces the first subparagraph LO damages by reason of the assumption of of Paragraph f. of the definition of "insured liability in a contract of agreement. This contract" in the DEFINITIONS Section: exclusion does not apply to: f. That part of any other contract or agree- (1) Liability for damages that the insured merit pertaining to your business (includ- E would have in the absence of the !rig an indemnification of a municipality in contract or agreement; or connection with work performed for a (2) Liability for damages because of municipality) under which you assume the "personal injury" assumed in a con- tort liability of another party to pay for tract or agreement that is an "insured 'bodily injury," "property damage" or"Per- contract", provided that the "personal sonall injury"to a third person or organiza- 0 Injury" is caused by an offense com- tion. Tort liability means a liability that U mitted subsequent to the execution of would be Imposed by law in the absence the contract or agreement, Solely for of any contract or agreement. the purposes of liability assumed in I. AMENDED BODILY INJURY DEFINITION an "insured contract", reasonable at- torneys foes and necessary litigation The following replaces the definition of "bodily in- E (D expenses incurred by or for a party jury" in the DEFINITIONS Section: 0 other than an insured will be deemed CU r_ "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, mental an- M to be damages because of"personal guish, mental injury, shock, fright, disability, hu- 2 injury", provided that: -0 milliatiori, sickness or disease sustained by a per- 0 (a) Liability to such party for, or for 0 the cost of, that party's defense son, including death resulting from any of these at U_ y has also been assumed in the an time, same "insured contract"; and J. BODILY INJURY TO CO-EMPLOYEES AND CU (b) Such attorney fees and litigation GO-VOLUNTEER WORKERS 0 W o expenses are for defense of that The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(I) of r_ 0 party against a civil or alternative SECTION if—WHO IS AN INSURED- L) dispute resolution proceeding in Paragraph (1)(a) above does not apply to "bodily which damages to which this in- surance applies are alleged. injury"to a co-"employee" In the course of the co- .5 ' 2. The following replaces the third sentence of ,temployee's" employment by YOU or performing 0 MENTS— duties related to the conduct of your business, or Para rah COVERAGES. A AND B:h 2. of SUPPLEMENTARY PAY- to"bodily ily injury"to your other"volunteer workers" while performing duties related to the conduct of Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph your business. it 2.b.(2) of Section I— Coverage A—Bodily In- K. AIRCRAFT CHARTERED WITH CREW jury And Property Damage Liability or Para- 0 graph 2.e. of Section I — Coverage B — Per- The following is added to Exclusion g., Aircraft, 0 sonal and Advertising Injury Liability, such Auto Or Watercraft, in Paragraph 2. of SECTION U_ payments will not he deemed to be damages I — COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY IN- because of "bodily injury", "property damage" JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: or "personal injury", and will not reduce the This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft that E limits of insurance. is: CU CG D4 67 07 13 0 2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company-A4 right reserved. Page 5 of 7 Includes oopyrighted material of Insurance Services Offire,irpo,with its permission. 1 Packet Pg. 171 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY o 0 U_ r (a) Chartered with crew to any insured; e. The following provisions apply to Paragraph E (b) Not owned by any insured; and a. above, but only for the purposes of the in- E surance provided under this Coverage Part to (n (c) Not being used to carry any person or prop- you or any insured listed in Paragraph 1. or 2. w erty for a charge. of Section It—Who Is An Insured: 3 L, NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT (1) Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of- 1. The Following replaces Paragraph(2) of Ex- fense must be given as soon as practical- E clusion g., Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft, In ble only after the "occurrence" or offense Paragraph 2. of SECTION I — COVERAGES is known to you (if you are an individual), — COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND any of your partners or members who is Q PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: an individual (if you are a partnership or c (2) A watercraft you do not awn that is: joint venture), any of your managers who is an individual (if you are a limited liability (a) Fifty feet long or less; and company), any of your trustees who is an (b) Not being used to carry any person or individual (if you are a trust), any of your E property far a charge. executive officers or directors (if you are 2. The following is added to Paragraph 2. of an organization other than a partnership, joint venture, limited liability company or Q SECTION II—WHO IS AN INSURED: trust) or any "employee" authorized by Any person or organization that, with your ex- you to give notice of an "occurrence" or press or implied consent, either uses or is re- offense. sponsible for the use of a watercraft that you (2) If you are a partnership, joint venture, lim- v do not own that is. ited liability company or trust, and none of (1) Fifty feet long or less; and your partners, joint venture members, S (2) Not being used to carry any person or managers or trustees are individuals, no- c property for a charge. no- tice to us of such "occurrence" or offense must be given as soon as practicable only aD fVl, INCREASED SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS after the "occurrence"or offense is known c 1. The following replaces Paragraph 1.b. of by: SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- (a) Any individual who is; � AGES A AND B of SECTION I — COVER- AGES: (i) A partner or member of any part ro b. Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bonds re- nership or joint venture; -00 quired because of accidents or traffic law (ii) A manager of any limited liability R violations arising out of the use of any company; vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability (iii)A trustee of any trust; or Coverage applies, We do not have to fur- (iv)An executive officer or director of 0 nish these bonds. any other organization; 2. The following replaces Paragraph 1,d, of that is your partner, Joint venture S SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVER- member, manager or trustee; or 0 AGES A AND B of SECTION I -- COVER- AGES; (b) Any "employee" authorized by such partnership, joint venture, limited li- d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the ability company, trust or other organk 0 insured at our request to assist us in the it zation to give notice of an Occur- investigation or defense of the claim or rence"or offense. N "suit", including actual loss of earnings up 3 Notice to us of such "occurrence" or of- 0 to $5.00 a day because of time off from [ ) work, fense will be deemed to be given as soon LL as practicable if it is given in good faith as B N. KNOWLEDGE AND NOTICE OF OCCUR- soon as practicable to your workers' RENCE OR OFFENSE compensation insurer. This applies only if The following is added to Paragraph 2., Duties in you subsequently give notice to us of the The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or "occurrence" or offense as soon as prate suit, of SECTION IV -- COMMERCIAL GEN- ticable after any of the persons described CIO ERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: Q I Page 6 of 7 C�2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company.All right reserved. CG D4 67 47 13 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office,Inc.with its permission, Packet Pg. 172 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY o 0 U_ r in Paragraphs e.(Iy or (2) above discov- relied upon in issuing this policy will not prejudice E ors that the 'occurrence" or offense may your rights under this insurance. However, this result in sums to which the insurance provision does not affect our right to collect addi- provided under this Coverage Part may tional premium or to exercise our rights of cancel- apply. lation or nonrenewal in accordance with applica- ble 3 However, if this policy includes an endorse- insurance caws or regulations. (D ment that provides limited coverage for "bod- Ps. REASONABLE FORCE. -- BODILY INJURY OR ily injury" or "property damage" or pollution PROPERTY DAMAGE ;v costs arising out of a discharge, release or The follovdng replaces Exclusion a., Expected Or Q escape of "pollutants" which contains a re- Intended Injury, in Paragraph 2. of SECTION II -- LO quirement that the discharge, release or es- COVERAGES — COVERAGE A BODILY IN- e cape of "pollutants—must be reported to us JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: within a specific number of days after its abrupt commencement, this Paragraph e, a. Expected or Intended Injury or Damage does not affect that requirement. "Bodily injury" or"property damage" expected 0 O. UNINTENTIONAL OMISSION or intended from the standpoint of the in- 0 sured. This exclusion does not apply to "boa- 0 The fallowing is added to Paragraph 6., Repre- Ily injury" or"property damage" resulting from Q I sentations, of SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL � GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: person use of reasonable farce to protect any � person or property, The unintentional omission of, or unintentional er v ror in, any information provided by you which we , c., _ c r c a� E aD 0 R c 0 M U_ ®_ C eiymr.. .0 0 L c 0 f V�rw V o u� it h� N o 0 LL E � 14 Q CG D4 67 07 13 02013 The Travelers Indemnity company.All right reserved_ Page 7 of 7 Includes copyrighled material of Insurance Services office,Inc,with its permission. Packet Pg. 173 00S 1l13 PM 0 li 0 CO20MRMAL AUM LL E E ADnXw3:O2mL :ENSURED AUTOMATIC STATUS Tr MN REQUXRED By CONTRACT OR AGREMENT WITH YOU This endorsement modlflas insurance provided under the following- IBU83:=SS AUMO COVERIL%= FORM CI GZ COVERAGE FORM TNUCHERS COVERAGE FORM A. Section it. Liability A. Coverage I Who Is An Insured is amended to Q L0 include as an additional insured any person or organization for whom 64 you are pexform±ng operations when you and auch person or o=ganixatlon have agreed in _writing in acontract o= agreement that such person or organization be added as an additional insured on your Policy. E O The status of an additional insured under this endorsement ends when your operations for that additional insured are completed. a. The most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured In the lesser of the amount payable under Section C. Li=Lit Of XnBuranOs Or the amount oe insurance required by the contract or agreement. 0r_ C. Notwithstanding any MaquIrement, term or condition of any contract or agreement with respect to which this isndorse=ant may pertain, the insurance afforded to the additional insured 19 subject to all the firms, exclusions and conditions of the Co=srclal Auto Coverage Form to which this endorsement is attached, O (D tM 1 CU 0 0 -0 U- CU -0 -6 to L) 0 0 LL CA 80 07 02 06 4) E CU TRU 90-18840-04 00 151 PAGE 001 Packet Pg. 174 . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4.B.j �:. . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. }}. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . fiy41110^4%!��- E €i. �.:.t R Y '. si 71"i1E,: - O V+t�n�t-4-f . Routing Inform ation: LPL BALL REQUESTS MUST .FIRST HE POUTED.T'H1RE7UGH HE Ls41fd:`i�Ei�,4FtT6ti9��.7') E 4pproved by Director E 3 N Originator: • Pho e (Originator}: t �aanlcl�csti®n 5g64 Date 5nt: Date Required: 3 10/26 1 1 �2/1 .' c d Return Signed Document to: ____ Contract Termination Date: E �alene King.. 2�3��2020 �, VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified. a ConsoCclated`Food Maria emenf, (T1G. Only tequirecf on contracts 20 DOo and:over or on an Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: Date Risk tanager Notified: � �®� �� Re uired on Non-Cit`Standard Contracts/A reemerits Has this Document been `Specificall Account Number c 10002500.63160.35� 0 Authorized in the Budget'? a� YES NO . E . . w . . a) ,: .....: .. ......:- L Brief Explanation of Docu1.ment'; Q Food and fo cf preparation services to feed inmates and corrections staff each day of L . . w the week. Inmates shall be Served no less than three meals per clay which shall c contain no less than a `total of 2 1.600 calories . . day. � c �, . a d 0) c M 0 c LL /3A/C�ntracts:�9ust Be:�m:ute. Through The Law Department 'a � � {Tiias area ko t e the:Law Department] Received: C .` Approval t l av4i De .t, ts: .,; .. v pale Forwarded to Mayor:.. — - M E Shaded Areas To fie Completed ray�dministrar do Staff -111 .1-11 Received ` Recom endations and Cornrnents: v� :i .7 y_ ( sqE Q .:..........::......:......::...:..:.....:.....Ifl1[...::�....:R:D.........f............E.E......�......4..s......4..iC...t....1.i 7...o..... .......t.........."....................a..............:...�........,............;..--......r-.,...,........�.........�-........ ....1.....,........�.A......-.�/....,...........................:....:......�...�.....r...................,.......�....,.��.........."..........,...............�.........�...:...:..,................1...........................................,........-...........�............,..........._.................:...�. t ,, 9 P L..........v..........................�V............'...-..............Z'...L.....,.... s � �........I....�..........................1.......�...........-........:.............,.........�.t .1.....n....E....�..—.,,..,.�......-....6.,..1 I-....t:V.l...........�v.....,,.......�:...�.....�....l.E..i.:.�:....I:-..:.:.....:..�.D.......:.......�..:.-...'..�.-�.,.I..��...:�,..�,1.%��...4�......':I—/...,.�.....e................I..............�0.........I..7....I,....._.........;..�.........,. ......... ........ ......I......%I...�'...........1�..."i.:'l.......I....�..�.......�... .... ... r ........... .. ....:....... .... :. .......�.........-.........�............:..:....-....:...�....,,......0.................:.....:.........,.............:4..:..:...:........�......1:..-...-........I............-..................-....,...�....."...-........!..1.,....:.......v...........-I.-........v ......."...................,...2-'�.:....:....-..I.�...r....�..n2..:,....I,..I....,......:....,.........j'........:,,.......1I,%,....I':�...............".:,....,:.....-...I....,.....�`.........,.....:..II..:.,�...I..—...W........::.....:..,:..:..�....1.....1.....I...........,.:...........�.....,.....,.........�...g..j..........�......,1...".,.....k..,..-.I......:,. c . ' '�-.......................—...........:.........:........................:............................:..... .........- ................. .::........ Date Returned. .. s t P�{:jVA�F r �cul�erli'P xssinp equesl yr ayesgnatuae acx Q gg gg�yygg� 1. '4,yERiTB Packet Pg. 175:] i.. . 4.0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chad Bieren, PE - Interim Public Works Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 W A S H i N G T O N 253-856-5600 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: West Hill Reservoir - Right-of-Way Dedication Correction Ordinance - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4383, repealing Ordinance 4369 and authorizing the dedication of right-of-way on the West Hill Reservoir property necessary to complete the power undergrounding project prior to construction of the West Hill Reservoir. SUMMARY: Last year in August, Council approved the Kronisch property as the site for a new drinking water reservoir on the West Hill. The reservoir is needed to meet water storage and fire flow standards and will enable future development and redevelopment on the West Hill. In September, Council approved Ordinance 4369 dedicating right-of-way for a pad mounted transformer to serve the existing properties to the north. Unfortunately, there was an error in the legal description and this ordinance will repeal the previous ordinance and dedicate the correct area as right-of-way. BUDGET IMPACT: No cost for the right-of-way dedication. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance 4383 (PDF) Packet Pg. 176 4.C.a r a 0 Q a� U c CU ORDINANCE NO. 4383 L 0 V AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the L City of Kent, Washington, repealing Ordinance No. 4369 and right-of-way dedications made therein, c and through this ordinance dedicating as right-of- way a portion of City-owned property located in the 24800 block between Military Road South and 381n o Avenue S. for right-of-way purposes, authorizing the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to finalize and define the dedications authorized by this 0 ordinance, and directing the City Clerk to record a certified copy of this amending ordinance upon its passage. L 0 RECITALS A. The City's approved West Hill Reservoir Project ("Project") has = designed and will construct a water reservoir ("Improvements") on City- owned property located on three parcels situated in the 24800 block o between Military Road South and 38t" Avenue S. ("Property"); M 00 M B. To complete the Project, the City must dedicate and define a portion of the Property located on King County Tax Parcel No. 125320-0075, E L legally described in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted in 0 r the attached and incorporated Exhibit B for right-of-way purposes. r r C. On October 6, 2020, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. Q 4369, which dedicated a larger right-of-way and utility access area than is 1 Repeal Ordinance 4369 Ordinance Property Dedication of Public Right-of-Way at West Hill Reservoir Packet Pg. 177 4.C.a required to complete the Project. In order to revise the right-of-way dedication to this smaller area, this ordinance repeals Ordinance No. 4369 and redefines the right-of-way dedication. This dedication will formally establish and define the boundaries of the right-of-way for those utilizing a 0 City rights of way, including utility, cable, and telecommunication providers. a a� CU c D. The City Clerk's office recorded a certified copy of Ordinance L No. 4369. Once the right-of-way area is dedicated through Council's O r- adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk will be directed to record a certified ° L) aD copy of this ordinance with the King County Recorder's Office to replace the o U previously recorded Ordinance No. 4369. c .2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, 0 WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 41 0 ORDINANCE a, L SECTION 1. - Repealer. Ordinance No. 4369, adopted by the City a� Council on October 6, 2020, is hereby repealed in its entirety. iF SECTION 2. - Dedication of Right-of-Way. The property legally described in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted in the 0 attached and incorporated Exhibit B, is hereby dedicated to right of way purposes, including without limitation, roadway, sidewalk and pedestrian co M path improvements and utility undergrounding and installation. c SECTION 3. - Mayor Authorized to Finalize and Sign. The Mayor is 0 authorized to sign all documents necessary to finalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance. r r Q 2 Repeal Ordinance 4369 Ordinance Property Dedication of Public Right-of-Way at West Hill Reservoir Packet Pg. 178 4.C.a SECTION 4. - City Clerk to Record Ordinance. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach an appropriate cover sheet and record a certified copy of this ordinance with the King County Recorder's Office. r a 0 SECTION 5. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, a or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such CU decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance L and the same shall remain in full force and effect. O c 0 r a� SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be o U in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. c w December 8, 2020 0 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved 0 ATTEST: a, L December 8, 2020 KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted U) December 11, 2020 iF Date Published N a� APPROVED AS TO FORM: Q N M 00 M ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY c EL O c� E V Q 3 Repeal Ordinance 4369 Ordinance Property Dedication of Public Right-of-Way at West Hill Reservoir Packet Pg. 179 4.C.a EXHIBIT- TAX LOT 1253200075 RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION THE NORTH 10.00 FEET OF THE EAST 10.00 FEET OF LOT 15, BLOCK 1, BURKLAND'S a FIRST ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 61 OF .°a PLATS, PAGES 28, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LOCATED IN THE a NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Cu CONTAINING 101 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS-0 c 0 r aD L L z••f l.Illir.r 0 .21 iF a� �'4L W►� o w 0 N M 00 M d V C R C E L O r- cd G V Q Packet Pg. 180 4.C.a aD u c 1 � I � I I L PARCEL I 0 I #1253200005 j g r 101 SQ FT ' o � I I �O\QG����� 10 i 0 � O O j PARCEL 11 #1253200075 i H M i \ (P \\ I �N�l PARCEL o ' O #1253200070 \ N i 0 -- N I Ln Project#19-3027 I I I M I 00 M IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. IT IS u FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND RIGHT OF WAY INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 � DEDICATION p OTHER LAND. NO LIABILITY IS OF SEC 22,TOWNSHIP 22 N, KENT DRAWN BY: TLM ASSUMED BY REASON OF RANGE 4 E,W.M. ww.„,„o„„ RELIANCE HEREON. CITY OF KENT SCALE: 1"=50' EXHIBIT LAND SURVEY SECTION DATE: 08/17/2020 v r r Q Packet Pg. 181 4.D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chad Bieren, PE - Interim Public Works Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5600 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Quiet Zone Update SUMMARY: Union Pacific Railroad Staff will provide an update on the efforts to establish a quiet zone on the Union Pacific railroad through Kent. BNSF Railway Staff will provide an update on the efforts to establish a quiet zone on the BNSF railroad through Kent. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Quiet Zone Timeline (PDF) Packet Pg. 182 4.D.a O p p ONOA NONQ O O � L N NN N m M M NN NN Nm NL NN 1 N N N r4N N M NN N M O OO NO O O M O O O OO � N N N N N N O .-- ­1 N N N O N N N M N N N M N N O NO O O ro NO O M r1l O r1J Or14 L r14 N N MBNSF and UPRR N N MMM O N M O L o oN CD O Q a) NN r,j r,j r1i Lr1i E 6 ) N Nrj E i jiO WM N N a Z O O C CL , >Q U U a) a) � n O_ _ U O a) i 7 ) O ZiQ n U � QQ O 0 6 n QO i n QV LNUa) Contract with Railroads for grade crossing 6 mo modification coordination 8 mo i Coordinate grade crossing modifications withVE 6 mo railroad 10 mo 3 mo Petition UTC for grade crossing modifications 15 mo Prepare construction documents and construct jj 8 mo grade crossing improvements M E 12 mo Send Notice of Establishment(NOE) 60 days 60 days ; Quiet zone established Updated: November 19, 2020 P Estimated Duration: Minimum Realistic c 0 N 0 FRA Train Horn Rule - 49 CFR Parts 222 and 229, Use of Locomotive Horns at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings; Final Rule. Provides the requirements for a public authority to establish and maintain a quiet zone. First enacted in April 2005 and amended in April 2006. J Diagnostic Report - A diagnostic report is generated after a diagnostic review of all of the crossings in a potential quiet zone. The diagnostic team consists of the public p authority proposing the quiet zone (Kent), the railroad being crossed, the state agency responsible for grade crossing safety (Washington State 0 Utilities and Transportation Commission), and other interested parties. Diagnostic reports prior to 2017 are shown as one month duration on the Z_ month the diaanostic team reviewed the crossinas, 0 Wayside Horn - A device that is permanently located at an at-grade railroad crossing that sounds a warning when a train is approaching. This replaces the horn on N the train and has a lower noise impact on the community since it is directed along the streets that cross the railroad tracks. c NOI - The Notice of Intent to establish a quiet zone. A formal document stating that the that a public authority is proposing to establish a quiet zone. E This notice is required to be sent by the local authority proposing the quiet zone to all railroads operating at the crossings, the state agency responsible for grade crossing safety, and the state agency responsible for highway road safety. 0 N UTC - The Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission. NOE - The Notice of Quiet Zone Establishment. A formal document stating that the that a public authority will be establishing a quiet zone. This notice is C1 required to be sent by the local authority proposing the quiet zone to all railroads operating at the crossings, the state agency responsible for grade crossing safety, and the state agency responsible for highway road safety. We have agreed to a 60-day NOE so the railroads have time to make E rhnnnac to Chair nrnrtircc t V a Packet Pg. 183 4.E PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chad Bieren, PE - Interim Public Works Director 440 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5600 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Transportation Master Plan Draft Policies and Actions PoliciesProject Development Growth Management Ad Project Performance Regional & Measures Countywide Planning r Prioritized Projects Policies SUMMARY: The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) details Kent's transportation vision for the next 20 years. This vision, crafted through extensive public outreach and interdepartmental coordination, can be seen in the policies and actions. These two elements of the TMP are a critical part of the roadmap for reaching the adopted goals. They are two of the most tangible outputs of the Transportation Master Plan update process. The policies and actions provide direction and next steps that will facilitate a variety of efforts. These efforts include grant applications for projects on the prioritized project list, updates to the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), data collection and analysis, and collaboration on projects. The last element of the TMP is performance measures, which will be discussed at a future presentation. Packet Pg. 184 4.E BUDGET IMPACT: Policies and actions are used to develop the breadth and scope of transportation projects, which ultimately affect project cost. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. KentTMP_Draft_Policies_Actions (PDF) Packet Pg. 185 4.E.a Transportation Goals, Policies and Actions a Goals The following goals were adopted by Kent City Council in November 2019: 0 IL r • Goal 1: Connectivity&Options Expand and strengthen the multimodal network, specifically walking, biking and transit, to increase options for those who have fewest opportunities. a L • Goal 2: Safety& Health +; Promote community health by improving safety and by making walking, biking, and getting to transit viable and comfortable alternatives to driving. c 0 • Goal 3: Stewardship Maintain and improve what we have, and focus new investments on projects that have a long term community and economic benefits. c� • Goal 4: Placemaking t= Make investments that emphasize Kent as a welcoming place and enhance the character J of the community. Z O • Goal 5: Strategy 0 Pursue grants, partnerships and technologies to maximize resources and find new Z efficiencies. 0 0 LO N Transportation Policies 0 Connectivity& Options Policies a TR-1. Provide a balanced transportation system that delivers reasonable circulation for all users throughout the City, including pedestrians, bicyclists, persons who use a wheelchair or 0 other ambulation devices, transit riders, freight haulers, motorists, emergency responders, ai r and residents of all ages and abilities as detailed in Ordinance 4247 (Complete Streets). a TR-2. Coordinate land use and transportation decision making to reduce sprawl and promoteIL dense development patterns that support cost-effective transit and build stronger connections between housing and employment opportunities. a� TR-3. Promote transit-oriented development around high capacity transit through land use Y patterns, support for increased transit service, and emphasis on non-motorized facilities. TR-4. Prioritize the creation of strong east-west connections for all modes. E TR-5. Ensure that changes to the City's transportation system promote walking, biking, and public transportation.Where possible, strongly discourage the development of dead-end a cul-de-sacs, facilitate the inclusion of connecting pathways for pedestrian and bicycle 1 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 186 4.E.a access in cases where dead-end cul-de-sacs are permitted, and construct pedestrian and v^, c bicycle facilities that connect to and through parks to shorten and encourage non- 0 motorized trips. Q TR-6. Facilitate the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the City's adopted c pedestrian and bicycle network. TR-7. Use short-term, low cost improvements, such as pedestrian and bicycle signage and .2 markings, to identify routes when high cost capital improvements are not funded. a° r TR-8. Develop programs and construct infrastructure for walking, biking, and access to transit L that make it possible for Kent residents and employees, especially underserved c populations, to access essential services and support local businesses while reducing a auto-dependent travel. TR-9. Protect the mobility of T-1 and T-2 Freight and Goods Transportation System (FGTS) routes; design all other streets to accommodate only first/last mile freight movements through utilizing engineering standards that are based on smaller design vehicles. TR-10. Ensure that efforts to improve access to transit and other mobility services consider the 0 needs of those who rely on transit services the most and those with special transportation w c needs. TR-11. Implement transportation programs and projects that provide access to opportunities while preventing or mitigating negative impacts to underserved populations as defined in Z the transportation equity definition. O O TR-12. Advocate for new transit and mobility options for Kent residents and employees. Z TR-13. Work with transit providers to start planned transit service as early and effectively as 00 possible and continue to support existing and new bus service that connects to light rail ,LO N stations, high-capacity transit corridors, and park& ride lots throughout the City. TR-14. Support transit planning efforts based on criteria guided by the City's preferred land use, c population and employment distribution, and opportunities for redevelopment. Q TR-15. Implement transportation improvements and strategies needed to implement the City's Layered Network and meet level-of-service standards and guidelines for transportation 2 detailed in the next chapter. 0 i r Safety& Health Policies 0 TR-16. Encourage lower speeds in residential neighborhoods using best practices in traffic a i calming techniques, implemented through the Residential Traffic Calming Program. TR-17. Work with residents and local businesses to reduce speeds and cut-through traffic on Y non-arterial streets with techniques that include education, enforcement, and traffic calming. E TR-18. Construct projects and implement programs that improve safety for all users of the transportation network a 2 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 187 4.E.a TR-19. Minimize the number of driveways and access points per parcel on arterials to improve v^, c the bicycle and pedestrian environment. 0 TR-20. Emphasize comfort and user experience in the design of bicycle facilities following the Q City's bicycle level of traffic stress (LTS) guidelines. c TR-21. Coordinate with the Kent Police Department and school districts within the City of Kent to increase safety through education and enforcement programs. .2 TR-22. Coordinate with regional transit providers to plan and construct transit stops that are a0 r comfortable, meet minimum transit stop amenity standards set by the City of Kent, and L address potential safety and security concerns. c TR-23. Provide equitable opportunities for an active, healthy lifestyle by integrating the needs of a non-motorized users into the multimodal transportation system. L Stewardship Policies c 0 TR-24. Ensure that maintenance and operation of the existing and proposed transportation network is included in transportation planning. 0 a TR-25. Implement maintenance and operation projects to ensure the resiliency of the transportation network. f° t= TR-26. Coordinate new development and redevelopment with transportation projects as mandated by the Growth Management Act (GMA). Z TR-27. Coordinate with state and regional agencies to ensure continued mobility on state routes O O (including 1-5, SR 167, SR 509, SR 515, SR 516, SR 99 and SR 181), including improvements Z needed to achieve the adopted level of service standards for these facilities. 00 TR-28. Consider the economic development implications in the planning and design of LO N transportation projects. TR-29. Foster transit-oriented development opportunities and leverage public and private funds c to achieve City objectives related to economic development and growth. Q TR-30. Protect the investment in the existing system and lower overall life-cycle costs through as effective maintenance and preservation programs. 2 TR-31. Implement and maintain a transportation impact fee program that supports future a growth, while advancing the overall policy objectives of this TMP and the City's other plans such as subarea plans and the Comprehensive Plan. o TR-32. Maintain a comprehensive asset management program that monitors the condition of a i Kent's multimodal transportation network and that facilitates data driven decision- making. 0 Y TR-33. Develop transportation projects, programs, and investment strategies that comply with c state and federal guidelines and are consistent with best practices for air quality, water E quality and other environmental impacts. TR-34. Optimize land use patterns and transportation systems to minimize air pollution and a greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with the priorities of the King County Cities Climate Collaboration. 3 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 188 4.E.a TR-35. Pursue mode split goals determined by PSRC(?) for designated Regional Growth Centers v^, c within Kent. 0 TR-36. Reduce the impact of the City's transportation system on the environment using Q technology, expanded transit use and non-motorized transportation options. c TR-37. Encourage the use of technologies that minimize reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as electric and high fuel efficiency automobiles. .2 TR-38. Develop a resilient transportation system (e.g. roadway, rail, transit, and nonmotorized) a° r that protects against major disruptions and climate change by developing recovery L strategies and by coordinating disaster response plans. c Placemaking Policies L L 2 TR-39. Using the Complete Streets process, incorporate street trees and plantings in transportation facility planning and design to enhance community vitality, placemaking, 0 traffic calming, and economic development. TR-40. Plan and implement the transportation system utilizing urban street design principles in o a recognition of the link between urban design, safety, economic development, community w c health, and transportation system design in the planning and implementation of f° t= transportation projects. J TR-41. Consider the effects transportation projects have on the public realm, particularly the z0 impacts on public perception, placemaking and use. p TR-42. Promote and support public transit, and bicycle and pedestrian circulation within z_ compact urban settings. co TR-43. Prioritize inclusion of pedestrian amenities, street trees, art and integration into public N spaces when implementing transportation projects within the Urban Center and N designated Activity Centers, key gateways and high capacity transit corridors. o r TR-44. Establish residential streetscape patterns that foster more opportunities for healthy living a and community interaction. TR-45. Construct comfortable, safe and supportive public streetscapes for transit riders, .2 pedestrians and cyclists where appropriate based on land use context. a i r Strategy Policies IL i TR-46. Secure reliable funding to ensure continuous maintenance and improvement of the transportation system. TR-47. Support efforts at the state and federal level to increase funding for local transportation. Y TR-48. Leverage public and private investments in the transportation network to build a healthy, c W opportunity-rich city. E TR-49. Coordinate land use, transportation and development decisions with transit providers, including in subarea and corridor planning efforts. Q 4 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 189 4.E.a TR-50. Take an active approach to managing on- and off-street parking in commercial and high- v^, c density residential areas to minimize land dedicated to parking and ensure right-of-way 0 balances parking with other community needs. Q TR-51. Coordinate the allocation of curb space for delivery purposes with development. c TR-52. Ensure CTR-affected employers are implementing a commute trip reduction program for employees, as mandated by the state Commute Trip Reduction law, and evaluate .2 program effectiveness every other year. a° r TR-53. Encourage all employers to implement a commute trip reduction program for employees L and to help reduce peak hour commute trips by facilitating employees' use of telework, c flexible work hours, compressed work week schedules, and other scheduling options. a TR-54. Emphasize transportation investments that provide and encourage alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel and increase travel options, especially to and within centers and along corridors connecting centers. TR-55. Utilize Transportation Demand Management strategies to increase the proportion of trips made by transportation modes that are alternatives to driving alone, especially to and 0 within centers and along corridors connecting centers, by ensuring availability of reliable w c and competitive transit options. H TR-56. Support commute trip reduction goals and multimodal forms of transportation via development standards pertaining to building setbacks, location of parking, parking Z standards, as well as amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. O O TR-57. Facilitate the construction of curbside spaces for electric vehicle charging stations where Z on-street parking is allowed. 00 TR-58. Implement intelligent transportation system technology and infrastructure to support the Q LO efficient movement of people and goods. TR-59. Coordinate with the County and neighboring jurisdictions to implement concurrency c 0 strategies and provide for mitigation of shared traffic impacts through street improvements, signal improvements, intelligent transportation systems improvements, Q� transit system improvements or transportation demand management strategies. ° .2 TR-60. Coordinate with BNSF Railroad, UP Railroad, Washington Utilities and Transportation 0 a Commission (WUTC) and Sound Transit. TR-61. Coordinate transportation operations, planning and improvements with the State, Region, o County, neighboring jurisdictions and other transportation planning agencies to ensure a� the City's interests are well represented in state and regional planning strategies, policies and projects and to identify strategies to maximize benefits with limited financial Y resources. TR-62. Actively engage residents, especially underserved populations, during the planning and design of transportation facilities proposed by the City and other agencies to identify and reduce community impacts. Q 5 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 190 4.E.a Transportation Actions 0 These actions are intended to implement the above policies through tangible projects and Q defined steps to improve processes, develop capital projects, assign tasks, and set priorities. c Connectivity& Options Actions .2 Actions/Objectives o a r • Adopt standards that implement the transportation network planned for in the Midway o Subarea Plan. c • Develop a Benson Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned a- transportation network to support high capacity transit. °r • Develop a Military Road Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned transportation network. 0 • Develop a Central Avenue Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned transportation network. o • Update transportation administrative procedures and include funding in the annual budget to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from disasters as provided for in the City of Kent Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. • Assign a roadway type to all streets in the City based on quantitative and qualitative z criteria includingmobility of transportation network users, accessibility to adjacent land O Y p Y J p use traffic volumes, and other related transportation criteria. Z_ • Develop roadway cross-sections for each roadway type that include all modes and 00 parking as appropriate with distinctive roadway types for different land use and network N contexts. • Update the Kent Design and Construction Standards to include street designs for each c r roadway type as well as for local private and public roadways. a • Regularly update and maintain the city's pavement management system. as • Develop cross-sections and design parameters for the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) 2 network and add to the Kent Design and Construction Standards. a r� • Construct projects to implement the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) network. � • Construct projects to implement the pedestrian network adopted in the TMP. of • Develop policies related to alternative travel modes, such as bike share services, electric a- bicycles, motorized scooters, etc. • Develop a sidewalk prioritization program for sidewalk improvements. Y • Identify and utilize best practices to minimize conflicts between trucks and other transportation modes during project design and construction. E • Update applicable codes, standards and guidelines to ensure developers provide connecting pathways for pedestrian and bicycle on dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs. Q • Include freight needs in the prioritization criteria for the pavement preservation program. • Develop tools to better understand how local planning and actions address inequities. 6 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 191 4.E.a • Develop outreach process for project development that incorporates the feedback of v^, c populations affected, especially typically underserved populations. Preliminary ideas 0 include: Q o Facilitate outreach and engagement in places where communities already gather, c including cultural events, farmers markets, community centers, and places of worship. .2 o Identify opportunities for education around the relationship between a0 r transportation and the economy, environment, and health as well as strategies L for preventing and managing conflict. c o Provide translations of informational material, including websites, brochures, a flyers, and posters that are written in plain language. o Collaborate with cultural organizations, social service entities, faith-based organizations, and other community-based organizations to develop effective outreach and engagement strategies. o Leverage established relationships with communities by partnering with nonprofit 0 organizations, community development corporations, neighborhood associations, w c community advocacy groups, and other organizations and individuals to help f° r= connect the city with the community, improve communication, and build relationships. Z o Effectively communicate how community input is being incorporated into project O O decision-making processes throughout the project duration. Z Safety& Health Actions c LO N Actions/Objectives c • Utilize the Residential Traffic Calming Program process to receive public input and make improvements based on neighborhood concerns and priorities. Q� • Develop City of Kent minimum transit stop amenity standards. .2 • Enhance access management requirements in the Design and Construction Standards to 0 reduce the number of conflicts points and extend arterial capacity. ai • Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to develop a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program that emphasizes ongoing education and enforcement efforts in addition ai to engineering solutions. H • Update the Local Roadway Safety Plan and update periodically. • Develop a Safety Program to make safety improvements with a safe systems approach. Y • Update the streetlight design requirements within the Kent Design and Construction Standards in line with current industry best practice. • Update the Kent Design and Construction Standards to include a variety of multimodal design options that incorporate the current national design practices and modal level-of- Q service guidelines. 7 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 192 4.E.a Stewardship Actions c 0 Actions/Objectives Q • Review the roadways in the Federal Functional Classification (FFC) System to maximize 0 grant eligibility. ,n • Develop a process to facilitate public-private investment to increase access and mobility 2 and to address transportation needs in the City of Kent. a° • Develop performance measures that track asset management of the transportation L network and define what success looks like. c 0 Placemaking Actions a L Actions/Objectives Call-Out Box c • Update Design and Construction 0 standards to include placemaking A comprehensive asset management system for elements for each roadway type. all transportation system assets is a key strategy w • Identify high priority commercial for being able to accomplish the goal of lowest i nodes and corridors to prepare life-cycle cost for these assets.The system ~ comprehensive multimodal should monitor the condition of a J streetsca e plans with the goal to Z P P g comprehensive list of roadway assets, such as 0 create a safe and inviting pedestrian pavement quality, signals and traffic controls, 0 Z environment. pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, 00 .. • Identify gateways at locations of high guardrail, signs, and concrete barriers. A Q LO visibility and prepare guidance for comprehensive asset management system landscaping and aesthetic treatment includes the following elements: c to aid in capital project development. ° • Update street tree program guidelines 0 Setting level of service goals Qi • Developing and maintaining a complete N including preservation during a� inventory of assets 2 construction, establishment and .2 • Regularly collecting asset condition and 0 maintenance responsibilities, and usage data a- replacement procedures. • Tracking costs o • Developing a method for evaluating risk a� Strategy Actions Developing a method for evaluating when and how to replace or refurbish Actions/Objectives �. the asset Y • Regularly review and improve signal Adopting performance measures that timing on all corridors. provide information to best manage the • Evaluate the viability of an Adaptive resources used to manaae the asset. Signal Control System for the Q Downtown Core particularly in areas of regular congestion near railroad crossings. • Develop an ordinance to require non-motorized access to transit stops. 8 1 P a g e Packet Pg. 193 4.E.a • Develop City of Kent minimum transit stop amenity standards. v^, c • Monitor the frequency and connectivity of transit service in the City and advocate for o improvements as appropriate. Q • Develop curb space delivery standards c • Develop standards for and a plan to support construction of electric vehicle charging for on-street parking. .2 • Require new development to incorporate appropriate design features such as: a° r 1. Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools; o c 2. Special loading and unloading facilities for carpools and vanpools; a L 3.Transit passenger facilities, including comfortable bus stops and waiting areas that may be integrated in the building design; and c 0 4. Secure and covered bicycle parking, showers, lockers, and related facilities to support bicycle commuters. N C 5. Convenient short-term bicycle parking for customers or other visitors. • Update the Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan. Z • Develop annual legislative agendas and meet with federal and state representatives who O O can help fund key projects. U_ z_ • Update the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) annually to ensure 00 inclusion of all transportation modes. Q LO • Develop an outreach process to include public comments on projects from planning to construction. 