HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-357 - Change Order - #2 - Colvico, Inc. - Clark Springs Generator & Electrical Upgrades - 09/28/2021KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management - This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms' (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WAsHlNcroN Comments:Date Received by CltY AttorneY: Date Routed to the MaYor's Office: Date Routed to the CitY Clerk's Office: trf .stH-J\o .ET o=OEE IE Ettl.IUI Department: PW Engineering Originator: Stephanie Anderson Date Required 9129121 Date Sent: 9t29121 Date of Council APProval 10120t20 Authorized to Sign: tl Director or Designee E MaYor Grant? EYes E No Type: Budget Account Number: w20090.641 10.330 IE oLeg Category:Vendor Name: Colvico, lnc. Sub-Category: Change Order #2 Vendor Number: 35124 project Name: Clark Springs Generator and Electrical Upgrades Draiart uot:it<.Provide and install a city-owned primary disconnect between .UJELL uslo"J and the city-owned transformers per revision 2 to meet Puget Puget Sound EnergY's sYstem Sound EnergY's requirement' Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Terminarion Date: 100 Working DaYS Agreement Amou nt: $24,012.42 Start Date: MayOr'S SignatUre Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete'vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on cityspace' Contract Number: cAG2020-357 Notice required prior to disclosure? EIYes E No co fl G ELorFc-lPco EooLtr| ad(W22371 1 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WaSHINGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE : This change order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this change order shall remain in effect' For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, cOntractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessarY to : provide and install a city-owned primary disconnect between Puget sound Energy's system and the city-owned transformers per revision 2 to meet Puget Sound Energy's requirement' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of completion,,'and section III, "Compensation ," are hereby modified as follows: Colvico, Inc. ("Contractor") Clark Springs Generator and Electrical Upgrades Novemeber 5, 2020 $t,oo9,42t.ozOriginal Contract Sum, (including aPPlicable WSST) alternates and $22,020.00Net Change bY Previous (incl. applicable WSST) Change Orders $1,031,441.02Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $21,809.65Current Change Order $2,202.78Applicable WSST Tax on Order this Change $1,055,453.45Revised Contract Sum CHANGE ORDER. 1 OF 3 60 working daysOriginal Time for ComPletion (insert date) 80 working daYsRevised Time for ComPletion un prior Change Orders (insert date) der 20 calendar daYserdr+ach n oerfohtSReugredDaSq()Y 100 working daysRevised Time for ComPletion (insert date) In accordance with Sections L-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard specifications, and section VII of thl Rgreement, the contractor accepts all requirements of this change order by signing below. Alsol pursuant to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have re-gar.ding this change order and acknowledges and accepts that this change order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connecteld with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. rhis cnante order, uniurs otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' AII acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this change order, prior to the effective date oithis change order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury -th,at they are authorized to enter into this contraci modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract' 3, The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above' IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below' Its Public Works Director CITY OF KENT: (titte) q Print Name:Cha P. E. DATE: (signature) d Bieren. CONTRACTOR: ,l 're a,rqqoo Iesse Dragoo {SeP 14 7071 I5: I4 PDT) DATE Print Nam g; Jesse Dragoo By: (signature) Vice President (title) September 24,2021 CHANGE ORDER - 2OF 3 (appticabte if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law DePartment APPROVED AS TO FO RM:ATTEST: Kent City Clerk [In this field, you may ent€r the electrcnlc filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO' construction Engineering Division - Public works f,L Project:clarKs sp Upgrades Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 19-3021 N/A Colvico Inc. rings G enerato r and Electri cal Project Engineer: RH2/Joe Araucto Capital Projects phil McConnellMader: Date:Various I a P Cha e system and the City owed transformers uget Sound EnergY'sconnect between Pity owed PrimarY disPer Revision 2, Provi de and install a C II. Reason and Ba round for Chan e III. Method of PaYment NEW PAY ITEMS [ ruotaPPlicable EWnThsaSenPESnSouEduPetrsv()nma teddannWAects by ghtdescoonatiofheTnsta e d cos nectnalethndanewonatiofhtestapondesifornethtreaedIonsic2ReviPSofEumrenetreq Sch No Item DescriPtion Total Est. Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item 1 on ea a rima service disconnect 1 LS $21,809.65 $21,809.65 $ $ New PaY Items Total: $21,8O9.65 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09'5 E t"totappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Page 1 Delete Existing PaY Items Total: $ DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E ruotappricabre Sch No.Bid Item No.Item DescriPtion Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ TNcREASE/ IV. WORKING DAYS Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:$21 809.55 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns 80Previous Total:20Due This Change Order:60Original Contract: DaWorkiitioAddng ys:narfou7stificationnationa/Expl *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: x This 100 Change Order + Previous Total 0Capital Projects Manager: Gonstruction Engineering Supervisor: Phil Paul Kuehne il Date Date: Date: 6.t Construction Manager: E Connor Page 2 McConnell, Phil From: Sent: lo: Cc: Subject: Eric- Peterson, Kelly Tuesday, August 31,2021 6:16 PM Connor, Eric McConnell, Phil; Bieren, Chad CO2 Disconnect lnternal acceptance I talked this over with Chad, please proceed' Kelly Kelly Peterson, AICP, Deputy Director-Engineering Public Works DePartment 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-8 56'5547 - Cell 253-7 40-8066 Kpeterson@KentWA'qov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA.qov LacebogE it'lniil'a:; YouTube pLfAS* e$F*SISfitR T$Ifi Ui$1/IIRC'${MHNT $EF$*E FRINTINS ?[dg$ #-MIttIL From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 31,2021 1'1':27 AM To: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa'gov> Cc: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Good Morning KellY, Diamond. Are you okay with proceeding with the preparation of a change order and moving forward with this additional work? prease ret phir or me know if you have any questions or need any additional information related to this added scope Thank you, Eric Connor our crarks springs site,s power is suppried by pSE through a transformer that is owned by the city of Kent. tn order to complete maintenance on our side psE required the addition of an "air switch,, that wiil isorate our site from the rive power grid. our contractor provided a breakdown of their pricing for procurement of all required mater-ial and installation that totaled $21'089'65 The consultant involved with the design of this project and this added feature has indicated in the attached email that the pricing is reasonable based on a recent similar installation in Black 1 Eric Connor I construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797'0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON pL*Argtr csrosl$6${ T${f gNVrns}*MFNl" AgF$l{il }'fdrN'$ rflrG 3 }l!S S-MAIL From: McCon nell, Phil <PMcConnell@ kentwa'gov> Sent: MondaY, August 30,20213:17 PM To: Con nor, Eric <-EConnor@kentwa.gov> cc: Bauer, sean <sBauer@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Eric, Joe Araucto did reach to RH2 to review Colvico's proposal and it seems to be in the ball park' Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5542 | Cell 253-261-5685 pmcconnel I @ KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Ke ntWA. o ov fsebggk . I r.' i i',ll:" Y-g]lunllE t,LfA$Ee$s*s}H}€rd'$,}tH#slvx$l'$NM*t{.