0 • Develop targeted outreach processes to inform and seek feedback from underserved Q populations. Ni • Develop a program to identify and construct low-cost improvements to improve safety •) and quality of life. a i r L a c a� Y c a� E t v ca Q 9 Page Packet Pg. 194 4.F PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chad Bieren, PE - Interim Public Works Director 440 220 Fourth Avenue South KF-14 Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5600 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Transportation Master Plan Draft Project List SUMMARY: Over the last 10 months, staff from Public Works, Economic and Community Development, Parks and Police have been collaborating and coordinating to develop the draft project lists. The TMP project lists are categorized into three buckets based on funding: J�rograms Unfunded Projects Projects that are Projects to be considered Priority projects for which anticipated to be by a funded program funding was unavailable completed over the 20- over the 20-year TMP year TMP planning planning horizon. horizon. Funded Projects Within the funded projects, there are three categories of lists based on their potential funding source: Secured Develope Prioritized ...................... Funding List •Projects anticipated to be funded by Projects with *Projects the Kent Capital Project Budget. secured funding anticipated to be •This Capital Budget includes funding that predates the funded by from the Business&Occupation Tax 20-year TMP developers. (B&O), Grants and Appropriations, planning horizon. Transportation Impact Fees, and Loc Improvement Districts(LIDs). Programs During public outreach and project development, multiple projects were categorized under two programs: Safe Routes to Schools and Neighborhood Greenways. The Safe Routes to Schools project list is the starting point for the Safe Routes to School program. These projects will be prioritized based on funding availability and scoring criteria to determine project priority for funding. As the program is Packet Pg. 195 4.F developed, Kent staff anticipate identifying additional projects. As part of the Neighborhood Greenways Program, the City will develop a Neighborhood Greenways Plan, which will include a few projects identified as part of the TMP development. The Plan will identify a network of Greenways in each area of Kent and prioritize projects for funding by the Neighborhood Greenways Program. Unfunded Projects Extensive public outreach and project development identified more high priority projects than available funding. This "Next Priority Project List" identifies 55 multimodal projects that address the goals of the TMP but are currently unfunded by the capital project budget. The TMP is a living document, which means if there is a change that impacts the capital budget or project eligibility for outside funding, then the TMP can be updated to reflect the change. For example, if a new funding source or increased funding is identified, then the TMP can be amended to move projects on the next priority project list to the prioritized project list. Kent staff will be developing a TMP Amendment process in 2021 to ensure that the TMP remains flexible to take advantage of emergent funding opportunities. BUGET IMPACT: A funding plan will be developed for each project when the project moves to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. TMP-Draft-Project List (PDF) Packet Pg. 196 4.F.a CITY OF KENT h ■ _ 0 TRANSPORTATION MASTER I Project J V The purpose of this packet is to explain the City of Kent Transportation Master Plan (TMP) W 0 project lists and types of proposed transportation improvements. a This packet is divided into five geographic subareas: Downtown, Manufacturing and Q Industrial Center (MIC), Midway, North East Hill, and South East Hill. The subarea approach was chosen to ensure that projects were identified across all areas of the City, as well as to a acknowledge the distinct topography and land use characteristics within each subarea. a; There were many incredible project ideas that arose during the project development process. In order to prioritize projects for funding but not preclude great potential mobilityZ. c improvements, the TMP project lists are categorized into three buckets based on funding: 0 Funded Projects IL -Projects that are anticipated .Projects to be considered -priority projects for which _J to be completed over the 20- by a funded program funding was unavailable Z year TMP planning horizon. over the 20-year TMP 0 planning horizon. 0 Z a� Funded Projects LO N Within the funded projects, there are three categories of lists based on their potential funding source: 0 Secured Developer I Prioritized Q FundingList List ♦2 -Projects anticipated to be funded by the -Projects with secured -Projects Kent Capital Project Budget. funding that anticipated to be r -This Capital Budget includes funding predates the 20-year funded by from the Business & Occupation Tax TMP planning developers. E (B&O), Grants and Appropriations, horizon. Transportation Impact Fees, and Local Improvement Districts (LIDs). Q KentTM For more information, please contact April Delchamps, Project Manager, at or 253- 856-5564 Packet Pg. 197 4.F.a Kent TMP Project List November 2020 Funded projects include: Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities .� T) - J [I V III ■ �� ' � " a � L d i-� r (n Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities ML c I . � o o 0 0 L Z O ik "Wor LO s Hrrxce � Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway { �; with Pedestrian/ a- Bic cle Facilities En .may r--- d .'•� � \ f qrj 10 �► {�+� Poem k 2 Packet Pg. 198 4.F.a Kent TMP Project List November 2020 Widen Roadway to3 lanes with Pedestrian/Bike Facilities Bike intersection Source:Google Maps improvements J t� N > O a` ,, `•� M L 1 (� a L d ®� Bridge Replacement �• c RRFB flashes IL when pedestrian -� pushes button O CL 0 r4 J Motorists and bicyclists Z in travel lane yield to i O pedestrians in crosswalk Source:Google Maps O Z New/Improved Buffered bike lane a; Pedestrian/Bike Crossing r N Roundabout y € l m I!! 1 f ���--- f -- i O � L ♦1 ------------ 1 Q =� a ! r----------- ------- --, -----------, --------- E M Q Physically separated bikeway/shared use path Packet Pg. 199 4.F.a Kent TMP Project List November 2020 Programs During public outreach and project development, multiple projects were categorized under two programs: Safe Routes to Schools and Neighborhood Greenways. The Safe Routes to Schools project list is the starting point for the Safe Routes to School L program. These projects will be prioritized based on funding availability and scoring criteria J to determine project priority for funding. As the program is developed, Kent staff anticipate a identifying additional projects. ° a Fk7 fC As part of the Neighborhood Greenways Program, the Neighborhood Greenway o City will develop a Neighborhood Greenways Plan, which , ,. will include a few projects identified as part of the TMP a development. The Plan will identify a network of 41 Greenways in each area of Kent and prioritize projects for funding by the Neighborhood Greenways Program. c 0 Unfunded Projects CL Extensive public outreach and project development identified more high priority projects than available funding. This "Next Priority Project List" identifies 55 multimodal projects that address the goals of the TMP but are currently unfunded by the capital project budget. J z The TMP is a living document, which means if there is a change that impacts the capital O budget or project eligibility for outside funding, then the TMP can be updated to reflect the U. change. For example, if a new funding source or increased funding is identified, then the Z TMP can be amended to move projects on the next priority project list to the prioritized o LO project list. Kent staff will be developing a TMP Amendment process in 2021 to ensure that the TMP remains flexible to take advantage of emergent factors. w J V N O L Y _ L OC C L+ I_ i/ 4 Packet Pg. 200 g 232 PI rn ¢' D 4.F.a s `° S"�stU, P M W Q d lb U Cb 00 � 4 r S 3 J Gak I U side N O L L es St W P-22 -24 P-7 1 P-26 1 A P-2 tS ames St d N L N Z N a Q I � N c o cc 4' c P-82 ___J P 3 W mith cc� P 36 u I P-84 E Smith P 19 O Q J h St a P-3 o P-15 P'85 _ D-3 R Sti -7 O P-37 P 33 d P-15 -85 �JGJ` eaten Rd H oeewel P-32 P-34 D-2 P-37 W Gowe St S J N _ Z d °° O P-29 O > m LL Z 7 \ \ -89 8 P-90 9 N E uib rson: p / � > — W III t S' ' a ! S�ert,Des Mores R/ o > J r Q cn U) a' a' -FF Ti 'o N / L Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Intersection Improvements Q Proposed Prioritized Projects, Y New/Improved 2 Bicycle Facilities � Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Pedestrian Facilities Projects with Secured Funding Roundabout with Maintenance with Pedestrian Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities E Facilities & Developer Projects New Roadwa Y with 0 Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Q Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 0 Plan CITY OF KENT Roadway Reallocation with TRANSPORTATION n0O Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan MASTER PLAN _Widen to 3 Lanes with Packet Pg. 201 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities v 4.F.a H d L>'� 2 co>S2CU 5 S 259 St S 259 S 259 St N w (01 P_6 F-3 < Q i �. �., S 180 St — S 43 St o — — -� Co / 00 21 rn J 188^ C0 �m5 cn > J Q a�i V S26 t U 1 Sti 0 d S 55 St cc L Q P 86 19 t a U a e l L 199 PI Q N ��5 I wL S 2Q9 St ld � U > U) 0 > . a �0 � a tO _ ; CN o L O — 07 c s 20 y 4 P-60 P-57 ~ cP } -58 P-87 60 � J Z - O QU, 9 � P_6 O M Rive Me 21 St d ILL Z 40 P-66 Pt a U. Q cn cn S 218 St t > > N �M Q _ cb S 22 St N J d +. S 226 St avi d L J `° P-64 22 St Q'6 U 66 > > Q S 1 ¢ C° a.t Q � rn d S2 2St r ) C w S Kt en u� I > r a� "+ Mo\nes s I a e t d rrT r - N Q — Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Intersection Improvemei Proposed Priority Projects, Bicycle Facilities Y New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Cross � Projects with Secured Funding Pedestrian Facilities Roundabout with Maintenance with Pedestrian Pedestrian/Bicycle Facili & Developer Projects —Facilities o Bridge Replacement wit New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facili Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 0 Plan y CITY OFKENT Roadway Reallocation with � TRANSPORTATION nO0 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Pla Packet Pg. 202 MASTER PLAN 00 _Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities r Q v L OL 5240thSt - 1 II L 7 D-6 D-6 CL N v 99 Ln O 45 d P-55 4 M P-27 (L L d V) N > P-5 t © -45 0 a �iv Q. aL y C to S 259th p� (I -54 — �'S3'S'259* J S260thSt p- p- Z O 3 O Q U. z CD LO - o J N N a J a v 0 P-45 p L a M L I a S272ndSt �J M P- 1 S272ndSt rr ~ ~ P-69 �� — - — -- — — -- -- J A � O � E t Proposed Prioritized Projects, — Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Intersection Improvements Bicycle Facilities New/Improved Q Projects with Secured Funding Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Pedestrian Facilities � • Roundabout with Maintenance with Pedestrian Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities & Developer Projects Facilities O Bridge Replacement with _New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 0 Plan _Roadway Reallocation with CITY OF KEN. nOO Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan TRANSPOWATION MASTER PLAN OtS _Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Packet Pg. 203 4.F.a S 55 St P-3 — — — P-73 ._ SE 192 St W SE 1 6 St 1CD W W SE200 St__ Q , oo L �ou�g y J Lade V \ N O 4 , d S 20 St SE 208 St _ I � N CO J C S212St R d a L n d d N ca S 2 P-6 P O �. t9 > > O Q 2 2 St R f' P-7 Z O S2 8 St O LL U) ry Z > d C9 ao \\ O S d N 1 fn Cl) J > > ++ V a`5 � 1`� 1 � �,T � O I P-76 P-9 t E 40 P-75 M fu a. W c ' -�T aL a+ C -10 aN -I E A 2 8 P-77 Q'W P-78 1 N v !9 0 SE 248 St Q Proposed Prioritized Projects, Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Intersection Improvemi Bicycle Facilities • New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Cro! Projects with Secured Funding, Pedestrian Facilities • Roundabout with Maintenance with Pedestrian Pedestrian/Bicycle Faci & Developer Projects Facilities O Bridge Replacement w _New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Faci CITY OFKFNT ���� Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities O Plan TRANSPORT TION OHO Roadway Reallocation with MASTERPedestrian/Bicycle Facilities PI Packet Pg. 204 _Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities a w 4.F.a U) P-26 � - P Q p-9 1 > > rs 22VA E 21 0 St P-75 Q E James St p 500 0 > P.8 - P-10 44 5� J v TN Sr248 P-78 O P- 7 SE 248 St d ' w LL co O cn '� > �d L � P- 4: P 20 E Ma le S E 25 St ?P-69 , O_ E 60 S� R WL Zn __ tv � U) O U) > L o P-9LL / O Q P J a Ld S 267SE 2 7 t 0 a O rn � —� P 12 O Q i Z v Z P-12 P-80 SE 72 StLO E Kent glen FRd E 277 S 27 L1 �s S � w N S 277 St -` - W N Q > +. w Q Q C4 O N I.V / Bicycle Facilities Intersection Improvements p Proposed Prioritized Projects Bic cle Facilities New/Improved � Projects with Secured Funding, — Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Pedestrian Facilities r Roundabout with a) 1 Maintenance with Pedestrian Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities E • Facilities & Developer Projects O Bridge Replacement with _New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities +, Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Q 0 Plan _Roadway Reallocation with CITY of KENT nO0 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan TRANSPORIIATIONMASTER PLAN � _Widen to 3 Lanes with Packet Pg. 205 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 1 � V C 2 a V T (A M 01 Gl C O \ c c �+ m r O J fC •� C ++ Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description W m a N U M W a m f 0. 10. y 100th Ave SE P-1 100th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th St Construct reenwa /bikewa treatments si na e/ aint X o P-2 100th Ave SE SE 218th St SE 240th St Construct reenwa /bikewa treatments si na e/ aint X a 108th Ave SE Change channelization to provide WB/EB left turn pockets w P 3 X X X L SR 515 SE 192nd St and optimize signal timing. For the EB approach, add a new signal head for right turns, 104th Ave 108th Ave SE P 4 S 208th St and add an overlap phase to the EB right turn movements X X X SE/108th Ave SE/ (SR 515) Ci and optimize signal timing. Benson 104th Ave SE For the EB and WB approaches, add a new signal head for ; P-5 SE 240th St right turns, and add an overlap phase to the EB and WB right X X X R (SR515) turn movements and optimize signal timing. 116th Ave SE P-6 116th Ave SE SE 223rd St Evaluate and construct a RRFB in the vicinity of SE 223rd St X Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane. Fill P-7 132nd Ave SE SE 208th St SE 228th St sidewalk gaps. Evaluate a full signalized intersection at 132nd X X X Ave SE/SE 224th St. 0 CL Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane. Fill N P-8 132nd Ave SE SE 228th St SE 240th St sidewalk gaps. Evaluate a pedestrian crossing at 132nd Ave X X X L SE and the vicinity of SE 234th St. H P-9 132nd Ave SE SE 240th St Optimize signal timing. X X X X Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and Z 132nd Ave SE P-10 132nd Ave SE SE 240th St SE 248th St with pedestrian facilities. Construct enhanced crossings at X X X X p 132nd Ave SE and SE 245th St. p Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and LL P-11 132nd Ave SE SE 248th St SE 256th St X X X X with pedestrian facilities. Z Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and rn with pedestrian facilities. Construct enhanced crossings at LO P-12 132nd Ave SE SE 256th St SE 272nd St 132nd Ave SE and the Park and Ride and at 132nd Ave SE X X X X N and 263rd St. Intersection improvements at 132nd Ave SE N and SE Kent-Kan le Rd. P-13 132nd Ave SE SE 276th St SE 278th PI Sidewalk on west side. X X Convert from 4 lanes to 3 lanes (Road Diet) and construct a P-14 4th Ave N S 228th St James Street separated bike lane. Construct bicycle intersection X X X o improvements at 4th Ave N/James St. a 4th Ave N Convert from 4 lanes to 3 lanes (Road Diet) and construct a L separated bike lane. Construct a bicycle intersection p P-15 4th Ave N James St Willis Ave treatment at 4th Ave/Meeker St to transition bicyclists to the X X X a separated bikeway. Crossing improvements at 4th Ave N and 2 W Harrison St by installing RRFBs. r P-16 76th Ave S S 212th St of S 212th St ft south Construct drainage and road improvements X 4) 76th Ave S of S 2 700 ft 3,400 ft south P-17 76th Ave S south of S of S 212th St Construct drainage, road improvements and fill sidewalk gaps X X X a *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 206 Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 2 � V 2 a V T (A M 01 Gl C O \ c c �+ m OJ @ a�+ •� C ++ Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description (Am a N v M W. a m f 0. a y Planning Study for Central Ave that does the following: examine traffic speeds along the corridor, evaluate sidewalk a improvements including the gap on the east side of Central L between Titus and Willis, evaluate pedestrian safety improvements, evaluate gateway treatments, and evaluate a �a Cental Ave P-18 Central Ave South City SR 167 southbound right turn pocket and a northbound dual left turn X X a Limits lanes at Willis and Central. The study should also incorporate implementing the communication connection between the y Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) rail corridor and the traffic signals along Central Avenue to allow area c signals the ability to adjust signal timing in anticipation of, o during, and after train events. a L P-19 E Canyon Dr Titus St 97th PI S Construct protected bicycle facilities. X o a E Canyon Dr/SE SE Kent- N E Canyon Dr/ SE P-20 256th St 97th PI S Kan le Rd Construct bicycle facilities and fill sidewalk gaps X 256th St E Canyon Dr/SE 104th Ave H P 21 256th St SE/ SE Kent- Intersection Study X Kan le -J Z P-22 James St Washington Road Diet (4 to 3 lanes) with striped bike lanes including a X X 0 Interurban Trail Ave traffic analysis prior to design p Lincoln Ave N Pedestrian improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, pedestrian u_ P-23 James St Park and Ride Railroad Ave N lighting, and related safety improvements) X X Z James St Interurban P-24 James St Trail Rebuild traffic signal and Crossing Improvements X XLO c P-25 James St list Ave N lRailroad Ave N Sidewalks Both sides X X N P-26 James St 13ason Ave N I Prospect Ave N HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal X X N J V d O L a w �a L 0 a 2 c m E Q �a a *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 207 Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 3 � V 2 a V T (A M 01 Gl C O \ c c �+ m OJ @ a�+ •� C ++ Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description (Am a N v M W a M f 0. 0. y Kent-Des o L P-27 Meeker St Moines Rd Optimize signal timing X X d SR 516 Meeker Golf Course Sidewalks on north side of Meeker from SR 515 to Frager Rd P-28 SR 516 crossing on and on Frager Rd from Meeker Street to the golf course X St/Frager Rd Frager crossing Retrofit or replace the Green River Bridge on Meeker St a P-29 Meeker St Green River Maintenance X X Intersection improvements (bicycle, pedestrian and transit P-30 Meeker St 64th Ave S X X facilities) East of P-31 Meeker St 64th Ave S Elementary Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (South Side Only) X X G Meeker St School M P-32 Meeker St 64th Ave S Washington New traffic signal X X G a East of Washington c P-33 Meeker St Elementary Ave Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (South Side Only) X X L School H Washington Construct east and westbound right turn pockets and modify } P-34 Meeker St Ave N si nal hasin • ADA Curb ramps and crossingimprovements X X X X _J Z Washington N Lincoln Ave Bicycle and pedestrian facilities on south side X X X Convert from 4 O P-35 Meeker St Ave N Roundabout to 3 lanes and rechanellization and reconstruction under SR O Construct a roundabout and convert Lincoln Ave from Meeker LL P-36 Meeker St N Lincoln Ave X X Z St to 4th Ave to 3 lanes P-37 Meeker St S 6th Ave S 4th Ave New midblock crossing X X P-38 Military Rd SR 516 S 240th St Construct vertically protected bike lanes and sidewalks. X X X X LO Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike N P-39 Military Rd S 240th St S 246th St lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. X X N P-40 Military Rd S 246th St S 253rd St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike X X J lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike m P-41 Military Rd S 253rd St Reith Rd lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. X X p Realign the intersection and widen the approaches to provide a Military Rd P-42 Military Rd Reith Rd/ S eastbound and westbound left turn pockets and a westbound X X 260th St right turn pocket. pL P-43 Military Rd Reith Rd S 264th St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike X a lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. P-44 Military Rd S 264th St S 272nd St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike X :- lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. S 268th St, E P-45 Military Rd S 248th St, X X and S 254th Construct 3 enhanced pedestrian crossings (RRFBs) U Optimization/ P-46 Multiple Streets* Traffic Signal Coordination Study on Major Arterials X X Q Monitoring/ P-47 Multiple Streets* Newspeed reader signs (Including 94th north of 240th X Enforcement P-48 Multiple Streets* ICameras on Arterial Streets *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 208 Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 4 � V 2 a V T (A M 01 Gl C O \ c c �+ � O J @ a+ •� C ++ Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description (Am a N v M W Q CO f 0.10. y P 49 Neighborhood * Bicycle Greenways Plan X Greenwa Plan a Neighborhood Neighborhood w Greenways P-50 Greenways Neighborhood Greenways Program X Program* C Pacific Highway S P 51 Pacific Highway S 240th St Optimize signal timing. X X X a SR 99 S SR 99 P 52 S 260th St/S Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian SR 99 30th Ave S X X X a' 259th PI facilities N R P-53 S 260th St/S 30th Ave S Military Rd Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian X X X 259th PI facilities Reith Rd/S 259th o PI/S 260th St P-54 Reith Rd Military Rd 38th Ave S Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian X X tad facilities S 253rd Convert the intersections from two-way stop control to G Kent Des- Q- P-55 Reith Rd Rd/Lake compact roundabouts and convert from 4 to 3 lanes from X X v) Fenwick Rd Moines Rd 253rd to Kent-Des Moines Rd L Russell Rd P-56 Russell Rd Meeker St Northern limit Sidewalks (East side) X X ~ of Park P-57 S 212th St Fra er Rd Green River Construct sidewalks and bike facilities and Bridge X X X Z P-58 S 212th St Green River Interurban Trail Improve sidewalks and bike facilities X X O Trail p Interurban u_ S 212th St/S P-59 S 212th St Trail Crossing improvements X X Z 208th St Riverview P-60 S 212th St Ave S, and Blvd S, 72nd Bicycle intersection treatments X X X LO N 84th Avenue N P-61 SR 167 NB S 212 St Add overlap to NB right turn and optimize signal timing. X X X J P-62 S 228th St Green River 64th Ave S Noise Mitigation Study X Trail m P-63 S 228th St Green River Trail Interurban Trail Improve sidewalks and bike facilities X a Veterans Dr/ S 64th Ave S/64th Ave S Realign the 64th Ave S Connector Trail entrances on 64th p 224th St/S 228th P-64 S 228th St Ave S and S 228th St to connect directly to the signalized X X X St/ 83rd Ave S/ S Coani ector crosswalk and crossing improvements 218th St/ 98th P-65 83rd Ave S S 228th St S 224th St Fill sidewalks gaps X X ~ Ave S/S 216th St S 218th St/ 98th c P-66 Ave S 94th PI S S 216th St Widen 3 lanes with sidewalks on both sides. X X m E Widen to 3 lanes with sidewalks on both sides. Modify the P-67 S 216th St 98th Ave S 208th Ave SE/ traffic signal at 108th Ave SE/SR 515 to include flashing X X SR 515 yellow arrows for northbound and southbound left turns Q *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 209 Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 5 � V 2 a V T (A M 01 Gl C O \ c c �+ m OJ @ a�+ •� C ++ Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description (Am a N v M W Q M f 0. 0. y S 259th St P-68 S 259th St Interurban Crossing Improvements X X Trail d P-69 S 272nd St Star Lake Rd Construct left turn pockets X X S 272nd St P-70 I-5 SB Off-ram S 272nd St Add a second right turn lane X X I-5 SB Off- Add 12 ft shared use path on the northside and a 5ft P-71 S 272nd St ram Military Rd sidewalk to southside X X ca Safe Routes to Safe Routes to a- School Po ram P 72 School Program* Safe Routes to School Program X SE 192nd St P-73 SE 192nd St 124th Ave SE Evaluate a traffic signal X I IN to 102nd Ave Remove the westbound right turn pocket, and add P-74 SE 240th St SE northbound, southbound, and eastbound flashing yellow X X c arrows at SE 240th St and 102nd Ave SE. .2 Convert from 5 to 3 lanes with bike lanes and add left and MSE 240th St � P-75 SE 240th St 116th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE. right turn lanes on the west leg of SE 240th St and 116th X G CL Ave SE and 132nd Ave SE v� c P-76 SE 240th St Paakk Lake New pedestrian crossing X X I Signal timing improvements (ITS upgrades, additional time to } SE 248th st P-77 SE 248th St 104th Ave SE north-south movements lead pedestrian intervals etc.). X X —J Z P-78 SE 248th St 116th Ave SE Construct a single-lane roundabout X X p SE 256th St P-79 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE 148th Ave SE Shared use path on one side X p 148th (Lake LL SE 272nd St P-80 SE 272nd ST Meridian) HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal X X Z SE Kent-Kangley SE Kent-Kangley o� RD P 81 Rd 124th Ave SE Intersection improvements XLO c N P-82 Smith St Interurban Crossing Improvements X X Trail Smith St Railroad Ave HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal and Crossing P-83 Smith St N improvements X X v Plan pathway and construct bicycle facilities to connect the m P-84 Multiple Streets Interuban Kent Station Interurban and Kent Station. Downtown Construct bicycle facilities to connect Earth Works Parks and a P-85 Multiple Streets Earth Works Downtown Downtown (Titus across Senior Center to Kenebeck, L Park Kennebeck from Senior Center to Meeker, Meeker from p Kennebeck to Interurban) a West Valley Hwy Optimize signal timing and reconfigure lanes to add a 2 P-86 S 196th St X X X H SR 181 westbound right turn lane and remove one westbound thru West Valley Hwy +-, (SR 181) Valley Hwy For the WB approach, add a new signal head for right turns, West P 87 (SR Val S 212th St and add an overlap phase to the WB right turn movement. X X X Optimize signal timing. v �a a *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 210 Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 6 C V _ 0 C M V !� {A Of r y c y 3 00 y y c r w Y .0 p J R a�+ •� J Corridor Project ID RoadwayStart End Project Description Cost Estimate of m a w u m a Q m f a v Union Pacific a) P-88 Willis St Railroad Sidewalk gaps 250,000 X X p Pedestrian facility on north side and crossing improvements d P-89 Willis St SR 180 Naden Ave Willis St at the SR 167 SB off ram and at the SR 167 NB on ram $ 350,000 X X X P-90 Willis St Union Pacific Railroad $ 500,000 4th Ave N Construct a shared use path on the north side of Willis X O P-91 Willis St Union Pacific 4th Ave N Construct a shared use path on the south side of Willis X Railroad $ 500,000 a Safety Program P-92 Multiple Streets* Safety Program $ 1,000,000 X y 108th Ave SE P-93 108th Ave SE SE 264th Construct a compact Roundabout 900,000 X cyn Washington Ave I P-94 lWashington Ave ISR 516 1 Meeker St INew traffic signal $ 750,000 X c O R L O Q N C R L J Z O O u_ Z rn 0 LO N J U d O L a L 0 a r c E U fC a+ Q *Not Mapped. Packet Pg. 211 Projects with Secured Funding - Page 1 = U = O O T. d C M O \ C = H H G1 Gl 3 J C N N! \ L (A = O J Ma0+ ++ Corridor Project DO Roadway Start End Project Description cn m a wUlm W I a m S a I (D Multiple Streets F-1 Multiple Streets* Quiet Zone X o F-2 S 259th St 5th Ave S 1st Ave S Construct a new trail segment X a Lower S 259th Street under the Union Pacific '~ S 259th St F-3 S 259th St Union Pacific Railroad bridge to facilitate traffic flow and construct X 16- p Railroad bicycle and pedestrian facilities c 1,000 ft south of S 1,000 ft south Construct drainage, road improvements and fill 76th Ave S F-4 76th Ave S 212th St lof S 212th St Isidewalk gaps I X a m N O C O O O N C O L J z O O u_ z rn 0 LO N N J V d O L a w M L 0 a c m E �a a *Not mapped. Packet Pg. 212 Developer Projects - Page 1 O y to c O >. m M a� c _ .� a� 3 � a�i ai m 12G N O O O 01 C O G1 J f�0 G7 LO J O 7 LO d V Corridor Project ID RoadwayFrom To Project Description of m a �..� U rn W a COf a a Z aD Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) L- D-1 Meeker St Russell Rd 64th Ave S X a Northside only) Meeker St D-2 Meeker St N Lincoln Ave Interurban Roundabout Trail Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (southside only) X p D-3 Meeker St Interurban Crossing Improvements X X c Construct the new Naden Avenue including the f° intersection at Willis St/Naden/74th (right-in/right-out a Naden Ave N D-4 Naden Ave N Willis St Meeker St X > intersection at Naden and right-in/right-out/left-in at N 74th) and crossing improvements at the Interurban 32nd Ave S Just west of I- S 244th St Construct a new street with bike lanes and sidewalks on D-5 X new 5 new both sides of the street. o Construct a new street with bike lanes and sidewalks on m Midway S 244th St 32nd Ave S both sides of the street. At the intersection of S 244th c D-6 SR 99 St/SR 99, bicycle treatments will be applied to transition X > Q- (new) (new) riders from the striped bike lanes to the separated c bikeway on SR 99. L H J Z O O u_ Z rn 0 N N J V d O L a w �a L 0 a 2 c m E V �a a Packet Pg. 213 low mom r uu ■ i r • ' MatPacket � � ' • i °emu •- • • Neighborhood Greenway Projects - Page 1 = o c y c � M 0 c E o N N L '� c 3 (M C L DC 0 Q = L O 7 a .O O O G7 a0i Corridor I Project ID Roadway From To Project Description of m a N U M W a CO 2 a a z 'o L SE 269th/ SE 269th/ Neighborhood greenway improvements a 270th St G 1 270th St 108th Ave SE 115th PI SE. (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X L bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). p Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb a SE 270th St G-2 SE 270th St 116th Ave SE 124th Ave SE bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk X gaps. Crossing improvements at SE 270th St and SE 116th Ave SE. Neighborhood greenway improvements SE 259th SE 259th c PI/ 119th G-3 PI/119th Dr 116th Ave SE SE 263rd Ave (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X Dr SE SE bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk c gaps. 0- Neighborhood greenway improvements SE 263rd G-4 124th Ave SE SE 263rd SE Kent- (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X Ave Ave Kangley Rd bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk a s. -J z Springwood Neighborhood greenway improvements O SE 274th St G-5 SE 274th St 124th Ave SE park (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X O LL bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). z_ SE 276th SE 276th Neighborhood greenway improvements PI/ 130th G-6 PI/130th Ave Park Springwood 132nd Ave SE (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X Q Ave SE SE bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). c� Neighborhood greenway improvements N SE 282nd G-7 SE 282nd St 132nd Ave SE 140th Ave SE (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X St bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk improvements. Fill sidewalk gaps. d 0 Neighborhood greenway improvements a` SE 278th St G-8 SE 278th St 144th Ave SE 152nd Ave SE (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb X bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk gaps. a H r c m E t �a a Packet Pg. 215 Safe Routes to Schools Projects - Page 1 � T = 2 r 'C W M _ W \ W L U) C •0 C p1 C C cm J oa�i = ° Joy ° a Corridor Project I Roadway From To Project Description cn COa U M a a CO a a Z o L 100th Ave SE S-1 100th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th St Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X a. R S-2 100th Ave SE SE 229th PI SE 240th S Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X pL c Construct sidewalk on one side and RRFB on S M S 200th St S-3 S 200th St 92nd Ave S 100th Ave S. 200th St at 100th Ave SE. X X a L S-4 S 200th St 100th Ave S. SR 515 Sidewalk on one side. X N S-5 Fill sidewalk gaps on one side. X SE 248th St SE 248th St 104th Ave SE 116th Ave SE S-6 132nd Ave SE Fill and widen sidewalk gaps on one side. X G SE 248th St 116th Ave SE M Traffic Signal at 256th St and 140th with WB c SE 256th St S-7 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE 142nd Ave SE left turn lanes & Sidewalks on one side X X X 0- 116th Ave SE S-8 116th Ave SE SE 244th St SE 256th St Sidewalks on one side X ea Reiten S-9 Reiten E Titus St Maple Sidewalks X Woodland Way S-10 Woodland Way Reiten E Walnut St Sidewalks X Maple S-11 Maple Reiten Woodland Way Sidewalks X J z Lake Fenwick North of S Swiss p Rd S 12 Lake Fenwick Rd 252nd PI Apartments Fill sidewalk gaps on one side X X O LL rn 0 LO N N J V d O L a w M L a c m E �a a Packet Pg. 216 232 1 rn D N 234 St OV m (4 fh W Q 00 C� P N LO � �� J S 3 +� U N z ak > - pia, co c N-1 s S Jnes St a d z c o O ( 54 0 y•_ — W Smith `� N-53 C CL Q E Smith St N -T— S Rett L Meeker -27 N-2 -2 y` eh Rc H ® ' J Gow ilm e t J N2 N O z -i-J fD N-1 Rd ' > W illis S it is S ert ML Des Momes o _ N 0' _ S Q (n cn (n J IQ ¢ U¢ N a M � O L N L Pedestrian/Bicycle Intersection Next Priority Projects !Facilities � Improvements � Bicycle Facilities New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle c Pedestrian Facilities Crossing a) E New Roadway with Roundabout with v —Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Facilities Q Widen to 3 Lanes with Bridge Replacement CITY OF KENT n0O —Pedestrian/Bicycle O with P e TRAMASTER PLAN Facilities Facili packet Pg. 217 4.F.a a S 259 N-48 S 259 St N w — — — — — S 180 St S 43 St 00 S 262 St \ d c Q = J N S 26 t 190 N. 00 ' O S 55 d St '- O co 19 t co a > L 199 PI _Q d �J51 w tN-25 S 200.St � O > ++ o ��� 0) iifil-17 M 0 07 CN-3 C 20 M o• N-29 N-31 S 212 St > N-33 J co N Q Z v 3 O ' ycP� y��/ `(0 O M Ri 2r e 21 St ILL Z 4.OcD _ 0 S t > > a Ln Q Q �� e 2 cb`b c S 22 St J S 226 St v O C Q O 4f C0 O N 35 L 66 > > S 1 t z Q 0 a to Q' 34 c` S 2 2 St H Cl) St to c in > 01 rr e n O .r Q _Pedestrian/Bicycle • Intersection Next Priority Projects Facilities Improvements Bicycle Facilities New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian Facilities Crossing New Roadway with Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian/Bicycle CITY OFKENT Facilities Facilities TRANSPORIATION nO0 Widen to 3 Lanes with Bridge Replacement MASTER PLAN —Pedestrian/Bicycle wi Facilities Fa Packet Pg. 218 r v s 0 N S240thSt 1 J L I I 99 N J I I ■ L- N L 2 a I a A9 � I � C 19 a L d UI N L O Q I O Q L 59 fjj P1 52590-n S260thSt/ J O O z 0 0 LO J v a+ fn J V N O L I � 4� L N 36 - N-36 pp N-36 S272ndSt _I- S27 N-36 o E: t Pedestrian/Bicycle • Intersection v Facilities Improvements Q Next Priority Projects Bicycle Facilities New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian Facilities Crossing New Roadway with Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Bridge Replacement Pedestrian/Bicycle O with Pedestrian/Bicycle TRANSPORTATION ,,�� nOl] Facilities Facilities MASTER PLAN D� Packet Pg. 219 S 55 Sf -L SE 192 St W SE 1 6 St U) Q ` o v W N-25 N-26 S 200 St00 > J cn �y Q> taur95 N o, O ■ p L tL N-9 � N-30 S 20 3 St SE 208 St C ' R N I tL 9 - � S 212 St z N cC C S2 S O O 18 St z O f Q J o fA C rn Z i 2 2 St d I J n 5� cA Z soo > O LL M Z S A 8 St Z > O Ln ` N g J �C1 N > n O Q r L Z \ d r- ca L p t N E 4 St a. F- � rr > M Q Y■ N N N () Q Pedestrian/Bicycle • Intersection Facilities Improvements Next Priority Projects Bicycle Facilities New/Improved � Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian Facilities Crossing New Roadway with Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Pedestrian/Bicycle CITY OFKENT ���� Facilities Facilities TRANSPORT TIOPLAN QUO Widen to 3 Lanes with Bridge Replacement MASTERPedestrian/Bicycle O packet Pg. 220 Facilities E Ja es St t I N S 40 S - >_ Q n U) ~\ r 2 S 2 8 N-41 J c.� cn w w 0 L > Q> w a i , < r° U N-43 LQ Z fC Ma le St o d o N42� ZLL (P S2s�t � � ■ � N O N � rr fa E 263 N St 1 Q v) SE 2 7 n a S 267 � L F- J z -49 I O w ngl y Rd LL O SE 277 St SE 27 > N-15 w Z r Q S 277 St _ �N L Z N Z w > 41 N-8 N-S1 > U) Q o LO 02 PI ¢ L J z ry / — E Z w u A y Q J N-46 0�282 Wy v N-16 SE 282 o � SE 284 St � L 17: CL Pedestrian/Bicycle Intersection 2 H Facilities Improvements c Bicycle Facilities New/Improved E Next Priority Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle —Pedestrian Facilities Crossing � New Roadway with Roundabout with Q Pedestrian/Bicycle 0 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Facilities CITY OF KENT TRANSPORTATION JJ��,��n��OO Widen to 3 Lanes with Bridge Replac packet Pg. 221 MASTER PLAN psO9 Pedestrian/Bicycle 0 with Pedestria Facilities Facilities Next Priority Projects - Page 1 0 m a+ \ p L C V p p1 e C C1 J w G +p+ O J R a+ :2 .- n p Corridor Project ID RoadwayFrom To Project Description (A CO a N v M W Q CO f a a Z y Construct a new non-motorized bridge over Garrison N-1 100th Ave SE SE 216th St SE 218th St X o 100th Ave SE Creek d N-2 100th Ave SE SE 218th St SE 229th PI Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X L 104th Ave SE/ Northern City SE 256th St Access Management Study for 104th/108th from SE X 104th Ave N-3 108th Ave SE Limits 256th St north to City Limits �a SE/108th Ave a SE/ Benson N-4 104th Ave SE 244th St SE Evaluate traffic signal X a; New roadway with sidewalks. Intersection improvements at SE Kent-Kangley Rd ad 108th Ave N-5 108th Ave SE SE 256th St Kangeey Rd SE (adding eastbound and westbound dual left turn X X X lanes, adding an eastbound right turn pocket, and L changing northbound right turnphasing) O a 108th Ave SE �n N-7 108th Ave SE SE Kent- SE 274th Fill Sidewalk Gaps X c�Lo Kangley Rd Construct striped bike lanes. Construct an enhanced N-8 108th Ave SE SE 274th City Limits crossing (such as an RRFB) near 108th Ave SE/ SE X X Z 274th St near Meadow Ridge Elementary. p Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a p buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of u_ N-9 116th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th Stm the street and convert the existing signal at SE 208th X X X Z St to a Roundabout. p� Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a LO c N-10 116th Ave SE SE 216th St. SE 223rd St buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of X X N the street. Y N 116th Ave SE Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a N-11 116th Ave SE SE 223rd St SE 231st PI buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of X X X the street. a) Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a N-12 116th Ave SE SE 231st PI SE 240th S buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of X X a the street. Construct a physically separated bikeway/Shared use pL N-13 116th Ave SE SE 240th S SE 270th St path and fill sidewalk gaps on other side (SE 270th to X a SE 256th only) r c m E t v �a a Packet Pg. 222 Next Priority Projects - Page 2 v M 2 a M C V o p1 C C G1 J w Y G +p+ O J f0 a+ •- o Corridor Project ID RoadwayFrom To Project Description IA Co a N v M W Q M f a a Z y N 14 132nd Ave SE SE 208th St Soos Creek Construct sidewalks one sides of SE 204th Way from X X o Trail SE 208th St to City limits. d Widen to 3 lanes with pedestrian facilities and striped N-15 132nd Ave SE SE 272nd St SE 278th PI bike lanes. Construct enhanced crossings at 132nd X X X X 132nd Ave SE Ave SE and S 274th St. Widen to 3 lanes with pedestrian facilities on both side and striped bike lanes. Construct enhanced a N-16 132nd Ave SE SE 278th PI SE 288th St X X X X crossings at 132nd Ave SE and S 282nd St and at SE 132nd St and S 278th PI. N c� James St N-17 James St Russell Rd Lakeside Blvd Sidewalks on south side. X X Green River Sidewalks on the south side Meeker Street and N-19 Meeker St SR 516 Bride intersection improvements at SR 516 X X X o N-20 Meeker St Green River Russell Rd Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) X r Bride Northside only) o a Meeker St N-21 Meeker St 64th Ave S Washington Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) X X c Ave N Northside onl co L N-22 Meeker St Washington N Lincoln Ave Pedestrian facilities on north side and reconstruction X X ~ Ave N Roundabout under SR 167 N Lincoln Ave Interurban Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) N-23 Meeker St X Roundabout Trail Northside only) O Mill Creek N-24 Mill Creek 104th Ave SE 108th Ave SE. New shared use path just south of Mill Creek from X O 104th Ave SE to 108th Ave SE. u_ Z S 200th St N-25 S 200th St 92nd Ave S 100th Ave S. Construct bike lanes and sidewalk on one side X N-26 S 200th St 100th Ave S. SR 515 Construct bike lanes and sidewalk on one side X p� N-27 S 208th St 84th Ave S West of Bridge One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both X LO over SR 167 sides N N-28 S 208th St Bridge Over SR One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both X X N S 208th St 167 sides) on Bridge J N-29 S 208th St 92nd Ave S. Construct a small compact roundabout X East of Bridge S 212th One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both a) N-30 S 208th St X over SR 167 St/Way sides o West of Bridge d Improve sidewalks and bike facilities to meet S 212th St/ S N-31 S 212th St Orillia Rd over Green X Pedestrian and Bicycle LOS Guidelines 208th St River/Fra er Ip Interurban Improve sidewalks and bike facilities to meet a N-33 S 212th St SR 167 X Trail Pedestrian and Bicycle LOS Guidelines Veterans Dr/ S Widen sidewalks to meet Pedestrian LOS Guidelines r 224th St/ S N-35 S 228th St Military Rd 2nd Ave N X (Excluding the Union Pacific Bridge) a�i 228th St E Construct interchange improvements including S 272nd St N-36 S 272nd St I-5 roundabouts at the southbound and northbound X X X +a on/off ramps, roundabouts at Military Rd and S 270th Q St and bicycle and pedestrian facilities Packet Pg. 223 Next Priority Projects - Page 3 2 v c m +, y c M O � c c o r Corridor Project ID RoadwayFrom To Project Description Vf m a N v M W Q m f 0. a I Z a� SE 240th St N-37 SE 240th St 100th Ave S. 116th Ave SE Widen sidewalks on both sides to 10 ft. X o N-38 SE 240th St 132nd Ave SE. CityLimits Construct vertical) protected bike lanes X a Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, N-39 SE 248th St 94th Ave S 104th Ave SE where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped X X bike lanes. Fill sidewalk gaps. c Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, SE 248th St N-40 SE 248th St 104th Ave SE 116th Ave SE where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped X X a bike lanes. Fill sidewalk gaps on one side. a; Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, N-41 SE 248th St 116th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped X X c bike lanes Fill and widen sidewalk gaps on one side. 0 Construct intersection and implement signal timing N-42 SE 256th St 104th Ave SE X improvements 0 a SE 256th St N-43 SE 256th St SE Kent- Construct intersection and implement signal timing X Kangley Rd improvements co L Widen to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes. Fill sidewalk H N-44 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE Soos Creek X X a s if needed. } SE 260th St N-45 SE 260th St Woodland 100th PI SE New Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge over Mill Creek J N-46 SE 282nd St 124th Ave SE SE 282nd Way Fill sidewalk gaps X Z O 55ft south of Kent-Des O N-47 Reith Rd Lake Fenwick Moines Rd Sidewalk on south side X LL Rd — Multiple Streets N-48 S 259th St 1st Ave S 1f200 ft east Central Ave Fill sidewalk gaps X X c Sidewalk Gaps of N N-49 SE 272nd St 120th Ave SE 124th Ave SE Fill Sidewalk gaps. X N-50 120th Ave SE SE 272nd St SE 277th PI Fill Sidewalk gaps. X N N-51 SE 277th PI 118th Ave SE 120th Ave SE Fill Sidewalk gaps. X J N-52 118th Ave SE SE 277th PI South City Fill Sidewak gaps. X Limits m Lincoln Ave N Pedestrian improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, N-53 Smith St Railroad Ave N X Smith St Park and Ride lighting, and related safetyimprovements) a N-54 Smith St N Kennebeck New midblock crosswalk near N Kennebeck Ave to X tea Ave provide access to the Kent Senior Center. p a r c m E �a a Packet Pg. 224 Railroad Grade Separation Projects Funded by External Sources - Page 1 C 0 a fY/! i c41i Of 0 M C 'M0 0 E m J m t0A 0 al 4l �C1 +�+ \ 0 L N C .0 O pf C y Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description M M a N v M W a COf a 0. i s Rail Grade w James St N-18 Separation at Rail Grade Separation at James and BNSF X L_ James and BNSF o S 212th St/ S N-32 S 212th St Union Pacific Rail-Road Grade Separation X f° 208th St Railroad a N-34 S 212th St BNSF Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X y N-55 Willis St Union Pacific St Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X to Willis � N-56 Willis St BNSF Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X C O M O N C O L J z O O u_ z rn 0 LO N N J V d O L a w �a L 0 a 2 C d E M �a a Packet Pg. 225 4.G ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5454 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Reappoint Jeff Piecewicz to the Public Facilities District Board - Authorize MOTION: Approve the reappointment of Jeff Piecewicz to Position Number 1 on the Public Facilities District Board, for a 4-year term that will expire on August 31, 2023. SUMMARY: Jeff Piecewicz has served on the Public Facilities District Board since 2012 and has expressed his desire to continue serving on the Board for an additional 3-year term that will expire on August 31, 2023. BUDGET IMPACT: None. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Packet Pg. 226 4.H ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5454 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Meet Me on Meeker Update SUMMARY: Meet Me on Meeker, the street redesign project born out of the Economic Development Plan to revitalize Kent's central commercial corridor, is well underway. Having received two state and one federal grant and fostered exciting partnerships with the private sector, approximately 1,800 linear feet of the new street are fully constructed, with another —1,600 linear feet under construction now-combined, that's over half of the Meeker promenade. This incredible progress gives serious momentum to the project, and it's now incumbent upon the City to consider how to fund and construct the next segments from 64th Avenue South to the 167 overpass (across Kent Elementary School and the commercial establishments around Washington Avenue). With redevelopment and grants less likely, city staff have created a conceptual design to maximize the benefits of the Meet Me on Meeker design while minimizing expensive right-of-way impacts. This concept keeps the multimodal connectivity and inviting aesthetics of the full Meeker promenade, with more achievable constructability considerations. Staff will present a progress update on Meeker and discuss the new concept for the segment from 64th Avenue to the overpass. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. Packet Pg. 227 4.1 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, Finance Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Third Quarter 2020 Investment Report SUMMARY: Joe Bartlemay, Cash and Investment Officer, will report out on the third quarter 2020 investment report. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Packet Pg. 228 4.J FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, Finance Director 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032 W A S ENT N G T O N 253-856-5264 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Consolidating Budget Adjustment Ordinance for Adjustments between October 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020 - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4384, authorizing the consolidating budget adjustments made between October 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020, reflecting an overall budget increase of $29,728,149. SUMMARY: Authorization is requested to approve the technical gross budget adjustment ordinance reflecting an overall budget increase of $29,728,149. Adjustments totaling $11,574,830 in budget increases have previously been approved by Council and are summarized as follows: $6,039,240 for Commerce CARES funding ($5.8m) and KC CARES funding ($200k) to be used for Covid-19 related costs. $3,299,740 in grants including Watershed Management ($1.398m); Flood Control District ($1.445m); KCCF Grant for Parks Land Acquisition ($634k); KC Grant for Transit Access Improvements ($285k); RCO Grant for Service Club Trail drainage ($70k); and other smaller grants ($23k) offset by a true-up reduction of an RCO Grant for Parks Land Acquisition (-$556k). $1,150,980 for use of King County Levy funds. $559,700 for use of Fee-in-Lieu of Revenues. $525,170 for Sound Transit ILAs. The remaining adjustments totaling an increase of $18,153,319 have not been previously approved by Council. Highlights include: $8,119,180 for transfers of TIF funds ($4.1m) to street projects and the use of those funds ($4.1m) within the projects. $1,813,450 in LID transactions: Transfer out of $508k from the LID Fund into the Street Fund and then out to various street projects with an Packet Pg. 229 4.J overall transfer impact to the budget of $1,524,000 plus the use of $289,450 for 76' Avenue road raising project. $1,200,000 use of Fleet Operating fund balance to purchase a portion of the 2021 replacement vehicles in 2020. $1,090,000 for transfers from the GF ($545,000) to ShoWare and use of those funds ($545,000) for re-opening equipment (CARES). $855,489 in CDBG HUD Block Grants. $850,000 for the transfer from Utility Funds ($425k) and use of those funds ($425k) for a PW modular building. $767,690 for red-light camera fees and other red-light camera fund expenses, offset by additional revenues received. $717,160 in increased Interest Income and transfer out from various Capital Project (Streets, IT, Facilities and Other) Funds and budget the use of those funds. $628,010 for the transfer of interest income from Parks Capital Projects ($310,850) and use of those funds ($310,850) in Parks Unallocated Projects, as well as establishing a financial services fee budget ($6k). $357,000 in transfer of FB from the Guaranty Fund ($119k) to the GF, which was then transferred to MMOM ($119k), and the use of those funds in MMOM project ($119,000). $290,000 for a CARES related transfer from the GF ($145k) and use of funds on 4th & Will Signs ($145k). $285,000 in GF costs related to CARES laptops and other expenditures. $249,590 for increased insurance costs including Liability ($200k), Property ($25k) and Unemployment ($25k). $233,320 for a new Affordable House Sales Tax (HB 1490) transfer into a project ($116.6k) and use of those funds ($116.6k) within the project. $216,400 transfer of Fee-in-lieu of Revenues funds to various projects $200,000 in transfers from the MMOM/Placemaking project to the GF ($100k) and then to the Meeker and Russell project ($100k) and the use of those funds ($100k), offset by a decrease in expenditures in the MMOM/Placemaking project ($-100k) $145,000 for adjustments to salary and benefit actual allocations in the Solid Waste Fund. Packet Pg. 230 4.J $132,000 in transfers from IT GIS and Utility Operating Funds ($76k) and use of those funds for the Aerial Imagery project ($76k), offset by a reduction in IT expenditures ($20k). $104,000 use of Utility funds for PW Asset Management System. $80,140 for Legal Services. $75,000 in increased LEOFFI healthcare costs. $50,000 transfer of KC Levy funds to various projects $45,910 to budget seized asset expenditures, offset by an increase in revenues. $(350,620) net decrease from Parks Department including reallocations and true-ups from Parks & Facilities ($1.18m) offset by a correction of Golf Capital allocations funded as part of the 2021 allocation (-$1.53m). BUDGET IMPACT: These expenditures are funded by grants, existing fund balance, or other new revenues. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Adjustment Ordinance Q4 2020 (PDF) Packet Pg. 231 4.J.a a 0 Q m c ORDINANCE NO. 4384 L O AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the E City of Kent, Washington, approving the ' consolidating budget adjustments made between a October 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020, reflecting an overall budget increase of $29,728,149. m a� r 0 RECITALS 0 c 0 A. Expenditures as classified in the final, adopted budget a� constitute the City's appropriations for that year. After adoption, there are a variety of events that will precipitate the need to amend the adopted CY L budget, such as grant awards, bonds issuance, collective bargaining c U- agreements and additional budget requests. These modifications are LO LO periodically consolidated into a supplemental budget adjustment ordinance N amending the original adopted budget. o N It CY NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, c WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: _ L O ORDINANCE E SECTION 1. - Budget Adjustments. The 2019-2020 biennial budget Q a� is amended to include budget fund adjustments from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," 00 which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except as amended M by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 2019-2020 biennial budget r 1 2019-2020 Budget Adjustment Q Oct 1, 2020 through Nov 30, 2020 Packet Pg. 232 4.J.a Ordinance No. 4296, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 4324, 4330, 4343, 4344, 4351, 4354, 4359, 4365 and 4375, shall remain unchanged. a 0 Q SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, c or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance 0 and the same shall remain in full force and effect. a E w W SECTION 3, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon Q approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Code Reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the m correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or 0 references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. o c 0 U SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and beCU in force five days after publication, as provided by law. CY 0 U- December 8, 2020 LO DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved LO N O N ATTEST: N It 0 a� December 8, 2020 KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted 0 December 11, 2020 Date Published E Q APPROVED AS TO FORM: m c ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY E r 2 2019-2020 Budget Adjustment Q Oct 1, 2020 through Nov 30, 2020 Packet Pg. 233 4.J.a Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Q Adjustments from October 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 a Previously Approval Total Fund Title Adjustment Approved Requested Ordinance L General Fund 2,630 1,278,140 1,280,770 O Street Fund - 4,567,590 4,567,590 Public Safety Retiree Benefits - 75,000 75,000 Capital Resources Fund - 311,300 311,300 Criminal Justice Fund 15,000 813,600 828,600 a Housing & Community Development Fund - 1,088,809 1,088,809 a, Management Operating Projects Fund 6,039,240 - 6,039,240 Kent Events Center Operating Fund - 545,000 545,000 m Special Assessment Debt Service Fund - 627,000 627,000 Street Capital Projects 810,170 5,428,230 6,238,400 -a 0 Parks Capital Projects 1,864,330 1,458,970 3,323,300 Other Capital Projects - 158,220 158,220 v Technology Capital Projects - 382,330 382,330 Facilities Capital Projects - (386,700) (386,700) 3 Water Operating Fund - 637,500 637,500 O z Sewerage Operating Fund - 3,187,000 3,187,000 Drainage Operating Fund 2,843,460 (2,842,500) 960 U- Solid Waste Operating Fund - 145,000 145,000 Golf Operating Fund - (1,530,690) (1,530,690) N Fleet Services Fund - 1,200,000 1,200,000 c Facilities Management Fund - 759,930 759,930 0 N Insurance Funds - 249,590 249,590 Total 11,574,830 18,153,319 29,728,149 c R c =a L O r I_ Z a m E a Packet Pg. 234 4.J.a Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 Approval Date or Previously Not Previously Total Other Fund Approved by Approved by Adjustment Council Council Ordinance r General Fund 0 O Transfer of Guaranty Funds to Meet Me on Meeker/Placemaking project 2600 to 3300 119,000 119,000 Q Transfer of Placemaking funds to Meeker/Russell to GRE Segment 3300 to 3100 100,000 100,000 , Transfer to 4th&Willis for Signs(CARES) 3100 145,000 145,000 y Transfer to ShoWare Lifecycle for Reopening Equipment(CARES) 1951 545,000 545,000 V C Legal Services 80,140 80,140 fC Laptops and other expenditures(CARES) 285,000 285,000 Parks YE Adjustments(APS21-10 Operating Support,PSB20-206 Grant) KCC 3.70 2,630 4,000 6,630 O Total General Fund 2,630 1,278,140 1,280,770 r C Street Fund d Transfer to LID 362 84th Avenue Rehab Project 3100 169,550 169,550 Transfer TIF funds to 228th Street Grade Separation project 3100 2,000,000 2,000,000 7 Transfer TIF funds to 224/228(94th-104th)project 3100 2,059,590 2,059,590 Transfer to 76th Ave Road Raising project 3100 289,450 289,450 Q Transfer to LID 359 2521 49,000 49,000 d Total Street Fund - 4,567,590 4,567,590 3 Public Safety Retiree Benefits m Increase healthcare costs 75,000 75,000 Total Public Safety Retiree Benefits - 75,000 75,000 Capital Resources Fund To move expenditures from Parks projects to Parks Lifecycle 3200 304,800 304,800 C Establish budget for Financial services fees 6,500 6,500 O Total Capital Resources Fund - 311,300 311,300 0 L d Criminal Justice Fund Establish budget for seized asset actuals 45,910 45,910 O 7 Establish budget for red light camera fees and other expenses 767,690 767,690 (J Target Net Zero Grant KCC 3.70 15,000 15,000 t Total Criminal Justice Fund 15,000 813,600 828,600 7 O Housing&Community Development Fund LL Establish budgets for HUD Block Grants 855,489 855,489 Establish budget for new Sales Tax Revenue from HB 1490 233,320 233,320 Total Housing&Community Development Fund - 1,088,809 1,088,809 N Management Operating Projects Fund N Establish Commerce CARES Budget 6/2/20&10/20/20 5,841,000 51841,000 N Establish KC CARES Budget 7/21/2020 198,240 198,240 04 Total Management Operating Projects Fund 6,039,240 - 6,039,240 (Y d Kent Events Center Operating Fund v C Transfer from GF for Reopening Equipment(CARES) 1000 545,000 545,000 M Total Kent Events Center Operating Fund 545,000 545,000 O E L Special Assessment Debt Service Fund 0 Transfer of Guaranty Funds for Meet Me on Meeker/Placemaking project 3300 119,000 119,000 Transfer to LID 361-272nd Extension 3100 20,000 20,000 d Transfer out LID 353 funds to Streets Fund 3100 488,000 488,000 E Total Special Assessment Debt Service Fund - 627,000 627,000 7 Street Capital Projects Q KC Grant for Transit Access Improvements 10/6/2020 285,000 285,000 r+ d Establish budget in Meeker/Russell project for use of MMOM funds 3300 100,000 100,000 I Establish budget in Meeker-Russell to GRE for CMAQ Grant Match 179,860 179:860 O Establish budgets for use of Transportation Impact Fees 4,059,590 4,059,590 m Establish budget for 4th&Willis Signs(CARES) 145,000 145,000 Establish budget for transfer from Streets Operating Fund for 76th Ave Road Raising 1100 289,450 289,450 y Transfer of interest income to MMOM Russell to GRE(CMAQ Grant Match) 141,480 141,480 E Financial services fees 4,850 4,850 t U Transfer from LID 361 to Street Fund 2500 20,000 20,000 N Transfer from LID 353 to Street Fund 2500 488,000 488,000 Q Establish budget for Sound Transit ILA(James&2nd Pedestrian Crossing) 3/17/2020 273,680 273:680 Establish budget for Sound Transit ILA 4/21/2020 251,490 251,490 Total Street Capital Projects Fund 810,170 5,428,230 6,238,400 Packet Pg. 235 4.J.a Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 Approval Date or Previously Not Previously Total Other Fund Approved by Approved by Adjustment Council Council Ordinance fl.r+ Parks Capital Projects 0 Establish budget for KC Levies 4/1/14&1/21/20 1,150,980 1,150:980 Q Transfer of KC Levy funds to various projects 50,000 50000 , Establish Budget for Fee-in-lieu of Revenues 2017-2020 559,700 559,700 y True up of Parks revenues to actuals 496,600 496,600 V C Transfer Fee-in-lieu of Revenues funds to various projects 216,400 216,400 lC Net transfer from P21011 to P21062(reducing P21011 exp) 74,270 74,270 True-up of RCO Grants 9/20/2016&8/16/19 (485,760) (485760) O Establish budget for KCCF Grant 11/21/2017 634,410 634:410 Establish budget for KC Grant KCC 3.7 5,000 5,000 Transfer of interest income to Unallocated Parks project 310,850 310,850 d Establish budget in Unallocated Parks Project for funds transferred 310,850 310,850 W Total Parks Capital Projects 1,864,330 1,458,970 3,323,300 0 Other Capital Projects Q Establish budget for LID 353 funds transferred to MMOM Guarantee Fund 1000 119,000 119,000 Transfer of interest income to MMOM Russell to GRE project(CMAQ Grant Match) 39,220 39,220 Total Other Capital Projects - 158,220 158,220 m Technology Capital Projects Transfer of interest income to Unallocated IT project 278,330 278,330 Establish budget for transfer from Utility Funds for PW Asset Management System 4100/4300/4400 104,000 104,000 -0 Total Technology Capital Projects - 382,330 382,330 .O N Facilities Capital Projects 0 O Transfer of interest income to Facilities Operating Fund 5400 36,300 36,300 0 Reallocation of funds to and from Facilities Capital and Facilities Maintenance Projects (423,000) (423,000) L d Total Facilities Capital Projects - (386,700) (386,700) r- O 7 Water Operating Fund (J Transfer Water share of PW Modular Building project 212,500 212,500 t Establish budget for PW Modular Building project 425,000 425,000 7 Total Water Operating Fund - 637,500 637,500 0 LL Sewerage Operating Fund Move Sewer project budgets from 4400 to 4300 4400 3,187,000 3,187,000 T­ Total Sewerage Operating Fund - 3,187,000 3,187,000 C14 Drainage Operating Fund N Establish budget for Aerial Imagery project including transfers 132,000 132000 N Transfer Drainage share of PW Modular Building Project 4100 212,500 212:500 C4 Move Sewer project budgets from 4400 to 4300 4300 (3,187,000) (3,187,000) (Y Flood Control District Grant 2/18/2020 1,445,000 1,445,000 d Watershed Management Grant 7/21/2020 1,398,460 1,398,460 V C Total Drainage Operating Fund 2,843,460 (2,842,500) 960 M Solid Waste Operating Fund O Adjust S&B to reflect actual allocations 145,000 145,000 r Total Solid Waste Operating Fund - 145,000 145,000 O d Golf Operating Fund N Correct Golf capital allocation-funded as part of 2021 allocation (1,530,690) (1,530,690) O Total Golf Operating Fund - (1,530,690) (1,530,690) Q Fleet Services Fund O Use of Fleet fund balance to purchase 2021 replacements in 2020 1,200,000 1,200,000 'a Total Fleet Services Fund - 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 m Facilities Management Fund Fire Alarm Upgrades 41,910 41,910 y Corrections plumbing upgrades previously budgeted in Facilities Capital Projects 600,000 600,000 E Council Chambers Renovation 82,550 82,550 t U Transfer of interest income from Facilities Capital to Facilities Maintenance 3500 35,470 35,470 r Total Facilities Management Fund - 759,930 759,930 Q Insurance Funds Increase Unemployment Insurance budget due to increase in claims 25,000 25,000 Established budget for reimbursement revenue with an offset to expenditures 199,590 199,590 Increase in Property Insurance premiums 25,000 25,000 Total Insurance Funds - 249,590 249,590 Packet Pg. 236 4.J.a Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020 Approval Date or Previously Not Previously Total Other Fund Approved by Approved by Adjustment Council Council Ordinance IZ O Grand Total All Funds 11,574,830 18,153,319 29,728,149 Q d V C M C L 0 E Q CD M� W .O O U L L R /may V L O LL LO r LO N O N O N d V C R C L 0 c� G r (n Z Q M� W E V Q Packet Pg. 237 4.K FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, Finance Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5264 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Ordinance Authorizing the Transfer of Excess Local Improvement District Guaranty Funds to the General Fund - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4385, transferring excess funds from the Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund to the General Fund, as allowed by RCW 35.54.095. SUMMARY: The Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund (Guaranty Fund) is required by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 35.54.010) in every city to be designated for the purpose of guaranteeing, to the extent of the fund, the payment of its local improvement bonds and warrants or other short-term obligations issued to pay for any local improvement ordered in the city. Under RCW 35.54.095, any city maintaining a Guaranty Fund, upon certification by the city or town treasurer that the local improvement guaranty fund has sufficient funds currently on hand to meet all valid outstanding obligations of the fund and all other obligations of the fund reasonably expected to be incurred in the near future, may by ordinance transfer assets from such fund to its General Fund. The code authorizes the City to reduce the balance in its Guaranty Fund to an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the net outstanding obligations guaranteed by the fund. Given that there are no outstanding bonds and therefore, no further obligations of the Guaranty Fund, the Finance Director proposes transferring the total remaining fund balance, $118,651.20, to the General Fund. With the 4th quarter budget amendment, these funds will be reinvested into the Meet Me on Meeker project. BUDGET IMPACT: Budget Transfer of $118,651.20 from LID Guaranty Fund to General Fund SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Packet Pg. 238 4.K ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance 4385 (PDF) 2. GuarantyFundCertification (PDF) Packet Pg. 239 4.K.a c� L V 0 N C 7 LL ORDINANCE NO. 4385 L V AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing the transfer o of excess Local Improvement District Guaranty Funds to the General Fund. E 0 L Q RECITALS E A. If Local Improvement Guaranty Fund has sufficient funds 0 currently on hand to meet all valid outstanding obligations of the fund and all other obligations of the fund reasonably expected to be incurred in the w 4- near future, RCW 35.54.095 authorizes the City to reduce the balance in ° a� its local improvement guaranty fund to an amount not less than ten L percent (10%) of the net outstanding obligations guaranteed by the fund. a� B. The City has determined that is has excess funds totaling N L 0 $118,651.20 in its Local Improvement Guaranty Fund, and there are no net outstanding obligations guaranteed by the fund. c C. The City may by ordinance transfer excess local improvement o assets to its general fund. LO N LO D. Pursuant to RCW 35.54.095, the Finance Director has certified M that the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund has sufficient funds currently on hand to meet all valid outstanding obligations of the fund and all other �a L obligations of the fund expected to be incurred in the near future. o a� E M 1 0 Re: LID Guaranty Fund Transfer a Packet Pg. 240 4.K.a c� NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, as WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: as 0 ORDINANCE y c SECTION 1. - Transfer Authorized. The Finance Director is hereby Ui authorized to transfer $118,651.20 from the Local Improvement Guaranty L Fund to the General Fund. c� U L SECTION 2. - Prior Acts Ratified. Any transfers consistent with the n 0 authority granted in Chapter 35.54 RCW taken prior to the effective date of a� this ordinance are hereby ratified and confirmed. E 0 L Q SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such 0 decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. w 4- 0 L SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon ! c approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Code Reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; N L or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or 0 regulations. a a� SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and L be in force five days after its publication, as provided for by RCW o 35A.11.090 and RCW 35A.12.130. LO N LO 00 M d December 8, 2020 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved �a L O Y E 2 U r Re: LID Guaranty Fund Transfer a Packet Pg. 241 4.K.a c� L V ATTEST: as 0 N December 8, 2020 KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted Ui c December 11, 2020 Date Published = c� U �L APPROVED AS TO FORM: o r c as E as ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 0 E 0 J N N N V K W 4- 0 L 4T LL r N �L 0 Z Q d V L O r LO N LO 00 M d V C R C 13 L O Y E 3 U r Re: LID Guaranty Fund Transfer a Packet Pg. 242 FINANCE ADMINSTRATION r Paula Painter, CPA, Director 220 4th Avenue South KEN T Kent, WA 98032 LL Wa6p.-%p�0H Fax: 253-856-6255 ca L PHONE: 253-856-5260 3 U .r L TO: Finance Department - Accounting & Reporting Division N 0 c FROM: Paula Painter, CPA, Finance Director E as O 0. DATE: November 20, 2020 E U RE: Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund - Certification of Sufficient Funds y U x w I authorize the transfer of $118,651.20 from the Local Improvement District c L Guaranty Fund (Guaranty Fund) to the General Fund as allowed by RCW 35.54.095. After such transfer is made, I certify that the Guaranty Fund will have sufficient funds currently needed to meet all valid, outstanding obligations of the fund and all other obligations of the fund reasonably expected to be incurred in the near future. ai c N The code authorizes the City to reduce the balance in its Guaranty Fund to an o amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the net outstanding obligations guaranteed by the fund. Given that there are no outstanding bonds and Q therefore, no further obligations of the Guaranty Fund, the remaining balance of $118,651.20 can be transferred to the General Fund. c �a L 0 Certification: I. Paula Painter, here do by certify that the Guaranty Fund will have sufficient N funds needed to meet all valid, outstanding obligations of the fund and all other obligations of the fund reasonably expected to be incurred in the near future. ° a� .- U aula Painter CPA Date Finance Director a r c as E r a Packet Pg. 243 4.L FINANCE DEPARTMENT Paula Painter, Finance Director 220 Fourth Avenue South \117KENT Kent, WA 98032 W A S ENT N G T O N 253-856-5264 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Payment of Bills - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the payment of bills. SUMMARY: BUDGET IMPACT: SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Packet Pg. 244 4.M INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Mike Carrington 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032-5895 WAS"'N G T O N 253-856-4600 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Amendments to Consultant Services Staffing Agreements - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendments to Consultant Services Staffing Agreements with Scion Staffing Inc., Viri Technology LLC, Protingent Inc., and Robert Half International, Inc., in an amount that will not exceed the established budget for all IT temporary service contracts through December 31, 2021 of $1,250,000.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and City Attorney. SUMMARY: Scion Staffing Inc., Viri Technology LLC, Protingent Inc., and Robert Half International, Inc. are staffing and recruitment agencies that specializes in placing information technology professionals in project and contract-to-hire positions. The City's Information Technology department will leverage contractor work through these consultant agencies. On November 19, 2019, Council approved original contracts with Scion Staffing Inc., Viri Technology LLC, and Protingent Inc., as well as a contract with Robert Half International, Inc. on August 06, 2019 in a total contract amount of $2,499,226.49 for services to be provided through December 31, 2020, for temporary information technology professional services. This contract approval authorized temporary service contracts with a variety of consultants within that same budgetary amount. Each contract authorized extensions for successive one-year terms through the execution of future contract amendments. Information Technology desires to amend each of these contracts to extend services through December 31, 2021. If the amendments are approved, the City will pay the Consultants, based on time and materials, for services provided through December 31, 2021, in a total collective amount of $1,250,000.00 for all Consultants. IT will monitor fees charged in relation to this collective budgeted amount to ensure the amounts paid under all temporary consultant contracts do not exceed $1,250,000.00, which is the amount Council approved as part of the 2021 budget for IT capital projects. BUDGET IMPACT: Description Cost impact 2021 Capital Budget $1,250,000.00 Packet Pg. 245 4.M Sub-Total $1,250,000.00 Total for All Temporary Consultant Services 1 $1,250,000.00 SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - Amendment No. 1 with Scion Staffing, Inc (PDF) 2. Exhibit B - Amendment No. 1 with Viri Technology, LLC (PDF) 3. Exhibit C - Amendment No. 1 with Protingent, Inc. (PDF) 4. Exhibit D - Amendment No. 1 with Robert Half International, Inc (PDF) Packet Pg. 246 DocuSign Envelope ID: 18A7EF1A-13C6-4911-951D-8C964D53FB64 4.M.a • KENT WASHINGTON AMENDMENT NO. 1 N L 0 NAME OF CONSULTANT: Scion Staffing Inc. Q CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: CAG2019-514 c m ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: December 31, 2019 E m L This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant and amends the a original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior a Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable .2 consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the Agreement is modified as follows: r 1. Time of Completion. Section II of the Agreement, entitled "Time of Completion," authorized � extensions of the Agreement for successive one (1) years through an amendment authorized by the parties. Consistent with that provision, the parties desire to amend the Agreement's term as provided below: 0 U Original Time for Completion December 31, 2020 0 (insert date) N r Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Amendments E (insert date) c W Revised Time for Completion December 31, 2021 E (insert date) 2. Compensation. Section III of the Agreement, entitled "Compensation," is amended to N replace it with the following: U c III. COMPENSATION. c A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, for services provided under this Agreement. The Kent City Council has r_ established an overall budget of $1,250,000.00 for a// temporary 0 staffing and placement of IT professionals provided by Consultant, and in others retained by the City to provide similar work, through December r 31, 2021, and City staff is not authorized to approve any work beyond 3 that budgeted amount. The City will monitor fees charged in relation to r that collective budgeted amount, and if services provided by Consultant z0 and others will cause the City to exceed that budgeted amount, the City will either seek additional approval through a contract amendment E authorized by the Mayor or Council as the Kent City Code may require, or terminate Consultant's services as provided for in this Agreement. Q Consultant acknowledges and understands that it is not the City's Q exclusive provider of these services, but is instead one of several Consultants who have been retained to provide temporary staffing and z placement services. The City maintains its unqualified right to obtain x w these services through other sources. This Agreement is for on-call and as-needed services, the need for which is determined in the City's sole judgment and discretion. Consultant shall have no obligation to continue E performance once the "not to exceed" amount limitation has been attained. The City shall be responsible for all charges for services in the Q event the City fails to notify Consultant of termination of the assignment or fails to increase of the "not to exceed" amount. AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Packet Pg. 247 DocuSign Envelope ID: 18A7EF1A-13C6-4911-951D-8C964D53FB64 4.M.a The Consultant's billing rate will be negotiated at the time an Assigned Individual is assigned to perform services for the City. The temporary worker Consultant assigns to perform work under this Agreement ("Assigned Individual") will submit either an electronic time record or a N L time sheet for City's verification and approval at the end of each week. G Based upon that approved time record or time sheet, the Consultant will submit weekly payment invoices to the City for payment, which will a reflect the previously agreed and negotiated billing rate. c m B. The City shall provide payment to Consultant within forty-five (45) days E of its receipt of proper invoice from Consultant. If the City objects to all L or any portion of an invoice due to billing or invoicing errors, it shall Q notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute until any such dispute is settled by the parties. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. r c 3. Miscellaneous. c A. The Consultant accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, and by 0 its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this Amendment. This o Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant from strict compliance with the r guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. E B. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), E_ and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and E the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have a applied. LO N C. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. c IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. c Cn CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: c �DocuS�iig.,nedb,y::1 � {IM a+ By: C1A099CF597144A._ By: 3 Ic( t Bri OPWamuWnga c Print Name: Print Name: Z Its National Director of PartnershipsItS 11/3/20be) (title) E DATE: DATE: c as APPROVED AS TO FORM: Q (applicable if Mayor's signature required) ' Q Kent Law Department w r ATTEST: E Kent City Clerk Q AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 Packet Pg. 248 4.M.b • KENT V/A H IN­0 O N AMENDMENT NO. 1 N �L 0 NAME OF CONSULTANT: Viri Technology LLB a CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: CAG2019-491 r c m ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: December 18, 201t aEi W L This Amendment is made between the City and the above referenced Consultant and amends the a original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prio Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuably .2 consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the Agreement is modified as follows: it T 1. Time of Completion. Section II of the Agreement, entitled "Time of Completion, authorized extensions of the Agreement for successive one (1) years through an amendment authorize( by the parties. Consistent with that provision, the parties desire to amend the Agreement's term a provided below: 0 U 0 r Original Time for Completion December 31, 2020 (insert date) d Revised Time for Completion under N/A E prior Amendments (insert date) E Revised Time for Completion December 31, 2021 (insert date) LO N 2. Compensation. Section III of the Agreement, entitled "Compensation," is amended t( c) replace it with the following: � III. COMPENSATION. o 0 c A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, for services provided under this Agreement. The Kent City Council has established an overall budget of $1,250,000.00 for all temporary L staffing and placement of IT professionals provided by Consultant, and others retained by the City to provide similar work, through December 3 31, 2021, and City staff is not authorized to approve any work beyond that budgeted amount. The City will monitor fees charged in relation to 0 that collective budgeted amount, and if services provided by Z Consultant and others will cause the City to exceed that budgeted amount, the City will either seek additional approval through a E contract amendment authorized by the Mayor or Council as the Kent City Code may require, or terminate Consultant's services as provided E for in this Agreement. a m Consultant acknowledges and understands that it is not the City's exclusive provider of these services, but is instead one of several Consultants who have been retained to provide temporary staffing and w placement services. The City maintains its unqualified right to obtain these services through other sources. This Agreement is for on-call and as-needed services, the need for which is determined in the City's sole judgment and discretion. Consultant shall have no obligation to continue performance once the "not to exceed" amount limitation has a been attained. The City shall be responsible for all charges for AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Packet Pg. 249 4.M.b services in the event the City fails to notify Consultant of termination of the assignment or fails to increase of the "not to exceed" amount. The Consultant's billing rate will be negotiated at the time an Assigned C Individual is assigned to perform services for the City. The temporary L worker Consultant assigns to perform work under this Agreement ("Assigned Individual") will submit either an electronic time record or a a time sheet for City's verification and approval at the end of each week. Based upon that approved time record or time sheet, the Consultant r will submit weekly payment invoices to the City for payment, which m will reflect the previously agreed and negotiated billing rate. a� L B. The City shall provide payment to Consultant within forty-five (45) a days of its receipt of proper invoice from Consultant. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice due to billing or invoicing errors, it it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that a, portion of the invoice not in dispute until any such dispute is settled by N the parties. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. N C 3. Miscellaneous. 0 U 0 r A. The Consultant accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, and b 4. its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this Amendment. Thi a Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant from strict compliance with th guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. E B. Ail acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (' Q any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified an, affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall b deemed to have applied. L) J J C. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they ar. authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. o 0 c IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. m CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF !CENT: By: By: o (Signatur (signature) Z Print Name: �1-�,�'', /.D�:dnours, Print Name: � Its g 4n -r- Its E (title) (title) c DATE: 1 I 2'Q2)___... DATE: E a APPROVED AS TO FORM: m (applicable if Mayor's signature required) t K w Kent Law Department a� ATTEST: E U a Kent City Clerk AMENDMENT - 2 4E 2 Packet Pg. 250 4.M.c • KEN T r,A I N11Tr I AMENDMENT NO. 1 N •L NAME OF CONSULTANT: Protingent Inc. 0 r CONTRACT NAME & PR03ECT NUMBER: CAG2019-495 Q ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: December 18, 2019 E m This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Q Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the Agreement is modified as follows: m 1. Time of Completion. Section II of the Agreement, entitled "Time of Completion," authorized r extensions of the Agreement for successive one (1) years through an amendment authorized by the parties. c Consistent with that provision, the parties desire to amend the Agreement's term as provided below: U) c Original Time For Completion December 31, 2020 v (insert date) o Revised Time for Completion under N/A prior Amendments (insert date) E Revised Time for Completion December 31, 2021 a (insert date) Q 2. Compensation. Section III of the Agreement, entitled "Compensation," is amended to LO replace it with the following: N ti III. COMPENSATION. c A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, for services provided under this Agreement. The Kent City Council has established an overall budget of $1,250,000.00 for all temporary ° a. staffing and placement of IT professionals provided by Consultant, and others retained by the City to provide similar work, through December 3 31, 2021, and City staff is not authorized to approve any work beyond that budgeted amount. The City will monitor fees charged in relation to 6 that collective budgeted amount, and if services provided by Consultant Z and others will cause the City to exceed that budgeted amount, the City will either seek additional approval through a contract amendment E authorized by the Mayor or Council as the Kent City Code may require, c or terminate Consultant's services as provided for in this Agreement. E Q Consultant acknowledges and understands that it is not the City's c� exclusive provider of these services, but is instead one of several Consultants who have been retained to provide temporary staffing and x placement services, The City maintains its unqualified right to obtain w these services through other sources. This Agreement is for on-call and as-needed services, the need for which is determined in the City's sole judgment and discretion. Consultant shall have no obligation to continue performance once the "not to exceed" amount limitation has been r attained. The City shall be responsible for all charges for services in the Q event the City fails to notify Consultant of termination of the assignment or fails to increase of the "not to exceed" amount. AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Packet Pg. 251 4.M.c The Consultant's billing rate will be negotiated at the time an Assigned Individual is assigned to perform services for the City. The temporary worker Consultant assigns to perform work under this Agreement ("Assigned Individual") will submit either an electronic time record or a time sheet for City's verification and approval at the end of each week. L Based upon that approved time record or time sheet, the Consultant will 0 submit weekly payment invoices to the City for payment, which will a reflect the previously agreed and negotiated billing rate. B. The City shall provide payment to Consultant within forty-five (45) days of its receipt of proper invoice from Consultant. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice due to billing or invoicing errors, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of a the invoice not in dispute until any such dispute is settled by the parties. a In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. r 3. Miscellaneous. c� A. The Consultant accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, and by c its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this Amendment. This c) Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant from strict compliance with the ° guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. c a� B. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), -0 and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and ( the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have E applied. C. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are N authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. ti c IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. a� c CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: o L a. r By; By. 3 (signature) (signature) Print Name: gruce— Print Name: z Its Its m (title) (title) E DATE: Id --27- LLo2_D DATE: as E APPROVED AS TO FORM: a (applicable if Mayors signature required) V t Kent Law Department w r ATTEST: Kent City Clerk Q AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 Packet Pg. 252 4.M.d • KENT W A S H I N G T G N AMENDMENT NO. 1 = E NAME OF CONSULTANT: Robert Half International, Inc. a� a CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Temporary Staffing & Recruitment, #CAG2019-389 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: August 14, 2019 N This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant and _ amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original N Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the Agreement is 0 modified as follows: N r 1. Introduction. The language "The Creative Group" is deleted from the first sentence E of the first paragraph of the Agreement and replaced with "OfficeTeam". E 2. Time of Completion. Section II of the Agreement, entitled "Time of Completion," Q authorized extensions of the Agreement for successive one (1) years through an amendment Lo authorized by the parties. Consistent with that provision, the parties desire to amend the Agreement's term as provided below: Original Time for Completion December 31, 2020 0 (insert date) , to Revised Time for Completion under N/A a� prior Amendments (insert date) Revised Time for Completion December 31, 2021 = (insert date) 0 3. Compensation. Section III of the Agreement, entitled "Compensation," is amended W to replace it with the following: r III. COMPENSATION. z° r _ A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, for services provided under this Agreement during its Initial Term and each Renewal Term exercised by the City and agreed upon by the Consultant. The Kent City Council has established an Q overall budget of $1,250,000.00 for a// temporary staffing and o placement of IT professionals provided by Consultant, and others retained by the City to provide similar work, through December x 31, 2021, and City staff is not authorized to approve any work w beyond that budgeted amount. The City will monitor fees charged in relation to that collective budgeted amount, and if services E provided by Consultant and others will cause the City to exceed that budgeted amount, the City will either seek additional Q approval through a contract amendment authorized by the Mayor AMENDMENT - 1 OF 5 Packet Pg. 253 4.M.d or Council as the Kent City Code may require, or terminate Consultant's services as provided for in this Agreement. Consultant acknowledges and understands that it is not the City's y exclusive provider of these services, but is instead one of several Consultants who have been retained to provide temporary E staffing and placement services. The City maintains its unqualified right to obtain these services through other sources. a This Agreement is for on-call and as-needed services, the need for which is determined in the City's sole judgment and discretion. Consultant shall have no obligation to continue performance once a� the "not to exceed" amount limitation has been attained. The r City shall be responsible for all charges for services in the event the City fails to notify Consultant of termination of the assignment N or fails to increase of the "not to exceed" amount. 0 U 0 The Consultant's billing rate will be negotiated at the time an N Assigned Individual is assigned to perform services for the City. The temporary worker Consultant assigns to perform work under E this Agreement ("Assigned Individual") will submit either an � electronic time record or a time sheet for City's verification and Q approval at the end of each week. Based upon that approved time record or time sheet, the Consultant will submit weekly payment LO invoices to the City for payment, which will reflect the previously N agreed and negotiated billing rate. c B. The City shall provide payment to Consultant within forty-five o (45) days of its receipt of proper invoice from Consultant. If the City objects to all or any portion of an invoice due to billing or E invoicing errors, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the c option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute until any such dispute is settled by the parties. In that event, the = parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. 0 W 4. Work Performed at Consultant's Risk and Job Limitations. Section XV of the 3 Agreement, entitled "Work Performed at Consultant's Risk and Job Limitations," is revised by r replacing it with the following: z° c The City agrees that for any of Consultant's Assigned Individuals working on- site at City premises, the City will: (i) provide safe working conditions as required by law, including compliance with all public health and occupational E safety regulations and guidelines applicable to the City's business, and (ii) a prepare any safety plans required by law and provide any related safety o training. x The City agrees that it will not permit or require Consultant's Assigned w Individual: (i) to perform services outside of the scope of his or her r assignment; (ii) to sign contracts or statements; (iii) to make any final E decisions regarding system design, software development or the acquisition of hardware or software; (iv) to make any management decisions; (v) to sign, a endorse, wire, transport or otherwise convey cash, securities, checks or any negotiable instruments or valuables; (vi) to use computers, or other electronic AMENDMENT - 2 OF 5 Packet Pg. 254 4.M.d devices, software or network equipment owned or licensed by the Assigned Individual; or (vii) to operate machinery (other than office machines) or automotive equipment. The City may request that Consultant permit its Assigned Individuals to provide services to the City remotely (i.e., from a location other than the City's offices) E using the City's er GensuTtant's laptop and/or other computer or telecommunications equipment (the "Equipment"). The City acknowledges and a agrees that Consultant shall have no control over (i) the logical or physical performance, reliability or security of the Equipment or related devices, •" network accessibility and availability, software and e-mail accounts (collectively, "Computer Systems") used by the Assigned Individual, or (ii) the security or integrity of, nor be responsible for backing up, the data and other information stored therein or transmitted thereby. The City shall not permit N Assigned Individual to (i) use Consultant equipment while on the premises of o the City or the City's customer, or (ii) save or store any of the City's files or c other City data on Consultant's Equipment nor on any software, services or N tools provided by Consultant (including, but not limited to, any virtual desktop infrastructure or Microsoft Office 365 solution). The City agrees that Consultant E shall not be liable for any loss, damage, expense, harm, business interruption or inconvenience resulting from the use of such Computer Systems, except E where such loss, damage, expense, harm, business interruption or inconvenience is caused by the willful misconduct of the Assigned Individual. LO Consultant w-a,fantswill advise its Assigned Individuals that any Equipment or c Computer Systems provided by the City to Consultant's Assigned Individual — will be returned to the City in the same condition in which they were received o by the Assigned Individual, normal wear and tear excepted. 2 c lose, / L d asse ,.mate,, re3' e-engent eests The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that (i) the City will manage and track assets provided to the Assigned Individual _ (ii) Consultant will assist in the City's attempts to recover such equipment from Assigned Individual at the expiration or termination of such Assigned o Individual's project with the City, and (iii) if the City is unable to recover such equipment from Assigned Individual despite the City's best efforts, then the 3 City shall be permitted to deduct the cost of such equipment from the final invoice for the work completed by such Assigned Individual and Consultant z° would be responsible for collecting such deduction directly from the Assigned , Individual. c S. Entities Included Within Scope of Agreement. Section XVI of the Agreement is W amended to revise subsection L. as follows: a 0 XVI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. x w L. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement is only applicable to, c and the only Robert Half International Inc. divisions and branch E obligated under this Agreement is the Office Team, Robert Half Technology, The Creative GFeUpT and Enterprise Technology Services a divisions of the Seattle, WA branch. AMENDMENT - 3 OF 5 Packet Pg. 255 4.M.d 6. Conversion Fee for Hiring Assigned Individual. Section XVI.M. of the Agreement is amended as follows: M. Additional Terms. If City requires Consultant to perform y background checks or other placement screenings of Consultant's Assigned Individuals, City agrees to notify Consultant prior to the start E of services under this Agreement. Consultant will conduct such checks or screenings only if they are described in a signed, written amendment a to this Agreement. If City requests a copy of the results of any checks conducted on Consultant's Assigned Individuals, City agrees to keep such results strictly confidential and to use such results in accordance in with applicable laws and solely for employment purposes. City agrees to hold in confidence the identity of any Consultant Assigned Individual and the Assigned Individual's resume, social security number, and other N legally protected personal information, and City agrees to implement c and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices to protect c such information from unauthorized access, use, modification or N disclosure, unless disclosure is required by law. E In the event City wishes to convert any of Consultant's Assigned Individuals, City agrees to pay a conversion fee in accordance with this E Section. The conversion fee will be based on the schedule below using a percentage of the Assigned Individual's aggregate annual LO compensation, including bonuses. The conversion fee is payable if City hires the Assigned Individual, regardless of the job classification, on c either a full-time, temporary (including temporary assignments through — another agency) or consulting basis within 12 months after the last day o of the assignment. The same calculation will be used if City converts Consultant's Assigned Individual on a part-time basis using the full-time E equivalent salary; however, the conversion fee will not be less than $1,000. x The following schedule applies to the conversion fee the City will pay for any conversion of any Assigned Individual who fulfills a software or o application role for Contractor, which include the roles of Project W Manager; Business Analyst; Database Administrator; Web, Application, 3 and Database Developers; Network Engineers and Architects; and r Development and Operations s. The conversion fee is a percentage of z6 the Assigned Individual's annual salary that is based upon the total number of hours the Assigned Individual worked for the City over the term of this Agreement: a� 173+ working hours -25% of annual salary Q 346+ working hours - 22% of annual salary o 519+ working hours - 19% of annual salary 692+ working hours - 16% of annual salary x 865+ working hours - 13% of annual salary w 1,038+ working hours - 10% of annual salary 1,211+ working hours - 7% of the annual salary E The following schedule applies to the conversion fee the City will pay for a any conversion of any Assigned Individual placed through OfficeTeam4 and of any Assigned Individual who fulfills an infrastructure or AMENDMENT - 4 OF 5 Packet Pg. 256 4.M.d operations role for Contractor, which includes the roles of Help Desk Support, Desktop Support, Systems Administrator, and PC Technician. 173+ working hours - 23% of annual salary y 346+ working hours - 20% of annual salary 519+ working hours - 17% of annual salary E 692+ working hours - 14% of annual salary 865+ working hours - 11% of annual salary a 1,038+ working hours - 8% of annual salary 1,211+ working hours - 5% of the annual salary a� The conversion fee for an Assigned Individual who is designated as providing a Salaried Professional Service is at a cost of 50% of the annual salary, whether that employee is hired within or outside the 12 N month period provided for within this Section XVI(M). 0 U 0 7. Miscellaneous. N c a� A. The Consultant accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, E and by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding the Agreement or this Amendment. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant from E strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. B. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified c and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this S Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. o C. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will = become effective on the last date written below. a� 0 CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY: Robert Half International, Inc. City of Kent 3 r 6 Z C N E By: By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Megan Slabinski Print Name: E Its District Director Its (title) (title) DATE: DATE: x APPROVED AS TO FORM: r (applicable if Mayor's signature required) a� E t v 0 Kent Law Department a AMENDMENT - 5 OF 5 Packet Pg. 257 4.M.d ATTEST: Kent City Clerk N r C d E d N L a N d V O co r C 7 N C O U O U) c a� E c a� E a Lo N V C R C O C L 2 NO I.L 3 r O Z c N E C N E a 0 x w r c as E a AMENDMENT - 6 OF 5 Packet Pg. 258 4.N PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola • KENT 220 Fourth Avenue South WASHINGTON Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for Indigent Defense Services - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for Indigent Defense Services that extends the current contract for public defense services with Stewart, MacNichols and Harmell, Inc. P.S. through December 31, 2022, and increases the annual compensation due under the contract by an additional 2% in both 2021 and 2022, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and Mayor. SUMMARY: Since March of 2020, the nation has been struggling with the current COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has significantly altered the court process and how public defenders interact and serve their clients. Given the inherent difficulties that would be associated with a possible change in public defense providers in the midst of the current pandemic and the City's recovery from the same, the parties desire to extend the current Agreement for an additional two years. The hope is that during the second year of the Fifth Amendment, pandemic recovery efforts will be fully implemented, and the City will be in a better position to evaluate how best to proceed with the provision of public defense services in the future. On January 14, 2020, the parties signed a Fourth Amendment to adjust the monthly compensation paid to Contractor for the remainder of the Agreement's term-through December 31, 2020-given work load impacts attributable to the City's deployment of body worn cameras to its police officers. This amendment increases that amount by 2% each year in 2021 and 2022. BUDGET IMPACT: 2% increase in 2021 ($1,198,500) and 2% in 2022 ($1,222,470) in General Fund from current annual compensation of $1,175,000 in 2020. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fifth Amendment (PDF) Packet Pg. 259 4.N 2. Original Agreement(PDF) 3. Amendments 1-4 (PDF) Packet Pg. 260 4.N.a FIFTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES as N This Fifth Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Fourth o Amendment") is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") and STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL, INC., P.S., a a Washington professional services corporation ("Contractor"), and amends the parties' Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Agreement") executed on December 22, 2014, with an Effective Date of January 1, 2015. Cn a� c I. RECITALS as 0 1.1 The parties current Agreement is effective through December 31, 2020. T a 1.2 On January 14, 2020, the parties signed a Fourth Amendment to adjust L the monthly compensation paid to Contractor for the remainder of the Agreement's ° term—through December 31, 2020—given work load impacts attributable to the City's deployment of body worn cameras to its police officers. L 1.3 Since March of 2020, the nation has been struggling with the current a a� COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has significantly altered the court process and how public defenders interact and serve their clients. Given the inherent difficulties that would be associated with a possible change in public defense providers in the E midst of the current pandemic and the City's recovery from the same, the parties desire to extend the current Agreement for an additional two years. The hope is that E during the second year of this Fifth Amendment, pandemic recovery efforts will be fully implemented, and the City will be in a better position to evaluate how best to U_ proceed with the provision of public defense services in the future. LO NOW THEREFORE, the City and Contractor agree as follows: N c as II. AGREEMENT E c as 2.1 Duration of Agreement. Section II of the Agreement, entitled 'Duration E of Agreement,"as amended through prior contract amendments, is extended through 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2022. i_ a� 2.2 Payment for Indigent Defense Services. Section XXVII.A. of the E Agreement is amended as follows: a A. Payment for Services. The City shall provide to Contractor for services rendered under this Agreement as provided for in the original Agreement FIFTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 1 OF 3 Packet Pg. 261 4.N.a and its subsequent Amendments. Beginning with the Fourth Amendment, the City agreed to pay Contractor the sum of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY- FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,175,000) per year, payable on a pro rata basis through equal monthly N payments of $97,916.67 per month from January 1, o 2020, through December 31, 2020, though the final 3 monthly payment for December of 2020 will be in the a amount of $97,916.33. Through the parties' Fifth Amendment to this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Contractor the sum Cn of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT ° c THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS a� ($1,198,500.00) per year, payable on a pro rata basis o through equal monthly payments of $99,875.00 per month from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. L ° Beginning January 1, 2022, the City agrees to pay Contractor the sum of ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS ($1,222,470.00) per year, payable on a pro a, rata basis through equal monthly payments of $101,872.50 per month from January 1, 2022, r through December 31, 2022. ° r c Contractor shall bill the City each month for services E rendered herein. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions set forth in this E Agreement, the Contractor's compensation shall be prorated based upon the number of months and portions of months which have elapsed between the commencement of the year and the effective date of termination. 2.3 Remaining Provisions Unchanged. All other provisions of the original E Agreement, as previously amended, and not inconsistent with this Fifth Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. E a 2.4 Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement and U- prior to the effective date of this Fifth Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, r- and the terms of the Agreement, as previously amended, and this Fifth Amendment E shall be deemed to have applied. r r 2.5 Authority to Sign. The parties whose names appear below swear under Q penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Fourth Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. FIFTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 2 OF 3 Packet Pg. 262 4.N.a IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Fourth Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY: CONTRACTOR: a� N •L CITY OF KENT STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL 0 INC., P.S. Q u� aD Name: Dana Ralph Name: cn Title: Mayor Title: y Date: Date: a� 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM: a� aM c L ° Kent City Attorney's Office ATTEST: a) aD L Q d City Clerk ° r c a� E c a� E Q r i- ti r LCl N C E C d E a U- E r r a FIFTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES — 3 OF 3 Packet Pg. 263 , . 4Nb REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE : Please Fill in Al.i Applicable Boxes Routing Information(ALA-REQUESTS:A9UST.PIR T BE ROUTED THROUGH THE.LAW DEPARTMiiE T) Originator: Merina Hanson Phone Ori inator :. 5077 ._ a� Date Sent: 12/19/14 Hate Required: 12%21/14 Return. Signed ..Document to . Merina CONTRACT TERMINATION DATE. 12/31/2017 Hanson VENDOR NAME:. Stewart:MacNichols DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL. 12J9/ 4' N Harmell s' Brief Explanation of Document: : a Agreement fog Indigent Defensel:SerVjceLS 6et;k.een the`City of Kent and 5t �vart MacNichols Harm ell f©r the period J / 5 -;12J3,3/17.' : '.. .. ......::: .....:... ...: 0 .......... .... .... .. ::.. . ...:...... ............ c m m L Q +r AN Contracts 1+�ust 8e Routed Through The Law Department E (This area ip rgrgleted by the Law Department) r c QReceived. d Approval of Law Dept'.' Law ©opt. Comments: 01�. LAIN, ;� l ' 6 v .. Date For to Mayor. : � l`• : T ` E Sfr do d Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff � c Received ' Nf y Recomrxttertdativns and:xi�c ri ?IerttS OW P - '` ' - f Des osition Date Returned: : Packet Pg. 264 i 4.N.b i I I AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES This Agreement is entered into between the city of Kent, A Washington municipal N Corporation, ("City") and Stewart MacNichols Harmell, Inc. P.S., a Washington 0 professional services corporation, ("Contractor"). a I. DEFINITIONS A. Attorney.. . Attorneys shall mean attorneys working for the law firm of 0 f Cn Stewart MacNichols Harmell, Inc. P.S., and where appropriate, shall include Rule 9 interns. B. Contractor. Contractor shall mean the law firm of Stewart MacNichols Harmell, Inc. P.S., and shall mean each attorney and Rule 9 Intern working for the Contractor. c C. Defendant. Defendant shall mean a person charged with a misdemeanor or ,0 gross misdemeanor offense that is filed into the Kent Municipal Court as well as suspects for whom the Contractor must provide services pursuant to Section III of E this Agreement. i D. Full Time Attorney Equivalent Position. Fulltime attorney equivalent position shall mean at least 40 hours of attorney services provided pursuant to this o Agreement. c a� II. DURATION OF AGREEMENT E c as The term of this Agreement will be from January 1, 2015, through December 31, E a 2017, unless extended or terminated earlier in a manner permitted by this Agreement. The parties may, by mutual assent, agree to two one-year extensions U_ of this agreement under the same terms, with approval to negotiate adjustments based on Cost of Living increases, increases in the individual salaries of attorneys L based upon experience, or substantial increases in caseloads. N i III. SCOPE OF WORK AND DUTIES OF CONTRACTOR E as L A. Criminal Defense Representation - To Whom Provided. Except in cases in a which a conflict of interest exists, Contractor shall provide criminal defense representation to the following, L 1. All defendants who are charged with a criminal offense which falls within the jurisdiction of the Kent Municipal Court, and for which the Contractor has been appointed by the Kent Municipal Court as attorney of record pursuant to the Court's determination of indigence of the defendant, a i 2. All suspects who are permitted access to a public defender while detained pursuant to an investigation for the offenses of driving under the influence Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 265 j3 7 4.N.b I (RCW 46.61,502), driving under twenty-one consuming alcohol (RCW 46.61.503) or physical control of a vehicle under the influence (RCW 46.61,504) for the purposes of consulting with the Contractor prior to deciding whether to provide a sample of N E breath or blood. 0 3 3. All defendants who are not represented by private counsel and who a appear for arraignment in the Kent Municipal Court. 4. All defendants who, while in the custody of the Kent Corrections Cn Facility, are not represented by private or conflict counsel, who accept W representation by the Contractor, and who appear before the court. B. Provisional and Temporary Appointments. Contractor shall provide representation of defendants at arraignment and during in-custody hearings despite the fact that Contractor may only be provisionally or temporarily appointed to represent the defendants at arraignment and during the in-custody hearings; _ provided, that in the event a defendant wishes to enter a plea at arraignment, the ,o Contractor shall request that the court accept the plea only after the defendant waives the right to an attorney in a manner acceptable to the court. a� a� C. Representation Provided to Defendants Investigated for Driving Under the a Influence RCW 46.61.502 Driving Under Twenty-One Consuming Alcohol RCW 46.61.503), Physical Control of a Vehicle Under the Influence (RCW 46.61.504) or r Another Misdemeanor or Gross Misdemeanor. Contractor shall be available 24 ° r hours per day, seven days per week, by telephone for the purposes of providing representation to suspects or defendants who are in custody and under E investigation for driving under the influence (RCW 46,61.502), driving under a twenty-one consuming alcohol (RCW 46.61.503), physical control of a vehicle under Q the influence (RCW 46.61.504) or any other misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor. Contractor shall provide the Kent Corrections Facility with telephone numbers of its attorneys that provide direct access to the attorneys, and shall keep such telephone `` numbers up to date. Contractor may designate times in which specific attorneys may be reached, and shall provide the numbers of alternate attorneys if the N designated attorney cannot be reached. j a� D. Duration of Representation of Defendant. In cases in which the Contractor is appointed as attorney of record, and unless Contractor is permitted by the court to a withdraw at an earlier time, Contractor shall represent the defendant at all stages of the criminal process, from the time of appointment by the court as attorney of record through the appeals process (provided that funding for appeals beyond LLM superior court shall be pursuant to the terms of Title 15 of the Rules of Appellate 0 Procedure), as well as during any period in which the court retains jurisdiction over the terms and conditions of any sentence or deferral. E U ° IV. APPEARANCE AT HEARINGS Q I Contractor shall appear at all hearings scheduled by the Kent Municipal Court in which it represents defendants, as well as all arraignment calendars and all in- Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 266 i 4.N.b i I custody calendars. Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of attorneys at the various court calendars to ensure that the court calendars are not delayed due to insufficient staffing of Contractor's attorneys at the calendars. N `o V. REPRESENTATION OF DEFENDANTS WHILE ON THE RECORD 3 a Contractor shall be with and actively represent each defendant at all times while a I defendant's case is considered on the court record, and shall adequately inform the .2 defendant of the developments in his or her case such that the defendant proceeds during any court hearing in a knowing, intelligent, and voluntary manner. n Contractor will coordinate with the City to ensure that adequate confidential meeting space is available at the Kent Municipal Court and Kent Corrections Facility for client communications. c a� VI. DEFENDANT ACCESS TO CONTRACTOR T c A. Contact Prior to Court Hearings. Contractor shall be available to defendants ,o to ensure that defendants are provided with effective assistance of counsel. Defendant access to the Contractor prior to court hearings is paramount. At a E minimum, Contractor shall endeavor to confer with all defendants about their cases within 72 hours from the time of appointment and again prior to court hearings. To a that end and without limitation, Contractor will seek timely and confidential information from each defendant regarding possible defenses, the need for investigation, mental and physical health issues, immigration status, client goals, and the advisability of additional discovery. E ► B. Toll Free Calls. Defendants shall be provided access to the Contractor by means of a toll-free local call from a Kent telephone number made available by the E Contractor. r C. Timely Response, Contractor shall respond to defendant inquiries within a reasonable time to ensure the effective assistance of counsel, whether such inquiries are received by letter, telephone, email, or otherwise. Contractor shall N keep appropriate written records to demonstrate timely response. E D. Local Office Required. At all times during the term of this Agreement, E I Contractor shall maintain an office either within the city limits of the City, or within a one mile of the city limits of the City. The office of the Contractor shall accommodate confidential meetings with defendants, shall be equipped with telephone, facsimile, and internet services, shall receive adequate cellular LM telephone service, and shall be the location at which mail and service of process is 0 I received• I E E. Availability for and Contact with In-Custody Defendants. Contractor shall U evaluate the cases of all defendants in the custody of the Kent Corrections Facility, a and shall meet with in-custody defendants as the Contractor deems appropriate for providing effective assistance of counsel. At a minimum, Contractor shall meet with all misdemeanant defendants who are in-custody and appointed to Contractor Agreement for Indigent Defense Services gage 3 of 21 I Packet Pg. 267 within two court days of the defendant being taken into custody. In addition, Contractor shall have an attorney available to defendants who are in the custody of the Kent Corrections Facility on a daily basis. The Contractor will coordinate with N the City to ensure that confidential meeting space is available in the Kent 0 Corrections Facility, The attorney will respond to inmate requests, respond to letters and telephone calls, meet with clients and preparing for the defense of the defendant. These daily meetings shall be separate from court hearings held by (D video at the Kent Corrections Facility, .2 VII. QUALITY OF REPRESENTATION Cn Contractor shall provide services in a professional and skilled manner consistent with Washington's Rules of Professional Conduct, applicable case law, including but not limited to WilbLir v. ML Vemon 989 F.Supp, 2d 1122 (2013) (hereinafter the "Decision"), Washington State Supreme Court Standards for Indigent Defense, the Constitutions of the United States and Washington, the court rules that define the duties of counsel and the rights of defendants, and the Resolution regarding 0 indigent defense services adopted by the city of Kent. Contractor shall be familiar with and to the extent required by law abide by the "Decision" and the Washington E State Supreme Court Standards for Indigent Defense, currently proposed to take effect January 1, 2015. At all times during the representation of a defendant, the Contractor's primary and most fundamental responsibility shall be to promote and protect the interests of the defendant. 0 Vill. QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR ATTORNEYS - TRAINING E -0 A. Qualifications. All attorneys employed by Contractor for the purposes of providing the services called for in this contract shall, at a minimum, satisfy the E minimum qualifications to practice law as established by the Washington Supreme Court; be familiar with and follow the statutes, court rules, case law and constitutional law applicable to misdemeanor criminal defense work in the state of Washington; be familiar with at-id abide by Washington's Rules of Professional LO Conduct; be familiar with the Decision and the Washington State Supreme Court Standards for Indigent Defense including amendments through August 15, 2014; be familiar with the consequences to each particular defendant of any conviction or E(D adjudication including but not limited to jail time, financial penalties, restitution, mental health or drug and alcohol treatment obligations, license suspensions, and immigration or civil commitment implications; be familiar with mental health and substance abuse issues applicable to each defendant; be able to recognize the need for expert services including but not limited to investigators; and be able to satisfy the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 0 B. Training. For each attorney of the Contractor, a minimum of 21 of the E reportable continuing legal education credits per reporting period shall be in the areas of criminal defense law, criminal process, trial advocacy, legal writing, appellate work, law practice management, or any other subject that, in the opinion of the Contractor, is applicable to providing criminal defense services. Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Rage 4 of 21 Packet Pg. 268 i i i IX. USE OF RULE 9 INTERNS A. Workload of Rule 9 Interns. Contractor may employ interns qualified under N Admission to Practice Rule 9 who perform work pursuant to this Agreement. Rule 9 0 interns shall remain under the supervision of the Contractor, and an attorney for 3 Contractor shall remain responsible for the cases for which the Rule 9 provides Q services. B. Qualifications of Rule 9 Interns. Rule 9 interns shall be required to abide by Sections VII and VIII except that Rule 9 interns shall not be required to complete n the training requirements of Section VIII, and in place of the requirement to satisfy the minimum qualifications to practice law as established by the Washington Supreme Court, the Rule 9 intern must comply with the provisions of APR 9. Rule 9 r interns shall be closely monitored by the more senior attorneys of the Contractor. X. DISCOVERY TO BE PROVIDED. The City shall provide Contractor one (1) __ copy of all discoverable material concerning each assigned case, pursuant to a filed ,o Notice of Appearance and Demand for Discovery. as E XI. NUMBER OF ATTORNEYS EMPLOYED L At the time of signing this Agreement, Contractor employs 15 attorneys who occupy 14.8 fulltime equivalent attorney positions. Contractor shall provide no less than r the number of fulltime equivalent positions so as not to exceed the caseload ° r limitations provided for in this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the Human Services Department an up-to-date list of the names of attorneys and Rule 9 E interns providing services under this Agreement, along with the experience of each attorney and intern. E XII. CASELOAD LIMITS PER FULLTIME EQUIVALENT POSITION A. Caseload Limits in General. Contractor shall maintain a caseload such that it can provide each and every defendant effective assistance of counsel as required by r LO this Agreement. Subject to the remaining subsections of this section, a fulltime equivalent attorney position shall be appointed to no more than 400 cases per year. a� E B. Case Defined. For the purposes of this section, the term "case" shall be defined as provided in Standard 3 of the Standards for Indigent Defense established a by the Washington Supreme Court. I XIII. SCOPE OF SERVICES, STANDARDS AND WARRANTIES c a� A. The Contractor, and every attorney and intern performing services under this E Agreement shall certify compliance with Supreme Court Rule and governing case load quarterly with the Kent Municipal Court on the form established for that Q purpose by court rule. At a minimum, Contractor will file a Certification of 1 Compliance as required by CrRI_7 3.1. The quarterly reports will be based on a calendar year and each report will be due no later than 30 days after the end of Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 5 of 21 Packet Pg. 269 i 4.N.b i i each quarter. A copy of each and every such certification shall be provided to the City with each court filing. The Public Defender and every attorney and/or intern warrants that he or she shall conform to the case load limitations not only with N respect to services under this Agreement but also with respect to his/her practice as a whole, including other contracts public defense and/or private practice. ; a B. The Contractor will develop a system that properly records interactions and work performed on behalf of public defense clients to include: a� C i. Attempts and actual contact with clients within 72 hours of y appointment in the manner developed by the contractor to protect client confidentiality; o c a� ii. Responses to jail kites (requests for assistance from inmates incarcerated in the Kent Correctional Facility); L O iii. Documentation of the following topics that shall be discussed with clients to include but not be limited to: W W L 1. Possible defenses a as 2. Need for independent investigation 3. Existing physical or mental health issues 4. Immigration status and consequences 5. Client goals 6. Possible dispositions E 7. Need for additional discovery Q 8. Possible case disposition in the manner developed by the U- contractor to protect client confidentiality ti LO iv, In the event a defendant who has been assigned a public defender N wishes to enter a plea of guilty at his or her first meeting with the Public Defender, documentation demonstrating the Public Defender's information and statement to the defendant about the risks associated with a plea at that time. This information will only be turned over to a the City under circumstances that do not violate the RPC's (i.e. pursuant to court order) o C. Contractor will maintain and provide to the City a quarterly report detailing: M i. The number of cases assigned during the period; Q i Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 6 of 21 Packet Pg. 270 I 4.N.b i i H. The number of cases in which an investigator was utilized; G. iii. The number of cases that were set for jury call including cases L in which the defendant failed to appear; 0 { 3 Qt iv. The number and type of criminal cases handled outside of this contract, including cases assigned by another public entity to the attorneys assigned to this contract; and C a� V. The percentage of the Contractor's practice spent in private defense representation, civil or other non-criminal matters by o the attorneys assigned to this contract. a� D. The Contractor further warrants that it will accomplish the following: L O i. Staff a Public Defender at the court, as necessary, and the jail to meet with defendants who are in custody or who are E appointed in court; a� Q ii. Staff a Public Defender at the court when the screener is present to facilitate a client intake and meeting; r c E. The Contractor promises that it will promptly notify the City if any E i circumstance, including change in rule or law, renders it difficult or impossible to provide public defense services in compliance with the Decision and/or Standards. E F. City may retain a consultant at some point in the future to monitor Contractor's compliance with the Standards and other legal authority. Contractor `` agrees to negotiate in good faith with City should the consultant seek additional information beyond that already contemplated by this agreement. Contractor shall N not be required to compromise any attorney-client privilege when providing these reports. E a� XIV. REFUSING APPOINTMENTS Q A. Caseload Monitorinta. Contractor shall continually monitor its caseload and performance both as a whole and for each attorney providing services pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall provide quarterly projections at least three 0 months in advance regarding the caseload limits based upon the number of attorneys employed by Contractor and trends in case filings. E I B, Caseload Level Shifting. In the event an attorney is handling a caseload such a that the attorney is unable to provide effective assistance of counsel to each and every defendant, Contractor shall reduce the caseload of that attorney, and shift Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 7 of 2 1 1 3 Packet Pg. 271 �I 4.N.b I the reduced portion of the caseload to another attorney employed by the Contractor. N C. Refusal of Appointments. Contractor shall monitor the total number of cases 0 handled by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. In the event Contractor is ; handling an excessive number of cases such that Contractor is unable to provide a each and every defendant with effective assistance of counsel, then Contractor shall y refuse further appointment of cases until such time as Contractor employs 2 additional attorneys or the number of cases per attorney is reduced. Work performed pursuant to this Agreement shall be Contractor's priority, and prior to refusing further appointments, Contractor shall, to the extent such action will not compromise the rights of the client, attempt to withdraw from cases that Contractor { handles that are not within the scope of this Agreement and shall refuse to accept o cases from clients outside of the scope of the work called for in this Agreement. XV. COSTS OF TRANSCRIPTION L ° The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs associated with obtaining and transcribing trial court records for appeal purposes if such costs have E not been waived. ° a� L XVI. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST a as r Contractor shall maintain a database of client information sufficient for the ° 0 Contractor to determine the existence of any conflicts of interest. In the event representation of a defendant would constitute a conflict of interest, Contractor E shall take such action as is appropriate pursuant to the Rules of Professional Conduct. In the event the Contractor is disqualified or excused as counsel of record E due to a conflict of interest, Contractor shall not be required to pay any compensation to another attorney assigned to represent the defendant. M XVII. INTERNAL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND ATTORNEY LO SUPERVISION N c I A. Performance Monitoring In General. Contractor shall establish a program for E managing the performance of attorneys who provide the services called for in this Agreement. The performance monitoring program shall have the purpose of a ensuring that each defendant receives effective assistance of counsel, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement are met. The monitoring program shall be developed and administered by the Contractor, and shall: 0 1. Be actively performed and managed by a partner-level attorney of the Contractor; E 2. Be continual in Mature. Monitoring shall occur no less than quarterly; provided, caseload monitoring shall occur no less than monthly; Q E 3. Monitor the caseload of the Contractor and each attorney providing services pursuant to this Agreement; Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 8 of 21 Packet Pg. 272 I 4.N.b I i 4. Monitor the performance of each employee who provides services pursuant to this Agreement, 5• Hold employees accountable for deficient performance of the services L called for in this Agreement; 0 3 6. Have measures to correct the deficient performance of employees a performing under this Agreement; and 7. Contain measures to develop and improve the performance of each •2 employee providing services pursuant to this Agreement. in a� B. Monitoring Program - Scope of Review. The monitoring program shall, at a minimum, be designed to review the following of each attorney or Rule 9 intern: o I. Knowledge of the law and expectations of criminal defense counsel 2• Preparation of cases c 3, Responsiveness to clients ,0 r 4. Effectiveness of in-court interactions with clients a E 5. Effectiveness in the courtroom L 6. Negotiation skills and strategy a a� 7. Attorney or Rule 9 caseload 0 r C. Program Certification. The internal monitoring program shall be submitted to the Housing and Human Services Division within 30 days of the execution of this E Agreement. Contractor shall certify no less than annually that monitoring has occurred in conformity with this Agreement. E XVIII. REMOVAL OF ATTORNEY U_ A. Removal by Contractor. In the event Contractor determines, through its internal performance monitoring and attorney supervision program that an attorney N or Rule 9 intern working for Contractor fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement, then Contractor shall immediately take action to prevent that attorney or Rule 9 from providing the services called for in this Agreement. L � I B. Recommendation of Removal by City. In the event the Human Services I Division determines that an attorney working for the Contractor has breached this Agreement, the Human Services Division may, at its sole discretion and as an LM alternative to termination of this Agreement, require Contractor to take action to o prevent that attorney from providing the services called for in this Agreement. E 1 XIX. CITY CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR - CONTRACT OVERSIGHT U j Q A. This Agreement shall be managed and monitored by the Housing and Human Services Division of the City's barks Department or by such other division of the City as determined by the City`s Chief Administrative Officer. All reports Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 9 of 21 I { Packet Pg. 273 i 4.N.b j l or certifications required by this Agreement shall be delivered to the Human Services Department. j N B. The Human Services Department shall monitor the Contractor regularly to `o assure that Contractor files the reports and certifications required in Section 3 XIII above. a N C. The Human Services Department may retain an outside expert to perform random reviews of Public Defender cases on an annual basis. The Contractor a l will make information available, without disclosing client names or identifying C i information, to the City through the Human Services Department, and will cooperate fully with the expert to the extent that the cooperation does not violate client confidences. o c a� XX. COMPLAINTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION T c A. Complaints Directed to Housing and Human Services Division. Any `o complaints regarding Contractor or an attorney or Rule 9 providing services pursuant to this Agreement, whether received by the City, the Contractor, or the a) Court, shall be directed to the Housing and Human Services Division. L B. Investigation by the Contractor. In the event a complaint is received by the a a� contractor or by the Housing and Human Services Division, a partner level attorney r (excluding the attorney for whom the compliant is regarding) will investigate the r complaint. The reviewing attorney should review the entire file on the matter, court records, documents, dockets and any other information necessary to E investigate the complaint. The reviewing attorney will inform the complainant of the results if their internal investigation, and if the complainant is still unsatisfied, E will inform the complainant that the matter will be forwarded to the Human a Services Division. In the event the complaint is referred to the Human Services Division, the reviewing attorney will forward the complaint and the results of its `` investigation to the Human Services Division. Contractor shall not be required to compromise any attorney client privilege when providing the results of the internal N investigation. c as C. Investigation by the City. In the event a complaint is received by or directed to the Housing and Human Services Division, and is not timely resolved by a partner level attorney of the Contractor to the satisfaction of the complainant, the a Housing and Human Services Division will investigate the complaint by reviewing the complaint, discussing the matter with the complaining party, discussing the i matter with the Contractor, and determining whether a violation of this Agreement 0 has occurred. The Housing and Human Services Division may consult with legal counsel other than the City Attorneys Office, or another expert as deemed E necessary, in order to resolve the complaint. In addition, the Housing and Human U Services Division may consult with the Washington State Bar Association when appropriate. The Contractor shall fully cooperate in the City's investigation process. Q E E Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 10 of 21 E Packet Pg. 274 D. Corrective Action Plan or Termination. In the event the Housing and Human Services Division determines that a violation has occurred, the Housing and Human Services Division may develop a corrective action plan or terminate this Agreement in the event it is determined that termination is appropriate. Contractor shall 0 cooperate in any investigation of a complaint, and any corrective action plan developed by the Housing and Human Services Division to the extent that to do so will not compromise the attorney/client relationship.-:- XXI. REVIEW AND RENEGOTIATIONS Cn a) A. Case Counts. Based on the counts maintained by Public Defenders and reviewed by the City, current estimates for annual case counts for all indigent 4- defense cases filed by the City is approximately two thousand eight hundred (2800) cases per year. As provided in the Standards, the case counts also include the Public Defender's appearance at all arraignments calendars as a provisional .2) appointment. The term 'case" and "credit" shall be defined in accordance with the Washington State Supreme Court rule and Washington Office of Public Defense 0 guidelines. The City has adopted an unweighted case count. as B. Increases or Decreases in Case Load. The City and the Public Defender shall, at the option of either party, renegotiate this contract if there is a significant increase or decrease in the number of cases assigned. Significant "decrease" shall mean a change of more than ten percent (10%) in the number of cases assigned. If cases are estimated to approach or exceed three thousand and eighty (3080) 0 cases per year or seven hundred and seventy (770) cases per quarter, the parties may renegotiate this contract to increase case coverage and compensation to Public E Defender. At the request of either party, the City and Public Defender will periodically review case assignment trends and any other matters needed to E determine contract compliance or necessary contract modifications. Public Defender shall promptly notify the City when quarterly caseloads can reasonably be anticipated to require use of overflow or conflict counsel to assure that cases U- I,- assigned to Public Defender remain within the limits adopted in this contract and T-- LO comply with state and local standards. F4- C, Reneciotiation Due to Change in Rule or Standard. This contract may be (D E renegotiated at the option of either party if the Washington State Supreme Court, the Washington State Bar or the City significantly modifies the Standards for indigent Defense adopted pursuant to the Court rule or City Ordinance/Resolution. XXII. TERMINATION 0 I A. For Cause, �-; The City or the Contractor may terminate this Agreement r- (D immediately in the event the other party breaches the Agreement and such breach E is not corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the injured party in a timely 0 manner after notice of breach has been provided to the other party. Each and every term of this Agreement is material. Without limiting the foregoing, Contractor's failure to render adequate representation to its clients, its willful disregard of the rights and best interests of its clients, or the willful disregard of the Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 11 of 21 I Packet Pg. 275 i 4.N.b i i i I Decision or court rule standards will constitute good cause for termination. The failure of any party to comply with any term of this Agreement shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. N L ° B. For Reasons Beyond Control of Parties. Either party may terminate this a E Agreement without recourse by the other where performance is rendered impossible or impracticable for reasons beyond such party's reasonable control such as, but not limited to, acts of nature; war or warlike operations; civil commotion; •2 riot; labor dispute including strike, walkout, or lockout; sabotage; or superior in governmental regulation or control. N C C. Without Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause upon giving the non-terminating party not less than one-hundred eighty (184) days prior written notice. XXIII. CONTINUATION OF REPRESENTATION AFTER TERMINATION L ° In the event of termination of this Agreement and to the extent the client can be adequately represented, all cases assigned prior to the Agreement term expiration, E including those which have not reached resolution, initial or otherwise, shall be i transferred to the new service provider as efficiently and practicably as possible, a and within the guidelines and restrictions of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Cases in progress at the Agreement expiration or termination will be compensated r at one hundred-forty dollars ( 140.00) per hour until completed or transferred to ° the new service provider, whichever is most efficient and simultaneously allows for the protection of the rights of the accused. E c a� XXIV. NON-DISCRIMINATION E a Contractor shall not discriminate in the hiring of employees or the provision of U_ services pursuant to a contract with the City, and shall be required to execute a certification of compliance with the City policy regarding minority and women LO contractors. Contractor shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment N Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. E as XXV. PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE a Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated L by this reference. XXVI. INDEMNIFICATION E U Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, a and employees harmless from any and all claims whatsoever related to or arising from the performance of the Contractor's obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to claims arising out of the errors and omissions of the Agreement for Indigent:Defense Services Page 12 of 21 Packet Pg. 276 4.N.b i Contractor relating to the representation or lack of representation of clients, and/or by reason of accident, injury, or death caused to any persons or property of any kind occurring during the performance or lack thereof of the work required by this N Agreement, or traveling to or from any place to perform the work required by this Lo Agreement, except to the extent they are caused by the sole negligence of the City. The failure of the Contractor to carry insurance in a quantity sufficient to defend a a claim or lawsuit or cover any judgment that results shall not operate to limit the Contractor's indemnification or defense of the City. This indemnification section i shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. C XXVII. COMPENSATION c as as A. Payment for Services. The City shall provide to Contractor for services rendered under this Agreement the sum of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000.00) per month from January 1 2015, through December 3 ., 2017, Attorney shall bill the City each month for services rendered herein. In the event = this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions set forth in this ,o Agreement, the Contractor's compensation shall be prorated based upon the number of months and portions of months which have elapsed between the commencement of the year and the effective date of termination. L B. Billing. The Contractor shall bill the City, in care of the City's Housing and Human Services Division, by the 10t'' day of the month for the monthly installment set forth in subsection A of this section, and any transcription costs as permitted by ° this Agreement. E C. Payment. The City shall make payments within 30 days of receipt of Contractors bill. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the payment set E forth in this section shall be inclusive of administrative costs, support costs, and all costs associated with the conduct of the Contractor's business. D. The Contractor further warrants that the compensation provided under this LO Agreement is sufficient to provide all support, training, administrative and staff N I services, routine investigations, and all other systems, staffing, or infrastructure necessary to comply with the Decision and Standards, except as provided in E Subsection XXVII.E below. By way of example, and except as provided in Section XXVII.E, this includes costs related to travel, telephones, law library including a electronic research, financial accounting, case management systems, computers and software, office space and supplies, training, meeting the requirements imposed by the Washington Supreme Court Standards for Indigent Defense, and LM other costs incurred in the day-to-day management of the services called for by I this Agreement. E E. The City may pay for non-routine case expenses when reasonably incurred U and preauthorized by the Court or the City from funds available for that purpose, a unless the services are performed by Contractor's staff or subcontractors. Examples of potential non-routine, preauthorized expenses that might be subject to additional reimbursement include, but are not limited to: i Agreement for Indigent Defense services Wage 13 of 21 i Packet Pg. 277 € 4.N.b i 1. Investigation expenses 7. Medical and psychiatric evaluations 3. Expert witness fees and expenses N •L 4. Interpreters 0 5. Polygraph, forensic and other scientific tests a 6. Medical records i 7. Any other non-routine expenses the Court finds necessary and proper for the investigation preparation, and presentation of a case. Cn E V/ € XXVIII. SUBCONTRACTING PROHIBITED N c , as Except in extraordinary circumstances, Contractor shall not subcontract with o another attorney or law firm to provide the services required herein. Contractor shall remain directly involved in and responsible for the representation of all assigned defendants. _ Lo XXIX. ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED as E No assignment or transfer of this Agreement or of any interest in this Agreement a shall be made by either of the parties, without prior written consent of the non- a assigning party. XXX. AGREEMENT APPLICABLE TO ALL EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS c m The terms of this Agreement shall apply to all persons who are employed by, or E who volunteer for, the Contractor, including but not limited to attorneys, interns, paralegals, office assistants, secretaries, and investigators. E XXXI. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND NOT EMPLOYEE ti LO This Agreement calls for the performance of the services of the Contractor as an N independent contractor and Contractor will not be considered an employee of the City For any purpose. Contractor shall secure at its own expense and be responsible for any and all payment of income tax, social security, state disability insurance compensation, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, and all other a payroll deductions for the Contractor and its officers, agents, and employees and the costs of all professional or business licenses in connection with the services to be performed hereunder. Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all claims or lawsuits filed against Contractor by personnel employed by the Attorney o related to the conditions or terms of employment by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees E and officers from any such claims or lawsuits. Contractor further agrees that its U employees are not considered employees of the City for the purposes of participating in any state or federal program, including but not limited to the Q retirement program provided by the Washington Department of Retirement Services, and in the event that a claim is made to the contrary by any employee or I i Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 14 of 21 Packet Pg. 278 4.N.b i 3 volunteer of the Contractor, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and officers from any such claims or lawsuits and shall pay all awards ordered against the City for such claims or lawsuits. N L 0 XXXII. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3 Q I t Contractor may be requested to perform additional services beyond the original scope of services as defined in Section 1 of this Agreement. Such work will be undertaken only upon written authorization of the City based upon an agreed Cn amount of compensation. N i C XXXIII. NOTICES All notices and other written documentation shall be sent to the parties at the following addresses unless otherwise requested in writing: T c City of Kent: Contractor: ,0 Mayor N. Scott Stewart City of Kent Stewart MacNichols E 220 Fourth Ave. S. Harmell, Inc. P.S., i Kent, WA 98032 655 W. Smith Street, Suite 210 Q Kent, WA 98032 r 0 XXXIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT - AMENDMENTS c m This instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties for the contemplated work and services to commence January 1, 2015, and it may not be enlarged, modified, altered, or amended except in writing signed and endorsed by Q the parties. i- XXXV. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS LO This Agreement is executed in duplicate originals. N a� XXXVI. EFFECTIVE DATE E L The terms of this Agreement shall take effect on January 1, 2015. a CITY: ATTORNEY: a� City of Kent Stewart MacNicholso Harmell Inc., P.S. a t rB . 0 i PrintrfC(a e' Suzette Cooke Print Name Vf-) i - Q Title: : Mayor Title: rAfJ )(,'-R- Dated: Dated: Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 15 of 21 Packet Pg. 279 ATTEST: 0 Ronald F. Oore ity Clerk " APPRPVED: ayi Cn kai%riiin Johnson, Musing and Human S vic ervic ' Manager, City of Kent E 0 E E U- LO 0 E U Agreement for Indigent Defense Services Page 16 of 21 1 Packet Pg. 280 4.N.b i DECLARATION i CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY i as � N The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity, 0 As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this a Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any Cn contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement, The questions are as follows: L O 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. E 2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of i sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. r 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. E c a� 4. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and E promotion of women and minorities. r M 5. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth LO above. N c By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. E a Dated this ^' ' day of a 2014. f° I LM By: �� '/ O i c t v i 3 Title: Q Date: EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 1 Packet Pg. 281 4.N.b CITY OF KENT 3 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 L 0 a N N SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 .2 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor as POLICY: c E 4� Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: L 0 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. E a� a� L 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. a as Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's o nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. a E Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. E a 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these M regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. LO N E 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. L Q L O E r r Q EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 Packet Pg. 282 4.N.b CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT N i N •L This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the 0 Agreement. a N I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime Cn contractor For the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (date) , between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. 0 I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. L O Dated this day of , 20 a� a� L Q d By. :E 0 For: a� E Title: _ a� E Date: r ii LO N c � m E m m L Q •L O E ✓J r Q i EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 3 Packet Pg. 283 4.N.b I i t I EXHIBIT A � INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR N CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS 3 Insurance a N N The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which a) may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder y by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. 0 A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: i 0 r c 1. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the E Consultant's profession. i a B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance 0 Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: m E 1. Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no a less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy a aggregate limit. e i� C. Other Insurance Proviso ns LO The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following N provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: E a� 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect 0' g p Y p a the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. o 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall a not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior E written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. Q i E Packet Pg. 284 4.N.b I EXHIBIT A (continued) 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies N (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf 0 of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as 3 additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The a City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor's i a� C Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim j is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the o insurer's liability. a� D. Acceptability of Insurers `o Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than ANII. L Q d E. Verification of Coverage 0 r Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the E additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. E a F. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or N shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. L Q •L O I€ E i_ V Q €tl E I I 1 Packet Pg. 285 4.N.c FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES This First Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("First N Amendment") is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") and STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL, INC., P.S., a Q Washington professional services corporation ("Contractor"), and amends the original Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Agreement") executed on December 22, 2014, with an Effective Date of January 1, 2015. as I. RECITALS aT as 1.1 The current Agreement is set to expire December 31, 2017, though it provides an option to extend for two additional one-year terms, upon the parties mutual agreement to such an extension. �a L 1.2 The City and Contractor mutually wish to exercise the first option to ° extend the Agreement for an additional one-year term, effective January 1, 2018, a through December 31, 2018, as provided for within this First Amendment and subject to the Agreement's same terms and conditions. a NOW THEREFORE, City and Contractor agree as follows: Z 0 II. AGREEMENT E 2.1 Term. The parties have mutually agreed to exercise the first of two options to extend the Agreement for an additional one-year term, and upon the E a effective date of this First Amendment, the Agreement will now expire at the end of December 31, 2019. U_ 2.2 Remaining Provisions Unchanged. All other provisions of the original N Agreement not inconsistent with this First Amendment shall remain in full force and le effect. r c 2.3 Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement E and this First Amendment, prior to the effective date of this First Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement and this First E Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. c a� / 1 E M FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT (January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018) FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 1 OF 2 Packet Pg. 286 4.N.c 2.4 Authority to Sign. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this First Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this First Amendment, which N will become effective on the last date written below. o CITY: CONTRACTOR: Q as CITY OF KENT STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL INC., P.S. in as c T _ as Name: S zett Cooke Name: 60 ! i1'.c/i -(-( r Title: or Title: P�oP_7� a Date: 7 Date: Z!1if11 c r 0 c APPROVED AS TO FORM: E as as L - a tKe -tyorney's Office 0 c m E c m E Q z \\Cauptpply\Iwpubllc\Clvll\Flles\Open F11es\1615-Public Defense COWad\Stewart MacNI,W,&H—.11\2016 1st Amend—t\FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES A— U— T LO N N C d E C N E Q C d E t V M r Q FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT (January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018) FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 2 OF 2 Packet Pg. 287 4.N.c \47 ,CEINITRecords Management Document 0 N CONTRACT COVER SHEET 0 a This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission N to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. m as Stewart MacNichols Harmell, INC, PS JT Vendor Name: c r Vendor Number (]DE): 35369 a� =a Contract Number (City Clerk): Da L 00i o Jq Category: -Contract Agreement - E Amendment Sub-Category (if applicable): a as Agreement for Indigent Services o Project Name: 0 1-1-2015 12-31-2020 Contract Execution Date: Termination Date: E c Lori Guilfoyle Parks Contract Manager: Department: a U_ Contract Amount: $850,000 LO Budgeted: W-1 Grant? N Part of NEW Budget: 0 Local: State: Federal: Related to a New Position: r c as Basis for Selection of Contractor? Other c as E Approval Authority: Director Mayor City Council Q c m E Other Details: This is the Second Amendment to original a rem_ement..� a Packet Pg. 288 4.N.c White, Tammy From: Guilfoyle, Lori Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 5:31 PM To: Finn, Kelly;White,Tammy Subject: FW: Contract revision m N O t Please see below. a Thank you! Lori m m From: ken (mailto:ken] JT Sent:Thursday, December 27,2018 5:26 PM To:Guilfoyle, Lori<LGu 0fcryle kent:wa,go > Subject: Re: Contract revision a� =a c L O T +. d Lori m I do consent to swapping out the pages.The new language is how we were expecting the contract to be interpreted so no issues on my end. Q d Thanks Ken ° c m E c m Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy 57. E Q t --------Original message-------- From: "Guilfoyle, Lori" <LGuiilfo le kentwa„ gv> Date: 12/27/18 4:57 PM (GMT-08:00) LO To: 'Ken Harmell' <ken> Subject: Contract revision r c m Hi Ken —I revised the contract language to reflect payments, we didn't have the total contract amount of$850,000 in E the contract. as E Q c m E Attached is a PDF version of the Second Amendment with the added language highlighted that addresses the payment issue. If you are ok with this change, do you consent to us swapping out the first 4 pages of the version you signed with the first 4 pages of the attached? Q Packet Pg. 289 4.N.c i SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES 0 N This Second Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services o ("Second Amendment") is made between the CITY OF (CENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") and STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL, INC., Q R.S., a Washington professional services corporation ("Contractor"), and amends the parties` Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Agreement") executed on December 22, 2014, with an Effective Date of January 1, 2015. in as c I. RECITALS ,T as c 1.1 The current Agreement is set to expire on December 31, 2018, with the first option to extend having been exercised through the First Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services, dated December 22, 2017 ("First i Amendment"). Although the First Amendment contains a scrivener's error in J° Section 2.1 that the term was extended through December 31, 2019, the First Amendment as a whole makes it clear that the parties` intent was to simply exercise the first option to extend the Agreement for an additional one year term Q through December 31, 2018, as the original Agreement contemplated and authorized. c 2 c 1.2 The Agreement provided for two options to extend for an additional one year term each. The first option to extend having been exercised through the a� First Amendment, the second and final option to extend the Agreement is exercised E through this Second Amendment. Although the Agreement provides that the second option to extend is to be for a one year term, the parties wish to extend the U_ Agreement for two additional years, with that second year being subject to Council LO approval and ratification prior to its effectiveness. If Council approval and ratification of this Second Amendment is obtained, the final term under this Second Amendment will expire at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2020. Otherwise, if Council y r approval and ratification is not obtained, the Agreement will terminate at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2019, at the expiration of the second option to extend. c 1.3 In addition to extending the term of the parties' Agreement, the City Q and Contractor mutually agree to amend certain provisions of the Agreement as c provided for within this Second Amendment. E M NOW THEREFORE, the City and Contractor agree as follows: a SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR (January 1, 2019 -December 31, 2019) INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 1 OF 5 (January 1-December 31, 2020 Conditioned on Council Ratification) Packet Pg. 290 4.N.c II. AGREEMENT 2.1 Term. The parties have mutually agreed to exercise the second of two options to extend the Agreement for an additional one-year term. Without further action, upon full execution of this Second Agreement, the Agreement is extended N L through December 31, 2019. In addition to exercising the second option to renew 0 the Agreement, the parties wish to extend the Agreement for an additional one year Q term through December 31, 2020. However, this second one year term is subject to Council approval and ratification. Upon such Council action, the Agreement's term 2 will automatically extend through December 31, 2020, without further action of the cn parties. a, T 2.2 Initial Client Contact-. Section VI.A of the Agreement is amended as c follows: a� A. Contact Prior to Court HeaLi[igs. Contractor shall be available to defendants to ensure that defendants ` L are provided with effective assistance of counsel. J° Defendant access to the Contractor prior to court hearings is paramount. At a minimum, Contractor E shall endeavor to confer with all defendants about their cases "euFs as soon as practical a from the time of appointment and again prior to court hearings. To that end and without limitation, c Contractor will seek timely and confidential information from each defendant regarding possible defenses, the need for investigation, mental and physical health issues, immigration status, client goals, and the advisability of additional discovery. a 2.3 Attorneys Required to Prcyir de Services. Section XI of the Agreement is U_ amended as follows: T LO N XI. NUMBER OF ATTORNEYS EMPLOYED. lett...........te innf r E a eter- shall C a� re v J(44e--m e less ter—the -number- e� fu 1 iti E +eel c is A g remnt: E Contractor shall grovide the number of attorneys sufficient to meet case load limits as Drovided for in a the Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the Human Services Department an up-to-date list of the names of attorneys and Rule 9 interns SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR (January 1, 2019 -December 31, 2019) INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 2 OF 5 (January 1-December 31, 2020 Conditioned on Council Ratification) Packet Pg. 291 4.N.c providing services under this Agreement, along with the experience of each attorney and intern. 2.4 Records Qocumen.tin Client Interactions. Section XIII B.i. of the Agreement is amended as follows: N 0 L Attempts and actual contact with clients within the time nPrinri rPniiirPri by Section VI.A. and within 72 a heuFs of ent in the in a manner developed by the Contractor to protect client confidentiality. 2 2.5 Maintainina Staff Presence at Court and Jail. Section XIII.D. of the in a� Agreement is stricken in its entirety and replaced with the following placeholder: aT a� D. [Reserved]. c a� 2.6 Estimate of Current Case Counts. Section XXI.A. of the Agreement is stricken in its entirety and replaced with the following placeholder: L 0 A. [Reserved], c CD E 2.7 Chances In Case Load. Section XXI.B. of the Agreement is amended as L follows: a B. Increases or Decreases in Case Load. The City and c the Public Defender shall, at the option of either party, renegotiate this contract if there is a significant increase or decrease in the number of cases assigned. 'l +G%�--t—h e Q -ntfimb,er of cases, aissigned. If C-aSe'5LLLLLer-e es Sri4-e4Mt LL Rd Fenn" , N At the request of either party, the City and Public Defender will periodically review case assignment trends and any other matters needed to determine contract compliance or necessary contract modifications. Public Defender shall promptly Q notify the City when quarterly caseloads can c reasonably be anticipated to require use of E overflow or conflict counsel to assure that cases assigned to Public Defender remain within the a limits adopted in this contract and comply with state and local standards. SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR (January 1, 2019 -December 31, 2019) INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 3 OF 5 (January 1-December 31, 2020 Conditioned on Council Ratification) Packet Pg. 292 4.N.c i 2.8 Client Representation After Termination. Section XXIII of the Agreement is amended as follows: XXIII. CONTINUATION OF REPRESENTATION AFTER TERMINATION N In the event of termination of this Agreement and to the extent the client can be adequately Q represented, all cases assigned prior to the Agreement term expiration, including those which have not reach resolution, initial or otherwise, shall be transferred to the new service provider as (n efficiently and practicably as possible, and within the guidelines and restrictions of the Rules of JT Professional Conduct. Cases in progress at the c Agreement expiration or termination that cannot be lawfully transferred at the time of expiration or 'termination will be compensated at one hundred- � forty dollars ($140.00) per hour until completed or Jq transferred to the new service provider",ems. is CD mest efficient and simultaneously fir- e E tee efr �e i ll�e reeus� . a) m a� 2.9 Pa meat fbr.1nd4Len,t .Defense Services. Section XXViI.A. of the Q as Agreement is amended as follows: 0 A. Payment for Services. The City shall provide to Contractor for services rendered under this E Agreement the sum of N-D EI'CIT HUNDRED FIB" a THOUSAND DOLLARS (5850,000) per year, payatle on a pro rata basis through eoual monthly .payments of 170.833,33_per month from ganuaFy 1, 2015 Januar 1 2019 through Deee -j LO -2017 December 31, 2019, though the final rnon.thl navrnPnt for r)PrPmhar of ]fr14 win hp in the amount of 70 833.37., y r c If Council approval and ratification is obtained as E re Mired b the Second Amendment to extend the � Aoreement for an additional one year_ term the E same monthly amount shall be 12aid by the City to Q Contractor for services rendered from, January � 02 throw h December 312020. Contractor Attarney shall bill the City each month Q for services rendered herein. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions set forth in this Agreement, the Contractor's compensation shall be prorated based upon the SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR (January 1, 2019 -December31, 2019) INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 4 OF 5 (January 1-December 31, 2020 Conditioned on Council Ratification) Packet Pg. 293 4.N.c number of months and portions of months which have elapsed between the commencement of the year and the effective date of termination. 2.10 Remaining Provisions Unchanged. All other provisions of the original N Agreement, as amended by the First Amendment, and not inconsistent with this Second Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. ' a 2.11 Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, the First Amendment, and this Second Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Second Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the in Agreement, the First Amendment, and this Second Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. JT a� c 2.12 Authority to Sign. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Second Amendment, 2) which is binding on the parties of this contract. L 0 IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Second Amendment, which c will become effective on the last date written below. E m m CITY: CONTRACTOR: a CITY OF KENT STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL INC., P.S. ° c j1 E .s 5 Dame: Dana Rafah Name: IN HAS E Title: Mayor ..... .... Title � � . ...................... Date: Date 1 2- Z f 11 S Ali► VED AS TO FORM: LO 54 e t Ci y Attorney's Office t T: E Q Ci y CI rk E Pt�ntavuo,�.F.rr.tieis :,,i.o.r.,,:a n.Ni kHa.m.��tzairzu.aid nmea.,,„h=.oa an.amc,aq,� � r Q SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019) INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 5 OF 5 (January 1-December 31,2020 Conditioned on Council Ratification) Packet Pg. 294 i 4.N.c REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Print on Cherry-Colored Paper µ.x:2Hrei:1PL-4v Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director Originator: LOI'I GUl�fOyie Phone (Originator): 5061 N Date Sent: _ o 12-21-18 Date Required: 12_31-18 Return Signed Document to; 9 Lori Contract Termination Date; 12-31-20 Q VENDOR NAME. Date Finance Notified: U Stewart MacNichalS Harmell, PS ine (Only required on contracts J 2-0_ "90 and over or on an Grant` N! A m DATE OF CO CI APPROVAL, Date Risk Manager Notified: co #.a r<< atificati n i l�5 2019 NA u�i e uired on P cn:fit Standard c©nt�actS A"reerrments 2 H this D"ocOment been Specifioall Account Number, JT Authorized in the Bud et ; * YES NO 10006380.64140.1430 c t_ Brief l=xplanation of Document; c The Agreement provided for two options to extend for an additional one year term each. The first option to L extend having been exercised through the First Amendment, the second and final option to extend the Agreement is exercised through this Second Amendment. Although the Agreement provides that the second option to extend is to be for a one year term, the parties wish to extend the Agreement for two additional years, E with that second year being sulk eat to Council approval and ratification roar to its effectireaess If Council approval arp" ra I�t�on 0 his Second Amendment is obtained, the frnai term under this Second Amendment Q will expire at 11:59 p.m, on December 31, 2020. Otherwise, if Council approval and ratification is not obtained; � the Agreement will terminate at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2019, at the expiration of the second option to .r extend, c In addition, the Second Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Services reduces the current contract from 0) $900,000 annually to $850,000 annually. E m AU Contracts Mast Be Routed Through The Law Dep. E Q z (This ea to be completed by the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept., (1(.. f Law lie t, Comments: � Ifl N Date Forwarded to Mavor: Shaded #, Be Completed By Administration StaffWDEP �' c Received: i E h a E x. " . ataau Recommendations and Comments; E Q DEC28 0.18 4-4 ` Disposition:11; 04 City of Kent Office of the Mayor a Date Returned: J. _ w" �errna 6'ur<}4F5,.�asana!7 v0uaa vi'. updt �tra lrlry-Ar✓, - `� Packet Pg. 295 4.N.c THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES This Third Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Third N Amendment") is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal 0 corporation ("City") and STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL, INC., P.S., a Q Washington professional services corporation ("Contractor"), and amends the parties' N Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Agreement") executed on December 22, 2014, with an Effective Date of January 1, 2015. a� I. RECITALS T a� 1.1 Through a Second Amendment to the Agreement, the parties extended the Agreement's term through December 31, 2020. 1.2 The Second Amendment also revised the compensation paid to ° Contractor under the Agreement due to changes the parties anticipated in criminal case filings. The anticipated changes in case filings have not resulted, and Contractor's work will additionally be impacted by the Kent Police Department's L deployment of body worn cameras to all of its officers. The parties therefore wish to a further amend the Agreement through this Third Amendment to address these impacts to Contractor's work. o NOW THEREFORE, the City and Contractor agree as follows: E II. AGREEMENT E a 2.1 Scope of Services Standards and Warranties. Section XIII.B. and U- XIII.C. of the Agreement are amended to add tracking and reporting requirements for body camera footage as follows: LO N XIII. SCOPE OF SERVICES, STANDARDS AND WARRANTIES le r c a� E c E B. The Contractor will develop a system that properly Q records interactions and work performed on behalf of public defense clients to include: M i. Attempts and actual contact with clients within a 72 hours of appointment in the manner THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 1 OF 5 Packet Pg. 296 4.N.c developed by the contractor to protect client confidentiality; ii. Responses to jail kites (requests for assistance from inmates incarcerated in the Kent Correctional Facility); N L 0 iii. The number of cases where review of body worn camera video is provided and the total Q number of hours spent by Contractor to review the video. L iv_++. Documentation of the following topics that a� shall be discussed with clients to include but r- not be limited to: 0 1. Possible defenses a� 2. Need for independent investigation 3. Existing physical or mental health issues 4. Immigration status and consequences E a� 5. Client goals 6. Possible dispositions r 7. Need for additional discovery o 8. Possible case disposition in the manner E developed by the contractor to protect client confidentiality E a v_iv. In the event a defendant who has been assigned a public defender wishes to enter a plea of guilty at his or her first meeting with LO the Public Defender, documentation PNL demonstrating the Public Defender's r information and statement to the defendant r about the risks associated with a plea at that E time. This information will only be turned over E Q r c E a THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 2 OF 5 Packet Pg. 297 4.N.c to the City under circumstances that do not violate the RPC's (i.e. pursuant to court order). C. Contractor will maintain and provide to the City a quarterly report detailing: a� i. The number of cases assigned during the 0 period; ii. The number of cases where review of bodyQ worn camera video isprovided; iii. The total number of hours spent by Contractor cn to review the video: M4. The number of cases in which an investigator T was utilized; vi4. The number of cases that were set for jury call including cases in which the defendant failed L to appear; vi4�t. The number and type of criminal cases handled outside of this contract, including cases assigned by another public entity to the a attorneys assigned to this contract; and vii. The percentage of the Contractor's practice 2 spent in private defense representation, civil or other non-criminal matters y the attorneys assigned to this contract. E a U_ 2.2 Payment for Indigent Defense Services. Section XXVII.A. of the N Agreement is amended as follows: le A. Payment for Services. The City shall provide to r Contractor for services rendered under this Agreement the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($850,000) per year, payable on a pro rata basis through equal monthly payments Q of $70,833.33 per month from January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019, though the final monthly payment for December of 2019 will be in the amount of $70,833.37. M a If Council approval and ratification is obtained as required by the Second Amendment to extend the THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 3 OF 5 Packet Pg. 298 4.N.c Agreement for an additional one year term, the same monthly amount shall be paid by the City to Contractor for services rendered from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020. With the Kent Police Department's implementation N of body worn cameras. the City agrees to provide o Contractor additional compensation of $10,000 per E month for the months of October November, and a December of 2019. This additional compensation will cease after December 31 2019 unless the parties negotiate a subsequent amendment to extend this � additional funding or otherwise alter the annual compensation amount of$850.000 for the final term � of the Agreement. T c Contractor shall bill the City each month for services rendered herein. In the event this Agreement is P terminated pursuant to the provisions set forth in this Agreement, the Contractor's compensation shall Jq be prorated based upon the number of months and portions of months which have elapsed between the E commencement of the year and the effective date of termination. a 2.3 Remaining Provisions Unchanged. All other provisions of the original Z Agreement, as previously amended, and not inconsistent with this Third Amendment ° 0 shall remain in full force and effect. E 2.4 Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement and prior to the effective date of this Third Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, a and the terms of the Agreement, as previously amended, and this Third Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. `` T LO 2.5 Authority to Sign. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Third Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. r c a� IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Third Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. Q CITY: CONTRACTOR: c a� E CITY OF KENT STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL INC., P.S. a 1 THIRD AMENDMENT T4AGREEM R INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 4 OF 5 Packet Pg. 299 4.N.c Name: Dana Ralph Name: ► ]HNz-kAc- Title: Mayor Title: FART sFl?--, Date: Date:_10 -9- lei lCitclel VED AS TO FORM: a� JT N O t 3 y Attorneys Office Q a� a� a� k c a� L O d E d d L a O c m E c m E Q z ii T LO N N C d E C N E Q C d E t V M r Q THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 5 OF 5 Packet Pg. 300 4.N.c FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES a� N This Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Fourth 0 Amendment") is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal Q corporation ("City") and STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL, INC., P.S., a N Washington professional services corporation ("Contractor"), and amends the parties' Agreement for Indigent Defense Services ("Agreement") executed on December 22, 2014, with an Effective Date of January 1, 2015. a� c I. RECITALS .� aD 0 1.1 The parties current Agreement is effective through December 31, 2020. a� 1.2 On October 17, 2019, the parties signed a Third Amendment to adjust the monthly compensation paid to Contractor for the months of September 2019 L2 through December 2019 to address the volume of criminal case filings, and the impacts to public defense case preparation associated with the Kent Police E Department's launch of its officer body worn camera program. The negotiated increase in compensation was authorized only through December 31, 2019, and the Q Third Amendment expressly provided an additional contract amendment would be r needed if the parties determined it was appropriate to provide additional ° compensation in 2020. CD 1.3 After further negotiation and evaluation, the parties have agreed to further increase the monthly compensation due Contractor through the remainder of E a the Agreement's term. U- NOW THEREFORE, the City and Contractor agree as follows: LO II. AGREEMENT PNL v r 2.1 S vpe of Services. Standards and Warranties. Section XIII.B. and � XIII.C. of the Agreement are amended to add tracking and reporting requirements for body camera footage as follows: E XIII. SCOPE OF SERVICES, STANDARDS AND WARRANTIES a r c a� E B. The Contractor will develop a system that properly a records interactions and work performed on behalf of public defense clients to include: FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 1 OF 5 Packet Pg. 301 4.N.c i. Attempts and actual contact with clients within 72 hours of appointment in the manner developed by the contractor to protect client confidentiality; N ii. Responses to jail kites (requests for assistance from inmates incarcerated in the Kent Q Correctional Facility); v, as iii. The nufnbeF ef eases where review of body, a� The total number of hours spent by Contractor to review the video. a c iv. Documentation of the following topics that shall be discussed with clients to include but not be limited to: 0 1. Possible defenses E a� 2. Need for independent investigation a 3. Existing physical or mental health issues 0 4. Immigration status and consequences a� 5. Client goals E c as 6. Possible dispositions E 7. Need for additional discovery i- 8. Possible case disposition in the mannerLO r developed by the contractor to protect client confidentiality le V. In the event a defendant who has been assigned a public defender wishes to enter a plea of guilty at his or her first meeting with the Public Defender, documentation E demonstrating the Public Defender's information and statement to the defendant a about the risks associated with a plea at that time. This information will only be turned over M to the City under circumstances that do not a violate the RPC's (i.e. pursuant to court order). FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 2 OF 5 Packet Pg. 302 4.N.c C. Contractor will maintain and provide to the City a quarterly report detailing: i. The number of cases assigned during the period; i 0 ii. The number of eases Wh.-Fe iii. The total number of hours spent by Contractor to review the video; in a� iiiy. The number of cases in which an investigator JT was utilized; c iv. The number of cases that were set for jury call P including cases in which the defendant failed to appear; ,o c vi. The number and type of criminal cases handled E outside of this contract, including cases a assigned by another public entity to the Q attorneys assigned to this contract; and 0 vii. The percentage of the Contractor's practice spent in private defense representation, civil E or other non-criminal matters the attorneys assigned to this contract. E a i_ 2.2 Payment for Indigent Defense Services. Section XXVII.A. of the LO Agreement is amended as follows: A. Payment for Services. The City shall provide to r Contractor for services rendered under this a Agreement the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED�' ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS E f$1,175 a003 per year, payable on a pro rata basis Q through equal monthly payments of $70, o 3 a !W,916.67 per month from January 1, 2020 2019, through December 31, 2020 2919, though the final a monthly payment for December of 2020 2019 will be Q in the amount of $97 9916 33 $70 8".". FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 3 OF 5 Packet Pg. 303 4.N.c if Gear•r M-a" C a-i---d--ate feqHired by the Secend--711V--ffe�ndment to extend the Agree e t for an additional one yeaF teF99, the same i2n$f?thly ameunt shall be t4e---C4ty—tB CentFaetor -fer SeFv lees-rt�er-ed---€re f-4att� N L 2020, hr�gWDeeefnher 33, 242-G-. 3 be4y—were eameFa , the City agFees-te provide r.,n t a �,ri iti iEempensatieig "fl 0- nor U ra-ef Ge�9�-�iv�frv�`'rrnb ""u�c`3Yi1d �' y DeEember of 2019. Trhr45 additional cvongpensatian--will � cease afteF Decemberi, 20-19�irkes5 the parties � -negotiate—a sou bs e_t-,-.� R ram-te--e e-n-d this 1.2 - rg n u ar1 o Compensation arnount of $850,000 for the -9 a 14effft Contractor shall bill the City each month for services o rendered herein. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions set forth in this a Agreement, the Contractor's compensation shall be E prorated based upon the number of months and L portions of months which have elapsed between the Q commencement of the year and the effective date of termination. o r 2.3 Remaining Pro visions_U_nchan�ed. All other provisions of the original Agreement, as previously amended, and not inconsistent with this Fourth Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. a 2.4 Ratification. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement and prior to the effective date of this Fourth Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, U- and the terms of the Agreement, as previously amended, and this Fourth Amendment LO shall be deemed to have applied. PNL v r c E c E Q r E a FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 4 OF 5 Packet Pg. 304 4.N.c 2.5 Authority to Sion. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Fourth Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. a� IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Fourth Amendment, which L will become effective on the last date written below. Q CITY: CONTRACTOR: N m CITY OF KENT STEWART MACNICHOLS HARMELL a� INC., P.S. a� c o Name: Dana Ralph Name:_K-c=Aj Title: Ma r Title: NAAAAfmb f.dR2TMf Ic— - �+ Date:- l Date:- I Z.I Z 0 1APPED AS TO FORM: c a� E a� a� L ty Attorneys Office Q a� r o L c City Clerk E a t i- LO N N C d E C d E Q r-+ C d E L V R a FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES - 5 OF 5 Packet Pg. 305 4.N.c m N O t 3 a C JT L O d d d L a O c m E c m E Q z ii T LO N N C d E C N E Q C d E t V m r Q Packet Pg. 306 4.0 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5454 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Ordinance Amending KCC 13.01 and 14.01 - Building Codes - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4386 amending Chapter 13.01, and Ordinance No. 4387, amending Chapter 14.01 of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 editions of the International Building, Existing Building, Residential, Mechanical, Energy, Property Maintenance and Fire Codes, and the Uniform Plumbing Code, together with the City's local amendments to those codes as depicted in these ordinances, to revise Section 14.08.020 to refer to changes to the adopted codes, and to make other housekeeping amendments. SUMMARY: On February 1, 2021, the 2018 editions of the International Building, Existing Building, Residential, Fire, Energy Conservation, Property Maintenance and Mechanical Codes and the Uniform Plumbing Code, with statewide amendments, will replace the current 2015 editions of these codes statewide. Cities are required by law and the State Building Code Council to administer and enforce these codes, and have the authority to enact local amendments, provided that they do not diminish the Codes' statewide minimum performance standards. Attached are proposed ordinances to adopt the 2018 code editions and the City's local amendments to these codes, and to make other housekeeping amendments. BACKGROUND: The replacement of the older editions of these codes with the 2018 editions, including statewide amendments, is mandated by Chapters 19.27 and 19.27A of the Revised Code of Washington and Chapters 51-11C, 51-11R, 51-50, 51-51, 51-52, 51-54A and 51-56 of the Washington Administrative Code. The attached proposed ordinances provide local amendments that retain the current administrative provisions. Other amendments to these codes are primarily housekeeping in nature. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Packet Pg. 307 4.0 Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance Fire Code Update 2018 (PDF) 2. Draft Ordinance Building Code 2018 (PDF) Packet Pg. 308 4.O.a a 0 Q N N O U ORDINANCE NO. 4386 .3 m 0 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 edition of the r International Fire Code and to make other M housekeeping amendments and amendments applicable to Kent. Y c a� RECITALS a a� A. In response to legislative amendments adopted by the State of Washington, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 4201 on 0 May 17, 2016, which adopted the 2015 edition of the International Fire o� Code. The state recently adopted the 2018 edition of this code, which takes N effect and applies to all cities in the state on February 1, 2021. Therefore, 00 0 it is necessary to amend the Kent City Code to formally adopt the same. CN 2 a D B. In addition to adopting the 2018 code edition, this ordinance 0 also includes other housekeeping amendments, including updating L references to code sections that have been renumbered in the 2018 edition, i- 0) and local amendments which include regional emergency responder radio system requirements, operational permit requirements for companies who 0 install and maintain fire protection systems, operational permit L requirements for companies who service and clean commercial kitchen hood and duct systems, and provide additional tools in the enforcement of the codes. Q 1 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 309 4.O.a NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, 0 WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: a N N ORDINANCE 0 a� SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 13.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Fire Codes," is hereby amended as follows: m Chapter 13.01 0 FIRE CODES c r O Sec. 13.01.010 Fire code — Adopted. In accordance with Chapter 19.27 RCW, the International Fire Code, 2018 Edition, published by the Y International Code Council, Inc., together with any additions, deletions, and exceptions currently enacted or as may be amended from time to time by E the state of Washington through its Building Code Council pursuant to a a� Chapter 51-54A WAC, and as further amended in this chapter, is hereby adopted and incorporated by this reference. 0 One (1) copy of the International Fire Code and the appendices adopted in N KCC 13.01.030(A) are on file with the city's fire code official. 0 N N a+ R Sec. 13.01.020 Code conflicts. To the extent allowed by RCW a 19.27.040, if a conflict exists between the provisions of the International a 0 Fire Code adopted and amended by the Washington State Building Code L) L Council and the provisions of this chapter, the Kent City Code provisions iL 0) shall govern. c a L 0 Sec. 13.01.030 Amendments to the International Fire Code — 0 L Chapter 1, Scope and Administration. The following local amendments to Chapter 1 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Scope and Administration," including all amendments enacted by the state of Q 2 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. M 4.O.a Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: a a A. Scope and General Requirements - Fire code appendix adopted. o U Section 101 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Scope and General Requirements," is amended by adding the following new subsection 101.6: .3 m Sec. 101.6. Fire code appendix adopted. Appendix B of 0 the International Fire Code is hereby adopted. r B. General authority and responsibilities - Retained authority. Section M 104 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General Authority and U Responsibilities," is amended by adding the following new subsection c 104.1.1: c as E a Sec. 104.1.1. Retained authority - Additional conditions. The fire code official retains the authority to impose additional conditions where the official determines it necessary to mitigate identified fire protection impacts o and problematic fire protection systems. These conditions may include, by way of example and without limitation, N increased setbacks, use of fire retardant materials, CO installation or modification of standpipes, automatic fire o sprinkler and fire alarm systems. CN a C. General authority and responsibilities - Lot lines and setback lines. CD Section 104 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General Authority and c0 Responsibilities," is amended by adding the following new subsection 104.12: c c �a L Sec. 104.12. Lot lines and setback lines. O r Notwithstanding the authority of the fire code official to L administer and enforce the fire code, the fire code official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code and none shall E be implied. a 3 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 311 4.O.a D. Permits - Term. Section 105 of the International Fire Code, entitled -0a0 "Permits," is amended by adding the following new subsection 105.1.45: a N N O U Sec. 105.1.45. Term. Operational permits issued in accordance with this code shall be valid for a 12 month period and are renewable at the end of that 12 month term. m E. Permits - Expiration of pFeject peF applications. Section 105 of the 0 International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 105.2.3 with the following: o M U Sec. 105.2.3. Expiration of project permit. Y applications. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to those deadlines. All other preject construction or operational permit applications shall expire by limitation if a no permit is issued within 180 days after the determination that a fully complete project permit application has been submitted, unless the fire code official determines, in his or her sole discretion, that the application has been o pursued in good faith. The fire code official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more N periods, each period not exceeding 90 days, upon written 00 request by the applicant if the applicant can demonstrate, o to the satisfaction of the fire code official, that CN circumstances beyond the applicant's control have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or c0 destroyed by the fire code official. In order to renew action 0) on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit i- plans and pay a new review fee. U F. Expiration. Section 105 of the International Fire Code, entitled o "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 105.3.1 with the following: M- E Sec. 105.3.1. Expiration. An operational permit shall remain in effect until reissued; renewed or revoked, or for Q 4 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 312 4.O.a such a period of time as specified in the permit. Construction permit expiration shall be governed by the c following: 0 1. Ever permit issued b the fire code official under YP Y � the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and c0 become null and void if the building or work authorized by c such permit is not commenced within one year from the date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the m issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of , 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The fire o official may extend single-family permits that have expired T under this section, after coordination with the building official, for additional periods of up to 180 days at his sole discretion, provided: M U a. No significant changes have or will be made to the Y originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work; and c as b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit a stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of permit issuance. c 2. Permits issued under which work is started and 0 continuously performed, and the necessary periodic inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire LO N according to subsection (E)(1) of this section, shall expire by limitation and become null and void three years from o the date of such permit issuance, except that the fire code N official may grant, after coordination with the building o official, single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. 0 3. For permits other than single-family permits, when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other U- work has been approved, the fire code official may grant after coordination with the building official, one 90-day extension of time past the expiration date for permits stated in subsection (E)(1) or (E)(2) of this section to allow oL the final inspection to occur. L 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not apply to any properties that are the subject of code E enforcement proceedings under Ch. 1.04 KCC. a 5 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 313 4.O.a a Cede, entitled "PeFffiitS," is angended by adding the feliewing new subseetien 1 05 A 7. 0 U IM c :a m T T G. Permits - Required operational permits. Section 105 of the 0 International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by modifying subsection 105.6: c Sec. 105.6. Required operational permits. The fire code official is authorized to issue operational permits for E the operations set forth in Sections 105.6.1 through 105.6.55. c L GH. Permits - Commercial kitchens. Section 105 of the International Fire O Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by adding the following new subsection LO N. 105.6.52: 00 T 0 N d Sec. 105.6.52. Commercial Kitchen. An operational permit is required for all commercial kitchens with type I hood systems. � 0 U HI. Permits - Emergency and standby power systems. Section 105 of the U- International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by adding the 0 following new subsection 105.6.53: L 0 Sec. 105.6.53. Emergency and standby power c systems. An operational permit is required for emergency or standby power systems required by code and identified in NFPA 110. a 6 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 314 4.O.a J. Permits - Fire Protection System Contractor. Section 105 of the 0. International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by adding the -0 following new subsection 105.6.54: a as 0 U Sec. 105.6.54. Fire Protection System Contractor. An c operational permit is required for all companies performing any installation, inspection, service, maintenance, or repair m of any fire protection system. T O K. Permits - Commercial Kitchen Hood and Duct Systems Contractor. c Section 105 of the International Fire Code, entitled Permits," is amended 0 by adding the following new subsection 105.6.55: U U Y Sec. 105.6.55. Commercial Kitchen Hood and Duct 0' c Systems Contractor. An operational permit is required for all companies performing any inspection or cleaning of commercial kitchen hood and duct systems. a as c 0 L. Permits - Required construction permits. Section 105 of the 5 L International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by modifying o subsection 105.7: LO N. 00 T Sec. 105.7. Required construction permits. The fire N code official is authorized to issue construction permits for work as set forth in Sections 105.7.1 through 105.7.28. a CD 13 1M. Permits - Emergency and standby power systems. Section 105 of the 0 International Fire Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by adding the following new subsection 105.7.28: c L Sec. 105.7.28. Emergency and standby power 0 systems. A construction permit is required for the 2 installation of an emergency or standby power system required by code and identified in NFPA 110. E a 7 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 315 4.O.a N. Fees. Section 106 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fees," is r amended by substituting subsection 106.1 with the following: a a Sec. 106.1. Fees. The fire code official shall collect fees c as a condition to issuance or renewal of any permit or L) certificate. M O. Fees - Schedule of permit fees. Section 106 of the International Fire m Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting subsection 106.2 with the o following: c M 0 Sec. 106.2. Schedule of Permit Fees. The fire code official shall prepare a resolution establishing a schedule of fees for council consideration, which fees shall include the �e cost involved in the processing, issuance, and renewal of permits and certificates. Any fee schedule adopted by resolution shall govern the fee amount to be assessed for any permit or certificate. a as c P. Fees - Work commencing before permit issuance. Section 106 of the 5 L International Fire Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting o subsection 106.3 with the following: LO N. 00 Sec. 106.3. Work commencing before permit N issuance. When work for which a permit is required by this code has commenced without a permit, the fees shall be a doubled. The payment of such fees shall not relieve any aD persons from the requirements of this code from any o penalties prescribed by this code. a� L_ U- Q. Fees - Termination. Section 106 of the International Fire Code entitled "Fees," is amended by adding the following new subsection 106.6: L O Sec. 106.6. Termination. Failure to pay for either an c original permit or the required renewal within 60 days of the date notice is given shall result in the City's termination of the permit or certificate application. a 8 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 316 4.O.a 4R. Board of appeals. Section 198 109 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Board of appeals," is amended by substituting Section 448-109 with -00 the following: a as 0 U Sec. 448109. Board of appeals. The City of Kent I hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in a order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or m determinations made by the fire code official relative to the , suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of o construction and appeals of the reasonable application and T interpretation of the building and fire codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in section 13.01.140 of the Kent City Code. M U KS. Violation - Penalties. Section 109 110 of the International Fire Code, �e aM entitled 'Violations," is amended by substituting subsection 4-0-9110.3 with c the following: a as c Sec. 4$9110.34. Violation - penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code, or fails to comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, constructs, alters, or o repairs a building or structure in violation of (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the N fire code official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under 00 the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as N set forth in Ch. 13.02 of the Kent City Code or as otherwise %J provided by law. Q. CD L. ees.Seetm�e the-internat+0 aI Fore Ge-de, entitled "Fees," 0 U angended by substituting subseetien 113.1 with the following: L_ U- V C 113.1. Fe The fore cede effm - -.I shall ellect Fees !0 L r}C:CTZ7fmcate. O L r Code entitled ��Fees ' angended by/ ng dC / / en G V a 9 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 317 4.O.a See. 1 1 3.2. Schedule Pe7T7TTl Fees. The fe.,e cede 0 Q fees fee eeunem' een TLCl"GfF feT— PhTieh fees shall r fTGTIA dfe the fA d eest the and cer-tific U any peFrnit OF ceFtificat-e- c :a 7 m T O " is amended by substituting / entitled / 'a M T O M T U 11:3.3. Work com before permiU Y cede has commenced without a peFMit, the fees shall be c deubled. The payment ef sueh fees shall net Felieve any penalties prescribed by this eede- d Q d v c c� c e. Fees T.,.-.-v.;.,-,tie r. C 113 Tnte fflatienaI Fire de :a ec�+e�-�- � a e Cede, L O entitled "Fees," is amended by adding the fellewing new subsection 113.6.! LO N. O T O N r G1 the date netmee is given shall result On the ++ ef the permit OF certificate application. Q N Sec. 13.01.040 Amendments to the International Fire Code - ° U Chapter 2, Definitions. The following local amendments to Chapter 2 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Definitions," including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated L into the International Fire Code as follows: 0 L Cd G V a 10 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 318 4.O.a A. Definitions - General. Section 202 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Definitions," is amended by adding the following definition to a subsection 202: a as 0 U OUTDOOR STORAGE. The storage of materials on-site which are not in transit. PROBLEMATIC FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. A fire protection 0° system that generates repeated preventable. o T Sec. 13.01.050 Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 3, General Requirements. The following local amendments to M Chapter 3 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General Requirements," � including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby c adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: as E a A. Open Flames - Sky Lanterns. Section 308 of the International Fire 0 Code, entitled "Open Flames," is amended by substituting subsection 5 L 308.1.6.3 with the following: o a� N Sec. 308.1.6.3 Sky Lanterns. The use of sky lanterns is 00 prohibited. N a) a " d Code, / 'D 0 31 C it 3 s fellows! (� L_ U_ See. 315.4.3. id'e Pa"ets. idle pallets shall be stered L O See. 315.4.3.1. Buildings protected with autematie 2 auternatic sprinklers, the storage of Odle pallets shall be in buildings ffeteeted with appFeved acvrda n ce with N PA13 Table Al2.12.1.1-. E z tt to a 11 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 319 4.O.a See. 31: Bum'dings without sprinkle pretectien. in buildings that de net have pFeteetienQ- 0 pallets shall be On accordance with Table 315.4.3.2. T-a b'a 91: C.A.9.2 Clearance 0 Between Storage and Buildi Over Openings 2-GG c :a Type is Pa#etsPa"et g c MasenF None § -5 I-9 r 0 ri U pu U Y 0� c m M a s6 n Fy 3$ 2-9 -3G E Q pFetee-- - 0 v c L O M a se n r Neft -27G -3G -SG � � u•� N epen g co O N Vthe - Q N i ll .d Amstanc ngeasLiFed feet � ' U a� L U- • • • • • Separation from other storage. The u in accordance w0t rTable 315.4.-3-.-3-. L 0 L d E V R Q 12 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 320 4.O.a Table 3 5 A 7 3 G1...a..a.-ee to Ail-..... Q Storage O Q VT�f� U $-50 2-0 :a S! 200 -30 030 r r c tv r i A ll distances rn e d ., feet. p r U fei=nq stable poles. Poles shall be limited te an aFea not, gFeater than 400 square feet. A distance half the pole heig-h't eF net less than 8 ft. shall sepaFate Y c c . E Q a� v Sec. 13.01.060 Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 5, Fire Service Features. The following local amendments to 0 Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Service Features," o� r LO including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are adopted N CO and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: o N N a+ R A. Fire service features - Fire apparatus access roads. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is o hereby adopted. i- 0) U B. Fire apparatus access roads - Dimensions. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended o by substituting subsection 503.2.1 with the following: 2 L Sec. 503.2.1. Dimensions. The following minimum E dimensions shall apply for fire apparatus access roads: Q 13 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 321 4.O.a 1. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an o unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6,096 mm), a except for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4,115 mm). 0 U 2. Fire apparatus access road routes shall be approved by the fire code official. m C. Fire apparatus access roads - Surface. Section 503 of the 0 International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.3 with the following: o M U Sec. 503.2.3. Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall Y be constructed with a surface of asphalt; or concreted-r other approved driving SUFface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 30 tons (27,240 kg). a a� c D. Fire apparatus access roads - Turning radius. Section 503 of the L International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended 0 by substituting subsection 503.2.4 with the following: LO N CO r Sec. 503.2.4. Turning radius. All fire apparatus access N CD roads shall have a 30 foot minimum inside turning radius and a 50 foot minimum outside turning radius. The radius a must be measured from the travel lane edge, unless CD otherwise approved. o U a� L E. Fire apparatus access roads - Dead ends. Section 503 of the i_ N International Fire Code is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.5 with the following: 0 L Sec. 503.2.5. Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45.72 m) in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround designed as E Q 14 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 322 4.O.a illustrated in the Kent Design and Construction Standards, unless otherwise approved. o a F. Fire apparatus access roads - Bridges and elevated surfaces. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," 0 U is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.6 with the following: c .3 m Sec. 503.2.6. Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with specifications established by the fire code official and the o City's public works director, or their designees; at a minimum, however, the bridge or elevated surface shall be U constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO Y Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of a 30 or more ton fire apparatus, the total imposed load to be determined by the a fire code official. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges when required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for o that use, approved barriers or approved signs, or both, shall be installed and maintained, if required by the fire N code official. 00 r O N G. Fire apparatus access roads - Grade. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by a� substituting subsection 503.2.7 with the following: o U a� L LL Sec. 503.2.7. Grade. Fire apparatus access roads shall a) not exceed 15 percent longitudinal and/or 6 percent laterally in grade. Approach and departure angle for fire apparatus access shall be as determined by the fire code o official. L d E V R Q 15 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 323 4.O.a H. Fire apparatus access roads - Access road width with a hydrant. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Apparatus Access a Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.2.9: a N N O U Sec. 503.2.9. Access road width with a hydrant. Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum road width shall be 26 feet for 20 feet m on both sides of the hydrant operating nut and shall be , marked as a fire lane per Section 503.3. o I. Fire apparatus access roads - Marking. Section 503 of the r International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended M by substituting subsection 503.3 with the following: U Y a� c Sec. 503.3. Marking. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked whenever necessary to maintain the unobstructed minimum required width of roadways. a Subject to the fire code official's prior written approval, marked fire apparatus access roads, or "fire lanes," may be established or relocated at the time of plan review, pre- construction site inspection, and/or post construction site o inspection as well as any time during the life of the occupancy. Only those fire apparatus access roads N established by the fire code official can utilize red marking 00 paint and the term "fire lane." Fire lanes shall be marked N as directed by the fire code official with one or more of the N following types of markings in accordance with the Kent Design and Construction Standards: a� O Sec. 503.3.1. Type 1. Type 1 marking shall be installed to identify fire lanes on hammerhead turnarounds, commercial and multi-family developments or as directed 0) by the fire code official. Sec. 503.3.2. Type 2. Type 2 marking shall be installed o to identify fire lanes in one- and two-family dwelling developments, or as directed by the fire code official. o a� E Q 16 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 324 4.O.a Sec. 503.3.3. Type 3. Type 3 marking shall be installed to address situations where neither Type 1 or 2 marking is o effective as determined by the fire code official. a a 1. Specific areas designated by the fire code official o shall be marked with diagonal striping across the width of the fire lane. Diagonal marking shall be used in conjunction c with painted curbs and/or edge striping and shall run at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees from one side to the other. These m diagonal lines shall be in red traffic paint, parallel with each other, at least 6 inches in width, and 24 inches apart. Lettering shall occur as with Type 1 marking. r J. Fire apparatus access roads - Establishment of fire lanes. Section M 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," U is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.7: c Sec. 503.7 Establishment of fire lanes. Fire lanes in E conformance with this code shall be established by the fire a code official or designee, and shall be in accordance with 503.7.1 through 503.7.8. L Sec. 503.7.1 Obstruction of fire lanes prohibited. The o obstruction of a designated fire lane by a parked vehicle or any other object is prohibited and shall constitute a traffic N hazard as defined in State law and an immediate hazard to 00 life and property. o N N a+ Sec. 503.7.2 Existing fire lane signs and markings. The following signs and markings shall be provided: CD 1. Signs (minimum nine-inch by 16-inch) may be c0 allowed to remain until there is a need for replacement and at that time the sign shall meet the requirements of i_ subsection 503.3.2 c c 2. Markings may be allowed to remain until there is a need for repainting and at that time the provisions outlined O in 503.3 shall be complied with. 2 0 Sec. 503.7.3 Maintenance. Fire lane markings shall be maintained at the expense of the property owner(s) as E Q 17 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 325 4.O.a often as needed to clearly identify the designated area as being a fire lane. o Sec. 503.7.4 Towing notification. At each entrance to Q property where fire lanes have been designated, signs shall a be posted in a clearly conspicuous location and shall clearly 0 state that vehicles parked in fire lanes may be impounded, and the name, telephone number, and address of the towing firm where the vehicle may be redeemed. m Sec. 503.7.5 Responsible property owner. The owner, o manager, or person in charge of any property upon which designated fire lanes have been established shall prevent the parking of vehicles or placement of other obstructions r in such fire lanes. M r Sec. 503.7.6 Violation - Penalty. Any person who fails Y to mark or maintain the marking of a designated fire lane as prescribed herein, or who obstructs or allows the obstruction of a designated fire lane, other than the parking of a vehicle, shall be deemed to have committed a E violation. The penalty for violation of this section shall be the monetary penalty identified in the current fee resolution. L O Sec. 503.7.7 Violation - Civil penalty. In addition to, or as an alternate to, the penalties specified above, a violation CY) of any provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Chapter 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may00 be assessed and abatement may be required and/or N otherwise enforced as provided therein. a Sec. 503.7.8 Impoundment. Any vehicle or object a� obstructing a designated fire lane is declared a traffic o hazard and may be abated without prior notification to its L) owner by impoundment pursuant to the applicable State law. The owner or operator shall be responsible for all towing and impound charges. L K. Fire apparatus access roads - Commercial and industrial 0 r developments. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire o Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.8: r r Q 18 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 326 4.O.a Sec. 503.8. Commercial and Industrial a Developments. Fire apparatus access roads serving a commercial and industrial developments shall be in accordance with Sections 503.8.1 through 503.8.3. o U Sec. 503.8.1. Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet or m three stories in height shall have at least two means of fire , apparatus access for each structure. o Sec. 503.8.2. Buildings exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or facilities having a gross building area o of more than 62,000 square feet shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. U Y a� Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped E throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems. c Sec. 503.8.3. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not o less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, N measured in a straight line between accesses or as CO approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. N a� L. Fire apparatus access roads - Aerial fire apparatus access roads. a Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access 0 Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.9: L U- 0 Sec. 503.9. Aerial fire apparatus roads. The fire apparatus access roads that accommodate aerial fire apparatus shall be in accordance with Sections 503.9.1 0 through 503.9.3. 0 L Sec. 503.9.1. Where required. Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the E lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be Q 19 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 327 4.O.a provided with approved fire apparatus access roads that are capable of accommodating fire department aerial o apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be a located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. N N O Sec. 503.9.2 Width. Fire apparatus access roads shall L) have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet, exclusive c of shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet in height. m Sec. 503.9.3 Proximity to building. At least one of the 0 required access routes meeting this condition shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The location of the parallel access route shall be approved. o M Sec. 503.9.4. Obstructions. Overhead utility and power U lines shall not be located over the aerial fire apparatus Y access road or between the aerial apparatus access road and the building. Other obstructions shall be permitted to be placed with the approval of the fire code official. a a� M. Fire apparatus access roads - Multifamily residential developments. c Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Apparatus Access 0 Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.10: o� LO N Sec. 503.10. Multi-family residential developments. 00 The fire apparatus access roads serving multi-family N CD residential developments shall be in accordance with Sections 503.10.1 through 503.10.3. a CD Sec. 503.10.1. Projects having from 100 through 200 c0 dwelling units. Multi-family residential projects having from 100 through 200 dwelling units shall be provided with i_ two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. U Exception: Projects having up to 200 dwelling units may 0 have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings, including nonresidential occupancies, are o equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. Q 20 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 328 4.O.a Sec. 503.10.2. Projects having more than 200 dwelling units. Multi-family residential projects having 0 more than 200 dwelling units shall be provided with two a separate and approved fire apparatus access roads regardless of whether they are equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 0 U Sec. 503.10.3. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to m not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall , diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, o measured in a straight line between accesses or as approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. r O N. Fire apparatus access roads - One- and two-family residential developments. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Y Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by adding the following new subsection 503.11: E a a� Sec. 503.11. One- and Two-family residential developments. The fire apparatus access roads serving one- and two-family residential developments shall be in o accordance with Section 503.11.1 and 503.11.2. o� LO N Sec. 503.11.1. Projects having more than 30 CO dwelling units. Developments of one- or two-family N dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 N shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. a� 0 Exceptions: L 1. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units on a i_ single public or private fire apparatus access road and all U dwelling units are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2, or 903.3.1.3 of the o International Fire Code, access from two directions shall 2- not be required. a� 2. The number of dwelling units on a single fire E apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire Q 21 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 329 4.O.a apparatus access roads will, within a reasonable time, connect with future development, as determined by the fire o code official. a Sec. 503.11.2. Remoteness. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to 0 U not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses or as m approved by the fire code official and the fire chief. , 0 v O. Fire apparatus access roads - Underground structures. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled, "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is r 0 amended by adding the following new subsection 503.11: U U Y Sec. 503.11. Underground structures. Installation of underground structures under or within 10 feet of fire apparatus access roads shall be designed using approved load criteria that shall accommodate the loading of fire a department aerial apparatus unless otherwise approved. P. Fire protection water supplies - Records. Section 507 of the 0 International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is o� amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.2.1: N 00 r O Sec. 507.5.2.1. Records. Records of all system CN inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standard shall be maintained on the premises for three years; copies shall be submitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 c0 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system. i- rna ntenance required by the Feferenced standard shall be U �a L L d E V R Q 22 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 330 4.O.a Q. Fire protection water supplies - Records. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is -0a0 amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.3.1: a N N O U Sec. 507.5.3.1. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the referenced standard shall be maintained on the premises m for three years; copies shall be submitted in a form and , manner determined by the fire code official within 30 0 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system. r O QR. Fire protection water supplies - Physical protection. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is Y amended by substituting subsection 507.5.6 with the following: a� E Sec. 507.5.6. Physical protection. Where fire hydrants a are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, guard posts shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Kent Design and Construction Standards. 0 RS. Fire protection water supplies - Fire hydrant. Section 507 of the LO N International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is CO r amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.7 as follows: N CD M a Sec. 507.5.7. Fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be CD designed and installed in accordance with the local water o purveyor's design and construction standards. L LL ST. Fire protection water supplies - Backflow prevention. Section 507 of c the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is L amended by adding a new subsection 507.5.8 as follows: 0 L Sec. 507.5.8. Backflow prevention. All private fire systems shall be isolated by an approved method in E accordance with the local water purveyor. Q 23 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 331 4.O.a TU. Fire protection water supplies - Capacity for residential areas. Section -0a0 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," a N is amended by adding a new subsection 507.6 as follows: o U c Sec. 507.6. Capacity for residential areas. All hydrants installed in single family residential areas shall be capable m of delivering 1,500 gpm fire-flow over and above average maximum demands at the farthest point of the installation. 14V. Fire protection water supplies - Spacing. Section 507 of the r o International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 507.7 as follows: Y c Sec. 507.7. Spacing. The spacing of hydrants shall be in accordance with Sections 507.7.1 through 507.7.5. E a a� Sec. 507.7.1. Single family. The maximum fire hydrant spacing serving single family residential areas shall be 600 feet as measured along the fire apparatus access road. o o� LO Sec. 507.7.2. Commercial, industrial and multi- N family. The maximum fire hydrant spacing servingCO commercial, industrial, multi-family or other areas shall be N CD 300 feet as measured along the fire apparatus access road. a Sec. 507.7.3. Medians. Where streets are provided with � median dividers which cannot be crossed by firefighters c0 pulling hose lines, hydrants shall be provided on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis, i_ providing, on each side of the street, no more than the U maximum spacing. L O Sec. 507.7.4. Arterials. Where arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes hydrants shall be o provided on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis, providing, on each side of the street, no more than the maximum spacing. Q 24 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 332 4.O.a Sec. 507.7.5. Transportation. Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed 0 for protection of structures or similar fire problems, fire a hydrants shall be provided at a spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet to provide for transportation hazards. 0 U VW. Fire protection water supplies - Required hydrants. Section 507 of the c International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is m amended by adding a new subsection 507.8 as follows: 0 v Sec. 507.8. Required hydrants. The number of hydrants required for a building shall be based on the calculated fire- o flow. The first hydrant will be calculated for up to 1,500 gpm. An additional hydrant will be required for every U additional 1,000 gpm, or fraction thereof. The required Y hydrants shall be within 600 feet of the building as measured along the fire apparatus access roads serving the building. a a� WX. Fire protection water supplies - Notification. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is 0 amended by adding a new subsection 507.9 as follows: o� LO N Sec. 507.9. Notification. The owner of property on whichCO private hydrants are located and the public agencies that N CD own or control public hydrants must provide the fire code official with the following written service notifications in a accordance with 507.9.1 and 507.9.2: CD 0 U Sec. 507.9.1. In-service notification. The fire code official shall be notified when any newly installed hydrant i_ or main is placed into service. U 0 Sec. 507.9.2. Out-of-service notification. Where any o hydrant is out of service or has not yet been placed in service, the hydrant shall be identified as being out of o service and shall be appropriately marked as out of service, by a method approved by the fire code official. 0 Q 25 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 333 4.O.a XY. Fire protection water supplies - Building permit requirements. Section 507 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," -0a0 is amended by adding a new subsection 507.10 as follows: a N N O U Sec. 507.10. Building permit requirements. No building permit shall be issued until all plans required by this section have been submitted and approved in m accordance with the provisions of this section. , 0 No construction beyond the foundation shall be allowed until all hydrants and mains required by this section are in place and approved. r O M Z. Emergency Responder Radio Coverage. Section 510 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Emergency Responder Radio Coverage," is Y amended by substituting Section 510 with the following. a� E Sec. 510.1 Emergency responder radio coverage in new buildings. Approved radio coverage for emergency responders shall be provided within buildings meeting any of the following conditions: o 1. High rise buildings; 2. The total building area is 50,000 square feet or LO more; N 3. The total basement area is 10,000 square feet orCO 0 more; or N 4. There are floors used for human occupancy more than 30 feet below the finished floor of the lowest level of a exit discharge. a� 5. Buildings or structures where the Fire or Police Chief o determines that in-building radio coverage is critical L) because of its unique design, location, use or occupancy. 0) The radio coverage system shall be installed in accordance with Sections 510.4 through 510.5.5 of this code and with the provisions of NFPA 1221 (2019). This section shall not o require improvement of the existing public safety communication systems. o a� Point of Information E Q 26 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fie Codes Packet Pg. 334 4.O.a When determining if the minimum signal strength referenced 510.4.1.1 exists at a subject building, the signal o strength shall be measured at any point on the exterior of a the building up to the highest point on the roof. N N O Exceptions: a� 1. Buildings and areas of buildings that have minimum radio coverage signal strength levels of m the King County Regional 800 MHz Radio System , within the building in accordance with Section o 510.4.1 without the use of a radio coverage system. 2. In facilities where emergency responder radio r coverage is required and such systems, components M or equipment required could have a negative impact on the normal operations of that facility, the fire Y code official shall have the authority to accept an automatically activated emergency responder radio coverage system. E 3. One- and two-family dwellings and townhouses. c Sec. 510.2 Emergency responder radio coverage in existing buildings. o Existing buildings shall be provided with approved radio coverage for emergency responders as required in Chapter N 11. 00 r O Sec. 510.3 Permit required. A construction permit for CN the installation of or modification to emergency responder radio coverage systems and related equipment is required as specified in Section 105.7.6. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification ° U and does not require a permit. i- a) Point of Information Prior coordination and approval from the Public Safety Radio System Operator is required before installation of an o Emergency Responder Radio System. Until 2022, such approval is required from EPSCA, King County, Seattle or o ValleyCom depending on the location of the installation. In 2022 PSERN will be the single operator of a county wide system. Q 27 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 335 4.O.a In order to be forward compatible, designers and contractors should be aware of PSERN's requirements for o Distributed Antenna Systems which can be found via a N O Sec. 510.4 Technical requirements. Systems, components and equipment required to provide the c emergency responder radio coverage system shall comply M with Sections 510.4.1 through 510.4.2.8. m Sec. 510.4.1 Emergency responder 0 communication enhancement system signal strength. The building shall be considered to have acceptable emergency responder communications o enhancement system coverage when signal strength measurements in 95 percent of all areas on each floor of the building meet the signal strength �e requirements in Sections 510.4.1.1 through 510.4.1.3. c as - E Exception: Critical areas, such as the fire a command center(s), the fire pump room(s), interior exit stairways, exit passageways, elevator lobbies standpipe cabinets, sprinkler sectional valve locations and other areas required by the fire code o official shall be provided with 99 percent floor area radio coverage. N 00 Sec. 510.4.1.1 Minimum signal strength N into the building. The minimum inbound signal strength shall be sufficient to provide Q. usable voice communications throughout the as coverage area as specified by the fire code c official. The inbound signal level shall be a minimum of -95dBm in 95% of the coverage area and 99% in critical areas and sufficient a� to provide not less than a Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ) of 3.0 or an equivalent Signal- to-Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) o applicable to the technology for either analog or digital signals. c` c Sec. 510.4.1.2 Minimum signal strength out of the building. The minimum outbound signal strength shall be sufficient to provide a 28 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 336 4.O.a usable voice communications throughout the coverage area as specified by the fire code o official. The outbound signal level shall be a sufficient to provide not less than a DAQ of 3.0 or an equivalent SINR applicable to the technology for either analog or digital 0 U signals. A minimum signal strength of -95 dBm shall be received by the King County Regional 800 MHz Radio System when m transmitted from within the building. , 0 Sec. 510.4.1.3 System performance. Signal strength shall be sufficient to meet the requirements of the applications being utilized r by public safety for emergency operations M through the coverage area as specified by the radio system manager in Section 510.4.2.2. Y Sec. 510.4.2 System design. The emergency responder radio coverage system shall be designed in accordance with Sections 510.4.2.1 through E 510.4.2.8 and NFPA 1221 (2019). c Sec. 510.4.2.1 Amplification systems and components. Buildings and structures o that cannot support the required level of radio coverage shall be equipped with systems and LO components to enhance the public safety N radio signals and achieve the required level ofCO radio coverage specified in Sections 510.4.1 N through 510.4.1.3. Public safety communications enhancement systems a utilizing radio-frequency-emitting devices and a� cabling shall be allowed by the Public Safety o Radio System Operator. Prior to installation L) all RF-emitting devices shall have the certification of the radio licensing authority 0) and be suitable for public safety use. Sec. 510.4.2.2 Technical criteria. The o Public Safety Radio System Operator shall provide the various frequencies required, the o location of radio sites, the effective radiated power of radio sites, the maximum propagation delay in microseconds, the applications being used and other supporting a 29 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 337 4.O.a technical information necessary for system design upon request by the building owner or o owner's representative. Q Sec. 510.4.2.3 Power supply sources. Emergency responder radio coverage systems 0 U shall be provided with dedicated standby batteries or provided with 2-hour standby batteries and connected to the facility 3 generator power system in accordance with 00 Section 1203. The standby power supply shall o be capable of operating_ the emergency responder radio coverage system at 100- percent system capacity for a duration of not r less than 12 hours. M Sec. 510.4.2.4 Signal booster Y requirements. If used, signal boosters shall meet the following requirements: a� 1. All signal booster components shall be E contained in a National Electrical a Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 4, IP66- type waterproof cabinet or equivalent. L 0 Exception: Listed battery systems that are contained in integrated battery cabinets. LO N 2. Battery systems used for theCO emergency power source shall be contained in N a NEMA 3R or higher-rated cabinet, IP65-type waterproof cabinet or equivalent. a a� 3. Equipment shall have FCC or other o radio licensing authority certification and be U suitable for public safety use prior to installation. 0) u c 4. Where a donor antenna exists, isolation shall be maintained between the donor o antenna and all inside antennas to not less than 20dB greater than the system gain under o all operating conditions. a� 5. Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) used in emergency responder radio coverage Q 30 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 338 4.O.a systems shall be fitted with anti-oscillation circuitry and per-channel AGC. c 6. The installation of amplification a systems or systems that operate on or provide the means to cause interference on C U any emergency responder radio coverage IM c networks shall be coordinated and approved �a by the Public Safety Radio System Operator. m 7. Unless otherwise approved by the o Public Safety Radio System Operator, only r channelized signal boosters shall be permitted. 0 ri Exception: Broadband BDA's may be utilized when specifically authorized in writing Y by the Public Safety Radio System Operator. aM c c Point of Information BDA's must also comply with PSERN's a ( detailed requirements, which include channelized, minimum of 28 channels supporting analog, P25 Phase I (FDMA), and P25 Phase II TDMA . O as LO N Sec. 510.4.2.5 System monitoring. The emergency responder radio enhancement N system shall include automatic supervisory and trouble signals that are monitored by a supervisory service and are annunciated by the fire alarm system in accordance with NFPA � 72. The following conditions shall be separately annunciated by the fire alarm ;v system, or, if the status of each of the M following conditions is individually displayed on a dedicated panel on the radio enhancement system, a single automatic supervisory signal may be annunciated on the O fire alarm system indicating deficiencies of 2 the radio enhancement system: c d 1. Loss of normal AC power supply, E a 31 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 339 4.O.a 2. System battery charger(s) failure. r a 3. Malfunction of the donor antenna(s). Q 4. Failure of active RF-emitting device(. 0 U 5. Low-battery capacity at 70-percent reduction of operating capacity. .3 6. Active system component 00 malfunction. o 7. Malfunction of the communications link between the fire alarm system and the r emergency responder radio enhancement M system. U U Sec. 510.4.2.6 Additional frequencies and change of frequencies. The emergency responder radio coverage system shall be capable of modification or expansion E in the event frequency changes are required by the FCC or other radio licensing authority, or additional frequencies are made available by the FCC or other radio licensing authority. o Sec. 510.4.2.7 Design documents. The LO fire code official shall have the authority to N require "as-built" design documents andCO specifications for emergency responder N communications coverage systems. The documents shall be in a format acceptable to a the fire code official. a� 0 Sec. 510.4.2.8 Radio communication antenna density. Systems shall be engineered to minimize the near-far effect. 0) Radio enhancement system designs shall include sufficient antenna density to address reduced gain conditions. o 0 L d E V R Q 32 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 340 4.O.a Exceptions: r a 0 1. Class A narrow band signal booster a devices with independent AGC/ALC circuits per channel. 0 U 1. Systems where all portable devices within the same band use active power control m Sec. 510.5 Installation requirements. The installation o of the public safety radio coverage system shall be in accordance with NFPA 1221 and Sections 510.5.1 through 510.5.7. r O M Sec. 510.5.1 Approval prior to installation. Amplification systems capable of operating on Y frequencies licensed to any public safety agency by 0, the FCC or other radio licensing authority shall not be installed without prior coordination and approval of the Public Safety Radio System Operator. E a a� Sec. 510.5.2 Minimum qualifications of personnel. The minimum qualifications of the system designer and lead installation personnel shall o include both of the following: o� LO 1. A valid FCC-issued general radio telephone N operators license. CO 0 N 2. Certification of in-building system training issued by an approved organization or approved a school, or a certificate issued by the manufacturer a� of the equipment being installed. o U Sec. 510.5.3 Acceptance test procedure. LL Where an emergency responder radio coverage 0) system is required, and upon completion of installation, the building owner shall have the radio system tested to verity that two-way coverage on o each floor of the building is in accordance with Section 510.4.1. The test procedure shall be o conducted as follows: a� 1. Each floor of the building shall be divided into a grid of 20 approximately equal test areas, with a Q 33 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 341 4.O.a maximum test area size of 6,400 square feet. Where the floor area exceeds 128,000 square o feet, the floor shall be divided into as many a approximately equal test areas as needed, such that no test area exceeds the maximum square footage allowed for a test area. 0 U 2. Coverage testing of signal strength shall be conducted using a calibrated spectrum analyzer for m each of the test grids. A diagram of this testing shall , be created for each floor where coverage is o provided, indicating the testing grid used for the test in Section 510.5.3(1), and including signal strengths and frequencies for each test area. Indicate all r critical areas. M 3. Functional talk-back testing shall be Y conducted using two calibrated portable radios of the latest brand and model used by the agency's radio communications system or other equipment approved by the fire code official. Testing shall use E Digital Audible Quality (DAQ) metrics, where a passing result is a DAQ of 3 or higher. Communications between handsets shall be tested and recorded in the grid square diagram o required by section 510.5.3(2): each grid square on each floor; between each critical area and a radio LO outside the building; between each critical area and N the fire command center or fire alarm control panel; CO between each landing in each stairwell and the fire N CD command center or fire alarm control panel. a 4. Failure of more than 5% of the test areas on CD any floor shall result in failure of the test. o U Exception: Critical areas shall be provided with 99 percent floor area coverage. 