}'ssFo$r'}R!N.r.I8d6.fl.!xsfl-MA'{L From: Bauer, Sean <SBauer@kentwa'gov> Sent: MondaY, August 30,202'J' 3:01 PM To: McConnell, Phil<PMcconnell@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> Cc: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa'eov>; Araucto' Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Phil, l,m not the expert on whether the cost is appropriate, but it looks reasonable to me. l'm oK to move forward if Joe and Eric agree Thanks, Sean Get O utl for iOS From : McCon nell, Phil <PMcConnell@ kentwa'eov> Sent: Wednesday, August 25,2021- 5:33:36 PM To:Connor,Eric<EConnor@kentwa'gov>;Bauer'SeancSBauer@kentwa'Rov> cc: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa'gov> Subject: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Eric and Sean, 2 Attached is corvico,s cost proposar for the instailation of the pore mounted disconnect at clark springs, I have no bact<grbund on ttris iype or work so I donit know if the price is reasonable' Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5542 | Cell 253-261-5685 pmccon nell@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA,qov Faeebool l'"r,ii::':rli YouTUbe PL'iA5€Css$$$$sldt.it**t{vlKsl{Mfi$3,sHF$llfrpnt${'r'ING'SFlxsi*.MAI$- 3 McConnell, Phil From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Peterson, Kelly Tuesday, August 31,2021 6:'16 PM Connor, Eric McConnell, Phil; Bieren, Chad CO2 Disconnect lnternal acceptance Eric- I talked this over with Chad, please proceed Kelly Kelly Peterson, AICP, Deputy Director-Engineering Public Works DePartment 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5547 - Cell 253'740-8066 Kpeterson@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON Kent\ lA.qov EaSgbgq"k Lsr':i'1,:l;: YpuTqbe p!-*J[$H eOS{$XDSR Tt'!fr e$\tlR$trlMESl't' S*FSR* pRINTIt{$ YI]IS S-MatlL From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 3I,2021-11':27 AM To: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa'gov> Cc: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Good Morning KellY, Diamond. Are you okay with proceeding with the preparation of a change order and moving forward with this additional work? prease ret phir or me know if you have any questions or need any additional information related to this added scope. Thank you, our crarks springs site,s power is suppried by psE through a transformer that is owned by the city of Kent, In order to comprete maintenance on our siae psr required the addition of an "air switch,, that wiil isorate our site from the rive power grid. our contractor provided a breakdown of their pricing for procurement of all required mater'ial and installation that totaled $21'089'65 The consurtant invorved with the design of this project and this added feature has indicated in the attached email that the pricing is Teasonaule bised on a recent similar installation in Black 1 Eric Connor Eric Connor r Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON PLSA.SS SONSI$!:fi 3'${{i ff{VIROftMENT B€FO$U pRIt{T}ruG TNXS H-MAI| From : McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@ kentwa.gov> Sent: Monday, August 30,2O2t 3:17 PM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov> cc: Bauer, sean <sBauer@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Eric, Joe Araucto did reach to RH2 to review colvico's proposal and it seems to be in the ball park' Phit McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5542 | Cell 253-261-5585 pmccon nel l@ KentWA.qov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.cov EagebgoK lxirl.ql YouTube pL*A$H C(}NSX$frtq r'$$g frlu\1rt{sNMUFlf B*FSAf; t}ttrNxrN6i rHX$ f-MAr{- From: Bauer, Sean <SBauer@kentwa.gov> Sent: MondaY, August 30,20213:01 PM To: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa'gov>; Connor' Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> cc: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JArauctO@kentwa'gov> Subject: Re: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal Phil, l,m not the expert on whether the cost is appropriate, but it looks reasonable to me. l'm oK to move forward if Joe and Eric agree Thanks, Sean Get Outlook for iOS From: McCon nel l, Phi I <PMcConnell@kentwa'eov> Sent: Wednesday, August 25,20215:33:36 PM To: Connor, Eric < EConnor@ kentwa.gov>; Ba uer, sean <sBauer@ kentwa.gov> cc: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa.gov>; Araucto, Joseph <JAraucto@kentwa'gov> Subject: CS Gen - Switch and Pole Cost Proposal 2 Eric and Sean, Attached is colvico,s cost proposal for the installation of the pole mounted disconnect at clark springs. I have no oackgrbuna on this lvpe or work so I donit know if the price is reasonable' Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-85,6-55,42 | Cell 253-261-5685 plnccon nell @ KentWA. gov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA.qov FacebgOk -iwrt{irq: YouTube pLsA$'jcsNsIF}€|{."