0) 5. In the event that two of the test areas fail the test, in order to be more statistically accurate, the o floor shall be permitted to be divided into 40 equal test areas. Failure of not more than two nonadjacent o test areas shall not result in failure of the test. If the system fails the 40-area test, the system shall be altered to meet the 95-percent coverage requirement. Q 34 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 342 4.O.a 6. A test location approximately in the center of o each test area shall be selected for the test, with the a radio enabled to verify two-way communications to and from the outside of the building through the public agency's radio communications system. Once 0 U the test location has been selected, that location shall represent the entire test area. Failure in the selected test location shall be considered to be a failure of that test area. Additional test locations 00 shall not be permitted. o 7. The gain values of all amplifiers shall be measured, and the test measurement results shall r be kept on file with the building owner so that the M measurements can be verified during annual tests. In the event that the measurement results become Y lost, the building owner shall be required to rerun the acceptance test to reestablish the pain values. a� 8. As part of the installation, a spectrum E analyzer or other suitable test equipment shall be utilized to ensure spurious oscillations are not being generated by the subject signal booster. This test shall be conducted at the time of installation and at o subsequent annual inspections. o� LO 9. Systems incorporating Class B signal booster N devices or Class B broadband fiber remote devicesCO shall be tested using two portable radios N CD simultaneously conducting subjective voice quality checks. One portable radio shall be positioned not a greater than 10 feet (3048 mm) from the indoor CD antenna. The second portable radio shall be o positioned at a distance that represents the farthest distance from any indoor antenna. With both portable radios simultaneously keyed up on different 0) frequencies within the same band, subjective audio testing shall be conducted and comply with DAQ levels as specified in Sections 510.4.1.1 and o 510.4.1.2. L 10. Documentation maintained on premises. At the conclusion of the testing, and prior to issuance of the building Certificate of Occupancy, the building owner or owner's representative shall place a copy Q 35 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 343 4.O.a of the following records in the DAS enclosure or the building engineer's office. The records shall be o available to the fire code official and maintained by a the building owner for the life of the system: N a. A certification letter stating that the C U emergency responder radio coverage system has been installed and tested in accordance with this code, and that the system is complete and fully m functional. T 0 b. The grid square diagram created as part of T testing in Sections 510.5.3(2) and 510.5.3(3). c C. Data sheets and/or manufacturer M specifications for the emergency responder radio coverage system equipment; back up battery; and Y charging system (if utilized). c d. A diagram showing device locations and wiring schematic, E a as e. A copy of the electrical permit. c 11. Acceptance test reporting to fire code o official. At the conclusion of the testing, and prior to issuance of the building Certificate of Occupancy, the LO building owner or owner's representative shall submit copies of the acceptance test in a form and manner00 determined by the fire code official. N as Sec. 510.5.4 FCC compliance. The emergency a responder radio coverage system installation and aD components shall comply with all applicable federal c regulations including, but not limited to, FCC 47 CFR Part 90.219. U- as Sec. 510.5.5 Mounting of the donor antenna(s). To maintain proper alignment with the system designed donor site, donor antennas o shall be permanently affixed on the highest possible position on the building or where approved by the c` fire code official. A clearly visible sign shall be placed near the antenna stating, "movement or E repositioning of this antenna is prohibited without approval from the fire code official." The antenna a 36 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 344 4.O.a installation shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements in the International Building Code for o weather protection of the building envelope. a Sec. 510.5.6 Wiring. The backbone, antenna a distribution, radiating, or any fiber-optic cables shall 0 U be rated as plenum cables. The backbone cables shall be connected to the antenna distribution, radiating, or copper cables using hybrid coupler m devices of a value determined by the overall design. , Backbone cables shall be routed through an o enclosure that matches the building's required fire- r resistance rating for shafts or interior exit stairways. The connection between the backbone cable and the antenna cables shall be made within an enclosure M that matches the building's fire-resistance rating for shafts or interior exit stairways, and passage of the Y antenna distribution cable in and out of the enclosure shall be protected as a penetration per the International Building Code. E Sec. 510.5.7 Identification Signs. Emergency responder radio coverage systems shall be identified by an approved sign located on or near the Fire 5 Alarm Control Panel or other approved location o stating "This building is equipped with an Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System. Control LO Equipment located in room " 00 A sign stating "Emergency Responder Radio N Coverage System Equipment" shall be placed on or adjacent to the door of the room containing the main a system components. aD 13 0 Sec. 510.6 Maintenance. The emergency responder U radio coverage system shall be maintained operational at all times in accordance with Sections 510.6.1 through a� 510.6.7. c 0 c Sec. 510.6.1 Testing and proof of compliance. o The owner of the building or owner's authorized agent shall have the emergency responder radio c` coverage system inspected and tested annually or where structural changes occur including additions or remodels that could materially change the original a 37 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 345 4.O.a field performance tests. Testing shall consist of the following items (1) through (7): o 1. In-building coverage test as required by the a fire code official as described in Section 510.5.3 "Acceptance test procedure" or 510.6.1.1 C U "Alternative in-building coverage test". c .a Exception: Group R Occupancy annual testing is m not required within dwelling units. , T 0 2. Signal boosters shall be tested to verify that T the gain/output level is the same as it was upon initial installation and acceptance or set to optimize the performance of the system. M 3. Backup batteries and power supplies shall be Y tested under load of a period of 1 hours to verify that IM they will properly operate during an actual power S outage. If within the 1-hour test period the battery exhibits symptoms of failure, the test shall be E extended for additional 1-hour periods until the integrity of the battery can be determined. c 4. If a fire alarm system is present in the o building, a test shall be conducted to verify that the fire alarm system is properly supervising the LO emergency responder communication system as N. required in Section 510.4.2.5. The test is performed00 by simulating alarms to the fire alarm control N panel. The certifications in Section 510.5.2 are sufficient for the personnel performing this testing. a as 5. Other active components shall be checked to c verify operation within the manufacturer's specifications. U- a� 6. At the conclusion of the testing, a report which shall verify compliance with Section 510.6.1, shall be submitted to the fire code official by way of o the department's third-party vendor c` 7. At the conclusion of testing, a record of the inspection and maintenance along with an updated Arid diagram of each floor showing tested strengths a 38 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 346 4.O.a in each grid square and each critical area shall be added to the documentation maintained on the Q- premises in accordance with Section 510.5.3. a 510.6.1.1 Alternative In-building coverage test. When the comprehensive test 0 U documentation required by Section 510.5.3 is available, or the most recent full five-year test results are available if the system is older m than six years, the in-building coverage test , required by the fire code official in Section o 510.6.1(1), may be conducted as follows: 1. Functional talk-back testing shall be r conducted using two calibrated portable M radios of the latest brand and model used by the agency's radio communications system or Y other equipment approved by the fire code official. Testing shall use Digital Audible Quality (DAQ) metrics, where a passing result is a DAQ of 3 or higher. Communications E between handsets in the following locations shall be tested: between the fire command center or fire alarm control panel and a location outside the building; between the fire o alarm control panel and each landing in each stairwell. LO N 2. Coverage testing of signal strengthCO shall be conducted using a calibrated N spectrum analyzer for: (a) Three grid areas per floor. The three a grid areas to be tested on each floor are the - a� three grid areas with poorest performance in o the acceptance test or the most recent annual L) test, whichever is more recent; and (b) Each of the critical areas identified in 0) acceptance test documentation required by r- Section 510.5.3, or as modified by the fire code official, and p (c) One grid square per serving antenna. L 3. The test area boundaries shall not deviate from the areas established at the time of the acceptance test, or as modified by the fire code official. The building shall be a 39 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 347 4.O.a considered to have acceptable emergency responder radio coverage when the required c signal strength requirements in 510.4.1.1 and a 510.4.1.2 are located in 95 percent of all areas on each floor of the building and 99 percent in Critical Areas, and any non- 0 U functional serving antenna are repaired to c function within normal ranges. If the documentation of the acceptance test or most m recent previous annual test results are not , available or acceptable to the fire code official o the radio coverage verification testing r described in 510.5.3 shall be conducted. Point of Information M The alternative in-building coverage test provides an alternative testing protocol for the in-building coverage Y test in subsection (1) of section 510.6.1. There is no change or alternative to annual testing requirements enumerated in subsections (2) - (7) of Section 510.6.14 � which must be performed at the time of each annual test. E a as Sec. 510.6.2 Additional frequencies. The building owner shall modify or expand the 5 emergency responder radio coverage system at his o or her expense in the event frequency changes are required by the FCC or other radio licensing LO authority, or additional frequencies are made N. available by the FCC or other radio licensing00 authority_public safety radio system operator or FCC N license holder. Prior approval of a public safety radio coverage system on previous frequencies does not a exempt this section. as 0 Sec. 510.6.3 Nonpublic safety system. Where other nonpublic safety amplification systems installed in buildings reduce the performance or cause interference with the emergency responder communications coverage system, the nonpublic safety amplification system shall be corrected or o removed. L Sec. 510.6.4 Field testing. Agency personnel r shall have the right to enter onto the property at any reasonable time to conduct field testing to verify the required level of radio coverage or to disable a a 40 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 348 4.O.a system that due to malfunction or poor maintenance has the potential to impact the emergency o responder radio system in the region. a a Sec. 13.01.070 Amendments to the International Fire Code - c U Chapter 6, Building Services and Systems. The following local amendments to Chapter 6 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Building 2 3 Services and Systems," including all amendments enacted by the state of 0° T Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire T Code as follows: M 0 ri A. Mechanical refrigeration - Testing of equipment. Section 606 605 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Mechanical Refrigeration," is amended �e a) by substituting 646605.6 with the following: S c as E Sec. 6"605.6 Testing of equipment. Refrigeration equipment and systems having a refrigerant circuit more than 220 pounds of Group Al or 30 pounds of any other 5 group refrigerant shall be subject to periodic testing in o accordance with Section 605.6.1. A written record of the required testing shall be maintained on the premises for a LO minimum of three years; a copy shall be submitted in a N. form and manner determined by the fire code official within00 30 calendar days of the testing; and a label or tag shall be N affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the W testing. Tests of emergency devices or systems required a by this chapter shall be conducted by persons trained and aD qualified in refrigeration systems. c U L_ U- th F;en 60c c i n v aceedar�Ee �S eE - e,,-reEe a f theFed testing shall be maintained en the prengises fei= a M r- mini urn of three years; a copy shall be sent to the fe Fe 0 cede effmcmal within 30 calendaF days ef the testing; and a M L label OF tag shall be affixed to the individual systern identifying the date ef the testing. Tests ef em e rg eii� �+ devices er systengs required by this chapter shal Cd G cenducted by peFSens trained and qualified in refrigera systems. +�+ a 41 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 349 4.O.a B. Commercial kitchen hoods - Where required. Section 649-607 of the a International Fire Code, entitled 'Commercial Kitchen Hoods," is amended a N by adding the following subsections to section &99607.2: o U c Sec. 609607.2.2. Permit Required. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6. m 0 Sec. 6.09607.2.3. Approved drawing. The stamped and approved cook line drawing shall be displayed adjacent to the suppression system pull station prior to the final r inspection. The approved drawing shall be maintained and M available for inspection. U U Y C. Commercial kitchen hoods - Records. Section 609 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Commercial Kitchen Hoods," is amended by substituting E subsection 6-9607.3.3.3 with the following: a a� c Sec. 609607.3.3.3 Records. Records for inspections shall state the individual and company performing the o inspection, a description of the inspection, and the date on which the inspection took place. Records for cleanings shall N state the individual and company performing the cleaning CO and the date on which the cleaning took place. Such N records shall be completed after each inspection or °D cleaning, and maintained on the premises for a minimum of three years; a copy shall be submitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 days (D of the inspection or cleaning. c0 L Sec. 13.01.080 Amendments to the International Fire Code - U- N Chapter 7, Fire and Smoke Prevention Features. The following local c amendments to Chapter 7 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire and 0 Smoke Prevention Features," including all amendments enacted by the state L of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: Q 42 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 350 4.O.a A. Fire and Smoke Prevention Features - Testina. Section 705 of the International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire and Smoke Prevention Features," is a amended by substituting 705.2.3 with the following: a N N O U Sec. 705.2.3. Hold-open devices and closers. Hold- open devices and automatic door closures, where provided shall be maintained. During the period that such device is m out of service for repairs, the door it operates shall remain in the closed position. o The fire code official is authorized to require the installation of hold-open devices of existing door installations where r there has been documented use of door closure M impairment devices. U U Y AB. re-resistance-rated censtruet4enFire and Smoke Prevention c' c Features - Testing. Section 74)3-705 of the International Fire Code, entitled E "Fire Resistance Rated GeRSt,.,.,.};"'Fire and Smoke Prevention Features," is a a� amended by substituting 703-:45.2.6 with the following: L 0 Sec. 703-.45.2.6. Testing. Horizontal, vertical sliding and rolling fire doors shall be inspected and tested annually to LO confirm proper operation and full closure. A written record N shall be maintained on the premises for three years; a copyCO shall be submitted in a form and manner determined by N CD sego the fire code official within 30 calendar days of the inspection or test; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the a individual assembly identifying the date of the scheduled CD confidence test. -0 O U a� L Sec. 13.01.090 Amendments to the International Fire Code - U- N Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems. The following local amendments to c Chapter 9 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Systems," 0 including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby L adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: a� E Q 43 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 351 4.O.a A. Fire protection systems - Scope and application. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by supplementing a subsection 901.1 with the following: a N N O U Sec. 901.1. Scope and application. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all occupancies and buildings, shall specify where fire protection systems are required, m and shall apply to the design, installation, inspection, operation, testing, and maintenance of all fire protection o systems; however, nothing contained in this chapter shall diminish or reduce the requirements of any duly adopted building codes, including state and local amendments, or r other city ordinances, resolutions, or regulations. In the M event of any conflict in requirements among these codes, ordinances, resolutions, or regulations, the more stringent Y provision shall apply. c B. Fire protection systems - Records. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by substituting 901.6.2-3 with the c following: L O Sec. 901.6.23. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the N referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises CO for three years; copies shall be submitted in a form and o CN manner determined by the fire code official within 30 CD calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the scheduled confidence test. ° U a� L C. Fire protection systems - General. Section 901 of the i- International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by adding U the following new subsection 901.11: �a L Sec 901.11. Emergency contacts. It shall be the O r responsibility of the owner of any monitored fire protection L system to provide and maintain a minimum of three emergency contacts that are capable of responding to the system location with their monitoring company. E Q 44 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 352 4.O.a D. Fire protection systems - Definitions. Section 902 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Definitions," is amended by adding the following to the a list in subsection 902.1: a N N O U PROBLEMATIC FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM .3 E. Automatic sprinkler systems - Where required. Section 903 of the 00 International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by supplementing subsection 903.2 with the following: r O M Sec. 903.2. Where required. Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed as follows: U c 1. In all buildings without adequate fire flow. a� E Exception: Miscellaneous Group U Occupancies. a a� 2. All new buildings and structures regulated by the International Building Code requiring 2,000 gallons per minute or more fire flow, or with a gross floor area of o 10,000 or more square feet (929 m2), or where this code provides a more restrictive floor/fire area requirement, and LO N shall be provided in all locations or where described by this code. o N N a+ R Exception: Spaces or areas in telecommunications a buildings used exclusively for telecommunications CD equipment, associated electrical power distribution o equipment, batteries, and standby engines, provided those U spaces or areas are equipped throughout with an automatic smoke detection system in accordance with Section 907.2 a) and are separated from the remainder of the building by not less than 1 hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the International Building Code or not p less than 2 hour horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 712 of the International Building o Code, or both. a� 3. Where this code requires the installation of an automatic sprinkler system to protect an occupancy within Q 45 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 353 4.O.a an otherwise non-sprinklered building, then automatic sprinkler protection will be required throughout the entire o building. a 4. When the required fire apparatus access roadway grade is 12 percent or greater. 0 U c F. Automatic sprinkler systems - Speculative use warehouses. Section .3 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," 00 is amended by adding the following new subsection 903.2.9.3: Sec. 903.2.9.3. Speculative use warehouses. Where o the occupant, tenant, or use of the building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a U speculative use warehouse or building, the automatic Y sprinkler system shall be designed and installed to protect not less than Class IV non-encapsulated commodities on wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or more in width and up to a 20 feet in height. G. Automatic sprinkler systems - Check valve. Section 903 of the o International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended LO by adding a new subsection 903.3.98 as follows: N 00 r O N Sec. 903.3.98. Check valve. All automatic sprinkler system risers shall be equipped with a check valve. a a� H. Automatic sprinkler systems - Riser room access. Section 903 of the c0 International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 903.7 as follows: U �a L Sec. 903.7. Riser room access. All risers shall be located O in a dedicated room with an exterior door, and with lighting 2 and heat for the room. a� E a 46 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 354 4.O.a I. Fire alarm and detection systems - General. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is -0a0 amended by substituting subsection 907.1.3 with the following: a N N O U Sec. 907.1.3. Equipment. Systems and their components shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they are installed. All new alarm systems shall be m addressable. Each device shall have its own address and , shall annunciate individual addresses at a UL Central o Station. J. Fire alarm and detection systems - Initiating device identification. o M Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection V- Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 907.6.3 with the following: Y c Sec. 907.6.3 Initiating device identification. The fire alarm system shall identify the specific initiating device a address, location, device type, floor level where applicable and status including indication of normal, alarm, trouble and supervisory status, as appropriate. 0 Exception: Special initiating devices that do not support individual device identification. N K. Fire alarm and detection systems - Records. Section 907 of the o N International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 907.8.5.1 with the following: CD O U Sec. 907.8.5.1. Records. Records of all system inspections, tests and maintenance required by the i- referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises U for three years; a copy shall be submitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 30 calendar days of each test, inspection, or maintenance of o the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the L individual system identifying the date of the scheduled confidence test. a� E Q 47 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 355 4.O.a L. Fire alarm and detection systems - Latched alarms. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is a amended by adding a new subsection 907.4-1--12 as follows: a N N O U Sec. 907.4412. Latched alarms. All signals shall be automatically "latched" at the fire alarm control unit until their operated devices are returned to normal condition, m and the control unit is manually reset. , 0 v M. Fire alarm and detection systems - Resetting. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is r 0 amended by adding a new subsection 907.4-Z-13 as follows: U U Y Sec. 907.4413. Resetting. All fire alarm control units shall be reset only by an approved person. a� E Sec. 907.4413.1. Reset code. The reset code for the fire alarm control unit or keypad shall be 3-7-1-2-3-4. The reset code shall not be changed without approval of the fire code official. o o� N. Fire alarm and detection systems - Fire alarm control unit location. N Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and DetectionCO 0 Systems," is amended by adding a new subsection 907.4-3-14 as follows: a Sec. 907.4-314. Fire alarm control unit location. All fire alarm control units shall be located in the riser room ° U designed and installed in accordance with Section 903.7, or an approved location. i- a) U O. Smoke control systems - Written record. Section 909 of the L International Fire Code, entitled "Smoke Control Systems," is amended by 0 substituting 909.20.2 with the following: o a� Sec. 909.20.2. Written record. The records shall include the date of the maintenance, identification of the servicing Q 48 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 356 4.O.a personnel and notification of any unsatisfactory condition and the corrective action taken, including parts o replacement. The written record of smoke control system a testing and maintenance shall be maintained on the premises for three years and copies shall submitted in a form and manner determined by the fire code official within 0 U 30 calendar days of each test or maintenance of the system; and a label or tag shall be affixed to the individual system identifying the date of the scheduled testing. m P. Fire protection systems - Signs. Section 912 of the International Fire 0 Code, entitled "Fire Department Connections," is amended by substituting 912.5 with the following: o M U Sec. 912.5. Signs. Fire department connections shall be Y clearly identified in an approved manner. All fire department connections shall have an approved sign attached below the Siamese clapper. The sign shall a specify the type of water-based fire protection system, the structure, and the building areas served. L 0 r LO N Sec. 13.01.100 Amendments to the International Fire Code - 0 Chapter 11, Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings. The CN following local amendments to Chapter 11 of the International Fire Code, a entitled "Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings," including all 0 amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and L incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: i_ a) U 0 A. Fire safety requirements for existing buildings - Additions and 0 alterations. Section 1103 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Safety 0 L Requirements for Existing Buildings," is amended by adding a new subsection 1103.53-6 as follows: 0 Q 49 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 357 4.O.a Sec. 1103.5.63. Substantial Alterations. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to substantial o alterations to existing buildings regardless of use when a a substantial alteration occurs in a structure equaling 10,000 or greater square feet. For purposes of this section, a substantial alteration shall be defined as an alteration that 0 U costs 50 percent or more of the current assessed value of the structure and impacts more than 50% of the gross floor area. m B. Fire safety requirements for existing buildings - Fire alarm control 0 unit replacement. Section 1103 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings," is amended by adding a new o M subsection 1103.7.8-7 as follows: U Y a� Sec. 1103.7.87. Fire alarm control unit replacement. If an existing fire alarm control unit is replaced with identical equipment it shall be considered maintenance. E a a� c Sec. 13.01.110 Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 80, Referenced Standards. The following local amendments to 0 Chapter 80 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Referenced Standards," LO including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby N CO adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as follows: N CD M A. Referenced standards - NFPA. Section NFPA of the International Fire CD Code, entitled "Reference Standards," is amended by modifying the standard o U reference number dates of publication as follows: i_ N U 13- Installation of Sprinkler Systems 1619 0` r 13D- Installation of Sprinkler Systems o 1619 in One- and Two-family � E r r Q 50 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 358 4.O.a Dwellings and Manufactured r a Homes ° Q 13R- Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in =_ Height 3 m 20- Installation of Stationary Pumps o -1-619 for Fire Protection c 24- Installation of Private Fire o M -1-619 Service Mains and Their Appurtenances Y c 72- National Fire Alarm and Signaling aD Code E a 110- Emergency and Standby Power Systems 0 111- Stored Electrical Energy r Lf) Emergency and Standby Power co Systems c N 720- Installation of Carbon Monoxide a 15 (CO) Detection and Warning a� Equipment 0 a� L 1221- Installation, Maintenance, and U_ 19 Use of Emergency Services Communications Systems 0 r L Sec. 13.01.120 Amendments to the International Fire Code — r c Appendix B, Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings. The following local amendments to Appendix B to the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire- � r r Q 51 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 359 4.O.a Flow Requirements for Buildings," including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the a International Fire Code as follows: a as 0 U A. Fire-flow requirements for buildings - Increases. Section B103 of the c International Fire Code, entitled 'Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings," is M 3 amended by substituting subsection B103.1 with the following: 0° T 0 T B103.1 Increases. The fire chief is authorized to increase the fire-flow requirements where exposures could be impacted by fire. An increase shall not be more than twice M that required for the building under consideration. Exception: For one- and two-family residences when either of the following conditions apply. 1. The building and exposure are equipped with the 1- M hour fire resistant rated exterior walls tested in accordance a with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 with exposure on the exterior side and projections with 1-hour underside protection, fire blocking installed from the wall top plate to the underside of the roof sheathing and no gable vent openings, o a� T 2. The walls are a distance greater than 11' to the N nearest exposure or lot line; or face an unbuildable lot, 00 tract or buffer. The distance shall be measured at right N angles from the face of the wall. °j Q. B. Fire-flow requirements for buildings. Section B105 of the International CD Fire Code, entitled 'Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings," is amended by 0 substituting section B105 with the following: a� c B105.1 One- and two-family dwellings. Fire-flow requirements for one- and two-family dwellings shall be in o accordance with Sections B105.1.1 through B105.1.3. L B105.1.1 Buildings less than 3,600 square feet. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration requirements for E a 52 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 360 4.O.a buildings less than 3,600 square feet shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for 1 hour. o a Exception: A reduction in required fire-flow of 50 percent, as approved, is allowed when the building is equipped with o an approved automatic sprinkler system. c B105.1.2 Buildings greater than 3,600 square feet or m more. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration , requirements for buildings that are 3,600 square feet or o larger shall not be less than that specified in Table B105.1(2). r O Exception: A reduction of fire-flow and flow duration to 1,000 gallons per minute for 1 hour, as approved, is U allowed when the building is equipped with the following; Y c 1. An approved automatic sprinkler system. E a a� 7 1 4.eUF Fore resistant rated-eiteFh6 F A-arIIr5 tested in C c O PFOtectien, fiFe blecking installed fFeM the wall top plate tern the undeFSide of the i=eef sheathing and no gable vent, V_ LO N CO r Exception: Walls with a distance gi=eatei= than O ' te the N m 2 The dwstanee shall be measuFed at Fight angles fi=enq the faee of the wall. !Z O U B105.2 Buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings. The minimum fire-flow and flow duration for 0) buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings shall be as specified in Table B105.1(2). a L O Exception: A reduction in required fire-flow of 50 percent, 2 as approved, is allowed when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system. The resulting fire- flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute for the E prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1(2). Q 53 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 361 4.O.a r B105.2.1 Tents and Membrane structures. No fire flow -0 is required for tents and membrane structures. a N B105.2.2 Accessory residential Group U buildings. 0 Accessory residential Group U buildings shall comply with the requirements of B105.1. .3 B105.3 Water supply for buildings equipped with an 00 automatic sprinkler system. For buildings equipped with o an automatic sprinkler system, the water supply shall be capable of providing the greater of: r 1. The automatic sprinkler system demand, including M hose stream allowance. 2. The required fire flow. Y C. Fire-flow requirements for buildings. Section B105 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings," is amended by deleting the following tables from E section B105: a c Table B105.1 (1) Required Fire-Flow for One- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 Buildings o and Townhomes. r Lf) N Table B105.2 Required Fire-Flow for Other than One- co and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 N Buildings and Townhomes. r D. Section B105 of the International Fire Code is amended by adding new subsection B105.4 as follows: 0 U B105.4 Alternative Fire Flow Mitigation. For L development projects, where it has been determined not i_ feasible to extend the water main by the local water purveyor, the following alternative fire flow mitigations are approved for use in accordance with Sections B105.4.1 through B105.4.2 O r L B105.4.1 One- and two-family dwellings. Fire flow will not be required for one- and two-family dwellings if all of the following mitigations are met; E 0 r r Q 54 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 362 4.O.a 1. The fire-flow calculation area is less than 3600 square feet o 2. The construction type of the dwelling is Type VA a N N 3. The dwelling is equipped with a central station 0 U monitored automatic fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3 with a water supply of no less than 30 minutes m 4. The dwelling has a fire separation distance of no less o than 150 feet on all sides B105.4.2 Buildings other than one- and two-family r dwellings. Fire flow will not be required for buildings other M than one- and two-family dwellings if all of the following mitigations are met; Y 1. The fire-flow calculation area is less than 3600 square feet E 2. The construction type of the dwelling is not Type VB c 3. The dwelling is equipped with a central station monitored automatic fire sprinkler system installed in o accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 with a water supply of no less than 30 minutes LO N 4. The dwelling has a fire separation distance of no lessCO than 150 feet on all sides N CD M Sec. 13.01.130 Fire codes — Fees. The city council shall, by CD resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and enforce the o U fire codes adopted in this title. i_ N U Sec. 13.01.140 Appeals. A. Appeals to the hearing examiner. o L 1. Jurisdiction. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, a� determinations, or decisions made by the fire code official relative to the E suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction, and Q 55 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 363 4.O.a to provide for reasonable application and interpretation of the provisions of the International Fire Code, the city of Kent hearings examiner is hereby a designated as the board of appeals created pursuant to Section 108 of the a N International Fire Code adopted in KCC 13.01.030 for all matters concerning o U the application of the fire codes. The city hearings examiner, however, shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions .3 of these codes, nor shall the city hearings examiner be empowered to waive 00 requirements of these codes. 0 2. Filing. Appeals shall be filed with the hearings examiner by 5:00 0 M p.m. of the fourteenth calendar day following the date of the order, determination, or decision being appealed. When the last day of the appeal Y period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or city holiday, the period shall run until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. The appeal shall be accompanied by payment of the filing fee. Specific objections to the fire code official's decision and the relief sought shall be stated in the written appeal. o o� LO 3. Standing. Standing to bring an appeal under this chapter is N CO limited to the following persons: o N N a+ R a. The applicant and the owner of property to which the CD permit decision is directed. o U b. Another person aggrieved or adversely affected by the i- order, determination, or decision, or who would be aggrieved or adversely 0) r- affected by a reversal or modification of the order, determination, or decision. A person is aggrieved or adversely affected within the meaning of o this section only when all of the following conditions are present: L 0 i. The order, determination, or decision has a� prejudiced or is likely to prejudice that person; E Q 56 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 364 4.O.a ii. A judgment in favor of that person would substantially eliminate or redress the prejudice to that person caused or a likely to be caused by the order, determination, or decision; and a N iii. The appellant has exhausted his or her o U administrative remedies to the extent required by law. .3 B. Appeals to superior court. Appeals to the hearings examiner shall be 00 made pursuant to Chapter 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearings examiner 0 shall be final and conclusive unless within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the hearings examiner's decision an appeal is filed with the superior court. o M When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or city holiday, the period shall run until the next business day. Y c SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. o o� SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon N approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are00 CN authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the CD 0 correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or a references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 0 U SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. U 0 �a L O L DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved as E ATTEST: r r Q 57 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 365 4.O.a r a O KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted a N O O U Date Published c �a .3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 00 r 0 v r c ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY r 0 r U U Y a� c :a c a� E a L 0 r Lf) N co r O N O r R Q O O U a� L LL V L 0 L d E V Q 58 Amend KCC 13.01 - Re: Fire Codes Packet Pg. 366 4.O.b a O a N d O U ORDINANCE NO. 4387 c �a m AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the 0 City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Ch. 14.01 of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 editions of the International Building, Residential, o Mechanical, Existing Building, Property Maintenance, and Energy Conservation Codes and L) the Uniform Plumbing Code; and to repeal Section Y 14.01.070 Uniform Housing Code. a� E a RECITALS c c A. In response to legislative amendments adopted by the State of 0 Washington, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 4202 on a� May 17, 2016, which adopted the 2015 editions of the International N Building, Residential, Existing Building, Mechanical, and Energy 0 Conservation Codes, and the 2015 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. The state recently adopted the 2018 edition of these codes, which all take U tm effect and apply to all cities in the state on February 1, 2021. Therefore, it S is necessary to amend the Kent City Code to formally adopt the same. m a� B. On May 17, 2016, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 4202, which adopted the 2015 edition of the International Property 0 Maintenance Code. The International Code Council recently published the 0 1 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code — 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 367 4.O.b 2018 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the Kent City Code to formally adopt the same. c a C. In addition to adopting the 2018 code editions and Washington State Amendments, this ordinance also makes other housekeeping 0 amendments, and deleting references to the Uniform Housing Code in �a Section 14.01.070 of the Kent City Code. m NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, 0 r WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: �a 0 ORDINANCE U SECTION 1. - Amendment. Chapter 14.01 of the Kent City Code, Y a� entitled "Building Codes," is amended as follows: a� E Chapter 14.01 BUILDING CODES L O Sec. 14.01.010 Building codes — Adopted. In accordance with LO Chapter 19.27 RCW, the following codes (collectively, the "building codes") 00 together with any additions, deletions, and exceptions currently enacted or o N as may be amended from time to time by the state of Washington through 'D 0 its Building Code Council pursuant to the Washington Administrative Code U ("WAC"), and as further amended in this chapter, are adopted by reference: �a m A. The International Building Code, 2015 2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51-50 L WAC. O r CU L 2 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 368 4.O.b B. The International Existing Building Code, 2015-2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc. c a C. The International Residential Code, 2015-2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51- 0 51 WAC. c �a D. The International Mechanical Code, 2015-2018 Edition, published by °0 r the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51- r 52 WAC. c �a 0 E. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 2015-2018 Edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, including the Y Uniform Plumbing Code Standards (Appendices A, B, and I to the Uniform Plumbing Code) as amended pursuant to Chapter 51-56 WAC. E F. The UnmfeFm Housing Cede, 1997 Editien, published by the a� c L O GF. The International Energy Conservation Code, 2015-2018 Edition, LO published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapters 51-11C and 51-11R WAC. o N d #G. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2915 2018 Edition, 0 published by the International Code Council, Inc., including the Boarding Standard (Appendix A to the International Property Maintenance Code). m a� One copy of each of these codes is on file with the city's building official. �a L 0 r L 3 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 369 4.O.b Sec. 14.01.020 Code conflicts. To the extent allowed by RCW 19.27.040, if a conflict exists between the provisions of the state c building codes adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council and Q the provisions of this chapter, the Kent City Code provisions shall govern. 0 U Im Sec. 14.01.030 Amendments to the International Building S Code. The following local amendments to the International Building Code, m including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby o adopted and incorporated into the International Building Code: c A. General - Building code appendices adopted. Section 101 of the M International Building Code, entitled "General," is amended by adding the U following new subsection 101.5: c Sec. 101.5. Building code appendices adopted. Appendices C, E and J to the International Building Code are hereby a adopted; however, the public works director shall have the authority to enforce and interpret Appendix J and, accordingly, all references to the "building official" in Appendix J shall be substituted with the words "public o works director." a� LO N B. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. 00 Section 104 of the International Building Code, entitled 'Duties and Powers N a� of Building Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection 0 U 104.12: 0' c 2 Sec. 104.12. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding m the authority of the building official to administer and enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. O L 4 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 370 4.O.b C. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section 105 of the International Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting c subsection 105.3.2 with the following: Q N d Sec. 105.3.2. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the 2 deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All m other project permit applications shall expire by limitation r if no permit is issued 180ays1 year (365 days) after the determination that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC 14.11.020, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in o good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for L) action on the permit application for one or more periods, Y each period not exceeding 1809-9 days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and a other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in o effect at the time of resubmission. LO N D. Permits - Expiration. Section 105 of the International Building Code, Go entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 105.5 with the N a� following: o U c Sec. 105.5. Expiration. �a m 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the p` date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of o 5 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 371 4.O.b 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The building official may extend single-family permits that have , expired under this section for additional periods of up to a 180 days at his sole discretion,, provided: Q a a. No significant changes have or will be made to the o originally approved plans and specifications for the U approved work; and �a b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit m stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of r permit issuance. r 2. Permits issued under which work is started and a continuously performed, and the necessary periodic o inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire according to subsection (E)(1) of this section, shall expire L) by limitation and become null and void three years from Y the date of such permit issuance, except that the building c official may grant single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. E a 3. For permits other than single-family permits, when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved, the building official may grant one 90-day extension of time past the expiration date for permits stated in subsection (E)(1) or (E)(2) of this section LO to allow the final inspection to occur. 00 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not N apply to any properties that are the subject of code enforcement proceedings under Ch. 1.04 KCC. 0 U Board of appeals. Section 113 of the International Building Code, entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section 113 with the m a� following: c �a L Sec. 113. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings O examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to 0 6 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 372 4.O.b hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the , suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of a construction and appeals of the reasonable application and Q interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. o U F. Fire service access elevator. Section 403 of the International Building a Code, entitled "High-rise Buildings," is amended by substituting subsection 3 m 403.6.1 the following: r 0 r 403.6.1 Fire service access elevator. In high-rise buildings with an occupied floor up to 120 feet above the lowest level f° of fire department access, not fewer than one fire service M access elevator, or all elevators, whichever is less, shall be provided in accordance with Section 3007. In buildings with Y an occupied floor more than 120 feet above the lowest level of fire department access not fewer than two fire service access elevators, or all elevators, whichever is less, shall be provided in accordance with Section 3007. Each fire E service access elevator shall have a capacity of not less than 3,500 pounds and shall comply with Section 3002.4. c L €G. Additional height increases. Section 504 of the International Building O Code, entitled "Height," is amended by adding the following new subsection LO N 504.5: 00 0 N Sec. 504.5. Additional height increases. For Group B or a Group R, Divisions 1 and 2 Occupancies, the permitted U increase of one story allowed by subsection 504.2 may be increased to two stories when all of the conditions a enumerated below are met. The increase provided in m Section 504.3, as amended by WAC 51-50, shall not be added to this increase. c 1. An automatic fire sprinkler system complying with o Section 903.3.1.1 is installed throughout with the CU 7 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 373 4.O.b installation of quick response sprinkler heads in all areas where the use of these heads is allowed. , a 0 2. Vertical exit enclosures are constructed as Q smokeproof enclosures or pressurized stair enclosures in accordance with Section 909.20 and Section 909.11. o U 3. Standby power is supplied for light, emergency, and any exit enclosure pressurization systems used, as 2 provided in Sections 403.4.7, 403.4.8 and 909.20.6.2, and m the adopted edition of the National Electrical Code. r Connection ahead of service disconnect means shall be permitted for standby power. c �a 4. Walls separating dwelling units or sleeping units, o and corridor walls in Group R, Divisions 1 and 2 Occupancies shall be constructed as 1-hour fire partitions L) as provided in Section 708. Reduction of the fire-resistance Y rating is not permitted. 5. All exterior walls, including those with a fire separation distance of more than five feet, shall be of not a less than 1-hour fire-resistance rated construction on the interior and the exterior of the wall. L 6. Structural observation is provided during O construction in accordance with Sections 202,1702 and 1704.5. LO N 00 7. An emergency voice/alarm communication system o complying with subsections 907.5.2.2 through 907. is installed. 0 U 0 8. Approved supervised indicating control valves shall S be provided at the point of connection to the automatic fire 3 sprinkler system riser on each floor. m a� 9. Structures meeting the requirements of this subsection shall have an automatic sprinkler zone per floor. All zones must report independently. 0 CU L 8 CD International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 374 4.O.b Sec. 14.01.035 Amendments to the International Existing Building Code. The following local amendments to the International c Existing Building Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Q Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International 0 Existing Building Code: U �a A. All references to the "code official" in the International Existing 3 m Building Code shall be substituted with the words "building official." r 0 r B. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. �a Section 104 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Duties and o M Powers of Code Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection U 104.12: Y a� c �a Sec. 104.12. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding the authority of the building official to administer and E enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. L O C. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section 105 of the a� International Existing Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by N substituting subsection 105.3.2 with the following: 00 0 N d Sec. 105.3.2. Expiration of project permit application. 0 Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 U, KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All 3 other project permit applications shall expire by limitation m if no permit is issued 1�1 year- (365 daysl after the determination that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC 14.11.020, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in o good faith as determined solely in the building official's CU 0 9 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 375 4.O.b discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, a each period not exceeding days, upon written -°a request by the applicant showing that circumstances Q beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and c other data previously submitted for review may thereafter U be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to c renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in m' effect at the time of resubmission. r 0 v D. Permits - Expiration. Section 105 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection o M 105.5 with the following: U U Y Sec. 105.5. Expiration. �a c 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The building o official may extend single-family permits that have expired under this r section for additional periods of up to 180 days at his sole discretion, N provided: V- 0 V- a. No significant changes have or will be made to the originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work; and 0 b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of permit issuance. m a� 2. Permits issued under which work is started and continuously performed, and the necessary periodic inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire according to subsection (E)(1) of this o section, shall expire by limitation and become null and void three years from the date of such permit issuance, except that the building c 10 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 376 4.O.b official may grant single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. a 0 3. For permits other than single-family permits, when only the a final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved, the building official may grant one 90-day extension of o time past the expiration date for permits stated in subsection (E)(1) U or (E)(2) of this section to allow the final inspection to occur. �a 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not apply to m any properties that are the subject of code enforcement proceedings r under Ch. 1.04 KCC. r C fC BE. Certificate of occupancy - Altered area use and occupancy o M classification change. Section 110 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled 'Certificate of Occupancy," is amended by substituting Y subsection 110.1 with the following: a� E Sec. 110.1. Altered area use and occupancy classification a change. No altered area of a building and no relocated building shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or portion thereof shall be made until the building official has issued 0 a certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein, LO except that no certificate of occupancy is required for detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple 00 single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three N stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures subject to the 0 provisions of the International Residential Code. Issuance 0, of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of 3 other ordinances of the jurisdiction. €F. Board of appeals. Section 112 of the International Existing Building c �a Code, entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section 112 0` with the following: o c 11 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 377 4.O.b Sec. 112. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings a examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to -°a hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or Q determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of o construction and appeals of the reasonable application and U interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. 2 in Sec. 14.01.040 Amendments to the International Residential r 0 Code. The following local amendments to the International Residential r Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Residential Code: M U A. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. Y Section R104 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Duties and Powers of Building Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection R104.12: c c Sec. R104.12. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding the authority of the building official to administer and O enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such N duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. 00 0 N B. Permits - Substantially improved or substantially damaged existing a 0 buildings in areas prone to flooding. Section R105 of the International U Residential Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 2 R105.3.1.1 with the following: m a� Sec. R105.3.1.1. Substantially improved or substantially damaged existing buildings in areas prone to flooding. The o building official may require that all applications for CU reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other o 12 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 378 4.O.b improvement of existing buildings or structures located in an area prone to flooding be submitted in accordance with , Ch. 14.09 KCC. o a C. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section R105 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by 0 substituting subsection R105.3.2 with the following: a Sec. R105.3.2. Expiration of project permit application. °0 Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 0 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the r deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire by limitation f° if no permit is issued 1 year 1-8� 365 daysl after the M determination that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC 14.11.020, has been Y submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, E each period not exceeding 9-0-180 days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and o other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to LO renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in Go CD effect at the time of resubmission. N a� D. Permits - Expiration. Section 105 of the International Residential Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection R105.5 with the following: m a� Sec. R105.5. Expiration. L 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the O provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and CU 0 13 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 379 4.O.b become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the a date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the -°a issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of Q 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The building official may extend single-family permits that have c expired under this section for additional periods of up to U 180 days at his sole discretion,, provided: c a. No significant changes have or will be made to the m' originally approved plans and specifications for the r approved work; and b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit o stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of o permit issuance. U 2. Permits issued under which work is started and Y continuously performed, and the necessary periodic inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire according to subsection (E)(1) of this section, shall expire E by limitation and become null and void three years from Q the date of such permit issuance, except that the building official may grant single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. 0 3. For permits other than single-family permits, whenLO r only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved, the building official may grant 00 one 90-day extension of time past the expiration date for N permits stated in subsection (E)(1) or (E)(2) of this section to allow the final inspection to occur. 0 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not apply to any properties that are the subject of code m enforcement proceedings under Ch. 1.04 KCC. c c L 0 L 14 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 380 4.O.b BE. Fees - Building permit valuations. Section R108 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting subsection c R108.3 with the following: Q N d Sec. R108.3. Building permit valuations. The permit 0 applicant shall provide an estimated permit value at time of application. Permit valuations shall include total value of the work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued. (The work would include, for °0 example and without limitation, electrical, gas, mechanical, o and plumbing equipment and other permanent systems.) r If the building official decides that the permit valuation is underestimated, the permit application shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet M the approval of the building official. Final building permit valuation shall be set by the building official. Y c €F. Certificate of occupancy. Section R110 of the International Residential a� Code, entitled "Certificate of Occupancy," is hereby repealed. E a� G. Board of appeals. Section R112 of the International Residential Code, L entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section R112 with O the following: LO N 00 Sec. R112. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings o examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or o determinations made by the building official relative to the U, suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and 3 interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made °0 as set forth in section 14.01.100 of the Kent City Code. Any appeal to an order, decision, or determination of the public works director with respect to work within a flood hazard area shall be made in accordance with Ch. 14.09 KCC. O L 15 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 381 4.O.b Sec. 14.01.050 Amendments to the Uniform Plumbing Code. The following local amendments to the Uniform Plumbing Code, including all c amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and Q incorporated into the Uniform Plumbing Code: 0 t� A. Permits. Section 104 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled c "Permits," is amended by substituting_subsection 104.3.3 with the following: 3 m Sec. 104.3.3. Expiration of project permit implication. 0 Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All o other project permit applications shall expire by limitation if no permit is issued 1 year (365 days) after the determination that a fully complete project permit Y application, as defined in KCC 14.11.020, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, each period not exceeding 180 days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being O taken. If an application has expired,, plans and other data r previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned N to the applicant or destroyed by the building official. In 00 order to renew action on an expired application, the o applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. 0 B. Expiration. Section 104 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 104.4.3 with the following: m a� c Sec. 104.4.3. Expiration. a L 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the O provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and 2- c 16 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 382 4.O.b become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the a date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the -°a issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of Q 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The building official may extend single-family permits that have c expired under this section for additional periods of up to U 180 days at his sole discretion,, provided: c a. No significant changes have or will be made to the m' originally approved plans and specifications for the r approved work; and b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit o stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of o permit issuance. U 2. Permits issued under which work is started and Y continuously performed, and the necessary periodic inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire according to subsection (E)(1) of this section, shall expire E by limitation and become null and void three years from Q the date of such permit issuance, except that the building official may grant single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. 0 3. For permits other than single-family permits, whenLO r only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved, the building official may grant 00 one 90-day extension of time past the expiration date for N permits stated in subsection (E)(1) or (E)(2) of this section to allow the final inspection to occur. 0 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not apply to any properties that are the subject of code m enforcement proceedings under Ch. 1.04 KCC. c C. Extensions. Section 104 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled L "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 104.4.4 with the following: 0 L 17 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 383 4.O.b Sec. 104.4.4. Extensions. A permittee holding an unexpired permit shall be permitted to apply for an c extension of the time within which work shall be permitted Q to commence under the permit where the permittee is 0 unable to commence work within the time required by this U section. 2 m D. Plumbing permit fees. Table 104.5 of the Uniform Plumbing Code 0 r entitled "Plumbing Permit Fees," is amended by substituting Table 104.5 �a with the following: o M Table 104.5. Plumbing Permit Fees. Plumbing permit fees Y and related fees shall be as established by resolution of the 0, city council, in accordance with 14.01.090 KCC. c as A E. Violations and Penalties enalti E Section 102 106 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled "&=ganizatien and nforcer^^^^}Violations and Penalties," is amended by substituting L subsection I-G2106.5-3 with the following: o LO Sec. 1062.53. Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its T_ CD requirements or who erects, installs, alters, or repairs N plumbing work in violation of: (a) the approved a construction documents, (b) a directive of the building code official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set 2 forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided m by law. BF. Organizatien and enlbreenientBoard of Appeals L Section 102 107 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled "OrganiFatien and o CU L 18 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy 2 Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 384 4.O.b ~F~~~~~~~~}Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting subsection 1-G2107-.3 with the following: c a Sec. 102. 10i . Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to c hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the c suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and m' interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made r as set forth in section 14.01.100 of the Kent City Code. c Section 103 ef the Uniform Plumbing 0 Code, nd rr U r V w i ng: Of c :a c m E deadlines established by that code chapter eF by SEPA. All ether preject peFMit applications shall expire by limitatien if no permit is issued 180 days after the determination that c� c co O :a L Q T . —r020 has been submitted, unle that, LO appimeatien has been PUFSued on geed faith as deteFmi 00 selely On the building rdiseFetien. The bui4dftO N efficial may extend the time feF aetien en the permit O exceeding 90 days, upon written request by the applicant shewing that eiFeurristances beyond the centrel of the applicant have prevented action fFem being taken. if an appimeatien has expired C 3 m / d t) C O applicant eF destreyed by the building official. in order te rene actmen on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rate-- iffl.submitted fer review may thereafter be returned te the effect at the tome ef resubrrimssmefr. L 19 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 385 4.O.b 'entitled a "Plumbing ' is angended by substituting Table 103.4a with the following: N d O U and Felated fees shall be as established by Feselutien of the Table 103.4. Plumbing Permit Fees. Plumbing perngit fees- :a m Sec. 14.01.060 Amendments to the International Mechanical o Code. The following local amendments to the International Mechanical c Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are 0 hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Mechanical Code: U U A. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section 106 of the c International Mechanical Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by a� substituting subsection 106.3.3 with the following: a a� Sec. 106.3.3. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the o deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire by limitation N if no permit is issued 1 year (3654-&G days after the determination that a fully complete project permit o application, as defined in KCC 14.11.020, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in o good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, 3 each period not exceeding 9-0-180 days, upon written m request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter O be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building CU 0 20 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 386 4.O.b official. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review a fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. o a B. Expiration. Section 106 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 106.4.4 with the following: Sec. 106.4.4. Expiration. 2 m 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the r provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the date of such permit issuance, or if work authorized by the o issued permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more after the work is commenced. The building official may extend single-family permits that have Y expired under this section for additional periods of up to 180 days at his sole discretion, provided: a� E a. No significant changes have or will be made to the a originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work; and L b. No permit shall be extended past the maximum limit o stated in subsection (E)(2) of this section from the date of permit issuance. LO N 00 2. Permits issued under which work is started and o continuously performed, and the necessary periodic a inspections are made, such that the permit does not expire according to subsection (E)(1) of this section, shall expire by limitation and become null and void three years from the date of such permit issuance, except that the building official may grant single-family permits one extension of up to 90 days at his sole discretion. c 3. For permits other than single-family permits, when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved, the building official may grant o 21 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 387 4.O.b one 90-day extension of time past the expiration date for permits stated in subsection (E)(1) or (E)(2) of this section a to allow the final inspection to occur. -°a a 4. The time extensions provided in this section shall not apply to any properties that are the subject of code c enforcement proceedings under Ch. 1.04 KCC. c C. Extensions. Section 106 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 106.4.4 with the following: 00 r O Sec. 106.4.4. Extensions. A permittee holding an unexpired permit shall be permitted to apply for an extension of the time within which work shall be permitted o to commence under the permit where the permittee is unable to commence work within the time required by this section. c Violations - Penalties. Section 108 of the International Mechanical E Code, entitled "Violations," is amended by substituting subsection 108.4 Q a� with the following: c L Sec. 108.4. Violation penalties. Any person who violates a o provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its r requirements or who erects, installs, alters, or repairs N mechanical work in violation of: (a) the approved 00 construction documents, (b) a directive of the building code N official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the a, provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set 0 forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. m GE. Means of appeal - Board of appeals. Section 109 of the International c Mechanical Code, entitled "Means of Appeal," is amended by substituting c Section 109 with the following: 0 L 22 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 388 4.O.b Sec. 109. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to a hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or -°a determinations made by the building official relative to the Q suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and c interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made U as set forth in section 14.01.100 of the Kent City Code. c m following local amendments to the Uniform Housing Code are hereby adopted as Of fully set ferth thereHn' See. 103. Seepe. The PFOVIsiens of this cede shall app" r O O O M U U Y c :a c m used, eF designed, er Q mended to be used fOr hurnan habit tier. These / d n ex sting buildings n9ay be centinue as V C C L 0 as .defined in this .de O T LO 54- te be used as a combination apartment house the O hotel, V- O s ens ef this code shall apply te the separate portions N as they were sepaFate building-s-.- O Reeming U eF heuses a1 / congregateresidences, ledgingshall comply with all the FeqUiFements ef this code fe dwellings. m d t) C B. App.fieatien to / c0 C O amended by substituting subseetien 104.1 with the fellewing: �+ L 23 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 389 4.O.b / Q. additiensr / r / applicable. a 0 U D. Beard ef appeals. Sectien 203 of the Unifeffig Housing Cede, entit! a, c m "BeaFd of appeals " r / th 203 exangineF is designated as the beai=d of appeals on eFdeF te C heaF and decode appeals ef O M U U / decismens, eFdeteFfflinations made by the building efficial relative to the `1 c :a / design, su nteFpretatien of the building codes. Appeals shall be made Q d C� C C Code, entitled •a O "Vmelatmensramended by substituting Section 204 with the fellewing: CD T LO N T- O N / d / eF eeFperatmen te ei=eet, eenstFuet, alteF, / V / move, remove, / OF occupy any building, structui=e, eF equipment regulated by this eede, eF cause the same to be .-I.,ne/ On -.. FIict with e elatien of this ^� �7 code. m d )f this code, er fails te eemply with any ef its requirements, er who erects, constructs, alters C) C f� Q • L 24 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 390 4.O.b Q. s ens of this eede, shall be subject te penalties as set, O a by law. �n O F. Permits and inspectiens General. Sectmen 301 of the UnifeFM U Housing a� Cede, / amended by Substituting Section 301 ith the following: 'a m See. 301. General. No building OF StFUetffe regulated—by thms cede shall be reenStFUcted,Felpawed � rFneved, iffiffeved, Fengeved, eeigveFted, eFPFeSeF 0 R196 ai T U U Y as c rn9ay be applicable. :a c m Q Cede, / is amended by Substituting SeetienV C L O See. 302. Fees. When a building peFfflit 'IS FeqUiFedd by CD T cede, the i=iate fees shall be N r as n9ay be as spee pp O N d O Housing U entitled �� n a) / / s angended C m d t) C C L peFnq ith the following! building official in accerdance with, and On the n9anne �+ L 25 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 391 4.O.b as may be . �. Q. 0 / a " rr • to / m as fellews: v a� E BUILDING CODE ms the internatmenal Building Cede or the internatmenal Rlesodentmal Code O " n / as may be T applicable, premulgated by the intefflational Code GeuiqiaH-, � ine., as adopted by this juFisdictien. O M T ' U .� rr U Cede, / `1 ..hanaeaI ee de as! C C d E m c 7T //��I� 0 i TECH CENICAL CODE ms the into fflatmenal M,,,.b.-,.,ocal Codeor the internatmenal Resmdentwal � :a L Cede, pFengulgated by thep inteffiatienal Code / '/ as adopted by this jUFisdictien. as n9ay be appleeable and LO N O T O entitled �� en en rr s amended Cede, / d by substituting Seetwen 501 with the felle U a) E 2 See. 501. Lecatien en PFOpeity. All buildings shall be ethei= buildings en the same ffepeity as i=equired by Ghs. d t) L O L 26 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 392 4.O.b Housing Cede, entitled "Hallways," is angended by substituting subseeti Q- 0 a See. 504.4 Hallways. All public hallways, stairs, and other 0 exitways shall be adequately lighted at all tomes n9ay be applicable. M. Sanitation Water closet compartments. Subsection 505.5 of d=i-e UnifeFrig Housing a� c 5 m r / entitled "Water Closet /by substituting subsection -a C •5 with the following! T O See. SOS.S. Water closet corripaFtrigents. Walls and floors of water closet M T U U / except in dwellings, shall benet applicable te these Projects subject te the 1RG. furnoshed On accordance with 1BG § 1210. This proves' :a N. Heating and ventilation Heating. Subseetieri :791.1 of the Uniform Housing Cede, entitled "Heating," is amended by substituting subsect" 701.1 w0th the following: m Q m C L Q See. 701.1. Heatirig. Dwelling units, guest Feems, arid T LO congregate residences shall be provided with heatH=i-g 54- facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of at O r CD least O mm)feetN floor On all h hotameTO e m s. Such c� 25 shall Irraii be '0 ,,,a ., rt .. ,a: , : a ,F ..,a:t:,.., ...,a : accordance ,:th V Cede,the Mechanocal 'a Yrivented fuel burning heaters are net All 3 permitted. m heating devices or appliances shall be of an approved t pe. m c� c co c L \\ // •s amended by on 801 th the p / ng �+ L 27 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 393 4.O.b Q. buildings eF peFtiens theFeef shall be PFE)Vided with exits,-See. 801. GeneFal. Dwelling units eF gLiest Feengs shall have ex . 10 1BG ea 0 , U a� entotled rby substituting Sectien 901 with the 'a m See. 901. General. All buildings eF POFtienS thereef shall be c T 0 occupancy, type ef constFLictien, and lecatien en ffeperty,- and M T or !RG §§ 14314 and R315, as may be applicable. U U Y c :a c ntitled �� rr Q r rnded V C C L See. 1001.1. General. Any buil6ng or portion theFeef that, Q the building official detem9ines to be an unsafe build' CD reF any building er pnr�npthereefN rineluding any dwelling unit, guest Feeng Ew suite ef O0 FeengsT rthe pi=emises onr O N d r U limb, health, prepeFty, safety, or welfare of the publi.- rshall be deerned and hei=eby :a m Sec. 14.01.080 Amendments to the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. L O Repealed by Ord. No. 4186. c c 28 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 394 4.O.b Sec. 14.01.085 Amendments to the International Energy a Conservation Code. The following local amendments to the International Q Energy Conservation Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International 0 Energy Conservation Code: �a A. Compliance required, violations, penalties. Section C101.5, entitled °0 r "Compliance," is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection r C101.5.-12: �a 0 Sec. C101.5.12. Unlawful acts and penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, L) construct, alter, extend, move or occupy any building, Y structure or equipment regulated by this code, or cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of this code. Any person who violates a provision of this code, or fails to comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, a constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be o subject to penalties as set forth in Chapters 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. N 00 B. Compliance required, violations, penalties. Section R101.5, entitled o N "Compliance," is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection a 0 R101.5.-12: v 0� c 2 Sec. R101.5.12. Unlawful acts and penalties. It shall be m unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, move or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by this code, or cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of this code. o Any person who violates a provision of this code, or fails to CU comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, o 29 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 395 4.O.b constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved construction documents, (b) , a directive of the building official, or (c) a permit or a certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be Q subject to penalties as set forth in Chapters 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. o U C. Appeals. Section C109, entitled "Board of Appeals," is hereby � a amended by substituting Section C109 with the following: 3 m r Sec. C109. Board of Appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the o suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and L) interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made Y as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. a� D. Appeals. Section R109, entitled "Board of Appeals," is hereby a amended by substituting Section R109 with the following: c Sec. R109. Board of Appeals. The City of Kent hearings o examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or LO determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of CD construction and appeals of the reasonable application and N interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made a as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. U a Sec. 14.01.087 Amendments to the International Property 3 m Maintenance Code. The following local amendments to the International Property Maintenance Code are adopted and incorporated into the CO International Property Maintenance Code: o CU L 30 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 396 4.O.b A. All references to the "code official" in the International Property Maintenance Code shall be substituted with the words "building official." c a B. Fees. Section 103.5 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting Section 103.5 with the following: Sec. 103.5. Fees shall be assessed as set forth in Section 2 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code. m C. Violations. Section 106 of the International Property Maintenance 0 r Code, entitled "Violations," is amended by substituting subsSection 106.1 � with the following: o M See. 106. Vmelatmens. Y 106.1. Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, a use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of this code. c L D. Violations. Section 106 of the International Property Maintenance O Code, entitled "Violations," is amended by substituting subsection 106.4 LO N with the following: CO 0 N 106.24. Violation penalties. Any person who violates a a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its U requirements, or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved �a construction documents, (b) a directive of the building m official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set CO forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. pL L 31 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy 2 Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 397 4.O.b BE. Notices and orders. Section 107 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Notices and Orders," is amended by c substituting Section 107 with the following: Q N d Sec. 107. Notices of Violation. Whenever the building 0 official or his designee determines that there has been a violation of this code or has grounds to believe that a violation has occurred, the code enforcement officer may issue a notice to any person responsible for the violation, °0 pursuant to Chapter 1.04 of the Kent City Code. o r €F. Board of appeals. Section 111 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled 'Means of Appeal," is amended by substituting M Section 111 with the following: Y Sec. 111. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or E determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made o as set forth in section 14.01.100 of the Kent City Code. a� LO N €G. Failure to comply. Section 112.4 of the International Property 00 Maintenance Code, entitled "Failure to Comply," is amended by substituting N a� Section 112.4 with the following: o U c 2 Sec. 112.4. Failure to Comply. Any failure to comply with 3 a stop work or stop use order shall constitute a °0 misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in jail for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both o L 32 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 398 4.O.b such imprisonment and fine, pursuant to KCC 1.04.090, 1.04.100, and 1.04.110. , a 0 GH. Rubbish and garbage. Section 308 of the International Property Q N Maintenance Code, entitled "Rubbish and Garbage," is deleted in its entirety. o U #I. Electrical facilities. Section 604 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Electrical Facilities," is deleted in its entirety. m 0 1J. Electrical equipment. Section 605 of the International Property r Maintenance Code, entitled "Electrical Equipment," is deleted in its entirety. 0 ri JK. Elevators, escalators and dumbwaiters. Section 606 of the L) International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Elevators, Escalators and a� c Dumbwaiters," is deleted in its entirety. a� E a Sec. 14.01.090 Building codes — Fees. The city council shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and operate the L codes adopted in this chapter. 0 a� LO Sec. 14.01.100 Appeals. 00 0 A. Appeals to the hearing examiner. 0 1. Jurisdiction. The city hearings examiner has been designated U as the board of appeals and shall have jurisdiction over all matters �a concerning the application of the building codes cited in this chapter. The °0 a� city hearings examiner, however, shall have no authority relative to c interpretation of the administrative provisions of these codes, nor shall the 0 L 33 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 399 4.O.b city hearings examiner be empowered to waive requirements of these building codes. c a 2. Filing. Appeals shall be filed with the hearings examiner by 5:00 p.m. of the fourteenth calendar day following the date of the order, 0 determination, or decision being appealed. When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or city holiday, the period shall 3 m run until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. The appeal shall be r 0 accompanied by payment of the filing fee. Specific objections to the building r official's decision and the relief sought shall be stated in the written appeal. 0 ri 3. Standing. Standing to bring an appeal under this chapter is U limited to the following persons: Y c a. The applicant and the owner of property to which the permit decision is directed. a a� c b. Another person aggrieved or adversely affected by the 0 order, determination, or decision, or who would be aggrieved or adversely a� affected by a reversal or modification of the order, determination, or N decision. A person is aggrieved or adversely affected within the meaning of CO 0 this section only when all of the following conditions are present: 0 U i. The order, determination, or decision has prejudiced or is likely to prejudice that person; m a� ii. A judgment in favor of that person would c substantially eliminate or redress the prejudice to that person caused or 0 likely to be caused by the order, determination, or decision; and CU 34 E International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 400 4.O.b iii. The appellant has exhausted his or her a administrative remedies to the extent required by law. Q N B. Appeals to superior court. Appeals to the hearings examiner shall be o made pursuant to Chapter 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearings examiner U, shall be final and conclusive unless, within twenty-one (21) calendar days 2 of the hearings examiner's decision, an appeal is filed with the King County °0 r superior court. When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a r Saturday, Sunday, or city holiday, the period shall run until the next business day. o M SECTION 2. -Amendment. Section 14.08.020 of the Kent City Code, Y entitled "Definitions," is amended as follows: � a� Sec. 14.08.020 Definitions. The definitions contained in KCC E 1.04.020 shall also apply to this chapter. In addition, the following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings L ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates 0 a different meaning: LO N 00 1. Building codes means and includes the International Building Code, o N the International Existing Building Code, the International Residential Code, a 0 the International Mechanical Code, the International Fire Code, the U International Energy Conservation Code, the International Property �a Maintenance Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, and the Uniform Housing m a� Code, as now or hereafter adopted, amended, or supplemented pursuant to c this title, the Revised Code of Washington, and/or the Washington 0 Administrative Code. L 35 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 401 4.O.b 2. Building official means the building official of the city or any person a authorized by the building official to enforce the building codes. Q N 3. Premises means a plot of ground, whether occupied by a structure or o U not. 2 SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, m or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such o decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance c and the same shall remain in full force and effect. f° 0 ri SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon U approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are c authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the a� correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or E references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. c SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be o in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, as provided by law. a� LO N O O N d O U DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved 2 m ATTEST: c c L O KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted L 36 International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property a Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 402 4.O.b Date Published a O Q APPROVED AS TO FORM: a� O U c ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY � .3 m r 0 r c R r O M r U U Y c c m E Q m v c c :a L O o� r LO N O r O N d O U c m m v c c :a L O L 37 E international Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conservation, and Property Q Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2018 Adoption Packet Pg. 403 4.P PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Julie Parascondola • KENT 220 Fourth Avenue South WASHINGTON Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5100 DATE: December 1, 2020 TO: Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Funds (CDBG-CV) SUMMARY: The City received two Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Fund (CDBG-CV) awards in 2020. The first award was $670,541 (Round 1), and the City recently learned that it will receive an additional $859,720 (Round 3). These funds are awarded through The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (H.R. 748), also known as the CARES Act. The City contracts with non-profit organization (sub-recipients) to provide activities that prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. ROUND 1 GRANTS: Contracts for Round 1 funding are underway. The City monitors contracts closely through a quarterly report review, desk monitoring, and site visits. The City funded the following programs: AGENCY PROGRAM AMOUNT City of Kent, Parks Human Planning & Administration $134,108 Services Division DeghTegh Community Food (groceries for $25,000 Kitchen seniors/hot meals) Domestic Abuse Women's Homeless Services & Hotel $12,000 Network (DAWN) Vouchers East African Community Rental/Utility Assistance $50,000 Services (collaboration with Appian Way/Mercy Hsg) East African Community Food Assistance $20,000 Services (collaboration with Appian Way/Mercy Hsg) Kent City Football Club COVID-19 Supplies & Family $25,000 Pandemic Kits Kent Youth and Family Homeless Services $20,000 Services Khmer Community of Seattle Food Assistance $25,000 King County King County Bar Association Legal Assistance to Prevent $40,000 or Respond to Eviction Multi-Service Center Rental Assistance $40,000 Packet Pg. 404 4.P Neighborhood House Rental Assistance $30,000 Open Doors for Multicultural Rental Assistance $50,000 Families Open Doors for Multicultural Food Assistance $30,000 Families Project Feast Food Assistance $20,000 Sea Mar Community Health Healthcare services Staffing $25,000 Centers & Supply Costs for Outdoor/Indoor Testing Clinics Sea Mar Community Health Trauma Counseling $40,000 Centers Tiny Tots (fiscal sponsor of Food $10,000 Team Redeemed Life Center) World Relief Corporation of Rent/Utility Assistance $74,433 National Association of Evangelicals (AKA World Relief-Seattle) Total: j $670,541 ROUND 3 GRANTS: The City anticipates executing its contract with HUD within the next few weeks. Preliminary thoughts on how Round 3 funds will be used are: Emergency assistance payments on behalf of unemployed and under- employed residents for food, childcare, healthcare, etc. Additional rental assistance to residents who cannot pay rent as a result of COVID (this will mainly be residents who did not receive CDBG-CV rental assistance from Kent through Round 1 funding). We allow up to three-consecutive months of assistance now so that these funds can reach a greater number of households. We will allocate money to the same sub-recipients if they are managing grants well, are on track for meeting service units, and have the organizational capacity to distribute additional funds. Additional legal assistance to respond to and prevent eviction Assistance for students who need tutors SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. Packet Pg. 405