{.i,Es#I{vlltslsMsl{T'B€ljo|t'jp'ttN"sl$lG.l.F'ls*.MAIl. 3 McConnell, Phil From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: McConnell, Phil WednesdaY, SePtember 1,2021 6:02 AM Jesse Dragoo Ethan Giles; Evan Tisler Air Switch CitY AccePtance Switch and Pole colvico Proposal.xls; Revision 2 Memo'pdf; Revision 2 Plans signed'pdf Jesse, Thecityacceptscolvico'scostproposal(attached)forsupplyingandinstallthedisconnect switch Per revision 2 (attached)' Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856'5542 I Cell 253-261-5685 pmcconnell @ KentWA'qov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook .l,vli!lr'r:ll YouTube PLEASF E$N$IDHiS'fITS fNVIR$S{MgNY BEF$I{'[ PKTI$STNG T}II$ E'MASL McConnell, Phil From: Sent: lo: Cc: Subject: Eric- Peterson, KellY Tuesday, August 31,2021 6:16 PM Connor, Eric McConnell, Phil; Bieren, Chad CO3 Concrete Rejection lnternal Approval I talked this over with Chad, please proceed' Kelly Kelly Peterson, AICP, Deputy Director-Engineering Public Works DePartment 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-8 56-5547 - Cell 253-7 40-8066 Kpeterson@KentWA'qov CITY OF KENT' \A'ASHINGTON Kentl^rA'oov Facebook '1''.i': 1' YouTube pl-*,\$gc$i\isls$RT}E*ERNI/IR(}NT4ENYBEF$R*pRIf{.{.fNGTs{xss.s4AIt. From: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> Sent: TuesdaY, August 3t,2O2t 3:51 PM To: Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa'gov> Cc: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa'gov> Subject: FW: CS Gen - Concrete Rejection Good Afternoon KellY' Thank you, Eric please take a look at phil,s description of the background and negotiations he has completed regarding the concrete pad that was rejected on our crark springs proiect' Are you okay with proceeding with uihunir" order in il..'" n"gotiated amount of'g20-,000 as a shared cost for removing lnd replacing this concrete work? please ret phir and/or me know if you have any questions or need any additional information' Eric Conn or t Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 | Cell 253-797'0693 CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON F!.*ASSE CONSTF'ER'I'I{H AF'VXR$NMEIVT E}EF$'T* PR'XN'f'Tru$ THSS f'S'{ATL From: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell @ kentwa'gov> Sent: TuesdaY, August 3I,20217.52 AM To: Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov> I The generator srab has been rejected at crark Springs. Demorition h.gs been completed' There were multipre reasons for the releition. Ambiguity iri ttre contract with final finishes, back fall in the concrete work, design issues: Llevations iot designated, outdoors concrete with no slope, etc. Since there is faurt on both the city,s and contractor's sides, I requested a quote for the work originaily it came in ut */- $55,00b;then the demo was removed and I was adjusted to +/' $44,000. I reached out to Jesse Dragoo with colvico, on how they expected to split these costs' His starting point was the totaiin the proporu would be the City's' I counter offered with $10'000 explaining the contract's bid item Sriil for this work is $t0g,000' This included all steel structures and the concrete work. That the concrete work was a small portion of of the overall Cc: Kuehne, Paul <PKuehne@kentwa'gov> Subject: CS Gen - Concrete Rejection Eric, bid item Jesse counter offered with the city picking up g20,000 of the concrete demolition and rebuild' I believe this is a fair compromlse' Phil McConnell, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5542 I Cell 253-261-5685 omccon nel I @ KentWA'oov CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON KentWA.oov Facebook .l':lii !-r,:r l. YouTube ilt.gA$fi COf{$If}ER Tt[* nNVIRSS{Mrftf RF8:SRfi TtRINT:ffG Y$C$ f;-MfiIL 2 rcct81181202',1KentCOLVICO Change OrderAdded PoleMATERIALAIR SWITCHMOB BUCKET TRUCK FROM SPOKANE40'POLEEXCAVATE POLECROSS ARMSCROSS ARM BRACKETSMISC BOLTSINSULATORS#2 OVERHEAD WIRE#6 BARETAPSLABOR UNITS TOTAL LABOR1 EA $ 5,008.4112 HRS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1EA1EA2EA4EA6EA6EA2OO FT5,008.41321208.24422. FT6EA$ 198.00$ 13.10$ 7.45$ 14.55$ 2.18$ 0.65$ 9.85396.0052.4044.7087.30436.0026.0059.108.2420.50.350.450.0180.00740.31$ 2,650.002,650.00 000000$$$$$$$LABORLaborSUPERVISION 15% OF DIRECT LABOREQUIPMENTLine truck72.756 HRS $ 97.837,117.72$$$$$$$$5%18,759.91 MATERIAL7,117.72 DIRECT LABOR1,067.668,185.38 TOTAL LABOR72.756 MAN HRS12 hrs $ 41.65499.80$$TOTAL MATERIAL $TOTALLABOR $$ 499.80 EQUIPMENT8,759.919,185.38 SAFETYSMALL TOOLSEQUIPMENTSUB TOTALOVERHEADSUBTOTAL $PROFIT $SUBTOTAL $LIABILITY INSURAI $BOND $$ 163.71 2Yo$ 81.85 1%$ 499.80$ 17,690.65$ 1,769.06 10%OF LABOROF LABOR1ST $50,000BALANCE19,459.711,945.97 100/'21,405.6882.88 41.04 PER $1,000.00321.09 2%TOTAL$ 21,809.65PLEASE CALL JESSE DRAGOO WITH QUESTIONS,509-252-5817